COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property
Markets in France: An Exploration
Sylvain Chareyron*, Camille Régnier** and Florent Sari***
Abstract – In this article, we analyse the effects of the COVID‑19 crisis on the French residential
property markets. More precisely, we explore whether household demand for residential proper
ties has been impacted by this crisis. Based on data on property transactions recorded between
2016 and 2021, we compare the evolution of prices before and after the crisis. The comparison
is done between municipalities within urban areas on one hand, between urban areas on the
other. Within urban areas, we show that the less dense municipalities that are farthest from the
centre are also those where prices have risen the most. This reects the desire among households
for more spacious properties on the outskirts of urban centres. The results of the analysis of the
evolution of prices between urban areas suggest, in line with urban economics theory, that a
change in dynamics has occurred in favour of the least productive agglomerations.
JEL: R14, R21, R31, R41
Keywords: COVID‑19, housing prices, property markets
*Université Paris‑Est Créteil, ERUDITE (EA 437) and TEPP‑CNRS (FR 2042); **Université Paris‑Est Créteil, ERUDITE (EA 437); Université Paris‑Est
Créteil, ERUDITE (EA 437), CEET and TEPP‑CNRS (FR 2042). Correspondence: orent.sari@u‑pec.fr
This work beneted from comments of the participants to the Laboratoire d’Économie de Dijon seminar (LEDi, May 2022) and the Journées de Microéconomie
Appliquée (JMA) in Rennes (2022). We would also like to thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. Finally, we would like to thank ADISP
for providing data from the population census.
Received in October 2021, accepted in June 2022. Translated from: “Covid‑19 et dynamique des marchés de l’immobilier résidentiel en France : une exploration”.
The views and opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reect those of the institutions to which they belong or of INSEE itself.
Citation: Chareyron, S., Régnier, C. & Sari, F. (2022). COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration.
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 536‑37, 75–93. doi: 10.24187/ecostat.2022.536.2085
he health crisis caused by the emergence
of COVID‑19 in March 2020 in France has
affected all activities. For households, the lock
downs and the development of tele working,
which have had an impact on both the profes
sional and private spheres, have in particular led
to a reconsideration of the choice of residential
location and/or the characteristics of desired
housing. On this latter point, the Qualitel 2020
on the aspirations of French people
in terms of space and interior design shows for
example that households living in an apartment
would like to have a house (58%), a garden
(82%), a terrace or balcony (79%), larger rooms
or a greater number of rooms. However, these
characteristics are more often those of housing
located outside urban centres, where prop
erty prices are relatively more affordable, but
which may be further away from jobs. In this
respect, the health may have modied or rein
forced aspirations already present, as working
remotely made the need of proximity between
housing and work more exible.
On the one hand, the continued connement
during the rst lockdown from March to May
2020 highlighted (or reinforced) the need for
space, both inside and outside, as well as a
certain degree of dislike for large cities. Breuillé
et al. (2022) thus show an increase in intentions
to relocate to rural areas and purchase a house,
of +5 points and +7.4 points, respectively, during
the rst lockdown compared to the pre‑COVID
period. Google geolocation data collected
during the rst lockdown also showed that the
usual places frequented in large agglomerations
were deserted, while some departments in rural
France saw their shops gain visitors.
On the other hand, since McFadden (1977),
the economic literature has been in consensus
about the major role of workplace accessibility
in household location choice. Working remotely,
which was introduced on a large scale during the
rst lockdown (involving 40% of companies),
led to a reconsideration of the link between place
of residence and place of work. It also seems
to be a lasting change in working conditions:
at the end of the rst lockdown, nearly 26% of
employers said they wanted to continue the prac
tice (Duc & Souquet, 2020). More than a year
after the start of the pandemic in the summer of
2021, the proportion of people regularly working
remotely in the Paris region was 42%, which is
twice the gure for 2019 according to a study
by the Institut Paris Région (Brajon & Leroi,
2022). On average, the same trend is observed
in OECD countries, although with strong differ
ences across countries, as shown by a recent
study based on job advertisement data (Adrjan
et al., 2021); in particular, their results show that
restrictions related to the management of the
health crisis increased the prevalence of working
remotely in job offers more than the relaxation
of those restrictions has reduced it.
These different elements lead us to questions
on the effects that the COVID‑19 crisis may
have on the location choice of household and,
consequently, on property markets and territorial
and urban dynamics. Household preferences
were directly affected, with an adjustment of the
trade‑offs between different types of amenities
and the increased exibility of the link between
area of residence and area of employment.
However, the COVID‑19 crisis also acted to
accelerate location choices that were already
evolving following deeper societal questions
relating to the climate crisis or work‑life
balance, for example. The question is therefore
whether these changes have “crystallised” due
to the health crisis in terms of location choices
and whether they are discernible in property
markets in France.
There is already a relatively large body of work
in the economic literature, particularly based on
Chinese and American data. However, at the
time of writing this article, we did not nd work
analysing the effects of the COVID‑19 crisis
on the French residential property market.
this article, we therefore seek to explore the
potential changes in the dynamics of the French
residential property market after the emergence
of COVID‑19 in March 2020: has household
residential demand been affected by the shock
caused by COVID‑19 and is it reected by
changes in property prices?
Relying on urban economics theories, we
consider that the pandemic may have had two
main effects: on the one hand, within agglomer
ations, an increase in the demand for space and
a decrease in transport costs, which should lead
to a change in the land rent gradient throughout
urban areas (decrease in the gradients associated
with distance and density in absolute values).
On the other hand, an increase in the prices in
urban areas where productivity is the lowest and
in those with the most amenities.
We empirically test these hypotheses by stud
ying the dynamics of residential property prices
1. https://www.qualitel.org/barometre‑qualitel/resultats‑2020/
2. https://www.google.com/covid19/mobility/.
3. Since then, we can cite Breuillé et al. (2022) in this same issue, and
France Stratégie (2022) on the evolution of residential property since
the emergence of COVID‑19, and Bergeaud et al. (2021) on the dynamics
of corporate property.
COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration
in France before and after the start of the health
crisis. To do this, we use property valuation appli
cations (Demandes de Valeurs Foncières – DVF)
from 2016 to 2021. Identication is carried out
using a difference‑in‑differences estimation, as
in various works (Brueckner et al., 2021; Huang
et al., 2021; Liu & Su, 2021), but we propose
a strategy that allows potential differences in
trends depending on the level of treatment to be
taken into account, as in Dustmann et al. (2022).
To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst
time that this method is applied to studying the
effects of the pandemic on property prices.
Our results indicate a change in price dynamics
within large French agglomerations: the
municipalities farthest from the centre and
with a low population density experienced a
price increase following the crisis. In the short
term, reconguration effects appear to be less
signicant between urban areas than between
municipalities within urban areas. However, in
line with theoretical expectations, there appears
to be a reduction in the income‑related gradient,
with a relative increase in the attractiveness of
less productive urban areas compared to more
productive ones.
The rest of the article is structured as follows:
after a review of the empirical literature in
Section 1, we present in Section 2 the elements
of the theories of urban economics on the basis
of which we formulate hypotheses to be tested,
then we present the data and the empirical
approach of the study. The results are set out in
Section 3; we discuss the results and set out our
conclusions in a nal section.
1. Review of Empirical Literature
The effects of the COVID‑19 crisis on household
location behaviour have resulted in a variety of
work, notably in China and the United States.
For China, the study by Cheung et al. (2021)
on the city of Wuhan uses property transaction
data from nine districts between January 2019
and July 2020 to identify the impact of the crisis
on housing prices and household behaviour. The
results, based on hedonic price models, reveal
that housing prices fell by 5% to 7% after the
outbreak of the pandemic and recovered after
the lockdown. However, the authors show that
the price gradient from the centre to the outskirts
of urban areas has attened. Recent work by
Bricongne et al. (2021) reveals a similar trend
in the United Kingdom. Based on data grouping
together sale prices in online property adver
tisements and nal prices recorded by notaries,
they show a decrease of around 80% in property
market activity during the COVID‑19 crisis.
In addition, property prices have increased in
rural areas, and decreased near London. These
results suggest a change in household behaviour,
and a preference for low‑density residential
Huang et al. (2021) extend the previous analysis
on China by studying property transactions in
sixty cities between January 2019 and September
2020. The results of a difference‑in‑differences
analysis show a negative and moderate effect on
property prices but a strong negative effect on
transaction volumes, which collapsed just after
the emergence of COVID‑19. Housing prices
fell by about 2% on average, but the price of
apartments near city centres has fallen more
sharply; the authors conclude that the crisis has
changed household preferences with regard
to their location choices. Finally, Qian et al.
(2021) also examine the impact of COVID‑19 on
property prices. Using difference‑in‑differences
models, they nd that property prices in regions
where COVID‑19 cases are conrmed would
have dropped by 2.5%. This effect persisted for
three months and its extent increased over time.
However, this effect seems to be observed only
in the regions the most affected by the pandemic.
For the United States, Gupta et al. (2021) study
the variations in prices and rents following the
pandemic in the thirty largest agglomerations.
They estimate a model in which price is a func
tion of distance to the city centre, of local and
temporal xed effects and of various control
variables measured before the pandemic. They
show that prices have continued to rise despite
the COVID‑19 crisis, but more strongly in
neighbourhoods located away from the centre
than in central neighbourhoods, leading to a
signicant attening of the land rent gradient.
Ramani & Bloom (2021) also examine the effects
of the COVID‑19 crisis on property markets and
migration patterns in major American cities.
To that end, they estimate models in which
the change in prices (or population) between
February 2020 and February 2021 is explained
by changes in population density during the
previous period, distance to the centre and
xed effects. Two major facts emerge. First,
they highlight a shift in the demand for property
(from both households and companies) from the
centre to the outskirts of major cities. This is
the so‑called “doughnut effect”, which reects
a decline in city‑centre activity and a shift to the
peri‑urban ring. This effect seems particularly
4. And on differences‑in‑differences with continuous treatment.
prominent in larger cities, while it is absent in
smaller ones. Next, no movement of this type
appears between the major cities considered. The
existence of an ‘intra’ effect, but not an ‘inter
effect suggests that the development of working
remotely now makes it possible to move away
from one’s workplace, but that the persistence
of hybrid forms of work (combining working
on site and at home) limits the possibility of
living too far away and, therefore, in another
major city.
However, work by Brueckner et al. (2021)
appears to lead to different results. Focusing on
inter‑agglomeration effects, and concentrating
particularly on the effect of the COVID‑19
crisis on working remotely, they decompose
the variations in property prices according to
the potential telework of urban areas in the
United States. Based on estimates that combine
telecommuting potential and a measure of city
productivity, their analysis shows that cities
with high productivity and high potential for
telework have seen prices fall since the onset
of the health crisis. However, no signicant
price change is observable for agglomerations
with few amenities and high telecommuting
Finally, Liu & Su (2021) also examine the impact
of the pandemic on demand for housing on the
US market by combining a temporal indicator
(pre‑ or post‑COVID) with different character
istics, such as population density or distance to
the centre. Their main results conrm a change
in behaviour following the pandemic: it would
have led to a large shift in the demand for housing
away from city centres and dense neighbour
hoods to suburbs and neighbourhoods with a
lower population density. The authors also note
a signicant shift in housing demand outside the
major cities, although this is not as signicant as
the shift from city centres to the suburbs.
2. Methodology: Assumptions, Data
and Variables and Empirical Strategy
In urban economics, two major categories of
theoretical models make it possible to analyse
the market at different levels. Firstly, the
basic residential choice model, developed in
particular by Alonso (1964), Mills (1967) and
Muth (1969), based on the mechanisms behind
the formation of property prices within an
agglomeration. Secondly, the Rosen‑Roback
model (Rosen, 1979; Roback, 1982) based on
the determining factors behind price differences
between agglomerations. We draw from these
models four hypotheses that we aim to test. We
then present our data and variables, then our
empirical approach.
2.1. Hypotheses
2.1.1. Within an Urban Agglomeration
According to the basic residential choice model,
there is a trade‑off between housing size and
distance to the central business district (CBD). At
the equilibrium, increased transport costs must
be exactly offset by a decrease in the amount
spent on property. Under these conditions, prop
erty prices decrease continuously with distance
to the CBD, while the size of housing per indi
vidual increases with the distance. In addition,
since housing size increases with distance to
the centre, population density decreases across
urban space.
Based on the conclusions of the Alonso‑
Muth‑Mills model, it is easy to understand how
the COVID‑19 crisis can change the existing
urban equilibrium. Indeed, the possibility to
work from home can alter two major param
eters of the Alonso model. On the one hand, it
decreases the cost of transport to the CBD. Since
it is no longer necessary to go to the workplace
every day, the cost of transport is reduced at
any point in the urban area. Locations close to
the centre, which were sought after due to low
transport costs, therefore become relatively less
advantageous. In other words, the lower the
transport cost, the lower the price difference
between central and peripheral locations.
On the other hand, the increased need for resi
dential space, in particular the need for a garden
or an additional room in which to work, changes
households’ utility function. This phenomenon
is increased due to changes in household pref
erence in relation to housing size following
successive lockdowns. All else being equal, a
unit of space then provides a higher utility than
before. As housing sizes are xed in the short
or medium term, households will choose to
relocate where housing sizes correspond to their
demand. This results in valuing locations where
space is accessible. Thus, bid‑rents will increase
in sparsely populated locations. There should
then be an increase in prices and population
in the areas where space is most accessible, i.e.
areas that were originally sparsely populated.
On this basis, we retain two initial hypotheses:
‑ Hypothesis 1: Property prices fall near the
CBD and rise in more distant locations.
‑ Hypothesis 2: Demand increases in sparsely
populated locations, leading to higher prices and
populations in these locations.
COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration
2.1.2. Between Agglomerations
The Alonso model focuses on the mechanisms
underlying the formation of property prices
within an agglomeration. The work of Rosen
(1979) and Roback (1982) is better able to
account for potential price dynamics between
agglomerations following the crisis. This work
models the trade‑offs made by households
between the wage they can obtain, the level of
amenities they can enjoy and the property price
they have to pay in a given region. The wage
is set exogenously by the level of productivity
of the region and the level of amenities is also
assumed exogenous. With a constant level of
amenities, the regions with the highest wages
must also have high property prices. Conversely,
with a constant level of productivity (i.e. equal
wages), the spatial equilibrium will be achieved
by higher property prices in regions with
more amenities.
The development of remote working, which
is one of the consequences of the COVID‑19
crisis, has the effect of making the relationship
between the place of work and the place of
residence more exible, revealing new spatial
trade‑offs within the framework of the model
set out above. Brueckner et al. (2021) explicitly
incorporate the possibility of working remotely
in this model, considering that an individual can
work in any city without the need to reside there.
They show that if cities differ only in their level
of productivity, the implementation of remote
working will allow a part of the population to
move to the least productive city, where the price
of property is lower, while continuing to work
for a company in the most productive city and
benetting from higher wages. In the end, these
migrations will lower property prices in the most
productive city, with a loss of population, and
will increase them in the less productive city.
Then, they examine what happens with constant
productivity levels, but different amenity levels.
The development of telework allows a part of
the population to move to the most attractive
city in terms of amenities, while keeping their
job in the city with fewer amenities. In this case,
there will be an increase in price differences
between cities. Another mechanism can rein
force this effect: the lockdowns increased the
value attached to certain amenities, for example
natural spaces.
We thus retain two other hypotheses:
‑ Hypothesis 3: Prices fall in high‑productivity
agglomerations and rise in low‑productivity
‑ Hypothesis 4: Prices rise in agglomerations
with a high level of amenities and fall in agglom
erations with a low level of amenities.
2.2. Data and Variables
Our data are based on real estate transactions
listed in the property valuation applications
(Demandes de valeurs foncières – DVF) from
2016 to July 2021 (the most recent data available
when this study was conducted). These data,
provided by the Directorate‑General for Public
Finance (Direction Générale des Finances
Publiques – DGFIP), relate to the property
sales published in the mortgage records, supple
mented by the description of the property from
the land register, over a maximum period of ve
years. For each registered sale, the nature of the
property, its address and surface area, the date
of transfer and the declared property value
specied. We do not take into account industrial
and commercial real estate.
The intra‑urban area analysis only retains
municipalities belonging to urban areas of
more than 500,000 inhabitants (which gives
16 urban areas) and the inter‑urban area anal
ysis excludes urban areas grouping together
multi‑pole municipalities (i.e. linked to several
urban areas) or isolated municipalities. We also
exclude municipalities with extreme average
price values.
Ultimately, the sample of munic
ipalities contains 4,537 different municipalities
spread over 16 urban areas and the sample of
urban areas contains 736 different urban areas.
The study focuses only on metropolitan France.
Table 1 provides an overview of the construction
of the samples.
The DVF are used to calculate the logarithm
of the average price in municipalities (for
intra‑urban area analysis) and in urban areas
(for inter‑urban area analysis).
For explanatory variables, multiple sources are
‑ The distance to the centre of the urban area is
calculated for each municipality using the projec
tion systems of the French national geographic
institute (Institut géographique national – IGN).
The centre corresponds to the central business
district in each of the urban areas chosen
and the
distance is a Euclidean distance calculated from
5. https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/demandes‑de‑valeurs‑foncieres‑
6. Average prices of more than €10 million or less than €20,000.
7. It is the economic centre of each area and not the geographical centre.
In the case of polycentric urban areas such as Aix‑Marseille, a choice had
to be made, and we chose Marseille, the largest of the two. However, areas
with this type of conguration are rare in France.
the geographical coordinates of a municipality i
and the centre j of the area. This rst indicator
is used in relation to H1: “property prices fall
near the central business district”.
The population density in the municipalities
is calculated from the data from the INSEE
population census (for the year 2017). This
indicator allows us to test H2: “demand rises
in sparsely populated locations”. The median
incomes of urban areas are determined using
the localised social and tax le (Fichier Localisé
Social et Fiscal Filoso) for the year 2017.
Median incomes will be used as a proxy for the
productivity in the urban area
and thus allow
us to test H3, according to which “prices fall in
high‑productivity agglomerations”.
‑ We also use indicators of natural amenities in
the territories, in relation with H4 according to
which “prices increase in agglomerations with
a high level of amenities”.
The amenities of the
urban area are determined using the Corine Land
Cover database, which provides a biophysical
inventory of land use and its evolution, produced
by visual interpretation of satellite images
according to a 44‑item classication.
On this
basis, for the year 2018, we calculate the propor
tion of municipalities with natural areas and/
or traversed by water courses (rivers and major
tributaries) in the urban area. Specically, we
identify the municipalities that have one of these
natural amenities and calculate the proportion
they represent in the total number of municipal
ities in the urban area.
Table 2 presents descriptive statistics for the
sample of municipalities and the sample of urban
areas. They show that prices increase over time
in both samples. Prices also appear higher on
average in the sample of municipalities than
in the sample of urban areas. This is due to
the exclusion of the municipalities in urban
areas with fewer than 500,000 inhabitants. The
population density measured across the sample
of municipalities is higher than that measured
for France as a whole (105.5 inhabitants/km
in 2018). This is also due to the exclusion of
municipalities from small urban areas, where
the population density is much lower. Finally,
the proportion of houses in the transactions is
lower at urban area level than at municipality
level because of the restriction to these more
densely populated areas where apartments are
more frequent.
2.3. Empirical Strategy
Our approach consists in estimating difference‑
in‑differences models as presented by Angrist &
Pischke (2008, p. 175). We estimate the prices
of transactions that occurred from 2016 to
2021 to explore the effect of the emergence
of the pandemic on the link between price and
population density, between price and distance
from the centre at municipality level within
large urban areas, between prices and incomes,
and between prices and amenities at urban
area level.
As in the majority of recent studies on the
subject (Brueckner et al., 2021; Ramani &
Bloom, 2021), prices are used at an aggregate
level (i.e. the municipality or the urban area).
However, we control for the composition of
sales in terms of property type (apartments or
houses). The loss of precision compared to the
use of hedonic regressions is low in our case, for
two reasons. Firstly, the DVF contain little infor
mation on housing characteristics. However, the
hedonic price method applied to housing is rst
8. Data available via https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/4291712
9. For reasons relating to data access, the test focuses on a restricted
version of H4, considering only natural amenities. Other amenities, such
as cultural amenities, are also important in the choice of location by house
holds, even though it is conceivable that the crisis may have led to placing
particular value on natural amenities.
10. Data available at the following address: https://www.statistiques.deve
11. The number of municipalities per urban area (278 on average) and
the average price differences between municipalities in the same urban
area are important because of the restriction to municipalities in the largest
Table 1 – Samples of municipalities and urban areas
Initial sample
Number of municipalities Number of urban areas (UAs)
35,454 739
Exclusion of municipalities from UAs with fewer than 500,000 inhabitants Exclusion of multi‑pole municipalities from UAs
Number of municipalities Number of urban areas
4,539 16 736
Suppression of extreme values
Number of municipalities Number of urban areas
4,537 16
Notes: The number of municipalities and urban areas per sample corresponds to the number of different municipalities and urban areas present in the
sample. The 16 urban areas of the intra‑urban area analysis are: Avignon, Douai‑Lens, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon, Marseille‑Aix‑en‑Provence,
Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Rennes, Rouen, Saint‑Etienne, Toulon and Toulouse.
COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration
and foremost used to obtain implicit prices for
these characteristics. The lack of information
therefore makes this method less essential.
Secondly, we are more interested in the valu
ation of the characteristics of the municipality
(or urban area) in which the property is located.
Reasoning at aggregate level therefore seems
more appropriate.
The difference‑in‑differences method is based
on the assumption of “parallel trends” according
to which price developments, in the absence of
COVID‑19, would have been the same in the
different categories of municipalities consid
ered. To verify this, a standard test consists in
comparing the trends observed over periods prior
to the event in question. If these prior trends are
similar, it can be assumed that they would have
been in the absence of COVID‑19. However,
it is possible to take into account the existence
of a linear trend difference in our estimation
strategy, by including annual linear trends by
municipality (see 2.3.1 below) or by removing
from the data a linear trend from the coefcients
estimated in an initial step (see 2.3.2 below).
In addition, two distinct but complemen
tary levels of analysis are developed: one at
intra‑urban area level, between municipalities,
the other at inter‑urban area level, between
urban areas.
2.3.1. Specications for Intra‑Urban Area
and Inter‑Urban Area Analysis
In order to explain price differentials at
intra‑urban area level, the estimated model is
as follows:
ln priceDensity
=+ ++
αβ δγ
ct at cm ctcat
++++ +
ρφϑθ ε
is the average price of housing
in municipality c in urban area a as of date t,
is the population density in the munic
ipality and Distance
is the distance between
municipality c and the centre of the urban area,
with these two variables being measured before
COVID‑19 and constant over time.
is a
dichotomous variable indicating the COVID‑19
period (after March 2020).
measure the variation of gradients associated
with distance to the centre and population
density after the emergence of COVID‑19.
We control for the proportion of houses in
property transactions (
). It is important to
take this into account when explaining the
variations in property prices, since the average
price per square metre varies according to the
type of property and the demand for houses is
likely to have changed after the COVID‑19
Table 2 – Descriptive statistics
Mean Standard error Min. Max.
Property prices (€):
2021 263,888 137,595 20,000 3,514,152
2020 252,464 117,911 20,000 2,410,636
2019 241,939 124,607 20,000 2,819,515
2018 233,688 106,570 20,000 1,854,240
2017 226,217 105,642 20,500 2,912,882
2016 218,230 105,302 21,000 2,968,701
Proportion of houses (%) 81.5 30.8 0.0 100.0
Population density (inhabitants per km
) 634.5 1861.8 0.5 26,602.9
Distance to the centre of the urban area (km) 34.1 19.5 0.2 92.1
Urban areas
Property prices (€):
2021 161,575 115,271 32,000 2,114,600
2020 151,609 80,914 20,000 1,112,869
2019 143,872 79,855 54,929 1,474,643
2018 142,048 86,356 49,308 1,813,649
2017 138,396 70,086 49,408 1,245,500
2016 135,139 68,198 46,968 1,289,067
Proportion of houses (%) 69.6 24.4 0.0 100.0
Median income (€) 19,636 1892 12,390 31,860
Proportion of natural spaces (%) 26.1 21.6 0.0 91.3
Proportion of tributaries and rivers (%) 0.4 1.1 0.0 9.8
Sources: DVF 2016–2021; INSEE 2017 population census; Corine Land Cover 2018.
crisis, which may have led to changes in the
composition of sales.
are “date×urban area”
xed effects that reect macroeconomic factors
assumed to be unchanging between munic
ipalities, as well as possible shocks affecting
price dynamics in specic urban areas.
“municipality×month” xed effects: in addition
to controlling for unobserved characteristics of
the municipality that do not vary over time, they
take into account possible differences in price
seasonality between municipalities. In general,
these xed effects have the function of taking
into account local characteristics that could
explain a preference among households for
certain territories, such as the presence of large
infrastructures (universities, hospitals, TGV
stations, etc.) and/or good Internet coverage,
which vary little or not at all over time.
To take into account potential pre‑existing
differences in the evolution of prices, we intro
duce annual linear trends,
, into the model
for each municipality. This allows controlling for
differences in linear trends between the prices
in municipalities observed before the emergence
of COVID‑19. Such a strategy thus allows to
relax this assumption of “parallel trends” in
the absence of the emergence of COVID‑19
(Mora & Reggio, 2019; Egami & Yamauchi,
2021). In other words, it becomes possible to
identify an exogenous effect of COVID‑19,
under the assumption that any pre‑existing trend
in prices between densely and sparsely popu
lated municipalities (or between municipalities
that are distant and close from the centre) is
linear and would have continued at the same rate
in the absence of the emergence of COVID‑19.
At inter‑urban area level, the model is estimated
as follows:
Prod Covid
Prod Covid
=+ ++
×+ ×
αβ δγ
tama tat
++ ++
φϑ θε
is the average price of housing in
urban area a as of date t.
is the produc
tivity (proxied by the median income) in urban
area a and Amenities
are the natural amenities
of urban area a.
measure the variation
in gradients associated with productivity and
amenities after the emergence of COVID‑19.
here measures the proportion of houses in
the transactions carried out in the urban area.
are xed temporal “month×year” effects and
are xed “urban area×month” effects that make
it possible to control these differences between
urban areas that do not vary over time as well as
differences in price seasonality between urban
areas. In the same way as before, annual linear
trends by urban area,
, make it possible to
control any potential differences in prices linear
trends between urban areas.
The estimated coefcients related to level
variables may be affected by the omission of
certain variables. But, as indicated by Brueckner
et al. (2020), since the coefcients of interest
are related to interactions between variables
and the post‑COVID‑19 period, the risk of bias
related to their omission is relatively limited.
Nevertheless, for the intra‑urban area analysis,
although we use a wide range of xed effects,
identication is based on the assumption that no
shock other than COVID‑19 affects differently
housing prices in municipalities depending on
their population density or distance to the centre
of the area. Our results remain subject to the
assumption of the absence of other shocks along
side COVID‑19 that would differently affect
municipalities within areas on a non‑seasonal
basis. For example, it could be that the results of
the municipal elections at the end of June 2020
led to variations between municipalities, with
the establishment of moratoriums on construc
tion in some cities. However, for this to create
a bias in estimates, the establishment of these
moratoriums would have to be systematically
correlated with the distance from the centre or
the population density of the municipalities,
which seems unlikely. Likewise, for inter‑urban
areas analysis, the assumption is that no shock
other than COVID‑19 affects housing prices
in urban areas differently depending on their
income or amenity levels.
2.3.2. Dynamic Specications
To estimate annual gradient variations at the
intra‑urban area level, we estimate:
ln priceDensity
=+ +
αβ δ
×+++ +
The dichotomous variables Covid
are dened
in relation to the emergence of Covid. For
equals 1 for the average
price of a municipality observed two years after
12. Our modelling does not allow taking into account potential spatial auto
correlation in the determination of property prices. This phenomenon appears
limited in the case of inter‑urban areas analysis, since the sample consists of
the largest urban areas, each of which represents a specic property market
and which are relatively distant from each other. It is more likely in intra‑urban
area analysis because the setting of prices in one municipality can effecti
vely impacts prices in neighbouring municipalities. Nevertheless, we group
together the standard errors for the municipality (or urban area), which allows
taking into account a potential serial correlation of the error term.
COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration
the emergence of COVID‑19, i.e. in 2021, and
otherwise it equals 0. As COVID‑19 appeared
in France in 2020, the reference period is the
year 2019.
The coefcients
reect the evolution of the distance from centre
and population density gradients around the year
2019 (i.e. from 2016 to 2021).
This specication also makes it possible to
test the assumption of parallel trends of prices
between municipalities of different population
densities and at different distances from the
centre of the area before COVID‑19. Indeed,
the coefcients
for the periods before
the pandemic inform us about the potential
presence of prior trends in the evolution of the
gradients associated with population density and
distance from centre.
To take into account the possibility that prices
will evolve differently in densely and sparsely
populated municipalities (respectively munici
palities distant and not far from the centre of the
urban area) before the emergence of COVID‑19,
we use our estimates of
for the
preceding years (2016 to 2019) to adjust a linear
temporal trend. We then remove this linear trend
from our data, in the same manner as Monras
Specically, this method consists of
estimating a linear trend for the coefcients
before COVID and removing this trend from
the price variable data (or performing a projec
tion for the post‑COVID period and calculating
the effect based on the difference between the
estimated post‑ COVID coefcients and this
projection). Next, we re‑estimate equation (3)
using the new trend‑free price variable.
For the inter‑urban area analysis, we estimate:
ln priceAmenities
tl a
=+ +
αβ δ
×+++ +
aatt am at
is the average price of housing
in urban area a as of date t. As before, the
dichotomous variables
take the value 1
when an urban area is t+l years after the date
when the COVID appeared.
is our
measurement of productivity and
the natural amenities in urban area a.
measure the variation in the gradients associ
ated with productivity and amenities after the
emergence of COVID. The coefcients
exibly reect the evolution of the gradients
for productivity and the presence of natural
3. Results
3.1. First Descriptive Approach
to the Evolution of Prices
Figure 1 presents the quarterly evolution of prices
in municipalities within urban areas according
to distance to the centre of the urban area and
the population density of the municipality. This
representation allows an initial exploration of H1
and H2, according to which property prices fall
near the central business district and in densely
populated municipalities and increase in others.
We calculate an average, weighted by population
in 2017, of price indices at municipality level
and we compare the price evolution between
municipalities according to distance to the centre
(with a threshold of 25 km corresponding to the
median distance) on the one hand, and according
to population density (with a threshold of 279
corresponding to the median
population density), on the other.
The evolution of prices is quite close in both
groups of municipalities, whether before or
after the appearance of COVID (Figure I‑A).
In contrast, a change is evident in the evolu
tion of prices according to population density
(Figure I‑B): they rise more sharply in the
most densely populated municipalities over
the period 2017‑2020, then more quickly in the
least densely populated municipalities from
March 2020 onwards.
Figure II shows the variation in property prices
according to the median income of the urban
area, which is used as a proxy for produc
tivity. In this way, we explore H3, according
to which “prices fall in high‑productivity
agglomerations”. Two groups of urban areas
are distinguished according to median income
(on either side of the national annual median
income in 2017). Between 2017 and 2020,
prices rose the most in urban areas with the
highest median income, reecting their overall
attractiveness and the dynamism of the property
market. From March 2020 onwards, price rises
slowed down in those areas and accelerated in
urban areas where the median income is less
than €19,500.
Finally, we compare the variation of prices
between urban areas according to level of
13. The observations corresponding to the rst three months of 2020 are
removed, as the prices cannot have been affected by the COVID crisis at
this time.
14. This method is similar to that used by Dustmann et al. (2022) or Ahlfeldt
et al. (2018) who then plot the differences between the estimates of γ
pectively τ
and the linear temporal trend predicted for the years after the
implementation of a policy.
natural amenities (proportion of natural spaces
and presence of large tributaries or rivers),
in relation to H4 according to which “prices
increase in agglomerations with a high level
of natural amenities”. The price trend remained
of the same order of magnitude both before and
since the beginning of the crisis in urban areas
where the proportion of natural spaces is above
the median, while it has fallen slightly for other
urban areas (Figure III‑A). In contrast, the price
increase is slightly higher in urban areas with a
watercourse between 2017 and 2020 and then,
from March 2020 onwards, prices seem to stabi
lise in urban areas with such an amenity, while
they continue to increase sharply in the other
areas (Figure III‑B).
3.2. Estimation Results
3.2.1. Intra‑Urban Area Analyses
To analyse the changes in the evolution
of prices that occurred after the emergence of
COVID‑19 between the municipalities of large
agglomerations, we estimate equation (1). Fixed
municipality effects are introduced to control for
possible differences in unobserved characteris
tics between municipalities, then “date×urban
area” and “month×municipality” xed effects
are added to control, respectively, for potential
shocks altering price dynamics in certain urban
areas, and seasonal variations in prices specic
to each municipality. We nally introduce annual
linear trends for each municipality, to control for
differences in prior linear trends in the evolution
of prices. The results are shown in Table 3.
First of all, Table 3, column 1 shows that property
prices are negatively associated with the distance
to the centre of the urban area, which is a classic
result in urban economics. They are also posi
tively associated with population density, which
is also as expected. The inclusion of municipality
xed effects has little effect on outcomes. In
Figure I – Price variation in municipalities of large urban areas according to the distance
to the centre of the urban area and population density
A – Distance to the centre of the urban area B – Population density in the municipality
Less than 279 279 and over
25 km and over Less than 25 km
2017 2018 2019 2020
Price index
Notes: The price index is the population‑weighted average calculated for all municipalities in each group. Each aggregated index is normalised so
that March 2020 = 100. The moving average of prices in each group over the last 12 months is then calculated.
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census; French national geographic institute (IGN).
Figure II – Evolution of prices of urban areas
according to median income
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Less than 19.5 K€ 19.5 K€ and over
Price index
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census.
COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration
contrast, the range of the estimated coefcients is
affected more by the addition of the xed effects
“date×urban area” (column 3) and “month×mu
nicipality” (col. 4) and by the linear temporal
trends by municipality (col. 5). Taking the latter
into account tends to increase the signicance
and range of the estimated coefcients. This
is an expected result since price trends before
COVID‑19 were sometimes different depending
on population density and distance to the centre
of the urban area (cf. Figure I). The results
ultimately show a relative increase in prices in
municipalities which have a lower population
density and are farther from the centre.
As the analysis of Figure 1 suggested, the
difference in prices between densely populated
municipalities and more sparsely populated
municipalities narrowed after March 2020. The
estimation shows that the increase in population
Figure III – Evolution of prices in urban areas according to natural amenities
B – Presence of rivers in the urban area
No rivers Rivers
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
< median median
A – Proportion of natural spaces in the urban area
2017 2018 2019 2020
Price index
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; Corine Land Cover 2018.
Table 3 – Regressions at municipality level
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Population density (inhabitants/km
) 0.0016***
Distance to the centre of the UA (km) −1.1544***
COVID × Population density −0.0003*** −0.0004*** −0.0002** −0.0002* −0.0005***
(0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001)
COVID × Distance to the UA centre 0.0044 0.0008 0.0283* 0.0328** 0.0522**
(0.0128) (0.0120) (0.0156) (0.0163) (0.0238)
Fixed urban area effects Yes No No No No
Fixed Month × Year effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fixed municipality effects No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Date × Urban area No No Yes Yes Yes
Month × Municipality No No No Yes Yes
Municipality linear trend No No No No Yes
Observations 193,173 193,162 193,162 187,031 187,031
0.2255 0.5083 0.5121 0.6352 0.6522
Notes: *** p<0.01; ** p<0.05; * p<0.1. Standard errors grouped with the municipality in brackets. The estimated coefcients are multiplied by 100
to make them easier to read. The proportion of houses in the municipality is controlled.
Reading note: Each additional 1 kilometre of distance to the centre of the urban area is associated with a 1.15% drop in prices in the municipality.
After March 2020, the drop in prices is 1.11% (−1.15+0.04).
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census.
density by one additional inhabitant/km
associated with a price increase of 0.0016% in
a municipality between 2016 and March 2020
(Table 3, col. 1). Applying the post‑COVID
change (col. 5), the same increase in population
density was associated with a price increase of
only 0.0011% (0.0016−0.0005). This suggests
that the attractiveness of purely urban amenities,
present in densely populated areas, has lessened
in favour of greater demand for space.
There is also a change in relation to the distance
from the municipality to the centre of the urban
area. The price gradient associated with distance
changed from −1.15% for each additional kilo
metre farther away from the centre to a gradient
of −1.10% (−1.15+ 0.05) after March 2020. The
distance to the centre of the area, which repre
sents a point of interest for households, therefore
remains a factor of lower prices, but less of a
factor since the start of the pandemic than it was
previously. While proximity to the centre is still
sought after in the demand for property, it now
seems less valued.
The results obtained with the exible speci
cations (equation 3) are presented in Figure IV,
rst with the same controls as in column 4 of
Table 3, then in a version where their (linear)
price trends before COVID are removed, i.e.
the exible version of the results presented in
column 5 of Table 3. The coefcients correspond
to the estimated gradient variations compared to
the reference period of 2019.
Figure IV – Variation in price gradients associated with distance to the centre and population density
in the municipality
A – Distance to the centre
Variation in gradient
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Distance (linear trend removed)
B – Population density
Variation in gradient
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Density ((linear trend removed)
Notes: The vertical bars represent the 95% condence intervals. The rst three months of 2020 have been removed.
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census; IGN.
COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration
As the previous results suggest, even if the
coefcients estimated before the emergence
of COVID‑19 are not always signicant, we
observe a downward linear trend in the variation
of the gradient related to distance (Figure IV‑A):
before 2020, the distance‑related price gradient
was lower in absolute value in 2016 than in 2019
and appears to have increased in a fairly linear
manner between these two periods; there seems
to have been a trend towards concentration
around city centres. The year 2020 marks a clear
break and a reversal of the trend evidenced by a
decrease in the gradient in absolute value. The
presence of a trend prior to COVID‑19 would
therefore tend to cause an underestimation of
the effects of the pandemic on the distance‑
related price gradient. When the previous trend
is removed (Figure IV‑B), the effects of the
pandemic appear even more clearly.
The analysis is substantially identical with
respect to the evolution of the population density‑
related gradient. Here too, there is a clear break
in 2020: the trend towards rising prices in
densely populated municipalities compared to
less densely populated municipalities before the
emergence of COVID‑19 is followed by a clear
relative decrease in prices in densely populated
3.2.2. Inter‑Urban Areas Analyses
Table 4 presents the results of the estimations for
the inter‑urban areas specication (equation 2),
introducing rst the “urban areas” xed effects,
then the “urban areas×month” xed effects and,
nally, the linear trends by urban area.
In line with the predictions of the Rosen‑Roback
model, we see the positive association between
income (and therefore productivity) and property
prices. When all controls are included (column 5),
we see, after the appearance of the COVID crisis,
a relative decrease in prices in urban areas where
incomes are high, compared to urban areas
where they are lower. While urban areas that
show strong economic dynamism (measured by
household income) remain very attractive and are
therefore subject to strong demand for property,
these phenomena are less pronounced after the
appearance of COVID. This suggests a possible
inection in preferences, with urban areas with
more modest dynamics having new appeal. It
is likely that initially lower property prices will
generate greater demand, which will ultimately
contribute to higher prices in these markets.
In contrast, our results do not show price vari
ations following the emergence of COVID‑19
that would be explained by natural amenity
variables. The “proportion of tributaries and
rivers” variable is never signicant and the
signicant effect of the “COVID×proportion
of natural spaces” variable disappears when
linear price trends are included. The presence
of these natural amenities does not appear to
be a particularly decisive feature in the choice
of location of households after the crisis and
H4 does not seem to be empirically validated in
relation to the French property markets.
The results obtained from the exible spec
ications (equation 4) are shown in Figure V
(incomes) and Figure VI (natural amenities).
As for the intra‑urban area analysis, the model
is estimated rst without and then with control
of (linear) price trends before COVID, which
corresponds, respectively, to the controls of
columns 3 and 4 of Table 4.
Table 4 – Regressions at urban area level
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4)
Median income (€) 0.0110***(0.0008)
Proportion of tributaries and rivers (%) 1.1918 (0.9562)
Proportion of natural spaces (%) 0.0053 (0.0538)
COVID × Median income 0.0002 (0.0002) −0.0000 (0.0002) −0.0000 (0.0002) −0.0006**(0.0003)
COVID × Proportion of rivers and tributaries 0.2528 (0.4148) 0.0699 (0.3080) 0.0787 (0.3065) 0.5717 (0.4539)
COVID × Proportion of natural spaces −0.0248 (0.0244) −0.0704***(0.0186) −0.0662***(0.0183) −0.0019 (0.0227)
Fixed Month × Year effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fixed urban area effects No Yes Yes Yes
Fixed Urban area × Month effects No No Yes Yes
Urban area linear trend No No No Yes
Observations 46,976 46,976 46,973 46,973
0.2477 0.6671 0.7264 0.7352
Notes: *** p<0.01; ** p<0.05; * p<0.1. Standard errors grouped with the urban area in brackets. The estimated coefcients are multiplied by 100 to
make them easier to read. The proportion of houses in the urban area is controlled.
Reading Note: An increase in median income of €1,000 in the urban area is associated with a price increase of 11%.
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census; Corine Land Cover.
Figure V – Variation in price gradients associated with income
Variation in gradient
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
A – Income
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
B – Income (linear trend removed)
Notes: The vertical bars represent the 95% condence intervals. The rst 3 months of 2020 have been removed.
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census.
Figure VI – Variation in price gradients associated with the proportion of rivers and tributaries
and of natural spaces in the urban area
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
B – Rivers and tributaries (linear trend removed)
Variation in gradient Variation in gradient
A – Rivers and tributaries
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
C – Natural spaces
D – Natural spaces (linear trend removed)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Notes: The vertical bars represent the 95% condence intervals. The rst 3 months of 2020 have been removed.
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; Corine Land Cover 2018.
COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration
We rst see that the gradient positively associ
ating prices and incomes tended to increase in a
quite linear way until 2018, stabilised between
2018 and 2019 and decreased sharply after that
date (Figure V). Once the previous linear trend
has been removed, the gradient decrease from
2020 onwards is even sharper. This conrms the
previous results in relation to H3.
In contrast, we do not see any break in the
gradients associated with the natural amenities
of the urban area (Figure VI): the downward
trend of the gradient associated with the propor
tion of natural spaces continues after 2020 and
the gradient associated with the proportion of
rivers appears relatively constant throughout the
period. As suggested by the results of previous
estimations, the evolution of prices according to
the presence of these natural amenities within
the urban area does not change substantially
after the appearance of COVID.
3.3. Robustness
In the analyses conducted so far, we have exam
ined the potential effects of the COVID crisis
after March 2020, i.e. the beginning of the rst
lockdown. However, the effect of COVID on
property prices is unlikely to have materialised
in the rst two months of the period, due to both
the lockdown and the delays in completing prop
erty transactions. Nevertheless, we estimate an
average effect over the period up to July 2021,
which does not necessarily imply that the effect
started as early as April. Moreover, prices are
unlikely to be inuenced by the inclusion or
non‑inclusion of transactions that occurred
during lockdown, as there were few such trans
actions: the average number of transactions per
municipality decreased by 53% in April 2020
compared to April 2019. Nonetheless, to check
the robustness of the results to the exclusion
of transactions unlikely to have been affected
by the pandemic, we re‑estimate our equations by
delaying the start of the COVID period to June
2020, which corresponds to the month following
the end of the rst lockdown. The results, which
are presented in the appendix, show that this
change of date does not change the results.
We also carry out “placebo” tests. These tests
consist in evaluating the effect of ctitious
pandemics that would have occurred in 2017,
2018 and 2019 and considering only transactions
that occurred before 2020. The idea is that these
ctitious pandemics should not have a signicant
effect on price dynamics. We estimate the same
specications as those presented in column 5
of Table 3 for municipalities, and column 4 of
Table 4 for urban areas, varying the start date
of the pandemic between 2017 and 2019. The
results (see Appendix) show reassuringly – no
signicant change at the 5% threshold in price
dynamics after these ctitious pandemics.
* *
In this article, we have sought to explore how
the pandemic has affected household location
choices and residential property markets in
France. The results show that, at the intra‑urban
area level, prices increased relatively more in
the least densely populated areas as well as in the
areas located farthest from urban centres after
the emergence of COVID‑19, suggesting that
households are seeking more space and place
less value on the positive externalities that can
be produced by a high population density. At the
inter‑urban areas level, the level of productivity,
reected by the level of income, also partly
explains the differences in price variations. In
contrast, we do not nd any signicant effect
related to the level of amenities.
Our results therefore support the expectations
of hypotheses 1 and 2, according to which
property prices decrease in the centre and
increase in the periphery of urban areas, where
population densities are lower. They join the
results of Gupta et al. (2021) and Ramani &
Bloom (2021) based on American data. The
former show that the crisis has indeed led to
lower property prices and rents in city centres
and higher prices in areas away from the centre
(attening this relationship between distance to
the centre and prices in most US metropolitan
areas). The latter show, in major American
cities, a shift (the “donut effect”) in household
demand for property from densely populated
city centres towards more sparsely populated
suburban locations.
Our estimates also support hypothesis 3,
according to which prices rise in agglomerations
with low productivity. This result is in line with
those obtained by Brueckner et al. (2021) which
show, on the basis of US data, downward pres
sure on property prices in high‑productivity cities
following the health crisis and the development
of working remotely. In contrast, hypothesis 4,
according to which prices would tend to increase
in agglomerations with a certain level of natural
amenities, is not veried in our estimates. On
this point, our results therefore differ from those
obtained by Brueckner et al. (2021) showing that
property prices have increased in cities with high
levels of amenities and decreased in cities with
low levels of amenities. However, for natural
amenities, the authors use a richer set of indi
cators (differences in temperature, precipitation,
proximity to the oceans, etc.), some of these not
being available at the level of analysis carried
out here. We therefore cannot rule out that the
amenities that we take into consideration are not
necessarily those for which the value placed on
them has changed the most.
Our exploration also has other limitations that
we must emphasise. In particular, we consid
ered that the pandemic was able to affect the
demand for property mainly through two factors:
the increased use of telework and changes in
preferences related to successive lockdowns.
This allowed us to identify a limited number of
hypotheses that could then be tested. However,
this does not exclude other effects that the
pandemic may have had on behaviour related to
demand for property: for example, fear of conta
gion may have increased the psychological costs
of transport. In this case, households would opt
for locations close to the centre or would give
preference to the use of a private vehicle, with an
additional cost. This could then mitigate changes
in the price gradient across the urban space. It is
also not possible for us to distinguish between
the respective effects of the two potential factors,
or to say that they are precisely the ones that
explain the observed evolutions of prices.
Deeper societal changes, particularly in relation
to work‑life balance, may contribute to some
of the changes just as much as changes directly
caused by the crisis. If this is the case, the health
crisis may have acted as an accelerator, leading
households to concretise mobility projects they
already considered before COVID.
Keeping these limitations in mind, it would
nevertheless seem that, at intra‑urban area
level, we are witnessing a strengthening of
the phenomenon of peri‑urbanisation that has
already been under way for several decades. The
effect observed on the prices of the residential
property markets of distant and sparsely popu
lated municipalities suggests that it is primarily
individuals who can work remotely, who are
often executives and have strong economic and
cultural capital, that have ocked to peri‑urban
municipalities. Therefore, in addition to an
effect on property prices, these potential changes
in the social composition of the inhabitants can
ultimately have consequences on the overall
economic dynamics of the municipalities.
This can lead to gentrication processes, with
increased inequality and greater exclusion of
the most fragile social categories. Nevertheless,
if relatively wealthy populations arrive in
municipalities where less afuent populations
can remain despite rising price dynamics, for
example through social housing, this could
foster social diversity.
At inter‑urban areas level, the fact that property
prices in cities with the lowest productivity
are catching up suggests a broader economic
and social rebalancing: territories that could
have been losing economic impetus could be
revitalised by the arrival of a new population.
Nevertheless, at this stage, our analysis does
not allow us to observe the effects of a social
recomposition of municipalities or urban areas
at granular level. In addition, it is difcult to
determine whether the changes observed over
the study period will be conrmed in the longer
term or whether they are only temporary: our
data stopped in July 2021, at a time when the
pandemic was not over and government recom
mendations on working remotely were still
in place. It is therefore necessary to question
whether the changes observed will last beyond
the pandemic and whether they will affect the
dynamics of socio‑spatial inequalities.
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Table A1 – Regression at municipality level (start June 2020)
Variables (1) (2) (4) (5) (6)
Population density 0.0016***
Distance to the UA centre −1.1553***
COVID × Population density −0.0004*** −0.0004*** −0.0002** −0.0002** −0.0005***
(0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001)
COVID × Distance to the UA centre 0.0093 0.0062 0.0337** 0.0434*** 0.0699***
(0.0133) (0.0125) (0.0164) (0.0168) (0.0236)
Fixed Month × Year effects Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fixed municipality effects No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Date × Urban area No No Yes Yes Yes
Month × Municipality No No No Yes Yes
Municipality linear trend No No No No Yes
Observations 193,173 193,162 193,162 187,031 187,031
0.2255 0.5083 0.5121 0.6352 0.6522
Notes: *** p<0.01; ** p<0.05; * p<0.1. Standard errors grouped with the municipality in brackets. The estimated coefcients are multiplied by 100
to make them easier to read. The proportion of houses in the municipality is controlled.
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census.
Table A2 – Regression at urban area level (start June 2020)
Variables (1) (2) (3) (4)
Median income (€) 0.0111***(0.0008)
Proportion of tributaries and rivers (%) 1.2033 (0.9582)
Proportion of natural spaces (%) 0.0041 (0.0538)
COVID × Median income −0.0001 (0.0003) −0.0002 (0.0002) −0.0002 (0.0002) −0.0009***(0.0003)
COVID × Proportion of tributaries and rivers 0.2292 (0.4689) 0.1459 (0.3552) 0.2183 (0.3590) 0.7554 (0.4792)
COVID × Proportion of natural spaces −0.0216 (0.0263) −0.0768***(0.0200) −0.0757***(0.0198) −0.0192 (0.0236)
Fixed Month × Year effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fixed urban area effects No Yes Yes Yes
Fixed Urban area × Month effects No No Yes Yes
Urban area linear trend No No No Yes
Observations 46,976 46,976 46,973 46,973
0.2477 0.6671 0.7264 0.7353
Notes: *** p<0.01; ** p<0.05; * p<0.1. Standard errors grouped with the urban area in brackets. The estimated coefcients are multiplied by 100 to
make them easier to read. The proportion of houses in the urban area is controlled.
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census; Corine Land Cover.
COVID‑19 and Dynamics of Residential Property Markets in France: An Exploration
Table A3 – Placebo tests
2019 2018 2017
Period × Population density −0.0001 (0.0001) −0.0002 (0.0002) 0.0002(0.0001)
Period × Distance to the centre −0.0364 (0.0283) 0.0268(0.0343) 0.0184(0.0282)
Observations 136,607 136,607 136,607
0.6862 0.6862 0.6862
Urban areas
2019 2018 2017
Period × Median income −0.0004 (0.0003) 0.0006*(0.0003) 0.0000(0.0003)
Period × Proportion of rivers and tributaries (%) 0.0602 (0.4041) −0.2532 (0.5066) 0.1060(0.4426)
Period × Proportion of natural spaces (%) 0.0185(0.0256) 0.0250 (0.0288) −0.0353 (0.0238)
Observations 34,937 34,937 34,937
0.7649 0.7649 0.7649
Notes: *** p<0.01; ** p<0.05; * p<0.1. Standard errors grouped with the municipality for municipality level estimates and with the urban area for
urban area level estimates, in brackets. The estimated coefcients are multiplied by 100 to make them easier to interpret. The control variables
correspond to those in column (4) of Table 3 (or 4) for estimates at municipality (urban area) level. Transactions after 31 December 2019 are
removed. The “period” variable corresponds to a ctitious processing date starting at the beginning of the year, indicated at the top of each column.
Sources: DVF 2016‑2021; INSEE, 2017 population census; Corine Land Cover.