* Trademark of Visa Int., used under license
® The TD logo and other TD trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
All trade-marks are the property of their respective owners.
Provided by TD Life Insurance Company ("TD Life") and TD Home and
Auto Insurance Company ("TD Home & Auto")
This Product Summary Contains Important Information
The following is meant to provide an overview of the features and benefits of the travel insurance
coverages provided with your TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Card. The terms and conditions of the
insurance coverages are contained in Your Certificate of Insurance ("Certificate") and in the group master
policies, which govern. All defined terms are italicized, capitalized and defined in Your Certificate.
View a copy of the Certificate (td.com/agreements) for full details about the insurance coverages provided
with the TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Card.
TD Life Insurance Company
("TD Life")
P.O. Box 1 TD Centre
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2
Ph.: 1-888-788-0839
TD Life is registered with the Autorité des
marchés financiers www.lautorite.qc.ca.
(the "AMF" or the "Authority") under client
number 2000444011.
TD Home and Auto Insurance Company
("TD Home & Auto")
P.O. Box 1 TD Centre
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A2
Ph.: 1-866-361-2311
TD Home & Auto is registered with the AMF
under client number 2000471829.
The Toronto-Dominion
P.O. Box 1 TD Centre
Toronto, Ontario
M5K 1A2
Ph.: 1-800-983-8472
Global Excel Management Inc.
("Global Excel")
73 Queen Street
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1M 0C9
Ph.: 1-866-374-1129 or
Travel Insurance Coverages Provided with TD First Class Travel
Visa Infinite* Credit Card
Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance
Delayed and Lost Baggage Insurance
Flight/Trip Delay Insurance
Travel Medical Insurance
Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance
TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Credit Card Product Summary
General Information You Need to Know
The following is applicable to all insurance coverages provided with the TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite
Card, unless otherwise specified:
Complaint Handling: For information about our complaint processing policy and where a
complaint may be filed, please visit our Customer Service & Problem Resolution page at:
Misrepresentation: You must be accurate and complete in Your dealings with the Insurer at
all times. The Insurer will not pay a claim if You, any person insured under Your Certificate or
anyone acting on Your behalf makes a misrepresentation, attempts to deceive or mislead the
Insurer, or makes a fraudulent, false or exaggerated statement or claim.
Cancellation: Insurance coverages are considered canceled on the date the credit card
account is closed. If, at any time, You don’t want these insurance coverages, You can decide not
to use them or contact Your credit card provider to apply for a different credit card with alternative
insurance coverages.
Cost: Your TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Card has an annual fee charged by your
credit card provider. No additional fee will be charged for the insurance coverages
provided with the TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Card.
Claims: You must report Your claim to Our Administrator by calling 1-866-374-1129 no
later than the following time limits after the covered event(s) occurred:
Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance
o 30 days; refer to section 10 "How to Submit a Claim" for full details.
Delayed and Lost Baggage Insurance
o 45 days; refer to section 8 "How to Submit a Claim" for full details.
Flight/Trip Delay Insurance
o 45 days; refer to section 7 "How to Submit a Claim" for full details.
Travel Medical Insurance
o Immediately; refer to sections 10 "General Conditions" and 8 "How To Submit A
Claim" for full details.
Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance
o Immediately; refer to sections 10 "General Conditions" and 8 "How to Submit a
Claim" for full details.
Once We have approved the claim, We will notify You and payment will be made within 60 days. If
the claim has been denied, We will inform You of the claim denial reasons within 60 days. You can
appeal the decision by submitting new information to Our Administrator. For complete details,
please see the applicable claims section (as listed above) in Your Certificate.
TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Credit Card Product Summary
General Information You Need to Know
Additional Eligibility Requirements
Common Carrier Accident
Flight/Trip Delay Insurance
The credit card must be in
good standing; and
The Insured Person must
be a resident of
Canada; and
be able to provide proof
of travel.
Delayed and Lost Baggage
The credit card must be in
good standing; and
The Covered Person must
be a resident of
Canada; and
be able to provide proof of
Travel Medical Insurance
Trip Interruption/Trip
Cancellation Insurance
The credit card must be in
good standing; and
The Insured Person must:
be a resident of
be able to provide proof
of travel; and
have a valid GHIP
Note: For full details, please see the "Eligibility" section and/or the definition of "Insured Person" in each
TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Credit Card Product Summary
Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance
Issued by TD Life under Group Policy Number TGV009 (the “Policy”) to The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the “Policyholder”).
Global Excel provides Claims and Assistance services under the Group Policy.
What is included in this coverage?
Common Carrier Travel Accident Insurance provides travel coverage if the Insured Person(s) suffers a
covered Loss arising from and occurring on a Covered Trip while travelling on a Common Carrier.
What are the benefits?
Maximum Benefit Payable
Accidental Death or Dismemberment, Loss of Sight, Speech, or Hearing
Accidental Loss of Life
Up to $500,000
Accidental Loss of Speech and Hearing
Up to $500,000
Accidental Loss of Both Hands or Both Feet or Sight of both Eyes or a
combination of Hand, a Foot, or Sight of One Eye
Up to $500,000
Accidental Loss of One Arm or Leg
Up to $375,000
Accidental Loss of One Hand or One Foot or Sight of One Eye
Up to $333,350
Accidental Loss of Speech or Hearing
Up to $333,350
Accidental Loss of Thumb and Index Finger of the same Hand
Up to $166,650
Paralysis - Quadriplegia (Complete paralysis of both upper and lower
Up to $500,000
Permanent Total Disability (Available only to Primary Cardholder and
Paralysis - Paraplegia (Complete paralysis of both lower limbs)
Up to $500,000
Paralysis - Hemiplegia (Complete paralysis of upper and lower limbs of one
of side of the body)
Up to $500,000
Permanent Total Disability
Up to $500,000
Up to $500,000
Special Benefits
Family Transportation Benefit
Up to $5,000
Repatriation Benefit
Up to $10,000
Rehabilitation Benefit
Up to $10,000
Note: If an Insured Person has multiple Losses as a result of one accident, only the single largest benefit
amount applicable to the Loss suffered is payable.
What are the limitations and exclusions?
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions (e.g., Loss resulting from suicide, attempted suicide or loss
that is intentionally self-inflicted, Loss caused by declared or undeclared war, etc.).
For complete details, please see the "Exclusions" (Section 9) and "General Conditions" (Section 12) sections
in Your Certificate.
TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Credit Card Product Summary
Flight/Trip Delay Insurance
Issued by TD Home & Auto under Group Policy Number TGV010 (the “Policy”) to The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the
“Policyholder”). Global Excel provides Claims and Assistance services under the Group Policy.
What is included in this coverage?
Flight/Trip Delay Insurance provides coverage to reimburse reasonable expenses for meals, accommodation
while delayed and reasonable additional ground transportation expenses.
What are the benefits?
Maximum Benefit Payable
Up to $500 for reasonable expenses for meals and accommodation if your
flight/trip is delayed for an eligible cause for 4 hours.
Note: To activate coverage, at least 75% of your trip cost must be paid for using your TD Credit Card and/or
associated TD Reward points.
What are the limitations and exclusions?
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions. For example, coverage does not include loss caused by:
Any event made public prior to the date of booking
Laws/regulations issued by any Government or Public Authority
Strikes or labor disputes
Bomb search or threat
For complete details, please see the "Description of Insurance" (Section 5) and "General Conditions"
(Section 8) sections in Your Certificate.
TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Credit Card Product Summary
Delayed and Lost Baggage Insurance
Issued by TD Home & Auto under Group Policy Number TDVB112008 (the “Policy”) to The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the
“Policyholder”). Global Excel provides Claims and Assistance services under the Group Policy.
What is included in this coverage?
Delayed and Lost Baggage Insurance provides financial protection if a traveler's baggage has been lost while
on a Covered Trip or the baggage has been delayed upon arrival at the final destination.
What are the benefits?
Maximum Benefit Payable
For baggage delayed over 6 hours, up to $1,000 of coverage per Covered
Person for the purchase of Essential Items, such as clothing and toiletries.
Lost Baggage
Up to $1,000 of coverage per Covered Person to reimburse You for the portion of
the replacement cost of personal property not covered by Common Carrier.
Note: The total benefits payable for Delayed Baggage and Lost Baggage are subject to a maximum of $1,000
per Covered Person per trip. To activate coverage, use Your Card to pay for the Ticket in full. Coverage will be
in force while baggage is in the custody of the Common Carrier.
What are the limitations and exclusions?
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions. For example, no coverage is provided for:
Expenses incurred more than ninety-six (96) hours after arriving at the Final Destination as shown on the
Expenses incurred after the Checked Baggage is returned to the Covered Person
Baggage not checked
Baggage held, seized, quarantined or destroyed by customs or a government agency
Credit cards and other negotiable instruments
Tickets and documents or Losses occurring when the Checked Baggage is delayed on a Covered
Person's return to their home province or territory of residence.
For complete details, please see the "Limitations and Exclusions" (Section 6) and "General Conditions"
(Section 9) sections in Your Certificate.
TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Credit Card Product Summary
Travel Medical Insurance
Underwritten by TD Life under Group Policy TGV002 issued to The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the “Policyholder” or “TD Canada
Trust”). Global Excel provides Claims and Assistance servicess.
What is included in this coverage?
Travel Medical Insurance coverage pays a benefit if an Insured Person suffers an eligible Medical Emergency
during a Covered Trip.
What are the benefits?
Maximum Benefit Payable
(per Insured Person per Covered Trip)
Medical Emergency Coverage including:
Physician's bills
Diagnostic services
Medical appliances
Emergency return home
Up to $2,000,000
Private duty nursing
Up to $5,000
Accidental dental
Up to $2,000
Bedside Companion
Round trip economy air fare and up to $1,500 for meals
and accommodation for a Bedside Companion
Travelling Companion
One-way economy air fare
Return and escort of Dependent Children
One-way economy air fare and escort if required by airline
Vehicle return
Up to $1,000
Return of deceased
Up to $5,000
What are the limitations and exclusions?
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions (e.g., Medical Conditions that are not Stable, pregnancy,
child born on trip, excessive use of alcohol, high risk activities, etc.). This insurance may not cover claims
related to Pre-Existing Medical Conditions (e.g., heart conditions, high blood pressure, arthritis, etc.) that
existed prior to the date of departure.
For complete details, please see the "Limitations and Exclusions" (Section 6) and "General Conditions"
(Section 10) sections in Your Certificate.
What is the coverage period?
If you are 64 years of age or under, coverage is provided for the first 21 consecutive days of Your Covered Trip.
If you are 65 years of age or older, coverage is provided for the first 4 consecutive days of Your Covered Trip. If
your trip is longer, you can apply to top-up existing coverage by contacting our Administrator by telephone, if
each Insured Person qualifies for coverage.
TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite Credit Card Product Summary
Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance
Issued by TD Life under Group Policy Number TGV003 and TD Home & Auto under Group Policy Number TGV006 (the
“Group Policy” or "Group Policies") to The Toronto-Dominion Bank (the “Policyholder”). Global Excel provides Claims and
Assistance services under the Group Policy.
What is included in this coverage?
Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance is travel coverage that offers financial protection if covered
events occur before departure and cause cancellation of travel plans or if covered events interrupt travel
plans on or after departure date.
What are the benefits?
Maximum Benefit Payable
Trip Cancellation Insurance
(Before Departure Date)
Up to $1,500 per Insured Person per Covered Trip (maximum of $5,000
total for all Insured Persons on the same Covered Trip) if you are required
to cancel the Covered Trip due to a Covered Cause.
Trip Interruption Insurance
(After Departure Date)
Up to $5,000 per Insured Person per Covered Trip (maximum of $25,000
total for all insured persons on the same Covered Trip) if you are prevented
from continuing the Covered Trip as a result of a Covered Cause.
Note: To activate coverage, the full cost of your trip must be paid for using your TD Credit Card and/or TD Points.
What are the limitations and exclusions?
This insurance contains limitations and exclusions (e.g., Medical Conditions that are not Stable, pregnancy,
child born on trip, excessive use of alcohol, high risk activities, etc.). This insurance may not cover claims
related to Pre-Existing Medical Conditions (e.g., heart conditions, high blood pressure, arthritis, etc.) that
existed prior to the date of departure.
For complete details, please see the "What your insurance covers - Trip Cancellation Insurance (Limitations
and Exclusions)" (Section 6), "What your insurance covers Trip Interruption Insurance (Limitations and
Exclusions)" (Section 7), "Limitations and Exclusions: What your insurance does not cover" (Section 8), and
"General conditions" (Section 10) sections in Your Certificate.
What is the coverage period?
For Trip Cancellation:
Coverage Period begins on the date the Covered Trip is booked or reserved with the travel agent or other
travel supplier. The Coverage Period ends on the on the earlier of the date the Insured Person departs or
plans to depart on the Covered Trip; and the date the Certificate terminates.
For Trip Interruption:
Coverage Period begins on the date the Insured Person completes a portion of the Covered Trip as
shown on his or her invoice or ticket provided the Covered Trip is booked or reserved with the Insured
Person's travel agent or other travel supplier. The Coverage Period ends on the earlier of the date the
Insured Person is scheduled to return from the Covered Trip; and the date the Certificate terminates.