University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.1
California State University, Fresno
Approved, October 6, 2003
Minor Revision Section 20.0, February 8, 2006
Minor Revision, Section 12.0, March 9, 2006
Revisions, February 21, 2014
Revision, Section 12.0, June 8, 2015
Revision, Section 8.0, July 1, 2015
Page & Numbering Adjustments, July 9, 2015
Revision, Section 27.0, July 23, 2015
Revision, Section 13.0, December 9, 2016
Revision, Section 18.0, September 1, 2017
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.2
1.0 Authority ...............................................................................................................5
2.0 Sanctions .............................................................................................................. 5
3.0 Reporting of Violations ........................................................................................ 5
4.0 Disruption ............................................................................................................. 5
5.0 Sound Amplification ............................................................................................ 6
6.0 Meetings, Performances, Rallies, Athletic Contests,
and Similar Public Events .................................................................................... 6
7.0 Outside Speakers and Events on Campus (see also Policy # APM 625) ...............8
7.1 Principles ...................................................................................................8
7.2 Authorized Sponsors ................................................................................ 9
7.3 Criteria for Sponsored Events .................................................................. 9
8.0 Tailgating and Picnicking (Revised July 1, 2015) .............................................. 10
9.0 Sale or Free Distribution of Published Materials ............................................... 12
10.0 Printed Materials ................................................................................................ 13
11.0 Commercial Transactions (see also Policy # D-19, Section .................. 13
12.0 Free Speech Area Superseded by Policy on Time, Place & Manner of Free
Expression (D-19), approved June 8, 2015 ........................................................ 14
13.0 Bulletin Boards and Postings of Signs, Pictures, Notices,
Transparencies and Advertisements Superseded by Interim Policy on Signage,
(Temporary & Permanent) (D-17), approved December 9, 2016. ..................... 14
14.0 Filming on Campus .............................................................................................14
14.1 Filming Request ..................................................................................... 15
14.2 Fees ............................................................................................................. 16
14.3 Liability .................................................................................................. 16
14.4 Damage Deposit ......................................................................................16
15.0 Alcohol Use and Sale Superseded by Alcohol Policy (G-04), revised September 21,
2017 ......................................................................................................................17
16.0 Exclusive Rights of Food Services .................................................................... 19
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.3
17.0 Sponsorship by Alcoholic-Beverage Companies (see also CSU Executive Order #
966) Superseded by Alcohol Policy (G-04), revised September 21, 2017 ......... 19
17.1 Authorization...........................................................................................20
17.2 Broadcasts .............................................................................................. 21
17.3 Publications .............................................................................................21
18.0 Smoking (see also Policy # G-57, Smoke Free Campus) Superseded by Policy
on Systemwide Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment (EO 1108), effective
September 1, 2017 ............................................................................................. 21
19.0 Hazardous Materials ........................................................................................... 22
20.0 Animals on Campus ............................................................................................23
21.0 Sleeping or Camping ...........................................................................................24
22.0 Approval for Camping on University Campus ................................................... 25
23.0 Fee for Use of Campus Facilities ....................................................................... 26
24.0 Parking ............................................................................................................... 26
24.1 Parking Decals and Permits .....................................................................27
24.2 Parking Areas ..........................................................................................27
24.3 Campus Speed Limit .............................................................................. 28
25.0 Curfew .................................................................................................................28
26.0 Skateboards, In-line Skates, Bicycles, Motorized Vehicles
and Motorized Scooters ...................................................................................... 29
27.0 Major Activities in the Amphitheatre (see also Policy # D-15) The
Amphitheatre is no longer available for events. ................................................ 29
28.0 Use of Campus Streets ........................................................................................ 30
29.0 Display of Flag at Half Staff (see also Policy # G-16) .......................................30
30.0 Panhandling .........................................................................................................31
31.0 Availability of This Directive ............................................................................. 31
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.4
Appendix A Campus Reservation Offices ...................................................................32
Appendix B Accounting Procedures for Rental of State Property .............................. 34
Appendix C Request for University Sponsored Speaker or Event .............................. 36
Appendix D Application for Use of Hazardous Materials ...........................................39
Appendix E California Education Code Referenced Sections .................................41
Appendix F California Code of Regulations Referenced Sections ..........................45
Appendix G California Penal Code Referenced Sections .........................................50
Appendix H California Government Code Referenced Code Sections ................... 53
Appendix I California Civil Code Referenced Code Sections ................................54
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.5
1.0.1 This directive is issued pursuant to Sections of Title 5, Part V, Chapter
1, Subchapter 5 of the California Education Code and amendments and
additions to Article 9, related to the use of State University buildings
and grounds. The President of California State University, Fresno on
October 6, 2003 approved this Directive. The University President has
designated the Vice President for Administration to approve any
exceptions or deviations to this policy. For the purposes of this
document, “University” shall be defined as any property or programs
associated with any organizational unit of California State University,
Fresno at the main campus and any off-campus sites. This includes
property and programs administered by auxiliaries. The Vice President
for Administration will review this directive the beginning of every even
fiscal year.
2.0.1 Every person who violates or attempts to violate any express prohibitions
regarding buildings and grounds contained in this Directive is guilty of
a misdemeanor pursuant to Education Code Section 89031. In addition,
a violation of these rules may constitute a crime under the Penal Code
and may subject the violator, if a student, to student disciplinary action
pursuant to Title 5, California Code of Regulations Sections 41301-
11303, or if an employee, to employee disciplinary action pursuant to
Education Code Sections 89535 and 89536.
3.0.1 Incident Reports: Any person who witnesses or is a victim of an incident
(whether or not a crime) on or involving campus property, or that takes
place at a campus function believed by the observer or victim to violate
any law or campus rule, including this Directive, is urged to report
promptly the incident to the University Police Department or the nearest
law enforcement agency having jurisdiction.
4.0.1 Any activity on campus or at a campus function that disrupts, by
preventing the effective carrying out of, the operation or activities of the
University, its auxiliary organizations, its alumni organizations, or its
recognized student organization (as defined in California Code of
Regulations Section 41402) is prohibited. Violation of this prohibition
is a misdemeanor pursuant to Education Code Section 89031 and may
constitute a crime under sections of the Penal Code.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.6
5.0.1 Sound amplification equipment is not permitted on campus with the
exception of those activities in any facility where people are watching
or participating in sports or entertainment for which admission has been
charged; or as is necessary to conduct the class/program: classrooms,
outdoor instructional areas, or where graduation ceremonies are being
conducted; or for voice amplification when using the speakers' platform
in the Free Speech Area. The Department of Public Safety must
authorize the use of sound amplification for all other activities.
Violation of this prohibition is a misdemeanor pursuant to Education
Code Section 89031 and may constitute a violation of Sections 415(2)
or 415.5(a)(2) of the Penal Code.
6.0.1 Use of campus facilities shall be by reservation, on a first come, first
serve basis.
6.0.2 Individuals or groups from on or off campus wishing to use campus
facilities for a scheduled event are required to make a reservation with
the appropriate reserving entity. Priority for reserving campus facilities is given to University
instructional activity, personnel and students.
6.0.3 Generally, no reservation will exceed one week in length without a
lease or written license.
6.0.4 No reservation shall be confirmed by the appropriate department until
the following requirements have been met: The administrators responsible for scheduling the facility have
confirmed availability of the facility. The Chief of University Police has specified security
requirements of the proposed use, and the amount of extra
cost, if any, has been arranged. Services required for the proposed use have been reviewed
with the appropriate University personnel and an estimate of
extra cost, if any, has been provided to the reserving person or
The sound level from amplified equipment shall normally not exceed 75dbA average or 90dbA peak when
measured a distance of 50' from the stage or speaking platform, unless a specific permit for greater amplification
is granted by the Department of Public Safety. Such permits shall not be granted for times when classes are in
session, except in special circumstances.
See the list of campus reservation offices Appendix A.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.7 Parking requirements for the proposed event or program have
been reported to the Office of Parking and Transportation and
the amount of extra cost, if any, has been approved. Insurance requirements for any event or program have been
reported to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety for
review and approval. California State University, Fresno recognizes University
Food Services’ first right of refusal for food and beverage
events being held on the campus of California State University,
Fresno. The Vice President for Administration or his/her
designee reserves the right to grant exceptions, but as a matter
of common practice, University Food Services will continue
to be consulted and provided a first right of refusal. Therefore,
any event involving servicing food and/or alcohol must be
coordinated through and approved by the offices of
Environmental Health and Safety and University Food
Services, unless food and/or alcohol is being provided through
University Food Services. A written agreement has been reviewed, approved and signed
by Procurement Services. Advance payment may be required
in part or in full.
6.0.5 A lease or written agreement shall be required for all uses by
organizations not associated with the University.
6.0.6 A contract or written agreement shall be required for all uses by
organizations when reimbursement is required, unless the entire amount
of reimbursement is paid in advance of use. Requests for reservations
must be made at least six weeks prior to the event. At least four weeks
should be allowed for the confirmation process.
6.0.7 Organized use of campus facilities is subject to the condition that the
reserving and using organization shall be primarily liable for any claims
or losses accruing or resulting to the University or any person who may
be injured, damaged, or unpaid by the user in the course of use. If this
policy is violated, the reserving party will be held responsible and incur
actual cost for repairs, removal and cleaning damages.
6.0.8 The reserving and using organization(s) shall be responsible for
adhering to officially approved facility capacities.
6.0.9 University Auxiliaries may adopt such further rules as are necessary to
supplement these rules respecting public events scheduled in the Union.
6.0.10 Failure or refusal to obtain proper reservation of campus facilities is a
misdemeanor pursuant to Education Code Section 89031.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.8
A copy of this Policy is available on the internet at the following address:
In accordance with the January 1962 resolution of the Trustees of The California
State University that "... the colleges respectively are directed to continue or
develop the policy most appropriate to them to assure that outside speakers
brought to the campus will contribute to educational values, that is the pursuit
of truth and citizenship values, and not be brought in for propagandizing
purposes," California State University, Fresno is committed to free discussion of
ideas and issues.
The guiding principles underlying this policy are summarized as follows:
7.1.1 The regularly scheduled instructional class program of the University
must have first priority in the use of university facilities;
7.1.2 University facilities made available to visiting speakers are to be used
only in conformance with university policies;
7.1.3 The institutional control of campus facilities must not be used as a device
of censorship (i.e., of precluding a speaker because of disagreement with
the views s/he proposes to present);
7.1.4 Speakers may appear only on invitation of the University or an
officially recognized university organization, and under policies and
procedures approved by the President;
7.1.5 Every reasonable effort should be made to assure that over a period of
time, varied points of view are presented;
7.1.6 The right of self-expression does not extend to preventing self-
expression by others;
7.1.7 The anticipated amount of state or student body funds to be paid to or
on behalf of each particular speaker both for fees and expenses is public
record and should be noted in the minutes of the sponsoring organization
and in the appropriate documents filed with the university or with the
Associated Students, Inc.
7.1.8 University will continue to pick up normal costs. However, if additional
staff have to be hired the event would pay for it.
7.1.9 The President or designee may deny any request for, or cancel any
scheduled use of university facilities.
The denial of a request or the cancellation of scheduled use of university facilities may be due to the interest
of public safety and campus security; the projected or actual financial costs to the university; or other sound
business reasons.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.9
7.1.10 Individuals planning to host events should initiate plans well in advance
of the scheduled date.
University facilities may be used by the following groups for regularly or
specially approved activities of the group, including sponsorship of visiting
7.2.1 departments, colleges/schools or other appropriate units within
Academic Affairs
7.2.2 units that report to the Vice President for Administration, Vice
President for Advancement and The Vice President for Student Affairs
and Dean Of Students.
7.2.3 A student organization that is recognized by the University, and
registered with the Office of Student Activities and Leadership
The following conditions must be met:
7.3.1 The potential for achieving the Trustees' objectives must be evident;
actions of a group bringing a speaker on campus are subject to review
by the University; All proposed events open to the entire campus community or
general public shall be authorized by the appropriate vice
president or designee. All appeals regarding a denial of authorization for an event
shall be forwarded to the President for final review.
7.3.2 The sponsoring group shall be required to outline its procedures for
conducting the conference, seminar, or public meeting, assuring order,
and providing for the realization of educational values;
7.3.3 Each proposal for an outside speaker or campus event shall provide the
following information along with the form attached in Appendix C: A description of the proposed event, including the proposed
list of invited speakers, panelists or presenters; and the
educational value to be derived from the speaker / event.
Using this policy, academic deans are authorized to approve college/school events. However, events intended
for a university-wide audience or the general public must be approved by the appropriate vice president.
Individual students and off-campus groups with student membership may not be authorized to use university
facilities under this policy.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.10 Identify the proposed facility (facilities) to be used for the
6 Provide evidence that the event is supported with adequate
and appropriate facilities including evidence that parking has
been addressed with public safety. Provide evidence that there is provision for adequate and
appropriate security including evidence that security issues
have been reviewed with public safety. Provide evidence that normal classroom instruction will not
be disrupted. Provide evidence that the source and amount of funds to be
expended by the sponsor are clearly identified and the funds
pre-approved to cover expenses. Provide cost estimates from Parking; Campus Security; Risk
Management; Public Relations; and Scheduling of any
anticipated extraordinary expenditures by the university to
stage this event. Provide evidence that the issues of liability have been
addressed with the office of risk management. Provide evidence that university relations has been made
aware of the event to prepare appropriate news releases and
media inquiries. Provide evidence that the scheduling office has been contacted
and that the event, once approved, will be appropriately
calendared and made available electronically to the university
community. A sponsor shall provide additional information regarding the
proposed speaker(s) / event upon request.
7.3.4 Posters and handbills may be used for announcements subject to posting
and distribution regulations.
8.0 TAILGATING AND PICNICKING (Revised July 1, 2015)
8.0.1 Definitions for the purposes of this policy. Tailgating is defined as a social gathering of any number of
people where alcoholic beverages are served and consumed in
conjunction with, and on the same day of, an athletic event on
campus. Picnicking is defined as a small gathering of people on
campus, usually, but not limited to, one family unit, where
food and non-alcoholic beverages are present. Picnicking is
allowed in designated areas on campus.
See the Policy on Use of Buildings and Grounds of California State University, Fresno.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.11
8.0.2 Limitations: Tailgating is only allowed in conjunction with, and on the day
of an outdoor intercollegiate athletic event where alcohol is
sold such as football, baseball, and softball games
8.0.3 Tailgating Locations: Tailgating is limited to the Department of Athletics controlled
and supervised parking lots and grassy areas. Campus policy
prohibits consumption of alcohol in all other parking lots. For
a copy of the current map, contact Public Safety.
8.0.4 Registration: Individuals hosting tailgates where alcohol will be present must
be registered as season pass holders or register with the
Department of Public Safety on the day of the event this can
be done on site in the parking lots.
8.0.5 Consumption of Alcohol at Tailgates Alcohol may not be sold, either directly or indirectly (as a
price of admission), unless the sale is by the University
Concessionaire, Food Services or holder of an ABC daily
alcohol license and approved by Public Safety. Serving from kegs is not allowed unless by the University
Concessionaire, Food Services or the holder of an ABC daily
license and approved by Public Safety. Unusual methods of alcohol consumption (e.g. “ice slides”),
and/or drinking contests are not allowed. Public consumption of alcohol and/or open containers of
alcohol are not allowed on any other areas of campus unless
at a controlled event where the alcohol is served by the
University Concessionaire or Food Services or it is provided
to guests under a permit issued by the Director of
Environmental Health and Safety.
8.0.6 Tailgating Times Tailgating may not begin prior to the opening of controlled
and supervised parking lots before the start of the game. In the Red, White, and Blue parking lots, Tailgating is permitted
to continue during the game. In the Purple, Brown, and Orange parking lots, Tailgating is not
permitted to continue during the game. Only ‘Caretaker’
individuals will be allowed to remain at these tailgate sites
during the game. Tailgating and picnicking spaces must be cleared within 2 hours
after the game ends.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.12
8.0.7 Consequences: Violations of this policy can lead to warnings, removal from
campus and/or event, citations, and forfeiture of tailgate
space. Violations may also lead to arrest and prosecution under State
and Federal laws.
9.0.1 Except in the case of private sales and commercial transactions to which
Section 10.0 applies, the selling or displaying for sale of any books,
newspapers, pamphlets and other published materials shall be permitted
on campus provided: Prior permission has been granted by the Student Activities
Office. Prior permission has been granted by the Kennel Bookstore to
ensure similar published materials are not available for sale at
the Bookstore. The selling or display of such published materials is conducted
in compliance with any time, place and manner directives
adopted by the president. This directive shall be available for examination at the
University Police Department, the University Business Office,
the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean
of Students, and the Student Activities and Leadership
Development Office. Notice shall be posted at or near the
principal entrances of the campus calling attention to public
meetings, performances, rallies and similar public events,
citing by the number of sections in this article, and designating
the places where copies thereof and of directives issued by
the campus president pursuant thereto may be examined. The published materials displayed or offered for sale are not
in violation of the provisions of Chapter 7.5, Title 9, Part 1
(commencing with Section 311) of the Penal Code (relating to
the sale and distribution of obscene matter) or of Chapter 6,
Title 3 (commencing with Section 66400 of the Education
Code (relating to the preparation, sale and distribution of term
papers, theses and other materials to be submitted for
academic credit).
9.0.2 Selling or displaying for sale of published materials in violation of
subsection 9.0.1 is prohibited.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.13
10.0.1 Distribution of written or printed materials is permitted on campus
provided the following conditions are met: Distribution must not interfere with the free flow of pedestrian
or vehicular traffic; does not interfere with classes or any
other operations of the University. Distribution does not involve the placement of the materials
on any University bulletin boards, buildings, windows,
structures, trees or vehicles parked on campus. The Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development,
on a first-come first-served basis will grant permission.
Permission may be withheld or restricted as to time and
duration in instances where the area may be overcrowded by
the number of persons distributing and/or during periods when
large or multiple events are scheduled. The University
reserves the right to limit the number of distributions on a
given day, and the number and size of tables, displays, or
structures used in connection with the activity. Violation of this policy will result in the offending group being
held responsible for removal of all materials in a timely manner
and/or incur actual cost for removal and cleaning. Distribution of written or printed materials does not violate
the provision of Chapter 7.5, Title 9, Part 1 (commencing
with Section 311) of the Penal Code (relating to the distribution
of obscene materials).
11.0.1 Commercial transactions are prohibited on the campus of California State
University, Fresno except in those cases where the University Controller
has granted prior permission. Permission shall not be granted unless: The seller makes application showing that the proposed
transaction can be completed without unreasonable
interference with the operation of the campus and the
transaction is not otherwise prohibited by law. As part of the instructional and/or administrative process of
the University, there are occasionally specific programs that
would be materially enhanced if commercial transactions
were permitted. In these cases, the instructional or
administrative department involved, approved by the Dean of
that School, College or Area and forwarded to the University
Controller for final approval must originate a request. The
request must clearly show:
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.14
a. How the commercial transactions aid achievement of the
objectives of the campus;
b. That it will not unreasonably interfere with the operation
of the campus;
c. That the activity is not otherwise prohibited by law. Permission is hereby granted to recognized university campus
groups to sell logo related and society representational
materials. Permission granted under this section will clearly note the
location of the transaction, specify time and duration not
longer than the program of which it is a part.
12.0 FREE SPEECH AREA Superseded by Policy on Time, Place & Manner of Free
Expression (D-19), approved June 8, 2015
12.0.1 The eastern edge of the University Center, the eastern edge of the
University Student Union South Patio, the northern edge of the Madden
Library, and the eastern edge of the Peace Garden generally bound the
Free Speech Area. It does not include outdoor parts of the University
Student Union, such as patios or balconies, and does not include Food
Services patio areas. The University has designated the Free Speech
Area as the area to allow expressive activity unrelated to its educational
mission on University grounds. The designation of this area is not meant
to constrain freedom of speech on the remainder of campus, but merely
to establish a forum for the convenient use of students and the general
12.0.2 The Student Activities Office is given the responsibility and authority
for scheduling activities in the Free Speech Area. Students may use the
Free Speech Area freely unless it conflicts with a scheduled activity.
The general public must register with the Student Activities Office prior
to any activity in the Free Speech Area to avoid conflicts with other
scheduled activities. Scheduling of activities in the Free Speech Area is
on a first come, first serve basis with the University reserving the right
to give preference to University personnel and students.
Interim Policy on Signage (Temporary & Permanent) (D-14), approved
December 9, 2016
13.0.1 Postings by any off-campus individual or entity are not permitted.
14.0.1 Commercial photography, videotaping, digital imaging or filming is
permitted on the campus or University-owned or managed property as
long as such activity does not interfere with the educational and
research mission and normal operations of the University. Further, the
use of the photography or filming must be consistent with the interests
of the University.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.15
14.0.2 The Office of University Relations must approve all commercial
photography, filmmaking, digital imaging, or videotaping on the
campus of California State University, Fresno. The Assistant Vice
President for University Relations is the administrator for considering
requests for such uses of the campus.
14.0.3 Written permits are not required for regular television news coverage or
filming or photography related to the academic work of students as part
of their academic program. Written permission is required for non-news coverage or non-
instructional videotaping or photography of students, faculty
or staff who are included and identifiable in any photograph
in non-public areas. Model releases should be provided to and
signed by the individuals who are being filmed for this type
of photography. Model release forms are available from
University Relations and from the campus photographer.
14.0.4 All requests for news coverage should be referred to the Office of
University Relations. In most cases, a representative of the University
Relations Office will accompany television news crews. Final decisions
on news coverage requests should be referred to the Director of News
Services for resolution.
14.1.1 Anyone wishing to film on campus for commercial purposes must submit
detailed information about the proposed project in writing, including
locations; days and hours of shooting; number of people involved in
each day's shooting; type of activity to be filmed; list of equipment
and vehicles used in connection with the filming; and number, and size
and composition of structures involved. This information and a script
must be submitted to the Assistant Vice President of University
Relations for review at least 30 days before the filming. This
requirement can be waived for smaller productions, or for still
photographers, at the discretion of the university.
14.1.2 Filming requests should be referred to the Office of University
Relations. The Assistant Vice President of University Relations will
evaluate the request and consider potential logistics issues in
coordination with appropriate university offices. Whenever possible,
productions should be scheduled on weekends and during vacation
periods. First consideration will be given to those productions which
best complement Fresno State’s role as Central California’s premiere
public university. The university encourages the use of students as extras
and production assistants for film productions. The university also
encourages representatives of production companies to make
themselves available for discussion of their work with professors and
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.16
14.1.3 No identification of Fresno State as the site of commercial filming will
be permitted, whether for television commercials or movies, theatrical
films, or still photography except upon request made in a timely manner
to the Assistant Vice President of University Relations. The Assistant
Vice President may approve such a request when the proposed
identification is determined to be in the University’s interests. Such
requests for Fresno State identification should clearly specify how the
identification would be made and in what subject matter context.
14.1.4 No trademarked logos or icons, widely recognizable landmarks or
sensitive locations of the University shall be filmed, photographed, or
otherwise reproduced including, but not limited to, university landmark
signs, Memorial Fountain, Bulldog Stadium, The Save Mart Center,
University Student Union, the Downing Planetarium, the President’s
residence, Pete Beiden Field, and Bulldog Diamond. Portions of these
landmarks may be utilized at the discretion of the Assistant Vice
President of University Relations.
14.2 FEES
14.2.1 All commercial filming will be charged a California State University,
Fresno State Film Permit Fee and a Location Management Fee that
relates to the length of time of the project and amount of necessary
University supervision. Fees are determined on a case-by-case basis.
14.2.2 The Vice President for Administration will review all contracts to ensure
that appropriate fees are established, and that a proper payment schedule
has been established that includes deposits and fees.
14.2.3 Additional fees for University services requested or required, such as
police, grounds restoration, traffic control, parking, and any other
University services rendered shall also be charged to the user.
14.3.1 A commercial general liability insurance certificate must be filed with
the university at least 10 days prior to the first set-up day. In addition,
the company wishing to film and its subcontractors must furnish proof
of Workers Compensation insurance, if applicable.
14.4.1 The University reserves the right to require production companies to
make a damage deposit prior to the arrival of any production vehicles
on campus. The damage deposit will be refunded in full when the
shooting locations are inspected by university officials and found to be
in satisfactory condition.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.17
All alcohol use on campus must comply with the Alcohol Policy (Policy # G-04),
revised September 21, 2017. A copy of this Policy is available on the Internet at the
following address:
Copies of this Policy are also available in the Office of the Vice President for
Student Affairs and the Dean of Students, the Student Activities and Leadership
Development Office, the Environmental Health and Safety Office and the Office of
the General Manager of the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc.
15.0.1 The California State University, Fresno Association, Inc. (Association)
and The Agricultural Foundation of California State University, Fresno
(AG Foundation) are the only entities licensed by the Alcoholic
Beverage Control (ABC) to sell alcoholic beverages on University
property. The Association is the only entity authorized to pour and
serve alcoholic beverages for consumption on the campus of California
State University, Fresno.
15.0.2 Organizations cannot utilize off-campus vendors to provide alcohol sales
at campus events.
15.0.3 Alcoholic beverages may be made available to participants as part of
events on campus, with certain restrictions. There are two possible
scenarios: Event organizers contract with and pay University Food
Services to make alcoholic beverages available to event
participants. If this is the case, neither Risk Management nor
University Police need to be involved in the approval process
for serving alcohol. Event organizers may make an indirect
charge to participants for the alcohol as part of the event cost. Event organizers make complimentary alcoholic beverages
available to event participants. In all cases, University Food
Services must pour the alcohol, even if the alcohol has been
donated. Event organizers are not allowed to serve alcoholic
beverages. There can be no charge to event participants, either
direct or indirect, however University Food Services will
assess a corkage fee. Non-alcoholic beverages must be
available and as prominently displayed as those containing
alcohol. High-protein foods must be readily available to the
event participants. University Food Services must be
contacted in advance to work out details of service for such
an event.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.18
15.0.4 In all cases, the following restrictions apply: Service is limited to wine and beer only. Access to the area where alcohol is being served must be
restricted to the event participants only. Service must be limited to those 21 or over. Persons who are intoxicated must not be served.
15.0.5 Event organizers must either write a memo or complete an application
form to request permission for alcohol to be served at an event. The
document must be submitted to the Office of Environmental Health and
Safety at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. If neither
University Food Services nor the Director of University Health and
Psychological Services objects, an authorization may be generated by
the Director of Environmental Health and Safety or the director’s
designee and will be forwarded to the event organizers. The
authorization must be available for inspection by University Police at
the event site while alcohol is being served.
15.0.6 The University Police Department may terminate the serving of alcohol
at any event if any of the above rules or laws are not followed.
15.0.7 The sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all areas
open to the public on University grounds, unless exempted in section
15.0.8 below. Persons using a permanent or one-day ABC license must
have the approval of the University Chief of Police. Violation of this
prohibition is misdemeanor pursuant to Education Code Section 89031.
15.0.8 Exemptions: Scheduled and approved University and University sponsored
events. “Tailgating in the University Campus Fields immediately
preceding or immediately following a sporting event or other
scheduled function at Bulldog Stadium. Any University or Auxiliary sponsored business or event in
possession of a valid ABC license to sell alcoholic beverages. Any other event or function approved by the President or his
15.0.9 Definitions: “Alcoholic beverage includes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine,
beer, and every liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine,
or beer, and which contains one-half of one percent or more of
alcohol by volume and which is fit for beverage purposes either
alone or when diluted, mixed, or combined with other
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.19 “Public Area” includes any exterior locations on University
property, such as, lawns, landscaping, paths, walkways, roads,
parking lots, and garages. It also includes any interior location
with general access for the public, such as, classrooms,
hallways, restrooms, labs, and any other room not specifically
occupied as an office or residence on property owned,
operated, or leased by the University or its auxiliaries.
16.0.1 California State University, Fresno Association, Inc. Food Services has
exclusive rights to cater food and serve/sell alcohol beverages on
16.0.2 Food Services must be consulted whenever an event will be catered
and/or alcoholic beverages are served.
16.0.3 Food Services have authority to recommend denial of requests to use
outside caterers.
16.0.4 The Vice President for Administration reserves the right to grant
exceptions, but as a matter of common practice, Food Services will
continue to be consulted and provided a first right of refusal.
Executive Order # 966)
Any alcoholic-beverage promotions associated with the university should adhere to
the highest standards of social responsibility and good taste. Sponsorship
arrangements with the university are subject to the limitations outlined in the Alcohol
Policy (Policy # G-04), revised September 21, 2017. A copy of this Policy is available
on the Internet at the following address:
Alcoholic- beverage businesses are permitted to sponsor or cosponsor university
facilities or regularly scheduled university events that are open to the general
public, either on or off campus. However, sponsorship arrangements with the
university are subject to the limitations of this policy.
17.0.1 Alcohol promotions allowed by the university must avoid demeaning
portrayals of people, must not encourage quantity or frequency of alcohol
consumption, and must not portray drinking as a solution to problems.
17.0.2 Promotions may not associate alcohol consumption with the
performance of tasks that require skilled reactions, such as driving, the
operation of machinery, or athletic endeavors.
17.0.3 In no case may alcoholic beverage promotions include drinking
contests, nor may promotions include uncontrolled sampling, nor may
alcoholic beverages be provided as awards or prizes in an environment
that encourages immediate consumption.
17.0.4 Prices for alcoholic beverages may not be promoted, nor may promotions
refer to reduced price events or sales.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.20
17.0.5 Alcoholic beverage promotions permitted by the university may not
incorporate Fresno State students or employees as active or featured
participants in the promotional message, or as unwitting props. Prohibited,
for example: a scoreboard promotion stating that “Professor Doe drinks
XYZ Beer.” Also prohibited: a promotion in which student- athletes pass
under an alcoholic-beverage banner when entering the playing field.
17.0.6 Any alcoholic-beverage company engaged in a sponsorship agreement
with the university may not feature Fresno State coaches, faculty or
other employees in any advertising that promotes alcoholic-beverage
consumption, directly or indirectly, whether or not such advertising is a
part of the sponsorship agreement with the university. An employee is
“featured” in advertising when he or she is clearly identifiable and the
ad is widely associated by the public with Fresno State or is associated
with the university by virtue of Fresno State apparel or other indicia of
the university. This prohibition applies to all media, including print,
broadcast, billboards, posters, point-of-sale displays and the Internet.
17.0.7 In all promotions, alcoholic beverage trademarks or logos must be clearly
subordinate to the sponsored event itself. Similarly, the name of an
alcoholic-beverage manufacturer or product may not be connected to the
name of the university event or facility itself, but may be promoted as a
sponsor of the event. Allowed: “The Fresno State Concert Series,
sponsored by XYZ Beer.” Prohibited: The XYZ Beer Concert Series.”
17.0.8 University departments and organizations may not distribute clothing,
posters or other promotional items that utilize a Fresno State symbol in
combination with an alcoholic beverage trademark or logo. Nor, may
the university’s name, a department name or any nickname be utilized
in a way that implies a product endorsement by the university.
Prohibited: “Bulldogs drink XYZ Beer,” or “Bulldog baseball-XYZ
17.0.9 Wherever practical, promotional displays or messages shall incorporate
clear language that encourages only the responsible and legal use of
alcoholic beverages. These educational, social-responsibility messages
shall be at least as prominent as any other message content, such as
product slogans or listed attributes of a particular product.
17.1.1 Alcoholic-beverage promotional materials connected with the
sponsorship of Fresno State athletic events must receive prior written
approval from the Director of Athletics. Promotional materials
associated with any other university department must be approved by
the Vice President for Student Affairs. These officials shall ensure that
any promotions by alcoholic beverage businesses must meet the above
provisions as well as general notions of good taste.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.21
17.2.1 This policy does not restrict the amount or content of alcohol
advertising, purchased independently through commercial radio or TV
companies, during broadcasts of Fresno State events. However,
broadcasters under contract with Fresno State are strongly urged to follow
the above provisions when accepting commercials that promote alcohol
17.3.1 Student publications and the publishers of campus newsletters and other
materials are encouraged to follow the above provisions for any
advertising messages by alcoholic-beverage companies.
18.0 SMOKING (Policy # G-57) Superseded by Policy on Systemwide Smoke and
Tobacco Free Environment (EO 1108), effective September 1, 2017
Smoking is not allowed on campus. A copy of the Policy is available on the Internet
at the following address:
18.0.1 The legislature of the State of California and the public through the
initiative ballot have enacted legislation banning smoking from
workplaces and all buildings accessible to the general public throughout
the state. Consistent with this trend the Trustees of the California State
University have enacted regulations banning smoking from within
twenty (20) feet of buildings. The Trustees have further authorized
campuses to limit smoking to specified areas or ban smoking on
campuses altogether.
18.0.2 In light of these findings and actions: The University shall be a smoke free campus except for
officially posted designated smoking areas effective April 1,
2003. In addition, the use of smokeless tobacco in any form is
strongly discouraged and shall not be permitted in any
classroom or other enclosed facility. Smoke generating tobacco products shall be not sold or
distributed in any manner on campus either in vending
machines, the student union, the Kennel Bookstore, or any
other campus area. This prohibition includes free samples
distributed by vendors or event sponsors. Advertising and
sponsorship of campus events by tobacco companies shall be
discouraged. This policy shall apply to all University facilities, owned or
leased, regardless of location, athletic facilities, the
amphitheater, and all state and auxiliary vehicles. This policy pertains to students, faculty, staff, administrators,
visitors, and the general public attending campus events.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.22 The designated areas shall be within a reasonable distance for
access by students, faculty, staff, administrators and visitors
as determined by the appropriate administrator. The campus shall make available to students, faculty, and staff
and administrators information about smoking cessation
programs. This policy and campus maps showing designated smoking
areas are made available to all employees and students
through appropriate campus Web sites and publications.
Signage shall be visible at all designated areas and directional
signage identifying designated areas shall be posted where
19.0.1 Hazardous material is any material or substance, which in normal use
can be damaging to the health and well being of man or the
environment. Examples include, but are not limited to: solvents,
cleaners, fuels, cleaners, charcoal lighter fluid, radioactive materials,
biohazards, explosives, or compressed gas.
19.0.2 Permission for outside non-academic groups or individuals to bring and
use hazardous materials on campus will be granted only under the
following conditions: An Application for Use of Hazardous Materials (Appendix D)
must be filed with the Office of Environmental Health & Safety
(EHS) at least 72 hours prior to bringing the materials on
campus. A description of each hazardous material and the
manner in which it will be used shall be provided. Storage and use of hazardous materials must be in accordance
with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations. All
materials must be properly labeled and accompanied by the
proper Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) at all times. A copy of the MSDS(s) must be provided at the time of
application to assist EHS in determining approval for use. Use of hazardous materials will be limited to individuals who
are trained and competent of the use for such materials. All leaks and/or spills of hazardous materials must be
reported immediately to Campus Police (911 from a campus
phone, 278-2132 from a cell phone). All spill clean-up costs will be the responsibility of the group
or individual named in the Application for Use. All unused hazardous materials and associated waste will be
the responsibility of the group or individual named in the
Application for Use, and all such material must be removed
from campus at the conclusion of the event.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.23
20.0.1 Dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals must be under control while
on campus grounds, and restrained by a leash or chain that does not
exceed 6 feet in length and that is in the hands of a responsible person.
Violation of this prohibition is a misdemeanor pursuant to Education
Code Section 89031. Exceptions are made for service animals as
defined by California Civil Code Sections 54.1 and 54.2. (Appendix I)
20.0.2 No animals of any kind (except service dogs as defined by California
Civil Code Sections 54.1 and 54.2) may be present at any event where
attendees number 1,000 persons or more, unless animals are
functionally part of the event (e.g., livestock shows, equestrian
competitions, cat and dog shows, etc.). If animals are functionally part
of the event, only animals so designated will be permitted. Organizers
of events with over 1,000 persons in attendance are required to post the
area of the event as "No pets or other animals permitted."
20.0.3 Fecal matter deposited by any dog, cat, or other animal brought to campus
must be removed immediately by the animal’s owner. Violation of the
prohibition is a misdemeanor pursuant to Education Code Section 89031
and Penal Code Section 374.4. This requirement does not apply
20.0.4 Dogs, cats, and other animals may not enter campus buildings,
including all residence and non-residence buildings. This paragraph
does not apply to guide dogs, or service dogs, as defined by California
Civil Code Sections 54.1 and 54.2, accompanying a disabled person or
an authorized guide dog, signal dog, or service dog trainer. This
paragraph does not apply to police service dogs as defined Penal Code
section 600. Violation of this prohibition is a misdemeanor pursuant to
Education Code Section 89031.
20.0.5 Domestic animals and pets found tethered, unattended, or abandoned
will be humanely impounded in accordance with all applicable laws and
20.0.6 Domestic animals and pets may be permitted to be confined in vehicles
parked on campus for a reasonable period of time, as long as the animal
is not endangered and does not endanger others or create a public
nuisance, e.g., excessive barking. In the event of endangerment to the
animal or others, or public nuisance, the animal’s owner will be cited.
Violation of this prohibition is a misdemeanor pursuant to Education
Code Section 89031.
20.0.7 In special circumstances, animals may be brought on campus for a
singular event involving the display or demonstration of specialized skills
or natural behaviors. This event must be scheduled as referenced in
Section 6.0 of this Directive.
to service animals as defined by California Civil Code Sections 54.1
and 54.2. (Appendix I)
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.24
21.0.1 No person shall camp on any property owned, operated, or controlled
by the University or any University facility as a living space except in
the residence halls per their established guidelines; or with the
permission of the Vice President for Administration or his/her designee.
21.0.2 The recognized designee of the Vice President for Administration in the
matter of camping on the University campus is the Director of Public
Safety. The Vice President for Administration may designate this
authority to other persons as the circumstances warrant.
21.0.3 Persons found sleeping or camping on campus in violation of this policy
will be asked to leave, and may be charged with trespass, obstruction of
business, or disturbance of the peace as per California Penal Code.
21.0.4 Permissible camping is limited to a maximum of three (3) consecutive
nights per event.
21.0.5 Persons engaged in permitted camping on University property must abide
by all applicable laws and regulations, including all applicable
University policy.
21.0.6 Campers will be responsible for any damages to the University property
that occurs as a result of their actions, either direct or indirect.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.25
Permission to camp on the University campus may be granted only in conjunction
with or in support of a special event.
The following types of camping may be permitted:
22.0.1 Camping within self-contained camper type vehicles designed and
manufactured for the purpose of camping. Such vehicles must:
a. Be parked on a hard, paved surface;
b. Display a permit issued by the campus Parking Office;
c. Be covered by third-party automobile liability insurance in the
amount of $100,000 per occurrence or greater;
d. Owners of such vehicles must:
1) Pay a fee for each night of camping;
2) Not possess or consume alcohol outside the confines of the
camping vehicle.
22.0.2 Camping as part of a recognized youth group activity where camping
is a regular part of the program of the youth group (e.g., Boy Scouts,
Girl Scouts). Persons participating in such camping must:
a. Be in possession of a letter of permission issued by the Director
of Public Safety;
b. Be compliant with policies and procedures of the recognized youth
c. Remain in the designated camping area after regular University
business hours;
d. Not possess or consume alcohol on University property;
e. Reimburse the University for costs associated with restroom use,
Police protection, garbage collection, and any other necessary
expenditure of state resources that may be required in support of
the event.
22.0.3 The camping activity would enhance the authenticity or value of the
event (e.g., Native American pow-wows). Persons participating in such
camping must:
a. Be in possession of a letter of permission issued by the Director
of Public Safety;
b. Develop, present and abide by rules of conduct that are acceptable
to the University;
c. Remain in the designated camping area after regular University
business hours;
d. Not possess or consume alcohol on University property;
e. Reimburse the University with costs associated with restroom use,
Police protection, garbage collection, and any other necessary
expenditure of state resources that may be required in support of
the event.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.26
23.0.1 A list of campus facilities that offer rental spaces is provided in
Appendix A. If a fee is charged for the use of facilities, it is denoted on
the chart. A campus committee reviews proposals for establishing and
increasing fees. Send the proposal to the University Controller, who
convenes the Committee. Members of the committee are representatives
from the following campus departments:
Executive Director of Auxiliary Services, or designee
Director of Environmental Health and Safety Director
of Facilities Management, or designee
Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, or designee
Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee
The accounting procedures for Rental of State Property are provided in
Appendix B.
24.0.1 These regulations are enforced at all times, 24 hours a day, including
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. All provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code of the State of
California. Vehicles must be parked in designated parking spaces only. Vehicles must be parked completely in stalls. No person shall park or leave standing a vehicle on the
grounds of the University campus at any time between the
hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. except as approved by
University Police. Residents of University Courtyard are
permitted to park their vehicles overnight in Lot G. University
Police must approve other exceptions. Vehicles cannot be used as living units while on campus. The responsibility for finding legal spaces and for compliance
with any and all State University and/or city rules and
regulations rest with the motor vehicle’s operator. Lack of
space or knowledge of applicable rules or regulations is not a
valid reason for violation. Parking is specifically prohibited in disabled spaces except for
vehicles on which a disabled permit is displayed.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.27 Parking may be provided for events that are determined to be
in support of the mission of the University. The Vice
President for Administration is responsible for ensuring that
parking is provided as appropriate.
7 Failing to respond to 5 or more parking citations may result in
the immobilization, towing, or impounding of your vehicle
(California Vehicle Code 22651). The vehicle owner must pay
towing and storage fees in addition to citation fines.
24.1.1 Parking permits or decals are required during normal instruction days.
Semester and longer-term permits are sold at the cashier's office in the
Joyal Building. Daily parking permits are sold at the parking permit
dispensers located throughout the campus. The dispensers have a sign
above them stating "Daily Permits." Parking meters for short-term
parking are also available.
24.1.2 All decals must be permanently affixed within a seven-inch square of
the inside, lower portion of the front windshield on the passenger side.
24.1.3 Hang tags and courtesy permits must be displayed either hanging from
the rearview mirror or on the dashboard face side up in plain view.
24.1.4 A permit for a motorcycle and a moped must be affixed to the vehicle in
a location that allows the permit to be clearly observable.
24.1.5 A permit or decal is valid only if the information that it contains is
clearly visible.
24.2.1 Parking permit holders are authorized to park only in designated areas.
All restricted parking stalls are posted within a designation. The campus
map indicates parking area designations. Most parking lots are designated
by color:
24.2.2 Green Students and Visitor parking. A green or daily parking permit is
24.2.3 Yellow Restricted for the use of faculty and staff only. All Yellow lots
are open to Green Permit holders after 7:00 p.m.
This type of parking may be referred to as “relaxed parking.”
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.28
24.2.4 Blue Restricted for the use of disabled individuals only. A Blue DMV
Permit or placard must be displayed. A valid parking permit must
accompany the DMV placard.
24.2.5 Gold Lots R and UMB require Special Permits and are enforced at all
24.2.6 Invalid Areas for Decals or Permits:
Parking meters These are for visitors.
Green curbs These are time limits areas.
White curbs Loading areas.
24.3.1 Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit is 25 MPH. When
roads are wet and slippery, 25 MPH may be unsafe.
25.0.1 The purpose of the University enforcing a curfew is to maintain a balance
between the City of Fresno, within whose city limits the University
resides, and California State University, Fresno. The City of Fresno has
enacted a curfew design to protect minors from crimes of opportunity
and exploitation and to reduce juvenile crime within the city limits. The
University must enforce this curfew to prevent the University from
becoming an oasis for those seeking to evade the curfew by loitering on
University property.
25.0.2 “Curfew hours” means: The hours between 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. for
minors under the age of sixteen years; or, the hours between 11:30 p.m.
to 5:00 a.m. for minors under the age of eighteen years.
25.0.3 It is unlawful for any minor, not a student of the University, under the
age of sixteen years to be in any public place within the University
during curfew hours, except as provided under Section 25.0.5. Violation
of this prohibition is a misdemeanor pursuant to Education Code Section
25.0.4 A minor under the age of eighteen years shall not be in violation of this
chapter if, at the time the minor was stopped by a police officer, the
minor was:
25.0.5 Accompanied by the minor’s parent or guardian;
25.0.6 On an errand at the direction of the minor’s parent or guardian, without
detour or stop;
25.0.7 Engaged in a lawful volunteer or paid employment activity, or going to
or returning home from a lawful volunteer or paid employment;
25.0.8 Acting in response to an emergency;
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.29
25.0.9 Attending or going to or returning home, without detour or stop, from a
school, religious, cultural, sports, amusement, entertainment, or
recreation activity; or any organized rally, demonstration, meeting or
similar activity;
25.0.10 Waiting at a bus stop for transportation;
25.0.11 Before taking any enforcement action, a police officer shall ask the
apparent offender’s age and reason for being in the public place.
26.0.1 Skateboards, in-line skates, bicycles, motorized vehicles and scooters are
permitted on campus and may be used as a means of transportation on
the interior of university grounds as long as pedestrians are given the
right of way and the rider travels at a reasonable, safe and prudent speed.
26.0.2 Under no circumstances are the aforementioned devices to be ridden in
the Free Speech area; allowed on ramps; curbs; benches; building
breezeways or stairs and other such structures. The use of the
aforementioned devices shall not be permitted inside any building
26.0.3 Motor vehicles, to include motorcycles and motorized scooters shall not
be ridden on any university grounds except for established roadways
and pursuant to California Vehicle Code. Violators of these regulations
will be subject to citation and/or vehicle impoundment at owner’s
26.0.4 All motorized vehicles must also bear current University parking decals
if parked on campus.
27.0 MAJOR ACTIVITIES IN THE AMPHITHEATRE (see also Policy # D-15) The
Amphitheatre is no longer available for events.
27.0.3 All events in the Amphitheatre shall be scheduled during daylight hours
when possible. Where daylight scheduling is not possible, all events,
including encores, shall end no later than 10:30 p.m.
27.0.4 All events in the Amphitheatre shall be approved by the Vice President
for Administration, University Chief of Police, Director of Student
Activities and Leadership Programs.
27.0.5 Contracts with groups and/or individuals shall conform to all applicable
ordinances and laws and to Trustee and/or University policies.
27.0.6 The conditions of the agreement must be met exactly or damages shall
be assessed as described in the contract. In the event of contract
violation, groups and/or individuals may not be allowed use of campus
facilities in the future.
27.0.7 Every Effort must be made to avoid the scheduling of two major outdoor
events on the campus within a 72-hour period. At no time should two
major events occur on the campus on the same date.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.30
27.0.8 Major concerts in the Amphitheatre generally will not occur on
weekdays (Sunday through Thursday) unless scheduled to end by
8:00 p.m.
28.0.1 It is the policy of California State University, Fresno to allow its streets
to be used for normal University traffic and events sponsored by the
University and/or its affiliates subject to the meeting of Health and
Safety requirements, bonds, availability, Section 42353 of Title 5, and
other conditions as may be determined by the University. All other uses
of University Streets for purposes of runs, races, walks, parades,
exhibits, etc., by non-University related organizations are denied.
29.0.1 The flag of the United States is flown at California State University,
Fresno pursuant to Federal guidelines in the United States Flag Code
(4 USC 1).
29.0.2 The President of the United States, the Governor of California, the
Chancellor of the California State University system, or the President of
California State University, Fresno, or designee, may declare a period
of mourning whereby the flag may be flown at half-staff.
29.0.3 The President of California State University, Fresno, may authorize the
flag to be flown at half-staff for one day due to the death of one of the
Student of the University
Former student of the University
University employee
University retiree
University faculty
University faculty emeritus
29.0.4 If knowledge of a death becomes available, a University employee shall
notify the on-duty supervisor at the University Police Department and
request that the flag be flown at half-staff for the aforementioned. The
on-duty supervisor shall contact the Chief of Police or the Director of
Public Safety, who will verify the merit of the request. If the flying of
the flag at staff is deemed appropriate, the Chief of Police of the Director
of Public Safety shall notify University Relations, who shall in turn
contact the President for authorization and prepare a press release
detailing the reason for the half-staff decree. University Relations shall
notify the University Police Department of the President’s decision as
soon as possible. The on-duty supervisor at the University Police
Department will then order the lowering of the flag.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.31
29.0.5 The President of California State University, Fresno, or designee, may
also authorize the flying of the flag at half-staff out of respect for events,
occurrences, or based on discretionary consideration.
29.0.6 The University Police Department shall be responsible for following the
protocols of displaying the flag at the University, and lowering the flag
in a dignified manner consistent with the United States Flag Code.
30.0.1 Soliciting alms or begging in any public place or in any place open to
the public on University property is prohibited. Violation of this
prohibition is a misdemeanor pursuant to Education Code Section 89031
and penal Code Section 647(c).
31.0.1 Copies of this directive and all applicable statutory laws shall be kept
available for examination in the University Police Department, the Vice
President for Administration, the Library, the University Student Union
and on the University website at:
Approved by the President October 6, 2003
Minor Revision, Section 20.0: February 8, 2006
Minor Revision, Section 12.0: March 9, 2006
Revisions: February 21, 2014
Revised, Section 12.0: June 8, 2015
Revised, Section 8.0: July 1, 2015
Page & Numbering Adjustments: July 9, 2015
Revised, Section 13.0: December 9, 2016
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.32
Academic Innovation Center
Animal Science Pavilion
Athletic Facilities (General Information)
Banquet Room (Residence Dining Facility/RDH)
Beiden Field
Beiden Pavilion
Beiden Multi-Purpose Room
Bulldog Diamond
Bulldog Diamond - Gray Lot
Bulldog Stadium
Bulldog Stadium - White Lot
Bulldog Stadium - Red Lot
California Agricultural Technology Institute (CATI)
Cherry Tree Lane
Classroom Laboratories
See Directory
Conference Rooms
See Directory
Conley Art Gallery/Patio
Digital Production Group
Downing Planetarium
Education Plaza
Education Rooms (non-lecture)
Extended Education Forums A, B, C
Free Speech Area
Foundation Board Room
Gallery Conference Room
Grass Areas (Peace Garden, Memorial Gardens, etc.)
Grass Area by Enology
Viticulture and Enology Department 278-7135
Greenhouse/Ornamental Horticulture Lawn
Judging Pavilion
Laboratory Rooms
See Directory
Lab School Theatre
Maple Mall
Music Building Facilities
North Gym (non-academic)
O'Neill Park - Student Groups
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.33
O'Neill Park
Scheduling Office
Open Lawn Areas on Campus
Scheduling Office
Parking Lots
Parking and Transportation
Peace Garden
Scheduling Office
President's Conference Room
President's Office
Racketball Courts
Recreation Center (Bowling, Billiards)
Recreation Center
Renaissance Room
Satellite Student Union
USU Reservations Center
Savemart Center
SMG at SaveMart Center
Smittcamp Alumni House
Alumni Services
South Gym
Kinesiology Department
South Gym Fields
Kinesiology Department
Spaulding G. Wathen Tennis Center
Theatres (John Wright, Arena, Lab School)
Theatre Arts Department
University Business Center
University Business Center
University Center, Room 200
Provost's Office
University Center, Room 202
Center for Enhancement/Learning
University Courtyard
University Courtyard (Housing)
University House (President's House)
President's Office
University Student Union Conference Rooms
USU Reservations Center
Viticulture & Enology Research Center (VERC) Building
Warmerdam Field
Additional Services
Special Setup (additional trash containers, etc.)
Plant Operations
Student Organizations
Student Activities
Tables and Chairs
Warehouse Services
Testing Services
Volleyball Nets or Sports Equipment
$$ - Cost associated with use of facility, call Authorizing Space Provider
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.34
February 28, 2003
To: Campus Community
From: Robert Vega
Director of Accounting Services
Re: Rental of State Property
A need has been established for identifying revenue generated when State property is rented.
This in turn translates into a training issue involving the proper coding to be used when
transactions of this type take place and for correctly and consistently depositing this revenue.
Effective immediately, when state property is rented for a fee, please be sure to use the
following accounts:
Rental of state property to on-campus departments (including auxiliary organizations)
where rental income is to be credited to a General Fund department. Use account
code 699121 (Chargeback-Rental of State Property-On Campus) to credit receipts to
your department.
Rental of state property to off-campus departments where rental income is to be credited
to a General Fund department. Use account code 699122 (Chargeback-Rental of
State Property-Off Campus).
Rental of state property to on-campus departments (including auxiliary organizations)
where rental income is to be credited to a trust fund. Use account code 580811
(Rental of State Property-On Campus).
Rental of state property to off-campus departments where rental income is to be credited
to a trust fund. Use account code 580812 (Rental of State Property-Off Campus).
Generally, property refers to all assets used in University operations. Property includes land,
buildings, machinery, furniture, tools, etc. and intangibles (see attached for expanded
The combination of accurate accounting records and strong internal controls must be in place
to protect against and detect the unauthorized use of State Property. Rental of State property
may also have Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) purposes that require accurate
If you have any questions concerning the use of the above accounts, please call General
Accounting at 278-2778.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.35
Property Definitions:
Buildings Buildings are structures that provide workplace, storage space, or are used in
some other way for University activities.
Equipment Computer equipment or other asset with a life span of more than one fiscal
year not defined as machinery or tools.
Intangibles Intangibles are property that lack physical substance but give valuable rights
to the owner. Examples of intangible property include patents, copyrights, and electronic
data processing software.
Land Land is real property and includes natural or artificial structures that are attached to
Machinery Machines in general, or as a functioning unit.
Tools Instruments used to aid the performance of tasks.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.36
Name of Unit Sponsoring Event
Individual Responsible for Event Coordination
Campus Extension _8-
Description of Event (including title for the event; a statement of the anticipated educational value of
the event; (Attach additional information; proposed flyers; handouts)
Proposed Date(s) for Event
Proposed Site(s) for Event
Name of Proposed Speaker(s); Presenter(s); Panelists or Other Participants in Event
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.37
Attach a separate sheet outlining proposed budget including identification of source of funds.
Attach a statement of cost estimates from Parking; Public Safety; Parking; Risk Management;
University Relations; and Scheduling for any anticipated extraordinary expenditures by the
university that will be needed for this event.
This signature certifies that:
the sponsoring unit has discussed this proposed event with Campus Police. The Campus
Police Chief is satisfied that all security issues surrounding this proposed event have been
adequately addressed, has reviewed compliance with the campus Policy on Buildings and
Grounds, and has provided a statement of the cost estimate for any anticipated extraordinary
expenditure by Campus Police for this event.
the sponsoring unit has discussed potential liability issues with the Director of Risk
Management. The Director of Risk Management is satisfied that all insurance and risk issues
surrounding this proposed event have been adequately addressed and has provided a statement
of the cost estimate for any extraordinary expenditure by Risk Management for this event.
the sponsoring unit has discussed this proposed event with Director of Parking Services.
Director of Parking Services is satisfied that the Parking issues surrounding this proposed
event have been adequately addressed and has provided a statement of the cost estimate for
any anticipated extraordinary expenditure by Parking Services for this event.
Director of Public Safety Date
This signature certifies that the Office of University Relations has been given information
this proposed event and has the necessary information to address media inquiries /
support for this proposed event and has provided a statement of the cost estimate for any
extraordinary expenditure by University Relations for this event.
Assistant Vice President for University Relations Date
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.38
This signature certifies that the Scheduling Office has been notified of this event and is
ready to
calendar the proposed event upon approval.
Scheduling Office Date
I certify that the above statements, including attachments, are a complete, accurate
and true
representation of the proposed event.
Event Coordinator Date
I have reviewed the proposal, including the proposed budget, and
Recommend approval
Do not recommend approval
Division Head / Dean (College / School) Sponsoring the Event Date
I approve the proposed event.
I do not approve the proposed event. (Attach a brief explanation)
Vice President Date
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.39
Application for Use of Hazardous Materials on Campus
Permission to utilize hazardous materials will be granted only under the following conditions:
A description of each hazardous material and the manner it will be used will be
provided. (Fill out the back of this form completely.)
Storage and use of hazardous materials will be in accordance with label and material safety
data sheet instructions, as well as local, state, and federal regulations.
All hazardous materials leaks and spills will be immediately reported to campus
Police (911 from campus phone; 278-2132 from non-campus phone).
All spill clean-up costs will be the responsibility of the group or individual using University
Use of hazardous materials will be limited to trained and competent individuals.
A copy of the material safety data sheet(s) will be provided at the time of application to aid
the Office of EH&S in determining approval of use of the material(s).
(Attach a copy of each material safety data sheet to this form.)
A copy of the material safety data sheet(s) will be available on site at all times.
All unused hazardous materials and associated waste will be the responsibility of the
group or individual and must be taken off campus at the end of the event.
By signing this application, I agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth by
the California State University, Fresno.
Name Date
______Approved ______Not Approved
Lisa Kao, Environmental Quality Mgr. Date
*Return to Office of EH&S @ Mail stop #P0-14
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.40
If you plan to utilize hazardous materials on campus, please complete the form below.
Note the name of the hazardous material, and describe how it will be used.
Definition of a hazardous material: Any material or substance, which in normal use can be
damaging to the health and well being of man or the environment. Examples include solvents,
cleaners, charcoal lighter fluid, and compressed gas (such as helium or propane).Policy
No. D-08.40
Hazardous material: Compressed cylinder of helium.
Approximate quantity: One cylinder.
Description of use: Inflate helium balloons.
Description of use:
Description of use:
Description of use:
Description of use:
Description of use:
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) can be obtained from the supplier,
manufacturer, or via the internet (
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.41
Education Code
Referenced State Code Sections
66017. The respective governing boards of the California Community Colleges, the California State
University, or the University of California shall adopt appropriate procedures and designate appropriate
persons to take disciplinary action against any student, member of the faculty, member of the support staff,
or member of the administration of the community college, state college, or state university who, after a
prompt hearing by a campus body, has been found to have willfully disrupted the orderly operation of the
campus. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit, where an immediate suspension is required
in order to protect lives or property and to ensure the maintenance of order, interim suspension pending a
hearing; provided that a reasonable opportunity be afforded the suspended person for a hearing within 10
days. The disciplinary action may include, but need not be limited to, suspension, dismissal, or expulsion.
Sections 89538 to 89540, inclusive, shall be applicable to any state university or college employee
pursuant to this section.
66300. The Regents of the University of California, the Trustees of the California State University, and the
governing board of every community college district, shall adopt or provide for the adoption of specific
rules and regulations governing student behavior along with applicable penalties for violation of the rules
and regulations. The institutions shall adopt procedures by which all students are informed of such rules
and regulations, with applicable penalties, and any revisions thereof.
66600. The California State University shall be administered by a board designated as the Trustees of the
California State University, which is hereby created.
66606. The Trustees of the California State University shall succeed to the powers, duties, and functions
with respect to the management, administration, and control of the state colleges heretofore vested in the
State Board of Education or in the Director of Education, including all powers, duties, obligations, and
functions specified in Article 2 (commencing with Section 90010) of Chapter 8 of Part 55, and all
obligations assumed by the State Board of Education pursuant to that article prior to July 1, 1961. On and
after July 1, 1961, the Trustees of the California State University shall have full power and responsibility in
the construction and development of any state university campus, and any buildings or other facilities or
improvements connected with the California State University. The powers shall be exercised by the
of the California State University notwithstanding Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 14950)
of Part
5.5 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code and Chapter 1 (commencing with
Section 10100)
of Part 2 of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code, except that the powers shall be carried
out pursuant to
Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 10700) of Part 2 of Division 2 of the Public
Contract Code
known as the California State University Contract Law. The Trustees of the California State
University may
accept gifts of land, or gifts of options on land, may accept and expend gifts of money for
the purchase of
land or options on land, and may enter into negotiations and contracts for the purchase of
land for a future
state university site in the vicinity of any of the areas specified in the recommendations
contained in the
Master Plan for Higher Education printed on page 42, paragraph 5, Senate Journal
(Regular Session)
for February 1, 1960, except that the gifts, expenditures, negotiations, and contracts shall
not obligate the
expenditure of any state funds for the purchase of the land or for development on the land,
unless the
Legislature subsequently approves the obligation by appropriating the funds for that specific
Any acceptance, acceptance and expenditure, or negotiations and contract may be conditioned
upon an
automatic reversion back to the donor or automatic termination of the negotiations and contract if a
new state
university is not established at a specific site prior to a specific date designated by the trustees and the donor
or the trustees and the person or corporation with whom the trustees are negotiating or
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.42
89030. (a) The trustees shall adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of this state for the
government of all of the following:
The trustees.
The appointees and employees of the trustees.
The California State University.
The adoption of these rules and regulations shall not be
subject to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the
Government Code.
The rules and regulations shall be published for distribution as soon as practicable after adoption.
This section shall be liberally construed in order that the purposes of the Donahoe Higher Education
Act pursuant to Part 40 (commencing with Section 66010) of Division 5 may be effectuated.
89031. The trustees may establish rules and regulations for the government and maintenance of the
buildings and grounds of the California State University. Every person who violates or attempts to violate
the rules and regulations is guilty of a misdemeanor.
89035. Wherever in this code a power is vested in the trustees, the trustees by majority vote may adopt a
rule delegating such power to any officer, employee, or committee as the trustees may designate. The rule
shall prescribe the limits of such delegation.
89046. The trustees may lease any property of a state university for any purpose that they consider is not
inconsistent with the functions of the California State University including, but not limited to:
The lease of state university property to a nonprofit organization composed exclusively of students of
the university or of members of the faculty of the university, or both, for purposes related to the activities of
the university or for the activities of student or faculty organizations.
The lease of state university property to any nonprofit organization for the purpose of constructing and
using thereon buildings as living quarters for students of the university and as meeting places.
The lease to any student or faculty organization of the university of property for the purpose of
establishing and maintaining cooperative stores, and cafeterias in connection with such stores. Any rental
received by the trustees under this or other leasing sections shall be deposited in the State Treasury and
credited to the support appropriation of the California State University current during the period of
89300. A student body organization may be established at any state university under the supervision of the
university officials for the purpose of providing essential activities closely related to, but not normally
included as a part of, the regular instructional program of the university. The organization may also operate
a campus store, a cafeteria, and other projects not inconsistent with the purposes of the university, and
property of the university may be leased to the organization for those purposes. The trustees may fix fees
for voluntary membership in the organization established at a state university. Notwithstanding any law to
the contrary, if a student body organization is established at any state university, upon the favorable vote of
two-thirds of the students voting in an election held for this purpose, in a manner that the trustees shall
prescribe, and open to all regular students enrolled in the university, the trustees shall fix a membership fee
which shall be required of all regular, limited, and special session students attending the university. No fees
shall be charged to students registering solely in extension classes. The trustees may approve an increase or
decrease in the student body fee only after the fee increase or decrease has been approved by a majority of
students voting in a referendum established for that purpose. The required fee shall be subject to
at any time upon the presentation of a petition to the president of the university containing the
signatures of
10 percent of the regularly enrolled students at the university. A successful referendum shall
take effect with
the beginning of the academic year following that in which the election was held.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.43
Payment of membership fees pursuant to this section shall be a prerequisite to enrollment in the university,
except that if sufficient funds are available, any state university student, subject to the regulations of the
trustees establishing standards in that regard, may agree to work off the amount of the fee at the prevailing
rate of the university for student assistants. The trustees may adopt regulations setting standards for
determining which students shall be eligible to work off the amount of the fee. The revenues raised
pursuant to this section may, in addition to expenditures for other lawful purposes involved in the
of the student body organization, be expended to provide for the support of governmental affairs
representatives who may be attending upon the State Legislature or upon offices and agencies in the
executive branch of the state government.
89500. (a) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the trustees shall provide by rule for the
government of their appointees and employees, pursuant to this chapter and other applicable provisions of
law, including, but not limited to: appointment; classification; terms; duties; pay and overtime pay; uniform
and equipment allowances; travel expenses and allowances; rates for housing and lodging; moving
leave of absence; tenure; vacation; holidays; layoff; dismissal; demotion; suspension; sick leave;
reinstatement; and employer's contribution to employees', annuitants', and survivors' health benefits plans.
The rules adopted by the trustees relating to tenure, layoff, dismissal, demotion, suspension, and
reinstatement of academic and administrative employees shall be adopted on or before February 1, 1962,
and become effective on July 1, 1962, with respect to employees who are academic teaching and
administrative employees as defined in subdivision (1)(e) of Section 24301, as it read on June 30, 1961, as
enacted by Chapter 2 of the Statutes of 1959. (b) The adoption of these rules and regulations shall not be
subject to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the
Government Code. (c) If the provisions of this section are in conflict with the provisions of a memorandum
understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 3560) of Division 4 of Title 1
the Government Code, the memorandum of understanding shall be controlling without further legislative
action, except that if the provisions of a memorandum of understanding require the expenditure of funds,
the provisions shall not become effective unless approved by the Legislature in the annual Budget Act.
89535. Any permanent or probationary employee may be dismissed, demoted, or suspended for the
Immoral conduct.
Unprofessional conduct.
Addiction to the use of controlled substances.
Failure or refusal to perform the normal and reasonable duties
of the position.
Conviction of a felony or conviction of any misdemeanor
involving moral turpitude.
Fraud in securing appointment.
Drunkenness on duty.
89536. Any permanent or probationary employee who is physically or mentally unfit for the position
occupied may be suspended, demoted, or dismissed pursuant to the provisions of Sections 89538, 89539,
and 89540.
90012. The board, for the purposes of this article, has power and is hereby authorized, in addition to and
amplification of all other powers conferred upon the board by the Constitution of the State of California or
by any statute of the State of California:
To acquire subject to the Property Acquisition Law, Part 11 (commencing with Section 15850) of
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, by grant, purchase, gift, devise, or lease, and to hold and use
any real or personal property necessary or convenient or useful for the carrying on of any of its powers
pursuant to the provisions of this article.
To construct, operate and control any project.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.44
To fix rates, rents or other charges for the use of any project acquired, constructed, equipped,
operated or maintained by the board, or for services rendered in connection therewith, and to
alter, change
or modify the same at its pleasure, subject to any contractual obligation which may be entered
into by the
board with respect to the fixing of rates, rents or charges.
To enter into covenants to increase rates or charges from time to time as may be necessary pursuant to
any contract or agreement with the holders of any bonds of the board.
At any time and from time to time, to issue revenue bonds in order to raise funds for the purpose of
establishing any project or of acquiring lands for any project, or of acquiring, constructing, improving,
equipping, furnishing, financing, or refinancing any project, including payment of principal and interest on
revenue bond anticipation notes, or for any combination of these purposes, which bonds may be secured as
hereinafter provided.
At any time and from time to time, to issue revenue bond anticipation notes pursuant to Section 90013.
To adopt rules and regulations as may be necessary to enable the board to exercise the powers and to
perform the duties conferred or imposed upon the board by this article.
Nothing contained in this section or elsewhere in this article shall be construed directly or by
implication to be in anywise in derogation of or in limitation of powers conferred upon or existing in the
board by virtue of provisions of the Constitution or statutes of this state.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.45
California Code
of Regulations
Referenced State Code Sections
41301 Expulsions, Suspension, and Probation of Students
Following procedures consonant with due process established pursuant to Section 41304, any student of a
campus may be expelled, suspended, placed on probation or given a lesser sanction for one or more of the
following causes which must be campus related:
Cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic program at a campus.
Forgery, alteration or misuse of campus documents, records, or identification or knowingly furnishing
false information to a campus.
Misrepresentation of oneself or of an organization to be an agent of a campus.
Obstruction or disruption, on or off campus property, of the campus educational process, administrative
process, or other campus function.
Physical abuse on or off campus property of the person or property of any member of the campus
community or of members of his or her family or the threat of such physical abuse.
Theft of, or non-accidental damage to, campus property, or property in the possession of, or owned by, a
member of the campus community.
Unauthorized entry into, unauthorized use of, or misuse of campus property.
On campus property, the sale or knowing possession of dangerous drugs, restricted dangerous drugs, or
narcotics as those terms are used in California statutes, except when lawfully prescribed pursuant to
medical or dental care, or when lawfully permitted for the purpose of research, instruction or analysis.
Knowing possession or use of explosives, dangerous chemicals or deadly weapons on campus property
or at a campus function without prior authorization of the campus president.
Engaging in lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior on campus property or at a campus function.
Abusive behavior directed toward, or hazing of, a member of the campus community.
Violation of any order of a campus president, notice of which had been given prior to such violation and
during the academic term n which the violation occurs, either by publication in the campus newspaper, or
by posting on an official bulletin board designated for this purpose, and which order is not inconsistent with
any of the other provisions of this Section.
Soliciting or assisting another to do any act which would subject a student to expulsion, suspension or
probation pursuant to this Section.
For purposes of this Article, the following terms are defined:
The term “member of the campus community” is defined as meaning California State University and
Colleges Trustees, academic, non-academic and administrative personnel, students, and other persons while
such other persons are on campus property or at a campus function.
The term “campus property includes:
real or personal property in the possession of, or under the control of, the Board of Trustees of the
California State University and Colleges, and
all campus feeding, retail, or residence facilities whether operated by a campus or by a campus
auxiliary organization.
The term “deadly weapons” includes any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as a
blackjack, sling shot, billy, sandclub, sandbag, metal knuckles, any dirk, dagger, switchblade knife, pistol,
revolver, or any other firearm, any knife having a blade longer than five inches, any razor with an
unguarded blade, and any metal pipe or bar used or intended to be used as a club.
The term “behavior” includes conduct and expression.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.46
The term “hazing means any method of initiation into a student organization or any pastime or
amusement engaged in with regard to such an organization which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily
danger, or physical or emotional harm, to any member of the campus community; but the term “hazing”
does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions.
This Section is not adopted pursuant to Education Code Section 89031.
Notwithstanding any amendment or repeal pursuant to the resolution by which any provision of this
Article is amended, all acts and omissions occurring prior to that effective date shall be subject to the
provisions of this Article as in effect immediately prior to such effective date.
Authority cited: Sections 66300, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Sections 66017,
66300, 66600, 69810-69813 and 89030, Education Code; and Section 626.2, Penal Code.
Disposition of Fees: Campus Emergency; Interim Suspension
The President of the campus may place on probation, suspend, or expel a student for one or more of the
causes enumerated in Section 41301. No fees or tuition paid by or for such student for the semester,
quarter, or summer session in which he or she is suspended or expelled shall be refunded. If the student is
readmitted before the close of the semester, quarter, or summer session in which he or she is suspended, no
additional tuition or fees shall be required of the student on account of the suspension.
During periods of campus emergency, as determined by the President of the individual campus, the
President may, after consultation with the Chancellor, place into immediate effect any emergency
regulations, procedures, and other measures deemed necessary or appropriate to meet the emergency,
safeguard persons and property, and maintain educational activities.
The President may immediately impose an interim suspension in all cases in which there is reasonable
cause to believe that such an immediate suspension is required in order to protect lives or property and to
insure the maintenance of order. A student so placed on interim suspension shall be given prompt notice of
charges and the opportunity for a hearing within 10 days of the imposition of interim suspension. During
the period of interim suspension, the student shall not, without prior written permission of the President or
designated representative, enter any campus of the California State University and Colleges other than to
attend the hearing. Violation of any condition of interim suspension shall be grounds for expulsion.
Authority cited: Sections 66300, 66600, 89030, 89031 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Sections
66017, 66300, 66600, 69810-69813, 89030, 89031, 89700, Education Code; and Section 626.2, Penal
41303 Conduct by Applicants for Admission
Notwithstanding any provision in this Chapter 1 to the contrary, admission or readmission may be qualified
or denied to any person who, while not enrolled as a student, commits acts which, were he enrolled as a
student, would be the basis for disciplinary proceedings pursuant to Sections 41301 or 41302. Admission or
readmission may be qualified or denied to any person who, while a student, commits acts which are subject
to disciplinary action pursuant to Section 41301 or Section 41302. Qualified admission or denial of
admission in such cases shall be determined under procedures adopted pursuant to Section 41304.
Authority cited: Sections 66300, 66600, 89030 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Sections 66017,
66300, 66600, 69810-69813 and 89030, Education Code; and Section 626.2, Penal Code.
41402 Notice
The election shall be called by posting notices in three public places on the campus at least two weeks
before the election and by publishing the notice once a week for two weeks in the campus newspaper
published by the student body organization, if there be such a newspaper. The notice shall set forth the time
and place of the election, the purpose of the election, the location of the polls, and the hours during which
the polls will be open. If more than one polling place is established, the notice shall also designate the
group eligible to vote at each polling place.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.47
Authority cited: Sections 66600, 89030, 89035 and 89300, Education Code. Reference: Sections 66600,
89030, 89300-89302, Education Code.
As used in this Article the following definitions apply:
(a)“Sale,” “selling” or “purchasing mean an activity creating an obligation to transfer property or services
for a valuable consideration.
“Commercial solicitation” means any direct and personal communication in the course of a trade or
business reasonably intended to result in a sale.
“Solicitation” means to importune, or endeavor to persuade or obtain by asking, but does not include
“commercial solicitation.”
“Private sale” means occasional selling between persons who are campus students or employees.(e)
“Commercial transaction” means selling or purchasing or both selling and purchasing by any person in the
course of employment in, or in the carrying on of, a trade or business.
(f) Campus president” means those persons referred to in Section 42355 and includes their designees.
Authority cited: Sections 66600, 89030, 89031 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Section 89031,
Education Code.
42350.1 Commercial Transactions
a) Commercial transactions and the display of property or services for sale on a campus is prohibited except
with written permission by the campus president. Such permission shall be granted if:
the proposed activity aids achievement of the educational objectives of the campus, does not
unreasonably interfere with the operation of the campus and is not prohibited by law, or
the prospective buyer has agreed in writing in advance to an appointment, and the prospective seller
makes no more than one appointment for any day, and such appointment does not interfere with the
operation of the campus.
(b) This section shall not apply to private sales.
Authority cited: Sections 66600, 89030, 89031 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Section 89031,
Education Code.
(a) Solicitation shall be permitted on a campus subject, however, to a reasonable regulation by the campus
president as to time, place and manner thereof. Solicitation in violation of established campus directives
regarding time, place and manner is prohibited.(b) All directives issued by the campus president pursuant to
this section shall be available to the public at places designated pursuant to Section 42354.
Authority cited: Sections 66600, 89030, 89031 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Section 89031,
Education Code.
Commercial Solicitation
Commercial solicitation on a campus is prohibited unless prior written authorization has been obtained
from the campus president. The campus president subject, however, shall grant permission for commercial
solicitation to regulation as to time, place and manner thereof, unless such solicitation for sale would be in
violation of law.
University Buildings & Grounds, Use of
California State University, Fresno
September 21, 2017
Policy No. D-08.48
Sites available to marketers of student credit cards shall be limited and registered with the campus
administration. Those marketers shall be prohibited from offering gifts to students for filling out student
credit cards applications. As used in this section, “student credit cards” shall have the meaning in Civil
Code section 1747.02(m).
All directives issued by the campus president pursuant to this section shall be available to the public at
places designated pursuant to Section 42354.Authority cited: Sections 89030 and 89031, Education Code.
Reference: Sections 89031 and 99030, Education Code.
42351. Selling of Published Materials
Except in the case of private sales and commercial transactions to which Section 42350.1 applies, the
selling or displaying for sale of any books, newspapers, pamphlets and other published materials shall be
permitted on campus provided: Except in the case of private sales and commercial transactions to which
Section 42350.1 applies, the selling or displaying for sale of any books, newspapers, pamphlets
and other published materials shall be permitted on campus provided:
such published materials are not available for sale at the campus bookstore, and
the selling or display of such published materials is conducted in compliance with any time, place and
manner directives adopted by the president, and
the published materials displayed or offered for sale are not in violation of the provisions of Chapter
7.5, Title 9, Part 1 (commencing with Section 311) of the Penal Code (relating to the sale and distribution
of obscene matter), or of Chapter 6, Title 3 (commencing with Section 66400) of the Education Code
(relating to the preparation, sale and distribution of term papers, theses and other materials to be submitted
for academic credit).
Selling or displaying for sale of published materials in violation of subsection (a) is prohibited
Authority cited: Sections 66600, 89030, 89031 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Section 89031,
Education Code.
42352. Handbills and Circulars
No person or persons shall, upon any of the grounds of any campus cast, throw, deposit, or distribute
any advertising handbills or circulars that contain false, misleading, or illegal advertising.
The distribution of written or printed matter shall be permitted on campus, subject, however, to
reasonable directives by the campus president as to the time, place and manner thereof. All directives
issued by a campus president pursuant to this section shall be available to the public at places designated
pursuant to Section 42354. Distribution of written or printed matter in violation of established campus
directives regarding time, place and manner is prohibited. Authority cited: Sections 66600, 89030, 89031
and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Section 89031, Education Code.
42354. Notice
Notice shall be posted at or near the principal entrances of each campus calling attention to the existence of
regulations relating to soliciting handbills and circulars, and to public meetings, performances, rallies and
similar public events, citing by the number the sections in this Article, and designating the places where
copies thereof and of directives issued by the campus president pursuant thereto may be examined.
Authority cited: Sections 66600, 89030, 89031 and 89035, Education Code. Reference: Section 89031,
Education Code.
42402. Authority of Campus President
The president of each campus is responsible for the educational effectiveness, academic excellence, and
general welfare of the campus, over which he presides. As stated, auxiliary organizations operate as an
integral part of the overall campus program. Therefore, for the president to exercise his responsibility over
the entire campus program, he shall require that auxiliary organizations operate in conformity with policy
of the Board of Trustees and the campus.
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Policy No. D-08.49
To execute this authority, the president shall require that each auxiliary organization submit its programs
and budgets for review at a time and in a manner specified by the president. Should the president determine
that any program or appropriation planned by an auxiliary organization is not consistent with policy of the
Board of Trustees and the campus, the program or appropriation shall not be implemented. Further, should
a program or appropriation which had received approval, upon review, be determined by the president to be
operating outside the acceptable policy of the Board of Trustees and the campus, then that program or
appropriation shall be discontinued by direction of the president until further review is accomplished and an
appropriate adjustment is made.
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Policy No. D-08.50
Penal Code
Referenced State Code Sections
311. As used in this chapter, the following definitions apply:
"Obscene matter" means matter, taken as a whole, that to the average person, applying contemporary
statewide standards, appeals to the prurient interest, that, taken as a whole, depicts or describes sexual
conduct in a patently offensive way, and that, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or
scientific value.
If it appears from the nature of the matter or the circumstances of its dissemination, distribution, or
exhibition that it is designed for clearly defined deviant sexual groups, the appeal of the matter shall be
judged with reference to its intended recipient group.
In prosecutions under this chapter, if circumstances of production, presentation, sale, dissemination,
distribution, or publicity indicate that matter is being commercially exploited by the defendant for the sake
of its prurient appeal, this evidence is probative with respect to the nature of the matter and may justify the
conclusion that the matter lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
In determining whether the matter taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or
value in description or representation of those matters, the fact that the defendant knew that the
depicts persons under the age of 16 years engaged in sexual conduct, as defined in subdivision (c) of
311.4, is a factor that may be considered in making that determination.
"Matter" means any book, magazine, newspaper, or other printed or written material, or any picture,
drawing, photograph, motion picture, or other pictorial representation, or any statue or other figure, or any
recording, transcription, or mechanical, chemical, or electrical reproduction, or any other article,
equipment, machine, or material. "Matter" also means live or recorded telephone messages if transmitted,
disseminated, or distributed as part of a commercial transaction.
"Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation, limited liability company,
or other legal entity.
"Distribute" means transfer possession of, whether with or without consideration.
"Knowingly" means being aware of the character of the matter or live conduct.
"Exhibit" means show.
"Obscene live conduct" means any physical human body activity, whether performed or engaged in
alone or with other persons, including but not limited to singing, speaking, dancing, acting, simulating, or
pantomiming, taken as a whole, that to the average person, applying contemporary statewide standards,
appeals to the prurient interest and is conduct that, taken as a whole, depicts or describes sexual conduct in
a patently offensive way and that, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific
If it appears from the nature of the conduct or the circumstances of its production, presentation, or
exhibition that it is designed for clearly defined deviant sexual groups, the appeal of the conduct shall be
judged with reference to its intended recipient group.
In prosecutions under this chapter, if circumstances of production, presentation, advertising, or
exhibition indicate that the defendant for the sake of its prurient appeal is commercially exploiting live
conduct, that evidence is probative with respect to the nature of the conduct and may justify the conclusion
that the conduct lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
In determining whether the live conduct taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or
scientific value in description or representation of those matters, the fact that the defendant knew that the
live conduct depicts persons under the age of 16 years engaged in sexual conduct, as defined in subdivision
of Section 311.4, is a factor that may be considered in making that determination.
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Policy No. D-08.51
The Legislature expresses its approval of the holding of People v. Cantrell, 7 Cal. App. 4th 523, that,
for the purposes of this chapter, matter that "depicts a person under the age of 18 years personally engaging
in or personally simulating sexual conduct" is limited to visual works that depict that conduct.
374.4. (a) It is unlawful to litter or cause to be littered in or upon any public or private property. Any
person, firm, or corporation violating this section is guilty of an infraction.
415. Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not
more than 90 days, a fine of not more than four hundred dollars ($400), or both such imprisonment and
Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or challenges another person in a public place to
Any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise.
Any person who uses offensive words in a public place, which are inherently likely to provoke an
immediate violent reaction.
415.5. (a) Any person who (1) unlawfully fights within any building or upon the grounds of any school,
community college, university, or state university or challenges another person within any building or upon
the grounds to fight, or (2) maliciously and willfully disturbs another person within any of these buildings
or upon the grounds by loud and unreasonable noise, or (3) uses offensive words within any of these
buildings or upon the grounds which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction is
guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding four hundred dollars ($400) or by
imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than 90 days, or both.
484. (a) Every person who shall feloniously steal, take, carry, lead, or drive away the personal property of
another, or who shall fraudulently appropriate property which has been entrusted to him or her, or who
shall knowingly and designedly, by any false or fraudulent representation or pretense, defraud any other
person of money, labor or real or personal property, or who causes or procures others to report falsely of his
or her wealth or mercantile character and by thus imposing upon any person, obtains credit and thereby
fraudulently gets or obtains possession of money, or property or obtains the labor or service of another, is
guilty of theft. In determining the value of the property obtained, for the purposes of this section, the
reasonable and fair market value shall be the test, and in determining the value of services received the
contract price shall be the test. If there be no contract price, the reasonable and going wage for the service
rendered shall govern. For the purposes of this section, any false or fraudulent representation or pretense
made shall be treated as continuing, so as to cover any money, property or service received as a result
thereof, and the complaint, information or indictment may charge that the crime was committed on any date
during the particular period in question. The hiring of any additional employee or employees without
advising each of them of every labor claim due and unpaid and every judgment that the employer has been
unable to meet shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud.
488. Theft in other cases is petty theft.
594. (a) Every person who maliciously commits any of the following acts with respect to any real or
personal property not his or her own, in cases other than those specified by state law, is guilty of vandalism:
Defaces with graffiti or other inscribed material.
Whenever a person violates this subdivision with respect to real property, vehicles, signs, fixtures,
furnishings, or property belonging to any public entity, as defined by Section 811.2 of the Government
Code, or the federal government, it shall be a permissive inference that the person neither owned the
property nor had the permission of the owner to deface, damage, or destroy the property.
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602.1 (b) Any person who intentionally interferes with any lawful business carried on by the employees of
a public agency open to the public, by obstructing or intimidating those attempting to carry on business, or
those persons there to transact business with the public agency, and who refuses to leave the premises of
the public agency after being requested to leave by the office manager or a supervisor of the public agency,
or by a peace officer acting at the request of the office manager or a supervisor of the public agency, is
guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for up to 90 days, or by a fine of up
to four hundred dollars ($400), or by both that imprisonment and fine.
602.10. Every person who, by physical force and with the intent to prevent attendance or instruction,
willfully obstructs or attempts to obstruct any student or teacher seeking to attend or instruct classes at any
of the campuses or facilities owned, controlled, or administered by the Regents of the University of
California, the Trustees of the California State University, or the governing board of a community college
district shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), by imprisonment in a county
jail for a period of not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. As used in this section,
"physical force" includes, but is not limited to, use of one's person, individually or in concert with others, to
impede access to, or movement within, or otherwise to obstruct the students and teachers of the classes to
which the premises are devoted.
626.4 (d) Any person who has been notified by the chief administrative officer of a campus or other facility
of a community college, a state university, the university, or a school, or by an officer or employee
designated by the chief administrative officer to maintain order on such campus or facility, that consent to
remain on the campus or facility has been withdrawn pursuant to subdivision (a); who has not had such
consent reinstated; and who willfully and knowingly enters or remains upon such campus or facility during
the period for which consent has been withdrawn is guilty of a misdemeanor. This subdivision does not
apply to any person who enters or remains on such campus or facility for the sole purpose of applying to
the chief administrative officer for the reinstatement of consent or for the sole purpose of attending a
hearing on the withdrawal.
626.6. (a) If a person who is not a student, officer or employee of a college or university and who is not
required by his or her employment to be on the campus or any other facility owned, operated, or controlled
by the governing board of that college or university, enters a campus or facility, and it reasonably appears
to the chief administrative officer of the campus or facility, or to an officer or employee designated by the
chief administrative officer to maintain order on the campus or facility, that the person is committing any
act likely to interfere with the peaceful conduct of the activities of the campus or facility, or has entered the
campus or facility for the purpose of committing any such act, the chief administrative officer or his or her
designee may direct the person to leave the campus or facility. If that person fails to do so or if the person
willfully and knowingly reenters upon the campus or facility within seven days after being directed to
leave, he or she is guilty of a misdemeanor.
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Policy No. D-08.53
Government Code
Referenced State Code Sections
As used in this chapter:
"Building" means a building owned and occupied, or leased and occupied, by the state.
(1) "Inside a state-owned and state-occupied building" includes all indoor areas of the building, except
for covered parking lots, residential space, and state prison yard areas.
"Inside a state-leased and state-occupied building" includes any indoor space leased to the state, except
for covered parking lots, and residential space.
"Residential space" means a private living area, but it does not include common areas such as lobbies,
lounges, waiting areas, elevators, stairwells, and restrooms that are a structural part of a multicomplex
building such as a dormitory.
"State" or "state agency" means a state agency, as defined pursuant to Section 11000, the Legislature,
the Supreme Court and the courts of appeal, and each California Community College campus and each
campus of the California State University and the University of California.
"State employee" means an employee of a state agency.
Commencing January 1, 1994, no state employee or member of the public shall smoke any
product inside a state-owned and state-occupied or a state-leased and state-occupied building, or, in
an outdoor
area within five feet of a main exit or entrance to such a building, or in a passenger vehicle, as
defined by
Section 465 of the Vehicle Code, owned by the state.
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Policy No. D-08.54
Civil Code
Referenced State Code Sections
54. (a) Individuals with disabilities or medical conditions have the same right as the general public to
the full and free use of the streets, highways, sidewalks, walkways, public buildings, medical facilities,
including hospitals, clinics, and physicians' offices, public facilities, and other public places.
For purposes of this section:
"Disability" means any mental or physical disability as defined in Section 12926 of the
Government Code.
"Medical condition" has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (h) of Section 12926 of the
Government Code.
A violation of the right of an individual under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public
Law 101-336) also constitutes a violation of this section.
(a) (1) Individuals with disabilities shall be entitled to full and equal access, as other members of
the general public, to accommodations, advantages, facilities, medical facilities, including hospitals, clinics,
and physicians' offices, and privileges of all common carriers, airplanes, motor vehicles, railroad trains,
motorbuses, streetcars, boats, or any other public conveyances or modes of transportation (whether private,
public, franchised, licensed, contracted, or otherwise provided), telephone facilities, adoption agencies,
private schools, hotels, lodging places, places of public accommodation, amusement, or resort, and other
places to which the general public is invited, subject only to the conditions and limitations established by
law, or state or federal regulation, and applicable alike to all persons.
As used in this section, "telephone facilities" means tariff items and other equipment and services
that have been approved by the Public Utilities Commission to be used by individuals with disabilities in a
manner feasible and compatible with the existing telephone network provided by the telephone companies.
"Full and equal access," for purposes of this section in its application to transportation, means
access that meets the standards of Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public
Law 101-336) and federal regulations adopted pursuant thereto, except that, if the laws of this state
prescribe higher standards, it shall mean access that meets those higher standards.
(1) Individuals with disabilities shall be entitled to full and equal access, as other members of the
general public, to all housing accommodations offered for rent, lease, or compensation in this state, subject
to the conditions and limitations established by law, or state or federal regulation, and applicable alike to all
"Housing accommodations" means any real property, or portion thereof, that is used or occupied, or
is intended, arranged, or designed to be used or occupied, as the home, residence, or sleeping place of one
or more human beings, but shall not include any accommodations included within subdivision (a) or any
single-family residence the occupants of which rent, lease, or furnish for compensation not more than one
room therein.
(A) Any person renting, leasing, or otherwise providing real property for compensation shall not
refuse to permit an individual with a disability, at that person's expense, to make reasonable modifications
of the existing rented premises if the modifications are necessary to afford the person full enjoyment of the
premises. However, any modifications under this paragraph may be conditioned on the disabled tenant
entering into an agreement to restore the interior of the premises to the condition existing prior to the
modifications. No additional security may be required on account of an election to make modifications to
the rented premises under this paragraph, but the lessor and tenant may negotiate, as part of the agreement
to restore the premises, a provision requiring the disabled tenant to pay an amount into an escrow account,
not to exceed a reasonable estimate of the cost of restoring the premises.
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(B) Any person renting, leasing, or otherwise providing real property for compensation shall not refuse
to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services, when those accommodations
may be necessary to afford individuals with a disability equal opportunity to use and enjoy the premises.
Nothing in this subdivision shall require any person renting, leasing, or providing for compensation
real property to modify his or her property in any way or provide a higher degree of care for an individual
with a disability than for an individual who is not disabled.
Except as provided in paragraph (6), nothing in this part shall require any person renting, leasing,
or providing for compensation real property, if that person refuses to accept tenants who have dogs, to
accept as a tenant an individual with a disability who has a dog.
(A) It shall be deemed a denial of equal access to housing accommodations within the meaning of
this subdivision for any person, firm, or corporation to refuse to lease or rent housing accommodations to
an individual who is blind or visually impaired on the basis that the individual uses the services of a guide
dog, an individual who is deaf or hearing impaired on the basis that the individual uses the services of a
signal dog, or to an individual with any other disability on the basis that the individual uses the services of a
service dog, or to refuse to permit such an individual who is blind or visually impaired to keep a guide dog,
an individual who is deaf or hearing impaired to keep a signal dog, or an individual with any other
disability to keep a service dog on the premises.
Except in the normal performance of duty as a mobility or signal aid, nothing contained in this
paragraph shall be construed to prevent the owner of a housing accommodation from establishing terms in
a lease or rental agreement that reasonably regulate the presence of guide dogs, signal dogs, or service dogs
on the premises of a housing accommodation, nor shall this paragraph be construed to relieve a tenant from
any liability otherwise imposed by law for real and personal property damages caused by such a dog when
proof of the same exists.
(i) As used in this subdivision, "guide dog" means any guide dog that was trained by a person
licensed under Chapter 9.5 (commencing with Section 7200) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions
Code or as defined in the regulations implementing Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
(Public Law 101-336).
As used in this subdivision, "signal dog" means any dog trained to alert an individual who is deaf
or hearing impaired to intruders or sounds.
As used in this subdivision, "service dog" means any dog individually trained to the requirements
of the individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, minimal protection work, rescue work,
pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items.
It shall be deemed a denial of equal access to housing accommodations within the meaning of this
subdivision for any person, firm, or corporation to refuse to lease or rent housing accommodations to an
individual who is blind or visually impaired, an individual who is deaf or hearing impaired, or other
individual with a disability on the basis that the individual with a disability is partially or wholly dependent
upon the income of his or her spouse, if the spouse is a party to the lease or rental agreement. Nothing in
this subdivision, however, shall prohibit a lessor or landlord from considering the aggregate financial status
of an individual with a disability and his or her spouse.
Visually impaired or blind persons and persons licensed to train guide dogs for individuals who are
visually impaired or blind pursuant to Chapter 9.5 (commencing with Section 7200) of Division 3 of the
Business and Professions Code or guide dogs as defined in the regulations implementing Title III of the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336), and persons who are deaf or hearing
impaired and persons authorized to train signal dogs for individuals who are deaf or hearing impaired, and
other individuals with a disability and persons authorized to train service dogs for individuals with a
disability, may take dogs, for the purpose of training them as guide dogs, signal dogs, or service dogs in
any of the places specified in subdivisions (a) and (b). These persons shall ensure that the dog is on a leash
and tagged as a guide dog, signal dog, or service dog by identification tag issued by the county clerk,
animal control department, or other agency, as authorized by Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section
30850) of Division 14 of the Food and Agricultural Code. In addition, the person shall be liable for any
provable damage done to the premises or facilities by his or her dog.
A violation of the right of an individual under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public
Law 101-336) also constitutes a violation of this section, and nothing in this section shall be construed to
limit the access of any person in violation of that act.
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Nothing in this section shall preclude the requirement of the showing of a license plate or disabled
placard when required by enforcement units enforcing disabled persons parking violations pursuant to
Sections 22507.8 and 22511.8 of the Vehicle Code.
(a) Every individual with a disability has the right to be accompanied by a guide dog, signal dog,
or service dog, especially trained for the purpose, in any of the places specified in Section 54.1 without
being required to pay an extra charge or security deposit for the guide dog, signal dog, or service dog.
However, the individual shall be liable for any damage done to the premises or facilities by his or her dog.
Individuals who are blind or otherwise visually impaired and persons licensed to train guide dogs
for individuals who are blind or visually impaired pursuant to Chapter 9.5 (commencing with Section 7200)
of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code or as defined in regulations implementing Title III of
the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336), and individuals who are deaf or hearing
impaired and persons authorized to train signal dogs for individuals who are deaf or hearing impaired, and
individuals with a disability and persons who are authorized to train service dogs for the individuals with a
disability may take dogs, for the purpose of training them as guide dogs, signal dogs, or service dogs in any
of the places specified in Section 54.1 without being required to pay an extra charge or security deposit for
the guide dog, signal dog, or service dog. However, the person shall be liable for any damage done to the
premises or facilities by his or her dog. These persons shall ensure the dog is on a leash and tagged as a
guide dog, signal dog, or service dog by an identification tag issued by the county clerk, animal control
department, or other agency, as authorized by Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 30850) of Title 14 of
the Food and Agricultural Code. A violation of the right of an individual under the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336) also constitutes a violation of this section, and nothing in
this section shall be construed to limit the access of any person in violation of that act.
As used in this section, the terms "guide dog," "signal dog," and "service dog" have the same
meanings as specified in Section
Nothing in this section precludes the requirement of the showing of a license plate or disabled
placard when required by enforcement units enforcing disabled persons parking violations pursuant to
Sections 22507.8 and 22511.8 of the Vehicle Code.