Illinois Department of Transportation
Office of Planning & Programming
Bureau of Data Collection
January 1, 2024
The information contained in the 2024 Traffic Stop Data Sheet will need to be collected and
submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). This form can be printed from
IDOT’s website. It is up to the individual agency to determine the best means of collecting
this data.
The following information must be collected whenever an officer stops a motorist for a traffic
violation (even when only a verbal warning is given). This data must be submitted to IDOT.
Agency Code
This number is unique to your agency and provided by IDOT. (This field is not required to be
completed since this is for internal use only. This field is not included in the DB File Format)
Format: 5 digit number (Example: 12354)
Date of Stop
This is the date the traffic stop occurred.
Format: MM/DD/YYYY (Example: 01/01/2024)
Time of Stop
This is the time the traffic stop occurred. The time of stop should be recorded in military time.
Format: HH:MM (Example: 15:45)
Duration of Stop
This is the total time, in minutes, from when the vehicle was stopped until the driver is free to
leave or taken into physical custody.
Example: 1 hour should be recorded as 60 minutes (60)
Officer Name
This field should list name of the officer who conducted the traffic stop.
Example: Chris Jones
Officer Badge Number
This should list the badge number of the officer who conducted the traffic stop.
Example: 245
Name of Driver
List the name of the driver.
Format: Last Name, First Name (Example: Smith, John)
List the driver’s address.
Example: 2134 S. Main St.
List the driver’s city.
Example: Springfield
List the driver’s state.
Example: IL
Zip Code
List the driver’s zip code.
Example: 62703
Vehicle Make
List the make of the vehicle stopped.
Example: Dodge
Vehicle Year
List the year of the vehicle stopped.
Format: YYYY (Example: 2024)
Driver’s Year of Birth
List the year of birth for the driver.
Format: YYYY (Example: 1981)
Driver Sex
Select the sex of the driver.
1: Male
2: Female
3: Gender X (Non-Binary, etc.)
4: Unknown
Driver Race
Select the race of the driver. This should be the officer’s “subjective determination of the race
of the person stopped” (625 ILCS 5/11-212). Public Act 97-0396 changed the race categories for
the traffic stop study (effective: January 1, 2012). These new categories correlate with the 2010
census data. The race categories are: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African
American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White. To be
consistent with the previous form, the categories will be listed in the following order:
1: White
2: Black or African American
3: American Indian or Alaska Native
4: Hispanic or Latino
5: Asian
6: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Public Act 97-0396 provides a description for each race category.
"White" means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the
Middle East, or North Africa.
"Black or African American" means a person having origins in any of the black racial
groups of Africa. Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or
African American".
"American Indian or Alaska Native" means a person having origins in any of the original
peoples of North and South America, including Central America, and who maintains tribal
affiliation or community attachment.
"Hispanic or Latino" means a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central
American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
Asian" means a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East,
Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited to, Cambodia,
China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and
"Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" means a person having origins in any of the
original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Reason for Stop
This is the initial reason the vehicle was stopped. If a vehicle was stopped for speeding, but
the driver was given a citation for no insurance, speeding would be theReason for Stop."
Also, if “Moving Violation” is selected as the reason for stop, theType of Moving Violation”
must be completed. Note: A seatbelt violation is listed as a “Moving Violation.
1: Moving Violation
2: Equipment
3: License Plate/Registration
4: Commercial Vehicle
“Commercial Vehicle” Explanation
Commercial Vehicle has been added as an option for this field. This should be checked
when the primary reason for the stop was a violation of rules and regulations related to
commercial vehicles. “Commercial Vehicle” should not be selected when the commercial
vehicle was stopped for a Moving Violation, Equipment Violation, or License
Plate/Registration Violation. For example, if a commercial vehicle was stopped because
they look like they may be possibly overweight, then it would be appropriate to select
this option. However, if a commercial vehicle was stopped for speeding, then Moving
Violation/Speeding should be selected.
Type of Moving Violation (If “Reason for Stop” is Moving Violation)
This field needs to be completed if the reason for stop was a “Moving Violation.
1: Speed
2: Lane Violation
3: Seat Belt
4: Traffic Sign or Signal
5: Follow too close
6: Other
Result of Stop
This is the most severe outcome of the stop. If a vehicle is stopped, and the driver receives a
citation and a warning, “Citation” should be selected. You will only fill out one Traffic Stop Data
Sheet per stop (even if they receive several citations, warnings, etc).
1: Citation
2: Written Warning
3: Verbal Warning (stop card)
Beat Location of Stop
Enter the beat location of the stop. This field should indicate where the stop occurred. This is a
required field, and entering “0” or leaving this field blank is not acceptable. It is up to the
agency to determine the best method to identify location of stop using this field.
Entering Information about searches
The Illinois Traffic Stop Study (ITSS) includes information about searches conducted during
vehicle stops. The law that created the study defined two general categories of search, consent
searches and searches by other means. When completing the questions about searches,
officers should focus on the principle justification for the search.
Note: If an officer conducts a vehicle consent search he should indicate that the search was
based onconsent. That is, even if there was another type of search conducted on the same
stop this will be classified as a consent search. A consent search is a search that is based on a
request by the officer to conduct a search and there no other legal or procedural justification
for the search. On some occasions an officer may request to consent search a vehicle and the
driver denies the request. The officer should complete the form to indicate that consent was
requested and denied. However, if a search is subsequently performed based on some other
justification, after the consent search is denied, that information should be entered in the
appropriate section.
Documenting passenger search information when multiple passengers are searched
If any of the passengers are searched based on a consent search request, the passenger search
section should reflect that a consent search was requested, consent was given, and a search
was conducted based onconsent. For example, if there are two passengers searched, and
one passenger is searched based on consent, and the other passenger is searched based on
means other than consent, this search should be recorded as “consent.
Vehicle Consent Search Requested?
Choose “Yes” or “No” for this field.
YesOfficer requested consent to search the vehicle and this request is the principle
justification for the search.
NoVehicle consent search was not requested by the officer
Vehicle Consent Given?
If “Yes” is selected for “Vehicle Consent Search Requested?” then you must answer “Yes” or
“No” to whether consent was given to search the vehicle.
If “No” is selected for “Vehicle Consent Search Requested?” then this field is Not Applicable.
YesOfficer requested consent to search the vehicle and consent was given by the
NoOfficer requested consent to search the vehicle and consent was denied by the
Vehicle Search Conducted?
Choose “Yes” or “No” for this field.
YesVehicle search was conducted by the officer
NoVehicle search was not conducted by the officer
Vehicle Search Conducted By?
If “Yes” is selected for “Vehicle Search Conducted?” then you must specify the means by which
the search was conducted.
If “No” is selected for “Vehicle Search Conducted?” then this field is Not Applicable.
Consent the principle justification for the search is based on a consent search request
by the officer and consent was given by the driver.
Otherthe principle justification for the search is based on means other than consent
of the driver.
If “Yes” is selected forVehicle Search Conducted, then you must specify whether or not
contraband was found, the type of contraband found, and the amount (if the contraband found
was drugs).
If “No” is selected for “Vehicle Search Conducted?” then these fields are Not Applicable.
If a search of the vehicle was conducted, was contraband found?
YesVehicle search conducted, contraband found.
Vehicle - Drugs (Yes/No)
Vehicle - If the contraband found was “Drugs”, then specify the amount in
o 1: < 2 grams
o 2: 2-10 grams
o 3: 11-50 grams
o 4: 51-100 grams
o 5: > 100 grams
Vehicle - Drug Paraphernalia (Yes/No)
Vehicle - Alcohol (Yes/No)
Vehicle - Weapon (Yes/No)
Vehicle - Stolen Property (Yes/No)
Vehicle - Other (Yes/No)
NoVehicle search conducted, contraband not found.
Driver Consent Search Requested?
Choose “Yes” or No” for this field.
YesOfficer requested consent to search the Driver and this request is the principle
justification for the search.
No Driver consent search was not requested by the officer
Driver Consent Given?
If “Yes” is selected for “Driver Consent Search Requested?” then you must answer “Yes” or
“No” to whether consent was given to search the Driver.
If “No” is selected for “Driver Consent Search Requested?” then this field is Not Applicable.
YesOfficer requested consent to search the Driver and consent was given by the
NoOfficer requested consent to search the Driver and consent was denied by the
Driver Search Conducted?
Choose “Yes” or “No for this field.
YesDriver search was conducted by the officer
NoDriver search not conducted by the officer
Driver Search Conducted By?
If “Yes” is selected for “Driver Search Conducted?” then you must specify the means by which
the search was conducted.
If “No” is selected for “Driver Search Conducted?” then this field is Not Applicable.
Consent the principle justification for the search is based on a consent search request
by the officer and consent was given by the driver.
Otherthe principle justification for the search is based on means other than consent
of the driver.
Passenger(s) Consent Search Requested?
Choose “Yes” or “No for this field.
YesOfficer requested consent to search the Passenger(s) and this request is the
principle justification for the search.
NoPassenger(s) consent search was not requested by the officer
Passenger(s) Consent Given?
If “Yes” is selected for “Passenger(s) Consent Search Requested?” then you must answer “Yes”
orNo” to whether consent was given to search the Passenger(s).
If “No” is selected for “Passenger(s) Consent Search Requested?” then this field is Not
YesOfficer requested consent to search the Passenger(s) and consent was given by
the Passenger(s).
NoOfficer requested consent to search the Passenger(s) and consent was denied by
the Passenger(s).
Passenger(s) Search Conducted?
Choose “Yes” or “No for this field.
YesPassenger(s) search was conducted by the officer.
NoPassenger(s) search was not conducted by the officer.
Passenger(s) Search Conducted By?
If “Yes” is selected forPassenger(s) Search Conducted?” then you must specify the means by
which the search was conducted.
If “No” is selected for “Passenger(s) Search Conducted?” then this field is Not Applicable.
Consent the principle justification for the search is based on a consent search request
by the officer and consent was given by the Passenger(s).
Otherthe principle justification for the search is based on means other than consent
of the Passenger(s).
IfYes” is selected for “Driver Search Conducted?” or “Passenger(s) Search Conducted?” then
you must specify whether or not contraband was found, the type of contraband found, and the
amount (if the contraband found was drugs).
If “No is selected for “Driver Search Conducted? and “Passenger(s) Search Conducted?”, then
these fields are Not Applicable.
If a search of the Driver or Passenger(s) was conducted, was contraband found?
YesDriver or Passenger(s) search conducted, contraband found.
Driver or Passenger(s) - Drugs (Yes/No)
Driver or Passenger(s) - If the contraband found was “Drugs”, then specify
the amount in grams.
o 1: < 2 grams
o 2: 2-10 grams
o 3: 11-50 grams
o 4: 51-100 grams
o 5: > 100 grams
Driver or Passenger(s) - Drug Paraphernalia (Yes/No)
Driver or Passenger(s) - Alcohol (Yes/No)
Driver or Passenger(s) - Weapon (Yes/No)
Driver or Passenger(s) - Stolen Property (Yes/No)
Driver or Passenger(s) - Other (Yes/No)
NoDriver or Passenger(s) search conducted, contraband not found.
Officers are required to provide information about the use of police dogs on vehicle searches
(Public Act 97-0469). Each time a dog is used to search a vehicle this data should be completed.
There may be occasions when the dog is used along with other search strategies. For example,
if a person granted permission to conduct a consent search, the officer would complete the
appropriate information and indicate that the search was based on consent. If, however,
subsequent to that search a police dog was used to search the vehicle that information should
be completed. If contraband is found the officer should include that information in the
appropriate section. That is, if contraband is located during the consent search it should be
included under the consent search section. If, by contrast, it is found based on the dog sniff it
should be included in that section.
Did a police dog perform a sniff of the vehicle?
Choose “Yes” or “No for this field.
YesPolice dog performed a sniff of the vehicle.
NoPolice dog did not perform a sniff of the vehicle.
If a police dog performed a sniff of the vehicle, did the dog alert to the presence of contraband?
If “Yes” is selected forDid a police dog perform a sniff of the vehicle?” then you must answer
“Yes” orNo” to whether or not the dog alerted to the presence of contraband.
If “No” is selected for “Did a police dog perform a sniff of the vehicle?” then this field is Not
YesPolice dog performed a sniff of the vehicle, dog alerted to the presence of
NoPolice dog performed a sniff of the vehicle, dog did not alert to the presence of
If an alert occurred, was the vehicle searched?
If “Yes” is selected for “If a police dog performed a sniff of the vehicle, did the dog alert to the
presence of contraband?” then you must answer “Yes” orNo” to whether or not the vehicle
was searched.
If “No” is selected for “If a police dog performed a sniff of the vehicle, did the dog alert to the
presence of contraband?” then this field is Not Applicable.
YesPolice dog alerted to the presence of contraband and the vehicle was searched.
NoPolice dog alerted to the presence of contraband, but the vehicle was not
If “Yes” is selected forIf an alert occurred, was the vehicle searched?” then you must specify
whether or not contraband was found, the type of contraband found, and the amount (if the
contraband found was drugs).
If “No” is selected for “If an alert occurred, was the vehicle searched?” then these fields are
Not Applicable.
(Police Dog Sniff Search) If the vehicle was searched, was contraband found?
Yes(Police Dog Sniff Search) Vehicle search conducted, contraband found.
Police Dog Sniff Search - Drugs (Yes/No)
Police Dog Sniff Search - If the contraband found was “Drugs” then
specify the amount in grams.
o 1: < 2 grams
o 2: 2-10 grams
o 3: 11-50 grams
o 4: 51-100 grams
o 5: > 100 grams
Police Dog Sniff Search - Drug Paraphernalia (Yes/No)
Police Dog Sniff Search - Alcohol (Yes/No)
Police Dog Sniff Search - Weapon (Yes/No)
Police Dog Sniff Search - Stolen Property (Yes/No)
Police Dog Sniff Search - Other (Yes/No)
No(Police Dog Sniff Search) Vehicle search conducted, contraband not found.