A comprehensive catalog of human KRAB-associated
zinc finger genes: Insights into the evolutionary
history of a large family of transcriptional repressors
Stuart Huntley,
Daniel M. Baggott,
Aaron T. Hamilton,
Mary Tran-Gyamfi,
Shan Yang,
Joomyeong Kim,
Laurie Gordon,
Elbert Branscomb,
and Lisa Stubbs
Genome Biology and
Microbial Systems Divisions, Biosciences, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Livermore, California 94550, USA
Krüppel-type zinc finger (ZNF) motifs are prevalent components of transcription factor proteins in all eukaryotes.
KRAB-ZNF proteins, in which a potent repressor domain is attached to a tandem array of DNA-binding zinc-finger
motifs, are specific to tetrapod vertebrates and represent the largest class of ZNF proteins in mammals. To define the
full repertoire of human KRAB-ZNF proteins, we searched the genome sequence for key motifs and then constructed
and manually curated gene models incorporating those sequences. The resulting gene catalog contains 423
KRAB-ZNF protein-coding loci, yielding alternative transcripts that altogether predict at least 742 structurally
distinct proteins. Active rounds of segmental duplication, involving single genes or larger regions and including both
tandem and distributed duplication events, have driven the expansion of this mammalian gene family. Comparisons
between the human genes and ZNF loci mined from the draft mouse, dog, and chimpanzee genomes not only
identified 103 KRAB-ZNF genes that are conserved in mammals but also highlighted a substantial level of
lineage-specific change; at least 136 KRAB-ZNF coding genes are primate specific, including many recent duplicates.
KRAB-ZNF genes are widely expressed and clustered genes are typically not coregulated, indicating that paralogs
have evolved to fill roles in many different biological processes. To facilitate further study, we have developed a
Web-based public resource with access to gene models, sequences, and other data, including visualization tools to
provide genomic context and interaction with other public data sets.
[Supplemental material is available online at www.genome.org.]
The human genome contains 30,000 genes (Lander et al. 2001;
Venter et al. 2001) including at least 2000 loci encoding tran-
scription factor proteins (TFs) (Messina et al. 2004). The C2H2, or
Krüppel-type zinc finger (ZNF), is the most common DNA-
binding motif found in eukaryotic TF proteins; ZNF proteins typi-
cally contain multiple C2H2 motifs joined together in tandem
arrays. Proteins of this type are ancient and numerous, encoded
by large and diverse gene families in all eukaryotic genomes.
Subfamilies of distinct structure and function have arisen in dif-
ferent evolutionary lineages defined by the types of chromatin
interaction modules, or effector motifs, included in the protein
(Knochel et al. 1989; Bellefroid et al. 1991; Chung et al. 2002; for
reviews, see Collins et al. 2001; Huntley et al., in press).
At least one-third of mammalian ZNF proteins include an
effector motif called the Krüppel-associated box, or KRAB, which
serves to recruit histone deacetylase complexes to regions sur-
rounding the DNA-binding sites (Bellefroid et al. 1991; Friedman
et al. 1996; Pengue and Lania 1996; Abrink et al. 2001; Ayya-
nathan et al. 2003). KRAB-associated ZNF (KRAB-ZNF) proteins
thus function as potent transcriptional repressors (Margolin et al.
1994; Friedman et al. 1996; Ayyanathan et al. 2003). Proteins
combining KRAB and ZNF domains are specific to tetrapod ver-
tebrates, but the family has expanded dramatically to include
hundreds of members in mammals (Bellefroid et al. 1995; Loo-
man et al. 2002; Hamilton et al. 2003). Many KRAB-ZNF
loci reside in familial gene clusters, indicating that the family
has evolved primarily through tandem in situ duplication
(Bellefroid et al. 1995; Collins et al. 2001; Huntley et al., in press).
Recent studies have shown that paralogs diversify through
structural changes in the zinc finger arrays that are driven
by positive selection (Hamilton et al. 2003, 2006; Shannon
et al. 2003; Schmidt and Durrett 2004); since even subtle alter-
ations in zinc-finger array structure can yield proteins with dis-
tinct DNA recognition specificities (Miller and Pabo 2001; Krebs
et al. 2005), this pattern of divergence suggests an active selection
for novel transcription factors with altered regulatory properties.
However, since most KRAB-ZNF genes remain completely un-
characterized, it has not been possible to examine the evolution-
ary histories or functional diversity of this large gene family in
To derive a complete catalog of the KRAB-ZNF gene family,
we computationally analyzed and manually curated all segments
of the human genome containing KRAB and ZNF domains. These
efforts revealed 423 protein-coding genes with alternative tran-
scripts that predict the existence of at least 742 distinct proteins,
as well as 341 pseudogene sequences. Analyses of this gene set
and comparisons to predicted genes in other mammalian ge-
nomes permitted a genome-wide assessment of the mechanisms
through which this gene family has evolved. Results of this study
can be accessed from a public Web site (http://znf.llnl.gov/) that
will be updated as additional data becomes available.
Present address: Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
Corresponding author.
E-mail [email protected]; fax (925) 422-2099.
Article published online before print. Article and publication date are at http://
16:669–677 ©2006 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; ISSN 1088-9051/06; www.genome.org Genome Research 669
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Assembling the human KRAB-ZNF catalog and Web-based
KRAB-ZNF genes exist as simple modular structures with one or
more KRAB-effector domains and a tandem array of zinc-finger
motifs encoded within distinct 5 and 3 exons, respectively
(Shannon and Stubbs 1998). In addition to the functionally
dominant KRAB-A motif, many genes also encode modulating
motifs such as KRAB-B (Bellefroid et al. 1991), a novel KRAB-B
variant we will refer to as KRAB-BL (KRAB-BL exons are 30 bp
larger than KRAB-B exons, extending in the 3 direction), KRAB-b
(Mark et al. 1999), or KRAB-C (Looman et al. 2004). A small
number of KRAB-ZNF genes also encode a second vertebrate-
specific effector called SCAN (Sander et al. 2003). To catalog the
complete gene family, we employed profile Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) software (HMMER 2.3, http://hmmer.wustl.edu/)
to generate profile HMMs for KRAB, SCAN, and Krüppel-type finger
motifs and to scan the human genome for matching sequences.
Based on RNA evidence and HMM-identified motifs, we gen-
erated models for alternate transcripts arising from each locus
and identified overlaps with publicly available known and pre-
dicted genes. Three hundred thirty-four HMM-based models
overlapped known loci; manual annotation produced 669 tran-
script models for these genes, including 495 models that we ex-
tended or corrected and 157 public models that were not modi-
fied. In addition to the known genes, we identified 89 KRAB-ZNF
loci capable of encoding full-length proteins that are not de-
scribed in public databases (see Methods). Altogether we anno-
tated 423 loci encoding proteins with both effector (KRAB and/or
SCAN) and zinc-finger domains (Table 1; Supplemental Table S1),
for simplicity we will hereafter refer to the collection as KRAB-
ZNF genes.
In addition to KRAB-ZNF loci, we also identified 254 genes
with noncanonical structures, e.g., encoding ZNF-only, KRAB-
only, or SCAN-only proteins as their only potential protein prod-
uct. Loci of this type were annotated as genes only when sup-
ported by mRNA evidence; these genes may indeed correspond to
functional family members. However, in the following discus-
sions we will focus primarily on the 423 loci capable of encoding
proteins with both effector (SCAN, KRAB, or both) and zinc-
finger domains. To publicly share the data arising from this
analysis, we created a Web-based resource (http://znf.llnl.gov/)
that provides access to full descriptions and sequences of all cu-
rated KRAB-ZNF gene models and pseudogene loci. Interfaces for
searching and browsing the database, including an added track
within the UCSC Genome Browser (Kent et al. 2002), are also
provided, along with a set of downloadable data files describing
the models, motifs identified, and HMMER matrices. We will
continue to expand and update the Web resource as new data
regarding these loci are made available.
Alternate splicing and pseudogenes
Based on gene models, we identified 818 different transcripts
encoding 742 structurally distinct proteins from the 423 KRAB-
ZNF genes. The most prevalent class of transcripts includes KRAB-
A, KRAB-B, and ZNF-encoding exons, but proteins with many
different structures were also predicted. For example, alternate
transcripts encoding KRAB-only or fingers-only proteins, or pro-
teins that include only one of several encoded effectors, are fre-
quently generated from the KRAB-ZNF gene sets, as has been
described previously for specific genes (Table 1; Supplemental
Table S1; Bellefroid et al. 1993; Wu et al. 2003; Oh et al. 2005).
Predicted KRAB-ZNF proteins with 240 tandem zinc-fingers are
encoded by the collection of human genes, with a median num-
ber of 12 ZNF motifs per gene. SCAN-containing proteins typi-
cally include a smaller number of zinc finger motifs than other
proteins in this family (Table 1). This observation suggests that
the SCAN proteins might typically recognize shorter DNA-
binding motifs, an interpretation that is interesting in light of
the fact that many SCAN-ZNF proteins bind DNA as homodimers
(Sander and Morris 2002).
We also identified 227 gene fragments and 39 full-length
pseudogenes, based on evidence of multiple stop codons, frame-
shifts, and lack of proper splice junctions. Sequence comparisons
confirmed that most pseudogenes arose from neighboring loci by
partial-gene duplication events (data not shown), although gene
remnants may also be left behind after lineage-specific deletions
(Hamilton et al. 2003; Shannon et al. 2003). We also found evi-
dence of 75 processed KRAB-ZNF pseudogene sequences. Three of
these processed pseudogenes maintain open reading frames po-
tentially capable of encoding functional proteins: LLNL1071
(HSA3, 32Mb), LLNL1040 (HSA9, 35Mb), and LLNL973 (HSA12,
132Mb). All other processed loci correspond to degraded, non-
functional copies.
Gene clustering and evolution
We counted 65 KRAB-ZNF, SCAN-ZNF, and mixed gene clusters
in the human genome (for cluster definition and criteria, see
Methods) (Supplemental Table 1). A total of 384 KRAB-ZNF genes
reside in these clusters; the remaining 39 loci were classified as
isolated singleton genes (Table 1). Most of the genes are concen-
trated in 25 major clusters, the largest of which are located on
HSA19 (Table 2). A few KRAB-ZNF gene clusters are well con-
Table 1. Characteristics of KRAB-ZNF gene family members
Locus type
Found Clustered Singletons
Median no.
Conserved in
in mouse
in dog
KRAB-A 99 89 10 9 27 12 94 23 42
KRAB-A-B 214 193 21 38 39 12 198 51 120
KRAB-A-BL 11 11 0 2 3 15 10 1 0
KRAB-A-b 11 11 0 1 3 15 11 0 4
KRAB-A-C 31 31 0 1 3 14 29 1 3
25 21 4 6 0 8 25 19 22
SCAN 32 28 4 9 4 5.5 32 17 26
Total 423 384 39 66 79 12 399 112 217
Includes all SCAN-KRAB-A genes with and without additional modulating motifs.
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Table 2. Properties of major human KRAB-ZNF clusters and related regions in other mammalian genomes
Human Chimpanzee Dog Mouse
Gene types
location Coordinates
All loci
Coordinates Orthologs All loci Coordinates Orthologs All loci Coordinates Orthologs All loci
SA/AB/AC 1q44 chr1:243 6 6 chr1:227–228 6 6 chr8:4 1 1 chr11:59 2 2
AB 3p22.1a chr3:40 3 4 chr2:41 3 4 chr23:12–13 3 3 0 0
SA/A 3p21.32-p21.31 chr3:44 4 12 chr2:45–46 3 10 chr23:4–5 2 3 chr9:123 2 6
chr2_random 1 1 chrUn:14 1 1
A/AB 4p16.3 chr4:0–0.5 4 7 chr3:0.5 4 8 0 0 0 0
A/AB 5q35.3 chr5:178 6 6 chr4:185 6 6 chr11:9 6 6 chr11:50 6 6
S/SA 6p22.1b chr6:28 9 21 chr5:28–29 9 17 chr35:28 4 12 chr13:20–21 4 7
A/AB 7q11.21a chr7:62 9 17 chr6:64–65 7 18 0 0 0 0
SA/AB 7q22.1a chr7:98 5 6 chr6:100. 4 6 chr6:12 4 7 chr5:144 5 5
chrUn:130 1 1
A/AB 7q36.1a chr7:148–149 7 13 chr6:151 7 17 chr16:16 7 12 chr6:48 5 8
AB 8q24.3c chr8:145–146 6 12 chr7:149 5 14 chr13:41 4 6 chr15:76 3 6
chrUn:60 1 1
AB 10p11.21 chr10:38 4 6 chr8_random 2 2 chr4:3 2 5 chr6:118 2 3
chr8:42–43 2 4
AB 12q24.33 chr12:132 7 7 chr10:134–135 6 7 chr26:3 6 8 chr5:109 1 9
chr10_random 1 1
SA/AB 16p13.3 chr16:3 9 9 chr18:3 9 9 chr6:39 7 9 chr17:21 3 3
chr16:3 3 3
AB 16p11.2a chr16:30 5 9 chr18:31 4 7 chr6:18 4 10 chr7:121 3 12
chr18_random 1 1
S 18q12.2 chr18:31 4 5 chr17:27 4 7 chr7:57 4 5 chr18:24 3 4
A/AB/AC 19p13.3 chr19:2 5 6 chr20:3 5 6 chr20:59 4 7 0 0
A/AB 19p13.2 chr19:9 10 15 chr20:9–10 9 11 chr20:54 5 7 chr9:19–20 2 9
AC 19p13.2-p13.13 chr19:11–12 24 35 chr20:12 21 32 chr20:52. 2 5 chr9:22 1 6
A/AB/AC 19p13.11-p12 chr19:19–24 38 72 chr20:20–25 35 62 0 0 0 0
chr20_random 2 2
AB 19q13.11 chr19:39–40 6 12 chr20:26–36 6 11 chr1:119–119 4 5 0 0
A/AB 19q13.12-q13.13 chr19:41–43 27 34 chr20:38–39 27 38 chr1:117–118 11 34 chr7:25 22 34
A/AB/Ab 19q13.31 chr19:49 20 22 chr20:46 20 20 chr1:113–113 3 13 chr7:19 11 14
A/AB/ABL 19q13.41-q13.42 chr19:57–58 39 61 chr20:54–56 37 51 chr1:106–107 8 30 chr17:18 1 1
S/SA/A/AB 19q13.43a chr19:61–62 14 17 chr20:58–59 13 18 chr1:103–104 12 18 chr7:5 7 8
S/A/AB 19q13.34b chr19:62–63 48 59 chr20:60–61 41 54 chr1:101–103 54 54 chr7:107–110 9 2
chr20_random 3 3 chrUn:17, 41 4 4
Gene types in each cluster, SCAN (S), KRAB (A, B, BL, b, or C), or combined motifs (e.g., SA = SCAN-KRAB-A).
Genome coordinates of clusters are reported with chromosome number followed by location in Mb, taken from hg17 (human), panTro1 (chimpanzee), canFam1 (dog), and mm6 (mouse) genome
sequence builds. (—) in the locus/ortholog columns signifies that no homologs were detected in that species.
Total number of predicted KRAB-ZNF protein-coding genes.
All ZNF loci including pseudogenes.
Human KRAB zinc finger family
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served in mammals; e.g., a cluster located in HSA5q35.3 contains
six tandem genes arranged identically to orthologous genes in
human, chimp, dog, and mouse (Table 2; Supplemental Table
S6). However, several human clusters are primate specific and
most conserved gene clusters display clear evidence of lineage-
specific expansion, with different numbers of genes in each spe-
cies and relatively few orthologous groups.
To identify evolutionary relationships, we constructed a
phylogenetic tree based on KRAB-Aencoding nucleotide se-
quences (Fig. 1; Supplemental Table S2). As suggested by previous
studies focused on subsets of genes, evolutionary relatedness is
typically associated with physical proximity in this family. How-
ever, the complete family tree also shows that unrelated KRAB-
ZNF genes are physically intermixed at several clustered sites.
Therefore, although tandem in situ duplication events have rep-
resented the major mechanism of new gene creation in the
KRAB-ZNF family, distributed duplication and, possibly, post-
duplication rearrangement events have also played a prominent
role. It is uncertain at present what effect gene conversion may
have had on the evolution of these genes.
Most genes containing the KRAB-A motif also include the
KRAB-B modulator, or less common modulators KRAB-b, KRAB-
BL, or KRAB-C (Table 1). These associations appear within sepa-
rate clades in the KRAB-Abased tree, indicating that these dis-
tinct motifs arose and were expanded within specific families
(Fig. 1). Unlike genes with specific types of KRAB modulators, the
SCAN-containing genes do not group together in one evolution-
ary clade (Fig. 1, red circles). This pattern could be explained if
the SCAN-KRAB-ZNF combination is ancient, with a history of
frequent loss of one or the other effector domains during the
expansion of the gene family. This kind of history would be
consistent with the comingling of related genes with different
combinations of SCAN and KRAB effector motifs we observed in
several clusters (Table 2). However, it is also possible that the
SCAN-KRAB combination arose more than once, as has recently
been proposed (Looman et al. 2002).
Phylogenetic analyses also highlighted relatedness between
clusters and among cluster members and isolated loci distributed
at distant chromosomal sites. For example, genes from the large
19p12 cluster, which is known to be primate specific (Bellefroid
et al. 1995; Eichler et al. 1998), group together in the tree with a
clade of genes from a separate cluster located in 19q13.41. Unlike
the 19p12 cluster, this latter clade in-
cludes genes with clear mouse and dog
orthologs (Table 2, see below) and there-
fore may be related to progenitor genes
for the expanded primate group.
Relationships in certain groups
show that some distributed duplicates
may subsequently give rise to tandem
copies, suggesting one way that new lin-
eage-specific clusters may have been
seeded over evolutionary time. For ex-
ample, seven KRAB-ZNF genes and one
pseudogene sequence distributed in
HSA4, 8, 11, and 12 show >96% nucleo-
tide sequence identity over >70-kb du-
plications (ZNF705A paralogs) (high-
lighted in gray in Fig. 1; Supplemental
Table S2). The high degree of similarity
between these large segments indicates
that most of the duplication events oc-
curred 15 million years ago (Mya), and
some events may be human specific.
Most notably, two adjacent pairs of
HSA8 paralogs arose from very recent
tandem duplications (ZNF705C and
LLNL1103 at 11.9 and 12.2 Mb with
98.5% identity, and LLNL1035 and
ZNF705B, at 7.2 and 7.6 Mb with >99%
identity); although the human specific-
ity of these duplications must be veri-
fied, the chimpanzee genome contains
only one ZNF gene at each locus (chr7 at
12.7 and 7.5 Mb, respectively).
Paralogs, orthologs, and recent
primate duplications
To identify putative orthologs of human
KRAB-ZNF genes, we also generated
HMM-based gene models from the
chimpanzee, mouse, and dog genomes
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree of human KRAB-A motifs. This neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree rep-
resents 418 human KRAB-A nucleotide sequences from KRAB-ZNF and SCAN-KRAB-ZNF genes (in-
cluding some with noncanonical structures). Gene designations are removed from this unrooted
phylogram for clarity; a list of the genes including location and aligned KRAB sequences is presented
in Supplemental Table S2. Genes from several major physical clusters are colored to show comparisons
between physical location and sequence similarity. Loci within a highlighted phylogenetic group that
do not map to the same physical cluster as related genes appear as superimposed circles in the
appropriate color (or in white for genes that do not belong to any labeled cluster). Genes that also
encode SCAN, KRAB-b, KRAB-BL, or KRAB-C motifs are indicated as follows: SCAN, red circles; KRAB-b,
orange triangles; KRAB-BL, blue squares; and KRAB-C, green diamonds. The green arrow notes the
position of the Xenopus Xfin KRAB sequence, added as a potential outgroup, although the tree is shown
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and searched for reciprocal best BLAST matches between these
models and the curated human coding gene set (Supplemental
Tables S35). We manually inspected alignments in the variable
DNA-binding helix regions of the ZNF domains (Choo and Klug
1994; Kim and Berg 1995; Shannon et al. 2003) to confirm the
accuracy of identified orthologs (see Methods). Although the
draft status of mouse, dog, and chimp genomes makes it impos-
sible to determine the KRAB-ZNF gene repertoires of those species
completely, these data provide a clear overall view of KRAB-ZNF
gene conservation in mammals. Three hundred ninety-nine of
the 423 human KRAB-ZNF proteins detect a clear chimpanzee
ortholog, and the human and chimpanzee genes are organized
very similarly within related clustered groups (Table 2). We iden-
tified 112 genes that are conserved as 1:1 orthologs in mouse,
including 103 genes that are conserved as 1:1 reciprocal pairs in
all four mammals (Supplemental Table S6). In addition to 1:1
orthologous pairs, we found many human proteins that matched
multiple mouse and dog homologs with high similarity and, con-
versely, sets of multiple human genes that detect the same recip-
rocal best-matching gene in other species (data not shown). A
total of 226 human KRAB-ZNF protein-coding loci detected at
least one clear homolog in one or both nonprimate species
(Supplemental Table 6); the remaining 197 loci represent poten-
tial primate-specific genes (Supplemental Tables S6, S7).
Included in this set of 197 loci are KRAB-ZNF genes located
in the HSA19p12 cluster, which dates back to early primate evo-
lution and underwent a significant expansion 40 Mya (Belle-
froid et al. 1995; Li 1997; Eichler et al. 1998; Goodman et al.
1998). Subsequent duplications have created new HSA19 para-
logs and related genes at several distributed sites (Supplemental
Table S7; Hamilton et al. 2006). Altogether, this expanded sub-
family includes 62 of the 197 candidate primate-specific KRAB-
ZNF protein-coding genes. At least 15 genes in this subfamily are
spanned by recent segmental duplications (Bailey et al. 2001)
providing support for their recent advent. Recent segmental du-
plications also span an additional 24 nonconserved KRAB-ZNF
coding genes of other subfamilies (Supplemental Table S7). To
identify older primate duplications, we used BLAST to identify all
locus pairs with >80% sequence identity within noncoding DNA
sequences. A total of 126 genes were identified with BLAST
matches at this level or above to other human KRAB-ZNF genes,
indicating involvement in duplications that occurred in the an-
thropoid lineage (Supplemental Table S7). Combined evidence of
>80% noncoding sequence similarity, involvement in recent seg-
mental duplications, and membership in the known primate-
specific subfamily together provide a compelling argument for
the primate specificity of at least 136 protein coding loci (32% of
all human KRAB-ZNF genes).
KRAB-ZNF gene expression, cluster position, and evolutionary
Are clustered KRAB-ZNF genes coexpressed, or is tissue-specific
expression of tandem duplicates separately regulated and free to
diverge? To address this question, we used the Cluster software
package (Eisen et al. 1998) to analyze publicly available microar-
ray data (see Methods) from unique probes sets that could be
selected for 211 loci (Supplemental Table S8) and examined po-
tential correlations among genome location, evolutionary his-
tory, and microarray expression patterns. Although the 211
genes display diverse patterns of transcriptional activity, some
clustering of expression patterns was observed. Most notably,
expression data for 51 of the human KRAB-ZNF genes analyzed
clustered with >50% correlation into one major group, with
highest levels of expression in lymphoid tissues. A second group
of 50 genes displayed the opposite pattern, i.e., significantly re-
duced expression levels in immune-related tissues (Fig. 2; Supple-
mental Table S8). However, groups of genes with most similar
expression patterns were generally derived from different chro-
mosomal regions. In addition, a plot of Pearsons correlation co-
efficient values for all pairwise comparisons of expression profiles
resembles a normal distribution with a median at 0.02 for this
probe set (data not shown), indicating no evidence of coregula-
tion. Although, in specific cases, recently duplicated gene pairs
have been shown to display overlapping patterns of expression
(Shannon et al. 2003), on a global scale related genes were only
infrequently grouped as best matches on the basis of expression
similarity. Reliable expression data are not available for most of
the primate-specific genes, but several sets of close relatives, such
as ZNF585A and ZNF585B (with 85% noncoding sequence iden-
tity) (Supplemental Table S7), display very different patterns of
expression (Fig. 2; Supplemental Table S8). The wide divergence
of gene expression patterns and lack of global expression corre-
lation suggest that even recent paralogs can diverge to give rise to
genes with distinct patterns of tissue-specific expression.
We have identified and curated 423 human loci capable of en-
coding complete KRAB-ZNF proteins, including 89 novel loci;
many of the genes are alternatively spliced to encode predicted
protein isoforms with potentially very different functional prop-
erties. For example, inclusion of a KRAB-B domain has been
shown to enhance repressor activity of KRAB-A proteins (Vissing
et al. 1995), whereas the inclusion or exclusion of a SCAN do-
main may facilitate or abolish dimer formation, respectively
(Williams et al. 1999). The prevalence of these alternative tran-
scripts therefore predicts a large array of KRAB-ZNF proteins with
several different types of gene regulatory roles. Human KRAB-
ZNF proteins typically include a large number of ZNF motifs,
with a median number of 12 tandem fingers, predicting a pref-
erence for relatively long and specific DNA recognition se-
quences (Choo and Klug 1994; Berg 1997; Moore et al. 2001).
This prediction is confirmed by known binding sites of several
such polydactyl ZNF proteins (Schoenherr and Anderson 1995;
Zheng et al. 2000; Gebelein and Urrutia 2001; Tanaka et al.
2002). However, for certain proteins at least, only subsets of zinc
fingers are required for DNA binding (e.g., ZBRK1) (Zheng et al.
2000) and different fingers may be used to recognize targets of
distinct sequence composition and types (e.g., ZAC, Hoffmann et
al. 2003; and CTCF, Ohlsson et al. 2001). The possibility that
these polydactyl proteins might interact with multiple distinct
DNA recognition sequences through different subsets of zinc fin-
gers suggests the potential to further amplify the functional di-
versity of the KRAB-ZNF family.
As noted in previous reports, most of the 423 human KRAB-
ZNF genes reside in large familial clusters (Fig. 1, Table 2; Rous-
seau-Merck et al. 1992; Cannizzaro et al. 1993; Bellefroid et al.
1995). However, we also found a significant number of clusters
containing intermixed sets of unrelated genes and distributed
singleton copies at many sites. In some cases at least, distributed
copies have given rise to tandem duplicates, suggesting a poten-
tial means by which new clusters may be seeded at lineage-
Human KRAB zinc finger family
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specific sites. Therefore, both tandem in situ and dispersed seg-
mental duplications have driven the expansion and the genome-
wide distribution of this gene family. In contrast to other types of
clustered families in which member genes are coexpressed in a
limited number of cell types and tissues (e.g., Mombaerts 1999;
Zhang et al. 2002; Uhrberg 2005), expression patterns of KRAB-
ZNF genes do not correlate with genomic location and neighbor-
ing genes often vary widely in transcriptional activity (Fig. 2).
These data argue strongly against coregulation of cluster neigh-
bors and indicate that tandem organization is most likely a
simple reflection of the KRAB-ZNF familys duplicative history.
Since evolutionary relatedness correlates with genome location
in most gene clusters and even very recent paralogs can show
distinct patterns of expression, these data also argue that gene
expression patterns are free to diverge after paralog duplication.
This factor would be likely to enhance the ability of new genes to
evolve nonredundant functions (Lynch and Force 2000).
Based on comparisons between the curated human gene set
and gene models from draft mouse, dog, and chimpanzee ge-
nomes, we present a preliminary classification of human KRAB-
ZNF genes according to their degree of conservation or lineage
specificity. Although information regarding specific orthologous
relationships will change as nonhuman draft sequences are im-
proved, the overall picture of gene repertoire diversity can be
clearly discerned. Only 103 of the 423 human KRAB-ZNF genes
can be grouped in unambiguous 1:1 orthologous relationships in
primate, canine, and rodent lineages; by contrast, at least 136
loci, or nearly one-third of the total human KRAB-ZNF gene set,
are primate specific, having arisen since the emergence of Old
and New World monkeys. Since regulatory functions are known
for only a handful of KRAB-ZNF proteins, the cumulative impact
of lineage-specific gain, loss, and divergence of these genes on
primate biology remains a matter of conjecture. However, their
sheer numbers, their wide range of tissue-specific expression, and
their dynamic evolutionary history predict that KRAB-ZNF genes
have played a significant role in shaping both primate-specific
and deeply conserved traits. A more complete understanding of
the functions of the KRAB-ZNF family will be essential for deci-
phering pathways of vertebrate evolutionary diversity and for
building accurate models of gene regulation and its role in hu-
man disease.
Genome searches and initial data analysis
Human KRAB-A, KRAB-B, KRAB-b, KRAB-C, and SCAN protein
sequences were collected from RefSeq (the National Center for
Figure 2. Analysis of expression patterns for KRAB and SCAN-KRAB ZNF genes. Expression levels of members of the human KRAB and SCAN-KRAB
genes are represented by red and green boxes (denoting higher and lower expression levels, respectively). Vertical columns of boxes represent different
genes, and horizontal rows represent different tissues. We have grouped tissues into the following categories as labeled on the left of each panel: N
indicates neural; I, immune; G, glandular; M, muscle; O, other organ; and R, reproductive. In panel A, the 211 analyzed genes are arranged in
chromosomal order. Selected genomic clusters are indicated by colored boxes beneath the expression pattern. From left to right, the clusters are (as
listed in Supplemental Table S1): 16p13.3, 16p11.2a, 19p13.2, 19p13.2-p13.13, 19q13.12-q13.13, 19q13.31, 19q13.41-q13.42, 19q13.43a,
19q13.43b, 6p22.1b, 7q22.1a, 7q36.1a, and 8q24.3c. In panel B, all selected expression profiles (described in text) have been clustered based on
expression pattern similarity. Colored hash marks above the expression profiles indicate the chromosomal cluster from panel A with which each profile
Huntley et al.
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Biotechnology Information mRNA reference sequence collec-
tion) (Pruitt et al. 2000) and trimmed to include only motif resi-
dues completely encoded within single exons. Zinc finger protein
sequences (X7-C-X2-C-X12-H-X3-H) from HSA19 were collected
by a simple pattern-matching script. Sequence alignments for
each motif-type were generated by using CLUSTALX (Thompson
et al. 1997) and submitted to the HMMER profile HMM matrix
building tool HMMBUILD to generate matrices (available for
download at http://znf.llnl.gov/). These matrices were used by
the HMMER search program to identify all putative motif
matches in a full six-frame translation of the hg17 genomic se-
In addition, DNA sequences from exons immediately pre-
ceding known KRAB-A exons were used to search hg17 chromo-
somal sequences by using BLAST (Altschul et al. 1990). Output
from the HMMER and BLAST searches was compared with the
genomic coordinates of publicly available gene models from
RefSeq, UCSC Known (known protein-coding genes based on
protein data from UniProt, i.e., SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL, and
mRNA data from RefSeq), and MGC (Mammalian Gene Collec-
tion gene models) (Strausberg et al. 1999) to identify previously
characterized loci. The search results were also arranged in chro-
mosomal order and grouped based on proximity and orientation
into putative loci.
The human HMM matrices were also used to search the
chimp (panTro1), mouse (mm6), and dog (canFam1) six-frame
genome translations, and putative loci were generated based on
proximity and orientation as above. Crude protein sequences
for these nonhuman loci were generated by extending from mo-
tif coordinates N- and C-terminally until a translational stop
signal was encountered, eliminating overlapping sequences
from adjacent motifs, and joining all collected sequences for
each locus.
Gene annotation and database curation
Gene model structures were manipulated by using a modified
version of APOLLO (http://www.fruitfly.org/annot/apollo/) dis-
playing publicly available mRNA, EST, and other evidence as
well as HMM-identified motifs. Public gene models were revised
to coincide with RNA evidence. New models were created based
on RNA evidence where available but, in some cases, were gen-
erated de novo so as to include an open reading frame containing
the motifs and maintaining canonical intron splice sites (GT-AG,
AT-AG, and GC-AG). Loci were classified as pseudogenes if no
gene model could be made that could produce a functional pro-
tein. Pseudogenes with limited stop codons or insertions/
deletions were re-evaluated for functionality by examining the
putative open reading frames of any RNA sequences associated
with the locus and identifying discrepancies with the genomic
Adjacent genes were considered clusteredif the intergenic
sequence separating two KRAB-ZNF genes was <200 kb, even in
cases where unrelated genes were found between the ZNF loci (a
situation only rarely encountered). This distance cutoff was se-
lected based on a distribution of intergenic distances between
KRAB-ZNF genes in the annotation database (for additional de-
tails, see legend of Supplemental Fig. S1). Manual inspection of
the clustering confirmed that the 200-kb criterion resulted in
coclustering of all major groups of neighboring, related genes.
Only two pairs of paralogs that could be considered to form fa-
milial clusters were omitted by the 200-kb cutoff; these genes
LLNL1035 and ZNF705B, and ZNF705C and LLNL1103derived
from unusually large duplicons were counted as clusters in the
final analysis.
Comparative genomic analyses
Protein sequences from all human KRAB and SCAN-KRAB loci
were BLASTed against the full set of human ZNF protein se-
quences and against draft protein sequences predicted from
chimp, mouse, or dog ZNF loci. The best match (with expectation
value <10
and >30% identity) was then BLASTed back against
the human protein set; if this second BLAST returned the initial
search query, the pair was considered a reciprocal best match.
Data were collected for the best six matches for each protein, and
reciprocal matches were flagged. The data were then manually
checked to identify and correct anomalous results by inspection
of the variable helix regions of aligned zinc fingers. Most inac-
curate identifications were due to sequencing errors, e.g., those
predicting truncated proteins in the draft genome searched; this
issue was most acute where very closely related paralogs exist in
both species. In cases where a true ortholog is missing from a
draft genome sequence, the most similar sequenced paralogous
gene will be selected by this method. Chromosomal and relative
positions of reciprocal matches were compared both within the
human genome and across the four species to evaluate lineage-
specific cluster evolution.
Evolutionary analysis
A tree of phylogenetic relationships was generated by using
KRAB-A motifs from KRAB-ZNF and KRAB-SCAN-ZNF loci, in-
cluding several genes with noncanonical structures. Several loci
contained two KRAB-A motifs; in these cases both KRAB-A motifs
were used. KRAB-A nucleotide sequences were retrieved from the
catalog Web site, and alignments of the sequences were made by
using CLUSTALX 1.81 (Thompson et al. 1997). The alignment
was manually checked by using SeAl (Rambaut 1996). The PAUP
4.0b10 package (Swofford 2002) was used to generate trees by
using mean character differences and the neighbor-joining (NJ)
method (Saitou and Nei 1987). A Xenopus KRAB-A (Xfin) se-
quence was added as a potential outgroup.
Selection of microarray probe sets and expression clustering
Affymetrix-based GNF Atlas expression data pre-analyzed using
the MAS5 algorithm (Su et al. 2004) was obtained from the UCSC
Genome Bioinformatics Web site (http://genome.ucsc.edu/, Kent
et al. 2002), and GNF1H and U133A probe sets relevant to genes
in our data set were selected. We included data only from probes
that could reasonably be expected to detect expression of a single
gene; due to the high degree of sequence similarity between ZNF
paralogs, these represented a very small subset of the probe sets
designed against KRAB-ZNF genes. To identify relatively unique
probe sets, the individual sequences for all probe sets from both
chip designs were BLASTed against all catalog transcript se-
quences (including noncanonical genes). A pool of gene-specific
probe sets was then identified based on two criteria: (1) all se-
quences within a given probe set perfectly aligned to some por-
tion of a single target locus; (2) the ratio of the number of target-
specific alignments over the total number of alignments to any
locus (i.e., target and nontarget loci to which probes had 20/25
matches) was >0.8. This second requirement eliminates probe
sets that interrogate additional target(s) well or numerous targets
poorly. In instances where multiple candidate probe sets were
identified for a single gene, a representative probe set was manu-
ally chosen, selecting probes aligning with 3 regions of the tran-
scripts wherever possible.
By use of Cluster v. 2.11 (Eisen et al. 1998), the expression
profiles for the selected probe sets were hierarchically clustered
using an uncentered correlation metric. The resulting cdt files
were visualized by using TreeView v. 1.60 (Eisen et al. 1998) to
Human KRAB zinc finger family
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generate Figure 2B. Profiles were also manually arranged in chro-
mosomal order and visualized in TreeView to generate Figure 2A.
These expression profiles were also used to analyze possible glo-
bal coregulation by using Pearsons correlations coefficient.
We thank Ivan Ovcharenko for advice on programming and ge-
nome searching methods, and David Goodstein and Astrid Terry
at the Joint Genome Institute for advice on Apollo and gene
annotation. We also thank Colleen Elso, Jutta Kollet, Jason Ray-
mond, and Alice Yamada for critical reviews of the manuscript
and Web site. This work was performed under the auspices of the
U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) under contract
no. W-7405-Eng-48. The project (04-ERD-084) was funded by the
Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at
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Received October 21, 2005; accepted in revised form March 6, 2006.
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2006 16: 669-677 Genome Res.
Stuart Huntley, Daniel M. Baggott, Aaron T. Hamilton, et al.
transcriptional repressors
genes: Insights into the evolutionary history of a large family of
A comprehensive catalog of human KRAB-associated zinc finger
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