ABSTRACT. This study examines whether the sibling constellation of the family of origin of
individuals is related to the risk of divorce later in life. The duplication theorem has argued
that individuals develop role preferences based upon their childhood experiences in the sibling
group of origin, and particularly in response to their rank in the sibling group, and the gender
composition of the sibling group. In turn, the relative compatibility of pairings of these role
preferences between a husband and wife should influence the stability of their relationship. We
use Swedish administrative register data and use event-history analysis examine divorce in first
marriages over the period 1990 to 2012 amongst individuals born 1950 to 1994. The unit of
analysis is the couple, and we adjust for a range of factors that previous research has shown to
be associated with divorce risk. We find that pairings of an only born husband and an only born
wife have the highest risk of divorce. Marriages where one of the partners was an only child
have the second highest risk of divorce. Different combinations of pairings where both husband
and wife come from multi-child sibling groups do not vary in terms of the risk of divorce. These
results provide partial, but not full, support for the predictions of the duplication theorem.
The characteristics of the family of origin have been found to extend their influence far into
adulthood. Studies have shown that family size has an effect on educational attainment (Black
et al., 2005), intelligence (Blake, 1989), as well as mortality (Smith et al., 2009). Other re-
search has found that, independent of family size, birth order has a causal effect on educational
attainment (Black et al., 2005), intelligence (Bjerkedal et al., 2007), and mortality (Barclay and
Kolk, 2013). A great deal of research has also speculated about the extent to which the family
of origin, and in particular birth order, can affect personality (Toman, 1961; Sulloway, 1996).
However, only a small handful of studies have examined whether specific pairings of these fam-
ily of origin characteristics in marriage is associated with the risk of marital dissolution (Toman,
1962; Weller et al., 1974; Vos and Hayden, 1985). This study uses Swedish population register
data to examine how birth order pairings, family size pairings, and gender composition pairings
influence divorce risk in first marriages between 1990 and 2012.
One theory that has been proposed to explain why birth order pairings in a romantic re-
lationship should matter is the duplication theorem (Toman, 1961). The duplication theorem
describes how early life experiences, in terms of an individual’s own birth order and the gender
composition of the sibling group of origin, help to determine role preferences (Toman, 1971). In
childhood the experience of birth order accustoms first born individuals to feelings of seniority,
and later borns to expect leadership and protection from their older peer (Toman, 1971). Gender
composition, in turn, helps to shape the degree to which an individual is accustomed to spend-
ing time with an individual of the opposite sex, and the degree to which they are accustomed to
leading, or being led by, an individual of the opposite sex (Toman, 1971). The dual importance
of relative rank in the sibling group of origin, and the opportunity to interact with members
of the opposite sex, determines the likelihood of relationship stability in Toman’s duplication
If we take a heterosexual marriage between two individuals, both from two-child sibling
groups, there are eight different sibling positions. There can be the older brother of a brother
– b(b); the older brother of a sister b(s); the younger brother of a brother (b)b; the younger
brother of a sister – (s)b; the older sister of a sister – s(s); the older sister of a brother – s(b); the
younger sister of a sister (s)s; and finally, the younger sister of a brother (b)s. The duplication
theorem states that complementarity between the experiences in the sibling group of origin and
the future romantic relationship will imply the greatest chance of success in that relationship
(Toman, 1971). So, for example, a man who was the older brother of a younger sister [b(s)],
would be most compatible with the younger sister of an older brother [(b)s]. The duplication
theorem does not argue that a man from an all-male sibling group cannot form or maintain a
relationship with a woman, but does argue that it will be less stable than these complementary
Toman (1993) developed very specific predictions about how marital stability would vary ac-
cording to what experience from the sibling group of origin each member of the couple brought
to the marriage. These can be seen in Table 1, which is reproduced directly from Toman (1993,
pages 88-89). These explicit ranked predictions make it easy to test whether there is empiri-
cal support for the duplication theorem. Toman argued that individuals from one child sibling
groups, ‘only borns’, should have the highest risk of relationship instability, primarily due to a
TABLE 1. Predictions of Duplication Theorem, reproduced from Toman (1993,
pages 88-89)
Degrees of Complementarity Basic Types Other Examples
1a. Neither partner has a rank or sex b(s)/(b)s b(ss)/(b)s
conflict with the other (s)b/s(b) (ss)b/s(bbb)
1b. Each partner has a least one sibling b(sb)/(b)s
relationship that is neither in a rank (s)b(s)/s(bbs)
nor in a sex conflict with at least one (bs)b(s)/(b)s(bs)
sibling relationship of the partner
2a. Neither partner has a rank conflict (or b(s)/(s)s b(ss)/(s)s
only a partial one) and only one of the (s)b/s(s) (b)b/s(bbb)
partnes has a sex conflict b(b)/(b)s b(s)/(s)s(s)
(b)b/s(b) b(b)/(b)s(b)
2b. Both partners have either a complete b(s)/s(b) (ss)b/(bbb)s
(or partial) rank conflict, but no sex (s)b/(b)s (b)b(s)/s(bb)
conflict, or both have a sex conflict, b(b)/(s)s (b)b(b)/s(ss)
but no rank conflict (or only a partial (b)b/s(s) (b)b(b)/(s)(ss)
2c. Both partners have a complete rank b(s)/s(s) (ss)b/(ss)s
conflict and one of the partners also has (s)b/(s)s b(bb)/s(bbb)
a sex conflict b(b)/s(b)
2d. Both partners have a complete rank b(b)/s(s) b(bb)/s(s)
and sex conflict. (b)b/(s)s (bb)b/(sss)s
3a. One partner is an only child, the other b(s)/s (s)b(sb)/s
has at least one sibling of the opposite b/s(b) b/s(bbb)
sex (s)b/s (s)b(s)/s
b/(b)s b/(b)s(s)
3b. One partner is an only child, the other has b(b)/s b(bb)/s
only (one or more) siblings of the same b/s(s) b/(s)s(s)
sex as himself (b)b/s
3c. Both partners are only children b/s
general lack of peer interaction in the home environment (Toman, 1993). There is some sup-
port for this theory amongst young children, with research finding that teachers rate only borns
as having poorer social skills than their peers (Downey and Condron, 2004). Nevertheless, a
meta-analysis of studies examining the relationship between only-born status and personality in
adolescence indicates that there are no genuine personality differences between only borns and
their peers from larger sibling groups (Polit and Falbo, 1987).
Despite this evidence, more recent research using the one-child policy in China as a natural
experiment suggests that growing up as an only-born has a causal effect on trustworthiness,
with only-borns being less trusting, and less trustworthy (Cameron et al., 2013). Furthermore,
the same study found only-borns to be less optimistic, less conscientious, and to have higher
scores on neuroticism (Cameron et al., 2013). While the Swedish context is clearly substantially
different from the Chinese context, this rare opportunity to study an exogenous influence on a
decision made by parents that is usually endogenous, suggests that growing up as an only-
born can have a substantial impact upon behaviour, and perhaps also personality. It can be
imagined that trust and trustworthiness may be important factors for marital stability. If these
results do indeed demonstrate the causal impact of growing up as an only-born, and if they are
generalisable, then this would predict that only-borns would have higher divorce risks.
Aside from role preferences, previous research has also suggested that birth order may in-
fluence personality. Sulloway (1996) argued that competition for parental investment within
the family caused siblings to adapt their behaviour so as to occupy particular niches within the
family. First borns and only borns were the most likely to be aligned with their parents as they
experienced a period of time where they were the only child within the home, and where they
were the sole focus of parental care. This led them, on average, to identify with power and
authority, and thereby to become more conservative and socially dominant than their later born
siblings. Later born children, finding that they were disadvantaged from the very beginning
in terms of size and strength, were naturally more inclined to develop a personality that was
questioning of authority. Furthermore, in the scramble for parental investment, later borns were
forced to become more creative, original and follow risks so as to achieve that goal.
Only a handful of studies have evaluated the relationship between birth order pairings in mar-
riage and marital satisfaction. A study by Kemper (1966) also found that men with a younger
sister married to women with an older brother reported higher marital satisfaction, consistent
with Toman’s duplication theorem. Weller et al. (1974) examined how birth order pairings
in marriage was associated with happiness in the marriage amongst several hundred Israeli
women. They found that marriages where either one or both of the spouses were only borns
reported the highest rates of marital dissatisfaction. Weller et al. (1974) also found that the
respondents who reported the highest level of marital satisfaction were rank and gender compo-
sition complementary, consistent with the predictions of Toman’s duplication theorem. Finally,
Toman (1971) reported that there was a higher proportion of low complementary pairings than
high complementary pairings amongst his sample of divorced couples. Other studies, however,
have found no relationship between birth order pairings and marital adjustment (Levinger and
Sonnheim, 1965; Birtchnell and Mayhew, 1977; Vos and Hayden, 1985).
The data used for this study is Swedish administrative register data, and we focus first mar-
riages among individuals born between 1950 and 1994. The unit of analysis is the couple. The
period of time over which we observe marriage and divorce is 1990 to 2012. Although the mar-
riage and divorce register is available from 1968-2012, we chose to focus on the period 1990
to 2012 because this period is where the data available for the control variables is at its highest
quality. This means that we study all first marriages that occur from 1990 to 2012. The rationale
behind choosing cohorts born 1950 to 1994 is that we wanted to be sure that the marriage that
we study is the first marriage for both individuals in the relationship. Since the marriage register
begins in 1968, those born in 1950 will have been 18 at that point in time, and so we can be
sure that the registers contain full and accurate information on their civil status over the entire
life course.
0 100 200 300
Time to Divorce (Months)
FIGURE 1. Time to Divorce, in Months.
We study time to divorce using piece-wise exponential event-history analysis. In our analy-
ses we adjust for a number of covariates that previous reviews of the literature (Lyngstad and
Jalovaara, 2010; H
onen, 2014) have shown to be important factors in terms of divorce risk.
These include: year of marriage; husband’s age at the time of marriage; spousal age differ-
ence; whether the husband had children with a woman other than his future spouse before the
marriage; whether the wife had children with a man other than her future spouse before the
marriage; whether the couple had any children before the marriage; the number of children the
couple have (time-varying); the husband’s educational level (time-varying); and, the difference
in the educational level between the husband and wife (time-varying).
Table 2 shows the results for divorce risk in first marriages in the period 1990 to 2012 amongst
individuals born 1950 to 1994. The categorization used for birth order here is first, middle, or
last, and we distinguish only borns from individuals from sibling groups with more than one
birth. This analysis adjust for the control variables listed in the data section. Relative risks are
shown in bold if the difference is statistically significant at the 95% level. Table 2 shows that
relative to a partnership with two only-born individuals (the reference category is italicized, all
other couple pairings have a lower risk of divorce. It is also clear that in couples where one
of the partners was an only-born, the relative risk is higher than that found in couples where
neither child was an only-born.
TABLE 2. Birth Order Pairings in Marriage and Relative Risk of Divorce
in Sweden: First Marriages 1990-2012, Cohorts Born 1950-1994. First
Borns, Middle Borns, and Last Borns come from Multi-child Sibling Groups.
N=470,527, Divorces=75,807
Only Born First Born Middle Born Last Born
Husband Only Born 1.00 0.81 0.79 0.77
First Born 0.88 0.45 0.45 0.43
Middle Born 0.86 0.42 0.42 0.41
Last Born 0.83 0.42 0.41 0.40
Table 3 shows the results where we test the duplication theorem (Toman, 1993) in marriages
where both couples came from a one- or two-child sibling group. Again, pairings where both
individuals were only-borns are the reference category. The clearest pattern evident is similar to
that seen in table 2, with all marriage pairings having a lower relative risk of divorce in compar-
ison to a partnership between two only-born individuals. Table 3 also shows that couples where
at least one of the partners was an only-born have a higher risk than those with another sib-
ling. This is consistent with part of the predictions of the duplication theorem shown in table 1,
which stated that couples with two only-born individuals should have the highest relationship
instability, followed by couples where at least one of the pair was an only-born. However, there
is no support in the results in table 3 for Toman’s distinction between high and medium com-
plementary types of marital pairings. That is, to give an example, the older brother of a younger
sister married to the younger sister of an older brother [b(s)/(b)s], have a divorce risk similar to
that of other couples made up of individuals who are both from sibling groups with more than
one child.
Further indication that there is no significant difference between high and medium comple-
mentary pairings comes from the results shown in table 4. These results are based upon models
where both individuals in the partnership came from a two-child sibling group. In this case the
reference category is the older brother of a younger sister married to the younger sister of an
older brother [b(s)/(b)s]. As can be seen, there are few statistically significant differences, and
the pattern of relative risks do not consistently point in the direction predicted by that of the du-
plication theorem. For example, there is an elevated risk of divorce when a man with a younger
sister [b(s)] is married to a sister with a younger brother [s(b)] or sister [s(s)], which would be
consistent with a lack of rank complementarity, but the difference is not statistically significant
for the same pairings if the man has a younger brother rather than a younger sister [b(b)]. More
generally though, it can be seen that pairings between two first borns have an elevated relative
risk of divorce, and pairings between two second-borns have a lower relative risk of divorce.
Table 5 shows the results for couples where both partners came from a sibling group with
between 1 and 3 children. Broadly speaking, the clearest result is one that was already evident
in tables 2 and 3, which is that marriages where both partners were only-borns have the highest
risk of divorce. The group with the second highest risk of divorce are those couples where at
least one of the partners was an only-born. It also appears that the risk of divorce is higher
when both partners were first born in comparison to when either partner was last born, or both
TABLE 3. Birth Order and Gender Composition Pairings in Marriage and Rela-
tive Risk of Divorce in Sweden: First Marriages 1990-2012, Cohorts Born 1950-
1994. Set Sizes 1 and 2. N=171,243, Divorces=28,123
s s(b) s(s) (b)s (s)s
Husband b 1.00 0.83 0.81 0.80 0.79
b(b) 0.85 0.69 0.69 0.65 0.65
b(s) 0.92 0.76 0.72 0.65 0.67
(b)b 0.83 0.68 0.64 0.62 0.60
(s)b 0.80 0.68 0.62 0.63 0.65
TABLE 4. Birth Order and Gender Composition Pairings in Marriage and Rela-
tive Risk of Divorce in Sweden: First Marriages 1990-2012, Cohorts Born 1950-
1994. Set Sizes 2. N=100,601, Divorces=14,597
s(b) s(s) (b)s (s)s
Husband b(b) 1.06 1.06 0.99 0.99
b(s) 1.16 1.09 1.00 1.03
(b)b 1.05 0.98 0.94 0.92
(s)b 1.04 0.94 0.96 0.99
partners werer middle born. Table 5 presents many different coefficients, and so it may be
useful to present the results from table 5 alongside Toman’s predictions. These are shown in
table 6 for the basic types of pairings that Toman makes predictions for. These results show that
the most important result is that two only-borns have the highest risk of divorce, followed by
partnerships where at least one of the partners was an only-born. There are no real differences,
however, between couples where neither individual was an only-born.
TABLE 5. Birth Order and Gender Composition Pairings in Marriage and Relative Risk of Divorce in Sweden: First
Marriages 1990-2012, Cohorts Born 1950-1994. Set Sizes 1 to 3. N=359,100, Divorces=56,763
s s(b) s(s) s(ss) s(sb) s(b[b/s]) (b)s(b) (s)s(s) (s)s(b) (b)s(s) (b)s (s)s (ss)s (bs)s ([b/s]b)s
Husband b 1.00 0.82 0.81 0.72 0.80 0.80 0.76 0.74 0.78 0.79 0.80 0.78 0.69 0.73 0.77
b(b) 0.85 0.69 0.69 0.61 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.65 0.65 0.57 0.67 0.66
b(s) 0.92 0.76 0.72 0.65 0.66 0.68 0.68 0.57 0.67 0.64 0.65 0.67 0.57 0.73 0.64
b(bb) 0.81 0.73 0.60 0.71 0.63 0.53 0.63 0.72 0.61 0.54 0.66 0.70 0.47 0.59 0.60
b(bs) 0.81 0.67 0.74 0.48 0.39 0.67 0.73 0.68 0.60 0.44 0.55 0.69 0.70 0.44 0.57
b(s[b/s]) 0.79 0.69 0.61 0.66 0.66 0.65 0.68 0.60 0.73 0.73 0.67 0.65 0.70 0.83 0.68
(b)b(b) 0.78 0.76 0.67 0.43 0.77 0.65 0.57 0.63 0.62 0.66 0.57 0.52 0.44 0.67 0.64
(s)b(s) 0.80 0.64 0.65 0.62 0.71 0.55 0.67 0.59 0.90 0.79 0.55 0.71 0.64 0.75 0.57
(s)b(b) 0.76 0.64 0.63 0.68 0.61 0.52 0.62 0.55 0.42 0.61 0.61 0.68 0.63 0.64 0.56
(b)b(s) 0.86 0.66 0.75 0.51 0.69 0.66 0.57 0.55 0.63 0.59 0.66 0.62 0.43 0.56 0.55
(b)b 0.83 0.69 0.64 0.59 0.61 0.62 0.58 0.61 0.59 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.55 0.58 0.60
(s)b 0.80 0.68 0.62 0.60 0.67 0.64 0.58 0.64 0.45 0.62 0.63 0.65 0.61 0.64 0.61
(bb)b 0.82 0.66 0.64 0.40 0.66 0.66 0.48 0.63 0.46 0.76 0.61 0.73 0.46 0.54 0.50
(sb)b 0.77 0.67 0.61 0.48 0.58 0.62 0.58 0.57 0.72 0.64 0.63 0.76 0.50 0.58 0.54
([b/s]s)b 0.78 0.66 0.65 0.50 0.59 0.49 0.70 0.59 0.58 0.46 0.57 0.63 0.65 0.49 0.56
Source: Swedish administrative register data, compiled by the author.
TABLE 6. Duplication Theorem: Basic Types and Results
Degrees of Complementarity Basic Types RR SE 95% CI
1a. Neither partner has a rank or sex b(s)/(b)s 0.76 0.03 0.70-0.81
conflict with the other (s)b/s(b) 0.68 0.03 0.63-0.73
1b. Each partner has a least one sibling
relationship that is neither in a rank
nor in a sex conflict with at least one
sibling relationship of the partner
2a. Neither partner has a rank conflict (or b(s)/(s)s 0.67 0.03 0.62-0.73
only a partial one) and only one of the (s)b/s(s) 0.62 0.03 0.57-0.67
partnes has a sex conflict b(b)/(b)s 0.65 0.03 0.60-0.70
(b)b/s(b) 0.69 0.03 0.64-0.74
2b. Bother partners have either a complete b(s)/s(b) 0.76 0.03 0.70-0.81
(or partial) rank conflict, but no sex (s)b/(b)s 0.63 0.02 0.58-0.68
conflict, or both have a sex conflict, b(b)/(s)s 0.65 0.03 0.60-0.70
but no rank conflict (or only a partial (b)b/s(s) 0.64 0.03 0.59-0.69
2c. Both partners have a complete rank b(s)/s(s) 0.72 0.03 0.66-0.77
conflict and one of the partners also has (s)b/(s)s 0.65 0.03 0.60-0.70
a sex conflict b(b)/s(b) 0.69 0.03 0.64-0.74
(b)b/(b)s 0.61 0.02 0.57-0.66
2d. Both partners have a complete rank b(b)/s(s) 0.69 0.03 0.64-0.75
and sex conflict. (b)b/(s)s 0.60 0.02 0.55-0.65
3a. One partner is an only child, the other b(s)/s 0.92 0.03 0.87-0.98
has at least one sibling of the opposite b/s(b) 0.82 0.03 0.77-0.88
sex (s)b/s 0.80 0.03 0.75-0.86
b/(b)s 0.80 0.03 0.75-0.86
3b. One partner is an only child, the other has b(b)/s 0.85 0.03 0.80-0.91
only (one or more) siblings of the same b/s(s) 0.81 0.03 0.75-0.86
sex as himself (b)b/s 0.83 0.03 0.78-0.89
b/(s)s 0.78 0.03 0.73-0.84
3c. Both partners are only children b/s 1.00
This study has found that the sibling constellation in the family of origin has an association
with divorce risk in adulthood. The clearest result is that a partnership between two only-born
individuals has the highest risk of divorce. Furthermore, marriages where at least one of the
partners was an only-born have a lower risk that partnerships with two only-borns, but a higher
risk than partnerships without any only-born individuals. These results provide partial support
for the duplication theorem (Toman, 1993). Toman (1993) had predicted that partnerships with
two only-born individuals would have the highest risk of marital instability, and partnerships
with at least one only-born individual the next highest risk. However, his predictions about
the relative importance of rank within, and the gender composition of, the sibling group of
origin are not borne out by our results. Although we did not find complete support for the
duplication theorem, Toman’s prediction are highly detailed, and it should be noted that a theory
is implicitly easier to disprove when it makes specific predictions (Western, 2001).
The vast majority of birth order research has adopted the approach used in this study, com-
paring individuals of different birth order across different families. However, this approach has
proved controversial, with a number of researchers pointing out that almost all theories that
predict a relationship between birth order and later life outcomes describe within-family pro-
cesses (Rodgers, 2001). Furthermore, because families differ in many ways that are difficult
to measure, studies of birth order that compare individuals across different families suffer from
an unknown degree of residual confounding that are likely to bias the results. We have tried
to address this issue by adjusting for a number of factors that previous research has shown are
correlated with divorce risk. Nevertheless, there are important potential sources of residual
confounding that remain. For example, studies show that women are more likely to divorce if
they have only one child (Andersson, 1997). This would mean that only-borns would be more
likely to experience the divorce of their parents. Research on the inter-generational transmission
of divorce suggests that this would increase the probability that they would themselves would
divorce (Kiernan and Cherlin, 1999). We will attempt to address this issue by adjusting for
whether parents had any further children outside of the first relationship.
In addition to the intergenerational transmission of divorce, it should be noted that there is a
strong two-child norm in Sweden (Andersson, 1999). It is possible that the parents who choose
to have only one child are selected in some way that might be associated with an individual
growing up as an only-born having a less happy childhood. This might results in an only-born
individual being more likely to divorce in adulthood. In additional analyses it will also be
possible to examine only partnerships where neither partner had parents who had children with
more than one partner. This would be suggestive of union stability, and it would be possible to
examine whether the pattern of results observed in our analyses so far would be consistent for
individuals who grew up in more stable home environments. While this is not a perfect measure
of union stability, cohabitation is Sweden is very common, and just measuring whether the
parents of our index couples were divorced would not be able to fully capture parental union
stability; indeed, many of them would never have been married in the first place (Trost, 1975).
As between-family comparisons require careful adjustment to account for confounding, some
researchers have turned to sibling fixed effects, or within-family comparisons, to deal with
this issue. We have also estimated within-family comparisons, not presented here, but these
can only be done for sibling groups with at least two same-sex siblings. This means that we
cannot analyse the clearest pattern in our data, regarding the association of divorce with the
presence of an only-born in the relationship, using a within-family comparison. The sample
size is reduced dramatically in these within-family comparisons. The reason for this is that
a within-family comparison requires variance in the outcome within the sibling group. This
means that there must be at least two brothers or sisters in a sibling group, at least two of them
should have married, and at least one of them must have divorced. Furthermore, if we take
a sibling group with two brothers, they both must be married to an individual of the opposite
sex with the same birth order (e.g. they must both be married to a first-born woman). The
use of a within-family comparison clearly creates very specific selection criteria. Nevertheless,
the results for the within-family comparisons of multi-child sibling groups indicate that there is
no clear association between birth order and divorce risk, consistent with our between-family
results for marriages between individuals from sibling groups with at least two children
An additional factor to consider is that we are studying divorce in Sweden. While there has
been an increasing revival in the popularity of marriage in Sweden in recent years (Ohlsson-
Wijk, 2011), it remains true that cohabitation rates in Sweden are very high in a comparative
sense (Kiernan, 2002). Indeed, Sweden is the only country where the majority of first births
occur in a cohabiting rather than a marital union (Thomson and Eriksson, 2013). While study-
ing partnership dissolution in cohabiting unions would make an important contribution to the
current study, at present it is only possible to know if a cohabiting but non-married couple are
living together if they have a child together (Thomson and Eriksson, 2013). This means that we
would have a very particular sample of cohabiting unions, presumably pre-selected on a degree
of union stability as they will have chosen to have a child together. Nevertheless, it will also be
possible to examine these cohabiting couples with children in the coming months.
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