Roland Michener Public School
Name: ____________________________
Homeroom: _________________________
C. Clement - Principal
T. Shoniker - Office Administrator
L. O’Brien - Chief Custodian
95 Ritchie Avenue
Ajax, Ontario
L1S 6S2
Telephone ~ 905-686-5437 Fax ~ 905-686-5439
Inspire Students To Be Their Best
At Roland Michener Public School, we strive to reach all stake holders (students,
staff, community members, families) by embracing the richness of our cultural
eMpower :
Through inquiry and equitable and engaged learning, we will empower
leadership and voice.
We will set high goals and expectations and support each other as we persevere
to meet our objectives.
Succeed :
Together achieving well-being, happiness and our maximum potential.
Welcome to Roland Michener Public School and the Academic Year 2018 ~ 2019!
We would like to welcome both our new and returning students, families, and staff. We look
forward to working with every member of our Michener Community to make this year
outstanding! At Roland Michener Public School we encourage and expect all of our students to
strive to do their best in all that they do. We are a strong learning community with the goal of
always pushing our standards higher and continuously striving toward them. We stand behind
our motto of being “Your place to grow” academically, artistically, athletically, and as leaders in
our community. We have every confidence that this school year each of our learners will grow
in many wonderful ways!
Yours in Education,
Ms. Clement
“Parents play a vital role in education. When parents are engaged and involved, everyone
students, parents and families, teachers, schools, and communities benefits, and our schools
become increasingly rich and positive places to teach, learn, and grow.”
(Parents in Partnership, 2010, p.5)
At Roland Michener Public School it is our goal to work collaboratively with each of our parents
so that together we may set high expectations of achievement for their child and carefully ensure
their success. There are many ways for parents to become actively involved in their child’s
learning. It is our goal to foster such involvement by ensuring parents have the skills, knowledge,
and tools needed to participate fully in their child’s education and the day to day life of our
school. Welcome parents, we look forward to working with you this year!
How Can Parents Become Engaged?
Celebrate and acknowledge your child’s interests, strengths and achievements
Provide a quiet place for homework, encouraging regular study habits
Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher
Stay updated through frequent review of your child’s agenda and our school website
Volunteer for the school and/or attend school activities, whenever possible
Insist on punctuality and regular attendance
Be a positive role model
Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools
In May, 2010, the Ministry of Education released the document entitled Growing Success. The
Growing Success document sets policy and recommends practice in regards to assessing students
work to inform teaching practice, evaluating student work and reporting on student
progress. The Growing Success document can be downloaded from the Ministry of Education
website at:
Elementary Schools Report Schedule:
· Progress Report:
Progress Report sent home week of November 12, 2018
Interview Day November 15, 2018 (evening) and November 16, 2018 (daytime)
· Term 1 Provincial Report Card sent home week of February 11, 2019
· Term 2 Provincial Report Card sent home week of June 24, 2019
EQAO Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics
Each spring, students in Grade 3 complete the Primary Assessment in Reading, Writing and
Mathematics and students in Grade 6 complete the Junior Assessment in Reading and Writing
and Mathematics.
In 2018-2019, the dates for the assessments are between Tuesday, May 21, 2019 and Monday, June
3, 2019.
Parents can find resources to help understand more about EQAO by visiting the EQAO Website
8:20 Yard Supervision Begins
8:30 Entry Bell
11:20-12:20 Lunch
12:20 Entry Bell
12:25 Afternoon Classes Begin
3:05 Dismissal
Safe Arrival
Parents can report their child’s absence in advance, using the Parent Portal.
Or if your child is absent or late, parents can still call the school at 905-686-5437. Please leave a
message on the answering machine or speak directly to our office administrator. When a student
is not in class and the parent has not contacted the school, a phone call home to ensure the child’s
safety will be made. Every student who is late must sign in at the office before going to their
classroom. When students need to leave the school before regular dismissal, they are to report to
the office where their parent/guardian must pick them up and sign them out. The Education Act
requires that a note, explaining the reason for the absence, be sent to the school signed by a parent
or guardian. The agenda is a great place to send these notes. Thank you for your continued
Punctuality and Attendance
Regular attendance at school is important in promoting social development and successfully
enabling students to keep up to date with individual learning goals so they may achieve their
greatest potential. Developing punctuality and regular attendance patterns at a young age will
support a healthy life habit.
Students are expected to attend regularly and to be on time for school each day.
When students are absent for an extended period of time, such as vacations, the teacher is not
expected to provide missed learning in advance. Students are expected to catch up on missed
work upon their return. Incomplete missed work cannot be assessed and will be reflected on the
report card. Students who miss more than fifteen consecutive days will be de-enrolled from our
register. If you are planning on taking your children out of school for fifteen days or more,
please stop by the office to complete a Temporary Excusal of Attendance
There are times when schools are faced with emergency situations which require the school to be
closed. When listening for potential bus cancellations please note that we are Bus Zone Four. The
main sources of communication regarding school closures and bussing information for the
Durham District School Board are as follows:
School Closing / Emergency Evacuations
Radio Stations
Radio Stations
95.9 FM Ajax
680 AM -News Toronto
Radio Stations
1350 AM Oshawa
1010 AM - Toronto
98.1 - FM Toronto
94.9 FM - Oshawa
99.9 - FM Toronto
In the case of a school emergency evacuation students will be taken to:
Anderson Collegiate Vocational Institute
400 Anderson Street
Whitby, Ontario L1N 3V6
(905) 668-5809
At Roland Michener Public School we value all volunteers and welcome visitors to our school
community. Research shows that when parents are actively part of the school community,
student success increases. Volunteering at school makes a huge difference to student learning
and achievement. If you have any time you can offer, whether it is in the building working
directly with our teachers and students, or providing assistance from your home, we would love
to include you in the day to day life of our school. We will find an activity that you feel
comfortable doing.
In order to maintain clear hallways, honour the learning environment by minimizing disruptions,
and keep all our students safe, please note the following school policies regarding visitors and
all visitors must drop their children off to their assigned door outside or to the office,
all visitors must make their first stop at the office to sign in and wear an identification tag,
all volunteers must submit a current Criminal Reference Check to the office or have an
updated Offense Declaration on file, and
during recesses, visitors are not permitted on the yard and field.
Healthy Food Selections
Parents are encouraged to support the learning of their child by ensuring that their child’s
lunch and snacks are both healthy and nutritionally balanced. Snacks will be eaten in both the
morning and afternoon, inside of the classroom for safety reasons. As a reminder, we ask you
not to send food which contains nuts or possible traces of nuts. There are a number of students
who are highly allergic to nuts at the school and it is important that we collectively ensure their
safety. Further information will arrive in September indicating other food items which may be a
source of concern for our students. Please be respectful of these as well.
Lunch at School
All parents of students at Roland Michener P.S. will need to complete a signed form indicating
whether or not their child will be eating lunch at school. While going home for lunch is
encouraged as it provides a relaxing, healthy break for students, we recognize this is not an option
for all families. The Durham District School Board provides limited funding to hire a few adults
to supervise students over the lunch hour. Students are expected to eat lunch in their designated
area from 11:20am - 11:40 am. Many of our families choose to drop off their child’s lunch and are
reminded to do so in time for them to eat during the designated time period. Lunch supervision
is not available for eating purposes after this time period. From 11:40am - 12:20pm students go
outside to play in our school yard and/or participate in extra-curricular activities happening
inside of our school. This requires that children dress appropriately for the weather on an on-
going basis. Please remember that if your child leaves for lunch they must not return until
12:05pm when teacher supervision is available on the school playground. This policy is for all
days including those with inclement weather.
A student who regularly eats lunch at school, must have a signed note by a parent/guardian in
order to leave school property. A signed note is required each time the student leaves school
premises. Only grade six, seven, and eight students will be allowed to go off school property
with a signed and dated note each time. Students will not be allowed to use the telephone to gain
permission to go home or to the store.
Lunch Expectations:
Students remain on our school property for the entire lunch hour.
Students stay inside only if supervised by a teacher or administrator.
Students respond to supervisors in a respectful, courteous manner.
Students respect the property of others.
Students refrain from contact sports, physical aggression, “play
fighting”, or bullying.
Students are strongly encouraged to bring a “Litterless Lunch” and
expected to take all garbage home.
Emergency Contact - Sickness or Accident
Children who are ill should be kept at home. If a child becomes sick at school the parent(s) will
be contacted. Parents are then requested to take the child home. Parents are also notified if a
child has a serious accident at school. It is imperative that the school has current parent telephone
numbers (home, work, and cell). If any of your telephone numbers change during the school
year, please inform the office immediately.
Administration Of Medication
From time to time a parent request is made for staff to administer medication to students. Board
policy states that office staff cannot administer medication unless a request for “Administration
of Oral Medication” form is completed and signed by the parent/guardian and the family
physician. These forms are available in the office and on our website. This form must be current
and updated annually. The medication needs be in the original dispensing container with the
original labelling. All medication including puffers needs to be kept in the school office for safety
reasons. Please remember to check the expiration dates on all medication as it is imperative that
dates are current.
Severe Allergies and Asthma
Many students attending Roland Michener Public School have severe allergies to nuts, peanuts,
and fish. These allergies can cause a severe anaphylactic reaction which can cause death. Eating,
touching, or inhaling trace amounts of these allergens may trigger a life-threatening reaction.
Emergency treatment involves an immediate drug injection and emergency trip to the hospital.
Parents whose children are anaphylactic must inform the office so that procedures for emergency
action are established and proper medical forms are signed. If a child in a classroom is
anaphylactic, a letter is sent home with all his/her classmates informing them of the potential
hazards and the procedure which will be followed to ensure his/her safety. Our goal is to
provide this child with a safe learning environment and we ask for your cooperation in doing so.
Please check out relevant legislation related to allergies and asthma (Ryan’s Law, Sabrina’s Law).
Outdoor Recess
It is the expectation that all students participate in outdoor recess. Outdoor recesses provide
students with fresh air, and are a chance to release energy and re-oxygenize their brain. We will
have indoor recesses on rainy days and in winter when frost bite becomes a factor. The office
follows Environment Canada ( Wind
Chill Guide at: ( Consideration for
indoor recess is warranted, according to the guide, when temperature readings drop below -15C
and the wind exceeds 30 km/h in the school yard. Students should be dressed appropriately for
the weather each day. During the warmer months, parents are reminded to ensure their child
has sun screen and a sun hat.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, and Personal Property
Bicycles are to be kept locked up in the bike racks while they are at school. The
law of Ontario states that bicycle helmets must be worn by all students under
the age of 18. Skateboards, roller blades and scooters are not allowed on school
property. The Durham District School Board has banned the use of laser pointers
in the schools. Roland Michener Public School is not responsible for lost, stolen
or damaged items.
It is strongly recommended that students keep all electronic equipment at home. They are
brought to school at the student’s risk and cannot be used on school property during school
hours. This includes recesses and lunch hours which are considered part of the school day. If the
electronics are seen, the office will hold them until the end of the day. After the third infraction,
parents will have to pick up the electronic device. There are circumstances where a teacher may
give special permission for an electronic device to be used during the day, but the student will
continue to be completely responsible for his/her equipment.
Intermediate students will be assigned lockers. Lockers are the property of the Board, as per
Policy #5147 and may be searched by the principal or designate if deemed necessary. Lockers
must be secured by a combination lock. Students must leave a record of their combination with
the office. Only masking tape or magnets are allowed to secure things inside the locker. Students
who fail to keep their lockers tidy and secure, or tamper with the other students’ lockers may lose
their locker privilege.
School Materials
Students will be assigned textbooks to use for the year. All students are responsible for returning
textbooks in June. All books must be in reasonable condition or a replacement fee will be charged.
Dogs on School Property
Dogs are to be kept off school property as many of our students become easily frightened by dogs.
Even a friendly puppy can have a bad day.
The school dress code responds to several needs: the need to uphold a healthy self-image, a sense
of modesty, respect for self and others, and rules of etiquette. The school dress code assists in the
creation of a positive learning environment. Inappropriate dress distracts and diverts us from
our primary purpose - LEARNING! Students should be dressed neatly and suitably for the
occasion, in a manner that is not offensive to others. Students should take pride in their
appearance at all times. Administration will make final decisions regarding appropriate dress.
Students may be sent home to change. Students must not wear any type of clothing that serves
to harass or intimidate others. The following are a list of expectations regarding dress code at
Roland Michener Public School:
Clothing is free of inappropriate logos, slogans, phrases, and pictures.
Clothing does not depict ethnic, cultural or racial slurs, violent scenes or slogans.
All undergarments are hidden from view.
Hats, headbands and bandanas are not to be worn in the school and must be removed
upon entering the building
Outdoor jackets/coats are not acceptable for in-class instruction.
Tank top shoulder straps follow the “2 finger rule” even in physical education classes.
Shirts must have adequate coverage over shoulders and around armholes, covering
shoulder blades
Bottom garments (including slits) are in the ‘finger range’ area, including gym shorts.
Midriff area and back are covered completely, i.e. no belly-baring shirts even when arms
are raised.
Pajamas/nightwear (unless a Spirit Day) and transparent clothing are not permitted.
Jewellery is not to be worn in gym classes for safety reasons.
It is essential that students be prepared to wear proper footwear at all times.
The Code of Conduct for Roland Michener Public School reflects the Ontario Schools Code of
Conduct (2001), and policies, regulations and procedures of the Durham District School Board.
It is designed to provide a framework to ensure that school is a safe, productive learning
environment for all. It is a code of behaviour for students, staff and families which respect the
integrity of the individual, the rights of persons in the school, and the responsibility of such
persons to the school community. We ask families to review the Code of Conduct so that all
parties are familiar with school expectations and procedures. For more information please see or
Creating a Positive School Climate for Learning
Roland Michener staff, students, parents, and community work collaboratively to create a
positive school climate that fosters student achievement and well-being. Our Code of Conduct
involves elements that contribute to a positive school climate including: engaging lessons and
resources, a high expectation for learning, character education, clear and consistent behavior
expectations, leadership opportunities, a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities, and a
comprehensive bullying prevention and intervention plan.
Guiding Principles of the Code of Conduct
The Durham District School Board supports the provincial guiding principles of the Ontario Code
of Conduct:
All participants involved in the publicly funded school system students, parents or guardians,
volunteers, teachers and other staff members are included in this Code of Conduct whether they
are on school property, on school buses or at school authorized events or activities
All members of the school community are to be treated with respect and dignity, especially
persons in positions of authority (this includes refraining from swearing at, or in the presence of,
another individual)
Recognition and acceptance of, and sensitivity toward, equity and inclusiveness are
expectations within the school community
• Maintaining a safe environment is the responsibility of the entire school community including
students, staff and parents
Responsible citizenship involves appropriate participation in the civic life of the school
community. Active and engaged citizens are aware of their rights, but more importantly, they
accept responsibility for protecting their rights and the rights of others
• The Durham District School Board expects that Progressive Discipline will be used as a means
to support the Code of Conduct
• Progressive Discipline is an approach that makes use of a continuum of prevention programs,
interventions, supports, and consequences, building upon strategies that incorporate skills for
healthy relationships and promote positive behaviours
The goal of discipline is to support a safe, inclusive, and accepting learning and teaching
environment in which every student can reach his or her full potential.
• All inappropriate student behaviour, including bullying, will be addressed
Responses to behaviours that are contrary to the School’s Code of Conduct must be
developmentally appropriate
Insults, disrespect, bullying and other harmful acts disrupt learning and teaching in a school
Members of the school community have a responsibility to maintain an environment where
conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility
Members of the school community are expected to use non-violent means to resolve conflict.
Physically aggressive behaviour is not a responsible way to interact with others
The possession, use, or threatened use of any object to injure another person endangers the
safety of oneself and others
Alcohol and illegal drugs are potentially addictive and present a health hazard. Ontario schools
will work cooperatively with police, drug and alcohol agencies to promote prevention strategies
and, where necessary, respond to school members who are in possession of, or under the
influence of, alcohol or illegal drugs. In addition, smoking or the distribution of tobacco on school
property is prohibited by law
The Durham District School Board has issued the following statement:
“The taking of photos, filming or recording, or the broadcasting of live audio and/or video, while at school
or at a school related activity, is prohibited unless approved by the DDSB (or school), and/or where proper
consents have been obtained, as may be appropriate.”
We realize that there are many events where your children are involved in special activities. At
those events we will let you know if photography is permitted. Even on those occasions you
may only take pictures of your own children. There are many children whose parents have
requested that their child’s picture is not made public and for those reasons we must insist that
photography be limited as stated by administration at events.
Applying the School Code of Conduct to Include Bus Safety
Schools must consider all modes of transportation to be an extension of the classroom just as you
would the hallways and the school yard. Therefore the school’s established code of conduct would
fully apply to any and all behaviours that occur during the riding of a school bus. However, due
to the nature of the activity there are some unique safety requirements that should be included into
your school’s code of conduct specific to riding a school bus.
The following are the recommended school bus safety statements to be included in you School’s
Code of Conduct and reviewed annually with the School Community Council, parents and
students at the beginning of each school year.
Respect other people’s property and belongings while waiting for the school bus
Treat the driver with respect and follow his or her instructions
Be courteous and respectful to others on the bus at all times
Act appropriately in a manner that does not endanger the safety of themselves or others
including, but not limited to:
- Not engaging in any activity that interferes with the safe operation of the bus
- Remaining seated at all times, facing forward while the bus is in motion
- Keeping hands, arms, feet, head and belongings inside the vehicle until you have
exited at your stop
- Avoiding distracting or speaking to the bus driver except in the case of emergency
- Refraining from inappropriate behavior on the bus, e.g. throwing items, swearing,
fighting, bullying, eating or drinking
- Not bringing alcohol, drugs or weapons onto the school bus
- Not touching safety equipment or emergency exits unless there is an emergency
- No eating or drinking on the bus
Restorative Practice
Discipline at Roland Michener Public School is built around a Restorative
Practice model. Restorative practice is a way of thinking and being that commits
to building healthy, positive relationships in our learning community. We
involve students actively in respectful dialogue as they problem solve during
times of conflict. Students and staff collaboratively determine the problem,
establish ownership of the problem, and solve the problem. A Restorative
Practice Action Plan template is utilized to provide a framework to this approach as well as serve
as a form of communication for parents/guardians. Restorative practice allows students to
develop greater empathy and mindful reflection; it also helps to restore balance to peer
relationships and the school community at large.
Student Expectations
Every day students will have opportunities to practice positive and respectful behaviours that
contribute to a safe and orderly school. Michener students are encouraged to:
BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE in all that they do,
put forth their strongest effort in their academics,
arrive to school on time with their materials and a positive attitude,
remove their hats upon entering the school,
keep personal devices (e.g. phones, iPods etc.) turned off and in backpacks/lockers
during school hours, unless used for educational purposes with school permission and
keep their bags and backpacks out of classrooms (e.g. kept in lockers or on hooks)
enter and exit at their assigned doors,
use the school’s front doors only when escorted by an adult or given special permission,
walk quietly on the right-side of the hallway and stairwells, never running,
refrain from chewing gum,
keep hands to themselves at all times: HANDS ARE FOR HELPING NOT FOR
be responsible for school resources (e.g. books, lockers, equipment etc.),
speak and behave with good intent, and
maintain a vandalized-free school.
Progressive Discipline
Sometimes, consequences, as well as Restorative Practice, are also required when poor choices
have been made. We use a Progressive Discipline approach as it is our belief that students who
experience logical and realistic consequences learn that they have positive control over their lives.
Progressive Discipline helps students learn to make responsible decisions and solve problems
independently. Progressive Discipline also leaves students with their dignity intact.
Verbal Discussion
Restorative Action Plan
Parent Contact
Short-term Withdrawal
Behaviour Contract
At Roland Michener Public School, every staff member is involved in the discipline of students
as they are very active in the school community and highly visible throughout the school and
school yard. Student behaviours are carefully monitored, supported and celebrated. Any of the
following Progressive Discipline measures may be used to assist students in the development of
appropriate behaviours:
High expectations for responsible and mature behaviour help create a structure that serves to
preserve teaching and learning and promotes a safe school environment where every child can
achieve his or her greatest potential.
Ontario Ministry of Education DEFINITION OF BULLYING
“Bullying” means aggressive and typically repeated behaviour by a pupil where,
(a) the behaviour is intended by the pupil to have the effect of, or the pupil ought to know
that the behaviour would be likely to have the effect of,
(i) causing harm, fear or distress to another individual, including physical, psychological,
social or academic harm, harm to the individual’s reputation or harm to the
individual’s property, or
(ii) creating a negative environment at a school for another individual, and
(b) the behaviour occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance
between the pupil and the individual based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence,
peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation,
family circumstances, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability or the
receipt of special education;
( For the purposes of the definition of “bullying” in subsection (1), behaviour includes the
use of any physical, verbal, electronic, written or other means.
Withdrawal of Privileges
Possible Combination of
the Above
( For the purposes of the definition of “bullying” in subsection (1), bullying includes
bullying by electronic means (commonly known as cyber-bullying), including,
(a) creating a web page or a blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person;
(b) impersonating another person as the author of content or messages posted on the internet;
(c) communicating material electronically to more than one individual or posting material on a
website that may be accessed by one or more individuals.
Five Key Points of Bullying Behaviour:
Bullying is a deliberate act
There is an intent to harm
It is usually persistent over time
There is an imbalance of
It can negatively affect the school climate
More information is available on the DDSB website,
Routines, Expectations and Code of Conduct
We have read and understand Roland Michener Public School’s routines, expectations and Code
of Conduct.
Student Name: _________________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________Date:____________________
Parent Name: _________________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________Date:____________________
We are certain that Roland Michener Public School will continue to be a busy and exciting place
to learn and grow this school year. Based upon our experience, we have found that students who
excel at school put the most effort and passion into their role as both learners and school
community members. Please, take our advice and become actively involved in your school life.
Whether it is setting high expectations for yourself academically, joining clubs and teams,
participating in a new activity, reaching out to make new friends, or representing our school in a
competition, presentation, or leadership role, you will benefit immensely when you’re actively
involved at school.
It is our hope that this year you will grow in many wonderful ways here at Michener. Make this
year one of your most memorable by setting high standards for yourself, daring to dream, and
enjoying the pursuit of those dreams.
-The Michener Mustang Staff Team
Roland Michener Public Schoo
“Your Place To Grow” ~ A Guide For Student Success
You Show Respect for Yourself When You:
Keep yourself clean and neat
Dress properly for school
Follow a healthy lifestyle
Resist negative peer pressure
Demonstrate positive character traits
Watch out for your own safety
You Are Responsible For:
Practicing clean habits
Understanding the dress code
Your own actions
Knowing and setting your own limits
Maintaining a positive attitude
Accepting the consequences of your actions
You Show Respect for Others When You:
Accept individual differences
Honour personal space and privacy
Value others’ opinions and beliefs
Play safely and fairly
Contribute to a bully free environment
You Are Responsible For:
Knowing the school rules
Being respectful and considerate
Being polite to everyone
Resolving conflicts peacefully
Managing your own anger
Being an “upstander”
You Show Respect for Learning When You:
Strive to do your absolute best!
Protect the learning environment by valuing
all learning time
Ask for help when you need it
Complete all assignments in a timely manner
Ensure your work is in your own words
You Are Responsible For:
Attending and being on time for school
Being prepared for class
Completing homework and handing
assignments in on time
Participating in class activities
Managing your own behaviour
You Show Respect for Property When You:
Take pride in our school and school grounds
Keep the school and grounds free of litter
and graffiti
Report vandalism, theft, and stolen property
You Are Responsible For:
Returning books and other school material
Treating school property and the school
grounds with respect
Using the computers and internet
Eating only in designated areas
You Show Respect for Language When You:
Speak politely and respectfully
Never swear, gossip, mock, harass, threaten,
bully verbally, or use racist or sexist
You Are Responsible For:
Being kind to others
Knowing what language is appropriate at
Your tone of voice and attitude
Understanding when joking and kidding are
going too far