Intro to the TI calculator TI-82
(Finding the output, given an input value)
Q: According to the Toys R Us 1995 annual report, the number of stores between
the years 1984 and 1994 can be modeled by the following equation:
y = 2x
+ 56 x - 53
stores, where x is the number of years after 1980.
Use this model to estimate the number of stores in 1985 and in 1993.
This handout will teach four methods of evaluating the right hand side of an equation
(an expression) for a given value of x. The methods will include arithmetic, tables,
graphs and function notation on the TI-82 graphing calculator.
To answer the previous questions, first let x = 5 for 1985 (5 years after 1980) and x = 13 for
1993. These will be the input values used to find the corresponding number of stores in
each year (the output values).
METHOD #1: Arithmetic on the graphing calculator
1. Using x = 5, type the numerical expression
(the right hand side of the equation) onto the
home screen. Hit ENTER to evaluate.
There were 277 stores in 1985.
2. To answer the second question, let
X = 13. Instead of retyping the entire
expression, hit 2
ENTER and the last
expression will appear again. Use
the arrow keys to backspace and
replace each 5 with a 13, then
hit ENTER to reevaluate. (Use
the insert key: INS – above DEL,
for the 13.)
There were 1013 stores in 1993.
Intro to the TI calculator :expressions TI-82 P2
For the remaining methods, the equation will need to be typed into the “Y= “ screen as
Hit “Y=” and type the equation into Y1.
(To get back to the home screen, hit 2
METHOD #2: Using a table on the graphing calculator
The TI-82 is capable of showing a table of values for the equation(s) stored in the “Y=”
screen. The table can be set to begin at any value of x. Because the first x value to be
evaluated in the problem is x = 5, set the table to begin there (TblMin). The table must
also be set for a distance between x values. Since x represents the number of years
after 1980 it would make sense to let the distance between x values be 1 (Tbl).
1. Make sure the equation is typed
into Y1. Hit “Y=” and type in
the equation. (It was already
typed in for this problem. )
2. Hit 2
TBL SET. Set TblMin to
be 5 and Tbl to be 1.
3. Hit 2
TABLE to view the table.
There were 277 stores in 1985.
4. To answer the second question,
scroll down the table using the
down arrow key until the x value
of 13 can be seen in the window.
There were 1013 stores in 1993
Intro to the TI calculator :expressions TI-82 P3
METHOD #3: Using a graph on the graphing calculator
The TI-82 is capable of using a graph of an equation stored in the “Y=” screen to find an
output value for any input value within a given window. The first thing to do is to set up
the viewing window. To use the “value” feature, the input values to be used must be
within the window. Set the x values of the window to be between 0 and 15 (Xmin and
Xmax), to include x = 5 and x = 13. Xscl is used to show tick marks on the x-axis; set this
value to be 5, to show a tick mark every 5 units.
The y values on this graph represent the number of stores in a given year. An idea of the
output values must be known to be able to set them. Set the y values of the window to
be between 0 and 1200 (Ymin and Ymax), and the Yscl to be 100.
1. Make sure the equation is in
Y1. Hit “Y=” and type in the
equation. (It was already typed
into Y1)
2. Set the window by hitting WINDOW.
Use the values in the screen to the
3. To view the graph hit GRAPH.
4. To find the output value at x=5,
hit 2
CALC and then choose
1:value. Type in a 5 after
Eval X=”. Hit ENTER.
There were 277 stores in 1985.
5. Follow the same steps for x = 13.
There were 1013 stores in 1993.
Intro to the TI calculator :expressions TI-82 P4
METHOD #4: Using function notation on the graphing calculator
The TI-82 is capable of recognizing function notation. To use this feature, an equation
must be stored into the “Y=” screen. The name of the function will be the location the
equation is stored in (i.e. Y1). Find Y1(5) and Y1(13) as follows:
1. Make sure the equation to be
used is typed into Y1. Hit “Y=” and
type in the equation. (It was already
typed into Y1.)
2. The process must be started from the
home screen. Go to the home screen
by hitting 2
Quit. Get the variable
name Y1 by hitting 2
3. Choose 1:Function, then Y1.
“Y1” should show up on the home
4. Finish the function notation by
typing “(5)”. Hit ENTER to evaluate.
There were 277 stores in 1985
5. To answer the second question,
retrieve the last statement
by hitting 2
ENTER. Edit it
using the arrow keys to replace the
5 with a 13. Hit ENTER.
There were 1013 stores in 1993.