Rev Bras Med Esporte – 2023; Vol. 29 – e2023_0061
of 4
Wenhong Wang
(Physical Education Professional)
Guohai Zhou
(Physical Education Professional)
1. Jinling Institute of Technology,
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
Wenhong Wang
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. 211169.
Introduction: the main fitness requirements of table tennis players are highly automated motor skills and
a strong body control ability; this combination is believed to benefit from flexibility exercises. Objective: Study
the effects of lower limb flexibility training on physical fitness in table tennis players. Methods: The controlled
experiment randomly divided 20 volunteers into two groups with no statistical differences between them.
The control group continued using the existing table tennis teaching program, while the experimental group
adopted the optimized lower limb flexibility training program. The course design was organized according to
the physical education teacher’s table tennis player talent training plan. Results: In the experimental group, the
number of right body turns for throwing and blocking increased to 60.41 ± 4.67 times after the experiment; the
number of right body turns increased to 64.045 ± 5.22; in the control group, the number of right push and blocks
increased to 56.78 ± 3.67 times after the experiment. After the experiment, the number of fixed point swing
speed of the whole station increased to 64.66 ± 3.95 (P<0.05). Conclusion: Adding lower limb flexibility exercises
to table tennis flexibility training has been shown to improve athletes static and dynamic flexibility, positively
optimizing players fitness. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment outcomes.
Keywords: Muscle Stretching Exercises; Lower Limbs; Racquet Sports; Physical Fitness.
Introdução: os principais requisitos de aptidão física dos jogadores de tênis de mesa são habilidades motoras
altamente automatizadas e uma forte capacidade de controle corporal, acredita-se que essa combinação possa ser
beneficiada com exercícios de flexibilidade. Objetivo: Estudar os efeitos do treinamento de flexibilidade dos mem-
bros inferiores sobre a aptidão física em jogadores de tênis de mesa. Métodos: O experimento controlado dividiu 20
voluntários, aleatoriamente, em dois grupos sem diferenças estatísticas entre si. O grupo de controle continuou a
utilizar o programa de ensino do tênis de mesa existente, enquanto o grupo experimental adotou o programa de
ensino de treinamento de flexibilidade dos membros inferiores otimizado. O projeto do curso foi organizado de acordo
com o plano de treinamento de talentos de jogadores de tênis de mesa do professor de educação física. Resultados:
No grupo experimental, o número de voltas à direita do corpo para arremesso e bloqueio aumentou para 60,41 ±
4,67 vezes após o experimento; o número de voltas à direita do corpo aumentou para 64,045 ± 5,22; no grupo de
controle, o número de arremessos e bloqueios à direita aumentou para 56.78 ± 3.67 vezes após o experimento. Após
o experimento, o número de velocidade de oscilação de ponto fixo de toda a estação aumentou para 64.66 ± 3.95
(P<0,05). Conclusão: Adicionar exercícios de flexibilidade dos membros inferiores ao treinamento de flexibilidade
do tênis de mesa demonstrou melhorar a flexibilidade estática e dinâmica dos atletas, contribuindo positivamente
para a otimização da aptidão física nos jogadores. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos - investigação
dos resultados do tratamento.
Descritores: Exercícios de Alongamento Muscular; Membros Inferiores; Esportes com Raquete; Aptidão Física.
Introducción: los principales requisitos de aptitud física de los jugadores de tenis de mesa son unas habilidades
motoras muy automatizadas y una gran capacidad de control corporal; se cree que esta combinación puede
beneficiarse de los ejercicios de flexibilidad. Objetivo: Estudiar los efectos del entrenamiento de la flexibilidad de las
extremidades inferiores en la aptitud física de los jugadores de tenis de mesa. Métodos: El experimento controlado
dividió a 20 voluntarios, al azar, en dos grupos sin diferencias estadísticas entre ellos. El grupo de control siguió
utilizando el programa de enseñanza de tenis de mesa existente, mientras que el grupo experimental adoptó el
programa de enseñanza optimizado de entrenamiento de la flexibilidad de las extremidades inferiores. El diseño del
curso se organizó de acuerdo con el plan de entrenamiento de talentos de jugadores de tenis de mesa del profesor de
educación física. Resultados: En el grupo experimental, el número de giros del cuerpo derecho para lanzar y bloquear
aumentó a 60,41 ± 4,67 veces después del experimento; el número de giros del cuerpo derecho aumentó a 64,045 ±
5,22; en el grupo de control, el número de empujes y bloqueos derechos aumentó a 56,78 ± 3,67 veces después del
Original article
Artigo originAl
Artículo originAl
Rev Bras Med Esporte – 2023; Vol. 29 – e2023_0061
of 4
experimento. Después del experimento, el número de velocidad de swing de punto fijo de toda la estación aumentó
a 64,66 ± 3,95 (P<0,05). Conclusión: Se ha demostrado que añadir ejercicios de flexibilidad de las extremidades
inferiores al entrenamiento de flexibilidad del tenis de mesa mejora la flexibilidad estática y dinámica de los atletas,
contribuyendo positivamente a la optimización de la aptitud física de los jugadores. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios
terapéuticos - investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.
Descriptores: Ejercicios de Estiramiento Muscular; Extremidades Inferiores; Deportes de Raqueta; Aptitud Física.
Article received on 02/01/2023 accepted on 02/16/2023
Although table tennis has a small requirement on the field, the
amount of exercise of athletes is very large. In the limited field, players
can quickly adjust their positions according to the situation of the game
and complete different hitting actions.
Therefore, table tennis can
be said to be the most flexible ball game in the ball game, with high
requirements for players’ ability to react on the spot, and high require-
ments for agility. China’s table tennis has developed well. In addition to
the existing achievements, we should also strengthen the training of
follow-up forces. In the training of the younger generation of athletes,
the optimization of sensitivity quality is a major focus of research.
order to have a further understanding of the optimization of the sen-
sitivity quality of table tennis, the author has studied and analyzed the
game video of the current excellent table tennis players, read a large
number of literature books, and sorted out the sensitivity quality of
the players suitable for the characteristics of table tennis.
First of all,
athletes have extremely fast reaction ability and dodge ability when
completing the technical actions related to table tennis. Secondly, in
addition to the fast speed of changing direction and reaction ability,
athletes should also have the ability to stop at any time, that is to say,
athletes have strong control over the changes of body space position.
Third, athletes should comprehensively use all aspects of the body to
show their comprehensive quality level when performing table tennis
technical actions. Only by achieving the above three points can athletes
improve their control ability and initiative on the field, optimize their
sensitivity quality and improve their competitive level.
The literature
interprets the main sensitivity requirements of table tennis players as
highly automated skills and strong body control ability, and believes
that the combination of the two is a strategy to improve the sensitivity
quality of athletes.
According to the literature, table tennis needs to
complete a large number of changes of direction and sudden stops in
a short time, and the risk of sports injury to joints and muscles is high,
and strengthening the coordination training of athletes can alleviate
this kind of sports injury.
After carefully studying the above documents,
this paper, based on the actual situation of the authors research area,
takes table tennis players in a professional sports college as the research
object, discusses the impact of lower limb exercises on the sensitivity
of athletes, and wants to further optimize the existing research system,
select more suitable training methods for athletes, so as to provide their
own strength for the training of Chinese table tennis reserve talents.
After using the literature research method to have a relatively deep
understanding of the research topic of this article, the author went to a
professional sports school in the research area for research and volun
teer recruitment. The study and all the participants were reviewed and
approved by Ethics Committee of Jinling Institute of Technology (NO.
JLITU20Z06). After obtaining the permission of the coach, I communi
cated with the coaches of the school, sorted out the training programs
for the students sensitive qualities, and communicated with the student
representatives to understand their advantages and disadvantages in
table tennis, and obtained first-hand information. Sort out the existing
data, introduce lower limb flexibility exercises, and optimize and mo-
dify the shortcomings of the current sensitivity training program. After
obtaining the preliminary experimental plan of this paper, the expert
review method was used to ask six senior physical education teachers
and sports experts to obtain their evaluation of the experimental plan
and adjust it, and finally the experimental plan of this paper was obtained.
After designing the experiment, we recruited table tennis players
from the professional sports school. They are required to be about 20
years old, have a good sports foundation and have little difference in
performance. During the whole training process, we should always
follow the requirements of the researchers, actively cooperate to com-
plete the relevant sports training, and there should be no absence and
perfunctory. In the process of exercise, stretch and relax carefully to
prevent sports injury. If sports injury occurs, the data of the member will
be deleted. Finally, a total of 20 volunteers were recruited, and their basic
information is shown in Table 1: the basic information of weight, height
and performance are not significantly different when the age is about
20. According to the form of random sampling, they were divided into
experimental group and control group, with 10 members in each group.
In the way of control experiment, the control group continued to
use the existing table tennis sensitivity teaching scheme, while the ex
perimental group adopted the optimized lower limb flexibility training
teaching scheme mentioned above. The curriculum is designed according
Table 1. Summary of characteristics of experimental and control group members.
Experience group
Number Age (yr) Height (cm) Body weight (kg)
1 19.92 183.15 73.27
2 20.46 178.45 73.85
3 20.32 177.52 73.15
4 20.73 180.68 78.1
5 20.53 180.13 78.53
6 20.47 178.57 76.24
7 20.05 175.39 74.81
8 20.74 178.52 76.24
9 19.87 181.8 73.95
10 21.01 180.44 76.16
Control group
Number Age (yr) Height (cm) Body weight (kg)
1 19.84 178.64 78.09
2 19.92 176.71 75.14
3 20.26 178.52 78.63
4 19.37 181.52 76.25
5 20.55 182.18 74.87
6 20.15 179.2 78.29
7 20.13 180.07 76.81
8 21.02 178.65 75.27
9 22.65 177.7 78.05
10 20.47 180.27 75.88
Rev Bras Med Esporte – 2023; Vol. 29 – e2023_0061
of 4
to the table tennis talent training plan of the physical education teachers.
This is a closed school, so the work and rest and diet problems among
the members are basically eliminated, so that the experimental results
are more rigorous.
Before and after the experiment, collect relevant data for testing, sort
out and analyze the data, as shown in the following section.
Effect of lower limb flexibility exercise on table tennis players
Table 2 selects three indicators of 1RM squat, CMJ jump and 1min
squat as the change judgment of table tennis players lower limb strength
to explore the impact of lower limb flexibility training on table tennis
players lower limb strength. In the experimental group, 1RM squat
strength increased to (79.653 ± 9.5901) kg, P<0.05; The jumping height
of CMJ in the experimental group increased to (34.923 ± 4.7450) cm,
P<0.05; The number of squats in the experimental group increased to
(52.880 ± 5.4616) times in 1 min, P<0.01. In the control group, 1RM squat
strength decreased to (77.985 ± 9.3268) kg, P>0.05; The jumping height
of CMJ in the experimental group increased to (33.961 ± 4.2288) cm,
P>0.05; The number of squats in the experimental group decreased to
(52.411 ± 5.8042) times (P>0.05). (Table 3)
Table 2 selects six indicators, including sitting forward flexion, hip
flexion, hip extension, sitting forward flexion, hip flexion and hip extension,
as the change judgment of table tennis players’ lower limb flexibility to
explore the impact of lower limb flexibility training on table tennis play-
ers’ lower limb flexibility. In the experimental group, the forward bending
distance in the sitting position was increased to (28.450 ± 8.7495) cm,
P<0.05; The hip flexion angle expanded to (113.924 ± 10.7408) °, P<0.05;
The hip extension angle expanded to (12.114 ± 4.1516) °, P<0.05; The knee
flexion angle expanded to (130.031 ± 7.9293) °, P<0.05; The flexion angle
of ankle and toe was enlarged to (41.782 ± 7.1076) °, P<0.05; The ankle
dorsiflexion angle expanded to (20.333 ± 3.2951) °, P<0.01. In the control
group, the forward bending distance in the sitting position was increased
to (25.651 ± 6.6634) cm, P>0.05; The hip flexion angle decreased to (110.134
± 9.4602) °, P>0.05; The hip extension angle expanded to (9.947 ± 3.9098)
°, P>0.05; The knee flexion angle decreased to (128.175 ± 8.3445) °, P>0.05;
The flexion angle of ankle and toe decreased to (40.979 ± 7.4649) °, P>0.05;
The ankle dorsiflexion angle expanded to (16.858 ± 3.4463) °, P>0.05.
Effect of lower limb flexibility exercise on the sensitivity of
table tennis players
Table 4 selects three indicators, namely, 30m run, cross jump and
splay step, as the change judgment of table tennis players’ sensitivity to
explore the impact of lower limb flexibility training on table tennis players
sensitivity. Cross-quadrant jump is a common evaluation standard used
to test the sensitivity quality of athletes. Under the guidance of visual
signals, athletes operate their bodies to jump into the corresponding
quadrants. This process can also simulate the sensitivity and reaction
on the field. Athletes should first have strong reaction ability, be able to
quickly identify the information seen by their eyes and transmit it to the
sports center. The sports center should operate the body to complete
the correct jump in a short time, which also requires high sensitivity.
Pushing, blocking, side and right are the common training footwork
requirements of athletes in table tennis training. First, the players attack
the ball with backhand, then catch the ball with forehand position,
and then use cross steps to move to the right to complete the action
of receiving the ball. This series of actions requires high inertia and
speed, which requires the athletes to be familiar with the action, have
high reaction ability, and also have strong sensitivity, Therefore, it can
be used as a main evaluation standard. The fixed-point swing speed of
the whole station is a further test of athletes’ ability. In this test, there is
no well-designed action routine. The coach serves the ball at random,
and the players receive the ball on the other side according to their
own experience and reaction. This is completely a simulation of the
game scene, showing the actual combat ability of the players. Table 5
selects three indicators, namely, 3m sideslip, push and block sideslip,
and swing speed of the whole platform at fixed points, as the change
judgment of table tennis players’ competitive performance, and discus-
ses the impact of lower limb flexibility training on table tennis players
competitive performance.
Table 2. Effect of lower limb flexibility training on lower limb strength of table tennis
Experience group
Option 1RM squat (kg) CMJ jump (cm) 1 min squat (times)
Before experiment 79.255±8.4325 34.553±5.1532 51.919±6.4290
After experiment 79.653±9.5901 34.923±4.7450 52.880±5.4616
P 0.02667 0.01633 0.00493
Control group
Option 1RM squat (kg) CMJ jump (cm) 1 min squat (times)
Before experiment 78.127±9.4853 33.435±4.6638 52.470±5.8848
After experiment 77.985±9.3268 33.961±4.2288 52.411±5.8042
P 0.97561 0.59444 0.74252
Table 3. Effect of lower limb flexibility training on lower limb flexibility of table
tennis players.
Experience group
Forward flexion in
sitting position (cm)
Hip flexion (°) Hip extension (°)
Before experiment 25.786±9.1444 109.575±12.3437 10.147±3.4463
After experiment 28.450±8.7495 113.924±10.7408 12.114±4.1516
P 0.03810 0.04760 0.01886
Option Knee flexion (°) Ankle toe flexion (°)
dorsiflexion (°)
Before experiment 129.299±7.6103 41.002±6.8110 16.574±4.9578
After experiment 130.031±7.9293 41.782±7.1076 20.333±3.2951
P 0.03670 0.04076 0.00695
Control group
Forward flexion in
sitting position (cm)
Hip flexion (°) Hip extension (°)
Before experiment 25.277±8.6932 111.197±11.0154 9.866±3.5773
After experiment 25.651±6.6634 110.134±9.4602 9.947±3.9098
P 0.97059 0.68255 0.20350
Option Knee flexion (°) Ankle toe flexion (°)
dorsiflexion (°)
Before experiment 128.360±8.4927 41.093±7.5001 16.314±4.7462
After experiment 128.175±8.3445 40.979±7.4649 16.858±3.4463
P 0.58857 0.72103 0.56781
Table 4. The Effect of Lower Limb Flexibility Exercise on the Sensitivity of Table
Tennis Players.
Experience group
Option 30m run (s)
Cross jump
(correct number)
Eight character
stamp (s)
Before experiment 5.403±0.2306 24.547±2.8962 21.257±2.6200
After experiment 5.231±0.1114 27.343±3.0773 19.824±1.6828
P 0.01362 0.00645 0.03330
Control group
Option 30m run (s)
Cross jump
(correct number)
Eight character
stamp (s)
Before experiment 5.413±0.1404 23.953±2.5966 21.628±2.1464
After experiment 5.251±0.2025 25.408±2.0846 20.882±2.2975
P 0.02827 0.03256 0.06190
Rev Bras Med Esporte – 2023; Vol. 29 – e2023_0061
of 4
AUTHORS CONTRIBUTIONS: The author has completed the writing of the article or the critical review of its knowledge content. This paper can be used as the nal draft of the manuscript. Every author
has made an important contribution to this manuscript. Wenhong Wang and Guohai Zhou: writing and execution.
The flexibility exercise of lower limbs can be divided into static flexibi-
lity and dynamic flexibility according to different types of training. Static
flexibility is simply understood as the stretching of joints and muscles
by means of external forces in a quiet state. In this process, the joint can
be kept in a stretch state by giving a certain amount of external force
without additional muscle movement. The limiting factor of static flexibi-
lity is not only the external force, but also the endurance of the athletes
themselves. The general measurement form is to stretch a certain joint
of the athlete as far as possible until the athlete feels pain, then this data
threshold is the evaluation standard of the maximum static flexibility.
Dynamic flexibility refers to the range of joint activities completed un-
der the influence of athletes’ own muscle contraction. When the force
is applied, there is a certain dynamic potential energy, so the range of
joint activity corresponding to dynamic flexibility is often greater than
that of static flexibility. However, dynamic flexibility is instantaneous and
cannot be fixed and retained. Static flexibility and dynamic flexibility are
also directly related, and they are in direct proportion. The stronger the
static flexibility, the stronger the dynamic flexibility of the athletes. When
conducting dynamic flexibility training, you can also conduct a series
of static flexibility training first, so that the joints of the athletes can be
extended, so that the dynamic flexibility training can more effectively
improve the flexibility effect of the athletes.
It is very important to cultivate the reserve force of table tennis
talents, and the existing research program needs to be optimized and
improved again. This paper introduces the lower limb flexibility exercise
into the sensitivity training, and discusses the effect of the lower limb
flexibility exercise on the sensitivity improvement of table tennis players
using the principles of sports physiology. The research results show that
adding lower limb flexibility exercises to table tennis flexibility training
can better improve the static flexibility and dynamic flexibility of athle
tes, and has a good effect on optimizing the level of athletes sensitivity
quality, so it is worth promoting.
The study was supported by Jiangsu education science 14th five
year plan project (Grant No. T-a/2021/07).
All authors declare no potential conflict of interest related to this article
Table 5. Effect of lower limb flexibility training on table tennis players competitive
Experience group
Option 3m sideslip (times)
Push to the
right (times)
Unscheduled swing
speed of the whole
set (times)
26.655±1.2333 56.813±3.3356 60.792±5.5422
28.162±1.3266 60.411±4.6755 64.045±5.2299
P 0.02495 0.03145 0.01286
Control group
Option 3m sideslip (times)
Push to the
right (times)
Unscheduled swing
speed of the whole
set (times)
26.695±1.3035 56.682±3.1958 64.171±3.9602
27.358±1.2253 56.782±3.6729 64.664±3.9501
P 0.06977 0.02075 0.02358
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