dul admissions ............................................................................................1,0
Obseraions ......................................................................................................8,406
Birhs ......................................................................................................... ,46
erage lengh o inpaien sa das
dul ..................................................................................................................4.9
Neborn ............................................................................................................
oal paien das ......................................................................................... 96,006
Paien origin
Marion Coun .......................................................................................... 89
Pschiaric admissions ....................................................................................1,09
Find a Doctor: 317.880.7666
Indiiduals sered b communi healh orers ........................,149
Paiens screened or ood insecuri .................................................. 89,6
resh or ou Mare ouchers redeemed ........................................ ,00
[Revised 4-1-24]
oal oupaien isis .................................................................... 1,1,490
Special care ............................................................................168,4
Primar care ................................................................................ 4,11
Michael  Susan Smih mergenc Deparmen ............... 101,984
Menal healh/addicion ....................................................... 8,64
Indianapolis mergenc Medical Serices responses ... 11,9
oal sa................................................................................................... ,101
ull-ime sa ................................................................................ ,98
Par-ime sa ...................................................................................1,118
Phsicians on senai Healh medical sa .................................1,4
• cie medical sa ..................................................................... 1,00
oluneers .....................................................................................................1
• oluneer hours colleciel ored .................................... 10,4
• quialen o s .................................................................................
Medicaid/HIP ........................................................................................... 4
Medicare ...........................................................................................6
Commercial ................................................................................................. 14
senai Healh inancial ssisance Program .........................1
Oher ................................................................................................................. 
Saed inpaien beds
Pediaric/Neborn/Neonaal Inensie Care Uni .................. 0
Oupaien serice sies
senai Healh Cener sies....................................................................14
Sandra senai Menal Healh Cener
sies and residenial aciliies.....................................................................8
Connecions calls .............................................................................. 0,16
Calls handled b riage Ns ............................................................40,94
Inerpreaion serices
Oer he phone inerpreaions ..................................................... ,9
• ideo remoe inerpreaions................................................,1
anguages suppored ................................................ more han 00
Communi oureach eens
oal number o eens .....................................................................90
Indiiduals engaged ....................................................................10,
For more than 160 years, Eskenazi Health has provided high-quality, cost-eective, patient-centered health care to Central Indiana. Accredited by
The Joint Commission, named Indiana’s top hospital for community benet and avoiding overuse by the Lown Institute, nationally recognized
programs include a Level I trauma center, regional burn center, comprehensive senior care program, women’s and children’s services, teen and
adolescent care programs, Lifestyle Health & Wellness Center, Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center, and a network of primary care sites located
throughout the neighborhoods of Indianapolis known as Eskenazi Health Center. Eskenazi Health also serves as the sponsoring hospital for Indianapolis
Emergency Medical Services. As the public hospital division of the Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County (HHC), Eskenazi Health partners
with the Indiana University School of Medicine whose physicians provide a comprehensive range of primary and specialty care services. In 2013, the
Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital opened, providing a new modern and ecient facility, becoming Central Indiana’s rst Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design (LEED®) Gold health care campus.
1859 Ci Hospial opens, rs o rea he smallpo epidemic, hen as a
miliar hospial. n esimaed 1,000 sic and ounded soldiers
ere reaed in a e-ear period ending in 186.
1866 Dr. reenl inon oolen named hospial superinenden. Ci Hospial
no operaes as a chari insiuion suppored b Indianapolis apaers.
1879 Dr. illiam Niles ishard appoined superinenden o Ci Hospial.
1885 loer Mission raining School or Nurses graduaes is rs class o
e nursing sudens.
1887 irs Ci Hospial ambulances begin carring sic and injured paiens.
1909 Indiana Uniersi IU School o Medicine a Indianapolis opens,
beginning a lengh eaching aliaion ih he hospial.
1914 o our-sor isolaion unis consruced, non as he Burdsal Unis.
S. Margare’s Hospial uild hires seeral Indiana ariss, including
.C. Seele, o pain murals hroughou he hospial.
1918 Social Serice Deparmen esablished o help ih social needs o paiens.
1931 Dr. Charles . Mers appoined superinenden, a pos he ould hold
unil 19.
1935 irs iron lung in he sae o Indiana insalled a Ci Hospial.
1943 o-a radios insalled in Ci Hospial ambulances. his as
he rs hospial in he naion o use his pe o radio o coordinae
ambulance dispach.
1947 Ci Hospial renamed Indianapolis eneral Hospial.
1951 eneral ssembl enacs saue creaing he Healh  Hospial
Corporaion o Marion Coun.
1961 irs cancer laboraor in Indiana opened a eneral Hospial.
1969 eneral Hospial designaed b he Indiana Sae Board o Healh o be
a major rauma cener or Indiana. Midon Communi Menal Healh
opens a eneral Hospial.
1975 eneral Hospial renamed ishard Memorial Hospial.
1992 ishard Hospial becomes he rs eried eel I rauma cener in Indiana.
1995 ishard named one o he op 100 hospials in he counr or hird
consecuie ear b HCI, Inc./Mercer Consuling.
1997 Healh danage program begins sering need residens o Marion
Coun. ishard Senior Care launched.
1998 Healh Connecion – a 4-hour-a-da nursing elephone riage ssem –
begins operaion. cue Care or lders Uni esablished.
1999 he IU Naional Cener o cellence in omen’s Healh opens a
ishard. mergenc Medicine Deparmen creaed. Ne Palliaie
Care program launched.
2003 he sae-o-he-ar ichard M. airbans Burn Cener a ishard
opens, replacing he original uni.
2008 ishard Healh ging Brain Cener esablished.
2009 eerendum o build ne hospial campus approed ih 8
oer suppor.
2010 Indianapolis MS is ormed as a parnership beeen he ci and Healh
 Hospial Corporaion o Marion Coun ih ishard sering as he
sponsoring hospial.
2011 ishard receies a $40 million gi rom Sidne and ois senai, hich
resuls in Healh  Hospial Corporaion o Marion Coun naming he
healh ssem aer he Indianapolis couple.
2013 senai Healh es 8h Sree healh cener opens. he Sidne  ois
senai Hospial and senai Healh donon campus opens.
2014 he Mahe . uein Commonground a senai Healh, a
unique oudoor green space ocused on communi, sereni and
ellness, opens.
2015 senai Healh’s donon campus achiees eadership in nerg
and nironmenal Design D old ceriicaion.
2018 or he hird ear in a ro, senai Healh named one o Becer’s
Hospial eie’s “10 op Places o or in Healhcare.
2019 Sandra senai donaes $ million or menal healh serices, and
Midon Communi Menal Healh, a diision o senai Healh,
is renamed Sandra senai Menal Healh Cener.
2022 he ichard M. airbans Burn Cener a senai Healh is reeriied
or he seenh ime as he onl eriied adul burn cener in Indiana.
2024 senai Healh homas  rlene rande Campus opens, senai
Healh’s larges oupaien acili.
[Revised 4-1-24]