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You can choose from the plan options below:
Silver Protects the boiler and the boiler’s controls.
Silver plus
Protects the boiler, the boiler’s controls and the
Protects the boiler and the boiler’s controls.
It also includes an annual service.
Protects the boiler, the boiler’s controls and
the system. It also includes an annual service.
It is important for your benefit and protection that you
read these terms and conditions. These, together with any
changes we notify you about (at renewal or otherwise),
form your agreement with us. We intend to rely on the
terms and conditions set out in this document.
controls: the time control, central heating water circulating pump,
motorised valve(s), room thermostat and the cylinder thermostat.
plan: this contract of services.
product: the boiler protected by this plan, as shown on your
certificate (this only includes the parts inside the boiler casing; it
does not include the flue). It cannot be a warm air unit, electrical
boiler or combined heat power unit. Your boiler must not be a
commercial or industrial grade boiler, such as one with more than
200,000 BTU/HR 58.6K input and/or output.
Your product can also include your boiler’s controls and the system,
depending on the plan option you choose.
system: the radiators, radiator valves, expansion tank, the above
ground, visible pipework directly associated with the provision of
central heating (excluding any taps and their direct supply) and
vented hot water cylinders holding less than 40 gallons or 182 litres
(please note, we cannot look after unvented pressurised cylinders,
their feeds, outlets of controls – these cylinders are ones where
water is taken directly from the mains supply, and not from a cold
water storage cistern/tank, and can often be identified as a cylinder
which is not open to the atmosphere).
we/us/our: Domestic & General Services Limited, the provider of
the plan.
you/your: the person named on your certificate.
your certificate: the personalised section of your plan
documentation, sent to you once you have taken out a plan or at
You must be at least 18 years old and resident in the United
Kingdom to be eligible. Your product must be in good working order
when this plan starts. Your boiler must not be a commercial or
industrial grade boiler, such as one with more than 200,000 BTU/
HR 58.6K input and/or output. It cannot be located on a boat or in a
mobile home.
This plan is not categorised as an insurance product and therefore
insurance regulation does not apply. This plan is a contract of
services and is governed by UK laws and regulations concerning
service contracts.
The following conditions apply to this plan:
You must provide us with any information that we request when
you apply for the plan. All information you give must not be false,
exaggerated or misleading;
Your product must have been installed, maintained and used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
Your product must be owned by you and kept only for domestic
Your product must be used in a private home, solely occupied by
a single household (at the address you gave to us). It cannot be
located on a boat or in a mobile home; and
Your product must be easily accessible and meet all relevant
safety standards and be safe to work on.
You must arrange any work required to make your product
accessible and compliant with all relevant safety standards and
safe to work on, e.g. you will be responsible for carrying out work
required to fix a gas leak.
Where you have requested services from us, you must also notify
us if such work is required, let us know when it has been completed
and provide us with the relevant certification (if applicable). We
won’t provide our services until you have fulfilled these obligations.
If you do not comply with the conditions and the eligibility
requirements above or do not fulfil your obligations above, we will
end your plan.
If your product suffers a mechanical or electrical breakdown after
the end of the manufacturer’s parts and labour guarantee period,
our customer services team will try to resolve the problem over the
telephone. If we are not able to resolve the problem, we will, in our
discretion, decide whether to approve a repair. Where a repair is
approved, we will then authorise an engineer to carry out your repair,
or we may also (at our option) decide to pay a contribution towards
the cost of a replacement product, in each case subject to these
terms and conditions.
Your plan includes a check of your boiler carried out to statutory
requirements and in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations (an annual service). It will be carried out between
April and September. Arrange it by calling 0800 597 8600 for your
local authorised engineer.
To request a repair please contact us as soon as possible by
telephone. The telephone number will be shown on your plan
There is no limit to the number of repairs you can request, unless
your plan ends, for example, following the write-off of your product
(see ‘What happens if your product is written-off?’ below).
If we approve a repair or a replacement (or a contribution towards
a replacement), the plan limit is the most we’ll pay in total for
repairs and/or towards a replacement for the product. The plan limit
is £1,500. See ‘Repairs and write-offs’ below to find out how we
calculate what you can receive under this plan limit.
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You must give us all information we need to verify your repair
request. You should send any requested documents to the address
in ‘Customer services details’ below.
Only engineers approved by us are authorised to carry out repairs
under this plan, unless we agree otherwise in advance. Repairs will
be carried out within the repairer’s normal working hours (which are
at least 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) on a date agreed with you.
Please have your plan documentation to hand when the repairer
arrives. If your product breaks down, you must take reasonable
steps to limit damage, e.g. stop using it if this is likely to cause
further damage.
If we approve a repair but are unable to find an approved engineer,
we’ll permit you to use your chosen repairer. You will have to pay
them and claim the cost back from us. Please keep a copy of your
invoice to send to us.
If we permit you to use your chosen repairer and the proposed repair
is estimated to cost more than the repair authority limit, then you
must ring the repair authority line on 0800 597 8580 for an authority
number before work starts. The repair authority limit will be shown
on your plan document.
1. If a repair is approved on your product, but:
we cannot repair it;
we cannot obtain the spare parts to repair it;
the repair cost would exceed the cost of the current purchase
price of a new product; or
repairing it would exceed the plan limit (see ‘Limits of the plan’
then we will give you vouchers or cash instead.
2. The vouchers/cash will be for the lesser of either:
our repairer’s estimated cost of the repair (this will often be the
manufacturer’s fixed price repair charge); or
the balance of the plan limit (taking into account the cost of any
repairs already provided during the current term of the plan).
3. All vouchers will be redeemable from a retailer of our choice
and will be valid for 12 months from the date of issue. Voucher
settlements will be sent to the last address you gave us. If
vouchers are not available we may provide a cash equivalent.
4. Under this plan you will not receive a replacement boiler and we
will therefore not be responsible for any installation or delivery
If we decide to write-off your product and to give you vouchers
towards its replacement, your plan will end immediately and any
unpaid fee for the current plan period will become due. No fee paid
will be refunded.
For voucher settlements we will deduct any fee outstanding for the
duration of your plan from the voucher settlement.
If we decide not to approve a repair request which would otherwise
fall within the terms of your plan, we will inform you. All fee
payments you have made in the current period of your plan will be
refunded and your plan will end immediately. No further amounts
will be payable. We’ll confirm this in writing to the last address you
gave us.
Unless they are listed under the ‘Special conditions’ section or the
‘What this plan includes’ section, the following are excluded from
the plan, and we will not pay for repairs which relate to:
Damage during delivery, installation or transportation of the
product by a third party who is not our agent.
Any breakdown cost already covered by any manufacturer’s,
supplier’s or repairer’s guarantee or warranty on a product.
Replacement or recall of the product (or any part) by a supplier or
the manufacturer.
Modifying or making a product comply with legislation, work on
the product that is only required due to legislation changes or
making it safely accessible.
Your failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Any problem with the supply of electricity (unless you are
protected against food spoilage), gas, water, broadband or
broadcast content.
Routine maintenance, cleaning, servicing and re-gassing.
Repairs carried out outside of your country of residence.
Costs or loss arising from not being able to use your product
(e.g. hiring a replacement TV), or incidental costs caused by
breakdown or repair (e.g. costs to remove or reinstate built-in or
fitted equipment).
Damage to any other property or possessions, unless it is our
Cosmetic damage such as damage to paintwork, dents or
Any loss, damage or impairment to functionality caused by: theft,
attempted theft, neglect, deliberate damage or damage caused
by animals, plants or trees.
Any loss, damage or impairment to functionality caused by:
earthquake, flood, lightning, fire, wind, humidity, weather
conditions, salt spray, storm or other natural events or
catastrophes, abnormally high or low temperatures, plumbing
problems, corrosion, chemical exposure, radiation, explosion,
sabotage, terrorism, insurrection, revolution, war, riot, armed
conflict, civil commotion, rebellion, man-made events or
catastrophes or technological hazards (such as computer viruses
or date-change faults).
Any appliance not registered under the plan.
Repairs, maintenance work, or use of spare parts, where not
approved by us.
Damage to ceramic or glass surfaces (unless caused by an
accident protected by the plan).
Files lost due to a repair or replacement and your failure to back
them up.
Commercial or business use including use by charities, not-
for-profit organisations, local government or other such similar
organisations (unless we agree to the use in writing beforehand).
Fraud or attempted fraud, or where the condition of the product is
not consistent with the request you made.
The cost of replacing any accessories including: external fuses,
lawnmower belts, batteries, rechargeable batteries, power
cells, light bulbs changeable by the user, fluorescent tubes and
related starter components, filters, attachments, cables and
cable joints, plugs, light covers, grills, removable parts, glass
and enamel parts, catalytic panels, external piping, rain covers,
starter connections and straps, 3D glasses, vacuum cleaner bags,
brushes and tubes, audio pick-up systems including scanners,
printer toner or ink cartridges and printer ribbons.
For products that include software: external data carriers,
other input devices (scanners, joysticks, mouse devices), other
external controllers (if not included when purchasing the product),
installing, modifying and upgrading software.
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For products with screens: repairs due to pixel failure where the
number or location of pixels does not exceed the manufacturer’s
acceptable limit, marks on the screen, or burned screens.
For televisions: the change from analogue to digital broadcasting
including terminating analogue transmissions, software interface
problems, satellite or cable systems or gaining access to cables
within the fabric of a building or wall.
Damage caused by, or arising from, accident.
In addition to the ‘General exclusions’ above, the following are
excluded from the plan, and we will not pay for repairs which
relate to:
Any work arising from hard water scale deposits in the system.
Sludge or blockages (including carrying out a powerflush).
Normal operation or adjustment of the product controls (except
following an approved repair under this plan), any water pressure
adjustments on sealed systems (except those connected with
a repair approved under this plan), the clearing of airlocks or the
balancing and venting of radiators.
Work on anything not part of the product, for example warm
air units, electrical boiler or combined heat power units, below
ground or non-visible pipework, energy management systems,
unvented pressurised cylinders, convector heaters, kick space
heaters, towel heaters/rails, underfloor heating, heat pumps,
shower pumps, immersion heaters, solar panels, fuel lines to the
boiler and the flue systems from the boiler, the cold water supply
tank, its feed or outlet, taps, any pipework, controls or other parts
associated with any of these items.
Work on non-standard visible pipework (i.e. greater than 1 inch or
2.5cm in diameter).
Work where the removal or disturbance of hazardous material
(e.g. asbestos) is required.
The replacement of oil nozzles and igniters.
Issuing a CP12 (gas safety certificate).
Arrangement of your product replacement.
1. If you pay the monthly fees (inclusive of all applicable taxes) by
Direct Debit, you must make regular payments in accordance
with the ‘Payments schedule’ set out in your plan documentation.
If we are unable to collect a payment from your bank we
may attempt to request payment again unless you advise us
otherwise. When you have paid the monthly fees by Direct Debit
for the number of consecutive months shown in the ‘Payments
schedule’, if the initial plan period has not yet expired, no further
payment will be taken for the remainder of the initial plan period,
unless and until your plan renews for a further period (see
‘Duration and renewal of your plan’ below).
2. If instead you choose to pay all the fees for the period in advance
in one payment, you must pay this amount (inclusive of all
applicable taxes) before the plan will start.
3. We may use a collection agency to recover any amount owing to us.
4. If you do not pay for your plan on time, it will be suspended from
the due date. Any requests for repairs past this date will not be
considered for approval unless payment is received.
1. The initial plan period begins on the ‘start date’ and continues
until the ‘renewal date’, as specified in your certificate (unless
ended in accordance with these terms and conditions).
2. Before your plan ends, we will write to you about renewing. Your
renewal notice will show the new amount to pay. The fee payable
may increase at renewal.
3. If you pay by Direct Debit, each year your protection will
automatically continue for another year with a new plan at
renewal, unless you tell us otherwise. Unless you have advised
otherwise, the renewal fee will again be collected from your
specified bank account, to ensure you are always protected.
4. If you pay by any other means, you will need to make payment
for your plan to continue.
5. A cooling off period (lasting 14 days from renewal of the plan
or the day on which you receive your renewal documentation,
whichever is the later) applies at the renewal of your plan.
6. We reserve the right not to offer you a renewal on your plan.
1. The ‘cooling off period’ is the fourteen (14) day period from
receipt of your documentation or from the plan start date,
whichever is later.
2. If you change your mind during the cooling off period, you can
cancel your plan and we’ll refund any fee paid.
3. We will also give you these rights during your manufacturer’s
parts and labour guarantee period.
4. If your plan automatically ends or is cancelled by us, these rights
do not apply (see ‘Our right to cancel your plan or bring it to an
end’ below).
If you cancel your plan after the cooling off period and after the
manufacturer’s parts and labour guarantee period, then the following
will apply:
If you have not received a repair, we’ll refund the fee paid by you
for the remaining full months of your plan. If you pay for your plan
by Direct Debit, you will only receive a refund if you have already
paid for any future months of your plan.
If you have received a repair, no refund will be given and you will
have to pay the cost of the repair. This will be capped at the plan
fee (less any fees you have already paid in the current period).
If you wish to cancel your plan, please contact us on 0800 597 8615
(8am to 8pm, 365 days a year). You can also cancel by writing
to us at the address specified in the ‘Customer services details’
section. If you are paying by Direct Debit and tell your bank to
cancel your Direct Debit Instruction, but do not contact us first,
we will not immediately cancel your plan. If you do wish to cancel,
please contact us directly to avoid any communications regarding
outstanding payments.
1. If at any time you receive vouchers for a replacement from us,
your plan will automatically end and no refund will be due (see
‘What happens if your product is written-off?’ above).
2. If you fail to comply with certain conditions and obligations (see
‘Important conditions and your obligations’ above) we may bring
your plan to an end and we won’t provide any further services to
you under the plan. We’ll refund all fee payments you have made
during the current period of your plan. You must pay us for any
call-out and repair costs we have incurred in the current period.
3. We reserve the right to cancel your plan by giving you fourteen
(14) days’ notice. If we cancel your plan using this provision, you
will receive a pro rata refund of the fee paid for the remaining
unexpired days of your plan.
4. In each case, we’ll confirm any such ending or cancellation of the
plan in writing to the last address you gave us.
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For customer services: call 0800 597 8600, write to us at Domestic
& General Services Limited, Leicester House, 17 Leicester Street,
Bedworth, Warwickshire CV12 8JP or email us by clicking on
‘contact us’ on our website: www.domesticandgeneral.com
Calls cost up to 5.1p a minute plus your phone company’s access
charge, except calls to 0800 numbers which are free. Calls may be
recorded and monitored for quality and training purposes.
Lines are open, at a minimum, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
(except public holidays).
If you wish to complain or you are unhappy with the service
provided, please contact our customer services team (see ‘Customer
services details’ above).
With our permission you may transfer your plan to a new owner
of the product by giving us their details either over the telephone
or in writing. You cannot transfer it to any other appliance (except
for replacements of your product provided under a manufacturer’s
We may modify or replace these terms and conditions in order to:
Comply with the law, regulations, industry guidance or codes
of practice;
Rectify errors or ambiguities; and
Reflect changes in the scope or nature of the protection provided
to you.
We will give you thirty (30) days’ written notice of any change that
could have a material effect on your rights or obligations. The new
terms and conditions will take effect from the date specified in the
notice. If you do not agree with the changes, you may cancel the
plan by notifying us within that notice period and you will receive
a pro rata refund of any payments that you have made for the
unexpired period of your plan.
Domestic & General Services Limited and its business partners
will use your information (which you or others have provided to us)
to provide the requested service and for administration (including
the recovery of any amounts owing, where applicable), marketing,
market research, customer surveys, regulatory reporting, to
check and verify your identity and analytics and testing purposes.
Your information may also be shared with other members of the
Domestic & General Group of Companies and selected companies
acting on our behalf. We, along with other members of the
Domestic & General Group of Companies, its business partners
and third parties may use your information to tell you about any
offers, products or services which may be of interest to you. You
may therefore be contacted by mail, telephone, email and/or other
electronic messaging services unless you have asked not to be.
You may (for a small fee of £10) request a copy of your data.
If your personal details change, if you wish to change your
marketing preferences or if you wish to opt out of receiving
marketing information, please let us know by writing to:
Freepost Plus RTKS-CLRA-GRYE, Data Protection Officer,
Domestic & General, Leicester House, 17 Leicester Street,
Bedworth CV12 8JP. If you do not wish to be contacted for marketing
purposes by mail or telephone write to us at the address above.
This plan is only for your benefit. No rights or benefits will be given
to any other third party under the plan.
We will communicate with you in English and English Law will apply
unless we agree otherwise with you. Nothing in the conditions will
reduce or affect your statutory rights; for further information about
your statutory rights contact your local authority Trading Standards
Department or Citizens Advice Bureau.
We offer a number of services for customers
who have disabilities including providing our
documents in Braille, large print or audio formats.
For further information please contact us (see
‘Customer services details’ above).
See plan document
This plan is provided by Domestic & General Services Limited.
Registered in England and Wales. Company No. 1970780.
Registered office: Swan Court, 11 Worple Road, Wimbledon,
London SW19 4JS
• This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept Instructions to pay Direct Debits
• If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Domestic & General Services
will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request
Domestic & General Services to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the
time of the request.
• If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Domestic & General Services or your bank or building society you are
entitled to a full refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society
- if you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Domestic & General Services asks you to
• You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be
required. Please also notify us.