MR-004 Revision 061
Application for GB Conversion IVA - Motorhomes
T +44 (0)300 330 5797
F +44 (0)300 003 2198
Get in touch with VCA
VCA Headquarters
1 The Eastgate Ofce Centre
Eastgate Road
Bristol, BS5 6XX
United Kingdom
Applicant and vehicle details:
Applicant’s Name:
United Kingdom Address, including postcode
Please type the address or write in BLOCK
Telephone Number:
E-mail address:
Vehicle make and model:
VIN / Chassis number (Can be located on
the vehicle, and the European Certicate of
Vehicle country origin:
GOV.UK Pay Reference:
Important Note: Prior to making an application to VCA, please read the
Guidance Notes on page 3.
Please tick, as appropriate, to show the documents you are submitting with this application.
Please also conrm the method of payment - if paying by credit or debit card please pay via GOV.
UK Pay. If paying by cheque this will need to be payable to “DFT – Vehicle Certication Agency”.
Original or Scanned Copy of the European Certicate of Conformity
Original or Scanned Copy of a vehicle specic, garage invoice(s) / statement
(Please see page 4 for more details)
17 Digit VIN
Dated within 3 months
VAT / Companies House / MOT Test Station Number
Headlight Evidence
Speedometer Evidence Fog Light Evidence
Job Number
(VCA use only)
MR-004 Revision 062
£100, payable to VCA, payment made by:
Cheque (NOTE: application held back for 10 working days)
Credit / debit card
Click here to pay for one vehicle (GOV.UK pay)
Click here to pay for multiple vehicles (GOV.UK pay)
We do not accept Postal Orders.
Written Statement - to be completed by the applicant:
Please read the written statements below, once all items apply to your vehicle, tick the
relevant boxes and sign and date the statement at the bottom conrming that your vehicle
now conforms to each of these points in full. Please note we can not accept any options
other than those outlined below.
1) That the headlamps are UK specication (headlight beam dips to the left).
Note: stickers, beam-benders / deectors are not acceptable.
We can accept any one of the following options:
a. UK specication, left dipping, headlights that are used in replacement of the original factory
tted headlights
b. Original factory tted UK specication headlights (dipping left as standard)
c. Original factory tted headlights that have been, through a standard feature of the vehicle,
adjusted so that the beam has been changed from right dipping to left dipping
d. Original factory tted at-beam headlights (we can not accept a right dipping beam that is
adjusted to at-beam unless that is a standard feature of the vehicle, e.g. done via operation of
a lever)
Standard feature and evidence submitted Changed and evidence submitted
2) That a speedometer has been tted which is capable of indicating speed in both miles
per hour and kilometres per hour, either simultaneously, or by operation of a switch.
Note: We can not accept secondary devices, hand written changes or multiple stickers applied to
the speedometer. We can only accept the changes detailed below.
The speedometer must be marked up to the maximum speed of the vehicle, with graduations at 1,
2, 5, or 10mph, and with values at intervals not exceeding 20mph. For this change we can accept
the following options.
a. That the factory tted speedometer is dual marked as standard
b. The existing (digital) speedometer is, permanently, re-programmed, through a standard feature
of the vehicle, to display the vehicle speed in mph
c. A miles per hour speedometer is tted in-place of the factory tted unit
d. d) A professional, single, miles per hour, overlay is applied directly to the speedometer face
plate, not the glass front plate (the overlay must be durable and accurate, with markings visible
in both day and night driving conditions).
e. A dual marked dial / facia has been added as a replacement to the factory tted one
Standard feature and evidence submitted Changed and evidence submitted
MR-004 Revision 063
3) That a rear fog light is tted to conform to United Kingdom specications. Either:
a. Dual rear-fog lights are tted, one on the rear left and one on the rear right of the vehicle
b. A single fog light is tted down the rear centre line of the vehicle
c. A fog light Is on the rear right hand of the vehicle (either as a standard feature or changed prior
to UK registration)
Standard feature and evidence submitted Changed and evidence submitted
NOTE: It is expected that your vehicle will have, as part of the original build specication, side
indicators and, where there are rear-seats, rear seat-belts tted. If these are not on the vehicle
they would need to be added before making an application to VCA.
I declare that I have read the VCA application form, in full, and that the details I have added
to this application form are true and accurate.
Signed (by the applicant):
Please now send your completed application to:
VCA, 1, The Eastgate Oce Centre, Eastgate Road, Bristol. BS5 6XX
If posting, we advise sending the documents by recorded or special
Guidance Notes
The Vehicle Certication Agency is an Executive Agency within the United Kingdom Department
for Transport.
Details of the agency are available on our web-site: www.vehicle-certi
Guidance Notes: The following notes are intended to help the reader identify if their vehicle
is subject to the provisions of the GB Conversion IVA scheme and should be read, in full,
prior to making an application to VCA.
GB Conversion IVA:
This procedure is intended for vehicles built to a European specication that are being imported
into the United Kingdom from other European countries. In order to process an application under
this scheme we require specic documentation, and payment, as outlined in this application form.
Age of vehicle:
If your vehicle is over 10 years of age, based on the date of rst registration, it is exempt from
this VCA procedure. Please contact DVLA to discuss vehicle registration and do not apply to
VCA. If your vehicle is less than 10 years of age, based on the date of rst registration, and has a
European Certicate of Conformity, with 51 or 52 numbered items, that shows the vehicle was not
built to the UK specication at the time of build then a GB Conversion IVA would be required.
Vehicle previously registered in the United Kingdom?
If this applies to your vehicle please contact the DVLA to discuss the requirements for re-
MR-004 Revision 064
First registered outside of Europe?
In this case, unless there is relevant documentation as mentioned above, you would need to
contact DVSA to discuss the Individual Vehicle Approval scheme and not apply to VCA.
Obtaining documents:
In order to obtain a duplicate Certicate of Conformity, please contact the vehicle manufacturer.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept any of the following documents:
Photographs of the vehicle features
Vehicle handbook extracts
Parts receipts
Please only send us the documents and payment as outlined in this application form, VCA are
not liable for any additional documentation that we did not request. We will immediately return
any documentation we did not request back to the address stated on the application form via 1st
class post. If you are unable to provide the required documentation as requested then please visit
the following website for alternative
Privacy Information
The personal information you have provided in this form has been provided to allow VCA to
process your application. Details of how this data will be handled, stored and used can be found
in our “Privacy Notice” (please follow the link). If you are not completing this form electronically
and would like us to send you a hard copy of the Notice, then please contact the Data Protection
Manager, VCA, 1 The Eastgate Oce Centre, Eastgate Road, Bristol BS5 6XX and we will be
pleased to send you a copy.
European Certicate of Conformity (CoC):
This document is vehicle specic; issued by the vehicle manufacturer; there will be a colour logo
and I or a watermark. For passenger cars we can accept CoCs with 51 or 52 numbered items. As
well as giving details of the vehicle it will also include a European Type-Approval number and be
signed by a specied individual. If your vehicle is a Motorhome, please provide the CoC
for the nal stage. The original, or a clear scan of the original, would be acceptable.
Detailed, garage invoice / statement:
This must come from a garage that is, at least, one of the following: an MOT test station I a VAT
registered garage I a garage registered with Companies House. To help prevent an application
being delayed we would suggest that all garage evidence is written in English.
The statement must be on full garage headed paper, giving their full contact details including their
MOT test station number I VAT number and registered address I Companies House number and
registered address. It needs to quote the 17 digit vehicle chassis (VIN) number, be dated within 3
months from the date of receipt, and make clear the garage has worked on, or inspected the
The garage details will be checked so please make sure that the garage evidence clearly sets out
the address they are registered to. For example, in some cases a garage will have their business
registered at another address for VAT, if this is the case their registered address must also be
clearly stated on their headed paper.
MR-004 Revision 065
The invoice must clearly describe the changes made to the vehicle; we need to know what
has been changed and how this change meets UK compliance. A statement such as “changed
headlights” is not sucient evidence that, for example, the original vehicle headlights have been
removed and new, full UK specication left-dipping headlights have been tted to the vehicle.
Where an item is tted, as standard, suitable for the United Kingdom the garage evidence must
make clear that the item is standard and how it is standard (e.g. the vehicle has rear-fog lights
tted as standard on both the rear left and right of the vehicle). The original, or a clear scan of the
original, would be acceptable.
The fee is £100. Payment can only be made by credit I debit card or cheque (payable to VCA).
Click here to pay for one vehicle (GOV.UK pay)
Click here to pay for multiple vehicles (GOV.UK pay)
If payment is made by cheque then, for a successful application, the approval will be held back for
10 working days following receipt of the full required documentation and payment. If payment is
made by credit or debit card then, if the application is successful, the approval should be completed
in 5 to 10 working days from the day of receipt.
If additional documentation is required, the time to complete an application would be based on
when we receive the nal paperwork. An incomplete application is held for 1 month from receipt to
allow for completion. Please note that if an application is made that we are not able to complete
there will be a partial refund of £60, the refund will expire 3 months from the date stated on the VCA
refund letter returned with your documents. If VCA believe your application to be fraudulent you will
not be eligible for a refund and the Police maybe contacted.
Posting the documents:
If we are able to issue a certicate these will be sent to a United Kingdom postal address by Royal
Mail rst class delivery. If you would like your documents returned by ‘Special Delivery’,
please provide a pre-paid ‘Special delivery’ envelope when sending your application. VCA
will not be liable for any loss or damage that occurs during postage.
We do not oer an ‘over the counter’ or ‘as you wait’ service. There is no public counter.
Applications are processed as quickly as possible but can take the maximum time as detailed in
the payment section above. Please be aware that in busy periods applications may take longer to
process than detailed above.
The GB Conversion IVA will be issued electronically via email and your documents will be returned
in the post along with a hard copy of the IVA.
If we are able to issue a certicate, once you receive it, you then apply to DVLA for registration. If
not yet done please contact DVLA to establish exactly what they require. If we issue a certicate for
your vehicle and you are not then able to register the vehicle we can not refund any money paid to
The procedure outlined in this document, for successful applications, leads to a certicate that
can be used as part of an application to the DVLA for registration. It cannot be issued to vehicles
registered in the United Kingdom that are being exported to another country.
For all enquiries, please contact: [email protected].uk