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Unequal housing aordability across European cities.
The ESPON Housing Database, Insights on
Aordability in Selected Cities in Europe
Renaud Le Goix, Ronan Ysebaert, Timothée Giraud, Marc Lieury, Guilhem
Boulay, Mathieu Coulon, Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq, Rémi Lemoy, José J
Ramasco, Mattia Mazzoli, et al.
To cite this version:
Renaud Le Goix, Ronan Ysebaert, Timothée Giraud, Marc Lieury, Guilhem Boulay, et al.. Unequal
housing aordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Database, Insights on Aordability
in Selected Cities in Europe. Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of
geography, 2021, 974, �10.4000/cybergeo.36478�. �halshs-03370962�
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography
Unequal housing affordability across European
cities. The ESPON Housing Database, Insights on
Affordability in Selected Cities in Europe
L’inégale abordabilité du logement dans les villes européennes. La base de
données ESPON sur le logement, aperçu des prix dans une sélection de villes
El desigual acceso a la vivienda en las ciudades europeas. Aproximación a su
estudio en función del precio a partir de la base de datos ESPON
URL: https://journals.openedition.org/cybergeo/36478
DOI: 10.4000/cybergeo.36478
ISSN: 1278-3366
UMR 8504 Géographie-cités
Brought to you by Université de Paris
Renaud Le Goix, Ronan Ysebaert, Timothée Giraud, Marc Lieury, Guilhem Boulay, Mathieu Coulon,
Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq, Rémi Lemoy, José J. Ramasco, Mattia Mazzoli, Pere Colet, Thierry
Theurillat, Alain Segessemann, Szymon Marcińczak and Bartosz Bartosiewicz, “Unequal housing
affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Database, Insights on Affordability in
Selected Cities in Europe”, Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography [Online], Data Papers, document
974, Online since 16 April 2021, connection on 08 October 2021. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/
cybergeo/36478 ; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/cybergeo.36478
This text was automatically generated on 8 October 2021.
La revue Cybergeo est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International.
Unequal housing affordability
across European cities. The ESPON
Housing Database, Insights on
Affordability in Selected Cities in
L’inégale abordabilité du logement dans les villes européennes. La base de
données ESPON sur le logement, aperçu des prix dans une sélection de villes
El desigual acceso a la vivienda en las ciudades europeas. Aproximación a su
estudio en función del precio a partir de la base de datos ESPON
Renaud Le Goix, Ronan Ysebaert, Timothée Giraud, Marc Lieury, Guilhem
Boulay, Mathieu Coulon, Sébastien Rey-Coyrehourcq, Rémi Lemoy, José J.
Ramasco, Mattia Mazzoli, Pere Colet, Thierry Theurillat, Alain
Segessemann, Szymon Marcińczak and Bartosz Bartosiewicz
First and second authors designed and led the study, wrote the paper, and contributed
equally. Other authors have been in charge of national contributions to the database
and analysis, edition of the text, and contributed equally.
1 Introduction
1 Providing the means of a better knowledge of housing affordability is becoming
increasingly important, for public policies and scholarly research. This data-paper
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
presents and describes a consolidated, harmonized, internationally comparable
database to quantify the impacts of the housing affordability crisis. This database is
structured to promote some means to understand key issues in urban areas: social
filtering processes, gentrification, accumulation, and socio-economic inequalities more
generally. We do so by discussing a methodological framework to integrate
neighborhood and local spatial data, structured with harmonized indicators, to
examine and compare the unequal spatial patterns of housing affordability across
2 The dataset derives from the ESPON Big Data for Territorial Analysis of Housing Dynamics
2018-19 applied research program. ESPON EGTC is a regional planning agency for the
European Commission. In European larger cities decent and affordable housing is
increasingly hard to get access to: the goal of the study is to inform the increased and
unequal affordability gap at the local geographical level, with tools for comparison
between cities, and within cities.
3 The aim of the original ESPON report published in 2019 was to inform European public
policies in territorial cohesion. The report has been drafted with a description and
discussion of the results, in an analysis of the unequal spatial patterns of
unaffordability in Europe. Information regarding the reproducibility of the work and
data collection has also been added to the report, as appendix. The aim of this data
paper is to complement the report with a full description of the database constructed,
its metadata, the possible usages for further research, and procedures for
reproducibility and future additions to the database. We do so and present the
structure of the database, how it has been constructed in a reproducible manner ; we
document the validation process, the strengths and limitations of the data provided,
and document the reproducibility of the workflow. The database stored on the Nakala
open access respository comes with a fully reproducible example documented as a
RMarkdown document
4 The database has been structured so as to answer several issues altogether, that are the
theoretical backbones of the research. One dimension of the problem is unequal access
to housing opportunity with regard to income and wealth of households. Another
dimension is that this gap has widened during the last decades. Since the 1990s,
housing prices have on average increased faster than the income of residents and
buyers in major post-industrial city-regions, but this trend is not ubiquitous and there
are some exceptions. Second, since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) more
specifically, the affordability crisis seems to have followed unprecedented pathways of
accumulation and vulnerability for households in OECD countries: general price
inflation has maintained, but also with greater instability and volatility of local trends.
A third issue between European cities is the variegated pathways housing regimes have
followed since the GFC. The notion of housing regime can be defined as the systemic
relationship between diverse housing systems, tenure and provision arrangements, and
wider welfare regimes (Arbaci 2007 ; Tammaru et al. 2019). A decline of ownership has
been observed in some countries (Byrne 2020) with an unprecedented growth of the
private rental sector. In other countries, ownership has stabilized and other forms of
access to housing have emerged, with new regulations of the rental sector as an
alternative to social rental and owner-occupied housing, like in the Netherlands and
France for instance (Wijburg 2019; Hochstenbach and Ronald 2020).
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
5 Our research also copes with a data gap, i.e., a lack of harmonized spatial data to map
affordability in Europe. Institutional, private, national or local data do exist. But these
are not harmonized and inter-operable, not fit for comparison (Julliard and Gusarova
2019), and Eurostat does not provide local indicators on affordability. To cope with this
data gap, the paper brings new insights on how (1) institutional data, such as
transaction data, can be bridged with (2) unconventional data (“big data” harvested on
line) to provide a cost-effective and harmonized data collection effort that can
contribute to the analysis of affordability. We aggregated the data in various
geographical levels of analysis (1km square-grid, municipalities, FUA), following a
methodological framework to use local spatial data and to allow the comparison within
cities (between neighborhoods) and between cities, and designed to allow reproducing
in further studies. The methodology has been applied to 10 case-studies Functional
Urban Areas (FUAs) covering 4 countries of the ESPON Area, among which one cross-
border region: Geneva (Switzerland), Annecy-Annemasse, Avignon and Paris (France),
Madrid, Barcelona and Palma de Majorca (Spain) and Warsaw, Łódź and Krakow
(Poland). This database does not cover the entire set of FUAs, but has been designed as
a proof of concept, to envision a wider study that could bring together experts from
different countries in Europe, to build a more thorough analysis. Open code and
transferable methods are documented and disseminated with the ESPON study, to allow
further implementation.
6 Section 2 provides a literature review, and discusses the conceptual contribution of the
database in the wider context of a policy-oriented research on housing at a European
level. Section 3 presents the methods used for the data collection: data sources, spatial
coverage and case-studies, aggregation and harmonization procedures. It details the
conceptual and theoretical models applied to conduct the data collection, and the
methodological framework applied. We particularly insist on the effort to bridge the
gap by harmonizing conventional and institutional data sources, with unconventional
sources from the web ("big data"), to map affordability, along with the quality control
and data validation procedures. Section 4 is dedicated to presenting a possible use of
the dataset, by mapping and comparing local housing data and giving insights on the
main findings from the data. The final section is dedicated to metadata.
2 Context, literature review and contribution of the
database in housing research
7 This section discusses the policy context in which the production of the database took
place, and frames the issue of affordability and inflation, within the wider literature on
housing regimes and inequality. We argue that the lack of harmonized local spatial data
to map affordability in Europe is a major issue to better analyze and compare the
situation at local geographical levels. The aim of the ESPON database is to present data
and reproducible methods that contribute to filling this data gap.
2.1 Policy context : coping with inflation in Europe
8 Housing prices have increased faster than the income of renters and buyers in major
post-industrial city-regions, and real estate has become an important driver of socio-
economic inequalities: “in 2014, approximately 7% of the EU-28 population faced the
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
situation where housing costs accounted for more than half of their disposable income”
(Eurostat, 2016). This forms the basis of our study. The policy-oriented broader
reflection is to analyze the spatial dynamics of unequal local affordability, as framed by
the Action Plan of the Partnership on Housing of the UE Urban Agenda pushes for improved
knowledge regarding affordability of housing. We address the housing elements of
European policies through one major problem: affordability, a concept defined as a gap
between housing prices and households’ income (Tighe and Mueller 2012; Friggit 2017).
9 Housing is a major policy issue regarding urban well-being, cohesion and sustainability
in Europe. The study is framed by the Territorial Agenda of the European Union for 2020 and
deals with the impacts of housing on territorial cohesion, and how to tackle with risks
of exclusion. The Pact of Amsterdam (2016) recognizes housing as a key priority of the
Urban Agenda for the European Union, because it affects social cohesion and stability
in Europe, the Action Plan of the Partnership on Housing of the EU pushes for improved
knowledge regarding affordable housing.
10 This affordability crisis impacts the well-being of residents in European cities, and has
been well analyzed at macro-economic levels. As soon as the early 1990s, housing
finance (access to credit, mortgage and fiscal incentives for investors) has increased
dramatically in the Global North, yielding a continuous inflow of buyers on markets,
and a volatile inflation of price: residential mortgage outstanding debt reached as early
as 2006 an all-time high level: 35% (France), 50% (Sweden, Spain, Germany), 80% (US)
and 100% (Netherlands, Denmark) of the GDP, according to Schwartz and Seabrooke
(2009). A 2012 IMF report analyzed the change in household debt-to-income ratio
between 2002 and 2010: +100% in Ireland and the Netherlands, +45% in Spain, +50% in
Norway and in the UK, for instance
. Also, since the early 2000s, the gap between
households’ income and real estate prices has widened. For owner-occupied
households, in Britain, Ireland, the average price to income ratio of 3:1 in 1996 reached
values between 4:1 and 5:1 in 2007 (Schwartz and Seabrooke 2009). A study in 17
countries (14 in Europe, and the USA, Canada, Japan) showed that the homeownership
rates ranges between 50 to 83% in 2010. In many countries, homeownership
skyrocketed until the 1990s then stabilized. There is evidence that housing markets
have since switched to another more debt-driven inflation dynamic: data shows a
growth of mortgage debt without growth of ownership “in [a] majority of countries,
recent decades, particularly in the 2000s, were marked by a growth of mortgages per
GDP not paralleled by a growth of homeownership, which either grew much less than
before or even declined” (Kohl 2018, p. 185). In parallel, entire segments of the markets
have shifted to private rental, with a massive transfer of housing debt dedicated to
investments in private rental, a sector that has been framed by national policy regimes
(Wijburg 2019; Byrne 2020; Hochstenbach and Ronald 2020).
11 This results in an unprecedented inflation: in 1985-2010 price-to-income ratio has
increased from + 13% up to +28% in France, 44% in the UK, except in Germany and Japan
(Aalbers 2016). In France, affordability of homeownership, i.e. real estate purchase
power, calculated by dividing housing prices by level of wealth (income generally) has
dropped at its lowest historical level (Friggit 2017), because of a +70% increase of the
actual cost of real estate since 2000, while households benefited from lower interest
rates and longer credit range to offset this price inflation and maintain purchase
power. This is not, however, the case in every European country, as demonstrated in a
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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study by Beresewicz (2015), where data show a decreasing trend on the stock market in
Poland after 2008.
12 This affordability problem spreads across markets, with unequal effects (Kemeny 2001;
André and Chalaux 2018). The OECD Affordable Housing Database (AHD) characterizes the
various conditions existing on European markets. Data show that in many European
countries, price paid (through the average mortgage or rent burden) tops up the 25% of
disposable income critical threshold, in Norway, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, the
Netherlands, Greece, the UK, Denmark and Spain as for rents. For owner-occupied
households, this is measured by means of the cost of mortgage, and it reaches the
highest levels of disposable income in France, in Luxembourg, Ireland and Croatia.
Among lower-income owners, covering all individuals with a net income below 50% of
median income of total population, the situation shows critical threshold of debt (50%)
in 14 countries of the OECD study (Oecd 2018). For renters, the worst situations are
found in 9 countries among which Croatia, Greece, Spain, the UK and Portugal.
2.2 Literature review: affordability, housing regimes and inequalities
13 Given the effects of price inflation on price-to-income gap in European cities, it is
crucial to contextualize the issue within the different market regimes between
European cities, as a large part of the literature considers a global shift in market
regimes has occurred (Fernandez and Aalbers 2016). Affordability of housing has
become, in this context more and more socially and politically embedded in welfare.
14 This situation in European countries is linked with financial and macroeconomic
parameters like monetary policies, credit affordability and fiscal policies targeting
investment (national policies): 25 States in the OECD promote homeownership by
means of subsidies and fiscal incentives to first-time property owners and/or fiscal
incentives to offset the cost for individual buyers (André and Chalaux 2018). This shows
how advanced economies have shifted toward an asset-based welfare model, yielding a
regime linking an ideology of ownership, credit affordability and house price often
subsidized by the State and local governments (Ronald 2008; Rolnik 2013). Topalov
(1987) has well established how homeownership regimes shifted from a rentier-system
to a credit-based massive homeownership system. Such a shift has been regulated by
converging public policies (to increase household solvency and provide incentives to
homeownership), the banking industry, market players’ strategies (among which
developers have been preeminent), and preservation of assets strategies by households.
Some scholars describe a path dependency-shift in almost every nation-state
influenced by global World Bank policies (Rolnik 2013; Theurillat, Rérat, and Crevoisier
2015). Other studies suggest that housing regimes have also recently shifted towards a
retargeting of investment, from owner-occupied housing to private lenders: recent
studies showed that private sector rental has been preeminent in the restructuring of
credit markets since the GCF (Byrne 2020).
15 Trajectories are therefore highly dependent upon national frameworks, and the state
enables households to act as investors, engaging through markets with prospects of
future gains, while exposed to greater risks (volatility of price, loss of property values,
risks of bankruptcy and foreclosures, etc.), raising questions of individual and systemic
risks, and therefore vulnerabilities of households (Schwartz 2012).
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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16 This has also been a gradual shift in welfare, across national models (Fernandez and
Aalbers 2016). Housing asset-based welfare is described as a rising ideology of
ownership across modern-industrialized societies and a path dependency in housing
policy reforms (Malpass 2011), characterized market mechanisms driven by policy-
measures, socio-ideological frameworks (Ronald 2008) and finance-led accumulation
regimes (Boyer 2009). This holds for both owners and for private lenders, who are also
often households developing investment strategies to recycle accumulated wealth.
More specifically, theories link the high proportion of capital investment that housing
represents for households and the ways welfare states are organized and reformed
(Kemeny 2001), the pursuit of owner-occupancy being viewed as a superior form of
tenure, while privatizing social housing (Van Gent 2010).
17 The situation in Europe is very diverse in this respect. André and Chalaux (2018) used
the OECD database to identify four groups among a set of OECD countries, showing how
the dimensions of the affordability question are highly multifaceted, according to
various market regimes:
A group named "Northern", as it covers mainly Northern Europe, including
Germany, features extended private rental and generally high household debt. A
"Western" group, which includes France and the United Kingdom, has higher
home-ownership rates and more social housing. "SouthernCentral" and "Eastern"
groups gather European countries, where outright home-ownership is prevalent,
but housing conditions are poorer. (André and Chalaux 2018, p. 1)
18 One policy implication is that no single recommendation can be issued at a European
level regarding the affordability crisis, with regards to the diversity of market
conditions in Europe. Generally speaking:
For prospective homeowners: increased affordability gap leads to a socially-selective access
to housing markets, yielding more spatial exclusion and increased social tensions. Real
estate has become an important driver of socioeconomic inequalities, especially between
owners and renters, with different trajectories of wealth and accumulation.
The cost of ownership impacts rents, and also the availability of housing to let, especially
because of increased private rental that are substitutes to the withdrawal of the State from
public rental. The global financial and economic crisis also led to decreasing construction
activities across Europe, in particular with respect to social housing, as many governments
restrained their level of public spending.
For owners, real estate has become a major component of household wealth. But local
markets are also volatile. Housing prices are therefore unstable and contingent upon the
market’s continuous restratification within and across neighborhoods. Real estate
influences the local conditions through which household wealth is accumulated or lost (Le
Goix et al. 2021).
2.3 Filling a data gap
19 In such a context, the goal of the database is to detail the relationships between
income, price and local market conditions in European FUAs. However, one major issue
is the lack of harmonized spatial data to map and analyze affordability in Europe. There
are plenty of institutional (tax, census), private (real-estate agents and websites) and
national or local data (parcels, local tax rolls). These are not harmonized and easy to
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
20 ESPON interest in the database has been policy oriented. However, data by OECD and
Eurostat are disseminated respectively at the national and at the city levels, but the
datasets are far from complete in terms of thematic and geographical objects available
to accurately analyze housing dynamics. The Urban Audit survey (Eurostat) publishes
some perception data on the conditions of housing, and annual statistic aggregates on
price, type of structure and households’ income, with an average degree of
completeness of 51%, along with missing data in several countries in Europe, including
France. The OECD database characterizes affordability as national aggregates, and
allows for comparisons to be made between countries (André and Chalaux 2018). To
compare housing situations between European cities, Eurostat provides some
indicators mainly derived from national censuses under the topic “living conditions”. It
provides basic distinctions between houses and apartments, housing type (owner-
occupied dwellings, households in social housing), as well as incomplete data on the
average price for buyers and renters and average income. Eurostat also provides an
overview of the distribution of housing conditions across the European urban
21 Two shortcomings should be highlighted: (1) a lack of information regarding the
definition and harmonization between databases; (2) the market segments and spatial
coverages for which the aggregated information is relevant. These are common
problems when harmonizing national census definitions and highlight the
heterogeneity of national censuses led in each country in Europe. In short: some
datasets are available, but on many respects, there is a need for ways to bridge and
produce analysis at local level (Julliard and Gusarova 2019).
3 Methods
22 This section describes the steps required to select data sources, define case studies, and
data collection, harvesting and the methodology required to combine conventional and
unconventional data sources. We describe harmonization and aggregation procedures,
that are not only technical, but also conceptual. We finally discuss quality control and
data validation procedures, and finally missing data handling, by means of
interpolation. As detailed in Figure 1, the workflow required three major steps.
3.1 Data sources
23 The data collection was organized using two categories of data sources (Figure 1).
Conventional data sources are provided by traditional statistical offices through census
for public, demographic use and policies. We gathered data from these providers
mainly to inform households income, and we used local income by national statistical
offices, and national income data at national level (Eurostat). We combine such classical
indicators with unconventional data sources to describe housing market.
24 Data were extracted from various platforms and sources and are often named “big
data”. We define as “unconventional” data sources that have not been designed and/or
documented to prepare measurements, geographical processing and socio-economic
research. They often derive from administration or commercial purposes. We
distinguish two kinds of unconventional data providers. Institutional data providers on
the one hand (Chambre des Notaires in France , Wuestpartner in Switzerland). Such
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
commercial providers distribute proprietary databases that derive from public records
of property transactions. They provide information on real-estate transactions. On the
other hand, we used scraped data from internet services, which gather advertisements
by real-estate agents and private sellers (Leboncoin in France, Fotocasa in Spain): the
database also aggregates information on real-estate offers. Such unconventional data is
often viewed as interesting proxies to measure, and better understand spatial
behaviors and territorial dynamics, and as a means of providing higher spatio-temporal
resolution data when compared to institutional data sources (Gallotti et al. 2015),
although findings suggests caution regarding the significance of such sources (Kitchin
2013). Prior to relying upon the unconventional data sources, it is important to assess
their reliability, and if they provide accurate information when compared to the long
established, statistically robust collection data. Some studies have addressed the
robustness of IDS (Internet Data Sources) compared to more conventional data (Le Goix
and Vesselinov 2014; Beresewicz 2015), so we also consider the issue of robustness of
collected samples in this study (section 3.6).
Figure 1: Overview of the methodology (workflow).
3.2 Spatial coverage: 10 functional urban areas as case-studies
25 Ten case studies have been selected, covering some of the variegated dynamics of
housing market (gentrification process, tourism, housing crisis, etc.). Highlighting
heterogeneous and contrasting situations has been deemed relevant to carry out a first
international and comparative study on housing dynamics in Europe based on local
26 The 10 case studies cover 4 countries of the ESPON Area as well as one cross-border
region: Geneva-Annecy-Annemasse (Switzerland-France), Avignon and Paris (France),
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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Madrid, Barcelona and Palma de Majorca (Spain) and Warsaw, Łódź and Krakow
(Poland). They have been selected for their variety (size and urban dynamics), data
availability, and local expertise on data sources. Because they cover cities with both
high and low levels of owner-occupancy, the interest of the selection is to highlight a
range of housing regimes in Europe, and also allows to consider how to fill data gaps, as
on Figure 2 (Poland, for instance, was poorly documented in European databases).
27 The selected case studies occupy various positions in the urban hierarchy: the
spectrum ranges from 3rd tier cities functional urban areas (276,000 inhabitants for
Annecy, 320,000 for Avignon or 670,000 for Palma de Majorca), up to larger cities (3.1
million inhabitants for Warsaw, 4.9 for Barcelona, 6.6 for Madrid) and includes one
global city (11.9 M in Paris FUA). The Geneva-Annemasse-Annecy cross-border area
offers an interesting setting in terms of unequal affordability, not yet studied with
harmonized data.
28 For these 10 case-studies, the aim is to provide statistical information on housing
affordability at three territorial levels: at the FUA itself, and down to the LAU2 level
(communes in France) and the 1km European reference grid level.
Figure 2: Overview of case-study FUAs (% of owned dwellings 2010 and Eurostats data gaps).
Note : Names and blue outlines indicate case-studies (functional urban areas).
3.3 A survey of data sources for case studies
29 To detail the procedure, we have first identified the availability of possible sources to
analyze the local spatial structure of housing affordability in a selection of countries.
This step has highlighted how difficult it would be to follow a data-driven approach in a
European comparative perspective on housing and affordability. The goal has therefore
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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been to include in the study various national situations regarding the availability of
data, in order to test a methodology for data collection that could be extended to other
contexts, in a future pan-European study.
30 The review has been realized in France, Poland, Spain, Switzerland
, as main case
studies. Its purpose was to highlight the main characteristics of these data resources,
where local expertise was available (spatial coverage, time coverage, available
indicators…). We also used as source of information a recently published report by
Julliard and Gusarova (2019). Table 1 offers an overview of potential data sources
available for surveyed countries.
France has a long-standing well-established tradition of nationally collecting statistical
information on transactions. Given a costly fee (even for researcher of public institutions),
transaction data are made available commercially by the Paris Chamber of Notaries database
(BIEN). This database covers Ile-de-France real-estate transactions. For the rest of France,
the same type of information are commercially made available by French notaries as
PERVAL database. Such databases provide a wide range of information related to
transactions: price, very detailed characteristics of the property, as well as extra
information such as the socio-economic attributes of the seller and the buyer (age,
employment category), or the contracted debt of the buyer. Data on property values
declared to for land property taxation has been made available in 2019
. This fiscal database
(Demandes de valeurs foncières, DVF) is available free of charge. It however does not exactly
cover transactions on the housing markets, but individual parcels and buildings known
values. The problem being that one transactions is in many cases composed by several
parcels (i.e. one apartment and one garage; one house, a piece of land, and sometimes a
garage and an outbuilding). Major differences between transactions databases and DVF, and
their possible use, has been thoroughly documented by Casanova et al. (2017); Casanova
Enault, Boulay, and Coulon (2019). Furthermore, many online platforms coexist, that provide
different entry-points as IDS. We used one of the most popular ones: Leboncoin.fr market-
place advertises properties to buy and properties to let, either by real-estate agents or by
. InsideAirbnb (harvested Airbnb data) is also an important data source available
in Paris, Bordeaux and Lyon.
In Poland, a variety of datasets are available: for some cities the transaction price can be
obtained through notarial deeds, down to the address (Łódź), but this has not been the case
in Warsaw or Krakow. Some datasets are also collected by the National Bank of Poland (LAU2
units). The online real-estate market place domiporta.pl is a widely used resource, that
provides real-estate advertisement: it is a harvestable source for price asked and rent asked.
Airbnb advertises properties in many cities, but the insideAirBnb harvesting platform is not
Except aggregated price index and statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, INE and
Ministerio des Fomento, Registradores de España), Spain has no national transaction
detailed local data widely and reliably available, although Registradores de España now
release partial data. Prices are not released publicly, however. Some cities publish their own
transactions data (Barcelonatran, for instance), otherwise price estimates are available
through companies and private providers. It is therefore convenient in Spain to harvest data
online: Fotocasa and Idealista are websites and interactive online platforms that collect
property advertisements. Such tools provide property and rental prices. InsideAirbnb
(harvested Airbnb data) is available for 6 Spanish cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga,
Mallorca, Sevilla and Valencia.
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
Switzerland has official statistics on rents and new buildings (Census, Statistics Federal
Office), but not on property prices. Several private companies collect and distribute
property data for Switzerland, such as CIFI or Fahrländer Partner. In this project, we have
used Wuest&Partner data sources, considered as the most accurate.
Table 1: Potential data sources available for case studies, a synthesis
Countries Institutional data on transactions Market place platforms Census
(case study) (land registry, notaries…) (online data harvesting )
Switzerland X X
France X X
Spain Some cities X
Poland Some cities X
3.4 Data collection
31 Based on data sources identified, this section describes the process leading to the
combination of unconventional and conventional data sources. This process has been
fully documented, detailed as a narrative for the case study of Barcelona, along with
the complete R language code, to demonstrate and reproduce the methodology. A fully
documented reproducible R code is provided as Supplemental Material on the data
. Other examples are documented in the full report
3.4.1 Conventional institutional data: Eurostat and National Statistical Institutes
32 A first issue is data collection from the relevant providers to target harmonized
indicators as outputs. Conventional census data are required to extract information at
EU level on socio-economic characteristics of case studies and to collect data on
income, for the construction of an estimation of real-estate affordability. Institutional
unconventional data are also required to describe residential property markets.
33 Two main categories of institutional data providers (“official statistics”) have been
used: harmonized European statistics and national statistics. EU statistics (sources
Urban statistics, Eurostat) have been used to characterize selected case-studies as
regards to the other cities of Europe. Taking into account the availability of data, 20
indicators at Core City have been identified, against 14 only at FUA level. This allows to
compare all the European cities and Functional Urban Areas. EU statistics include
demographic indicators (age), households’ characteristics, information related to the
employment (economy tertiary oriented or not) and other relevant factors to
understand who lives in the cities. However, little information is available on housing.
It is only possible to extract one item of the EU perception survey: “is it easy to find
good housing in your city?”, which gives only a very rough qualitative assessment of
affordability by European citizens. These indicators are provided in the data repository.
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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Table 2: Listing of Eurostat available indicators relevant for characterizing the housing market
Indicator Name
(in the data delivery)
POP_2015 Total population 2015 “urb_cpop1”
POP024_2015 Share of population aged 0-24 years (%) 2015 “urb_cpop1”
POP2544_2015 Share of population aged 25-44 years (%) 2015 “urb_cpop1”
POP4564_2015 Share of population aged 45-64 years (%) 2015 “urb_cpop1”
Share of population aged above 65 years
2015 “urb_cpop1”
HOUSEHOLD_AREA_2011 Housing size (average size of dwellings) 2011 “urb_clivcon”
HOUSEHOLD_SIZE_2011 Average size of households 2011 “urb_clivcon”
SINGLE_HOUSEHOLD_2011 Share of single households (%) 2011 “urb_clivcon”
OWNED_DWELLINGS_2011 Share of owner-occupied dwellings (%) 2011 “urb_clivcon”
UNEMP_2014 Unemployment rate (%) 2014 “urb_clma”
EMP_INDS_2014 Share of employment in industry (%) 2014 “urb_clma”
Share of employment in restauration,
hotels and transports (%)
2014 “urb_clma”
Share of employment in real estate
activities (%)
2014 “urb_clma”
Share of students in higher education
(ISCED 5-6) (per 1000 persons in the
population 18-24 years)
2011 “urb_ceduc”
Proportion of popuation aged 25-64 years
qualified at level 5 to 8 ISCED
2011 “urb_ceduc”
Total nights spent in tourist
accommodation establishments per
resident population
2011 “urb_ctour”
Number of available beds in tourist
accomodation establishments per 1000
2011 “urb_ctour”
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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Share of persons answering "Strongly
agree" to the question of the Urban Audit
: is it easy to find good housing in your
city ?
2015 “urb_percep”
Share of persons answering "Strongly
disagree" to the question of the Urban
Audit : is it easy to find good housing in
your city ?
2015 “urb_percep”
34 Global affordability indices have been prepared using European income data at a
national level (EU-SILC survey
). This is the reference source for comparative statistics
on income distribution in the European Union. For this study, the first, the fifth
(median) and the ninth decile of income distribution have been used. The choice of
thresholds has been made with regards to the needs for data standardization to
compare national affordability between case studies in the local data production
described in the following subsections. These aggregates, harmonized at a European
level, allow the comparison of affordability levels across national contexts. Income data
have then been used to produce normalized indicators of affordability (price to income
ratio), for instance to answer the following question: “How long the 10% poorest /
median / 10% richest of the population have to work to buy/rent 1sq. meter in city A”?
35 LAU2 income, data provided by national providers, have also been used, especially to
locally contextualize affordability. A classical caveat applies regarding income data. It
is not recommended to compare local affordability, based on local income data,
between cities of different countries. Indeed, the methodologies for income
computation varies from one country to another: per capita or per households; before/
after tax; with or without social benefits, etc. The statistical parameters for aggregated
income also differ in institutional data, some as median, other are average income at
LAU2 level. Nevertheless, local affordability indexes are still highly relevant to compare
local affordability between cities of the same country (Avignon-Paris / Madrid,
Barcelona-Palma de Mallorca / or Łódź-Warsaw-Krakow separately), the methodology
of income calculation being generally harmonized at national level. Indicators available
in the database are detailed section Unconventional institutional data:
36 In some cases, in France, it has been possible to use property-level data. Two datasets
have been used.
One on the Paris region, provided under the Labex Dynamite agreement by Paris Notaries
Services, a subsidiary of the Chamber of the Notaries. This sample contains transactions for
the region and its suburbs, within the administrative limits of Ile-de-France (roughly 1
million rows), for year 1996 to 2012. All records contain information on the property
amenities and pricing, and series of understudied interesting variable on sellers and buyers,
such as age, sex, socio-economic status, national origin, place of residence, and some credit
history related to the transaction. For a discussion on the interest and limitations of this
dataset for local studies of housing inequality, see Le Goix et al. (2019a).
In other French FUAs (Avignon, Annecy, Annemasse), PERVAL, a database of transactions
provided by Les notaires de France has been purchased for the study. It provides properties
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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information, based on individual transactions, with a data structure similar to BIEN
3.4.3 Unconventional real-estate data: harvesting
37 Data harvesting or web-scraping has been systematically used to gather data on the
real-estate market offer (both property and rental markets), where institutional data
on transactions simply do not exist. Harvesting real-estate websites can be considered
in such cases as the only viable solution to properly gather a significant sample of data
on housing market and advertised prices on real estate offers or rental. Data harvesting
however raises methodological, ethical and legal questions that have been considered
in the course of the project.
38 Data harvesting, on real-estate advertisement websites and market-places platforms
has been conducted following a procedure, generally using Python language Scrapy
library, which can be summarized as follows:
Listing properties. Harvesting real estate online listings (property advertisements). It
consists in getting the total number of ads and determining the pages to scrape after
identification of the relevant tags syntax in the URL query, with a specific attention given to
geographical tags and the type of offer (real estate offer / rental ; apartments and-or houses,
etc). We then automatically collect all the adds included in all pages of the first query result.
The first output is a list of URLs to be harvested (one URL by offer).
Identifying all the relevant information for listed properties in step 1. This consists in
preparing the script for each website to automatically fetch the data. It requires to harvest
the webpage, and identify the interesting attributes/tags to get (price, number of rooms,
surface, geographical location …). This is a tedious, very costly and time-consuming process
that requires a lot of retro-engineering of webpages, with different data sources in each
Data cleaning. The most common errors are duplicate records (sometimes a real estate
listing can be published several times), absence of location coordinates or inconsistencies in
the information describing each advertised property (area, price, etc.). More inconsistencies
are found in geocoding. This will be further discussed in the validation section.
3.5 Harmonization of the database, description of variables
39 Data collection/cleaning and aggregation procedures are conducted so as to produce
data that can be used in a multiscale perspective. Produced at the local fine-grain
geographical city level (grid and LAU2), they are also aggregated up to the level of the
entire FUAs. The indicators created are described below, and summarized Table 3.
40 Local data produced contain the following information, where available:
Official geometries identifiers (LAU2 and grid)
Income data (municipal and national income data)
Aggregated transaction data if available (rooms, surface, price, debt contracted)
Aggregated web-scraped data for property sales (rooms, surface, price)
Aggregated web-scraped data for property rental (rooms, surface, price)
41 The production of indicators revolved around the premises that price-to-income ratios,
and their derivatives, are a commonly agreed characterization of general affordability.
There are many dimensions to define affordability and accessibility to housing, a
simple and robust indicator had to be defined and our proposal elaborates on price-to-
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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income ratio, a measure often considered in the literature (Kim and Renaud 2009; Tighe
and Mueller 2012; Friggit 2017). One of the advantages is how this measure combines
housing prices (ownership or rental) as a numerator and a denominator related to
wealth or socio-economic situation of the population (income). PIR are easy to
understand and convey clear policy data informed messages, such as the number of
months of full-time wage required to buy or rent 1 square meter
42 The database delivers 29 targeted indicators at the FUA level, relevant for discussing
housing and compare characterization between FUAs. These are provided at LAU2
level. It corresponds to 1390 territorial units in the Paris FUA, 43 in Avignon, 286 in the
Geneva cross-border Area, 129 in Barcelona, 137 in Madrid, 33 in Palma de Mallorca,
151 in the 3 Polish FUAs. Data have also been aggregated at the FUA levels to provide
statistical synthesis at this territorial level highly important from a policy point of view
in Europe
43 The indicators cover all the dimensions of the data collection, meaning real-estate
transactions (Table 3a), real-transaction offers (Table 3b), the level of income of the
population (Table 3c) and harmonized indicators (Table 3d, based on the variables
detailed in Tables 3a,b and c). Metadata explicitly detail the indicator codes, labels,
units of measure, reference year and data sources.
44 For each of the indicators displayed in table 3a and 3b, several statistical distribution
parameters have been used as thresholds to evaluate the statistical dispersion at the
LAU2 territorial unit
: first quartile (Q25 in the indicator code), median (Q50), third
quartile (Q75), sum.
Table 3a: Indicators on real-estate transactions
Code Label Measure unit Reference years
Number of real
Number of
2011-2012 (Paris), 2010 and 2014 (Avignon),
2017 (Polish case-studies), 2012 (Barcelona),
2010 and 2015 for Geneva cross-border area,
no data for Madrid and Palma de Mallorca,
Debt is only available for French case-
Price paid for
Surface of
ROOMS Number of rooms Room
Sum of debt
contracted to buy
a property
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Table 3b: Indicators on real-estate offers
Code Label
Reference year
Number of real estate
Number of
Data gathered from Web scraping on
reference real-estate Websites in
Advertized price for
properties (real estate
Surface of properties (real
estate offers)
OFFERS_ROOMS Number of rooms Room
RENT_NUMBER Number of rental offers
Number of
Advertized price for rental
RENT_SURFACE Surface of rental offers
Number of rooms (rental
RBNB_NUMBER Number of Airbnb offer
Number of
2019 (Inside Airbnb)
Table 3c - Indicators from national statistical censuses and Eurostat
Code Label
Reference year
TOT_P Total population Inhabitants 2011
Average or median
income (municipalities)
2016 for France, 2015 for Poland,
2011-2015 for France and Switzerland
(average on time-period),
National Income, first
Euros 2015
National Income,
Euros 2015
National Income, 9th
Euros 2015
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45 The most relevant ratios (Table 3d) are combined starting from basic indicators (Tables
3a,b & c).
price/sq. meter (price paid, advertised price, rental), a standard indicator, but highly
contingent to the local structure of housing;
Three different affordability indices. Local affordability is a price-to-income ratio computed
with local income. It describes to what extent a LAU2 is more or less affordable for
household living in the LAU2, based on the local income distribution. National affordability
answers a more general question: to what extent a given place is affordable for an average
household in a given country. We also provide the difference between local and national
affordability. This gives a better understanding of whether it is easier or not for a local
household, as compared to another one moving out from any other place in the same
country, to afford a property in the designated area (positive values), or not (negative
A last index is referred to as the profitability index, calculated as a ratio between advertised
price for property and advertised price for rental. This approach is best conceptualized as
being a common approach that computes how much one landlord should invest in a rental
property for 1 euro of rent”. A higher index means two things: advertised prices are high, as
compared to rental offer; or rental offer prices are cheaper, compared to property prices. In
other terms, a lower index can be interpreted as locations where the development of rental
offers may be specifically profitable for real-estate investors.
Table 3d - Synthesis of harmonized indicators built from various data sources.
Code Label
PRICE_SURF Price paid for properties
Euros per
OFFERS_PRICESURF Advertized price for properties,
Euros per
RENT_PRICESURF Advertized price for rental offers
Euros per
Profitability index (Ratio between advertized
price per sq. meter for property and advertized
price per sq. meter for rental offers
Index B
Local affordability: Number of months of local
income required to buy 1sq. meter (ratio
between price paid per sq. meter for property
and median local income/12)
Month A-C
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National affordability: Number of months of
national income required to buy 1sq. meter
(ratio between price paid per sq. meter for
property and median income/12)
Month A-C
Difference between local and national
affordability (transactions)
Month D
Local affordability (real-estate transaction
Month B-C
National affordability (real-estate transaction
Month B-C
Difference between local and national
affordability (transaction offers)
Month D
Local affordability (rental): Number of days of
local income required to rent 1sq. meter (ratio
between advertized price per sq. meter for
rental and median local income/365)
Days B-C
National affordability (rental): Number of days
of national income required to rent 1sq. meter
(ratio between advertized price per sq. meter
for rental and median local income/365)
Days B-C
Difference between local and national
affordability (rental)
Days D
Price paid for properties, sum, smoothed (cf
part 3.5.2 for details)
Euros A-B
Surface of properties, sum, smoothed (cf part
3.5.2 for details)
Price paid for properties (Euros per square
meters), smoothed
Euros /
46 Considering the availability of data, and combining data with the computation of
statistical parameters (Q25, Q50, Q75, etc.) whenever it was deemed relevant, the
database is structured with 84 variables for the FUA of Paris, 83 for Geneva-cross-
border area, 108 for Avignon (real-estate transactions available for 2 time periods), 56
for Madrid and Palma de Mallorca (no real-estate transaction data), 79 for Barcelona
(some real-estate transaction indicators) and 63 indicators for Poland. All variable
names share a common coding system, whenever the datasets are fully comparable
from a methodological point of view. The data repository includes one data file by case-
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3.6 Quality control and data validation
47 Two main issues had to be tackled with when analyzing the consistency of data
produced. A first one has been the degree to which it was statistically reliable to match
institutional and robust census data with scraped and maybe biased datasets. A second
issue was how to address missing values, locally poor sampling of spatial data, and
spatial biases. This section describes how such issues have been tackled with, and
mitigation procedures that have been applied and approved by ESPON EGTC, in the
process of publishing the datasets on ESPON Database Portal.
3.6.1 Quality of scraped data vs. institutional data
48 The reliability of ‘big data’ when compared to institutional sources is indeed a complex
question which does not have a single and clear answer. Some research focused on
assessing the sampling bias of various ISP data sources, whether socio-demographics or
spatial coverage quality assessment i.e. statistical and spatial representativeness
(Ruths and Pfeffer 2014; Longley, Adnan, and Lansley 2015; Shelton, Poorthui, and Zook
2015). Such studies have been conducted on a case-by-case basis, and this literature
lacks references to quantitatively review, for a given spatial information task, the pros
and cons of different types of big data when compared to traditional sources, by
systematically comparing the picture one obtains with different sources.
49 To avoid this lack of comparison between pricing references, we designed our research
so as to be able to estimate the quality of scraped data, elaborating on researches that
have conducted estimations and quality control on similar data sources. First, 2006
Beresewicz (2015) specifically addresses the question of comparing the
representativeness of Internet Data Sources (IDS) compared to conventional data
sources to analyze the real estate market in Poland. Institutional database on
transactions allows to compare with harvested big data sources (real estate websites,
open data sources and warehouses, Airbnb…). He also evaluates to which extent such
online resources can be considered reliable to estimate quantitative information of the
housing market. He compares basic variables, such as price per sq. m, floor area,
number of rooms, to verify the consistency of data between institutional data and IDS.
This research found the IDS data sources to be mostly consistent over time, except for
larger apartments which are under-represented. He finally insists on the fact that "due
to the non-sampling character of data obtained from the Internet, it is challenging to
estimate standard errors for the estimated characteristics», and that transactions
institutional data "do not contain any information on standard errors of estimates,
which again limits the scope of comparison of distributions" (2006, p. 54).
50 We obviously faced similar issues. We therefore sought to estimate the differences in
datasets by comparing the statistical distribution of those constructed with
institutional sources on the one hand, and those gathered by the means of real-estate
website harvesting, for case-studies for which both sources were available. Elaborating
on a very common indicator, price per sq. meter. Figure 3 shows that there are
significant differences between institutional data and IPS data, especially in Avignon,
Paris and Barcelona. Geneva, Annecy and Annemasse ISP data however seem to better
fit the distribution of transaction data. We also plot on Figure 3 the distribution of price
per sq. meters for case-studies for which only harvested data from ISP: it has not been
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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possible to compare ISP data to other sources in these cases (Madrid, Palma and
Warsaw, Łódź and Krakow).
Figure 3: Statistical distribution of case-studies in the ESPON Housing database, and sample
difference analysis where both institutional and scraped ISP sources available: Kruskal-Wallis test
and Dunn pairwise tests significance. Significant differences between groups shown only. Name of
variables are the same as in the distributed database (boxplots: Q1, Q2 and Q3. error bars: 1.5*IQR.
point: means).
Source: ESPON Big Data for Territorial Analysis and Housing Dynamics, UMS RIATE, 2019
51 To elaborate further on the differences between data sources, and to document
whether scraped data should be used assuming they are representative as an
alternative data source, we assume that scraped data have in common a non-sampling
character. Recent work also analyzed available data and possible bias and
representativeness issues (Boulay G., Blanke D., Casanova Enault L., and Granié A.,
2020). They showed that transaction data (where available, for instance in France) do
not contain any information on standard errors of estimates, which limits the scope of
comparison between statistical distributions. They compared, on the one hand, DVF
and PERVAL databases, both released as transaction database, the first one being
produced for fiscal purposes, the other one as a listing of transactions registered by the
Chamber of the Notaries. On both sources, they noted the non-sampling character of
data, notaries listing being incomplete (especially outside of the Paris region)
, and
DVF data being reconstructed as pseudo-transactions after post-processing arbitrages
conducted on records that describe parcels (many of them with multiple units, i.e.
several apartments; or any combination of houses, apartments, commercial units).
They conclude that fiscal data and notaries data do not exactly convey the same
representation of pricing and market segments. More importantly, they insist that
public records made available as open-data (Open-DVF) do not allow to analyze the
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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volume of transactions, neither to easily distinguish new housing units, against stock
housing units (Casanova Enault et al., 2019). Casanova et al. (2017) importantly
conclude that discrepancies observed between DVF and PERVAL derive from "1) the
sampling biases induced by the incomplete and unknown coverage of the market in the
PERVAL database, 2) differences in choice in the segmentation applied to DVF (post-
processing of multiple transactions in parcel records)" (Casanova et al., 2017, p. 726,
Author’s translation).
52 To illustrate this point, we analyzed data gathered with different sources for the
Avignon FUA (Figure 4) and the Paris FUA (Figure 5). Both are functional urban areas
for which both institutional data (transactions from the notaries) and scraped data
(advertisements) were available for the study. Additionally, to better inform the
validity of collected data, we used DVF fiscal data (the Etalab version), a dataset that
was not available at the time of the study delivered to ESPON. We however used DVF in
this paper because records are exhaustive, and are useful to benchmark the quality of
scraped data against public records. Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the resulting
distribution comparisons (box plots), a Kruskal-Wallis test and a pairwise Dunn test.
Although box-plots demonstrate on average similar distribution patterns of means,
median, Q1 and Q3 across the samples compared, the Kruskal-Wallis test demonstrates
that distributions significantly differ one from another, and this is especially true with
the number of rooms, which seems unreliable in scraped data, compared to other
datasets. The pairwise comparison shows that transactions and fiscal data, although
different, are also in general more similar in Avignon. In Paris FUA, all databases show
significant differences in means, for every variable. Scraped data 2019 and BIEN 2012
however show similar means, and the pairwise test does not allow to reject the null
hypothesis. Such a similarity in means and median is counter intuitive, given the
tremendous effect of inflation in Paris. Interpretation of the result is therefore
speculative, because of the lack of comparability of price references between BIEN and
DVF (Casanova Enault et al., 2019; Casanova et al., 2017). A probable elaboration on the
result would be that while the central city has maintained price growth in the upper
segments of price/sq meters brackets, the rest of the metropolitan area has not
followed up on the inflation curve: as a consequence Q3 and the upper 1.5 IQR
threshold are much higher in 2019 than in 2012, and price inflation has increased
heterogeneity in the statistical distribution of prices at the level of the entire FUA.
53 From this, it seems inappropriate to conclude that scraped data are representative of
institutional data as an alternative data source, because of uncontrolled bias in all three
data sources, that affects the pairwise comparison of data. Especially, scraped data,
based on advertised transactions, are characterized by a higher variance, especially
regarding the advertised price and surface, and outliers that are difficult to control for
their reliability (possible errors on posted properties listings). It can be assumed that
errors on price, surface and number of rooms are limited when controlled and recorded
with the signature of the final deed
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Figure 4: Sample difference analysis of transactions and advertisements, data sources on Avignon
FAU (PERVAL, DVF, Scraped data) : Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn pairwise tests significance.
Significant differences between groups shown only. (boxplots: Q1, Q2 and Q3. error bars: 1.5*IQR.
point: means).
Sources: PERVAL 2010, 2014 ; DVF 2019; LeBonCoin 2019
Figure 5: Sample difference analysis of transactions and advertisements, data sources on Paris
FAU (BIEN, DVF, Scraped data) : Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn pairwise tests significance.
Significant differences between groups shown only. (boxplots: Q1, Q2 and Q3. error bars: 1.5*IQR.
point: means).
Sources: BIEN 2010, 2012 ; DVF 2019; LeBonCoin 2019
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3.5.2 Spatial coverage and missing data: interpolation
54 All indicators have been delivered at the LAU2 level. But some indicators have also been
delivered at a finer grain. We describe the interest and methodology required to go
beyond the municipal level by aggregating and interpolating the results in a 1km
INSPIRE grid. This allows to go beyond the LAU2 level which, although relevant for
policy making, is basically too large for observing existing inequalities for some cities
defined by large territorial units, such as Paris, Barcelona or Warsaw. Indeed, larger
geographical aggregates (LAU2) poorly perform when it comes to circumscribe the
local structure of housing markets and living conditions, because of the local
heterogeneity of local spatial patterns. Local submarkets, segments and regimes are
often constructed at more local geographical levels, and grid cells have often been
considered an ad hoc solution to provide a more detailed analysis when disaggregated
data sources are available.
55 We followed the approach that has already been applied in the case of transactions
(Guérois and Le Goix 2009; Le Goix et al. 2019). It consists in computing a synthetic
value based on distance and weight of the observed population, as initially proposed by
Stewart (1942) for an analysis of the distribution of student population and catchment
areas of American Universities, and more recently applied for socioeconomic
phenomena (Grasland 2009). We infer that property markets are discrete social data,
similar to Tobler’s hypothesis (Tobler and Wineburg 1971): a potential price for a
specific location is a function of distance to nearby similar transactions, and also a
function of the number of properties available, turnover and realized transactions. This
method removes spatial bias, resolving the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). We
apply Stewart’s potential to house price, and also to the number of sellers and buyers of
each occupational category, using the SpatialPosition R package (Commenges and Giraud
2016; Commenges, Giraud, and Lambert 2016). Resulting values have been estimated
negative exponential function, with a span of 5 km and a distance decay parameter of
-2. An example of the resulting visualization is provided in Figure 6.
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Figure 6: Property values in Barcelona, estimations at a 1 km grid cell (Advertized price per sq. m.)
4 Use and possible reuse: some insights on comparing
affordability indicators between cities
56 We present maps and discuss some examples of the findings for a selection of FUAs, to
highlight the different ways data from the ESPON Housing database can be used and
compared to analyze some dimensions of affordability, for both the rental and property
buyers’ markets.
4.1 Comparing advertised rental prices
57 A first set of examples, in Poland, shows how the case cities (FUAs) reflect divergent
paths of demographic and economic development in the last three decades, with
dynamics regions i.e., Krakow and Warsaw, and on the other hand Łódź that became
one of the fastest shrinking cities in Poland. On Figure 7, we compare the price of rental
(scraped data), and the median national income. To clarify, the idea underlying the
reference to national income being to what extent is it possible for a median household,
living anywhere in Poland, to access affordable housing in any given neighborhood, in
any city.
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Figure 7: Affordability (rental) – national income, 2019 (Warsaw, Łódź, Krakow)
58 The maps display the time required (number of days of median income) to rent 1 sq. m.
The level of housing affordability generally reflects the geography of real estate offers,
with lower availability in the municipalities with more expensive offers for sale and
rental housing. Intriguingly, it is difficult to distinguish one common pattern for the
three case cities/regions. Whereas in the Krakow region the lowest housing
affordability (sales and rentals) characterizes the core city, suburban locations also
show high rent-to-income ratio (low affordability) in Łódź and Warsaw. The lower
housing affordability in some suburban municipalities is related to the relationship
between the relative low incomes of the population that stay put, and the new wave of
suburbanization bringing new housing further away from the core city. The patterns of
housing affordability do not precisely fit the expected distance decay from the center,
but is rather spatially structured within the three functional urban areas following a
mosaic or fragmented structure; and some clusters of high and low values could also be
4.2 The multifaceted aspects of affordability issues in Paris
59 Another example of how we approached affordability can be covered with those three
maps of the Paris FUA, a housing market that is considered very strong, tensed and
highly unaffordable for local residents (Figure 9).
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Figure 8: The variegated dimensions of affordability in Paris.
Note : a. the number of months of local income required to buy 1 sq. Meter. b. the number of days of
local income to rent 1 sq.meter. c. the number of months of income to buy 1 sq. m., on the basis of
French national income median. d. the difference of purchasing power in Paris in local income
compared to national income (a minus c).
60 The spatial structure of affordability shows very contrasted patterns in Paris, and this
example offers an opportunity to highlight different ways of measuring affordability,
with contrasting results.
Affordability measured with reference to local income shows that buying an apartment
downtown Paris will cost at least 3.8 months of full income by sq. meter, this is not true in
the wealthiest part (16th arrondissement), where local income offset the cost of housing.
This analysis of unequal affordability is strongly driven by the effects of local income: with
lower income in the North-East of the FUA, the structure of housing is more and more
inaccessible to local residents (Figure 8a).
Rental affordability, when compared to local average income at the municipal level (Figure
8b) is highly detrimental to the population leaving in the Nord-East corridor of Paris, and
generally speaking in the lower income areas of the East side of the inner suburbs.
Analysis of affordability with reference to the national median income tells a different story:
the entire western corridor is very unaffordable on this index (above the threshold of 2
months of income by sq. m.), while the North-East and South-East sections of the FUA
correspond to areas where apartments would cost between 0.8 to 1.8 months / sq. m.
On Figure 8d, data show what can be described as a differential accessibility, in other words
the difference in purchasing power between national and local municipal incomes. This
represents the difference between the financial effort of a local resident compared with the
financial effort of an outsider willing to move in. While most of the Western side is rather
unaffordable (purple), and out of reach for an average household based on national income,
part of the region in yellow remains more or less affordable to an average household, while
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
it is not affordable to local residents. This price-to-income spatial structure highlights how
property markets pressurize the potential of ownership and decent access to housing in the
inner ring of the region, in former blue-collar and now gentrifying neighborhoods
4.3 Affordability in a segmented and heterogeneous rental market:
Geneva and Annecy
61 A last example of how we analyzed affordability in FUAs can be covered with the
example of the cross-border region, with two FUAs: Geneva and Annecy. The housing
market of Geneva-Annecy FUA is structured by a very segmented and heterogeneous
rental market. Switzerland is a country of tenants, and ownership is significantly
higher in France (59,9% in Savoie). Figure 9a shows that the centrality of Geneva does
not structure the spatial distribution of rent on a center-periphery model: the average
rent in the city center of Geneva is below rental prices in the surrounding LAU2. Higher
income municipalities located on the south coast of the Leman lake (Cologny, Collonge-
Bellerive, etc.) show in contrast higher prices: these are the locations the least
affordable. Rentals are also more expensive in the French peripheral areas located on
the Jura foothills (Pays de Gex: Divonne-les-Bains, Gex, Cessy, Sergy), and also on the
Southern border, in the well connected, highly accessible, areas (highways) between
France and Switzerland (St-Julien-en-Genevois). Such results from the dataset are
counter-intuitive, as the tense situation of the rental market in Geneva city has often
been commented. However, a main explanation for relatively “lower” rental prices in
Switzerland is due to the institutional protection regarding tenants and rental prices
evolution. This leads to another conception of inequalities and housing: where are
rental markets the more profitable for landlords (Figure 9b). One common approach is
to calculate how much one landlord should invest for 1 euro of rent. Peripheral areas
stand as the most profitable, on average, which is an element to keep in mind when we
want to address where property values are capitalized upon by owners and landlords.
Figure 9: Rental price and profitability of rental relative to property prices in the cross-border area
of Geneva, Annemasse, Annecy
Note : Rental protability (b.) is measured as a ratio between advertised price for property (not
displayed in the gure) and advertised price for rental offers (a.)
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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4.4 Comparison between FUAs: a need to go further
62 To summarize the current state of the data produced, Figure 10 shows how estimates
based on national income distribution vs. local income offer a very contrasting views
on affordability when comparing between FUAs.
For lower-income households, Geneva, Warsaw, Krakow, Madrid and Barcelona are by far
the least affordable FUAs for ownership, and for ownership only in Paris and Geneva FR.
This is mitigated by the rental structure in Geneva, Paris and Avignon, because of
regulations of the rental provision systems.
For median national income reference, roughly defining the pivotal middle-class, the least
affordable cities are Geneva, Warsaw, and Krakow, and to some extent Paris, for ownership
applicants. Rental is the least affordable in Polish and Spanish cities.
The high level of prices does not actually translate into an issue of “accessibility” or
affordability for the 10% of the wealthiest households, but to some extent, Geneva, Warsaw,
Krakow and Paris are the most exclusive markets for the wealthier part of the population,
regarding ownership especially.
63 One of the goals of the study was to provide a framework and some tools to bring
together data from various sources. The goal of the data paper is to make this resource
available broadly in a transferable and reproducible manner. The time-frame (8
months) and the resources of the study did not allow to expand the analysis to time-
space dynamics of affordability, as it would require to collect and harmonize price and
income across time, to amplify the scope of the database produced. This is seen as the
most urgent step to take to expand this analysis. Second, with this methodological
proposal, the data collected should allow to analyze the spatial patterns of inequalities
stemming from unequal capitalization of housing wealth some areas, vs. vulnerability
of households in others, to better link the analysis to the body of work on the
variegated forms of financialization of housing in Europe. The collection of other case-
studies, with a variety of situation, would help to compare and characterize some of the
inequalities that structure access to housing in European cities. These are the future
steps for investigation, and hopefully to soon complement the data provided.
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
Figure 10: Time required to buy 1sq. meter (2019) – Webscraped data and income.
Note: In Geneva, 2.2 months of income are required to buy 1sq. m for people living in the FUA (local
income). Enlarging the analysis to people living in Switzerland (national income), 7 months of income
are required for the poorest (rst decile of national income), 3.6 months for median income
households and 2 months for the richest (ninth decile)
5 Dataset description
Name: «Unequal housing affordability across European cities» [Dataset] Nakala.
Project and methodological framework published by ESPON HOUSING - Big Data for
Territorial Analysis and Housing Dynamics (technical report) : URL : https://www.espon.eu/
Repository type: Nakala [dataset].
Dataset available:
Permanent URL : https://nakala.fr/10.34847/nkl.aaea911g
DOI : 10.34847/nkl.aaea911g
Supplemental materials (a reproducible example, Barcelona case study): URL : https://
5.1 Language
64 English
5.2 Spatial coverage
FUAs and core cities. Data delivery includes two datasets on European cities (967 core cities
and 676 Functional Urban Areas, FUAs). It covers the indicators available on Eurostat, which
are relevant for analyzing housing issues and characteristics. These indicators have been
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
used in the project to contextualize the 10 case-study cities, bench marked with other
European cities.
Detailed data have been collected and harmonized for 10 case-studies in selected cities in
France, Poland, Spain and Switzerland, defined by Functional Urban Areas delineations. All
indicators are available at LAU2 level version 2011 (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/fr/web/
nuts/local-administrative-units). The indicators are also provided at the European grid level
(EU 1KM GRID, GEOSTAT 2011), depending on data availability
Paris, FR
Avignon, FR
Warsaw, PL
Krakow, PL
Madrid, SP
Barcelona, SP
Palma de Mallorca, SP
Geneva transnational area CH, including Annecy and Annemasse, FR
65 Datasets includes missing values. It corresponds generally to data gap, for instance in
peripheral territorial units, less populated areas, and places with no transaction or
available housing unit on property/rental markets.
5.3 Files, formats and content
66 Data files have been released according to ESPON EGTC standards, on the ESPON
database system. All datasets are provided with complete metadata. Two series of
outputs are made available.
5.3.1 Selected Eurostat indicators, Main Data
67 The following files contain original Eurostat indicators and metadata for cities and
main-data/ind_1352_ho_diff_csv.zip: Housing survey: is it easy to find good housing in your
city? - "Strongly disagree" (HO_DIFF)
main-data/ind_1351_ho_easy_csv.zip: Housing survey: is it easy to find good housing in your
city? - "Strongly agree" (HO_EASY)
main-data/ind_1323_emp_est_csv.zip: Employment (share) - in real estate activities
main-data/ind_1322_emp_hot_csv.zip: Employment (share) - in restauration, hotels and
transports (EMP_HOT)
main-data/ind_1321_emp_inds_csv.zip: Employment (share) - in Industry (EMP_INDS)
main-data/ind_1313_pp65sp_csv.zip: Population (total) - age group 65+ (Pp65sp)
main-data/ind_1312_pp4564_csv.zip: Population (total) - age group 45-64 (Pp4564)
main-data/ind_1311_pp2544_csv.zip: Population (total) - age group 25-44 (Pp2544)
main-data/ind_1304_pp0024_csv.zip: Population (total) - age group 0-24 (Pp0024)
main-data/ind_1276_beds_csv.zip: Beds per resident population (BEDS)
main-data/ind_1275_nights_csv.zip: Nights in tourist accomodation (NIGHTS)
main-data/ind_1274_wf_hedu_csv.zip: Educational attainment level (share of age group
25-64 at level 5 to 8 ISCED - %) (WF_HEDU)
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
main-data/ind_1273_st_hedu_csv.zip: Students in higher education (‰) (ST_HEDU)
main-data/ind_1269_unemp_csv.zip: Unemployment rate (%) (UNEMP)
main-data/ind_1268_ho_own_csv.zip: Households owning their own dwelling (%) (HO_OWN)
main-data/ind_1267_ho_sing_csv.zip: Single households (%) (HO_SING)
main-data/ind_1266_ho_size_csv.zip: Average size of households (HO_SIZE)
main-data/ind_1265_ho_area_csv.zip: Housing size (average size of dwellings) (HO_AREA)
main-data/ind_1260_pop_csv.zip: Population (total) (POP)
5.3.2 Aggregated and harmonized data
68 The following data files contains compiled Eurostat indicators for 967 core cities and 676
Housing European indicators - FUA: other-data/FUA_DB_41llvVF.xlsx: Housing_Europe_FUA
Housing European indicators - Core cities: other-data/Core_cities_DB_bT7w9TL.xlsx:
69 The following data files contains collected and harmonized data describing
affordability and housing markets, at LAU2 and EU 1KM GRID levels.
Housing indicators - Avignon (FR) : other-data/Indicators_AVIGNON_8V0nlBU.xls:
Housing indicators - Geneva (CH-FR) : other-data/Indicators_GENEVA_MyrppRg.xls:
Housing indicators - Warsaw - Łódź - Krakow (PL) : other-data/
Indicators_POLAND_0gGnhNs.xls: Housing_Warsaw_Krakow_Lodz
Housing indicators - Madrid (ES) : other-data/Indicators_MADRID_5vfODLL.xls:
Housing indicators - Palma (ES) : other-data/Indicators_PALMA_vZQZpRB.xls:
Housing indicators - Paris (FR) : other-data/Indicators_PARIS_CukwCI7.xls: Housing_Paris
6 Creation date
70 June 2020
Supplemental Materials
71 A reproducible example, on the Barcelona case-study, is provided as an HTML
RMarkdown document at the following URL (permanent data repository): https://
72 This paper was prepared under the ESPON project, "Big Data for Territorial Analysis
and Housing Dynamics - Wellbeing of European citizens regarding the affordability of
housing", which is gratefully acknowledged.
73 The transactions BIEN proprietary database was made available by Paris Notaire
Service, on the behalf of the Chamber of the Notaries, under an agreement contracted
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
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by the LabEx DynamiTe (ANR-11-LABX-0046) consortium and the Univ. Paris 1
Pantheon-Sorbonne. Data provided by the INSEE (1 km grid) contains public sector
information, made available under ©INSEE, 2013.
74 Mattia Mazzoli is funded by the Conselleria d’Innovació, Recerca i Turisme of the
Government of the Balearic Islands and the European Social Fund with grant code FPI/
2090/2018. J.J.R., M.M. and P.C. also acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Innovation, the AEI and FEDER (EU) under the grant PACSS
(RTI2018-093732-B-C22) and the Maria de Maeztu program for Units of Excellence in
R&D (MDM-2017-0711).
75 And infinite thanks to the Menthonnex 2019 #AcWri team: “We have opened the space
for writing. Let’s make it hospitable”. The usual disclaimers apply.
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1. "Housing affordability across European cities Dynamics" [dataset] (2020). Nakala, DOI :
10.34847/nkl.aaea911g (on line : https://nakala.fr/10.34847/nkl.aaea911g)
2. International Monetary Fund, 2012, Growth Resuming, Dangers Remain, World Economic
Outloook. Word Econonic and Financial Survey. Online : https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/
weo/2012/01/. Last accessed: July 30, 2020.
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
3. This data review has been realized by available team members with specific local expertise.
Three additional countries have also been surveyed in the ESPON Project, without delivering the
potential for case-study selection : Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
4. DVF has been released at the end of the project funding scheme, and has therefore not been
included in the research.
5. As noted by Julliard and Gusarova (2019), many other sources are also available online :
“property sale prices are supplied by the Fnaim (Fédération nationale de l’immobilier, a real
estate agent trade association set up in 1995), meilleursAgents (an intermediation platform
linking individuals and real estate agents set up in 2008), LPI-Seloger (Les Prix de l’immobilier Se
loger, an observatory partnership set up in 2009) and Yanport (a start-up offering competitive
watch tools for real estate agents and property developers set up in 2015). Together they cover
existing properties more specifically but also offer reference data on new builds. The rental
market, meanwhile, is specifically covered by Clameur (a private observatory set up in 2006) and
by the network of local public observatories (since 2014)” (Julliard and Gusarova, 2019).
6. Supplemental material: Building ESPON Housing harmonized indicators, a reproducible example
(`data_paper_housing.html`), in "Big Data for Territorial Analysis and Housing Dynamics" (2020).
Nakala, DOI : 10.34847/nkl.aaea911g (on line : https://nakala.fr/10.34847/nkl.aaea911g)
7. ESPON EGTC Big Data for Territorial Analysis: Housing Dynamics. Final report - Guidance
Document. Paris: UMS RIATE - ESPON EGTC, (11/2019), online : (https://www.espon.eu/sites/
8. EU-SILC 2020 release: version 1 released in March 2020 and containing cross-sectional data up
to 2018 and longitudinal data up to 2018: https://doi.org/10.2907/EUSILC2004-2018V.1.
9. Note on legal and ethical considerations regarding webscraping. According to a legal review of
conducted by Rey-Coyrehourcq (2018); Cebeillac and Rey-Coyrehourcq (2019):
"While the content of the internet platforms has various status, private, public, open sourced or
crowd-sourced (internet users themselves write and post information, e.g. about housing or
travel experience in the case of Airbnb), it has a complicated legal status: the information is
publicly available in pieces on the website, but its automated collection is forbidden in most
cases, and can give rise to serious legal issues (see the LinkedIn vs. Doe case)." (Rey-Coyrehourcq,
To assess the legal risk for harvesting real-estate data, some recent cases have been reviewed.
InsideAirbnb.com, for instance, has been under scrutiny of scholars and data journalists. The
feasibility of data harvesting lays in grey areas, as Cebeillac and Rey-Coyrehourcq, 2019 insist. In
Europe and in France, implementation of GDPR opened the possibilities for scraping and
harvesting data for research, under waivers listed in article 6 of GDPR. Data used in this report
are exempt of the provisions of the GDPR, as dataset do not derive from personal data (Article 9
of GDPR). Generally speaking, the dissemination of such a database using scraped data elaborates
on the grounds that researchers benefit from a number of legal exemptions regarding the goal of
research, purpose, data storage. This matter is currently under constant scrutiny and has been
examined in the unpublished 2019 workshop organized by CIST (online: https://cist.cnrs.fr/
and https://j-infter2019.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/
Intervention_RIATE_Donnees_geolocalisation.pdf, last accessed July 30, 2020).
One precedent legal case in France has been settled by the CNIL (National Commission on
Informatics and Liberties), the supersizing authority authorizes the collection of data, including
sensitive data, on social networks (request from LORIA), for the purpose of research activities:
https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCnil.do?id=CNILTEXT000036945250 (last accessed July 30,
10. The cost and duration of the project allowed only for test drives and a few months of
collection, and some test platforms. A script is generally valid for one real estate website or data
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
originator only, considering the fact that they are coded and tagged following proprietary
procedures. It is also not uncommon that web market-places change the layout and structuring
of the information to avoid scraping and bots, therefore requiring a constant monitoring effort:
the tags used in the script, in such cases, have to be re-written. Such an iterative procedure is
hand-made, highly artisanal, and requires qualified, therefore costly, work-force.
11. For instance, a 2019 workshop organized by the JRC (the Joint Research Center is a European
Commission’s service) and the City of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Feb 18-19, 2019, “EU cities and
the financialization of the housing market”) gathered European experts and offered insights on
how to study, compare and propose coherent indicators on affordability in Europe. This panel of
policy experts and data analysts agreed that statistics such as price-to-income ratio (PIR) are
among the most valuable harmonized indicators to elaborate policies on unequal housing
markets, as they present many advantages.
12. The HousingStat function is delivered as part of the Supplemental Materials, section 2, on the
data repository.
13. The unit for these paramaters is the LAU and not the individual level.
14. Representativeness of transaction database have been evaluated in 2002 (David et al., 2002),
and the authors of the study estimated as 79% in the Paris region in 2001 and varied between 20
and 80% in other cities in France. A decree, passed in 2013, has reinforced the mandatory data
transmission from notarial offices, which is now considered as consistent, although incomplete
(Casanova et al., 2017)
15. A more thorough analysis is currently being conducted under the ANR WIsDHoM research
project, with recent extracts of PERVAL and BIEN, and access to the restricted version of DVF
data, with results expected in 2021. More online, http://wisdhom.hypotheses.org.
This data-paper presents and describes a consolidated, harmonized, internationally comparable
database to quantify the impacts of the housing affordability crisis. Local harmonized indicators
allow to examine the unequal spatial patterns of housing affordability across a selection of
European cities. This study seeks at informing and mapping the increased and unequal
affordability gap, a critical issue for social cohesion and sustainability in metropolitan areas in
Europe. We characterize affordability with measures of price (property and rent) and income in a
selection of European Functional Urban Areas (FUAs). The methodological goal was to cope with
a data gap, i.e. a lack of harmonized spatial data to map and analyze affordability in Europe. This
research, conducted in 2018-19 by a European consortium for the ESPON agency, covers 4
countries and one cross-border region: Geneva (Switzerland), Annecy-Annemasse, Avignon and
Paris (France), Madrid, Barcelona and Palma de Majorca (Spain) and Warsaw, Łódź and Krakow
(Poland). We bring insights on how institutional data (i.e. transactions data), can be bridged with
unconventional data (“big data” harvested on line) to provide a cost-effective and harmonized
data collection effort that can contribute to compare affordability within cities (between
neighborhoods) and across cities, using various geographical levels (1km square-grid,
municipalities, FUA). We present the structure of the database, how it has been constructed in a
reproducible manner; we document the validation process, the strengths and limitations of the
data provided, and document the reproducibility of the workflow.
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
Cet article présente et décrit une base de données consolidée, harmonisée et comparable au
niveau international pour quantifier les impacts de la crise de l'accessibilité (ou abordabilité) du
logement. Cette base de données permet de caractériser l’inégale abordabilité du logement dans
une sélection de métropoles européennes, une question cruciale pour la cohésion sociale et la
durabilité dans les zones métropolitaines en Europe. La question porte sur l’inégalité d’accès au
logement, en fonction des revenus. Mais cet écart s’est creusé au cours des dernières décennies :
depuis les années 1990, les prix des logements ont en moyenne augmenté plus vite que les
revenus des résidents et des acheteurs. La base de données caractérise l’abordabilité à l’aide de
mesures du prix (propriété et loyer) et du revenu dans une sélection de zones urbaines
fonctionnelles européennes (Functional Urban Areas, FUA). L’objectif méthodologique est de
combler une lacune, c’est-à-dire l’absence de données spatiales harmonisées pour cartographier
et analyser l’accessibilité financière en Europe. Cette étude, menée en 2018-19 par un consortium
européen pour ESPON, couvre 4 pays de la zone et une région transfrontalière : Genève (Suisse),
Annecy-Annemasse, Avignon et Paris (France), Madrid, Barcelone et Palma de Majorque
(Espagne) et Varsovie, Łódź et Cracovie (Pologne). Nous apportons un éclairage sur la manière
dont les données institutionnelles (données sur les transactions) peuvent être rapprochées des
données collectées en ligne, et harmonisées pour contribuer à comparer l’accessibilité financière
au sein des villes (entre les quartiers) et entre les villes, en utilisant différents niveaux
géographiques (grille carroyée de 1 km, municipalités, FUA). Nous présentons la structure de la
base de données, comment elle a été construite de manière reproductible ; nous documentons le
processus de validation, les forces et les limites des données fournies, et documentons la
reproductibilité de l’analyse.
Este artículo presenta y describe una base de datos consolidada, armonizada e
internacionalmente comparable para cuantificar los impactos de la crisis de acceso a la vivienda,
un tema crucial para la cohesión social y sostenibilidad en las áreas metropolitanas de Europa. La
base de datos caracteriza tal proceso en una muestra de las metrópolis europeas, abordando la
interrogante sobre la desigualdad en el acceso a la vivienda en función de los ingresos, brecha
que se ha visto incrementada en las últimas décadas. Desde los años 1990, los precios de la
vivienda en promedio han aumentado más rápido que los ingresos de residentes y compradores.
La base de datos caracteriza el acceso utilizando medidas de precio (propiedad y arriendo) e
ingresos en una selección de áreas urbanas funcionales europeas (FUA). El objetivo metodológico
es contribuir al vacío y falta de datos espaciales armonizados para cartografiar y analizar la
accesibilidad financiera en Europa. Este estudio, realizado en 2018-19 por un consorcio europeo
para ESPON, cubre 4 países de la zona y una región transfronteriza: Ginebra (Suiza); Annecy-
Annemasse, Aviñón y París (Francia); Madrid, Barcelona y Palma de Mallorca (España); Varsovia,
Lodz y Cracovia (Polonia). El trabajo aporta cómo los datos institucionales (datos en las
transacciones) pueden vincularse con los datos recopilados en línea y armonizar una base para
contribuir a comparar la accesibilidad financiera al interior de las ciudades (entre barrios) y
entre ciudades, utilizando diferentes escalas geográficas (cuadrícula de 1 km, municipios, FUA).
Presentamos y documentamos la estructura de la base de datos, su elaboración y validación, las
fortalezas y limitaciones de los datos proporcionados, y la reproducibilidad del análisis.
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
Mots-clés: prix du logement, inégalités socio-spatiales, aires fonctionnelles, bases de données en
accès libre
Keywords: housing price, affordability, socio-spatial inequalities, functional urban areas, open
access database
geographyun 908
Palabras claves: precio de la vivienda, desigualdades socio-espaciales, áreas funcionales, bases
de datos de acceso abierto
Corresponding author : Professeur de géographie à l’université de Paris, UMS 2414 RIATE, UMR
8504 Géographie-cités, France, renaud.legoix@u-paris.fr, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9643-9533
Ingénieur d’études en sciences de l’information géographique à l’UMS 2414 RIATE, Université de
Paris, France, [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7344-5911
Ingénieur d’études en sciences de l’information géographique à l’UMS 2414 RIATE, CNRS,
Université de Paris, France, timothee.giraud@cnrs.fr, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1932-3323
Ingénieur d’études en sciences de l’information géographique à l’UMS 2414 RIATE, France,
Maître de conférences en géographie à l’université d’Avignon, UMR 7300 ESPACE, France,
Ingénieur d'études en traitement, analyse et représentation de l'information spatiale à l’UMR
7300 ESPACE, CNRS, Université d’Avignon, France, [email protected]
Ingénieur de Recherche à l’UMR 6266 IDEES, CNRS, Université de Rouen, France, sebastien.rey-
[email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7296-9695
Maître de conférence en géographie à l’UMR 6266 IDEES, CNRS, Université de Rouen, France,
[email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0396-9488
Chercheur au Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar
y Sistemas Complejos IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, [email protected], http://
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers
Chercheur au Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar
y Sistemas Complejos IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, [email protected], http://orcid.org/
Chercheur au au Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Fisica
Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, [email protected]ic.es,
Chercheur et enseignant à l'Institut du management des villes et du territoire (IMVT) de la Haute
Ecole de Gestion Arc (HEG-Arc), HES-SO, Switzerland, [email protected], http://
Chercheur et enseignant à l'Institut du management des villes et du territoire (IMVT) de la Haute
Ecole de Gestion Arc (HEG-Arc), HES-SO, Switzerland, [email protected], https://
Professeur associé à l’Institute of Urban Geography and Tourism Studies, University of Łódź,
Poland, [email protected].pl, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5548-5816
Professeur Assistant à l’Institute of Urban Geography and Tourism Studies, University of Łódź,
Poland, [email protected].pl, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8745-5910
Unequal housing affordability across European cities. The ESPON Housing Datab...
Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Data papers