Curriculum Vitae: Caroline Van Schoubroeck
Personal information
Professor (hoogleraar)
KU Leuven Faculty of Law, Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Born on January 18, 1960 (Turnhout, Belgium), married, 3 children
Current Profession
Professor KU Leuven (hoogleraar)(75%).
Faculty of Law, Department of economic law, Institute of Insurance Law
Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven.
Head Institute of Insurance Law, KU Leuven.
Currently teaching at KU Leuven the courses on: Insurance Law; Occupational
pensions and health insurance (co with prof. Y. Stevens) (Faculty of Law, Master of
Law); European Insurance Law (Faculty of Law, LL.M., Erasmus program/ Faculty of
Economics and Business, Master Actuarial and Financial Engineering); Introduction
to Insurance law (Faculty of Economics and Business, Master Actuarial and Financial
Engineering); Principles of Belgian contract, liability and insurance law (Faculty of
Medicine, Master of Forensic Odontology).
Member of the Antwerp (section Turnhout) Bar (Law office Schuermans Advocaten).
Since 26 March 2009: Chair of the Belgian Commission des Assurances/Commissie
voor Verzekeringen (advisory board on insurance regulation reporting to the Minister
in charge of insurance law and regulation) (Member since July 1999).
PhD in Law, KU Leuven, July 1993.
Master of Laws (LL.M.), Harvard Law School, Cambridge M.A., USA, 1984.
Licentiate of Law, KU Leuven, 1983.
Membership of research groups
Since 2013: Co-founding Member of the Interuniversitair Centrum voor
Aansprakelijkheids- en Verzekeringsrecht (UAntwerp, UGhent, VUB and KU Leuven).
Since 2011: Co-coordinator Themis School for Postacademic Legal Training KU
Leuven, section Liability and Insurance law.
Since 2007: Member of the research group on occupational pensions (chair prof. Y.
Stevens KU Leuven and prof. N.Torfs UHasselt).
Since 1996: Senior research fellow Ius Commune Research school (Section Tort and
Insurance) (University Maastricht, University Utrecht, University Amsterdam and KU
2010 - 2013: Member of the expert group Legal (insurance and tort law) of the PWO-
Project (Projectmatig wetenschappelijk onderzoek) KH Leuven on Risk competences
of young children - Riscki.
October 2008 - October 2011: Belgian expert of the international comparative law
project on Public liability in Europe, Promotor prof. Oliver Dorr, University of
Osnabruck. Project funded by Fritz Thyssen Foundation in Germany.
2000: Contributing author International Panel Climate Change-IPCC WG2 Third
Assessment Report, Chapter 8. Financial Services.
Membership of scientific associations
2020: Member of the Presidential Council of AIDA World.
Since 2019: Member of the European Law Institute and the Special Interest Group
(SIG) on Insurance law.
Since 2016: Member of the Academic Advisory Committee IETL-Institute for
European Traffic Law.
Since 2015: Staff member of LRisk KU Leuven and Member of the Steering Committee
of the former Center for Risk and Insurance Studies-CRIS KU Leuven 1989)
Since December 2009: President of the Belgian Section of AIDA - International
Association of Insurance Law,
Since 1987: Member of the Belgian-Dutch Insurance Association (Belgisch
Nederlands Verzekeringsrechtelijk Genootschap) and Secretary of the Belgian
Holder of the TPR-Wisselleerstoel 2000-2001, research secondment at the Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, Section Private Law, Chaired by Prof. Dr.
C.C. van Dam.
BAEF Fellow (Hoover Fellow) (1983-1984).
Promotor of the MSc thesis of Dries Neels (entitled: Jongeren en de familiale
verzekering: zijn jongeren voldoende beschermd?), defended at KU Leuven; AFI
thesis prize (1,000 euro) in July 2014 for the best MSc thesis in insurance.
Editorial board of scientific journals
Since 2017: Member Editorial Board AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance
Law and Regulation
Since 2012: Member Editorial Board EJCCL - European Journal of Commercial
Contract Law.
Since 2000: Member Editorial Board RW - Rechtskundig Weekblad.
Since 1999: Member Editorial Board Tweetalige Wetboeken Story, Wetboek van
Koophandel, sector Ondernemingsrecht - Codes Bilingues Story, Code de
commerce, Droit commercial.
Since 1999: Member Editorial Board Verzekeringen: Artikelsgewijze Commentaar met
overzicht van Rechtspraak en rechtsleer.
Since 1987: Member Editorial Board Revue belge droit du Commerce - Tijdschrift
voor Belgisch Handelsrecht -TBH.
1999-2002: Member Editorial Board AJT-Algemeen Juridisch Tijdschrift.
1988-1996: Member Editorial Board Revue Droit de la Consommation-Tijdschrift
Consumentenrecht -DCCR).