Course Outline of Record
Course Code: MATH-0151.
Long Course Title: Discrete Mathematics for Computersa.
Catalog Course Description:
This course is an introduction to discrete mathematics and its applications for computer science students. Topics to be
covered include logic and sets, methods of proof, relations and functions, combinatorics, probabilities, graph and tree
theory, recurrence relations, Boolean algebra, algorithms, and finite-state machines.
Class Schedule Course Description:
A study in discrete mathematical systems for computer science including methods of proof that shape the foundations
of computer science. Includes propositional logic, set and number theory, Boolean Algebra, deductive and inductive
proof, functions and relations, combinatorics, discrete probability, graph theory and network models, and efficiency of
Semester Cycle (if applicable): N/Ac.
Name of Approved Program(s):
COMPUTER SCIENCE AS Degree and Transfer Preparation
Total Units:
Total Semester Hrs:
Lecture Units:
Semester Lecture Hrs:
Lab Units:
Semester Lab Hrs:
Class Size Maximum:
Allow Audit:
No Repeats Allowed
Prerequisite or Corequisite Courses or Advisories:
Course with requisite(s) and/or advisory is required to complete Content Review Matrix (CCForm1-A)
Prerequisite: MATH 012
Prerequisite: CS 007A
Advisory: ENG 001A
Textbooks, Required Reading or Software: (List in APA or MLA format.)
Epp, Susanna S. (2011). Discrete Mathematics with APplications (3/e). Cengage. ISBN: 9780495391326
College Level: Yes
Flesch-Kincaid reading level: 12
Ensley, Douglas E., J. Crawley (2006). Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with
Puzzles, Patterns, and Games (1/e). Wiley. ISBN: 978-047176380
College Level: Yes
Flesch-Kincaid reading level: 12
Hunter, David J. (2017). Essentials of Discrete Mathematics (3/e). Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN:
College Level: Yes
Flesch-Kincaid reading level: 12
Rosen, Kenneth (2012). Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (7/e). McGraw Hill. ISBN:
College Level: Yes
Flesch-Kincaid reading level: N/A
Lipschutz, Seymour; M. Lipson (2007). Schaum's Outline Discrete Mathematics (3/e). McGraw Hill. ISBN:
Course Code MATH-015
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College Level: Yes
Flesch-Kincaid reading level: N/A
Entrance Skills: Before entering the course students must be able:
Proficiency with polynomial analysis including the fundamental theorem of algebra and its implications.
MATH 012 - Analyze polynomial functions in one variable using methods such as end behavior analysis, the factor
theorem, the remainder theorem, the theorem on rational zeros, Descartes' rule of signs, the intermediate value
theorem, division algorithms, conjugate zeros and the fundamental theorem of algebra.
Proficiency with analysis of trigonometry functions including sum to product and product to sum identities and their use in
solving trigonometric equations and analysis of polar functions.
MATH 012 - Demonstrate an understanding of a rich variety of trigonometric identities including the pythagorean
identities, addition identities, the double angle identities, the half angle identities, sum to product and product to sum
identities by proof and through the application of these identities to solve trigonometric equations.
MATH 005 - Use the basic Pythagorean identities to deduce further identities.
MATH 005 - Analyze geometrically and manipulate algebraically the equations and graphs of the standard and shifted
conic sections (as derived from their geometric definitions) including the major/minor axes, foci, directrix, and
asymptotes in rectangular, polar and parametric form.
Proficiency with exponential and logarithmic function and their use in modeling growth functions through the properties of
exponents and logarithms.
MATH 012 - Analyze exponential and logarithmic functions by finding an exponential expression based on essential
characteristics such as the growth factor and in terms of domain, concavity, intercepts, asymptotes, transformations,
and by visualizing these in the construction of a graph for the function.
Proficiency with a wide variety of mathematical relations including rational functions, root functions, symmetric functions and
the quadratic relations used in modeling shifted conics.
MATH 012 - Analyze rational functions in one variable by analyzing the polynomials in the numerator and
denominator and interpreting these to find domain, range, intercepts, and asymptotes and visualizing these through the
construction of a graph.
MATH 005 - Analyze geometrically and manipulate algebraically the equations and graphs of the standard and shifted
conic sections (as derived from their geometric definitions) including the major/minor axes, foci, directrix, and
asymptotes in rectangular, polar and parametric form.
MATH 012 - Use Polya's problem solving strategies to solve problems, with an emphasis on the algebraic method with
appropriate applications of polynomial, rational, root, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse
trigonometric expressions.
Solve word problems leading to systems of linear and/or non-linear equations in 2 or more variables using methods of
elimination and substitution.
MATH 040 - Solve 2x2 and 3x3 systems of linear equations.
MATH 012 - Use Polya's problem solving strategies to solve problems, with an emphasis on the algebraic method with
appropriate applications of polynomial, rational, root, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse
trigonometric expressions.
Understanding of basic computer programming concepts and proficiency with introductory level programming skills.
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MATH 015-Discrete Mathematics for Computers
ENG 001A - Find, read, analyze, evaluate, interpret, and synthesize outside sources, including online information.
CS 007A - Design, implement, test, and debug a program that uses each of the following fundamental programming
constructs: basic computation, simple I/O, standard conditional and iterative structures, and the definition of functions
CS 007A - Use pseudocode or a programming language to implement, test, and debug algorithms for solving simple
ENG 001A - Read, analyze, and interpret varied texts (i.e. literature, digital forms, visual).
ENG 001A - Develop ideas coherently in writing through the drafting process.
Course Content and Scope:
Propositional Logic: Logic of Compound Statements1.
Logical form and equivalence1.
Conditional Statements2.
Tautologies, Valid and Invalid Arguments3.
Application: Digital Circuits and Logic Programming4.
Logic of Quantified Statements2.
Universal and Existential Quantifiers2.
Negation of Quantified Statements3.
Arguments with Quantified Statements4.
Elementary Number Theory and Methods of Proof3.
Methods of Proof: Direct and Counter-example1.
Rational Numbers and Divisibility, Modular Arithmetic2.
Division into Cases and the Quotient-Remainder Theorem3.
Indirect Argument: Contradiction and Contraposition4.
Applications: Euclidean algorithm (gcd), Division Algorithm, Infinitude of Primes, Irrationality
of 2.
Induction, Strong Induction, and the Well-Ordering Principle6.
Counting and Probability4.
Counting and Possibility Trees1.
Combinations and Permutations2.
Pigeonhole Principle3.
Pascal's Triangle and the Binomial Theorem4.
Probability Axioms and Expected Value5.
Conditional Probability, Bayes' Theorem, and Independence6.
Functions and Recursion5.
Relations and Functions1.
Numerical functions, Including Floor/Ceiling Functions, Functions defined on General Sets2.
One-to-One and Onto Functions, Inverse Functions3.
Matrices Describing Relations4.
Recursively-Defined Sequences, Recurrence relations and Finite differences5.
Relations on Sets, Reflexive Relations, Symmetric and Antisymmetric Relations, and
Transitive Relations
Equivalency Relations7.
Partial Order Relations8.
Applications: Finite State Machines, Modular arithmetic, Chinese Remainder Theorem, and
Graphs and Trees6.
Eulerian and Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits, Shortest Path Algorithms2.
Chromatic and planar graphs3.
Matrix representations of graphs4.
Trees and Spanning trees6.
Graph Algorithms, Directed Graphs, Binary Relations, Warshall's Algorithm7.
Huffman Codes, Aritculation Points, and Computer Networks8.
Set Theory and Boolean Algebra7.
Basic definitions and properties1.
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MATH 015-Discrete Mathematics for Computers
Countable and Uncountable Sets, Including Countability of Q2.
The Empty Set, Partitions, Power Sets3.
Boolean Algebras, Russell's Paradox, and Halting Problem4.
Efficiency of Algorithms8.
Real-valued Functions1.
Big-O, big-Omega, and Big-Theta Notation2.
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions3.
Efficiency of Algorithms4.
Lab: (if the "Lab Hours" is greater than zero this is required)
Experiment with constructing algorithms on various computer platforms.
Experiment with solving assigned problems both singly and as part of collaborative teams.
Practice answering quiz problems in a timed environment.
Course Student Learning Outcomes:
Evaluate the truth and falsity of mathematical statements employing deductive and inductive proof techniques.
Analyze the relationships among counting techniques (combinatorics), discrete probability, sets, Boolean algebra,
propositional logic, and the construction of digital circuits.
Evaluate graphs, trees, and networks in terms of efficiency, redundancy, and similiarity.
Evaluate and prove the efficiency of computer algorithms.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
a. Apply the principles of mathematical induction, direct and indirect deductive methods of proof to explore integers, rational
numbers, and real numbers, and their relationships (number theory).
b. Provide recursive, iterative and explicit solutions to classic discrete mathematical problems.
c. Illustrate functional similarities of set theory, discrete probability, propositional logic, Boolean algebra, and digital circuits.
d. Apply graph theory and principles of combinatorial analysis to network models.
e. Create and search Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs.
f. Construct and use matrices to model relations and graphs.
g. Create and manipulate trees and specifically spanning trees to find their minimized forms.
h. Identify and solve discrete probability and combinatorial problems.
i. Identify and solve recurrence relations including equivalence relations and partial orderings.
j. Compare the efficiency of common sorting and searching algorithms in terms of big-O, big-Omega, and big-Theta notation.
k. Convert mathematical algorithms into computer programs.
l. Use modular arithmetic to prove natural number properties and understand principles of encryption.
Methods of Instruction: (Integration: Elements should validate parallel course outline elements)
Technology-based instructionf.
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MATH 015-Discrete Mathematics for Computers
Assignments: (List samples of specific activities/assignments students are expected to complete both in and outside of class.)
In Class Hours: 108.00
Outside Class Hours: 108.00
In-class Assignments
Take Quizzes1.
Take Tests2.
Participate in Discussion and Lab Assignments3.
Out-of-class Assignments
Read the Textbook1.
Finish Incomplete Lab Work2.
Complete Daily Assigned Homework3.
Construct Programs to Demonstrate Understanding of Material and Applications4.
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: The student will demonstrate proficiency by:
Written homework
Laboratory projects
Computational/problem solving evaluations
Group activity participation/observation
True/false/multiple choice examinations
Mid-term and final evaluations
Student participation/contribution
Methods of Evaluating: Additional Assessment Information:14.
Need/Purpose/Rationale -- All courses must meet one or more CCC missions.
PO-GE C4.b - Language & Rationality (Communication & Analytical Thinking)
Gather, assess, and interpret relevant information.
Apply logical and critical thinking to solve problems; explain conclusions; and evaluate, support, or critique the
thinking of others.
IO - Scientific Inquiry
Analyze quantitative and qualitative information to make decisions, judgments, and pose questions.
Comparable Transfer Course
University System Campus Course Number Course Title Catalog Year
CSU CSU Long Beach MATH 163 Discrete Mathematics for Computers 2010
CSU CSU San Bernardino MATH 272 Discrete Mathematics for Computers 2009
UC UC Riverside CS 113 Discrete Mathematics for Computers 2010
UC UC Santa Cruz CMPE 16 Applied Discrete Structures 2009
Special Materials and/or Equipment Required of Students: 17.
Materials Fees: Required Material?
Material or Item Cost Per Unit Total Cost
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MATH 015-Discrete Mathematics for Computers
Provide Reasons for the Substantial Modifications or New Course:
change advisory
Cross-Listed Course (Enter Course Code): N/Aa.
Replacement Course (Enter original Course Code): N/Ab.
Grading Method (choose one): Letter Grade Only
MIS Course Data Elements
Course Control Number [CB00]: CCC000523775a.
T.O.P. Code [CB03]: 170100.00 - Mathematics, Generalb.
Credit Status [CB04]: D - Credit - Degree Applicablec.
Course Transfer Status [CB05]: A = Transfer to UC, CSUd.
Basic Skills Status [CB08]: 2N = Not basic skills coursee.
Vocational Status [CB09]: Not Occupationalf.
Course Classification [CB11]: Y - Credit Courseg.
Special Class Status [CB13]: N - Not Specialh.
Course CAN Code [CB14]: N/Ai.
Course Prior to College Level [CB21]: Y = Not Applicablej.
Course Noncredit Category [CB22]: Y - Not Applicablek.
Funding Agency Category [CB23]: Y = Not Applicablel.
Program Status [CB24]: 1 = Program Applicablem.
Name of Approved Program (if program-applicable): COMPUTER SCIENCE
Attach listings of Degree and/or Certificate Programs showing this course as a required or a restricted elective.)
Enrollment - Estimate Enrollment
First Year:
Third Year:
Resources - Faculty - Discipline and Other Qualifications:
Sufficient Faculty Resources: Yesa.
If No, list number of FTE needed to offer this course: N/Ab.
Additional Equipment and/or Supplies Needed and Source of Funding.
Additional Construction or Modification of Existing Classroom Space Needed. (Explain:)
Library and/or Learning Resources Present in the Collection are Sufficient to Meet the Need of the Students Enrolled in the
Course: Yes
John Learned
Origination Date
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MATH 015-Discrete Mathematics for Computers