WASHINGTON DC 20330-1000
6 April 2022
SUBJECT: Department of the Air Force Guidance Memorandum to DAFI 36-3003, Military
Leave Program
By order of the Secretary of the Air Force, AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program, is immediately
renamed Department of the Air Force Instruction (DAFI) 36-3003, Military Leave Program. Compliance
with this memorandum is mandatory. This Department of the Air Force Guidance Memorandum
(DAFGM) immediately implements changes to DAFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program. To the extent its
directions are inconsistent with other Department of the Air Force publications, the information herein
prevails, in accordance with DAFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management.
This publication applies to uniformed members of the Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve and
the Air National Guard serving under the provisions of Title 10 United States Code (USC) or full-time
under Title 32 USC. This instruction also applies to the United States Space Force (USSF) unless and until
such time as separate service guidance is published. In this event, USSF guidance shall prevail in
application to the USSF. The specific changes to DAFI 36-3003 incorporate a new Permissive Temporary
Duty (PTDY) rule in Table 3.6. The new rule will allow Airmen and Guardians undergoing fertility
treatments to use PTDY to travel to a military medical treatment facility. This DAFGM also incorporates
the updated provisions in DoDI 1327.06, Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures, 15 June 2009,
authorizing members who attend Transition Assistance Program (TAP) classes outside their geographic
area of assignment to begin PTDY travel to attend those seminars beginning 365 days before retirement.
Further, this DAFGM brings DAFI 36-3003 into compliance with the Office of the Secretary of Defense
Independent Review Commission Recommendation (IRC)-Implementation Roadmap, 13 October 2021,
and its Tier 1 recommendation—“4.3c IRC recommends ability for survivors of sexual assault to receive
non-chargeable time off in order to receive necessary care and recovery.”
This memorandum becomes void after one year has elapsed from the date of this memorandum, or
upon publication of an interim change or rewrite of DAFI 36-3003, whichever is earlier.
Acting Assistant Secretary
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
Guidance Changes
Attachment 1
Chapter 3Types of Leave.
Excess Leave
*Table 3.5, Rule 10. Deleted.
* Deleted.
* Deleted.
* Deleted.
* Deleted.
* Deleted.
* Deleted.
Convalescent Leave Requests
Table 3.4, Rule 10. Added
Column A: If member is a survivor of a sexual assault
Column B: and has either a restricted or an unrestricted report
Column C: commanders may approve, upon recommendation of competent medical authority up to 30 days
during a member’s permanent duty station assignment. The 30 days may be used intermittently, as needed.
If approved, Airmen and Guardians are authorized the convalescent leave to receive support or allow time
for recovery either locally or outside the local area. For restricted reports, the survivor’s confidentiality will
be preserved to the maximum extent possible, and by only communicating the time off or the basis thereof
to those with a need to know. (T-3).
Permissive TDY
*Table 3.6, Rule 5. Changed.
Column A: to attend a DoD-sponsored employment seminar under the Transition Assistance Program when
the member cannot schedule one locally and when the member will separate or retire within 365 days. (T-
*Table 3.6, Rule 24. Added.
Column A: Fertility Treatments.
Column B: Then commanders may authorize up to 35 Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY) days during the
member's permanent duty station assignment, not all of which must be used consecutively; instead, the days
may be used as needed and as recommended by medical authority for male and female Airmen and
Guardians, who are participating in a fertility treatment program at a military Medical Treatment Facility
Column C: This 35-day period may be divided into separate PTDYs as deemed appropriate by medical
authorities. Members are required to notify their commands with documentation from medical authorities
detailing the duration of the treatments and the potential dates for medical procedures. (T-1).
The following changes are not policy updates but serve to clarify existing policies:
Chapter 3 Types of Leave Changed. Do not extend such leave for a period of more than 14 consecutive days.
(T-0). Use PTDY Table 3.6, Rule 51 until LeaveWeb is updated to allow for an emergency leave of
absence leave type.
Non-chargeable leave Changed. Is limited to 42 days of non-chargeable leave and must begin within one year of the
qualifying birth event or adoption. (T-0). A designated primary caregiver may elect to receive a period of
primary caregiver leave that is less than 42 days. Use PTDY Table 3.6, Rule 18 until LeaveWeb is updated
to allow for a caregiver leave type. Changed. If taken in conjunction with ordinary leave (other than terminal leave or PTDY), the
primary caregiver leave must be taken before the ordinary leave. (T-0). If taken in conjunction with both
maternity convalescent leave and ordinary leave (other than terminal leave or PTDY), the order in which
the types of leave must be taken is as follows: maternity convalescent leave, primary caregiver leave,
ordinary leave. (T-0). Changed. Is limited to 21 days of non-chargeable leave and must begin within one year of a
qualifying birth event or adoption. (T-0). A designated secondary caregiver may elect to receive a period
of secondary caregiver leave that is less than 21 days. Use PTDY Table 3.6, Rule 19 until LeaveWeb is
updated to allow for a caregiver leave type. Changed. If taken in conjunction with ordinary leave (other than terminal leave or PTDY), the
secondary caregiver leave must be taken before the ordinary leave. If taken in conjunction with both
maternity convalescent leave and ordinary leave (other than terminal leave or PTDY), the order in which
the types of leave must be taken is as follows: maternity convalescent leave, secondary caregiver leave,
ordinary leave. (T-0). Added. To the extent they are otherwise eligible, covered Service members who take maternity
convalescent leave, primary caregiver leave or secondary caregiver leave may be authorized terminal leave
in accordance with DoDI 1327.06 and/or sell back leave in accordance with 37 USC § 501 and Department
of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Volume 7A, Chapter 35, para 2.0. Deleted.
Table 3.6
Rule 2. Changed.
Column C: Note: Members who are involuntary separated under honorable conditions are authorized PTDY
not to exceed 10 days.
Rule 3. Changed.
Column C: Note: Members who are involuntary separated under honorable conditions are authorized PTDY
not to exceed 10 days.
Rule 23. Changed.
Column A: To participate in the SkillBridge Program, which offers Service members in the last 180 days of
their service obligation the opportunity for civilian training for post-Service employment, and facilitates
their access to civilian employment upon transition. DoDI 1322.29, Job Training, Employment Skills
Training, Apprenticeships, and Internships (JTEST-AI) for Eligible Service Members and DAFI 36-2670,
Total Force Development, para 6.10, SkillBridge Program.
Column B: when mission permits, unit commanders may judiciously approve up to 180 days for
SkillBridge training. PTDY dates and number of days must match the commander-approved SkillBridge
application. (T-1). Note: Ideally, SkillBridge programs are 120 days or less.
Column C: (1) Member and commander must follow SkillBridge policy in DAFI 36-2670, para 6.10. (T-
1). (2) Terminal Leave may be used in conjunction with SkillBridge PTDY, but all combined dates must be
within 180 days from separation or retirement. (T-1). (3) Members will upload their approved Air Force
Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) SkillBridge application in LeaveWeb as the PTDY source document.
Chapter 6 Unique Leave Provisions.
6.2.1. Added. If the member takes 11 days or more enroute, the Consecutive Overseas Travel (COT)
entitlement has been used. Note: The number of non-COT leave days the member may take enroute is
limited to 10 days. Members who had their COT leave travel entitlement deferred but exceeded the 10-day
leave limitation may request a review of their circumstances. (T-1).
6.2.2. Added. Members must submit a written request for review of their circumstances through their chain
of command via their servicing Military Personnel Section to AF/A1PA. (T-1). See AFMAN 65-114,
TravelProcedures for Financial Management Flights, Finance Offices-Reserve Components, Air Force
Installation and Mission Support Center-Finance Component for specifics.
6.11.4. Added. Members of the Air Force Reserve are not authorized leave enroute when transitioning
from a deployed Area of Responsibility or the Deployment Transition Center prior to home station return.
24 AUGUST 2020
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at for downloading or ordering.
RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
Supersedes: AFI36-3003, 11 May 2016
Certified by: SAF/MR
(Mr. John A. Fedrigo)
Pages: 72
This publication implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-30, Military Entitlements. It
has been developed in collaboration between the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel
and Services (AF/A1), the Chief of the Air Force Reserve (AF/RE) and the Director of the Air
National Guard (NGB/CF). It administers guidance on military leave, administrative absences,
permissive temporary duty (PTDY), and pass programs, to include Special Leave Accrual (SLA)
and Post Deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence (PDMRA). This instruction applies to
Regular Air Force (RegAF) military members, Air Force Reserve (AFR) and Air National Guard
(ANG) members serving under the provisions of Title 10 United States Code (USC) or full-time
under 32 USC.
This instruction requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected by the
Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by Title 10 United States Code, Section 9013, Secretary of the
Air Force. The applicable System of Records Notices F036 AF PC C, Military Personnel
Records System and F036 AF FM A, Leave Request and Approval System are available at
Ensure all records generated as a result of processes prescribed in this publication adhere to Air
Force Instruction (AFI) 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program,
and are disposed in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule, which is
located in the Air Force Records Information Management System. Refer recommended
changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility using Air
Force (AF) Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF Forms 847 from
the field through the appropriate functional chain of command. This publication may be
2 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
supplemented at any level, but all supplements that directly implement this publication must be
routed to the office of responsibility for coordination. All Major Command (MAJCOM)-level
supplements must be approved by the Human Resource Management Strategic Board prior to
certification and approval. The authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this
publication are identified with a Tier (“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following the compliance
statement. See AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, for a description of the
authorities associated with the Tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of
command to the appropriate Tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the requestors
commander for non-tiered compliance items. The use of the name or mark of any specific
manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply
endorsement by the Air Force.
This document has been substantially revised and needs to be completely reviewed. This
revision incorporates changes directed by Department of Defense (DoD) Guidance for
Implementation of the Military Parental Leave Program, dated 23 March 2018. Military
Parental Leave Program guidance described in paragraph 3.2.2 replaced Maternity, Parental and
Adoption Leave entitlements. Changes to paragraphs and highlight the
possible availability of convalescent leave (non-chargeable) for Primary or Secondary Caregivers
after the loss of a child. Additionally, approval authority for Emergency Leave of Absence is
delegated to unit commanders, Special Leave Accrual (SLA) language in Chapter 5 is clarified,
and participation in the SkillBridge Program replaced the Career Skills Program in Table 3.6,
Authorizing Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY).
Chapter 1OVERVIEW 5
1.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 5
1.2. Roles and Responsibilities. ...................................................................................... 5
2.1. Military Leave Program. .......................................................................................... 8
2.2. Leave Approval Authority. ...................................................................................... 8
2.3. Leave Disapproval Authority. .................................................................................. 8
2.4. Leave Accrual. ......................................................................................................... 9
Table 2.1. Leave Accrual. ......................................................................................................... 9
Table 2.2. Leave Accrual to Date of Separation. ...................................................................... 10
2.5. Disability Separation. ............................................................................................... 11
2.6. Leave Outside the United States (OCONUS). ......................................................... 11
2.7. Holidays. .................................................................................................................. 11
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 3
2.8. Miscellaneous Information. ..................................................................................... 12
Chapter 3TYPES OF LEAVE 15
3.1. Chargeable Leave. ................................................................................................... 15
Table 3.1. Determining Duty or Chargeable Leave. ................................................................. 17
Table 3.2. Non-Accrual Days. .................................................................................................. 19
Table 3.3. Emergency Leave Requests. .................................................................................... 22
3.2. Non-chargeable Leave. ............................................................................................ 26
Table 3.4. Convalescent Leave Requests. ................................................................................. 28
Table 3.5. Voluntary Excess Leave Requests. .......................................................................... 35
Table 3.6. Authorizing Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY). ................................................. 41
4.1. Regular and Special Pass Information: .................................................................... 50
4.2. Regular Pass. ............................................................................................................ 50
4.3. Special Pass.............................................................................................................. 50
4.4. Regular and Special Pass Guidelines. ...................................................................... 51
5.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 52
5.2. SLA Eligibility. ........................................................................................................ 52
5.3. Restoring Leave Lost on 1 October. ........................................................................ 53
5.4. Terms of Leave Carry-over. ..................................................................................... 53
5.5. SLA Approval Authority. ........................................................................................ 53
5.6. SLA Disapproval. .................................................................................................... 54
5.7. Exceptions To Policy (ETP). ................................................................................... 54
5.8. SLA Not Authorized. ............................................................................................... 54
5.9. Members not eligible for SLA. ................................................................................ 54
5.10. Submitting SLA Requests. ....................................................................................... 54
6.1. In-Place Consecutive Overseas Tour (IPCOT). ....................................................... 55
6.2. Deferred Consecutive Overseas Tour (COT)........................................................... 55
4 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
6.3. Scheduling Travel. ................................................................................................... 55
6.4. COT or IPCOT Designated Places. ......................................................................... 56
6.5. Special Rest and Recuperation or Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program. ... 56
6.6. Rest and Recuperation. ............................................................................................ 57
6.7. Recruiter Assistance Program (RAP). ..................................................................... 58
6.8. Air Force Academy Leave Program. ....................................................................... 58
6.9. Personnel Detailed or Assigned to the United Nations for Peace Operations. ........ 58
6.10. Reserve Component (RC) Carryover Leave. ........................................................... 59
6.11. Reserve Component OCONUS Leave En Route. .................................................... 60
7.1. Purpose..................................................................................................................... 63
7.2. Creditable Time for Active Component. ................................................................. 63
7.3. Creditable Time for Reserve Component (RC). ...................................................... 63
7.4. PDMRA Accrual Rates. ........................................................................................... 63
Table 7.1. PDMRA (for deployment/mobilization accomplished on or after 1 October
2011). ....................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 7.1. PDMRA accrual rate for eligible Airmen in a CZTE area....................................... 65
Figure 7.2. PDMRA accrual rate for eligible 10 USC §§ 12301(a), 12302, or 12304 RC
Airmen outside the US (non-CZTE area). ............................................................... 65
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 5
Chapter 1
1.1. Overview. This instruction is the authority for chargeable and non-chargeable leave, as
well as liberty (regular pass). It also is the authority unit commanders use to grant a 3- or 4-day
special pass for special occasions and circumstances.
1.2. Roles and Responsibilities.
1.2.1. Air Force Military Compensation Policy Division (AF/A1PA). Develops and
maintains personnel guidance for the administration of the military leave program.
1.2.2. Air Force Personnel Center Commander (AFPC/CC). Works directly with Air Force Military Compensation Policy Division
(AF/A1PA) to support program administration. Implements military leave program policy as outlined in this instruction and in
conjunction with other offices as appropriate.
1.2.3. Major Command Manpower, Personnel and Services (MAJCOM/A1), Direct
Reporting Unit (DRU)/A1 or Equivalent. Ensures subordinate units receive updates/changes to the military leave program. Air Force Reserve Command Force Management (AFRC/A1KK) will
disseminate guidance to subordinate units. National Guard Bureau Manpower, Personnel and Services (NGB/A1) ensures
guidance is disseminated and implemented by states/wings. Grants extensions for unfunded Environmental and Morale Leave.
1.2.4. Installation Finance, Comptroller Squadron (CPTS). Functional manager for base-level leave accounting. Monitors LeaveWeb.
1.2.5. Military Personnel Flight (MPF). Updates leave on AF Form 988, Leave/Request Authorization when a unit does
not have a Unit Leave Monitor. (T-3) Advises members of limitation on total of 60 days of leave that can be sold back
in a career. (T-0) Ensures members sign statements of understanding that they normally do not
return to duty when terminal leave begins. (T-3) Exception: Unit commanders may
recall members from leave due to military necessity or urgent, unforeseen circumstances. Ensures members do not change established dates of separation for the pupose of
taking unused leave. (T-3)
6 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 Ensures members taking ordinary leave instead of terminal leave return 15 days
before their scheduled dates of separation or retirement to prevent pay problems. (T-3) Ensures members remain assigned to their organizations until they separate or
retire. (T-3)
1.2.6. Unit/Squadron Commanders or Equivalents. Establish annual leave programs to give members opportunity to use leave. (T-1) Enforce Air Force and command-approved leave guidelines. (T-1) Make sure members who refuse to take leave understand their obligation to
comply with unit leave programs and that refusal to take leave may result in the loss of
earned leave at a later date. (T-1) Instruct members to schedule leave within operational requirements and follow
their leave schedule. (T-1) Encourage members to use accrued leave and take at least 14 continuous days
each fiscal year whenever possible. (T-1) Inform members that there may be instances of leave disapproval or cancellation
due to military necessity. (T-3) Ensure members schedule leave annually at the beginning of the fiscal year and
update their leave schedule periodically. (T-3) Advise members who schedule “use or lose” leave in August or September that
they risk losing leave on 1 October if military requirements or personal circumstances
prevent them from taking leave at that particular time. (T-1) Approve or deny emergency leave on a case-by-case basis in accordance with
Chapter 3. (T-1) Seek, if necessary, American Red Cross verification when members
request emergency leave. (T-1) Do not deny emergency leave solely because of lack of funds for funded
travel. (T-1) Do not approve emergency leave for purpose of either increasing the
member’s travel priority or offsetting personal travel costs. (T-1) Advise members to apply for humanitarian or exceptional family member
reassignment, or separation for hardship reasons if leave period is more than 60 days.
(T-1) Charge leave for leave periods such as those taken by members waiting for
family members’ passports or visas or for the outcome of humanitarian reassignment
requests. (T-3) Combine ordinary leave with other types of leave unless specifically prohibited
and treat the combination of leaves as one leave period. (T-3) Charge members leave for travel time, delay en route, and time spent house
hunting in conjunction with a permissive reassignment. (T-3)
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 7 Provide an opportunity to use leave to AFR and ANG members serving man-
day tours longer than 30 consecutive days under AFI 36-2619, Active Duty Operational
Support (ADOS) Active Component (AC) Man-Day Program. AFI 36-2619 authorizes
use of accrued leave. See AFMAN 36-2136, Reserve Personnel Participation, for
Reserve Personnel Appropriation (RPA) tours over 30 days. (T-1) Normally do not grant leave to members undergoing treatment for an infectious
or contagious disease. Exception: Unit commander may grant leave if the attending
physician provides written verification that the member does not pose a threat to the
public health. (T-1) Do not grant leave for the purpose of serving sentences in civil confinement
because civil confinement, including probated sentences thereto, is inconsistent with
military status. Exception: Members confined by civil authorities while on approved
leave may continue on leave until the original leave termination date, unless recalled
from leave status to duty. If unit commander recalls member to duty, terminate leave
status as of the recall date and change the member’s status to “absent in the hands of civil
authorities.” (T-1) Ensure procedures are followed and maintain the protection of privacy rights of
individuals and minimize privacy violations. See AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy and
Civil Liberties Program, Commander's Policy, and DoD Manual 5400.07, DoD Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) Program, for instructions when transmitting, receiving,
collecting, maintaining, storing, or distributing Privacy Act Information. (T-1)
8 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
Chapter 2
2.1. Military Leave Program.
2.1.1. Annual Leave Program. Annual leave programs give members the opportunity to take
leave within the constraints of operational requirements. Unit commanders establish these
programs to encourage the use of leave for the maximum benefit of the member. Scheduling
leave prevents loss of leave at fiscal year-end balancing, retirement, or separation from active
duty. Both management and members share responsibility in managing leave balances
throughout the fiscal year.
2.1.2. Safe Travel Guidelines. Members on leave or on other non-duty status should use
Risk Management principles to assess all hazards and control risks prior to excessive or
hazardous travel, especially by automobile. Applicable guidelines are in AFI 90-802, Risk
Management. A comprehensive risk management assessment may conclude that fatigue or
road conditions are high risks requiring a change to travel plans.
2.1.3. Use of Leave. The use of leave is essential to the morale and motivation of members
and for maintaining maximum effectiveness. Lengthy respites from the work environment
tend to have a beneficial effect on an individual’s psychological and physical status.
Weekend absences (regular pass) or short periods of leave do not normally afford a similar
degree of relief. In providing leave, Congress intended for members to use their leave as it
accrues. Congress provides for payment of accrued leave when members are unable to use
their leave because of military necessity. However, Congress did not intend for members
to accrue large leave balances expressly for payment of accrued leave. All members
should have the opportunity to take at least one leave period of 14 consecutive days or more
every fiscal year and are encouraged to use the 30 days accrued each fiscal year. Supervisors
and commanders should encourage members to use leave, military requirements permitting,
and consider the desires of the member.
2.2. Leave Approval Authority. While commanders have final approval authority, they may
delegate approval authority according to the organization’s needs. Normally, commanders
delegate approval authority for annual leave requests to a level no lower than the first-line
supervisor. Commanders who report directly to the Chief of Staff, Vice Chief of Staff
(AF/CVA), or Assistant Vice Chief approve their own leave.
2.3. Leave Disapproval Authority. Leave is a right; however, unit commanders can
disapprove leave requests due to military necessity or in the best interest of the Air Force. Unit
commanders may delegate disapproval authority to a level no lower than first-line supervisors.
Commanders may adjust delegation of authority based on mission requirements.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 9
2.4. Leave Accrual. 10 USC § 701, Entitlement and Accumulation governs leave accrual and
2.4.1. Accrual. Members accrue 2.5 days of leave for each month of active duty. See
Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 below.
2.4.2. Accumulation. Members who are unable to use leave due to military necessity may
accumulate a maximum of 60 days by the end of a fiscal year. See Chapter 5 for SLA
provisions. Members not eligible for SLA can request recovery of days lost on 1 October by
submitting a DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Record Under the
Provisions of Title 10 U.S. Code Section 1552, Correction of Military Records. See AFI 36-
2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR).
2.4.3. Non-Accrual. Members do not accrue leave in the following circumstances: Absence without leave. Unauthorized leave. Confinement as a result of a sentence of a court-martial. Excess leave. Appellate leave under 10 USC § 876a, Leave Required to be taken Pending
Review of Certain Court-Martial Convictions, Art. 76., Finality of Proceedings,
Findings, and Sentences.
Table 2.1. Leave Accrual.
Day of
entered active
10 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
Table 2.2. Leave Accrual to Date of Separation.
Day of
month of
2.4.4. Fiscal Year (FY) end Leave Balancing. Members may not carry leave in excess of 60
days into the next FY. (T-0). At the end of the FY, members lose leave in excess of 60 days
unless eligible for SLA. (T-0). The Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS) drops
accrued leave in excess of 60 days at FY-end leave balancing unless automatic carry-over of
SLA applies.
2.4.5. Payment for Accrued Leave. 37 USC § 501, Payments for Unused Accrued Leave, is
the authority for payment for accrued leave upon reenlistment, retirement, separation under
honorable conditions, or death. It limits payment of accrued leave to 60 days in a military
career effective 10 February 1976. A military career includes former service in enlisted or
officer status. Members should contact the local financial services office for detailed
information on payment of accrued leave. Cumulative payment for accrued leave as an enlisted member, officer, or both
cannot exceed 60 days. DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Department of Defense Financial
Management Regulation, Military Pay Policy Active Duty and Reserve Pay, Table 35-1
outlines when members may carry leave forward or receive payment for accrued leave
when separating with or without immediate reentry on active duty. Members should
contact the local financial services office for detailed information on payment of accrued
leave. An additional one-time SLA sell-back is authorized for enlisted service
members. An enlisted member may sell back up to 30 days of SLA, provided the
member has an excess of 120 days of leave. Members may exercise this one-time option
only when the member would lose accumulated leave in excess of 120 days. Such a sell
back counts towards the service member’s cap of 60 days over a career.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 11
2.5. Disability Separation.
2.5.1. Members will receive payment for up to 60 days of accrued leave and will be afforded
time to take any accrued leave in excess of this 60-day limit. (T-1).
2.5.2. Determining Retirement or Separation Date. AFPC Physical Disability Division
(AFPC/DPFD) determines a member’s separation date, taking into account: Leave balance and leave accrural in excess of the 60-day accrued leave payment
limitation for members authorized payment for up to 60 days of accrued leave. Accrued leave and leave that accrues to the date of separation for members
previously paid for 60 days. PTDY authorized. Processing time. Members may take accrued leave instead of processing time.
Example: A member previously paid for 40 days of accrued leave and has a leave
balance of 70 days. In this case, the member receives payment for 20 days and can take
leave for the remaining 50 days plus leave accruing to date of separation. If member is
receiving payment for accrued leave for the first time, he or she receives payment for 60
days. The member then can take leave for the remaining 10 days plus leave accruing to
date of separation. The established date of separation remains firm and members forfeit
accrued leave if unable to take leave due to extenuating circumstances (for example,
hospitalization or convalescent leave). Note: Paragraph 2.5.2 does not apply to
members separating or retiring because of imminent death.
2.5.3. Leave Awaiting Orders. Charge leave as accrued and accruing when the commander
sends a member home or to another location in a permanent change of station status to await
orders for disability separation. Charge any remaining time as an authorized absence after
the member uses all accrued leave.
2.6. Leave Outside the United States (OCONUS). Unit commanders may authorize members
to take leave in areas outside the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, Alaska,
Hawaii, and US possessions and territories.
2.7. Holidays. Public holidays established by Federal statute are non-working days, military
operations permitting. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the non-working day is the preceding
Friday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the non-working day is the following Monday.
Holidays are chargeable leave days if they occur during an authorized period of leave. If
departure on a period of leave is on a holiday, the holiday is a day of leave. If return from an
authorized period of leave is on a holiday, the holiday is not a day of leave. Commanders may
be as liberal as training, mission, and local conditions permit in authorizing leave during the
Christmas and New Year’s Day period.
2.7.1. New Year’s Day, 1 January.
2.7.2. Martin Luther King’s Birthday, the third Monday in January.
2.7.3. Washington’s Birthday, the third Monday in February.
2.7.4. Memorial Day, the last Monday in May.
2.7.5. Independence Day, 4 July.
12 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
2.7.6. Labor Day, the first Monday in September.
2.7.7. Columbus Day, the second Monday in October.
2.7.8. Veterans Day, 11 November.
2.7.9. Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November.
2.7.10. Christmas Day, 25 December.
2.7.11. Other holidays as directed by proper authority under the law.
2.8. Miscellaneous Information.
2.8.1. Leave for Enforcement of Child Support Obligation. Unit commanders approve leave
requested to attend hearings to determine paternity or to determine an obligation to provide
child support. (T-3). Unit commanders may disapprove such leave requests if the member is
serving in or with a unit deployed in a contingency operation or exigencies of the military
service require a denial of such request. See AFI36-2906, Personal Financial Responsibility
for further guidance.
2.8.2. TDY from Leave Status. A member ordered TDY while on leave reverts to duty
status as of the TDY effective date.
2.8.3. Recall from Leave. Unit commanders may recall members from leave for military
necessity or in the best interest of the Air Force. When recalling a member, do not charge the
period of absence as leave when the period between departure on leave and the member’s
receipt of recall is 3 days or less. Consider the remaining time of absence as travel time,
unless the unit commander determines it is clearly excessive to the circumstances. If
determined excessive, charge the entire period of absence as leave. (T-3). Refer to the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), paragraph 033301, Leave or
Personal Travel Combined with Official Travel, to determine whether travel and
transportation allowances apply. If so, member reverts to duty status the day travel to the
permanent or TDY station begins. If the unit commander authorizes the member to resume leave after the member
completes the duty that resulted in recall, prepare a new AF Form 988. If authorized
travel, publish orders to return the member to the location where he or she received recall
2.8.4. Absence in Excess of Leave. See DoD 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, to determine whether an absence was
unavoidable. Charge leave for an absence in excess of authorized leave or pass if the unit
commander later determines the absence to be unavoidable; otherwise, consider it
absence without leave. (T-0). Do not charge leave for an absence in excess of authorized leave caused by
mental incapacity, detention by civil authorities, and early departure of a mobile unit due
to operational commitments. (T-0). This applies whether the absence is avoidable or
excused as unavoidable, regardless of duration.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 13 Charge leave for other unauthorized absences that the unit commander
determines to have been unavoidable. (T-0). The period of time that members may be
absent from duty beyond their authorized liberty, when the absence has been determined
to be unavoidable, will be charged to the member’s leave account when the entire period
of authorized and excused unauthorized absence exceeds 3 days. However, if the
absence is determined to be avoidable, the period exceeding the authorized absence will
be considered unauthorized. (T-0).
2.8.5. Unable to Return from Leave Because of Illness or Injury. When a member is unable
to return to duty from leave because of illness or injury: The member should advise the leave approving authority by the quickest means.
(T-3). The next of kin, attending military or civilian physician, nearest Military
Treatment Facility, or American Red Cross may act on the member’s behalf when
incapacitated to such a degree that the member is unable to make the notification. Upon return from leave, the member presents a statement from the nearest
Military Treatment Facility or the attending physician regarding the individual’s medical
condition. The unit commander evaluates the statement before authenticating the leave
document. (T-3). The unit commander may consult with the local Military Treatment Facility or
American Red Cross providers for clarification or recommendation. Unit commander issues amended leave authorization, if required.
2.8.6. Medical, Dental, Hospitalized or Placed on Quarters. Medical or Dental Care. When a member on leave requires medical or dental
care, he or she reports to the nearest Military Treatment Facility. If treated at civilian
facilities, member is authorized medical and dental treatment at government expense only
for emergency and immediate non-emergency care. Hospitalized or Placed on Quarters. If a member on leave requires
hospitalization or quarters status, do not charge leave while hospitalized or on
quarters. (T-0). Chargeable leave ends the day before and starts again the day following
hospitalization or quarters’ status, regardless of the hour of admission or discharge or
release from quarters. If a military health care provider places the member on quarters, the member’s
status changes from leave to quarters, and the medical authority directing such status
notifies the individual’s commander. The nearest military health care provider approves
civilian health care provider’s placement of members on quarters. If the member desires
to revert to leave status after release from quarters. On return to duty, the member
provides the leave approving authority with a statement from the attending physician or
Military Treatment Facility that certifies the period of quarters and date of release. This
statement is usually the admission and disposition list of the Military Treatment Facility.
14 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 The provisions in paragraph apply to a member hospitalized or placed
on quarters while on emergency leave in the 48 contiguous states and the District of
Columbia or overseas. After termination of hospitalization or quarters status, the member
contacts the traffic management office at the nearest Air Force installation for assistance
with return transportation, if required.
2.8.7. Absent Without Leave. The MPF and AFPC Missing Persons Branch
(AFPC/DPFCM) change members’ leave status to Absent Without Leave when members fail
to return to duty at the end of their leave period. (T-0).
2.8.8. Proceed Time. MPFs administer proceed time in accordance with AFI 36-2102, Base-
Level Relocation Procedures. The Financial Services Office computes leave for authorized
absences in excess of allowed proceed time. (T-1).
2.8.9. Travel Time with En Route Leave. The time allowed for permanent change of station
or TDY travel is not chargeable leave when members take en route leave. The Financial
Services Office charges leave for any authorized absence in excess of allowable travel time
and proceed time, if applicable.
2.8.10. Missing Port Call. Aerial port passenger section personnel notify the servicing MPF
and AFPC/DPFCM within 72 hours after members miss a port call.
2.8.11. Retiree Continued on Active Duty. Retirees who continue on active duty without a
break in service qualify to carry over their leave balance into the period of continued active
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 15
Chapter 3
3.1. Chargeable Leave.
3.1.1. Annual Leave. Another name for annual leave is “ordinary” leave. Normally,
members request leave, as accruing, within mission requirements and other exigencies.
Member’s failure to use leave, as accruing, can result in loss of accrued leave at fiscal year-
end leave balancing or upon retirement or separation from active duty. Use of Annual Leave. Members typically use annual leave: For vacation or short periods of rest from duty. To attend to parental family needs such as illnesses. With a permanent change of station or after periods of arduous duty and
protracted periods of deployment from the home station. During traditional national holiday periods. To attend to family emergencies or personal situations caused by natural
disasters such as floods and hurricanes. For attendance at spiritual events or for other religious observances. During the pre-processing period incident to release from active duty. As terminal leave with retirement or separation from active duty.
However, members separating under PALACE CHASE or PALACE FRONT may
carry any unused leave over to the Reserve Component (RC) as long as there is no
break in service (refer to paragraph for future use. Prior to the end of an active duty tour for RC personnel. However, an RC
member who accumulates leave during a period of active service may carry over any
leave so accumulated to the member's next period of active service, subject to the
accumulation limits in 10 USC § 701, without regard to separation or release from
active service if the separation or release is under honorable conditions. (T-0) TDY Commanders. Notify parent organizations of leave requests. (T-3) Approve leaves with which the parent organizations agree. (T-3) Leave in Conjunction With TDY. Unit commanders: Determine TDY is clearly essential to the mission. (T-3) Ensure members do not take, schedule, plan, or arrange, in fact or
appearance, TDY to serve leave desires of the member. (T-3) Authorize leave when operationally feasible. (T-3) Ensure the government incurs no additional cost incident to leave. Note:
Members may not use non-duty days to extend the TDY or leave period. (T-3)
16 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 Leave Extensions. The member must ask, orally or in writing, for the extension sufficiently in
advance of expiration of leave authorized to permit return to duty at the proper time if
the approval authority disapproves the extension. (T-3) Members who fall ill or need hospitalization while on leave must advise
the leave-approving authority as soon as possible. (T-3). See paragraph 2.8.6 The next of kin, attending physician, nearest Military Treatment Facility,
or American Red Cross may act on a member's behalf. See paragraph Leave Begins and Ends in the Local Area. The local area is the place where the
member lives and from which he or she commutes to the duty station. Charge leave for
duty days and non-duty days (for example, Friday through Monday) when members take
leave on the day before and the day after non-duty days. This applies to leave taken in
the local area. Exception: When a member’s leave ends on a day before a non-duty day,
the commander may authorize leave on the next duty day for an emergency situation and
not charge leave for the non-duty days. If the member knew of the emergency situation
before his or her departure on the original leave, charge the member leave for the
weekend or other non-duty days. Normally, leave begins on the effective date reflected on the AF Form 988.
If the leave start date changes, make the change to the leave status date and leave start
date on the leave form. The member and leave approval authority initial the changes
before the member departs on leave. (T-3) Normally, leave ends on the effective date reflected on the AF Form 988.
Change the last day of leave on Part III of the leave form if the leave approval
authority approves an extension or if the member returns early. Leave Overlaps Two Fiscal Years. When a member’s leave period overlaps two
fiscal years, the Defense Joint Military Pay System reduces the member’s leave account
in the fiscal year in which the member takes the leave. Example: The Defense Joint
Military Pay System charges 5 days to the previous fiscal years and 5 days to the next
fiscal years when a member takes 10 days leave, 26 September - 5 October. Finance Service Office. The Finance Service Office computes leave for
authorized absences in excess of allowed travel time, PTDY, and proceed time, if
applicable. Members can ask the Finance Service Office to verify regular and SLA leave
balances to determine “use or lose” leave status. “Use or lose” leave is the number of
leave days over 60 days that a member will lose if not used before 1 October. Leave or Duty Status. Commanders should determine leave based on the actual
date members start leave and actual return date from leave according to Table 3.1 and
charge leave for non-duty days, including holidays, if the non-duty days fall between
leave days. (T-3) This applies to members who take leave in, or away from, the local
area. Exception: Commanders may authorize leave on Monday without charging leave
for Saturday and Sunday if an emergency situation requires a member to take unplanned
leave and the member is in the local area. This applies when members take leave on
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 17
Table 3.1. Determining Duty or Chargeable Leave.
If member is
and performed the majority of
scheduled duty (over 50 percent)
or on a non-
duty day
then the member
is on
starting leave or
signing up for space-
available travel
returning from leave
or space-available
Note: Leave status is
not necessarily
chargeable leave. For
example, a member is
on leave status after
working at least 50%
of the duty day, and
the following day is
the first day of
chargeable leave.
However, a member
cannot sign up for
transportation before
the first day and time
of leave status.
Note: Leave status is not necessarily chargeable leave. For example, a member is on leave
status after working at least 50% of the duty day, and the following day is the first day of
chargeable leave. However, a member cannot sign up for space-available transportation before
the first day and time of leave status. Examples of Chargeable Leave. The following examples use a normal work
schedule of Monday through Friday, 0730 to 1630. Note: For members on shift work or
alternate work schedules, equivalent schedules may vary. Example 1. If the member starts leave on Tuesday: Tuesday is a duty day and Wednesday is the first day of leave when
the leave approving authority determines that the member performed the majority
(over 50%) of scheduled duty on Tuesday. Tuesday is the first day of leave if the leave approval authority
determines that the member performed less than 50% of scheduled duty on
Tuesday, or if the member signs up for space-available transportation. Example 2. Saturday is a day of leave if the member, regardless of the
hour, starts leave or signs up for space-available transportation on Saturday. Example 3. Sunday is a day of leave, if the member, regardless of the
hour, starts leave or signs up for space-available transportation on Sunday. Example 4. Friday is a day of duty and Thursday is the last day of leave if
the leave approving authority determines the member performed the majority (over
50%) of scheduled duty on Friday.
18 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 Example 5. If the member returns from leave on Saturday, regardless of
the hour, Saturday shall not be charged as a day of leave. This also applies if the
member returns from leave on Sunday or a holiday.
3.1.2. Advance Leave. Advance leave is leave granted based on a reasonable expectation
that a member will accrue leave during the remaining period of active military service. Purpose of Advance Leave. The purpose of advance leave is to enable members
to resolve emergencies or urgent personal situations when they have limited or no
accrued leave. Members may not depart on leave before the unit commander approves
the advance leave. (T-3) Advance Leave Not Authorized. Unit commanders will not approve advance
leave: For members pending administrative or punitive actions requiring their
separation at the earliest possible date. (T-1) In conjunction with excess leave authorized for members awaiting
punitive, administrative, or disability discharge. (T-1) Unit commanders may approve requests for members: Requesting up to 30 days of advance leave and includes leave requests
which, if approved, result in a negative leave balance of 30 or less days. Note: Unit
commanders normally approve the lesser of 30 days or the amount of leave the
member will earn during the remaining period of active military service. Requesting up to 30 days of advance leave in connection with travel, either
permanent change of station or TDY, including a consecutive overseas tour. This
includes leave requests which, if approved, result in a negative leave balance of 30 or
less days. Completing technical training and requesting up to 10 days advance leave
if the first duty station is in the Continental US or up to 14 days if outside the
Continental US. Delegating Approval Authority. Unit commanders can delegate approval authority for advance leave to a
level no lower than squadron section commander, deputies, or equivalents. For
emergency leave situations, first sergeants can approve advance leave when delegated
authority to approve emergency leave for enlisted members. Headquarters Air Force (HAF) commanders can delegate approval to no
lower than deputy directors or equivalent. Note: HAF commanders’ do not include
commanders of direct reporting units or field operating agencies assigned to HAF. Air Education and Training Command (AETC) training commanders can
delegate approval authority to no lower than first sergeants for enlisted members.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 19 In cases where a deployed member requests 30 days or more of Advance
Leave, the Personnel Support for Contingency Operations Team Chief requests
approval for the advance leave from [insert requestor’s office name] to AFPC’s
Special Programs Office (AFPC/DP2SSM) and notifies the unit of assignment of the
final decision. (T-3). Advance Leave Becomes Excess Leave. When a member has taken all the
advance leave that he or she can accrue during the remaining period of active service,
unit commanders change member’s leave status from advance to excess leave. Members
carry forward advance leave to a new period of service if an enlisted member separates
and immediately reenlists 3 or more months before expiration of the term of service. Advance Leave and Excess Leave. When authorizing excess leave in
conjunction with advance leave, advance leave does not accrue during the period of
excess leave involved. Example: A member with an Expiration of Term of Service of 15
March 2019 requests 30 days leave effective 1 October 2018. The member has 2 days
accrued leave through 30 September 2018. The member would normally accrue 14 days
during the period 1 October 18 - 15 March 2019. Therefore, the member would have a
total of 16 days accrued and tentative advance leave through expiration of Term of
Service. The tentative excess leave period is 14 days (30 days requested leave minus 16
days accrued and tentative leave). The member will not accrue 1.5 days during the
tentative excess leave period. Therefore, reduce the 14 days leave that would normally
accrue by 1.5 days that will not accrue during the excess leave period (see Table 3.2
below). This results in advance leave of 12.5 days. In this example, the authorized leave
is 2 days accrued leave, 12.5 days advance leave, and 15.5 days excess leave. Indebtedness. The Financial Services Office stops or collects, if applicable, all
pay and allowances paid after a member's leave status changes from advance to excess
leave. There is an additional collection for non-accruals of one half-day for every 6 days
of excess leave (see Table 3.2 below). Note: See AFMAN 65-116, Vol 2, Defense Joint
Military Pay System Active Component (DJMS-AC) Unit Procedures Excluding
Financial Management Flights.
Table 3.2. Non-Accrual Days.
For Excess Leave Period
Subtract this Amount of Leave
1/2-6 days
1/2 day.
6 1/2-12 days
1 day.
12 1/2-18 days
1 1/2 days.
18 1/2-24 days
2 days.
24 1/2-31 days
2 1/2 days.
Over 31 days
Compute in 30-day increments.
20 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
3.1.3. Emergency Leave. Emergency leave is chargeable leave granted for personal or
family emergencies involving the immediate family and may be approved in initial periods of
no more than 30 days and extensions for no more than 30 days. (T-0) See also AFI 65-103,
Temporary Duty/Special Orders, when preparing special orders for emergency leave travel.
See AFI 36-3012, Military Entitlements (Chapter 7, Family Member Travel), for dependents
who may be eligible for emergency travel allowances and when member is ineligible for
emergency leave. Emergency travel allowances are under the JTR, Chapter 4. Immediate Family. Immediate family consists of the member's spouse and
member’s or spouse's: Parents (including stepparents). Children (including illegitimate children and stepchildren). Brothers and sisters. Sole surviving blood relative. In loco parentis person (defined in Table 3.3, Rule 1). Emergency Leave Approval. Unit commanders approve initial emergency leave
periods up to 30 days and extensions up to 30 days. (T-0) If a member has, or
anticipates, a negative leave balance, unit commander considers only that leave which is
absolutely necessary to take care of the emergency situation. (T-3) Note: The TDY
commander or Personnel Support for Contingency Operations Team Chief approves
emergency leave after notifying and receiving approval from the unit of assignment. Delegating Emergency Leave Approval. Unit commanders can delegate approval for emergency leave for enlisted
members to a level no lower than the first sergeant. When delegated authority to
approve emergency leave for enlisted members, first sergeants can approve up to 30
days advance leave. They also can approve excess leave when the combination of
accrued, advance, and excess leave is 60 days or less. HAF commanders can delegate approval to no lower than deputy directors
or equivalents. Emergency Leave Requiring AFPC Approval. AFPC/DP2SSM approves
emergency leave when: Leave requested results in a member having a cumulative negative leave
balance of more than 30 days; or Advance, excess and/or emergency leave requests combined exceed 60
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 21 Emergency Leave Travel. From overseas to Continental US (48 contiguous states and the District of
Columbia), Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and possessions and
territories of the US; the unit commander, without re-delegation, may authorize other
Outside of Continental US destinations. The unit commander, without re-delegation, must determine that
government aircraft is not reasonably available before authorizing travel by
commercial transportation, based on frequency, scheduling of flights, and other
factors such as member’s personal circumstances. (T-0). In accordance with JTR
paragraph 0402, the Traffic Management Office should provide a
recommendation to the unit commander regarding availability of space-required
transportation via aircraft owned or controlled by the Department of Defense
(DoD). (T-0). The unit commander considers the circumstances to ensure the best
interest of the Air Force and the member are served. Overseas locations for emergency leave travel purposes include
Hawaii, Alaska, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and possessions of the US;
the unit commander, without re-delegation, may authorize other Outside of
Continental US destinations. The member’s domicile means home of record, place of entry on
active duty, place of first enlistment, or place of permanent legal residence. See
the JTR paragraph 0402. Time spent in emergency leave travel via aircraft owned or controlled
by DoD from overseas to the Continental US aerial port of debarkation is not
chargeable leave. It also is not chargeable from the Continental US aerial port of
embarkation to overseas area or within and between overseas areas and return,
when required. Chargeable leave begins the day after the member arrives at the aerial
port of debarkation and ends the day before the member returns to the aerial port
of embarkation. Active duty members on emergency leave may use space-available
transportation within Continental United States via aircraft owned or controlled
by DoD. There is no guaranteed space for such passengers. The space-available
transportation is on a first-come, first-served basis. The travel time is chargeable
leave. Different entitlements apply when members travel from the
Continental United States to overseas than when they travel from overseas to the
Continental US. Consult the JTR for specific allowances.
22 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 The following table explains when to approve or disapprove emergency leave
Table 3.3. Emergency Leave Requests.
If a member requests emergency leave
then the first sergeant, if the unit
commander delegates approval, or the unit
to visit a terminally ill person in the
immediate family of either the member or
the member's spouse. Immediate family is
defined in paragraph In-loco-
parentis are required to meet both of the
following conditions: a. A person who
stood in place of the member’s parent for a
period of at least 5 years before the
member became 21 years of age or entered
military service. b. The person provided a
home, food, clothing, medical care, and
other necessities, and gave moral,
disciplinary guidance, and affection.
Note: Require member to sign a statement
attesting to a person’s in loco parentis
status. A person is not in loco parentis if
he or she baby-sat, provided day care
services, or gave financial help such as a
home where the parent also lived. A
grandparent or other person normally is not
in loco parentis when the parent also lived
at the same residence.
approves the request.
because of a verified death in the member's
or spouse's immediate family
approves the request.
because the member, or someone in the
member's or spouse's immediate family,
has a life-threatening condition or illness,
is having major surgery, or is admitted to
an Intensive Care Unit in critical condition
due to a major illness or accident
approves the request.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 23
If a member requests emergency leave
then the first sergeant, if the unit
commander delegates approval, or the unit
because the member is affected by a
natural disaster, such as a hurricane,
tornado, flood, or earthquake and a severe
or unusual hardship would result if the
member failed to return home
approves the request.
because a severe or unusual hardship may
result from failure to return home, on either
the member, his or her household, or
immediate family
approves the request.
because of spouse's pregnancy or childbirth
approves the request when a severe or life-
threatening situation exists.
to care for children during a spouse's
illness, confinement, or surgery
approves the request in unusual cases when
family members or social agencies are not
available to help. Verify and document such
because of emotional problems caused by
family separation
approves the request only when the attending
physician feels the member could alleviate
severe problems at home.
to resolve marital problems, threatened
divorce, or other personal problems
denies emergency leave.
to attend court hearings
denies emergency leave.
to resolve financial problems
denies emergency leave.
to help harvest crops or manage other
denies emergency leave.
to settle the estate of a deceased relative
denies emergency leave.
because of an emergency involving other
than immediate family members or for a
friend, fiancée, or fiancé
denies emergency leave.
24 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 Emergency Leave of Absence (Non-Chargeable Leave). Unit/squadron
commanders or civilian directors may grant a Service member non-chargeable emergency
leave of absence for a qualifying emergency with the following limitations. This
authority cannot be further delegated to a subordinate level: The commander or director must verify the qualifying emergency to his or
her satisfaction based upon information or opinion from a source other than the
Service member that the commander or director considers to be objective and
reliable. (T-0) The qualifying emergency must be due to: A serious medical condition of an immediate family member of the
Service member; or Death of an immediate family member (as previously defined in
paragraph; or Any other hardship the commander or director determines
appropriate. Only grant such leave once during an entire career for any Service
member. (T-0). Only grant non-chargeable emergency leave of absence to prevent the
Service member from entering advanced or excess leave status that could result in
recoupment of any pay and allowances. (T-0). Do not extend such leave for a period of more than 14 consecutive days.
3.1.4. En Route Leave. En route leave is ordinary leave members use in connection with
permanent change of station, including to their first permanent change of station upon
completion of technical training. Members may request advance leave when they do not
have enough accrued leave to use as en route leave. Approval Authority. Losing unit commanders: Approve up to 30 days en route leave with any permanent change of station
move if the leave does not interfere with the reporting date to either a port or new
assignment. Ensure members sign a statement agreeing not to report early for a new
assignment when taking en route leave. Delegating Approval: Unit commanders should not delegate approval to a level no lower than
squadron section commander, deputies, or equivalents. Air Education and Training Command training commanders delegate
approval authority no lower than the first sergeant for advance leave as en route
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 25 Technical School and Basic Military Training Commanders: Approve at least 10 days of accrued leave if the first permanent duty
station is in the Continental US (48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia).
(T-3) Approve at least 14 days of accrued leave if member’s first permanent duty
station is OCONUS). (T-3) Approve advance leave up to 10 days for emergency situations. (T-3) Officer Training School graduates may take up to 30 days ordinary leave
(advance if needed) before reporting to their first permanent duty station.
3.1.5. Terminal Leave. Terminal leave is chargeable leave taken in conjunction with
retirement or separation from active duty. Member’s last day of leave coincides with the last
day of active duty. Terminal Leave Approval. Unit commanders approve terminal leave. Delegating Approval: Unit commander can delegate approval to a level no lower than the
squadron section commander, deputy or equivalent. HAF commanders delegate leave approval to no lower than deputy
directors or equivalent. Commanders Reporting Directly to the Chief of Staff, Vice Chief of Staff or
Assistant Vice Chief of Staff (AF/CVA). These commanders approve their own leave.
They send leave notification 7 days in advance by message to AF/CVA. Include in the
notification message: Effective date of leave requested. Duration. Leave address and telephone number. Name of commander. Note: AF/CVA advises commanders when
extenuating circumstances require adjustments to scheduled leaves. Disapproving or Denying Terminal Leave. Unit commanders: May disapprove terminal leave for military necessity or in the best interest
of the Air Force. Deny terminal leave when governing separation directives require
member’s separation at the earliest possible date. (T-1) Deny terminal leave requested in conjunction with authorized PTDY when
governing separation directives require member’s separation at the earliest possible
date. (T-1)
26 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
3.1.6. Environmental and Morale Leave (EML). Environmental and Morale Leave is leave
authorized at an overseas installation where adverse environmental conditions require special
arrangements for leave in desirable places at periodic intervals. The EML taken is ordinary
leave. Combatant commanders designate the authorized EML duty locations and
destinations. Purpose. The purpose of EML is to make use of DoD-owned or controlled
aircraft to supplement in-country leave schedules established to carry out basic leave
programs. Funded Environmental and Morale Leave (EML). Funded EML authorizes
members DoD-owned or -controlled air transportation from EML duty locations for
purposes of taking leave in an EML destination site. Do not charge leave for member’s
time spent en route to and returning from an EML destination site. Charge leave for
the period of time at the EML destination site. Leave begins the day after the
member arrives at the aerial port of debarkation that services the destination site. Leave
ends the day before the member returns to the aerial port of embarkation. See JTR,
paragraph 0404, Government Funded Leave. Unfunded Environmental and Morale Leave (EML). Unfunded EML authorizes
member’s space-available air transportation from EML duty locations for purposes of
taking leave in an EML destination site. Charge leave for travel time to and from, and for
the period of time at an EML destination site when traveling on a space-available basis.
The MAJCOM/A1 equivalent or designee grants extensions for unfunded EML. Any
leave-approving authority within the chain of command can deny requests without
referring them to a higher-level. Required Travel Documents. When traveling outside the US, commanders
ensure member reviews the DoD Foreign Clearance Guide
( for required travel documents and will instruct
members to comply with foreign government procedures as required by the DoD Foreign
Clearance Guide. (T-0).
3.2. Non-chargeable Leave. The following types of leave are not chargeable toward the
member’s annual leave balance:
3.2.1. Convalescent Leave. Convalescent leave is an authorized absence normally for the
minimal time essential to meet the medical needs for recuperation. The Air Force Surgeon
General (AF/SG) oversees the convalescent leave program in accordance with AFMAN 41-
210, Tricare Operations and Patient Administration. See Table 3.4 Convalescent Leave Approval. The unit commander normally approves
convalescent leave, to include any associated and cleared travel, up to 30 days based on
the recommendations by either the medical facility’s authority or the attending physician
most familiar with the member’s medical condition. The commander must not
approve more than 30 days initial convalescent leave. (T-1). Extending convalescent
leave beyond 30 days requires additional medical review and consent. Exception:
Convalescent leave due to pregnancy or childbirth. Note: During short absences of the
unit commander, the commander’s designated representative may approve convalescent
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 27 Absence From Duty Because of Pregnancy. During pregnancy, members
continue to perform normal duties as long as they are medically fit to do so. When it
is necessary for the member's or fetus' health and safety, convalescent leave is
appropriate as long as it is medically required. Maternity Convalescent Leave. Is limited to a covered Service member
birthparent after a qualifying birth event. (T-0) In cases where a baby is stillborn, the
member suffers a miscarriage, or where the baby is given up for adoption
immediately following birth, convalescent leave, other than Maternity Convalescent
Leave, may be granted in accordance with AFMAN 41-210, Tricare Operations and
Patient Administration. Is limited to 42 days of non-chargeable leave, unless additional
Maternity Convalescent Leave is specifically recommended, in writing, by the
medical provider of the covered member to address a diagnosed medical
condition and is approved by the member’s commander. A covered birthparent
may, with the concurrence of a medical provider, elect to receive a period of
Maternity Convalescent Leave that is less than 42 days. (T-0) Must be taken immediately following childbirth, except that the leave
shall not commence until the first full day following the date of discharge or
release from the hospital (or similar facility) where the birth took place. (T-0) Must be taken prior to any caregiver leave (for a maximum of 84
days in conjunction with Primary Caregiver Leave, or 63 days in conjunction with
Secondary Caregiver Leave), unless the extended convalescence period exceeds
63 or 84 days as the case may be, as recommended by a competent medical
authority. (T-0) The amount of caregiver leave shall be reduced by one day for
each day of additional Maternity Convalescent Leave taken. (T-0) Must be taken in only one increment. (T-0) May be taken in conjunction with Primary or Secondary Caregiver
Leave, and/or with approved ordinary (chargeable) leave. If taken in conjunction
with ordinary leave, may exceed the maximum limits of paragraph if
approved by the commander. (T-0) May not be disapproved by a commander. (T-0) May not be transferred to create any kind of shared benefit. (T-0) Will be forfeited if unused at separation from active service. (T-0)
28 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
Table 3.4. Convalescent Leave Requests.
If member
then the unit commander unless
otherwise specified
is discharged from
inpatient status
medical condition is not
pregnancy related
normally approves the number of days
that the attending physician deems
necessary, not to exceed 30 days.
medical condition is
normally approves 42 days. Note: If
member does not retain child,
convalescent leave guidance is provided
in AFMAN 41-210.
is treated on an
outpatient status
medical condition is
pregnancy related
normally approves the number of days
that the attending physician deems
necessary for the member’s or fetus’
health and safety.
medical condition is not
pregnancy related
normally approves the number of days
that the attending physician deems
necessary, not to exceed 30 days.
is on inpatient status at
Air Force medical
will be returning to the
medical facility as an
Medical facility service chief or
department chairman normally approves
up to 30 days that the attending
physician deems necessary. Medical
facility commander may approve more
than 30 but less than 90 days. More
than 90 days requires MAJCOM/SGP
approval. (T-3)
is a patient at an Army
or Navy medical
facility, or at a
Veterans’ Affairs (VA)
medical condition is not
pregnancy related
Army or Navy medical facility
commander or VA Director normally
approves up to 30 days that the
attending physician deems necessary.
Continued convalescent requires
additional medical review. (T-0)
elected medical
procedure at own
Air Force physician
previously determined
member requires the
medical procedure
normally approves the number of days
that the attending physician deems
necessary, not to exceed 30 days.
elected medical
procedure at own
Air Force physician
previously determined
member did not require
the medical procedure
cannot approve. Note: Members take
ordinary leave to cover the period of
absence. The period of absence includes
the time actually spent as an inpatient in
a civilian hospital and any convalescent
period deemed necessary by the
attending physician.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 29
paid for medical
procedure which Air
Force medical authority
determined member did
not require
is subsequently treated at
an Air Force medical
facility after experiencing
normally approves the number of days
that the attending physician deems
necessary, not to exceed 30 days. Medical Authority. The medical authority or attending physician determines: When a medical condition warrants continuance of convalescent leave. Whether the member can depart the local area while on convalescent leave. Convalescent Leave Begins. Convalescent leave begins the day of release from
the Military Treatment Facility and continues through the day before the member’s return
to duty, if applicable, or return to in-hospital status. Voluntary Termination. A member may voluntarily terminate convalescent
leave earlier with the attending physician approval. Requesting Ordinary Leave. A member may request ordinary leave after
completing convalescent leave. Terminating Convalescent Leave. The unit commander may terminate
convalescent leave status if the member’s continued absence from duty would clearly
have an adverse impact on the readiness or operational mission of the unit. The unit
commander must consult the cognizant military health authority to determine whether
such action is medically advisable prior to terminating convalescent leave. (T-1)
3.2.2. Military Parental Leave Program. The Military Parental Leave Program shall consist
of the following forms of non-chargeable leave following a qualifying birth event or adoption
for covered service members: Maternity Convalescent Leave per paragraph,
Primary Caregiver Leave; and, Secondary Caregiver Leave. (T-0) Covered Members. RegAF service members, RC service members performing
AGR duty or Full-time National Guard duty for a period in excess of 12 consecutive
months, and RC service members subject to an active duty recall or mobilization order
for a period in excess of 12 consecutive months are covered by this instruction. A period
of active duty of a RC member may not be extended in order to permit the member to
take leave authorized under the Military Parental Leave Program. (T-0) Qualifying Birth Event. Any live birth of a child(ren) to a Service member (or
spouse). Multiple births resulting from a single pregnancy (e.g., twins or triplets) will be
treated as a single birth event so long as the multiple births occur within the same 72-hour
period. Multiple births that do not occur within the same 72-hour period will be treated
as separate birth events (in this case, Maternity Convalescent Leave and Primary or
Secondary Caregiver Leave must run concurrently but before the expiration of the leave).
30 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 Qualifying Adoption. A qualifying adoption is defined as an adoption that is
arranged by a qualified adoption agency” where the member is eligible for
reimbursement of qualified adoption expenses per DoD 7000.14-R, Vol 7A, Department
of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Military Pay Policy - Active Duty and
Reserve Pay, May 2020. Primary Caregiver. The parent with the primary responsibility for caring for a
child. For qualifying births, in most cases the primary caregiver will be the parent who
physically gives birth to one or more live children in a 72-hour period. For a qualifying
birth event or adoption, the primary caregiver will most often be the non-military parent
but not always. In some cases, the covered military member may be designated as the
primary caregiver. Such cases may include, but are not limited to: situations where the
covered member is the birthparent; dual military couples where one member of the
couple is designated as the primary caregiver; the unavailability and/or incapacity of the
birthparent if the birthparent is not a military member; the necessity of the non-military
parent to return to his or her place of employment; the death of one of the parents; or
other circumstances where the non-birth parent military member must act as primary
caregiver. The non-birth parent/covered military member may elect to designate
themselves as the Primary Caregiver. Primary Caregiver Leave may be approved for an
unmarried, non-birthparent if that member’s parentage of the child is established with
guidance found in AFI 36-3026 Inter-service Publication, Volume 1, Identification Cards
For Members Of The Uniformed Services, Their Eligible Family Members, And Other
Eligible Personnel. (T-1) Primary Caregiver Leave: Is limited to covered Service members who meet the definition of, and are
designated as, “primary caregivers” in conjunction with qualifying birth events or
adoptions. (T-0) Is limited to 42 days of non-chargeable leave and must begin within one
year of the qualifying birth event or adoption. A designated primary caregiver may
elect to receive a period of Primary Caregiver Leave that is less than 42 days. (T-0) May be taken in conjunction with Maternity Convalescent Leave and/or
approved ordinary (chargeable) leave. If taken in conjunction with Maternity
Convalescent Leave, member must take Primary Caregiver Leave last. Must be taken in only one increment. (T-0) May not be authorized in cases of a qualifying birth event where the child
is given up for adoption, and/or parental rights are terminated or surrendered. (T-0) Will be forfeited if any portion remains unused at separation from active
service. (T-0). May not be transferred to create any kind of shared benefit. (T-0)
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 31 Eligibility, or the leave itself if started, terminates upon the death of the
child. However, in such cases, covered members may be transitioned to an
emergency leave (chargeable) status in accordance with AFPD 36-30. Covered
members may also be placed on convalescent leave (non-chargeable) in consultation
with medical providers, and in accordance with both AFMAN 41-210, Tricare
Operations and Patient Administration and DoDI 1327.06, Leave and Liberty
Policies and Procedures. Secondary Caregiver. The parent who is not designated as the primary
caregiver. Secondary Caregiver Leave may be approved for an unmarried, non-
birthparent if that member’s parentage of the child is established in accordance with AFI
36-3026v1_IP. Secondary Caregiver Leave: Is limited to covered Service members who meet the definition of, and are
designated as, “secondary caregivers” in conjunction with qualifying birth events or
adoptions. (T-0) Is limited to 21 days of non-chargeable leave and must begin within 1 year
of a qualifying birth event or adoption. A designated secondary caregiver may elect
to receive a period of Secondary Caregiver Leave that is less than 21 days. (T-0) May be taken in conjunction with Maternity Convalescent Leave and/or
approved ordinary (chargeable) leave. If taken in conjunction with Maternity
Convalescent Leave, Secondary Caregiver Leave must be taken last. (T-0). Must be taken in only one increment. (T-0). May not be authorized in cases of a qualifying birth event where the child
is given up for adoption, and/or parental rights are terminated or surrendered. (T-0). May not be transferred to create any kind of shared benefit. (T-0). Will be forfeited if any portion remains unused at separation from active
service. (T-0). Eligibility, or the leave itself if started, terminates upon the death of the
child. However, in such cases, covered members may be transitioned to an
emergency leave (chargeable) status in accordance with AFPD 36-30. Covered
members may also be placed on convalescent leave (non-chargeable) in consultation
with medical providers, and in accordance with both AFMAN 41-210, Tricare
Operations and Patient Administration, and DoDI 1327.06, Leave and Liberty
Policies and Procedures. Designation of primary and secondary caregivers. In the case of a qualifying
birth event or adoption, the covered Service member shall designate the child's primary
caregiver in accordance with paragraph and (T-0) Only one primary and one secondary caregiver may be authorized for each
qualifying birth event or adoption. (T-0) In no case will a covered member be designated as both a primary and
secondary caregiver and permitted to receive both Primary and Secondary Caregiver
Leave for the same qualifying birth event or adoption. (T-0).
32 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 In the case of a dual military couple, one covered Service member will be
designated as the primary caregiver and the other covered Service member as the
secondary caregiver. Each will be granted the caregiver leave associated with those
respective designations. Caregiver leave is not transferable between members of a
dual military couple. (T-0) In the case of a child born outside of a marriage, AFI 36-3026V1_IP
governs the requirements to establish the member’s parentage of the child. If member
does not initiate registration in the Defense Enrollment and Eligibility Reporting
System (DEERS) within 30 days of the birth, leave taken under caregiver leave will
be charged. A birthparent is not required to establish proof of parentage. (T-1) Designations of primary and secondary caregivers shall be made as early as
practicable, and under normal circumstances should occur at least 60 days in advance
of an anticipated due date (in the case of a qualifying birth event), or anticipated date
of a qualifying adoption. (T-0) Members who are operationally deployed or those who are within 3 months of
an operational deployment may be designated as a primary or secondary caregiver. (T-0) A member who is operationally deployed must defer the Primary or
Secondary Caregiver Leave until the operational deployment period has been
completed. (T-0) A member who is within 3 months of an operational deployment may: Defer Primary or Secondary Caregiver Leave until the operational
deployment is completed (T-0); or, If approved by the unit commander, and after designation as a
secondary caregiver, utilize the 21 days of Secondary Caregiver Leave. (T-0) Any period of deferral of caregiver leave under this section due to an
operational deployment shall not be counted against the one-year period following a
qualifying birth event or adoption in which members must take caregiver leave. (T-0) Primary and secondary caregiver leave as it relates to surrogacy. In cases where
the Air Force allows its members to act as a surrogate, only the 6-week Maternity
Convalescent Leave (subject to the provisions for extending Maternity Convalescent
Leave in paragraph following childbirth is authorized for a covered Service
member. (T-0) A covered Service member whose spouse serves as a surrogate and gives
birth is not entitled to Primary or Secondary Caregiver Leave. (T-0) In cases where a covered Service member (or a covered dual military
couple) uses a surrogate, and the member (or couple) becomes the legal parent(s) or
guardian(s) of the child, the event will be treated as an adoption, and the Service
member(s) will be entitled to either Primary or Secondary Caregiver Leave. (T-0)
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 33 Unused Military Parental Leave. Any amount of Primary or Secondary
Caregiver Leave remaining unused at the time of separation from active service shall be
forfeited. (T-0) Any amount of Primary or Secondary Caregiver Leave remaining not
started after one year from the date of a qualifying birth event or adoption, will be
forfeited. (T-0) Any leave authorized under the Military Parental Leave Program for a
covered RC member that is not taken by the time the member is separated from active
service shall be forfeited. (T-0) The period of active service of a covered RC member may not be
extended in order to permit the member to take leave authorized under the
Military Parental Leave Program. (T-0) Covered RC members will not be recalled to active service for the
use of any category of leave (either singly or in combination) under the Military
Parental Leave Program. (T-0) If a covered member takes non-chargeable caregiver (primary or secondary)
leave during a period of obligated service, the member is not eligible for terminal leave,
or to sell back leave, at the end of that obligated service. Assistant Secretary of the Air
Force, Manpower and Reserve Affairs (SAF/MR) may grant a waiver, either in whole or
in part, to a member who reenlists at the end of the member's period of obligated service
if the Secretary determines that the waiver is in the interests of the Air Force.
3.2.3. Excess Leave. Excess leave is leave members normally use for personal or family
emergency situations when members cannot request advance leave. Excess leave is a no-
pay status; therefore, authority for pay and allowances and leave accrual stops on member’s
first day of excess leave. Unit commanders or designees with General or Special Court-Martial
Convening Authority: Approve or deny members’ requests for excess leave. If approving excess leave, advise members to use all accrued leave first. Advise members excess leave begins the day after accrued leave ends.
Note: When unit commanders send requests recommending approval through the
chain of command, any approval authority in the chain may subsequently deny the
34 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 Convening Authority Directing Appellate Review Leave. When directing
appellate review leave, approve travel according to the JTR, paragraph 051004B, Service
Member Discharged from the Service under Other than Honorable Conditions, and AFI
36-2102 and advise members they may take either: Ordinary leave and then excess leave. Payment for accrued leave (if authorized) and then excess leave. Some ordinary leave, payment for remaining accrued leave, and excess
leave. Involuntary Excess Leave. With the concurrence of the Show Cause Authority
concerned, commanders may place on involuntary excess leave, regular officers
recommended for discharge (i.e., not recommended for retention on active duty) by a
Board of Inquiry “Show Cause Board.” The officer may be required to begin such leave
at any time following the officer's receipt of the report of the board of inquiry including
the board's recommendation for discharge/removal from active duty, and the expiration
of any period allowed for submission by the officer of a rebuttal to that report. The leave
may be continued until the date on which action by the Secretary of the Air Force (or his
or her designee, normally the Secretary of the Air Force Personnel Council) on the
officer's case is completed or may be terminated at an earlier time. Reverting to Pay Status from Appellate Review Leave. For overruled or set-
aside court-martial sentences, members: Qualify for pay and allowances for excess leave taken when directed by the
unit commander. Do not qualify for pay and allowances for voluntary excess leave taken. Do not get credit for accrued leave for which they elected payment before
departing on appellate-review leave. Excess Leave Periods. Unit commanders advise members: Excess leave is leave without pay and allowances, and they do not receive
disability pay, if injured, for time spent on excess leave. The Financial Service Office stops all pay and allowances effective the
first day of excess leave. The Financial Service Office collects, if applicable, any pay
and allowances paid. When members separate from active duty, there is an
additional collection for non-accrual of leave resulting from periods of excess leave.
This is one half-day for each six-day period of excess leave.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 35 The following table explains voluntary excess leave requests.
Table 3.5. Voluntary Excess Leave Requests.
If the member
requests leave
for an emergency or
urgent personal
unit commander may approve
number of days not to exceed
60 cumulative days of
ordinary, advance, and excess
leave. First sergeant may
approve when delegated
authority to approve
emergency leave for enlisted
Advise members to consider
humanitarian reassignment for
emergencies requiring more than
60 days absence from duty. (T-3).
approve number of days
exceeding 60 cumulative days
of ordinary, advance, and
excess leave.
for separation or
retirement relocation
activities such as job
search and is eligible as
a: (1) Voluntary
separation incentive
separatee. (2) Special
separation benefit
separatee. (3)
Involuntary separatee
(including for cause
separatees eligible
under DoDI 1332.35,
Transition Assistance
Program (TAP) for
Military Members, para
7.3.e (4) Retiree
unit commander may approve
up to 30 days unless to do so
would interfere with the
military mission.
(1) Unit commander can
disapprove a request for excess
leave if approval would interfere
with the military mission. (2)
Normally approve under
emergency circumstances since
excess leave is a no-pay status.
Pay and allowances stop on the
first day of excess leave and
members cannot receive disability
pay if they incur a disability injury
or illness while on excess leave.
(3) Excess leave occurs within 180
days of the separation of
retirement date. (4) Members may
take excess leave: (a) In
increments up to the maximum
permitted, but not successive
Mondays through Fridays. (b) In
conjunction with terminal leave, if
applicable. (5) A member can
request excess leave in lieu of
PTDY, but not both.
36 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
If the member
requests leave
to participate in the
Judge Advocate
Accession Program
the Office of the Judge
Advocate General Professional
Development Directorate
(AF/JAX) may approve length
of program, plus travel time.
Advise members they can retain
their leave balance up to 60 days.
while awaiting
completion of
discharge proceedings
under AFI 36-3206,
Discharge Procedures
for Commissioned
Officers and AFI 36-
3208, Administrative
Separation of Airmen
leave may be approved for an
unlimited amount of days in
60-day increments. Under AFI
36-3206, paragraph 4.8 the
Show Cause Authority may
grant an officer’s request for
excess leave.
Note: Leave is authorized for
members who complete
administrative discharge
proceedings while awaiting a
final grade determination.
Approve when the commander no
longer needs the member there and
when the member meets medical
criteria for separation. When
reviewing requests, any approving
authority may deny leave based on
military necessity or in the best
interests of the Air Force. (T-3).
as an officer resigning
in lieu of court martial
the wing commander or
Field Operating Agency
(FOA)/A1 may approve
unlimited days in 60-day
If applicable approve when:
(1) The commander no longer
needs the member there, (2) The
member meets medical
criteria for separation, and (3) The
member serves all adjudged
confinement, or (4) You or
another authority figure
commutes, remits, suspends, or
defers the member’s sentence.
Note: When reviewing requests,
any approving authority may deny
leave based on military necessity
or in the best interests of the Air
Force. (T-3).
as a member pending
sentence by a court for
a dismissal or punitive
the court martial convening
authority may approve.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 37
If the member
requests leave
combined with PTDY
for pre-separation or
retirement relocation
job or residence search
and meets the same
criteria as in rule 3.
the unit commander
awaiting entry into the
Air Force Academy in
a cadet status.
the preparatory school
commander may approve the
period awaiting entry in cadet
Approve ordinary leave when
members have accrued leave
before approving excess leave.
Excess leave begins after ordinary
leave. (T-3).
to pursue activities
with potential
recruiting or public
affairs benefit for the
Air Force. (See
the wing commander or
equivalent commander
endorses the request and
forwards to Airmen Support
Branch (AFPC/DP3SA) to
SAF/MR for consideration.
(1) Any level may deny the
application if it does not meet the
defined requirements or if
determined not to be in the best
interest of the Air Force. (2)
Advance and excess leave may not
be used prior to receiving approval
under this program. (T-3). Excess Leave to Pursue Activities with Potential Recruiting or Public Affairs
Benefit to the Department of the Air Force. Officers and enlisted Airmen may request
excess leave to pursue other career opportunities. Such requests can be made for, but are
not limited to, pursuing careers in professional sports, music contracts, or other
professions in which there is a strong expectation of the Air Force receiving a recruiting
or public affairs benefit. Airmen are expected to use their talent primarily in the US in a
manner that generates significant favorable media coverage and likely generates interest
in service in the USAir Force. Evaluation of requests considers the needs of the Air
Force, the quality of the professional performance to date, the strength of the public
affairs or recruiting proposal, and potential positive recruiting or public affairs benefit to
the Air Force. In addition, in making a recommendation or decision on an application,
reviewing authorities should consider that Airmen in excess leave under this provision
are in effect “ambassadors” of the Air Force. Any determination should consider whether
an Airman’s records and service history, to include derogatory or disciplinary action,
render him or her an inappropriate candidate.
38 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 The approval authority for this program is SAF/MR. The Airman
requesting excess leave must make the application by memorandum, endorsed by the
wing or equivalent commander and sent through AFPC/DP3SA to SAF/MR for
approval. (T-2). Any level in the process may disapprove the application if it does
not meet the defined requirements or if determined not to be in the best interest of the
Air Force. Airmen may apply for excess leave not to exceed one year. Excess leave
cannot begin until the Airman has served at least 24 months on active duty. (T-2) The Airman must meet physical fitness requirements and standards. (T-2). The Airman must have secured a contract or binding commitment with an
organization guaranteeing the opportunity to pursue an activity with potential
recruiting benefits. (T-2). Airmen enter into a non-pay status and are not authorized pay and
allowances while in excess leave status. Airmen who incur a physical disability while
in excess leave status are not authorized to receive disability retired pay. As a
condition of approval of excess leave and consistent with past practice, Airmen are
required to acquire private disability insurance. (T-2).
3.2.4. PTDY. This section describes PTDY, an administrative absence under DoD
Instruction (DoDI) 1327.06, Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures, for which funded
TDY is not proper. PTDY is non-chargeable leave of absence. Commanders should not
grant PTDY solely because the unit lacks official TDY funds. General Information. PTDY is an authorized absence limited to reasons in
Table 3.6 below. Unit commanders may not authorize PTDY in place of leave or special
pass nor in conjunction with special passes, or for reasons in paragraph Commander Permissive PTDY Approval. Ensure the reason for PTDY is outlined in the specific rules in Table 3.6 Do not approve PTDY to conduct official business for which funded TDY
is appropriate. Do not authorize PTDY in place of leave or special pass, or in conjunction
with a special pass. Judiciously approve PTDY consistent with organizational mission needs
and the actual time necessary to complete the PTDY. May authorize PTDY in conjunction with ordinary leave. This requires
separate AF Form 988. The ordinary leave start date must begin the next calendar
day after termination of PTDY. If ordinary leave is taken prior to PTDY, the end date
must be the calendar day prior to the PTDY start date. The combination of leaves
will serve as one leave period. May authorize PTDY with TDY. This requires an AF Form 988. Charge leave for any additional absence beyond the approved PTDY.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 39 May deny PTDY requests without referring them to higher-level
headquarters. Do not grant PTDY for reasons in paragraph Unit commanders may delegate approval authority to no lower than
deputies or equivalents. HAF commanders may delegate approval to no lower than deputy
directors or equivalents. When a specific time period is provided for in Table 3.6 Unit commanders (or equivalents) may approve the period of PTDY
up to that specified in the table. Commanders at all levels are not authorized to approve PTDY in
excess of that allowed for by Table 3.6 When a specific time period is not provided for in Table 3.6 Squadron commanders or equivalent commanders on G-series
orders are authorized to approve, when the period of absence is 10 days or less. Wing commanders or equivalent commanders in the grade of
colonel and above are authorized to approve, when the period of absence is 30
days or less. They may delegate the approval authority to the squadron
commander level for requests for transition PTDY or excess leave together with
involuntary or voluntary separation. Commander, Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC/CC) is delegated
Service Secretary authority to approve PTDY exceeding 30 days. Send requests
with supporting documentation to AFPC, Airman Support Branch
(AFPC/DP3SA), 550 C Street West, JBSA - Randolph, TX 78150 or email to
40 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 Exceptions to Policy. Only the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of
Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness may approve
exceptions or waivers. A request for waiver or exception to policy must be submitted
through respective chains of command through AFPC and the Deputy Chief of Staff,
Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1). The request for exception or waiver may be
disapproved at any level. Exceptions or waivers include: Requests for extension to authorized PTDY limits for rules outlined in
Table 3.6 Barring extraordinary circumstances, these should normally be
disapproved. If commanders believe a requested PTDY falls within the criteria provided
by DoDI 1327.06, Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures, but is not addressed
within the rule set in Table 3.6 then the Exception to Policy request must clearly
detail which DoDI criteria apply to the requested PTDY. AF/A1PA will make a
determination of compliance with DoDI guidance, or forward for Office of the
Secretary of Defense consideration if applicable. Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY) or Duty Status. Unit commanders account
for member’s PTDY for non-duty days when they are on PTDY before and after non-
duty days, including holidays. The following table explains authorized PTDY.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 41
Table 3.6. Authorizing Permissive Temporary Duty (PTDY).
If a member requests
for traveling to or in
the vicinity of a new
permanent duty station to
secure off-base housing,
with a TDY en route, or
when authorized to
relocate family members
to a designated place en
route to or returning from
an overseas-
unaccompanied tour.
(This includes separatees
under Air Force Reserve
Officers’ Training Corps
(AFROTC) programs to
secure housing in the
vicinity of the institution
they will attend).
losing or gaining
unit commander
may approve up
to 10 days.
(1) Member must have formal assignment
notification. (T-3) (2) Advise member to report
to the base Housing Office before entering into
any rental, lease, or purchase agreement for off-
base housing. (3) PTDY ends once member
secures housing (signs a lease or has a bid offer
accepted by the seller) before the authorized 10
days. (4) Member must take PTDY days
consecutively. (5) Member is authorized PTDY
under this rule to procure housing prior to
permanent change of station or upon arrival to
new duty station, but not both.
for a pre-separation or
retirement relocation
activity such as job or
residence search and
is eligible under as a: (1)
Voluntary separation
incentive separatee. (2)
Special separation benefits
separatee. (3) Involuntary
separatee (including “for
cause” separatees eligible
under. DoDI 1332.35,
Transition Assistance
Program (TAP) for
Military Members, para
7.3.e (4) Retiree
may approve up
to 20 days for
Continental US
members and up
to 30 days for
unless to do so
would interfere
with the military
(1) Commanders cannot authorize terminal leave
to “for cause” separatees authorized PTDY or
other involuntary separatees required to separate
at the earliest possible date. (2) PTDY occurs
within 180 days of the separation or retirement
date. (3) Members may take PTDY: (a) In
increments up to the maximum permitted, but
not successive Mondays through Fridays. (b) In
conjunction with terminal leave. (c) As requests
that require final processing in CONUS or that
qualify as a stand-alone round trip. (4) Air
Reserve Component members who are
completing an extended Military Personnel
Appropriation or Reserve Personnel
Appropriation tour of duty, completing an Air
Guard Reserve assignment (without qualifying
for a 20- year active duty retirement) and
returning to Selected Reserves or Individual
Ready Reserve status, or separating from active
duty to subsequently transfer to the Retired
Reserve, are not authorized PTDY. However,
Recalled Reserve members are eligible when
retiring with an active duty retirement or
involuntarily separated "under honorable”
conditions. (5) Approve requests when
members lived in Alaska, Hawaii, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, territory, or
42 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
If a member requests
foreign country and after entering active duty
they kept the overseas address for the duration,
and want to return there. (6) Member can
request PTDY in lieu of excess leave, but not
both, if eligible.
for a pre-separation or
retirement relocation
activity such as job or
residence search and
is eligible under as a: (1)
Voluntary separation
incentive separatee. (2)
Special separation benefits
separatee. (3) Involuntary
separatee (including “for
cause” separatees eligible
under. DoDI 1332.35,
Transition Assistance
Program (TAP) for
Military Members, para
7.3.e (4) Retiree
losing unit
commander may
approve up to 30
days for CONUS-
based members
who have
domiciles, unless
to do so would
interfere with the
military mission.
(1) Commanders cannot authorize terminal leave
to “for cause” separatees authorized PTDY or
other involuntary separatees required to separate
at the earliest possible date. (2) PTDY occurs
within 180 days of the separation or retirement
date. (3) Members may take PTDY: (a) In
increments up to the maximum permitted, but not
successive Mondays through Fridays. (b) In
conjunction with terminal leave. (c) As requests
that require final processing in CONUS or that
qualify as a stand-alone round trip. (4) Air
Reserve Component members who are
completing an extended Military Personnel
Appropriation or Reserve Personnel
Appropriation tour of duty, completing an Air
Guard Reserve assignment (without qualifying
for a 20- year active duty retirement) and
returning to Selected Reserves or Individual
Ready Reserve status, or separating from active
duty to subsequently transfer to the Retired
Reserve, are not authorized PTDY. However,
Recalled Reserve members are eligible when
retiring with an active duty retirement or
involuntarily separated "under honorable”
conditions. (5) Approve requests when members
lived in Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, territory, or foreign country and
after entering active duty they kept the overseas
address for the duration, and want to return there.
(6) Member can request PTDY in lieu of excess
leave, but not both, if eligible.
to accompany or join a
dependent patient or a
member patient to a
designated medical facility
when the medical
authority deems it
unit commander
may approve up
to 14 days.
Do not authorize PTDY if funded
TDY is appropriate. (T-0). This applies if
medical authority appointed member as a non-
medical attendant to accompany a dependent.
See JTR, Chapter 3, Part D, Medical Travel, AFI
65-103, Temporary Duty/Special Orders and
AFMAN 41-210, TRICARE Operations and
Patient Administration for more information.
to attend a DoD-sponsored
unit commanders
Applies to members eligible for transition
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 43
If a member requests
employment assistance
seminar under Transition
Assistance Program when
the member cannot
schedule one locally and
when the member will
separate or retire within
180 days
may approve at
their discretion.
assistance in accordance with AFI 36-3009.
to attend meetings or
seminars sponsored by
non-Federal technical,
scientific, professional
(e.g., medical, legal,
ecclesiastical, Information
Technology, and
mechanical) societies and
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
Note: The meeting or seminar must have a direct
relationship to the member’s primary military
duties and clearly enhance his or her value to the
Air Force.
to participate in AF
programs or opportunities
which further an Airman’s
professional development
and/or enhance an
Airman’s understanding
and value to the AF,
including but not limited
to professional tests,
licenses/certifications and
interviews; to attend
national conventions
hosted by service-
connected organizations,
wing advisory council
orientation trips, and
Professional Military
Education graduations as
an immediate supervisor
or designated
representative; and to
perform emergency duties
as members of the Civil
Air Patrol.
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
Note: If a member requests PTDY to pursue an
internship as an Air Force Institute of
Technology (AFIT) student, or complete
research and graduation requirements associated
with an AFIT Civilian Institute Program, the
appropriate AFIT dean may approve the use of
PTDY up to the length of the internship.
Note: Refer to AFI 36-3205, Applying for the
Programs for details on AFR and ANG
Note: Technical Degree Sponsorship Program
(TDSP) students may pursue an internship
during established academic breaks and unit
commander may approve the use of PTDY up to
the length of the internship.
to attend Civil Air Patrol
encampments, drill
competitions, conferences
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
44 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
If a member requests
and orientation courses as
instructors, advisors, or
to attend meetings or
council sessions of the
Credit Union Associations
as members of the Board
of Directors of a DoD
Credit Union, when the
purpose of the meeting
bears directly on the DoD
Credit Union Program
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
as chaplains, to attend
a spiritual retreat,
ecclesiastical conference,
or to consult with
ecclesiastical superiors
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
(1) Attendance enhances chaplain professional
capability to fulfill mission requirement. (2)
Advance and excess leave may not be used prior
to receiving approval under this program.
to lead religious education,
spiritual renewal programs
including chapel youth
trips and summer camps,
or to attend chapel
leadership training
programs authorized by
either AF, Chief of
Chaplains (AF/HC),
or installation/HC.
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
Note: Pertains to all Airmen regardless of rank
or Air Force Specialty Code who voluntarily
participate in Chaplain Corps mission programs.
to participate or train
in sports, recreation and
talent events officially
conducted or sponsored by
elements of the Air Force,
organizations, or DoD, or
to participate in regional,
national, or international
sports events pre-approved
by Air Force Services
Center, Fitness Branch
Approved events include
specifically listed
AF/Armed Forces Sports
Calendar sports, Conseil
International du Sport
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
(1) AFSVA oversees and controls sports,
recreation, and talent events. (2) Coordinate
with the local Force Support Squadron (FSS)
division before approving the request. (T-2)
Exception: For events exceeding 30 days, Air
Force Services Center (AFSVA) may approve
up to the length of events, plus travel time.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 45
If a member requests
Militaire (CISM-
International Sports
Council) supported sports,
and official Olympic
sports. Contact
additional information
for attendance as a witness
at a state or federal
criminal investigative
proceedings or criminal
prosecution, in response to
a subpoena, summons, or
request in lieu of process.
Note: Such attendance
involves substantial public
interest, such as major
crimes, and where the
member would be an
essential witness.
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
Coordinate with installation servicing legal
as an organ or bone
marrow donor to travel to
and from a medical facility
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
Place the member in an in-patient status when
admitted to the medical facility, and on
convalescent leave in accordance with a military
medical authority. (See AFI 44-102, Medical
Care Management.)
to participate in events,
activities, or gatherings
which have been pre-
approved by AF
Recruiting Services
(AFRS) commander
because of potential
positive impact on the Air
Force recruiting mission as
part of the We Are All
Recruiters (WEAR)
unit commander
may approve up
to 14 days.
AFRS oversees and controls WEAR.
to travel to a DoD
Laser Center for
Refractive Surgery,
including Laser-In-Situ-
Keratomileusis (LASIK)
or Photorefractive
Keratectomy (PRK)
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
1) Military personnel who are approved by their
local medical facility as candidates to have
Refractive Surgery (RS) performed for
operational readiness enhancement at a DoD
Laser Center. (2) After undergoing RS, there is
an average of 1-week convalescence before the
individual returns to work. This period is not
chargeable leave (Reference paragraph 3.2.1.)
46 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
If a member requests
(3) Normal duties may be limited for 1 to 2
weeks depending upon the specific vision
requirements of the duty location. Exception: If
the DoD Laser Center is unable to complete the
process on both eyes, then the commander may
grant additional days of PTDY to return to the
DoD Laser Center to complete process.
(1) to attend funeral
services of an immediate
family member who is also
on active duty; (2) to
actively participate in
funeral services of another
military member (i.e.,
pallbearer, bugler, etc.); or
(3) to attend funeral
services when the
deceased is a military
member currently assigned
or temporarily attached to
the same unit.
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
The intent of this PTDY is for the purposes of
Wingman representation at military funeral
services. Members assigned OCONUS are
granted emergency leave and provided
government procured transportation (in
accordance with JTR, paragraph 032005B). See
paragraph 3.1.3. and Table 3.3 for situations
warranting emergency leave. If a member is
OCONUS and receives funded emergency leave,
PTDY is not authorized. Commanders should
not approve both forms of travel concurrently.
Primary Caregiver Leave
unit commanders
may approve up
to 42 days and
the leave must
begin within one
year of qualifying
birth or adoption.
Primary Caregiver Leave is non-chargeable
leave. However, until the LeaveWeb system can
create the appropriate category use this rule
when approving the leave. See paragraph for additional guidance.
Secondary Caregiver
unit commanders
may approve up
to 21 days and
the leave must
begin within one
year of qualifying
birth or adoption.
Secondary Caregiver Leave is non-chargeable
leave. However, until the LeaveWeb system can
create the appropriate category use this rule
when approving the leave. See paragraph for additional guidance.
to obtain a legal marriage
unit commanders
may approve up
to 10 days for
assigned to an
station located
more than 100
1) When two service members who are part of a
couple desire to get married, both members may
be granted PTDY; (2) Each member may be
granted the applicable number of days based on
his or her individual assignment location; (3)
Extensions of this PTDY period, for the
convenience of the Service member(s), will be
charged to the member’s leave account; (4)
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 47
If a member requests
miles from a US
state, the District
of Columbia or
other jurisdiction
that allows the
couple to be
married. The 10-
day period
includes up to a
maximum of 5
days for travel.
The total number
of days will be
based on travel
time plus the
waiting period
(wait time to
obtain a marriage
license and/or
required wait
time after the
license is
obtained but
before the
marriage may be
required by law,
to obtain a legal
marriage from the
nearest the duty
Marriage PTDY may be granted only once
during the career of a Service member; (5) If a
unit commander intends to deny Marriage
PTDY, he/she should coordinate with the next
senior commander in the chain of command.
to be the presiding official
for a military retirement
unit commander
may approve up
to 3 days
(1) Mere attendance is not considered
participation, the member must be officiating the
ceremony. (2) Participation is limited to one
presiding official per retirement ceremony. (T-0)
to support and/or
participate in youth
organization activities
consistent with the best
interests of the AF and as
mission permits.
unit commanders
may approve at
their discretion.
If approved, PTDY travel is limited to travel in
support of the Jamboree and similar annual
events held by the other youth organizations
listed in 5 USC § 301, Departmental
Regulations. (T-0)
To participate in
SkillBridge Program,
based on mission
1) SkillBridge applications must be approved in
the AF Virtual Education Center by the first
48 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
If a member requests
which offers Service
members in the last 180
days of their service
obligation the
opportunity for civilian
training for post-Service
employment, facilitating
their access to civilian
employment upon
DoDI 1322.29, Job
Training, Employment
Skills Training,
Apprenticeships, and
Internships (JTEST-AI) for
Eligible Service Members
unit commander
may approve up
to 180 days for
training for
level field grade officer (O4 and above) with
Uniform Code of Military Justice authority.
(T-1). Application is uploaded in LeaveWeb as
source document. (2) The supervisor is the unit
Point of Contact maintaining accountability of
the Airman through completion of the
SkillBridge program and exit survey. (3) Before
the online application is approved, the member
must receive counseling from the Education &
Training Center, an approved Company Vetting
Checklist completed, and any other relevant
Legal/Contracting Reviews or Memorandums of
Understandings must be accomplished. (T-1).
(5) All documents are maintained in the
Airman’s Air Force Automated Education
Management System (AFAEMS) Digital File
Folder. (T-1) (6) Concurrent Permissive TDY
for pre-separation or retirement relocation is not
authorized. (7) Terminal Leave may be used in
conjunction or concurrently with SkillBridge
training program
Emergency Leave of
Absence (ELA)
unit commanders
may authorize a
period of no more
than 14
consecutive days.
ELA is non-chargeable leave. However, until
the LeaveWeb system can create the appropriate
category use this rule when approving the leave.
See paragraph for additional
guidance. PTDY Not Authorized. Unit commander cannot authorize PTDY if a member
requests PTDY to (this list is not all-inclusive): Search for a house or search for a job when the separation program
designator code renders member ineligible for full benefits and services, (for
example, a member voluntarily separating for miscellaneous reasons or on
completion of required active service). Search for a house, under the following circumstances: For a close proximity permanent change of station move, such as
Joint Base San Antonio, TX and Lackland Air Force Base, TX. In conjunction with a permissive reassignment. When called to active duty for accession training. This applies to
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 49
members of AFR or ANG units. At initial assignment for accession training. If the member already has housing in the area (i.e., from a previous
assignment) unless the house is currently rented or leased and not available upon
the member’s permanent change of station. Travel to interview at new or prospective duty station or assignment (other
than as AFROTC faculty applicants). To participate in sporting events not sponsored by Air Force or other DoD
Components, approved events outlined in Table 3.6 Rule 12. Attend funeral of non-immediate family members or military members
other than authorized in Table 3.6 Rule 17. Appear in court or for personal matters, such as divorce, or bankruptcy. Combine with excess leave for pre-separation or retirement relocation
activities such as job or residence search, if eligible. Note: Member can request
PTDY in lieu of excess leave, but not both.
50 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
Chapter 4
4.1. Regular and Special Pass Information: A pass period is an authorized absence from duty
for a relatively short time. Note: For an extension beyond the authorized pass period, a Service
member shall be charged leave for the entire period if the absence exceeds 3 days and is deemed
unauthorized and avoidable. (T-0) For unavoidable circumstances, a Service member will be
charged leave only for those days beyond the authorized pass period. (T-0)
4.2. Regular Pass.
4.2.1. A regular pass (liberty) starts after normal working hours on a given day and stops at
the beginning of normal working hours on the next working day.
4.2.2. A regular pass normally begins at the end of working hours on Friday afternoon until
the beginning of normal working hours on the following Monday when non-duty days are
Saturday and Sunday. (T-0)
4.2.3. A regular pass period (non-duty days) for units on non-traditional work schedules
(alternate or compressed work schedules) may not exceed the 4-day special pass limitation.
The combination of non-duty days and a public holiday may not exceed the 4- day special
pass limitation. (T-0) The combination of 3 non-duty days and a public holiday during a
compressed work schedule is a regular pass period.
4.2.4. A DoD Management or Supporting Activity, as defined in DoDI 5100.73, Major DoD
Headquarters Activities, determines whether Monday or Friday is compensatory time off
with a holiday observed on a Tuesday or Thursday. An authorized 4-day holiday period
consisting of a holiday, compensatory time off day, and a weekend is a regular pass period.
For the purpose of this AFI, major DoD Headquarters Activities refer to the MAJCOMs and
4.3. Special Pass. Unit commanders may award 3- or 4-day special passes for special occasions
or circumstances, such as reenlistment or for some type of special recognition or compensatory
time off. They may delegate approval to a level no lower than squadron section commander,
deputies, or equivalents. (T-1) Special passes start after normal working hours on a given day.
They stop at the beginning of normal working hours on either the 4th day for a 3-day special pass
or the 5th day for a 4-day special pass. A 3-day special pass can be Friday through Sunday,
Saturday through Monday, or Tuesday through Thursday. A 4-day special pass can be Thursday
through Sunday or Saturday through Tuesday or Friday through Monday. This applies to a
normal Monday through Friday workweek. See paragraph 2.1.2 for safe travel guidelines.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 51
4.4. Regular and Special Pass Guidelines. Unit commanders:
4.4.1. Impose no mileage restrictions. However, they may require members to be able to
return to duty within a reasonable time in the event of an operational mission requirement
such as a recall, unit alert, or unit emergency. (T-3) At training bases, commanders can
require members to be able to return in time to resume training or class attendance.
Commanders need to base all restrictions on reasonable and legitimate military requirements.
4.4.2. Inform members that the authorized absence that exceeds the pass period is chargeable
leave if they fail to return from an authorized pass period. (T-1)
4.4.3. A special pass may be taken in conjunction with leave without a duty day between the
special pass and leave period. The member must be physically present in the local area when
departing and returning from leave. (T-0) The local area is the place where the member lives
and from which he or she commutes daily to the duty station. Leave may be taken either
prior to or following the special pass but not both before and after the special pass.
4.4.4. Do not grant regular passes in succession or in series. (T-0)
4.4.5. Ensure the Unit Leave Monitor processes an AF Form 988 when members fail to
return from pass and need unplanned leave. (T-3)
4.4.6. Charge members leave for absence not excused under DoD 7000.14-R, Financial
Management Regulation, Volume 7A, Department of Defense Financial Management,
Military Pay Policy Active Duty and Reserve Pay. (T-0).
4.4.7. Inform members they cannot use special pass periods to extend TDY periods. Regular
pass, at no cost to the government, may be authorized at the beginning or the end of the TDY
period. (T-0)
4.4.8. Do not grant a special pass in conjunction with non-duty days exceeding the 3-day or
4-day special pass limitation. (T-0)
52 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
Chapter 5
5.1. Overview. This chapter describes the SLA provisions when deployments or assignments to
a hostile-fire or imminent-danger pay area prohibit members from using leave. SLA also applies
when deployments or assignments to designated operational missions at the national level
prohibit members from using leave. It provides information on restoring leave lost at the end of
the FY, when permitted by Congress.
5.2. SLA Eligibility.
5.2.1. Leave in Excess of 60 Days at the End of the Fiscal Year. SLA allows members
assigned to hostile fire/imminent danger pay areas for 120 consecutive days or more or
members not serving in a hostile fire or imminent danger area, but who are assigned to
qualifying duties, as designated by SAF/MR, to accumulate leave in excess of 60 days.
Furthermore, it should be a result of the members’ inability to take leave or to reduce their
leave balance to 60 days before the end of the fiscal year while being assigned to said
activities. In assessing whether or not a member has exhausted all means to reduce their
leave balance to 60 days before the end of the fiscal year, commanders should assess the
entire fiscal year, including the time prior to and after the deployment. (T-1).
5.2.2. Members who serve on active duty while entitled to hostile fire/imminent danger pay
for a continuous period of at least 120 days and members serving in a “qualifying duty” as
designated by SAF/MR are authorized to retain such leave (not to exceed 120 days) until the
end of the third fiscal year following the fiscal year in which SLA was lost. (T-1).
5.2.3. Members assigned to a non-hostile fire pay and/or non-imminent danger pay area in
support of a contingency operation who are on Contingency, Exercise, and Deployment
orders (and in rare cases, DD Form 1610, Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD
Personnel orders) are authorized to retain such leave up to 120 days until the end of the
second fiscal year following the fiscal year in which SLA was lost. (T-1).
5.2.4. Members who schedule “use or lose” leave in August or September risk losing leave
on 1 October if military requirements or personal circumstances prevent them from taking
leave at that particular time. However, SLA shall not be used as a means to authorize the
accumulation of leave in excess of 60 days that is a result of members’ failure to properly
manage their leave balance.
5.2.5. The situation preventing members from using leave must have been caused by a
catastrophe, national emergency and/or crisis or operations in defense of national security.
The member’s support of a contingency operation in defense of national security for 120 or
more consecutive days, whether in a hostile fire or imminent danger or area or not, will not
automatically qualify a member for SLA. (T-1).
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 53
5.3. Restoring Leave Lost on 1 October.
5.3.1. The maximum amount of SLA leave that may be carried forward is the leave balance
at the end of the fiscal year following the end of the SLA qualifying period not to exceed 120
days. (T-1).
5.3.2. The maximum amount will be reduced to a new level whenever the leave balance
drops below the previously set level. If, at any time, the leave balance drops to or goes below
60 days, then there is no longer any SLA protected leave. Therefore, the actual maximum
leave that can be carried forward into succeeding fiscal years is the lowest leave balance
achieved following the completion of the SLA duty or the usual 60 days, whichever is
greater. (T-1).
5.4. Terms of Leave Carry-over.
5.4.1. A member may not carry forward a leave balance of more than 60 days into a new
fiscal year, except when entitled to SLA, as outlined below:
5.4.2. Members who serve on active duty while entitled to hostile fire/imminent danger pay
for a continuous period of at least 120 days and members serving in a “qualifying duty” as
designated by SAF/MR are authorized to retain such leave (not to exceed 120 days) until the
end of the third fiscal year following the fiscal year in which SLA was lost. (T-1).
5.4.3. Members assigned to a non-hostile fire pay and/or non-imminent danger pay area in
support of a contingency operation who are on Contingency, Exercise, and Deployment
orders (and in rare cases, DD Form 1610) are authorized to retain such leave up to 120 days
until the end of the second fiscal year following the fiscal year in which SLA was lost. (T-1).
5.4.4. If the SLA qualifying period crosses a fiscal year, then the entire leave balance (not to
exceed 120 days) will be carried forward and the leave accrued from the beginning of the
new fiscal year through the end of the SLA qualifying period will be added to establish the
maximum. Only that portion of a leave balance in excess of 60 days that could not have been
taken before the end of the fiscal year because the member was assigned to SLA qualifying
duty will be included in the carryover amount. Example: On August 31, 2007, a member
had a leave balance of 80 days. On September 15, 2007, he was assigned to duty qualifying
for SLA. Had the member not been assigned to SLA duty, he could have possibly taken 15
days leave from September 16 through September 30. If the member had taken leave during
this period, then there would still have been a loss of 7.5 days (82.5 days accrued through
September 30, less the 15 days potentially taken and the normal 60-day carryover restriction)
at the end of the fiscal year. Therefore, since only the portion that potentially could have
been taken is protected, the member may carry forward 75 days and will lose 7.5 days of
leave. (T-1).
5.5. SLA Approval Authority. For eligible members, the wing commander or wing vice
commander has the final authority which may be delegated no lower than the first O-6 in the
chain of command. At other organizations (i.e., Air Staff, MAJCOM, FOA, DRU) the senior
officer representative (O-6 and above) or equivalent at the directorate level approves SLA for
his/her organization. At joint organizations, the senior Air Force officer representative on staff
approves SLA for eligible members assigned to units, HAF, and supporting staffs. Once the
SLA package receives wing commander (or equivalent) approval, the package is processed to
AFPC for validation and processing.
54 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
5.6. SLA Disapproval. Any commander in the chain of command may deny a member’s
request for SLA without referring it to a higher-level authority when the member’s request does
not meet the criteria for SLA consideration.
5.7. Exceptions To Policy (ETP). Members who believe they are eligible but do not meet the
criteria in paragraphs 5.2.2 through 5.2.3 may submit an ETP. Reasons for lost leave should
have AF or DoD-wide significance. These exceptions will be considered on a case-by case basis
and the approval authority resides at AF/A1. AF/A1 will not entertain ETP packages for
members who were unable to reduce their leave balance to 60 days due to being on alert status.
5.8. SLA Not Authorized. Members are ineligible for SLA when the following precludes using
leave (this list is not all-inclusive):
5.8.1. Normal permanent change of station moves and TDY.
5.8.2. Base closures.
5.8.3. Hospitalizations, aeromedical evacuations, quarters, and convalescent leaves.
5.8.4. Details and special working groups.
5.8.5. Research requirements; or attending training exercises, schools or courses, unless they
are required for the deployment that resulted in the loss of leave.
5.8.6. Pending separations and retirements.
5.8.7. Workload after return from deployment.
5.8.8. Post-Deployment recovery time.
5.8.9. Post deployment/mobilization respite absence.
5.9. Members not eligible for SLA. Members not eligible for SLA, for the reasons listed in
paragraph 5.8, can request recovery of days lost by submitting a DD Form 149 to the Board of
Correction of Military Records (BCMR). See AFI 36-2603. Applications must clearly establish
that an error or injustice by the Air Force caused the member’s lost leave. If the Board restores
leave to current leave account, members must use these days before the end of the current FY.
5.10. Submitting SLA Requests. Refer to the Leave Personnel Services Delivery Guide
located on myPers for processing procedures.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 55
Chapter 6
6.1. In-Place Consecutive Overseas Tour (IPCOT). IPCOT refers to members assigned to a
consecutive tour at the same overseas duty station. Members cannot initiate the travel until they
have entered the new IPCOT tour, and have until the end of the IPCOT tour to use the travel and
transportation allowances, otherwise the authority expires. (T-0). The leave taken is ordinary
leave charged based on authorized allowable travel. See paragraph 6.4 for exception to the end
of tour limitation when members are unable to use the travel due to duty in connection with a
contingency operation.
6.2. Deferred Consecutive Overseas Tour (COT). Deferred COT refers to members unable to
use the COT leave travel and transportation allowances between the two tours because of
military necessity, or when requested by member and approved for COT leave deferment.
Members have until the end of their new tour to use the COT leave travel and transportation
allowances, otherwise the authority expires. (T-0). The leave taken is ordinary leave charged
based on authorized allowable travel time. See paragraph 6.4 for exception to the end of tour
limitation when members are unable to use the travel due to duty in connection with a
contingency operation.
6.3. Scheduling Travel. The unit works with the member to schedule the IPCOT or COT travel
and makes sure the member uses the travel opportunity. Since the IPCOT and COT travel is a
statutory allowance, members forfeit this opportunity if not used within the specified period
covered in paragraph 6.3.1 or 6.3.2 below. Use DD Form 1610 for COT, deferred COT or
IPCOT travel.
6.3.1. Scheduling IPCOT Leave Travel. A member cannot initiate the travel until they have
entered the new IPCOT tour and has until the end of the IPCOT tour to use the travel and
transportation allowances. Otherwise the allowance expires. (T-0).
6.3.2. Scheduling Deferred COT Leave Travel. When a member arrives at the new duty
station, permanent change of station orders should show member authorized deferred COT.
Members have until the end of their new tour to use the COT leave travel and transportation
allowances. Otherwise the allowance expires. Note: If the determination is made that the
member did not use the deferred COT, the member is required to reimburse the government
for permanent change of station COT leave travel payments made on the permanent change
of station voucher. (T-0).
6.3.3. Exception to End of Tour Limitation. Members unable to use the authority before
completing the new tour due to duty in connection with contingency operations may defer
travel until not more than 1 year after the completion of the duties precluding travel. In this
case, the member is still authorized to leave travel from the new Permanent Duty Station
(i.e., the permanent duty station after departure from the OCONUS location from which
deferred travel could not be taken) to an authorized location. The cost limitation for travel
from this new permanent duty station and return is the cost from the permanent duty station
from which deferred travel could not be taken to the home of record and return. The cost
limitations are established in the JTR. Note: The additional deferment based solely on duty
performed in connection with a contingency operation is a one-time additional authority and
56 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
cannot be further extended. If members do not qualify for an extension based on duty in
connection with a contingency operation, they may submit a DD Form 149. See AFI 36-
2603. Member’s application establishes that an error or injustice by the Air Force prevented
the member from using the authority within the specified time frame. (T-0)
6.3.4. Members should contact Traffic Management Office/Commercial Travel Office for
travel arrangements. Failure to do so may result in non-reimbursement of travel costs. Note:
The JTR authorizes travel and transportation allowances to members in connection with
authorized leave from, and return to, the overseas duty station. The JTR, paragraph 050812,
Consecutive Overseas Tour Leave, explains the allowances for members and their command-
sponsored dependents who travel from the overseas duty station to the home of record or
place of residence and return. The government reimburses authorized travel and
transportation expenses.
6.4. COT or IPCOT Designated Places. An authorized destination is the member’s home of
record or an alternate authorized place to which travel is no more expensive than to the home of
6.4.1. If travel to the selected alternate place is more expensive than travel to the home of
record, the member is financially responsible for the additional cost unless travel to the more
expensive alternate place is authorized/approved by the Secretarial Process. If the member
travels to a more expensive alternate place (and the Secretarial Process has not
authorized/approved travel to that destination), city-pair airfares are not authorized to that
alternate place. (T-0). See JTR 050812, para C.1 for further information.
6.4.2. Commanders send requests for travel via a designated place or alternate location with
COT or IPCOT travel through AFPC/DP3SA to AF/A1PA, in accordance with JTR,
paragraph 051202, Travel to/from a Designated Place. (T-0)
6.5. Special Rest and Recuperation or Overseas Tour Extension Incentive
Program. Another name for Special Rest and Recuperation is Overseas Tour Extension
Incentive Program as described in AFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments. Overseas Tour
Extension Incentive Program is non-chargeable leave authorized in lieu of special pay for certain
enlisted members who voluntarily extend their tour at designated overseas locations under the
Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program 30-day special rest and recuperation leave (Y2) or
15-day special rest and recuperation leave (Y3) option. (T-1)
6.5.1. Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Eligibility Requirements. Eligibility
requirements are in AFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments. Eligible members agree to
extend at a designated overseas location for a period of exactly one year. (T-1).
6.5.2. Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Leave Options: 30-day non-chargeable leave (Y2). Use AF Form 988 for this option. 15-day non-chargeable leave and round-trip transportation at government
expense for the military member only (Y3). This applies to travel from the designated
overseas location to the nearest Continental US (48 contiguous states and the District of
Columbia) port and return. Dependents are not authorized travel under this incentive.
The Financial Services Office uses the AF Form 985, Report of Travel Time/Leave
(JUMPS) to determine chargeable leave based on authorized allowable travel time. (T-1).
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 57 Since the Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program leave option is a statutory
authority, members forfeit their leave options if not used within 12 months after entering
the extension. (T-0).
6.5.3. Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Leave Time Frame. Members normally
use the 15- or 30-day leave in one increment within 6 months after the effective date of
extension. See paragraph for exception due to military requirements.
6.5.4. Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program Approval. Commanders: Approve 30-day option (Y2) and 15-day option (Y3) leave requests within 6
months after the member’s effective date of extension. (T-1) May not approve Overseas Tour Extension Incentive Program for members to
bank leave for use at later time or en route leave with a member’s permanent change of
station. (T-1) May waive the 6-month requirement if a member is unable to take the Overseas
Tour Extension Incentive Program within 6 months after the effective date of extension
because of military requirements. Set the time frame for member to take Overseas Tour
Extension Incentive Program prior to expiration of extension. (T-1) Can approve the 30-day option in conjunction with valid TDY and emergency
leave, but not with ordinary leave, special passes or PTDY. (T-1) May approve up to 15 days ordinary leave in conjunction with the 15-day option. Cannot approve 15- or 30-day option in conjunction with reassignment or in
conjunction with retirement or separation from active duty. (T-1). Use the DD Form 1610 for 15 days of Overseas Tour Extension Incentive
Program. (T-1)
6.6. Rest and Recuperation. Rest and Recuperation programs are for members in a designated
hostile-fire or imminent-danger pay area when military necessity restricts the annual leave
program and the use of ordinary leave.
6.6.1. The Assistant Secretary of Defense approves Rest and Recuperation programs.
6.6.2. Rest and Recuperation Program Management. Combatant commanders manage Rest
and Recuperation programs for their theaters of operation.
6.6.3. MAJCOMs submit requests to AF/A1PA, 1500 W. Perimeter Rd, Suite 4780, Joint
Base Andrews, MD 20762, to establish Rest and Recuperation leave programs for units in
their command that meet DoD criteria.
6.6.4. AF/A1P works with the Office of the Secretary of Defense to coordinate MAJCOM
requests for Rest and Recuperation leave programs.
6.6.5. Members are authorized transportation on a space-available basis to and from
designated Rest and Recuperation areas. (T-0)
6.6.6. The travel time to and from Rest and Recuperation areas is not chargeable leave. (T-0)
6.6.7. Rest and Recuperation chargeable leave periods are limited to one per 12-month
period. (T-0).
58 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
6.6.8. Members cannot combine Rest and Recuperation leave with pass, PTDY, TDY, or
travel for other purposes. (T-0).
6.7. Recruiter Assistance Program (RAP). Air Force Recruiting Service (AFRS) oversees
RAP. For assistance, contact the local recruiting squadron and request a copy of the RAP
Operations Handbook for detailed instructions. Members may also contact Air Force Services
Activity, Operations Directorate, Sports and Fitness Branch (AFSVA/RSOAP), at DSN 665-
0381 or commercial (210) 565-0381 with any additional questions.
6.8. Air Force Academy Leave Program. The Superintendent of the US Air Force Academy
(USAFA) manages the leave programs for its faculty and staff and for newly commissioned
officers upon graduation from the USAFA. (T-2).
6.8.1. Graduation Leave. Graduation leave is non-chargeable leave for graduates of the
Service academies. The USAFA Superintendent may authorize up to 60 days of non-chargeable
leave, military requirements permitting. Graduates take and complete graduation leave within 3 months after the
member’s graduation and before the member reports to the first permanent change of
station or port of embarkation for permanent duty located OCONUS. Graduates placed on TDY or hospitalized during the leave period may revert to
leave status to complete the leave provided completion of the leave occurs within 3
months after graduation. In such cases, the activity having responsibility for the member
when TDY or hospitalization occurs approves continuation of graduation leave status.
6.9. Personnel Detailed or Assigned to the United Nations for Peace Operations. Effective
1 December 1994, personnel detailed or assigned to the United Nations for peace operations may
take non-chargeable leave. Prior to 1 December 1994, any leave taken was chargeable leave.
6.9.1. United Nations Non-chargeable Leave. United Nations Force commanders or chief
military observers approve leave for Air Force members within their geographic area of
authority. (T-1). Members: May take United Nations non-chargeable leave within the geographic area of the
United Nations Force commanders' or chief military observers' authority. Use the AF Form 988, annotate PTDY, and cite this paragraph as authority. (T-
6.9.2. United Nations Pass. United Nations Force commanders or chief military observers may grant passes
for Air Force members within their geographic area of authority. Members granted United Nations passes must stay within the geographic area of
the United Nations Force commanders’ or chief military observers’ authority. (T-1). Document passes according to United Nations rules.
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 59
6.9.3. Leave or Pass Outside the United Nations Geographic Area. Air Force members taking leave or passes outside the United Nations Force
commanders' or chief military observers' geographic area of authority are under the
control of the US chain of command and are in a non-duty status. Members are subject to US laws, directives, and instructions. In these
occurrences: The United Nations Force commanders or chief military observers and the
US chain of command representatives approve leave and passes. Members use AF Form 988 for leave, annotate ordinary, and cite this AFI
as authority in the Remarks section of Block 8. This is chargeable leave. Permanent
change of station or TDY en route leave and emergency leave are also chargeable
leave. The US chain of command representatives document passes in writing.
Cite this paragraph as authority.
6.10. Reserve Component (RC) Carryover Leave. RC members and RegAF members
separating under PALACE CHASE or PALACE FRONT may carry over leave earned during an
active duty tour for use during a future active duty tour. RC members are not required to use,
sell or lose their earned leave at the end of an active duty tour. Carryover leave usage is not
restricted to the next tour and may be used on future/subsequent active duty tours. Members are
authorized to carry leave forward but commanders should strongly encourage members to take
leave during the tour in which the leave was earned, as there is no guarantee that leave carried
forward can be used due to unforeseen mission requirements.
6.10.1. Carryover Leave Usage (see ARC Leave Carryover Guide on myPers). Members will not be placed on orders for the sole purpose of using carryover
leave (T-3). Members must obtain their gaining commander's approval for carryover leave
usage prior to issuance of orders. (T-3). The commander's approval must include
validation of resource availability, to include Operations and Maintenance funding, if
appropriate. (T-3). Members who wish to take carryover leave during a tour must present
documentation (e.g., Defense Finance and Accounting Service, Defense Joint Military
Pay System, previous orders) reflecting the member's carryover leave balance. If the gaining commander approves, the carryover leave days will be included
as part of the overall tour length and carryover leave will be taken during that tour. (T-3).
Example for RC only: RC member agrees to a 60-day tour and asks to use 10 days of
carryover leave. Commander approves an overall 70-day tour length that includes
authorized travel, duty time, annual leave accrued during the tour (5 days) and the 10
days of carryover leave. The gaining commander has discretion to approve and cancel approved leave if
mission or circumstances (e.g., disciplinary actions) dictate.
60 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 If the request that led to approved leave is withdrawn by the member, or the
commander cancels previously approved carryover leave, the unused carryover leave is
credited back to the member’s leave balance and tour length adjusted. When a member does not take leave during a tour of duty and chooses not to
sell it, this leave is carried forward to the next active duty long tour.
6.10.2. Carryover Leave Limitations. Members will not take carryover leave in conjunction with an Annual Tour. (T-
1) Members cannot use carryover leave to justify entering sanctuary for the
purpose of an active duty retirement. (T-1) Members may not carry more than 60 days of leave from one fiscal year to the
next unless authorized SLA (see Chapter 5). (T-0) Members transferring to the AFR cannot carryover leave from the RegAF,
(except for members transferring into the AGR program with no break in service to
include PALACE CHASE/PALACE FRONT), ANG or other services. Members must
settle all leave accounts prior to transferring. (T-1) AFR members transferring within the Selected Reserve from AGR, the losing
Reserve Pay Office/Financial Services Office will submit a Case Management System
case to request accrued leave be transferred to the member’s new pay record. (T-1) Sell back of carryover leave will be limited to 60 days per career (not including
excepted leave). For additional details on selling back leave, contact servicing MPS for
AFR Component Leave Carryover Guide.
6.10.3. Tracking Payout of Carryover Leave. Carryover leave is tracked via the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and
Defense Joint Military Pay System. Leave earned in one active duty status may be authorized and taken in a
different active duty status funded by a distinct and different appropriation to include
AGR, Statutory Tour, or Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS).
6.11. Reserve Component OCONUS Leave En Route. While downtime is generally observed
prior to leave, a commander has the discretion to approve deployed leave en route (or leave in
conjunction with temporary duty performed in an overseas location) and allow downtime to
occur upon return from leave. As force providers to Air Force MAJCOMs, ANG units and
members must comply with both supported MAJCOM and Combatant Command leave en route
policies and procedures. (T-3).
6.11.1. Post deployment OCONUS leave en route must be requested and approved by the
first General Officer in the member’s home station chain of command and deployed
commander prior to departure. (T-3). For ANG members serving in any Area of Responsibility (AOR) and on
restricted length Title 10 Military Personnel Appropriation (MPA) orders, leave en route
approval will be limited to leave earned during the current deployment. (T-3).
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 61 Tour lengths, combined with travel days, overlap, leave and downtime are
calculated in the Manpower MPA Man-day Management System (M4S).
6.11.2. ANG requirements for official military travel OCONUS are codified in Chief,
National Guard Bureau Instruction (CNGBI) CNGBI 1002.01A, National Guard Official
Military Travel Outside U.S. Areas, 4 June 2020. Drill Status Guardsmen (DSG), AGR and
Dual Status Technicians must be in a Title 10 duty status when performing OCONUS duty.
(T-3). Members may travel in a Title 32 status only if they do not land on any foreign
territory while transitioning between CONUS and OCONUS. Members may travel to or
between Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands in a Title 32
status, but may not transit any point OCONUS. Airmen are not authorized to "break" orders for the purposes of taking leave.
Official travel outside US areas, which incorporates coming off orders for purpose of
taking leave, only to regain military duty status for return travel is not authorized. Technician leave is not permitted while on military orders and orders may not
be broken for the purpose of taking Technician leave.
6.11.3. Post deployment OCONUS leave en route must be requested and approved by home
station and deployed commander prior to departure. (T-3). Contingency Exercise Deployment (CED) orders and AF Form 988 or
LeaveWeb remarks must include current leave balance, number of days and dates of
authorized leave, leave address, member's cell phone number and emergency contact
phone number. (T-3). Home station unit commanders are responsible for ensuring. Notification to the Installation Personnel Readiness (IPR) and Unit
Deployment Manager (UDM) of leave dates. This allows for proper personnel
accountability and reporting and verifying the requested leave does not exceed leave
earned during the tour or end of tour/orders date. Member arrives at home station with adequate days remaining on orders
to complete finance, medical and force support in-processing and/or downtime prior
to orders end date. Leave is limited to leave earned in current deployment. Members comply with foreign government procedures as outlined in the
DoD Foreign Clearance Guide ( to include
the DoD Travel Security Advisory. Member completes MAJCOM leave en route redeployment checklist with
required approval/signatures by deployed commander, deployed First Sergeant,
deployed Office of Special Investigations (OSI), deployed medical unit, deployed
Traffic Management Office, and the deployed UDM. IPR and UDMs track members on leave (via Deliberate and Crisis Action
Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES) notification) until member returns.
62 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 Members are responsible for commercial travel costs from point of
departure to leave location and for the difference in airfare from leave location to
home station. Administrative Control (ADCON) will remain with the 201th Mission
Support Squadron Commander until the member in-processes at home station. (T-2)
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 63
Chapter 7
7.1. Purpose. In support of the Secretary of Defense’s utilization of the Total Force policy, the
PDMRA is established for members who are required to mobilize or deploy with a frequency
beyond established rotation goals. The yearly rotation goal consists of a deployment-to-dwell
ratio of 1:2 years for active component personnel and 1:5 years for the RC. That is, for every 1
year an active component service member is deployed, member requires 2 years at the home
station; and for every 1 year a RC service member is deployed, member requires 5 years at the
home station. This policy applies to all members with creditable deployments and mobilizations
underway on, or commencing after 1 October 2011. PDMRA is a type of Administrative
Absence. Note: Guidance for PDMRA on or after 19 January 2007, but before 1 October 2011
can be found in the Personnel Services Delivery Guide.
7.2. Creditable Time for Active Component. RegAF Airmen who, on the first day of their
current deployment, deployed in excess of 12 months out of the previous 36 months, and who
meet the other eligibility criteria contained in this instruction, qualify for PDMRA days.
Example: If a RegAF Airmen’s cumulative deployments of 30 consecutive days or longer is
more than 12 months out of the previous 36 months, member is eligible to accrue PDMRA if
deployed to a location authorized for PDMRA accrual.
7.3. Creditable Time for Reserve Component (RC). RC Airmen who, on the first day of their
current qualifying mobilization/deployment, had been mobilized pursuant to 10 USC § 12301(a),
Reserve Components Generally, 10 USC § 12302, Ready Reserve The Under Secretary of
Defense, or 10 USC § 12304 Selected Reserve and Certain Individual Ready Reserve Members;
Order to Active Duty other than During War or National Emergency in excess of 12 months out
of the previous 72 months, and who meet the other eligibility criteria contained in this enclosure,
qualify for PDMRA days. In addition, voluntary deployments on 10 USC § 12301(d) orders to a
Combat Zone Tax Exclusion (CZTE) area will be used for determining creditable time for
PDMRA accrual. (T-0).
7.4. PDMRA Accrual Rates. PDMRA begins to accrue when a member has boots on ground
for 30 consecutive days, and is provided for each month or fraction of a month beyond 30
consecutive days. PDMRA days cannot be carried forward/rolled over to a new
deployment/mobilization period.
7.4.1. Two Administrative Days Per Month. RegAF Airmen accrue 2 administrative absence days per month when the
deployment threshold in paragraph 7.2 of this AFI is exceeded and the Airman is
entitled to CZTE for deployment to a combat zone. Creditable time starts when the
Airman has boots on ground at the CZTE location (the same day they become eligible for
CZTE. RC Airmen serving pursuant to 10 USC §§ 12301(a), 12301(d), 12302, or 12304
accrue 2 administrative absence days per month when the mobilization/deployment
threshold in paragraph 7.3 of this AFI is exceeded and the Airman is entitled to CZTE
for active service in a combat zone. Creditable time starts when the Airman has Boots on
the Ground at the CZTE location (the same day they become eligible for CZTE).
64 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
7.4.2. One Administrative Day Per Month. RC Airmen serving pursuant to 10 USC §§
12301(a), 12302, or 12304 accrue 1 administrative absence day per month when the
mobilization threshold in paragraph 7.3 of this instruction is exceeded and the Airman is
outside of the US, not in a CZTE area. Creditable time starts when the Airman has boots on
the ground outside of the US.
Table 7.1. PDMRA (for deployment/mobilization accomplished on or after 1 October
Mobilized Beyond
Earned Per
10 USC §§
12302, 12304
Earned Per
10 USC § 12301(d)
Earned Per Month
12 months
CZTE area
2 days
2 days
2 days
12 months
Outside the United
States (other than a
CZTE area)
0 days
1 days
0 days
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 65
Figure 7.1. PDMRA accrual rate for eligible Airmen in a CZTE area.
Number Days in
PDMRA days
Each additional
30 days
2 additional
PDMRA days
Figure 7.2. PDMRA accrual rate for eligible 10 USC §§ 12301(a), 12302, or 12304 RC
Airmen outside the US (non-CZTE area).
Number Days
outside the US
PDMRA days
Each additional
30 days
1 additional
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
66 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
Attachment 1
5 USC § 301, Departmental Regulations
10 USC, Armed Forces
10 USC § 701, Entitlement and Accumulation
10 USC § 876a, Leave Required to be Taken Pending Review of Certain Court-Martial
10 USC § 9013, Secretary of the Air Force,
10 USC § 12301 (a), (d), Reserve Components Generally
10 USC § 12302, Ready Reserve
10 USC § 12304, Selected Reserve and Certain Individual Ready Reserve Members; Order to
Active Duty other than During War or National Emergency
10 USC § 1552, Correction of Military Records: claims incident thereto.
32 USC, National Guard
37 USC, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services
37 USC § 501, Payments for Unused Accrued Leave
CNGBI 1002.01A, National Guard Official Military Travel Outside U.S. Areas, 4 June 2020
DoDM 5400.07, DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program, 25 January 2017
DoD 7000.14-R, Vol 7A, Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, Military
Pay Policy - Active Duty and Reserve Pay, May 2020
DoDI 1322.29, Job Training, Employment Skills Training, Apprenticeships, and Internships
(JTEST-AI) for Eligible Service Members, 24 January 2014
DoDI 1332.35, Tranistion Assistance Program (TAP), 26 September 2019
DoDI 1327.06, Leave and Liberty Policy and Procedures, 16 June 2009
DoDI 4515.13, Air Transportation Eligibility, 22 January 2016
DoDI 5100.73, Major DoD Headquarters Activities, 1 December 2007
DoD Foreign Clearance Guide
DoD Guidance for Implementation of the Military Parental Leave Program
Joint Travel Regulations, current edition
AFPD 36-30, Military Entitlements, 11 April 2019
AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 23 March 2020
AFI 33-332, Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Program, 10 March 2020
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 67
AFI 33-360, Publications and Forms Management, 1 December 2015
AFI 36-2102, Base-Level Relocation Procedures, 18 September 2006
AFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments, 5 October 2018
AFI 36-2603, Air Force Board for Correction of Military Records (AFBCMR), 18 September
AFI 36-2619, Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) Active Component (AC) Man-Day
Program, 25 November 2019
AFI 36-3009, Airman and Family Readiness Centers, 30 August 2018
AFI 36-3012, Military Entitlements, 23 August 2019
AFI 36-3026V1_IP, Inter-service Publication Volume 1, Identification Cards For Members Of
The Uniformed Services, Their Eligible Family Members, And Other Eligible Personnel, 4
August 2017
AFI 36-3205, Applying for the PALACE CHASE and PALACE FRONT Programs, 10 October
AFI 36-3206, Administrative Discharge Procedures for Commissioned Officers, 9 June 2004
AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen, 9 July 2004
AFI 44-102, Medical Care Management, 17 March 2015
AFI 65-103, Temporary Duty/Special Orders, 15 August 2019
AFI 90-802, Risk Management, 1 April 2019
AFMAN 36-2136, Reserve Personnel Participation, 6 September 2019
AFMAN 41-210, TRICARE Operations and Patient Administration,10 September 2019
AFMAN 65-116, Volume 2, Defense Joint Military Pay System Active Component (DJMS-AC)
Unit Procedures Excluding Financial Management Flights , 23 October 2019
AFMAN 65-116, Volume 3, Defense Joint Military Pay System - Reserve Component (DJMS-
RC), 7 November 2019
AFR Component Leave Carryover Guide
Leave Personnel Services Deliver Guidance
Adopted Forms
DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Records Under the Provisions of Title10,
US Code, Section 1552
DD Form 1610, Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 985, Report of Travel Time/Leave (JUMPS)
AF Form 988, Leave Request/Authorization
68 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ADCONAdministrative Control
ADOSActive Duty Operational Support
AETCAir Education and Training Command
AFAir Force
AFAEMSAir Force Automated Education Management System
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFITAir Force Institute of Technology
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFROTC—Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
AFRSAir Force Recruiting Service
AFSVAAir Forces Services Center
AGRActive Guard Reserve
ANGAir National Guard
AORArea of Responsibility
ARCAir Reserve Component
BCMRBoard for Corrections of Military Records
CEDContingency Exercise Deployment
CISMInternational Sports Council - Conseil International du Sport Militaire
CNGBIChief, National Guard Bureau Instruction
CONUSContinental United States
COTConsecutive Overseas Tour
CPTSComptroller Squadron
CZTECombat Zone Tax Exclusion
DEERSDefense Enrollment and Eligibility Reporting System
DCAPESDeliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments
DJMSDefense Joint Military Pay System
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 69
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
DRUDirect Reporting Unit
DSGDrill Status Guardsmen
EMLEnvironmental and Morale Leave
FOAField Operating Agency
FSSForce Support Squadron
FYFiscal Year
HAFHeadquarters Air Force
IPCOTIn-place Consecutive Overseas Tour
IPRInstallation Personnel Readiness
JTRJoint Travel Regulations
MAJCOMMajor Command
MPAMilitary Personnel Appropriation
MPFMilitary Personnel Flight
NGBNational Guard Bureau
OCONUSOutside the Continental United States
OSIOffice of Special Investigations
PDMRAPost Deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence
PRKPhotorefractive Keratectomy
PTDYPermissive Temporary Duty
RAPRecruiter Assistance Program
RCReserve Component
RPAReserve Personnel Appropriations
RegAFRegular Air Force
SGSurgeon General
SLASpecial Leave Accrual
SORNSystem of Records Notice
RSRefractive Surgery
TDSPTechnical Degree Sponsorship Program
70 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
TDYTemporary Duty
UDMUnit Deployment Manager
USUnited States
USAFAUnited States Air Force Academy
USCUnited States Code
VAVeterans Affairs
WEARWe Are All Recruiters
Y2 30day special rest and recuperation leave
Y3 15day special rest and recuperation leave
Active DutyFull-time duty in the active military service of the United States, including active
duty or full-time training duty in the Reserve Component.
Active Guard Reserve (AGR) DutyActive Duty performed by a member of the Reserve
Component of the Air Force or full-time National Guard for a period of 180 consecutive days or
more for organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the Reserve components.
Air Reserve ComponentThe component of the United States Air Force that includes the AFR
and ANG.
Appellate LeaveLeave required to be taken pending review of certain court-martial
CommanderA commissioned officer who, by virtue of rank and assignment, exercises
command authority over a military organization or prescribed territorial area, which under
pertinent official directives is recognized as a ‘command.’ This designation is used in all Air
Force organizations authorized to be led by a commander, except the US Air Force Academy,
which is commanded by a superintendent, and school/academic organizations, which may be
commanded by commandants.
Continental United States48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia
DivorceDissolution of marriage that completely severs the marital relationship, as opposed to
limited divorce, legal separation, or so-called divorce from table and bed or bed and board. A
divorce includes an annulment.
Duty StatusA member is considered to be in a duty status during any period of Active Duty,
funeral honors duty or Inactive Duty Training; while traveling directly to or from the place at
which funeral honors duty or inactive duty is performed; while remaining overnight immediately
before the commencement of inactive duty training or between successive periods of inactive
duty training, at or in the vicinity of the site of the Inactive Duty Training; if the site is outside
reasonable commuting distance of the member's residence and while remaining overnight at or in
the vicinity of the place the funeral honors duty is to be performed immediately before serving
such duty, if the place is outside of a reasonable commuting distance from the member's
AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020 71
Family MemberFor the purpose of this instruction only, a family member includes: (1) An
Airman’s present spouse. A former spouse is not a family member. (2) An Airman’s minor
children from the present marriage. (3) An Airmen’s children by any former marriage if the
Airman has a current obligation to provide support to that child. A family member does not
include the child of an Airman who has been legally adopted by another person. (4) Minor
children born out of wedlock to: (a) a female Airman; (b) a male Airman if evidenced by a court
order, or the functional equivalent of a court order, identifying the Airman as the father or if the
Airman is providing support to the child under the terms of this regulation. (5) Any other person
(for example, parent, stepchild) for whom the Airman has a legal obligation to provide financial
support under the applicable law. This includes court orders directing the Airman to provide
financial support to a child 18 years of age or older or to some other person. It does not include
financial support voluntarily provided to a child 18 years of age or older or to some other person.
Minor children include unmarried children under 18 years of age who are not on active duty with
the Armed Forces.
Excess LeaveLeave granted that exceeds accrued and advance leave and for which the Service
member is not entitled to pay and allowances. Generally, a negative leave balance at the time of
release from active military duty, discharge, first extension of an enlistment, desertion, or death
shall be considered excess leave regardless of the authority under which the leave resulting in the
negative balance was granted.
Financial Support—The amount of money or support in kind provided to one’s family
members on a periodic or other continuing basis in accordance with a written or oral support
agreement, court order, or this instruction. Financial support includes court-ordered spousal
support (or alimony) and child support. It does not include any division of marital or nonmarital
property between spouses or former spouses or financial payments made as part of a property
Lour TourA long tour is one that authorizes (both) an accompanied tour and the
unaccompanied tour is 18 months or more.
Outside the Continental United StatesOutside the 48 contiguous states and the District of
Proceed TimeA period of 4 consecutive days absence in conjunction with PCS to/from an
unaccompanied overseas assignment for individuals (regardless of marital status) who relocate
dependents and/or household goods. See AFI 36-2102 for further guidance and definitions.
Separate(d)/SeparationSeverance of military affiliation as opposed to release from active
duty. For the purposes of this Air Force Instruction, separate(d)/separation refers to discharge
from the Air Force (either Regular or ARC).
Title 10 StatusFederal authority over active duty, reservists and Guard Service members who
are ordered to federal level active duty for federal level missions.
Title 32 StatusFull-time National Guard Duty means training or other duty, performed by a
member of the National Guard in accordance with 32 USC § 502.
72 AFI36-3003 24 AUGUST 2020
Use or Lose LeaveThe number of leave days over 60 days that a member will lose if not used
before 1 October.
Wing Commander (or equivalent)An officer in the grade of colonel or above who is a senior
rater in the officer’s chain of command.