EVENT PROPOSAL 1 of 1 10/16/2014
Thank you for considering the City of Saint Paul for your event. In order to better assist you with the application
process, please complete this form. Your proposal will be reviewed by the Director of Parks and Recreation, a
representative from the Mayor’s office and any other City Department as deemed necessary. Once your proposal has
been reviewed you will be contacted by a City of Saint Paul Event Coordinator to further discuss the status of your
proposed event.
Event Information
Name of Event:
Proposed Event Site:
Proposed Event Dates:
Event History
Is this a new event, or have you held this event at another
venue? If not a new event, where was the previous venue?
What was the daily attendance? Why are you interested in
changing venues?
Proposed Event Specifics
What type of event are you proposing? Ie. Walk/run,
community event, concert etc.
Projected daily attendance:
Who is your target audience?
How will your proposed event be funded?
Is this your first time producing an event? If no, please list
your past production experience.
Will your proposed event include food, alcohol,
merchandise sales, pyrotechnics, and/or music? If yes,
please include details.
How will your event benefit the City of Saint Paul and the
surrounding communities?
Contact information including name, phone number,
mailing address and email:
Please include a proposed site map for your event.
Please include any additional documents that pertain to
your event. Ie. Advertisements, event website, etc.
To view additional information on rental facilities please visit our website at www.stpaul.gov
If you have any questions, please contact Kate.Fr[email protected]ul.mn.us (Harriet Island Events Coordinator) at 651-
292-7010 or Stacy.Gillin[email protected]ul.mn.us (Citywide Special Events Coordinator) at 651-632-2447
Return completed form to:
City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation
Attention: Special Event Coordinators
25 W. 4th Street, 400 City Hall Annex
Saint Paul, MN 55101