Today’s Date: ___________________________
General Information:
Event Name:
Event Date:
Proposed Alternative Dates:
Event Time:
Event Location:
Proposed Alternative Locations:
Event Contact Person(s)/ Coordinator(s):
Contact Information for Coordinator:
Phone:( ) Ext:
Objective/ Purpose of Event:
Description of Event:
Expected Attendance:
Proposed Budget:
Four to Six Weeks Before Event:
Reserve space for event:
- Student Center spaces, classroom/ academic spaces, Goldstein Aud, Tabling, Qu
Barnes Center Reservation Form - Barnes Center spaces, Women’s Building, Women’s Field
Hendricks Chapel Form- Main Chapel or Noble Room
Submit Event and Technical Service Needs:
ETS Estimate Form
for event/tech needs in student center spaces
LEMP for tech needs in academic spaces (view classroom listings for included technology)
NOTE: If not using ETS, contact DPS and Facilities for event security and any other facility needs (ie.
Trash pickup)
Submit Catering Needs:
Catering Event Order Form
NOTE: this would include catering requests from an outside party. Catering will only contract out
cuisine they cannot make on campus.
Get Quotes for Speaker/ Artist/ Performer/ Entertainment
NOTE: send quotes and contact information to your consultant. They will manage offer
letter/contracting needs. Students are not authorized to provide or sign these documents.
Submit Event Request to Student Engagement Office
Complete Event Submission Form
in Cuse Activities
Once approved, this event form will become your Cuse Activities event promotion and also be
posted on both the digital signage and Syracuse University event calendars.
E: Approval is required via this form prior to any event promotions. Approval is contingent on
funding and consultant review of university policy/procedure compliance.
Develop Budget and Secure Funding
Budget Template (this is a just a resource)
Student Association- Budget Request Form
Three to Four Weeks Before Event:
Work with consultant to purchase event supplies, review attendance tracking plans, and confirm
campus partner and external vendor contracts
Submit Ticket Order Form
if the event will be ticketed through the box office
Review attendance tracking plans with consultant
Solidify all promotional, marketing, and branding strategies
Submit RSO Digital Signage Request Form
One to Two Weeks Before Event:
Meet with ETS Lead if event is in SCPS space
Post and disperse all publicity, marketing, and promotional items following university policy
Double check all arrangements
Day of Event:
Arrive to event at least 1-3 hours prior to event with Event Staff and Advisor
Contact artist/ live entertainment
Ensure that all decorations are properly displayed
Check all lighting, sound, and items pertaining to production
Ensure that food is set up properly
Assign organization representative(s) to the door for check-in and greeting
After the Event:
Assist in cleaning facility- leave things as they were prior to event setup
Complete post-event
evaluation to keep in archives, including attendance count
Make sure all promotions regarding event are taken down/ removed within 24 hours
Send accolades, and thank you notes to all those that assisted/volunteered