The Code of Conduct for Ajax High School was developed by
teachers, students, and parents, and was established following the
Ontario Schools Code of Conduct (2000) and the applicable
policies, regulations and procedures of the Durham District School
Board. In accordance with Policy/Program Memorandum No. 128
from the Ministry of Education the Code of Conduct has been
revised to reflect changes made in the Education Act, effective
February 1, 2008, that pertain to suspension and expulsion of
The Code of Conduct for Ajax High School is designed to provide a
framework to ensure that school is a safe, productive learning
environment for all. We ask families to review this Code of Conduct
so that all parties are familiar with school expectations and
procedures. The Code of Conduct is subject to change at any time,
based on directions from the Ministry of Education or the Durham
District School Board. The Code of Conduct is reviewed annually
each spring where policies and procedures are reviewed for the
next school year.
RATIONALE (Ontario Schools Code of Conduct)
The Durham District School Board is committed to providing a safe
and secure school environment. The Safe Schools Act, 2000
required each board and each school to develop a Code of Conduct
that is consistent with the legislation and board policy. These
provisions were more recently amended by Bill 212, An Act To
Amend The Education Act, in respect of behaviour, discipline and
safety. The revised Education Act, together with the related
Regulation 472/07, is effective February 1, 2008.
The Codes of Conduct for the Durham District School Board and
Ajax High School reflect the following provincial policy.
A school is a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and
academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment.
All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe,
and feel safe, in their school community. With this right comes the
responsibility to contribute to a positive school climate and be law-
abiding citizens and to be accountable for actions that put at risk the
safety of others or oneself.
The Ontario Schools Code of Conduct sets clear provincial
standards of behaviour. It specifies the mandatory consequences
for student actions that do not comply with these standards.
Policy/Program Memorandum No. 145, AProgressive Discipline and
Promoting Positive Student Behaviour@. October 4, 2007, provides
an overview of the progressive discipline approach to be used when
addressing issues of student conduct. When inappropriate
behaviour occurs, Ajax High School will utilize a range of
interventions, supports and consequences that are developmentally
appropriate, the include opportunities for students to learn from
mistakes, and that focus on improving behaviour.
The provincial standards of behaviour apply not only to students,
but also to all individuals involved in the publicly funded school
system - parents or guardians, volunteers, teachers and other staff
Creating a community school which inspires
students to develop a passion for learning.
members - whether they are on school property, on school buses or
at school-authorized events or activities.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES (Ontario Schools Code of Conduct)
The Durham District School Board and Ajax High School support
the provincial guiding principles and endorse recognition,
acceptance and sensitivity toward ethnocultural diversity.
All participants involved in the publicly funded school system -
students, parents or guardians, volunteers, teachers and other staff
members - are included in the Ontario Schools Code of Conduct
whether they are on school property, on school buses or at school-
authorized events or activities.
< All participants involved in the publicly funded school system -
students, parents or guardians, volunteers, teachers and other
staff members - are included in the Ontario Schools Code of
Conduct whether they are on school property, on school buses or
at school-authorized events or activities.
< All members of the school community are to be treated with
respect and dignity, especially persons in positions of authority.
< Responsible citizenship involves appropriate participation in the
civic life of the school community. Active and engaged citizens
are aware of their rights, but more importantly, they accept
responsibility for protecting their rights and the rights of others.
< Members of the school community are expected to use non-
violent means to resolve conflict. Physically aggressive
behaviour is not a responsible way to interact with others.
< The possession, use or threatened use of any object to injure
another person endangers the safety of oneself and others.
< Alcohol and illegal drugs are addictive and present a health
hazard. Ontario schools will work cooperatively with police, drug
and alcohol agencies to promote prevention strategies and,
where necessary, respond to school members who are in
possession of, or under the influence of, alcohol or illegal drugs.
(As well, smoking in school buildings and on school property is
prohibited by law.)
< Recognition and acceptance of, and sensitivity toward,
ethnocultural diversity are expectations of and within the school
The Durham District School Board and Ajax High School accept the
provincial direction regarding individual roles and responsibilities. In
addition to school staff, students and parents, other members of the
public, who interact with members of the school community while
present in or on school property or premises, have a responsibility
to respect others in the school and to conduct themselves
Principals, under the direction of their school board, take a
leadership role in the daily operation of a school. They provide this
leadership by:
< demonstrating care and commitment to academic excellence and
a safe teaching and learning environment;
< holding everyone, under their authority, accountable for their
behaviour and actions;
< empowering students to be positive leaders in their school
< communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of
their school community.
Teachers and School Staff, under the leadership of their principal,
maintain order in the school and are expected to hold everyone to
the highest standard of respectful and responsible behaviour. As
role models, staff uphold these high standards when they:
< help students work to their full potential and develop their self-
< empower students to be positive leaders in their classroom,
school, and community;
< communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents;
< maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students;
< demonstrate respect for all students, staff and parents;
< prepare students for the full responsibilities of citizenship.
Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they
must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others and for the
responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour.
Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student:
< comes to school prepared, on time and ready to learn;
< shows respect for themselves, others and for those in authority;
< refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise
the safety of others;
< follows the established rules and takes responsibility for his or
her own action.
Parents play an important role in the education of their children and
have a responsibility to support the efforts of school staff in
maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all
students. Parents fulfil this responsibility when they:
< show an active interest in their child=s school work and progress;
< communicate regularly with the school;
< help their child be neat, appropriately dressed and prepared for
< ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time;
< promptly report to the school their child=s absence or late arrival;
< become familiar with the Code of Conduct and school rules;
< encourage and assist their child in following the rules of
< assist school staff in dealing with discipline issues;
< demonstrate respect for all students, staff and parents.
Police and Community Members are essential partners in making
our schools and communities safer. Community members need to
support and respect the rules of their local schools. Police
investigate incidents in accordance with the protocol developed with
the local school board. These protocols are based on a provincial
model developed by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and the
Ministry of Education.
Ajax High School works in partnership with Durham Regional Police
Services. P.C Morton is the police liaison officer for the school.
Call 905-579-1520 ext. 2514 for assistance.
STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR (Ontario Schools Code of
The Durham District School Board and Ajax High School support
the provincial standards of behaviour which include respect, civility,
responsible citizenship and physical safety.
Respect, Civility and Responsible Citizenship
All school members must:
< respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial and
municipal laws;
< demonstrate honesty and integrity;
< respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions;
< treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and
especially when there is disagreement;
< respect and treat others fairly, regardless of their race, ancestry,
place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender,
sexual orientation, age or disability;
< respect the rights of others;
< show proper care and regard for school property and the
property of others;
< take appropriate measures to help those in need;
< seek assistance from a member of the school staff, if necessary,
to resolve conflict peacefully;
< respect all members of the school community, especially
persons in positions of authority;
< respect the need of others to work in an environment that is
conductive to learning and teaching;
< not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of
Physical Safety
Weapons - All school members must:
< not be in possession of any weapon, including but not limited to
< not use any object to threaten or intimidate another person;
< not cause injury to any person with an object.
Alcohol and Drugs - All school members must:
< not be in possession of, or under the influence of, or provide
others with, alcohol or illegal drugs.
Aggression - All school members must:
< not engage in bullying behaviours;
< not commit sexual assaults;
< not inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another
< seek staff assistance, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully.
CONSEQUENCES (Durham District School Board)
Students who do not comply with the standards of behaviour
outlined in the Code of Conduct will be dealt with in a judicious and
considerate manner. Actions will vary depending on the
circumstances of each individual case. Mitigating factors are
always considered before determining consequences.
Consequences may include:
< caution by teacher, support staff, administrator or adult
< temporary removal from class, activity or event;
< problem-solving exercise;
< parental contact;
< counselling;
< peer mediation and conflict resolution programs;
< community/school service;
< loss of privileges;
< detention;
< behaviour contracts;
< restorative practices;
< support and responsibility agreements;
< restitution;
< suspension;
< expulsion.
Circumstances Leading To Possible Suspension
A Principal shall consider whether to suspend a pupil if he or she
believes that the pupil has engaged in any of the following activities
while at school, at a school-related activity or in other circumstances
where engaging in the activity will have an impact on the school
1. uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person*;
2. possessing alcohol or illegal drugs*;
3. being under the influence of alcohol;
4. swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of
5. committing an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to
school property at the pupil's school or to property located on the
premises of the pupil's school*;
6. bullying; or,
7. any other activity that is an activity for which a principal may
suspend a pupil under a policy of the Board. Other suspendable
infractions including but not limited to:
a) possessing or dispensing controlled or intoxicating substances
that are not prescribed for medical purposes;
b) being under the influence of illegal, controlled or intoxicating
substances that are not prescribed for medical purposes;
c) smoking on school property;
d) committing vandalism, destruction, damage to school property or
to the property of others located on or in school premises;
e) stealing property;
f) engaging in intimidation, extortion*, harassment*, or verbal
g) misusing or misappropriating school property or services,
including computers and other technology systems;
h) engaging in hate motivated incidents*;
i) engaging in gang related activity*;
j) possessing dangerous objects or substances, including for
example laser pointers; gloves with studs on knuckles; or any
other item deemed by the principal to be unsafe or a hazard to
persons or property in the school;
k) committing physical assault on another person*;
l) engaging in or encouraging a fight;
m) engaging in conduct that constitutes opposition to authority;
n) demonstrating poor attendance that warrants disciplinary action;
o) engaging in behaviour that is disruptive to the learning
environment of the class or school;
p) engaging in conduct that is detrimental to the moral tone of the
q) wearing clothing/apparel that is inappropriate, offensive or
violates the school Dress Code;
r) engaging in unauthorized gambling or games of chance;
s) engaging in another activity that, under the Code of Conduct of
the school, is one for which a suspension is warranted.
* may require police involvement as outlined in the Police/School
Board Protocol.
Circumstances Leading to a Suspension, Investigation, and
Possible Expulsion
A Principal shall suspend a pupil if he or she believes that the pupil
has engaged in any of the following activities while at school, at a
school-related activity or in other circumstances where engaging in
the activity will have an impact on the school climate:
1. possessing a weapon, including possessing a firearm*;
2. using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another
3. committing physical assault on another person that causes
bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner*;
4. committing sexual assault*;
5. trafficking in weapons or in illegal drugs*;
6. committing robbery*;
7. giving alcohol to a minor*;
8. any other activity that, under a policy of a board, is an activity for
which a Principal must suspend a pupil and conduct an
investigation to determine whether to recommend to the board
that the pupil be expelled. Other suspendable infractions
including but not limited to:
a) hate motivated violence*;
b) gang related violence*;
c) trafficking in controlled or intoxicating substances not prescribed
or dispensed for medical purposes*;
d) uttering threats or threatening conduct intended to intimidate*;
e) engaging in harassment*;
f) ongoing conduct that is so refractory (persistent) that the
student's presence in the school or classroom is considered by
the principal to effect a danger or possibility of harm, physical or
emotional, to others in the school or to the reputation of the
(*require police involvement as outlined in the Police/School
Board Protocol.)
Guidelines from the Ministry of Education directs us to place
Suspension/Expulsion documents in the O.S.R. Guidelines will be
established as directed by the Ministry of Education.
A pupil who is suspended under this section is suspended from his
or her school and from engaging in all school-related activities.
A Principal may suspend a pupil for up to 20 school days and, in
considering how long the suspension should be, the Principal shall
take into account the mitigating factors, as well as the other factors.
When a Principal suspends a pupil, the pupil shall be assigned to a
program for suspended pupils, as established by the Board in
accordance with any policies or guidelines issued by the Minister.
When staff, students and families work together, a positive and
productive learning environment is established at Ajax High School
where goals are set and achieved. The Code of Conduct
establishes the level of behaviour expected for all, so that we have
the best possible school where success and achievement are
reached through cooperation, courtesy and respect. Please review
this Code of Conduct at the beginning of the school year and keep it
in a safe place where it can be referenced if necessary.
BULLYING/CYBER BULLYING is a behaviour that is unsolicited
and allows one person or one group to gain power over another.
Intimidation is a key component of bullying resulting in verbal,
physical, sexual and / or psychological harassment of the victim or
victims and bystanders. This intimidation places the victim(s) in an
inferior position creating isolation, alienation, insecurity, fear and
helplessness. These conditions are often created by using
demeaning language, teasing, name calling, threatening (physical
or otherwise), spreading rumours, gossiping, gestures, pushing,
shoving, tripping, hitting and intruding on personal space to inflict
harm (physical or otherwise) on the victim. Students who are
involved in bullying other students will face suspension and/or
and dominoes are permitted in the cafeteria before school and at
lunch hour. Students who are on spare and play cards or dominoes
during regular class hours will have these confiscated. Dice and other
means of gambling are not permitted at any time. Hackey-sack
games are not permitted in the school building.
CARS AND MOTORCYCLES If you drive a vehicle to school, you
may park it in the student parking area at the south exit of the school,
provided you display a parking permit. Parking permits may be
obtained from the Main Office. Students are not to sit in parked cars
or loiter in the parking area. Smoking in cars on school property is
not permitted. During school hours.
CELL PHONES, MP3 Players, other Personal Digital Accessories
(PDA’s): These items are not to be visible or turned on while in
the building. This includes headphones and earbuds. The use of
PDA’s can have an impact on the school and negatively affect the
safety and the learning environment at the school.
Cellular phones, MP3’s and other electronic signalling devices are
disruptive and distracting if they are activated in class. This includes
two-way radios, pages, video games and cameras. Communication
devices also have the potential to be used for academic dishonesty.
Integrated digital imaging devices (such as camera capability on
phones) can be used in a manner that violates the privacy, dignity
and safety of students and staff. Students may also not be able to
clearly hear instructions or directions given by staff if headphones and
earbuds are worn, posing a safety concern and potential conflict
situation. It is not an excuse for students to indicate they have not
heard a teacher’s instructions because they had these on.
Cell phones which are on or are seen by a teacher, in the school, will
be confiscated and will be given to the Vice Principal to be returned to
the student at the end of the day. If a phone has been confiscated
more than once, that student will need to have a parent/guardian
arrange to pick up the phone from the Vice Principal. Multiple
infractions may lead to suspension.
COMPUTERS The school has a number of computers and
computer labs which are accessible to students, but require a user
identification and password. Students should store their current
work on the fileserver with a backup copy on their own media.
Students must complete the Internet User Rules form before
accessing the Internet on any school computer. Students who
violate the school computer agreement and/or breach network
security may face loss of network privileges, suspension, expulsion,
and legal action.
Computer Classroom Acceptable Use Policy
All users of the school computer network must follow the following
1. Computers are to be used for educational purposes only under
supervision of a teacher. Users may be monitored to ensure
proper use.
2. Student computer time may be limited to ensure that all students
have sufficient access to the network.
3. No food or drink allowed in computer labs.
4. Printing allowed only with teacher permission.
5. Report any damaged computer equipment to your teacher
immediately before using. Students are not permitted to repair
school equipment.
6. Absolutely no harassment, bullying, violation of Canadian laws,
or any other activities that violate the school’s Code of Conduct.
More information on this can be found in your student agenda.
7. Absolutely no viewing, copying, or distribution of pornography or
other obscene material. See the school’s Code of Conduct for
more information.
8. Students must use their own accounts to login. Students cannot
share their account passwords, and are responsible for all
activities related to their accounts.
9. Social networks, email, chat, and other messaging systems not
allowed, unless under direct teacher supervision for educational
purposes only.
10. Games are not allowed.
11. File sharing or other means of copyright infringement not
12. Loading any software that is not already present and installed
by school staff is strictly prohibited. Students may not create
any software unless necessary for a school project under
teacher supervision. Such projects may be subject to Principal
13.Circumventing any network security settings, website blocking,
account access, or network vandalism will result in revoked
computer privileges and / or other school discipline, including
suspension or expulsion.
a. Network vandalism includes/but is not limited to physical
damage to computers, peripherals, and data that is stored or
b. Network security settings includes/but is not limited to
access restrictions, file and folder restrictions, internet proxy
sites, or any other program / site that affects normal
computer use.
c. School-owned and configured equipment allowed only.
d. If a student violates any security policy accidentally, they
MUST report the incident to the Site Administrator
14.Use of school network resources allowed only with a completed
Network Access Agreement. This must be signed by the
student, parent/guardian, and returned to the main office. Any
questions about any of the above should be directed to the
school’s network Site Administrator.
DANCES Student Council may hold several dances throughout the
year. All tickets are advance sales only. Guest passes for your
friends who are not Ajax High School students must be obtained
from Students' Council and approved by the administration. Guests
must accompany the Ajax student to the dance and have current
photo ID or they will not be admitted to the dance. Students will not
be admitted to the dance without a current student ID card. There is
no late entry permitted after one hour of the commencement of the
dance. Students who choose to leave the building during a dance
will not be re-admitted. There are no refunds if a student does not
attend the dance or is asked to leave for violating the Code of
DETENTIONS Detentions are assigned by administration or
teachers for inappropriate behaviour, lates or skipping. Teachers
may also assign detentions if you disobey classroom rules. If a
teacher assigns you a detention, you must serve that detention with
the teacher, and at a time and place designated by the teacher. If
you miss your detention, the matter will be referred to the
DRESS CODE You are expected to be dressed cleanly, neatly and
in a manner appropriate for a place of work and study for all school
and off-campus activities. It is inappropriate to wear:
< head wear, beachwear, or clothing which is too revealing,
distracting, or offensive in nature;
< clothing (and/or accessories) considered to be offensive and
depicts or promotes: racism, sexism, violence, tobacco, alcohol,
illegal drugs, gang activity, etc;
< hats, bandannas, scarves or any other head coverings must not
be worn in the building, unless specifically required by a
classroom situation (ie. tech workshop, cooking, etc,) or by a
student=s religious/cultural beliefs; bandanas must not be visible;
or it will be confiscated and not returned until the end of the
< Hats must be removed from hoodies;
< shirts and tops must be worn and tucked in or fall below the
waistline of pants/skirts; shirts and tops must have adequate
coverage over the shoulders and around armholes for the
workplace (ie. gaping basketball or tank tops shirts, and spaghetti
straps are not permitted);
< skirts, shorts or cutoffs must be mid-thigh length or longer;
< undergarments and/or bare backs or midriffs must not be visible;
< footwear must be worn at all times;
< coats and jackets must not be taken to class; coats may only be
worn in class if the teacher determines the temperature of the
room warrants outerwear;
< contact lenses must be monochromatic (one colour);
< Sunglasses are not to be worn in school.
Students will be asked to cover up or they will be sent home to
change clothing, or asked to remove accessories that are
FIELD TRIPS You are expected to follow all school rules while on
any trip. Inappropriate behaviour may result in your parent/guardian
having to pick you up. All students on an extended international
field trip will have to complete a student field trip application form. A
permission form must be completed by your parent or guardian
before leaving. If you miss the trip, any money paid may not be
FOOD IN CLASSROOMS Food and beverages are permitted in
classrooms only for specialized classes (eg. family studies).
Capped water bottles may be permitted at the discretion of the
FOOD IN HALLWAYS No food or beverages are to be consumed in
the hallways.
HARASSMENT/BULLYING If another student threatens you,
ridicules you, or is abusive to you in a racist, violent, sexual, or
demeaning manner, tell a teacher, guidance counsellor or the Vice
Principal immediately. Harassment only stops when you speak up
for your rights. Students who harass other students will face
suspension and/or expulsion, and police may be contacted.
OTHER NUISANCE ITEMS Dangerous objects, including snowballs,
firecrackers, hand-held laser pointers, cigarette lighters, etc. must
not be used on school property, and will be confiscated. Students
will be suspended if they have threatened the safety of others
through the use of these objects.
OPPOSITION TO AUTHORITY If you argue with a teacher, and/or
show disrespect to a teacher's authority (eg. ignoring a teacher's
request to follow school rules) you will be referred to the Vice
Principal. Refusal to give a teacher or staff member your first and
last name when requested will result in a suspension. A student will
be suspended for directly swearing at or in a situation with a teacher
or any staff member.
an incident off school property, or after school hours which is against
the Ajax High School Code of Behaviour, which has an impact on
the learning environment of the school, you may be subject to the
appropriate disciplinary consequences. (See pages 9 and 10)
PRIVACY Students may not record, either audio or visual, or
photograph other students or staff unless supervised by a teacher.
Students may not post photos or comments about others to the
internet. (Also see page 12, cell phones, other PDA’s)
REMOVAL FROM CLASS If a teacher directs you to leave the
classroom for inappropriate behaviour, or if you choose to leave a
classroom without the teacher=s permission, you must report to the
office immediately and fill out a Student Behavioural Report. If you
do not report to the office will be suspended for opposition to
rollerblades or skateboards to travel to school, you must carry them
into the building. If they are used on school property they will be
SMOKING, TOBACCO PRODUCTS Smoking in the school
building and on the school grounds is a risk to health and safety,
and prohibited by law. Do not leave the school property between
classes to smoke. Students who smoke on school property, or
within view of school property during class time or between periods,
will be suspended, and their names will be referred to the Durham
Regional Tobacco Enforcement officer for legal action. Tobacco
products in view on school property will be confiscated, and not
SUBSTANCE ABUSE (including Alcohol and Illegal Drugs).
Students possessing, dispensing or who are under the influence of
controlled or intoxicating substances that are not prescribed for
medical purposes; will face suspension, expulsion, and/or criminal
SUSPENSION Students returning from a suspension may require
an administrator and parent interview upon their return. Suspended
students are not allowed on school property during the duration of
their suspensions, and may be prosecuted under the Trespass Act.
VANDALISM Destruction or defacing of school property whether
through a malicious act, or indirectly caused by violent behaviour,
horseplay, etc. will result in suspension, and restitution made upon
return to school. Police may be contacted.
VIOLENCE Any form of violent behaviour (including play fighting if
it has threatened the safety of others) will result in suspension.
Serious incidents may also include criminal prosecution and/or
WEAPONS A weapon is any object that could be used for
attacking another person i.e. chains, studded accessories/jewellery,
etc. Students in possession of weapons on school property will face
suspension, expulsion, and/or criminal prosecution. Replica
weapons are not permitted at school.
# of Lates Intervention
1 - 4 Late slip issued at the office
5 1 Detention, speak to student, call home
10 1 Detention, letter home, possible community service
15 Suspension followed by a parental interview
Students who miss detentions or ISW may be suspended for
opposition to authority.
A progressive discipline approach is used to address lates and
truancy. Consequences will range from phone calls home,
detentions, community social service work referrals and even
suspension depending on the frequency of behaviour.
Regular attendance and punctuality are essential for student
success. Attendance is taken in each subject class and in
homeroom. Students are considered absent for the day if they are
marked absent in homeroom. Students are expected to be in their
seats, and ready to work before the bell rings to begin classes. If
classes are missed due to illness, etc., the student is responsible for
catching up on work missed. If a student knows ahead of time that
s/he will be missing a class, then the work should be obtained ahead
of time. The Ministry of Education requires there be a minimum of
110 instructional hours per subject in order for a credit to be granted.
School policy and procedures may be summarized as follows:
# of Skips Intervention
1 VP speaks with student, calls home and ISW assigned
2 VP speaks with student, calls home and ISW assigned
3 - 5 Detention(s) / ISW and request for parent interview
7 1 – 3 day suspension. Arrange for academic
assistance if required.
1. If you are absent from school, have your parent/guardian call the school
(905-683-1610) before 8:40 AM. Bring a note to the office when you
return signed by your parent/guardian stating reason for absence.
2. Consequences for students who are truant or skip classes will include:
an interview, parental contact, loss of class marks, detention and formal
3. A student who is truant or skips a class on the day of a test or
assignment that is due will receive a mark of zero.
Extended absences from school decrease a student=s learning
opportunities, and performance. Participation in classroom activities is
crucial for student learning and understanding. If a student is absent for
an extended period of time, it becomes increasingly difficult for him/her to
capture missed classroom experiences. In addition, extended absences
are unfair to a student=s peers when team members are working on co-
operative projects/presentations. Durham District School Board policy is
clearly opposed to extended absences.
Nonetheless, parents have the legal right to withdraw their children for
short periods, if they accept the responsibility for supervising the prompt
completion of work missed. Parents/guardians are expected to notify an
administrator of a planned extended absence two weeks prior to the
absence (ie. family vacation) and fill out an Extended Absence Form
(available in the office). The form must be completed by the student,
parent/guardian, and subject teachers. It is expected that any work
assigned must be completed before the extended absence, unless
otherwise stated by the subject teacher. It must be noted that some
classroom experiences missed due to elective extended absences cannot
be simulated out of the classroom, and a loss of process marks may
LATES If you are late for class, you must report to the main office for a
late slip. Continual lateness will result in a referral to a Vice Principal.
NOTE WRITING PRIVILEGES If you are eighteen years of age or older,
you may apply for note writing and sign-out privileges. See the
attendance secretary for details. If this is misused, the privilege may be
SIGNING OUT If you need to leave the school during the school day,
bring a note from your parent/guardian and sign out at the office before
8:45 AM or at noon. If you become ill at school, report to the office where
your parents will be notified before you sign out. If you do not return to
school after lunch, and did not sign out, you must have a parent call the
school and you must bring a note to the office the next morning.