Students To Write Newspaper for
Main Unit Assignment
The War Has
Just Ended…
You and your partner are
editors of a newspaper tasked
with putting together a special
commemorative issue on the
Second World War. This
assignment should be
completed on poster paper,
which I will gladly provide.
The assignment has three main
parts. The first part is a
description of a major battle or
turning point in the war.
The second section is an exposé
on Canada’s contributions to the
war, both military and non-
military. (Hint: this second section
will come in handy when you
study for the test because one of
the essay questions will definitely
be about Canada’s contributions!)
The third part of the assignment is
an Op-Ed on the following topic:
“Is the use of weapons of mass
destruction ever justified?”
Descriptions of each of these
three parts are on the following
Second World War
Commemorative Issue
September 1945
Part I: Major Event or Turning Point
Some Suggestions:.
Germanys blitzkrieg
through Western Europe in
The Battle of Britain
German invasion of the
Soviet Union
Japanese attack at Pearl
Battle of Stalingrad
The Italian Campaign
Battle of the Bulge
Battle of Berlin
Or another event of your
Second World War
Commemorative Issue
September 1945
This section should contain
interesting details about the
event you are describing.
Topics to cover in your article
include who, where, what,
when, casualties, what
technologies were used during
this event, etc. An important
part of this article is telling
your reader why this event was
such a significant event of the
war. And be sure to provide
pictures that will really grab
your readers attention.
Part II: Canada’s Contributions
Do not focus only on
contributions made by
members of the armed forces.
Many Canadians, both at home
and abroad, made valuable
contributions to Canada’s war
And don’t worry….I know that
so far in class we have only
discussed Canada’s military
contribution, but next week I
will be sure to discuss other
ways in which Canada
contributed to the Allied
Second World War
Commemorative Issue
September 1945
This section is a commemoration of Canada’s contributions to
the war. Be sure to describe both military and non-military
contributions. You will not be able to cover every contribution,
so think BIG PICTURE and then choose a few examples to
highlight your article.
In this article, you should consider how significant you think
Canada’s contributions were to the war. This is your chance to
put in your own opinion, but be sure to back it up with
Part III: Is the Use of Weapons of
REMEMBER!!! You are
writing in September 1945, so
your article must make specific
reference to the bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But
you should not be talking about
weapons of mass destruction
that had not yet been invented
in 1945.
Again, I know that we have not
yet covered this topic, but we
will in class on Friday. In the
meantime, read p. 150-151 of
your textbook. This should
help give you some ideas.
Second World War
Commemorative Issue
September 1945
This is an op-ed, which means
“opposite editorial.” Op-eds
are opinion pieces written by
writers who are often not
directly affiliated with the
newspaper in which the article
appears. For example, anyone
can write an op-ed on a given
topic and have it printed in the
Prince George Citizen.
Essentially you are writing a
persuasive article on whether
or not weapons of mass
destruction, such as nuclear
bombs, should ever be used.
There is no right or wrong
answer as long as you can back
up your position.
Mass Destruction Ever Justified?
Minimum word count for you
op-ed is 300 words.
CALLED: “Debate over the
atomic bombings of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
General Assignment Criteria
Second World War
Commemorative Issue
September 1945
1. I have described the 3
parts that this assignment
must have. However, you
can choose to organize
your newspaper however
you want. In other words,
the Canada’s contribution
section can make up your
front page if you prefer.
2. You may work with a
partner on this
assignment or you can do
it on your own. Choose
your partner carefully,
though, as you will both
receive the same grade for
the assignment.
3. The only section with a minimum
word count is the op-ed (300 words).
For the other two sections, the final word
count will depend entirely on how many
words it takes for you to provide the
required information.
4. The final due date for this
assignment is Tuesday 12
November. Unless you make
prior arrangements with me,
late assignments will be
deducted 10% per every day
late, up to a maximum of