Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, 2004
hosphorus (P; CAS No. 7723-14-0, atomic mass
30.97376) is a highly reactive, multivalent, non-
metal of the nitrogen group in the period table
that is never found free in nature. Phosphate rock,
which contains the mineral apatite, an impure tri-calcium
phosphate, is an important source of phosphorus.
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all living
organisms; living matter contains about 0.3 percent dry
weight phosphorus (Horne and Goldman 1994). It plays a
major role in biological metabolism, and when compared
to other macronutrients required by biota, phosphorus is
the least abundant and commonly the first nutrient to limit
biological productivity (Wetzel 2001). Water bodies
containing low phosphorus concentrations (i.e.,
unimpacted sites) typically support relatively diverse and
abundant aquatic life that are self-sustaining and support
various water uses. However, elevated phosphorus
concentrations can adversely affect aquatic ecosystems
(Chambers et al. 2001).
The phosphorous guideline follows a framework-based
approach that accommodates the non-toxic endpoints
associated with phosphorus and can be incorporated into
existing management strategies. The framework offers a
tiered approach where phosphorus concentrations should
not (i) exceed predefined ‘trigger ranges’; and (ii)
increase more than 50% over the baseline (reference)
levels. The trigger ranges are based on the range of
phosphorus concentrations in water that define the
reference trophic status for a site. If the upper limit of the
range is exceeded, or is likely to be exceeded, further
assessment is required. When assessment suggests the
likelihood of undesired change in the system, a
management decision must be made.
Phosphorus in the Aquatic Environment
Phosphorus in aquatic systems occurs in three forms:
inorganic phosphorus, particulate organic phosphorus,
and dissolved (soluble) organic phosphorus. Aquatic
plants require inorganic phosphate for nutrition, typically
in the form of orthophosphate ions (PO
). This is the
most significant form of inorganic phosphorus, and is the
only form of soluble inorganic phosphorus directly
utilized by aquatic biota. This form of phosphate is
transferred to consumers and decomposers as organic
phosphate. Most of the phosphorus (up to 95%) in fresh
water occurs as organic phosphates, cellular constituents
of organisms, and within or adsorbed to inorganic and
dead particulate organic matter (Wetzel 2001). This is
subsequently made available for recycling via
mineralization and decomposition.
Phosphate concentrations tend to increase with increases
in total phosphorus (TP), but the proportion of phosphate
declines with increasing TP (Hudson et al. 2000). The
turnover rate of PO
in phosphorus limited
systems is
extremely rapid, thus making its measurement difficult.
Filtration of the water sample prior to analysis for PO
can overestimate biologically available phosphorus
(Fisher and Lean 1992) and conventional methods for
measuring PO
generally overestimate phosphate
concentrations (Hudson et al. 2000). Based on these
limitations, TP is generally recommended as a meaningful
measurement of phosphorus in surface waters (Wetzel
In the majority of lakes, phosphorus is normally the
limiting nutrient for algal growth. However, in some areas
(prairie lakes and rivers) nitrogen is increasingly being
found to be the most important nutrient. TP
concentrations in non-polluted natural waters extend over
a very wide range from <1 µg·L
in ultra-oligotrophic
waters, to >200 µg·L
in highly eutrophic waters;
however, most uncontaminated freshwaters contain
between 10 and 50 µg·L
of TP (Wetzel 2001).
Phosphorus levels of freshwaters are generally lowest in
mountainous regions of bedrock geomorphology (e.g.,
Boreal and Pre-Cambrian Shields), and increase in
lowland waters derived from sedimentary rock deposits
(e.g., the Boreal Plains of Alberta). Lakes rich in organic
matter, and bogs, tend to exhibit high TP concentrations.
Sedimentation of particulate phosphorus results in a slow
but continuous loss from the water column. Phosphate is
precipitated as insoluble iron, calcium, or aluminium
phosphate and then released slowly. Exchange of
phosphorus across the sediment/water interface is
regulated by oxidation-reduction (redox) interactions,
which are dependent on oxygen supply, mineral solubility
and sorptive mechanisms (Stumm and Morgan 1996), the
metabolic activities of bacteria and fungi, and turbulence
from physical and biotic activities (Wetzel 2001). Lake
Canadian Water Quality
Guidelines for the Protection
of Aquatic Life
Canadian Water Quality Guidelines
for the Protection of Aquatic Life
sediments contain much higher concentrations of
phosphorus than water. Under aerobic conditions, the
exchange equilibria are largely unidirectional toward the
sediments; however, under anaerobic conditions,
inorganic exchange at the sediment-water interface is
strongly influenced by redox conditions. Sediment
phosphorus release (internal loading) can be an important
source of phosphorus and can maintain high phosphorus
concentrations in the water column, even in the absence
of significant external loading (Marsden 1989; Holz and
Hoagland 1999).
The first response of an aquatic system to phosphorus
additions is increased plant and algal productivity and
biomass. Although this may be desirable in some cases,
beyond a certain point, further phosphorus additions to
phosphorus-limited systems can cause undesirable effects,
such as: (i) decrease in biodiversity and changes in
dominant biota; (ii) decline in ecologically sensitive
species and increase in tolerant species; (iii) increase in
plant and animal biomass; (iv) increase in turbidity; (v)
increase in organic matter, leading to high sedimentation;
and (vi) anoxic conditions (Mason 1991; Environment
Canada 2004). When the excessive plant growth includes
certain species of cyanobacteria, toxins may be produced,
causing increased risk to aquatic life, livestock, and
human health (Chambers et al. 2001).
The potential human quality of life concerns that may
relate to eutrophication are: (i) treatment of potable water
may be difficult and costly; (ii) the supply may have an
unacceptable taste or odour problem; (iii) the water may
be injurious to health; (iv) the aesthetic/ recreational value
of the water may decrease; (v) macrophyte growth may
impede water flow and navigation; (vi) commercially
important species (such as salmonoids and coregonids)
may disappear (Mason 1991; Environment Canada 2004).
Water Quality Guideline Derivation
Currently, no national environmental quality guidelines
exist for phosphorus, although individual provinces may
have guidelines or objectives (Environment Canada
2004). The Protocol for the Derivation of Guidelines for
the Protection of Aquatic Life (CCME 1991) is intended
to deal specifically with toxic substances, and provide
numerical limits or narrative statements based on the most
current, scientifically defensible toxicological data.
Phosphorus does not fit this model because it is non-toxic
to aquatic organisms at levels and forms present in the
environment; however, secondary effects, such as
eutrophication and oxygen depletion are serious concerns.
Because aquatic communities are generally adapted to
ambient conditions, it is neither feasible nor desirable to
establish a single guideline value for phosphorus. Some
of the effects of phosphorus are aesthetic and thus include
an element of subjectivity. What is considered nuisance
plant growth to some may be desirable to others. Based
on these realities, guidelines for phosphorus are not
derived; rather a guidance framework (Figure 1) that is
consistent with CCME guideline principles is developed.
The framework accommodates the non-toxic endpoints
associated with phosphorus loading and permits site-
specific management of phosphorus.
The framework provides a tiered approach where water
bodies are marked for further assessment by comparing
their trophic status to predefined ‘trigger ranges’. The
trigger ranges are based on a range of phosphorus
concentrations in water that define the reference status for
a site. Using such a scheme, sites with similar
characteristics are classified together irrespective of
whether they might possess these features naturally or as
a result of human influence. Since the reference condition
for the water body in question is defined at the onset of
the framework, this problem is readily overcome;
predefined states, whether determined through
hindcasting or by using best available data, are always
used to set the trigger range.
Steps in Guidance Framework
Set Ecosystem Goals and Objectives
As a first step, it is crucial to set ecosystem goals and
objectives (e.g., enhance, protect, or restore). The
objective can be set for a healthy aquatic ecosystem, with
the goals being unimpaired human uses, and a diverse and
functioning aquatic ecosystem. By setting the diverse
aquatic ecosystem as a goal, a desire to prevent the loss of
species is established. Similarly, the desire for a
functioning aquatic ecosystem recognizes that ecosystems
do things that are both inherently of value and of value
for human uses and desires. These objectives are
important because they will guide management decisions
made later.
Define Reference/ Baseline Conditions
Establishing the reference condition is the most important
step in the framework because it determines the trigger
range that is used for comparison. In some cases,
historical data may be available, but in most cases there
will be a need to estimate reference (baseline) phosphorus
Canadian Water Quality Guidelines
for the Protection of Aquatic Life
Above trigger
No Yes
Define reference/baseline concentration
Set ecosystem goals and ob
Select trigger range
Determine current
concentration of total phosphorus
50% increase
in baseline?
Is change acceptable?
decision required
of WQI
Recommended Assessment Tools
(periodic) (frequent)
Figure 1. Canadian Guidance Framework for the management of phosphorus in freshwater systems.
concentrations. Several options are available for this,
ranging from use of available historical data to derivation
and application of predictive models to hindcast pre-
development phosphorus values (Environment Canada
2004). Many jurisdictions (e.g., British Columbia and
Ontario) which are actively managing phosphorus, have
already established reference conditions that could be
used in the framework. In addition, reference conditions
will be relatively simple to determine in areas with little
or no development. In geographical areas where there is a
high density of water bodies, a single reference condition
may be established for the entire area.
Select Trigger Ranges
Australia, New Zealand (NWQMS 1999), and the
USEPA (EPA 2000) consider ecosystem classification in
setting their nutrient guidelines. In the Canadian
framework, trigger ranges are based on the trophic
classification of the baseline condition or the status of
reference sites.
Internationally accepted OECD (Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development) trophic status
values (Vollenweider and Kerekes 1982) are the
Canadian Water Quality Guidelines
for the Protection of Aquatic Life
recommended trigger ranges (Table 1). The only
proposed variation is that the OECD meso-eutrophic
category (10-35 µg·L
) is subdivided into mesotrophic
(10-20 µg·L
) and meso-eutrophic (20-35 µg·L
). This
subdivision was necessary because considerable variation
in community composition and biomass exist in Canadian
waters over the OECD range of 10-35 µg·L
. These
trigger ranges are recommended for both rivers and lakes.
A trigger range is a desired concentration range for
phosphorus; if the upper limit of the range is exceeded, it
indicates a potential environmental problem, and
therefore, “triggers” further investigations. Natural
physical and chemical water quality variables (e.g.,
salinity, pH, nutrients) inherently vary within and
between ecosystem types, and so the preferred method for
determining the trigger ranges is to use similar, high
quality reference sites to determine natural levels. These
ranges are then categorised according to the trophic status
of the reference site (Table 1). This approach provides a
trigger range that is relevant to the ecosystem type and
locality. These phosphorus limits allow management to
define where their water bodies lie, and define a trigger
range for that water body.
Table 1. Total phosphorus trigger ranges for Canadian
lakes and rivers.
Canadian Trigger Ranges
Trophic Status Total phosphorus (µg·L
Ultra-oligotrophic < 4
Oligotrophic 4-10
Mesotrophic 10-20
Meso-eutrophic 20-35
Eutrophic 35-100
Hyper-eutrophic > 100
The selection of appropriate trigger ranges and reference
conditions can potentially benefit from the development
and application of an ecoregional approach (Environment
Canada 2004). Ecoregions provide a means of classifying
ecologically distinct areas, where each region can be
viewed as a discrete system made up of areas of similar
geographical landform, soil, vegetation, climate, wildlife,
water, etc. The use of ecoregions can improve
predictability of nutrient enrichment effects. They can
help differentiate between natural and anthropogenic
contributions to nutrient enrichment, reduce variability in
trigger ranges within a class and among classes, and
contribute to improved assessment and development of
trigger ranges.
Determine Current Phosphorus Concentration
Under normal conditions, TP is the only meaningful
measurement of phosphorus for water (Wetzel 2001). TP
can be expressed as a single measurement taken at spring
turnover or as an average of several observations made on
a seasonal basis; it may be an estimate for a specific zone
(e.g., euphotic zone), or as a whole lake approximation. It
is important that an appropriate number of samples are
collected to accurately reflect TP concentrations in a
system. Specific attention should be given to sites that are
receiving variable phosphorus loads or exhibiting marked
morphological and hydrological differences (Environment
Canada 2004).
Compare Current or Predicted Concentration to
Trigger Range
The upper concentration of the trigger range represents
the maximum acceptable concentration of phosphorus
within each of the trophic categories. If the upper limit of
the trigger range is exceeded, or is likely to be exceeded,
there is a risk of an impact either occurring or having
occurred. At this stage, additional information on local
environmental factors needs to be considered, and thus
further assessment is recommended. The assessment
could potentially lead to remedial advice and the
restoration of a degraded water body. If the trigger range
is not exceeded, the risk of an impact is regarded as low.
Compare Current or Predicted Concentration to
Baseline Condition
Due to the general nature of the trigger values and the
size of some of the phosphorus ranges defined, a second
precaution is taken in the assessment of possible effects
of phosphorus. In the event that the trigger value has not
been exceeded, the question is now raised as to the degree
of increase in phosphorus levels from the baseline. Up to
a 50% increase in phosphorus concentrations above the
baseline level is deemed acceptable (OMOE 1997). In
large lakes, the 50% increase should be applied to the
most sensitive areas (e.g., river mouth, point sources, or
the littoral zone) rather than averaged over the whole
lake. The 50% increase check is also applied to river
systems. It is important to recognize that the 50% increase
limit in lakes that already have high phosphorus baseline
(up to 12 µg·L
) may not protect against decreases in
dissolved oxygen. However, in the absence of empirical
data to recommend an alternative, the 50% increase limit
is deemed preferable to no limit. If a 50% increase from
Canadian Water Quality Guidelines
for the Protection of Aquatic Life
the baseline is not observed, then there is considered a
low risk of adverse effects, and only monitoring is
required for these sites. If the increase from the baseline
is greater than 50%, the risk of observable effects is
considered to be high, and further assessment is
Recommended Assessment Tools
The recommended assessment options currently in use in
Canada, the US, and other parts of the world are
presented in detail in Environment Canada (2004). In
summary, the tools fall into the following three
i. A water quality index can be used as a surrogate for
phosphorus as it can provide a single value that
identifies the current state of the ecosystem,
including the percent change from the
reference/baseline condition (e.g., Johnes et al.
ii. Multivariate methods can also assist in comparing
current conditions to baseline conditions, and the
degree of impairment can be identified both spatially
and temporally (Reynoldson and Day 1998; Kilgour
et al. 1998; OMOE 1999).
iii. Predictive models can be applied for the management
of phosphorus. For example, Lakeshore Capacity
(Dillon and Rigler 1975) and paleoecology based
phosphorus reconstruction (Dixit et al. 1999) models
have been successfully used to estimate baseline
phosphorus concentrations and to assess the
magnitude and the rate of change.
These assessment tools should be viewed with the caveat
that many of them were developed for specific water
types or for specific areas with underlying topographic
and geological assumptions. Although many of these
methods can be adapted to the specific user’s
situation/need, care must be taken in selecting an
approach that is both technically feasible and realistic to
the user’s needs. Furthermore, the application of any
assessment tool in defining phosphorus concentration
may not be exclusive, and it may be necessary to adapt a
combination of approaches.
Management Decisions
Once the potential increases in phosphorus concentrations
have been assessed, the results are compared to the
original goals (i.e., reference or baseline conditions) set at
the beginning of the framework. The degree of change is
then assessed on a management level, and the question
raised, “are these changes acceptable?”.
Management decisions are a critical step in the
framework that links back to the objectives and outcomes
of the program via monitoring. Management of
phosphorus should include both short-term management
strategies and options, which primarily focus on
operational activities; and long-term management
strategies, which focus on nutrient reduction, flow
management, education, monitoring, and research.
CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment). 1991.
Appendix IX— A protocol for the derivation of water quality
guidelines for the protection of aquatic life (April 1991). In:
Canadian water quality guidelines, Canadian Council of Resource
and Environment Ministers, 1987. Prepared by the Task Force on
Water Quality Guidelines. [Updated and reprinted with minor
revisions and editorial changes in Canadian environmental quality
guidelines, Chapter 4, Canadian Council of Ministers of the
Environment, 1999, Winnipeg.]
Chambers, P. A., R. Kent, M. N. Charlton, M. Guy, C. Gagnon, E.
Roberts, E. Grove, and N. Foster. 2001. Nutrients and their impact
on the Canadian environment. Environment Canada. 241 pp.
Dillon, P.J. and F.H. Rigler. 1975. A simple method for predicting the
capacity of a lake for development based on lake trophic status. J.
Fish. Res. Board Can. 31: 1771-1778.
Dixit, S.S., J.P. Smol, D.F. Charles, R.M. Hughes, S.G. Paulsen and
G.B. Collins. 1999. Assessing lake water quality changes in the
lakes of the northeastern United States using sediment diatoms.
Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56:131-152.
Environment Canada. 2004. Canadian guidance framework for the
management of phosphorus in freshwater systems. Scientific
Supporting Document. National Guidelines and Standards Office,
Water Policy and Coordination Directorate, Environment Canada,
Ottawa, ON.
EPA. 2000. Nutrient criteria technical guidance manual: lakes and
reservoirs. US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington.
EPA 822-B00-001.
Fisher, T.R. and D.R.S. Lean. 1992. Interpretation of radiophosphate
dynamics in lake waters. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49: 252-258.
Holz, J.C. and K.D. Hoagland. 1999. Effects of phosphorus reduction on
water quality: comparison of alum-treated and untreated portions
of a hypereutrophic lake. Lake Reserv. Manage. 15(1): 70-82.
Horne, A.J. and C.R. Goldman. 1994. Limnology Second Edition.
McGraw Hill Inc., New York. 576 pp.
Hudson, J.J., W.D. Taylor and D.W. Schindler. 2000. Phosphate
concentrations in lakes. Nature 406: 54-56.
Johnes, P., B. Moss and G. Phillips. 1994. Lakes - Classification and
Monitoring. A strategy for the classification of lakes. R&D Project
286, note 253. National Rivers Authority, Bristol, UK.
Kilgour, B.W., K.M. Somers and D.E. Matthews. 1998. Using the
normal range as a criterion for ecological significance in
environmental monitoring and assessment. Ecoscience. 5: 542-550.
Marsden, M.W. 1989. Lake restoration by reducing external phosphorus
loading: the influence of sediment phosphorus release. Freshwat.
Biol. 21: 139-162.
Canadian Water Quality Guidelines
for the Protection of Aquatic Life
Mason, C.F.. 1991. Biology of Freshwater Pollution. 2
Ed. Longman
Scientific and Technical. Longman Group UK Limited. 351 pp.
NWQMS (National Water Quality Management Strategy). 1999.
Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water
OMOE. 1997. A lakeshore capacity strategy for Ontario. Ontario
Ministry of the Environment, Standards Development Branch.
OMOE. 1999. Objectively judging impairment with more than one
index. Environmental Sciences and Standards Division, Dorset
Environmental Science Centre. Technical Bulletin No. DESC-30.
Reynoldson, T.B. and K.E. Day. 1998. Biological guidelines for the
assessment of sediment quality in the Laurentian Great Lakes.
NWRI Report No. 98-232. 119 pp.
Stumm, W. and J.J. Morgan. 1996. Aquatic Chemistry. An Introduction
Emphasizing Chemical Equilibria in Natural Waters. Wiley and
Sons, New York. 780 pp.
Vollenweider, R.A. and J. Kerekes. 1982. Eutrophication of Waters.
Monitoring Assessment and Control. Organization for Economic
Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Paris. 156 pp.
Wetzel, R.G. 2001. Limnology. Academic Press, New York. 1006 pp.
Reference listing:
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. 2004. Canadian water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life:
Phosphorus: Canadian Guidance Framework for the Management of Freshwater Systems. In: Canadian environmental quality
guidelines, 2004, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, Winnipeg.
For further scientific information, contact:
Environment Canada
National Guidelines and Standards Office
351 St. Joseph Blvd.
Hull, QC K1A 0H3
Phone: (819) 953-1550
Facsimile: (819) 953-0461
© Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment 2004
Excerpt from Publication No. 1299; ISBN 1-896997-34-1
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