Fraternity & Sorority
Event Planning Checklist
This checklist is designed to allow you to successfully plan events and track your
progress. Each checklist is intended to be used for one event. It includes multiple areas
and assignments in which are typical of planning a successful Greek event. Not all
categories may be necessary and some may need to be added but this should be used as
an outline.
EVENT TITLE: __________________________________________________________
DATE AND TIME: ________________________________________________________
LOCATION: _____________________________________________________________
COORDINATOR(S): ______________________________________________________
Select a date and time
Schedule room or venue
*Estimated Attendance ______
Create event layout and design
Consider the following:
Number of chairs
Number of tables
Av Equipment
Music (DJ, playlist)
Fill out off campus event notification
form (Orgsync)
Announce event date and time to all
chapter delegates
(4 weeks prior)
If mandatory event, set minimum
attendance requirement
(Via delegate vote)
Form committee
Fraternity & Sorority
Event Planning Checklist
Schedule committee meetings up till the
Review budget with treasurer
Establish a budget if none exists.
Make an estimate of expenses
File CAB funding request form
(1 month prior)
Present to CAB board
(3 weeks prior to event)
Risk Management
(Refer to FIPG for protocols)
Hire security
Apply for single event insurance
Purchase wrist bands
Review vendor licenses and insurance
Plan for entrance and exit capability
Are you providing/arranging
Get a quote
Book transportation
Organize Designated Drivers
Wavier forms
(Consult Greek Advisor)
Create a marketing plan
How will you promote this event
Who is in charge of promotion
When will you start promoting
Create or have flyers, posters and social
media flyers designed
(Contact ASI graphics- 4 weeks prior to event)
Post posters
Submit request for display case
Design display case
Fraternity & Sorority
Event Planning Checklist
Submit request for TV monitors
Submit job request for printed materials
(Contact CSUSB Printing Services)
Order marketing/ promotional items
Create T-shirt design
Purchase T-shirts
Create a tabling schedule
Guest list
Check in supplies or papers
Create agenda
Create script
Create PowerPoint
Design program
Items needed for event purchased
Role assignment of those involved
Set up crew
Clean up crew
Check-in table
Parking lot clearance
(2 weeks prior)
Purchase door prizes and raffles
Directional signage
Coordinate payments for any vendors
needing payment day of event
Shopping list
Table clothes
Fraternity & Sorority
Event Planning Checklist
Order food from Sodexo
Sodexo sign off on outside food
Purchase food and drinks
Fill out EHS Food sales/service on
campus form
Purchase napkins, plates, cups,
silverware, gloves
Containers to keep drinks cold
Speakers/ Presenters
Find a speaker or presenter
Obtain contract
(Consult Greek advisor prior to any contract
being signed)
Request/ purchase parking permits for
off-campus guests
After the event
Create itemized expense report
Complete all reimbursement requests
and submit all receipts
Complete Event Report Summary
Send thank you notes
All reimbursement paid
All contracts paid
Invoice for event space paid
Additional Tasks