Component Selection in Electronic System Design
Selection of components is one of the most critical activities in the design cycle for any
Electronic System. For most types of components, there are scores of choices from
different vendors that could potentially be used. It is the responsibility of the designer to
sift through these choices and choose the component that is just right for the design. This
paper explores the various parameters to be considered for component selection,
recommends a process that designers could adopt for component selection and identifies
some resources that assist the designer in the process.
1. Parameters for Component Selection
The parameters to be considered for component selection can be broadly classified as
technical parameters and non-technical parameters. The selection process is, many a time,
a fine balancing act between the technical and non-technical aspects. The subsequent
sections dwell upon these parameters.
1.1. Technical Parameters
The technical parameters to be considered are described as follows:
The first and foremost question to be asked by the designer is whether the component
under consideration meets all the functions desired by the application. An example could
be whether a certain power supply IC meets the voltage and current requirements of the
DC Electrical Characteristics
The most important DC Electrical Characteristic of the device to be considered is the
supply voltage(s) at which the device operates. In systems with multiple supply voltages,
it is important to check the device’s input-output voltage tolerance to decide whether
voltage translators are needed between the various components. The logic levels of the
input and output lines (V
, V
, V
, V
) decide how the component fits into the
overall system.
AC Electrical Characteristics
The important AC Electrical Characteristics to be considered are the frequency of
operation, rise time, fall time, propagation delay, setup and hold times. It is important to
consider the minimum and maximum values of these parameters and not just the typical
values. While interpreting the datasheet, it is important to note the conditions under
which these parameters are measured.
Power Consumption
The general guideline for this parameter is that it should be as low as possible. This
becomes the decisive factor in choosing components for portable, battery operated
systems. The designer could look at special features such as availability of sleep modes,
idle modes etc that enable to reduce the power consumption when the device is not
active. For example, in a portable audio player, it would be ideal to choose a codec chip
that not only has lower active power, but also supports switching to a low power mode
when not playing back music.
Supporting Circuit Elements
While choosing a component, it is essential to consider the additional circuitry that allows
the component to operate. With the levels of integration going ever higher, it would be
better to choose components that support greater on-chip features so that the number of
external components is reduced. Greater the on-chip features, lesser the cost, physical
size and power consumption of the system. For example, when choosing a processor IC,
the designer could look for the set of peripherals supported such as DMA Controllers, on-
chip memory etc also in additional to the core processor function. When choosing
Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) IC, the designer could look for ICs with built-in
MOSFET. Another important factor to be considered is the number and type of power
supplies required for the operation of the IC. For example, when choosing an Analog to
Digital Converter (ADC), it would be essential to consider the Power Supply Rejection
Ratio (PSRR) to decide on the ripple specification of the power supply that drives the
Operating Environment requirements
Every component is specified to operate in a certain temperature and relative humidity
range. Based on this criterion, components are classified as belonging to the Commercial
grade, Industrial grade and the Military grade. The designer could choose the appropriate
grade component based on the system’s operating environment.
Regulatory Requirements
Regulatory requirements of different national regulatory bodies place constraints on the
choice of components. An example for this is the Restriction on the use of certain
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive of the European Union. This directive bars the
usage of Lead (Pb) and other hazardous substances in electronic systems. Support for Pb-
free soldering and compliance to RoHS directive could be an important criterion for
choosing a certain component. Another example is to verify whether a module or sub-
assembly like AC-DC Converter, being considered is certified to meet FCC, CE or UL
Reliability Data
Comparison of component reliability parameters such as the Mean Time Between Failure
(MTBF) of different components being considered would be essential for design of high
reliability systems. While the MTBF data is not generally available from a component
datasheet, this could be obtained from the manufacturer.
IP Availability
When the component under consideration is a Processor or a Programmable Logic
Device such as CPLD or FPGA, availability of Intellectual Property (IP) that can be
licensed from the IC vendor or third parties is a critical choice that enables faster time-to-
market. For example, availability of different operating systems on a processor,
availability of audio or video codec software IP on a Digital Signal Processor etc., enable
the system to hit the market faster.
Development Tools
Availability and quality of development tools is a very critical parameter for certain types
of components such as Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, Programmable Logic devices
Scope for enhancement
Scope for future enhancement is an important factor since all requirements may not be
clear enough upfront in the design phase. For example, choose memory packages that
support larger capacity in the same footprint. Similarly, choose programmable logic
devices that support larger number of logic gates in the same footprint.
Physical Size
The physical size of a component is another critical parameter for system design
especially in the case of hand held and portable systems.
1.2. Non-Technical Parameters
Cost is a critical constraint in any component selection. The important point to be seen is
the cost of the total solution than just the cost of the particular component under
Multiple Sources
For mass production, having multiple suppliers and manufacturers for the component is a
desirable feature since it eases procurement and lowers cost due to competition. Also, the
risk of component obsolescence is reduced. A good guideline to follow for selection of
components like buffers, logic gates, operational amplifiers etc., is to choose those
packages that are made by multiple vendors.
Stage of Production
It is essential to consider the stage of production the component being considered is in.
For example, the component could be in the Engineering Sample phase, Active
Production phase, Not-for-Future-Design (NFD) phase or Obsolete phase. The
components in the NFD phase and Obsolete phase should not be designed in. For
components in Engineering Sample phase, it is essential to verify if the production
schedule of the component matches with that of the product being designed.
Components used in previous versions of the system are good candidates for a new
version of the system. This permits reuse of device drivers, software, schematics, layout
and knowledge, thereby reducing the risk. While reusing legacy components, it is
important to verify whether the component is still in active production and also if there
are any known issues with the component.
2. Process for selection
Now that we have seen the parameters for component selection, let us look at a good
process for the selection. The first step is to understand and prioritize the requirements.
Classify the features as must-have and nice-to-have. This is followed by research to find
the candidate components and detailed study of their datasheets. Some good resources for
this research are internet search, literature search, IC vendor websites, competitor
products, teardown reports and reviews. Once the candidate components are shortlisted,
tabulate all the features of the candidate parts and review this with the concerned teams.
The review is important since system design has many stake holders such as the software
developers, marketing teams and customers. If necessary, a more thorough evaluation can
be done using evaluation boards from the IC vendor. The next step is to identify suppliers
and sources for the component.
A few points to remember in the selection process are summarized below. It is essential
for the designer not to go by Sheet 1 of the datasheet, as many a time, this sheet
highlights only the best aspects of the component. For each performance claim, note the
conditions under which the performance is measured and verify if these conditions match
the operating conditions of the system under design. The figures and graphs in a
datasheet convey a lot of factual information, hence pay a lot of attention to these.
Research for component selection is a continuous process and it is essential for the
designer to track the developments in her area of specialization. The designer should
watch out for new component announcements and obsolescence notices from IC vendor
websites, newsletters etc. Independent reviews are also a good source of information. The
study and research are best done well before the actual design cycle begins so as to cut
down on the design time without compromising the selection process.
3. Resources
In this section we examine a few resources that come in handy for component selection.
Journals such as Electronic Component News (ECN) provide a wealth of information for
the system designer about a wide variety of components. Websites such as provide periodic updates on the latest component announcements
from different vendors. Mailing lists of users of certain components are also a good
source of information. Designers can subscribe to newsletters from IC vendors’ websites.
Sites such as provide detailed reviews while sites like provide teardown reports of competitor components.
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, we can see that component selection is a function of large number of
technical and non-technical parameters. Continuous and meticulous study by the designer
is critical to good component selection.
About the Author
Satheesh Sadanand, Principal Engineer, Ittiam Systems Pvt Ltd, holds a Masters Degree
from the Indian Institute of Science. He has 10 years of experience in Hardware and
System design in the fields of Telecommunication and Multimedia. His expertise is in
DSP based systems such as Portable Media Players, Network Media Players, GSM
transcoders etc. Prior to joining Ittiam Systems, he worked with the Centre for
Development of Telematics for over 6 years.