Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and Human Biology
Emory University Department of Anthropology
Name _______________________________ I.D. _________ Advisor __________________
Anthropology Courses
Concepts and Methods (2)
ANT 201 Concepts and Methods in
Biological Anthropology
Semester __________ Grade _______
ANT 202 Concepts and Methods in
Cultural Anthropology
Semester _________ Grade ________
Human Biology (1)
ANT 200 Foundations of Behavior
ANT 210 Human Biology: Lifecycle Approach
ANT 276 Queer Anthropology
ANT 305 The Human Brain
ANT 311 Nutritional Anthropology
ANT 314 Race and Racism: Myths & Realities
ANT 315 Ancient DNA and Human Evolution
ANT 316 Evolution of Human Brain & Mind
ANT 332 Race in the Age of Genomics
ANT 333 Disease and Human Behavior*
ANT 334 Evolutionary Medicine**
ANT 336 Anthropology of Emerging Disease*
ANT 338 Global Health: Biosocial Model
Other: _______________________________
Semester _____________ Grade __________
**Note: ANT 334 Evolutionary Medicine may count
toward SSM if taken 2023 or earlier.
ANT 205 Foundations of Global Health
ANT 230 Medical Anthropology
ANT 231 Predictive Health and Society
ANT 311 Nutritional Anthropology
ANT 317 Human Social Neuroscience
ANT 331 Cross Cultural Issues in Mental Health
ANT 332 Race in the Age of Genomics
ANTH_OX 332 Culture and Nutrition
ANT 333 Disease and Human Behavior
ANT 336 Anthropology of Emerging Disease
ANT 337 Religion, Health and Healing
ANT 339 Dening Health: Biocultural Perspectv.
ANT 349 Food, Health, and Society
ANT 415 Methods in Biocultural Anth
ANT 440 Botanical Medicine and Health
SOC 230 Sociological Aspects of Health/Illness
Other: _______________________________
Semester _______________ Grade __________
Social Science & Medicine (1)
Evolution and Behavior (1)
ANT 200 Foundations of Behavior
ANT 204 Intro to Archaeology
ANT 276 Queer Anthropology
ANT 302 Primate Behavior & Ecology
ANT 304 Paleolithic Archaeology
ANT 305 The Human Brain
ANT 306 Primate Mating Strategies
ANT 307 Human Evolution
ANT 308 Evolution of Social Behavior
ANT 309 Seminar in Primate Behavior
ANT 310 Communication in Primates
ANT 315 Ancient DNA and Human Evolution
ANT 316 Evolution of Human Brain & Mind
ANT 317 Human Social Neuroscience
ANT 319 Anthropology of Fatherhood
ANT 334 Evolutionary Medicine
ANT 450 Evolution of Childhood
ANT 455 Current Issues in Primatology
Other: _______________________________
Semester __________ Grade __________
*Note: ANT 333 Disease and Human Behavior and
ANT 336 Anthropology of Emerging Disease count
toward Evolution and Behavior instead of Human
Biology IF taken in 2018 or earlier.
Cultural Anthropology (1)
ANT 207 Foundations in Development Studies
ANT 208 Foundations in Visual Anthropology
ANT 252 Fast Food / Slow Food
ANT 258 Anthropology of the Jews
ANT 265 Anthro of Gender and Sexuality
ANT 280 World Area Course
ANT 325 Language, Gender, Sexuality
ANT 328 Women, Religion & Ethnography
ANTH_OX 332 Culture and Nutrition
ANT 340 Topics in Sociolinguistics (when x-listed)
ANT 341 Advanced Language and Culture
ANT 343 Ethnographic Cinema
ANT 351 Sustainable Dev: Anthro Perspective
ANT 352 Globalization & Transnational Culture
ANT 353 Economic Anthropology
ANT 354 Culture and Economy
ANT 372 The Craft of Ethnography
ANT 377 Fieldwork into Performance
ANT 380 Muslim Cultures and Politics
ANT 391 Law, Discipline, and Social Justice
ANT 402 Advance Sem in Cultural Anthropology
Other: _______________________________
Semester ____________ Grade _________
Anthropology Electives (4)
Any ANT course not already applied to
another major requirement, subject to the
guidelines on the reverse. Only one 100-
level course may be used as an elective.
See reverse for further guidelines.
Elective 1 ___________________________
Semester __________ Grade ______
Elective 2 ___________________________
Semester __________ Grade ______
Elective 3 ___________________________
Semester __________ Grade ______
Elective 4 ___________________________
Semester __________ Grade ______
Science & Math Foundation Courses
Chemistry (2 + labs)**
CHEM 150 Structure and Properties
Semester ____________ Grade __________
CHEM 150L Structure and Properties LAB
Semester ____________ Grade __________
CHEM 202 Principles of Reactivity
Semester ____________ Grade __________
CHEM 202L Principles of Reactivity LAB
Semester ____________ Grade __________
Biology (2 + labs)
BIO 141 Biology I
Semester _____________ Grade __________
BIO 141L Biology I LAB
Semester _____________ Grade __________
BIO 142 Biology 2
Semester ______________ Grade __________
BIO 142L Biology 2 LAB
Semester ______________ Grade __________
Statistics (1)
QTM 100 Intro to Stat Inference
ANT 270S Quantitative Methods
MATH_OX 117 Intro. Prob/Statistics
MATH 362 Probability/Statistics II
Other: __________________________
Semester ___________ Grade _________
*Parentheses denote number of courses required in each area. No course may be used to fulll more than one requirement area.
*Lists include examples of courses that fulll each requirement. For a full list, see the BS Course Oerings spreadsheet on the
Anthropology website (
See reverse side for formal statement of requirements and to note any credits earned o campus.
Revised Mar 2024
**Note: CHEM 141 and 142 may count in place of 150/150L and 202/202L.
Revised Mar 2024
Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and Human Biology
Emory University Department of Anthropology
The Bachelor of Science in Anthropology & Human Biology provides a strong foundaon for understand-
ing behavior, biology, and health through an anthropological lens. Pulling from the sub-disciplines of ar-
cheology and biological anthropology, the BS major oers both an alternave path to the pre-medical
curriculum and an interdisciplinary approach to research.
The Department of Anthropology believes that a holisc understanding of what it means to be human is
crical for future physicians and sciensts. The BS major oers valuable benets to undergraduate stu-
dents interested in pursuing pre-medical studies or other STEM careers: a deep understanding of human
biology and evoluon, interdisciplinary approaches and research skills, and humanisc perspecves.
Statement of Requirements
A Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology requires a minimum of 10 Anthropology courses of at least
3 credits each (30+ credit hours) and 5 Foundaon courses (23+ credit hours), with a minimum of a C av-
erage in the major. A maximum combined total of 8 hours of ANT 397R (Directed Readings), ANT 495
(Honors), and ANT 497R (Undergraduate Research) may be applied to the major. Only one 100-level class
may be taken to fulll the elecve requirements. No courses taken using the S/U opon may be applied
to the major. A maximum of 12 credit hours earned othe Emory campus may be applied toward the
major. A maximum of 2 courses may double-count for both the Anthropology and Human Biology BS and
another major or minor (this limit does not apply to foundaon courses earned outside the department).
Note: Peons for course substuons and excepons will be considered by the Anthropology Under-
graduate Concerns Commiee. A.P./Transfer credit for math, science, and stascs foundaons is ac-
cepted if it has already been approved by the appropriate department and appears on the transcript.
See reverse side of form for required courses.
Anthropology Requirements Earned O Campus
(Maximum is 12 credit hours of approved coursework, including study abroad. Courses must be at least
3 credits each. This limit does not apply to foundaon courses earned outside the department.
Course Title & Number Instuon Semester Grade
Courses cross-listed with another major or minor (max of 2)
Be sure to check with your other program to ensure you are within their requirements as well.
Course Title & Number Instuon Semester Grade
Please double check your major requirements in the Degree Tracker in OPUS and contact the
Anthropology Undergraduate Program Coordinator with any quesons. The Degree Tracker
must be correct and show all major requirements completed for Degree Applicaon.