Directors and Ofcers
Key Facts About Insurance
and Legal Liability
Directors and Officers (D&O)
Key Facts About Insurance and Legal Liability:
Chapter 1
Directors & Officers Insurance: Where Does it Fit into the Overall Insurance Picture?..1
Chapter 2
Commonly Asked Questions: What Every Director and Officer Should Know ..................2
Chapter 3
Claims Against Directors and Officers: Wrongful Termination, Harassment
and Discrimination...........................................................................................................................5
Chapter 4
D&O Coverage Forms: Understanding Key Policy Provisions ...............................................7
Chapter 5
Policies and Procedures: How Can You Minimize the Chances of Facing an
Employment-Related Lawsuit? ......................................................................................................9
Chapter 6
Board Practices: What Board Practices are Particularly Important? ................................ 12
Chapter 7
In Summary: Prevention and Protection are the Keys.......................................................... 13
Member Resources ....................................................................................................................... 14
Please note: This booklet is designed to provide general information about
directors and officers based on our many years of experience in handling
claims and lawsuits against nonprofit organizations. This booklet is not
intended to offer legal advice or counsel. The information contained in this
booklet does not alter the terms of any insurance contract or the law of the
jurisdiction which is the site of any potential claim or suit. It is the terms and
provisions of your insurance contract which provide the scope of the appli-
cable coverage. Because the areas of law constantly change, those using
this booklet should not rely on it as a substitute for independent research.
Who should read this booklet?
Specifically, this booklet is designed to help ANI and NIAC nonprofit members understand
some of the most basic coverages provided by directors and officers insurance and to help ANI
and NIAC nonprofit members avoid lawsuits against their board members and organizations
when possible. It briefly reviews the federal law that offers minimal protection for volunteers
and explains why, for most nonprofits, directors and officers liability insurance is a valuable risk
financing tool.
This booklet does not provide legal advice, nor does it provide detailed information on any particu-
lar directors and officers liability insurance policy. We urge you to consult with legal and insurance
professionals for assistance with this type of information. However, we hope this booklet will help
you gain a better understanding of some of the key issues surrounding the topics of board liability
and D&O insurance and enable you to take appropriate steps to protect the valuable assets of
your nonprofit.
Chapter 1
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance:
Where does it fit into the overall insurance picture?
It was summer and Yourtown Community Center was at its peak. The organizations new pro-
grams were in high demand, community donations were up, and the Center had just completed
construction of a new recreation facility. The Board of Directors had no warning of what was
coming next—a lawsuit.
Served in late June, the lawsuit alleged that the Executive Director was liable for sexual harass-
ment and discrimination. Damages in excess of $500,000 were sought. Shaken, the Board turned
the lawsuit over to its insurance broker expecting the Centers general liability insurance car-
rier would defend the claim. At the next meeting of the Board, the broker read a letter from the
insurance company informing the organization that there was no coverage for employment-related
claims under the general liability policy and that the organization should look for coverage under
their directors and officers liability policy. The directors looked at each other with pained expres-
sions. They had previously decided not to purchase directors and officers liability insurance and to
devote all available resources to the expansion.
Although the details vary, that story happens all too frequently. What’s worse is that sometimes
boards with the foresight to purchase directors and officers (D&O) insurance fail to purchase a
policy containing the broad coverages they need.
Because we have seen too many situations like the one illustrated above, this booklet is not about
helping you to decide whether to purchase D&O insurance. It is intended to help you understand
the need for this type of coverage, help you evaluate your various coverage options and, if possi-
ble, help you avoid lawsuits of this nature. Whether you have D&O insurance or not, becoming
embroiled in a lawsuit will strain your organization and stress your employees. The best course is
avoidance whenever possible.
The following section explains the distinction between general liability and directors and officers
liability coverage. Remember that while general liability policies are substantially similar from one
policy form to the next, there are often significant differences in the coverages that D&O policies
provide. These comments are therefore very general regarding these coverages and reflect what’s
typically found in policy forms.
General Liability Insurance...
General liability insurance provides coverage for “negligent” acts resulting in bodily injury and/
or property damage and a specified series of offenses, such as defamation. “Negligence” is doing
something a reasonable person would not do under the circumstances or failing to do something
a reasonable person would do. If the organization, its employees, or volunteers (including board
members) negligently cause someone to sustain “bodily injury, or property damage, or commits
one of the specified offences” general liability insurance will typically provide the applicable
coverage. If someone is physically injured or their reputation is hurt, or another persons property
is damaged because of a mistake by someone at the organization, you can usually rely on general
liability insurance for coverage. For example, if/when a client trips and breaks a leg because of a
faulty stairway at the nonprofit.
Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance...
D&O provides coverage for an action taken by an organizations board of directors or officers that
someone else thinks are wrong. Typically the D&O policy only requires some type of act, error, or
omission which causes a person or entity to sustain damage other than bodily injury. While the
most typical D&O claim involves an employment-related matter resulting from a personnel policy,
most D&O policies cover all types of alleged wrongful acts, including acts of discrimination, finan-
cial issues, and policies concerning the programs of the organization. As examples, if an employ-
ee is terminated and they allege age discrimination as a result of that termination, it is the D&O
policy that will typically provide the applicable coverage. If someone alleges that the board has
improperly utilized the funds of the organization in doing or failing to do something which that
person believes the organization is required to do under its bylaws and has caused financial loss
to that individual, it is typically the D&O policy that provides the applicable coverage.
Chapter 2:
Commonly Asked Questions.
Things Every Director & Officer Should Know
Directors and officers owe three basic fiduciary duties to the nonprofit organizations they serve:
the duties of obedience, loyalty, and due care.
1. The duty of obedience forbids acts outside corporate powers. The governing board of the or-
ganization must comply with state and federal law and conform to the organizations charter,
articles of incorporation, and bylaws.
2. The duty of loyalty dictates that officers and directors must act in good faith and must not
allow their personal interests to prevail over the interests of the organization.
3. The duty of care requires directors and officers to be diligent and prudent in managing the
organizations affairs. The individuals charged with governing must handle the organizational
duties with the care that an ordinarily prudent person would use under similar circumstances.
For many years, directors and officers of nonprofit organizations enjoyed a sense of invulnerability
because their services were associated with a nonprofit and subsequently were not an attractive
target for litigation. Nonprofit board members who continue to believe they are invulnerable today
may be in for an unpleasant surprise.
The duties of corporate governance—obedience, loyalty, and due care—may seem high-minded.
However, the importance of these responsibilities becomes crystal clear when a nonprofit board
member is faced with a lawsuit alleging improper fiduciary oversight or improper oversight of
employment practices resulting in allegations of sexual harassment or wrongful termination.
Employment-related suits may allege a wide range of wrongful acts or improper employment
practices. These cover a wide variety of subjects that include, but arent limited to, sexual harass-
ment, wrongful termination, discrimination on the basis of being a member of a protected class
that includes, among others, race, gender (including gender expression, gender identity, and
gender stereotyping), sex, religion, disability, marital status, age, ethnicity, national origin, violation
of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), wage and hour violations, or retaliation for exercis-
ing a legal right. The risk of facing an employment-related lawsuit does not necessarily expand
proportionately by the number of paid employees in an organization.
Often, the parties at odds in a wrongful termination lawsuit are the executive director and the
board of directors. Many of these lawsuits can be avoided, or at least be dismissed in the early
stages of the lawsuit, if the nonprofit simply follows its own personnel policies. But more on
that later...
More than ninety percent of claims against boards of directors involve some type of employment
dispute. While every D&O claim can be costly to defend, the ten percent of claims not involving
employment disputes can be among the most expensive claims, and ironically, these often strike
the smallest organizations. Another allegation of concern is breach of fiduciary duty. A lawsuit
alleging breach of fiduciary duty could be brought by a donor, a concerned citizen, or the Attorney
General in your state. This type of lawsuit alleges that the board of directors is not appropriately
using and protecting the assets and resources of the nonprofit organization.
State Volunteer Protection Laws
There are no laws on the books anywhere in the United States that insulate nonprofits from
lawsuits. There are, however, various statutes that are often perceived as offering immunity from
litigation. A review of these laws quickly demonstrates why they offer only minimal protection.
Nearly every state in the country has in place a statute that affords minimal protection to
volunteers serving nonprofit organizations. The intent of these statutes is to enable volunteers
to avoid personal liability for simple negligence when they are working under the direction of a
nonprofit. Many of these statutes were adopted with the express purpose of encouraging citizens to
volunteer their time and service to community-serving nonprofits.
While each states volunteer protection law differs in some respects, most contain several
common features which include, but are not limited to:
They do not extend protection for any willful acts by a volunteer;
They do not extend protection for any claims involving the use of an automobile;
They do not extend for any claims alleging violation of civil rights laws;
They do not extend protection for any volunteer serving a nonprofit that does not have liability
The exclusions provide the opportunity for individuals and entities to bring claims directly against
the organization, its board, and its officers. First, these exclusions represent a significant percent-
age of the claims filed against nonprofits and nonprofit board members. Claims alleging violation
of federal anti-discrimination and other civil rights laws represent a large portion of D&O claims
filed against nonprofit volunteers and organizations.
Second, no state law offers protection for allegations of breaches of federal laws, such as those
covering racial, sexual, and age discrimination and discrimination against those with disabilities
A D&O policy will typically provide a defense for such allegations but may not pay damages if it is
determined that the law was willfully broken.
Third, there are no protections under most state volunteer protection laws for directors and offi-
cers of nonprofit organizations unless the nonprofit has an insurance policy in place that applies
to the claim. So, the catch is, if your nonprofit has D&O insurance, your state law may offer some
protection for your volunteers. If your nonprofit doesnt have insurance that covers the claim,
forget it. Your volunteers receive no protection under the law.
Fourth, with two exceptions (Virginia and New Jersey), there are no states that provide immu-
nity protection, no matter how minimal, for the nonprofit organization itself. The state volunteer
immunity laws discussed here apply only to individual directors and volunteers. A lawsuit against
a board of directors will typically name the individual directors and the nonprofit as defendants.
Some suits only name the nonprofit and its management.
Finally, while offering limited protection from being found liable by a court, none of the state laws
specifically prohibit filing suits against volunteers or nonprofit organizations. Typically, the most
expensive part of any lawsuit is the cost of legal defense: determining the facts, such as whether
the director or officer acted in good faith, and whether the act was simple or gross negligence.
Once the point is reached where the court determines that the board member should not be held
liable because they acted in good faith and that it was simple negligence, not gross negligence,
most expenses of the lawsuit will already have been incurred.
The Volunteer Protection Act of 1997
Federal legislation, known as the Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, was signed into law by Presi-
dent Clinton on June 19, 1997. This law is, in many respects, a mirror image of the state laws that
preceded it. In particular, to receive any protection, the volunteer must prove in a court of law that:
the volunteer was acting within the scope of their responsibilities at the time of the act of
if appropriate or required, the volunteer was properly licensed, certified, or authorized by the
appropriate authorities for the activities or practice in the State in which the harm occurred,
where the activities were or practice was undertaken within the scope of the volunteer’s
responsibilities in the nonprofits organization;
the harm was not caused by willful or criminal misconduct, gross negligence, reckless mis-
conduct, or a conscious, flagrant indifference to the rights or safety of the individual harmed
by the volunteer, and
the harm was not caused by operating a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, etc.
The law also permits states to adopt more stringent requirements, such as the requirement in many
states that limit volunteer immunity to cases where the nonprofit organization engaging the volun-
teer has a liability policy in place to cover the claim.
This law does nothing to protect nonprofit organizations from suits alleging negligent acts by their
volunteers. The intent of the law’s sponsors was to make certain that if an injury results from the
simple negligence of a volunteer, the nonprofit sponsor, not the volunteer, is held accountable to the
“Wait a board indemnifies board members in its bylaws. Isn’t that adequate protection?”
The promise by an organization to indemnify its board members is only as good as the financial
resources available to fulfill that promise. When a nonprofit agrees to indemnify board members,
it agrees that in situations where it may do so by law, it will pay to defend board members and will
possibly pay damages.
There are two potential risks here. First, nonprofits may not be permitted to indemnify board
members against certain types of actions, such as allegations of self-dealing. For these types of
allegations, the nonprofit may be prohibited from using charitable dollars in a board member’s
defense, whether or not the accusations are justified. Second, few nonprofits have sufficient unre-
stricted funds or unencumbered cash on-hand to mount an expensive and prolonged defense.
Some coverage for board service might be found under an individual’s homeowner’s policy, but
the extent of that coverage depends on the specific wording of that policy. It is not uncommon to
find coverage under a homeowner’s policy for incidents that cause “bodily injury” resulting in the
course of volunteer activities. However, the coverage extended by a homeowner’s policy is typically
limited in scope and liability limits. The coverage extended by the D&O policy is typically broader
than the coverage extended by the homeowner’s policy, with less exclusions and a higher limit of
liability protection.
Even if every board member individually has a homeowner’s policy that provides coverage for
their decisions as a board member, these policies provide no protection for the nonprofit itself. In
these cases, if the nonprofit is named in a suit, the nonprofit must mount its own defense.
Chapter 3
Claims Against Directors & Officers:
Wrongful Termination, Harassment, and Discrimination
While far less common than claims resulting from slip and fall incidents and auto collisions,
claims against boards of directors are typically more complex and difficult. A vast majority of
claims are lodged by disgruntled former employees and frequently involve a board member or a
senior employee, with an emotional stake in the outcome, who may be reluctant to be completely
candid. Often the facts are not clear-cut and are subject to interpretation by the various parties.
Getting to the bottom of the issue can be a long, painful, and expensive process. Indeed, no matter
what the outcome, all parties may feel like losers because of the financial and emotional expense
of the process.
Employment claims against directors and officers of nonprofit corporations typically fall into three
major categories: wrongful termination (including retaliation), harassment, and discrimination. In
the following pages are sample scenarios to show the reader the types of lawsuits brought against
directors and officers and things to consider to prevent such claims from occurring.
Wrongful Termination
An employee of a nonprofit complains about illegal business practices and supervisory practices
at the organization. The employee is then terminated because of those complaints. The organi-
zation insists that the real reason for the termination was poor performance. However, the orga-
nization cannot furnish adequate documentation of the employees poor performance. The jury
sympathizes with the employee and concludes that the nonprofit intentionally terminated the
employee as retaliation for making waves in the organization.
Firing someone because they have pointed out wrong-doing is illegal. If an employee complains
about illegal business practices, supervisory practices, or any other portion of the business and
then is terminated because of those complaints, that employee may well have a valid case for
retaliation. Of all employment practice claims, retaliation produces the highest jury verdicts. In
most states, plaintiffs attorney fees can be recovered in addition to the jury award.
If an employee is terminated due to poor performance, even in an “at-will employment” state, the
organization should be able to prove in court that the employee was counseled and given ample
opportunity to improve their performance. Unfortunately, many organizations are lax in compiling
and maintaining adequate, appropriate, and accurate performance documentation. Documenta-
tion is essential to a successful defense to any employment claim.
Sexual Harassment
A supervisor of a nonprofit enters into a romantic relationship with their employee. One day, the
supervisor overhears other employees discussing the relationship between the supervisor and the
employee. Feeling that it is in the best interest of their position with the organization, the supervi-
sor breaks off the relationship. The employee is hurt and angered by the breakup and files a com-
plaint with Human Resources that the supervisor has made unwanted sexual advances at them.
This is a typical sexual harassment case—a romantic relationship gone wrong between a super-
visor and a person who works for them. The organization may be held responsible not only for
failing to do something about reported sexual harassment, but failing to investigate allegations of
sexual harassment. If an organization fails to investigate sexual harassment charges, the organi-
zation can be held as accountable and as responsible as if the harassment took place with their
knowledge and assent.
Save the Land, a nonprofit environmental agency, had applied for a large grant to continue an
innovative program for land acquisition and preservation. Unfortunately, they failed to get the
grant and were forced to eliminate one of the staff positions serving this program. One of the two
positions was held by a 28-year-old man, Tom, who had been working for the nonprofit for six
years, and the other by a 47-year-old man, Bill, who had been working there for nine years. After
careful consideration, the Executive Director of Save the Land told Bill he would be terminated in
a month, when the funds were depleted from an earlier grant. The Executive Director’s reasons
for her decision were Toms recent college degree achieved during night school and because Tom
was bilingual, which was needed for program delivery. Bill sued for age discrimination.
The claim of age discrimination is not uncommon. Workers over 40, who are passed over for
promotions or who lose their jobs when other, younger workers in the same positions keep theirs,
frequently respond with a lawsuit. Here, the reasoning of the Executive Director was sound and
well-documented, and Bill failed with his lawsuit. Another type of discrimination case can be
based on sexual or gender orientation, expression, or identity. Any employment action taken be-
cause a person is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender creates a serious risk of a discrimination
claim. As in all allegations of discrimination, a prompt, thorough investigation into the merits is
essential, and once completed and if appropriate, remedial action should be promptly undertaken.
Chapter 4
D&O Coverage Forms:
Understanding Key Policy Provisions
Unlike general liability insurance, where standardized policy language is amended by specific
endorsements, each insurance company writes its own specialized D&O policy. This can make
determining what coverage is provided a very difficult process. That process is often more compli-
cated for nonprofits because many D&O policies sold to nonprofits contain provisions that initially
appeared in traditional for-profit policies.
A wide variety of policies are available on the market today. Your insurance broker can help you
evaluate which policy form is best for your organization. There are far too many variables to
adequately evaluate the many differences in a booklet of this nature. However, some important
distinctions make the coverage provided by some far superior to others. In the next few pages are
examples of the most desirable provisions of coverage for nonprofits.
Broad Definition of Insured
A D&O policy containing a broad definition of “insured” extends coverage to any person who
was, is, or becomes a director, trustee, officer, employee, committee member, volunteer, intern, or
student-in-training of the nonprofit and the nonprofit organization itself. This is a major departure
from for-profit policies, which typically cover only the directors and officers.
To determine whether a particular D&O policy contains this broader coverage, simply look at the
definition of “insured.
If the organization and its employees are not named as insureds, the policy offers narrow cover-
age and the organization and/or its managers are uninsured. Nonprofit managers should ask their
insurance professionals to advise them of any potential gaps in coverage of this nature. (NOTE:
The NIAC/ANI policies utilize the term “Member” as opposed to the term “insured.”)
Requirement to advance defense costs
Unfortunately, deciphering the language which states how the insurer will pay for defense costs
is often difficult. It might be reasonable to assume policy language stating that “the company will
pay on behalf of the organization any loss...” is a commitment to pay the costs of legal defense as
they are incurred. However, later in this policy, “loss” is defined as “amount paid by the Insured
or Organization.” This language, which makes the nonprofit eligible to get reimbursement for
defense costs, is easy to overlook, but its disastrous to the nonprofit, who is required to reach into
its own funds to pay costly legal bills.
Look for the language that requires the insurer to advance the costs of defense. Reimbursement
language requires the nonprofit to pay all costs and attorney fees out-of-pocket and wait for repay-
ment by the insurer. Since litigation covered under D&O policies can be expensive and lengthy,
reimbursement-style policies can severely stretch a nonprofits resources.
Broad coverage for employment practices liability
Although increasingly common, employment practices liability coverage is not universally pro-
vided in nonprofit D&O policies. In those policies granting coverage, the language is not in a
consistent policy section. (NOTE: The ANI/NIAC policies utilize Wrongful Act in extending the
coverage within the insuring agreement.) In some policies, it is found within the section titled
“Exclusions,” where employment contracts are exempt from the breach of contract exclusion.
While a policy may indicate previously that claims alleging breach of contract are not covered,
under Exclusions there may be a statement indicating this restriction on coverage does not apply
to claims alleging breach of an employment contract. In other policies, coverage for employment
practices may be found in the body of the policy or in the endorsements.
A broadly written policy covering employment practices should insure a defense for claims
alleging a wide range of wrongful employment actions. Some policies accomplish this by extend-
ing coverage to employment-related claims, while others list the specific causes of action (such
as wrongful termination or sexual harassment) that are covered. If the policy includes a specific
list, the reader must determine if all exposures are included. There should be coverage for cases
arising under both state and federal laws, those specific to employment and those, such as the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), applicable in many contexts.
Of equal importance, and not so easily determined, is an insurer’s interpretation of certain defini-
tions. If the insurer defines sexual harassment as sexual abuse, there may be no coverage under
that D&O policy if it contains a sexual abuse exclusion. If a question is on this matter, a nonprofit
manager should ask their insurance broker to contact the D&O carrier to determine the insurer’s
interpretation of this and similar terms and issues.
Most lawsuits filed against nonprofit directors and officers involve some form of employment prac-
tices liability. Insurers are becoming more keenly aware of this exposure and some have made
subtle policy changes that restrict coverage in these areas. The nonprofit manager should request
that their insurance professional make sure that all coverages listed in this section are included in
a policy designed to cover the exposures which arise from governance activities, and should check
whether a separate deductible applies to employment-related allegations.
Chapter 5
Policies and Procedures:
How Can You Minimize the Chances of Facing an Employment-
Related Lawsuit?
Most employment-related complaints arise from the perception by prospective, current, or former
employees that an organization failed to treat them fairly or acted illegally. Many potential employ-
ment-related claims can be avoided by striving for clarity and consistency in the administration of
employment practices.
Every nonprofits personnel practices should be grounded in legal, defensible practices. In addi-
tion, a strong commitment to treat employees fairly and with respect should be the foundation
on which all employment actions are taken. The effectiveness of this approach is only as strong
as the weakest link in the nonprofit. Therefore, it is crucial that all supervisors and managers be
trained and coached in implementing the organizations employment practices. It is not enough to
distribute a list or handbook containing the organizations policies. Potential problem scenarios
and concerns should be openly discussed. Those who administer employment policies must seek
additional assistance or clarification when they do not understand the reasons behind a particular
policy or how it should be implemented.
Other strategies a nonprofit should consider in managing the risk of employment-related claims
are discussed next.
Keep your employee handbook updated and in compliance with current law
In our review of hundreds of nonprofits’ employee handbooks, we have seen policies incorporated
into handbooks that are patently illegal. Policies requiring pregnant employees to take a leave of
absence, or those requiring employees to work as volunteers instead of receiving pay for overtime
work are simply illegal and will be indefensible in a lawsuit. Seek the assistance of an employment
attorney to make certain that your handbook is in compliance with your state and federal laws.
Clearly and promptly document each employment action
Each time you meet with an employee for performance counseling, document the discussion and
outcomes of the session and have the employee sign it to acknowledge that they have seen the
document. The employee may disagree with your assessment and may indicate so on the docu-
ment; however, attempt to have the employee acknowledge receipt and review of the document.
Keep one copy in the employees personnel file.
A decision to terminate employment for performance deficiencies should not surprise the employee.
Good documentation, accurate evaluation, and timely discipline will assist you in achieving this goal.
Make “at will” the standard of employment
Unless your nonprofit intends to have relationships with employees governed by contracts, take
steps to establish and preserve the “at will” status of your paid staff. “At will” employment simply
means that either the employee or the employer may terminate the employment relationship and
for any reason, except an illegal reason. If your employee handbook or other document specifies a
term of employment, or provides or suggests that employees will be terminated only “for cause,
you have created an additional hurdle for yourself which is not required by law.
Many nonprofit managers resist adopting “at will” language because they believe that they must
then become less supportive of employees. The “at will” language does not require employers to
terminate without cause; it simply may make it easier to avoid a lawsuit once the organization de-
termines that an employee is not performing adequately and must be terminated. (If your nonprof-
it changes from a policy whereby employees may only be terminated for cause to one where true
employment “at will” exists, it may be necessary to compensate employees accordingly. Consult
an employment attorney for specific guidance on this tricky issue.)
Ban the word “permanent” from your employee handbook
Using the words “permanent employee” in a handbook can create an implied contract of employ-
ment. The word “permanent” should not appear in any description of employment or employee
status. If you need to distinguish your regular staff from another group of staff, you can label the
regular staff “regular employees.
Do not include termination as one of the actions covered by any grievance policy
Too many nonprofits, this recommendation sounds odd. Isnt that often what the grievance policy
is for, as an appeals board in case of termination? If you allow a termination to be brought to the
grievance committee, you have destroyed your ability to terminate “at will.” With the ability to
grieve a termination, you may set up your organization to terminate only “for cause” and are
creating a procedure you would be required to follow whether the former employee has filed a
claim or lawsuit.
Again, this does not mean that your organization should not give ample opportunity to help poorly
performing employees improve. It means only that you have reserved the right to determine when
termination is appropriate and have not waived that right for some third party’s determination of
what is proper “cause.” Best practice is to thoroughly review the appropriateness of a termination
decision before it is made, not after the fact.
Follow your employee handbook to the letter!
This guideline may be the most important of all. If your policies provide for written notice before
termination, if you promise to provide a second chance, if you have agreed to respond in 30 days,
etc., do just that. You may take a justified personnel action; however, if you do not follow your own
policies, this will be used against you in a court of law. If your policies do not represent your prac-
tice, then revise the handbook.
Conduct candid, thorough annual reviews
The key word in the above statement is “candid.” If your managers cannot be truthful and candid
with employees about poor performance and areas that need improvement, they should not be al-
lowed to continue as supervisors. If your nonprofit uses performance as a selection criteria for layoff,
yet written performance reviews suggest a consistent record of acceptable performance, a discrimi-
nation claim looks much more substantial. Emphasize to supervisors the importance of conducting
candid reviews and teach supervisors how to accomplish this goal.
Make a prompt, thorough investigation of allegations of harassment or
Nonprofit managers are being asked to do more with less, and there is never enough time to ac-
complish it all. However, if you do not take allegations of harassment and discrimination seriously
and conduct prompt, thorough investigations, you put your organization and your ability to fulfill
your mission at risk. Harassment and discrimination claims are taken seriously by the courts and
allegations of such should be taken seriously. It is also important to remember that any notice of
harassment that has occurred, however informal, should trigger an investigation. If an employee
approaches a manager and states, “I just overheard Bob making a sexually explicit comment to
Marie and she seemed very upset—but I don’t want you to actually do anything about it,” the man-
ager cannot ignore the comment and should follow the organizations procedure for investigating
the matter. All employers must have a written harassment and discrimination complaint policy,
even if they have no employee handbook.
Seek legal advice before taking an adverse employment action
Even though your nonprofit may be an “at-will” employer and you can terminate an employee for
any reason (except an illegal reason), a court may be sympathetic to a plaintiff terminated under
inexplicable circumstances. The very risky nature of terminations warrant consulting an employ-
ment specialist before you take adverse action against an employee. Make a commitment to do so
every time, with no exceptions.
We understand that with limited discretionary funds, obtaining legal consultation before taking
an employment action such as a layoff, termination or demotion, may be a stretch for a nonprofits
budget. ANI and NIAC feel so strongly about the value of such consultation that free pre-termina-
tion consultations are available to members who have employees and purchase their D&O insur-
ance through ANI or NIAC. For more information about this service, call us at 800-359-6422,
ext. 6130.
Chapter 6
Board Practices: What Board Practices are Particularly
A board of directors should follow several practices to guard itself against the threat of lawsuits.
While even the best practices are no guarantee that the board will not be sued, good board practic-
es can be an effective defense with unjustified allegations.
Informed and regular review of financial statements
Board members should understand the sources of income for the nonprofit and know where
those resources are being expended. If a professional fundraiser is used, the board should deter-
mine that the fee charged by the fundraiser is comparable to that charged for similar services by
other companies.
Nonprofits receiving more than $500,000 of federal funds must do annual audits, like many
nonprofits under the laws of their state. At least once each year, the audit committee or the entire
board should meet with the organizations independent auditor to discuss the audit findings. It is
appropriate during the meeting for the board or committee to ask management to leave the room
briefly to allow the auditor to speak candidly.
Regular attendance at board meetings
As a board member, ignorance of a problem facing the nonprofit is not a good defense. To render
informed decisions about the governance of an organization, board members must thoroughly
review background information and attend and participate in board meetings regularly. Board
members should also feel comfortable expressing disagreement and voting against proposals for
which they are not in favor. Silence may well be interpreted as agreement by a court of law.
Clearly understand the board’s role in personnel situations
The chief executive officer of a nonprofit (typically the executive director) should have the authority
to hire and fire staff below the executive director level. If the division of labor between the board of
directors and the executive director is not clear, the board may find itself embroiled in a situation
better resolved at the staff level.
Avoid conflicts of interest
Board members who receive any compensation from the organization must fully disclose the
nature of services provided and the compensation received. The board of directors must make
a determination, independent of the compensated director, that the arrangement is in the best
interests of the nonprofit and that a more favorable arrangement for the nonprofit could not be
obtained elsewhere. There are specific guidelines about how these matters must be handled to
avoid the possibility of sanctions. A nonprofit uncertain about how this may affect the organization
should consult its attorney for specific guidance.
While nonprofits should never make a loan to a director, it is also unwise for a director to make a
loan to a nonprofit. A board member with a loan to a nonprofit is in a situation of potential conflict;
are they acting in the best interests of the nonprofit or in a manner most likely to repay the loan?
Boards with a director who provides insurance or real estate broker services to a nonprofit must
be especially careful. While it may appear that that individual is providing the best possible service
because of special knowledge and commitment to the organizations mission, the nonprofit should
periodically confirm that the services it is receiving are satisfactory and that the cost of the prod-
ucts purchased from the “insider” competes with similar products purchased from other sources.
Enact and comply with the governance policies required by law
The federal Sarbanes-Oxley Act, passed in response to corporate accounting scandals, has two
provisions applicable to the nonprofit sector. Board members should look carefully at Sarbanes-
Oxley and applicable state laws, maintain all policies required by law, and determine whether
their organizations ought to voluntarily adopt governance accountability practices, even if not
legally mandated.
Under Sarbanes-Oxley, nonprofits must develop, adopt, and disclose a formal policy to respond
to employee complaints of illegal, improper, or fraudulent activity and to prevent retaliation. Civil
rights laws similarly require policies to address complaints of discrimination or harassment of
employees. Board members must ensure that the nonprofit thoroughly and promptly investigates
employee and volunteer complaints of wrongdoing and implements prompt corrective actions
when necessary. This should include a process whereby complaints regarding illegal conduct of
the executive director can be made to the board. Sarbanes-Oxley also requires nonprofits to have
a written document retention and periodic destruction policy that applies to paper records and
electronic files and voicemail.
Chapter 7
In Summary:
Prevention and Protection are the Keys
The majority of boards of directors of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations will never have to face a
lawsuit. However, no organization should claim that since it hasnt happened in 75 years, it won’t
occur. The chances of being sued may be modest, but the consequences of an uninsured lawsuit,
no matter how unjustified the allegations, can be devastating.
Recent steep increases in the number of employment-related lawsuits are among the reasons non-
profit board members are at risk. During economic downturns, the risk of employment litigation
substantially increases as it becomes more difficult for laid off employees to find employment.
Employees of nonprofits may be more long-suffering and willing to endure less job security and
accept fewer “perks” than their counterparts in the for-profit world. Nonprofit employees are prob-
ably less likely to sue the nonprofit for whom they have worked hard and in whose mission they
believe. However, employees who feel they have been mistreated by a nonprofit or who disagree
with policy decisions made by management or the board may retaliate with emotion and convic-
tion. If these disputes result in lawsuits, the process can be expensive and difficult for both sides.
Employee handbooks in compliance with law, with strict adherence to personnel policies, supervi-
sor training, and honest communication with employees can go far to mitigate potential problems.
Boards of directors must adopt and stand behind clear anti-discrimination and anti-harassment
policies and make sure that management promptly and honestly investigates, thoroughly
documents allegations of wrongdo-ing, and takes action. Not all lawsuits can be avoided, but
having proper procedures in place and following them can go far toward, providing a strong
Not all D&O insurance policies provide the same protection. A buyer should take care to make
sure that the policy includes a broad definition of who is an insured, provides for costs to be paid
by the insurer as they are incurred, and includes broad coverage for employment-related activities.
Managing a nonprofit organization is never an easy task, and it is getting more complicated each
day. Those who volunteer for board membership and those who serve in management positions
already give generously their time and their talents. They should not be asked to put their personal
assets at risk each time they make a governance decision.
Appendix B: Member Resources
This is a customized, web-based tool that streamlines governance activities and help boards of
directors stay informed and organized. This is a free resource for members. (NOTE: 501(c)(3)
organizations who are not insured with NIA can pay a nominal annual subscription fee for access
to this resource.)
Written specifically for the nonprofit reader, our booklets explore liability issues most nonprofits
Arrive…Safe and Sound—Tips to Help with Your Nonprofit’s Vehicle Safety Program
Collaboration Risks: Partnering with Confidence and Success
Directors and Officers (D&O)—Key Facts About Insurance and Legal Liability
Managing Volunteers: Balancing Risk & Reward
Sound Advice for Functions & Events
Sexual Abuse Prevention for Children & Teens
Surviving a Crisis—Practical Strategies for Nonprofit
What Nonprofit Managers Need to Know About Lawsuits
NOTE: Non-member organizations may request a single copy of our booklets or download a PDF
from our website.
Employment Issues Assistance
NIA members with a Directors and Officers (D&O) policy with employment practices liability, can
take advantage of free employment-related consultations – discipline or discharge (pre-termina-
tion); discrimination/harassment; leaves of absence; ADA; wage & hour; personnel policies; etc.
Loss Control Assistance
We offer free assistance with issues such as background checks, the safe management of facilities
and fleets, drafting and reviewing waivers, staff training, volunteer management, and much more.
If we dont have the answer, we find it for our members through our various resources.
My Risk Management Plan
Members gain free access to a web-based interactive tool to help develop a customized risk man-
agement plan that reflects the organizations needs, priorities, and culture. (NOTE: Non-members
can purchase a subscription to this resource from the Nonprofit Risk Management Center at
Risk Management Forms and Templates
Members can take advantage of an extensive library of downloadable forms, templates, and infor-
mation available on our member portal.
These 30-90 minute sessions are ideal for in-service training on risk-management skills, or for
polishing and orienting senior management and board members to individual aspects of manag-
ing risks in nonprofit organizations. The interactive format of the live sessions permits questions
from the participants and responses from the expert(s). All regular live sessions are free to our
members. Members can also access a library of on-demand sessions from our member portal.
We have many free and highly discounted resources for our members. Be sure to visit our
Member Portal for a current listing of all that is available.
The insurance policy, not this brochure, forms the contract between the insured and the insurer. The policy may contain limits,
exclusions, and limitations that are not disclosed in this brochure. Coverages may differ by state.
Nonprofits Insurance Alliance® is the tradename for a group of insurers — NIAC, ANI, and NANI — all of whom are public-
benefit 501(c)(3) nonprofits and rated A (Excellent) by AM Best. All NIA organizations are administrated by Alliance
Member Services® (AMS), also a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
© 1997-2023 AMS. All rights reserved.