U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Research and Technology
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Module 19:
On-Board Transit Management Systems
Carol L. Schweiger
Schweiger Consulting LLC
Review key concepts from Module 5 Transit
Management Standards, Part 2 of 2
Describe how to use the most prevalent standards
for On-board Transit Management systems for buses
Illustrate how to procure systems using the most
prevalent transit on-board management standards
Review Key Concepts from
Module 5 Transit Management
Standards, Part 2 of 2
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
User need:
Requirement for system to solve user problem
Part of systems engineering process (SEP)
FTA National ITS Architecture Policy includes identification of
applicable ITS standards
May be satisfied by using standards
Standards being used to meet user needs:
Users may not need customized solutions
Data exchanges facilitated among applications and entities
Can choose most suitable and cost-effective applications, knowing
they use common standards
Standards Facilitate Meeting User Needs
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
Benefits from using standards:
Reduce complexity and cost in design, procurement,
development and management
Ensure wider choice of suppliers
Certain types of standards strategic to economic
Standards Facilitate Meeting User Needs (continued)
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
Protection of
Modularization and
incremental deployment
Choice of suppliers
Roadmap for evolution
Data management
Improved quality and
Risk reduction
Better abstraction
Better testing
Process and tool support
Standards Facilitate Meeting User Needs: Value
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
International Organization for Standardization (a.k.a. ISO)
standard for worldwide communications that defines
networking framework for implementing standards/protocols
in seven layers
7 Layers:
Data Link
Open System Interconnection (OSI)
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
OSI 7 Layer Model: Layers 7, 6 and 5
Layer Application/Example
7. Application. Serves as the window
for users and application processes to
access the network services
End user layer (Program that
opens what was sent or creates
what is to be sent)
6. Presentation. Formats the data to be
presented to the Application layer. It can
be viewed as the “Translator” for the
Syntax layer (encrypt and
decrypt if needed)
5. Session. Allows session
establishment between processes
running on different stations
Sync and send to ports (logical
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
OSI 7 Layer Model: Layers 4, 3, 2 and 1
Layer Application/Example
4. Transport. Ensures that messages
are delivered error-free, in sequence and
with no losses and duplication
Transmission Control Protocol -
TCP (host to host, flow control)
3. Network. Controls the operations of
the subnet, deciding the physical path
the data takes
Packets (“letter,” contains IP
2. Data Link. Provides error-free
transfer of data frames from one node to
another over the Physical layer
Frames (“envelopes,” contains
MAC address)
1. Physical. Concerned with
transmission and reception of raw bit
stream over physical medium
Physical structure (cables, hubs,
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
Facilitates vehicle area network (VAN)
Only describes two lowest layers
Data Link
Used in conjunction with SAE J1587, which:
Is an application layer
Defines format of J1708 messages sent between
microprocessors devices in transit vehicles
Supports communication with external devices
connected to VAN
J1708 message consists of Message Identification (MID)
character, data bytes and checksum
SAE J1708/J1587
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
High speed ISO 11898-1 Controller Area Network (CAN)
based communications network:
Simple information exchanges and diagnostic data exchanges
between components physically distributed throughout vehicle
Allows components associated with different manufacturers to
communicate with each other
Successor to SAE J1708/J1587 low speed networks -
earlier standards provided simple information exchange
between on-board components
Every J1939 message uses identifier that defines:
Message priority
From whom it was sent
Data that is contained within it
SAE J1939
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
Layer 1 (physical layer) - electric
interface with physical medium
Layer 2 (data link layer) - data
communication via Controller
Area Network (CAN) (ISO
standard-ISO 11898 for serial
data communication) based on
CAN 2.0B
Layer 3 (network layer) -
functionality of bridge for
transmission of messages
between two network segments
SAE J1939 (continued)
Structure and Use of Data Exchange Standards
Layer 4 (transport layer) - various
network services for message
request mode, acknowledged
transmission, and fragmented
transmission of large data blocks
Layer 7 (application layer):
Actual data (parameters or
network variables with value
range, resolution, physical unit
and the type of transmission)
Each message unambiguously
referenced by parameter group
Network management - automatic
allocation or determination of node
addresses (plug and play principle)
SAE J1939 (continued)
ITS Standards for Data Exchange Among Transit
Management Systems
Interface between transit management center and specific type of
infrastructure: dynamic message signs (DMS) and transit signal priority
Information to travelers
May use various technologies to display messages using any
combination of characters
Intersection control through local traffic signal controller
Interface between traffic management center and on-street master
Based on analysis of transit vehicles conditions and traffic
characteristics for a given time and type of day
Center invokes appropriate pre-configured traffic signal control
system timing plan
Center-to-Field (C2F) Application Area
Capabilities Related to Transit
ITS Standards for Data Exchange Among Transit
Management Systems
Interface between transit management center and transit or
paratransit vehicles
Collecting automated vehicle location information
Collecting operational and maintenance data
Providing transit vehicle driver with electronic dispatch and routing
Providing traveler information to vehicle
Providing schedule information used to develop corrective actions on-
Providing fare management information, including invalid traveler
credit identities, to transit vehicles
Supporting transit vehicle operator authentication and ability to
remotely disable vehicle in emergency situations
Center-to-Vehicle/Traveler (C2V) Application
Area Capabilities Related to Transit: Vehicle
ITS Standards for Data Exchange Among Transit
Management Systems
Interfaces between traveler information providers and devices
used by traveling public
General traveler information, including traffic information, transit
information (fares, real-time schedules, and transactions), incident
information, event information, and parking information
Emergency traveler information, including alerts and advisories, and
evacuation information
Traveler services information (e.g., dining, lodging, etc.)
Trip planning, using various modes of surface transportation and route
Route guidance
Center-to-Vehicle/Traveler (C2V) Application
Area Capabilities Related to Transit: Traveler
ITS Standards for Data Exchange Among Transit
Management Systems
Multimodal coordination between transit agencies and other public
transportation modes
Transit incident information, schedules, fare and pricing information
Transit information suitable for media use
Emergency transit schedule information to other operations centers
Transit system information to traffic management centers
Personalized transit routes requested by travelers
Financial institution approval and status of electronic fare payments
Law enforcement regarding the notification of violations
Center-to-Center (C2C) Application Area
Capabilities Related to Transit
ITS Standards for Data Exchange Among Transit
Management Systems
66 vehicles operating in max. service and 10,040,856 annual
passenger miles
Required multiplex system on all buses purchased:
System connected to SAE J1939 data bus
Monitor common engine, transmission, and braking faults
transmitted on data bus (e.g., high engine oil temperature, low oil
pressure, high transmission oil temperature)
Log data for later retrieval
Main purpose was for integration with other planned in-vehicle
Implemented daily upload of bus diagnostic information collected
onboard to Automatic Vehicle Monitoring server, making data available
to maintenance staff
Case Study for C2V Flows: Chattanooga Area
Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA)
ITS Standards for Data Exchange Among Transit
Management Systems
Selection of standard(s) to incorporate in functional
specifications for AVM system based on:
Vendors’ use/acceptance
Incorporated into specifications in appropriate location:
On-board Device Alarms Reporting
Automatic Vehicle Monitoring: On-board System
Student Supplement contains specification language
Case Study for C2V Flows: CARTA AVM
Apply Standards to Development of Procurement
Transit Management standards not structured the same
SAE J1939 based on OSI layers
GTFS is a series of comma-delimited text files
GTFS-realtime format based on Protocol Buffers
TransXChange (UK standard) is XML format
Need to understand enough to:
Identify appropriate standard(s) based on aforementioned criteria
Define use of standard(s) in functional requirements/specifications
Define how compliance with standard(s) can be tested
Read a Standard
Apply Standards to Development of Procurement
Read a Standard: SAE J1939
Apply Standards to Development of Procurement
Most messages intended to be broadcast
Data transmitted on the network without specific
Permits any device to use data without requiring additional request
Allows future software revisions to easily accommodate new
When message must be directed to particular device,
specific destination address included within message
Read a Standard: SAE J1939 (continued)
Apply Standards to Development of Procurement
Discussion of Concept of Operations (ConOps)
Components/devices you expect to be supplied in system
Functions to be supported, value ranges and optional
capabilities required
Detailed listing of requirements
Language requiring use of standardized dialogs
Testing program
Incorporate a Standard into a Specification
for Procuring a Transit Management System
Apply Standards to Development of Procurement
Incorporate a Standard into a Specification
Concept of Operations:
What you want the
systems/devices to do
Document your
Select Functions that
can be Standardized,
and Identify Value
Ranges or Specific
Values Where
Select Specific Objects
and Value Ranges Where
Necessary to Meet
Develop Test
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Research and Technology
Which one of these is not a layer within Open
System Interconnection (OSI) model?
a) Application
b) Data
c) Service
d) Physical
Answer Choices
Review of Answers
a) Application
Incorrect. This is Layer 7 within the OSI model.
b) Data
Incorrect. This is a Layer 2 within the OSI model.
c) Service
Correct! This is not a layer within the Open System
Interconnection (OSI) model.
d) Physical
Incorrect. This is a Layer 1 within the OSI model.
Describe the details and how to use
the most prevalent standards for
On-board Transit Management
systems for buses
Contents and Use of SAE J1587
Defines messages transmitted on SAE J1708 network
Specifies transport, network and application layers
Outdated and being replaced by J1939
Defines format of messages and data being communicated
between on-board microprocessors
Promotes software compatibility among microcomputer
based modules
Used with SAE J1708, which:
Defines requirements for hardware and basic protocol
needed to implement J1587
Specifies data link and physical layers
Define and Describe the Purpose of J1587
J1587 Message
Message identifier (MID) source address of
transmitting node
One or More Parameters
Messages start with MID indicating source address
of transmitting node
Contents and Use of SAE J1587
Describe the J1587 Message Format
MID Parameter Parameter Parameter Checksum
Contents and Use of SAE J1587
J1587 specifies a parameter for Battery Voltage
MID is 128, which means Engine #1
Battery Voltage is PID 158
J1587 Example
J1587 Message
MID=128 PID=158 29 1
Contents and Use of SAE J1587
J1587 is outdated, but is often found in legacy systems
Vehicle and component information
Routing and scheduling information
Driver information relating to driver activity
SAE J1708, defining basic hardware and conditions
required for on-board data exchange
With J1708 backbone in place, J1587 added for general
on-board information sharing and diagnostic functions
Whenever J1587 mentioned, assume that J1708 is
Thus, use of J1587 and J1708 described together
Use of SAE J1587
Contents and Use of SAE J1708
Addresses transmission of electronic signals and
information among bus components
Identifies minimum hardware and procedural requirements
for routing messages over network
Establishes method for determining:
Which device is communicating (i.e., engine, farebox, etc.)
Length of time that each device is allowed to communicate
Which device has priority in accessing network when two try to gain
access simultaneously
That message was received correctly should there be problems in
Describes physical and data link layer
Define and Describe the Purpose of J1708
Contents and Use of SAE J1708
SAE J1587 or J1922, defines actual data or functions to be
transmitted. SAE J1708 only defines hardware and basic
Data can be transferred between devices in more cost-
effective way:
Minimizes hardware cost
Offers flexibility and further expansion of existing system
Uses standard industry electronics
Transmission rate 9600 bps
Message up to 21 bytes long
Define and Describe the Purpose of J1708 (cont’d)
Contents and Use of SAE J1708
Message consists of MID, data bytes and checksum
Data content not described in J1708 specification but in overlaying
protocol, such as J1587
MID is 0-255
MIDs 0-68 belong to predefined devices to ensure consistency.
MIDs 69-86 are set aside for J1922 protocol.
MIDs 87-110 are reserved for future applications.
MID 111 is designated for factory tests of electronic control units
and shall not be used by any on-board unit.
MIDs 112-127 are not reserved and can be used as wanted.
MIDs 128-255 are reserved for SAE J1587 protocol.
Describe the J1708 Message Format
J1708 Message
Data 1=
Data 2=
Data 3=
= 59
Contents and Use of SAE J1708
Exchange information between AVL, VLU, fare collection,
radio, passenger information, and other systems
Integration examples:
Passenger information systems with AVL provides automatic
next-stop audio and visual announcements
Fare collection with passenger counters, passenger
information systems and AVL identifies passenger trends
On-board cameras and AVL to store video images on-board
for review or send emergency-related images in real time
Combine health-monitoring capabilities of vital on-board
components with AVL to send fault alarms in real time
Use of SAE J1708
Contents and Use of SAE J1708
Use of SAE J1708
Contents and Use of SAE J1939
Defines how information transferred across network to allow
Electronic Control Units to communicate information (e.g.
vehicle speed)
17 J1939 documents see earlier slide on how to read a
Capable of handling requirements currently satisfied by
Spans all seven OSI layers
Data rate of 250,000 bits per second, making it much faster
than J1708
Define and Describe the Purpose of J1939
Contents and Use of SAE J1939
Permits connection of up to 30 units compared to maximum
of 20 for J1708
Ensures data transmission time fully utilized
Most messages defined by J1939 intended to be broadcast
Data transmitted on network without specific destination
Permits any device to use data without requiring
additional request messages
Allows future software revisions to easily accommodate
new devices
Uses the 29-bit identifier defined within CAN 2.0B protocol
Define and Describe the Purpose of J1939 (cont’d)
Contents and Use of SAE J1939
Defines message timeouts, how large messages are fragmented
and reassembled, the network speed, the physical layer, and
how applications acquire network addresses
Defined using collection of individual SAE J1939 documents
based on layers of OSI model
Uses Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol permitting any
Electronic Control Units (ECU) to transmit message on network
Every message uses an identifier that defines:
Message priority
From whom it was sent
Data that is contained within it
Collisions are resolved non-destructively as result of arbitration
process that occurs while identifier transmitted
Define and Describe the Purpose of J1939 (cont’d)
Contents and Use of SAE J1939
J1939 messages built on top of CAN 2.0b - make specific use of
extended frames
First three bits are priority field - sets message’s priority on network and
helps ensure messages with higher importance sent/received before
lower priority messages. Zero is highest priority
Next bit reserved for future use - should be set to zero
Next bit Data Page field used to expand maximum number of possible
Next eight bits Protocol Data Unit Format (PDU F) field - used to
determine if message intended for specific device on network or for
entire network
If value of PDU F < 240, message meant for specific device
If value is 240 or greater, message intended for all devices
Next eight bits Protocol Data Unit Specific (PDU S) field - based on
value of PDU F field
Define and Describe the Purpose of J1939 (cont’d)
Contents and Use of SAE J1939
If PDU F intended for specific device, PDU S is address of specific
device, PDU S field called Destination Address
If PDU F intended for all devices, PDU S is Group Extension field used
to increase number of possible broadcast messages. Format is called
Last eight bits identify address of device that transmitted current
message - Source Address Field
Define and Describe the Purpose of J1939 (concluded)
Contents and Use of SAE J1939
Extended CAN identifier (29 bit)
Bit rate 250 kbit/s
Peer-to-peer and broadcast
Transport protocols for up to
1785 data bytes
Network management
Definition of parameter groups
for commercial vehicles and
Manufacturer specific parameter
groups are supported
Diagnostics features
J1939 Characteristics
Contents and Use of SAE J1939
Sample of a parameter
group definition:
Name: Engine
temperature 1 ET1
Transmission rate: 1s
Data length: 8 bytes
Extended Data Page 0
Data page: 0
PDU format: 254
PDU specific: 238
Default priority: 6
PG Number: 65,262
Description of data:
Byte: 1 Engine Coolant
2 Engine Fuel
Temperature 1
3,4 Engine Oil
Temperature 1
5,6 Engine Turbocharger
Oil Temperature
7 Engine Intercooler
8 Engine Intercooler
Thermostat Opening
J1939 Example
Use of Wireless Access Points and On-
board Internet
Agencies use wireless
access points (WAPs)
to upload / download
data and perform
software updates for
Current WAPs use
IEEE 802.11ac
On-board Wi-Fi for
passengers uses
Use of IEEE 802.11x
Examples of Use of On-board Standards to
Provide a Single-point Logon
Computer-aided Dispatch (CAD) allows for single point
logon for all on-board systems
Driver can initiate systems connected to CAD (e.g., AVL,
Reduces potential for error
Where more than one GPS unit on board provides one GPS
location and time/date stamp for all systems
Keeps operational information being used and generated by
on-board systems synchronized
What is Single-point Logon?
Using Standards to Perform Single-point
Logon to On-board Devices
Capital District Transportation Authority in Albany, NY
Intelligent Transportation Management System (ITSM) includes
bidirectional interface between farebox and MDT/VLU with single
point logon
Over J1708/1587 network
Single point logon shall negate need for operators to logon
Login includes time, date, driver ID no., route, run, trip and/or
pattern, real-time vehicle location, and vehicle number, which shall
be transferred to the MDT/VLU through bidirectional interface
Changes made either by driver or remotely by dispatch through
MDT will update farebox logon and vice versa
Operator shall continue to be able to use all farebox operator
control unit (OCU) features
Examples of Use of On-board Standards to
Provide a Single-point Logon
Single-point Logon at King County Metro
On-Board Architecture
Examples of Use of On-board Standards to
Provide a Single-point Logon
On-Board Systems
(OBS) Project:
Smart bus concept
Stop announcements
Next stop electronic
Destination sign
Automatic passenger
Vehicle monitoring
Installs in progress
King County Metro (continued)
Examples of Use of On-board Standards to
Provide a Single-point Logon
Business need for integration:
Single logon for
Automatic fare zone
Space and power
Maintenance requirements
Network infrastructure
Multiple hardware and
software vendors
Phased implementation
Use of On-board Standards to Provide a
Single-point Logon
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
(WMATA) Single-point Logon
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Research and Technology
Which one of these differences between SAE
J1939 and J1708 is NOT true?
a) J1939 is much faster than J1708
b) J1939 permits a connection of more devices than J1708
c) J1939 is based on the Controller Area Network (CAN)
d) J1939 covers the same number of OSI layers as J1708
Answer Choices
Review of Answers
a) J1939 is much faster than J1708
Incorrect. SAE J1939 has a data rate of 250,000 bits per
second, making it much faster than J1708
b) J1939 permits a connection of more devices than J1708
Incorrect. SAE J1939 also permits a connection of up to 30
units compared to a maximum of 20 for a J1708 network
c) J1939 is based on the Controller Area Network (CAN)
Incorrect. J1708 is not based on the CAN
d) J1939 covers the same number of OSI layers as J1708
Correct! J1939 covers all 7 layers while J1708 only
covers 2
Illustrate how to procure systems
using the most prevalent transit on-
board management standards
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
Identify system integration needs: Using vehicle area
network (VAN) to connect mobile data terminal (MDT) with:
Automatic passenger counter (APC) controller
Digital video recorder (DVR)
Automatic voice annunciation (AVA) controller
Interior AVA dynamic message signs (DMS)
Optional on-board equipment:
Transit signal priority (TSP) emitters
On-board surveillance system
Maintenance network gateways for vehicle component monitoring
Single-point login
Norwalk Transit District (NTD) CAD/AVL System
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
NTD CAD/AVL On-board Systems
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
Vehicle Area Network (VAN)
Farebox Integration
Headsign Integration
APC Installation/ Integration
Optional Vehicle
Component Monitoring
Integration with Interior
Optional Interface with
Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
Emitter (fixed-route only)
NTD CAD/AVL Procurement
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
Single-point login
SAE J1708/1587 to
connect ITMS Vehicle
Logic Unit (VLU) with:
Automatic Passenger
Counters (APC) controller
Global Positioning System
(GPS) receiver
Transit Signal Priority (TSP)
Digital Video Recorder
Automated Vehicle
Announcements (AVA)
Covert alarm
Vehicle diagnostics
Support data transfer
to/from Central Data
System (CDS)
P25 radios
Interior Dynamic Message
Signs (DMS) for AVA
Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA)
Intelligent Transportation Management System (ITMS)
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
SPX-Genfare FastFare™ Fareboxes integration with ITMS
to provide:
GPS data
Single login capability across all on-board systems
Documents and tracks necessary information to define
system’s interface
Communicates inputs and outputs for all potential
actions whether internal to system or transparent
Created during Planning and Design Phases
Helps ensure compatibility between system segments
and components
CDTA ITMS Interface Control Document (ICD)
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
Scope/Purpose of ICD
Physical interface
J1587 Protocol:
MID Assignments
PID Definitions
Application Protocol
Normal Vehicle Power Up
MDT/VLU Power Interruption or Reboot
Farebox Power Interruption or Reboot
Potential ICD Contents: Farebox ITMS Integration
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
MDT/VLU Initiated Logon
Farebox Initiated Logon
Location Reporting
Starting a Trip
Servicing a Stop
Time Synchronization
MDT/VLU Initiated Driver Logoff
Farebox Initiated Driver Logoff
Error Handling
Potential ICD Contents: Farebox ITMS Integration
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1708/1587
CDTA ITMS Additional Testing for Integration
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1939
Vehicle area network (VAN):
New interior DMS that
communicate with automatic voice
announcement (AVA) controller
Automatic passenger counting
(APC) controller integrated with
the on-board mobile data terminal
MDT to collect codes from Engine
Control Module, Transmission
Control Module and Automatic
Braking System
Optional DVR
Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority
(AAATA) CAD/AVL Hardware and Software
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1939
AAATA CAD/AVL On-board Systems
Case Study of Procuring System(s) Using
SAE J1939
AAATA CAD/AVL Procurement
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Research and Technology
What is an interface control document (ICD)?
a) Documents and tracks necessary information to define system’s
b) Communicates inputs and outputs for all potential actions whether
internal to system or transparent
c) Helps ensure compatibility between system segments and
d) All of the above
Answer Choices
Review of Answers
a) Documents and tracks necessary information to define system’s
Incorrect. This answer is correct along with b and c
b) Communicates inputs and outputs for all potential actions
whether internal to system or transparent
Incorrect. This answer is correct along with a and c
c) Helps ensure compatibility between system segments and
Incorrect. This answer is correct along with a and b
d) All of the above
Correct! All statements are correct
Module Summary
1. Reviewed the structure and use of data
exchange standards for Transit Management
2. Identified and described contents and use of
SAE J1587/J1708 and J1939, and provided
examples of single-point logon using standards
3. Provided case studies of procuring systems
using SAE J1587/J1708 and J1939
4. Identified what is included in specifications
Module Summary
1. The use of data exchange standards for Transit Management
systems allow agencies to use components/systems from multiple
2. The use of SAE J1708 must include J1587 as well
3. The selection of standard(s) to incorporate in functional
specifications is based on the standard’s availability, applicability,
maturity and the vendorsuse and acceptance of the standard
4. SAE J1708 is outdated, so transit agency may want to consider
moving their on-board systems to use J1939
Lessons Learned
Module Summary
5. Agencies have experienced cost savings through the use of on-
board transit standards, as shown in the CARTA case study
6. The use of on-board transit standards facilitates the replacement of
on-board components/systems
7. An Interface Control Document (ICD) documents the necessary
information required to effectively define a system’s interface as
well as any rules for communicating with them
8. Single-point login requires the use of on-board transit standards
Lessons Learned (continued)
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