Egypan Ministerial event drives new consensus on Africa and Middle East aviaon security
Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, 22 – 25 August 2017
A high-level Ministerial Conference on Aviaon Security held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, this week has endorsed a
new Africa and Middle East Aviaon Security Roadmap to align future programmes and targets with ICAO’s new
Global Aviaon Security Plan (GASeP).
In his address to the 27 aending Ministers and 35 Directors General of Civil Aviaon, represenng some 45 African and Middle
Eastern Member States, ICAO Council President Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu stressed that ICAO’s new Global Aviaon Security Plan
sets out key priories where ICAO, States, and others should now focus their urgent aenon, resources and eorts, as well as
corresponding acons at the global, naonal and local levels.
The main objecve of the AFI and MID AVSEC Roadmap is to encourage and help guide Africa and Middle East collaboraon now
needed. President Aliu therefore praised the commitments realized in Sharm El Sheikh as a crical rst
step which should be emulated worldwide as ICAO seeks similar commitments in aid of its coordinang
eorts for global aviaon security eecveness and sustainability.
ICAO Regional Workshop on Protecon of
Safety Informaon Cairo, Egypt, 3-5 July 2017
The workshop was very benecial to the experts
involved in accident and incident invesgaon
processes, experts responsible for developing
aviaon legislaon, regulaons and policies related to
invesgaons including the protecon of relevant records.
The Workshop was held at the ICAO MID Regional Oce,
it focused on Aircra Accident and Incident Invesgaon
addressing the independence of accident and incident
invesgaons, the protecon of invesgaon records and is
intended to, among other things: enhance the protecon of
records in Annex 13; assist States in incorporang protecons
of invesgaon records into naonal laws; and assist States in
the designaon of the “competent authority” and the
administraon of the balancing test.
22 parcipants aended from ve dierent countries and
EUR/NAT SECFAL Group Meeng, Paris,
France 4-6 July 2017
ICAO MID Oce parcipated in the EUR/NAT
SECFAL meeng with a presentaon on the MID
Region developments and future acon plan.
SECFAL Development Group was welcomed as it would lay the
basis for the establishment of the Regional Aviaon Security
and Facilitaon Group.
Security Awareness Workshop for Egypt, Cairo, 2 July 2017
Egypt welcomed the assistance provided by ICAO MID Oce to provide guidance material for the implementaon of
Security awareness training to build and enhance Aviaon Security Culture.
AVSEC Naonal Inspector Course, Tehran, Iran, 8-16
July 2017
The training introduced the Quality Control methodologies
and best pracces to form a will dened oversight system at
the State.
The data analysis of the yearly conducted Quality Control acvies that
would be the base to build the State‘s Risk Assessment mechanism and
that would idenfy needs for addional or tailored training in the State.
39 parcipants aended the training including 4 Syrians covered by Iran
Civil Aviaon Organizaon.
First Meeng of the MID Region Route Development Working Group (RDWG/1)
UAE, Abu Dhabi, 11-13 July 2017
The First Meeng of the MID Region Route Development Working Group (RDWG/1), established by MIDANPIRG/16
meeng (Kuwait, 13-16 February 2017), was held in Abu Dhabi, UAE at the Ehad Airlines Headquarters from 11 to 13
July 2017.
The meeng revised the MID Region ATS Route Catalogue and agreed to a new format of the document based on priorized
approached of the route proposals.
Project Management Training: Lima from 24-25 July, and Mexico from 2-3 August 2017.
ICAO MID ICT/ Markeng Regional Coordinator conducted Project Management foundaon training using Prince2
The training objecve is to understand the philosophy of structured project management methods and recognize the factors that
enable successful projects to be delivered on me, within budget and according to expectaons.
The two days training was successfully delivered in Lima and Mexico as scheduled.
NCLB AVSEC/FAL Mission to Lebanon, Beirut, 1-3 August 2017
The mission idened the AVSEC and FAL needs of Lebanon. Upon the priorizaon of the State, ICAO MID Oce would
assist accordingly. Lebanon is subject to USAP-CMA in rst half of 2018.
ANS/AIM Mission to Amman, Jordan 14 to 16
An ANS/AIM mission to Jordan was successfully conducted
from 14 to 16 August 2017.
The mission addressed subjects of mutual interest related to
Air Navigaon Services (ANS) with Jordan Civil Aviaon Regulatory
Commission (CARC). The mission discussed and followed up also with
the Air Navigaon Service Provider on maers related mainly to AIM,
MET and CNS.
Special Coordinaon Meeng for Iraq, Egypt, Cairo, 11-12 September 2017
The Special Coordinaon Meeng for Iraq was held at the ICAO MID Oce from 11 to 12 September 2017. The meeng
was aended by representaves from Iraq, United States of America, IATA and ICAO.
The meeng addressed the developments under implementaon in Iraq that would ensure the safety of air trac within Baghdad
ight informaon region and agreed on measures that would support relaxaon of the prohibion posed on US air carriers.
NCLB AIM Workshop Egypt,Cairo, 11-13 September
NCLB AIM Workshop was successfully conducted at the ICAO
MID Oce in Cairo, Egypt from 11 to 13 September 2017. The
workshop addressed issues related to planning and imple-
mentaon of AIM in the MID Region and transion from AIS to AIM.
The workshop shared experience of dierent AIM Stakeholders, States
and Organizaon through presentaons, panel discussions and workshop
exercise. The workshop was assessed as a successful AIM event by the
parcipants from States and Organizaons.
The workshop documentaon is available on
the ICAO MID Oce website.
Global Aviaon Security Symposium, Canada, Montreal, 12-14 September 2017
ICAO MID Parcipated in a Landside security workshop on 11 Sep and aended the Symposium from 12-14.
On 15 ROs SAF had a meeng with all Chiefs of AVSEC and FAL secon at HQ. Future ICAO MID assistance to States were
discussed in addion to the roll of the ASTCs.
Women in Aviaon- Captain Nevin Darwish
Captain Nevin Darwish is the rst Arab female to y the Airbus 380, the
world's largest passenger plane.
To mark Internaonal Women's Day, the Dubai airline, Emirates, is giving its
female employees center stage. Emirates currently employs more
than 29,000 women from over 150 naonalies, making up 44 percent of
the airline's workforce. Emirates' female cockpit crew come from
24 naonalies and are aged between 20 and 59 years. Captain Darwish-
who is Egypan- is only one of many others.
Emirates airline put out a video of Darwish ying an A380 from Dubai to
Vienna and back, in honor of the day.
ATM Inspector Course, Egypt, Cairo, 17 – 21
September 2017
The Air Trac Management Inspector Course was held at
the ICAO MID Oce from 17 to 21 September 2017.
The course was delivered by the East Africa Aviaon Academy (EASA)
as an ICAO TRAINAIR Plus course. The course was gratefully funded by
Saudi Arabia through the MID Region No Country Le Behind Iniave
(NCLB). Congratulaons for the seventeen (17) trainees from Bahrain,
Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen who
successfully completed the course.
Mission to Bahrain, Manama, 24-25 September 2017
The MID Oce conducted a support mission to Bahrain on 24 and 25 September to follow-up on the preparaon to the
upcoming ICAO’s Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) - ICAO Connuous Validaon Mission (ICVM), and
provided assistance and guidance as appropriate.
Fourth MIDANPIRG/RASG-MID Coordinaon Meeng (MRC/4) Bahrain, Manama
25 September 2017
The Fourth MIDANPIRG/RASG-MID Coordinaon Meeng (MRC/4) was held at the Gulf Aviaon Academy (GAA), Bahrain, on
25 September 2017. The meeng was aending by eighteen (18) parcipants represenng the dierent subsidiary bodies of
Iran Certification System Workshop, Cargo
Security and Mail Course (20-27 Sept. 2017)
ICAO MID assisted IRAN CAO to dra its own
Cercaon System for Screeners, Instructors,
Inspectors and AVSEC Security Managers.
The Cargo Security and mail Course was provided to CAA,
Airports, Airlines, Ground Handlers and Security Agencies who
have direct involvement in Cargo Shipments and Mail.
The Secure Cargo Supply Chain concept was introduced. In
addion to best pracces in proper screening methods to be
used in securing Cargo and Mail. Recruitment process and
Training were discussed thoroughly.
Sixth Meeng of the Regional Aviaon Safety Group - Middle East (RASG-MID6) Bahrain
Manama, 26 – 28 September 2017
The Sixth meeng of the Regional Safety Group—Middle East (RASG-MID/6) was hosted by Bahrain Civil Aviaon
Aairs, Ministry of Transportaon and Telecommunicaons. The meeng was aended by 60 Parcipants from 11
States and 7 Internaonal Organizaons.
H. E. Mohammed Thamir Al-Kaabi, Under-Secretary for Civil Aviaon Aairs welcomed all the parcipants to Bahrain and wished
them a fruiul meeng and pleasant stay in Bahrain. Mr. Mohamed Khalifa Rahma, Regional Director,
ICAO Middle East (MID) Oce welcomed all the parcipants and expressed ICAO’s sincere gratude and
appreciaon to the Ministry of Transportaon & Telecommunicaon of Bahrain and the Civil Aviaon
Aairs for the generous hospitality extended to all parcipants.
Signature of Air Trac Services Leer of Agreement between Iraq and Kuwait, Bahrain, Manama,
26-28 September 2017
On the occasion of the RASG-MID/6 meeng (Bahrain, 26-28 September 2017), a special coordinaon meeng was held
between Iraq and Kuwait, during which the Air Trac Services Leer of Agreement (ATS LoA) between Baghdad and Kuwait
Area Control Centres was signed, which also includes the signature of the ATM Conngency Agreement and the Search and
Rescue Bi-lateral Arrangements.
The Gulf Crisis
Based on the excellent cooperaon and coordinaon
between all pares, a conngency plan had been success-
fully implemented to ensure safe trac ows within and
across the MID Region, which includes conngency measures as
well as the establishment of temporary ATS routes over the high
seas within Bahrain, Cairo, Emirates and Tripoli Flight Informaon
Region (FIRs) and within Muscat and Tehran FIRs.
In addion to the daily coordinaon with all pares concerned,
the following face-to-face meengs were convened:
30 June 2017: Informal Technical Meeng for the ICAO Council,
Montreal, Canada;
6 July 2017: First ATM Conngency Coordinaon Meeng (ACCM),
ICAO Middle East Oce, Cairo, Egypt, for Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
9 July 2017: ACCM/2, Doha, Qatar, for Iran, Oman, Qatar and ICAO
11 July 2017: Coordinaon meeng, Abu Dhabi, UAE, ICAO and UAE;
31 July 2017: Extraordinary Session for the ICAO Council, Montreal,
5-6 September 2017: at ICAO Middle East Oce, aended by Bahrain,
Egypt, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, IATA and ICAO.
Aviaon Benets - Industry High Level Group Report
ICAO collaborated with four industry organizaons: ACI, CANSO, IATA and
ICCAIA, to develop the Aviaon Benets- IHLG report providing a
comprehensive view of the importance of aviaon on supporng the global
economy and generang social benets through the prism of sustainable
air transport soluons. Key aspects covered in the report include the global
and regional economic and social value of aviaon and contribuon of
aviaon to the United Naons (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Ethics training, Egypt, Cairo MID
Oce, 6-7 September 2017
ICAO places considerable importance on the adop-
on of an appropriate ethical working environment.
The ICAO Framework on Ethics was adopted by the
Council "to provide standards leading to a fully oper-
aonal ethics funcon within ICAO that is designed
to ensure an understanding by all sta members of
minimum acceptable standards of behaviour."
ICAO announces 2018 opportunies for young
aviaon professionals
The Internaonal Civil Aviaon Organizaon (ICAO)
announced the launch today of its recruitment
campaign for the 2018 Young Aviaon Professionals
Programme (YAPP). Talented next generaon aviaon
professionals from around the world are invited to apply.
The unique Programme, managed under ICAO’s leadership, is a
joint iniave with the Internaonal Air Transport Associaon (IATA) and Airports Council Internaonal (ACI). It provides an
invaluable professional development opportunity, with selected candidates contribung to one or more of ICAO’s Strategic
Objecves under the mentorship of a subject-maer expert.
Exploring the important inter-relaonships between ICAO and the airline and airport industries, the
selected young professionals also work in close collaboraon with IATA and ACI experts.
ICAO, Middle East Regional Office
Egyptian Civil Aviation Complex, Cairo Airport Road, Cairo, Egypt
Mail: P.O. Box 85, Cairo Airport Post Office Terminal One, Cairo 11776
Arab Republic of Egypt
Tel.: +20 2 2267 4840 Fax: +20 2 2267 4843
Website: E-mail: [email protected]