A Teacher’s Guide
The Hall of Biodiversity, which opened in the spring of 1998, addresses the vari-
ety and interdependence of all living things. It celebrates the beauty, diversity, and
abundance of life on Earth while warning of the threats posed by human activity.
The Hall is organized around four questions:
What is biodiversity?
Why is biodiversity important?
What are the threats to biodiversity?
What can be done to protect biodiversity?
Information and responses to these questions are embedded throughout the Hall
in text, videos, and interactives. Red text indicates threats. See the “How to Read
the Labels” page for a schematic of how these questions are addressed.
Class visits may focus on the entire hall or one of the following:
human effects on the environment
(These three topics, which specifically address performance standards and cur-
riculum requirements, are covered in more detail in the Background section of
this guide.)
No matter how you tour the Hall, we recommend that you begin with the eight-
Introductory Video (8), Life in the Balance. A continuous loop, it provides
an overview of the main concepts of biodiversity featured in the Hall.
Spectrum of Life Wall (1) highlights the wealth and diversity of life on Earth.
Along the wall and overhead are displayed 1,500 specimens and models—rang-
ing from microorganisms to large terrestrial and aquatic organisms, including bac-
teria, plants, fish, mammals, and insects—presented in the form of a cladogram, a
graphic chart that reconstructs the evolutionary history of a group of organisms.
This cladogram shows the 28 living groups that make up all life on Earth.
Crisis Zone (5): Embedded in the floor in front of the Spectrum of Life Wall is
a time line of the five previous major extinction events—periods of unusually high
levels of extinction—with fossils from these periods. Two columns flanking the
time line provide an overview of the causes of the present, or sixth extinction, an
event different from previous extinctions because it is caused by human activity. A
display case nearby contains examples of and information about endangered and
extinct animals.
A multiscreen
Habitat Video Wall (2) provides a global tour of nine ecosystems,
communities of interacting organisms and their physical environments. Each 90-
second video is superimposed with warnings about threats to each ecosystem.
Texts and maps show distributions.
Rain Forest Diorama (6), representing a section of the Dzanga Ndoki rain for-
est from the Dzanga-Sangha Forest Preserve in the Central African Republic, fea-
tures more than 160 flora and fauna species. The rain forest is shown in progressive
states of disturbance. An interpretative railing provides details in text and graphics.
Through video interviews, local people, government officials, and World Wildlife
Fund representatives tell their stories about the forest.
In text, graphics, and on video, the
Transformation of the Biosphere Wall (7)
presents dramatic case studies of changes to the biosphere—all living things on
Earth and their habitats. Case studies on the
Solutions Wall (3) suggest possible
remedies to the biodiversity crisis. Between these two walls, 10 computer kiosks
offer access to Web sites, a bibliography, names of conservation organizations, and
a searchable archive of the Hall’s quarterly
BioBulletin (4)—a video magazine.
key concepts
come prepared !
The Hall of Biodiversity is very busy and
noise levels can be high. It is a large
space with a lot of through traffic. It can
be a challenging environment in which to
introduce new topics and skills to your
students. Familiarize your class with the
content of the Hall and give them an
opportunity to practice any necessary
new skills before they visit. Or choose
another nearby location to speak with
your class.
As an informal learning environment, the
Museum offers many opportunities for
self-directed learning. During the visit,
your students will be exposed to, and
inspired by, wonderful artifacts and spec-
imens presented in a range of media. Build
flexibility into your planning to allow stu-
dents to follow their own interests. Give
yourself time to observe their behavior.
Most mornings between 10 a.m. and
noon, red-vested Museum volunteers are
stationed in the Hall. Some volunteers are
free-floating; others are located at a
hands-on cart containing objects made
from endangered species and confiscat-
ed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
All volunteers are happy to provide infor-
mation and answer questions. Several
flashlights are available for use in the
Rain Forest Diorama.
and orientation
5. Crisis Zone
6. Rain Forest
7. Transformation of
the Biosphere Wall
8. Introductory Video
1. Spectrum of
Life Wall
2. Habitat
Video Wall
3. Solutions Wall
4. BioBulletin
the hall of biodiversity
how to read the labels
Habitat Video Wall
Biome type
Map: where
this biome
is found
Red box info on threatened
state of the biome
Biome description
(% of Earth
Rain Forest Diorama
panel text
Transformation of the Biosphere Wall
What can
you do?
Solutions Wall
These line the bot-
tom of the panels
Photo of
plant or
Lower panel
Main idea
Red box
crisis info
Transformation factor
(urbanization, agriculture
or deforestation)
Maps showing
global impact
Lower panel
Additional examples
of threat
Example image & text
Upper panel
World map with global examples
of subject/solution
Solution type
example 2
of solution
Spectrum of Life Wall
of group
about group
about group
Red text indicates
threatened group
Ecological roles & human benefits
Images of
hall of biod
before your visit
Key words
Review the vocabulary in bold throughout this guide (as appropriate to the
ages and levels of students)
Familiarize students with dichotomous keys. See:
Ecosystems/Habitats (Web-of-Life game)
On index cards, copy the names of organisms from the Rain Forest
Diorama (see insert sheet).
Ask students to sit in a large circle and take one card each.
Toss a ball of string to one student who reads aloud the name of the item
on his or her card. Keeping a tight hold of the string, the student throws the
ball of string to another student.
The second student reads out the item on his or her card and tries to
explain how it might relate to the item on the previous card. Anyone in the
group can offer suggestions and discuss the relationship. (Use photo-
graphs with younger students).
Keeping a tight hold on the string, the second student tosses the ball to a third
student who repeats the process, then throws the string to another student.
Repeat until the ball of string is used up. The web created by the string
illustrates the complex ecology of a tropical rain forest. Ask students to
predict what happens to the web if certain items are removed, or become
extinct. How might people affect some of these relationships?
Human impacts on the environment:
As a class activity, make an inventory of objects in the classroom.
List the natural materials used in each object. (Use photographs with
younger students.) Where do they come from, and how easy are they
to replace?
What does this tell you about our use of the natural world and our depend-
ence on biodiversity? How might this differ for people in other countries?
To illustrate the concept of extinction, choose a product, such as wood,
and invite students to come up with alternative materials for all objects
made of wood or wood-related materials.
n this section of the guide we describe ways to integrate the dif-
ferent areas of the Hall into the following aspects of the science
human effects on the environment
Spectrum of Life Wall
Ecosystems/Habitats Text panels describe the value and benefits pro-
vided by ecosystems to humans—such as the production of oxygen
through photosynthesis, or the purification of water.
Evolution Most of the 200 scientists working at the Museum carry out
research in systematics, the area of biology that describes living and
extinct species, some already discovered and some formerly unknown
to science. These systematists study the diversity of species by arrang-
ing organisms into groups that share an evolutionary history and clas-
sifying species according to characters, or distinctive features.
Systematists display this information in a branching diagram called a
cladogram. The organisms in each group, or clade, that branches off
the cladogram share characters inherited from a common ancestor.
Each of the 28 groups represented on the Spectrum of Life Wall makes
up one clade. Combined, these 28 clades constitute a giant cladogram
that contains all life on Earth: almost 1.75 million species have already
been described, but there are millions more. Estimates range from 5-
100 million.
The complete cladogram is shown on the text panel in front of the inter-
active computer stations. Use these stations to identify specimens on the
wall. Text panels provide information about and examples of species with-
in each clade—including the characteristic features used to define them—
and, in some cases, the threats they face.
Crisis Zone
Human Effects on the Environment Human activity is now causing the
sixth known mass extinction in our planet’s history. The expansion of
agriculture and industry, particularly in the last 400 years, has resulted
in a loss of habitat, pollution, overexploitation by hunting and fishing,
and the introduction of non-native species—species from other ecosys-
tems—on large scales and in many parts of the globe. A display case
contains animals that are either extinct or under serious threat because
of human activity.
Evolution Extinction is as much a part of the evolutionary cycle as
the origin and diversification of new species. Scientists estimate that
more than 99% of all species that have existed at some time on Earth
are now extinct.
Evidence of five previous periods of global mass extinctions is found in
the fossil record—the form, variety and distribution of all fossils in time
and space. The display case in the floor identifies these events.
Habitat Video Wall
Ecosystems/Habitats Examples of nine different ecosystems are shown
on video screens. Their global distribution is displayed on maps. Panels
provide the following information on each ecosystem:
detailed description
benefits provided to humans
percentage of the Earth’s surface covered
global distribution
while you’re at
the museum
Encourage students to record information in
words and drawings.
Spectrum of Life Wall:
Ask students to work with a partner. Allocate one
clade, or animal or plant evolutionary group, from
the Wall (see insert for list) to each pair of stu-
dents, who should:
choose three specimens from their clade.
Draw these in close detail. Include labels to
describe features and colors. Why are these
specimens in the same clade? Use the com-
puter interactives to find and record further
information on the specimens and the clade.
closely study the labels in front of the clade.
Make notes and drawings on areas of interest
for further research back in the classroom.
Younger students may choose favorite speci-
mens, make drawings, then look for their speci-
mens on the computer interactives.
Older students may focus on one area of the panel
text, e.g. human benefits, rather than on individual
clades (see "How to Read the Labels" for details of
how the text is organized).
Rain Forest Diorama:
Ask students to sit, closely observe, and listen to
the diorama. Draw their attention to the three dif-
ferent levels of the rain forest:
forest floor
understory (area at eye level)
canopy (sit back on the benches
and look up)
Ask questions that encourage students to focus
on the interactions they see in each layer (remind
them of the Web-of-Life game) and to record their
observations in drawings and writing.
To help them focus closely, younger students may
bring flashlights, or create observational tools
(such as binoculars) before their visit.
Older students may use panel text or the field
guides to make more detailed notes.
Entire Hall
Before your visit, ask older students to choose an
environmental topic that interests them, e.g.,
oceans, forests, pollution, endangered species. At
the Museum, invite students to use the resources
of the Hall to gather information for further
research and writing back in the classroom.
Human Effects on the Environment Specific threats to each ecosystem are described in
red beside the distribution map and superimposed on video screens.
Rain Forest Diorama
Ecosystems/Habitats Visitors can observe the interaction of species within this diverse
ecosystem as well as their interactions within microhabitats, such as a stream, a tree
branch, or a dungheap. Disturbances caused by natural forces such as running water and
elephants are evident. The text provides information about tropical forest ecology.
Human Effects on the Environment Foreign timber and mining concessions drain nat-
ural resources from the region, while local people clear land for agriculture and use the
forest for other basic needs. The government of the Central African Republic established
the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park and the Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Reserve to pro-
tect this ecosystem. The national park is protected from human impacts, while the for-
est reserve allows limited extraction of the local flora and fauna. Dzanga-Sangha is an
example of a conservation effort designed to conserve biodiversity by enlisting local
people as partners in the management of a protected area.
Evolution In tropical rain forests the interaction of abiotic, or non-living, elements
such as heat, light, and water, results in the highest terrestrial rates of species diversity.
This re-creation of the Dzanga-Sangha rain forest in the Central African Republic shows
the rich biodiversity present in this ecosystem. Field guides on the rail identify the hun-
dreds of species that live there.
Transformation of the Biosphere Wall
Human Effects on the Environment This wall examines the root causes of biodiversity
loss—population growth and overconsumption. Panel text, graphics, and video presen-
tations provide detailed information as well as showing global impacts.
Solutions Wall
Human Effects on the Environment Case studies on this wall provide examples of con-
servation in action. Attempts to solve complex ecological problems are described, and
suggestions of ways that visitors themselves can make a difference are offered.
On the other end of the wall from the Introductory Video, a BioBulletin offers maga-
zine-format commentaries about biodiversity-related issues. It includes profiles of sci-
entists and their research,
and stories of threats to
biodiversity as well as
efforts to protect and con-
serve it. Produced on a reg-
ular basis, the BioBulletins
keep the content of the
Hall up-to-date.
back in the
Follow up with a directed class discussion based around the four organizing questions of
the Hall:
What is biodiversity?
Why is biodiversity important?
What are the threats to biodiversity?
What can be done to protect biodiversity?
Students may raise other areas of interest for discussion.
Create definitions for a class glossary of new terms learned before and during the visit. For
younger students, include illustrations. Older students may annotate with examples, maps,
and graphics.
Spectrum of Life Wall
Ask students, in their pairs, to continue researching their clade using available resources
including books and the Internet. Topics for study might include: endangered species, val-
ues and benefits to humans, and ecosystems/habitats.
A cladogram is a diagrammatic representation of evolutionary relationships. Using the
information—written and graphic—collected from the Spectrum of Life Wall, students can
create a cladogram in the classroom that reflects their research.
Older students may carry out independent research on the history of classification sys-
tems. What are the limitations and advantages of different systems? How do people clas-
sify nature in other cultures?
Rain Forest Diorama
Use the information collected to create food webs. Make a mural or small-scale diorama
that illustrates the layered structure of the rain forest. Younger students may focus on ani-
mals and plants, and on basic interactions. Older students may focus on the range and
complexity of microhabitats within each layer.
Invite students to prepare class presentations based on their research into specific envi-
ronmental issues, focusing on the United States. A presentation may be in the form of a
debate, show-and-tell, drama, a video, or a Web site. Encourage students to consider mul-
tiple perspectives—social, cultural, ecological, economic, political, and historical—and
the issue of sustainability.
Links to New York State Standards:
The activities in this guide fulfill the following standards:
Life Sciences
Scientific Communication
Scientific Tools and Technologies
Scientific Thinking
Scientific Connections and Applications
Further information on standards and additional activities
may be found on the Web site at:
This guide was produced with support from the Henry Nias
Foundation, Inc. and MetLife Foundation.
It was made accessible online at
through the generous support of MetLife Foundation.
The guide was developed by the Education Department, the National Center
for Science Literacy, Education, and Technology, and the Center for
Biodiversity and Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History.
Ecosystems/Habitats The Museum’s world-
renowned dioramas show a wide range of ecosys-
tems. Compare and contrast mammal and bird habi-
tats and adaptations by studying the dioramas in:
Akeley Hall of African Mammals
North American Mammals
Small Mammals
North American Birds
Birds of the World
Compare different ecosystems:
Rain Forest Diorama in the Hall of Biodiversity,
Olympic Rain Forest Diorama, Giant Cactus Forest,
and Forest Floor Diorama in the Hall of North
American Forests
Rain Forest Diorama in the Hall of Biodiversity with
local ecosystems and microhabitats in New York
State Environment Hall
North American Bird Hall with Reptiles and
Amphibians Hall
Evolution Discover the birth of life on Earth in the
Hall of the Universe. In the Hall of Planet Earth, find
evidence of a recently discovered ecosystem—
hydrothermal vents, sulfur chimneys on the ocean
floor. The Fourth Floor Halls tell the history of verte-
brate evolution using cladograms. Make connections
with our own evolutionary history in the Hall of
Human Biology and Evolution.
Human Effects on the Environment Both the New
York State Environment Hall and the Reptiles and
Amphibians Hall highlight habitat loss due to human
activity. Study the development of irrigation in the
River Valley area of the Hall of African Peoples to see
how people use their environment. Compare to the
New York State Environment Hall.
Find information about many endangered species
and habitats on exhibit throughout the Museum at:
to other exhibits
in the museum
© 2001 American Museum of Natural History. All Rights Reserved.
Amanda Kavanagh,
Ark Design
Writer and Producer:
Sharon Simpson
Production Coordinator
and Editorial Associate:
Paisley Gregg
Cover photograph:
Enrico Ferorelli