International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
Volume 20, Number 2
April 2019
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
Mik Fanguy
, Jamie Costley
, Matthew Baldwin
, Christopher Lange
, and Holly Wang
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea,
Department for Management of Science
and Technology Development, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc
Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
Dankook University, Suji, South Korea
*corresponding author [email protected]
Media diversity within video lectures has been shown to have an effect on students who participate in both
flipped classes as well as online courses. While some research claims that content delivered through
multiple sources leads to more learning, contrasting research makes the claim that too much media hinders
cognitive processing. The present study investigated the effects of varying levels of instructional media
delivered to students (n=110) within a flipped scientific writing course to investigate the relationship
between higher levels of media diversity and student performance. Results showed that more diversity led
to lower levels of performance. It was also found that higher levels of media diversity correlated with higher
levels of students’ scanning between different forms of media, possibly contributing to the lower levels of
performance. The implications of these results provide insight into the optimal level of media diversity, and
on student behavior that can affect learning.
Keywords: flipped learning, Korea, multimedia, scanning, summaries, video lectures
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
Fanguy, Costley
Baldwin, Lange, and Wang
Video lectures are a key component to most e-learning environments and the relationship between the
effective design of video lectures and other aspects of online environments needs to be examined in order
to optimize the effectiveness of online learning. One method instructors have used to improve e-learning
experiences is to create more diverse lecture videos that incorporate various types of media (Kim, Kwon, &
Cho, 2011; Zhang, Zhao, Zhou, & Nunamaker, 2004). The effects of such diversity on student engagement
and learning is a topic worth exploring. This can be done by examining how diversity in the presentation of
lecture videos affects germane load, which is widely accepted to contribute to learning through increased
comprehension of the course content that the videos present (Cierniak, Scheiter, & Gerjets, 2009; De Jong,
2010; Sweller, 2005; Sweller, van Merriënboer, & Paas, 1998).
Media diversity, which refers to the various audio and visual means of presenting information in online
video lectures, influences student perception of video lectures and affects their cognitive processing
(Kalyuga et al., 1998; Lowe, 1999; Mayer, 2014; Mayer & Moreno, 2003; Rasch & Schnotz, 2009; Schnotz
& Rasch, 2005; Sims & Hegarty, 1997; Sweller, 1999; Sweller et al., 1998; van Merriënboer, 1997). However,
this is still a contentious area, as some research suggests that diversity in media presentation increases
germane load, while other studies have shown that such diversity can hinder the development of germane
load. For instance, some studies claim that presenting the same information several times through diverse
forms of media enables students to improve their comprehension of the material (Paivio, 1991; Schmidt-
Weigand & Scheiter, 2011), while others claim that doing so causes a redundancy effect, leading to
unnecessary cognitive processing (Kalyuga, Chandler, & Sweller, 1999; Mayer & Moreno, 2003) and
decreased germane load (Sweller et al., 1998). Further to this, lecture design has been shown to influence
whether or not students finish watching a video in an online class
(Costley, Hughes, & Lange, 2017; Costley
& Lange, 2017a).
The present study quantitatively measures student recall of the content in video lectures that contain
varying degrees of media diversity. Additionally, the effect of media diversity on scanning between different
media sources is investigated, which may provide more insight on the results of this study. This research
differs from extant studies in the literature in that the videos examined herein contain the same lecture by
the same lecturer, but with differing levels of media diversity. Tailoring the media diversity in each
experimental group while maintaining the content being presented offers a clearer insight into the effects
of media diversity in online lecture videos.
Literature Review
The Effects of Visual Diversity on Retention
Studies indicate that the use of visual media is beneficial for student understanding. Images and animations
have been shown to facilitate the learning process so students can better comprehend the content (Salomon,
1994; Sweller & Chandler, 1994; van Gog, Ericsson, Rikers, & Paas, 2005). This improved understanding
leads to better retention of information and quiz scores. The use of animated text was also shown to benefit
the learning process; Luzón and Letón (2015) found that the addition of handwritten animated text to
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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Baldwin, Lange, and Wang
lecture videos was more helpful to the students’ learning compared to cases when such text was not
included. Chen and Wu (2015) point to Mayer’s (2001) cognitive theory of multimedia learning and its claim
that visual modalities or animations with verbal explanations have the edge over either text or narration in
performance on retention tests.
Videos that show the instructor have also been shown to be more effective. For example, Day, Foley, and
Catrambone (2006) found that videos where the instructor was shown led to higher retention of
information and greater understanding and ability to apply the principles featured in the lecture compared
to the same content presented using either audio and a slide deck created using Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT)
or a PPT slide deck with transcription text. The amount of such recall improves depending on the form in
which the instructor is presented (Li, Kizilcec, Bailenson, & Ju, 2016). For example, Pi, Hong, and Yang
(2017) state that more knowledge is achieved when the image of the instructor is small in their study,
defined as “8.4% of the space of the video lecture” (p. 347).
Some research suggests that instructors should use caution, particularly under certain conditions, when
adding visual media such as animation or simulated pictures. While visuals are widely acknowledged to
have a facilitating effect (Lowe, 1999; Rasch & Schnotz, 2009; Salomon, 1994; Schnotz & Rasch, 2005; Sims
& Hegarty, 1997; Sweller & Chandler, 1994; van Gog et al., 2005), some studies have shown that the
inclusion of visuals may not always be beneficial to learning (Rasch & Schnotz, 2009; Schnotz & Rasch,
2005). For instance, it has been stated that the use of images and animations often leads to superfluous
cognitive processing for students who are able to comprehend the content without the use of such visuals
(Rasch & Schnotz, 2009; Schnotz & Rasch, 2005). Schnotz and Rasch (2005) point out that the use of such
visuals can reduce germane load for learners who do not require them to comprehend the information
because of unnecessary mental processing.
Abrupt changes within the lecture video can also be problematic, as some have suggested that sudden
transitions or scene changes be avoided when creating online lectures (Fanguy, Costley, & Baldwin, 2017;
Kim et al., 2014). Other studies have cautioned against the improper use of videos that show the instructor.
While Kizilcec, Bailenson, and Gomez (2015) maintain that there are advantages to showing the professor
speaking in a lecture video and that students prefer this presence (Kizilcec, Papadopoulos, &
Sritanyaratana, 2014), the former state that continuous use of this type of video may actually lead to
cognitive overload, as student are forced to over-rely on their working memory while focusing on the
instructor, particularly when the instructor directs their attention to particular points in the lecture.
Visual Diversity and Germane Load
Cognitive load theory can provide a framework with which to understand multimedia instruction and its
effects on students. According to cognitive load theory, when instruction is unnecessarily complicated or
confusing, students may experience extraneous cognitive load, which can impede learning (Leppink, Paas,
van der Vleuten, van Gog, & van Merriënboer, 2013; Sweller et al., 1998). Extraneous load can be defined
as the amount of cognitive effort required by ineffective instruction that does not help to achieve the
learning objective (De Jong, 2010). A key concern when designing multimedia instruction is cognitive
overload, which occurs when a learner engages in cognitive processing that exceeds their useable cognitive
capacity (Mayer & Moreno, 2003). Ideally, instruction should be designed to increase levels of germane
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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cognitive load in students (Kolfschoten, Lukosch, Verbraeck, Valentin, & Vreede, 2010; Sweller et al., 1998).
Germane load contributes to learning directly and reflects the learner’s attempt to construct schema to
improve comprehension of relevant information. Furthermore, germane load has been shown to strongly
influence a student’s likelihood to maintain focus within a learning environment (Sweller et al., 1998). To
increase the level of germane load, extraneous load must be reduced so that a greater portion of the learner’s
available cognitive capacity can be devoted to mental processes relevant to the learning task (Cierniak et
al., 2009; Leppink et al., 2013; Schmeck, Opfermann, van Gog, Paas, & Leutner, 2015). To do so, instruction
should be presented in a format that can be easily understood by learners (Bruner, 2009).
Diversity in the presentation of media influences student perception of video lectures and affects their
cognitive processing (Kalyuga et al., 1998; Mayer & Moreno, 2003; Lowe, 1999; Mayer, 2014; Sims &
Hegarty, 1997; Rasch & Schnotz, 2009; Schnotz & Rasch, 2005; Sweller, 1999; Sweller et al., 1998; van
Merriënboer, 1997). A number of empirical studies add support to the theoretical claims that diverse
presentation of visual media increases germane load by enabling greater comprehension of the information
being presented. Day et al. (2006) found that more audio and visual diversity in lessons led to increased
levels of understanding and recall, as shown in post-test retention scores and indicated levels of
comprehension. A study by Kim et al. (2011) indicated that perceived learning increased when students
were exposed various integrated media such as images, graphics, audio, and video clips. Other studies claim
that presenting the same information several times through diverse forms of media enables students to
improve their comprehension of the material (Paivio, 1991; Schmidt-Weigand & Scheiter, 2011). Zhang,
Zhou, Briggs, and Nunamaker (2006) provide empirical evidence that germane load increased with the
total diversity of media. The results of the study showed that learners who experienced both auditory and
visual delivery (PPT slides and video with audio) achieved improved learning outcomes compared to those
who received only visual delivery (PPT slides and lecture notes). Cheon and Grant (2012) found that a
metaphorical interface containing pictorial form as well as text can enhance germane load and positively
affect learning, while Costley and Lange (2017b) found that overall, there was a positive relationship
between diversity of media used in lectures and germane load. These results support the idea that total
media diversity helps to increase student levels of germane load with regard to information that is presented
in e-learning lectures.
Other research suggests that instructors should use caution, particularly under certain conditions, when
adding visual media such as animation or simulated pictures. While visuals are widely acknowledged to
have a facilitating effect (Lowe, 1999; Sims & Hegarty, 1997; Schnotz & Rasch, 2005; Rasch & Schnotz,
2009; Salomon, 1994; Sweller & Chandler, 1994; van Gog et al., 2005), some studies have shown that the
facilitating effect may not always increase levels of germane load (Schnotz & Rasch, 2005; Rasch & Schnotz,
2009). For instance, it has been stated that the use of images and animations often leads to superfluous
cognitive processing for students who are able to comprehend the content without the use of such visuals
(Rasch & Schnotz, 2009; Schnotz & Rasch, 2005). Other studies claim that repeating the same information
through several forms of media causes a redundancy effect, leading to unnecessary cognitive processing
(Kalyuga et al., 1999; Mayer & Moreno, 2003) and decreased germane load (Sweller et al., 1998).
Visual Diversity and the Split-Attention Effect
When viewing lecture videos, learners may engage in a number of lecture behaviors such as pausing the
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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video, rewinding and rewatching, skipping ahead, increasing video playing speed, averting one’s eyes from
screen for more careful listening, scanning one’s eyes between text and images, and temporarily turning off
the sound in order to focus on a visual or text. While these lecture behaviors may seem advantageous, as
they enable learners to control the pace and flow of information (Schwan & Riempp, 2004), such forms of
control may also impede comprehension. For example, Caspi, Gorsky, and Privman (2005) show that even
brief pauses during the viewing of an instructional video disrupted the context of the lecture. In addition,
splitting attention between media sources in an instructional video may increase extraneous cognitive
processing (Kizilcec, Bailenson, & Gomez, 2015; Mayer & Moreno, 2003). A physical manifestation of
attention splitting is scanning one’s eyes back and forth between two types of media (e.g., visuals and text).
Research suggests that multimedia instruction is more effective when it contains change-of-pace elements
and a variety of visual media (Barker & Benest, 1996; Brecht, 2012). However, instructors must be careful
in how they present visual media to avoid overloading the visual channel, which can invoke the split-
attention effect. The split-attention effect occurs when learners are required to divide their focus among
several sources of media in order to understand the learning material (Ayres & Sweller, 2005; Mayer &
Moreno, 1998; Sorden, 2005). This splitting of learner attention represents an increase in extraneous load,
which impedes learning. For example, Chen and Wu (2015) found that instructional videos that showed
lecture slides and the instructor’s face in separate windows on the screen caused the split-attention effect,
as students mentioned in follow-up interviews that they felt burdened by the need to scan their eyes between
the two windows. However, Chen and Wu (2015) did not report a split-attention effect for participants who
were shown videos that pictured the lecturer and slides in the same video window. These findings suggest
that physical separation of visual content may lead to the split-attention effect, as viewers need to scan their
eyes back and forth between media content, which in turn may increase extraneous load.
The Present Study
Previous research has already examined the relationship between media diversity and its effectiveness in
learning (Mayer & Moreno, 2003; Mayer 2014; Rasch & Schnotz, 2009; Schnotz & Rasch, 2005; Sweller et
al., 1998; van Merriënboer, 1997). However, past studies are inconsistent in findings regarding the diversity
of media in lecture videos. Some claim that the diversity actually has a negative effect on germane load at
particular parts of the lecture (Chandler & Sweller, 1991; Kizilcec et al., 2015; Mayer & Moreno, 2003; Rasch
& Schnotz, 2009; Schnotz & Rasch, 2005; Sweller et al., 1998). However, Costley and Lange (2017b) found
that overall, there was a positive relationship between diversity of media used in lectures and germane load.
Therefore, it is worthwhile to investigate whether the increase in specific types of media diversity leads to
better performance in students, as represented by germane load and quiz scores. Additionally, it would be
useful to investigate whether varying levels of media diversity affects levels of students’ scanning between
different media sources, which may provide more insight into the effects on performance. In particular, this
paper examines the effects of four types of media use included with talking-head presentations: on-screen
text, visuals (i.e., photographs, figures, and tables), the instructor’s handwriting on the screen (also known
as “Khan-style”), and summaries given by a guest lecturer. The findings of this study will be useful to
instructors in e-learning who want to understand whether specific types of media aid students in learning.
Research Hypotheses
The present study will test the following research hypotheses:
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
Fanguy, Costley
Baldwin, Lange, and Wang
H1: Students in experimental conditions with higher levels of diversity will have higher quiz scores.
H2: Students in experimental conditions with higher levels of diversity will have higher levels of
germane load.
H3: Students in experimental conditions with higher levels of diversity will exhibit more scanning
Experimental Procedures
In the present study, our goal was to assess how diversity in media presentation in online lecture videos
would affect student perceptions and recall in the graduate-level course Scientific Writing (CC500) at the
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon, South Korea. The course was
taught in an “inverted” or “flipped” format; students were required to watch lecture videos and take online
quizzes for homework while also meeting with professors and fellow classmates once per week, face-to-face,
in a brick-and-mortar classroom. In the present study, we examine five of the 56 total videos that constitute
the lecture content of the course. The five videos included in this study were reproduced in four different
styles with regard to media diversity, with each style corresponding to one of four treatment groups. In
Treatment Group 1, students were provided a video series that was prepared with an instructor delivering
a lecture in front of PPT slides featuring a simple black background with white text on the screen; Treatment
Group 2 received the same type of lectures but also included the addition of visuals, such as photographs,
figures, and tables; Treatment Group 3 also received the same type of lecture as in Treatment Group 2, but
this time with the addition of instances of Khan-style writing with a pen on a glass panel in front of the
instructor; and finally, for Treatment Group 4, the same type of lecture was given as in Group 3, but each
video contained mid and final summaries that were delivered by a “guest” instructor who was also seated
in a “coffee shop” environment projected in the background rather than standing in front of PowerPoint
slide contents. Screenshots of the aforementioned Treatment Groups can be seen in Figures 1-4 below.
Figure 1. A screenshot of a Treatment Group 1 video featuring a lecturer presenting in front of a slide
background showing only text and no other visuals (low diversity).
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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Baldwin, Lange, and Wang
Figure 2. (Left) A still from a Treatment Group 2 video lecture (medium low diversity). (Right) A second
still from the same Treatment 2 video featuring an addition visual not shown in Treatment 1.
Figure 3. (Left) A still from the Treatment Group 3 video lecture (medium high diversity) that features the
same text on the slide background as in the Treatment 1 and 2 versions along with Khan-style writing by
the instructor. (Right) The Treatment Group 3 version of the video lecture includes the same visual shown
in the Treatment 2 version.
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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Figure 4. (Upper left) Treatment Group 4 (high diversity) features the same background, Khan-style
writing, and (Upper right) visual as in Treatment Group 3. (Lower left) An additional still of a guest lecturer
summary included in the Treatment Group 4 version but not in other treatment versions of the video.
A total of 110 students were divided up into four treatment groups, with between 20 and 31 students in each
group. The respective videos were posted on the school’s learning management system in Week 4 and were
available to watch at the students’ leisure. Once the videos were viewed, students took a multiple-choice
quiz online, which they could access at any time during the seven-day video viewing period. Students were
required to complete this test before the next face-to-face, brick-and-mortar classroom meeting day. The
quiz was used to measure the students’ comprehension and recall of the contents from the videos. During
the respective brick-and-mortar classroom meeting, students were asked to fill out a survey that involved a
10-point Likert-type scale to assess the videos. Survey forms were assessed, and quiz data was taken from
the online learning management system for the course.
Participants and Context
The present research was conducted at KAIST, a large university located in Daejeon, South Korea. The
majority of students at KAIST specialize in STEM fields. As of 2013, the student population of KAIST was
11,175, with 60% of students exclusively at the graduate level (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology [KAIST], 2014b). Most of the students are male (80%), with international students comprising
5% the total student population (KAIST, 2014b). Nearly all courses at KAIST are conducted in English,
although the vast majority of KAIST students are non-native English speakers. KAIST provides a variety of
online and blended courses, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provided through Coursera,
institution-level online courses through the CyberKAIST program, as well as the Bridge-Program for
prospective freshmen, and global- and institutional-level flipped courses through iPodia and Education 3.0,
respectively (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [KAIST], 2014a).
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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Participants in the present study were enrolled in classes that were offered as part of KAIST’s Education 3.0
program. The Education 3.0 initiative was started in 2012 with the aims of reducing the amount of
traditional lecturing in KAIST courses and enabling students to participate in more communicative and
interactive learning activities through a flipped classroom environment (Horn, 2014). In 2014, a total of 5%
of all classes were given in Education 3.0 format at KAIST, with an objective of increasing the percentage
to 30% by 2018 (Horn, 2014).
As a requirement for graduation, graduate students at KAIST must be able to compose articles that are
publishable in scientific journals. To assist them in this goal, KAIST offers Scientific Writing (CC500), a
course that teaches students how to communicate their research in English through writing. The course is
given in English, and enrollment is generally capped at 20 student per class. In the present study, eight
sections of Scientific Writing were included in the experiment. Of the potential 135 total participants, 25
were removed from the study due to not completing all the requirements for inclusion in the study. This left
a total of 110 valid responses, of which 29 were female and 81 were male. The oldest participant was 45, and
the youngest was 22, with a mean age of 27. The eight selected sections of Scientific Writing were taught as
part of KAIST’s Education 3.0 program, and as such, were delivered in a flipped format.
Student took a quiz that consisted of 20 questions and covered topics given in four video lectures. The quiz
was available online, and students could take it at any time during the one-week video viewing period (week
5 of the course). The quiz consisted of multiple-choice questions, with some of the items permitting only
one answer choice and others allowing one or more possible answer choices. For the latter, partial credit
was given when a correct option was chosen, but no credit was awarded when an incorrect answer option
was chosen. All quiz items were written by the course instructors and were aimed at making the students
demonstrate that they were able to apply the concepts covered in the lecture videos. For example, if a
student viewed a video about how to integrate numbers into their writing, they would see a multiple-choice
question asking them to evaluate whether particular instances of writing with numbers were correct. The
quiz was worth 5% of the total course grade.
To take a look at the germane load of these students, four items were selected from Leppink et al.’s (2013)
research on measuring cognitive load. Specifically, the four items chosen in this study were:
1. The lecture really enhanced my understanding of the topic.
2. The lecture really enhanced my knowledge and understanding of the of the class subject.
3. The lecture really enhanced my understanding of the concepts associated with the class subject.
4. The lecture really enhanced my understanding of concepts and definitions.
However, this research uses slightly different wording than Leppink et al.’s (2013) this study uses the word
“lecture” instead of the original “activity”in order to focus the items more specifically on the video lectures
as they were used. The Cronbach’s alpha for the germane load construct was .926 and the Cronbach’s alpha
for the extraneous load construct was .919, which is acceptable for this type of research. To further
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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understand student behavior while they were watching the videos, the survey described above included one
Likert-type item to respond to: I had to scan my eyes back and forth between the text and the
graphs/images in the videos I watched. This item as with the germane load construct was scored between
1 and 10.
To get an overall picture of the main variables used in this study and the relationships between them,
descriptive statistics were calculated and the variables were correlated with each other (Table 1). There were
four different categories for the experimental conditions, while scanning and germane load ranged
between 1 and 10. Scanning had a mean of 4.62, and germane load had a mean of 7.52. The quiz score
variable had a range of 1.76 to 10, with a mean score of 7.43. The experiment condition variable was
positively correlated with scanning (.250), but negatively correlated with quiz score (-.295) and germane
load (-.231). All of the relationships between the experimental condition and the other variables were
statistically significant. Quiz score also had a negative relationship with scanning (-.257), which was
statistically significant, though quiz score did not have a statistically significant relationship with germane
load (-.018).
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations Between the Main Variables
Experiment condition
Quiz score
Germane load
Note. * p = < .05; ** p = <.01
The correlations between the experimental condition and dependent variables give some insight into the
effect of the levels of diversity on scanning, quiz score, and germane load. As can be seen in Table 2, for
scanning, the low diversity group had the lowest mean (4.06), followed by medium low diversity (4.13),
medium high diversity (4.38), with high diversity having the highest mean scanning score (5.90). However,
in respect of quiz score and germane load, high diversity had the lowest mean (6.79), followed by medium
high diversity (7.23), then medium low diversity (7.54), with low diversity having the highest levels of quiz
score (8.40). Germane load followed a similar pattern to quiz score though low diversity and medium low
diversity were similar (7.95, 7.96), followed by medium high diversity (7.39), with high diversity having the
lowest levels of germane load.
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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Table 2
Main Variable Means by Experiment Condition
Low diversity
Medium low diversity
Medium high diversity
High diversity
The data from Table 2, is visually represented below in Figure 5. This shows the trends discussed in the
preceding paragraph, and shown in Table 2. As the levels of diversity increase from low, to medium low, to
medium high, and finally to high, both germane load and quiz score decrease, and scanning increases.
Figure 5. Main variable means by experiment condition.
To establish if the differences in relationships seen in Table 2 are statistically significant, one-way ANOVA
was used. As can be seen in Table 3, the between-group difference for both scanning (p = .02) and quiz
score (p = .02) were statistically significant. However, the between-group differences for germane load were
not statistically significant (p = .09).
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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Baldwin, Lange, and Wang
Table 3
One-Way ANOVA Results for the Main Variables Used in this Study
Sum of
Mean square
Between groups
Within groups
Quiz score
Between groups
Within groups
Germane load
Between groups
Within groups
The results of the present study show that as diversity increased from the lowest to the highest level, the
rate of students scanning their eyes between contents on the screen increased, while germane load and
recall both decreased. Contrary to Hypothesis 1, students’ quiz scores showed an inverse relationship with
the amount of diversity of media within the lecture videos. These findings are unlike those of Costley and
Lange (2017b), who found that lecture videos containing a wider variety of media resulted in students
recalling more of the instructional content. However, their study relied upon self-reported levels of recall
rather than qualitative analysis, so it is uncertain whether these perceived levels of retention would have
been demonstrated in actual test scores. At a glance, the findings of the present study seem to contradict
those of Day et al. (2006), who found that increased diversity in lessons resulted in increased
comprehension and recall in post-test retention scores and self-reported levels of understanding. However,
in Day et al.’s study, there was only one experimental condition (out of a total of four) in which the video
showed a lecturer speaking on screen with PPT slides, while all four experimental conditions in the present
study contained these features. As Day et al. do not mention Khan-style on-screen handwriting or
summaries, it is likely that the most diverse “Video + Audio + PPT” experimental condition in Day et al.’s
study was most similar to the low and mid-low diversity conditions in our own study, negating the apparent
Likewise, germane load was relatively higher in the low and mid-low diversity groups, at 7.95 and 7.96,
respectively, than in the mid-high and high diversity groups, at 7.39 and 6.79, respectively, contrary to our
expectation indicated in Hypothesis 2. The present results contradict those of a number of studies that have
shown that diversity in lecture videos is beneficial to student learning. For example, the results of Zhang et
al., (2006) showed that the learning process is enhanced for learners exposed to both auditory and visual
delivery (PPT slides and video with audio) compared to those who viewed only visual delivery (PPT slides
and lecture notes). However, this apparent contradiction with the present results can be explained when we
consider that the low diversity condition of the present study was already more diverse than the “PPT slide
+ video and narration condition” since the former showed the instructor speaking while the latter did not.
Featuring the instructor in the low diversity condition of the present study is likely to have benefitted
student learning, as Kizilcec, Papadopoulos, and Sritanyaratana (2014) indicated the importance of seeing
the instructor in such videos, since the instructor can provide social cues and emphasis through gestures
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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Baldwin, Lange, and Wang
and body language. Taking this point into account along with the results of the present study, it may be that
online lessons that contain both audio and video represent the lower bound of media diversity for effective
online lessons that lead to increased germane load and recall. Other studies have suggested that lecture
videos were more effective when containing “strong presentation of relief and change-of-pace elements,”
including changes in the video or audio stimulus, modifications to the background or setting, or dramatic
transitions between various parts of the video (Brecht, 2012). Barker and Benest (1996) suggested that the
inclusion of multimedia contents is beneficial since doing so may prevent students from losing focus.
Although such studies indicate that it is beneficial to increase media diversity, they do not identify an upper
bound on the level at which diversity is helpful in achieving desirable learning outcomes and improved
recall. The results of the present study offer insight into where that upper bound might lie: the most effective
experimental condition involved an instructor speaking in front of PPT slides containing text only. In the
present study, the addition of images, figures, tables, Khan-style writing, and summaries given by a guest
lecturer yielded diminishing returns in terms of germane load and quiz scores. Students in the high diversity
experimental condition exhibited the lowest germane load and quiz scores and the highest rate of eye
scanning behavior by a significant margin. In addition to the high level of media diversity in this group of
videos, the mid- and end-point summaries may have induced the redundancy effect (Sweller et al., 1998),
as students were exposed to the same information more than once in a different manner. This redundancy
may have led to additional cognitive processing and reduced germane load.
In the most diverse conditions in the present study, students increasingly scanned their eyes back and forth
between contents, which was in agreement with our hypothesis. As noted by Sweller et al. (1998), perhaps
the split-attention effect that causes this scanning behavior is a sign of cognitive overload, as students were
unable to fix their gaze and attention on just one part of the screen while viewing the lecture. As scanning
increased with the amount of diversity in the videos, it is plausible that students found the diversity in the
videos to overwhelming and unhelpful. This result may help to explain why germane load and quiz scores
decreased as media diversity was increased.
As online lecture videos are a major component of flipped and online courses, it is important to consider
the most effective ways to deliver content through this medium. Lecture videos should deliver the course
contents in a meaningful, memorable, and engaging way that adds to the learning experience of the course.
The present results are important in that they contradict the findings of a number of studies that suggest
that diversity of media is beneficial in online lecture videos. In the present study, increased diversity led to
decreased germane load and recall, and increased instances of students scanning their eyes back and forth
between contents on the screen. Based on these results, it seems reasonable to conclude that there is an
upper bound to how much diversity is useful and productive in online lecture videos and that above this
threshold, diversity may become a detriment to student attention and learning. The present results lead one
to consider whether there is a “Goldilocks zone” in the diversity of media in online lecture videos, where
content is presented in an engaging way that is beneficial to learning without creating extraneous load or
the redundancy effect. Considering that Day et al. (2016) found decreased student performance on recall
tests with videos containing relatively less media diversity than our low diversity condition, and that our
Diversity in Video Lectures: Aid or Hindrance?
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low diversity condition led to the highest quiz scores and reported levels of germane load, a possible
conclusion is that the most effective videos will contain a level of media diversity similar to the low or low-
mid diversity conditions, where an instructor speaks in front of slides containing text and possibly a few
visuals such as images, figures, and tables. Such findings may be useful to instructors who are designing
lecture videos for MOOCs, flipped, or any other type of e-learning environment.
The present study provides a starting point in answering the question, “How much diversity of media is too
much in online lecture videos?” The fact that the highest level of diversity examined in this study caused a
significant decrease in student germane load and recall, and a significant increase in scanning behavior,
should give course designers pause when considering how much media diversity to include in a lecture
video. The present work provides a valuable counterexample to numerous studies in the literature that
suggest that increased media diversity is beneficial to student learning. In this regard, moderation in media
diversity may be a useful guiding principle.
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