The diversity of zinc-finger genes on human
chromosome 19 provides an evolutionary mechanism
for defense against inherited endogenous retroviruses
S Lukic*
, J-C Nicolas
and AJ Levine
Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are remnants of ancient retroviral infections of the germ line that can remain capable of
replication within the host genome. In the soma, DNA methylation and repressive chromatin keep the majority of this parasitic
DNA transcriptionally silent. However, it is unclear how the host organism adapts to recognize and silence novel invading
retroviruses that enter the germ line. Krueppel-Associated Box (KRAB)-associated protein 1 (KAP1) is a transcriptional
regulatory factor that drives the epigenetic repression of many different loci in mammalian genomes. Here, we use published
experimental data to provide evidence that human KAP1 is recruited to endogenous retroviral DNA by KRAB-containing
zinc-finger transcription factors (TFs). Many of these zinc-finger genes exist in clusters associated with human chromosome 19.
We demonstrate that these clusters are located at hotspots for copy number variation (CNV), generating a large and continuing
diversity of zinc-finger TFs with new generations. These zinc-finger genes possess a wide variety of DNA binding affinities, but
their role as transcriptional repressors is conserved. We also perform a computational study of the different ERVs that invaded
the human genome during primate evolution. We find candidate zinc-finger repressors that arise in the genome for each ERV
family that enters the genomes of primates. In particular, we show that those repressors that gained their binding affin ity to
retrovirus sequences at the same time as their targets invaded the human lineage are preferentially located on chromosome 19
(P-value: 3 10
Cell Death and Differentiation (2014) 21, 381–387; doi:10.1038/cdd.2013.150; published online 25 October 2013
Transposable elements (TEs) are nucleotide sequences
that are able to either change their relative position or to
increase their copy number in a host genome. Almost 50%
of the human genome consists of sequences derived from
TEs. The large repertoire of molecular mechanisms
that TEs employ to increase their copy number include:
(1) cut-and-paste mechanisms mediated by transposases
that are able to recognize the ends of the transposon in the
host DNA and cut and insert them somewhere else in
the host genome; (2) transcription of TE mRNA followed by
the expression of endonucleases and reverse transcrip-
tases that are able to integrate newly synthesized DNA
copies of the retrotransposon into the host genome; and (3)
retroviral-like mechanisms, in which some expressed
endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) assemble virus particles
to infect and insert their genomes into the chromosomes of
germ cells (for more details see
). Given that the
mobilization of these elements to new locations in a
genome has the potential to be deleterious to the host, it
is expected that mechanisms have evolved in the host to
counter the expansion of TEs.
Recent progress has shed light on the mechanisms by
which the host evolves trans-acting repressor elements that
recognize cis-acting sequences in a retrotransposon, thereby
blocking its expression. The goal of this paper is to understand
how the host learns to identify and repress newly invading TEs
by studying the evolution of a prominent system of repressors
in the human lineage. We build on recent work that has
pointed to the Krueppel-Associated Protein 1 (KAP1) and its
binding partners as major contributors to the formation of
repressive chromatin states on ERVs.
Although the current
understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which KAP1
and its partners repress endogenous retrotransposons has
grown in recent years (see Figure 1), the evolutionary
mechanisms involved in the targeting of newly inherited ERVs
are still poorly understood. In this study, we propose that
particular genomic locations that sit on mutational hotspots
are continuously generating new zinc-finger genes with
unique DNA binding affinities. A subset of these zinc-finger
genes are involved in the recognition and repression of
inherited ERVs by partnering with KAP1. This mechanism
allows the host to generate a variety of zinc-finger motifs
Simons Center for Systems Biology, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
*Corresponding author: Dr S Lukic, Simons Center for Systems Biology, Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA. Tel: +1 609 734 8386;
Fax: +1 609 951 4438; E-mail: [email protected]
Received 15.5.13; revised 06.9.13; accepted 13.9.13; Edited by G Melino; published online 25.10.13
Keywords: Zinc-fingers; retrotransposons; germline
Abbreviations: C2H2, cystine-2 histidine-2 amino-acid sequence motif present in a large family of zinc-finger proteins; CNV, copy number variant; ERV, endogenous
retrovirus; HEK293, human embryonic kidney 293 cells; K562, immortalized myelogenous leukemia cells; KAP1, KRAB-associated protein-1; KRAB, Krueppel-
associated box transcriptional repressor domain; LINE, long interspersed nuclear element retrotransposon; LTR, long terminal repeat; RBCC, amino-acid sequence
motif consisting of a RING, a B-box type 1 and a B-box type 2, and a coiled-coil region; SINE, short interspersed nuclear element retrotransposon; SVM, support vector
machine; TE, transposable element; TF, transcription factor; TRIM28, tripartite motif-containing 28; U2OS, human osteosarcoma cell line; ZF, zinc-finger domain
Cell Death and Differentiation (2014) 21, 381387
2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1350-9047/14
permitting the possible recognition of a newly inherited ERV,
even before the retrovirus has colonized the host genome.
The aim of this paper is to study how the zinc-finger proteins
that recruit KAP1 to the genome evolve to recognize and
target new inherited retroviruses. We first show evidence that
KAP1 is recruited by zinc-finger proteins to sequences on
human ERVs by analyzing a ChIP-seq data set for wild-type
KAP1 and a mutant KAP1 in which the domain that binds to
the zinc-finger proteins was deleted. Second, we study the
evolution of the DNA-binding specificity of the associated
zinc-finger genes in the evolutionary lineage of humans.
We show how many of the zinc-finger genes sit in clusters
associated with copy number variant (CNV) formation hot-
spots on human chromosome 19. In addition, we use a
computational technique to predict the DNA binding sites of
every human zinc-finger gene, to show how the zinc-finger
genes that target sequences contained in ERV DNA are
preferentially located on human chromosome 19.
Finally, in the discussion, we review other mechanisms of
host recognition of transposable elements (TEs) that have
been proposed in the literature. We argue in favor of a new
model in which zinc-finger genes found in a continuous array
on chromosome 19 undergo recombination generating CNVs
and new genes whose proteins recognize novel DNA
sequences, some of which are found in retrotransposons.
Because those retrotransposons that are unchecked by
recognition of a repressor zinc-finger can go on to kill the
host, we expect to observe in present day organisms a good
correspondence between zinc-finger genes that recognize
and bind to those retrotransposons that have recently entered
the human lineage (and survived). We observe that corres-
pondence in the lineage of primates analyzed here. Only in a
scenario in which the host population is producing a large
reservoir of repressors with different DNA binding affinities do
the offspring that inherit a new ERV have a significant chance
to somatically silence it and reproduce at a reasonable rate.
Human KZNF transcription factors recruit KAP1 to
binding sites located on endogenous retroviral DNA
and other TEs. To quantify the frequency with which human
KAP1 is recruited to endogenous retroviral DNA, we
analyzed a recently published ChIP-seq data set for
The authors determined the genomic location of
KAP1 by means of chromatin immunoprecipitation of KAP1
followed by next-generation sequencing experiments per-
formed on three different cell lines (human embryonic kidney
293 cells (HEK293), U2OS and K562 cells, see Materials and
Methods). The authors found a total of 18 760 autosomal
peaks spanning 8 900 411 base pairs. We annotated every
repetitive DNA sequence contained in the peaks using
RepeatMasker. Of the 8.9 Mbp spanning 18 760 autosomal
peaks, 3.7 Mbp were annotated as repetitive DNA. In
particular, 3.6 Mbp were annotated as TEs, which include
long terminal repeat (LTR) elements, DNA transposons, long
interspersed nuclear element retrotransposons (LINEs) and
short interspersed nuclear element retrotransposon (SINEs).
LTR elements alone, which include ERVs, spanned 1.64 Mbp
of the 18 760 autosomal peaks. These 1.64 Mbp that are
annotated as LTR elements span 18% of the binding
sequences of KAP1. As these proportions depend on the
particular chromatin states existing in the cell types, we also
compared the relative abundances of TE-derived DNA in the
regions of accessible chromatin of HEK293 and K562 cells
with the relative abundances of TE-derived DNA in the
binding peak sequences (see Table 1 and Materials and
Methods). We observed that the binding of KAP1-associated
TFs on LTR elements and LINEs is between fourfold and
eightfold more frequent than expected in a null model of
random binding.
The next question we explored was what factors that
interact with KAP1 recognize this parasitic DNA? The
available evidence demonstrates that the recruitment of
KAP1 to endogenous retroviral DNA is mediated by the
interaction of its RBCC domain with the Krueppel-Associated
Box (KRAB) domain present in many TFs.
To test this
hypothesis, we compared the binding sites of a mutant KAP1
with no RBCC domain (mt KAP1) versus the binding sites of
wild-type KAP1 (wt KAP1) on HEK293 cells
(see Materials
and Methods section). We inferred the binding peaks using
the MACS algorithm.
We applied a P-value cutoff of 10
and identified a total of 20 139 autosomal peaks for wt KAP1
and 732 autosomal peaks for mt KAP1. To reduce the fraction
of misidentified peaks, we considered only the subset of
peaks that had also been inferred previously. We observed a
very large depletion of binding sites for the mutant KAP1-
DRBCC (mt KAP1). In particular, mt KAP1 was found in only
B4% of the binding sites on TE-coding DNA compared with
experiments where wild-type KAP1 was used (wt KAP1) (see
Figure 2). In the case of LTRs and LINEs, only B3.5% of the
wt binding sites on LTR elements were present in the
experiment with mt KAP1. Hence, this supports the hypo-
thesis that KAP1 is recruited to endogenous retroviral DNA by
Zinc Finger
Target DNA locus
Figure 1 KAP1 has an N-terminal tripartite motif (TRIM) containing an RBCC
domain (ring finger, two B-box zinc-fingers and a coiled coil), a central HP1
(heterochromatin protein 1) domain and a C-terminal combination plant homeo-
domain (PHD) and bromodomain (B). These three domains have been shown to
mediate nuclear localization, interaction with TFs, oligomerization and regulation of
The RBCC domain interacts with the KRAB module present in the
KRAB-C2H2 zinc-finger proteins (KZNF). In addition to the RBCC domain, every
other subdomain of KAP1 contributes to the remodeling of chromatin on genomic
loci targeted by the KRAB-containing TFs.
For instance, the HP1-binding domain
(PxVxL) interacts with HP1 family members, whereas the KAP1–HP1 complex has
a role in silencing euchromatic and pericentric heterochromatic regions.
and bromodomain interact with two chromatin-modifying enzymes: Mi2a and
SETDB1, of which SETDB1 encodes a histone methyltransferase involved in
histone methylation, gene silencing and transcriptional repression
Diversity of zinc-finger genes: a host defense against ERVs
S Lukic et al
Cell Death and Differentiation
KRAB-containing TFs. This observation is consistent with
experiments on mouse cells, in which the knockout of KAP1
gave rise to the transcriptional derepression of LINEs and
Finally, to estimate the fraction of KRAB-containing TFs that
use a tandem of zinc-fingers to bind to DNA, we downloaded
the Superfamily database.
We found a total of 793 KRAB
domains on human genes. Of these, 753 KRAB domains were
located on genes that have at least one zinc-finger motif; and,
of those, 635 were located on genes explicitly annotated as
zinc-finger genes in RefSeq. Therefore, we estimate that a
minimum of 80% and a maximum of 95% of protein-coding
KRAB domains are located in zinc-finger transcription factor
(TF) genes. This supports a model in which KAP1 targets and
silences TEs after being recruited by zinc-finger proteins.
Clusters of ZNF genes on chromosome 19 are located in
hotspots for CNV formation. We scanned the human
genome (assembly GRCh37/hg19) so as to identify all of the
C2H2 (cystine-2 histidine-2 amino-acid sequence motif
present in a large family of zinc-finger proteins) zinc-finger
protein motifs. The motif consists of six similar conserved
sequences of between 21 and 25 amino acids. We found a
total of 8080 non-overlapping C2H2 motifs on coding genes
in the human genome. A total of 1854 different coding genes
contained at least one C2H2 motif, whereas 748 genes
contained at least one tandem of C2H2 zinc-fingers. Here,
we defined a tandem of zinc-fingers as a set of two or more
C2H2 motifs separated by less than 200 base pairs each.
As tandems of zinc-finger domains (ZFs) evolve quickly
under duplications and deletions, it is not possible to
determine whether the ancestor of a given tandem belonged
to a KRAB-containing TF or not. Because of this, in order to
study the evolution of this quickly evolving class of genes, we
considered every C2H2 ZF that is present in the human
In order to understand the evolutionary relationships
between these C2H2 zinc-fingers, we computed the
sequence similarity between every pair of C2H2 domains
(see Materials and Methods and Supplementary Information).
We used this to estimate the age of different duplications (low
sequence divergence denotes recent events, whereas large
sequence divergence corresponds to older events).
We observed a significant number of C2H2 zinc-fingers in
human chromosome 19 (see Figure 3). This gene expansion
is associated with duplication events that have less than 10%
of nucleotide substitutions (fairly recent expansions, see
Figure 3). Using the chicken genome as an outgroup, we infer
that this expansion is specific to mammals.
We classified all the C2H2 zinc-fingers on chromosome 19
using their sequence similarity. We found that similar C2H2
sequences cluster together around one of six major clusters in
chromosome 19 (see Figure 4 and Materials and Methods).
We found a strong positive correlation between sequence
divergence and physical distance. This is consistent with the
hypothesis that the expansion of clusters on chromosome 19
has been driven by local duplications associated with unequal
crossover events.
An additional question that we explored is whether the
expansion of clusters of zinc-fingers on human chromosome
19 is an ongoing phenomenon. To test this hypothesis, we
estimated the current CNV formation rate along chromosome
19 using population genetics methods applied to human data
(see Supplementary Information and Figure 5). Because it is
not clear how to root CNVs with copy number larger than 2, the
analysis was restricted to deletions. We applied two different
estimators of the deletion rate (see Figure 5) to sequence data
associated with 45 individuals of European ancestry.
The inferred chromosome-wide deletion rate for deletions
larger than 50 base pairs was 0.017–0.022 deletions per
generation and per Giga-base. The deletion rate in only two of
the six clustered regions with a high density of C2H2 zinc-
fingers on chromosome 19 could be estimated because the
Table 1 Comparison of the abundance of TE-derived DNA in the regions of
accessible chromatin of two cell types with the abundance of the same TE
sequences that are contained in the binding peaks associated with KAP1
Family of
HEK293 cells K562 cells
Fraction of
Fraction of
peaks for
KAP1 (%)
Fraction of
Fraction of
peaks for
KAP1 (%)
LTR elements 3.9 16.9 5.4 31.2
LINEs 3.8 12.0 4.2 32.8
SINEs 3.0 4.2 3.7 3.3
1.2 1.6 1.3 1.04
Abbreviations: KAP1, KRAB-associated protein 1; KRAB, Kruppel-associated
box; LINEs, long interspersed nuclear element retrotransposons; LTR, long
terminal repeat; SINEs, short interspersed nuclear element retrotransposon
The data are shown for HEK293 cells and K562 cells. The abundance of DNA is
measured in units of base pairs. Both data sets show how KAP1 preferentially
targets either LTR elements or LINEs but not SINEs or DNA transposons
Number of bases on binding sites
Family of Repetitive DNA
wt KAP1
mt KAP1
Figure 2 Abundance of binding DNA associated with mutant KAP1 (red) and
wild-type KAP1 (blue) in different families of repetitive elements. Only B1% of DNA
on binding sites annotated as TEs (LTR elements, LINE, SINE and DNA
transposons) that was present in the ChIP-seq peaks associated with wt KAP1 was
also present in the peaks associated with mt KAP1. The abundance of DNA-binding
sequence was measured in units of millions of base pairs (Mbp)
Diversity of zinc-finger genes: a host defense against ERVs
S Lukic et al
Cell Death and Differentiation
other four regions did not have enough gene duplications to
provide statistically significant results. Both estimators pre-
dicted that the deletion rate in the clusters located on
19p13.11-19p.12 and on 19q13.41-19q13.42 is about twofold
higher than the background deletion rate.
In summary, our population genetics analysis of the CNV
formation rate on clusters of zinc-fingers on chromosome 19
provides evidence for a twofold higher CNV mutation rate in
some of the clusters when compared with the background rate
across the genome.
Zinc-Finger genes that gained their DNA binding affinity
at the same time when their target ERV family invaded
the human lineage are located on chromosome 19.
In this subsection, we show evidence that supports the notion
that the tandems of zinc-fingers that gained their binding
affinities at the same time as their predicted target ERV
family invaded the human lineage are preferentially located
on chromosome 19 (see Table 2). We inferred this by means
of a genome-wide analysis of the coevolution of tandems of
zinc-fingers and ERVs in the primate phylogeny (see
‘Detection of Zinc-Finger domains and families of ERVs in
primate and rodent genomes’ in Supplementary Information)
and the use of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) trained by
Persikov et al.
to predict the top candidate DNA binding
sites of a given tandem of C2H2 zinc-finger protein (see
‘Prediction of DNA binding affinities associated with tandems
of Zinc-Fingers’ in the Supplementary Information).
We used 52 families of ERVs in the human genome that had
been previously annotated as primate-specific by Repeat-
Masker. We isolated 4700 insertions of ERVs in the human
genome representing these 52 different families (see Materials
and Methods and Supplementary Information). By mapping
the DNA sequences associated with these insertions to the
different primate genomes, we were able to estimate the time
at which each family invaded the human genome (see
Materials and Methods and Supplementary Information).
We obtained results that were similar to those reported in
Number of C2H2 domains
per unit of time
Time (fraction of nucleotide substitutions)
chr1-chr18 and chr20-chr22
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
10 000
15 000
20 000
25 000
30 000
Figure 3 Age distribution of C2H2 ZFs in chromosome 19 (blue curve) and in the remainder of the autosomes (red curve). The area below each curve describes the total
number of zinc-fingers in the corresponding time interval. The total number of C2H2 domains in chromosome 19 is 3513, whereas the remainder of the autosomes contain
4567 zinc-finger domains. The age of a particular C2H2 sequence is defined as the time of the most recent duplication event associated with such C2H2 domain.
The duplication times are computed as the branch lengths of a phylogenetic tree and the units of time consist of the fraction of nucleotide substitutions (f.n.s.) (see ‘Analysis of
C2H2 motifs in Materials and Methods’). The high density of zinc-fingers for times smaller than 0.2 f.n.s. in chromosome 19 denotes a recent burst of duplications of zinc-
fingers on this chromosome. This contrasts with the expansion of C2H2 domains on the remainder of the autosomes which, although they span 98% of all autosomal DNA,
they only contribute a third of all recent duplications of zinc-fingers. This huge expansion of C2H2 zinc-fingers in the human lineage is specific to chromosome 19 and probably
occurred during mammalian evolution
19p13.3 19p12 19q12
Density of C2H2 Zinc Fingers
Position on Chromosome 19
19p13.2 13.12 19p13.11 q13.32 q13.43q13.42
Figure 4 Distribution of similar C2H2 zinc-finger domains on chromosome 19. Each zinc-finger sequence was assigned to one of eight different clusters based on a
hierarchical clustering analysis (see ‘Analysis of C2H2 motifs in Materials and Methods’). Each of these clusters is represented by a different color: orange, red, violet, green,
yellow, gray, light blue and magenta. We used the sequence divergence between pairs of zinc-fingers as the similarity metric in this analysis. The density associated with each
cluster was normalized such that the total mass is one, and it is represented with a particular color in the figure. We found that five clusters of zinc-fingers are highly localized on
particular regions of chromosome 19 (orange, red, violet, green and yellow). This supports the hypothesis that local duplications generated by unequal crossover events have
been responsible for the expansion of clusters of C2H2 zinc-fingers
Diversity of zinc-finger genes: a host defense against ERVs
S Lukic et al
Cell Death and Differentiation
previous studies.
In addition, by comparing the binding
affinities of tandems of homologous zinc-fingers across the
phylogeny, we were able to estimate the time at which any
given human tandem of zinc-fingers gained their current
binding affinity. Finally, we used the SVM (see Materials and
Methods) to predict the top candidate DNA binding sites on
ERV genomes for every tandem of zinc-fingers in humans
(see Table 3). We achieved this by searching for family-
specific sequence motifs on ERVs that belonged to the
predicted spectrum of most strongly bound states for a given
tandem of zinc-fingers in a protein.
Using these results, we were able to restrict our analysis to
repressors that obtained their binding affinity at about the
same time when their target ERVs invaded the human
lineage. Then, we compared the number of predicted
repressors located on chromosome 19 with the number of
predicted repressors located elsewhere (see Table 2 and
section ‘Inference of the preferential location of zinc-finger
repressors of ERVs on chromosome 19 using Fisher’s exact
test with a noisy classifier’ in Supplementary Information).
Comparing this distribution with the background distribution of
all tandems of ZF genes, we were able to conclude that the
zinc-finger gene repressors were preferentially located on
chromosome 19 when compared with the rest of the genome
by a ratio of 7 : 2 zinc-finger gene repressors of ERVs. This
supports the main thesis of this paper: CNV formation
hotspots located at chromosome 19 have contributed to the
generation of new TFs that have become repressors of new
inherited ERVs.
Transposons have invaded the genomes of almost every
eukaryotic organism that has been examined for this property.
On the positive side, these insertions provide new gene sets
that can be modified and adapted to new functions in the host
and/or can modify transcriptional programs that may speed up
evolutionary changes. However, these TEs also introduce a
large number of deleterious alterations in the host genome.
In particular, once a TE is inserted into the genome, its
movement to new sites increases the probability for detri-
mental events. For instance, insertional mutagenesis can
inactivate gene functions. The induction of novel transcrip-
tional activities in the genomic region of integration sites can
initiate cancers and abnormal developmental processes.
In addition, multiple insertions of TEs create sites for
homologous recombination and potential deletions. These
detrimental effects exert selective pressures to remove the
TEs (e.g., by recombination between LTR sequences),
to evolve mechanisms that prevent TEs from invading, or,
once established, to prevent these TEs from expressing their
functions and enhanced replication and movement.
instance, the PIWI RNAs are derived from antisense TE
sequences that hybridize with the TE RNA in the germ line and
the soma resulting in the degradation of the TE RNA.
Both of these mechanisms, the purging of deleterious
insertions of TEs by means of natural selection and the
production of repressors using antisense sequences from the
genome of the TE as a template, consist of host responses
after the invasion of the TE. In general, this type of explanation
has been the only alternative that is considered when
reviewing the evolution of TEs and their repressors.
In humans, about 8% of the human genome consists of
remnants of ERV elements associated with several dozen
independent invasions in the human lineage.
More recently,
additional viral sequences have been found integrated into a
wide variety of eukaryotic genomes, indicating a large number
of independent viral invasions during eukaryotic evolution.
In this paper, we have presented evidence in favor of a
hypothesis in which the host population can generate a
diverse set of zinc-finger gene repressors, a subset of which
can inactivate the expression of a newly inserted ERV; this
19p13.3 19p12 19q12
19q13.11 19q13.12
19q13.2 19q13.33 13.41
Watterson Estimator Refinement of Watterson Estimator
Position on Chromosome 19
Deletions per generation and Gb
19p13.2 13.12 19p13.11 q13.32 q13.42 q13.43
Figure 5 Deletion rate on chromosome 19. The orange probability density represents the empirical distribution of 3513 zinc-finger motifs on chromosome 19. The deletion
rate was estimated using population frequency data of polymorphic deletions larger than 50 bp in 45 individuals of European ancestry (CEU from 1000 genomes project).
We used the Watterson estimator (continuous horizontal line) and a refinement of the Watterson estimator (dashed horizontal line) built from the frequency spectrum of
deletions (see ‘Deletion rate as a function of the genomic location’ in Supplementary Information). We estimated the deletion rate on seven different regions of chromosome
19. These regions include six segments with a high density of zinc-finger motifs (peaks on 19p13.2, 19p13.11-19p.12, 19q13.11, 19q13.2, 19q13.33 and q13.41-q13.42) and
the complementary region of chromosome 19. However, because of lack of sufficient data we could only estimate the rate on three segments: the complementary region, the
peak on 19p13.11-19p.12 and the peak on q13.41-q13.42. The question marks in the plot denote the four segments where we could not estimate the deletion rate with
confidence. The deletion rate is expressed in units of number of deletions (larger than 50 bp) per generation and per Giga-base (Gb)
Diversity of zinc-finger genes: a host defense against ERVs
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Cell Death and Differentiation
permits both colonization of the new ERV and its control by the
host. We have shown how the zinc-finger genes that
transcriptionally silence ERV-coding sequences are located
on clusters on chromosome 19 that form CNV formation
hotspots. These clusters generate new combinations of zinc-
finger genes via recombination providing sets of proteins, of
which a subset is capable of recognizing novel retrovirus
sequences. This is an efficient way to generate the needed
diversity of zinc-finger genes to counter the diversity of TEs.
These zinc-finger proteins act as repressors of transcription of
the ERVs that are newly inserted into the host genome, thus
minimizing the negative effects of these TEs. This model
predicts that the generation of a zinc-finger gene via
recombination will be fixed into the genome by the selective
advantage of inactivating a TE insertion whose sequences are
recognized by the zinc-finger protein. Thus, the evolutionary
time scales of ERV insertions and the appearance of the zinc-
finger gene that binds to its unique sequences should occur at
the same time. When this idea was tested over the time scales
of primate evolution, this appeared to be the case, and the
zinc-finger genes that inactivate the TE are commonly located
on chromosome 19. We find this model appealing, because
the recurrence of independent invasions of ERVs can be
countered by a reservoir of zinc-finger repressors that are
continuously generated on CNV formation hotspots.
Materials and Methods
ChIP-seq data. We downloaded from the UCSC genome browser the table of
Transcription Factors binding sites (Txn Factor ChIP on human genome assembly
GRCh37/hg19) for KAP1. The data consisted of the ChIP-seq peaks called by the
Sole-Search algorithm.
The sequence reads were obtained from the combination
of ChIP-seq experiments performed on three different cell lines (HEK293, U2OS
and K562) and mapped to the human genome using the Illumina Genome
Analyzer Pipeline.
We found a total of 19 427 peaks genome wide. The average
length of the peaks was 474 bp, the S.D. was 74 bp and the peaks in the 2.5th and
97.5th percentiles of the distribution of lengths had lengths 424 bp and 668bp,
respectively. We annotated the repetitive DNA sequences on peaks by means of
the RepeatMasker table available in the UCSC genome browser.
The sequence reads for the ChIP-seq experiments with wt KAP1 and mt KAP1 in
HEK293 cells were downloaded from the NCBI GEO Data Sets web page under the
accession numbers GSM700353 and GSM700355.
To characterize the open
chromatin regions in HEK293 and K562 cells, we used the tables
wgEncodeOpenChromDnaseHek293tPk and wgEncodeOpenChromDnaseK562Pk
from the, consisting of DNAse I hypersensitive
Analysis of C2H2 motifs. We translated the autosomal part of the human
genome (human genome assembly GRCh37/hg19) on both strand orientations
and for every possible codon combination in search of C2H2 motifs. We studied
the evolutionary relationship of protein-coding C2H2 sequences by means of the
Table 2 Contingency table for the genome-wide distribution of tandems of
fingers predicted to repress particular ERV families
ZNF tandems on
chromosome 19
ZNF tandems on
other chromosomes
ERV-binding 32 9
Binding to any
2492 1898
Fraction of
ERV-binding tandems
1.3% 0.47%
Abbreviation: ERV, endogenous retrovirus
The number of repressive tandems located on human chromosome 19 is
compared with the number of other predicted repressive tandems. In addition,
the distribution of the number of predicted repressors is compared with the
distribution of all the (not necessarily repressive) tandems of zinc-fingers.
A significant bias for the repressive tandems to be located in chromosome 19
can be inferred if one compares the location of the repressive tandems with the
location of all the (repressive and not repressive) tandems (P-value: 3 10
see section ‘Inference of the preferential location of zinc-finger repressors of
ERVs on chromosome 19 using Fisher’s exact test with a noisy classifier’ in
Supplementary Information). This supports our general hypothesis that the
expansion of tandems of fingers on chromosome 19 contributed to the
generation of repressors against new invading ERVs during primate evolution
Table 3 Most significant ZF genes predicted to repress particular endogenous
retroviral families in the human genome
ERV family Zinc-Finger genes predicted to have tandems that
strongly bind motifs in the ERV family
HERV17-int ZNF486*
, ZNF74
, ZNF420
, ZNF717
LTR19-int ZNF621*
, ZNF833P, ZNF729
, ZNF433*
PRIMA4-int ZNF107*, ZNF479
, LOC643955, ZFP64
PABL_B-int ZNF345*, ZNF845
, LOC100293516
, ZNF546
HERVK22-int ZNF100*
, ZNF222
, ZNF7
, ZNF416
HERVFH21-int ZNF845*
, ZNF16, ZNF627
, ZNF565
LTR57-int ZNF502*, ZNF268
, ZNF761, ZNF560
HERVIP10FH-int ZNF471*
, ZNF615
, ZNF57
, ZNF780B*
HERVS71-int ZNF726*
, ZNF629, ZNF273
, ZFP57
HERVK11-int ZNF497*, ZNF79
, ZNF337
, ZNF658B*
HERVH-int ZNF419*
, ZNF460
, ZNF320
, ZNF700*
HERVL18-int ZNF549*
, ZNF736
, ZNF337
, ZNF528*
HERV4_I-int ZNF585B*
, ZNF883, ZNF721
, ZNF568
LTR23-int ZNF146*
HERVK3-int ZNF729*
, ZNF195
, ZNF432
, ZNF613
HERVL66-int ZNF490*
, ZNF727
, ZNF41, ZNF823
LTR46-int ZNF682*
, ZNF550
, ZNF540
, ZNF729
HERVK13-int ZNF586*
, ZNF253*
, ZNF551*
, ZNF625-ZNF20*
HERV1_I-int ZNF404*
, ZNF81, ZNF136
, ZNF586*
MER84-int ZNF568*
, ZNF525
, ZNF132
, ZNF738
HERVL-int ZNF266*
, ZNF41, ZNF879
, ZNF415*
HERVI-int ZNF772*
, ZNF502, ZNF57
, ZNF30*
HERVH48-int ZNF571*
, ZNF419*
, ZNF442
, ZNF416
HERVE_a-int ZNF600*, ZNF626*
, ZNF254
, ZNF223
MER61-int ZNF10*
, ZNF594, ZNF34*
, ZNF490
HERV30-int ZNF813*
, ZNF789
, ZNF154
, ZNF675*
HERV9-int ZNF230*
, ZNF433
, ZNF619
, ZNF709
HERV-Fc1-int ZNF727*
, ZNF772
, ZNF181
, ZNF343
HERV15-int ZNF726*
, LOC100293516
, ZNF548
, ZNF107*
PABL_A-int ZNF70*, ZNF729
, ZNF526, ZNF680*
HERVP71A-int ZNF850*
, ZNF737
, ZNF699
, ZNF765
HERVK14C-int ZNF253*
, ZNF197
, ZNF251
, ZNF738*
HERVFH19-int ZNF225*
, ZNF491, ZNF273*
, ZNF497
HERVIP10F-int ZNF471*
, ZNF57
, ZNF599
, ZNF718
HERV3-int ZNF14*
, ZNF418
, ZNF727
, ZNF643
HERVKC4-int ZNF678*
, ZNF718
, ZNF445
, ZNF211
LTR25-int ZNF34*
, ZNF680
, ZNF446
HERVE-int ZNF611*
, ZNF135
, ZNF525
, ZNF107
MER4-int ZNF133*
, ZNF43
, ZNF337
, ZNF529*
HUERS-P2-int ZNF528*
, ZNF780B
, ZNF491, ZNF2
PRIMAX-int ZNF416*
, ZNF729
, ZNF345
, ZNF484*
HERVK14-int ZNF621
, ZNF585B, ZNF208
, ZNF317
HERVK11D-int ZNF490
, ZNF667
, ZNF585B
, ZNF490
HUERS-P3-int ZNF676
HUERS-P1-int ZNF197
, ZNF543
, LOC100379224
, ZNF101
HERVK-int ZNF708
, ZNF847P, ZNF836
, ZNF673
LTR43-int ZNF614
, ZNF843, ZNF443
, ZNF132
MER101-int ZNF837, ZNF268
, ZNF621
, ZNF721
PRIMA41-int ZNF611
, ZNF83
, ZNF526, ZNF438
HERVK9-int ZNF788
, ZNF16, ZNF709
, ZNF333
MER41-int ZNF568
, ZNF470
Abbreviations: ERV, endogenous retrovirus; KRAB, Kruppel-Associated Box;
ZF, zinc-finger domain
The predictions are based on the DNA binding affinity of tandems of fingers for
particular ERV-specific family-defining DNA motifs (see ‘Prediction of DNA
binding affinities associated with tandems of Zinc-Fingers’ of the
Supplementary Information ). The number of predictions for some ERV families
is low or absent whenever few or no tandems of fingers yielded significant
scores for binding to those families. We used an asterisk (*) to denote those ZF
genes that gained their DNA binding affinity at the same time when their
predicted ERV targets invaded the human lineage. In addition, we use a pound
sign (
) to denote those ZF genes that contain a KRAB sequence motif
Diversity of zinc-finger genes: a host defense against ERVs
S Lukic et al
Cell Death and Differentiation
Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) phylogenetic tree
and the Jukes–Cantor approximation (see Supplementary Information S.I.).
Detection of ZFs and families of ERVs in primate and rodent
genomes. We scanned six primate genomes in addition to the human genome
to find tandems of zinc-fingers that are homologous to those of humans. This
allowed us to estimate the time at which the DNA binding affinity of any
given tandem was first established (see Supplementary Information for more
details on this).
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Diversity of zinc-finger genes: a host defense against ERVs
S Lukic et al
Cell Death and Differentiation