University of Denver Sturm College of Law
2225 E. Evans Ave., Denver, CO 80208
tel. +1 303 871-6224
[email protected]
From 1991-2001, I taught at The University of
Texas at Austin School of Law. At Texas, I was a
full professor with a courtesy appointment in the
History Department. I was a Visiting Professor at
the University of Denver Sturm College of Law in
2000 and moved there laterally in 2001.
Courses at Texas and Denver: Torts, Contracts
(including UCC Article 2), American Legal
History, Litigation Practicum, Advanced Torts,
Restorative Justice, and varying legal history
research seminars.
I taught the Irish law of Torts and the Irish law of
Contracts to 175 undergraduate and 12 Masters
students at the National University of Ireland,
Maynooth during 2012-13 as a Visiting Professor.
At the University of the West Indies in St.
Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago, I served as a
Fulbright Senior Specialist and taught the
Caribbean’s first Restorative Justice seminar in
November and December of 2003.
I visited Hastings College of the Law (1995-96)
and taught Contracts, History of American Law,
and a seminar on the legal history of California. I
also visited UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall and the
Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program during
the Spring of 1996 to teach History of American
Law. While a PhD candidate, I served as a lecturer
at Stanford Law School during the Spring of 1991
and co-taught History of American Law with
Lawrence Friedman.
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Stanford University:
Ph.D., History, 1993.
"Sale Day in Antebellum South Carolina: Slavery, Law, Economy,
and Court-Supervised Sales."
Committee: Carl N. Degler, Lawrence M. Friedman, and
Gavin Wright.
J.D., with distinction, 1989.
M.A., History, 1986.
Northwestern University:
B.A., Program in American Culture, Departmental Honors, 1983.
Bold, Educated Lawyering LLC (2015-present)
General litigation practice including civil rights, commercial, insurance, probate, and
personal injury litigation; experiential education of law students.
Law Office of Professor Thomas D. Russell, Ph.D., LLC (2003-13)
Commercial and personal injury litigation; business planning; and administrative law
practice related to the taxi industry.
Bar Memberships
Colorado (Active) Admitted 2003. California (Inactive) Admitted 1989.
Reported Cases
Marchant v. Boulder Cmty. Health, Inc., 2018 COA 126M, ¶ 1, as modified (Oct. 18, 2018), cert.
denied, 18SC671, 2019 WL 922352 (Colo. Feb. 25, 2019) (Case of first impression interpreting
amendments to Colorado hospital lien statute. University of Denver law students assisted with
the litigation and appeal of this matter.
Rebecca Brinkman and Margaret Burd v. Karen Long and The State of Colorado, 2014 WL
3408024 (Colo.Dist.Ct.). (Co-counsel with Ogden & Wilcox for Colorado’s first-filed marriage
equality lawsuit, which struck down as unconstitutional the state’s statutory and constitutional
bans on same-sex marriage.)
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Mile High Cab, Inc. v. Colo. Pub. Utils. Comm’n, No. 11SA312, slip op. 2013 WL 1715473
(Colo., Apr. 22, 2013) (Unanimous decision overturning Colorado Public Utility Commission’s
denial of operating authority to Mile High Cab, Inc.)
BDG International, Inc. v. Bowers, 2013 WL 1459552 (Colo.App. April 11, 2013) (Admiralty
law matter involving jurisdictional issues, maritime liens, and attorney’s fee determination under
California law.)
Wycoff v. Grace Community Church of Assemblies of God, 251 P.3d 1260 (Colo.App., 2010).
(Concerning the interpretation of recreational releases involving children.)
Wycoff v. Seventh Day Adventist Ass'n of Colorado, 251 P.3d 1258 (Colo.App., 2010). (Premises
liability distinction between licensees and invitees.)
Expert Testimony
In the Matter of the Estate of Josephine Padilla, Probate Court, Denver County (02 PR 1563).
Retained by Leventhal, Brown, and Puga, Denver, CO to testify concerning the law regarding
attorneys’ fees and the reasonableness of the fees in the Padilla case. No Deposition. (December
9, 2002).
Draft Article
“Frivolous Defenses”
Unpublished manuscript
Blood on the Tracks: Streetcar Injuries, Claims, and Litigation in Early Twentieth-Century
California. (working title).
Articles and Chapters
“‘Keep Negroes Out of Most Classes Where There are a Large Number of Girls’: The Unseen
Power of the Ku Klux Klan and Standardized Testing at the University of Texas, 1899-1999” 52
South Texas Law Review 1 (Fall 2010) Download with commentary by: Alfred L. Brophy “The
Law and Morality of Building Renaming,” 52 South Texas Law Review 69 (Fall 2010); Lee A.
Daniels, “William Stewart Simkins and the Fable of White Victimization,” 52 South Texas Law
Review 69 (Fall 2010); Leslie M. Harris, “Life Among the Ruins,” 52 South Texas Law Review
73 (Fall 2010); and José Roberto Juárez, Jr. “Recovering Texas History: Tejanos Jim Crow,
Lynchings & The University of Texas School of Law,” 52 South Texas Law Review 85 (Fall
Prof. Thomas D. Russell c.v.
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“‘Keep Negroes Out of Most Classes Where There are a Large Number of Girls’: The Unseen
Power of the Ku Klux Klan and Standardized Testing at the University of Texas, 1899-1999” in
Robert W. Gordon and Morton J. Horwitz, eds. Law, Society and History: Essays on Themes in
the Legal History and Legal Sociology of Lawrence M. Friedman (Cambridge University Press,
2011). Download.
"Between Town and Gown: The Rise and Fall of Restorative Justice on Boulder's University
Hill," 2003 Utah Law Review 91-136 (2003). Download.
"The Shape of the Michigan River as Viewed from the Land of Sweatt v. Painter and Hopwood:
Comments on Lempert, Chambers, and Adams's study of the University of Michigan Law
School's Minority Graduates " 25 Law & Social Inquiry 507 (2000). Download.
"Articles Sell Best Singly: The Disruption of Slave Families at Court Sales," 1996 Utah Law
Review 1161-1209 (1996). Download.
"A New Image of the Slave Auction: An Empirical Look at the Role of Law in Slave Sales and a
Conceptual Reevaluation of the Nature of Slave Property," 18 Cardozo Law Review 473
(November 1996) (Published 27 May 1997) (Presented at Symposium entitled "Bondage,
Freedom, and the Constitution: The New Slavery Scholarship and its Impact on Law and Legal
Historiography, February 1994). Download.
"The Antebellum Courthouse as Creditors' Domain: Trial-Court Activity in South Carolina and
the Concomitance of Lending and Litigation," 40 American Journal of Legal History 331-64
(July 1996). Download.
"Slave Auctions on the Courthouse Steps: Court Sales of Slaves in Antebellum South Carolina,"
in Paul Finkelman, ed. Slavery and the Law 329-64 (Madison: Madison House, 1997).
"South Carolina's Largest Slave Auctioneering Firm," in "Symposium on the Law of Slavery,"
68 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1241-82 (1993). Download.
"Historical Study of Personal Injury Litigation: A Comment on Method," 1 Georgia Journal of
Southern Legal History 109-33 (Spring/Summer 1991). Download.
Lawrence M. Friedman and Thomas D. Russell, "More Civil Wrongs: Personal Injury Litigation,
1901-1910," 24 American Journal of Legal History 296-314 (July 1990). Download.
Book Reviews
Gary M. Lavergne, Before Brown: Heman Marion Sweatt, Thurgood Marshall, and the Long
Road to Justice (University of Texas Press, 2010), Austin American-Statesman (October 17,
William Wiethoff, A Peculiar Humanism: The Judicial Advocacy of Slavery in High Courts of
the Old South, 1820-1850 (Athens and London: The University of Georgia Press, 1996), 6
Journal of Southern Legal History 199-202 (1998).
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Thomas D. Morris, Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619-1860 (1996) 64 Journal of Southern
History 523-25 (August 1998).
Judith Kelleher Schafer, Slavery, the Civil Law, and the Supreme Court of Louisiana (1995) 40
American Journal of Legal History 216-17 (April 1996).
Allen Steinberg, The Transformation of Criminal Justice: Philadelphia, 1800-1880 (1989), 10
Law and History Review 366 (Fall 1992).
Encyclopedia Entries
"Slavery and Property," in Encyclopedia of the American Constitution, Supplement II ed.
Leonard W. Levy, Kenneth L. Karst, and Adam Winkler (New York: MacMillan Reference).
Owner, Sweatt v. Painter Archive (
Owner,, web site for course materials and historical documents.
Health Care 101.” Produced by Naomi Binkley, Fireside Production, Denver, CO. (3,252 views
as of 9 April 2010.)
Colorado Guaranteed Health Care Act, House Bill 09-1273. Assisted with the
drafting and research of the Colorado Guaranteed Health Care Act, which would have been a
step in the direction of a state-level, single-payer health care plan. Served as registered volunteer
lobbyist while vice-president of Health Care for All Colorado and helped to bring the Act within
one vote of passing the House of Representatives. Testified (4 March 2010) before the House
Business Affairs and Labor Committee. Organized support by more than 60 organizations for the
bill. Delivered countless speeches on behalf of the bill. First Regular Session of Sixty-Eighth
General Assembly of the State of Colorado. (2009)
House Bill 09-1170. Testified in favor of bill that would have ensured that union workers
locked out by management would receive unemployment benefits. First Regular Session of
Sixty-Eighth General Assembly of the State of Colorado. House Committee on Business Affairs
and Labor. (4 March 2009). Vetoed by Gov. Bill Ritter. (2009)
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Task Force on the Study of Health Care for Vulnerable Populations. Testimony
in favor of single payer health care reform proposals. Old Supreme Court Chambers, Colorado
State Capitol (December 3, 2008).
Candidate, Democratic Nomination for Colorado House District 6. Was
candidate in five-way race for Democratic nomination. Advocated single-payer health care;
solution to TABOR/Arveschoug-Bird constitutional mess; and elimination of the ad valorem
county tax deduction (oil severance tax) in order to pay for higher education. Raised funds,
participated in candidate forums, walked districts. Withdrew due to time constraints; endorsed
and campaigned with Lois Court, the eventual winner of the Democratic primary and general
election. (September 2007 - March 2008).
Senate Bill 07-256. Using poker chips, testified in support of bill and explained that SB256
would stack uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage on top of liability coverage, thereby
giving Coloradans the coverage that they believed they had paid for. First Regular Session of
Sixty-Sixth General Assembly of the State of Colorado. House Committee on Business Affairs
and Labor (30 April 2007). Signed into law.
Michael Skolnik Medical Transparency Act, House Bill 07-1331. Testified in
support of the bill, which requires the Board of Medical Examiners to make publicly available
information concerning physicians' training, disciplinary actions, and judgments. First Regular
Session of Sixty-Sixth General Assembly of the State of Colorado. House Committee on Health
and Human Services (22 March 2007). Senate Committee on Business, Labor, and Technology
(25 April 2007). Signed into law.
House Bill 04-1235. Testified in support of bill that would have allowed double damages for
workers whose employers fail to pay them after written demand for earned wages. First Regular
Session of the Sixty-Third General Assembly of the State of Colorado. (10 February 2004).
Failed in 2004 but subsequently reintroduced and signed into law in 2007.
Senate Bill 02-73. Testified in support of bill concerning protection of Colorado homeowners
against abusive home loan practices of predatory lenders. First Regular Session of the Sixty-First
General Assembly of the State of Colorado. House Committee on Information and Technology
(15 April 2002). Bill killed in committee.
Authored Texas Local Government Code Section 202.004. Drafted amendment to
Local Government Code to allow local governments to transfer records to public institutions of
higher learning, libraries, and museums. Amendment incorporated into Senate Bill 366, Texas
Legislature, 74th Regular Session. Signed into law.
Authored Senate Bill 771. Texas Legislature, 73d Regular Session, Drafted amendment to
Medical Practice Act [Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. art. 4495b, Sec. 5.08(d) (1993)] to allow historical
researchers access to medical records 100 years old or older (Approved 6 June 1993). Signed
into law.
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“‘F#&% You Tom Russell”: History & Media in the Texas Klan Dorm (Simkins Hall)
Controversy,” Slavery and the University: Histories and Legacies, Emory University, Atlanta,
GA (February 3–6, 2011).
“National Health Care Reform Update,” Health Care Reform Briefing, League of Women Voters
Denver, Denver, CO. (November 2, 2009).“What about State-Level Health Care Reform?”
Denver County Republicans Monthly Meeting, Denver, CO (October 1, 2009).
“Colorado and National Health Care Reform Possibilities,” (with Sen. Morgan Carroll)
Healthcare Reform Townhall Meeting, Colorado House District 4, Denver, CO (June 24, 2009).
"Building Collaboration Amongst Diverse Organizations" and “The Politics of Politicking,”
Health Care for All Colorado Summit, Denver, CO (June 20, 2008).
“Single Payer Health Care Reform in Colorado,” Breckenridge Mountain Rotary Club,
Breckenridge, CO (June 7, 2009).
"Health Care Reform in Colorado,” Gilpin County Democrats, Gilpin County, CO (June 7,
“Single-Payer Health Care in Colorado: House Bill 09-1273 and the Colorado Legislature,”
Colorado House District 6A Meeting, Washington Park United Church of Christ, Denver, CO
(May 30, 2010).
“Health Care Reform Possibilities in Colorado,” First Universalist Church of Denver, Denver,
CO (May 17, 2009).
“Health Care Reform Legislative Wrap-up,” Health Care for All Colorado, Boulder County
Chapter, Lafayette, CO (May 9, 2009)
“Health Care Reform for Democrats,” Idaho Springs Democratic Party Annual Picnic, Idaho
Springs, CO (July 11, 2009).
“The Colorado Guaranteed Health Care Act (HB09-1273),” Windsor Gardens Democratic Club,
Denver, CO (April 28, 2009).
“Single-Payer Health Care,” Alliance of Professional Women's Public Affairs Committee,
Denver, CO (April 21, 2009)
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“Health Care in Colorado,” Healthcare Issues Meeting Summary, (with Sen. Joyce Foster)
Colorado House District 6B, Denver, CO (April 16, 2009).
“The Green Party USA’s Platform and HB09-1273 Compared,” Evergreen Convergence, Green
Party Colorado, Evergreen, CO (April 11, 2009).
“Health Care Legislation in Colorado,” Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1000 (March 2,
“Single Payer Facts,” Roots Camp, Central Presbyterian Church, Denver, CO (January 31, 2009)
“Medical Malpractice: The Facts May Set You Free,” Exempla Saint Joseph Family Medicine
Residency, Denver, CO (January 9, 2009).
“Health Care Reform: HB09-1273,” Colorado Social Legislation Committee, Denver, CO
(January 5, 2009).
“Torts: A Primer for Doctors,” Exempla Saint Joseph Family Medicine Residency, Denver, CO
(December 18, 2008).
"The Costs of Health Care in the United States," Colorado Brain Injury Association, Vail, CO
(October 17, 2008).
"HR 676: An Overview," Health Care for All Colorado, Denver Chapter, August 2, 2008.
"A Civil Action," Law and Literature Book Discussion, 2008 Annual Meeting of the Colorado
Trial Lawyers Association, Snowmass, CO (9 August 2008).
Numerous campaign talks, speeches, and forums as part of campaign for Colorado House
District 6, September 2007 - March 2008.
Panelist, Patient Safety Town Hall Meeting, with Sen. Morgan Carroll, Aurora Community
College, (15 November 2007).
"The Sunset of No-Fault, Personal Injury Protection (PIP), and the Collateral Source Rule: The
Last Word (Again) on No-Fault," Continuing Legal Education, Colorado Bar Association,
Denver, CO (7 September 2007).
“Research, Networking, & Getting Necessary Information: The Sausage Pipe," Colorado Trial
Lawyers Association Annual Meeting, Steamboat Springs, (9 August 2007).
"Channeling Larry Lee: Complaints," Colorado Trial Lawyers Association Annual Meeting,
Steamboat Springs, (9 August 2007).
Co-presenter/Commenter with Whitney High, M.D., Assistant Professor, Dermatology and
Dermatopathology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, "Clinical, Histological, and
Medicolegal Aspects of Malignant Melanoma," American Academy of Dermatology, 65th
Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. (3 February 2007).
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"Equitable Subrogation," Blockbuster 2007, Colorado Trial Lawyers Association, Denver, CO
(25 January 2007).
"Dermatology and Medical Malpractice in Colorado: Real Facts and the Views of a Trial
Lawyer," Colorado Dermatologic Society, Denver, CO (4 December 2006).
"The Ethics of Serving Two Masters: Conflicts of Interest in the Simultaneous Representation of
Common Carriers and Operators," Getting the Big Picture: The Transportation Law Institute of
2006, The 39th Transportation Law Institute, Denver, CO (27 October 2006).
"Hospital Liens," Subrogation Seminar, Colorado Trial Lawyers Association, Subrogation
Seminar, Denver, CO (20 October 2006).
Roundtable participant, "Cultural Foundations of Tort Law," Law and Society Association
Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (7 July 2006).
"The Salmon Run: A New Metaphor for Understanding Injuries, Claims, and Tort Litigation in
Context," Cultural Foundations of Tort Law, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, (7
April 2006).
"Securing Payment for the Medical Treatment of Uninsured Tort Victims," Boulder County Bar
Association, Boulder, CO (14 February 2006).
"Victims, Compensation, and Accountability: Tort Law Truth," Colorado Citizens for
Accountability Rollout Event, Starz Film Center, Denver, CO (13 December 2006).
"Medical Malpractice," St. Joseph's Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program, Denver,
CO (28 October 2005).
"Tort Law for Doctors," St. Joseph's Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program, Denver,
CO (14 October 2005).
"'Keep the Negroes Out of Most Classes Where There Are a Large Number of Girls': Cross-
cutting stories of the Ku Klux Klan, Admissions, and Standardized Testing at The University of
Texas, 1899-1999," Conference and Festschrift in Honor of Lawrence Friedman, Stanford Law
School (30 September - 1 October 2005).
"The Smell of the Stacks: An End-User's Perspective on Interlibrary Loan," 36th Annual
Interlibrary Loan Conference, Denver, Colorado, 28 April 2005.
"Golf: Etiquette, History, and Return on Investment," Business Law Society, University of
Denver Sturm College of Law, 8 September 2004.
"The Historical and Legal Context for Brown v. Board of Education," Building Constructive
Frameworks for Improving Ethnic Relations: Best Practices Here and Abroad 50 years after
Brown v. Board of Education," University of Denver, 19-21 August 2004.
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Guest Lecture, "Restorative Justice," Professor Tamra D'Estree's Conflict Resolution seminar,
University of Denver, April 2004.
"The Make-Whole Doctrine, Hospital Liens, and Experts," Blockbuster, Colorado Trial Lawyers
Association, (Denver, 30 January 2004).
"Restorative Justice: Possibilities for Trinidad and Tobago," invited to speak by the Ministry of
the Attorney General, Ministry of National Security and Rehabilitation, the Restorative Justice
Action Group, and the University of the West Indies. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (16
December 2004).
"Restorative Justice and Community Safety," Gulf View Residents Association, San Fernando,
Trinidad and Tobago (8 December 2004).
"Restorative Justice and Indiscipline in Trinidad's Schools," Invited Speaker by Ministry of
Education School Supervisor III Dr. George Gowrie, Prince's Town, Trinidad and Tobago, 6
December 2004.
"Denver Community Court," Colorado Municipal League CLE, Vail, CO, 11 October 2003.
"Restorative Justice," CLE program, University of Denver Sturm College of Law Alumni
Weekend, 20 September 2003.
"The Tort Pyramid and Tort Reform," part of panel entitled "Roundtable--Torts: A Sociolegal
Beachhead in the First-Year Law School Curriculum," 2003 Annual Meeting of the Law and
Society Association, Pittsburgh, PA, 5 June 2003.
"Restorative Justice," presentation to Conflict Resolution Forum, University of Denver, 15 May
"Boulder Riots," Guest Lecture in CORE 2512, "Coming of Age," Professor Bonnie Adrian,
University of Denver, 13 May 2003.
"Coming of Age on Boulder's University Hill?" Guest Lecture in CORE 2512, "Coming of Age,"
Professor Bonnie Adrian, University of Denver, 14 May 2002.
"The Everyday Law of Slavery," Diversity Week lecture, University of Denver Sturm College of
Law, 2 April 2002.
"The Rise and Fall of Restorative Justice in Boulder," The Utah Restorative Justice Conference,
University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, 22 March 2002.
"New Frontiers in Restorative Justice: Restorative Justice in Boulder," Colorado Council of
Mediators and Mediation Organizations, 28 September 2001.
"Restorative Community Justice on University Hill: Successes and Obstacles in the
Implementation of Restorative Solutions," 2001 Rocky Mountain Restorative Community Justice
Conference--"Beyond Just Us," Keystone, CO, 4-6 September 2001.
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"Tools for the Neighbors and Results for the Community: Law, Restorative Justice, and
Boulder’s University Hill Neighborhood Association," presented at:
28th Annual National Conference on Juvenile Justice, National Council of Juvenile and
Family Court Judges/National District Attorney's Association Annual Meeting, Reno, NV,
19 March 2001.
Colorado Municipal Judges Association, Estes Park, CO, April 2001.
"Race and the Late Twentieth-Century History of Education in Texas," Guest Lecture, Professor
Catherine Kemp's course, "Ideology and Culture: Racism and Sexism," Philosophy Department,
University of Colorado at Denver, 15 November 2000.
"Blood on the Tracks: Early Twentieth-Century Streetcar Injuries, Claims, and Litigation in
Alameda County, California," University of Denver Sturm College of Law, 9 November 2000.
"Race and History in the Land of Sweatt v. Painter and Hopwood: Theory and Practice of a
Seminar Entitled 'The History of Racial Discrimination at The University of Texas,'" Society of
American Law Teachers teaching conference, New York University School of Law, 21 October
"Reading the Past into the Present: Studying and Teaching the History of Racial Discrimination
at The University of Texas" presented as part of "Documenting the History and Current Practice
of Racism : A Workshop on Techniques and Community Creation," LatCrit V, Breckenridge,
CO (5 May 2000).
"Law and Society in a Law-and-Law Environment: On Using McDonald's Coffee, Movies, and
History to Introduce Law Students to the Law-and-Society Way," part of panel titled
Roundtable--Bringing Students In: The Introductory Law and Society Course, Law and Society
Association Annual Meeting, Miami, FL (26 May 2000).
Guest Lecture, Professor Dagmar Hamilton's Policy Development course, LBJ School, The
University of Texas, 28 February 2000.
"Keeping 'Negroes out of Most Classes Where There are a Large Number of Girls': The
University of Texas from the Klan through Sweatt v. Painter to Hopwood," McGeorge School of
Law (10 December 1999).
"Blood on the Tracks: A Socio-Legal Study of Turn-of-the-Century Streetcar Injuries, Claims,
Litigation, and Compensation (Below the Realm of the Appellate Courts, University of
Pittsburgh, Department of History (8 October 1999).
"Keeping 'Negroes out of Most Classes Where There are a Large Number of Girls': The
University of Texas from the Klan through Sweatt v. Painter to Hopwood," Chicago-Kent
College of the Law (28 September 1999).
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"Episodes and Lessons from the Racial History of a University: The University of Texas from
the Klan through Sweatt v. Painter to Hopwood," University of Colorado School of Law
(17 September 1999).
"History of Racial Discrimination at The University of Texas: One Strategy for the Post-
Hopwood World," presented as part of a roundtable "Affirmative Action and Admission to
Colleges, Graduate Schools, and Law Schools," Law and Society Association Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL (27-30 May 1999).
"Deaths on the Tracks: Solace and Recompense in Turn-of-the-Century Streetcar Deaths," Law
and Society Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (27-30 May 1999).
"William Stewart Simkins: Law Professor and Klansman," Thurgood Marshall Legal Society,
School of Law, The University of Texas, (26 April 1999).
"The Racial History of The University of Texas," guest lecture in Judge Ouisa Davis's course
entitled "From Brown to Hopwood: Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater," The University
of Texas El Paso, African-American Studies/History Department, (14 April 1999).
"The Racial History of The University of Texas," guest lecture in Vice Provost Ricardo Romo's
course entitled "Civil Rights in America, The University of Texas at Austin, History Department,
(1 April 1999).
"Course-Related Materials on the Internet: Why and How," with Alex Albright, The University
of Texas School of Law Faculty Presentation, (2 February 1999).
"Colonel William Stewart Simkins: Klan Organizer, UT Law Professor, and Dorm Namesake,"
presented as part of a mini-conference discussing Sanford Levinson, Written in Stone (1998),
School of Law, The University of Texas, (14 February 1999).
"A Legal History of Admissions and Affirmative Action from Sweatt v. Painter (1950) to
Hopwood v. Texas (1996)," Education Writers Association," Education Writers Association,
Austin, TX, (22 January 1999).
"The History of Racial Discrimination at The University of Texas: Historical and Pedagogical
Issues," History Department, Rice University (30 October 1998).
"Sweatt v. Painter and the Establishment of Texas Southern University Law School," Texas
Southern University School of Law (29 October 1998).
"Blood on the Tracks: Turn-of-the-Century Streetcar Injuries, Claims, and Litigation,"
Rorschach Lecture, Rice University, (29 October 1998).
"Excesses of Democracy," Patrick Henry Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution,
Austin, TX (15 August 1998)
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"History of Racial Discrimination at The University of Texas," What's Goin' On: Africa and the
African Diaspora at The University of Texas at Austin, The Center for African and African-
American Studies, (11 February 1998).
"Blood on the Tracks: Tort Law in Action at the Turn of the Century," University of Wisconsin
at Madison Law School (13 November 1997).
"Blood on the Tracks: Turn-of-the-Century Streetcar Injuries, Claims, and Litigation in Alameda
County, California," presented at:
The University of Texas Department of History (26 September 1997.)
New York University, Institute for Law and Society, Law & Society Faculty Colloquium (6
October 1997)
American Society for Legal History Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, (18 October 1997)
Social Science History Workshop, Stanford University, (10 April 1996)
Huntington Library, (2 March 1996)
University of California, Berkeley, Center for the Study of Law and Society (JSP, School
of Law (Boalt Hall) (26 February 1996)
University of California, Hastings College of the Law, (16 February 1996).
"A Trip Down Market Street, or Blood on the Tracks: An Empirical Look at Turn-of-the-Century
Streetcar Torts in Alameda County, California," Law and Society Association Annual Meeting,
(June 1995).
"A New Image of the Slave Auction," Bondage, Freedom, and the Constitution: The New
Slavery Scholarship and its Impact on Law and Legal Historiography, Cardozo Law School (19-
20 February 1995).
"Slave Auctions on the Courthouse Steps," Social Science History Association (October 1994).
"The Antebellum Courthouse as Creditors' Domain" and "Slave Prices by Operation of Law,"
The University of Texas School of Law (March 1994).
"Sale Day in Antebellum South Carolina," The University of Texas at Austin, Department of
History (November 1993).
"The Problem of Low Prices at Sales by Operation of Law: Appellate Construction of Markets in
Antebellum South Carolina," American Society for Legal History (October 1990).
"Slave Prices by Operation of Law: The Social and Legal Construction of Economic Exchange
in South Carolina, 1823-1865," Law and Society Association (June 1990).
"Slave Auctions by Operation of Law: Prices and the Legal Construction of Markets in South
Carolina, 1820-1860," Social Science History Workshop, Department of Economics, Stanford
University (May 1990).
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Chair and commenter, “The Irish in America,” at conference titled The Irish Diaspora and
Revolution, 1845-1945, Department of History, NUI, Maynooth and The Gathering, Ireland
2013 (October 31, 2012).
Debate Moderator, "Fundamentals of Healthcare,” Federalist Society, American Constitution
Society, and Public Interest Law Group, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Denver,
CO (October 1, 2009).
Chair, "History and Context for Attempts to Shape Intergroup Contact," Building Constructive
Frameworks for Improving Ethnic Relations: Best Practices Here and Abroad 50 years after
Brown v. Board of Education," University of Denver, 19-21 August 2004.
Introduction of Professor Derrick Bell, Plenary Speaker, 2003 Annual Meeting of the Law and
Society Association (5 June 2003).
Chair, "Historical Approaches to Law and Jurisprudence," Law and Society Association, (May-
June 2002).
Chair, "Crime and the Restoration of Community," Law and Society Association, (May-June
Comment on William J. Woodward, Jr., "Neoformalism in a Real World of Forms," University
of Wisconsin School of Law Contracts Conference, Madison, WI (15 October 2000)
Comment on Work in Progress by Professor Mary Romero, "The Textual Character of the
Objectified Latino Criminality: The Case of Julio Valerio," LatCritV, Breckenridge, CO (6 May
Chair and Participant, "35th Anniversary Roundtable--Policy: Where Have All the Gaps Gone?"
Law and Society Association, (29 June 1999).
Chair and Commenter, "Social and Legal Concerns," The University of Texas at Austin Plan II
Senior Thesis Symposium, (27 March 1999).
Commenter, "Slave Traders and the Slave Trades," Social Science History Association Annual
Meeting, (21 November 1998).
Commenter, "Historical Perspectives on Race and Law in the United States: Three Case
Studies," Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison--School of
Law (27 September 1998).
Chair, "Credit Mechanisms and Law in the Nineteenth-Century South," American Society for
Legal History, (October 1995).
Chair, "New Work in North American Legal History," Law and Society Association, (June
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Chair and Comment, "Biography and Legal History," Comment on Presentations of Andrew L.
Kaufman (Harvard Law School) and Zipporah Wiseman (The University of Texas School of
Law), American Society for Legal History, (November 1992).
Excellence in Leadership: Health Care for All Colorado for outstanding leadership and
legislative advocacy as Vice President of Health Care For All Colorado in working to achieve
single payer universal health care for all Coloradans. (June 20, 2009).
Hughes-Ruud Professorship: Competitive grant to support socio-legal scholarship at the
University of Denver Sturm College of Law. Includes one semester research leave as Hughes-
Ruud Professor (2006-07).
Summer Research Grant: University of Denver Sturm College of Law (Summer
2006).Summer Research Grant: University of Denver Sturm College of Law (Summer 2005).
Winner, Colorado Trial Lawyers Association Golf Tournament: 2004 Annual Meeting,
Steamboat Springs, CO. (Formed and played on four-person scramble team that won the
tournament, played at Sheraton Steamboat Springs Golf Resort, with a ten-under-par 62).
Summer Research Grant: University of Denver Sturm College of Law (Summer 2004).
Provost Bonus for Outstanding Service and Dedication to the College of Law: (February
Fulbright Senior Specialist Award: Fulbright Scholar Program, United States Department
of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Funding to support teaching intensive
course on Restorative Justice at the invitation of the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
Campus, Trinidad and Tobago. (November-December 2003).
Summer Research Grant: University of Denver Sturm College of Law (Summer 2003).
Summer Research Grant: University of Denver Sturm College of Law (Summer 2002).
Hughes-Ruud Research Fund Grant: Awarded $6,000 grant to support the introduction of new
faculty members to the Law and Society Association at the 2002 annual meeting.
Provost Bonus for Outstanding Service and Dedication to the College of Law (February
Summer Research Grant: University of Denver Sturm College of Law (Summer 2001)
Teachtech Summer Grant: Participate in the implementation of web-based enhancements of
curriculum as well as integration of first-year curriculum. University of Denver Sturm College of
Law (Summer 2001).
Summer Research Grant: The University of Texas School of Law (Summer 2000).
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Law Week Faculty Honoree: 32d Annual W. Page Keeton Law Week, sole faculty member
selected by the Student Bar Association of The University of Texas School of Law to receive this
honor (2 March 2000).
Summer Research Grant: The University of Texas School of Law (Summer 1999).
Outstanding UT Law Faculty Member Award: Thurgood Marshall Legal Society, The
University of Texas School of Law, 1998-99 Annual Awards Banquet, 15 April 1999.
Alyce Drysdale Sheffield Regents Chair in Law: The University of Texas School of Law
(Summer 1998).
Received Grant to Support FAST Tex Intern: The University of Texas, Center for
Instructional Technologies, Faculty And Student Teams for Technology. Selected to receive
student intern to develop Web orientation of "History of Racial Discrimination at UT" seminar
Jurist Site of the Week: Bernard J. Hibbitts, editor of JURIST: Law Professors on the Web,
Associate Dean for Communications & Information Technology, and Professor of Law at the
University of Pittsburgh School of Law selected my web site as Jurist Site of the Week for the
week of 29 September 1997.
Alyce Drysdale Sheffield Regents Chair in Law: The University of Texas School of Law
(Summer 1997).
John and Melba Estes Regents Research Professorship in Law: The University of Texas
School of Law (Summer 1996).
Morris and Rita Atlas Family Centennial Professorship in Law: The University of Texas
School of Law (Summer 1995).
Cooper K. Ragan Regents Professorship in Law: The University of Texas School of Law
(Summer 1994).
Summer Research Grant: The University of Texas School of Law (Summer 1993).
Open Door Award: The University of Texas School of Law. Selected by students as "member
of the faculty who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of accessibility, friendliness, and
concern in his/her relationships with individual students both inside and outside the classroom."
(March 1993).
Summer Research Grant: The University of Texas School of Law (Summer 1992).
Summer Research Grant: The University of Texas School of Law (Summer 1991).
John E. Rovensky Fellowship in American Business and Economic History: University of
Illinois Foundation; supported graduate research in economic history (1990-91).
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James Birdsall Weter Memorial Fund Grant: Stanford History Department; (1990-91).
Littleton-Griswold Research Grant: American Historical Association; competitive research
grant to support research in the history of American law and society (1990).
Mellon New Directions Fellow: Stanford University; two-year full-tuition fellowship with
stipend to support graduate study in law and history (1988-90).
Departmental Fellow: Stanford History Department; four-year fellowship (1984-88).
Richter Research Fellow: Northwestern University College of Arts and Sciences (1982).
Wingspread Fellow: Johnson Foundation, Racine, Wisconsin (1982).
University Service
University of Denver:
Tribal Wills Project, Cahuilla Band, Anza, CA (May 2019).
Chair, Examinations, Standing, and Readmissions Committee (2009-2018); Member (2019-
College of Law Budget Committee (2005-06)
Admissions and Financial Aid Committee, Scholarships Subcommittee, (2005-06)
Faculty Advisor, Student Trial Lawyer Association (2005-2006)
Titles and Job Classification Ad-Hoc Committee (2005-06).
Conference Planning Committee, Building Constructive Frameworks for Improving Ethnic
Relations: Best Practices Here and Abroad 50 years after Brown v. Board of Education,"
19-21 August 2004.
Library Committee (2004-05).
Policy Committee (Elected) (2002-03).
Scheduling Committee (2002-03).
Appointments Committee (Chair, August-October 2005; 2003-04, 2001-02)
National Fundraising Campaign Committee (2001-03)
Faculty/Staff Fundraising Campaign Committee (2001-03)
TeachTech Committee (2001-02)
Faculty Note-taker. (2001-02)
Faculty Presenter, College of Law Commencement, (December 2001, May 2002, December
2002, May 2003, December 2003, May 2004.).
Presenter before College of Law Visiting Committee (October 2002).
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National University of Ireland, Maynooth:
Moot Court Judge, Preliminary and Semi-final rounds, Maynooth Law Society, Silken Thomas
Inter-Varsity Moot Court Competition, 6 April 2013.
“Why Law is a good subject for Arts students,” Orientation talks, Faculty of Arts (September
“The Study of Law,” Open Day talk, (24 November 2012).
“Exam Preparation,” Panel Discussion in Lecturer Ilana Buschkin’s legal writing module (13
December 2012).
Moot Court Judge for Lecturer Aideen Ryan’s module.
University of Texas:
Faculty Council Executive Committee (1997-98).
Faculty Council (At-Large Representative, 1997-99).
Elected by Law School Faculty as Representative to Faculty Council (2000-02).
Budget Advisory Committee of the General Faculty (1997-98).
University Hearing Officer (1998-99).
University Hearing Officer Pool (1991-94, 1997-99).
Chair, UT Student Government Appellate Court (1998-2000).
Commencement and Academic Ceremonies Committee of the General Faculty (1997-99).
Heman Sweatt Symposium Steering Committee (1994-95, 1999).
Law School Computer Services Committee (1993-95, 1996-97).
Chair, Law School Interdisciplinary Issues Committee (1997-98).
Law School Curriculum Committee (1991-95, 1996-99).
Law School Library Committee (1991-94, 1996-97).
Law School Standards and Rules Committee (1991-93).
Community Service
Judge, Speech and Debate, National Forensic League Competitions, George Washington High
School, Denver Public Schools (Fall 2008 - August 2012).
Poll watcher, Democratic party, November 2008 general election, Denver, CO.
Listserv owner, Lowry Northwest Neighborhood Safety/Crime List. (2004-2012).
Parent listserv owner, Montclair Marlins Swim Team. (Summer 2007-2008).
Volunteer, FairVote Colorado, 2 November 2004 (Answered legal questions from voters).
Member, Denver Community Court Working Council (December 2002-December 2003).
Assistant Coach, Southeast Denver Baseball League Cardinals, Instructional League, 7-8 year
olds. (Summer 2002.)
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Community Accountability Board volunteer, Division of Community Justice, Denver District
Attorney's Office, November 2000-2002.
Founding member, executive committee, webmaster, and keeper of listserv, (October 2000-
May 2001) Univ. Hill Neigh. Assoc., Boulder, CO. Authored "Neighbors Working Hard to
Improve Hill," The Daily Camera, Boulder, CO, 20 January 2001.
Guest lecture, "Alcohol and Tort Liability," Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, University of
Colorado, Boulder. (March 2001).
Volunteer, Alaya Pre-School, Boulder, CO. (2001-02)
Volunteer, New Horizons Pre-School, Boulder, CO. (2000-01)
Volunteer, Flatirons Elementary School, Boulder, CO. (2000-02)
Volunteer, Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin. (1999-2000)
Homeroom Parent, Mrs. Salcher's Kindergarten Class, Mathews Elementary School, Austin
Independent School District. (1999-2000).
Keeper of the fish tank, listserv, and HEPA filters, Habibi's Hutch and Natural Childlife
Preserve Preschool, Austin, TX. (1996-2000).
Professional Service and Memberships
Irish Association of Law Teachers (2012-13.).
Health Care for All Colorado (Vice President and Board Member, November 2008 - August
Health Care for All Colorado Foundation (Vice President and Board Member, July 2008 -
November 2008).
Colorado Citizens for Accountability (Advisory Board, 2005-2009)
American Bar Association.
Friends of the Bancroft Library.
Colorado Trial Lawyers Association (Executive Committee, 2005-2008; Board of Directors,
Law and Society Association (Trustee, Class of 2006; Chair, Program Committee, 2003
Annual Meeting; Dissertation Prize Committee, 2001-02; Kalven Prize Committee, 1999-2000;
Board of Editors, Law & Society Review, 1998-2000; Program Committee, 1999 Annual
Meeting; Graduate Student Workshop, 1999; Student Prize committee, 1997-98; J. Willard
Hurst Prize Committee, 1995-96).
American Society for Legal History (Program Committee, 1992).
Journal of Economic History (1995, 1994).
Law and History (1996).
Law & Social Inquiry (1999, 1997, 1995, 2002, 2016).
Law & Society Review (1999, 1998, 1992, 1991).
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National Science Foundation (2000)
Social Science History (1995).
Last edit: May13, 2020.