Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church
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Regional In-Service Tasks
Event Set-Up
Please note that these tasks may vary depending on the specific requirements of your in-service
event. Adjustments and additional tasks may be needed based on the event's unique needs.
Tasks for set up of Regional In-Service event:
Set up the registration table with necessary materials and supplies.
Arrange a hospitality area with refreshments for participants.
Prepare welcome and direction signs to guide participants to the event location.
Organize parking arrangements and ensure clear signage or instructions for participants.
Set up the main room with tables and chairs for participants. For an in-service with
regional diocesan leaders and organizations/institutions, assign tables by organization,
diocese, institution, and ecclesial movement. Set up signs about photography/video.
Set up the necessary audiovisual equipment, including microphones, speakers, and
Test the audio and video equipment to ensure proper functioning. Ensure that internet is
available at the venue to play videos.
Coordinate with presenters to ensure their PowerPoint presentations or videos are ready
for playback and troubleshooting any technical issues.
Ensure proper lighting and framing for quality photos and videos.
Coordinate with the kitchen or hospitality team to ensure everything is ready to serve
meals and refreshments.
Create a sacred space for prayer and reflection. This can be a table or a separate room
with sacred icons that reflect Hispanic/Latino spirituality. If a Eucharistic celebration will
take place, ensure the space is prepared.
Set up welcome area with necessary materials and supplies.
Greet participants as they arrive and guide them through the check-in process.
Provide name tags or badges for participants.
Collect necessary registration information from participants (names, contact
details, etc.). Ensure they consent to photography/video under registration form.
Provide participants with any relevant event materials or documents including all handouts.
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Assist participants with any questions or concerns they may have during the check-in
9:00 AM - Introduction, Welcome, and Prayer
Tasks for Facilitator or Team to prepare for welcome:
Prepare a welcome to introduce the event and set the tone for the gathering.
Test microphone 30 minutes before start of event.
Familiarize yourself with the agenda and schedule for the day to provide accurate
information during the welcome and throughout the day.
Prepare any visual aids or slides that may be needed for the welcome.
Tasks for conducting the Opening Prayer:
Coordinate with the liturgy team to ensure the necessary materials for the opening prayer
are prepared.
Have lectors and musicians rehearse and/or do a mic check.
Conduct a rehearsal or briefing with the liturgy team to ensure everyone is familiar with
their roles and the flow of the opening prayer.
Set up the space for the opening prayer, setting up a sacred space/environment, and
ensuring any necessary equipment or audiovisuals are ready.
9:30 AMOverview of the National Pastoral Plan PowerPoint
Tasks for Presenter of Overview of the Plan:
Download the PowerPoint presentation Overview of the National Pastoral Plan.
Test the PowerPoint presentation on the event computer to ensure it runs smoothly.
Familiarize yourself with the content and flow of the presentation.
If using the PowerPoint presentation, prepare any additional speaking notes or
explanations to accompany the slides and practice delivering the presentation to ensure a
clear and engaging delivery that stays within the time allotted. Feel free to replace the
photos with some from your diocese. Review the notes section regarding copyrights and
important instructions.
Coordinate with the audiovisual team to ensure proper setup and display of the
PowerPoint presentation.
Present Overview of the National Pastoral Plan PowerPoint.
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10:00 AM- See: Current Reality of Hispanic/Latino Ministry Video/PowerPoint
Tasks for Presenter of the Current Reality:
Download the PowerPoint presentation or prepare the video Current Reality of
Hispanic/Latino Ministry.
Familiarize yourself with the content and flow of the presentation or key points of the
If using the PowerPoint presentation, prepare any additional speaking notes or
explanations to accompany the slides and practice delivering the presentation to ensure a
clear and engaging delivery that stays within the time allotted. Feel free to replace the
photos with some from your diocese. Review the notes section regarding copyrights and
important instructions.
If using the video, prepare an introduction to give the participants, highlighting its
relevance to the topic of the gathering and any additional speaking notes or explanations
to provide context and facilitate discussion after the video.
Present Current Reality of Hispanic/Latino Ministry video/PowerPoint.
10:10 AM- Handout on Reality
Task for Facilitator(s)
After the presentation or video, instruct participants to take a few minutes to answer the
questions and then discuss a few amongst each other. You may want to divide the
questions by groups given time limitations.
They may need additional time. Advise them that there is a break of 30 min at 10:30 AM
and so they can stay and chat a bit longer if they wish to.
10:30 AM- Break
Task for Facilitator(s)
Communicate the duration of the break to participants and remind them of the starting
time for the next session. Direct participants to restrooms and hospitality areas.
Answer any questions or address any concerns participants may have during the break.
Make a clear and timely announcement approximately 5 minutes prior to the start of the
upcoming session. This announcement will serve as a reminder for them to find a
comfortable space and be mentally ready to actively engage in the session.
11:00 AM- See: 10 Pastoral Priorities for Hispanic/Latino Ministry
Task for presenter of the Pastoral Priorities:
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Download the PowerPoint presentation or prepare the video 10 Pastoral Priorities for
Hispanic/Latino Ministry.
Familiarize yourself with the content and flow of the presentation or key points of the
If using the PowerPoint presentation, prepare any additional speaking notes or
explanations to accompany the slides and practice delivering the presentation to ensure a
clear and engaging delivery that stays within the time allotted. Feel free to replace the
photos with some from your diocese. Review the notes section regarding copyrights and
important instructions.
If using the video, prepare an introduction to give the participants, highlighting its
relevance to the topic of the gathering and any additional speaking notes or explanations
to provide context and facilitate discussion after the video.
Present 10 Pastoral Priorities for Hispanic/Latino Ministry video/PowerPoint.
11:20 AM- Small group sharing: Handout on Pastoral Priorities
Task for Facilitator(s)
After the presentation or video, instruct participants to take a few minutes to answer the
questions and then discuss a few amongst each other.
Inform participants that they have 30 minutes for this session.
Answer any questions that they may have.
11:50 AM- See: Structure and Ongoing Development of Hispanic/Latino
Ministry in the Region Video
Task for presenter of Structure and Ongoing Development
Prepare the video- Structure and Ongoing Development of Hispanic/Latino Ministry in
the Region.
Familiarize yourself with the key points of the video.
Prepare an introduction to give the participants, highlighting its relevance to the topic of
the gathering and any additional speaking notes or explanations to provide context and
facilitate discussion after the video.
Inform participants that regional leaders will meet or have met to discuss the Regional
Team’s role in the future of the implementation of the National Pastoral Plan. Share any
news related to this.
Present the video .
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12:05 PM- See: Structure and Ongoing Development of Hispanic/Latino
Ministry in the Diocese Video/PowerPoint
Task for presenter of Structure and Ongoing Development in Dioceses
Download the PowerPoint presentation Stages of Development of Hispanic/Latino
Ministry at the Diocesan Level or prepare the video- Structure and Ongoing Development
of Hispanic/Latino Ministry in the Diocese.
Familiarize yourself with the content and flow of the presentation or key points of the
If using the PowerPoint presentation, prepare any additional speaking notes or
explanations to accompany the slides and practice delivering the presentation to ensure a
clear and engaging delivery that stays within the time allotted. Feel free to replace the
photos with some from your diocese. Review the notes section regarding copyrights and
important instructions.
If using the video, prepare an introduction to give the participants, highlighting its
relevance to the topic of the gathering and any additional speaking notes or explanations
to provide context and facilitate discussion after the video.
Present the video/PowerPoint.
12:20 PM- Small Groups: Handout on Structure and Ongoing Development
Task for Facilitator(s)
After the video or presentation, instruct participants to take a few minutes to answer the
questions and then discuss a few amongst each other. Ensure that participants are
utilizing the correct handout according to group. Let them know that questions may vary
according to who they represent.
Inform participants that they have 25 minutes for this session before they head to lunch.
Answer any questions that they may have.
1:00 PM- Lunch
Tasks for Lunch:
Assign someone to lead the prayer before the meal.
Set up the lunch area with tables, chairs, and utensils an hour before. Ensure that set up
does not distract participants. It is best if it is located in a separate location.
Coordinate with the kitchen staff to ensure that the food is prepared and ready to be
Display the food in an organized and appealing manner.
Ensure that there are options available for different dietary restrictions or preferences
indicated in the registration forms.
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Monitor the lunch area to ensure cleanliness and replenish any empty food or drink
Assist participants with any questions or concerns related to the lunch.
Communicate any necessary announcements or reminders during the lunch break.
Call participants back to the meeting area 10 minutes before the end of lunch.
2:00 PM- Plenary
Tasks for the Facilitator(s)
Guide a group conversation and invite 1 person per table to share the following:
What are the top priorities in your region/diocese/organization?
What structural considerations need to be incorporated into your new or
existing Hispanic/Latino Ministry Pastoral Plan?
Have a notetaker take notes for your writing team to incorporate into the Plan.
2:30 PM- Discern: Vision and Mission for Hispanic/Latino Ministry
Task for presenter of Vision and Mission
Download the PowerPoint presentation or prepare the video Vision and Mission for
Hispanic/Latino Ministry.
Familiarize yourself with the content and flow of the presentation or key points of the
If using the PowerPoint presentation, prepare any additional speaking notes or
explanations to accompany the slides and practice delivering the presentation to ensure a
clear and engaging delivery that stays within the time allotted. Feel free to replace the
photos with some from your diocese. Review the notes section regarding copyrights and
important instructions.
If using the video, prepare an introduction to give the participants, highlighting its
relevance to the topic of the gathering and any additional speaking notes or explanations
to provide context and facilitate discussion after the video.
Present Vision and Mission for Hispanic/Latino Ministry video/PowerPoint.
2:50 pm- Discern: Pastoral Guidelines in the Context of a Culturally Diverse
Church Video/PowerPoint
Task for presenter of Pastoral Guidelines
Download the PowerPoint presentation or prepare the video Pastoral Guidelines in the
Context of a Culturally Diverse Church.
Familiarize yourself with the content and flow of the presentation or key points of the
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If using the PowerPoint presentation, prepare any additional speaking notes or
explanations to accompany the slides and practice delivering the presentation to ensure a
clear and engaging delivery that stays within the time allotted. Feel free to replace the
photos with some from your diocese. Review the notes section regarding copyrights and
important instructions.
If using the video, prepare an introduction to give the participants, highlighting its
relevance to the topic of the gathering and any additional speaking notes or explanations
to provide context and facilitate discussion after the video.
Present Pastoral Guidelines in the Context of a Culturally Diverse Church
3:00 pm- Discern: Evaluation Based on Pastoral Guidelines Handout & small
group sharing
After the video or presentation, instruct participants to take a few minutes to answer the
questions and then discuss a few amongst each other.
Inform participants that they have 30 minutes for this session.
Answer any questions that they may have.
3:30 pm- Break
Task for Facilitator(s)
Communicate the duration of the break to participants and remind them of the starting
time for the next session. Direct participants to restrooms and hospitality areas.
Answer any questions or address any concerns participants may have during the break.
Make a clear and timely announcement approximately 5 minutes prior to the start of the
upcoming session. This announcement will serve as a reminder for them to find a
comfortable space and be mentally ready to actively engage in the session.
4:00 pm- Act: Methodology and Pastoral Approaches Video/PowerPoint
Task for presenter of Methodology and Pastoral Approaches
Download the PowerPoint presentation or prepare the video Methodology and Pastoral
Familiarize yourself with the content and flow of the presentation or key points of the
If using the PowerPoint presentation, prepare any additional speaking notes or
explanations to accompany the slides and practice delivering the presentation to ensure a
clear and engaging delivery that stays within the time allotted. Feel free to replace the
photos with some from your diocese. Review the notes section regarding copyrights and
important instructions.
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If using the video, prepare an introduction to give the participants, highlighting its
relevance to the topic of the gathering and any additional speaking notes or explanations
to provide context and facilitate discussion after the video.
Present Methodology and Pastoral Approaches video/PowerPoint.
4:30 pm- Act: New Responses Based on Pastoral Guidelines Handout
Task for Facilitator(s)
Instruct participants to take a few minutes to answer the questions.
Inform participants that they have 20 minutes to do this activity privately for this session.
Answer any questions that they may have.
4:50 pm- Template to Develop or Enhance a Pastoral Plan
Task for Facilitator(s)
Introduce Participants to the Template for developing their own Pastoral Plan or
enhancing the current one.
Inform them that they can use the template to develop/enhance a plan in their region,
diocese, organization, or institution. If developing or enhancing a regional or diocesan
plan, let them know that feedback collected today will be incorporated in the
regional/diocesan plan. For regional plans, they will be asked to provide feedback as
well as current and future initiatives/projects into the plan and you will collect that
information. For diocesan plans, feedback should be collected and then incorporated into
the plan after the diocesan in-service. Parish resources for developing a parish plan will
be available in the coming the months.
Answer questions, discuss next steps, and final considerations.
Identify potential dates for a follow-up to continue the conversation or to plan out
Gather any feedback by notetakers or handouts submitted when apporpriate. Participants
can be instructed to take a picture of their handouts and submit them electronically.
5:15pm- Preparation for Mass/Closing Liturgy
Tasks for Liturgy Team
Prepare the necessary liturgical items at least one hour before the Mass or Closing
Ensuring that seating and audiovisual equipment are in place.
Coordinate with the audiovisual team to ensure proper setup and display of any visuals or
multimedia elements during the liturgy.
Make sure that the musicians and choir are prepared.
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Tasks for Facilitators
Direct participants to the designated area for the liturgy.
Clean Up
Tasks for Clean Up:
Clear all tables and chairs from the main room if applicable.
Dispose of any trash or waste in designated bins.
Clean and disinfect surfaces, including tables, chairs, and any shared equipment.
Return any audiovisual equipment to its proper storage location.
Pack up and store any remaining event materials and supplies.
Coordinate with the venue staff or facility management for any additional cleaning or
closing procedures.