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It is important for your benet and protection that you
read these terms and conditions. These and your
certicate, and any changes we notify you about, form
your agreement with us. We have not given you a personal
recommendation as to whether this policy is suitable for
your needs.
policy: this contract of insurance.
product(s): the appliance(s) protected by this policy, as shown on
your certicate.
we/us/our: Domestic & General Insurance PLC, the provider of
the policy.
you/your: the person named on your certicate.
your certicate: the personalised section of your policy
documentation, sent to you once you have taken out a policy.
Is this policy for you?
You must be at least 18 years old and resident in the United Kingdom
to be eligible. Your product must be:
owned by you;
in good working order when you take out the policy;
located in the United Kingdom; and
used for personal and non-business purposes only.
Important conditions
All information you give must be true, factual and not misleading.
Your product must have been installed, maintained and used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Your product must be used in a private home, solely occupied by
a single household (at the address you gave to us).
For products which can store data, you must ensure that your
product does not contain any content that may be considered to
be illegal, and if we nd any content we consider to be illegal, we
reserve the right to inform the relevant authorities.
Your responsibilities
You must arrange any work required to make your product
accessible and compliant with all relevant safety standards and safe
to work on (as determined by our repairer). For example, where
there is a pest infestation or if hazardous material is present you
will need to arrange for this to be safely removed. You must take
reasonable care of your product. This includes caring for it in line
with the manufacturer’s instructions and not allowing it to be subject
to adverse weather conditions. We will not do any work where these
standards are not met.
What this policy covers
Breakdown (after the manufacturer’s guarantee)
If your product suffers a mechanical or electrical breakdown after the
end of the manufacturer’s parts and labour guarantee period, we will
(at our option) do one of the following: authorise a repair, arrange a
replacement or pay the cost of a replacement product.
Accidental damage (during and after the
manufacturer’s guarantee)
Both during and after the end of the manufacturer’s parts and labour
guarantee period, if your product suffers accidental damage (i.e.
physical damage as a result of a sudden cause that means the
product is no longer in good working order), we will (at our option)
authorise a repair, arrange a replacement or pay the cost of a
replacement product.
Territorial limits
Your product is covered for claims that occur in the United Kingdom.
How to make a claim
Please let us know about a claim as soon as possible. To make a
claim go to
Alternatively you can call us on the number on your policy
documentation to speak to the next available agent.
Where we authorise a repair we will pay call-out charges, the cost
of labour and the cost of parts (as long as these are not covered
by another guarantee or warranty on the product). Only repairers
approved by us are authorised to carry out repairs under this policy,
unless we agree otherwise in advance. Repairs will be carried out
within the repairer’s normal working hours (which are at least 9am
to 5pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays) on a date agreed
with you. Please have your policy documentation to hand when the
repairer arrives.
If we authorise a repair but are unable to nd a repairer, we’ll permit
you to use your chosen repairer. You will have to pay them and claim
the cost back from us. Please keep a copy of your invoice to send
to us.
If we permit you to use your chosen repairer and the proposed
repair is estimated to cost more than the repair authority limit: £150
then you must ring the repair authority line on 0800 597 8580 for an
authority number before work starts.
In some situations we will arrange to replace your product instead
of repairing it (for example where we cannot repair it or we decide
that it is uneconomical for us to repair your product). In these
circumstances, we will arrange to replace your product with one of a
same or similar make and technical specication.
If we cannot reasonably arrange a replacement, we will give you
vouchers instead. The vouchers will be for the full retail price (from
a retailer chosen by us) of a replacement product of the same or
similar make and technical specication. The vouchers will also pay
for the delivery.
All vouchers will be valid for 12 months from the date of issue.
Voucher settlements will be sent to the last address you gave us. If
vouchers are not available we will provide a cash equivalent.
Product disposal and delivery, installation and
other costs
If we arrange a replacement or give you vouchers for a replacement,
we will pay the supplier’s delivery charge.
If the product is taken or sent away from your home for repair but is
then replaced, the original product will become our property and we
will dispose of it. If your product remains in your home, you will be
responsible for disposing of it at your own cost.
In all cases you will be responsible for installing the new appliance
and paying any related costs.
What happens if your product is replaced?
If we decide to arrange to replace your product (or to pay a
settlement towards a replacement), your policy will end immediately.
No refund will be due.
We shall not approve work or payments for or arising from:
claims where you have breached the important conditions or failed
to comply with your responsibilities set out in this policy;
cosmetic damage such as damage to paintwork, dents
or scratches;
your failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions;
data loss or corruption, external data carriers, other input devices
(scanners, mouse devices), other external controllers (if not
included when purchasing the product), installing, modifying and
upgrading software;
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software interface problems, satellite or cable systems or gaining
access to cables within the fabric of a building or wall;
damage to ceramic or glass surfaces (unless caused by an
accident protected by the policy);
any breakdown cost already covered by any manufacturer’s,
supplier’s or repairer’s guarantee or warranty on the product;
any product not registered under the policy;
modifying or making a product comply with legislation, work on the
product that is only required due to legislation changes or making
it safely accessible;
damage during delivery, installation or transportation of the
product by a third party who is not under our instruction;
costs or loss arising from not being able to use your product
(e.g. hiring a replacement), or incidental costs caused by
breakdown or repair (e.g. costs to remove or reinstate built-in or
tted equipment);
any problem with the supply of electricity, gas, water, broadband
or broadcast content;
repairs required where the product is functioning within the
manufacturer’s tolerances (for example, number of pixel failures);
replacement, recall or modication of the product (or any part) by
a supplier or the manufacturer;
routine maintenance, cleaning, servicing and routine re-gassing;
work on anything not part of the product, for example fuel lines to
the product and the ue systems from the product;
normal operation or adjustment of the product controls (except
following an approved repair under this policy);
issuing a CP12 (gas safety certicate);
any loss, damage or impairment to functionality caused by:
earthquake, ood, lightning, re, wind, humidity, weather
conditions, salt spray, storm or other natural events or
catastrophes, abnormally high or low temperatures, plumbing
problems, corrosion, chemical exposure, radiation, explosion,
sabotage, terrorism, insurrection, revolution, war, riot, armed
conict, civil commotion, rebellion, man-made events or
catastrophes or technological hazards (such as computer viruses
or date-change faults);
damage to any other property or possessions, unless it is
our fault;
repairs carried out outside of your country of residence;
repairs, maintenance work, or use of spare parts, where not
authorised by us;
any loss, damage or impairment to functionality caused by: theft,
attempted theft, neglect, deliberate damage or damage caused by
animals (other than pet cats or dogs), plants or trees;
the cost of replacing any accessories (such as lawnmower
belts, attachments, cables and cable joints, plugs, light covers,
grills, removable parts, glass and enamel parts, catalytic panels,
external piping, rain covers, starter connections and straps,
3D glasses, brushes and tubes, or audio pick-up systems
including scanners);
the cost of replacing any consumables (such as external fuses,
blades, oil, petrol, batteries, rechargeable batteries, power cells,
light bulbs changeable by the user, uorescent tubes and related
starter components, lters, vacuum cleaner bags, printer toner or
ink cartridges, printer ribbons or fuel);
commercial or business use including use by charities,
not-for-prot organisations, local government or other such similar
organisations (unless we agree to the use in writing beforehand).
Paying your premium
You must pay the premium (inclusive of all applicable taxes) monthly
by Direct Debit. You must make regular payments in accordance with
the ‘Payments schedule’ set out in your policy documentation. If we
are unable to collect a payment from your bank we may attempt to
request payment again unless you advise us otherwise.
We will collect the payment for the rst month of the policy
approximately two to four weeks after the start date. Payments for
all subsequent months will be collected monthly on your selected
payment date (or the next working day if a weekend or bank holiday).
This means that the second payment may be collected approximately
two weeks after the rst payment.
We may use a collection agency to recover any amount owing to
us. If you do not pay for your policy on time, it will be suspended
from the due date. Any requests for repairs past this date will not be
considered for approval unless payment is received.
The premium payable is xed for the rst year of cover. In the future
it may increase. At the start of both the second and third year of
cover, the monthly premium will increase by no more than £1. As
a result the total premium payable for that year will increase by no
more than £12, when compared to the previous year. Note, your
premium may also increase by more than the amounts specied
above as a result of a change in the taxes charged on insurance
policies and over which we have no control.
If you have received any introductory discounts to the premium (e.g.
half price for the rst three months), any premium increase will be
applied to the level of premium being paid after the introductory
discount has ended. So if your premium for the rst three months is
half price, the increase will be based on the price you pay for months
four to twelve. After the rst three years the premium may increase at
our discretion.
In all cases, we will write to you to give you 30 days’ notice of any
increase in the premium and you can notify us if you wish to cancel.
The notice will show the new amount to pay.
Duration of the policy
The policy period begins on the ‘start date’, as specied in your
certicate in your policy document, and continues indenitely until
cancelled or brought to an end in accordance with these terms
and conditions.
You should review this cover periodically to ensure it remains
adequate. We will contact you by post, telephone, email or
SMS every 12 months to remind you of the benets and cost of
your protection.
Your right to cancel
The ‘cooling off period’ is the fourteen (14) day period from receipt of
your documentation or from the policy start date, whichever is later.
If you change your mind during the cooling off period, you can cancel
your policy and you’ll receive a refund of any premium paid.
After the cooling off period – If you cancel your policy after the
cooling off period, your policy will remain in place until the end of
the period for which you have already paid and you will not receive
any refund.
If your policy automatically ends or is cancelled by us, these rights
do not apply (see ‘Our right to cancel your policy or bring it to an
end’ below).
How to cancel
If you wish to cancel your policy, please contact us on 0800 597 8615
(8am to 8pm, 7 days a week). You can also cancel by using the
cancellation form on our website, or by writing to us, at the addresses
specied in the ‘Customer services details’ section. If you are
paying by Direct Debit and tell your bank to cancel your Direct Debit
Instruction, but do not contact us rst, we will not immediately cancel
your policy. If you do wish to cancel, please contact us directly to
avoid any communications regarding outstanding payments.
Our right to cancel your policy or bring it to an end
If we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have (or anyone
acting for you has) claimed under this policy knowing the claim to
be dishonest, exaggerated or fraudulent then we may cancel the
policy immediately without any refund of premium or excess (see
‘Fraudulent activity’ below).
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We may cancel this policy where there is a valid reason for doing so
by giving you at least 7 days’ written notice. Valid reasons include but
are not limited to the following:
where you fail to comply with certain conditions and obligations
(see ‘Important conditions’ and ‘Your responsibilities’ above);
where you fail to pay for the policy (see ‘Paying your
premiums’ above);
where we have reasonable grounds to believe you have (or
anyone acting for you has) engaged in fraudulent activity
against us or our service providers and/or provided us with false
information with respect to another policy you hold or have held
with us (see ‘Fraudulent activity’ below); or
where you have used threatening or abusive behaviour or
language towards our staff or suppliers.
If at any time we arrange to replace your product (or give you a
voucher settlement), your policy will automatically end (see ‘What
happens if your product is replaced?’ above).
Customer services details
For customer services: sign in to My Account at, call 0333 000 9799 or
write to us at Domestic & General Insurance PLC, Leicester House,
17 Leicester Street, Bedworth, Warwickshire CV12 8JP.
Calls cost the basic rate per minute plus your phone company’s
access charge, except calls to 0800 numbers which are free. Lines
are open, at a minimum, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except
public holidays). Calls may be recorded and monitored for quality and
training purposes.
How to complain
If you wish to complain or you are unhappy with the service
provided, please contact our customer services team (see
‘Customer services details’ above). If you are not satised with
how we respond you can then ask the Financial Ombudsman
Service (FOS) to review your case. They can be contacted at:
The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London,
E14 9SR, on the website http://, or by
email at:, or phone
0800 023 4567.
Referral of your complaint to the FOS does not affect your right to
take legal proceedings.
Transferring your policy
With our permission you may transfer your policy to a new
owner of the product by giving us their details either over the
telephone or in writing. You cannot transfer it to any other item
(except for replacements of your product provided under a
manufacturer’s guarantee).
Changes to these terms and conditions
At any time we may modify or replace these terms and conditions in
order to:
comply with the law, regulations, industry guidance or codes
of practice;
rectify errors or ambiguities; and
improve the scope or nature of the protection provided to you.
After the rst three years of the policy we may modify or replace
these terms and conditions for other reasons.
In all cases we will give you thirty (30) days’ written notice of any
change that could affect your rights or obligations and provide
you with a brief explanation of such changes. The new terms and
conditions will take effect from the date specied in the notice. If
you do not agree with the changes, you may cancel the policy by
notifying us within that notice period and you will receive a pro rata
refund of any premium paid for unused days of your policy.
Data Protection Information
Domestic & General Services Ltd (for service, maintenance &
support plans), Domestic & General Insurance PLC (for insurance
policies), and The CDA Group Ltd are the Data Controllers for
your information. This is a brief summary of how we’re protecting
and respecting your privacy in accordance with data protection
legislation. For more information go to
How do we use your data?
We use the data we hold about you in order to provide your
appliance registration, appliance protection, handle repair requests,
full obligations under the plan/policy or let you know about
information, products or services that interest you, or for analytical
or statistical purposes. We also undertake market research and
customer surveys, as well as safeguarding against fraud and money
laundering, and for the rare event of product safety recalls.
Do we share your data?
Your data is shared across our group companies and with other
companies who provide products or services to us, or who perform
services on our behalf. We’ll also share your data with The CDA
Group Ltd.
What happens with international data transfers?
We may transfer your data to countries (including the US and South
Africa) which may not have data protection laws which provide the
same level of protection as provided in the UK. But don’t worry,
we have safeguards in place to help ensure that everything is
adequately secured and protected.
What are your rights?
You have the right to ask us to:
not use your data for marketing purposes
send you a copy of the personal information we have about you
delete your data (subject to certain exemptions)
correct or delete any inaccurate or misleading data
restrict the processing of your data
provide a copy of your data to any controller
lodge a complaint with the local data protection authority
How long do we keep your data?
We won’t keep your information for any longer than is necessary.
In most cases that’s 10 years (a reasonable expectation of average
product ownership), or 6 years following the expiry of a contract.
Any other questions?
Please contact The Group Data Protection Ofcer, go to
Exclusion of third party rights
This policy is only for your benet. No rights or benets will be given
to any other third party under the policy.
Fraudulent activity
1. We may provide your details to third parties in order to detect
possible fraudulent activity.
2. If we believe that you have (or anyone acting for you has)
engaged in fraudulent activity against us or our service providers,
or provided us with false information we may request extra
information in support of your application or claim (such as proof
of purchase).
3. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have (or
anyone acting for you has) made a claim under this policy
knowing the claim to be dishonest, exaggerated or fraudulent,
then we may:
request extra evidence in support of your claim (such as proof
of purchase or other documentation);
decline your claim and immediately cancel your policy without
any refund of premium or excess paid;
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recover from you the cost of any claim already paid to you
under this policy and the cost of any investigation into a
fraudulent claim under this policy (and we may initiate legal
proceedings to do so);
report you to the relevant authorities, including the police;
put the details of the fraudulent claim onto a register of claims
through which insurers share information to prevent fraudulent
claims. A list of participants names and addresses are
available on request.
4. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that you have (or
anyone acting for you has):
engaged in fraudulent activity against us or our service
providers; and/or
provided us with false information,
with respect to another policy you hold or have held with us, we
may cancel this policy as well as any other policies you have with
us and/or reject any applications for new policies (see ‘Our right to
cancel your policy or bring it to an end’ above). You will receive a
refund of any premium paid for unused days of the policy.
Governing law and statutory rights
We will communicate with you in English and English Law will
apply unless we agree otherwise with you. Nothing in these terms
and conditions will reduce or affect your statutory rights; for further
information about your statutory rights contact the Citizens Advice
Bureau website or 03444 111 444.
The Financial Services Compensation Scheme
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation
Scheme. If we cannot meet our obligations to you under the
policy, compensation may be available to cover these obligations.
The compensation provides for 90% of any claim with no upper
limit on the amount of the claim. Full details are available at or by writing to them at: FSCS, 10th Floor,
Beaufort House, 15 St Botolph Street, London EC3A 7QU, or by
contacting them on 0800 678 1100.
Access and support
We offer a number of services for customers
who have disabilities including providing our
documents in Braille, large print or audio formats.
We may also make accommodations to the way
we provide our services on a case by case basis.
For further information please contact us (see
‘Customer services details’ above).
Company information
This policy is provided by Domestic & General Insurance PLC.
Registered in England and Wales. Company No. 485850 Registered
ofce: Swan Court, 11 Worple Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 4JS.
Domestic & General Insurance PLC is authorised by the
Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority
(Financial Services Register Number 202111). Our address and
details of our authorisation can be checked on the FCA website
This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept Instructions to pay Direct Debits
If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Domestic & General Insurance PLC
will notify you 14 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request
Domestic & General Insurance PLC to collect a payment, conrmation of the amount and date will be given to you at
the time of the request
If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Domestic & General Insurance PLC or your bank or building society you
are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society
- if you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Domestic & General Insurance PLC asks you to
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written conrmation may be required.
Please also notify us.