File Exchange Basic
Template Instructions
Copyright Statement
Copyright 2015 eBay Inc. All rights reserved.The information contained in this document is CONFIDENTIAL
and PROPRIETARY in nature, and subject to the rights and ownership of eBay Inc. Any and all unauthorized
copying or use of the contents hereof is prohibited.
The eBay logo and experience are trademarks of eBay Inc. All other brand or product names are or may
be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Document Information
Version: 3.5.2
Date: July 2015
Company Information
eBay Inc. 2145 Hamilton Ave. San Jose, CA 95125 USA
phone: 408.558.7400; fax: 408.558.7401
How to use this guide............................................................................................................................6
How to interpret text styles....................................................................................................................6
What is File Exchange?..................................................................................................7
eBay File Exchange overview................................................................................................................7
File Exchange benefits and requirements......................................................................................7
File Exchange features...................................................................................................................8
File Exchange workflow..................................................................................................................8
Understanding template structure.........................................................................................................9
Choosing a template file......................................................................................................................10
Using the default templates.........................................................................................11
Acquire a default template ..................................................................................................................11
Enter data in the template fields..........................................................................................................12
Adding a new field to a default template..............................................................................................15
Deleting a field from a default template...............................................................................................16
Using revision files...............................................................................................................................16
Using the Condition fields....................................................................................................................17
Get values for ConditionID...........................................................................................................18
Enter ConditionDescription...........................................................................................................18
Uploading and downloading files...............................................................................20
Upload a template file..........................................................................................................................20
View upload results..............................................................................................................................21
Load results report details...................................................................................................................22
Generating reports.......................................................................................................23
Create a download request..................................................................................................................23
Download an Active listings report......................................................................................................24
Download a Sold items report.............................................................................................................24
Create a download schedule...............................................................................................................25
View download schedule.....................................................................................................................26
Template field definitions.............................................................................................27
Required template fields......................................................................................................................27
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Optional template fields.......................................................................................................................32
Result and report fields........................................................................................................................46
About report scripts......................................................................................................................47
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Active Listings report....................................................................................................................47
Awaiting Payment report...............................................................................................................48
Load Response Results report.....................................................................................................49
Paid and Awaiting Shipment report..............................................................................................51
Paid and Shipped Items report.....................................................................................................53
Product Inventory report...............................................................................................................54
Sold Listings report.......................................................................................................................55
Unsold Items report......................................................................................................................56
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
This section describes this documents purpose and explains where to find the File Exchange listing
How to use this guide
This guide explains how to use the File Exchange listing tool to post product listings to the eBay web
site.This guide was designed to be used with one of the standard templates available on the File
Exchange Select Template web page.
How to interpret text styles
The text in this document use these text styles in sentences to imply specific meanings:
Bold signifies objects clicked to perform a function, such as menu commands, buttons, and keyboard
keys. Bold is also used to highlight a term or phrase before its explanation.
Italic denotes names of pertinent objects, such as application windows, field names, hyperlinks, and
introductory terms.
Monospace signifies programming objects, such as code examples, field values, and URLs.
PlainCapitalLetters signify a general reference, such as "For Action, use the VerifyAdd value," and
"ReturnsAcceptedOption supports the ReturnsAccepted and ReturnsNotAccepted values."
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
What is File Exchange?
This section provides a general overview of File Exchange, and then explains the template structure
and how to use it.
eBay File Exchange overview on page 7
Understanding template structure on page 9
eBay File Exchange overview
This section explains the requirements for, and the features of, the File Exchange templates, and then
presents a general workflow.
File Exchange benefits and requirements
File Exchange allows you to create a large number of listings offline and then easily bulk upload and
manage those listings and the resulting sales reports.
File Exchange is the ideal tool if you:
Are already familiar with the eBay listing process
Have a lot of inventory items you want to list on eBay
Use software, such as Microsoft
Excel, Access or another program to manage your inventory and
want to use it to create a listing file for eBay
Are familiar with flat files and want to batch list several items in a single file.
The File Exchange tool helps you quickly and efficiently:
Create new listings
Confirm there are no errors in your listing files before you post them
Revise active listings
End active listings
Download sales reports
Issue refunds
Mark items as shipped
Leave feedback.
File Exchange is a free subscription service, but does have certain computer system requirements.
Requirements for using File Exchange
File Exchange is a cross-platform tool, meaning it can be used on Windows, Mac, or Linux systems,
as long as the system has:
An Internet connection
A recent version of a standard Web browser such as Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer
A text-editing software application that supports the comma-separated value (CSV) format.
You must also have an eBay account and be subscribed to File Exchange.
To subscribe to File Exchange:
7What is File Exchange?
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
1. Sign in to eBay, and go to the File Exchange home page.
2. Click Sign Up Now.
3. Read the Terms of Use agreement, and then click I Agree To These Terms.
You are now ready to use File Exchange.
File Exchange features
The benefits of File Exchange include faster file processing, better response files, the ability to view
processing status, and more consistency in naming conventions.
Using the eBay File Exchange features, templates and processes, you can upload and manage a
large number of listings, and the resulting sales, using a standard flat-file format.
A flat file is an electronic data file used to exchange information between two systems. Data for each
record is separated by a comma, semicolon, or tab. With File Exchange, you can use flat files to list
in any eBay category. Flat-file benefits include:
Platform independence: Create and use flat files on any operating system
Software independence: Manage your inventory with almost any spreadsheet or database application
Improved efficiency: Batch list or update several listings simultaneously.
You can also upload and download files using scripts. If you prefer to automate uploads via an HTTP
Post, or automate downloads via an HTTP Get, please refer to the File Exchange Advanced Instructions.
Downloadable templates
Each default template file that you download will contain data organized into fields (also called columns
or headers) that your computer system and File Exchange can recognize and interpret.
Using the File Exchange template, you can create one file that contains multiple actions; that is, you
can add one listing, revise another listing, end a third, and so forth. eBay has designed several default
templates that you can download. Refer to Using the default templates on page 11.
Sales Management
File Exchange also helps you to download and manage your item sales data at every stage of the
listing process. For example, you can download an order report to obtain your most recent sales, or
you can download a refunded order report to verify refunds.
File Exchange workflow
To create a product, you perform these steps, which are described in this guide:
1. Select the product creation template you want to download from the eBay File Exchange Centre.
2. Download the template(s) you selected to a known location on your computer.
3. Open the template using a spreadsheet or similar application.
4. Fill in the template to create a new listing file.
5. Save your new listing file in the CSV (comma-separated values) or tab-delimited file format.
6. Upload the new listing file to eBay.
7. Review the upload status and results, and then troubleshoot errors, if needed.
What is File Exchange?8
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
For in-depth information about the File Exchange templates, refer to the File Exchange Advanced
Understanding template structure
This section explains how templates are structured, how to enter your data into the templates, and
how to specify the actions to perform on the the data you enter.
You can enter product information into a template or, if your product information is already documented
in a database or spreadsheet file, map your data into the template file. Regardless of the method you
choose, pay close attention to the following details as you enter data into the structure contained in
the File Exchange template:
Required field: Data must be entered into every required field. Asterisks (*) denote required fields.
For example, *Description and StartPrice.
Note: New sellers must provide a safe payment method such as PayPal or a credit card such
as American Express, Discover, Visa, or MasterCard. For explanations about payment option,
see Optional template fields on page 32.
Character type, character limit, and values: Data must conform to the character types and limits
provided in the definitions of the template data fields.
Important: Fields in File Exchange cannot contain new lines, line feeds, or carriage returns.
To avoid file processing errors, remove any such characters.To force line breaks, such as in
the Description field, use the HTML <br> and <p> tags.
Header field names are not case-sensitive: For example, File Exchange recognizes paypalaccepted
and PayPalAccepted as the same field. We recommend you use the field names as they are
provided in this guide.
Header field names are not case-sensitive: For example, File Exchange recognises paypalaccepted
and PayPalAccepted as the same field. We recommend you use the field names as they are
provided in this guide.
Field Relationships: Some fields depend on other fields. For example, if you enter a value for
ShippingService-1:Option, you must also enter a value for ShippingService-1:Cost. In some cases,
a field may be optional but require use of a related field. For example, ShipmentTrackingNumber is
optional but when used must be accompanied by a value for ShippingCarrierUsed. Error messages
may appear in the Load Results report when fields contain incorrectly populated fields.
Using multiple values in one field: Some fields enable you to enter several values.When doing so,
use the pipe ( | ) character to separate values.
Template variations across eBay sites: Different eBay sites support different default templates. For
example, not all sites support the Catalog template.
The Action data field header includes metadata information such as SiteID, Country, and Currency,
which are specific to the site from which the template is downloaded. Do not change these values
unless you are an advanced user who wants to list items on a different eBay site and you have the
necessary permissions from Customer Support to do so.
9What is File Exchange?
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Choosing a template file
This section explains the designed purpose for each of the listing templates.
Before you download templates, determine where to store the files for easy access and retrieval. Good
file management practices help alleviate losing data and time-consuming rework. Each type of template
was designed for an intended purpose.
For example, the listing templates have these prescribed uses:
Use the Item Specifics template to list items based on a particular eBay category, like a particular
type of memorabilia
Use the Catalog template to list items with ISBN, UPC, or SKU established product identifiers
Use the Basic template for all other types of listings, such as items that do not have major similarities
Use the Tickets template for listing tickets in the Events Category, such as concerts and sporting
When you first create a listing template, keep the item listings to a minimum, and use the VerifyAdd
action the first time you upload a file. Uploading a simple file first will help you more easily resolve any
errors. After successfully uploading a file, create a file with actual listings, and then upload that file to
post real items on eBay.
When you create a new listing file, keep in mind that you can later use it to create similar listing files.
What is File Exchange?10
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Using the default templates
This section explains how to download a template file, and then enter product information in the
template fields.
Acquire a default template
This section explains how to acquire the default templates via the internet.
Downloadable templates enable you to easily create your product and listing template files with a
standardized file structure.The column headings in the template files control how the data is uploaded,
so standardized files help minimize processing errors. Column header text should not deviate from
the standard formats used in the templates.
You must be connected to the Internet in order to download File Exchange templates. For in-depth
information about the File Exchange templates, refer to the File Exchange Advanced Instructions.
You can download the templates in two different formats: Excel or CSV. Excel-formatted templates
provide field descriptions inside the file, but the CSV templates do not. Choosing the right template
will help make listing your items easier. Each template was designed for a specific purpose.
Note: If a pop-up blocker is enabled on your computer, disable this function, or choose to
override the blocker when prompted, in order to download the templates.
To acquire a default template:
1. Sign in to your eBay account with your user ID and password.
2. Navigate to the File Exchange Centre page.
3. Click Select Template on the left side of the page.The Select Template page opens.
11Using the default templates
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Figure 1: Select Template page
Tip: After navigating to the Select Template page, you can use the links on the left side of
the page to access all of the other File Exchange pages used in these procedures.
4. Select one of the template files in either CSV or Excel format, and then follow the prompts to save
the template on your computer.
Enter data in the template fields
This section explains how to use a File Exchange template file to create product listings.
The default templates can be modified using any software program that reads comma-separated value
(CSV) format, such as a spreadsheet program or a text editor. We recommend using a spreadsheet
program, which structures the information in a table layout.
Each row in the table represents an individual item.The columns, or field names, define the types of
product characteristics, like Brand and Model.The individual cells in each row define the field values,
like Apple and Motorola.These two components form the name-values pairs that define specific
characteristics about a product, like Brand = Apple. Field names that have an asterisk must have
values; field names without an asterisk are optional.
The procedure below provides sample entries for the a default template.The action used in a template
file determines which of the default fields are required to contain values (data). For example, using
the Revise and Relist actions only require using the ItemID field; whereas using End requires the
Using the default templates12
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
ItemID and Endcode fields. For more information about Action field requirements, refer to the File
Exchange Advanced Instructions.
For more information about general field requirements, refer to Required template fields on page 27.
1. Use the fields below to enter data for your listings (asterisks (*) denote required fields):
ExampleAccepted ValuesPurposeHeader Field Name
VerifyAddNo other values are accepted.VerifyAdd allows you to test
a simple file before uploading
*Action on page 27
your actual listings. To
upload actual listings, use
the Add action.
18976Valid eBay category IDSpecifies the eBay product
*Category on page 27
Copy the category number
from one of the rows with
Info in the Action field. After
doing this, you may delete
the Info rows.Your Category
field must be a valid eBay
Category, such as 18978 .
Lexmark 8300 PrinterOpen; user-definedSpecifies which terms are
found when buyers search
Title on page 32
Organic Body Lotion80 characters (including blank
for products. Use multiple
terms so it's easy for buyers
to search for this product.
AppleOpen; user-definedSpecifies the product brand.Product:Brand on page 37
14UPMOTLDR001Open; user-definedSpecifies the manufacturer
part number.
Product:MPN on page 38
426351144531Open; user-definedSpecifies the product code
number or key used by the
Product:UPC on page 39
manufacturer to identify the
6351144531942Open; user-definedSpecifies the product code
number or key used by the
Product:EAN on page 37
manufacturer to identify the
05351144531Open; user-definedSpecifies the product code
number or key used by the
Product:ISBN on page 38
manufacturer to identify the
2535114Open; user-definedSpecifies the eBay product
ID in our catalog.
Product:EPID on page 37
5 -in-1 Printer, Fax,
Scanner, Copier, and
Card Reader
Open; user-defined
500,000 characters (including
blank spaces)
Specifies product details and
general information.To use
multiple line descriptions,
enter HTML text here, and
use the <BR> and <P> tags
to separate the lines.
*Description on page 28
13Using the default templates
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
ExampleAccepted ValuesPurposeHeader Field Name
http://xxx /pic2.jpgOpen; user-defined
2048 characters (including
blank spaces)
Link to a hosted photo of the
item. Photo must be
self-hosted, meaning the
URL entered points to your
photo on a web server
PicURL on page 36
accessible on the internet.
Separate mulitple image
URLs with a "|" (pipe
10Open; user-definedSpecifies the number of this
type of item for sale.
*Quantity on page 30
Commas between integers
are not required for large
FixedPriceSpecifies the type of listing
format, such as Auction or
*Format on page 29
10.00Open; user-defined
16 characters (including
commas and decimal point)
Specifies the cost of the
product. Decimal points and
commas must be correctly
placed. No currency symbol
is required.
*StartPrice on page 32
10Only certain values are
allowed, and the choice of
Specifies how long the listing
will be posted on eBay.
*Duration on page 29
values depends on the listingChoose 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 for
format.Valid Auction and Fixedall formats except
Price durations include: 1, 3,
StoresFixedPrice. Use 30 or
Good 'Til Cancelled for
StoresFixedPrice listings.
5, 7, and 10 (days). If you are
a qualified seller, you can also
use (30) days, and GTC (for
the Good Til Cancelled) for
1Indicates that immediate
payment is required from the
Specifies whether immediate
payment is required.This is
ImmediatePayRequired on page
buyer. This field is used toa boolean value, meaning 1=
require that an item be paid fortrue, or "yes."
before it is considered listings
and purchased.This field isrequire immediate payment,
so enter 1. supported for Premier and
Business PayPal accounts
95124Open; user-defined
45 characters (including blank
Indicates to the buyer the
location from where the item
will be shipped. Postal zip
codes are supported, or
include city, state (two-letter
*Location on page 30
abbreviation), and country
(three-letter abbreviation).
1Open; user-definedThis is a boolean value,
meaning 1=true, or "yes."
PayPalAccepted on page 35
Using the default templates14
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
ExampleAccepted ValuesPurposeHeader Field Name
PayPalEmailAddress on
page 36 must also be used.
myEmail@PayPal.comOpen; user-definedEnsures you receive
correspondence from PayPal
PayPalEmailAddress on page
This must be the same email
address as on your PayPal
UPSGroundOpen; user-definedIdentifies the shipping
service carrier.
ShippingService-1:Option on
page 42
For valid postage service
entries, see Optional
template fields on page 32.
Must accompany an entry for
ShippingService-1:Cost on
page 42.
5.00Open; user-defined
16 characters (including
commas and decimal point)
Defines the shipping cost.
Must accompany an entry for
ShippingService-1:Option on
page 42.
ShippingService-1:Cost on page
2Defines the handling time
required to package the item.
*DispatchTimeMax on page 28
ReturnsAcceptedIndicates that a buyer can
return the item.
Indicates to buyers if they
can return the item (or not).
*ReturnsAcceptedOption on
page 30
Note: Field values are sometimes required for only certain categories. For example, the
Service Provider field value is required for phones, but not video games. The Platform field
value is required for video games, but not phones.The upload response file denotes whether
required values are missing.
2. When you are done, save the file in CSV format to a location on your computer.
Adding a new field to a default template
This section explains how to add new fields to a default File Exchange template.
The default templates contain a subset of all available fields.To use an optional or new field, you'll
enter it yourself. This section explains how to add a new field to a default template or to one of your
working product listing files.
Templates contain required and optional fields. The asterisk (*) denotes required fields (*Action). Do
not change or delete any of the required fields!
An optional field can be deleted (or renamed and used as a new field not included in the default
template). For example, you might rename the Subtitle on page 46 field as
ShippingService-1:FreeShipping on page 42 and re-use the field.
15Using the default templates
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
You can also add blank columns to a template and enter new field names in the column header.You
do not have to remove unused fields, but doing so after creating and successfully uploading a new
listing file makes it easier to customize and manage different types of product listing files.
Field names must follow the format requirements explained in Template field definitions on page 27.
These instructions describe using Microsoft
; if you are using a different spreadsheet
application, use similar functions in that application to complete this procedure.
1. Open a default template or one of your working product listing files.
The default templates are available on the File Exchange Select Template page.
2. Add the following new header field names using one of these methods:
Click on a field in the first row (except for Action) and select Insert > Column on the menu bar.
Enter a field name in the new column, such as Border, and then press Enter.
Click on an optional field in the first row that you do not intend to use, such as Highlight. Enter
a new field name in its place, such as BoldTitle on page 33, and then press Enter.
3. Enter values (in the second row, below the field header) for the new fields, and then save the file.
Deleting a field from a default template
This section explains how to remove fields from a default File Exchange template.
The File Exchange templates contain both required and optional fields. Unused optional fields can be
deleted to streamline your template files. Do not change or delete any of the required field headers.
Required fields are in bold type or have an asterisk (*) beside the field name.
Tip: Instead of deleting an unused optional field, it can be renamed to serve as a new field that
is not in the default templates. For example, you may not want to use the BoldTitle on page 33
field, but would like to offer free shipping for this item, you can replace it with
ShippingService-1:FreeShipping on page 42, and use it for that purpose.
To delete an unused optional field, select the column and select Edit > Delete.
Tip: If you want to delete multiple new fields, hold down the Ctrl button while clicking on columns
you want to delete, and then select Edit > Delete.
Using revision files
This section explains how to simplify the revision process by downloading and then updating listing
To simplify the revision process, you can download files that contain existing listing information, which
you can then update with only minimal changes before uploading those changes to eBay. File Exchange
allows up to 5,000 uploaded listings per day. To upload as many as 10,000 listings per day, contact
Customer Support.
On the Create a Download Request page, you can download these types of revision files:
Using the default templates16
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Revise price and quantity: Use to update the SiteID, Currency, StartPrice, BuyItNowPrice, and
Quantity fields in Active listings. For listings with variations, the price and quantity fields can be
updated for each variation.
Revise payment status: Use to update the PaymentStatus field in Sold listings.
Revise shipping status: Use to update the ShippingStatus, ShippingCarrierUsed, and
ShipmentTrackingNumber fields in Sold listings.
Revise product identifiers: Use to update the UPC/EAN/ISBN/Brand/MPN fields in Active listings.
In addition to the fields you use to update your listings, the revision files provide the Action and ItemID
fields and values.These field values need not be changed.
You perform the same steps to download the Active Listings and Sold Listings revision files; the type
of revision file you use determines which fields are contained in the downloaded file.
To download a revision file:
1. Using a web browser, go to the Create a Download Request page.
2. Select Active Listings or Sold Listings from the Listing and Records drop-down menu.
3. Select File Exchange for the Download format, and then select the desired type of revision file
from the drop-down menu (such as Revise Price and Quantity or Add Unique Identifiers
4. Under Date Range, select All Records to download all Active or Sold listings, or use another option
to refine the range of dates you want to include.
5. Verify your eBay account email address.
6. Click Save. Be sure to make a note of the download request reference number on the Create a
Download Request: Success page.This number identifies the revision file you just requested.
7. In the navigation bar, click Completed Downloads.The View Completed Downloads page provides
a link to download the revision files. After your request has been processed, you'll see the reference
number on this page. Click the adjacent Download link.
8. When prompted, open the file.When the file is opened in a spreadsheet application, save it on
your computer.
9. If you are using Microsoft Excel, to display the ItemID listing numbers select the ItemID column,
click the right-mouse button, and then select Format Cells. In the Format Cells window under
Category, select Number, set Decimal Places to 0, and then click OK.
10. To revise field values, update the fields you want to change, such as Title or Quantity. When you
are finished, save the file in CSV form and then close the file.
11. Using a web browser, go to the Upload Listings & Updates page and click the Browse button next
to File Location to select the file you saved in step 10 above.
12. Click Upload.
To verify that your changes were uploaded, click View Upload Results in the navigation bar.
Using the Condition fields
Use the Condition fields to connote the condition of an item.
17Using the default templates
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Get values for ConditionID
*ConditionID on page 27 is a mandatory field used to describe the state and appearance of an item.
The same value can connote different meanings depending on the category. For example, 1000
means New in a Computer category listing but New with box in a Shoes category listing.
To look up ConditionID values, click the ConditionIDs by Category link on the File Exchange
Instructions and Resources page. Doing so downloads a CSV file for those categories that require
ConditionIDs. Because the value you enter for ConditionID depends upon category, see the item
condition look-up page to determine which categories require a ConditionID.
To obtain the ConditionID value for a specific category, generate an Item Specifics template. The
generated template will contain the new ConditionID field as well as the ConditionID numbers. Literal
values are defined in the Item Specifics Definitions file that accompanies the generated template.
To get the available ConditionID values for a given category:
1. Go to the Select Template page and, under Item Specifics Category template, click Select a
2. On the Select Template: Item Specifics page, select the category that best describes your item.
Continue to select sub-categories (to the right) until no more options appear.
Tip: If you already know the category number, enter it in the Category# field.
3. Click Generate Template.
4. To open the Generate Template page, click the Item Specifics Category Template link file.
5. To open the file, click the Item Specifics Definitions link.
6. In the Item Specifics Definitions file, select the appropriate ConditionID number for your item and
copy it to the ConditionID field in the Item Specific Category template file.
Note: To update the item condition description in an existing listing template, change the
existing condition column name (A:Condition or C:Condition) to ConditionID and
then enter a numeric value.
7. Enter any other required or desired field values for the item in the appropriate fields (like payment
and return policy information), and then save the file in comma-separated value (CSV) format.
Enter ConditionDescription
Use the optional ConditionDescription field to describe the condition of a used item.This field can be
used in conjunction with the mandatory *Description on page 28, which should be used to provide
non-condition specifics about an item.To connote the condition of an item, use descriptive text such
"The right leg of the chair has a small scratch (see photo) and the back of the seat has a light blue
stain the shape and size of a silver dollar."
Using the default templates18
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Gently used, miniscule scratch on lower left
corner of display.
2000Nokia Lumia 900 Smartphone AT&T
16GB Cyan
Like new, no box or cables. Pristine
condition. Never used.
3000Panasonic Lumix12.1MP DMC-ZS7 Blue31388
19Using the default templates
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Uploading and downloading files
This section explains how to upload a template file and then download inventory and sales reports.
Upload a template file
To upload listing files to File Exchange, you must be connected to the internet.You'll also need a valid
email address in order to receive upload confirmations.
Template files are validated when uploaded as follows:
A basic format check is performed when files are uploaded. For example, if you use a format other
than .csv, or tab-delimited .txt in some regions, the upload will fail. Also, if the Action field is not
present in the first column, or the required fields are not present and properly formatted, the upload
will fail.
If you create your File Exchange CSV files on a Unix system (such as Linux), you must convert the
files from Unix format to DOS format before you upload them to eBay. To do so, run the unix2dos
utility against the files to properly encode line breaks. For example, run unix2dos linuxfilename.csv.
Doing so converts the Unix instruction for a new line (\n) to an instruction recognized by Windows
(\r\n). Be sure to upload the converted Windows-compatible version of the files.
You can only upload 1,000 actions every 24 hours. If you have exceeded your upload limits for the
day, the upload will fail. If the number of actions in the file exceeds the eBay limit, the upload will fail.
To request an increase in your upload limit, contact Customer Support.
Files can only have up to150,000 rows and cannot be over 5 MB in size
An example of an Upload Inventory page is shown below.
Figure 2: Upload Inventory page
After uploading files, always check the upload results report to verify that no errors occurred. eBay
sends you an email confirmation noting its success or failure. (If the upload fails, the email you receive
will describe any errors.)
Uploading and downloading files20
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Later, you will receive another email notifying you that the product listings were posted successfully.
Follow these steps to upload your template file:
1. Go to the File Exchange Centre page, select Upload Listings and Updates which opens the
Upload New Listings and Updates page.
2. Under File Location, click Browse and locate the new template .csv file that you previously created.
When you have found and selected the file, click Open to place it in the File Location field.
3. Type in the email address where you want File Exchange to send emails to (it defaults to your
account email).
4. Click Upload to send your template file to eBay.
View upload results
Click View Upload Results on the Upload Inventory page to view the summary and status of the file(s)
you've just uploaded.
The View Upload Results page shows the status of uploaded files, along with this information:
Date you uploaded the file
Reference number generated by eBay File Exchange
Number of requested actions in the file
Percentage of actions completed
Links to the uploaded file(s)
Upload status, which includes: File Received-In Queue, In Progress, Completed, Failed - Invalid File
Links to the Load Results report, as described in Load results report details on page 22.
The View Upload Results page also allows you to download any file that has been previously uploaded.
For example, if you want to create a similar file from one that uploaded successfully, simply download
that file and rename it when you save it.You can also download your upload results report from this
page once processing has completed.
Use the View Last drop-down menu to see your upload results sorted by time frames (24 hrs, last 7
days, 30 days or 90 days).
An example of a View Upload Results page is shown below.
21Uploading and downloading files
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Figure 3:View Upload Results page
Click on a Download link under Load Results Report to open a results file.
Load results report details
The Load Results report contains processing data about each listing in your upload file. An example
file is shown below.
Figure 4: Load Results report
The column headers (or data fields) are described in Result and report fields on page 46.
Uploading and downloading files22
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Generating reports
This section explains how to download inventory, sales, and recommendations reports generated by
completing a download request, and then explains how to create download schedules.
Create a download request
Now it's time to learn how to create inventory and sales history reports based on the inventory and
listing files you just created. Click Create a Download Request on the File Exchange Centre Overview
page (or Download Files in the left navigation bar) to open the Create a Download Request page
shown below.
Figure 5: Download request form
The Create a Download Request page enables you to generate inventory and sales reports by choosing
one of these filters on the Listing and Records menu:
Active items
Sold items
Unsold items
Sold and archived items
Items awaiting payment
Items paid and awaiting shipment
Items paid and shipped
Archived items
All Sold and Archived
23Generating reports
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
You can also use date ranges to control which data gets captured in a generated reports. All of the
above reports can be generated using the example procedures in these types of reports:
Download a Sold items report on page 24
Download an Active listings report on page 24
Download an Active listings report
This section explains how to generate a report that shows all of your active listings.
There are several types of status-oriented reports, all of which can be downloaded using this procedure.
In this example, you will generate an inventory snapshot report following these steps:
1. Select Active Listings from the Listing and Records drop-down menu.
2. Type in the email address(es) you want the file sent to (it defaults to your registered email).
3. Click Save.
4. In the navigation bar, click Completed Downloads.The View Completed Downloads page provides
links to download the report(s) you just created.
The Active listings report, in .csv format, provides you a view of all your listings still selling on eBay.
(After a listing ends, it moves to the Sold or Unsold listings.) This file is in default list order by end date,
and with all Good Til Cancel Items listed at the end.
You can import this file into your inventory system and use the data in it to reconcile and manage your
inventory. An example file is shown below.
Figure 6: Active listings report
For Active listings field descriptions, see Result and report fields on page 46.
Download a Sold items report
This section explains how to generate a report that shows your current sales.
There are several types of sales-oriented reports, all of which can be downloaded using this procedure.
In this example, you will generate a Sold items report.
1. Select Sold from the Listing and Records drop-down menu.
2. Type in the email address(es) you want the file sent to (it defaults to your registered email).
3. Click Save.
Generating reports24
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
4. In the navigation bar, click Completed Downloads.The View Completed Downloads page provides
links to download the report(s) you just created.
The report you download provides a summary of the profits generated by each of your sold listings.
The data displayed is calculated based on stored product information, eBay fees, and the total revenue
generated by the sold listing.
The report contains the following:
Buyer information
Payment information
Shipping information
Sales information
Cost information
Listing information
Feedback information
Note: For report field definitions, refer to Sold Listings report fields.
The figure below is a sample Sold Items report (in .csv format). The generated report and its data
fields or column headers will differ depending on the filter you select.
Figure 7: Sold items report
Create a download schedule
You can create automated download schedules using the File Exchange Centre for various types of
inventory reports in order to view your updated sales information on a regular basis.
The Download Schedule page enables you to specify which reports will be automatically sent to you
by choosing one of these filters on the Listing and Records menu:
Sold items
Unsold items
Sold and archived items
Items awaiting payment
Items paid and awaiting shipment
Items paid and awaiting shipment
Archived items
All Sold and Archived items
You can also use date ranges to control which data gets captured in a generated reports.
25Generating reports
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
The following is an example of Create a Download Schedule page with Sold selected.
Figure 8: Create a Download schedule
After selecting the options you want and entering your email address, click Save.
View download schedule
To view a summary of your download schedule, and a list of completed downloads, click Download
Schedule on the left side of File Exchange Centre page.
Figure 9:View Download schedule
This page shows the currently scheduled downloads, and allows you to edit or delete download
Generating reports26
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Template field definitions
This section explains the field requirements and purpose by specifying character limits, data types,
and field relationships.
Required template fields
The fields defined in this section are required. Use these fields to specify how a listing appears on
Required field in all templates. Determines the purpose of the row: add item, relist item, revise item,
end listing, mark an item's status, verify an added item, and add item description information.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Must enter all required field data for a particular type of action.Field Dependency
Numeric ID of the Category where the item is to be listed.To get category IDs, download the Category
IDs file. After you open the file, if you sort the lines in a column, be certain to sort the whole table, not
just the one column.
Max length 10Character limit
Category number, like 1245 ( for Printers).
Valid Entry
Must use a valid eBay category number.Field Dependency
Describes the appearance and state of the product. Condition IDs are numeric, not textual, and vary
according to the respective category.To retrieve the Condition IDs in the Item Specifics Definition file,
generate an Item Specific template for a category.
27Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Possible valid eBay ConditionID values include:Valid Entry
To obtain the ConditionID value for a specific category, generate an Item Specifics
template.The generated template will contain the new ConditionID field as well as the
ConditionID numbers. Literal values are defined in the Item Specifics Definitions file that
accompanies the generated template.
To view the ConditionIDs for all categories, go to File Exchange Instructions and
Resources and click theConditionIDs by Category.
Contains product information about the item. Include all relevant item and product specifications that
may be of interest to the buyer.
Note: You cannot use line breaks and carriage returns in this field. To insert multiple lines, use
the HTML <BR> and <P> tags to separate lines into paragraphs.
To provide information specific to the condition of an item, use ConditionDescription.
We provide a script to remove carriage returns, escape quotes, and to perform other necessary changes
to make the text in your Description field valid in File Exchange. To download the script as well as the
instructions for using it, see How to use the new File Exchange Item Description Utility.
Max length 500,000Character limit
Text stringType
Content to accurately and completely describe the item.Valid Entry
This field is optional for catalog listings but is required for non-catalog listings.Field Dependency
Use this field to specify the maximum number of business days you take to prepare an item for shipment
to a domestic buyer once you receive a cleared payment.The value you enter for *DispatchTimeMax
Template field definitions28
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
does not include the duration of time needed to actually ship the item (the carrier's transit time) to the
To specify:
zero-day handling, enter 0 (zero)
that an item is not shipped (for example, an item that is picked up locally), enter -1
N/ACharacter limit
Valid Entry
*DispatchTimeMax is valid for Flat and Calculated shipping.You can enter a value for
*DispatchTimeMax even when you do not enter a value for shipping service costs.
Field Dependency
How long would you like your listing to be posted on eBay? Enter the amount of days you'd like the
listing to be active.
Max length 3Character limit
Only certain values are allowed, and the choice of values depends on the listing format.
Valid Auction and Fixed Price durations include: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 (days). If you are a
Valid Entry
qualified seller, you can also use (30) days, and GTC (for the Good Til Cancelled) for
You can also refer to the Durations Table on the eBay developer site. (You must have
an eBay developer account to access these English-language only pages.)
Listing format for the item. For more information, see Selecting a selling format.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
29Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Valid Entry
Auction (default)
Location of the item. Enter the State and Country information.
Max length 45Character limit
State and Country where the item is located (do not enter postal code).Valid Entry
If you use the PostalCode field, do not use the Location field.The location will be derived
from the postal code value.
Field Dependency
Quantity of the item available for sale. A quantity of more than one implies all the items are the exact
Max length 45Character limit
Standard numbers, like 1, 15, and 100.
Valid Entry
If LotSize is greater than 1, then theQuantity field indicates the number of lots being listed
and LotSize indicates the number of items in each lot.You can only use LotSize in
lot-enabled categories.
Field Dependency
Indicates that a buyer can return the item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
The shipping types available for the item. Specifying Flat designates that Flat-rate shipping is available
for domestic shipping (and international if international shipping services are specified).
Template field definitions30
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see revision dependent fields.
To mix Flat and Calculated shipping options, use the FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational or
CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational values.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Flat (default)
If you set this field to Flat or FreightFlat, you also must also provide field values
for ShippingService-X:Option and ShippingService-X:Cost.
Field Dependency
For FreightFlat, use Freight for ShippingService-X:Option
If you set this field to Calculated, you also must also provide field value for:
Do not use these fields for Calculated:
If you set this field to FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational, you
also must also provide field value for:
Do not use this field for FlatDomesticCalculatedInternational:
If you set this field to CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational, you
also must also provide field value for:
31Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Do not use these fields for CalculatedDomesticFlatInternational
Price at which bidding starts. If the listing is in fixed price format, this is the price to buy the item.
Max length 16, including decimal point or commaCharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 5.99, 10.00, 100.00
Valid Entry
Primary name that appears in the search results for an item.This field is required for non-catalog
listings and optional for catalog listings.
Max length 80Character limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Keywords and item descriptors, such as product name and model, that buyers will use
when searching for an item.
Valid Entry
Optional template fields
The fields described in this section are optional. Use them to provide additional information about an
Provides detailed explanation of your return policy.
Max 5000 charactersCharacter limit
Text stringType
User inputValid Entry
The *ReturnsAcceptedOption on page 30 field is required when you use this field.Field Dependency
Template field definitions32
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Do you accept American Express payments? Specifies whether or not American Express is accepted
as payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Do you want to see your listing in boldface type? This field applies bold face type to the title of your
listing. Additional fees apply.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Price required to immediately buy an auction-style format item. Defines the price you are willing to
accept for the item, which will immediately end the auction. Not valid for fixed priced format items.
Max length 16, including decimal point or commaCharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 10.00, 29.99, 100.00.
Valid Entry
Your unique identifier for the item, like a stock-keeping unit (SKU) number.The buyer does not see
this information.
Max length 50Character limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Text or numeric string.Valid Entry
Specifies whether the item is included in the Gallery, either in the general Gallery or in the special
featured section above it.
N/ACharacter limit
33Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Text stringType
Days_7, Lifetime
Valid Entry
Featured must be entered in the GalleryType field.
Field Dependency
Indicates how and where images are displayed. The options are:
Gallery: Image is included in the eBay search results.
Plus: In addition to the benefits of 'Gallery', includes an icon in the eBay search results that, when
clicked or moused over, displays a large 400 x 400 pixel preview image of the item. Otherwise, your
image is shown at the standard size of 96 pixels.
Featured: In addition to the benefits of 'Plus', your item is at the top of the search results in the
Featured section.
For more information, see About gallery upgrades.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
None (default)
Indicates that immediate payment is required from the buyer. This field is used to require that an item
be paid for before it is considered closed and purchased.This field is supported for Premier and
Business PayPal accounts only.
For more information, see Requiring immediate payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
PayPalAccepted on page 35 must be set to 1 (true).
Field Dependency
Do you accept money orders and cashier's checks as payment? This field specifies that you accept
money orders and cashier's checks as payment.
N/ACharacter limit
Template field definitions34
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.Valid Entry
Do you want to provide payment instructions to a buyer? Informs buyers of payment contingencies.
Max length 500 charactersCharacter limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Null (default); use short descriptive sentences.Valid Entry
Do you specify payment methods in the Description field? Specifies whether or not acceptable payment
methods are stated in the Description field. If you do not set any other payment method, you must
specify PaymentSeeDescription=1.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Do you show buyers when a payment has been received? Specifies whether or not the item has been
paid for.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Do you allow buyers to use PayPal to pay for your items?
Although we do not require a specific payment method for each listing, you must set at least one
payment method to 1 (true). For more information, see Requiring immediate payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Use this field only for sites that support PayPal.Field Dependency
35Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
If you designate PayPal as a payment option on your Site Preferences on My eBay but
do not specify a value for PayPalAccepted, we automatically add PayPalAccepted as a
payment method and display a message to indicate this to you.
When PayPalAccepted is set to 1 (true), you must also provide an entry for
PayPalEmailAddress on page 36.
When you have a Premier or Business PayPal account, you can also require immediate
payment. For more information, see ImmediatePayRequired on page 34.
When you accept PayPal, you must also provide the email address associated with your PayPal
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
A valid email address such as [email protected]
Valid Entry
This field is required when PayPalAccepted on page 35 is set to 1 (true).
Field Dependency
Do you allow the buyer to pay for and pick up an item in person?
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid entry
Do you allow the buyer to pay with a personal check? Specifies that you accept a personal check as
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.Valid Entry
URL of the picture to add to your listing. If a Gallery upgrade is specified (Plus or Featured), the image
will be used for the search preview image. For best results, use an image that is in JPEG format and
is at least 1000 pixels wide.
Template field definitions36
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Pictures can be self-hosted, hosted by a third party, or hosted by eBay Picture Services (EPS).To
add up to 12 pictures, separate the URL with a pipe " | " character.
Pictures for a listing can either self-hosted, or hosted by a third party, but not both.
Important: If an image URL has blank spaces, you must replace the blank spaces with %20;
otherwise, the image will not appear in the listing.
Max length 2048Character limit
Text stringType|
Valid Entry
The name that identifies the product. eBay finds a matching product (or products) to use in the listing.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
The brand name of the product, like Sony or Levis.
Valid Entry
Must accompany Product:MPN on page 38.
Field Dependency
If several matches occur for Brand and MPN, enter a value for
Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates on page 38 and resubmit the item to
determine which ePID to use.
The European Article Number (EAN), which provides standard product information about the item.
eBay attempts to find a matching product on your behalf to use in the listing.
If multiple matches occur for the EAN, you must resubmit the item using
Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates on page 38 field to determine which ePID to use.
N/ACharacter limit
Number located by the bar code on the product.Valid Entry
The eBay Product Identification number, or ePID, provides unique product information about the item.
To find the ePID, search for the item on eBay, and then copy and paste the ePID from the search
results page into Product:EPID field.
37Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
To alleviate the chances of our catalogue finding multiple product matches, if you know the ePID for
an item use the ePID instead of the other Product:<type> fields (like Product:UPC).
N/ACharacter limit
Unique product identifier generated by eBay.Valid Entry
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN), which provides standard product information about
the item. eBay attempts to find a matching product on your behalf to use in the listing.
If multiple matches occur for the ISBN, you must resubmit the item using
Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates on page 38 field to determine which ePID to use.
N/ACharacter limit
Number located by the bar code, and on the back of the title page in the book.Valid Entry
The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), which provides standard product information about the item.
eBay attempts to find a matching product on your behalf to use in the listing.
N/ACharacter limit
Number located somewhere on the product housing. Consult the the product owners'
manual as to the location of the part number.
Valid Entry
Must accompany Product:Brand on page 37.
Field Dependency
To determine which ePID to use when multiple matches for MPN and Brand occur,
resubmit the item with Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates on page 38.
Provides definitive information about a product when multiple matches are found in the catalogue.
In order to discern between the product matches found, download the Upload results, and then use
the EPID that best matches your item in the listing.
N/ACharacter limit
Use 1 (for True) or 0 for False.
Valid Entry
Template field definitions38
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
The Universal Product Code (UPC), which provides standard product information about the item.We
search for a matching product to use in the listing.
To determine which ePID to use when multiple matches for UPC occur, resubmit the item with
Product:ReturnSearchResultsOnDuplicates on page 38.
N/ACharacter limit
Number located adjacent to the bar code on the product.Valid Entry
To use a payment business policy in a listing, you must first opt in to Business policies with your eBay
account and then specify the payment options for each policy in your Site Preferences on My eBay.
For more information, see Manage Business policies.
The PaymentProfileName field identifies the payment business policy to use in the listing. Since policy
names are case-sensitive, be sure to enter the policy name exactly as it appears in Site Preferences
on My eBay.
Maximum length of 50 charactersCharacter limit
Must be an existing and valid payment policy as defined in your Site Preferences on
My eBay. For example, CashOnly
Valid Entry
Defines how the buyer is to be compensated for a returned item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
*ReturnsAcceptedOption on page 30 must be set to ReturnsAccepted.
Field Dependency
To use a return business policy in a listing, you must first opt in to Business policies for your eBay
account and then specify the return options for each policy in your Site Preferences. For more
information, see Manage Business policies.
39Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
The ReturnProfileName field specifies which return business policy to use in the listing. Since policy
name values are case-sensitive, be sure to enter the policy name exactly as it appears in Site
Preferences on My eBay.
Maximum length of 50 charactersCharacter limit
Must be a valid return policy already defined in your Site Preferences on My eBay. For
example, ExchangeOnly
Valid Entry
Defines the length of time a buyer has in which to notify you of their intent to return an item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
*ReturnsAcceptedOption on page 30 must be set to ReturnsAccepted.
Field Dependency
Specifies who pays to return the item.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Valid Entry
Buyer Buyer pays to return the item
*ReturnsAcceptedOption on page 30 must be set to ReturnsAccepted.
Field Dependency
The numeric ID of the shipping discount profile we use to calculate domestic shipping costs for the
Use this field to specify that a shipping discount be applied to an item when an item in a transaction
is combined with another item (or items) by the buyer into a Combined Payment order. If you don't
enter a value in this field, we use the default profile defined by your My eBay shipping preferences.
For details, see Using Combined Payments and About Shipping Discounts.
Template field definitions40
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
To locate your shipping profile ID numbers, go to My eBay > Account > Site Preferences > Shipping
Preferences > Show > Offer combined payments and shipping > Edit. Shipping profile ID numbers
are listed on the My eBay: Combined Payments and Shipping Discounts page.
Important: When you revise this field even when you know the information has not changed
be sure to include specific field information for the listing in the uploaded file. For a list of fields
that must be included in a revised listing, see revision dependent fields.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric ID. For example, 780385439. Be sure this integer refers to a valid rule
created in your eBay account for Shipping Preferences.
Valid Entry
To use this field, you must create at least one valid shipping rule profile on your My eBay
Shipping Preferences page.
Field Dependency
To use a postage business policy in a listing, you must first opt in to Business policies with your eBay
account and then specify the postage options for each policy in your Site Preferences on My eBay.
For more information, see Business policies.
The ShippingProfileName field specifies which postage business policy to use in the listing. Since
policy name values are case-sensitive, be sure to enter the postage policy name exactly as it appears
in Site Preferences on My eBay.
Important: If your shipping profile specifies calculated shipping, then you must also add these
weight and size field values for the item:
Maximum length of 50 charactersCharacter limit
Must be one of the predefined shipping policies in your Site Preferences on My eBay.
For example, ShippingPolicy1
Valid Entry
Cost to ship additional items when a buyer purchases two or more of the same item.
41Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
For example, if a buyer purchases three identical items, the first item ships with the price specified in
ShippingService-1:Cost, while the remaining two items ship with the value specified in
If no value is provided and Action=Add, the value defaults to the amount specified by
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99
Valid Entry
Do not provide a value when:Field Dependency
ShippingType is set to Calculated for domestic services
Cost to ship the item with the selected shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 0.00, 1.99.
Valid Entry
This field must accompany ShippingService-1:Option on page 42 regardless of whether
ShippingService-1:FreeShipping on page 42 contains a value or not.
Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingService-1:FreeShipping=1 for domestic services.
For domestic services, do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated.
Determines whether shipping is free for the first domestic shipping option.
Note: The FreeShipping field does not apply to additional (or international) shipping services.
If you want to offer free shipping for other services, enter a value of 0.00 for that service's Cost
N/ACharacter limit
1 or 0 Default is 1.
Valid Entry
A domestic shipping service that can be selected by the buyer.
Template field definitions42
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid service option value.Valid Entry
For valid service option values, refer to Shipping services field valuesThis section explains
the shipping service codes supported in the default templates.These values are used in
the ShippingService-n:Option field of the default templates (where -n
equals -1, -2, or -3). .
For valid service option values, refer to the Shipping services fields section of the File
Exchange Advanced Instructions.
Must be accompanied by ShippingService-1:Cost on page 42.
Field Dependency
Use the Freight value for the FreightFlat ShippingType.
Defines the display order of the domestic shipping service options shown in your listing.
For example, if two or more domestic shipping services are specified, the service with Priority as 1
will be the first shipping option shown in your listing.
Note: Each domestic service priority must be unique; no two domestic shipping services can
have the same Priority.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric value, like 1, 2, or 3.
Valid Entry
Field and a value are required if more than one domestic shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
Additional cost to buyers who request an item be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Guam.
When you specify Calculated shipping, we automatically apply the surcharge when UPS is used to
ship items.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99.
Valid Entry
To avoid a surcharge, leave this field blank. 0.00 is an invalid value.
Field Dependency
43Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Cost to ship additional items when a buyer purchases two or more of the same item.
For example, if a buyer purchases three identical items, the first item ships with the price specified in
ShippingService-2:Cost on page 44, while the remaining two items ship with the value specified in
If no value is entered (and Action=Add), the value defaults to the amount entered into
ShippingService-2:Cost on page 44.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99
Valid Entry
Cost to ship the item with the selected shipping service.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, like 0.00, 1.99.
Valid Entry
This field must accompany ShippingService-2:Option on page 44.Field Dependency
Do not enter a value when ShippingType=Calculated for domestic services.
A domestic shipping service that can be selected by the buyer.
N/ACharacter limit
Text stringType
Must be a valid service option value.Valid Entry
For valid service option values, refer to Shipping services field valuesThis section explains
the shipping service codes supported in the default templates.These values are used in
the ShippingService-n:Option field of the default templates (where -n
equals -1, -2, or -3). .
For valid service option values, refer to the Shipping services fields section of the File
Exchange Advanced Instructions.
Must be accompanied by ShippingService-2:Cost on page 44.Field Dependency
Template field definitions44
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Defines the display order of the domestic shipping service options shown in your listing.
For example, if two or more domestic shipping services are specified, the service with Priority as 1
will be the first shipping option shown in your listing.
Note: Each domestic service priority must be unique; no two domestic shipping services can
have the same Priority.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric value, like 1, 2, or 3.
Valid Entry
Field and a value are required if more than one domestic shipping service is specified.Field Dependency
Additional cost to buyers who request an item be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or Guam.
When you specify Calculated shipping, we automatically apply the surcharge when UPS is used to
ship items.
N/ACharacter limit
Numeric amount, such as 3.99.
Valid Entry
To avoid a surcharge, leave this field blank. 0.00 is an invalid value.
Field Dependency
Do you want to inform buyers when an item has been shipped? Specifies whether or not the item has
been shipped.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=not shipped, 1=shipped) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Numeric ID of a custom category in your eBay Store.
Maximum length is 10 digitsCharacter limit
45Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Numeric value Must be an integer between 1 and 10 digits, such as 5938 or
9346990. Invalid values (for example, 60040030111) are automatically reset to 1
(Other).Valid options include:
Valid Entry
0=Not an eBay Store item
2=Category A
3=Category B
4=Category Z
If you change the StoreCategory field value, include both StoreCategory and
StoreCategory2 fields in the template file you upload.
Field Dependency
In addition to the primary field of Title, this secondary field appears in search results for an item.
Note: Additional fees apply for using this field.
Max length 55Character limit
Alphanumeric stringType
Keywords and item descriptorsValid Entry
Tip: To remove a subtitle when revising or relisting an item, open a new Excel or CSV file. Enter
a column header for Action and ItemID. Under Action, enter Revise (or Relist), and under
ItemID, enter the Item ID value for this listing (from the Load Response file). In the third column,
enter DeletedField=Item.Subtitle in the column header. Save in CSV format, and upload
the file.
Do you allow buyers to pay with MasterCard or Visa? Specifies that you accept MasterCard or Visa
as payment.
N/ACharacter limit
0 or 1 (0=false, 1=true) Default is 0.
Valid Entry
Result and report fields
Explains the field definitions used for upload results and various reports.
Template field definitions46
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
About report scripts
To extract specific data from the reports described in this chapter, it is possible to write scripts to search
for and extract only the data you want to view.
If you write such scripts, please search for the column name (such as Title or Price) instead of the
column number (such as 1, 2, or 11).When your scripts search for and extract column titles instead
of column numbers, your scripts will continue to work when we add or remove columns from the reports.
On the other hand, if you write scripts to extract column numbers (instead of column titles), there is a
high probability we will inadvertently break your scripts when we add or remove columns from the
Active Listings report
The following table describes the fields in the Active Listings report, which you can download from File
Active Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Current number of bids for an active listing.Bids
Name of leaf category.CategoryLeafName
Numeric ID of the category in which the item is to be listed.Category Number
The physical condition of the item.Condition
Numeric value used to denote the condition of an item. For example, 1000, 2750, or
Condition ID
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Date and time at which the file was downloaded. For example, 29-Mar-13 13:32:01 PST.Download Date
Date on which the listing ended; for example, 1-Apr-12.End Date
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
Specifies whether OutOfStockControl is set to true or false.OutOfStockControl
One of the following. For:Price
Active auctions, the highest current bid
Fixed Price and Store Inventory items, the Buy It Now price
Second Chance Offers, the price offered
Ad/Real Estate, the listed price
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
47Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Active Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Applies to Store Inventory and Fixed Price sales only.This is the current number of
purchases for a listing.The number of purchases does not necessarily equal the number
of items purchased.
Number of items remaining for a specific listing.QuantityAvailable
The type of RelationshipDetails, either Variation or Compatibility.Relationship
Name and value pairs that define the Variation or Compatibility types.RelationshipDetails
The eBay site on which the item is listed, denoted by an integer. For example, 0 (U.S.),
100 (eBay Motors), or 77 (Germany).
Site Listed
Date on which the listing was created. For example, 25-Mar-12.Start Date
Numeric ID for the type of auction. For example, 1 is Auction, 7 is Store Fixed Price, 9
is Basic Fixed Price, and 13 is Lead Generation.
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Awaiting Payment report
The following table describes the fields in the Awaiting Payment report, which you can download from
File Exchange.
Awaiting Payment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Physical address of the buyer, typically a post office box, street address, or house name.Buyer Address 1
Supplement physical address of the buyer such as an apartment or suite number.Buyer Address 2
City in which the buyer resides.Buyer City
Country in which the buyer resides.Buyer Country
eMail address of the buyer.Buyer Email
Name of the buyer.Buyer Fullname
State in which the buyer resides.Buyer State
ZIP code or postal code for the area in which the buyer resides.Buyer Zip
Date on which the buyer set up a payment.Checkout Date
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Indicates that feedback was created for the seller.Feedback Left
Indicates that the feedback was received from the buyer.Feedback Received
Amount of insurance (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Insurance
Template field definitions48
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Awaiting Payment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
Date on which the item was listed.Listed On
Details provided by the seller about the transaction.Notes to Yourself
Numeric ID of the listing assigned when the order is placed.Order ID
Date on which the buyer paid for the item.Paid on Date
Means by which the buyer is to remit payment.Payment Method
If payment is remitted with PayPal, this value is the transaction ID number assigned by
PayPal Transaction ID
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of units of a specific item available for purchase.Quantity
Date on which the sale took place.Sale Date
The amount the item sold for, not including shipping and handling.
Sale Price
Numeric ID of the listing assigned after the item sells.Sales Record Number
Amount of sales tax (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Sales Tax
Date on which the seller shipped the item.Shipped on Date
Total cost charged to the customer to prepare and ship the item.Shipping and Handling
The means by which an item is shipped.Shipping Service
Site on which the item was sold (for example, eBay,, or eBay World of Good).Sold On
Total cost of the item, including shipping and handling (as well as sales tax, and insurance
if applicable).
Total Price
Numeric ID for a single transaction.Transaction ID
User ID of the buyer.User Id
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Load Response Results report
The following table describes the fields in the Load Response Results report, which you can download
from File Exchange.
49Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Load Response Results Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Action value for a corresponding listing.Action
Custom, application-specific data to be associated with the new item.ApplicationData
eBay fee for 10-day auction for this listing.AuctionLengthFee
eBay fee to display the title of a listing in bold type.BoldFee
eBay fee to display a border around an item in the listing.BorderFee
eBay fee to add the BuyItNow feature on this listing.BuyItNowFee
eBay fee for listing the item in a selected category.CategoryFeaturedFee
Specifies currency type, such as USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR, CHF, TWD, CNY, and
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Time at which the listing will end on eBay.Type:YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Hours are
displayed in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm is shown as 14:00:00) and treated
as GMT.
Code number denoting reason for the listing failure during upload.ErrorCode
Text description that corresponds to ErrorCode.ErrorMessage
eBay fee to list the item at the top of the item listings.FeaturedFee
eBay fee to list a fixed-price item for a certain duration.FeaturedGalleryFee
eBay fee to list a fixed-price item for a certain duration.FixedPriceDurationFee
eBay fee to have the item included in the gallery.GalleryFee
eBay fee to display the gift icon next to the listing.GiftIconFee
eBay fee to make the listing appear highlighted.HighlightFee
Basic eBay fee for listing the item. EU residents who sell items on EU sites may be
subject to VAT.
For sites that don't normally charge insertion fees, a fee for offering shipping to countries
other than the country of the listing site.
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Line number of the listing from your upload file.LineNumber
For sites that don't normally charge insertion fees, a fee for offering shipping to countries
other than the country of the listing site.
Total eBay fee for listing the item, which includes basic fee (InsertionFee) plus any
specialty listing features (GalleryFee, HighLightFee, FeaturedFee, ListingFee, and so
forth). EU residents who sell items on EU sites may be subject to VAT.
eBay fee to use the Photo Hosting feature, a slide show of multiple images.PhotoDisplayFee
Template field definitions50
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Load Response Results Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
eBay fee for associating photos with the listed item.PhotoFee
Fee for selecting ProPackBundle (at a discount over individually selecting BoldTitle).
Valid only for U.S. and Canadian eBay Motors.
eBay fee to schedule a listing for a later date.SchedulingFee
Time listing went live on eBay site (same as ScheduleTime, if used).Type:YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM:SS. Hours are in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm is shown as 14:00:00)
and treated as GMT.
(Awaiting Payment, Paid Not Shipped) Specifies the status of the purchase; should be
Refunded or Shipped, depending on the purpose of the uploaded file.
(Unsold Items) Indicates the success or failure of an action in a listing. If "Fail," ErrorCode
and ErrorMessage fields provide corresponding information.
eBay fee to add a subtitle to item listing.SubtitleFee
Paid and Awaiting Shipment report
The following table describes the fields in the Paid and Awaiting Shipment report, which you can
download from
Paid and Awaiting Shipment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Physical address of the buyer, typically a post office box, street address, or house name.Buyer Address 1
Supplement physical address of the buyer such as an apartment or suite number.Buyer Address 2
City in which the buyer resides.Buyer City
Country in which the buyer resides.Buyer Country
eMail address of the buyer.Buyer Email
Name of the buyer.Buyer Fullname
State in which the buyer resides.Buyer State
ZIP code or postal code for the area in which the buyer resides.Buyer Zip
Date on which the buyer set up a payment.Checkout Date
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Indicates that feedback was created for the seller.Feedback Left
Indicates that the feedback was received from the buyer.Feedback Received
The unique identifier of an order shipped in the Global Shipping Program. eBay generates
this value when the order is complete. The international shipping provider uses the
Global Shipping Reference ID
Product:EPID on page 37 as the primary reference when processing the shipment.
51Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Paid and Awaiting Shipment Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Sellers must include this value on the package immediately above the street address
of the international shipping provider.
Amount of insurance (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Insurance
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
Date on which the item was listed.Listed On
Details provided by the seller about the transaction.Notes to Yourself
Numeric ID of the listing assigned when the order is placed.Order ID
Date on which the buyer paid for the item.Paid on Date
Means by which the buyer is to remit payment.Payment Method
If payment is remitted with PayPal, this value is the transaction ID number assigned by
PayPal Transaction ID
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of units of a specific item available for purchase.Quantity
Date on which the sale took place.Sale Date
The amount the item sold for, not including shipping and handling.
Sale Price
Numeric ID of the listing assigned after the item sells.Sales Record Number
Amount of sales tax (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Sales Tax
Date on which the seller shipped the item.Shipped on Date
Total cost charged to the customer to prepare and ship the item.Shipping and Handling
The means by which an item is shipped.Shipping Service
Site on which the item was sold (for example, eBay,, or eBay World of Good).Sold On
Total cost of the item, including shipping and handling (as well as sales tax, and insurance
if applicable).
Total Price
Numeric ID for a single transaction.Transaction ID
User ID of the buyer.User Id
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Template field definitions52
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Paid and Shipped Items report
The following table describes the fields in the Paid and Shipped Items report, which you can download
from File Exchange.
Paid and Shipped Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Physical address of the buyer, typically a post office box, street address, or house name.Buyer Address 1
Supplement physical address of the buyer such as an apartment or suite number.Buyer Address 2
City in which the buyer resides.Buyer City
Country in which the buyer resides.Buyer Country
eMail address of the buyer.Buyer Email
Name of the buyer.Buyer Fullname
State in which the buyer resides.Buyer State
ZIP code or postal code for the area in which the buyer resides.Buyer Zip
Date on which the buyer set up a payment.Checkout Date
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your inventory
with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Indicates that feedback was created for the seller.Feedback Left
Indicates that the feedback was received from the buyer.Feedback Received
Amount of insurance (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Insurance
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report for
the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful listing (for
other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
The unique identifier of an order shipped in the Global Shipping Program. eBay generates
this value when the order is complete. The international shipping provider uses the
Global Shipping Reference ID
Product:EPID on page 37 as the primary reference when processing the shipment. Sellers
must include this value on the package immediately above the street address of the
international shipping provider.
Date on which the item was listed.Listed On
Details provided by the seller about the transaction.Notes to Yourself
Numeric ID of the listing assigned when the order is placed.Order ID
Date on which the buyer paid for the item.Paid on Date
Means by which the buyer is to remit payment.Payment Method
If payment is remitted with PayPal, this value is the transaction ID number assigned by PayPal.PayPal Transaction ID
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
53Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Paid and Shipped Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of units of a specific item available for purchase.Quantity
Date on which the sale took place.Sale Date
The amount the item sold for, not including shipping and handling.
Sale Price
Numeric ID of the listing assigned after the item sells.Sales Record Number
Amount of sales tax (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Sales Tax
Date on which the seller shipped the item.Shipped on Date
Total cost charged to the customer to prepare and ship the item.Shipping and Handling
The means by which an item is shipped.Shipping Service
Site on which the item was sold (for example, eBay,, or eBay World of Good).Sold On
Total cost of the item, including shipping and handling (as well as sales tax, and insurance if
Total Price
Use a tracking number to identify, trace, and check the status of a shipment as it moves to
its destination. Not all sellers track shipments.
Tracking Number
Numeric ID for a single transaction.Transaction ID
User ID of the buyer.User Id
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Product Inventory report
The following table describes the fields in the Product Inventory report, which you can download from
File Exchange.
Product Inventory Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Action value for a corresponding listing.Action
Specifies currency type, such as USD, CAD, GBP, AUD, EUR, CHF, TWD, CNY, and INR.CurrencyID
Fields that can be used to contain additional information about an item.Folder
ID assigned to a collection of similar products.GroupProductID
The name of the product.ProductName
Used to described the topmost category for the item.Root Folder
Amount paid by the seller to purchase the item.Unit Cost
Template field definitions54
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Sold Listings report
The following table describes the fields in the Sold Listings report, which you can download from File
Sold Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Physical address of the buyer, typically a post office box, street address, or house name.Buyer Address 1
Supplement physical address of the buyer such as an apartment or suite number.Buyer Address 2
City in which the buyer resides.Buyer City
Country in which the buyer resides.Buyer Country
eMail address of the buyer.Buyer Email
Name of the buyer.Buyer Fullname
State in which the buyer resides.Buyer State
ZIP code or postal code for the area in which the buyer resides.Buyer Zip
Date on which the buyer set up a payment.Checkout Date
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Time at which the listing will end on eBay.Type:YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Hours are
displayed in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm is shown as 14:00:00) and treated
as GMT.
Indicates that feedback was created for the seller.Feedback Left
Indicates that the feedback was received from the buyer.Feedback Received
The unique identifier of an order shipped in the Global Shipping Program. eBay generates
this value when the order is complete. The international shipping provider uses the
Global Shipping Reference ID
Product:EPID on page 37 as the primary reference when processing the shipment. Sellers
must include this value on the package immediately above the street address of the
international shipping provider.
Amount of insurance (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Insurance
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results report
for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each successful
listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload file).
Item ID
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
Date on which the item was listed.Listed On
Details provided by the seller about the transaction.Notes to Yourself
Numeric ID of the listing assigned when the order is placed.Order ID
Date on which the buyer paid for the item.Paid on Date
Means by which the buyer is to remit payment.Payment Method
55Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Sold Listings Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
If payment is remitted with PayPal, this value is the transaction ID number assigned by
PayPal Transaction ID
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of units of a specific item available for purchase.Quantity
Date on which the sale took place.Sale Date
The amount the item sold for, not including shipping and handling.
Sale Price
Numeric ID of the listing assigned after the item sells.Sales Record Number
Amount of sales tax (if applicable) to be paid for by the buyer.Sales Tax
Date on which the seller shipped the item.Shipped on Date
Total cost charged to the customer to prepare and ship the item.Shipping and Handling
The means by which an item is shipped.Shipping Service
Site on which the item was sold (for example, eBay,, or eBay World of Good).Sold On
Time listing went live on eBay site (same as ScheduleTime, if used).Type:YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM:SS. Hours are in 24-hour format (for example, 2:00:00pm is shown as 14:00:00)
and treated as GMT.
Total cost of the item, including shipping and handling (as well as sales tax, and insurance
if applicable).
Total Price
Numeric ID for a single transaction.Transaction ID
User ID of the buyer.User Id
Provides the variations used in the listing.Variation Details
Unsold Items report
The following table describes the fields in the Unsold Items report, which you can download from File
Unsold Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
Current number of bids for an active listing.Bids
Name of leaf category.CategoryLeafName
Numeric ID of the category in which the item is to be listed.Category Number
Template field definitions56
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
Unsold Items Report Fields
DescriptionField Name
The physical condition of the item.Condition
Contains an internal SKU or unique identifier and is a very useful way to index your
inventory with eBay listings and associated costs.
Custom Label
Date and time at which the file was downloaded. For example, 29-Mar-13 13:32:01
Download Date
Date on which the listing ended; for example, 1-Apr-12.End Date
Highest bid entered for the item.High Bid
Numeric ID assigned to the item when it is successfully listed. In the Load Results
report for the Add action, this is the ItemID that the system has assigned to each
Item ID
successful listing (for other actions, it will be returned if you included it in your upload
Title displayed in the listing.Item Title
One of the following. For:Price
Active auctions, the highest current bid
Fixed Price and Store Inventory items, the Buy It Now price
Second Chance Offers, the price offered
Ad/Real Estate, the listed price
Any content about the item or the transaction that you provided in your upload file.Private Notes
eBay Product ID (EPID) of the item.Product:EPID
Number of items remaining for a specific listing.QuantityAvailable
The eBay site on which the item is listed, denoted by an integer. For example, 0 (U.S.),
100 (eBay Motors), or 77 (Germany).
Site Listed
(Awaiting Payment, Paid Not Shipped) Specifies the status of the purchase; should be
Refunded or Shipped, depending on the purpose of the uploaded file.
(Unsold Items) Indicates the success or failure of an action in a listing. If "Fail," ErrorCode
and ErrorMessage fields provide corresponding information.
Date on which the listing was created. For example, 25-Mar-12.Start Date
Numeric ID for the type of auction. For example, 1 is Auction, 7 is Store Fixed Price, 9
is Basic Fixed Price, and 13 is Lead Generation.
Number of users watching the item.Watchers
57Template field definitions
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
acquiring templates 11
Action field 13
Action field definition 27
active listings report 23
Active Listings report fields 47
adding fields
conditionID 17
adding new fields
general 15
archived items report 23
awaiting payment items report 23
Awaiting Payment report fields 48
benefits 7
upload 8
case-sensitivity 9
limits 9
types 9
conditionID 17
create download request 23
create download schedule 25
Customer Support 20
entering 12
template 8
deleting a field
general info 16
Description field 13
create schedule 25
view schedule 26
download request 23
reports 20
templates 11
entering data 12
features 7
field definition
Action 27
field relationships 9
Action 13
Description 13
entering data 12
Title 13
fields, reports
Active Listings 47
Awaiting Payment 48
Load Response Results 49
Paid and Awaiting Shipment 51
Paid and Shipped 53
Product Inventory 54
Sold Listings 55
Unsold Items 56
File Exchange
basic workflow 8
features 8
finding templates 6
using template 11
File Exchange Center
uploads 20
File Exchange Centre
uploads 20
file revision 16
flat file format 8
format check 20
characters 9
templates 11
listings and records menu 23
Load Response Results report fields 49
View Upload Results 21
paid and awaiting shipment items report 23
Paid and Awaiting Shipment report fields 51
paid and shipped items report 23
Paid and Shipped report fields 53
paid items 23
Product Inventory report fields 54
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions
report fields
Active Listings 47
Awaiting Payment 48
Load Results Response 49
Paid and Awaiting Shipment 51
Paid and Shipped 53
Product Inventory 54
Sold Listings 55
Unsold Items 56
report scripts 46
reports 23
reports, downloading 20
requirements 7
file 21
view upload 21
results report 22
revision files 16
scheduling downloads 23
scripts, reports 46
smart headers 9
sold and archived report 23
sold items report 23
Sold Listings report fields 55
template 9, 21
entering data 12
adding conditionID 17
templates (continued)
adding new fields 15
default 8
deleting a field 16
downloading 11
finding 6
structure 9
uploading 20
using 11
using and managing 10
tips 9
Title field 13
characters 9
typographic conventions 6
understanding template structure 9
unsold items report 23
Unsold Items report fields 56
build 8
result details 22
view results 21
inventory 20
listings and updates 20
products and listings 20
view download schedule 26
view upload results 21
workflow 8
File Exchange Basic Template Instructions