MATH-2010: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics 1
Cuyahoga Community College
Viewing: MATH-2010 : Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Board of Trustees:
March 2024
Academic Term:
Fall 2024
Subject Code
MATH - Mathematics
Course Number:
Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Catalog Description:
Foundation course in discrete mathematics with applications. Topics include logic, methods of proof, mathematical induction,
elementary number theory, sequences, set theory, functions, counting and probability, and graph theory.
Credit Hour(s):
Lecture Hour(s):
Prerequisite and Corequisite
MATH-1530 College Algebra or MATH-153H College Algebra or MATH-1580 Precalculus; or qualified Math placement; or departmental
approval: equivalent coursework.
Course Outcome(s):
Apply logical analysis to compound statements.
1. Translate between English sentences and logical form.
2. Construct and interpret truth tables for compound statements involving negation, conjunction, disjunction, conditional, and
biconditional connectives.
3. Apply DeMorgan's Laws to find the negations of and and or statements.
4. Define and apply tautology and contradiction.
5. Apply basic laws of equivalence to determine if statements are logically equivalent.
6. Define and apply conditional statements, negation, contrapositive,converse, inverse, biconditional statements, and necessary and
sufficient conditions.
7. Define and apply arguments and argument forms.
8. Determine if an argument form is valid or invalid.
9. Recognize and apply rules of inference (e.g., modus ponens, modus tollens, generalization, specialization, conjunction, elimination,
and transitivity) and fallacies (e.g., converse error and inverse error).
Course Outcome(s):
Apply logical analysis to quantified statements.
2 MATH-2010: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
1. Translate between English sentences and logical form for statements involving universal and existential quantifiers, including
statements with multiple quantifiers.
2. Determine if a quantified statement involving one or two quantifiers is true or false.
3. Determine the negation of a quantified statement involving one or two quantifiers.
4. Use diagrams to determine if an argument form with quantified statements is valid or invalid.
5. Recognize and apply rules of inference and fallacies for arguments with quantified statements.
Course Outcome(s):
Apply basic methods of proof to elementary number theory.
Essential Learning Outcome Mapping:
Critical/Creative Thinking: Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to consider problems/ideas and transform them in
innovative or imaginative ways.
1. Determine if statements involving concepts from elementary number theory are true or false.
2. Prove or disprove existential and universal statements using constructive proof of existence, the method of exhaustion,
generalizing from the generic particular, and counterexample.
3. Identify logical errors in a proposed incorrect proof.
4. Prove theorems and statements using the methods of direct proof, division into cases, and proof by contradiction.
Course Outcome(s):
Apply fundamental principles of sequences and mathematical induction.
Essential Learning Outcome Mapping:
Critical/Creative Thinking: Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to consider problems/ideas and transform them in
innovative or imaginative ways.
1. Define and apply the basic properties of sequences.
2. Compute and apply the properties of summations and products.
3. Prove conjectures by mathematical induction.
4. Define and apply recursively defined sequences.
Course Outcome(s):
Apply fundamental principles of set theory and related methods of proof.
Essential Learning Outcome Mapping:
Critical/Creative Thinking: Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to consider problems/ideas and transform them in
innovative or imaginative ways.
1. Define and apply the basic properties of and operations on sets, including empty set, set equality, subset, proper subset, union,
intersection, set difference, symmetric difference, complement, set partition, power set, and cross product.
2. Use Venn diagrams to solve problems, illustrate set identities, and apply the inclusion-exclusion principle.
3. Prove or disprove subset relations and set identities.
4. Prove a set is equal to the empty set by contradiction.
Course Outcome(s):
Apply fundamental principles of functions and related methods of proof.
MATH-2010: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics 3
Essential Learning Outcome Mapping:
Critical/Creative Thinking: Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to consider problems/ideas and transform them in
innovative or imaginative ways.
1. Identify the domain, codomain, and range of discrete functions.
2. Define and identify functions that are one-to-one (injective), onto (surjective), and one-to-one correspondences (bijective).
3. Prove or disprove that a function is one-to-one, onto, or a one-to-one correspondence.
Course Outcome(s):
Apply fundamental principles of counting and probability.
Essential Learning Outcome Mapping:
Quantitative Reasoning: Analyze problems, including real-world scenarios, through the application of mathematical and numerical
concepts and skills, including the interpretation of data, tables, charts, or graphs.
1. Define and apply the basic rules of probability.
2. Solve counting problems using the multiplication rule, permutations, distinguishable permutations, and combinations (with and
without repetition).
3. Apply the addition rule and the inclusion-exclusion rule.
4. Define and apply the pigeonhole principle.
Course Outcome(s):
Apply fundamental principles of graph theory.
Essential Learning Outcome Mapping:
Quantitative Reasoning: Analyze problems, including real-world scenarios, through the application of mathematical and numerical
concepts and skills, including the interpretation of data, tables, charts, or graphs.
1. Define and apply basic features and properties of graphs, including edges, vertices, the degree of a vertex, paths, circuits, bridges,
subgraphs, and connected or disconnected graphs.
2. Determine if a graph has an Euler path, Euler circuit, Hamilton path, and/or Hamilton circuit, and identify them if so.
3. Define and apply basic properties of trees.
Course Outcome(s):
Apply methods and ideas learnedthroughout this course in different contexts.
1. Investigate and solve applications related to computer science.
2. Solve other applications related to the topics learned throughout this course.
Methods of Evaluation:
1. A minimum of 3 periodic exams
2. Quizzes
3. Homework
4. In-class collaborative work
5. Computer application problems
6. Comprehensive final exam
4 MATH-2010: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Course Content Outline:
1. Logic
a. Logical form
b. Truth tables
c. Compound statements
i. negation
ii. conjunction
iii. disjunction
d. DeMorgan's Laws
i. negation of an and statement
ii. negation of an or statement
e. Tautology and contradiction
f. Logical equivalence
g. Conditional statements
i. negation
ii. contrapositive
iii. converse
iv. inverse
v. biconditional statements
vi. necessary and sufficient conditions
h. Validity of an argument
i. modus ponens
ii. modus tollens
iii. generalization
iv. specialization
v. conjunction
vi. elimination
vii. transitivity
viii. converse error
ix. inverse error
2. Quantified statements
a. Logical form
b. Universal statements
i. truth or falsity
ii. negation
c. Existential statements
i. truth or falsity
ii. negation
d. Statements with multiple quantifiers
i. truth or falsity
ii. negation
e. Arguments with quantified statements
3. Number theory and proofs
a. Number theory basic concepts
b. Methods of proof
i. constructive proof of existence
ii. method of exhaustion
iii. generalizing from the generic particular
iv. counterexample
v. direct proof
vi. proof by division into cases
vii. proof by contradiction
4. Sequences and proofs
a. Properties of sequences
b. Summations and products
c. Proof by mathematical induction
d. Recursively defined sequences
5. Set theory andproofs
MATH-2010: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics 5
a. Properties of and operations on sets
i. empty set
ii. set equality
iii. subset
iv. proper subset
v. union
vi. intersection
vii. set difference
viii. symmetric difference
ix. complement
x. partition
xi. power set
xii. cross product
b. Venn diagrams
c. Proofs
i. subset relations
ii. set identities
iii. empty set
6. Functions and proofs
a. Discrete functions
i. domain
ii. codomain
iii. range
b. Properties of functions
i. one-to-one (injective)
ii. onto (surjective)
iii. one-to-one correspondence (bijective)
c. Proofs
i. one-to-one
ii. onto
iii. one-to-one correspondence
7. Counting and probability
a. Counting methods
i. multiplication rule
ii. permutation
iii. distinguishable permutation
iv. combination
v. combination with repetition
b. Addition rule
c. Inclusion-exclusion rule
d. Pigeonhole principle
8. Graph theory
a. Basic features and properties of graphs
i. edges
ii. vertices
iii. degree of a vertex
iv. paths
v. circuits
vi. bridges
vii. subgraphs
viii. connected or disconnected graphs
b. Special features of graphs
i. Euler paths
ii. Euler circuits
iii. Hamilton paths
iv. Hamilton circuits
c. Basic properties of trees
6 MATH-2010: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Epp, Susanna S.Discrete Mathematics with Applications.5th ed.Boston, MA: Cengage,2020.
Rosen, Kenneth H.Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications.8th ed.New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,2019.
Lipschutz, Seymour, and Marc Lars Lipson.Schaum's Outline of Discrete Mathematics.4th ed.New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,2022.
Lipschutz, Seymour, and Marc Lars Lipson.Schaum's 2000 Solved Problems in Discrete Mathematics.New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,1991.
Johnsonbaugh, Richard.Discrete Mathematics.8th ed.New York, NY: Pearson,2023.
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