Guidance for Evaluating
Human Health Impacts
in Environmental Assessment:
Health Canada is the federal department responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve
their health. We assess the safety of drugs and many consumer products, help improve the safety of food, and provide
information to Canadians to help them make healthy decisions. We provide health services to First Nations people and
to Inuit communities. We work with the provinces to ensure our health care system serves the needs of Canadians.
Également disponible en français sous le titre :
Conseils pour l’évaluation des impacts sur la santé humaine dans le cadre des évaluations environnementales :
Le bruit
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Health, 2017
Publication date: January 2017
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Cat.: H129-54/3-2017E-PDF
ISBN: 978-1-100-19258-1
Pub.: 160331
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
1. ACRONYMS .............................................. 1
2. PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT .................................. 2
3. INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT .................................. 3
INENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENTS ..................................5
5. IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH NOISE ............................... 6
5.1 NOISE-INDUCED HEARING LOSS .....................................6
5.2 NOISE-INDUCED SLEEP DISTURBANCE .................................6
5.3 INTERFERENCE WITH SPEECH COMPREHENSION ..........................7
6.2 ASSESSMENT OF BASELINE NOISE ..................................13
6.3 ASSESSMENT OF PROJECT-RELATED NOISE ............................15
6.4 MITIGATION .................................................18
6.5 ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACTS ................................22
6.6 SOUND LEVEL MONITORING ......................................23
7. ASSESSMENT OF CUMULATIVE EFFECTS ............................24
8. FOLLOW-UP PROGRAMS ......................................25
9. REFERENCES .............................................26
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
FORCONSTRUCTIONNOISE (BASED ON US EPA 1974) .................20
GLOSSARY ...........................................28
NOISE IMPACTS IN EA CHECKLIST .............................33
NOISE CHARACTERISTICS ..................................36
INTRODUCTION TO NOISE ..................................38
SOUND SOURCES AND SOUNDCHARACTER ......................40
RECEPTORLOCATIONS ....................................45
This document may be cited as follows:
Health Canada. 2016. Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment: Noise.
Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Any questions or comments on this document may be directed to:
Environmental Assessment Program, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
%HA percent highly annoyed
%HSD percent highly sleep disturbed
ANSI American National Standards Institute
CEAA 2012 Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CTA Canadian Transportation Agency
dB decibel
dBA A-weighted decibels
dBZ Z-weighted decibels
EA environmental assessment
EIS environmental impact statement
ERCB (EUB) Energy Resources Conservation Board, Alberta (formerly Energy and Utilities Board)
FA federal authority
Hz hertz
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Ld daytime sound level
Ldn day-night sound level
Leq equivalent continuous sound level
Ln night-time sound level
LAeq A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level
LAmax maximum A-weighted sound level
LSA local study area
MNL mitigation noise level
NIHL noise-induced hearing loss
RA responsible authority
REDA Radiation Emitting Devices Act
RSA regional study area
SEL sound exposure level
WHO World Health Organization
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
This document provides generic guidance on predicting health risks related to levels and/or types
of sound predicted in federal environmental assessments (EAs) of proposed major resource and
infrastructure projects (such as mines, dams, pipelines and other projects). It presents the principles,
current practices and basic information Health Canada looks for when it reviews the environmental
impact statement (EIS) or other reports submitted by project proponents as part of the EA process.
It was prepared for the benefit of proponents and their consultants and to support an efficient
and transparent project review process. The foundational information described here should be
supplemented appropriately with additional information relevant to specific projects.
The guidance was also prepared for responsible authorities (RAs) and stakeholders to the EA process to
communicate our normal areas of engagement and our priorities within these areas to help ensure that
sufficient evidence is available to support sound decisions.
As part of its review, Health Canada may suggest that an RA, review panel or others collect information
not specifically described here in order to assess the health effects of specific projects. As the guidance
provided here is generic and designed to support EA under multiple jurisdictions, the scope of our
review will also necessarily be amended according to specific jurisdictional requirements.
Health Canada updates guidance documents periodically and, in the interest of continuous improvement,
accepts comments and corrections at the following address: [email protected]
Please verify that you are reading the most recent version available by consulting:
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Health Canada provides expertise to assist RAs, review panels and/or other jurisdictions leading
environmental assessments to determine whether there are potential health risks associated with
proposed projects and how to prevent, reduce or mitigate them.
Health Canada brings to bear its expertise in health risks associated with air quality, water quality,
radiation, noise and country foods when it reviews and provides comments on information submitted
by proponents in support of proposed projects. Health Canada also provides guidance to help
stakeholders, including responsible authorities, review panels and affected communities, better
understand how to conduct health assessments for proposed major resource projects.
This document concerns the assessment of health risks associated with noise. It contains information
on the division of roles and responsibilities for issues related to noise at various levels of government in
Canada, health effects associated with noise, indicators of these effects, and steps in Health Canadas
preferred approach to assessing noise-related health effects.
Appendix A contains a Glossary that defines the technical terms used throughout.
Appendix B contains a checklist of noise impacts that can be used to verify that the essential
components of a noise-related health assessment are completed.
Appendices C through H contain additional technical and supplementary information related to noise
assessment in EAs.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
In Canada, noise is managed by different levels of government. Federal examples include Transport Canada
(aircraft noise), the Canadian Transportation Agency (rail noise), and Employment and Social Development
Canada (specifically the Labour Program: occupational noise in workplaces under federal jurisdiction).
Health Canada has a regulatory role via the Radiation Emitting Devices Act (REDA), which controls the sale
of devices that create an unnecessary noise hazard or do not comply with regulatory standards. Outside of
these specific federal mandates, noise may be regulated directly through provincial and territorial legislation
and guidelines, or through municipal by-laws, which may apply broadly or only to specific project types or
sectors. Few or many different criteria may be used to establish noise guidelines, which may include, but
not be limited to, noise impacts on sleep, hearing and high annoyance.
In the context of environmental assessments, one of Health Canadas roles concerning noise exposure
is to review acoustical assessments for scientific validity and potential risks to human health from
project-related changes in environmental noise. This role is fulfilled via leadership in science, research,
participation in national and international bodies that develop standards (Canadian Standards
Association (CSA) and the International Organization for Standardization [ISO]) and participation
in the development of guidelines (World Health Organization [WHO]) for noise and human health.
Health Canadas scientists conduct, evaluate and remain current on domestic and international
scientific research pertaining to the human health impacts of noise. Their expertise regarding the
potential human health effects of noise is made available to responsible authorities conducting
assessments of projects subject to EA legislation. The responsibility for determining the significance
of these effects rests with the RAs, review panels or other jurisdictions conducting assessments.
Health Canada does not enforce noise thresholds or standards, but can make available information
and knowledge acquired from Canadian and international sources regarding the potential adverse
human health effects of noise—based on the type of community (e.g. urban, suburban or quiet rural
areas). When noise levels have the potential to induce adverse human health effects, Health Canada
may make available information or knowledge on mitigation measures. When mitigation measures
are to be implemented, appropriate mitigation strategies based on all applicable guidelines should be
considered. Health Canada encourages proponents to consult with other government authorities to
determine which enforceable standards for noise exist for specific regions.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Noise is a somewhat special type of change to the environment, as it is an energy added to the air in the
form of acoustical waves. Below the exposure threshold of biological damage to the ear, noise can also
cause potential health impacts, such as sleep disturbance and/or cause long-term high annoyance, an
indicator of potential health impacts. These impacts depend on the interference of the noise with what
one is trying to do (e.g. sleep, concentrate or communicate) and the expectation of peace and quiet
during such activities (e.g. in a quiet rural area or during Indigenous spiritual ceremonies).
Human response to noise varies among individuals and according to the specific situation. Response
to noise can be characterized using different methodologies and endpoints, and may be affected by
several factors. These factors include how noise moves from source to receptor, how it is measured,
and what behavioural/physiological and/or psychological changes it evokes in humans.
A particular standard or guideline may not cover all possible considerations or the inherent variability in
noise characterization. Several approaches to assessing noise impacts exist, and these various approaches
often rely on different noise guidelines and/or regulations that may not be easily reconciled. For example,
a guideline may be established to protect against hearing loss, but consideration of additional human
health endpoints, such as sleep disturbance, may also be warranted. Some guidelines and/or regulations
are based on limiting absolute noise levels, whereas others emphasize the relative change in the noise
This document provides general information on Health Canadas preferred methodology for various
human health endpoints used to determine these potential impacts. The prediction of potential impacts
is necessary to understand the nature, extent and severity of human health effects that may occur due to
noise generated during various stages of a proposed project. These calculations also serve to evaluate the
feasibility of the project proponents planned mitigation measures in reducing human health effects and
whether a specific mitigation measure is expected to achieve the desired result. Health Canada reviews
the methodology and calculations provided in the noise assessment, as well as the subsequent discussion
of potential noise-related impacts on health, for accuracy and completeness. This information may be
complementary to the applicable regulations, EIS guidelines or requirements of other jurisdictions.
Depending upon the nature of the project, the responsible authority, review panel or other jurisdiction
conducting the EA may want to consider the assessment of noise impacts (specifically, sleep disturbance)
on off-duty workers residing in or near the project area. Note that occupational exposure is typically
under provincial or territorial jurisdiction, and Health Canada does not review this information in the
context of EAs. Also, Health Canada does not possess information or knowledge on the impacts of noise
on wildlife or ecosystems.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
In reviewing an EA, Health Canada emphasizes only those endpoints that have demonstrated a
reasonable causal relationship between noise exposure and adverse human health effects. In the context
of an environmental assessment, the associations that have been reported between noise exposure
and hearing loss, sleep disturbance, interference with communication, noise complaints and a high
level of annoyance are particularly relevant (WHO 1999, 2011). The information and knowledge that
Health Canada makes available is based on the following: the modelled changes between the existing
and predicted daytime and night-time sound levels (for construction, operation and decommissioning
activities); predicted noise-level changes at specific receptor locations (see Appendix G) where people are
or will be present; the characteristics of the noise (e.g. impulsive or tonal); and/or the type of community
(e.g. urban, suburban or quiet rural area).
There is no known risk of permanent hearing loss associated with sound levels below 70 A-weighted
decibels (dBA), regardless of the exposure duration. However, as sound levels increase, the duration
of daily exposure becomes an important risk factor for hearing loss. The time period before damage
occurs shortens as the average sound level increases (WHO 1999; Health Canada 2012).
Hearing loss impacts are not typically considered in EAs because project-related sound levels rarely
reach these high levels at the locations of impacted receptors. However, noise-induced hearing loss
(NIHL) may be a concern when project activities such as blasting, pile driving and jack hammering are
expected. When considering impulsive noise, Health Canada suggests following the WHO recommendation
to avoid hearing loss resulting from impulsive noise exposure and that peak sound pressures not exceed
140 Z-weighted decibels (dBZ) for adults and 120 dBZ for children (WHO, 1999).
Sleep disturbance encompasses the following: difficulty falling asleep; awakenings; curtailed sleep
duration; alterations of sleep stages or depth; and increased body movements during sleep. The effects
of sleep disturbance have been shown to include, but are not limited to: increased fatigue; irritability;
and decreased concentration and performance. These effects are generally experienced in the days
subsequent to significant disturbances in sleep. Ongoing disturbed sleep has been reported to be linked
to a wide variety of health effects, including, but not limited to cardiovascular effects, mental health and
accidents (WHO 2009; Zaharna and Guilleminault 2010).
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
The guidelines and recommendations of the WHO (1999, 2009) regarding sleep disturbance should be
considered in the EA. In particular, WHO guideline levels should not be exceeded for quiet rural areas
and susceptible populations, such as those in hospitals, or convalescent or senior homes. For estimating
the likelihood of sleep disturbance on any given night, the WHO’s Guidelines for Community Noise (1999)
report a threshold for sleep disturbance as being an indoor sound level of no more than 30 dBA LAeq for
continuous noise, during the sleep period. For individual noise events, the WHO has stated: “For a good
sleep, it is believed that indoor sound pressure levels should not exceed approximately 45 dBA LAmax
more than 10–15 times per night....” Health Canada recognizes that in many cases, people will want to
keep windows at least partially open, depending on the season. Unless specified otherwise, it is assumed
by Health Canada that an outdoor-to-indoor transmission loss with windows at least partially open is
15 dBA (United States Environmental Protection Agency [US EPA] 1974; WHO 1999). Fully closed windows
are assumed to reduce outdoor sound levels by approximately 27 dBA (US EPA 1974).
More recently, the WHO has published night-time noise guidelines that are intended to protect the public,
including the most vulnerable groups, from adverse health effects associated with sleep disturbance due
to night-time noise. The recommended annual average is 40 dBA Ln outdoors (WHO 2009). As this is
an annual average, there may be times when the sound level is above and below 40 dBA; however, there
should be no long-term impact on health if the annual average does not exceed 40 dBA.
Consistent with the view expressed above, when care facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes,
daycare centres and homes for the elderly, are identified as receptors that could be impacted by
project-related noise, it is a good practice to consult with these facilities to determine whether certain
sensitivities to sleep disturbance exist during the day. Should any such sensitivities be noted, the
threshold level for sleep disturbance specified in the WHO’s Guidelines (1999, 2009) may be used to
assess the severity of potential impacts on these receptors. Where there is interest in estimating the
prevalence of sleep disturbance—expressed as the percentage self-reported highly sleep disturbed
(%HSD)—Miedema and Vos (2007) have published dose-response relationships for estimating %HSD
by road, rail and aircraft noise.
To maintain good speech comprehension, the recommended sound levels vary, depending on whether
the noise from project activities is measured (or estimated) indoors or outdoors. For good speech
comprehension, speech levels should exceed that of background noise by 15 dB. The same difference is
also desirable for music or television listening. Normal indoor speaking levels are typically 55 to 58 dBA
(Levitt and Webster 1991), which is in line with the US EPA 1974 recommendation that indoor background
noise levels should not exceed 40 dBA to achieve 100% sentence intelligibility. According to the WHO
(1999), speech in relaxed conversation is 100% intelligible in background noise levels of about 35 dBA,
and can be understood fairly well in background levels of 45 dBA. Therefore, Health Canada holds the
view that background noise levels (i.e. noise due to project activities as measured indoors) be maintained
below 40 dBA to sustain adequate speech comprehension.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
People generally tend to speak in a louder voice when outdoors, where the separation between speakers
is typically larger than indoors. In outdoor environments where distances of up to two metres exist
between speakers, US EPA 1974 suggests that 95% sentence intelligibility is acceptable, and recommends
a background noise level of 55 dBA outdoors (i.e. 60 dBA with a 5-dBA margin of safety). To sustain good
outdoor speech comprehension, background outdoor noise levels for continuous noise should be kept
below 55 dBA.
When a school is identified as a potentially impacted receptor, it is suggested that the EA address the
special sensitivity of this type of receptor to daytime noise. The WHO recommends an ideal background
noise level of 35 dBA in the classroom (WHO 1999). This level is the threshold below which no impacts
are expected. This recommendation is based especially on speech interference, but also on the impacts
of disturbing message communication and the extraction of information (e.g. speech comprehension
and reading), and annoyance.
Health Canada holds the view that certain community reactions to project-related noise represent
potential indicators of adverse health; that is, if the noise is experienced over a long period of time,
it could potentially increase ones risk of developing health effects. In the context of noise exposure,
two of the most common community reactions are complaints and annoyance.
5.4.1 Noise Complaints
Many municipal policies concerning noise are based on the resolution of complaints. Noise-related
complaints can be an indicator of human health effects and are used, in US EPA 1974, to help identify
sound levels that would protect public health and well-being. Summarizing the US EPA document,
Michaud et al. (2008) state that a no reaction” response corresponded to a normalized outdoor day-
night sound level (Ldn) of 55 dBA for the intruding noise. They also state that sporadic complaints
can occur in communities when this noise level exceeds 55 dBA or widespread complaints, at a level
exceeding 58 dBA. Michaud et al. (2008) discussed the divergence between “sporadic complaints” and
“widespread complaints,” when the normalized Ldn of the intruding noise (i.e. project noise) reached
62 dBA. Based on this work, Health Canada uses a normalized Ldn of 62 dBA when it considers effects
related to widespread complaints. When project sound levels are greater than a normalized 75 dBA Ldn
level, complaints can be expected to include strong appeals to authorities to stop noise. Reliance on
noise complaints may only provide a partial indication of a noise problem (Michaud et al. 2008) and
when possible, the estimated magnitude of complaints should be supplemented with other measures,
such as the calculated change in the percentage of highly annoyed (%HA) in an average community
and/or estimated impacts on sleep.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
5.4.2 Long-term High Annoyance
Annoyance can be described as the effect of noise that most people are aware of. The consideration of
community annoyance due to noise is useful; the %HA can be thought of as an aggregate indicator of
assorted noise effects, present to varying degrees, which are creating a negative effect on the community
and which may not be measurable when considered as separate negative effects.
High annoyance has been widely used as one way to estimate a community response to noise levels.
High annoyance is an endpoint that is not directly measured but has been synthesized from self-
reported annoyance in numerous large, community-based surveys. Although individual reaction varies
greatly, the reported change in %HA among an average community in reaction to certain sound levels
provides usable exposure-response relationships (Michaud et al., 2008). Thus, the calculated %HA
provides information on how an average community responds to a noise level. Health Canada uses
the change in %HA as an appropriate indicator of noise-induced human health effects from exposure
to project operational noise (see Section 6.3.2) and to long-term construction noise (see Section 6.3.1)
There have been more than 50 years of social and socio-acoustic research that either directly or indirectly
studied the impact of noise on community annoyance. These studies have consistently shown that an
increase in noise level is associated with an increase in the percentage of the community indicating that
they are highly annoyed. The relationship between noise levels and high annoyance is stronger than any
other self-reported measure, including complaints. Canadian research on road-traffic noise also shows
that respondents highly annoyed by traffic noise are significantly more likely to perceive their annoyance
as having a negative impact on their health (Michaud et al. 2008).
To assess the impacts of noise from projects using this indicator, the project-related change in the sound
environment and the related increase in %HA are evaluated. Using the dose-response relationship
between noise levels and annoyance, as per ISO 1996-1:2003, one can calculate the percentage of a
typical community that would report being “highly annoyed,” expressed as %HA. The %HA increases
exponentially as sound levels increase. Due to the non-linear nature of the relationship between noise
and %HA, there can be a substantial increase in the %HA, with relatively small changes in the noise
environment—in situations where the initial baseline noise level is high. In other words, the higher the
initial noise level, the more the annoyance will increase when there is an increase from the baseline noise
level. In general, this dose-response relationship may be a useful tool in characterizing and quantifying
average community response to noise levels and changes in noise levels.
Health Canada prefers the use of the dose-response relationship only for long-term noise exposure
considerations in EAs, and holds the view that %HA be calculated only for receptors exposed to long-
term project noise (more than one year). It is important to emphasize that these annoyance responses
are not applicable to a particular individual or group, but represent an average community. Appendix
F presents the methodology for obtaining variables used in the equations to calculate %HA. Health
Canada prefers that the increase in %HA per representative receptor (i.e. a group of residences in
similar geographic proximity to the noise source) be evaluated and not the average increase in %HA
for all receptors—which could underestimate the project-related impact on community annoyance.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Noise mitigation measures should be considered when a change in the calculated %HA at any given
receptor location exceeds 6.5%. The ISO method does not characterize the nature of the increase in
terms of severity of impact. However, the U.S. Federal Transit Administration describes a long-term
increase of more than 6.5%HA as representing a severe project-related noise impact (Hanson et al. 2006).
This increase is based in part on the historical acceptability in the U.S. of no more than a 5-dBA increase
in Ldn in an urban residential environment (not immediately adjacent to heavily travelled roads and
industrial areas). Further justification for using an increase of 6.5%HA as a criterion for a severe noise-
related impact may be found in Michaud et al., 2008, and Hanson et al., 2006. ISO 1996-1:2003 notes that
research has shown that there is a greater expectation for, and value placed on, peace and quiet” in quiet
rural areas, which may be equivalent to up to 10 dB in noise. Unless specified otherwise in an EA, this
expectation is assumed by Health Canada to be equivalent to an adjustment of 10 dB (ISO 1996-1:2003).
Note that the change in %HA is only one potential indicator of noise-related human health effects and
that all possible human health endpoints may be considered in an assessment. In situations where
baseline noise levels exceed an Ldn of 77 dBA , and project noise levels alone exceed an Ldn of 75 dBA,
it may be too difficult to meet the WHO guidelines for sleep disturbance and vulnerable populations
(see Section 5.2). It may also be too difficult to reduce these environmental noise levels to meet the
levels suggested in Section 5.3, regarding adequate speech comprehension indoors for residents.
Therefore, Health Canada holds the view that mitigation of project noise be applied if it exceeds an
Ldn of 75 dBA, even if the change in %HA does not exceed 6.5%. For example, if project noise alone
exceeds an Ldn of 75 dBA, it may be that the levels noted in Sections 5.2 and 5.3 are not achievable in
typical residences, even in situations where the highest level of outdoor-to-indoor transmission loss is
achieved. In situations like this, project noise should be cautiously mitigated to a level below an Ldn of
75 dBA, which includes a consideration of uncertainty in predictions.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
The approach preferred by Health Canada for noise assessment involves obtaining the best possible
characterization of the acoustical exposure that may impact potential noise receptors. This description
includes sound level and duration, and noise characteristics, such as whether the noise is tonal, impulsive,
highly impulsive, etc. (see Appendix B).
To obtain the highest-quality data in acoustical studies, acoustical assessments should be completed by
professional and properly trained consultants, using equipment and methods that are recognized as the
industry standard for acoustical measurements. Occasionally, limitations may exist in the technology
and expertise available for some projects. Whenever uncertainty exists in the selection of appropriate
monitoring equipment or in the application of standard techniques for noise characterization in EAs,
government authorities are encouraged to consult Health Canada for assistance or additional guidance.
The main steps in assessing the potential health impacts of changes in noise associated with a project
are the following:
Identify people (receptors) who may be affected by the project-related noise;
Determine the existing (baseline) noise levels at representative receptors, by measurement
or estimation;
Predict project-related changes in noise levels for each phase of the project (construction,
operation and decommissioning) and describe the sound characteristics;
Compare predicted noise levels to relevant guidelines and/or standards;
Identify and discuss the potential human health impacts associated with predicted changes
in noise levels;
Consider mitigation measures, their implementation, and any residual effects, after the measures
are implemented;
Consider community consultation and prepare a complaints-resolution plan; and
Consider the need for monitoring of noise levels.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
It is important to identify and describe all existing and reasonably foreseeable human receptors in the
area that may be influenced by project-related noise—including a description of how the receptors
were identified (e.g. recent land use maps, verification in person). The characterization of potential
receptors typically includes the distance(s) to the projects local study area (LSA) and regional study
area (RSA) for each receptor, and map(s) illustrating modelled noise levels from the project at receptor
locations in the study area. While sound levels at one receptor site are typically averaged over time, it
is not appropriate to assess noise impacts using the average increase in sound levels across receptor
locations because sound level ranges, and therefore noise impacts, may be different at different
Health Canada prefers that noise assessments identify and describe any particular receptors that may
have a heightened sensitivity to noise exposure (e.g. Indigenous Peoples, schools, child care centres,
hospitals). Specifically note in the EA documentation if receptors with heightened sensitivity are not
present in the study area. A list of commonly encountered receptors and related characteristics is
provided in Appendix G.
When identifying receptor sites at which noise impacts will be assessed, it is a good practice to consider
and note the following:
how the sites are representative of potentially impacted receptors;
any receptors who have rented dwellings or land; and
any receptors who live outside Canada that may be impacted by a project, where applicable.
If any local receptors that may be influenced by project noise are not being assessed in the EA, provide
a rationale for this exclusion. If no human receptors are (or will be) present in the local or regional
study area during the construction, operation or decommissioning phases of the project, no further
assessment with respect to noise is necessary.
It is important to identify and describe any receptors in rural areas that could be considered to have a
greater expectation of peace and quiet” (i.e. quiet rural areas). Health Canada considers a quiet rural
area” to be a rural area with Ldn due to human-made sounds to be below 45 dBA. For areas with the
most stringent permissible noise levels, provincial regulatory criteria may also be used to define quiet
rural areas,” provided these areas are adequately described.
Due to the expected heightened sensitivity to noise, baseline levels in quiet rural areas are adjusted
by adding 10 dB (ISO 1996-1:2003, ANSI, 2005). This 10 dB adjustment also applies to the predicted
project noise levels for all phases of the project (i.e. construction, operation and decommissioning)
in determining percent highly annoyed (%HA). The effect of this +10 dB adjustment in quiet rural areas
is to produce a greater change in %HA than would occur with unadjusted noise levels. The exponential
relationship between %HA and noise levels, as discussed in Section 5.4.2, produces increasingly larger
changes in %HA for equal increases in project noise, compared to the baseline level.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
An example follows:
If the initial baseline noise level is 45 dBA and the project-related noise level is 55 dBA, the unadjusted
change in %HA would be 3.01 (using equations in Appendix F). When the +10 dB adjustment to both
baseline and project-related noise is applied in a quiet rural area, the baseline rating level used to
calculate the %HA becomes 55 dBA and the project-related noise rating level becomes 65 dBA in the
calculation of %HA. At these rating levels, the resulting change in %HA is 9.79. Therefore, a 10-dBA
project-related noise increase from a baseline of 45 dBA in a quiet rural area will result in exceeding
the suggested mitigation level of 6.5%, while a 10-dBA increase in project-related noise from a baseline
of 45 dBA in a more urbanized area would not exceed this level.
Baseline noise levels that are determined by measurement or estimation can be applied to noise impact
assessments for all project phases (construction, operation and decommissioning). Health Canada
prefers that measured or valid estimated baseline noise levels for both daytime (Ld) and night-time (Ln)
at all representative receptor locations be assessed and reported in the EA. It is a good practice to clearly
indicate whether sound levels are measured or estimated, and to identify the exact location of the baseline
measurement (e.g. outdoors at the building facade, or on the lower level, upper level, property line, etc.).
6.2.1 Measuring Baseline Noise
When baseline measurement is conducted, Health Canada prefers that the measurement be completed
in accordance with ISO 1996-2:2007 at each representative receptor, and that the reports include the dates
and hours used to characterize these measurements. Sounds that are not generated by human activity
(e.g. ocean, wind and animal noises) should not be included in determining a baseline sound level.
Wind and rain can also create false signals in the microphone used to measure sound levels. As a result,
sound is not measured in the presence of precipitation or when wind speeds exceed 14 km/hr, unless an
appropriate wind screen is used.
To minimize uncertainty of the validity of measured baseline-sound-level data, Health Canada suggests
that the EA report provides the following information:
the number of hours or days used for measurement, and a rationale for why the reported sound
levels can be considered representative;
an estimate of seasonal differences and any differences between the weekend and weekday
baseline noise levels;
where applicable, any differences due to weather conditions;
all noise sources that contribute significantly to the baseline, by type (e.g. traffic, aircraft, trains,
industrial); and
a characterization of each noise type described in the assessment using descriptors such as
continuous, intermittent, regular impulsive, highly impulsive, high-energy impulsive, and
continuous tonal and intermittent tonal.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
6.2.2 Estimating Baseline Noise
Although the standard approach for baseline sound determinations is direct measurement, there may
be situations where baseline measurement data are not available. In such cases alternative approaches
to estimating baseline levels exist. One conservative (i.e. most protective) approach is to consider a
reasonable worst-case scenario and assume Ldn baselines of 35 dBA for rural areas and 45 dBA for
urban/suburban areas. However, defaulting to these lower baseline sound levels may result in greater
values obtained for change in %HA when calculating noise effects for construction lasting more than
one year or for operational noise. Note that the estimate of an Ldn of 45 dBA for urban/suburban areas
does not consider the inherent variability in baseline noise estimates based on population density,
proximity to busy roads or adjacent industrial activity.
The use of alternative approaches to estimating baseline noise may yield higher baseline estimates
than the reasonable worst-case scenario described above. To adequately review the reliability of such
estimates, Health Canada prefers that sufficient supporting rationale is provided in the EA, particularly
where the accuracy of the selected estimation approach decreases (see below).
Other approaches to estimating baseline noise in order of decreasing accuracy may include the following:
predictions based on computer models whose inputs, algorithms and outputs are based on
accepted standards;
manual calculation procedures based on well-accepted models or standards;
the use of known baseline levels from areas with very similar acoustical environments
(e.g. very similar types of baseline noise sources, distances from sources to receptors,
meteorological conditions, shielding, etc.); and/or
approximate values from Table 6.1 (see below).
Table 6.1 describes the estimation of baseline noise levels, based on a qualitative description of community
characteristics and an average census-based population density (ERCB Directive 038, 2007). If this method
(based on US EPA 1974 and ERCB 2007) is used in a noise assessment, provide a rationale to support the
validity of its use.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Table 6.1: Estimation of Baseline Noise Levels Using Qualitative Descriptions
andPopulation Densities of Average Types of Communities
Community Type
Average Census Tract
Population Density,
Number ofPeople
Per Square km
Sound Level
Quiet rural
dwelling units more than 500 m from heavily travelled roads
and/or rail lines and not subject to frequent aircraft flyovers
28 ≤ 45
Quiet suburban residential
remote from large cities, industrial activity and trucking
249 48–52
Normal suburban residential
not located near industrial activity
791 53–57
Urban residential
not immediately adjacent to heavily travelled roads
andindustrial areas
2493 58–62
Noisy urban residential
near relatively busy roads or industrial areas
7913 63–67
Very noisy urban residential 24,925 68–72
1. Note that a range of values is provided and that selection of the appropriate estimated value would typically be based on
theprecautionary principle in the absence of adequate justification for a higher baseline. All day-night sound level (Ldn) values,
exceptthose of the quiet rural area community type, are based on the US EPA levels document (US EPA 1974).
2. The quiet rural area (Ln = 35 dBA) estimated baseline noise level and population density were obtained from ERCB Directive 038
(revisedFeb 16, 2007). The difference between Ld and Ln was obtained from ERCB and US EPA, and was approximated as 10 dBA.
Assuch, quiet rural areas are considered to be less than or equal to 45 dBA Ldn.
It is a good practice to document the criteria used to review the human health impacts of project-related
noise and to characterize the potential for change in the sound environment due to any project activity,
including construction, operation and decommissioning. In the noise assessment, it is important to
compare predicted noise levels during construction and operation to the baseline noise levels at each
representative receptor, as this will clearly demonstrate the predicted changes in noise levels experienced
by each receptor. Health Canada suggests that the type of measurements used and the uncertainty
associated with any sound-level monitoring, modelling or estimates be provided for all reported data.
It is important to consider that human health effects related to noise may be evaluated by a variety of
endpoints and indicators, as discussed in Section 5. Health Canada holds the view that the evaluation of
each potential noise-induced human health effect by one method alone is not necessarily representative
of all possible human health effects related to noise exposure. For example, when using %HA as an
indicator in a noise impact assessment, the change in %HA of receptors exposed to long-term noise may
not exceed 6.5%, but these receptors may experience sleep disturbances due to an exceedance of the
WHO indoor sleep-disturbance threshold limits discussed in Section 5.2. When changes in the sound
environment have been characterized, Health Canada suggests that a discussion of the severity of these
changes and how they impact human health be included in the noise assessment. Such an evaluation
would typically describe all appropriate endpoints or indicators used to address potential impacts
on human health, as described in this guidance. Alternative approaches to this evaluation may be
acceptable, provided they are supported by adequate scientific justification.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
In some cases, a less extensive assessment may be warranted. If noise levels at all receptors are not
expected to approach the US EPAs mitigation noise levels (see Section 6.4.2) or to result in a change in
%HA exceeding 6.5%, as discussed in Section 5.4.2, Health Canada suggests that a scientifically sound
rationale be provided in the EA—to confirm that noise levels will be well below the level where human
health effects may occur (see Section 5) and that this rationale has been provided in place of a complete
noise impact assessment.
The results and conclusions of the noise assessment should be clearly documented in the EA.
Health Canada suggests that the conclusion include a discussion of whether mitigation measures
and/or follow-up monitoring is warranted.
The following sections discuss the assessment of project-related construction noise of short-and
long-term durations, as well as project operational noise.
6.3.1 Assessing Construction Noise
Noise from construction activities has the potential to negatively impact nearby receptors and is often
the loudest source of project-related noise. Predicted construction noise levels for both daytime (Ld)
and night-time (Ln) at all representative receptor locations should be reported in the EA. To permit
a proper comparison of noise levels, the units, averaging times and other measurement parameters
(including the uncertainty associated with any of the measurements) should be the same as those
used in establishing the baseline.
The method for determining effects related to construction noise depends on the duration of the
construction activities as follows:
i. Short-Term Construction Noise Exposure (< 1 year)
Health Canada suggests using the US EPA (1974) methodology that provides mitigation noise levels (MNLs)
and associated adjustments for community types, to determine if adverse effects are likely and if mitigation
is suggested. This methodology is discussed in Section 6.4.2, Mitigating Short-Term Construction Noise
Exposure (<1 year). Consideration should also be given to potential impacts on sleep, where adverse
impacts are reported to begin when sound levels inside bedrooms exceed 30 dBA for continuous noise
sources and 45 dBA LAmax for discrete noise events (WHO 1999). With an estimated 15 dBA outdoor-to-
indoor transmission loss, the equivalent outdoor levels should be 45 dBA and 60 dBA, respectively.
ii. Long-Term Construction Noise Exposure (≥ 1 year)
Health Canada suggests that construction noise lasting longer than 1 year be assessed as operational
noise. This approach allows for an evaluation of the change in %HA at each receptor, in accordance with
ISO 1996-1:2003. Appendix F describes the methodology and equations related to calculating the change
in %HA for projects. The appropriate adjustments (see Appendix E) may be applied to the A-weighted
calculated or measured noise levels. This method of assessing construction noise is essentially identical
to that of assessing operational noise, as discussed in Section 6.3.2 below. Also, potential impacts on sleep
should be considered when construction activities may occur at night-time (as noted above in short-term
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
There may be insufficient information concerning construction activities to permit an assessment
of their potential impacts at the EA stage. Conservative assumptions based on similar projects
and/or planned activities are often used in estimating noise levels and calculating impacts due to
construction. An example of this estimation technique is to assume that all equipment is operating
simultaneously for a 12-hour period, even though actual impacts are expected to be lower. In these
cases, Health Canada suggests providing as much information as possible on construction activities,
schedules, equipment use and any assumptions used, in addition to an explanation of why a more
detailed assessment is not possible.
It is a good practice to include a description of construction noise as it relates to exposure duration,
rather than construction activity duration. The difference in these perspectives becomes apparent when
considering the impacts of construction noise related to road projects. As a road project progresses, noise
exposure continually varies from receptor to receptor as the geographic location of the construction
equipment changes.
6.3.2 Assessing Project Operational Noise
Predicted operational noise levels for both daytime (Ld) and night-time (Ln) at all representative
receptor locations should be reported in the EA. To permit a proper comparison of noise levels,
the units, averaging times and other measurement parameters (including the uncertainty associated
with any of the measurements) should be the same as those used in establishing the baseline.
As discussed previously, the determination of %HA is a widely accepted indicator of the human health
effects of long-term noise exposure. Similar to comments in Section 6.3.1 ii above, the assessment of
project operational noise may include an evaluation of the change in %HA at each receptor site, in
accordance with ISO 1996-1:2003. Appendix F describes the methodology and equations related to
calculating the change in %HA for projects. The appropriate adjustments (see Appendix E) may be
applied to the A-weighted calculated or measured noise levels. If noise from project operations may
occur at night-time, the assessment of operational noise should also consider potential impacts on sleep.
Modelling sound levels (using appropriate software) is one method that is commonly used to estimate
present or future operational sound levels. In the assessment, clearly identify the model(s) used and
justify their suitability. Specific models may be selected on a site-by-site basis. Health Canada prefers
that any assumptions used be conservative (i.e. reasonable worst-case scenario) and be adequately
described in the assessment.
If project-related noise levels are provided without being added to the baseline sound levels, this must
be clearly indicated. In assessing impacts on human health, the baseline and project noise are added
together, as their sum represents what noise effects the receptors will actually experience. Other changes
in the sound environment may also be characterized. If project-related operational noise includes audible
tonal or impulsive noise (including regular impulsive, highly impulsive and high-energy impulsive types
of noise [ISO 1996-1:2003] [e.g. blasting]), appropriate adjustments as presented in Appendix E can be
made. Refer to ISO 1996-2:2007 for additional guidance on describing or measuring tonal and impulsive
noise. These adjustments apply only when the noise under consideration is audible at receptor sites. In
situations where more than one source characteristic adjustment is applicable (e.g. impulsive or tonal),
only the higher of the adjustments is used. However, all time-of-day adjustments and the quiet rural area
adjustment are to be added to the highest of the applicable source adjustments.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Noise management and noise monitoring plans, including complaint resolution plans, are often
incorporated as part of the EAs Environmental Management Plan. When health effects from project-
related noise are possible, Health Canada prefers that a noise management plan detailing the actions
that will be taken to minimize human health impacts due to project noise (mitigation measures) be
developed and included in the EA. Special consideration should be given to mitigation measures for
construction noise that occurs at night, in order to minimize impacts on sleep (i.e. avoiding tonal or
impulsive noise sources at night).
Due to the inherent uncertainty in both predicted and/or measured project noise, additional information
should be provided to demonstrate that exceedances of the MNL or a 6.5% change in %HA are unlikely.
Proposals for specific mitigation measures to limit noise at receptors where this uncertainty exists should
be provided in the EA.
Health Canada prefers that any noise mitigation measures proposed for the project be described
in sufficient detail to permit Health Canada to adequately review the measures’ impacts on achieving
noise reduction. When describing possible mitigation or other noise management measures, identify the
conditions or circumstances under which various mitigation measures will be applied or implemented.
As it is more effective to use source controls, Health Canada prefers that mitigation measures be applied
to the source rather than the receptor site, where this is technically feasible. It should be noted that some
estimates discussed in Section 5.2 (e.g. noise attenuation by closed windows or enclosed balconies) may
not achieve the desired level of noise reduction, due to variability in construction techniques. While fully-
closed windows are assumed to typically reduce outdoor sound levels by 27 dBA (US EPA 1974), the type
of enclosures that surround the windows or the presence of ventilation ducts may result in an outdoor-to-
indoor noise transmission loss that is lower than 27 dBA.
6.4.1 Community Consultation
Developing a community consultation plan can be helpful when projects propose noisy work
occurring outside of normal working hours or extended work that produces high levels of noise
(such as rock hammering or pile driving). The consultation process may assist in establishing
feasible mitigation measures by targeting receptors that have the greatest potential for human
health-related effects resulting from noise disturbance. Previous experience in assessing community
reaction to noise impacts following community consultation has demonstrated that in these
cases, a community is more likely to be understanding and accepting of noise, and more likely
to make appropriate adjustments to limit noise exposure. This has been noted particularly when
the information provided during the consultation process is accurate and does not attempt to
understate the likely noise level, and when commitments made by the proponent to limit noise
during specific hours are respected.
The EA should specify whether community consultation with respect to noise has occurred, and
whether any human health concerns have been expressed by potentially impacted receptors.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
The comments or recommendations received during the consultation process may provide an indication
of which project elements are likely to trigger the greatest level of opposition, particularly where noise
issues are identified. Informing the public about project plans early in the process is encouraged, as this
may provide additional options for mitigation measures, or at the very least, provide the opportunity
to discuss the mitigation measures under consideration. It is a good practice to undertake community
consultation prior to the creation of work schedules (e.g. continuous versus specific construction times)
and to discuss the preferred means of informing the public of the time and duration of noisy activities.
When construction delays or other problems result in extended construction schedules, Health Canada
suggests that a plan for community consultation be implemented and that this consultation process be
described in the EA, where applicable. When a project proponent deems it to be manageable, it may be
preferable to consult with residents individually.
When the community receives information about expected changes in sound levels through a consultation
process, and feels that concerns with respect to noise may be addressed and resolved, the incidence
of noise-related complaints is frequently reduced. Health Canada suggests that this approach be
considered in managing both minor and major public concerns related to project-related noise. For
more information, refer to ERCB Directive 38 (2007). For information specific to rail projects, refer to
the Canadian Transportation Agency’s Guidelines for the Resolution of Complaints Over Railway Noise
and Vibration (2008).
6.4.2 Mitigating Short-Term Construction Noise Exposure (<1 year)
Health Canada often suggests mitigation measures to the authority conducting the EA, when the predicted
construction noise level (construction lasting less than one year) exceeds the suggested mitigation noise
level (MNL). To avoid widespread complaints regarding construction noise at receptor sites, where the
exposure duration is less than one year at any given representative receptor site, the basic suggested MNL
is 47 dBA (US EPA 1974). This value has been derived from the data presented in Figure D-7 and Table D-7
in US EPA 1974. The basic MNL is applicable for receptors in quiet suburban or rural areas, assuming that
all of the construction noise is tonal and/or impulsive.
In order to determine whether mitigation is advisable, consider the following:
1. Use the data in Table 6.1 to characterize the community type based on average census tract
population densities and community qualitative descriptions. Validating the community type
may be accomplished by monitoring or calculating baseline noise levels.
2. Use the data in Table 6.2 to identify the applicable correction factors for the relevant community
type and additional corrections (e.g. construction duration, presence of tonal or impulsive noise,
and whether windows are open), and then calculate the suggested construction noise (less than
one year) MNL.
3. If the predicted construction noise levels exceed the suggested MNL for construction phase
(less than one year), the authority conducting the EA should consider noise mitigation measures.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Table 6.2: Calculating Suggested Mitigation Noise Level (MNL) forConstructionNoise
(Based on US EPA 1974)
Suggested Basic MNL 47 dBA Ldn*
Suggested MNL for various scenarios
Community Description Applied Correction
Suggested MNL
Quiet suburban or rural +0 dB 47 dBA Ldn
Normal suburban +5 dB 52 dBA Ldn
Urban residential +10 dB 57 dBA Ldn
Noisy urban +15 dB 62 dBA Ldn
Very noisy urban +20 dB 67 dBA Ldn
Additional Corrections
If applicable, add any or all of the following corrections:
Construction duration less than two months +10 dB
Winter (or windows always closed) +5 dB
Negligible tonal or impulsive noise
+5 dB
* Due to backup alarms, slamming tailgates, etc., construction noise normally contains both tonal and impulsive components.
Forthesuggested basic MNL, the reasonable worst-case scenario is used and all of the construction noise is assumed to be
duetotonaland/or impulsive noise.
§ When the contribution from tonal and/or impulsive noise may be negligible, +5 dB may be added to the suggested basic MNL.
HealthCanada prefers that a rationale be provided if this adjustment is applied.
Table 6.3 presents an example of how to establish a mitigation noise level (MNL). The final MNL
is obtained through the application of several possible correction factors, as shown in Table 6.3.
Calculated MNLs for other construction projects may vary, depending on the applicable correction
factors specific to the project type, season and location.
Table 6.3: An Example of Applying Corrections to Establish a Suggested MNL
foraProjectin a Very Noisy Urban Community
Description Applied Correction Suggested MNL
Basic MNL 0 dB 47 (dBA) Ldn
Project occurs in a very noisy urban community +20 (dB) Ldn 67 (dBA) Ldn
Construction duration is less than two months +10 (dB) Ldn 77 (dBA) Ldn
Noise contains negligible tonal or impulsive noise +5 (dB) Ldn 82 (dBA) Ldn
Project occurs during winter or in proximity to residences
where windows cannot be opened
+5 (dB) Ldn 87 (dBA) Ldn
Final MNL 87 (dBA) Ldn
Widespread complaints tend to occur when the suggested MNLs in Table 6.2 are exceeded (US EPA 1974).
Therefore, Health Canada suggests the use of quieter technology or other mitigation measures, rather than
lengthening construction duration (e.g. lowering the noise by having fewer pieces of equipment running
at a time, thereby extending construction duration) to achieve a reduction in human health-related noise
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Some examples of quiet technology and procedures are the following:
vibratory pile driving or boring, instead of impulsive pile driving; and
ambient-sensitive backup alarms, signal workers, machinery turning circles, and side loading/
unloading trucks to reduce the impact of backup alarms.
If acceptable levels cannot be obtained with quieter technology, community consultation (as discussed in
Section 6.4.1) is preferred, in order to seek consensus on construction operations (e.g. no activity during
night-time or weekend hours). Some commonly applied construction noise mitigation measures and
considerations for noise reduction are described in Appendix H.
6.4.3 Mitigating Long-Term Construction Noise (≥ 1 year)
Health Canada suggests that mitigation be implemented when noise levels during long-term
construction result in a greater than 6.5% increase in %HA. If the change in %HA exceeds 6.5%,
even when implementing quieter technology and construction methods as described in Appendix H,
community consultation is important to establish mutually agreeable work schedules and is an
acceptable means of informing the public of the time and duration of noisy activities.
Communication with potentially impacted residents is especially important when construction must
occur outside daytime hours. Residents’ concerns about blasting or other noisy activities can often
be addressed through community consultation. Some flexibility among impacted residents may
exist regarding construction noise levels, if demonstrable mitigation measures are used. Community
consultation can be useful to determine whether the ability to avoid long periods of construction would
result in greater community acceptance.
In addition to the consultative process, it is a good practice to consider technically and economically
feasible mitigation measures (see Appendix H), in an attempt to reduce noise levels to levels that keep
the change in %HA below 6.5% and protect against sleep impacts. In some cases, monitoring and
working with the impacted community may address community reactions.
6.4.4 Mitigating Blasting Noise
Noise due to blasting has unique characteristics. Therefore, Health Canada holds the view that
for blasting during short-term construction (< 1 year), limits on the number of blasts should be
implemented irrespective of other noise levels due to background sources or construction activities.
Noise effects due to blasting can be assessed in several ways. One approach for blasting exposures
lasting less than one year is to use the US EPA 1974 criterion for sonic booms. The rationale for this
approach stems from the findings of Schomer et al. (1997), whose research indicates that blasts and
sonic booms create similar levels of annoyance for equal peaks.
According to US EPA (1974), little or no public annoyance is expected to result from any number of daytime
sonic booms per day, if their measured or predicted peak value is below 125-10 log N dB. In this case, dB is
interpreted as meaning Z-weighting (dBZ). Health Canada prefers that the US EPAs sonic boom criterion
be used as a blasting MNL for blasting that lasts less than one year.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Table 6.4 presents an example of the assessment technique of establishing an MNL based on
a representative number of blasts.
Table 6.4: Mitigation Noise Levels Related to Number of Blasts
Number of Daytime Blasts (N) Blasting MNL (125-10 log N) (dBZ)
10 115
25 111
50 108
100 105
Health Canada suggests following the recommendations in ISO 1996-1:2003, as described in Appendix E
and Appendix F of this guidance document, for blasting of duration of more than one year ( 1 year),
6.4.5 Mitigating Operational Noise
As with long-term construction noise, Health Canada considers high annoyance with noise generated
during a project’s operational phase to be an indicator of human health effects. If the change in %HA
exceeds 6.5% or the suggested target values noted in Section 6.3.2 for project operational noise, Health
Canada suggests that possible mitigation measures target the source, the propagation from source to
receptor site and/or the receptor site itself. These measures include, but are not limited to the following:
reducing noise output, such as using quieter machinery where technically and economically feasible;
implementing physical barriers, including noise walls, berms (artificial ridges or embankments)
and windows with high soundproofing; and
in some cases, changing project design (e.g. changing the proposed placement of an access road).
In general, implementing mitigation measures that further reduce noise impacts is encouraged.
An assessment of the residual impacts of a project may include discussion of potential noise impacts
arising from the project, after all proposed mitigation and management measures have been applied.
It is a good practice for this discussion to include characterizing final sound levels at representative
receptor locations—in the same manner as is done in establishing the baseline and predicted sound
levels—in addition to discussing the potential impacts that may be expected due to these changes.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Mitigating adverse noise effects can at times be technically challenging and costly. The severity of potential
impacts on human health caused by noise is only one of many factors that may be considered in making
an overall noise assessment of the project. When mitigation measures are judged to be not technically
or economically feasible, a detailed discussion justifying the exclusion of these measures may be helpful
in addressing potential concerns with respect to residual impacts of project-related noise. In such cases,
the community consultation process discussed in Section 6.4.1 may offer alternative options for limiting
complaints arising from excessive noise.
The periodic monitoring of sound levels at representative receptor locations can be used to verify
predictions made during the EA process. This monitoring is particularly important when predicted
noise levels approach the level where adverse human health effects are considered likely and mitigation
measures become necessary. If the uncertainty related to predicted sound levels is large and the resulting
impacts are more severe than expected, monitoring is considered particularly useful. It is also helpful to
describe in the EA any commitments to evaluate the need for additional mitigation measures, if actual
project-related noise levels are higher than predicted or if community reaction is stronger than expected.
If post-project monitoring is not being undertaken when predicted noise levels are close to the suggested
mitigation-measure levels, Health Canada holds the view that the EA documentation should include a
rationale explaining why monitoring is not considered appropriate.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
If the proposed project is in a region where there are other proposed or ongoing development projects
that may contribute to noise levels, an assessment of cumulative effects is an important consideration.
In attempting to predict sound levels from the project when contributions from other sources are
possible, Health Canada suggests that these sources be included in the modelling to establish potential
cumulative effects.
In selecting a baseline for a cumulative effects assessment, the pre-project baseline is the most
appropriate comparison for noise-related human health impacts, as this comparison is predictive
of the absolute change in the noise environment, when all project and additional noise sources are
For guidance on assessing cumulative effects, consult the Canadian Environmental Assessment
Agency’s website for up-to-date guidance materials:
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Under CEAA 2012, a “follow-up program” means a program to:
a. Verify the accuracy of the environmental assessment of a designated project; and
b. Determine the effectiveness of any mitigation measures.
It may be appropriate to consider a follow-up program for noise if there is uncertainty about
(not a comprehensive list):
Modelling of project construction and/or operational noise; and/or
Whether proposed mitigation measures (e.g. the use of novel technologies or materials)
will be effective.
For further and up-to-date information on follow-up programs, contact the Canadian Environmental
Assessment Agency, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission or National Energy Board, as appropriate.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 1995. Criteria for Evaluating Room Noise (ANSI S12.2-1995
(R1999)). Standards Secretariat Acoustical Society of America.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 2005. Quantities and Procedures for Description
and Measurement of Environmental Sound Part 4: Noise Assessment and Prediction of Long-Term
Community Response (ANSI S12.9-2005/Part 4). Standards Secretariat Acoustical Society of America.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. S.C. 2012, c. 19, s. 52. 2012. Available online at:
Canadian Transportation Agency. (2008). Guidelines for the Resolution of Complaints Over Railway
Noise and Vibration. Available online at:
Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB), Alberta. Feb. 16, 2007. Directive 038: Noise Control.
Available online at:
Note: Effective June 17, 2013, the ERCB has been succeeded by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER). No changes have been made to Directive
038 by the AER, and the Directive continues to contain references to the ERCB. When a new edition of the Directive is issued, the ERCB
references will be revised. The Directive may also contain references to the former Energy Utilities Board (EUB), which had been realigned
to the ERCB on January 1, 2008.
Hansen C et al.(2006) Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. FTA-VA-90-1003-06 May: 1–274.
Health Canada 2012. It’s Your Health: Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Available online at:
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 2003. ISO 1996-1:2003 Acoustics – Description,
measurement and assessment of environmental noise – Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 2007. ISO 1996-2:2007 Acoustics – Description,
measurement and assessment of environmental noise – Part 2: Determination of environmental noise
Levitt, H. and Webster, J. C. 1991. Effects of Noise and Reverberation on Speech. In Harris, C.M.
Handbook of Acoustical Measurements and Noise Control, Third Edition (Chapter 16). New York,
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Michaud, D. S., Bly, S. H. P. and Keith, S. E. 2008. Using a change in percentage highly annoyed with
noise as a potential health effect measure for projects under the Canadian Environmental Assessment
Act. Canadian Acoustics. 36, 13–30.
Miedema, HM and Vos, H. (2004). Associations between self-reported sleep disturbance and
environmental noise based on reanalysis of pooled data from 24 studies. Behav Sleep Med 5(1):1–20.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Radiation Emitting Devices Act. R.S.C., 1985, c. R-1. 1985. Available online at:
Schomer, P. D. and Averbuch, A. 1989. Indoor Human Response to Blast Sounds that Generate Noise.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 86(2), 665–671.
Schomer, P.D. and Neathammer, R. D. 1987. The Role of Helicopter Noise-Induced Vibration and Rattle
in Human Response. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 81(4), 966–976.
Schomer, P .D., Sias, J. W. and Maglieri, D. 1997. A Comparative Study of Human Response, Indoors,
to Blast Noise and Sonic Booms. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 45(4), 169–182.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). 1974. Information on Levels of
Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin
of Safety (Report No. 550/9-74-004).
United States Federal Transit Administration. 2006. Hanson, C.E., Towers, D.A. and L.D. Meister.
Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment (Report No. FTA-VA-90-1003-06). Prepared by Harris,
Miller, Miller and Hanson Inc. Burlington, Massachusetts. Available online at:
World Health Organization (WHO). 1999. Guidelines for Community Noise. Berglund, B., Lindvall, T.
and Schwela, D.H (Eds.). Available online at:
World Health Organization (WHO). 2009. Night Noise Guidelines for Europe. Hurtley, C. (Ed). Available
online at:
World Health Organization (WHO). 2011. Burden of disease from environmental noise. Quantification
of healthy life years lost in Europe. Theakston, F. (Ed). Available online at:
Zaharna M, Guilleminault C. Sleep, noise and health: Review. Noise Health 2010;12(47):64–9.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Acoustics The interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of sound, ultrasound
and infrasound (all mechanical waves in gases, liquids and solids).
Ambient sensitive
Alarms that warn workers that a vehicle is backing up. These alarms increase
or decrease in volume based on background noise levels to maintain a readily
noticeable tone to workers, while reducing community noise annoyance.
Thealarms work best on small equipment such as backhoes and trucks.
Note: The Construction Safety Association of Ontario notes that alarms
offer the greatest benefit when traffic is limited to only one or two vehicles.
Thewarning effect of the alarm is greatly reduced when it becomes part of
the background noise on-site.
Annoyance A state, or adverse reaction, that may be referred to as being annoyed,
disturbed, bothered, (or dissatisfied).
Noise annoyance: A degree of annoyance measured by a subject’s response
to an annoyance questionnaire as part of a social survey on noise and
High annoyance: A degree of noise annoyance with a minimum cut-off of
71–73 on a scale of 0 to 100 (7–10 if the ISO-recommended scale of 0–10 is
used) or the top two categories (very or extremely) of an adjectival scale.
(ISO/TS 15666:2003
Average community A community that would yield the same reaction to noise as that obtained
from social surveys on noise in a large number of communities around the
world (Michaud et al. 2008).
Berm An artificial ridge or embankment used to shield receptors from intruding noise.
Community An agglomeration of residents whose reaction to noise is being measured.
(For the complaint assessment method using US EPA 1974 only, see the
Michaud et al. 2008, and US EPA 1974 references).
Very noisy urban residential community: day-night sound level (Ldn) typical
range 68–72 dBA, average 70 dBA; no qualitative characterization.
Noisy urban residential community: Ldn typical range 63–67 dBA, average
65dBA; qualitative characterization: near relatively busy roads or industrial areas.
Urban residential community: Ldn typical range 58–62 dBA, average 60 dBA;
qualitative characterization: not immediately adjacent to heavily travelled roads
and industrial areas.
Normal suburban community: Ldn typical range 53–57 dBA, average 55 dBA;
qualitative characterization: not located near industrial activity.
Quiet suburban or rural community: Ldn typical range 48–52 dBA, average
50dBA; qualitative characterization: remote from large cities, industrial
activity and trucking.
1 ISO (2003). ISO/TS 15666:2003 Acoustics – Assessment of noise annoyance of social and socio-acoustic surveys.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Decibel A logarithmic unit of measurement that expresses the magnitude of a
physical quantity (pressure, power or intensity) relative to a specified or
implied reference level. Since it expresses a ratio of two quantities with
the same unit, it is a dimensionless unit. The decibel is useful for acoustics
and confers a number of advantages, such as the ability to conveniently
represent very large or small numbers, and a logarithmic scaling that roughly
corresponds to the human perception of sound. The decibel symbol is often
qualified with a suffix, which indicates which reference quantity or frequency
weighting function has been used. An example of this is dBA and is discussed
in Appendix D.
Environmental noise Also called community noise, refers to non-occupational noise. The main sources
of community noise include road, rail and air traffic, industries, construction
and public work. In the context of this document, environmental noise refers
almost always, if not entirely, to the above. In a more general context, the term
may also refer to neighbourhood noise and indoor sources; primarily ventilation
systems, home appliances and neighbours (e.g. in apartments). (Adapted from
WHO 1999.)
Equivalent continuous
soundlevel Leq (t)
A sound level obtained from energy averaging over a specified time interval(t).
This level is obtained using an integrating averaging sound level meter, which
determines the mean of the square of the sound pressure over a specified
time interval (t), and expresses the result in decibels.
Day-night sound level (Ldn, also referred to as DNL): An equivalent continuous
sound level taken over 24 hours, with the night-time (10 p.m. to 7a.m.)
contributions adjusted by +10 dB. (This is a type of rating level because of
thenight-time adjustments.) The night-time adjustment (or addition of 10dB to
the night-time period) is used to account for the expected increased annoyance
due to noise-induced sleep disturbance and the increased residential population
at night relative to daytime, by a factor of 2–3. US EPA 1974 suggests that in
quiet areas, the night-time levels naturally drop by about 10 dB and this level
ofadjustment has been used with success in the U.S.
Daytime sound level (Ld): An equivalent continuous sound level taken over
15hours from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (In some jurisdictions, the start of daytime
hours can be as early as 6 a.m. and the end of daytime hours can be as late
as 11p.m.)
Night-time sound level (Ln): An equivalent continuous sound level taken over
9hours from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. (In some jurisdictions, the start of night can
be as late as 11 p.m. As well, in some jurisdictions, the end of night can be
asearly as 6a.m.)
Day-night rating level (L
dn): A day-night sound level to which an adjustment
has been added.
Daytime rating level (L
d): A daytime sound level to which an adjustment
hasbeen added.
Night-time rating level (L
n): A night-time sound level to which an adjustment
has been added.
LAeq (t): An A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level in the denoted
time interval.
LAeq (24): An A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level for a specified
24-hour time interval.
LAeq (1): An A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level for a specified
1-hour time interval.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Frequency weighting A relative value applied to the spectrum of a sound in each defined frequency
A-weighting (dBA): A weighting of the frequencies in a sound that approximates
the response of the human ear to frequencies in moderately loud sounds
(sound pressure levels in the range of 45-65 dBA).
C-weighting (dBC): A weighting of the frequencies in a sound that
approximates the response of the human ear to frequencies in very loud
sounds. It emphasizes the low frequencies of a sound much more than
G-weighting (dBG): A frequency weighting used for infrasound measurements.
It is defined in ISO 7196 as 0 dB at 10 Hz. Between 1 and20Hz (the highest
weighted frequency), the weighting approximates astraight line with a slope
of 12dB/octave.
Z-weighting (dBZ): A frequency weighting defined in International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61672-1:2002 with 0 dB weighting
from10Hz to 20 kHz, within tolerances defined in the standard.
Infrasound Like Sound but with frequency content below 20 Hz.
Maximum A-weighted
soundlevel (LAmax)
The maximum value of the sound pressure level during a noise event,
measured with a sound level meter using a Fast Time Weighting. This level
can be applied to pass-by noise from transportation noise sources and
impulsive noise events.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Noise Unwanted sound.
Low-frequency noise: Noise with frequency content in the range of 20-200Hz.
Where it produces a 16, 31.5 or 63 Hz octave band sound-pressure level of more
than 65, 65 or 70 dBZ, respectively, low frequency noise can be associated
with the introduction of noticeable vibrations and rattles in some structures
(e.g.asfrom a nearby idling locomotive).
Tonal noise: Noise containing prominent (audible) tones such as backup
alarms on trucks. Here “tones” refers to tonal sound, defined in
ISO19961:2003 as sound characterized by a single frequency component
or narrow-band components that emerge audibly, at the receptor position,
from the total sound. If the audibility is in dispute, ISO 1996-2:2007 contains
a (rather complex) method for analyzing a spectrum to determine audible
High-energy impulsive noise: Impulsive noise from any high-energy impulsive
sound source, including any explosive source in which the equivalent
mass of TNT (trinitrotoluene) exceeds 50 g, or sources with comparable
characteristics and degrees of intrusiveness. Internationally agreed upon
examples are listed in ISO 1996-1:2003 and include sonic booms, blasting,
quarry and mining explosions, demolition or industrial processes that use
high explosives, explosive industrial circuit breakers and military ordnance
(e.g.armour, artillery, mortar fire, bombs, and the explosive ignition of rockets
and missiles).
Highly impulsive noise: Impulsive noise from any noise source with highly
impulsive characteristics and a high degree of intrusiveness. Internationally
agreed upon examples of sources are listed in ISO 1996-1:2003 and include
impact pile driving, small arms firing, hammering on metal or wood, nail
guns, drop-hammering, drop forging, punch pressing, pneumatic hammering,
pavement breaking, or metal impacts in rail-yard shunting operations.
Regular impulsive noise: Impulsive noise from sources that are neither highly
impulsive nor high-energy impulsive. Internationally agreed upon examples of
these sources are listed in ISO 1996-1:2003 and include slamming car doors
and truck tailgates.
Normalized Ldn A calculated day-night sound level that is used to determine the potential for
widespread complaints. The normalized Ldn is obtained from the measured
value and the addition of various corrections in dB (US EPA 1974).
Octave band A section (band) of a sound spectrum where the ratio of the maximum to
minimum frequency in the band is 2. Nominal centre frequencies (in Hz) of
noise octave bands have been standardized as 16, 31.5, 63, 125, 250, 500,
1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, and 16000.
Sentence intelligibility The ability to recognize key words in a sentence using full concentration
inalaboratory setting. Due to redundancy in normal conversation, all words
inthe sentence may not have been understood.
Signal workers or Signallers People who signal to a vehicle operator to ensure his or her awareness
ofother people. Signallers also warn workers that vehicles are backing up.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Sleep disturbance Any of: (i) interfering with falling asleep, (ii) shortening sleep stage duration,
(iii) lessening perceived quality of sleep, (iv) awakening people from sleep,
or(v)increasing body movements (motility) during sleep.
Awakenings: A transient or indeterminate end of sleep. Awakenings can be
measured: (i) behaviourally, by a subject pushing a button upon finding that
they are aware of awakening, (ii) when a certain threshold of body movement
(motility threshold) is exceeded from a previous low level of body movement
(sleep), and (iii) by an objectively defined change in brain wave pattern
measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG) (Michaud et al. 2008).
Percent awakenings due to noise: Awakenings attributed to noise events
divided by the total number of awakenings multiplied by 100 (normally
thetotals are taken for all subjects in the study).
Sleep stage: a stage of sleep with a well-defined brain wave pattern measured
with an EEG. There are 5 stages of sleep. Sleep stage is also related to muscle
activity and eye movements.
Sound exposure level (SEL) The 1-second equivalent continuous sound level that would be measured if
the total energy in a noise event occurred during that one second. This level
can be applied to pass-bys of transportation noise sources and impulsive
noise events.
Note: The equivalent continuous sound level for an extended time period that
contains a number of noise events can be obtained by energy averaging the
SEL values over the time period.
Time weighting Fast weighting: A time constant of 0.125 second in a sound-level meter used
to smooth the square of the measured sound pressure prior to the expression
of the sound pressure level in decibels.
Slow weighting: A time constant of 1 second used to smooth the square of
the measured sound pressure prior to the expression of the sound pressure
level in decibels.
Transmission loss In environmental noise, the ratio of the sound energy striking a wall
(e.g.theoutside of a residence) relative to the transmitted sound energy
(e.g.into a living room or bedroom), expressed in decibels.
Vibratory pile driving
A pile driving system that does not rely on an impact hammer but on a rapidly
vibrating hammer that transfers its vibrational energy to the pile to drive it in.
Wind screen A screen, commonly a porous sphere or an egg-shaped structure of open cell
foam, to protect a microphones protective grid from turbulence produced
by the passage of wind. For a given wind speed, the lower the frequency
ofnoise to be reduced, the larger the windscreen that is needed.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
This checklist is beneficial in verifying that the main components of a noise impact assessment are
completed. It is useful to include this checklist as an index in an environmental assessment (EA) to
identify the locations of the key components of a noise impact assessment, especially if the information
is found in multiple sections of the EA documentation.
1. In addition to the construction phase, are all other project phases, including operation, decommissioning
and abandonment, included in the EA?
2. When modelling techniques are used to estimate present (baseline) or future (construction and operational)
sound levels, are these techniques and any assumptions documented and appropriately justified?
3. Is information provided that describes any tonal, regularly impulsive, highly impulsive or high-energy
impulsive noise that is audible at receptors during the construction, operation and decommissioning
project phases?
4. Does the EA avoid statements relating to the perceptibility or whether changes in noise are noticeable
based solely on decibel levels?
Item Section in EA
5. Are all currently impacted receptors (including Indigenous Peoples) and potential
reasonably foreseeable future receptors, clearly identified?
6. Is information on all noise-sensitive receptors in the area (including any foreseeable
future receptors) and on distances of receptors from the project, included?
7. Are maps identifying receptor locations relative to the project site, including noise
contour diagrams, provided?
8. Is justification provided for any excluded receptors (if applicable)?
9. Are receptors identified in “quiet rural areas” assigned a +10 dB adjustment
10. Is a description provided of any community consultation that may have occurred
concerning noise impacts, including any human health concerns expressed by
potential receptors?
Item Section in EA
11. Does the outdoor annual average for night-time (Ln) exceed 40 dBA?
¨ No ¨ Ye s
12. Do indoor night-time sound levels (or sound levels when nearby
receptors are expected to be sleeping) exceed 30 dBA Leq from
continuous noise sources at any representative receptors?
¨ No ¨ Ye s
13. Are more than 10–15 night-time individual noise events above
45dBA LAmax indoors predicted at any representative receptor?
¨ No ¨ Ye s
14. Is an evaluation of the severity of residual impacts (post-mitigation) on sleep
disturbance included?
15. Is any interference with daytime speech comprehension (indoor
sound levels greater than or equal to 40 dBA or outdoor sound levels
greater than 55 dBA) predicted?
¨ No ¨ Ye s
16. Is an evaluation of the severity of residual impacts (post-mitigation) on speech
comprehension provided in the EA?
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Item Section in EA
1 7. Are measured or valid estimates of baseline noise levels provided, including any
uncertainties for both daytime (Ld) and night-time (Ln) at receptors?
18. When measured baseline noise levels are provided, are the hours during which
the measurements were obtained and the exact locations of the measurements
19. Is a rationale provided explaining why the baseline is considered representative,
including the days, weather conditions and any seasonal variations when monitoring
20. Are all noise sources that contribute to the baseline identified (see Appendix E including
a description of the specific noise character(s), and appropriate adjustments made?
21. When baseline noise is estimated, are the estimation method and a rationale for using
this method provided?
22. Is a calculation of baseline percent highly annoyed (%HA) at receptors provided?
Item Section in EA
23. Are valid estimates (predictions) of construction noise levels provided for both
daytime (Ld) and night-time (Ln) at receptors, including any uncertainties?
24. Are the duration of construction activities impacting each receptor and the method
ofnoise assessment (based on the construction duration) provided?
25. Are construction noise-related impacts and a noise management plan (if applicable)
26. Are construction noise levels estimated or modelled for each receptor, and are
appropriate adjustments identified? (See Appendix E)
27. When construction noise levels are expected to approach a suggested mitigation
noise level (MNL), are mitigation measures and a noise management plan provided?
28. If an assessment of construction noise impacts is not conducted because the noise
levels are predicted to be below the level for widespread complaints at all receptors,
is a rationale provided?
29. When construction noise is expected to last longer than 1 year at any given receptor,
is an evaluation of the change in %HA (from baseline) at these receptors provided?
Are all applicable adjustments identified in estimating %HA?
Item Section in EA
30. Are predicted future (operation) daytime (Ld) and night-time (Ln) sound levels
provided for all receptors, using the same parameters that were used to establish
the baseline (e.g. units and averaging times)? Are appropriate adjustments identified?
(See Appendix E)
31. Is an evaluation of the change in %HA (from baseline) at each receptor provided
foroperational noise?
32. Are the results and conclusions of the operational noise assessment clearly
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Item Section in EA
33. If applicable, is a discussion of whether mitigation measures or follow-up monitoring
are warranted included?
34. When noise is expected to approach suggested mitigation levels either during
project construction or operations, is a discussion of planned or conditional mitigation
measures included?
35. Is a residual impacts assessment discussing noise impacts following mitigation
36. When low-frequency noise is emitted, is information describing impacts of any
anticipated effects (e.g. rattling) and related mitigation measures included?
37. After all of the noise mitigation measures are applied, does
the calculated change in %HA (from baseline) at any of the
representative receptors exceed 6.5%?
¨ No ¨ Ye s
38. Is information provided on how the noise-related complaints will be addressed,
including a description of a complaint resolution process?
Item Section in EA
39. When other ongoing or reasonably foreseeable future projects in the region may
contribute to noise levels, is a cumulative effects assessment included?
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Tonal (e.g. backup alarms on trucks) and impulsive noise (e.g. hammering on metal) are often perceived
as annoying and may have a high potential to disturb receptors (US EPA 1974, ISO 1996-1:2003, ANSI
2005, WHO 1999). Therefore, providing information on tonal, regular impulsive, highly impulsive or
high-energy impulsive project noise that is audible at receptors is suggested. This characterization of
noise is also important in selecting the appropriate corrections and adjustments in the calculation of
noise impacts for construction and operational noise.
As described in ISO 1996-1:2003, regular impulsive noise is sometimes characterized as intrusive but
not as intrusive as highly impulsive noise. Examples of regular impulsive noise include the slamming of
car doors, outdoor ball games, such as football, soccer or basketball, and church bells. Very fast pass-bys
of low-flying military aircraft may also fall under this category.
Impulsive noise sources that have a high degree of intrusiveness may be characterized as either highly
impulsive (defined in ISO 1996-1:2003) or high-energy impulsive, as described in ISO 1996-1:2003.
For details on these noise types, see Appendix A.
ISO 1996-1:2003 recommends making a +5 dB adjustment to tonal and regular impulsive noise sources
and a +12 dB adjustment to highly impulsive noise sources. The expected contribution of project noise
and details on how tonality and impulsiveness were accounted for are important elements of the noise
assessment. See Appendix F for more information.
Noise occurring at frequencies below 100 to 200 Hertz (Hz) is generally defined as low-frequency noise.
Low-frequency noise is commonly not well perceived by the human ear but may induce vibrations in
buildings that may be perceptible or cause a rattle” in these environments. Research indicates that
annoyance related to noise is greater when low-frequency noise is present (ISO 1996-1:2003) and one
of the main reasons is the annoyance caused by rattles (Schomer and Neathammer 1987; Schomer
and Averbuch 1989). As sound environments are usually characterized using A-weighted decibel levels
(dBA) that reflect the frequencies most audible to the human ear, the impacts of low-frequency noise
may need to be assessed separately.
Guidance for low-frequency sound (or infrasound) in the 16-63 Hz octave bands stems from the ANSI
standard on environmental sound regarding noise assessment and the related prediction of long-term
community response (ANSI 2005). Where standards or acceptable procedures for the measurement of
these frequencies exist, it is suggested that the EA include a description of the potential impacts and
any mitigation measures concerning the effects of these frequencies.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
The ANSI standard concerns essentially continuous sounds with strong low-frequency content. To
prevent rattles from low-frequency noise and the associated annoyance from this effect, ANSI indicates
that the (energy) sum of the sound levels in the 16-, 31.5- and 63-Hz octave bands be less than 70 dBZ.
If this 70-dBZ “rattle criterion” is exceeded, Health Canada may suggest the implementation of feasible
mitigation measures. ANSI 2005 indicates that there is evidence that noise-induced rattles are very
annoying, and this annoyance may be independent of the number or duration of events.
Additionally, ANSI 2005 provides a more sophisticated mathematical procedure for assessing %HA when
low-frequency noise is present. Health Canada prefers using this procedure when the C-weighted Ldn
exceeds the A-weighted Ldn by more than 10 dB. This is further outlined in Appendix D of ANSI 2005.
The typical threshold for an increase in sound level that is considered to be “barely perceptible” by the
human ear in a controlled laboratory setting varies from 1 to 5 dBA, depending on the sound pressure
level and frequency of the sound. In community noise applications, a 5-dBA reduction in highway
noise by a barrier is accepted as the minimum that will be clearly noticeable. These findings cannot be
broadly generalized in the context of assessing community noise impacts.
Changes to the characteristics of the sound from baseline (e.g. a change in frequency, changes in sound
modulation, increased impulsiveness, or a shift in noise from the daytime to being more at night) may
be perceived and may cause noise to be more noticeable, even if the absolute equivalent continuous
sound level (in dBA) is not substantially increased. Consult ANSI S12.9-2005/Part 4, clause A.1.3 for
further information.
It is important to consider that people respond to sound characteristics that do not necessarily
appreciably increase the sound level. Therefore, in the context of an EA, it is suggested that statements
relating to perceptibility or whether changes in noise are noticeable based solely on decibel levels be
avoided, as these statements may be misleading.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Sound is defined as mechanical vibrations travelling through the air or other media.
Noise is most simply defined as unwanted sound.
Sound is measured using a calibrated microphone to determine the rapid cyclical changes in
pressure (force per unit area) of the sound wave from the normal atmospheric pressure of about
101,000 pascals (Pa). As the human ear is sensitive to sound waves over a very wide range of maximum
changes in sound pressure, for convenience, this range is compressed by using a logarithmic scale, and
the resulting sound unit used is called a decibel” (dB). A logarithmic scale is non-linear; as one moves
up the scale, the same change in decibels represents a larger and larger increase in sound pressure.
This means that decibels cannot be added or averaged in the same way as other linear measurements
such as distance or weight.
Perception of sound is not related to sound level in decibels in a linear manner. For example, a
10-dB increase is the median change in sound level at 1 kHz, which is perceived as being twice as
loud. A typically cited threshold for an increase in sound level that is often stated as being “barely
perceptible” by the human ear varies from 3 to 5 dB (see Appendix B). This threshold is often used in
EAs, which may state that residual sound increases lower than this threshold will not be perceptible;
however, a difficulty with this approach is that humans also perceive and respond to changes in
sound characteristics other than loudness. Examples of these characteristics include frequency,
sound modulation, impulsiveness and tonality, which are described in Appendix A.
People do not perceive all sound frequencies equally, and as such, decibel levels are modified (weighted)
according to the frequencies present in the sound. The modified levels are termed A-weighted” and are
reported as dBA rather than dB. The A-weighting reduces the contribution from low and high frequencies
to capture the mid-frequency range to which the average human ear is most sensitive. Note that low-
frequency noise is de-emphasized by A-weighting as its impacts are not perceived as well by the human
ear. However, these low frequencies are factors that can induce rattles and vibrations that can be heard
and felt. There are other ways to weight decibels, such as C-, G- and Z-weighting. C-weighting is applicable
in the EA context to assess the %HA from exposure to frequent blasting (a high-energy impulsive noise)
or, potentially, other project noise sources in which low-frequency noise dominates.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Sounds often need to be added together to determine sound (or adjusted sound) levels (expressed
in decibels) for use in EAs. The known/measured/predicted values characterizing the sound are also
normally expressed as sound levels in decibels. To add sounds, the starting sound levels Li are changed
to mean square sound pressures, 10
which are added, and then the sum is changed back to decibels.
Some rapid estimations are particularly useful, e.g. if sounds with 2 equal sound levels are added, the
final value will be very nearly 3 dB greater than the starting values.
In calculating an average sound level over a certain time period, the measured sound pressure at
each time is squared and then averaged over time (mean square sound pressure). The mean square
sound pressure is then converted to decibels. Occasional loud sound events (e.g. a bird landing on
a microphone) may inappropriately influence an average. Events unrelated to the assessment are,
after being identified, commonly excluded from the calculation of average sound pressure level.
In the context of noise impact assessment, sound levels are typically reported in average decibel level
over a defined time period. In some cases, a specific time weighting is also applied to the average, most
commonly as a penalty for night-time sound levels before averaging, to account for the additional
potential for disturbance during these hours. The measurement used to describe the sound level
indicates the duration and time of day of the sound, and whether any weighting was applied. The
following describes the A-weighted metrics most commonly presented in EAs:
Ldn (also termed DNL): indicates that the sound was averaged over 24 hours with 10 dBA added
to night-time sound levels. The standard night-time hours for this measurement are 10:00 p.m. to
7:00 a.m. Tables 6.2 and 6.3 show Ldn used in the calculation of suggested Mitigation Noise Levels
for construction noise exposure less than 1 year.
Ld: average daytime level (standard hours 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. although this varies between 6 a.m. and
11 p.m. in some jurisdictions, such as Ontario).
Ln: average night-time level (10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.).
Leq (24): indicates that the sound was averaged over 24 hours without any adjustment applied.
Leq (1): indicates that the sound was averaged over 1 hour.
Leq (1 hour max): indicates that the average sound level of the worst hour (as measured by a provincial
inspector) in a 24-hour period is being reported.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Appendix F Determination of Percent Highly Annoyed (%HA), lists equations that show how to obtain
%HA values from daytime and night-time rating levels. The rating levels can be estimated from the
application of adjustments to the applicable daytime (Ld) and night-time (Ln) sound levels for the noise
environments with and without the project. The Ld and Ln are obtained by an appropriate combination
of predictions and measurements.
The values of the daytime rating levels L
and the night-time rating levels L
for any applicable noise
source are obtained by applying adjustments to the sound levels that are energy-averaged to obtain Ld
and Ln for the given (i-
) noise source. Adjustments may pertain to a particular type of source or to a
particular character of the noise from a source or to the receiver characteristics.
When adjustments to project or baseline noise are necessary, Health Canada prefers that adjustments
be made by following ISO 1996-1:2003. Details of how to apply adjustments are given in Section 6
of ISO 1996-1:2003, in particular for situations where noise sources of specific character are audible
and either distinguishable from noise from other sources, or indistinguishable from noise from other
sources. Furthermore, this section of the ISO standard indicates how to determine the rating level from
combined sources.
With respect to receptor characteristics, an adjustment is made for a quiet rural area,” where a noise
receptor (or group of receptors) has a greater expectation for and value placed on peace and quiet”.
ISO notes that a +10 dB adjustment should be applied in this situation. In the absence of further
information, Health Canada will assume that receptors with a LAeq (7 a.m.–10 p.m.) of 45 dBA or less
and a LAeq (10 p.m.–7 a.m.) of 35 dBA or less are in a quiet rural area, and warrant a +10 dB adjustment
in the calculation of the change in %HA.
For air traffic sources of noise, Health Canada prefers that a +5 dB adjustment be applied.
For rail traffic, Health Canada prefers that either a -5 dB (note this is a negative adjustment) or 0 dB
adjustment be applied, as applicable. The -5 dB rail traffic adjustment is not applicable to long diesel
trains, or to trains operating at speeds in excess of 250 km/hr. These specific adjustments fall within the
ranges given in ISO 1996-1:2003.
Road traffic noise and industrial-type noise (including construction noise for the purposes of this
guidance) have a 0 dB adjustment, as specified in the ISO standard. The 0 dB adjustment for industry/
construction noise applies to only two types of sound levels: (i) from noise sources which are not
audibly tonal at the receptor and (ii) from non-impulsive sources.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Certain other noise sources, as per ISO 1996-1:2003, are considered regular impulsive (+5 dB
adjustment), highly impulsive (+12 dB adjustment) or high energy impulsive. (The rating level is based
on the C-weighted sound level and can be obtained from Appendix B of ISO 1996-1:2003.) Tonal sound
is also addressed in the ISO standard. Health Canada prefers that a +5 dB adjustment be applied to
noise which is audibly tonal at the receptor. This value falls within the range specified in the standard.
As per ISO 1996-1:2003, if more than one adjustment applies for the source type or character of a given
single sound source, only the largest adjustment is applied. However, time period adjustments are
always added to the otherwise adjusted levels. Also, the adjustment for receiver characteristics in a
quiet rural area is added to any other adjustments.
ISO 1996-1:2003 also explicitly states that adjustments for tonal character should only be applied when
the sound is audibly tonal at the receiver location. The standard also indicates that adjustments for
impulsive source character should only be applied to “impulsive sound sources that are audible at the
receiver location.” The subtle distinction made in ISO 1996-1:2003 between audibly tonal versus audible
sources may only be relevant in consideration of high energy impulsive noise. At long distances, high
energy impulsive artillery fire can change from an impulse to a rumble without substantially affecting
the magnitude of the required adjustment. For more common sources, a source is still impulsive even
if it loses the high frequencies at long distances (e.g. ISO 1996-1:2003 identifies the predominantly low-
frequency car door slam as regular impulsive).
Aircraft noise: Although an aircraft can create prominent tones during aircraft noise events, which
would normally get a +5 dB adjustment, the adjustment for the air traffic type is also +5 dB. Therefore
all the air traffic noise receives a +5 dB adjustment.
Shunting of rail cars: The sound sources which are identified as highly impulsive in ISO 1996-1:2003
are the metal impacts in rail-yard shunting operations.” Thus, only the sound level during the time that
the metal impacts are audible should receive the +12 dB adjustment; not the rest of the noise associated
with the shunting activity. The noise due to the engine and motion of the rail cars during shunting is
separate from the impact noise and is thus a separate component with a 0 dB adjustment.
Rail wheel squeal: There are times at the receptor when the noise from the train is audibly tonal, due
to wheel squeal, and the +5 dB adjustment applies. However, for that portion of time where the sound
is no longer audibly tonal at the receptor, the noise from the train receives either 0 or -5 dB adjustment
for source type.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Appendix F presents the methodology and equations for calculating (the change in) percent highly
annoyed (%HA): using Ld and Ln to calculate rating levels L
d and L
n; and using rating levels in
the equations below to determine %HA. These calculations are applicable to projects where the
construction phase 1 year’s duration, and for projects in the operational phase.
Note: Rating levels are an intermediate step in the calculations of %HA, but are generally not reported
in an EA. Health Canada prefers the reporting of various details about Ld, Ln and the adjustments
Refer to Section 5.4 for a discussion about complaints and %HA, and consult Appendix A for definitions.
Energy summation of applicable daytime rating levels will result in a daytime rating level which can be
used to calculate %HA.
Daytime rating level
d) = 10 log
For a quiet rural area, the daytime rating level
d) = 10 + 10 log
quiet rural area
Where L
= any applicable daytime rating level and a quiet rural area is considered an area where a
noise receptor (or group of receptors) has a greater expectation for and value placed on peace and
quiet”. In the absence of further information, Health Canada will assume that receptors with a LAeq
(7 a.m.–10 p.m.) of 45 dBA or less and a LAeq (10 p.m.–7 a.m.) of 35 dBA or less are in a quiet rural area
and warrant a +10 dB adjustment.
The same calculation (using Equations F1 or F1
quiet rural area
) is also applicable to determine the night-time
rating level (L
n) needed to calculate %HA.
2 LAeq is an A-weighted equivalent of continuous sound level in the denoted time period.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
The rating level used to calculate %HA is the day-night rating level (L
dn). In general, to calculate
the relevant change in %HA values due to the project noise, L
dn values are needed for baseline,
construction 1 year, and operation. The energy summation of baseline and construction L
dn values
(baseline and construction)
) is needed for the construction phase. The energy summation of baseline and
operation L
dn values (L
(baseline and operation)
) is needed for the operation phase. L
dn is a 24-hour energy
averaged rating level in which the contribution from the night-time rating level is artificially increased
by 10 dB and is calculated using Equation E2.
dn = 10 log
[((15 × 10
) + (9 x 10 ) / 24]
(0.1 × L
d) (0.1 × (L
n + 10))
(baseline and construction)
= 10 log
+ 10 )
(0.1 × construction L
dn) (0.1 × baseline L
(baseline and operation)
= 10 log
(0.1 × operation L
+ 10 )
(0.1 × baseline L
The %HA is calculated using Equation F4:
]%HA = 100 / [1 + e
(10.4 - 0.132* L
The %HA (baseline), %HA (baseline and construction), %HA (construction), %HA (baseline and
operation) and %HA (operation) can be obtained by substituting the appropriate L
dn into Equation F4.
The change in %HA for project construction is calculated by subtracting %HA (baseline) from %HA
(baseline and construction).
The change in %HA for project operation is calculated by subtracting %HA (baseline) from %HA
(baseline and operation).
Table F.1 is a worked example showing the project noise levels (i.e. construction phase [ 1 year] or
during the operational phase) that would result in a change of 6.5%HA from the baseline to project
scenario. Use this table as a reference to check calculations carried out for a specific project. This table
presents rating levels, but note that rating levels are not commonly reported in an EA as they are an
intermediate step in calculating %HA (see above).
The table ranges from a baseline of 20 dB (i.e. quiet rural area) up to a project level of 75 dB.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Table F.1: Worked example showing baseline and project rating levels associated
witha6.5% increase in %HA due to a project’s noise.
Change in %HA between baseline
andproject equals 6.5%
dn baseline
dn project
total L
%HA baseline
%HA project
< 20 58.6 58.6 0.0 6.5
35 58.9 59.0 0.3 6.8
42 59.4 59.5 0.8 7. 3
46 59.9 60.1 1.3 7. 8
48 60.2 60.5 1.7 8.2
50 60.6 61.0 2.2 8.7
52 61.1 61.6 2.8 9.3
53 61.3 61.9 3.2 9.7
55 61.9 62.7 4.1 10.6
56 62.2 63.1 4.7 11. 2
57 62.5 63.6 5.3 11. 8
58 62.8 64.1 6.0 12.5
59 63.2 64.6 6.8 13.3
60 63.6 65.2 7. 7 14.2
61 64.0 65.8 8.7 15.2
62 64.5 66.4 9.8 16.3
63 64.9 67.1 11. 1 1 7. 6
64 65.4 67.8 12.4 18.9
65 65.9 68.5 13.9 20.4
66 66.5 69.2 15.6 22.1
67 67.0 70.0 1 7. 4 23.9
68 67.6 70.8 19.4 25.9
69 68.3 71.7 21.6 28.1
70 68.9 72.5 23.9 30.4
71 69.6 73.4 26.3 32.8
72 70.3 74.3 29.0 35.5
73 71.1 75.2 31.8 38.3
74 71.9 76.1 34.7 41.2
75 72.8 77.0 37.8 44.3
76 73.7 78.0 40.9 47.4
77 74.6 79.0 44.1 50.6
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Commercial premises Retail stores, offices, research facilities
Noise effects during business hours
Daycare centres Highly sensitive receptors (children) Noise effects considered during
occupied periods
Film and television studios, theatres,
restaurants, etc.
Noise effects during periods
Hospitals Highly sensitive receptors (sick people) Noise effects over a 24-hour period
Industrial premises Factories and other industrial plants Potential for additive noise in
cumulative effects assessment
Places of worship
Churches, mosques, synagogues, temples,
locations where Indigenous Peoples’ cultural
or religious ceremonies occur, etc.
Noise effects during religious
services, meetings or processions
Recreation areas:
Parks and sports grounds Noise effects considered during
occupied periods
Recreation areas:
Outdoor grounds used for hunting, fishing,
teaching, etc.; includes locations where
Indigenous Peoples may hunt, fish or gather
country foods
Noise effects considered during
activity periods
Urban, suburban and rural locations
containing houses, mobile homes and/or
multilevel dwellings
Noise effects over a 24-hour period
with particular emphasis on night-
time noise levels
Cottages, campgrounds and RV parks;
includes Indigenous hunting and fishing
cabins, and seasonal camping places
Noise effects considered during
occupied periods
Schools Education facilities from pre-school to
universities; highly sensitive receptors
Noise effects during regular hours
of operation, which may include
evenings and the possibility of
schools being used during summer
Seniors’ residences Highly sensitive receptors (elderly) Consideration of noise effects over
a 24-hour period with particular
emphasis on night-time noise levels
Workers’ living quarters
Locations may be on or off the project site Mitigation measures in the design
of temporary living quarters for
workers to limit noise
3 Occupational exposure and health issues are typically under provincial or territorial jurisdiction, and Health Canada does not review
this information in the context of EAs.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
The measures below have been adapted from the New South Wales Interim Construction Noise
Guideline (July 2009), Department of Environment and Climate Change, New South Wales, Australia.
Available at:
Regularly train workers and contractors to use equipment in ways that minimize noise.
Ensure that site managers periodically check the site, nearby residences and other sensitive
receptors for noise problems so that solutions can be quickly applied.
Include in tenders, employment contracts, subcontractor agreements and work method
statements, clauses that assure the minimization of noise and compliance with directions from
management to minimize noise.
Avoid the use of radios and stereos outdoors and the overuse of public address systems where
neighbours can be affected.
Avoid shouting, and minimize talking loudly and slamming vehicle doors.
Keep truck drivers informed of designated vehicle routes, parking locations, acceptable delivery
hours and other relevant practices (e.g. minimizing the use of engine brakes and periods of engine
Avoid the use of equipment that generates impulsive noise.
Minimize the need for reversing alarms.
Avoid dropping materials from a height.
Avoid metal-to-metal contact on equipment.
If possible, schedule truck movements to avoid residential streets.
Avoid clustering of equipment near residences and other sensitive receptors.
Ensure that periods of respite are provided in the case of unavoidable maximum noise level events.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
The community is more likely to be understanding and accepting of project noise if related
information is provided and is frank, and does not attempt to understate the likely noise level, and
if commitments are respected.
Provide advance notification to people concerning construction duration, defining activities that
are expected to be noisy and their expected duration, what noise mitigation measures are being
applied, and when noise respite periods will occur.
For night-time work, receptors may be informed in two stages: two weeks prior to construction
and then two days before commencement.
Provide information to neighbours before and during construction through media such as
letterbox drops, meetings or individual consultation. In some areas, the need to provide
notification in languages other than English may be considered. A website may also be established
for the project.
Use a site information board at the front of the site with contact details, hours of operation and
regular information updates.
Facilitate contact with people to ensure that everyone can see that the site manager understands
potential issues, that a planned approach is in place, and that there is an ongoing commitment to
minimize noise.
In terms of both cost and results, controlling noise at the source is one of the most effective
methods of minimizing the noise impacts from any construction activities.
Examine and implement, where feasible and reasonable, alternatives to rock-breaking work
methods, such as hydraulic splitters for rock and concrete, hydraulic jaw crushers, chemical rock
and concrete splitting, and controlled blasting, such as penetrating cone fracture.
Consider alternatives to diesel and gasoline engines and pneumatic units, such as hydraulic
or electric-controlled units, where feasible and reasonable. When there is no electricity supply,
consider using an electrical generator located away from residences.
Examine and implement, where feasible and reasonable, alternatives to transporting excavated
material from underground tunnelling off-site at night-time. (e.g. stockpile material in an
acoustically treated shed during the night and load out the following day).
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Examine different types of machines that perform the same function and compare the noise level
data to select the least noisy machine (e.g. rubber-wheeled tractors can be less noisy than steel-
tracked tractors).
Pneumatic equipment is traditionally a problem. Consider selecting super-silenced compressors,
silenced jackhammers and damped bits, where possible.
When renting (or purchasing) equipment, select quieter pieces of machinery and construction
equipment, where feasible and reasonable. As well, select the most effective mufflers, enclosures
and low-noise tool bits and blades. Always seek the manufacturer’s advice before making
modifications to any equipment to reduce noise.
Reduce throttle settings and turn off equipment when it is not being used.
Examine and consider implementing, where feasible and reasonable, the option of reducing noise
from metal chutes and bins by placing damping material in the bin.
Regularly inspect and maintain equipment to ensure that it is in good working order, including the
condition of mufflers.
For machines with enclosures, verify that doors and door seals are in good working order and that
the doors close properly against the seals.
Return any leased equipment that is causing noise that is not typical for the equipment. The
increased noise may indicate the need for repair.
Ensure that air lines on pneumatic equipment do not leak.
Barriers and acoustic sheds are most suited to long-term fixed works, as in these cases, the
associated cost is typically outweighed by the overall time savings.
Place as much distance as possible between the machinery or equipment, and residences and
other sensitive receptors.
Restrict areas in which mobile equipment can operate, so that they are away from residences and
other sensitive receptors at particular times.
Locate site vehicle entrances away from residences and other sensitive receptors.
Carry out noisy fabrication work at another site (e.g. within enclosed factory premises) and then
transport products to the project site.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
Avoid the use of reversing alarms by designing the site layout to avoid reversing, such as by
including drive-through for parking and deliveries.
When applicable legislation permits, consider less annoying alternatives to the typical “beeper”
alarms. Examples include smart alarms that are adjustable in volume depending on the ambient
level of noise, and multi-frequency alarms that emit noise over a wide range of frequencies.
Re-use existing structures rather than demolishing and reconstructing.
Use full enclosures, such as large sheds, with good seals fitted to doors to control noise from night-
time work.
Use temporary site buildings and material stockpiles as noise barriers.
Schedule the construction of permanent walls so that they can be used as noise barriers as early as
Use natural landform as a noise barrier. Place fixed equipment in cuttings or behind earth berms.
Take note of large reflecting surfaces on- and off-site that might increase noise levels, and avoid
placing noise-producing equipment in locations where reflected noise will increase noise exposure
or reduce the effectiveness of mitigation measures.
Consult with schools to ensure that noise-generating construction works in the vicinity are not
scheduled to occur during examination periods, unless other acceptable arrangements (such as
relocation) can be made.
When night work near residences cannot be feasibly or reasonably avoided, restrict the number of
nights per week and/or per calendar month that the work is undertaken.
Schedule noisy work during periods when people are least affected.
Organize work to be undertaken during the recommended standard hours, where possible.
If the construction site is in the vicinity of a sports venue, consider scheduling work to avoid times
when there are special events.
Guidance for Evaluating Human Health Impacts in Environmental Assessment:
When work outside the recommended standard hours is planned, avoid scheduling it on Sundays
or public holidays.
Schedule work when neighbours are not present (e.g. outside business hours or on weekends,
when commercial neighbours, college students and school students may not be present).
Schedule noisy activities around times of high background noise (i.e. when local road traffic or
other local noise sources are active) where possible, to provide masking or to reduce the amount
that the construction noise intrudes above the background noise.
Nominate an off-site truck parking area away from residences for trucks arriving prior to gates
opening and schedule deliveries only during specified periods.
Optimize the number of vehicle trips to and from the site. Movements can be organized to
amalgamate loads rather than using a number of vehicles with smaller loads.
Designate access routes to the site through consultation with potentially noise-affected residences
and other sensitive receptors, and inform drivers of nominated vehicle routes.
Provide on-site parking for staff and on-site truck waiting areas away from residences and other
sensitive receptors. Truck waiting areas may require walls or other barriers to minimize noise.
Physical methods to reduce the transmission of noise between construction locations and
residences or other sensitive receptors are generally suited to construction projects in which there
is long-term noise exposure.
Reduce the line-of-sight noise transmission to residences and other sensitive receptors using
temporary noise barriers.
Temporary noise barriers can be constructed from boarding (plywood boards, panels of steel
sheeting or compressed fibre cement board) with no gaps between the panels at the site boundary.
Stockpiles and shipping containers can be effective noise barriers.
Erect temporary noise barriers before work commences to reduce noise from construction as soon
as possible.
Where high-rise dwellings adjoin the construction site, the height of a barrier may not be sufficient
to effectively shield the upper levels of the residential building from construction noise. Find out if
this is a consideration for the project and examine alternative mitigation measures, where needed.