Consortium agreements for
research projects
Multiparty agreements
Belgian contract law
International Conference
Institute of the law of obligations
Leuven, Belgium
26 August 2011
Aim of the conference
Consortium agreements for research projects of the European
Commission are managed in Brussels. Therefore, Belgian
law is often applicable to these contracts. As organizations
from all European Union member states and associated
countries are potential contracting parties, legal advisors
of these organizations have many questions about Belgian
contract law and multiparty agreements. This inspired
the Institute of the law of obligations of the K.U.Leuven
to bring together Belgian experts of contract law in order
to look at model agreements from a Belgian contract law
perspective and to try to answer as many “frequently asked
questions” as possible:
What is the role of good faith and fair dealing in
Belgian contract law?
What is “damage” in case of a contractual default?
What is a valid way of limiting liability?
Can you terminate a contract by simple notice?
The conference papers will be published by Intersentia
in a book (ISBN n° 978-94-000-0196-1) available on
the day of the conference.
President: Mr. Bruno Lambrecht, Legal Counsel K.U.Leuven
Research & Development
Morning session: Basic principles of contract law
and conclusion of the contract
9.00: Registration and coffee
9.45-10.00: Welcome by the President
Basic principles of contract law and the role
of good faith and fair dealing (drs. Annekatrien
Lenaerts, Ph. D. Fellow of the Research
Foundation – Flanders, K.U.Leuven)
10.40-11.20: Dynamic conclusion of the contract
and proof (Prof. dr. Ilse Samoy and
Mrs. Tâm Dang Vu, K.U.Leuven, U.Hasselt)
Procedural aspects and Private Inter national
Law (Prof. dr. Thalia Kruger, UAntwerpen)
12.00-12.30: Discussion
12.30-13.30: Lunch (Hall Oude Valk)
Afternoon session: Performance and non-performance
and termination of the contract
Contractual liability by non performance and
termination by fault (Prof. dr. Sophie Stijns,
K.U.Leuven and Dr. Kristof Vanhove,
Postdoctoral Researcher K.U.Leuven
and lawyer Monard & D’Hulst)
14.10-14.50: Non performance and termination without
fault: impediment, hardship and ending by
notice (Mr. Luc Demeyere, lawyer, and
Mr. Maaike Visser, lawyer, contrast)
14.50-15.15: Discussion
15.15-15.30: Coffee
Clauses on liability and damages
(Mr. Olivier Vanden Berghe, partner
Liedekerke Wolters Waelboeck Kirkpatrick)
Third parties and prescription
(Prof. dr. Vincent Sagaert, K.U.Leuven,
Campus Kortrijk and lawyer Eubelius)
Discussion and conclusion by the President
Instituut voor Verbintenissenrecht
Prof. dr. Ilse Samoy
Tiensestraat 41
BE-3000 Leuven, België
Scientific organization
Prof. dr. Ilse Samoy, Institute of the law of obligations,
Faculty of law K.U.Leuven, U.Hasselt
Practical information
Themis Congress Service
(Ms. Sabrina Goossens)
tel. + 32 16 32 87 01, fax + 32 16 32 87 24
26 August 2011
Zeger van Hee, Oude Valk, Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
(10 min. walk from Leuven train station)
before 19 August 2011
Registration fee
€ 175 (including the book, available on the conference day),
upon receipt of invoice
Members of the law faculty K.U.Leuven can participate for free
(without the book).
In case of cancellation until 19 August 2011, € 25 will be
charged for administration costs. In case of cancellation
after 19 August 2011 the total registration fee remains due.
Replacement by a colleague is possible if notified in time.
We accept only written cancellations.
for Belgian lawyers requested;
for Belgian magistrates requested.
Hotel suggestion
Mercure Leuven Center (;
K.U.Leuven discount)