Summit Conference of Heads of State or
Government of the Non-Aligned Movement
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
11 – 16 July 2009
(Please click the following links)
Final Document Chapter I: Global Issues Disarmament and
International Security
Sharm El Sheikh Declaration
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
to 16
of July 2009
16 July 2009
CHAPTER I: GLOBAL ISSUES ............................................................................................ 3
Review of the International Situation ................................................................................. 3
Non-Aligned Movement: Role and Methods of Work ........................................................... 5
International Law ................................................................................................................ 8
Promotion and Preservation of Multilateralism ................................................................ 10
Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, and Non-Use or Threat of Use of Force ........................ 12
Culture of Peace, Dialogue among Civilisations, Religions and Cultures, and Cultural
Diversity ............................................................................................................................ 13
Defamation of Religions .................................................................................................... 15
Right to Self-Determination and Decolonisation .............................................................. 16
United Nations: Follow-up to the 2005 World Summit Outcome, the Millennium
Declaration and the Outcomes of the Major United Nations Summits and Conferences . 17
United Nations: Institutional Reform ................................................................................ 20
A. Reform of the United Nations ............................................................................................... 20
B. Relationship among the Principal Organs of the United Nations ......................................... 23
C. Revitalisation of the Work of the General Assembly ............................................................ 24
D. Selection and appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. ....................... 26
E. Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security
Council, and other Matters Related to the Security Council ..................................................... 26
F. Strengthening of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) .............................................. 29
G. The Human Rights Council .................................................................................................. 29
H. Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Activities and the Operationalisation of the Peacebuilding
Commission (PBC) ..................................................................................................................... 31
I. United Nations Secretariat and Management Reform ........................................................... 33
J. United Nations System-wide Coherence ............................................................................... 33
United Nations: Financial Situation and Arrangement ..................................................... 34
United Nations: Peacekeeping Operations ........................................................................ 35
Disarmament and International Security .......................................................................... 39
Terrorism ........................................................................................................................... 49
Democracy ........................................................................................................................ 53
North-South Dialogue and Cooperation ............................................................................. 54
Role of Regional Organisations ......................................................................................... 55
CHAPTER II: ................................................................................................................... 55
REGIONAL AND SUB-REGIONAL POLITICAL ISSUES ....................................................... 55
Middle East ........................................................................................................................ 55
Peace Process ........................................................................................................................... 55
Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem ....................................................... 56
Occupied Syrian Golan ............................................................................................................. 59
Lebanon, the Remaining Occupied Lebanese Lands, and the Consequences of the Israeli
Aggression against Lebanon .................................................................................................... 60
Africa.................................................................................................................................. 61
Chagos Archipelago .................................................................................................................. 61
Lesotho ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ........................................................................................................... 62
Somalia ..................................................................................................................................... 62
The Sudan ................................................................................................................................ 63
The Great Lakes Region ........................................................................................................... 64
Zimbabwe ................................................................................................................................. 64
Western Sahara ........................................................................................................................ 64
Comorian Island of Mayotte ..................................................................................................... 65
Djibouti / Eritrea: ..................................................................................................................... 65
Eritrea and Ethiopia ................................................................................................................. 65
Asia .................................................................................................................................... 65
Afghanistan .............................................................................................................................. 65
Iraq: .......................................................................................................................................... 67
Iraq and Kuwait ....................................................................................................................... 68
Southeast Asia ......................................................................................................................... 69
Syrian Arab Republic ................................................................................................................ 69
Latin America and the Caribbean ...................................................................................... 70
South American Union of Nations UNASUR .............................................................................. 70
Latin American and Caribbean Summit on Integration and Development ............................... 70
ALBA TCP PETROCARIBE ................................................................................................... 70
Second Summit of Arab and South American countries. .......................................................... 71
Second Africa-South America Summit ...................................................................................... 71
Zone of Peace: Gulf of Fonseca ................................................................................................. 71
Belize and Guatemala .............................................................................................................. 71
Cuba ......................................................................................................................................... 71
Panama .................................................................................................................................... 72
Venezuela ................................................................................................................................. 72
Guyana and Venezuela ............................................................................................................ 72
Honduras .................................................................................................................................. 72
Bolivia ....................................................................................................................................... 73
Ecuador .................................................................................................................................... 73
CHAPTER III:.................................................................................................................. 73
DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL AND HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES .................................................. 73
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 73
Current global crises, in particular the world financial and economic crisis. .................. 75
Africa.................................................................................................................................. 77
Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island
Developing States .............................................................................................................. 78
Food Security..................................................................................................................... 79
Middle Income Developing Countries ................................................................................ 81
Low Income Developing Countries .................................................................................... 81
Trade .................................................................................................................................. 81
South-South Cooperation .................................................................................................. 83
International Migration and Development ........................................................................ 85
Water .................................................................................................................................. 87
Biological Diversity ............................................................................................................ 88
The Dead Sea ..................................................................................................................... 88
The Caribbean Sea ............................................................................................................. 88
Lake Chad and the River Niger .......................................................................................... 89
Energy ................................................................................................................................ 89
Climate Change.................................................................................................................. 90
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ...................................................................... 91
Racism, Racial Discrimination and Slavery ...................................................................... 97
International Humanitarian Law ....................................................................................... 98
Humanitarian Assistance ................................................................................................... 99
Information and Communication Technology ................................................................ 101
Advancement of Women .................................................................................................. 103
Indigenous Peoples .......................................................................................................... 105
Illiteracy........................................................................................................................... 105
Health, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases ................. 106
Transnational Organised Crime ....................................................................................... 107
Trafficking in Persons ...................................................................................................... 109
Drug Trafficking ............................................................................................................... 110
Corruption ....................................................................................................................... 110
Annex I: Member Countries of the Non Aligned Movement ........................................ 112
(As of 16 July 2009) ..................................................................................................... 112
Annex II: The Founding Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement ................................ 113
Annex III: The Principles enshrined in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles
and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture
adopted in the 14th NAM Summit in Havana. .............................................................. 114
1. The Heads of State and Government of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, met under
the Chairmanship of H.E Mohammed Hosny Mubarak, President of The Arab Republic of
Egypt, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt on 15
and 16
July 2009 to address the existing, new and
emerging global issues of collective concern and interest to the Movement, with a view to
generating the necessary responses and initiatives thereof. In this regard, they reaffirmed and
underscored the Movement’s abiding faith in and strong commitment to its founding
, ideals and purposes, particularly in establishing a peaceful and prosperous world
and a just and equitable world order as well as to the purposes and principles enshrined in
the United Nations Charter.
2. The Heads of State and Government affirmed the continued relevance and validity of all
principled positions and decisions of the Movement as contained in the substantive outcome
of the 14
NAM Summit held in Havana, Cuba, 15-16 September 2006 and the
preceding fourteen Summit Conferences of the Movement
, as well as all preceding Ministerial
Conferences or Meetings of the Movement. Likewise, they expressed their determination to
preserve and act in keeping with the Bandung Principles and the purposes and principles of
the Non-Aligned Movement in the present international juncture as agreed in the Declaration
on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present
International Juncture
adopted in the 14
NAM Summit in Havana.
3. The Heads of State and Government acknowledged the NAM Chair’s Report on the
Movement’s activities covering from the 14
NAM Summit held in Havana to date, which
showed significant progress in the process of strengthening and revitalizing the Non-Aligned
Review of the International Situation
4. The Heads of State and Government emphasized that the present global scenario
presents great challenges in the areas of peace and security, economic development and social
progress, human rights and the rule of law to Non-Aligned Countries. They affirmed that
many new areas of concern and challenges have emerged, particularly the current global
financial and economic crisis, which warrant the renewal of commitment by the international
community to uphold and defend the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United
Nations (UN) and the principles of international law. In taking stock of developments at the
international level since the XIV Conference of Heads of States or Government of the
Movement, they noted that the collective desire of the Movement to establish a peaceful and
prosperous world as well as a just and equitable world order remains encumbered by
fundamental impediments. These impediments are in the form of, inter alia, the severe
adverse impact of the global financial and economic crises on the economic growth and
development of developing countries which could lead to increasing poverty and deprivation in
these countries, the continuing lack of resources and underdevelopment of the majority of the
developing world, on the one hand, and in the form of, inter alia, the continuing lack of
cooperation of and coercive and unilateral measures imposed by some developed countries, on
the other. The rich and powerful countries continue to exercise an inordinate influence in
determining the nature and direction of international relations, including economic and trade
The ten Founding Principles of NAM appears in Annex II.
The substantive documents adopted at the 14th NAM Summit in Havana are: the Final Document; Declaration on
the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture; the
Document on the Methodology of the Non-Aligned Movement; the Declaration on Palestine; the Statement on the
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Nuclear Issue and the Plan of Action of the Non-Aligned Movement (2006-2009). All these
documents can be downloaded from www.cubanoal.cu.
The preceding fourteen NAM Summit Conferences were held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1961; Cairo, United Arab
Republic in 1964; Lusaka, Zambia in 1970; Algiers, Algeria in 1973; Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1976; Havana, Cuba in
1979; New Delhi, India in 1983; Harare, Zimbabwe in 1986; Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1989; Jakarta, Indonesia in
1992; Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in 1995, Durban, South Africa in 1998,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2003 and
Havana, Cuba in 2006 . All the substantive outcome documents of these Summit Conferences can be downloaded
from www.namegypt.org.
The principles enshrined in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned
Movement in the Present International Juncture appear in Annex III.
relations, as well as the rules governing these relations, many of which are at the expense of
developing countries.
5. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that the Movement will remain guided in
its endeavours by its Founding Principles, the principles enshrined in the Declaration on the
Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present
International Juncture adopted in the 14
NAM Summit in Havana, the UN Charter and
international law. To this end, the Movement will continue to uphold the principles of
sovereignty and the sovereign equality of States, territorial integrity and non-intervention in
the internal affairs of any State; take effective measures for the suppression of acts of
aggression or other breaches of peace, to defend, promote and encourage the settlement of
international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and
security, and justice, are not endangered; refrain in international relations from the threat or
use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any
other manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter; develop
friendly relations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and the self-determination
of peoples in their struggle against foreign occupation; achieve international cooperation
based on solidarity among peoples and governments in solving international problems of a
political, economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character; and promote and encourage the
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex,
language or religion.
6. The Heads of State and Government noted that the existing, new and emerging threats
and challenges, including the multiple inter-related and mutually reinforcing current global
crises, continue to impede efforts by States to attain greater economic development and social
progress, peace and security, and enjoyment of human rights and the rule of law. Global
peace and security continue to elude humankind as a result of, inter alia, increasing tendency
by certain States to resort to unilateralism and unilaterally imposed measures, non-fulfilment
of the commitments and obligations assumed under the relevant international legally binding
instruments especially on weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons treaties,
terrorism, conflicts, violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, the use of
double standards in international relations, the continuing failure and unwillingness of the
majority of the developed countries to fulfil their commitments in the economic and social
fields. They underscored the need for the international community to collectively redress these
situations in accordance with the UN Charter and the principles of international law.
7. Globalisation continues to present opportunities, challenges and risks to the future and
viability of developing countries. The process of globalisation and trade liberalisation has
produced uneven benefits among and within States and that the global economy has been
characterised by slow and lopsided growth and instability. Furthermore, it has made the
developing countries more vulnerable to the adverse impact of the financial and economic
crises, climate change, food crisis and energy prices volatility. In its present form,
globalisation perpetuates or even increases the marginalisation of developing countries.
Therefore, globalisation must be transformed into a positive force for change for all peoples,
benefiting all countries, and contributing to the prosperity and empowerment of developing
countries, not their continued impoverishment and dependence on the developed world. In
addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise the
development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in
order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation
and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic
environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international
trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-
coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
8. The revolution in information and communication technologies continue to change the
world at a rapid speed and in a fundamental way, and has created a vast and widening digital
divide between the developed and developing countries, which must be bridged if the latter are
to benefit from the globalisation process. These new technological innovations must be made
more easily available to developing countries in their efforts to modernise and revitalise their
economies in pursuit of their developmental goals and well being of their populations. In this
context, the achievement of these goals requires an enabling international environment and
the honouring of commitments and pledges made by States, in particular the developed world.
9. The future will present as many challenges and opportunities as the past and the
Movement must continue to remain strong, cohesive and resilient in order to address them
and preserve the historic legacy of the Movement. The continued and relevance and validity of
the Movement will depend, in large measure, on the unity and solidarity of each of its Member
Countries as well as their ability to influence these changes positively. In this regard, the
process of the revitalisation and strengthening of the Movement must continue to be pro-
active, advanced and consolidated.
10. The Heads of State and Government recalled the decision of the Summit of the
Organisation of African Unity (OAU), held in Algiers in July 1999, calling for the restoration of
constitutional legality in States whose governments had come to power through
unconstitutional means, and in this context, encouraged the Non-Aligned Countries to
continue to uphold the democratic ideals consistent with the Founding Principles of the
11. The Heads of State and Government welcomed the designation by the UN General
Assembly of April 22 as International Day of Mother Earth, and recognised that the earth and
its ecosystems are home to humanity. They undertake to raise awareness about this issue.
Non-Aligned Movement: Role and Methods of Work
12. Recognising the aspirations of their peoples, the Heads of State and Government
reaffirmed the Movement’s irrevocable political and moral commitment and determination to
and full respect for the Bandung Principles and those adopted at the Havana Summit in the
Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the NAM in the Present
International Juncture and the UN Charter as well as for their preservation and promotion,
with a view to further consolidate and enhance the Movement’s role and position as the
principal political platform representing the developing world in multilateral forums, in
particular the UN. In this context, they stressed that achieving the principles, ideals and
purposes of the Movement hinges upon the unity, solidarity and cohesion among its
membership, firmly rooted on mutual respect, respect for diversity and tolerance.
13. The Heads of State and Government determined that if any member of the Movement
suffers harm, whether this is economic, political or military in nature, or in terms of its
security, or if a Member suffers harm as a result of the imposition of unilateral sanctions or
embargos, the Movement should express its solidarity with the affected country through the
provision of moral, material and other forms of assistance. To this end, the Heads of State and
Government agreed to review the Movement’s existing mechanisms and explore new
mechanisms for rendering such assistance, if necessary.
14. The Heads of State and Government recalled that the Movement has been playing a key
active, effective and central role, over the years, on issues of concern and vital importance to
its members, such as decolonisation, apartheid, the situation in the Middle East including the
question of Palestine, the maintenance of international peace and security, and disarmament.
After almost half of a century of its existence, and having undergone many challenges and
vicissitudes, it is timely and appropriate to sustain and further consolidate the process of
strengthening and revitalising the Movement and to continue to undertake actions that allow
the Movement to effectively and efficiently counter address the main challenges facing us
today. In the context of existing and new threats and challenges, it is imperative for the
Movement to continue to promote multilateralism, especially by strengthening the central role
of the UN, defending the interests of developing countries and preventing their
15. The Heads of State and Government expressed their satisfaction at the performance and
achievement of the Movement over the past fourty- eight years in preserving and promoting its
ideals, principles and purposes as well as in pursuing the collective concerns and interests of
its membership. In recognition of the wisdom and far-sightedness of the Founding Fathers
The Founding Fathers of the NAM were President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, President Ahmad Soekarno of
Indonesia, President Gamal Abdul Nasser of the United Arab Republic, President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia and
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India.
leaders of the Founding Countries
and other past leaders of the Movement, they reaffirmed
the Movement’s commitment to safeguard, uphold and further consolidate its principles,
ideals and purposes.
16. In rededicating the Movement to its principles, ideals and purposes, and consistent with
the afore-mentioned principled positions, which should be defended, preserved and promoted
through greater efforts by the Movement and the existing mechanisms and arrangements of
the Movement, the Heads of State and Government agreed to undertake the following
measures, among others:
16.1 Continue making progress in the process of revitalizing and strengthening the
Movement with a view to achieving the purposes outlined in both the Declaration on
the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present
International Juncture and the Document on the Methodology of the Non-Aligned
Movement adopted at the 14th NAM Summit in Havana, which will enable the
Movement to deal effectively with the challenges looming ahead. Consolidate the pro-
active approach in the working dynamic of the Movement, maintaining and increasing
our capacity to bring forth on behalf of the NAM concrete proposals in the debates and
presentation of resolutions and other initiatives at the various United Nations organs
and other international fora where NAM is represented. The NAM Plan of Action
adopted at the 15
NAM Summit held in Sharm El Sheikh shall be reviewed when
necessary during Ministerial Meetings in order to evaluate its implementation and to
update it, accordingly.
16.2 Disseminate the outcome documents of the XV Non-Aligned Movement Summit
as official documents of the United Nations system, as appropriate.
16.3 Expand the NAM’s scope wherever its members consider it more appropriate
within the UN agencies or at other relevant international organizations or bodies, in
accordance with the decisions adopted at the XV NAM Summit Conference, held in
Sharm El Sheikh in 2009, as well as the XIV NAM Summit Conference, held in
Havana, in 2006, and 15
Ministerial Conference held in Tehran, in 2008.
16.4 Strengthen and manifest the unity and solidarity among the membership of the
Movement, particularly with those Non-Aligned Countries whose peoples are living
under colonial or alien domination or foreign occupation, and with those experiencing
external threats of use of force, acts of aggression or unilateral coercive measures,
living in abject poverty or suffering ill-health, and victims of natural disasters, bearing
in mind that the Movement cannot afford lack of unity and solidarity under those
16.5 Sustain the process of reviewing, analysing and strengthening the positions of the
Movement on international issues, with a view to further ensure the adherence to and
promotion of its Founding Principles and the principles adopted at the 14
Summit, as well as further consolidate the common denominators among its
16.6 Continue to review the role of the Movement in the context of current realities and
improve, as appropriate, its structure and methods of work, including through
strengthening existing mechanisms and arrangements
and, creating new ones, as
appropriate, and utilising them to the fullest, convening of regular meetings of such
mechanisms and arrangements, generating a more focused and concise
documentation, strengthening the role of the Chair as spokesperson of the Movement,
The 25 Founding Countries of the Movement are Afghanistan, Algeria, Arab Republic of Yemen, Burma (now
Myanmar), Cambodia, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Congo, Cuba, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia,
Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, United Arab Republic (now Egypt and
Syrian Arab Republic) and Yugoslavia.
The existing mechanisms and arrangements include the Former Chair Countries and Troika (at the Summit,
Ministerial and Ambassadorial levels); the Committee on Palestine (at the Ministerial and Ambassadorial level); the
Coordinating Bureau in New York and its subsidiary bodies (Working Groups on Disarmament, Human Rights, Legal
Matters, Peacekeeping Operations, Reform of the UN and GA Revitalisation, Reform of the Security Council, Review of
Mandates of the UN programmes and activities, and Information); the Chapters in Geneva, The Hague, Vienna and
UNESCO; and the Caucuses in the Security Council and in the Peace Building Commission.
working towards establishing a Back-up mechanism to assist the Chair, with the aim
to continues promoting a more coordinated, effective and efficient Movement capable of
responding in a timely manner to international developments affecting it and its
Member Countries;
16.7 Improve the coordination of the work of the existing mechanisms of the Movement
in New York, Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, Paris and The Hague in the work of the relevant
UN organs and agencies, upon identifying their respective priority areas of concern and
competence, bearing in mind the position of the Coordinating Bureau in New York as
the focal point for coordination of the Movement;
16.8 Expand and reinforce the ability and capacity of the Movement for initiative,
representation and negotiation, as well as its ethical, political and moral strength and
16.9 Continue to strengthen the coordination and cooperation as well as formulation of
common strategies on economic development and social progress issues with the
Group of 77 and China (G-77) through the Joint Coordinating Committee of the G-77
and NAM (JCC)
in advancing the collective concerns and interests of developing
countries at the relevant international forums particularly in the context of UN reform,
and in expanding and deepening South-South cooperation. Such coordination must be
guided by the Terms of Reference, adopted between both fora in 1994;
16.10 Promote coordination and cooperation between the G-77 and the NAM, wherever
possible at all relevant multilateral fora to address issues of common concern to both
groupings subject to their respective competencies;
16.11 Expedite its decision-making and improve its working methods, in conformity
with the relevant provisions of the Cartagena Document on Methodology of the
and the Document on the Methodology of the Non-Aligned Movement
adopted at the 14
NAM Summit in Havana, through determined and timely action in
order to contribute more effectively in the multilateral process, with the aim of
enhancing its role and stature as a leading global force;
16.12 Be more proactive in addressing international developments which could
adversely impact on the Movement and its Member Countries;
16.13 Encourage the interaction of the Ministers responsible for portfolios of relevance
to the Movement, such as food production and agriculture, energy, culture, education,
health, human resources, environment, information and communications, industry,
science and technology, social progress, women and children, with the aim of
enhancing the effectiveness of the Movement and increasing the cooperation among its
Member Countries in these areas;
16.14 Expand and deepen its interaction and cooperation with parliamentarians, civil
society, including non-governmental organisations, and the private sector of Non-
Aligned Countries on the recognition that they can perform a constructive role towards
the attainment of the principles, ideals and purposes of the Movement;
16.15 Support, as a further manifestation of solidarity of the Movement, the
candidatures of Non-Aligned Countries vis-à-vis non member countries, where
appropriate, to the United Nations organs and bodies, including the Security Council
and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), as well as all subsidiary bodies of the
General Assembly and the ECOSOC, bearing in mind the ensuing obligation of such
The JCC of the G-77 and NAM was established in 1994 with the primary objective to enhance collaboration, avoid
duplication of efforts and provide greater efficiency in the attainment of the common goals of the developing countries,
as well as to harmonise and coordinate the activities of both groupings in the economic and social fields within the
context of South-South and North-South cooperation.
The Cartagena Document on Methodology of the Movement was adopted by the Ministerial Meeting of the NAM
Committee on Methodology, held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia from 14 to 16 May 1996. Subsequently, it was
endorsed by the Heads of State or Government of the Movement during their XII Summit, held in Durban, South
Africa from 29 August to 3 September 1998.
Countries whose candidatures are successful owing to such support, to defend,
preserve and promote the concerns and interests of the Movement in those organs and
bodies, without prejudice to their sovereign rights. The Heads of State and Government
also agreed to consider working towards ensuring adequate representation of NAM in
all international fora; and
16.16 Decide to commemorate the 50
Anniversary of the Movement in 2011, with a
view to highlighting its achievements and further enhancing the unity and solidarity
among its membership, as well as its role at the present international juncture.
International Law
17. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the continued relevance
and validity of the Movement’s principled positions concerning international law, as follows:
17.1 The Heads of State and Government reemphasized that the purposes and
principles of the UN Charter and the principles of international law are indispensable
in preserving and promoting peace and security, the rule of law, economic development
and social progress, and human rights for all. In this context, UN Member States
should renew their commitment to defend, preserve and promote the UN Charter and
international law, with the aim of making further progress to achieving full respect for
international law;
17.2 The Heads of State and Government remained concern at the unilateral exercise
of extra-territorial criminal and civil jurisdiction of national courts not emanating from
international treaties and other obligations arising from international law, including
international humanitarian law. In this regard, they condemned the enactment of
politically motivated laws at the national level directed against other States, and
stressed the negative impact of such measures on the rule of international law as well
as on international relations, and called for the cessation of all such measures;
17.3 The Heads of State and Government, while realizing the negative effects on
international relations of the abuse of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction, called
upon States to refrain from such abuse and urged them to discuss this matter in the
General Assembly of the United Nations aiming at identifying the scope and limits of
implementation of this Principle and establish a mechanism to monitor such
implementation and to prevent its abuse in the future.
17.4 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the need to eliminate unilateral
application of economic and trade measures by one State against another that affect
the free flow of international trade. They urged States that have and continue to apply
such laws and measures to refrain from promulgating and applying them in conformity
with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law,
which, inter alia, reaffirm the freedom of trade and navigation.
18. Recognising the serious danger and threats posed by the actions and measures which
seek to undermine international law and international legal instruments, as well as consistent
with and guided by the Movement’s principled positions thereof, the Heads of State and
Government agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
18.1 Identify and pursue measures that may contribute towards achieving a peaceful
and prosperous world as well as a just and equitable world order based on the UN
Charter and international law;
18.2 Conduct external relations based on the ideals, principles and purposes of the
Movement, the UN Charter and international law, as well as the “Declaration on
Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among
States in accordance with the Charter of the UN”, the “Declaration on the
Strengthening of International Security”, and the “Declaration on the Enhancement of
Effectiveness of the Principles of Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force in
International Relations”
18.3 Firmly oppose the unilateral evaluation and certification of the conduct of
States as a means of exerting pressure on Non-Aligned Countries and other developing
18.4 Refrain from recognising, adopting or implementing extra-territorial or
unilateral coercive measures or laws, including unilateral economic sanctions, other
intimidating measures, and arbitrary travel restrictions, that seek to exert pressure on
Non-Aligned Countries threatening their sovereignty and independence, and their
freedom of trade and investment and prevent them from exercising their right to
decide, by their own free will, their own political, economic and social systems, where
such measures or laws constitute flagrant violations of the UN Charter, international
law, the multilateral trading system as well as the norms and principles governing
friendly relations among States;
and in this regard, oppose and condemn these
measures or laws and their continued application, persevere with efforts to effectively
reverse them and urge other States to do likewise, as called for by the General
Assembly and other UN organs; request States applying these measures or laws to
revoke them fully and immediately;
18.5 Support, in accordance with international law, the claim of affected states,
including the targeted states, to compensation for the damage incurred as a
consequence of the implementation of extraterritorial or unilateral coercive measures
or laws;
18.6 Oppose, while reiterating the utmost importance of preserving the delicate
balance of rights and obligations of States as stipulated in the various international
legally binding instruments to which they are party, the actions by a certain group of
States to unilaterally reinterpret, redefine, redraft or apply selectively the provisions of
these instruments to conform with their own views and interests and which might
affect the rights of their States Parties as defined therein, and in this context, work
towards ensuring that the integrity of these instruments is preserved by their States
18.7 Oppose all attempts to introduce new concepts of international law aimed at
internationalising certain elements contained in the so-called extra-territorial laws of
certain States through multilateral agreements;
18.8 Endeavour to generate further progress to achieve full respect for international
law and, in this regard, commend the role of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in
promoting the peaceful settlement of international disputes, in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the UN Charter and the Statute of the ICJ;
18.9 Urge the Security Council to make greater use of the ICJ, the principal judicial
organ of the UN, as a source of advisory opinions and interpretation of relevant norms
of international law, and on controversial issues, further urge the Council to use the
ICJ as a source of interpreting relevant international law, and also urge the Council to
consider its decisions be reviewed by the ICJ, bearing in mind the need to ensure their
adherence to the UN Charter, and international law;
18.10 Invite also the General Assembly, the other organs of the United Nations and
the specialized agencies duly authorized, to request advisory opinions of the
International Court of Justice on legal questions arising within the scope of their
18.11 Continue to call for full respect of the ICJ advisory opinion of 9 July 2004 by
Israel, the occupying Power, Member States and the United Nations and to consider
the possibilities for requesting a further advisory opinion from the ICJ regarding the
prolonged Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territory since 1967;
These include the “Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation
among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations” adopted by the General Assembly on 24 October
18.12 The Non-Aligned States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court (ICC) shall continue to preserve the integrity of the Statute and ensure
that the ICC remains impartial and fully independent of political organs of the UN,
which should not instruct or impede the functions of the ICC, bearing in mind the
relevant provisions of the Rome Statute;
18.13 The Non-Aligned States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC call upon those
States, which have not yet done so, to consider to ratify or accede to the Rome Statute
of the ICC;
18.14 Participate actively and consistently in the future meetings on the crime of
aggression, with a view to achieving an agreed provision thereof for inclusion in the
Statute by 2009; and encourage NAM Member States to discuss other issues on the
agenda of the Review Conference of the States Parties to the Rome Statute that will be
held in Uganda in 2010;
18.15 The Non-Aligned States continued to underscore the necessity of the
independence of the ICC in accordance with its judicial nature. They stated that the
Security Council's responsibilities under the Charter of the UN should not limit the
role of the Court as a judicial body. The Court should be empowered to pronounce on
acts of aggression independently, when the states parties to the Rome Statute of the
ICC have reached agreement on the definition of the crime of aggression.
18.16 Oppose all actions, in particular through the Security Council, aimed at
establishing a process to grant immunity to the staff members of UN peacekeeping
operations, which violate the relevant provisions of the Rome Statute of the ICC and
damage the credibility and independence of the ICC; and
18.17 Call upon the Non-Aligned States Parties to the relevant treaties to work
collectively to increase and enhance their representation and coordination in the
bodies established through those treaties, and support the candidatures of their
experts as a further manifestation of solidarity among them.
Promotion and Preservation of Multilateralism
19. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the validity and
relevance of the Movement's principled positions concerning the promotion and preservation
of multilateralism and the multilateral process, as follows:
19.1 The Movement reaffirmed that the UN, its Charter, and international law remain
indispensable tools and central in the preservation and maintenance of international
peace and security and the strengthening of international cooperation. While
acknowledging its limitations, the UN, which represents near universal membership and
a well-founded international legitimacy, and through it, multilateralism, remains the
central multilateral forum for addressing the pressing global issues and challenges
presently confronting all States. The responsibility for managing and achieving
worldwide economic development and social progress as well as responding to threats to
international peace and security must be shared among all States and exercised
multilaterally through the UN, which must play the central role thereof;
19.2 Remain seized of and active in further deliberations in the UN General Assembly on
the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and
crimes against humanity, bearing in mind the principles of the UN Charter and
international law, including respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States,
non-interference in their internal affairs, as well as respect for fundamental human
rights. The Movement took note of the presentation by the Secretary General of the
Report “Implementing the responsibility to protect” (document A/63/677)
19.3 The Movement also reaffirmed the commitment to discuss and define human
security in the UN General Assembly, in conformity with the principles enshrined in the
Charter. The Movement stressed that the national ownership and leadership, and
capacity building are essential elements in the consideration of this issue. The
Movement also affirmed that particular attention should be given to peoples under
foreign occupation to ensure their unhindered accessibility to humanitarian assistance
and the occupying powers fulfil their obligations under international law and
international humanitarian law; and
19.4 The Movement reiterated its strong concern at the growing resort to unilateralism
and unilaterally imposed measures that undermine the UN Charter and international
law, and further reiterated its commitment to promoting, preserving and strengthening
multilateralism and the multilateral decision making process through the UN, by strictly
adhering to its Charter and international law, with the aim of creating a just and
equitable world order and global democratic governance, and not one based on monopoly
by the powerful few.
20. The Heads of State and Government affirmed the role of South-South cooperation in
the overall context of multilateralism as a continuing process, vital to confronting threats and
challenges facing developing countries in advancing economic development and social
progress, promoting and preserving peace and security, and promoting and protecting human
rights and the rule of law.
21. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the
need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
21.1 Promote and work towards creating a multi-polar world through the strengthening of
multilateralism through the UN and the multilateral processes, which are indispensable
in promoting and preserving the interests of Non-Aligned Countries;
21.2 Initiate further vigorous transparent and inclusive initiatives to achieve the
realisation of multilateral cooperation in the areas of economic development and social
progress, peace and security, and human rights for all and the rule of law, including
through enhancing the Movement’s unity, solidarity and cohesiveness on issues of
collective concern and interests with the aim of shaping the multilateral agenda to
embrace development as a priority, which should take into account the need for the
developing and developed countries, and international institutions to intensify
partnerships and coordinate their efforts and resources to effectively address all
imbalances in the global agenda;
21.3 Strengthen the defence of the NAM’s positions and its relevant agreements in the UN
Security Council, through the NAM Coordinating Bureau and the NAM Caucus, in
accordance with the Movement’s principles;
21.4 Work towards achieving a universal, rule-based, open, non-discriminatory and
equitable multilateral trading system, stressing the value of multilateralism to achieve a
balanced, development oriented and, successful conclusion of the Doha round of
negotiations, and urge all States to fulfil their commitments to shape globalisation as a
positive force and that its benefits are shared evenly by all;
21.5 Strengthen the comparative advantages of existing multilateral arrangements and
institutions without compromising the principle of equitable geographical representation
and equal partnerships, and promote the democratisation of the system of international
governance in order to increase the participation of Non-Aligned Countries in
international decision making;
21.6 Oppose unilateralism and unilaterally imposed measures by certain States which
can lead to the erosion and violation of the UN Charter and international law, the use
and threat of use of force, and pressure and coercive measures as a means to achieving
their national policy objectives; and
21.7 Strengthen South-South and triangular cooperation, including through enhancing
the capacities of relevant institutions and mechanisms, as indispensable means to
promote and preserve multilateralism and the multilateral process.
Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, and Non-Use or Threat of Use of Force
22. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the Movement’s
principled positions concerning peaceful settlement of disputes, and non-use or threat of use
of force, as follows:
22.1 It is incumbent upon all States to defend, preserve and promote the purposes and
principles of the UN Charter and the principles of international law, in particular pacific
settlement of disputes and the non-use or threat of use of force; and
22.2 The Movement reiterated the basic principle of the UN Charter that all States shall
refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the
territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner
inconsistent with the purposes of the UN. The Movement stressed that the UN Charter
contains sufficient provisions regarding the use of force to maintain and preserve
international peace and security, and that achieving this goal by the Security Council
should be strictly done in full conformity with the relevant Charter provisions. Resorting
to Chapter VII of the Charter as an umbrella for addressing issues that do not pose a
threat to international peace and security must be avoided and in this regard, the
Council should fully utilise the relevant Charter provisions, where appropriate, including
Chapters VI and VIII. In addition, and consistent with the practice of the UN and
international law, as pronounced by the ICJ, Article 51 of the UN Charter is restrictive
and should not be re-written or re-interpreted.
23. The Heads of State and Government expressed their serious concern and complete
dismay at the victimisation of innocent civilians in instances where force has been employed
or sanctions have been imposed, including those authorised by the Security Council. In the
spirit of the UN Charter, they called on all States to advance the principle of the non-use of
force and peaceful settlement of disputes as a means of achieving collective security rather
than the threat of force or use of force, bearing in mind “that armed force shall not be used,
save in the common interest” as stipulated in the UN Charter.
24. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the
need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
24.1 Call upon the international community to renew its commitment to uphold and
defend the principles of the UN Charter and international law as well as the means
envisaged in the UN Charter for the pacific settlement of dispute and non-resort to the
threat or use of force;
24.2 Promote and preserve dialogue among civilizations, culture of peace and inter-faith
dialogue, which would contribute towards peace and security, taking into account the
Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and
Cooperation among States in accordance with the UN Charter, the Declaration on the
Strengthening of International Security, and the Declaration on the Enhancement of
Effectiveness of the Principles of Refraining from the Threat of Use of Force in
International Relations;
24.3 Strengthen the role of the Movement in peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict
prevention and resolution, confidence building, and post-conflict peacebuilding and
rehabilitation in or between Non-Aligned Countries, in particular through seriously
identifying concrete measures to expedite the creation of a NAM mechanism in this
regard, whose terms of reference must be in conformity with its Founding Principles, the
UN Charter and international law. Any such mechanism should be based on the consent
of the States concerned;
24.4 Oppose and condemn labelling of NAM countries and peoples by certain States
through use of pejorative terms as well as systematic vilification of other States to exert
political pressure;
24.5 Oppose and condemn the categorisation of countries as good or evil based on
unilateral and unjustified criteria, and the adoption of the doctrine of pre-emptive attack,
including attack by nuclear weapons by certain States, which is inconsistent with
international law, in particular the international legally-binding instruments concerning
nuclear disarmament; and further oppose and condemn all unilateral military actions, or
use of force or threat of use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and
independence of Non-Aligned Countries, which constitute acts of aggression and blatant
violations of the principles of the UN Charter, including non-interference in the internal
affairs of States; and
24.6 Promote, in ensuring international peace and security, the diversity of approaches to
development consistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and
international law as a core value of the Non-Aligned Countries.
Culture of Peace, Dialogue among Civilisations, Religions and Cultures, and Cultural
25. The Heads of State and Government noted that the world today is composed of States with
diverse political, economic, social and cultural systems and religions determined by their
history, traditions, values and cultural diversity, whose stability can be guaranteed by the
universal recognition of their right to freely determine their own approach towards progressive
development. In this context, they emphasized that respect for the diversity of such systems
and approach is a core value which relations and cooperation among States in an increasingly
globalising world should be based on, with the aim of contributing to establishing a peaceful
and prosperous world, a just and equitable world order, and an environment conducive to
exchanging human experiences. They underscored that the promotion of dialogue among
civilisations and the culture of peace globally, in particular through the full implementation of
the Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilisations and its Programme of Action and the
Declaration and Programme of Action on Culture of Peace could contribute towards that end.
26. The Heads of State and Government welcomed the First and Second Forums of Alliance of
Civilizations held from 15th to 16th of January 2008 in Madrid and from 6 to 7 of April 2009
in Istanbul, respectively and called for strengthening international partnerships and generate
ideas aimed at building trust and cooperation among diverse actors and stakeholders in the
promotion of dialogue among civilizations.
27. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that dialogue among cultures, civilisations
and religions should be a durable process and that, in the current international environment,
it is not an option but an imperative, sound and productive tool to promote economic and
social development, peace and security, and human rights and the rule of law in guaranteeing
a better life for all. They further reaffirmed in this context that tolerance is a fundamental
value of international relations.
28. The Heads of State and Government, bearing in mind that the current challenges facing
international community need to be resolutely addressed by all nations through
multilateralism, welcomed the initiative of "Coalition for Peace" based on high ethical values,
justice and friendship in order to denounce acts of aggression, and to reinforce and promote
stability, tranquillity and durable peace throughout the world.
29. The Heads of State and Government recognized the valuable contributions of all religions
and beliefs to modern civilization and the contribution that dialogue among civilizations can
make to an improved awareness and understanding of common values of tolerance and
peaceful coexistence.
30. The Heads of State and Government reiterated the need to continue working towards the
promotion of dialogue and understanding among civilizations, cultures and religions and
reaffirmed their commitment to work together to prevent cultural homogenization and
domination or incitement to hatred and discrimination, combat defamation of religions and
develop better ways for promoting tolerance, respect for and protection of the freedom of
religion and belief, including the right to preserve one’s cultural identity. They stressed the
role which the General Assembly and the relevant UN organs can play in that respect in
particular through furthering the much-needed dialogue on those important and sensitive
31. The Heads of State and Government recognised the ever-increasing significance and
relevance of a culture of living in harmony with nature, which is inherent in nomadic
civilisation, in today’s world. They, therefore, welcomed the efforts of States to preserve and
develop nomadic culture and traditions in modern societies.
32. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the importance of the Convention on the
protection and promotion of Diversity of cultural expressions by UNESCO, which entered into
force in 18 March 2007, as a major contribution to the international community in the
definition of a framework of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity and called upon
United Nations Member States to consider becoming parties to this Convention.
33. The Heads of State and Government welcomed the fruitful efforts of the NAM Members,
including the initiatives by the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Republic of Indonesia, the
Kingdom of Morocco, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the
Republic of the Philippines, the State of Qatar and the Republic of Senegal, in exploring the
opportunities for co-existence and cooperation among religions, cultures and civilisations
through holding numerous conferences and forums in order to identify and develop strategies
and programmes, at the national, regional and international levels that contribute to
rapprochement among religions, cultures and civilisations,
including other inter-
governmental processes and initiatives, such as the Third Ministerial Meeting on Interfaith
Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace, held on 25 September 2008 in New York;
34. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their commitment to the Tehran
Declaration and Programme of Action (TDPA) adopted at the Non Aligned Movement
Ministerial Meeting on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity held in Tehran, Islamic Republic
of Iran, on 3
and 4
September 2007, and recognized the important role of the NAM Center
for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity established in Tehran.
35. The Heads of State and Government welcomed the convening of the first High Level
Dialogue of the General Assembly on Inter-religious and Intercultural Cooperation for Peace
held on 4 5 October 2007 at the joint initiative of Pakistan and Philippines and the High-
Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Inter-Faith Dialogue on the initiative of King
Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, held on 12-13
November 2008, under agenda item “Culture of Peace”.
36. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the
need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
36.1 Emphasize the need to continue strengthening the dialogue among civilizations,
culture of peace and inter-cultural dialogue, inter alia through the World Programme for
the Dialogue among Civilizations and the Alliance of Civilizations;
36.2 Oppose all attempts to impose on any State any particular model of political,
economic, legal or cultural system, which may lead to global instability and weaken the
security of States and their peoples;
The conferences, forums and initiatives by the Republic of Indonesia, inter alia, “Building Interfaith Harmony
within the International Community” (2005) by the Kingdom of Morocco, inter alia, the “Rabat Declaration on
Encouraging Dialogue among Cultures and Civilisations through Effective and Sustainable Initiatives” (2005), Judeo-
Muslim Congress (2005-2006), and the “International Charter to Prevent any Defamation of Religions, Beliefs, Sacred
Values and Prophets, while Respecting the Freedom of Expression(2006) by the Republic of the Philippines, inter
alia, the Conference on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace (2005), Informal Summit on Interfaith Dialogue and
Cooperation for Peace (2005), Regional Conference of Asian and Pacific Countries on Interfaith Dialogue and
Cooperation for Peace (2006), Launching of the Tri-Partite Forum on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace (2005); by the
State of Qatar, inter alia, the Inter-Faith Dialogue Conference (2006), Alliance of Civilisation (2006), US-Islamic World
Forum (2006), Conference for Religions Dialogue (2005), Islamic-American Dialogue (2004), Forum on Islam-Christian
Dialogue (2003) and Dialogue Among Civilisations and Senegal, International Conference on Islam Christianity
Dialogue held in 2007.
36.3 Strive to prevent and mitigate cultural homogenization as well as uniculturalism in
the context of globalization, through increased intercultural dialogue and exchange
guided by enhancing respect for and observance of cultural diversity,
36.4 Promote a culture of peace based on respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity
of States, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, right to self-determination of
peoples under foreign occupation and colonial domination, prevention of violence,
promotion of non-violence, strict adherence to the principles of international relations as
enshrined in the UN Charter, and full realisation of the right to development;
36.5 Promote respect for the diversity of religions, beliefs, and cultures, and for prophets,
religious symbols and Personalities, as part of the universal respect for peoples and
civilizations and common heritage belonging to humankind.
36.6 Promote the important role of education in the promotion of a culture of peace and
dialogue among civilizations, religions and cultures.
36.7 Continue to enhance the efforts of the NAM members in promoting the culture of
peace, and dialogue among civilisations, religions and cultures, through various
activities, including international and regional conferences and forums;
36.8 Call for an active participation and engagement of all NAM members in the Special
NAM Ministerial Meeting on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace and
Development to be held from 1 to 3 December 2009 in Manila, Philippines, on the
initiative of the Government of the Philippines.
36.9 Initiate discussions with a view to elaborate an international instrument on the
elimination of all forms of religious intolerance, including ways to eliminate defamation
of religions, and discrimination based on religion or belief.
36.10 Contribute to the implementation of the agreements contained in the Tehran
Declaration and Programme of Action on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity and, in
this context, promote a NAM initiative on the subject in the Human Rights Council or
the United Nations General Assembly as soon as possible.
Defamation of Religions
37. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their strong belief in the need to stress
moderation of all religions and beliefs and to promote understanding through dialogue within
and across religions. In this connection, they are deeply alarmed at the rising trends of
discriminatory national laws and policies adopted and exercised against any religion,
stigmatizing groups of people on the basis of religions under variety of pretexts relating to
security and illegal immigration, particularly people from certain ethnicities and religious
minorities following the events of 11 September 2001.
38. The Heads of State and Government, bearing in mind that defamation of religions is being
wrongly justified on the ground of the right to freedom of expression, emphasized that
everyone has the right to hold opinions without interference and the right to freedom of
expression, and that exercise of these rights carries with it special duties and responsibilities
and may therefore be subject to limitations as are provided for by law and are necessary for
respect of the rights and reputations of others, protection of national security or of public
order, public health or morals.
39. The Heads of State and Government considered, in this regard, the importance of
promoting full respect of all religions and cultures among all States, with a view to promoting
and ensuring the full enjoyment of the right to freedom of expression while preventing abuses
and incitement to religious hatred that could contribute to undermining the ongoing efforts to
foster a culture of peace based on mutual respect and tolerance among religions, cultures and
civilisations, as provided for in the international human rights instruments to which States
are parties.
40. The Heads of State and Government expressed concern at the negative stereotyping of
religions, insults to and defamation of religious personalities, holy books, scriptures and
symbols, which impede the enjoyment of human rights including the right to worship and
manifest religion without fear of coercion, violence or reprisal. They deplored all acts of
ideological and physical violence and assaults, and incitements thereto, against persons on
the basis of their religion or belief, and those acts directed against the holy symbols, sites or
places of worship of all religions. The Heads of State and Government underlined the need to
address these disturbing instances through appropriate measures at the national and
international level, including legal measures to provide adequate protection against acts of
religious hatred that constitute incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence resulting
from defamation of religions in conformity with existing instruments of international law. They
also underlined the unacceptability of any attempt to restrict the freedom of worship by any
religious group in any circumstance.
41. The Heads of State and Government underlined the important role of education in the
promotion of tolerance and the elimination of discrimination based on religion or belief.
Right to Self-Determination and Decolonisation
42. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance
of the Movement's principled positions concerning the right to self-determination of peoples
under foreign occupation and colonial or alien domination, as follows:
42.1 The Movement stressed the fundamental and inalienable right of all peoples,
including all non-self governing territories, as well as those territories under foreign
occupation and colonial or alien domination to self determination, the exercise of which,
in the case of peoples under foreign occupation and colonial or alien domination, remains
valid and essential to ensure the eradication of all these situations and to guarantee
universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;
42.2 The Movement reaffirmed the right of the people of Puerto Rico to self-determination
and independence on the basis of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV), and expressed
its unwavering support to the resolutions on Puerto Rico adopted by the UN Special
Committee on Decolonisation; and called for their immediate implementation; and
42.3 The Movement remained concerned at the loss, destruction, removal, theft, pillage,
illicit movement or misappropriation of and any acts of vandalism or damage, directed
against cultural property in areas of armed conflict and territories that are occupied.
43. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the
need to preserve, defend and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
43.1 Strongly support the work and activities of the UN Special Committee on
Decolonisation, underlines the necessity of reinforcing the importance of its decisions
and again urge the Administering Powers to grant their full support to the activities of
the Committee and fully cooperate with this UN body;
43.2 Request the colonialist countries to pay full compensation for the economic, social and
cultural consequences of their occupation, bearing in mind the right of all people who
were or are still subjected to colonial rule or occupation to receive fair compensation
for the human and material losses they suffered as a result of colonial rule or
43.3 Strongly condemn the ongoing brutal suppression of the legitimate aspirations to self-
determination of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation in
various regions of the world;
43.4 Urge UN Member States to fully implement the decisions and resolutions of the UN
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) concerning the return of
cultural properties to the peoples who were or still under colonial rule or occupation,
and in this regard, further urge UNESCO to identify the stolen or illegally exported
cultural properties in accordance with the relevant conventions on the subject, and
also urge the process of returning these properties to their countries of origin, in
compliance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, be expedited,
bearing in mind the right of the Non-Aligned Countries to maintain and conserve their
national heritage as it constitutes the foundation of their cultural identity;
43.5 Renew its call to UN Member States to speed up the process of decolonisation towards
the complete elimination of colonialism, and including by supporting the effective
implementation of the Plan of Action of the Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism
43.6 The Heads of State and Government expressed grave concern over the recent decision
by the United Kingdom, the Administering Power, to suspend the Constitution of the
Turks and Caicos Islands, the democratically elected House of Assembly and the
Cabinet, and in this regard, called for the urgent restoration of the constitutional
government in the Turks and Caicos Islands, pursuant to the Constitutional Order of
43.7 Work towards the full implementation of the principle of self-determination with
respect to the remaining territories within the framework of the Programme of Action
of the Special Committee on Decolonisation, in accordance with the wishes of the
people consistent with the UN Charter and the relevant UN resolutions;
43.8 Oppose any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and
the territorial integrity of a State, which is incompatible with the UN Charter; and
43.9 Call on the Government of the United States to assume its responsibility to expedite a
process that will allow the Puerto Rican people to fully exercise their inalienable right
to self-determination and independence, and urges the Government of the United
States to return the occupied land and installations on Vieques Island and at the
Roosevelt Roads Naval Station to the Puerto Rican people, who constitute a Latin
American and Caribbean nation; and
43.10 Work actively to have the U.N. General Assembly to consider the question of
Puerto Rico in all its aspects.
United Nations: Follow-up to the 2005 World Summit Outcome, the Millennium
Declaration and the Outcomes of the Major United Nations Summits and Conferences
44. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that the UN Charter provides a balance
among the purposes and principles of the Organisation that encompass all pertinent issues,
including economic and social development, peace and security, and human rights and rule of
law, and that the Millennium Declaration as well as the 2005 World Summit Outcome provide
the twenty-first century perspective of that balance. They further reaffirmed that the existing,
new and emerging threats and challenges faced by all States in these areas are inter-
connected and that these could be addressed by acting at a sufficiently early stage with the
full range of available peaceful means as envisaged in the UN Charter and in a manner that
would ensure the preservation of its purposes and principles, the intergovernmental character
of the Organisation and the required balance among its principal organs, as well as the
neutrality and impartiality of its undertakings in these areas.
45. The Heads of State and Government reiterated their disappointment at the provisions
contained in the 2005 World Summit Outcome that did not fully take into account the
concerns and interests of developing countries, especially on critical and crucial issues
relating to development, official development assistance and trade and they also expressed
their disappointment at the lack of implementation by developed countries of many of the
commitments on those issues. They further expressed their disappointment at the inability of
the World Summit to agree on the issue of disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of
The relevant UN resolutions include General Assembly resolution 55/146, which proclaims 2001 to 2010 decade
as the Second Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.
mass destruction. They noted that the World Summit Outcome, in spite of its limitations,
could serve as a workable basis for UN Member States to move forward the process of
strengthening and updating the UN to meet existing and emerging threats to economic and
social development, peace and security, and human rights and the rule of law. They further
noted that while the development cluster of the World Summit Outcome fell short of the
expectations of developing countries, there were positive elements, which could be used as a
platform for actively promoting the implementation of commitments made in previous major
UN summits and conferences.
46. The Heads of State and Government remained concerned by the lack of and/or uneven
progress made by least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island
developing States in achieving the internationally agreed development goals including the
Millennium Development Goals, and in this regard reiterating the importance of strengthening
global partnership in the follow-up to and implementation of the Brussels Programme of
Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 20012010, the Almaty Programme of
Action: Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries within a New Global
Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for Landlocked and Transit Developing
Countries and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of
Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States.
47. The Heads of State and Government drew particular attention to the decision of some
donor countries to establish timetables for the attainment of the 0.7 per cent target of GNP to
developing countries by 2015 as ODA and 0.15 per cent to 0.2 per cent to the least developed
countries (LDCs) by 2010, and expressed concern at the overall decline in Official
Development Assistance in 2006 and 2007. They agreed to highlight the importance of the
ECOSOC’s Development Cooperation Forum as the focal point within the United Nations
system for holistic consideration of issues of international development cooperation with
participation of all relevant stakeholders, including for monitoring the progress made towards
achieving those targets. They reiterated the need to establish ODA timetables by those
developed countries, which have not yet done so, in order to assist developing countries to
meet the MDG's target in a timely manner.
48. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that economic and social development are
the centrepiece of the objectives and operational activities of the UN. The achievement of the
internationally Agreed Development Goals (IADG), including the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), should continue to be the relevant framework of the development activities of
the UN system.
49. The Heads of State and Government underlined the insufficient and uneven progress
achieved in the effective implementation of the Internationally Agreed Development Goals
including the MDG’s, and noted with deep concern that many countries, particularly from
Africa, have fallen behind and are unlikely to achieve those Goals by the target date. In this
regard, the Heads of State and Government stressed the importance of securing the effective
and full implementation of the agreed development goals and commitments, including the
strengthening of the global partnership for development, based on the recognition of national
ownership and development strategies. They further emphasized that economic and social
development must be at the highest priority of the United Nations Agenda.
50. The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need for a timely, effective,
comprehensive and durable solution to the debt problems of developing countries and called
for the continued formulation of proposals to address significant debt relief for middle-income
developing countries including implementation of initiatives.
51. They stressed the important role of the United Nations in addressing issues concerning
international trade and development, as well as the persistent systemic inequities in
international economic relations, in particular the slow progress in enhancing the voice and
participation of developing countries in the International, Financial and Monetary Institutions,
which are to the detriment of developing countries. They also underlined the need for a
comprehensive and structural reform of the global financial and economic governance and
architecture in order to establish an equitable, transparent and democratic international
system that strengthens and broadens the participation of developing countries in
international economic decision making and norm setting. In that context, they also
underscored the need to strengthen and implement the development dimension in the series
of international economic, financial and trade negotiations, including inter alia on the issue of
intellectual property. The Heads of State and Government reiterated the call for the
international community, the United Nations system, and international organizations and
institutions, including the Bretton Woods institutions and the World Trade Organization, to
translate all commitments made at the major United Nations conferences and summits, in the
economic, social and related fields into concrete and specific actions in order to, inter alia,
achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development
Goals, and calls for the efficient use of monitoring and follow-up mechanisms to ensure that
these commitments and actions are effectively implemented;
52. The Heads of State and Government stressed the need for the United Nations to play a
fundamental role in the promotion of international cooperation for development and the
coherence, coordination and implementation of the internationally agreed development goals,
including the Millennium Development Goals, and actions agreed upon by the international
community, and resolves to strengthen coordination within the United Nations system in close
cooperation with all other multilateral financial, trade and development institutions in order
to support sustained economic growth, poverty and hunger eradication and sustainable
53. Consistent with, and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the
need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to continue to undertake the following measures, among others:
53.1 Actively engage in the follow-up process and the implementation of the
commitments contained in the 2005 World Summit Outcome and its Development Follow
up resolution and the Millennium Declaration, as well as the international development
goals agreed at the major UN conferences and summits in the economic, social and
related fields, in a manner that would advance the principled positions of the Movement
towards the issues under consideration. To this end, the Movement shall insist, in close
cooperation and coordination with the Group of 77 and China, that the follow-up process
of these conferences and summits, must remain inclusive, open-ended and transparent
in order to ensure that the interests and priorities of the Non-Aligned Countries are duly
taken into account in the final outcome of that process;
53.2 Pursue the issues of fundamental importance to the Movement in the context of
follow-up to the 2005 World Summit Outcome and the Millennium Declaration, that have
been omitted from the outcome document or yet to be explored in the UN such as
disarmament, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and arms control;
53.3 Call for international support for South-South cooperation, which complements
North-South cooperation, including regional, inter-regional and triangular cooperation
and in this context, the Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the importance of
convening the UN Conference on South-South Cooperation as decided by the General
Assembly in its resolutions 62/209 and 63/233, and to work towards achieving its full
success. In that regard, they welcomed the offer of the government of Kenya to host that
53.4 Agree to convene a Special Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly devoted
to the issue of Poverty Eradication as early as possible.
53.5 Welcome the proposal made by the Secretary-General, to convene a Summit in 2010
to review the implementation of the MDGs. They called upon Member States, in particular
major donor countries, to participate at the highest level in the 2010 Summit to review
implementation of the MDGs and actively engage in the deliberations leading to the
review of the progress made, take stock of existing gaps in the achievement of the MDG's,
identify actions needed to ensure achievement of these goals, including in strengthening
international cooperation, and to ensure that the achievement of these goals gets back on
track and the momentum is maintained.
53.6 Reiterate the importance of a strengthened and more effective intergovernmental
inclusive mechanism, in order to provide for adequate follow up of the implementation of
the mandates agreed to in Monterrey and in Doha, in addition to holding a follow up
Financing for Development Conference in 2013, and recalling the mandate of the Doha
Declaration on Financing for Development, urged ECOSOC to reach a speedy conclusion
on the establishment of such a mechanism, with a view to final action by the General
Assembly as early as possible at its 64
United Nations: Institutional Reform
A. Reform of the United Nations
54. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the validity and
relevance of the Movement's principled positions concerning the institutional reform of the
UN, as follows:
54.1 The UN remains the central and indispensable forum for addressing issues relating
to international cooperation for economic development and social progress, peace and
security, and human rights and the rule of law, based on dialogue, cooperation and
consensus-building amongst States. In this context, the Movement attaches great
importance to the strengthening of the role of the UN and stresses that efforts should be
made to develop its full potential;
54.2 The purpose of reform is to make the UN development system more responsive,
efficient and effective in its support to developing countries to achieve the internationally
agreed development goals, on the basis of their national development strategies, and that
reform efforts should enhance organisational efficiency and achieve concrete development
54.3 The reform of the UN, which remains a collective agenda and high priority for the
Movement, is a dynamic and ongoing process and not an end in itself in accordance with
the parameters for the objective and scope of the review exercise set out by the 2005
World Summit Outcome and the Millennium Declaration. Reform of the UN must be
comprehensive, transparent, inclusive and balanced and pursued in an effective and
accountable manner, fully respecting the political nature of the Organisation as well as
its intergovernmental, universal and democratic character, consistent with the Charter.
In this context, the voice of every Member State must be heard and respected during the
reform process irrespective of the contributions made to the budget of the Organisation,
while stressing that any reform measure should be decided by Member States through an
intergovernmental process in accordance with the Charter.
54.4 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need for the payment of
assessed contributions by major contributors, which is critical to the financial stability of
the Organization, to be made timely, in full and without conditions so as to enable the
UN to carry out its mandates effectively. A reformed UN must be responsive to the entire
membership, faithful to its founding principles and capable of carrying out its mandate;
54.5 The impact of UN reform on developing countries is yet to be felt given the
continuous decline in the resources made available to the UN for multilateral
development cooperation. The Heads of State and Government, while recognizing the
steps taken by the General Assembly when adopted its resolution 63/260 aimed at
improving the effective and efficient delivery of the mandates of the development-related
activities, underscored the need for a substantially larger allocation of resources to
strengthen the development pilar of the United Nations, which includes that Department
of Economic and Social Affairs, UNCTAD, Regional Commissions and the Development
Account. In this context, the Heads of State and Government expressed particular
concern at the fact that the current system of financing of the Development Account has
failed to work and stressed the need to address the perennial issue of the funding
mechanism for the Account, as a matter of priority, in order to provide a predictable and
sustainable funding to the Account. The success of UN reform can only be judged in
terms of a collective assessment of the potential improvements in the functioning of the
Organisation while preserving the interests of all developing countries. In this context,
UN reform shall be strictly approved by the General Assembly and its ultimate goal shall
not be to cut in the UN budget and resources. Should reforms however release part of
existing resources, such resources shall be ultimately redirected to support activities and
programmes related to international cooperation for development;
54.6 The objectives of UN reform, which should include the strengthening of the General
Assembly and the ECOSOC as well as reforming the Security Council and other relevant
UN bodies while addressing at the same time the systemic issues which may arise as a
result, are:
(a) to strengthen multilateralism and the inclusive multilateral decision-making
process, providing the UN with a substantive capacity to fully and effectively meet
the purposes and principles enshrined in its Charter, and at consolidating its
democratic and inter-governmental character and its transparency in the
discussion and implementation of decisions by Member States;
(b) to strengthen and update the role of the Organisation, as the pre-eminent and
indispensable forum, by developing its full potential in addressing threats and
challenges to economic development and social progress, peace and security, and
human rights and the rule of law which could be achieved through the
implementation of all of its mandates, decisions and resolutions, bearing in mind
that a stronger UN that responds more effectively to their collective needs is in
their common interest;
(c) to promote greater democracy, effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and
accountability within the UN system;
(d) to strengthen the role of the Organisation in promoting international cooperation in
the maintenance of international peace and security and in particular for
development and in implementing the internationally-agreed development goals, in
the economic, social and related fields, including the Millennium Development
Goals, through the provision of adequate resources and effective follow-up
mechanisms. In this context, any UN reform proposal should also address systemic
issues and requirement for additional human and financial resources that may
arise as a result; and
(e) to mainstream the development dimension within the General Assembly, ECOSOC
and the economic sectors of the UN system, including in the areas of sustainable
development, policy space, South-South cooperation social and environmental
responsibility and accountability, bearing in mind the aim of enabling the full
participation of peoples from the South in the international decision and rule-
making economic processes, and ensuring their access to and full enjoyment of the
benefits of the international economy.
54.7 In acknowledging the interconnectedness of economic and social development,
peace and security, and human rights and the rule of law, efforts should be made to
ensure that any effort to transform the UN into a more effective instrument for preventing
conflict should take into account the need for a balanced coherent and comprehensive
approach, in accordance with its Charter and international law, in order to enhance
conflict prevention and resolution and post-conflict peace-building strategies with the
aim of achieving sustained economic growth and sustainable development. In this
context, it is critical that all principal organs of the UN play an active role in evolving and
implementing a more effective collective security system, in accordance with their
respective functions and powers;
54.8 It is indispensable for UN Member States to develop common perceptions and
agreed approaches to address existing, new and emerging threats and challenges to
international peace and security as well as the root causes of conflict. Such common
perceptions and approaches to collective security would only be legitimate if they are
developed in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter and by all
Member States acting together. The active participation of each and every principal organ
of the UN is crucial, acting both in the exercise of its respective functions and powers,
without upsetting the balance as established by the Charter thereof;
54.9 Efforts to strengthen the contribution of civil society, non-governmental
organisations and the private sector to the work of the UN and its bodies through the
established consultative arrangements should continue to be pursued, in accordance
with the relevant UN resolutions and should serve the purposes and principles of the UN
Charter. Such contribution should seek, inter alia, to address in particular the obstacles
that developing countries are experiencing in mobilising the resources and in obtaining
the technology and capability needed to implement their sustainable development
54.10 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the Movement’s principled position
regarding the review of mandates of the United Nations programme and activities, as
contained in the Final Document of the 14th NAM Summit in Havana, as well as the
joint letter, dated 3 January 2007, signed by the Chairs of NAM and the Group of 77 and
China, issued as an official document of the United Nations (A/61/693); and
54.11 The Heads of State and Government acknowledged the conclusion of the mandate
review process and took note of resolution 62/278, in particular, paragraph 4 by which
the General Assembly call upon its relevant bodies and subsidiary organs, within their
respective mandates and in accordance with the established regulations and rules
governing programme planning, to continue improving the implementation of mandates
and addressing the continuing validity of legislative decisions and the effective
coordination among units of the Secretariat and other structures of the United Nations
55 The Heads of State and Government expressed satisfaction over the high level of
coordination and activism reached by the JCC, between NAM and G-77 and China, in
following up various aspects of the UN reform, which has placed them as key players, also
contributing to the advancement of the interests of the developing countries.
56 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the
need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to continue pursue the following measures:
56.1 Promote the concerns and interests of developing countries in the reform process,
ensure its successful outcome, and promote and preserve the integrity and respective
functions and powers of the General Assembly, the ECOSOC, and the Security Council
as defined in the Charter;
56.2 Oppose proposals that seek; (a) to transform the democratic and intergovernmental
nature of the UN as well as its oversight and monitoring processes including any
proposal that seeks to undermine the role of the Fifth Committee of the General
Assembly; (b) to impose an artificial cap on budget levels; (c) to fund more activities from
within the existing pool of resources; or (d) to redefine the Charter-based functions and
powers of its principal organs on budgetary related issues;
56.3 Engage constructively in consultations and work towards, in particular through
ensuring the implementation of the relevant UN decisions and resolutions thereof: (a)
revitalising the work of the General Assembly, in view of its central role and position as
the chief deliberative, policy making and representative organ of the UN; (b) strengthening
the role of the ECOSOC as a principal body for coordination, policy review, policy
dialogue and recommendations on issues of economic and social development, and
monitoring the implementation of development programmes; (c) democratising the
Security Council as an effective forum in the maintenance of international peace and
security; and (d) reforming the Secretariat and its management in order to ensure the
efficient and effective implementation of all mandates and to provide the highest level of
accountability and transparency, at all levels, within the Secretariat and from the
Secretariat to Member States through the establishment of a clear and implementable
accountability framework;
56.4 Enhance the global partnership for development that is necessary to fully realize the
outcomes of all major UN summits and conferences in the economic, social and related
56.5 Oppose the tendency to equate reform of the UN with greater empowerment of the
Security Council, mindful of the need to keep the balance among the functions and
powers of the principal organs of the UN;
56.6 Ensure that the UN is provided with sufficient resources and on a timely basis
needed to fully implement all mandated programmes and activities, in accordance with
relevant General Assembly resolutions, including evolving a mechanism to monitor their
effective implementation;
56.7 Promote, in close cooperation with the Group of 77 and China, the allocations of
additional resources to further strengthen the development pillar of the United Nations;
56.8 Maintain close inter-governmental oversight and review of all proposals, which are
yet to be considered and acted upon by the General Assembly, as well as those, which
are being implemented; and
56.9 Preserve the unity of purpose and action achieved by NAM and the G-77 and China
through the JCC in following up on the various aspects of the UN reform in order for the
interests and concerns of developing countries to be adequately reflected in the final
outcome of this process.
B. Relationship among the Principal Organs of the United Nations
57 The Heads of State and Government underscored the need for UN Member States to
fully respect the functions and powers of each principal organ of the UN, in particular the
General Assembly, and to maintain the balance among these organs within their respective
Charter-based functions and powers. They stressed that the Security Council must fully
observe all Charter provisions as well as all General Assembly resolutions, which clarify its
relationship with the latter organ and other principal organs. In this context, they affirmed
that Article 24 of the Charter does not necessarily provide the Security Council with the
competence to address issues which fall within the functions and powers of the General
Assembly and the ECOSOC, including in the areas of norm-setting, legislation, administrative
and budgetary matters, and establishing definitions, bearing in mind that the Assembly is
primarily tasked with the progressive development of international law and its codification.
The Heads of State and Government expressed their grave concern over the increasing and
continuing encroachment by the Council on issues which clearly fall within the functions and
powers of other principal organs of the UN and their subsidiary bodies. They further stressed
that close cooperation and coordination among all principal organs is highly indispensable in
order to enable the UN to remain relevant and capable of meeting the existing, new and
emerging threats and challenges.
58 The Heads of State and Government stressed that while Member States have conferred
on the Security Council the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace
and security pursuant to Article 24 (1) of the UN Charter and in carrying out its duties under
this responsibility, the Council acts on their behalf. In this context, they further stressed that
the Council should report and be accountable to the General Assembly in accordance with
Article 24 (3) of the Charter.
59 The Heads of State and Government reiterated its concern over the continuing
encroachment by the Security Council on the functions and powers of the General Assembly
and the Economic and Social Council through addressing issues which traditionally fall
within the competence of the latter organs, and the attempts to enter areas of norm-setting,
administrative and budgetary matters and establishing definitions which fall within the
purview of the Assembly.
60 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming
the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
60.1 Urge all States to uphold the primacy of and full respect for the provisions of the
UN Charter pertaining to the functions and powers of the Assembly, call on the
Presidents of the General Assembly, the ECOSOC and the Security Council to conduct
regular discussions and coordination among themselves regarding the agenda and
In accordance with Article 13 (1) of the UN Charter.
programme of work of the respective principal organs that they represent in order to
establish increased coherence and complementarity among these organs in a mutually
reinforcing manner, respectful of each others’ mandates, and with a view to generating a
mutual understanding among them, with whom the members of the respective organs
that they represent have vested in good faith their trust and confidence;
60.2 Welcome as a step forward the informal meeting between the July’s 2008 President
of the Council, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and UN Member States on the
preparation of the annual report of the Security Council and call for more regular
interactions between future July’s Presidency of the Security Council and the wider
membership of the United Nations, which can help enhance the quality of such reports;
60.3 Call on the Security Council to submit a more comprehensive and analytical annual
report to the General Assembly, assessing the work of the Council, including such cases
in which the Council has failed to act, as well as the views expressed by its members
during the consideration of the agenda items under its consideration;
60.4 Call on the Security Council, pursuant to Articles 15 (1) and 24 (3) of the UN
Charter, to submit special reports for the consideration of the General Assembly;
60.5 Call on the Security Council to ensure that its monthly assessments are
comprehensive and analytical, and issued in a timely fashion. The General Assembly
may consider proposing parameters for the elaboration of such assessments;
60.6 Call on the Security Council to fully take into account the recommendations of the
General Assembly on matters relating to international peace and security, consistent
with Article 11 (2) of the Charter; and
60.7 Oppose and stop attempts to shift issues under the agenda of the General Assembly
or the ECOSOC to the Security Council, and the encroachment by the latter on the
functions and powers of the Assembly.
C. Revitalisation of the Work of the General Assembly
61 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the validity and
relevance of the principled positions of the Movement concerning the revitalisation of the work
of the General Assembly, as follows:
61.1 The role and authority of the General Assembly, including in questions related to
international peace and security, as the chief deliberative, policy-making and
representative organ of the UN,
and its inter-governmental and democratic character
as well as that of its subsidiary bodies, which have immensely contributed to the
promotion of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the goals of the
Organisation, must be respected. Its prerogative as the chief oversight organ of the UN,
including on management and procurement for peacekeeping operations, must also be
respected; and
61.2 The revitalization of the work of the General Assembly which must be guided by
the principles of democracy, transparency and accountability and achieved through
open-ended and inclusive consultations is a critical component of the comprehensive
reform of the UN, and its objectives should continue to strengthen the role and position
of the General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policy-making and representative
organ of the United Nation, bearing in mind that the improvement of its procedural and
working methods is only a first step towards a more substantive improvements and
revitalization of the Assembly; and to restore and enhance the role and authority of the
General Assembly, including in the maintenance of international peace and security as
provided for in the Charter, through, inter alia, fully respecting its functions and powers
and strengthening its relationship and coordination with other principal organs, in
particular the Security Council.
As affirmed in the Millennium Declaration, and reaffirmed in the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document as well
as in other relevant General Assembly resolutions.
62 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming
the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to continue to implement the following measures, among others:
62.1 Support all ongoing and continuous efforts to strengthen the central role and
authority of the Assembly, taking into account the criteria of relevance and efficiency;
oppose any reform proposal that seeks to challenge the central role and authority of the
General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of
the UN; and oppose any approach that seeks to or could result in undermining or
minimizing the achievements of the General Assembly, diminishing its current role and
functioning, or raising questions about its relevance and credibility;
62.2 Call on UN Member States to renew their commitment and political will to
implement General Assembly decisions and resolutions on a non-selective and non-
discriminatory basis, since the failure to do so is at the root of many unresolved
62.3 Ensure that the UN is provided with the resources needed to fully implement all
mandated programmes and activities, in accordance with relevant General Assembly
62.4 Reaffirm the role and authority of the General Assembly, including on questions
relating to international peace and security, as stipulated in Articles 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
and 35 of the Charter of the UN, where appropriate using the procedures set forth in
rules 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, which enable
swift and urgent action by the Assembly, bearing in mind that the Security Council has
primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in
accordance with Article 24 of the Charter;
62.5 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the role of the General Assembly in
the maintenance of international peace and security and expressed grave concern at
instances wherein the Security Council fails to address cases involving genocide, crimes
against humanity, war crimes or ceasefire between parties, in fulfilment of its primary
responsibility in this regard;
62.6 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that in such instances where the
Security Council has not fulfilled its primary responsibility for the maintenance of
international peace and security, the General Assembly should take appropriate
measures in accordance with the Charter to address the issue. To this extent, the Heads
of State and Government recalled the decision taken at the 14
NAM Summit
authorizing representatives of the Movement Member States to the UN in New York to
work on an appropriate draft resolution to be submitted to the General Assembly on this
62.7 Promote and preserve the role and mandate of the General Assembly in setting the
priorities of the UN and in considering all budgetary and administrative issues and
reform, including its absolute authority to allocate and reallocate financial and human
resources, and in the appointment of senior officials in the Secretariat in accordance
with the Charter and General Assembly resolutions thereof, through ensuring, inter alia,
the full adherence by UN Member States to such resolutions;
62.8 Identify measures to simplify the Uniting for Peace procedure to enable swifter and
urgent action by the General Assembly, in recognition of its role on issues relating to
international peace and security as set out in the Charter;
62.9 Strengthen the role of the General Assembly in accordance with article 97 of the UN
Charter in the selection of the Secretary General of the Organisation and
62.10 The Heads of State and Government commended the ongoing work of the NAM
Working Group on the revitalization of the General Assembly under the chairmanship of
Algeria, in coordinating issues of common concern to the Movement. They encouraged all
NAM delegations to continue to actively participate in the working group with a view to
promote and achieve the objectives of the Movement.
D. Selection and appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
63 The Heads of State and Government underlined the central role of the General
Assembly in the process of selecting and appointing the Secretary-General of the UN, and
expressed support to efforts aimed at reinforcing and strengthening the role of the Assembly in
this regard, and agreed that all Non-Aligned Countries shall engage actively in these efforts.
64 Recalling the role of the principal organs as enshrined in Article 97 of the UN Charter,
the Heads of State and Government called upon the President of the General Assembly to
consult with Member States to identify potential candidates endorsed by a Member State and,
upon informing all Member States of the results, forward these results to the Security
65 In this context, the Heads of State and Government agreed that formal presentation of
candidatures for the position of Secretary-General should be done in a manner that allows
sufficient time for interaction with Member States in the General Assembly and the Security
Council, and requested that, during the selection process of the SG, the PGA convenes a
meeting of the General Assembly for an exchange of views and dialogue with all candidates.
E. Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security
Council, and other Matters Related to the Security Council
66 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the validity and
relevance of the Movement's principled positions concerning the question of equitable
representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council, and other matters
related to the Security Council, in particular the directives of the Movement adopted during its
, 12
, 13
and 14
Summits, and which have been reflected in the Movement’s position
and negotiating papers, and the decisions of the Ministerial Conferences and Meetings, as
66.1 The Movement remained concerned at the lack of progress in the discussions in the
General Assembly on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the
membership of the Security Council, and other matters related to the Council, where the
discussions therein have shown that while a convergence of views has emerged on a
number of issues, major differences still exist on many others, while there have been
some improvements made to the working methods of the Council, they have not satisfied
even the minimum expectations of the general membership of the UN, leaving much room
for improvement;
66.2 In this context, the Movement welcomed the adoption of Decision 62/557 on the
“Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security
Council and related matters” during the 62
session of the General Assembly and the
commencement of inter-governmental negotiations on this issue in informal plenary of
the UN General Assembly;
66.3 Reform of the Security Council should be comprehensive, addressing all substantive
issues relating, inter alia, to the question of the membership, regional representation, the
Council’s agenda, its working methods and decision-making process, including the veto;
66.4 In recent years, the Security Council has been too quick to threaten or authorise
enforcement action in some cases while being silent and inactive in others. Furthermore,
the Council has been increasingly resorting to Chapter VII of the Charter as an umbrella
for addressing issues that do not necessarily pose an immediate threat to international
peace and security. A careful review of these trends indicates that the Council could have
opted for alternative provisions to respond more appropriately to particular cases.
Instead of excessive and quick use of Chapter VII, efforts should be made to fully utilize
the provisions of Chapters VI and VIII for the pacific settlement of disputes. Chapter VII
should be invoked, as intended, as a measure of last resort. Unfortunately, provisions of
Articles 41 and 42 in some cases have been too quickly resorted to while the other
options had not been fully exhausted;
66.5 The Security Council-imposed sanctions remain an issue of serious concern to Non-
Aligned Countries. In accordance with the UN Charter, sanctions should be considered to
be imposed only after all means of peaceful settlement of disputes under Chapter VI of
the Charter have been exhausted and a thorough consideration undertaken of the short-
term and long-term effects of such sanctions. Sanctions are a blunt instrument, the use
of which raises fundamental ethical questions of whether sufferings inflicted on
vulnerable groups in the target country are legitimate means of exerting pressure. The
objectives of sanctions are not to punish or otherwise exact retribution on the populace.
In this regard, the objectives of sanctions regimes should be clearly defined, and that its
imposition should be for a specified timeframe and be based on tenable legal grounds,
and that it should be lifted as soon as the objectives are achieved. The conditions
demanded of the State or party on which sanctions are imposed should be clearly defined
and subject to periodic review. Sanctions should be imposed only when there exists a
threat to international peace and security or an act of aggression, in accordance with the
Charter, and that it is not applicable “preventively” in instances of mere violation of
international law, norms or standards. Targeted sanctions may be a better alternative so
long as the population of targeted State concerned is not victimised whether directly or
66.6 Transparency, openness and consistency are key elements that the Security Council
should observe in all its activities, approaches and procedures. Regrettably, the Council
has neglected these important factors on numerous occasions. Such instances include
unscheduled open debates with selective notification, reluctance in convening open
debates on some issues of high significance, repeatedly restricting participation in some
of the open debates and discriminating between members and non-members of the
Council particularly with regard to sequencing and time limits of statements during the
open debates, failure to submit special reports to the General Assembly as required
under Article 24 of the Charter, submission of annual reports still lacking sufficient
information and analytical content, and lack of minimal parameters for the elaboration of
the monthly assessment by the Security Council Presidencies. The Council must comply
with the provisions of Article 31 of the Charter, which allow any non-Council member to
participate in discussions on matters affecting it. Rule 48 of the Provisional Rules of
Procedure of the Council should be thoroughly observed. Closed meetings and informal
consultations should be kept to a minimum and as the exception they were meant to be;
66.7 The reform of the Security Council should be addressed in a comprehensive,
transparent and balanced manner. It should ensure that the agenda of the Council
reflects the needs and interests of both developing and developed countries, in an
objective, rational, non-selective and non-arbitrary manner. It should aim at limiting and
curtailing the use of the veto with a view to its elimination.
66.8 The enlargement of the Council, as a body primarily responsible for the
maintenance of international peace and security, and the reform of its working methods
should lead to a democratic, more representative, more accountable and more effective
66.9 The Rules of Procedure of the Security Council, which have remained provisional for
more than 60 years, should be formalised in order to improve its transparency and
66.10. The Heads of State and Government acknowledge the historical injustices against
Africa with regard to its representation in the Security Council and expressed support for
increased and enhanced representation for Africa in the reformed Security Council. The
Heads of State and Government took note of the African common position as reflected in
the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration.
66.11. The Heads of State and Government took note of the Report prepared by the NAM
Permanent Representatives in New York following the directives of the Havana Ministerial
Meeting of the Movement, held on 29
and 30
of April 2009, on the issue of the Security
Council reform. Accordingly, they renewed the directives to the Permanent
Representatives in New York to continue to develop the elements of the position of the
Movement on Security Council reform, taking into account all the options and views of
Member States and groups, and to present a comprehensive report to the next NAM
Ministerial Meeting following the XV Summit of the Movement.
67 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming
the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
67.1 Call on the Council to increase the number of public meetings, in accordance with
Articles 31 and 32 of the Charter, and that these meetings should provide real
opportunities to take into account the views and contributions of the wider membership
of the UN, particularly non-Council members whose affairs are under the discussion of
the Council;
67.2 Call on the Security Council to allow briefings by the Special Envoys or
Representatives of the Secretary-General and the UN Secretariat to take place in public
meetings, unless in exceptional circumstances;
67.3 Call on the Security Council to further enhance its relationship with the UN
Secretariat and troop contributing countries (TCC), including through a sustained,
regular and timely interaction. Meetings with TCCs should be held not only in the
drawing up of mandates, but also in their implementation, when considering a change in,
or renewal of, or completion of a mission mandate, or when there is a rapid deterioration
of the situation on the ground. In this context, the Security Council Working Group on
Peacekeeping Operations should involve TCCs more frequently and intensively in its
deliberations, especially in the very early stages of mission planning;
67.4 Call upon the Security Council to uphold the primacy of and respect for the Charter
in connection with its functions and powers and stresses once again that the decision by
the Security Council to initiate formal or informal discussions on the situation in any
Member State of the United Nations or any issue that does not constitute a threat to
international peace and security is contrary to Article 24 of the Charter;
67.5 Call on the Council to establish its subsidiary organs in accordance with the letter
and spirit of the UN Charter, and that these organs should function in a manner that
would provide adequate and timely information on their activities to the general UN
67.6 Reject any attempts to use the Security Council to pursue national political agendas
and stressed the necessity of non-selectivity and impartiality in the work of the Council,
and the need for the Council to strictly keep within the powers and functions accorded to
it by the Member States under the UN Charter;
66.7 Call on the Council to avoid resorting to Chapter VII of the Charter as an umbrella
for addressing issues that do not necessarily pose a threat to international peace and
security, and to fully utilise the provisions of other relevant Chapters, where appropriate,
including Chapters VI and VIII, before invoking Chapter VII which should be a measure
of last resort, if necessary;
67.8 Oppose attempts through the imposition or prolongation of sanctions or their
extension by the Security Council against any State under the pretext or with the aim of
achieving the political objectives of one or a few States, rather than in the general interest
of the international community; and
67.9 Urge the Non-Aligned Countries, which are members of the Security Council,
promote and defend, as deemed possible, the aforementioned positions and objectives
during their tenure of membership in the Council, and to this end to, while noting with
satisfaction recent positive steps in that regard, stress the need for the consolidation of
the NAM Caucus in the Council with the principal objective of coordinating and
defending the positions of the Movement in the Security Council, and call upon the
members of the Caucus to provide timely briefings and to engage in close consultation
with the Non-Aligned Countries, particularly those whose interests and concerns are
under consideration by the Council, as well as to keep the Movement continuously
updated of all relevant developments and issues with which the Council is actively seized.
F. Strengthening of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
68 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption of General Assembly
Resolution 61/16, which strengthens the role of the ECOSOC as a principal body for the
promotion of international economic cooperation, coordination, policy review, policy dialogue
and formulation of recommendations on issues of economic and social development as well as
for the full implementation of the international development goals agreed at the major UN
conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields, including the Millennium
Development Goals, and expressed their resolve and commitment to promote greater efforts
geared toward this end. They particularly welcomed ECOSOC’s role in undertaking regular
and periodic review and assessment of international economic and development policies and
their impact on development, and called for full implementation of this role.
G. The Human Rights Council
69 The Heads of State and Government stressed that the Human Rights Council should
provide equal treatment to both civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural
rights, as well as the right to development They further stressed that the Council should not
allow confrontational approaches, exploitation of human rights for political purposes, selective
targeting of individual countries for extraneous considerations and double standards in the
conduct of its work, which should comply with the UN Charter, international law and relevant
UN resolutions.
70 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that universality, transparency,
impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity should be guiding principles for the work of the
Council and its method of work. The Council in performing its responsibilities should, bear in
mind, in accordance with Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, the significance of
national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious
backgrounds of the Member States.
71 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the importance of implementing a
constructive approach in the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental
freedoms, and in this regard, they urged the Human Rights Council
to focus on constructive
international dialogue and cooperation, capacity building and technical assistance to ensure
the realisation of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the right to
72 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their commitment to General Assembly
Resolution 62/219 on 22 December 2007, endorsing the Human Rights Council’s decision to
adopt resolution 5/1 entitled Institutional Building of the Human Rights Council and
resolution 5/2 entitled Code of Conduct for Special Procedures Mandate-Holders of the
Human Rights Council, including their annexes and appendices.
Members of the NAM Caucus in the Security Council, comprising the Non-Aligned Countries currently members
of the Security Council, are Burkina Faso (2008-2009), Libya (2008-2009), Uganda (2009-2010) and Vietnam (2008-
The 27 Non-Aligned Countries which are currently members of the 47-member of the Human Rights Council are
Angola (2007-2010), Bahrain (2008-20011), Bangladesh (2006-2009), Bolivia (2007-2010), Burkina Faso(2008-2011),
Cameroon (2006-2009), Chile (2008-2011), Cuba (2006-2009), Djibouti (2006-2009), Egypt (2007-2010), Gabon
(2008-2011), Ghana (2008-2011), India (2007-2010), Indonesia (2007-2010), Jordan (2006-2009), Madagascar (2007-
2010), Malaysia (2006-2009), Mauritius (2006-2009), Nicaragua (2007-2010), Nigeria (2006-2009), Pakistan (2008-
2011), the Philippines (2007-2010), Qatar (2007-2010), Saudi Arabia (2006-2009), Senegal (2006-2009), South Africa
(2007-2010), and Zambia (2008-2011).
73 The Heads of State and Government expressed satisfaction over the active role carried
out by the Movement during the Human Rights Council’s Institutional Building process,
through, inter alia, the presentation of several initiatives and contributions as NAM which
allowed the Movement’s positions to be reflected in the adopted resolutions. In this regard, the
Heads of State and Government called upon NAM Members to join efforts and to actively
engage with the view to presenting and defending the position of the Movement in the
forthcoming review process of the Human Rights Council in the General Assembly by 2011.
74 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need to develop effective working
relationship between the Human Rights Council and the Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights in line with the spirit of General Assembly resolution 48/141. They further
stressed that the Human Rights Council, being the expert inter-governmental body on human
rights issues, should have an oversight role in reviewing the work of the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights, including its activities under country engagement and
establishing its field offices and decided to discuss this issue further with a view to the
forthcoming review process of the Human Rights Council by 2011.
75 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the role of the Human Rights Council
as the United Nations organ responsible for consideration of human rights situations in all
countries in the context of the Universal Periodic Review based on cooperation and
constructive dialogue. The Heads of State and Government expressed their deep concern over
the continuation of the practice of selective adoption of countryspecific resolutions in the
Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, which breaches the principles of universality,
objectivity and non-selectivity in addressing human rights issues which undermine
cooperation as the essential principle to effectively promote and protect all universally
recognized human rights for all.
76 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the importance of ensuring the
implementation of the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council as an action-
oriented, cooperative mechanism based on objective and reliable information and interactive
dialogue with full involvement of the countries under review and conducted in an impartial,
transparent, non-selective, constructive, non-confrontational and non-politicized manner.
They further urged all NAM members to continue to coordinate their efforts to support NAM
Members States under review.
77 The Heads of State and Government reiterated that the Non-Aligned Movement should
continue to closely coordinate its position on the following priority areas:
a) Foster international cooperation and constructive dialogue in the Human Rights
Council and prevent the occurrence of practices of double standards, selectivity and
political manipulation which discredited the Commission on Human Rights,
b) Continue working towards the enhancement and improvement, as appropriate, of
the work of human rights mechanisms, including treaty bodies, special procedures,
expert bodies and the confidential procedure, bearing in mind that in discharging their
mandates, the mandate holders should be guided by and observe, the Code of Conduct
for the Special Procedures Mandate Holders of the Human Rights Council contained in
HRC Resolution 5/2 of 18 June 2007, as well as the need to preserve all these
mechanisms and bodies from politicization and double standards, so as to enhance
the effectiveness of the system.
c) Encourage the presentation of experts from NAM countries as candidates for special
procedures mandate-holders,
d) Develop the relationship of the Human Rights Council with other entities of the
United Nations system, as appropriate, in accordance with the General Assembly
resolutions 48/141, 60/251 and 62/219,
e) Determine the Council’s reporting procedures to the United Nations General
Assembly, for purposes of universal endorsement of all its programs and activities, in
its capacity as subsidiary organ of the General Assembly. In this regard, initiate
discussions among NAM Members to explore common grounds on the issue,
f) Start in due course discussions within NAM to be prepared and to agree on possible
common positions for the forthcoming review process of the HRC,
g) Ensure that the Universal Periodic Review be conducted by the Human Rights
Council as a result-oriented, cooperative mechanism, based on an interactive dialogue,
with the full involvement of the country under review and with consideration given to
its capacity-building needs and that such a mechanism shall complement and not
duplicate the work of treaty bodies, bearing in mind the need to eradicate selectivity,
double standards and politicisation in the consideration of human rights issues. It
should aim at strengthening the Member States capacity, upon their request, to
implement their obligations, on promotion and protection of human rights. It should
not be used as a tool to coerce States and subject them to politically motivated
country-specific resolutions,
h) Ensure also that the Universal Periodic Review be conducted in an objective manner,
on the basis of credible and reliable information, and taking duly into consideration
information, comments and observations of the country under review. It should not be
used as a tool to interfere in the internal affairs of States or to question their political,
economic, and social systems, their sovereign rights, and their national, religious and
cultural particularities. It must continue to be implemented in accordance with UNGA
resolutions 60/251 and 62/219.
i) Support NGOs participation in the work of the Human Rights Council, based inter
alia on ECOSOC resolution 1996/31 and the modalities established by the Human
Rights Council, taking into consideration that NGOs should conform at all times to the
principles governing the establishment and nature of their consultative relations with
ECOSOC, and that they are responsible for the actions of their accredited
representatives during their participation in the work of the Human Rights Council;
H. Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Activities and the Operationalisation of the Peacebuilding
Commission (PBC)
78 The Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) recalled the
14th Summit Conference of Heads of State or Government of the Non-Aligned Movement held
in Havana, Cuba September 2006 at which the Heads of State or Government of the
Movement reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled
positions concerning post-conflict peacebuilding activities and had welcomed the
establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) as by General Assembly resolution
60/180; as a coordinated, coherent and integrated institutional mechanism, to address the
special needs of countries emerging from conflict, towards recovery, reintegration and
reconstruction at their request in accordance with the principle of national ownership”, in
laying the foundation for sustainable development.
79 In pursuit of this mandate, the Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the Non-
Aligned Movement’s commitment to an efficient and effective Peacebuilding Commission,
which fully utilises the advantages and benefits arising from the diversity of its composition.
In this context, they noted the second report of the Commission as contained in document
A/63/92 S/2008/417. They also acknowledged the work undertaken by the Commission
since it started its operations with respect to the four countries on its agenda, namely:
Burundi, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau and the Central African Republic. They also
acknowledged the progress achieved so far, in the elaboration of the strategic frameworks for
peacebuilding, for these countries.
80 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the establishment of a NAM Caucus
within the Peacebuilding Commission aimed at coordinating positions of Non-Aligned
countries in the Commission and to keep the Movement informed of the activities carried out
by the Commission. In this connection, they lauded the efforts of the Caucus in the rapid
progress of the Commission, specifically towards the entrenchment of the principle of national
ownership, the need for capacity building and drawing recognition to, and signalling the
importance of the economic recovery and development dimension in the peace building
81 The Heads of State and Government expressed concern at several instances in which
the Security Council denied the coordinator of the NAM Caucus in the PBC an opportunity to
address members of the Security Council on matters related to the competence of the PBC.
They urged the Security Council, the General Assembly and ECOSOC to utilize the expertise
of the PBC, including the coordinator of the NAM Caucus of the PBC, as the representative of
the largest grouping within the PBC, by ensuring participation in discussions on all issues of
relevance to, or falling within, the competence of the PBC. Furthermore, they stressed on the
necessity to promote the institutional relation between the PBC and the General Assembly,
the Security Council and the ECOSOC.
82 The Heads of State and Government reiterated that, without prejudice to the functions
and powers of the other principal organs of the UN in relation to post-conflict peacebuilding
activities, the General Assembly must play the key role in the formulation and implementation
of such activities and functions. They underlined the central role of the PBC in providing the
United Nations with policy guidance and strategies in its post-conflict peacebuilding activities.
In this regard they reaffirmed the work of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding
Commission as the central organ of the Commission, with responsibilities as described in the
General Assembly’s resolution 60/180. As well as considering the organizational committee a
suitable platform for strategy and policy discussions to promote the rules and working
methods of the Commission and to reinforce the coherence of the Commission’s
Configurations and to facilitate a result oriented engagement with relevant actors and
stakeholders. In this connection also, they urged the NAM Caucus in the Commission to
encourage work towards the further development of rules of procedure and methods of work,
suitable for the efficient and proper functioning of the Commission. They emphasized that the
provisional rules of procedure of the PBC need to be regularly revisited in the light of the
experience gained by the Commission since its operationalization, and the developments in
the work of the Commission. They emphasized as well the importance for NAM Member States
to actively participate in the review process of the arrangements set out in General Assembly
resolution A/Res/180 which is scheduled to take place in 2010, to ensure that they are
appropriate to fulfill the agreed functions of the Peacebuilding Commission. The Heads of
State and Government reaffirmed the necessity to provide necessary and timely resources, in
order to help ensure predictable financing for recovery activities and sustained financial
investment, over the medium to long-term. They reiterated the fundamental role of the PBC in
the conception, with the consent of the countries under the consideration of the PBC, and in
conformity with the principle of national ownership, of integrated strategies for post conflict
peacebuilding and recovery.
83 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF)
must continue to be used as a catalytic support mechanism geared towards providing critical
support during the early stages of the peace building process to avert relapse into conflict.
They stressed the need for closer synergy between the PBC and the PBF, through a
strengthened strategic relationship, to ensure greater coherence and coordination and the
avoidance of duplication. They emphasized that the terms of reference of the PBF should be
amended, taking into consideration the lessons learned since its establishment, to make the
Fund more efficient, transparent, flexible and to facilitate the disbursement of funds,
particularly for quick-win and emergency projects. They reiterated as well the importance of
increasing the funding target of the PBF, to make it more capable of financing additional
projects in post conflict countries. They stressed on the necessity of having a mechanism to
assess whether allocations from the PBF are directed to the appropriate channels leading to
peacebuilding. The Heads of State and Government emphasized the importance for this review
process to contribute to more effective and flexible rules, applicable to the PBF.
84 The Heads of State and Government commended the continuing work of the NAM
caucus in the PBC, under the coordination of Jamaica, and requested the caucus to continue
its efforts to strengthen the position and role of the Movement in the affairs of the PBC and to
continue to keep the Coordinating Bureau of the Movement abreast of the activities
undertaken by the Commission, on a regular basis. They further encouraged the non-aligned
members of the Peacebuilding Commission and the Non-Aligned countries which are on its
agenda, to actively participate in the NAM Caucus to ensure its purposeful contribution to the
Peacebuilding activities of the United Nations.
I. United Nations Secretariat and Management Reform
85 Recognising that the reform of the UN is a collective agenda of its membership, the
Heads of State and Government stressed that the voice of every Member State must be heard
and respected during the reform process, irrespective of its level of contribution to the budget
of the Organisation.
86 The Heads of State and Government recognized that in order to advance the reform
process of the Secretariat and Management, the United Nations must be equipped with the
necessary and sufficient resources to allow its full implementation, avoiding any delay in this
87 The Heads of State and Government reiterated that the objectives of the reform of the
Secretariat of the UN and its management are as follows:
(a) to respond more efficiently and effectively to the needs of Member States;
(b) to further strengthen and update the role, capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of
the UN and thus, improving its performance in order to realize the full potential
of the Organisation, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN
(c) to ensure the effective enforcement of greater accountability and transparency
measures within the Secretariat as well as accountability of the Secretariat
towards Member States in particular at the senior managers level;
(d) To better reflect the international character of United Nations Secretariat as a
fundamental principle through obtaining the agreed benchmarks on equitable
geographic representation at all levels of the Secretariat, including senior
managerial level, as well as to achieve the targeted gender balance among all staff
(e) The final result of the reform process should be to ensure that the UN is able to
implement all its mandates more effectively and efficiently.
88 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that the reform of the Secretariat of
the UN and its management should not:
(a) change the intergovernmental nature of the decision-making, oversight and
monitoring processes of the Organisation;
(b) be a cost-cutting exercise of the Organisation;
(c) reduce the budget levels of the Organisation;
(d) fund more activities from within the existing pool of resources of the
Organisation; and
(e) Redefine the functions and powers of the principal organs of the Organisation.
89 The Heads of State and Government strongly rejected attempts to impose
conditionalities to the reform process which negatively impact the confidence atmosphere
needed for the negotiations.
J. United Nations System-wide Coherence
90 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their willingness to continue to engage
constructively in the process set up by the President of the General Assembly to facilitate an
intergovernmental consideration of the recommendations emanating from the High-Level
Panel’s Report and the Secretary-General’s comments. In this context, the Heads of State and
Government took note of General Assembly resolution 62/277.
91 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed all the general elements stated by the
Joint Coordinating Committee of G-77 and NAM during the plenary meetings of the General
Assembly on system wide coherence and in its letter of 19 March 2007, including the
a) The Heads of State and Government reiterated their preference of an integrated
process instead of a divided one. Funding, development and governance continue
to be areas of priority interest for the JCC. The Heads of State and Government
understand that further intergovernmental work of the General Assembly on
system-wide coherence will focus exclusively and in an integrated manner on
“Delivering as One” at country and regional levels, harmonization of business
practices, funding, governance, and gender equality and the empowerment of
women, as decided by resolution 62/277.
b) The Heads of State and Government also reiterated their position on the integrity of
the follow-up process to the High-level panel’s recommendations on system-wide
coherence in terms of decision-making with the view of a single decision at the
decision point in this process; and in this regard, they supported the decision of
the General Assembly to review and take stock of all of its prior actions and
deliberations in a single resolution or decision at the conclusion of its entire
process on system-wide coherence,
c) The Heads of State and Government also reiterated their position that development
cooperation should be demand-driven and be pursued on the basis of the national
strategies and plans of developing countries. In this regard, they emphasized that
UN development cooperation should be voluntary and grant-based in nature and
that there should be no “one size-fits all” approach. Likewise, they highlighted
that the nature of development cooperation should be responsive to the specific
needs, priorities and conditions of each country.
d) The Heads of State and Government acknowledged that General Assembly
resolution 62/208 on the Triennial comprehensive policy review operational
activities for development of the United Nations system constitutes the
intergovernmental agreed guiding policy framework for addressing the UN
operational activities for development.
e) The Heads of State and Government underscored that the fundamental
characteristics of the UN operational activities for development must remain, inter
alia, the universal, voluntary and grant nature, the neutrality and the
multilateralism, as well as their ability to respond to the development needs of
program countries in a flexible manner.
92 The Heads of State and Government commended the effective coordination between
NAM and G-77, through the Joint Coordinating Committee, in the consultations on the
System-wide Coherence, and in this regard undertook to continue to work together with the G-
77, through the JCC, with a view to defend, preserve and promote the interests of developing
countries and defend the integrated, intergovernmental, inclusive and transparent nature of
this process, without the imposition of artificial deadlines for decision-making.
United Nations: Financial Situation and Arrangement
93 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the validity and relevance of the
Movement's principled positions concerning the financial situation and arrangement of the
UN, as contained in the Final Document of the 14th NAM Summit as follows:
93.1 The Movement remained concerned at the financial situation of the UN as a
result of the failure on the part of some Member States, especially major
contributing States, to meet their assessed contributions in full, on time and
without conditions, in accordance with the Charter and relevant General Assembly
93.2 The Movement reiterated that it remains crucial to ensure that all decisions
on the priority-setting of the UN are adopted in an inclusive and transparent
manner, and that the Organisation should be provided with the resources needed
for the full and effective implementation of all mandated programmes and activities
as well as those required to guarantee the quality of services needed for the
functioning of its inter-governmental machinery;
93.3 The principle of capacity to pay of Member States should remain as the
fundamental criterion in the apportionment of the expenses of the Organisation;
93.4 The general principles governing the financing of UN peacekeeping operations,
as set out in the relevant General Assembly resolutions, should be adhered to. A
proper balance should be struck between the level and urgency with which
peacekeeping activities are funded on the one hand, and availability of resources
needed for full implementation of all mandated programmes and activities by the
General Assembly, in particular in the area of development, on the other; and
93.5 To strike a balance in reflecting the agreed priorities of the Organization in the
allocation of resources to the United Nations regular budget; which is persistently
to the detriment of the development activities.
93.6 The existing reporting procedures on budget and financial cycle should be
maintained and the role of the Member States in programme evaluation of the
Organisation should be strengthened. In this regard, the functions of the
Committee on Program and Coordination (CPC), as the main subsidiary of
ECOSOC and the General Assembly for planning, programming and coordination
and its vital role in program design by ensuring that the Secretariat accurately
interprets and translates legislative mandates into programs and sub-programs
should be further strengthened.
94 The Heads of State and Government reaffirm that the financial stability of the UN
should not be jeopardized by any arbitrary measure. They also stressed that measures to
ensure financial discipline should be done in full compliance with relevant General Assembly
resolutions, in particular 41/213 and 42/211, as well as relevant rules and regulations of the
95 The Heads of State and Government stressed that the level of resources to be approved
by the General Assembly must be commensurate with all mandated programmes and
activities in order to ensure their full and effective implementation. They also reaffirmed the
priorities of the Organization as approved by the General Assembly and the need for the
Secretary-General to reflect these priorities when presenting proposed programme budgets.
96 The Heads of State and Government stressed that the ceiling is the main distortionary
element of the scale of assessments, affecting the principle of capacity to pay and noted with
concern that despite the arrangement to reduce the ceiling from 25% to 22% in 2000 as a
compromise, the major contributor is far from honoring its commitment to pay all its arrears.
In this context, the Heads of State and Government urged the General Assembly to undertake
a review of this arrangement, in accordance with paragraph 2 of General Assembly resolution
55/5 C.
97 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming
the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to reiterate the following measure, among others:
97.1 Urge all UN Member States in arrears, in particular the major contributing States,
to settle their outstanding dues without further delay and to pay their future
assessments in full, on time and without imposing preconditions in accordance with
the Charter and relevant General Assembly resolutions, mindful at the same time of
the special situation faced by some developing countries that hamper their ability to
pay their assessed contributions.
United Nations: Peacekeeping Operations
98 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the guiding principles of United
Nations peacekeeping operations (UNPKOs) adopted at the 11th Ministerial Conference of
NAM held in Cairo in 1994, and reiterated the Movement’s position on UNPKOs adopted by the
12th Summit held in Durban in 1998, and which have been further reiterated at the 13
Summit held in Kuala Lumpur in 2003, the 14th Ministerial Conference held in Durban in
2004, the 14th Summit held in Havana in September 2006, and the 15th Ministerial
Conference in Tehran.
99 The Heads of State and Government commended the Movement’s significant and major
contribution to the maintenance of international peace and security under the auspices of the
United Nations. Noting that peacekeeping has become the flagship activity of the Organisation,
the Heads of State and Government expressed satisfaction that the Non-Aligned Countries
currently provide more than 80% of peacekeeping personnel in the field. They reaffirmed and
underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement's principled positions concerning
UNPKOs, as follows:
99.1 The Heads of State and Government reiterated that the primary responsibility for
the maintenance of international peace and security rests with the UN and that the role
of regional arrangements, in that regard, should be in accordance with Chapter VIII of
the Charter, and should not in any way substitute the role of the UN, or circumvent the
full application of the guiding principles of UNPKOs;
99.2 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that the establishment of any
peacekeeping operation or extension of mandate of existing operations should strictly
observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and those principles that have
evolved to govern such operations and have become basic principles thereof, namely the
consent of the parties, the non-use of force except in self-defence and impartiality. The
Heads of State and Government believed that these basic principles have guided UN
peacekeeping operations over the last five decades without controversy, still remain
relevant and should be preserved. The Heads of State and Government also emphasized
that the respect for the principles of sovereign equality, political independence, territorial
integrity of all States and non-intervention in matters that are essentially within their
domestic jurisdiction should also be upheld in this regard;
99.3 The Heads of State and Government continued to emphasize that UN peacekeeping
operation should be provided from the outset with political support, full and optimal
human, financial and logistical resources, and clearly defined and achievable mandates
and exit strategies;
99.4 The Heads of State and Government called upon the Security Council, while
mandating UNPKOs, to authorise optimal troop strengths in order to achieve the
mandated tasks;
99.5 The Heads of State and Government stressed that UNPKOs should not be used as a
substitute for addressing the root causes of conflict, which should be addressed in a
coherent, well-planned, coordinated and comprehensive manner, with other political,
social, economic and developmental instruments. They further stressed that, due
consideration should be given by the UN to the manner in which those efforts can be
carried out from the early stage of UN engagement in post conflict situations and
continue without interruption after the departure of UNPKOs, so as to ensure a smooth
transition to lasting peace and security;
99.6 The Heads of State and Government, while recognising the ongoing surge in
peacekeeping which requires a genuine and concerted response by the entire
membership of the UN, in particular the developed countries, called upon these
countries to participate in and share the burden of UNPKOs;
99.7 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that in the context of the
comprehensive approach and the objective of a lasting peace and security, UN
peacekeeping operations should be accompanied by a parallel and inclusive peace
process that is well planned and carefully designed, supported by the consent and
adherence of the parties concerned;
99.8 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that the General Assembly has the
primary role within the UN in formulating concepts, policies and budgetary matters
related to peacekeeping. In this regard, the Heads of State and Government emphasized
that the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations is the only UN forum mandated
to review comprehensively the whole question of UNPKOs in all their aspects. Further,
the Heads of State and Government agreed to continue to promote and safeguard the
collective positions and priorities of the Movement on peacekeeping;
99.9 The Heads of State and Government stressed that the UN’s engagement in
increasingly demanding and complex multidimensional peacekeeping operations should
be consistent with the agreed principles, guidelines and terminology governing
peacekeeping. They emphasized the importance of consistency in the use of agreed
peacekeeping terminology and underlined that any discussion of the above should be
done through the inter-governmental process;
99.10 The Heads of State and Government, while taking note of the restructuring of the
Department of Peacekeeping (DPKO) and establishment of the Department of Field
Support (DFS), emphasized the importance of preserving unity of command in mission
at all levels, as well as coherence in policy and strategy, and clear command structures
in the field and up to, and including, at headquarters;
99.11 The Heads of State and Government called upon the UN Secretariat and concerned
parties to accord the highest priority to the safety and security of UN peacekeepers in
the field in light of the worsening security situation prevailing in many field missions. In
this context, they condemned in the strongest terms the killing and targeted attacks of
UN peacekeepers, and all acts of violence against them
99.12 The Heads of State and Government stressed that Troop Contributing Countries
(TCCs) should be involved early and fully, in all aspects and stages of UNPKOs and
called for more frequent and substantive interaction among the Security Council, the UN
Secretariat and the TCCs. They called for the full and effective implementation of the
existing mechanisms laid down in Security Council Resolution 1353 (2001) and in the
Note of the President of the Security Council dated 14 January 2002 (S/2002/56);
99.13 The Heads of State and Government expressed the view that further development
of the mechanisms, referred to in paragraph 97.12 above, towards achieving
peacekeeping objectives should be considered;
99.14 The Heads of State and Government underscored in particular that the experience
and expertise of troop contributing countries can be drawn upon when the Security
Council implements, extends or adjusts UN peacekeeping mandates. Troop contributing
countries are best placed to contribute to an objective assessment of the situation on the
ground. In this regard, enhanced and better interaction between Troop Contributing
Countries and the Security Council Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations could
also contribute to a more inclusive and substantial consultation and decision making
99.15 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that any invitation by the UN
Secretariat to the meetings on establishing a new UN peacekeeping mission or
expanding an ongoing UNPKO should be transparent and encompass all current and
potential Troop Contributing Countries.
99.16 The Heads of State and Government expressed support for continuing efforts to
strengthen African peacekeeping capabilities and emphasized the importance of
implementing the 10 years plan for capacity building and the Joint Action Plan for
United Nations Support to the African Union Peacekeeping in the short, medium and
long terms in all relevant the areas including the development of an African standby
force. They further took note of the Report prepared by the AU-UN Panel on modalities
for support to AU peacekeeping operations and recommend the enhancement of an
effective partnership between the UN and the African Union in order to improve
planning, deployment and management of African peacekeeping operations.
99.17 The Heads of State and Government remained concerned over the staffing and
structure of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Department of Field
Support whereby NAM Member Countries are insufficiently represented, particularly at
senior and professional levels. The Heads of State and Government urged the Secretary-
General to further enhance his efforts in accordance with Article 101 of the Charter, the
United Nations Staff Regulations and Rules and relevant General Assembly resolutions
to attain equitable geographical distributions and gender representation at all levels. In
this regard, the Heads of State and Government believed that appropriate representation
in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Department of Field Support and in
the field should also take into account the contributions of Troop Contributing Countries
(TCCs), in particular at the professional and leadership level in Headquarters as well in
the field missions.
99.18 The Heads of State and Government underscored the importance of the rapid and
effective deployment of the UNPKOs including their reinforcement as necessary. In this
regard, the Heads of State and Government stressed upon the need for enhanced rapidly
deployable capacities for any new UN peacekeeping missions or for reinforcing existing
UN peacekeeping missions if in crisis. Such a mechanism needs to be developed in close
consultation with Troop Contributing Countries.
99.19 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that the funding of UNPKOs
through voluntary contributions should not influence the UN Security Council decisions
to establish UNPKOs or affect their mandates;
99.20 The Heads of State and Government expressed concern over the significant
amounts of outstanding reimbursements that the United Nations currently owes to the
Troop Contributing Countries, which may adversely affect the UN peacekeeping capacity;
99.21 The Heads of State and Government noted the positive outcome of the 2008
session of the UN Contingent Owned Equipment Working Group although they believe
that there is a need for the increase in reimbursement rates of COE to be based on
actual expenses and investments. They stressed the need to review Troop Cost which
has not been revised since 2002;
99.22 The Heads of State and Government stressed again that all UN Member States
must pay their assessed contributions in full, on time and without condition. They
reaffirmed the obligation of Member States, under article 17 of the UN Charter, to bear
their expenses to the Organisation as apportioned by the General Assembly, bearing in
mind the special responsibility of the Permanent Members of the Security Council, as
indicated in General Assembly resolution 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963;
99.23 The Heads of State and Government reemphasized the critical importance of
timely, efficient, transparent and cost-effective procurement of goods and services in
support of UNPKOs, and reiterated the view that there is a need to ensure greater UN
procurement from Non-Aligned Countries;
99.24 The Heads of State and Government acknowledged the outstanding contribution
and sacrifices of peacekeepers, and stressed that all UN peacekeeping personnel perform
their duties in a manner that preserve the image, credibility, impartiality, and integrity
of the UN. They stressed the importance of maintaining a policy of zero tolerance on all
forms of misconduct, including sexual exploitation and abuse in United Nations
peacekeeping missions;
99.25 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that due process and national
requirements must always be observed during investigations of misconduct. They
further stressed that the UN should ensure that steps are taken to restore the image and
credibility of any UN peacekeeping mission, Troop Contributing Countries or UN
peacekeeping personnel when allegations of misconduct are ultimately found to be
99.26 The Heads of State and Government noted the importance of security sector
reform (SSR) among other important components in the context of UN peacekeeping and
post conflict situations, and stressed that SSR should be integrated in the broad
framework of UN Rule of Law activities, thus ensuring that SSR activities and structures
are not duplicating the work carried out in the Rule of Law area. They reaffirmed that
the development of a UN approach to SSR must take place within the General Assembly,
and stressed that the formulation of strategies to SSR, including its scope and mandate,
should be carried out through the intergovernmental process; and
99.27 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that SSR should be undertaken
at the request of the country concerned, and underlined the primary responsibility and
the sovereign right of the country concerned in determining its national priorities in this
100 The Heads of State and Government commended the ongoing work of the NAM Working
Group on Peacekeeping Operations, under the chairmanship of Morocco, in coordinating
issues of common concern to the Movement in the field of peacekeeping. They encouraged all
NAM delegations to continue to actively participate in the working group with a view to
promote and achieve the objectives of the Movement, in particular the Troop Contributing
Countries, in the work of the Special committee on Peacekeeping Operations.
101 The Heads of State and Government, deeply aware of the risks inherent in
peacekeeping, reserved their most profound thoughts and respect for those UN peacekeepers
that have lost their lives while in the service of peace. They emphasized that their sacrifice
should stand as an enduring testimony of the unique work carried out by them in favor of
peace and stability.
Disarmament and International Security
102 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and reiterated the long-standing
principled positions of the Movement on disarmament and international security, including
the decisions taken at the XII Summit in Durban in 1998, the XIII Summit in Kuala Lumpur
in 2003, the XIV Summit in Havana in 2006, the XIII Ministerial Conference in Cartagena in
2000, the XIV Ministerial Conference in Durban in 2004, the Ministerial Meeting held in
Putrajaya, Malaysia, in 2006, and the XV Ministerial Conference held in Teheran, Islamic
Republic of Iran, in 2008.
103 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their continued grave concern over the
current difficult and complex situation in the field of disarmament and international security.
In this regard, they called for renewed efforts to resolve the current impasse in achieving
nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation in all its aspects.
104 While reaffirming the absolute validity of multilateral diplomacy in the field of
disarmament and non-proliferation, the Heads of State and Government reiterated their
determination to promote multilateralism as the core principle of negotiations in the area of
disarmament and non-proliferation, and in this regard, they welcomed the adoption of
General Assembly Resolution 63/50 on Promotion of multilateralism in the area of
disarmament and non-proliferation.
105 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their strong concern at the growing
resort to unilateralism and in this context, underlined that multilateralism and multilaterally
agreed solutions, in accordance with the UN Charter, provide the only sustainable method of
addressing disarmament and international security issues.
106 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the Movement’s principled positions on
nuclear disarmament, which remains its highest priority, and on the related issue of nuclear
non-proliferation in all its aspects and stressed the importance that efforts aiming at nuclear
non-proliferation should be parallel to simultaneous efforts aiming at nuclear disarmament.
They stressed their concern at the threat to humanity posed by the continued existence of
nuclear weapons and of their possible use or threat of use. They reiterated deep concern over
the slow pace of progress towards nuclear disarmament and the lack of progress by the
Nuclear Weapons-States (NWS) to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals.
They underscored the need for the NWS to implement the unequivocal undertaking that they
provided in 2000 so as to accomplish the total elimination of nuclear weapons and
emphasized, in this regard, the urgent need to commence negotiations on nuclear
disarmament without delay.
107 The Heads of State and Government, while noting the recent statements by NWS of
their intention to pursue actions in achieving a world free of nuclear weapons, reaffirmed the
need for urgent concrete actions by the NWS to achieve this goal.
108 The Heads of State and Government remained deeply concerned at strategic defence
doctrines of NWS, including the “NATO Alliance Strategic Concept”, which not only set out
rationales for the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, but also maintain unjustifiable
concepts on international security based on promoting and developing military alliances and
nuclear deterrence policies.
109 The Heads of State and Government reiterated that improvements in existing nuclear
weapons and the development of new types of nuclear weapons as envisaged in the United
States Nuclear Posture Review contravene the security assurances provided by the NWS. They
further reaffirmed that these improvements as well as the development of new types of such
weapons violate the commitments undertaken by the NWS at the time of the conclusion of the
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).
110 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that progress in nuclear disarmament
and nuclear non-proliferation in all its aspects is essential to strengthening international
peace and security. They reaffirmed that efforts toward nuclear disarmament, global and
regional approaches and confidence building measures complement each other and should,
wherever possible, be pursued simultaneously to promote regional and international peace
and security.
111 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the importance and the relevance of
the UN Disarmament Commission (UNDC) as the sole specialised, deliberative body within the
UN multilateral disarmament machinery. They continued to fully support the work of the
UNDC and expressed regret that UNDC was unable to reach agreement on recommendations
on its two agenda items during substantive sessions of its three-year cycle ending in April
2008 due to the lack of political will and inflexible positions of certain Nuclear Weapons
States, despite NAM’s constructive role and concrete proposals throughout the deliberations,
especially in the Working Group on “Recommendations for achieving the objective of nuclear
disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons”. The Heads of State and
Government, while recalling the proposals submitted by the Movement, during the 2009
substantive session, called upon UN Member States to display the necessary political will and
flexibility in order to achieve agreement on its recommendations in the UNDC’s future
112 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the importance of the Conference on
Disarmament (CD) as the sole multilateral negotiating body on disarmament, and reiterated
their call on the CD to agree on a balanced and comprehensive program of work by, inter alia,
establishing an ad hoc committee on nuclear disarmament as soon as possible and as the
highest priority. They emphasized the necessity to start negotiations on a phased programme
for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons with a specified framework of time, including
a Nuclear Weapons Convention. They reaffirmed the importance of the unanimous conclusion
of the ICJ that there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and to bring to a conclusion
negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective
international control.
113 The Heads of State and Government, reaffirming the importance of the Conference on
Disarmament (CD), as the sole multilateral disarmament negotiating forum, noted the
adoption of the Program of Work for the 2009 session (CD/1864) by the CD on 29 May 2009
after years of stalemate. They expressed their appreciation to the Members and Presidents of
the Conference, in particular Algeria, for their tireless efforts in this regard. The Heads of
State and Government agreed to continue coordination of efforts at the NAM Chapter in
114 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their support for the convening of the
Fourth Special Session of the UN General Assembly devoted to Disarmament (SSOD-IV) and
further reiterated their deep concern over the persistent lack of consensus to date, despite
efforts made in 2007. Appreciating the role of the Chair of the open-ended working group in
2007, selected from NAM, the Heads of State and Government recalled the concrete proposals
and the consistent and constructive efforts of the Movement to reach agreement among all UN
Member States. They regretted the lack of political will of a certain State in obstructing
consensus at the time. The Heads of State and Government also stressed the importance of
the General Assembly to continue its active consideration with a view to reaching consensus
on the objectives, agenda, and the establishment of a preparatory committee for the SSOD-IV,
including by reconvening the open-ended working group to consider the objectives and
agenda, including the possible establishment of the preparatory committee for SSOD-IV. NAM
would request, at an appropriate time, the convening of the open-ended working group.
115 The Heads of State and Government again called for an international conference to
identify ways and means of eliminating nuclear dangers, at the earliest possible date, with the
objective of arriving at an agreement on a phased programme for the complete elimination of
nuclear weapons with a specified framework of time to eliminate all nuclear weapons, to
prohibit their development, production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use or
threat of use, and to provide for their destruction.
116 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that the total elimination of nuclear
weapons is the only absolute guarantee against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons
and reaffirmed further that non-NWS should be effectively assured by NWS against the use or
threat of use of nuclear weapons. Pending the total elimination of nuclear weapons, they
reaffirmed the need for the conclusion of a universal, unconditional and legally binding
instrument on security assurances to non-NWS as a matter of priority. They noted the
establishment in 1998 of an Ad Hoc Committee on effective international arrangements to
assure Non-nuclear-weapons States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons in the
Conference on Disarmament to negotiate universal, unconditional and legally binding security
assurances to all non-NWS.
117 The Heads of State and Government stressed the significance of achieving universal
adherence to the CTBT, including by all NWS, which, inter alia, should contribute to the
process of nuclear disarmament. They reiterated that if the objectives of the Treaty were to be
fully realized, the continued commitment of all States signatories, especially the NWS, to
nuclear disarmament would be essential.
118 The Heads of State and Government, while noting the entry into force of the 2002
Moscow Treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States, stressed that
reductions in deployments and in operational status cannot substitute for irreversible cuts in,
and the total elimination of, nuclear weapons, and called on the United States and the
Russian Federation to apply the principles of transparency, irreversibility and verifiability to
further reduce their nuclear arsenals, both warheads and delivery systems, under the Treaty.
While taking note of the positive signals by the United States and the Russian Federation on
their negotiations on the replacement of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I), which
is due to expire by the end of 2009, the Heads of State and Government urged them to
conclude such negotiations urgently in order to achieve further deep cuts in their strategic
and tactical nuclear weapons. The Heads of State and Government further stressed that such
cuts should be irreversible, verifiable and transparent.
119 The Heads of State and Government continued to be concerned over the negative
implications of the development and deployment of anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defence
systems and the threat of weaponization of outer space which have, inter alia, contributed to
the further erosion of an international climate conducive to the promotion of disarmament
and the strengthening of international security. The abrogation of the ABM Treaty brings new
challenges to strategic stability and the prevention of the arms race in outer space. They
remained concerned that the implementation of a national missile defence system could
trigger an arms race(s) and the further development of advanced missile systems and an
increase in the number of nuclear weapons.
120 The Heads of State and Government recognized the common interest of all mankind in
the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and emphasized that prevention
of an arms race in outer space, including a ban to deploy or use weapons therein, would avert
a grave danger for international peace and security. They further emphasized the paramount
importance of strict compliance with existing arms limitation and disarmament agreements
relevant to outer space, including bilateral agreements, and with the existing legal regime
concerning the use of outer space. They also reemphasized the urgent need for the
commencement of substantive work in the CD on the prevention of an arms race in outer
space, taking note of the joint Russian-Chinese initiative of a draft treaty on the “Prevention of
the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use of Force Against Outer Space
Objects” (PPWT) presented in the Conference on Disarmament on 12 February 2008. They
noted that this initiative is a constructive contribution to the work of the Conference, and is a
good basis for further discussion toward adopting an international binding instrument.
121 The Heads of State and Government remained convinced of the need for a
multilaterally negotiated, universal, comprehensive, transparent, and non-discriminatory
approach toward the issue of missiles in all its aspects as a contribution to international
peace and security. They expressed their support for efforts to be continued within the UN to
explore further the issue of missiles in all its aspects. In this regard, they emphasized the
contribution of peaceful uses of space technologies, including space launch vehicle
technologies, to human advancement, such as for telecommunications and data gathering on
natural disasters. They also emphasized the need to keep the issue of missiles in all its
aspects on the agenda of the UN General Assembly and welcomed that the Panel of
Governmental Experts established in accordance with Resolution 59/67 successfully
concluded its work in 2008 and submitted its report to the 63
session of the UN General
Assembly. Pending the achievement of such a universal approach related to delivery systems
for weapons of mass destruction, any initiative to address these concerns effectively and in a
sustainable and comprehensive manner should be through an inclusive process of
negotiations in a forum where all States could participate as equals. They stressed the
importance of the security concerns of all States at regional and global levels in any approach
to the issue of missiles in all its aspects.
122 The Heads of State and Government believed that the establishment of nuclear-
weapon-free zones (NWFZs) created by the treaties of Tlatelolco, Rarotonga, Bangkok,
Pelindaba, the Central Asian nuclear-weapon-free zone treaty as well as Mongolia’s nuclear-
weapon-free-status are positive steps and important measures towards strengthening global
nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation and they welcomed the entry into force of
the Treaty on a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia on 21 March 2009 as an effective
contribution to strengthening regional and global peace and security. They reiterated that in
the context of NWFZs, it is essential that NWS should provide unconditional assurances
against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons to all States of the zone. They urged States
to conclude agreements freely arrived at among the States of the region concerned with a view
to establishing new NWFZs in regions where they do not exist, in accordance with the
provisions of the Final Document of the First Special Session of the General Assembly devoted
to Disarmament (SSOD-I) and the principles adopted by the 1999 UN Disarmament
Commission. Recalling the convening and the outcome of the First Conference of the States
Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Established Nuclear Weapon Free Zones held in
Tlatelolco, Mexico, from 26 to 28 April 2005, the Heads of State and Government called on the
States parties and signatories to the Treaties of NWFZs to implement further ways and means
of co-operation among themselves, their treaty agencies and other interested States. In this
regard, they took note of the Focal Points Meeting of NWFZ Treaties and Mongolia, held from
27-28 April 2009 in Ulaanbaatar. They expressed their support for Mongolia’s policy in
institutionalizing its nuclear-weapon-free status. In this regard they welcomed the start of the
talks by Mongolia with its two neighbours to conclude the required legal instrument and
expressed their hope that it would soon result in the conclusion of an international
instrument institutionalizing the status.
123 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their support for the establishment in
the Middle East of a zone free of all weapons of mass destruction. As a priority step to this
end, they reaffirmed the need for the speedy establishment of a NWFZ in the Middle East in
accordance with the Security Council Resolution 487 (1981) and paragraph 14 of the Security
Council Resolution 687 (1991) and the relevant General Assembly resolutions adopted by
consensus. They called upon all parties concerned to take urgent and practical steps towards
the fulfilment of the proposal initiated by Iran in 1974 for the establishment of such a zone
and, pending its establishment, they demanded on Israel, the only country in the region that
has not joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) nor declared its
intention to do so, to renounce possession of nuclear weapons, to accede to the NPT without
delay, to place promptly all its nuclear facilities under IAEA full-scope safeguards according to
Security Council Resolution 487 (1981) and to conduct its nuclear related activities in
conformity with the non-proliferation regime. They called for the earliest implementation of
relevant IAEA resolutions on “Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East”. They
expressed great concern over the acquisition of nuclear capability by Israel which poses a
serious and continuing threat to the security of neighbouring and other States, and
condemned Israel for continuing to develop and stockpile nuclear arsenals. In this context
they also condemned the statement made by the Prime Minister of Israel on 11 December
2006, related to the possession of nuclear weapons by Israel. They urged the continued
consideration of the issue of Israeli nuclear capabilities in the context of the IAEA, including
at the General Conference at its 53rd Session. They were of the view that stability cannot be
achieved in a region where massive imbalances in military capabilities are maintained
particularly through the possession of nuclear weapons, which allow one party to threaten its
neighbours, and the region. They further welcomed the initiative by H.E. Mr. Mohammed
Hosni Mubarak, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, on the establishment of a zone free
from weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, and in this context, they took into
consideration the draft resolution tabled by the Syrian Arab Republic, on behalf of the Arab
Group, before the Security Council on 29 December 2003 on the establishment of a zone free
of all weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. They stressed that necessary steps
should be taken in different international fora for the establishment of this zone. They also
called for the total and complete prohibition of the transfer of all nuclear-related equipment,
information, material and facilities, resources or devices and the extension of assistance in the
nuclear related scientific or technological fields to Israel. In this regard, they expressed their
serious concern over the continuing development whereby Israeli scientists are provided
access to the nuclear facilities of one NWS. This development will have potentially serious
negative implications on security in the region as well as the reliability of the global non-
proliferation regime.
124 The Heads of State and Government expressed their support for the efforts of the Arab
Group in Vienna to keep the question of the Israeli Nuclear capabilities under consideration of
the General Conference of the IAEA at its 53
125 The Heads of State and Government underscored the Movement’s principled position
concerning non-use or threat of use of force against the territorial integrity of any State. In
this regard, they condemned the Israeli attack against a Syrian facility on September 6, 2007,
which constitutes a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and welcomed Syria’s cooperation
with the IAEA in this regard.
126 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the importance of the observance of
environmental norms in the preparation and implementation of disarmament and arms
limitation agreements, and in this regard, they welcomed the adoption of General Assembly
Resolution 63/51 on this matter for the first time without a vote. They reaffirmed that
international disarmament forums should take fully into account the relevant environmental
norms in negotiating treaties and agreements on disarmament and arms limitation and that
all States, through their actions, should contribute fully to ensuring compliance with the
aforementioned norms in the implementation of treaties and conventions to which they are
127 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the importance of the UN activities at
the regional level to increase the stability and security of its Member States, which could be
promoted in a substantive manner by the maintenance and revitalization of the three regional
centres for peace and disarmament.
128 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the NPT, while reaffirming
the package of agreements of the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the NPT and the
Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference of the NPT, reiterated their disappointment at
the inability of the 2005 Review Conference of the NPT to agree on substantive
recommendations. While recognizing the crucial role of the NPT in nuclear disarmament,
nuclear non-proliferation and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the Heads of State and
Government of the States Parties to the NPT agreed to make every effort to reach a successful
outcome at the 2010 Review Conference of the NPT and called upon nuclear weapon States, to
reiterate their full respect to their obligations under the Treaty, in particular in the area of
nuclear disarmament, and the outcomes of its Review Conferences, in particular the 1995
Review and Extension Conference and the 2000 Review Conference and undertake practical
measures thereto in order to arrive at a successful outcome of the 2010 Review Conference.
129 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the NPT reiterated their
call for the firm commitment by all States parties to the Treaty to the implementation of all the
provisions of the Treaty and called for the full implementation of the 13 practical steps for
systematic and progressive efforts to implement Article VI of the Treaty, particularly an
unequivocal undertaking by the NWS to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear
arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament. Pending the total elimination of nuclear weapons,
they also recalled that the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference of the NPT
reiterated that legally binding security assurances by the five NWS to the non-NWS parties to
the Treaty strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime. They underlined the importance to
establish subsidiary bodies to the relevant Main Committees of the 2010 Review Conference of
the NPT to deliberate on practical steps for systematic and progressive efforts to eliminate
nuclear weapons; to consider and recommend proposals on the implementation of the
resolution on the Middle East adopted by the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the
NPT; and to consider and adopt a legally binding international instrument on unconditional
security assurances to non nuclear weapon states. In this regard, they emphasized the need
for the Preparatory Committee meetings to continue to allocate specific time for deliberations
on nuclear disarmament, implementation of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East and
security assurances. They recalled the agreement that the Review Conference will be chaired
by a representative from the Movement.
130 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the NPT called upon the
NWS to implement their commitments not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against
non-NWS parties to the Treaty or NWFZs at any time or under any circumstances, pending
the conclusion of a legally binding instrument on security assurances.
131 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the inalienable right of developing
countries to engage in research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes
without discrimination. They continued to note with concern that undue restrictions on
exports to developing countries of material, equipment and technology, for peaceful purposes
persist. They again emphasized that proliferation concerns are best addressed through
multilaterally negotiated, universal, comprehensive and non-discriminatory agreements. Non-
proliferation control arrangements should be transparent and open to participation by all
States, and should ensure that they do not impose restrictions on access to material,
equipment and technology for peaceful purposes required by developing countries for their
continued development. The Heads of State and Government expressed their full confidence in
the impartiality and professionalism of the IAEA and strongly rejected attempts by any State to
politicize the work of the IAEA, including its technical co-operation programme, in violation of
the IAEA Statute.
132 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the NPT emphasized once
more that nothing in the Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the
parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful
purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I, II, and III of the Treaty.
They stressed that this right constitutes one of the fundamental objectives of the Treaty. In
this connection, they confirmed that each country’s choices and decision in the field of
peaceful uses of nuclear energy should be respected without jeopardizing its policies or
international co-operation agreements and arrangements for peaceful uses of nuclear energy
and its fuel-cycle policies.
133 The Heads of State and Government stressed particularly the responsibility of
developed countries to promote the legitimate need of nuclear energy of the developing
countries, by allowing them to participate to the fullest extent possible in the transfer of
nuclear equipment, materials, scientific and technological information for peaceful purposes
with a view to achieving the largest benefits and applying pertinent elements of sustainable
development in their activities.
134 The Heads of State and Government highlighted that the issue of multilateral
approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle should be conducted through wide, integral and
transparent consultations and negotiations, focusing on its technical, legal, political and
economical implications, before any decision is taken about this complex and sensitive matter.
The Heads of State and Government emphasized that decisions should be made by
consensus, with the participation of all IAEA member States, and any proposal from IAEA
must be consistent with its Statute, without any prejudice to the inalienable right of its
member States to research, develop and use for peaceful purposes of nuclear sciences, in all
its aspects.
135 The Heads of State and Government emphasizing the importance of the positive role
played by the Non-Aligned Members in the IAEA, stressed the necessity that all members of
the IAEA strictly observe its Statute. They stressed that any undue pressure or interference in
the Agency’s activities, especially its verification process, which could jeopardize the efficiency
and credibility of the Agency, should be avoided. They recognised that the IAEA is the sole
competent authority for verification of compliance with the obligations under the respective
safeguard agreements of the Member States. They also reaffirmed that a clear distinction has
to be made between the legal obligations of Member States under their respective safeguards
agreements and their voluntary undertakings, in order to ensure that such voluntary
undertakings are not turned into legal safeguards obligations.
136 The Heads of State and Government stressed that the discussion of the IAEA’s future
role until 2020 and beyond is an issue of extraordinary importance for all IAEA member
States, in particular for NAM members. Therefore it should be conducted through a
transparent and careful deliberation process, with active participation of all IAEA member
States. Any decision in this regard should take into account the interests of all IAEA member
States in order to achieve consensus.
137 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the inviolability of peaceful nuclear
activities and that any attack or threat of attack against peaceful nuclear facilities
operational or under construction- poses a great danger to human beings and the
environment, and constitutes a grave violation of international law, principles and purposes of
the UN Charter and regulations of the IAEA. They recognised the need for a comprehensive
multilaterally negotiated instrument prohibiting attacks or threat of attacks on nuclear
facilities devoted to peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
138 The Heads of State and Government affirmed the need to strengthen the Radiological
Safety and Protection Systems at facilities utilising radioactive materials as well as at
radioactive waste management facilities, including the safe transportation of these materials.
They reaffirmed the need to strengthen existing international regulations relating to safety and
security of transportation of such materials. While reiterating the need to take appropriate
measures to prevent any dumping of nuclear or radioactive wastes, they called for effective
implementation of the Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of
Radioactive Waste of the IAEA as a means of enhancing the protection of all States from the
dumping of radioactive wastes on their territories.
139 The Heads of State and Government stressed that the issue of proliferation should be
resolved through political and diplomatic means, and that measures and initiatives taken in
this regard should be within the framework of international law; relevant conventions; the UN
Charter, and should contribute to the promotion of international peace, security and stability.
140 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the Biological and Toxin
Weapons Convention (BTWC) reaffirmed that the possibility of any use of bacteriological
(biological) agents and toxins as weapons should be completely excluded, and the conviction
that such use would be repugnant to the conscience of humankind. They recognised the
particular importance of strengthening the Convention through multilateral negotiations for a
legally binding Protocol and universal adherence to the Convention. They reiterated their call
to promote international cooperation for peaceful purposes, including scientific-technical
exchange. They underlined the importance to maintain close coordination among the NAM
States Parties to the Convention and highlighted that the Convention on Biological and Toxin
Weapons forms a whole and that, although it is possible to consider certain aspects
separately, it is critical to deal with all of the issues interrelated to this Convention in a
balanced and comprehensive manner.
141 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the Biological and Toxin
Weapons Convention stressed the importance of the active participation by NAM States
Parties to the BTWC in this year’s Experts and Annual Meeting in the framework of the
Convention, in August and December 2009, respectively, on enhancing international
cooperation, assistance and exchange in biological sciences and technology for peaceful
purposes, promoting capacity building in the fields of disease surveillance, detection,
diagnosis, and containment of infectious diseases, which are items of utmost interest not only
to the NAM States Parties to the BTWC but also to all developing countries. They further
encouraged the BTWC States Parties to provide information, as set forth in paragraph 54 of
the Final Document of the Sixth BTWC Review Conference, on how Article X of the BTWC on
the issue of international assistance and cooperation is being implemented.
142 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons
Convention (CWC) invited all States that have not yet signed or ratified the Convention to do
so as soon as possible with a view to its universality. They reaffirmed that the effective
contribution of the Convention to international and regional peace and security can be
enhanced through its full implementation. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the
importance of international cooperation in the field of chemical activities for purposes not
prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention. They reiterated their call on the
developed countries to promote international cooperation for the benefit of States Parties
through the transfer of technology, material and equipment for peaceful purposes in the
chemical field and the removal of all and any discriminatory restrictions that are contrary to
the letter and spirit of the Convention. They recalled that the full, balanced, effective and non-
discriminatory implementation of all provisions of the Convention in particular economic and
technical development through international cooperation, is fundamental to the achievement
of its object and purpose. While expressing their serious concern that more than 57% of
chemical weapons still remain to be destroyed, they called upon States having declared
possession of chemical weapons to ensure full and complete compliance with the final
extended deadline (29th of April 2012) for the destruction of their chemical weapons, in order
to uphold the credibility and integrity of the Convention. They stressed that the obligation and
responsibility for the destruction of chemical weapons lies solely with the possessor States
Parties and that fulfilment of this obligation is fundamental to achieve the object and purpose
of the Convention. In this regard, they called on the relevant possessor States Parties to
intensify the rate of destruction of their chemical weapons stockpiles by taking every
necessary measure to meet their final extended deadlines for the destruction of their chemical
weapons in accordance with the provisions of the Convention.
143 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the CWC reaffirmed that
the implementation of the Article X of the CWC on assistance and protection against chemical
weapons make a significant contribution to countering the threats of use of chemical
weapons. They stressed the importance of achieving and maintaining a high level of readiness
of the OPCW to provide timely and needed assistance and protection against use or threat of
use of chemical weapons, including assistance to the victims of chemical weapons.
144 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the CWC, while paying due
respect to the chemical weapons victims and their families, declare their firm conviction that
international support to provide special care and assistance to all victims suffering the effects
of exposure to chemical weapons is an urgent humanitarian need and that the States Parties
to the Convention as well as the OPCW should pay urgent attention to meeting these needs
including through the possible establishment of an international support network.
145 The Heads of State and Government condemned the recent Israeli military aggression
against the Gaza Strip and the occupying power’s indiscriminate shelling and bombing of
Palestinian civilian areas, and expressed their grave concern over the reported use in civilian
areas of harmful and potentially fatal incendiary weapons, such as white phosphorous. In
this regard, they called for a thorough investigation of this serious matter by relevant bodies
under the appropriate international conventions and agreements.
146 The Heads of State and Government regretted unsubstantiated allegations of non-
compliance with relevant instruments on weapons of mass destruction and called on States
Parties to such instruments that make such allegations to follow procedures set out in those
instruments and to provide necessary substantiation for their allegations. They called upon all
States parties to the respective international instruments to implement fully and in a
transparent manner all their obligations under these instruments.
147 The Heads of State and Government expressed their satisfaction with the consensus
among States on measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.
They welcomed the adoption by consensus of the General Assembly Resolution 63/60 entitled
“Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction” and underlined
the need for this threat to humanity to be addressed within the UN framework and through
international co-operation. While stressing that the most effective way of preventing terrorists
from acquiring weapons of mass destruction is through the total elimination of such weapons,
they emphasized that progress was urgently needed in the area of disarmament and non-
proliferation in order to help maintain international peace and security and to contribute to
global efforts against terrorism. They called upon all Member States to support international
efforts to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction and their means of
delivery. They also urged all Member States to take and strengthen national measures, as
appropriate, to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, their means of
delivery and materials and technologies related to their manufacture.
148 While noting the adoption of resolution 1540 (2004), resolution 1673 (2006) and
resolution 1810 (2008) by the Security Council, the Heads of State and Government
underlined the need to ensure that any action by the Security Council does not undermine the
UN Charter and existing multilateral treaties on weapons of mass destruction and of
international Organisations established in this regard, as well as the role of the General
Assembly. They further cautioned against the continuing practice of the Security Council to
utilize its authority to define the legislative requirements for Member States in implementing
Security Council decisions. In this regard, the Heads of State and Government stressed the
importance of the issue of non-state actors acquiring weapons of mass destruction to be
addressed in an inclusive manner by the General Assembly, taking into account the views of all
Member States.
149 Mindful of the threat posed to humankind by the existing weapons of mass destruction
and underlining the need for the total elimination of such weapons, the Heads of State and
Government reaffirmed the need to prevent the emergence of new types of weapons of mass
destruction and therefore supported the necessity of monitoring the situation and triggering
international action as required.
150 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the sovereign right of States to acquire,
manufacture, export, import and retain conventional arms for their self-defence and security
needs. They expressed their concern about unilateral coercive measures and emphasized that
no undue restriction should be placed on the transfer of such arms.
151 The Heads of State and Government recognised the significant imbalance in the
production, possession and trade in conventional weapons between the industrialized and the
Non-Aligned Countries, and called for a significant reduction in the production, possession
and trade of conventional weapons by the industrialized states with a view to enhancing
international and regional peace and security.
152 The Heads of State and Government remained deeply concerned over the illicit
transfer, manufacture and circulation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and their
excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread in many regions of the world. They
recognized the need to establish and maintain controls over private ownership of small arms.
They called on all States, in particular major producing States, to ensure that the supply of
small arms and light weapons is limited only to Governments or to entities duly authorized by
Governments and to implement legal restrictions and prohibitions preventing the illicit trade
of small arms and light weapons. They encouraged all initiatives by States to mobilize
resources and expertise as well as to provide assistance to strengthen the full implementation
of the UN Program of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in SALW in All
Its Aspects.
153 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the importance of a prompt and full
implementation of the Programme of Action, and in this regard, stressed that international
assistance and cooperation is an essential aspect in the full implementation of the Programme
of Action. They expressed disappointment at the inability of the UN Conference to Review the
Progress made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and
Eradicate the Illicit Trade in SALW in All its Aspects, held in New York, from 26 June to 7 July
2006, to agree on a final Document. The Heads of State and Government noted the third
Biennial Meeting of the States (BMS) held in New York, from 14 to 18 July 2008, which
considered the national, regional and global implementation of the Programme of Action. They
reaffirmed the total validity of the Programme of Action and encouraged the NAM delegations
to coordinate efforts in the UN with a view to reaching agreement on a follow-up to the
Programme of Action in order to ensure its full implementation. They called for the full
implementation of the international instrument to enable States to identify and trace in a
timely and reliable manner the illicit small arms and light weapons, which was adopted by the
General Assembly.
154 The Heads of State and Government continued to deplore the use, in contravention of
international humanitarian law of anti-personnel mines in conflict situations aimed at
maiming, killing and terrorising innocent civilians, denying them access to farmland, causing
famine and forcing them to flee their homes eventually leading to de-population and
preventing the return of civilians to their place of original residence. They called upon all
States in the position to do so, to provide the necessary financial, technical and humanitarian
assistance to landmine clearance operations, the social and economic rehabilitation of victims
as well as to ensure full access of affected countries to material equipment, technology and
financial resources for mine clearance.
155 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the Convention on the
Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on
Their Destruction (the Mine Ban Convention) invited those States that have not yet done so to
consider becoming parties to the Convention.
156 The Heads of State and Government expressed concern about the explosive remnants
of the Second World War, particularly in the form of landmines which continue to cause
human and material damage and obstruct development plans in some Non-Aligned Countries.
They called on the States primarily responsible for laying these mines and leaving explosives
outside their territories during Second World War to cooperate with the affected countries and
provide mine action support to affected countries, including information exchange, maps
indicating the locations of mines and explosives, technical assistance for mine clearance,
defrayal of the costs of clearance and compensation for any losses caused by mines-laid.
157 The Heads of State and Government of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Convention
recognized the significance of the Second Review Conference and expressed their appreciation
for the commitment of Colombia to prepare and host that Conference to be held in Cartagena,
between 30 November and 4 December 2009. Furthermore, they welcomed the regional
conferences and workshops in preparation for the Conference and appreciated the efforts of
the host States in that regard.
158 The Heads of State and Government of States Parties to the Convention on Prohibition
or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be deemed to be
Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (CCW) and its Protocols encouraged
States to become parties to the Convention and its Protocols.
159 The Heads of State and Government recognized the adverse humanitarian impact
caused by the use of cluster munitions. They stressed the Movement’s principled position on
the central role of the United Nations in the area of disarmament and arms control. They took
note of the continued consideration of the issue of cluster munitions in the context of the
CCW. They further took note that the Convention on Cluster Munitions was opened for
signature on 3 December 2008.
160 The Heads of State and Government underlined the importance of the adoption by the
General Assembly of resolution 63/54, taking into consideration the possible harmful effects
to human health and the environment, caused by the use of weapons and munitions
containing depleted uranium.
161 The Heads of State and Government stressed the importance of the symbiotic
relationship between disarmament and development and the important role of security in this
connection, and in this regard, they welcomed the adoption without a vote of General
Assembly Resolution 63/52. They also expressed concern at the increasing global military
expenditure, which could otherwise be spent on development needs. They further stressed the
importance of the reduction of military expenditures, in accordance with the principle of
undiminished security at the lowest level of armaments, and urged all States to devote
resources made available from there to economic and social development, in particular in the
fight against poverty. They expressed firm support for unilateral, bilateral, regional and
multilateral measures adopted by some governments aimed at reducing military expenditures,
thereby contributing to strengthening regional and international peace and security and
recognised that confidence building measures assisted in this regard.
162 The Heads of State and Government commended the continued work of the NAM
Working Group on Disarmament, under the chairmanship of Indonesia, in coordinating issues
of common concern to the Movement in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation. They
encouraged all NAM delegations to actively participate at the international disarmament
meetings with a view to promote and achieve the objectives of the Movement.
163 Consistent with and guided by the aforementioned principled positions and affirming
the need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to:
163.1 Continue to pursue the positions and priorities of the Movement, as appropriate,
in the relevant international fora; and
163.2 Task the NAM Coordinating Bureau to undertake efforts, as appropriate, with a
view to achieving the objectives of the Movement at disarmament and international
security meetings.
164 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the validity and
relevance of the Movement’s principled position concerning terrorism, as follows:
164.1 Terrorist acts constitute the most flagrant violations of international law,
including international humanitarian and human rights law, in particular the right to
life, leading to the lack of the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedom
of peoples, and that such acts endanger the territorial integrity and stability of States as
well as national, regional and international security, de-stabilise legitimately constituted
governments or the prevailing constitutional order and political unity of States, affect the
stability of nations and the very basis of societies, as well as create adverse
consequences on the economic and social development and cause the destruction of the
physical and economic infrastructure of States;
164.2 Terrorism can not and should not be associated with any religion, nationality,
civilisation or ethnic group, and that these attributions should not be used to justify
terrorism or counter-terrorism measures that include, inter alia, profiling of terror
suspects and intrusion on individual privacy;
164.3 Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general
public, a group of persons or particular persons for whatever purposes, wherever, by
whomever, against whomsoever committed are, in any circumstance, unjustifiable,
whatever the considerations or factors that may be invoked to justify them;
164.4 Terrorism should not be equated with the legitimate struggle of peoples under
colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national
liberation. The brutalisation of people remaining under foreign occupation should
continue to be denounced as the gravest form of terrorism, and that the use of State
power for the suppression and violence against peoples struggling against foreign
occupation in exercising their inalienable right to self-determination should continue to
be condemned. In this regard and in accordance with the UN Charter, international law
and the relevant UN resolutions, the struggle of peoples under colonial or alien
domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation does
not constitute terrorism;
164.5 The Movement reaffirmed its principled position under international law and in
accordance with General Assembly resolution 46/51 of 27 January 1992 as well as other
relevant UN resolutions on the legitimacy of the struggle of people under colonial or alien
domination and foreign occupation for national liberation and self-determination, which
does not constitute terrorism, and once again called for the definition of terrorism to
differentiate it from the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination
and foreign occupation for self determination and national liberation.
165 Acknowledging the serious danger and threats posed by terrorism and terrorist acts to
the international community, consistent with and guided by the Movement’s principled
positions thereof as well as affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these
positions, the Heads of State and Government agreed to undertake the following measures:
165.1 Strongly and unequivocally condemn, as criminal, and reject terrorism in all its
forms and manifestations, as well as all acts, methods and practices of terrorism
wherever, by whomever, against whomsoever committed, including those in which States
are directly or indirectly involved, which are unjustifiable whatever the considerations or
factors that may be invoked to justify them, and in this context, reaffirm their support
for the provisions contained in General Assembly resolution 46/51 of 27 January 1992
and other relevant UN resolutions;
165.2 Resolve to take speedy and effective measures to eliminate international terrorism,
and in this context, urge all States, consistent with the UN Charter, to fulfil their
obligations under international law and international humanitarian law combating
terrorism, including by prosecuting or, where appropriate, extraditing the perpetrators of
terrorist acts; by preventing the organisation, instigation or financing of terrorist acts
against other States from within or outside their territories or by organisations based in
their territories; by refraining from organising, instigating, assisting, financing or
participating in terrorist acts in the territories of other States; by refraining from
encouraging activities within their territories directed towards the commission of such
acts; by refraining from allowing the use of their territories for planning, training or
financing for such acts; or by refraining from supplying arms or other weapons that
could be used for terrorist acts in other States;
165.3 Condemn any form of, and refrain from extending, political, diplomatic, moral or
material support for terrorism, and in this context, urge all States, consistent with the
UN Charter and in fulfilling their obligations under international law, to ensure that
refugee status or any other legal status is not abused by the perpetrators, organisers or
facilitators of terrorist acts and that claims of political motivation by them are not
recognised as grounds for refusing requests for their extradition;
165.4 Urge all States, which have not yet done so, to consider to ratify or accede to the
thirteen international and UN conventions and protocols relating to combating terrorism;
165.5 Observe and implement the provisions of all international conventions as well as
regional and bilateral instruments relating to terrorism to which their countries are
party, taking into account the recommendations of the Final Document of the UN
Conference on the Prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice held in Cairo, Egypt in 1995
and the International Conference on Combating Terrorism held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
in 2005;
165.6 Oppose attempts to equate the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or
alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation
with terrorism, in order to prolong occupation and oppression of innocent people with
In accordance with General Assembly resolution 46/51 of 27 January 1992.
165.7 Further call on all States to endorse in principle the convening of an international
conference under the auspices of the UN to define terrorism, to differentiate it from the
struggle for national liberation and to reach comprehensive and effective measures for
concerted action. They also denounced the brutalisation of peoples kept under foreign
occupation as the gravest form of terrorism. They condemned the use of State power for
the suppression and violence against innocent victims struggling against foreign
occupation to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination. They stressed the
sanctity of this right and urged that in this era of enlarged freedom and democracy,
people under foreign occupation should be allowed to freely determine their destiny. In
this context, they also reaffirmed their support for General Assembly Resolution 46/51
of 27 January 1992 as well as other relevant UN resolutions and the principled position
of the Movement that the struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and
foreign occupation for self-determination does not constitute terrorism;
165.8 Call upon all states to respect all human rights and fundamental freedoms while
countering terrorism, and to reaffirm their commitment in this respect to prevent human
rights violations in consistency with the rule of law and their obligation under
international law, in particular international human rights law, international refugee law
and international humanitarian law, and in accordance with relevant General Assembly
165.9 While reaffirming the Movement’s principled position on combating international
terrorism, and in the light of the previous initiatives and considerations adopted by
NAM, and of their conviction that multilateral cooperation under the UN auspices is the
most effective means to combat international terrorism, the Heads of State and
Government reiterated their call for an International Summit Conference under the
auspices of the UN to formulate a joint organised response of the international
community to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations including identifying its root
165.10 Further reiterate the importance of the conclusion of a Comprehensive
Convention for Combating International Terrorism and, in this respect, noting the
negotiations in the Ad Hoc Committee on Terrorism established by General Assembly
Resolution 51/210, for elaboration of a Comprehensive Convention on International
Terrorism and the continuing efforts to that end, and call upon all States to co-operate in
resolving the outstanding issues.
165.11 Call for a transparent and comprehensive implementation of the United Nations
Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and agree to actively engage in future meetings
concerning the reviews of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and its
implementation in a manner that would advance the principled position of the
165.12 Recall the first biannual review of the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism
Strategy of 5 September 2008 that decided, inter alia, on the interaction of Member
States with the Task Force on regular basis, in order to receive briefings and reports on
its current and future work, assess the work being undertaken on the Strategy
implementation efforts, including the work of the Task Force and its institutionalization,
and offer policy guidance as reflected in General Assembly resolution 62/272 of 5
September 2008.
165.13 Strongly condemn the grave acts of terrorism which targeted Iraqi civilians on
almost a daily basis in different parts of the country and call for enhancement of
international cooperation to support Iraqi capacity building programs to combat all
forms of terrorism.
165.14 The Heads of State and Government strongly condemned the heinous terrorist
attack in Islamabad, Pakistan on the Marriot Hotel on September 20, 2008 and the
terrorist attack on the visiting Sri Lankan Cricket Team in Lahore, on March 3, 2009,
which represented intensification of international terrorism, causing colossal loss of life,
destruction and damage, and called for international cooperation in accordance with the
obligations of all Member States under relevant international law against the
perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of
165.15 The Heads of State and Government strongly condemned the heinous terrorist
attack in Mumbai, India, between November 26 and 29, 2008, which represented an
escalation of international terrorism, causing extensive loss of life, destruction and
damage, and called for international cooperation of all Member States, in accordance
with relevant international law, against the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and
sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism.
165.16 Strongly condemned the successive terrorist attacks experienced in the last few
years, and more particularly the most recent and dramatic terrorist attacks of 17
February 2009, against the Presidential Palace in the capital city of Malabo, Equatorial
Guinea, which caused significant loss of human life, destruction and damage, and called
for international cooperation, in accordance with the obligations of all Member States
under relevant international law, against the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and
sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terror.
165.17 Support the initiative launched by Tunisia in order to elaborate by consensus an
International Code of Conduct within the framework of the UN aimed at reinforcing co-
ordination and multilateral efforts for the prevention of terrorism, in all its forms and
manifestations, wherever and by whomever committed, in conformity with international
law and the UN Charter, pending the conclusion of a Comprehensive Convention on
International Terrorism;
165.18 Hold a NAM Ministerial Meeting on the issue of terrorism at the most appropriate
date, based on the progress of the discussions and negotiations on this issue at the
United Nations;
165.19 Support national, regional and international efforts and arrangements that seek
to implement, where appropriate, the pertinent international legally binding
instruments, as well as the relevant UN resolutions,
including General Assembly
resolution 46/51 and Security Council resolution 1373, and regional arrangements and
instruments relating to combating terrorism;
strengthen the cooperation with all States
in this regard, emphasizing that such cooperation should be in conformity with the UN
Charter, international law and the relevant international conventions; and in this
context, urge the relevant UN organs to promote ways and means to support and
strengthen such cooperation;
165.20 Reject actions and measures, the use or threat of use of force in particular by
armed forces, which violate the UN Charter and international law especially the relevant
international conventions, imposed or threatened to be imposed by any State against
any Non-Aligned Country under the pretext of combating terrorism or to pursue its
political aims, including by directly or indirectly categorising them as terrorism
sponsoring-States. They called upon the Security Council to promote legitimacy and
credibility of the Al-Qaida sanctions regime, in particular by addressing the concerns of
due process and transparency in its listing and delisting procedure and in granting
exemption. They further totally reject the use of the term “axis of evil” by a certain State
to target other States under the pretext of combating terrorism, as well as the unilateral
preparation of lists accusing States of allegedly supporting terrorism, which are
These include General Assembly resolution 46/51 and Security Council resolution 1373.
These include the OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, which was adopted in Algiers
in July 1999 and entered into force on 6 December 2003, and its Plan of Action, which was adopted by the 2nd
Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly in Maputo on 12 July 2003; the Arab Convention to Combat Terrorism, which
entered into force on 7 May 1999; the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism, which was adopted in
Ouagadougou on 1 July 1999; the OIC Declaration on Terrorism, which was adopted by the Extraordinary Session of
the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Kuala Lumpur on 3 April 2002; the ASEAN Declarations on Terrorism
adopted by the 7th and 8th ASEAN Summits in 2001 and 2002 respectively; the ASEAN Joint Declarations to Combat
International Terrorism with the USA of 1 August 2002, with the EU of 28 January 2003, with India of 8 October
2003 and with Russia of 2 July 2004, and the ASEAN-China Joint Declaration on Co-operation in the Field of Non-
Traditional Security Issues (4 November 2002); the Protocol on the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism to the
SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism, which was adopted at the SAARC Summit in Islamabad in
January 2004.
inconsistent with international law and constitute on their part a form of psychological
and political terrorism and in this context, underscoring the need to exercise solidarity
with the Non-Aligned Countries that are affected by such actions and measures; and
165.21 Introduce comprehensive qualitative changes to national laws and legislations of
Non-Aligned Countries, in order to criminalise all terrorist acts as well as support,
financing or instigation of such acts.
165.22 Reaffirm their support to the proposal of The Custodian of The Two Holy
Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud to establish the International Centre to
combat terrorism adopted by the International Conference to combat terrorism held in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in February 2005. The Riyadh Conference asserted that
elimination of terrorism is only possible through a coordinated international efforts and
cooperation. The Conference called upon the United Nations to establish the centre to
exchange information and share expertise, and coordinate efforts to monitor the
activities of terrorist organization and individuals closely.
166 The Heads of State and Government reiterated that democracy is a universal value
based on the freely expressed will of the people to determine their own political, economic,
social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives. They
reaffirmed that while all democracies share common features, there is no single model of
democracy, that it does not belong to any country or region, and further reaffirmed the
necessity of due respect for sovereignty and the right to self-determination. They expressed
their conviction that international co-operation for the promotion of democracy, on the basis
of respect for the principles enshrined in the UN Charter as well as those of transparency,
impartiality, non-selectivity and inclusiveness, could contribute to the attainment of the goal
of democracy consolidation at national and international levels.
167 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that democracy, development and
respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms are interdependent and mutually
reinforcing. The international community should support the strengthening and promotion of
democracy, development and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the
entire world, without distinction between developed and developing countries, in compliance
with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.
168 The Heads of State and Government recalled the constitutional processes that have
been taking place recently in several Latin American countries as an expression of respect to
and strengthening of democracy based on the freely expressed will and participation of the
people of those countries to determine their own political, economic, legal, social and cultural
169 The Heads of State and Government recalled the pledge by the leaders of UN Member
States, as reaffirmed in the 2005 World Summit Outcome, and noted the important role of the
UN in the promotion and strengthening of democratic practices in Member States which have
sought legal, technical and financial assistance. The Heads of State and Government took note
of the work of the UN Democracy Fund.
170 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the launching of the Bali Democracy
Forum organized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia in Bali on 10-11 December
2008, as an intergovernmental forum to promote democracy in the Asia-Pacific region that is
home-grown and not imposing, based on the principles of equal participation, sharing of best
practices, dialogue and international cooperation. The Heads of State and Government also
took note of the activities of the Bali Democracy Forum organized by the Institute for Peace
and Democracy in Bali.
This section should be read in conjunction with the section on Human Rights under Chapter III of the Document.
171 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the successful organization of the Sixth
International Conference on New or Restored Democracies held in Doha, Qatar from 30
October to 1 November 2006 and appreciated the active participation in this Conference.
172 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming
the need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
172.1 Work collectively for the promotion of democracy and for more inclusive political
processes allowing genuine participation by all citizens in all countries, including
seeking assistance from the UN on a voluntary basis;
172.2 Promote, while recognizing the importance of the promotion of democracy at the
national level, the democratisation of the system of international governance in order to
increase the participation of developing countries in international decision-making; and
172.3 Oppose and condemn any politically motivated attempt or misuse of the
international co-operation for the promotion of democracy, including the
marginalisation or exclusion of Non-Aligned Countries from the full participation and
equal opportunities of membership in the intergovernmental bodies of the UN system.
North-South Dialogue and Cooperation
173 In acknowledging the need for an increased interaction between the leaders of developing
and developed world, the Heads of State and Government agreed to undertake the following
measures, among others:
173.1 Generate, expand and deepen a more dynamic relationship and co-operation
with developed and industrialised countries, in particular with the Group of Eight,
firmly rooted on mutual respect, mutuality of benefits, shared and differentiated
responsibilities, constructive engagement and dialogue, broad partnership and
genuine interdependence, with the aim of forging compatible or complementary
responses or initiatives on global issues and generate greater understanding between
the North and the South;
173.2 Continue to hold Ministerial Meetings between the Troikas of NAM and the
European Union, within the framework of ordinary sessions of the General Assembly,
aimed at facilitating comprehensive and transparent exchange of views of common
interest to be addressed in the UNGA sessions.
173.3 Taking note of the successful Ministerial meetings held by the Chair of the NAM
with others interested parties, to continue to hold meetings, including at the
Ministerial level, between the Chair of NAM and other interested parties, as
appropriate, on issues of common interest.
173.4 Ensure that the views of developing countries are fully taken into account before
decisions on relevant issues
affecting them and the international community are
made by developed countries, which could be achieved through, inter alia,
institutionalising established contacts between the leaders at the highest level of
developing and developed countries, and in this context, request the Chair of the
Movement to coordinate with the Chair of the Group of 77 and China to identify
measures that could contribute towards achieving this objective; and
173.5 Call on international meetings and conferences, including the annual Summits
of the Group of Eight to take into account the interests and concerns of developing
countries, especially in the current situation and serious adverse impacts of the global
economic and financial crises on their development, and request the Chair of the
Movement to continue to convey those interests and concerns.
The relevant issues include peace and security questions including international terrorism, trade and finance
policies, external debt and debt forgiveness/cancellation, the environment including climate change, and energy
173.6 Highlight the importance of North South Cooperation being aligned with
national development priorities of recipient countries as well as the importance of
increasing the efficiency of development assistance.
Role of Regional Organisations
174 The Heads of State and Government underscored the important role that regional
arrangements and agencies, composed of Non-Aligned and other developing countries, can
play in the promotion of regional peace and security as well as economic and social
development through cooperation among countries in the region.
175 The Heads of State and Government called for the intensification of the process of
consultations, cooperation, and coordination between the UN and regional and sub-regional
organisations, arrangements, or agencies, in accordance with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter,
as well as on their mandate, scope and composition, which is useful and can contribute to the
maintenance of international peace and security.
176 The Heads of State and Government recalled the UN Declaration on the New
Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and called on the international community to
renew commitment for NEPAD and other related initiatives for Africa, noting in this regard the
efforts exerted by the African Union and other regional economic communities in the area of
economic integration, as well as ongoing efforts by the African Union in the operationalisation
of the provision contained in General Assembly resolution 59/213 highlighting the particular
areas of required support by the UN system to the African Union, in the social, economic,
political, peace and security areas, and express their full commitment to continue to advocate
the necessity for continued international support required to meet the special needs of Africa
as contained in the Millennium Declaration and the 2005 World Outcome Summit.
Middle East
Peace Process
177 The Heads of State and Government stressed the need for urgent efforts to advance a
Middle East peace process based on Security Council resolutions 242, 338, 425, 1397, 1515
and 1850, the Madrid terms of reference and the principle of land for peace. They rejected
attempts to alter the terms of reference of the peace process, including the imposition of
unilateral measures and schemes by Israel, the occupying Power, aimed at forcibly and
illegally imposing a unilateral solution. They affirmed that such illegal measures, including in
particular the construction and expansion of settlements and the Wall, are totally
contradictory to the peace process and must be ceased completely for any resumption of peace
negotiations. In this regard, they stressed the need for intensified and coordinated efforts by
the international community to promote a genuine peace process as well as to ensure respect
for international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, the key to
a peaceful solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole.
178 On this basis, the Heads of State and Government stressed the need for the
resumption, in a timely and appropriate manner, of substantial negotiations between the
parties on all tracks of the peace process for the achievement of a comprehensive, just, lasting
and peaceful settlement, based on the relevant U.N. resolutions and in accordance with the
rules and principles of international law enshrined therein. In this regard, they reiterated the
necessity and urgency of ending the prolonged and unlawful Israeli occupation of all of the
Arab territories occupied since 1967. They further reaffirmed their long-standing position in
support of the establishment of the independent State of Palestine in all of the Palestinian
Territory occupied by Israel in 1967, including East Jerusalem as its capital.
179 The Heads of State and Government recalled the historic role to be played by and the
obligations of the international community, including the Security Council, towards advancing
a just and comprehensive peace settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as a whole, including
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and regional stability. They called upon the Quartet, in light of
the responsibilities undertaken by its members, to exert serious efforts and actions to support
and promote negotiations on all final status issues, including full implementation of the
provisions of the Road Map for a permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. They also called upon the Security Council to engage the Quartet, considering the
Council’s Charter authority and responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and
security, and called on the members of the NAM Caucus of the Council to remain active in
this regard.
180 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their support for the Arab Peace
Initiative, which was adopted by the XIV Arab Summit in Beirut in March 2002, and
welcomed the resolutions of the XXI Arab Summit in Doha in March 2009 which reaffirmed
the commitment by all Arab states to the Arab Peace Initiative and stressed that this peace
initiative will not remain on the table for long, as stipulated in the documents adopted by the
Doha Arab Summit in 2009.
Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem
181 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their adherence to the positions
concerning Palestine adopted by the XIV Summit of Heads of State or Government held in
Havana in September 2006, as well as by the recent NAM Ministerial Conferences and
Meetings, including the XV Ministerial Conference held in Tehran in July 2008, which
constitute the guidelines for the Non-Aligned Countries on the question of Palestine. In this
regard, they further reaffirmed their adherence to the principled positions set forth in the
Declarations on Palestine adopted by the NAM Committee on Palestine during the XIV
Summit, the XV Ministerial Conference and the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating
Bureau held in Havana in April 2009.
182 The Heads of State and Government expressed their deep regret that the question of
Palestine remains unresolved after the passage of more than sixty years since the 1948 Al-
that befell the Palestinian people, by which they became a stateless and dispossessed
people, displaced and dispersed from their homeland of Palestine, and that more than half of
the Palestinian people continue to live in exile in refugee camps throughout the region and in
the Diaspora. The Heads of State and Government also expressed their deep regret that since
1967, for nearly forty-two years now, the Palestinian people have continuously suffered under
the brutal Israeli military occupation of their land and continue to be denied their
fundamental human rights, including the right to self-determination and the right of the
Palestine refugees to return.
183 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their regret at the lack of progress
made, despite increased international efforts and a resumption of the peace process in late
November 2007, to address the major issues and follow-up core positions regarding the
question of Palestine. They also expressed their grave concern in particular about the serious
deterioration of the situation and critical political, economic, social humanitarian and security
conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as a result of
ongoing unlawful policies and practices by Israel, the occupying Power.
184 In this regard, the Heads of State and Government condemned Israel’s continuing
military occupation of the Palestinian Territory in breach of international law and UN
resolutions. They condemned the continuing brutal Israeli military campaign against the
Palestinian people, particularly in the Gaza Strip, by which the occupying Power has
continued to commit grave human rights violations and reported war crimes, including by use
of excessive and indiscriminate force that has killed and injured thousands of Palestinian
civilians, including children, and has caused vast destruction of properties, infrastructure and
agricultural lands. They condemned also Israel’s detention and imprisonment of thousands of
Palestinians, including hundreds of women and children and numerous elected officials, and
called for their immediate release. They condemned also illegal Israeli settlement activities by
which the occupying Power has continued to colonize the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
This is the term commonly used to refer to the catastrophe and tragedy that befell the Palestinian people in 1948,
by which they lost their homeland and by which the majority of Palestinians were forcibly uprooted from their homes
and displaced, becoming refugees, whose plight continues until this day.
including East Jerusalem, in grave breach of international law. They also condemned Israel’s
continued imposition of collective punishment on the Palestinian people by various illegal
means and measures. The Heads of State and Government reiterated their demand that Israel,
the occupying Power, immediately cease all such violations of international law, including
international humanitarian and human rights law.
185 The Heads of State and Government condemned in the strongest terms the recent
Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, which
resulted in the killing of more than 1,400 Palestinians, including hundreds of children and
women, and the injury of more than 5,500 Palestinians. They condemned also Israel’s wanton
destruction of thousands of Palestinian homes; business properties; vital civilian
infrastructure, including water, sanitation and electricity systems; hospitals and ambulances;
mosques; public institutions, including schools and national ministries; farms; and several
UN facilities. The Heads of State and Government called upon Israel, the occupying Power, to
cease immediately its military aggression against the Palestinian people and stressed the
importance of reaching a permanent, durable ceasefire starting in the Gaza Strip and
extending to the West Bank, and expressed support for Egyptian efforts in this regard.
186 The Heads of State and Government called upon the international community,
including the Security Council, to ensure that thorough investigations are carried out of all
the crimes and violations committed by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Gaza Strip and
that serious follow-up efforts are undertaken to hold accountable the perpetrators of such
crimes and bring an end to Israel’s impunity and defiance of the law. In this connection, they
called for immediate action to follow-up the findings of the investigation by the UN Secretary-
General’s Board of Inquiry and by the fact-finding mission to be dispatched by the Human
Rights Council.
187 The Heads of State and Government also condemned Israel’s inhumane, unlawful
closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip, which has resulted in the virtual imprisonment of the
entire Palestinian civilian population there by obstructing their freedom of movement,
including the movement of sick persons, students and humanitarian personnel; obstructed
access to humanitarian aid and all essential goods, including food, medicines, fuel, electricity
and construction materials; and obstructed all commercial flows. They expressed serious
concern about the grave deterioration of socio-economic conditions and the deepening of the
humanitarian crisis due to the blockade, which has caused widespread deprivation, poverty
and hardship in addition to the vast trauma and suffering inflicted by the military aggression.
The Heads of State and Government stressed that, in addition to violating countless
provisions of human rights law, such collective punishment measures by Israel are
tantamount to grave breaches of international humanitarian law, by which it is bound as the
occupying Power and with which it must scrupulously comply. They demanded that Israel
cease such illegal practices against the Palestinian people, end its illegal blockade of the Gaza
Strip and promptly and unconditionally open all its crossing points with the Strip in
accordance with International Humanitarian Law and all United Nations resolutions,
including relevant Security Council resolutions.
188 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their strong condemnation of Israel’s
continuing intensive campaign of settler colonization, including vast land confiscations; the
construction and expansion of illegal settlements, settlement “outposts” and settlement
infrastructure; the transfer of more Israeli settlers; the construction of the Wall; home
demolitions; excavations; and the imposition of arbitrary and racist residency and movement
restrictions via a permit regime and hundreds of checkpoints throughout the Occupied
Palestinian Territory, especially in and around Occupied East Jerusalem. They reiterated that
such policies and measures by Israel, the occupying Power, constitute grave breaches of
international law and flagrant defiance of UN resolutions and the 9 July 2004 Advisory
Opinion of the International Court of Justice. They stressed the incompatibility of peace
process negotiations with such illegal colonization activities, which are clearly aimed at the
illegal acquisition and de facto annexation of more Palestinian land and forcibly imposing a
unilateral solution. In this connection, they expressed their deep concern about the extensive
physical, economic and social devastation being caused by the Israeli settlements, Wall and
network of checkpoints, which are severing the Palestinian Territory into separate areas,
including several walled cantons; isolating East Jerusalem from the rest of the Territory;
displacing thousands of Palestinians from their homes and completely destroying some
communities. They stressed that this illegal Israeli colonization campaign in its entirety is
gravely undermining the contiguity, integrity, viability and unity of the Occupied Palestinian
Territory and jeopardizing the prospects for physically achieving the two-State solution for
189 The Heads of State and Government demanded that Israel, the occupying Power,
immediately cease all of its colonization activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
including East Jerusalem. They reaffirmed all relevant Security Council and General
Assembly resolutions, including those relating to Jerusalem and confirming that it is an
integral part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory; demanded their full implementation; and
considered that all Israeli measures aimed at altering the legal, geographic and demographic
character and status of Jerusalem and of the Occupied Palestinian Territory as a whole are
null and void and have no legal validity whatsoever. They further reaffirmed that these
unlawful measures cannot alter the terms of reference of the peace process nor negate the
inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. In the face of continued Israeli defiance, the Heads
of State and Government called for urgent action by the international community to compel
the occupying Power to abide by all of its obligations under international law, including the
Fourth Geneva Convention, UN resolutions, the Advisory Opinion and its obligations under
the Road Map in this regard. They also reiterated their call for the expeditious operation of
the “United Nations Register of Damage caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory” and the speedy fulfilment of its mandate.
190 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their support for the Palestine
Liberation Organization, the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and
the Palestinian Authority under the leadership of President Mahmoud Abbas and emphasized
the importance of maintaining and protecting the national, democratic institutions of the
Palestinian Authority, including the Palestinian Legislative Council which shall constitute a
vital foundation for the future independent Palestinian State. The Heads of State and
Government also reiterated their call for the speedy restoration of the situation in the Gaza
Strip to that which existed prior to the events of June 2007 and stressed the importance and
urgency of Palestinian reconciliation and unity, and requested the International Community to
respect what the Palestinians agree upon. They expressed their support for Egyptian and
regional efforts in this regard and their hope for speedy achievement of reconciliation,
essential for the realization of the just, legitimate national aspirations of the Palestinian
191 The Heads of State and Government called for intensification of efforts by the entire
international community, in particular the Security Council and the Quartet, to address the
current political and humanitarian crisis, in order to ameliorate the situation on the ground
and to help advance a peace process and settlement that guarantees an end of the Israeli
occupation of the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, that began in 1967, and the
establishment of the sovereign, independent, and viable state of Palestine within a specified
timeframe as well as a just solution for the Palestine refugee problem based on General
Assembly resolution 194 (III). They stressed that such a settlement is essential for the
promotion of comprehensive peace and security in the region. They called upon the Security
Council, considering its Charter authority for the maintenance of international peace and
security, to actively engage the Quartet for advancement of such a peace settlement. They
stressed the continuing importance of the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Road Map
and called for its full and honest implementation. In this connection, they emphasized the
importance of the timely convening of the proposed international conference in Moscow in
follow-up of the Annapolis Conference.
192 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the necessity of upholding
international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the purposes and principles
of the UN Charter with regard to the question of Palestine under all circumstances. They also
reaffirmed the permanent responsibility of the UN towards the question of Palestine until it is
resolved in all its aspects on the basis of international law and stressed the need for all
relevant UN organs, committees and agencies to exert efforts to this end. They once more
called upon the UN not to reward illegal actions and intransigence and to increase its efforts
towards the attainment of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement, based on the
two-State solution, and the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. In
this context, the Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their commitment to a peaceful
solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to the right of the Palestinian people to exercise
self-determination and sovereignty in their independent State of Palestine, on the basis of the
1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
193 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming
the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government
agreed to undertake the following measures:
193.1. Continue holding meetings at the ministerial level of the NAM Committee on
Palestine, within the framework of the Coordinating Bureau Ministerial Meetings that
take place at the outset of UNGA ordinary sessions and during any other Ministerial
Meetings of the Movement, whenever necessary and in accordance with the developments
on this issue.
193.2. Maintain regular contacts and dialogue at the ministerial level between the NAM
Ministerial Delegation on Palestine and the members of the Quartet and the Members of
the UN Security Council, with a view to coordinating and enhancing the role played by
NAM in the international efforts seeking a solution to the question of Palestine and lasting
peace in the region.
193.3. Continue to actively participate in the UN Security Council, including via a
proactive role of the NAM Caucus of the Council, and General Assembly meetings
addressing the question of Palestine.
193.4. Convene a parallel forum of civil society, preferably within UN premises, intended
to mobilize international public opinion on this issue and thus make a substantial
contribution to attaining a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.
Occupied Syrian Golan
194 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that all measures and actions taken, or
to be taken by Israel, the occupying Power, such as its illegal decision of 14 December 1981
that purports to alter the legal, physical and demographic status of the occupied Syrian Golan
and its institutional structure, as well as the Israeli measures to apply its jurisdiction and
administration there, are null and void and have no legal effect. They further reaffirmed that
all such measures and actions, including the illegality of Israeli settlement construction and
expansion activities in the Occupied Syrian Golan since 1967, constitute a flagrant violation of
international law, international conventions, the Charter and decisions of the UN, particularly
Security Council Resolution 497 (1981), the Fourth Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 on
the Protection of Civilians in Time of War, and the defiance of will of the international
community. They reiterated the Movement’s demand that Israel comply with Security Council
Resolution 497 (1981) and withdraw fully from the occupied Syrian Golan to the lines of 4
June 1967, in implementation of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, and that Israel
adheres to the Madrid terms of reference based on the principle of land for peace, which are in
their entirety considered to be a primary and basic element in the negotiation process that
should be adhered to, including the immediate commencement of the demarcation of the 4
June 1967 line.
195 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the Movement’s unwavering support
and solidarity with the Syrian just demand and rights to restore the full Syrian sovereignty
over the occupied Syrian Golan on the basis of the terms of reference of the Arab Peace
Initiative, the Madrid Peace Process, as well as the principle of land for peace and in
accordance with relevant Security Council Resolutions. They again demanded that Israel
respect all its commitments and pledges.
196 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their demand for Israel to comply
immediately and unconditionally with the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the
Protection of Civilians in Times of War, dated 12 August 1949, and to apply them to the
Syrian detainees in the occupied Syrian Golan. They strongly condemned the Israeli brutal
practices in Israeli occupation prisons, and expressed their grave concern at the inhuman
conditions of the Syrian detainees in the occupied Syrian Golan which have led to the
deterioration of their physical health and put their lives at risk, in a blatant violation of
international humanitarian law.
197 The Heads of State and Government called upon Israel, the occupying power, to reopen
the Quneitra entry point, to facilitate the visits of the Syrian citizens under Israeli occupation
to their motherland, Syria.
Lebanon, the Remaining Occupied Lebanese Lands, and the Consequences of the Israeli
Aggression against Lebanon
198 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their congratulations to the people and
leaders of Lebanon and welcomed and strongly supported the agreement reached in Doha on
May 21 under the auspices of His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of
Qatar, pursuant to the efforts of the Ministerial Committee of the Arab League, chaired by the
Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabor Al-Thani,
and the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Musa, which constituted an essential step
towards the return to the normal functioning of Lebanese democratic institutions, and the
complete restoration of Lebanon’s unity and stability.
199 The Heads of State and Government highly valued the important role of the President
of the Republic in convening and chairing the National Dialogue sessions to continue the
consolidation of national reconciliation, to reinforce the authority of the State over all its
territories in a manner that guarantees its sovereignty and security, and to implement the
previous decisions of the National Dialogue. The Heads of State and Government welcomed
the commencement of the rebuilding of the Nahr El Bared Camp and, in this regard, called on
the donor countries to increase their assistance and to honour their previous commitments.
The Heads of State and Government took note of the commencement of the Special Tribunal
for Lebanon to uncover the truth behind the assassination of the previous Prime Minister
Hariri, establish justice and end impunity, away from revenge and politicization.
200 The Heads of State and Government expressed strong condemnation of the relentless
Israeli aggression launched against Lebanon in 2006 and the serious violations by Israel of
the Lebanese territorial integrity and sovereignty, and in this regard charged Israel with full
responsibility for the consequences of its aggression.
201 The Heads of State and Government expressed solidarity with and support for the
Government and people of Lebanon, hailed their heroic resistance to the Israeli aggression,
and emphasized the primordial importance of Lebanon's national unity and stability.
202 The Heads of State and Government, emphasizing the principles of International
Humanitarian Law, condemned the targeting of civilians wherever it may occur.
203 The Heads of State and Government in particular strongly condemned the
indiscriminate and massive Israeli air strikes and shelling on Lebanese towns and villages in
2006 targeting civilians, civil infrastructure and private properties which constitute a serious
breach of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and
international humanitarian law, and blatant and flagrant violations of human rights.
204 The Heads of State and Government were strongly convinced that there should be no
impunity for violations of international law and international humanitarian law and human
rights, and that Israel should be held accountable for its apparent commission of large scale
crimes. Furthermore Israel should, without further delay, surrender all the maps and
information on the exact locations of the land mines and cluster munitions it had planted in
Lebanon to the United Nations as these mines and cluster munitions are causing lots of death
and terror among both the civilian population and the Lebanese Army.
205 The Heads of State and Government called for a strict implementation of Security
Council Resolution 1701 (2006), and in this respect called for an immediate and complete
cease fire, and for the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon with full respect for
the Blue Line and the sovereignty of Lebanon in land, sea, and air.
206 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the deployment of the Lebanese Armed
Forces in the region south of the Litani River, such that there will be no weapon or authority
other than that of the Lebanese State as stipulated in the Taef National Reconciliation
Document, and called on States to expedite their contribution to Lebanon as requested by
Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006).
207 The Heads of State and Government expressed full support for the Seven-Point Plan
presented by the Lebanese Government, and emphasized the importance of the contribution
of the United Nations in settling the issue of the Sheba'a Farms in accordance with the
proposal mentioned in the aforementioned Seven-Point Plan and with UNSCR 1701 (2006),
and called upon all relevant parties to cooperate with the United Nations to reach a solution to
the Sheba'a Farms issue which protects Lebanon's sovereign rights including water rights in
that area.
208 The Heads of State and Government called for a generous contribution to the ongoing
humanitarian relief efforts, and urged the international community to support Lebanon on all
levels to assist the Lebanese in facing the tremendous burden resulting from the human,
social and economic tragedy, and in enhancing the Lebanese national economy.
209 The Heads of State and Government held Israel responsible for the loss of lives and
suffering as well as the destruction of properties and infrastructure in Lebanon, and
demanded Israel to compensate the Republic of Lebanon and its people for the losses
sustained resulting from Israel's aggression in 2006.
210 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the Republic of Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic in order to
strengthen their brotherly relations.
211 The Heads of State and Government, pursuant to the failure of other means,
emphasized the necessity of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict based on relevant UN
Resolutions leading to the establishment of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the
Middle East as was called for by the Arab Peace Initiative of Beirut in 2002.
212 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the decisions by the thirteenth ordinary
session of the Heads of State and Government of the Assembly of the African Union held from
July 1-3, 2009 in Sirte, Libya and expressed their support for effective implementation of the
decisions to promote peace, stability and socio-economic development in Africa
Chagos Archipelago
213 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that Chagos Archipelago, including
Diego Garcia, is an integral part of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Mauritius. They
noted that the former colonial power, the United Kingdom, and Mauritius held a first round of
talks on the Chagos Archipelago issue in January 2009, and welcomed the initiative to pursue
the dialogue through other rounds of talks. They called on the United Kingdom to expedite
the process with a view to enable Mauritius to exercise its sovereignty over the Chagos
214 The Heads of State and Government, recalling the principles of the Movement on
democracy, condemned the heinous attempt to assassinate the democratically elected Prime
Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho, Mr. Pakalitha Mosisili, on the 22nd April, 2009. And they
reiterated the right of the people of the kingdom of Lesotho to freely elect their own
Government through universal suffrage.
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
215 The Heads of State and Government recalled previous positions of the Movement and
reiterated their deep regret for the conviction of Libyan citizen Abdulbasit El-Magrahi, and
demanded the immediate release of the said citizen, in view of the fact that his conviction was
politically motivated, without any valid legal grounds, as confirmed by the UN Observers, and
large numbers of international legal experts. In this context, they called upon the
international community and human rights Organisations to exert pressure on the
governments concerned to secure his release.
216 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the lifting of unilateral sanctions
imposed on Libya, and acknowledged Libya’s right to compensation for the damages incurred
as a consequence of these sanctions.
217 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their respect for the sovereignty,
territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, consistent with the Charter
of the United Nations.
218 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the positive political developments and
progress made in the Djibouti peace process, including the establishment of an inclusive
Parliament, the election of President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and the subsequent
formation of the Somali Government led by Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke.
219 The Heads of State and Government commended the Somali Government’s effort at
reaching out to those outside the Djibouti peace process and re-establishing security and rule
of law in Mogadishu and the rest of the country. They reiterated their call for the peaceful
resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation
and called upon all parties that had not yet joined the political process to do so.
220 The Heads of State and Government stressed the importance of re- establishing,
training and retention of Somali security forces and welcomed the Secretary General’s
proposal for a partnership between the Somali Government, the United Nations, AMISOM and
other international partners to develop a program of assistance to rebuild Somali Security
221 The Heads of State and Government commended the contribution of the African Union
Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to lasting peace and stability in Somalia, expressed their
appreciation for the continued commitment of the Government of Uganda and Burundi in
Somalia and called upon the members and international community to provide resources for it
to better fulfill its mandate.
222 The Heads of State and Government paid tribute to the AU Partners and members
states, in particular Algeria, for providing financial and logistical support to AMISOM. The
Heads of State and Government welcomed the completion by Ethiopia of the withdrawal of its
forces from Somalia in line with the Djibouti Agreement and reiterated their appreciation for
the sacrifice made by Ethiopia and its commitment to the search for a lasting solution to the
conflict in Somalia.
223 The Heads of State and Government also welcomed the adoption of Security Council
Resolution 1863 (2009) expressing its intention to establish a United Nations peace keeping
operation in Somalia as a follow-on force to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).
They further welcomed the transitional arrangements being made by the United Nations
Security Council including providing a logistical support package for equipment and support
services to enable deployment and strengthening of AMISOM, establishing the United Nations
Support Office (UNSOA) for Somalia in Nairobi to coordinate the logistics and technical
functions of the logistics base in Mombasa, Kenya. They urged the United Nations to
undertake the necessary steps aiming at ensuring the uninterrupted supply of materials and
services to AMISOM. They commended the African Union for all its efforts in support of
AMISOM. They urged the UN to expeditiously develop the recommendations on the mandate of
a future UN peacekeeping mission in Somalia as requested by Security Council Resolution
224 The Heads of State and Government expressed their concern at the continuing acts of
piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia and Gulf of Aden and condemned those
acts which hamper the delivery of humanitarian aid to Somalia and pose a threat to
commercial maritime and international navigation in the region. In this context, they
commended the efforts of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the
international community to fight piracy while reiterating the need to address the root causes
of piracy on the mainland.
225 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption of Security Council
Resolution 1816 (2008), and stressed that this resolution should be implemented in a manner
fully consistent with International Law, including the United Nation Convention on the Law of
the Sea. They also welcomed the serious efforts by NAM countries and others, that have
deployed their naval vessels in the territorial waters of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden, , to
assist in countering acts of piracy and armed robbery, and welcomed as well the
establishment of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia which held its first
meeting in New York on January 14, 2009, and urges the Contact Group on Piracy to
continue strengthening its work with the participation of all interested States in countering
piracy and armed robbery in the sea off the coastal region of Somalia.
226 The Heads of State and Government called upon the international community,
including member states of NAM, to mobilize resources and support the urgently needed
humanitarian assistance, to the internally displaced persons and those affected by the severe
draught in Somalia.
227 The Heads of State and Government expressed their support for the government and
people of Somalia and encourage the international community to extend financial and
technical support to the government in its efforts towards re-building vital institutions
especially in the areas of security and the rule of law, and enhancing its capacity for the
provision of basic services.
The Sudan
228 The Heads of State and Government commended the African Union (AU), the IGAD and
the Friends of IGAD for their indispensable role and efforts, which had culminated in the
achievement of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005 in The Sudan, hence
ending one of the longest running wars in the African continent and thereby contributing to
regional peace, and called on donors to fulfil their commitments made in Oslo in 2005 and
2008 to help implement that agreement. They welcomed the signing on 5 May 2006 of the
Darfur Peace Agreement in Abuja, Nigeria as a historic step towards lasting peace in Darfur,
and further commended the AU for its leading role and efforts in sustaining peace and
stability in the Darfur region. They encouraged the political process as a priority and
emphasized the need to focus on developmental assistance in Darfur as peace and
development are mutually reinforced. They expressed the Movement’s resolve, therefore, to
support The Sudan as well as the AU and IGAD in their efforts to sustain and reinforce peace
in that country, and called on the international community to do likewise.
229 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their commitment to the sovereignty,
unity, independence and territorial integrity of The Sudan.
230 The Heads of State and Government noted with satisfaction the sustained efforts being
made by the Government of The Sudan, the African Union, the League of Arab States and the
United Nations to reactivate the political process leading to a lasting peace in Darfur. They
expressed their conviction that no action should be taken that could jeopardize the delicate
nature of the process underway in The Sudan. In that context, the Heads of State and
Government expressed deep concern over the recent move by the International Criminal Court
(ICC) against the Honourable President of The Sudan, and considered that this action could
seriously undermine the ongoing efforts aimed at facilitating the early resolution of the conflict
in Darfur and the promotion of long-lasting peace and reconciliation in The Sudan and could
lead to greater destabilization with far reaching consequences for the country and the region.
Therefore, they decided to support steps in the United Nations and elsewhere aimed at
defusing this new and dangerous situation and preventing its recurrence.
The Great Lakes Region
231 The Heads of State and Government welcomed efforts by the countries of the Great
Lakes region of Africa to establish a framework for sustainable development, durable peace
and stability in the region. Following the signing of the Dar-es-Salam Declaration on Peace,
Stability, Democracy and Good Governance, they further welcomed the coming into force of
the Pact on Security, Stability and Development of the Great Lakes region signed on 15
December 2006 in Nairobi and entered into force on 21 June 2008.
232 In this regard, the Heads of State and Government reiterated the importance of
continued support of the international community towards convening the Third Summit of the
International Conference of the Great Lakes Region in Kinshasa at which the Special Fund
(SFRD) for Reconstruction and Development will be launched. They also took note with
satisfaction of the positive development in Burundi and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
233 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the signing of the Global Political
Agreement by the main political parties in Zimbabwe on 15 September 2008 and the
formation of the inclusive Government on 13 February 2009.
234 The Heads of State and Government commended regional efforts towards finding a
solution to the problems of Zimbabwe. In that regard, they paid tribute to the Southern
African Development Community (SADC) for its mediation efforts and the region´s on-going
efforts to help Zimbabwe to rebuild its economy.
235 The Heads of State and Government expressed their hope that the new political
dispensation in Zimbabwe will promote national efforts to rebuild the economy. In this regard,
the Heads of State and Government called for the immediate lifting of arbitrary and unilateral
sanctions by those states and parties that have imposed the economically crippling measures
on Zimbabwe.
Western Sahara
236 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the previous positions of the Non-
Aligned Movement on the question of Western Sahara.
237 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed all resolutions adopted by the General
Assembly and the Security Council on Western Sahara. They reaffirmed UN General Assembly
resolution 62/116, adopted without a vote, and reiterated that, in accordance with the said
resolution, they continued to support strongly the efforts of the Secretary General and his
Personal Envoy to achieve a mutually acceptable political solution which will provide self-
determination for the people of Western Sahara in the context of arrangements consistent
with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and General Assembly
resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and other relevant resolutions. The Heads of State
and Government recognized that all available options for self-determination are valid as long
as they are in accordance with the freely expressed wishes of the people concerned and in
conformity with the clearly defined principles contained in General Assembly Resolutions.
238 Bearing in mind the above, the Heads of State and Government welcomed the four
rounds of negotiation held under the auspices of the Secretary General and welcomed the
commitment of the parties to continue to show political will and work in an atmosphere
propitious for dialogue, in order to enter into a more intensive phase of negotiations, thus
ensuring implementation of Security Council resolutions 1754, 1783 and 1813 and the
success of negotiations. They took note of efforts and developments since 2006.
239 They called upon the parties and the States in the region to cooperate fully with the
Secretary General and his Personal Envoy, and with each other, and reaffirmed the
responsibility of the United Nations towards the people of Western Sahara. They further
welcomed the commitment of the parties to continue the process of negotiations through
United Nations sponsored talks.
Comorian Island of Mayotte
240 The Heads of State and Government reiterated once again the unquestionable
sovereignty of the Union of Comoros over the island of Mayotte. In this regard, they
condemned and considered null and void the referendum of March 29, 2009, organized by the
Government of France in the Comorian island of Mayotte that constituted a violation of the
sovereignty of the Comorian State and of its territorial integrity and represents a grave breach
of international law and of relevant United Nations resolutions.
241 The Heads of State and Government deplored the current involvement of France in the
affairs of Mayotte and vigorously rejected any further integration of the Comorian Island of
Mayotte within the French territorial Administration.
Djibouti / Eritrea:
242 The Heads of State and Government recalling the principles of good neighbourliness,
non interference and regional cooperation expressed their concerns on the situation between the
two neighbouring countries and called on both members to solve their differences through
bilateral and collective diplomatic and peaceful means and to engage actively in dealing with
Security Council resolution 1862 (2009).
Eritrea and Ethiopia
243 The Heads of State and Government expressed full support for all regional and
international efforts to solve the border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia through
peaceful means, including the Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission’s decisions and to
engage in dialogue so as to normalize their relations and bring lasting peace and stability to
the region. They encouraged the two countries to cooperate with those initiatives.
244 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their commitment to the sovereignty,
independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan, welcomed the
achievements made since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2002
and the ongoing democratic process in the country. They recognised that the challenges faced
by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its people are enormous. Recognising the
interconnected nature of the challenges in Afghanistan, they noted that sustainable progress
on development, security and governance was mutually reinforcing. They further recognised
that the establishment of peace and security remains essential for the reconstruction,
humanitarian relief efforts and sustainable development in that country.
245 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the regional Economic Cooperation
Conference on Afghanistan held in New Delhi from 18-19 November 2006, for the promotion of
the regional economic cooperation among the countries of the region, including neighbours of
Afghanistan. They welcomed the Third Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on
Afghanistan held in Islamabad from 13-14 May 2009 and the adoption of the Islamabad
Declaration. They also welcomed Afghanistan’s membership of the South Asian Association for
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and commended Afghanistan for the excellent arrangement and
outcome of the 17th Ministerial meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in
Hirat, 17-20 October 2007. The also welcomed the convening of the 10
summit of the
Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO), held in Tehran on 11 March 2009.
246 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the holding of Paris Conference ( June
12-14 2008) as a new step to secure a strong international engagement for the effective
implementation of London Compact and Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS),
in this regard stressed on the importance of the complete coordination between political and
developmental activities of International Organization active in Afghanistan and channelling
of the Aid mostly through the core budget of the Government of Afghanistan.
247 The Heads of State and Government expressed their deep concern that the terrorist
groups including former Taliban cadres were regrouping in the Southern and South Eastern
parts of Afghanistan. Equally of concern was that the efforts of the international community to
fight terrorism were being undermined by support, protection and shelter that these forces of
destabilization continue to receive.
248 The Heads of State and Government also recalled the importance of the Kabul
Declaration of 22 December 2002 on Good-Neighbourly Relations, in which a commitment to
constructive and supportive bilateral relationships based on the principles of territorial
integrity, mutual respect, friendly relations, cooperation and non-interference in each others’
internal affairs have been reaffirmed, and noted that regional cooperation constituted an
effective means to promote security and development in Afghanistan.
249 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the Afghan-Pakistan Joint Peace Jirga
process, for the purpose of bringing sustainable peace and normalcy in Afghanistan and in
the region.
250 The Heads of State and Government expressed deep appreciation to countries, in
particular the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran for hosting a large
number of Afghans and acknowledge the huge burden they have shouldered in this regard.
251 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the successful organization of the first
Summit on Trilateral Cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Republic
of Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, held in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of
Iran, on 24
of May 2009, and expressed their support for such regional initiatives that are
aimed at exploring regional potentials for the welfare, stability and development of
Afghanistan and the rest of the region.
252 The Heads of State and Government expressed the Movement’s resolve therefore to:
252.1 Call upon the International Community to extend its support for the
implementation of the Afghanistan Compact adopted by London Conference to fulfill
expeditiously its financial commitments announced at the International Donor
Conferences for the Reconstruction of Afghanistan, held in Tokyo in January 2002,
Berlin in March 2004, London 31
January-1st February 2006 and lastly June 12-14
in Paris.
252.2 Strongly condemn the terrorist and criminal acts committed by the Taliban, Al-
Qaida and other extremist groups, including the rising trend of suicide attacks, against
the Afghan people.
252.3 Strongly condemn the suicide terrorist attack on the Indian Embassy in Kabul
on 7th July 2008 in which around 60 Afghan nationals, including women and
children, and four Indian nationals lost their lives and many other Afghan and Indian
nationals were injured. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their conviction
that this attack once again underlined the need for strengthening international
cooperation in the global fight against terrorism. The Heads of State and Government
also reaffirmed their conviction that this incident and any such incident would not
deter the Afghan nation and the international community in their struggle against
forces of terrorism in reconstruction and development of Afghanistan.
252.4 Support the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its leadership in defending and
preserving its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity,
including through eliminating the threats to its peace and security;
252.5 Welcome the ongoing preparations for the upcoming presidential and provincial
council elections in Afghanistan and call upon the International Community and
relevant United Nations Agencies to assist the Government of Afghanistan to ensure
safe, credible and democratic elections in Afghanistan on August 2009.
252.6 Contribute to the peace, security, reconstruction, humanitarian relief efforts and
sustainable development in Afghanistan, mindful of the concrete measures already
taken by Non-Aligned Countries thereof; and
252.7 Support efforts by the international donor community, including Non-Aligned
Countries, geared toward ensuring the successful implementation of the Afghanistan
National Development Strategy (ANDS) the Afghanistan Compact adopted in London,
31 January-1 February 2006 and Paris Conference June 12-14 2008.
252.8 Call on the international community and relevant UN agencies for the provision
of enhanced assistance to the Afghan refugees and internally displaced persons to
facilitate their voluntary, safe and dignified return and sustainable reintegration into
the society of origin so as to contribute to the stability of Afghanistan.
252.9 Calls upon the International community to increase its assistance to enhance
the capacity of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to carry out its National Drug
Control Strategy, aimed at elimination of production and trafficking of narcotics and
create alternative livelihood for the farmers by strengthen crop substitution program in
253 The Heads of State and Government reiterated respect for the sovereignty,
territorial integrity, political independence and national unity of Iraq. The Heads of
State and Government welcomed the progress resulted from the Iraqi political process,
underscoring the importance of ensuring that the Iraqi people exercise their right to
determine their political future freely in accordance with the Constitution of Iraq.
254 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the positive results of the provinces
councils’ election held on 30th of January 2009 in accordance with the Constitution of
255 The Heads of State and Government expressed their support to the Iraqi
government in its efforts to achieve security, stability and prosperity for the Iraqi
people and to maintain security independence, sovereignty, national unity and
territorial integrity of Iraq. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their
determination to support Iraq against any external interference in Iraq´s internal
affairs regardless of the excuse or pretext.
256 The Heads of State and Government took note of the agreement between Iraq and
the United States of America in 17/11/2008 about the determination of the
withdrawal date of the American forces from Iraq within the agreed dates and the
organizing its activities within its temporal existence in Iraq to achieve the legitimate
interests of Iraq.
257 The Heads of State and Government condemned all acts of terrorism in Iraq and
recognized that these acts supported by organized crime are targeting the Iraqi
infrastructure, service sectors and all other aspects of life, and that the most frequent
victims of these crimes are the Iraqi people. The Heads of State and Government
deplored all acts of terror aiming at creating sectarian conflict. The Heads of State and
Government called upon the international community and all states especially the
regional states to extend any possible assistance to the Iraqi government in its effort to
defeat and eliminate terrorism.
258 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the improvement of both the
security situation as well as living conditions within Iraq. The Heads of State and
Government reaffirmed their support for the Iraqi government’s efforts aimed at
creating the appropriate environment conducive to the voluntary repatriation of
thousands of Iraqi refugees or internally displaced. In this regard the Heads of State
and Government encouraged host countries of Iraqi refugees and the concerned
international organizations to facilitate their voluntary repatriation.
259 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the decisions of a number of states
to reopen their diplomatic missions in Baghdad. The Heads of State and Government
encouraged Member States to enhance diplomatic relations with Iraq and, where
appropriate, to consider reopening their Embassies in Baghdad.
260 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their support for the rebuilding of
Iraq and welcomed the endeavours of the Iraqi government in the revitalization process
of the Iraqi economy. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the right of the
Iraqi people to control and manage their natural resources freely and through the
duly-elected government to control Iraq´s resources and utilize these towards
reconstruction, rebuilding national institutions, improve the living standards of the
Iraqi people and developing the national economy. The Heads of State and Government
called upon all states and international organizations to provide all forms of support
and assistance to meet Iraq´s needs.
261 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the commitment of the Paris Club to
substantially reduce Iraq´s foreign debts and urge the other creditors to follow suit.
262 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the importance of enhancing the
Iraqi process of national dialogue and reconciliation, and of ensuring broad
participation in all political processes, achieve unity, social peace, security and to put
an end to sectarian violence. The Heads of State and Government stressed the need to
provide full support for the national reconciliation plan endorsed by H.E. Nouri Al-
Maliki the prime minister of Iraq aimed at strengthening national unity and the
establishment of the security.
263 The Heads of State and Government called upon all states to cooperate and
coordinate their efforts in combating the illegal trade and trafficking of Iraqi antiques,
and in returning the recovered art works to Iraqi museums.
264 In the frame of the regional and international efforts to support reconstruction and
to ensure stability in Iraq, the Heads of State and Government welcomed the extension
of UNAMI mandate according to the Iraqi request in accordance with the Security
Council Resolution 1830 (2008), the international compact with Iraq launched on 3
May 2007 in Sharm al-Sheikh (Egypt)
265 The Heads of State and Government expressed their support for the ongoing
process of the neighbouring countries meeting on Iraq. In this regard The Heads of
State and Government welcomed the outcomes of the last expanded meeting of the
foreign ministers held in Kuwait on 22 April 2008 and the establishment of the
support mechanism and its terms of reference.
Iraq and Kuwait
266 The Heads of State and Government strongly condemned the grave violations of
human rights and the killing of Iraqi, Kuwaiti and other third country nationals by the
former Iraqi regime, in disregard of provisions of international law and international
humanitarian law. The Heads of State and Government also welcomed the measures
taken by the Iraqi government to try those criminals.
Southeast Asia
267 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the entry into force of the ASEAN
Charter on 15 December 2008 which provides the legal and institutional framework for
ASEAN to be a more rules based, effective and people centred organisation, paving the
way for realising an ASEAN Community by 2015.
268 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the signing of the Cha-am Hua-Hin
Declaration on the Roadmap for the ASEAN Community (2009-2015) by ASEAN
Leaders at the 14th ASEAN Summit at Cha-am Hua-Hin, Thailand, on 28 February 1
March 2009, comprising 3 pillars, namely, Political-Security Community, Economic
Community and Socio-Cultural Community, all of which are closely intertwined and
mutually reinforcing for the purpose of ensuring durable peace, stability and shared
prosperity in the region. In this context, The Heads of State and Government took note
of the adoption by ASEAN Leaders of the ASEAN Political-Security Community
Blueprint, which envisaged ASEAN to be a rules-based Community of shared values
and norms, a cohesive, peaceful, stable and resilient region with shared responsibility
for comprehensive security; as well as a dynamic and outward looking region in an
increasingly integrated and interdependent world.
269 The Heads of State and Government also welcomed the accession of States outside
Southeast Asia to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC).
270 The Heads of State and Government affirmed the importance of the ASEAN
Regional Forum (ARF) as the main multilateral political and security forum in the
region, and reiterated their support for ASEAN as the primary driving force of the ARF.
The Heads of State and Government also took note of the continued relevance of the
ARF in promoting and maintaining peace, security and stability in the region and its
vital role in building confidence and trust amongst its participants.
271 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the call to solve all sovereignty and
territorial disputes in the South China Sea by peaceful means without resorting to
force and/or threat to use force, and urged all parties to exercise restraint with a view
to creating a positive climate for the eventual resolution of all contentious issues. In
this context, they reaffirmed their support for the principles contained in the 1992
ASEAN Declaration on the South China Sea as well as the 1982 UN Convention on the
Law of the Sea and stressed the need for the full implementation of such principles by
all concerned. They expressed their hope that all parties concerned would refrain from
any actions that may undermine peace, stability, trust and confidence in the region.
They further reaffirmed their respect for and commitment to the freedom of navigation
in and over-flight above the South China Sea as provided for by the universally
recognised principles of international law. To this end, they welcomed the efforts by the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China to effectively implement
the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea
as an important
step to achieve a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, which would help to create
a conducive environment for the maintenance of international peace and stability in
the region. They further welcomed the positive contribution of the ongoing bilateral
and multilateral consultations among the parties concerned at the intergovernmental
level, the extensive consultations at the ASEAN-China Dialogue, the regular exchange
of views in the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), and the informal Workshops on
Managing Potential Conflicts in the South China Sea and encouraged their
Syrian Arab Republic
272 The Heads of State and Government expressed deep concern over the imposition of
unilateral sanctions against the Syrian Arab Republic by the Government of the United
The Declaration was signed on 4 November 2002 during the ASEAN-China Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
States, and reaffirmed that the so-called “Syria Accountability Act” is contrary to
international law and a violation of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.
They called on the Government of the United States to declare that Act as null and
void, and further called on the two countries to dialogue based on respect and mutual
interest for the best of the two nations and the peoples.
273 The Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement condemned
the act of aggression committed by forces of the United States of America in Iraq
against the Syrian Arab Republic on Sunday, 26 October 2008, which targeted a
civilian building in the city of Abu Kamal and resulted in the death of eight Syrian
civilians and injured one person. The Heads of State and Government considered this
act as a grave violation of international law and Syrian sovereignty and a violation of
the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. They further
expressed the solidarity of the Movement with the people and Government of the
Syrian Arab Republic.
Latin America and the Caribbean
274 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the positive political, economic,
social changes and achievements in the region which are contributing to the
wellbeing of its peoples and to the reduction of poverty, as well as to the regional
solidarity, integration, and cooperation with other regions. In this regard the Heads of
State and Government emphasized that the democratically elected governments must
be supported and respected and stressed their rejection to any destabilization attempt
against those governments and their democratic systems. The Heads of State and
Government recognized the commitment of the states of the region to the principles of
sovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-intervention in the internal affairs of any
South American Union of Nations UNASUR
275 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the signature of the constitutive
treaty of the South American Union of Nations UNASUR that took place in Brasilia,
Brazil on 23 May 2008, as a contribution to the cultural, social, economic and political
Latin American and Caribbean Summit on Integration and Development
276 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the holding of the First Latin
American and Caribbean summit on Integration and Development, held in Costa de
Sauípe, Salvador, Bahía, Brasil, on 16 and 17 December 2008. They encouraged the
countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to provide follow-up to this process with
concrete actions geared at fostering the integration of the region.
277 The Heads of State and Government welcomed and encouraged original
initiatives such as the “Bolivarian Alternative for the People of Our America-People’s
Trade Treaty” (ALBA-TCP), PETROCARIBE and the Framework Agreement of the Single
System of Regional Payments Compensation (SUCRE for its Spanish Acronym), which
are promoted in this region under the principles of cooperation, complementarity
covering energy, social justice; food sovereignty, monetary and economic sectors; these
experiences demonstrate, inter alia, that a new international economic order is
progressively emerging. They welcomed the decision adopted during the VI Summit of
Heads of State and Government held in Maracay, Venezuela, on 24th June 2009, to
transform it into the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of our America-People-People’s
Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), with a view to strengthening the cooperation and solidarity
among its members.
Second Summit of Arab and South American countries.
278 The Heads of State and Government welcomed successful conclusion of the
Second Summit of Arab and South American countries, held in Doha-Qatar on 31
March 2009 including its follow-up mechanisms.
279 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the convening of the Third
Summit of the Arab and South American Countries to be held in Lima, Peru in the first
semester of 2011 and considers that this will give further impetus to the ongoing efforts
to strengthen the relations and solidarity between the two regions.
Second Africa-South America Summit
280 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the convening of the Second
Africa-South America Summit of Heads of State and Governments, which is to be held
18 - 19 September 2009, in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with a view to
strengthening friendship, solidarity and South-South cooperation between both
regions. The Heads of State and Government underscored the importance of this
historic Summit as the first to be held following the establishment of the Union of
South American Countries (UNASUR).
Zone of Peace: Gulf of Fonseca
281 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the decision recently taken by
the Heads of States of El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua to establish a "Zone of
peace, sustainable development and security in the Gulf of Fonseca", and agreed that
this decision constitutes an important step forward to strengthen the integration and
unity process of the Central American nations and peoples.
Belize and Guatemala
282 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the decisive step taken by Belize
and Guatemala in signing, on 8 December 2008, a Special Agreement to submit
Guatemala’s territorial differendum to the International Court of Justice, subject to the
approval of their citizens in national referenda, as a means of reaching a definitive,
honourable and permanent solution to their long-standing dispute, and called on the
international community to support both countries in this endeavour.
283 The Heads of State and Government once again reiterated their call to the
Government of the United States of America to put an end to the economic,
commercial and financial embargo against Cuba which, in addition to being unilateral
and contrary to the UN Charter and international law, and to the principle of
neighbourliness, is causing huge material losses and economic damage to the people of
Cuba. They once again urged strict compliance with the Resolutions 47/19, 48/16,
49/9, 50/10, 51/17, 52/10, 53/4, 54/21, 55/20, 56/9, 57/11, 58/7, 59/11, 60/12,
61/11, 62/3 and 63/7 of the UN General Assembly. They expressed deep concern over
the widening of the extra-territorial nature of the embargo against Cuba and rejected
the reinforcement of the measures adopted by the US government, aimed at tightening
the embargo, as well as all other recent measures carried-out by the Government of
the United States against the people of Cuba. They also urged the Government of
the United States to return the territory now occupied by the Guantanamo Naval Base
to Cuban sovereignty, and to put an end to aggressive radio and television
transmission against Cuba. They reiterated that those measures constitute a violation
of Cuba’s sovereignty and a massive violation of the human rights of its people.
284 The Heads of State and Government recalled the firm support and solidarity
offered by the Movement to the people and Government of Panama in its struggle for
the recovery of the Canal and exerts effective sovereignty over all its territory. In this
occasion, the Heads of State and Government conveyed to the Government of Panama
their recognition for the efficient operation and administration of the Panama Canal
under Panamanian control and congratulated the nation for the beginning of the
construction of the third set of locks of this strategic pathway serving world trade and
285 The Heads of State and Government expressed support for the Constitutional
Government of President Hugo Chavez Frias, who was democratically elected and
ratified by the majority of the Venezuelan people. They recognised the proven
impartiality and reliability of the Electoral Constitutional Power in guaranteeing fair,
transparent and trustworthy elections in December 2006. They viewed with concern
the aggressive policies of the Government of the United States against Venezuela and
stated the inalienable right of the people of Venezuela to determine their own form of
Government and to choose their own economic, political and social system free from
outside intervention, subversion, coercion, and constraint of any kind whatsoever.
They welcomed the holding and results of the Constitutional Referendum held on 15
February 2009 and considered it an additional demonstration of the fairness of the
democratic process being carried-out in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
286 The Heads of State and Government expressed their concern over the increase
of the action by the Government of the United States of America, aimed at affecting the
stability of Venezuela, including the recent establishment of an office to increase
intelligence gathering and espionage against Venezuela and Cuba.
287 The Heads of State and Government expressed support for the extradition
request that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela interposed to the Government of the
United States for bringing to justice those responsible for the terrorist attack on a
Cubana de Aviación aircraft in October 1976, which caused the death to 73 innocent
civilians. In this context, the Heads of State and Government rejected the protection
given to individuals accused of perpetrating terrorist acts in Venezuela, in
contravention of relevant United Nations Security Council and General Assembly
resolutions related to measures to eliminate terrorism in all its forms, which impedes
the efforts of the Venezuelan authorities to bring them to justice. They exhorted the
government of the United States of America to comply with the request to extradite
Luis Posada Carriles, indicted for charges of terrorism in Venezuela.
288 The Heads of State and Government condemned attempts at undermining the
constitutional and legitimate government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and,
in particular, recent conspiracies geared at attempting against the life of president
Hugo Chavez Frias.
Guyana and Venezuela
289 The Heads of State and Government took note of the efforts being made by
Guyana and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to identify a new Special
Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General to advance the Good Offices
Process within the framework of the Geneva Agreement of 1966. The Heads of State
and Government expressed the hope that a new Special Representative will be in place
at the earliest possible time with a view to finding a peaceful settlement to the
290 The Heads of State and Government firmly condemned the coup d’etat carried
out against the elected President of the Republic of Honduras, Jose Manuel Zelaya
Rosales, whose overthrowing constitutes a flagrant violation of the constitutional and
democratic order of that country affecting democracy, human rights and the rule of
law. They supported the demands made by the international community on the
immediate and unconditional restoration of the legitimate and constitutional
Government of President Zelaya in that country. The Heads of State and Government
welcomed the call made to recognize no Government than that of the Constitutional
President, Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, and called upon the continuation of all
regional and multilateral efforts at the restoration of the democratically elected
Government of Honduras, in accordance with the United Nations General Assembly
Resolution A/RES/63/301.
291 The Heads of State and Government expressed their unwavering support and
solidarity to the Constitutional Government of President Evo Morales Ayma and their
firm support of the process underway in the Plurinational State of Bolivia aimed at
ensuring that the entire population enjoys a real and effective participation in the
country’s affairs without any kind of exclusion or discrimination, as well as the
exercises of full sovereignty over their natural resources for the benefit of all Bolivians.
They also welcomed the results of the Revocatory Referendum held on August 10
2008 and those of the constitutional Referendum that resulted in the approval of its
new Constitution held on January 25
2009, consolidating national unity in Bolivia
and reinforcing equal rights opportunities for all Bolivians.
292 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption of the New
Constitution in Ecuador by National Referendum on the 28th September 2008. The
New Constitution will allow deepening and consolidating democratic processes and will
inaugurate a new political, economic and social structure based on equity, justice,
sustainability and public participation. The Heads of State and Government also
welcomed the election on April 26
2009 of President Rafael Correa Delgado for a term
of four years.
293 The Heads of State and Government associated themselves with and reaffirmed
all of the positions of the Group of 77 and China concerning economic and social
development issues and other related issues, as contained in the outcome documents
of the Second South Summit held in Doha, Qatar from 12 to 16 June 2005, and the
Annual Ministerial Meeting of the G-77 and China held in New York in September
2008. Likewise, they reaffirmed the Movement’s commitment to work towards the full
implementation of the decisions and recommendations contained in those documents,
and called on the international community, including international financial
institutions as well as regional development banks, to support efforts of developing
countries, toward that end.
294 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that economic and social
development should remain the centrepiece of the deliberations at the UN, and that
the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs,
should continue to be the over-arching framework of the UN. They further emphasized
the need for strengthened enhanced global partnership for development based on the
recognition of national leadership and ownership of development strategies for the full
implementation of the outcomes of the major UN conferences and summits in the
economic, social and related fields. They also stressed the need to strengthen the
existing mechanisms and establish where needed, effective mechanisms to review and
follow-up the implementation of the outcomes of all the major UN conferences and
summits in the social, economic and related fields.
295 The Heads of State and Government expressed their concern on the multiple
inter-related and mutually exacerbating current global crises, in particular the world
financial and economic crisis, the volatile energy prices, the food crisis and the
challenges posed by climate change, which could further undermine the achievement
of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium
Development Goals.
296 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the Declaration and Programme
of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order
and the
validity of their major principles by which the United Nations General Assembly
proclaimed its determination to work urgently for the establishment of an international
economic order based on equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest
and cooperation among all States, irrespective of their economic and social systems,
which shall correct inequalities and redress existing injustices, make it possible to
eliminate the widening gap between the developed and the developing countries, and
ensure steadily accelerating economic and social development and peace and justice
for present and future generations;
297 The Heads of State and Government underscored the need for the international
community, in particular developed countries, to assist developing countries efforts to
fully implement all internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs, in
particular their ongoing efforts to halve the number of people living in poverty and
hunger by 2015. They further called on the international community to continue
supporting developing countries efforts aimed at integrating the principles of
sustainable development into their national development strategies and reversing the
loss of environmental resources, including through the fulfilment of the objectives of
the Convention on Biological Diversity.
298 The Heads of State and Government stressed that each country has the
sovereign right to determine its own development priorities and strategies, and called
upon the international community to categorically reject any conditionality in the
provision of development assistance.
299 The Heads of State and Government insisted on the need for undertaking
concrete actions and measures at all levels for the full implementation of Agenda 21
and the Johannesburg Programme of Implementation, based on the principle of
common but differentiated responsibilities as set out in Principle 7 of the Rio
Declaration on Environment and Development. They further called for the early and
full implementation of the Bali Strategic Plan for Capacity Building and Technology
Support for the developing countries.
300 The Heads of State and Government valued and supported the initiative by H.E.
President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, President of the Republic of Tunisia, calling for
proclaiming 2010 a “world youth year”, and for organizing during the same year, under
the auspices of the United Nations, and in cooperation with the concerned
international organizations, a world youth conference to be attended by young people
from all parts of the world and which shall focus on youth issues and be crowned with
the issuing of an international pact, to serve as a close tie uniting all young people of
the world in their commitment to the common universal values.
301 The Heads of State and Government recognized that climate change poses
serious risks and challenges in particular to developing countries, and called for
urgent global action to address climate change in accordance with the principle of
common but differentiated responsibilities. They reaffirmed that efforts to address
climate change should promote the integration of all three components of sustainable
development that is economic development, social development and environmental
See resolution 3201 (S-VI).
protection, as interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars, in an integrated,
coordinated and balanced manner.
302 The Heads of State and Government recognised that the increasing
interdependence of national economies in a globalising world and the emergence of
rule-based regimes for international economic relations have meant that the space for
national economic policy, i.e. the scope for domestic policies, especially in the areas of
trade, investment, and industrial development, is now often framed by international
disciplines, commitments and global market considerations. It is for each government
to evaluate the trade-off between the benefits of accepting international rules and
commitments and the constraints posed by the loss of policy space, and emphasized
that it is particularly important for developing countries, bearing in mind development
goals and objectives, that all countries take into account the need for appropriate
balance between national policy space and international disciplines and commitments.
303 The Heads of State and Government expressed the need to encourage greater
direct investment, including foreign direct investment, to developing countries and
countries with economies in transition, especially in the context of the economic and
financial crisis, to support their development activities, in line with their national
priorities. In this regard, they urged developed countries to take measures to increase
investment flows, particularly foreign direct investments, to developing countries and
avoid protectionist measures, which impede such flows.
304 The Heads of State and Government took note with appreciation of the Doha
Declaration on Financing for Development and expressed profound gratitude to the
State of Qatar for holding the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for
Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus, from 29
November to 2 December 2008. In this regard, the Heads of State and Government
highlighted and welcomed the decision adopted by the Doha Conference to hold a U.N.
Conference, at the highest level, on the world financial and economic crisis and its
impact on development.
305 Noting the interdependence of nations and the varying levels of Human
development world-wide, the Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the need for a
New Global Human Order aimed at reversing growing disparities between rich and
poor, both among and within countries, through the promotion of poverty eradication,
full and productive employment and decent work, and social integration. In this
context, they welcomed the adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 62/213 on
the role of the United Nations in promoting a new Global Human Order and in
particular the request contained therein for a report by the Secretary General
assessing the implications of growing inequality for development.
Current global crises, in particular the world financial and economic crisis.
306 The Heads of State and Government expressed their deep concern at the
ongoing global financial and economic crisis and its negative impact on the world
economy. They also recognized that the crisis has further accentuated the deficiencies
and imbalances in the global financial and economic governance systems. In this
context, they urged the international community to work on a vigorous, coordinated
and comprehensive global response to the crisis, particularly to minimize the negative
effects on the development efforts of developing countries and to ensure that
development assistance commitments are not compromised, and to undertake
immediate actions and initiatives to overcome these challenges. In this regard, they
recognized the central role of the United Nations.
307 The Heads of State and Government expressed the need to enhance regional
and sub-regional efforts including, inter alia, through regional development banks, as
part of a global coordinated efficient response to deal with the current economic and
financial crisis. In this context they also noted the Chiang Mai Initiative that aims to
assist ASEAN+3 countries to address liquidity problems.
308 The Heads of State and Government are convinced that the international
financial and economic crisis and the resulting downturn in global economic growth
severely affect in particular the economies of developing countries, inter alia, through
decrease in trade and FDI flows and increased contractions and high costs of credit,
thereby negatively impacting on the realization of the right to development,
constraining social investment, deepening poverty and raising unemployment rates.
The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need to address the crisis with
the goal of promoting human development including through actions aimed at
supporting sustained economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable
309 The Heads of State and Government recognized that the financial and economic
crisis has exacerbated the challenges and impediments to achieving the IADGs
including MDGs, especially the access of developing countries to financial resources.
In this regard, the Heads of State and Government urged the developed countries to
fulfil their ODA commitments in a timely and predictable manner, as has been agreed
in the Major United Nations Conferences and Summits. They also underscored the
need for additional financial resources to address the crisis. Failure to do so will
severely jeopardize the achievement of the IADGs, including the MDGs.
310 The Heads of State and Government noted with concern that the financial and
economic crisis had exacerbated the ongoing global food crisis, and also undermined
the efforts of developing countries to achieve food security. They expressed their
concern that this situation is eroding progress already achieved and is pushing
millions of people into degrading poverty and hunger.
311 In this context, and as one of the main challenges featuring the current
international situation since the 14th NAM Summit held in Havana, the Heads of State
and Government underlined their deep concern with the scope and seriousness of the
international financial and economic crisis affecting the world today and its severe
adverse impact on development, including the realization of sustained economic
growth and poverty eradication, particularly for developing countries, as well as for the
attainment of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium
Development Goals and therefore the Heads of State and Government recognized
the need to work collectively in order to reform the international financial and
monetary architecture and economic governance structures with a view to improving
the functioning of the international economic system and mitigating the impacts of the
crisis on development and considered the “United Nations Conference at the highest
level on the World financial and economic crisis” which was agreed on the Doha
Declaration, an important opportunity to proceed forward in that regard.
312 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the call of the Heads of State
and Government of the countries of the Bolivarian Alternative for the People of the
Americas (ALBA), gathered in the Fifth Special Summit, hosted in Cumaná, Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela, April 16-17 2009, encouraging the participation at the highest
level, including at the level of Heads of State and Government, at the UN Conference
on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development.
313 The Heads of State and Government expressed concern at the volatility in
currency exchange rates and its adverse impact on international trade, economic
growth and development, and emphasized the importance of examining this problem
including the possibility of evolving to a more stable international monetary system.
314 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the convening of the United
Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on
Development, held on 24 30 June 2009 in New York, the outcome of which was
subsequently endorsed by United Nations General Assembly resolution on 9 July
315 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the convening of a Special
Session of the Human Rights Council on the impact of the global economic and
financial crisis on the universal realization and effective enjoyment of human rights,
held in Geneva on 20 February 2009, and encouraged all States to work for the
implementation of the resolution adopted in that session.
316 "The Heads of State and Government expressed their appreciation to the Global
Cooperation Project the jointly sponsored initiative by the governments of Qatar,
Switzerland and Singapore, declared at the 39th World Economic Forum (WEF) in
Davos Switzerland, in January 2009.In this regard, while bearing in mind that the UN
is the universal Intergovernmental/global forum for discussing the global financial and
economic issues, the Heads of State and Government look forward to consider the
initiative's recommendations which will be presented at the forum's 40th annual
meeting in Davos in January 2010"
317 The Heads of State and Government called on the international community to
implement its commitment to address the special needs of Africa, which is the only
continent not on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, and its
resolve to strengthen cooperation with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development by
providing coherent support for the programmes drawn up by African leaders within
that framework, including by mobilizing internal and external financial resources and
facilitating approval of such programmes by the multilateral financial institutions; to
support the African commitment to ensure that by 2015 all children have access to
complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality, as well as to basic
health care; to support the building of an international infrastructure consortium
involving the African Union, the World Bank and the African Development Bank, with
the New Partnership for Africa’s Development as the main framework, to facilitate
public and private infrastructure investment in Africa.
318 The Heads of State and Government expressed their concern over the
development and scope of the current financial and economic crisis on Africa which
continues to slow down economic growth, worsen balance of payment situation and
turn around the efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and in
this regard, welcomed the Addis Ababa Declarations on the International Financial
Crisis adopted at the 12th Ordinary Session of the General Assembly of the African
Union Heads of State and Government on 3rd of February 2009 in Addis Ababa,
319 In this context, the Heads of State and Government supported and encouraged
national and regional initiatives in the field of human development, such as the first
African Conference on Human Development which was held in Rabat on April 2007.
This Conference aimed at combating poverty and vulnerability and enhancing the
social and living standards of the most disadvantaged African Nations within the
context of achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
320 The Heads of State and Government further called for a comprehensive and
durable solution to the external debt problems of African countries, including, inter
alia, cancellation or restructuring for heavily indebted African countries not part of the
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative that have unsustainable debt burdens; to
make efforts to fully integrate African countries in the international trading system,
including through targeted trade capacity-building programmes; to support the efforts
of commodity-dependent African countries to restructure, diversify and strengthen the
competitiveness of their commodity sectors and decide to work towards market-based
arrangements with the participation of the private sector for commodity price-risk
management; to supplement the efforts of African countries, individually and
collectively, to increase agricultural productivity, in a sustainable way, as set out in
the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Plan of the New Partnership for
Africa’s Development as part of an African “Green Revolution” as recommended by
African Ministers at the High Level Meeting on African Agriculture in the 21st
Century: Meeting the Challenges, Making a sustainable Green Revolution”, held in
Windhoek from 9 to 10 February 2009.
321 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the political declaration on
“Africa’s development needs: state of implementation of various commitments,
challenges and the way forward”, adopted at the high-level meeting of the General
Assembly on 22 September 2008. They stressed their commitment to provide and
strengthen support to the special needs of Africa and stress that eradicating poverty,
particularly in Africa, is the greatest global challenge facing the world today. They
underlined the importance of accelerating sustainable broad-based economic growth,
which is pivotal to bringing Africa into the mainstream of the global economy. They
recalled the commitment of all States to establish a monitoring mechanism to follow
up on all commitments related to the development of Africa as contained in the
political declaration on “Africa’s development needs” and stressed that all
commitments to and by Africa should be effectively implemented and given appropriate
follow-up by the international community and Africa itself. They underscored the
urgency of addressing the special needs of Africa based on a partnership among
322 The Heads of State and Government called for the full implementation as a
matter of urgency of the “Political Declaration on Africa’s Development needs” adopted
by GA resolution 63/1 of 22 September 2008, as reaffirmed by the Doha Declaration
on financing for development, and of all commitments made to Africa by the
international community. The Heads of State and Government recalled that the pledge
made by the G.8 at Gleneagles to double the Official Development Assistance (ODA)
towards Africa from US $ 25 billion to US $ 50 billion by 2010 has yet to be
materialized and called for its fulfilment.
323 The Heads of State and Government stressed the need to strengthen
cooperation with African countries through North-South cooperation, triangular
cooperation and an enhanced South/South partnership, especially in agriculture,
education, health and environment as well as the exchange of experiences and know-
how in all these sectors.
324 The Heads of State and Government supported the ongoing efforts by the
African countries to achieve the process of Integration of NEPAD into the Structures
and Processes of the African Union on the basis of the 13- points conclusion of Algiers
(Algeria) NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementing Committee (HSGIC),
Brainstorming Summit, of march 2007, and the outcomes of the Dakar (Senegal)
NEPAD Review Summit of April 2008.
Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island
Developing States
325 The Heads of State and Government recalled the special needs of the least
developed countries (LDCs), the small island developing states (SIDS), and the
landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) within a new global framework for transit
transport cooperation for landlocked and transit developing countries, and reaffirmed
the need for continued support and assistance for their endeavours, particularly in
their efforts to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including those
contained in the Millennium Declaration, and the Brussels Programme of Action for
the LDCs for the Decade 2001-2010, the Mauritius Strategy for the Further
Implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development
of SIDS, and the Almaty Programme of Action.
326 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the decision adopted during the
63rd Session of the General Assembly to hold the 4th United Nations Conference on
LDC´s and called all members of the United Nations to participate in that Conference
at a high level, as well as all other United Nations organizations, funds and
programmes and specialized agencies to contribute to the outcome of the 4th
327 The Heads of State and Government also recalled the results of the first
Summit Meeting of LLDCs on 14 September 2006 in Havana and emphasized the need
for greater cooperation of the international community towards the full implementation
of the declaration of the Ministers of Land-locked Developing Countries.
328 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the Ulaanbaatar Declaration
adopted at the Meeting of Trade Ministers of landlocked developing countries, held in
Ulaanbaatar on 28 and 29 August 2007, the outcome documents of the thematic
meeting on transit transport infrastructure development, held in Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso, from 18-20 June 2007, and the thematic meeting on international trade
and trade facilitation, held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on 30-31 August 2007 and the
adoption of the UNGA resolution 62/204 and the communiqué of ministerial meeting
of Landlocked developing countries in New York, on 28 September 2007.
329 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the Declaration of the high-level
meeting on mid-term review of the Almaty Program of Action held on 2 and 3 October
2008 in New York which called upon the international community to take effective
measures to accelerate the implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action.
330 The Heads of State and Government also welcomed the proposal to set up in
Ulaanbaatar an international think tank to enhance the analytical capability of
landlocked developing countries needed to maximize the efficiency of the coordinated
efforts for the effective implementation of the internationally agreed provisions,
particularly the Almaty Programme of Action and the Millennium Development Goals.
331 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need to continue to pay
special attention to the situation of developing countries emerging from conflict, in
particular LDCs, with a view to enabling them to rehabilitate and reconstruct, as
appropriate, their political, social and economic infrastructures and to assist them in
achieving their development objectives.
Food Security
332 The Heads of State and Government expressed their deep concern at the high
volatility in global food prices, including in basic food commodities, due to, inter alia,
structural and systemic problems. The resulting and ongoing food crisis pose a serious
challenge to the fight against poverty and hunger, as well as to the efforts by
developing countries to attain food security and achieve the objectives of halving the
number of undernourished people by 2015 and other development goals. The multiple
and complex causes of this crisis require a comprehensive, coordinated and sustained
response by the international community. The Heads of State and Government also
emphasized the need for global mechanisms to serve as an early warning system on
food security to prevent the recurrence of food crises.
333 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that achieving food security
would require strengthening and revitalizing the agriculture sector in developing
countries, including through the empowerment of small and medium scale farmers,
technical assistance, access to and transfer of technology, capacity building and
exchange of knowledge and experience. They also emphasized that the implementation
of and compliance with the provisions of the UNCCD, as well as the Ten Year Strategic
Plan as a basis for our collective efforts to combat desertification and land
degradation to addressing food security.
334 The Heads of State and Government underscored that subsidies and other
market distortions by developed countries have severely harmed the agricultural sector
in developing countries, thereby limiting the ability of this key sector to contribute
meaningfully to poverty eradication and sustained economic growth, food security and
rural development. The Heads of State and Government, therefore, called for the
immediate elimination of all forms of agricultural subsidies and other market-
distorting measures by developed countries. They urged the developed countries to
demonstrate the necessary flexibility and political will to address meaningfully these
key concerns of developing countries at the Doha Round of Trade Negotiations.
335 The Heads of State and Government also called for short-term actions,
including humanitarian assistance for ensuring the implementation of effective social
safety nets. Short-term actions must include, inter alia, emergency aid measures to
enhance capacity and effective delivery of food aid and ensure greater financial support
to developing countries, particularly for food purchases.
336 The Heads of State and Government, therefore, called upon the Food and
Agriculture Organization FAO- in collaboration with relevant UN entities to continue
addressing global and regional food security, in particular, through the full and timely
implementation and operationalization of short term responses.
337 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that eradication of poverty is
the greatest global challenge facing the world today. They reiterated the importance of
developing countries determining their own food security strategies in their efforts to
eradicate poverty and hunger. They noted regional initiatives in this regard, including
the holding of the Presidential Summit in Managua, Nicaragua on Food Security and
Sovereignty on 7 May 2008, as well as the Declaration taken at the 11th Ordinary
Session of the AU Assembly, held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt from 30 June to 1 July
2008. They reiterated their support to the operationalisation of the World Solidarity
Fund, and called for effective mobilization of necessary financial resources required in
order to enable the Fund to start its activities, in accordance with GA resolution
338 The Heads of State and Government also reiterated that food should not be
used as an instrument for political and economic pressure. They reaffirmed the
importance of international cooperation and solidarity as well as the necessity of
refraining from unilateral measures that endanger food security and are not in
accordance with international law and the UN Charter.
339 Recognizing the severity and urgency of the global food crisis, the Heads of
State and Government underscored the need for the United Nations, with its universal
membership, to play a leading role in addressing the crisis. They welcomed the holding
of the FAO High-Level Conference on ‘World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate
Change and Bioenergy’ in Rome from June 3-5, 2008 They also noted the holding of
the High-Level meeting on Food Security for All in Madrid on 26 and 27 January 2009,
as well as the initiative of the Secretary General of the United Nations to establish a
High Level Task Force on the Global Food Crisis, and called on the Task Force to
intensively engage with the General Assembly and the ECOSOC and relevant
international organizations. They also welcomed all initiatives that aim to deal with the
global food crisis, including the call to establish a dialogue between producers and
consumers of food.
340 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the convening at the initiative of
NAM of a Special Session of the Human Rights Council on “The negative impact on the
realization of the right to food of the worsening of the world food crisis, caused inter
alia by the soaring food pricesheld in Geneva on 22 may 2008 and urged all Member
States to remain seized of the implementation of the resolution adopted in that Session
as well as other UN resolutions related to this matter.
341 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the resolution of the General
Assembly 63/235 titled “Agriculture development and food security” and in this regard
emphasized the need to adequately and urgently address agricultural development and
food security in the context of national and international development policies.
342 The Heads of State and Government welcomed FAO proposal of organizing a
World Summit on Food Security, in November 2009 in Rome, on the occasion of the
36th session of the Conference of the FAO.
Middle Income Developing Countries
343 The Heads of State and Government recognised the important role that Middle-
Income Developing Countries play in the promotion of global economic growth and
development. However, they still face significant development challenges, especially in
the area of poverty eradication. In this regard, the Heads of State and Government
stressed the need for enhanced support by the United Nations System, the
international financial institutions and all other stakeholders, for their development
efforts, in order to address those challenges, including by working in competent
multilateral and international fora and also through bilateral arrangements on
measures to enhance international cooperation with MICs and help them meet, inter
alia, their financial technical and technological development requirements.
344 The Heads of State and Government recalled the international Conferences on
Development Cooperation with Middle Income Countries held in March 2007 in
Madrid, Spain, in October 2007 in San Salvador, El Salvador, and in August 2008 in
Windhoek, Namibia, and in this regard the Heads of State and Government welcomed
the adoption of GA resolution 63/223 on “Development Cooperation with Middle
Income Countries”. The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need for the
UN to conduct a comprehensive review of existing practices of the international
cooperation system, including the UN Funds, programmes and agencies, the
international financial institutions and other international organization, including the
organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, on their development
cooperation with middle income countries, with a view to achieving more effective
development cooperation and fostering international support for the development of
these countries.
Low Income Developing Countries
345 The Heads of State and Government further recognized that low-income
developing countries could also play an important role in the promotion of world
economic growth, although they face important development challenges and special
needs in the sphere of trade facilitation and the promotion of direct foreign investment
flow, resist the adverse impacts of climate change and the eradication of poverty and
require the urgent attention of the international community.
346 The Heads of State and Government expressed serious concern that the current
global financial and economic crisis has begun to undermine global trade through,
inter alia, rising protectionism, in particular, in developed countries with serious
adverse impact on the exports of developing countries. They also expressed their
utmost concern at the lack of substantial progress on the trade negotiations of the
World Trade Organization and considered it a serious setback for the Doha Round and
called upon the developed countries to demonstrate the flexibility and political will
necessary for breaking the current impasse in the negotiations, and also called upon
all members of the World Trade Organization to adhere to the development mandate of
the Doha Ministerial Declaration, the decision of the General Council of the World
Trade Organization of 1 August 2004 and the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration,
which places development at the heart of the multilateral trading system.
347 The Heads of State and Government also reiterated the importance of fully
responding to the concerns raised by developing countries in paragraph 8 of the Doha
Plan of Action, in particular, regarding the realisation of all areas of the Doha Work
Programme, especially in Agriculture, Non-Agriculture Market Access, Services, Trade
Related Intellectual Property System (TRIPS), Rules as well as operational and
meaningful special and differential treatment for developing countries. They also called
for action to accelerate the work on the development related mandate concerning the
TRIPS Agreement and the implementation related issues in the Doha Ministerial
Declaration, especially on the issues of making intellectual property rules of TRIPS
supportive of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as trade-
related aspects of the TRIPS and Public Health.
348 The Heads of State and Government stressed that the use of agricultural
subsidies by developed countries impedes the promotion of agricultural production in
developing countries and urged the developed countries to eliminate all forms of
agricultural subsidies and other market-distorting measures.
349 The Heads of State and Government invited donors and beneficiary countries
to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on the Aid for Trade Initiative
established by the Director-General of the World Trade Organization, which aims to
support developing and least developed countries in building their supply and export
capacities, including development of infrastructure and institutions, and the need to
increase their exports, and stressed in this regard the urgent need for its effective
operationalization with sufficient additional, non-conditional and predictable funding.
350 The Heads of State and Government stressed the importance of facilitating the
accession of all developing countries, in particular the LDCs, as well as countries with
economies in transition, that apply for membership in the World Trade Organisation
(WTO), consistent with its criteria and taking into account their development level,
bearing in mind paragraph 21 of General Assembly resolution 55/182 and subsequent
developments, and called for the effective and faithful application of the WTO
guidelines on accession by the LDCs.
351 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that accession process of
developing countries to WTO should be accelerated without political impediments and
in an expeditious and transparent manner.
352 The Heads of State and Government underscored the important role of
UNCTAD as the focal point within the UN system for the integrated treatment of trade
and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology,
investment and sustainable development, should conduct research into an analysis of
macroeconomic policies, trade, investment, finance, debt, poverty, international
migration and emerging issues, and their interdependence, as referred to in the Accra
Accord adopted in the 12th Conference of UNCTAD. Such research should be used to
help developing countries to meet their development goals including poverty
eradication to improve the welfare of their citizens and to address the opportunities
and challenges created by globalization. They further reiterated the need to continue
the operationalization of UNCTAD’s relevant functions in the areas of globalization,
policy space and corporate responsibility and the reinvigoration of its
intergovernmental machinery.
353 The Heads of State and Government took note of the UNCTAD-UNDP Creative
Economy Report 2008 that provides empirical evidence and in-depth analysis showing
that the creative industries, linking economic, cultural, technological and social
aspects of development at both the macro and micro levels, are among the most
dynamic emerging sectors in world trade that could offer to developing countries new
opportunities in the world economy. The Heads of State and Government therefore
encouraged UNCTAD to develop a technical assistance programme in creative economy
in order to enhance and strengthen developing countries capacity to compete in these
354 The Heads of State and Government agreed to work towards a full
implementation of the recommendations of the XII session of the UNCTAD’s ministerial
conference, held in Accra, Ghana from 20 to 25 April 2008.
355 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and
affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State
and Government agreed to undertake the following measures:
355.1 Continue the coordination and cooperation between the G-77 and NAM, within
their respective mandates, to strengthen the role of UNCTAD as the UN body in charge of
an integrated treatment of trade, development and related matters in the field of
finances, technology, investment and sustainable development.
355.2 Continue promoting the rejection of and the adoption of concrete actions against
the enforcement of unilateral coercive economic measures at the several multilateral fora
where NAM and G-77 are involved.
South-South Cooperation
356 Recognising the increasing importance of South-South Cooperation and the
changing context of North-South interdependence and terms of engagement, the Heads
of State and Government called for a more energetic effort to deepen and enhance
South-South cooperation, including triangular cooperation, bearing in mind that such
cooperation is not a substitute to North- South cooperation.
357 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their commitments to fully
implement the Havana Programme of Action, the Marrakech Plan of Implementation of
South-South cooperation and the Doha Plan of Action that taken together represent a
comprehensive framework for intensified cooperation among developing countries.
358 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their support for the upcoming
high-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, pursuant to
General Assembly Resolutions 62/209 and 63/233 to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, and
called for active participation in this conference. In this regard, they expressed
appreciation to the Government of Kenya and welcomed the efforts of the UN High
Level Committee on South-South Cooperation. The Heads of State and Government
expressed their support for the principles on which South-South Cooperation is based,
which were adopted by the Foreign Ministers of the Group of 77 and China, at their
annual meeting in New York on 26 September 2008.
359 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the launching of the
Development Platform of the South and the approval of the South Fund for
Development and Humanitarian Assistance during the 12th Session of the
Intergovernmental Follow-up and Coordinating Committee on ECDC in Yamoussoukro,
Cote d' Ivoire on June 13, 2008.
360 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the role of South-South
cooperation in the overall context of multilateralism, as a continuing process vital to
confront the challenges faced by the South and as valuable contribution to
development, and the need to further strengthen it, including through enhancing the
capacities of the institutions and the arrangements that promote such cooperation.
361 The Heads of State and Government are committed to support and promote
mechanisms enhancing intra/interregional trade among developing countries.
362 In this context, the Heads of State and Government welcomed the holding in
June 2008 in Marrakech, Morocco, of the Conference of African-South American Trade
Ministers within the framework of South America-Africa bi-regional process, the
second Summit of which will take place during 2009, in Caracas, Venezuela.
363 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the importance of further
strengthening coordination and cooperation at the regional, sub-regional and bilateral
levels, particularly in the context of the negative impact of the current financial and
economic crisis.
364 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their invitation to all the parties
involved to conclude the Third Round of the Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP)
as early as possible and encouraged other developing countries to consider
participating in the GSTP.
365 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and
affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State
and Government agreed to further reinforce the following measures, among others:
365.1 Strengthen national capacities in order to enhance the individual and collective
resilience of Non-Aligned Countries, which could be achieved particularly through
expanding, deepening and enriching South-South cooperation in all areas of relations
among them, including through undertaking concrete projects and programmes, pooling
of resources, and tapping the contributions of eminent personalities and institutions of
the South. In this regard, the South Fund for Development and Humanitarian
Assistance established by the Second South Summit of the Group of 77 and China could
greatly contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of South-South cooperation;
365.2 Encourage Member States to elaborate South-South cooperation arrangements,
including sectoral cooperation arrangements, and other partnerships that promote
South-South cooperation.
365.3 Promote on a voluntary basis trade agreements among developing countries as a
tool for strengthening South-South economic cooperation;
365.4 Promote and strengthen regional and sub-regional integration through groupings
and other arrangements on the basis of mutual benefit, complementarities and solidarity
among developing countries with a view to facilitating and accelerating the economic
growth and development of their economies;
365.5 Encourage the NAM Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM-
consistent with its terms of reference, to continue to organize training and
capacity building programs for Non-Aligned Countries, and in this regard, further
encourage member states of NAM to provide necessary assistance on a voluntary basis
to the Centre towards achieving its established goals and objectives;
365.6 Strengthen the capability of developing countries to evaluate international
economic issues, through the establishment of a NAM network of coordination and
cooperation between academic and specialized centres of research and economic studies;
365.7 Reaffirm the central role of the South Centre as the think tank of the countries of
the South, called upon the members of the Movement to support the Centre and
requested the South Centre to establish South-South networks among relevant
institutions to facilitate the exchange of programmes, academia, etc.
365.8 Encourage the NAM Business Forum on South-South Cooperation, consistent
with its terms of reference, to continue with its initiatives to enhance South-South trade
and business relations. In this context, they welcomed the success of the Second NAM
Business Forum and the General Meeting of the NAM Business Council for South-South
Cooperation, held in Havana, Cuba, on November 2007.
365.9 Encourage UN Member States to support international development funds aimed
at financing the implementation of South-South Cooperation projects, such as the Perez
Guerrero Trust Fund.
366 The Heads of State and Government noted the adoption of the fourth
cooperation framework for South-South cooperation by the UNDP Executive Board and
encouraged developed countries to support UNDP and the Special Unit for South-
South Cooperation in fully implementing the fourth cooperation framework for South-
South cooperation, in support of national development priorities.
367 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the cooperation initiatives and
the substantial financial contributions made by some NAM countries, including inter
alia OPEC countries based on solidarity and principles of friendship among states,
Information concerning the NAM Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation, initiated by Indonesia and Brunei
Darussalam, and located in Jakarta, Indonesia, can be obtained from its website at www.csstc.org.
which are conducive to the realization of human rights, in particular economic, social
and cultural rights, and the right to development, as well as initiatives for scientific
and research programs on energy, environment and climate change, as decided at the
OPEC Summit in Riyadh in November 2007. In this regard, they encouraged member
states to consider supporting and engaging in those mechanisms of cooperation or
other relevant regional or sub-regional arrangements of a cooperative nature.
368 The Heads of State and Government also welcomed regional initiatives of South-
South cooperation by some NAM members in the field of sustainable development and
in this regard, they took note, inter alia, of the Mesoamerica Project on Integration and
369 The Heads of State and Government also took note of some regional
cooperation initiatives in the financial and economic fields, such as those undertaken
by some countries of the Latin American region, like the Bank of the South, as well as
initiatives of ALBA countries such as the Bank of the ALBA, the Common Reserve
Fund, the Common Account Unit, and the use of the SUCRE as their currency unit.
International Migration and Development
370 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the responsibility of
Governments to safeguard and protect the rights of migrants against illegal or violent
acts; in particular acts of incitement to ethnic, racial and religious discrimination and
crimes perpetrated with racist or xenophobic motivation by individuals or groups, and
urged them to reinforce measures in this regard.
371 The Heads of State and Government agreed to effectively promote and protect
the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants regardless of their
immigration status, especially those of women and children, in conformity with the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all relevant international instruments to
which they are party. They also noted the ASEAN Declaration on the Promotion and
Protection of the Rights of the Migrant Workers as a positive step in safeguarding the
fundamental rights and dignity of migrant workers.
372 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that, when exercising their
sovereign right to enact and implement migratory and border security measures,
States have the duty to comply with their obligations under international law,
including international human rights law, in order to ensure full respect for the
human rights of migrants.
373 The Heads of State and Government recognised that trafficking in persons and
smuggling of migrants continue to pose a serious challenge to humanity and require
concerted international response, and urged to that end, all States to devise, enforce
and strengthen effective measures to prevent, combat and eliminate all forms of
trafficking in persons to counter the demand for trafficked victims and to protect the
victims, in particular women and children subjected to forced labour, or sexual or
commercial exploitation, violence and sexual abuse.
374 The Heads of State and Government recognized that effective action to prevent
and combat the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air requires a comprehensive
approach, at the national, regional and international levels, and to that end, urged all
States to adopt effective measures, inter alia, protecting the human rights and
fundamental freedoms of smuggled migrants, especially women and children, in
accordance with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and national laws.
375 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the convening of the Third
Ministerial Conference of the Bali process organized by the government of Indonesia
held in Bali, 14-15 April 2009, to invigorate the regional consultative process on people
smuggling, trafficking in persons and related transnational crimes, that further
promoted dialogue and cooperation amongst its participating states, encompassing
sending, transit and destination countries.
376 The Heads of State and Government recognized the implications of the
migration of highly skilled persons and those with advanced education, and semi-
skilled persons, on the development efforts of developing countries.
377 The Heads of State and Government took note of the first Meeting of the Global
Forum on Migration and Development, held in Brussels on 9-11 July 2007, which
focused on the central theme of “Migration and socio-economic development” and of
the Second Meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, held Manila
from 27 to 30 November, 2008 which focused on the central theme of “Protection and
Empowerment of Migrants for Development”, in recognition of the importance of this
issue. They recognized that the exchange of expertise, consultation and closer
cooperation between the GFMD and the United Nations system could have a positive
378 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the offer of the Government of
Greece to host the Third Meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development
to be held in Athens during November 2009. The Global Forum meetings have an
important role to play in bringing all the stakeholders together in an attempt to
harness the full developmental benefits of international migration.
379 The Heads of State and Government, bearing in mind the relationship between
international migration, human rights and development, also reiterated the importance
of the Third Meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which will
be held in Athens, Greece, the 4th and 5th of November 2009.
380 The Heads of State and Government encouraged efforts by Member States and
the international community to promote a balanced and comprehensive approach to
international migration and development, particularly by building partnerships and
ensuring coordinated action to develop capacities, including for the management of
migration. In this regard, the Heads of State and Government requested all Member
States, in accordance with their relevant international obligations and commitments,
to promote cooperation at all levels in addressing the challenge of undocumented or
irregular migration, so as to foster a secure, regular and orderly process of migration.
381 The Heads of State and Government noted the results of the High-Level
Dialogue on International Migration and Development in September 2006 in New York,
held for purpose of discussing the multidimensional aspects of international migration
and development, which recognized the relationship between international migration,
development and human rights. In this context, the Heads of State and Government
welcomed the decision of the General Assembly to hold a one-day informal thematic
debate on 2011 on international migration and development and the new High-level
Dialogue on International Migration in 2013.
382 The Heads of State and Government, recognizing the critical linkages between
international migration and development, reiterated the importance of effective
initiatives to promote safe migration and facilitate free movement of labour. In this
context, they emphasized that the Doha development round should conclude with a
comprehensive solution to the concerns expressed by developing countries, taking into
account their interests and objectives regarding the positive impacts of labour
migration both in sending and receiving states.
383 The Heads of State and Government acknowledged that migration brings
benefits as well as challenges to the countries of origin, transit and destination, and
recognized the important contribution provided by migrants and migration to
development, as well as the complex interrelationship between migration and
384 The Heads of State and Government took note of the initiatives undertaken by
Member States, relevant regional and international inter-governmental organisations
at the regional and international levels to promote dialogue and cooperation on
international migration and development, including their contribution to
comprehensively address international migration.
385 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the programmes adopted by
some host countries that allow migrants to integrate fully into their societies, facilitate
family reunification and promote a harmonious, tolerant and respectful environment,
and urged States to consider, as appropriate, adopting similar programmes, and, in
case of repatriation, to ensure that the mechanisms they implement allow for the
identification and special protection of persons in vulnerable situations, particularly
women and children, and to take into account, in conformity with their international
obligations and commitments, the principle of the best interest of the child and family
386 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need for countries of
destination of migrants to adopt policies to reduce the cost of transferring migrants’
remittances to developing countries without any bias or discrimination.
387 The Heads of State and Government underlined that remittances cannot be
considered as a substitute for foreign direct investment, ODA, debt relief or other
public sources of finance for development. They are typically wages transferred to
families, mainly to meet part of the needs of the recipient households. A large portion
of migrants’ incomes is spent in destination countries of migrants and constitutes an
important stimulus to domestic demand in the economies of destination countries of
migrants. Furthermore, the disposal of remittances and deployment thereof is an
individual choice.
388 The Heads of State and Government further underscored the need for the
international community to address the negative impact the migration of highly skilled
personnel and those with advanced education from many developing countries has on
the development efforts of their country of origin.
389 The Heads of State and Government invited all states that have not yet done so
to consider becoming parties to the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All
Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
390 The Heads of State and Government called upon all relevant bodies, agencies,
funds and programmes of the United Nations system and other relevant
intergovernmental, regional and sub-regional organizations, within their respective
mandates, to continue to address the issue of international migration and
development, with a view to integrating migration issues, in a more coherent way,
within the broader context of the implementation of internationally agreed
development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
391 The Heads of State and Government stressed the need to assist developing
countries in their efforts to prepare integrated water resources management and water
efficiency plans as part of their national development strategies and to provide access
to safe drinking water and basic sanitation in accordance with the Millennium
Declaration and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, including halving by 2015
of the proportion of people who are unable to reach or afford safe drinking water and
who do not have access to basic sanitation.
392 The Heads of State and Government stressed the need to intensify water
pollution prevention to reduce health hazards and protect ecosystems by introducing
technologies for affordable sanitation and industrial and domestic wastewater
treatment, by mitigating the effects of groundwater contamination and by establishing,
at the national level, monitoring systems and effective legal frameworks.
393 The Heads of State and Government recalled what was agreed by the 13th
Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development in 2005 and the UN
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in November 2002, that
recognised the importance of water as a vital and finite natural resource, which has an
economic, social and environmental function, and acknowledged the right to water for
394 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need to improve water
resource management and scientific understanding of the water cycle through
cooperation in joint observation and research, and for this purpose, reiterated the need
to encourage and promote knowledge-sharing and provide capacity-building and the
transfer of technology, as mutually agreed, including remote-sensing and satellite
technologies, particularly to developing countries and countries with economies in
395 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the holding of the first
Ministerial Forum on Water of the Group of 77 held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 23-
25 February 2009, and noted the Muscat Declaration on Water adopted by the
Biological Diversity
396 The Heads of State and Government recognized the importance of
Strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and the
establishment of a fair and just international regime on access and benefit sharing
that recognizes the rights of countries of origin of the biological resources and the
equitable distribution of benefits in the framework of the Convention on Biological
Diversity and other related international instruments.
397 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need for early finalization
and adoption of an international regime on Access and Benefit Sharing by 2010 to
facilitate the full implementation of all the objectives of the Convention on Biological
Diversity, with a view to, inter alia, enabling developing countries, which are the
primary repository of biodiversity, to benefit fairly and equitably from the use of their
genetic resources.
398 The Heads of State and Government called upon the international community
to support developing countries in their efforts to conserve and manage their forests on
a sustainable basis, through international financial mechanisms, as well as through
technical assistance, capacity building and transfer of technology, and in this regard
stressed the need to create a global fund on forests.
399 The Heads of State and Government took note with appreciation of a national
initiative undertaken by Ecuador titled “Yasuni-ITT Initiative”, which aims inter alia to
explore and develop alternative sources of income, reduce the exploitation of natural
resources and enhance conservation of biological diversity.
The Dead Sea
400 The Heads of State and Government once again expressed concern over the
continuous deterioration and degradation of the unique ecosystem of the Dead Sea
and emphasized the importance of working progressively towards reversing this
environmental catastrophe. They drew attention of the international community to the
need for international action to protect the Dead Sea and prevent any further
environmental degradation of its ecosystem through concessional grants.
The Caribbean Sea
401 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their concern over the continued
shipment of hazardous wastes through the waters of the Caribbean Sea. In recognition
of the cooperative efforts of Caribbean States to promote an integrated management
approach to the Caribbean Sea in the context of sustainable development of the oceans
and seas, they welcomed resolution 63/214 of the United Nations General Assembly,
and stressed the importance to continue working on the implementation of the
declaration of Mauritius (January 2005). In this regard, they expressed support for
the regional initiatives aimed at having the Caribbean Sea declared a “special area”,
and they pledged their support to assist in promoting the sustainable development of
this group of especially vulnerable countries, for which international cooperation
continues to be an essential factor, and drew the attention of the international
community to the need for international action for the Caribbean Sea to be considered
as a special area within the context of sustainable development.
Lake Chad and the River Niger
402 The Heads of State and Government expressed serious concern over the
phenomenal drying-up of Lake Chad and the shrinking of the River Niger, largely due to
climate change and rapidly growing population, thereby posing serious danger to
biodiversity, as well as threatening food security and the livelihood of the peoples living
within the vicinities of the Lake and the River in the West and Central African sub-
Regions. They acknowledged the concerted efforts by the affected countries to reverse the
trend and redress the challenges posed, and therefore called on the international
community and development partners to intensify their support, through concrete
financial and technical assistance, for the collaborative frameworks of action by the
affected countries, aimed at rescuing Lake Chad and River Niger.
403 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need to diversify energy by
developing advanced, cleaner, more efficient, affordable and cost-effective energy
technologies, including fossil fuel technologies and renewable energy technologies, hydro
included, and their transfer to developing countries on concessional terms as mutually
agreed. With a sense of urgency substantially increase the global share of renewable
energy sources with the objective of increasing its contribution to total energy supply,
recognizing the role of national initiatives and priorities and voluntary targets, where they
exist, and ensuring that energy policies are supportive to developing countries’ efforts to
eradicate poverty, and regularly evaluate available data to review progress to this end.
404 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need to accelerate the
development, dissemination and deployment of affordable and cleaner energy efficiency
and energy conservation technologies, new and renewable energy technologies as well as
the transfer of such technologies, in particular to developing countries, on favourable
terms, including on concessional and preferential terms. The Heads of State and
Government welcomed the thematic debate of the General Assembly on energy efficiency
and energy conservation, new and renewable sources of energy, held on 18 June 2009.
The Heads of State and Government took note with appreciation of the proposals made at
the debate, inter alia, on shaping the comprehensive United Nations energy agenda with a
focus on eradicating poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals,
elaboration and adoption by the General Assembly of recommendations, including those
related to the global intellectual property rights system, that facilitate dissemination,
deployment and transfer of advanced energy technologies to developing countries and
countries with economies in transition, as well as the establishment of an international
centre for the transfer of advanced energy technologies, a database of advanced energy
technologies and a fully supported multilateral fund to finance development, transfer and
application of advanced energy technologies as well as capacity building. The Heads of
State and Government called for effective international measures to develop, disseminate
and deploy such technologies to developing countries and countries with economies in
405 The Heads of State and Government took note with appreciation of the
establishment of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), welcomed the
choice by unanimous election of the United Arab Emirates to host the headquarters of
IRENA in Abu Dhabi and encouraged Member States of NAM who have not yet done so to
consider joining IRENA.
406 The Heads of State and Government noted the challenges to development that
exist for a number of member states of the Movement in relation to the international
energy market. They also took note of the various and varied complex destabilizing
factors in the energy market and appreciated the efforts of NAM countries to stabilize it
for the benefit of all. In this context, they supported efforts to improve the functioning,
transparency and information about energy markets with respect to both supply and
demand, with the aim of achieving greater stability and predictability in the interest of
both energy producing and consuming states. They agreed to enhance cooperation
with a view to improving access to all environmentally safe and sound energy sources
including alternative sources of energy by developing countries. They underscored the
need for increased North-South collaboration as well as continued South-South
Cooperation as part of a long-term strategy towards sustainable development. They
also underscored the sovereign right of States over the management of their energy
resources. They welcomed the progress of the dialogue between energy producing and
consuming countries, in particular, within the International Energy Forum (IEF) and
supported all efforts to strengthen such dialogue.
Climate Change
407 The Heads of State and Government took note of the outcomes of the 14th
Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 4th Meeting of the Parties to the
Kyoto Protocol, held in Poznan in December 2008.
408 The Heads of State and Government expressed their disappointment at the very
slow progress of the implementation of the Bali Action Plan, and reaffirmed the need to
reach an agreed outcome at the 15th session of the UNFCCC COP in Copenhagen, in
line with the Bali Action Plan, that would enable the full, effective and sustained
implementation of the UNFCCC through long term cooperative action now, up to and
beyond 2010, in accordance with the provisions of the principles of the Convention, in
particular the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities.
409 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the fundamental principle that
developed countries shall take the lead in combating climate change, and expressed
their serious concern at the very slow progress of the AWG-KP, and re-emphasised the
urgent need for the establishment of quantified emission reduction commitments for
the 2nd and subsequent commitment periods under the Kyoto Protocol.
410 They also reaffirmed that urgent actions were needed to support adaptation
measures undertaken by developing countries, and called upon the international
community to prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable developing countries, in
accordance with the criteria set in the UNFCCC, including the Small Island Developing
States, Least Developed Countries and African countries, and to provide the necessary
support for these countries through, inter alia, new and additional financing that is
grant-based, stable and predictable.
411 The Heads of State and Government urged the international community to
assist developing countries to address the adverse impact of climate change,
particularly through new, additional, grant-based and predictable financial resources,
capacity building, and access to and transfer of technology on concessional and
preferential terms. The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that developed
countries’ commitments to provide developing countries with financing and the
transfer of technology for climate change should be carried out under the UNFCCC
and its Conference of the parties.
412 The Heads of State and Government underscored the urgency to address the
threat and sustainable development challenges posed by climate change, and
reiterated the need for all States to work expeditiously to reach an agreed outcome at
the 15th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change and the 5th Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to be held in
Copenhagen in December 2009.
413 The Heads of State and Government took note of the offer by Peru to host the
16th session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (COP 16), to be held in 2010.
414 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the holding of the “African
Conference of Ministers in Charge of Environment on Climate Change- forpost2012”,
held in Algiers November 19-20, 2008, with the objectives of framing an African
common position to enable the region to effectively participate in the UNFCCC
415 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that oceans and coasts provide
valuable resources and services to support humankind and that the sustainable use of
marine living resource will enhance global food security and increase resilience to
climate change for present and future generations; they further emphasized the need to
develop comprehensive adaption measure to address climate related impacts on oceans
and coasts, including through greater capacity building, enhanced scientific monitoring
activities and to promote environmentally sound policies for integrated coastal and
ocean management;
416 In this regard, the Heads of State and Government welcomed the initiative of
the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to convene the World Ocean Conference
in Manado, Indonesia on 14 May 2009, and the adoption of the Manado Ocean
Declaration which enhanced understanding on the link between oceans and climate
change, the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems and coastal communities,
and to include ocean and coastal issues in the ongoing negotiations on climate change
within the framework of the UNFCCC.
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
417 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the validity and relevance of the
Movement's principled positions concerning human rights and fundamental freedoms,
as follows:
417.1 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the significant importance the
Movement attaches to the promotion and protection of human rights and commitment
to fulfil obligations to promote universal respect for, and observance and protection of
all universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, in
accordance with the UN Charter, other instruments relating to human rights, as
appropriate, and international law. They further reaffirmed that all human rights, in
particular the right to development, are universal, inalienable, indivisible,
interdependent and interrelated, and that human rights issues must be addressed
within the global context through a constructive, dialogue-based approach, in a fair
and equal manner, with objectivity, respect for national sovereignty and territorial
integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, impartiality, non-selectivity
and transparency as the guiding principles, taking into account the political,
historical, social, religious and cultural particularities of each country. In this regard,
they reiterated the Movement’s dismay and unequivocal condemnation of gross and
systematic violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms and situations that
constitute serious obstacles to their full enjoyment, as well as violent acts and
activities that infringe upon their full enjoyment;
417.2 The Heads of State and Government also reaffirmed their opposition to all
unilateral coercive measures, including those measures used as tools for political or
economic pressure against any country, in particular against developing countries.
They reaffirmed that under no circumstances should people be deprived of their own
means of subsistence and development. The Heads of State and Government further
expressed their concern at the continued imposition of such measures which hinder
the well being of population of the affected countries and that create obstacles to the
full realization of their human rights.
This section should be read in conjunction with the section on Democracy under Chapter I of the document.
417.3 The Heads of State and Government further reaffirm that, bearing in mind the
UN Charter, economic and financial sanctions always have a negative impact on the
rights recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights in particular the realization of the right to development. They often cause
significant disruption in the distribution of food, pharmaceuticals and sanitation
supplies, jeopardize the quality of food and the availability of clean drinking water,
severely interfere with the functioning of basic health and education systems, and
undermine the right to work.
417.4 The Heads of State and Government expressed concern that defamation of
religions is being wrongly justified on the ground of the right to freedom of expression,
neglecting the restrictions clearly articulated in the relevant human rights instruments
including paragraph 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as
paragraph 3 of Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR), including in this regard the relevant recommendations of the treaty bodies,
and stressed the need for all States to continue international efforts to enhance
dialogue and broaden understanding among civilisations, cultures and religions, and
emphasizing that States, regional organisations, non-governmental Organisations,
religious bodies and the media have an important role to play in promoting tolerance,
respect for and freedom of religion and belief. They reaffirmed the obligation of all
States Parties to the Covenant under article 20 which prohibits the advocacy of racial
or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.
They also welcomed the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and
protection of the Right to freedom of opinion and expression as revised by the HRC
resolution 7/36.
417.5 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that the freedom of thought,
expression and dissemination of ideas and information, are fundamental for the
exercise of democracy. They further expressed that these freedoms should be
exercised with responsibility, in accordance with the relevant national legislative
framework, and UN instruments.
417.6 The Heads of State and Government affirmed that while it is necessary to
harmonise guidelines on reporting procedure of human rights treaty bodies, greater
efforts should be made to ensure that their work would be more effective, objective,
transparent and accountable, as well as to ensure a more balanced membership
therein, in accordance with the principle of equitable geographical representation,
gender balance, as well as ensuring that members nominated to serve with the treaty
bodies will serve in their personal capacity, of high moral character, acknowledged
impartiality, and possess competence in the field of human rights;
417.7 The Heads of State and Government expressed concern at the
non-representation and under-representation of Non-Aligned Countries in the staffing
of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), bearing in mind
the fundamental importance of the need to adhere to the principle of equitable
geographical distribution.
417.8 They reaffirmed that the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
should discharge her duties in compliance with the mandate established under the
UNGA Resolution 48/141, including reporting annually to the General Assembly, a
universal organ of the United Nations;
417.9 The Heads of State and Government re-emphasized that the exploitation and the
use of human rights as an instrument for political purposes, including selective
targeting of individual Countries for extraneous considerations, which is contrary to
the Founding Principles of the Movement and the UN Charter, should be prohibited.
They urged that, in the discussion on human rights, adequate attention be given to the
issues of poverty, underdevelopment, marginalisation, instability and foreign
occupation that engender social and economic exclusion and violation of human
dignity and human rights, which cannot be divorced from any meaningful discussion
relating to human rights;
417.10 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that democracy and good
governance at the national and international levels, development and respect for all
human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the right to development, are
interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Adoption, for any cause or consideration, of
coercive unilateral measures, rules and policies against the developing countries
constitute flagrant violations of the basic rights of their populations. It is essential for
States to promote efforts to combat extreme poverty and hunger (MDGs 1) as well as
foster participation by the poorest members of society in decision-making processes;
417.11 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that hunger constitutes a
violation of human dignity and called for urgent measures at the national, regional and
international levels for its elimination. They also reaffirmed the right of everyone to
have access to safe and nutritious food consistent with the right to food and the
fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, so as to be able to fully develop
and maintain his or her physical and mental capacities. The Heads of State and
Government recognized the importance of food security for the realization of the right
to food for all.
417.12 The Heads of State and Government renewed their concern at the gross
violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the right to life and
the right to development, resulting from terrorist acts including those perpetrated by
foreign occupying powers in territories under foreign occupation, and reiterated their
condemnation of all acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and
manifestations, in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions;
417.13 The Heads of State and Government underlined their growing concern and
dismay at the flagrant disregard for life and the accompanying wanton destruction of
property, as recently evidenced in Occupied Palestinian Territory and other occupied
Arab territories, including the occupied Syrian Golan and Lebanon. The Heads of State
and Government welcomed the adoption of Human Rights Council resolution 5/1,
whereby it decided to include the “Human Rights Situation in Occupied Palestinian
Territory and other occupied Arab territories” as a permanent agenda item in the
417.14 The Heads of State and Government also welcomed the recent resolutions
adopted at the Special session of the Human Rights Council and the Resumed Tenth
Emergency Special session of the General Assembly on the situation in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory particularly in the Gaza Strip.
417.15 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the right of peoples under
colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation to struggle for national liberation
and self-determination;
417.16 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the need for efforts to further
strengthen and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and for
the establishment of democratic institutions and sound economic policies responsive
to the needs of the people. In this context, they reiterated the need for the core
principles, such as equity, non-discrimination, transparency, accountability,
participation and international co-operation, including partnership and commitments
in the international financial, monetary and trading systems, and full and effective
participation of developing countries in decision-making and norm setting; and
417.17 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the recent election of women at
the highest political level and underlined the importance of promoting equal
participation of women in the political systems of NAM Members, in accordance with
Millennium Development Goal No. 3 “Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women”.
417.18 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the entry into force of the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, on 3
May 2008 and expressed their commitment to promote the full enjoyment of human
rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis for persons with disabilities. The
Heads of State and Government invited all States that have not yet done so to consider
becoming parties to the Convention and its Optional Protocol.
417.19 The Heads of State and Government expressed deep concern over the
“Common Standards and Procedures for returning illegally-staying Third-Country
Nationals”, known as the return directive, adopted by the European Parliament on
June 18, 2008. They emphasized the view that this Directive constitutes a serious
violation of relevant international human rights instruments, in particular the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant ILO conventions. They also
underscored the discriminatory nature of this Directive, which has the effect of
criminalizing migration and exacerbating social tensions, racism, racial discrimination
and xenophobia and entail mistreatment of migrants and their families.
417.20 The Heads of State and Government underscored the need for all States to
address the issue of international migration through a cooperative dialogue on an
equal footing, and in this regard, strongly urged the European Union and its member
States to refrain from taking any type of measures that stigmatize certain groups or
individuals, including third-country nationals and their families and invite these
States to consider signing and ratifying the International Convention on the Protection
of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.
418 The Heads of State and Government recognized the importance of Human
Rights Learning and Education for the promotion and protection of human rights, and
in this regard, welcomed the proclamation by the General Assembly of the year
commencing on 10 December 2008 as the International Year of Human Rights
Learning. They also welcomed the adoption by consensus of HRC resolution 6/10,
which launched the process of the elaboration of a United Nations Declaration on
Human Rights Education and Training.
419 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the celebration of the 60th
Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights by the NAM Members
through different activities and initiatives at the national, regional and international
levels. They also welcomed the declaration adopted by the General Assembly during
the commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human
Rights on December 10, 2008.
420 The Heads of State and Government took note with appreciation of the adoption
of the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights by the General Assembly, as a positive and important step towards
realizing equal treatment of all human rights.
421 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and
affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State
and Government agreed to undertake the following measures and initiatives, among
421.1 Promote and protect all universally recognized human rights and fundamental
freedoms for all peoples, in particular the right to development, and to provide an
effective framework thereof including remedies to redress grievances on or violations of
human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the relevant Founding
Principles of the Movement, the UN Charter and international human rights
instruments, consistent with the obligations of States regardless of their political,
economic and cultural systems;
421.2 To consider signing and ratifying the Optional Protocol of the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights in order to allow its entry into force.
421.3 Promote the democratisation of the system of international governance in order
to increase the effective participation of developing countries in international decision-
421.4 Urge developed countries to engage in effective partnerships such as the NEPAD
and other similar initiatives with the developing countries, particularly the LDCs, for
the purposes of the realisation of their right to development including the achievement
of the Millennium Development Goals;
421.5 Stress adherence to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and to the
Founding Principles of the Movement, and oppose and condemn selectivity and double
standards in the promotion and protection of human rights as well as all attempts to
exploit or use human rights as an instrument for political purposes;
421.6 Reaffirm the need to preserve the mechanism of Universal Periodic Review of the
Human Rights Council from politicisation and double standards, and to prevent its
misuse and manipulation in order to preserve the cooperative approach in the Human
Rights Council;
421.7 Reinforce the presence of the Non-Aligned Movement by advancing its position
during the deliberations taking place in the main international fora, particularly the
Human Rights Council, the ECOSOC, and the Third Committee of the UN General
Assembly as a contribution to the enhancement of the coordination and cooperation
among the above mentioned UN entities in the promotion and protection of all human
421.8 Update and introduce at the Third Committee of the General Assembly and at
the Human Rights Council, as appropriate, draft resolutions on: the Right to
Development; Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures; the promotion of the
principle of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights
treaty bodies, and Enhancement of International Cooperation in the field of human
rights and consider sponsoring other initiatives that promote respect for the principled
positions of the Movement in this field of the international cooperation.
421.9 Promote and protect all universally recognized human rights, in particular the
right to development as a universal and inalienable right and as an integral part of all
universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms;
421.10 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the objective of making the
right to development a reality for everyone as set out in the UN Millennium
Declaration, and give due consideration to the negative impact of unilateral economic
and financial coercive measures on the realization of the right to development.
421.11 Urge all States to ensure greater protection for their populations in combating
terrorism and transnational crimes, and in this regard, further urge all States to
ensure that their national laws or legislations particularly concerning the combat
against terrorism do not limit individual rights and that these are not discriminatory or
xenophobic; and urge all States to ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism
complies with their obligations under international law, in particular international
human rights, refugees and humanitarian law.
421.12 Strive for greater acceptance and operationalisation and realisation of the right
to development at the international level, urge all States to undertake at the national
level necessary policy formulation and institute measures required for the
implementation of the right to development as a fundamental human right, and
further urge all States to expand and deepen mutually benefiting cooperation with
each other in ensuring development and eliminating obstacles to development, in the
context of promoting an effective international co-operation for the realisation of the
right to development, bearing in mind that lasting progress towards the
implementation of the right to development requires effective development policies at
the national level as well as equitable economic relations and a favourable economic
environment at the international level;
421.13 Urge the UN human rights machinery to ensure the operationalisation of the
right to development as a priority, including through the elaboration of a Convention
on the Right to Development by the relevant machinery, taking into account the
recommendations of relevant initiatives.
421.14 Propose and work towards the convening of a United Nations-sponsored High-
Level International Conference on the Right to Development.
421.15 Mainstream the right to development in the policies and operational activities
of the UN and its specialised agencies, programmes and funds as well as in policies
and strategies of the international financial and multilateral trading systems, taking
into account in this regard that the core principles of the international economic,
commercial and financial spheres, such as equity, non-discrimination, transparency,
accountability, participation and international co-operation, including effective
partnerships for development, are indispensable in achieving the right to development
and preventing discriminatory treatment to the issues of concern to the developing
countries arising out of political or other non-economic considerations;
421.16 Advance the common positions and improve the coordination of the Movement
at the relevant inter-governmental fora, in particular the General Assembly and the
Economic and Social Council as well as the Human Rights Council, with the aim of
strengthening international co-operation and co-ordination in the promotion and
protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms;
421. 17 To consider convening a NAM meeting on the issue of protecting the Human
Rights of civilians in international armed conflict;
421.18 Encourage the existing independent national human rights institutions,
including Ombudsmen where they exist, to perform their constructive role, on the
basis of impartiality and objectivity, in the promotion and protection of all human
rights and fundamental freedoms in their Countries, and request in this context, the
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide greater assistance,
upon request, by interested Governments in the establishment and operations of their
national institutions;
421.19 Call upon the NAM members Countries and the international community to
support the objective and effective functioning of the Human Rights Council
established as a subsidiary body of the General Assembly of the UN, and emphasize
the strong need to ensure that the work of the Council will be devoid of any
politicisation, double standards and selectivity; and
421.20 Defend and promote NAM positions in the context of the International Labour
Organization (ILO) and to that end:
(a) Continue holding the meetings of NAM Labour Ministers within the
framework of each International Labour Conference.
(b) Continue to promote transparency and a more democratic participation of all
actors in ILO mechanisms and procedures.
(c) Follow up and underpin the agreements contained in the Declaration of NAM
Ministers of Labour, adopted at the Ministerial meeting held in Geneva in the
context of the 96th International Labour Conference, regarding the reform of the
working methods of the Committee of Application of Standards and the expansion
of the Committee on Freedom of Association.
(d) Welcomed the convening of the meeting of NAM Ministers of Labour, held on
15 June 2009, in Geneva, and expressed their support to the two NAM
The recommendations of relevant initiatives include the High-level Seminar on the Operationalisation of the Right
to Development (Geneva, February 2004) held under the framework of the Commission on Human Rights Working
Group on the Right to Development, and the High-level Task Force on the Operationalisation of the Right to
Development, as well as the recommendations of the 8th session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the
Right to Development regarding the “roadmap”, endorsed by the HRC through its Resolution 4/4, adopted by
consensus in its 4th session.
Declarations adopted there in subjects crucial for the Movement. They reaffirmed
their determination and commitment to the full implementation and follow up of
the said Declarations.
(e) The Heads of State and Government welcome in this respect the Global Jobs
Pact adopted by the 98th Session of the International Labor Conference held in
June 2009 particularly its emphasis on the social dimension of the current global
financial and economic crisis and by highlighting a social approach to the crisis by
placing employment and labor issues, together with social protection at the heart of
stimulus packages and other relevant policies to confront the crisis.
Racism, Racial Discrimination and Slavery
422 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their condemnation of all forms
of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, including the
platforms and activities related thereto, which constitute serious violations of human
rights and fundamental freedoms as well as impede equal opportunity. They reminded
the international community to preserve its recognition that slavery and slave trade,
including trans-Atlantic slave trade, are crimes against humanity, and that the
legacies of slavery, slave trade, colonialism, foreign occupation, alien domination,
genocide and other forms of servitude have manifested themselves in poverty,
underdevelopment, marginalisation, social exclusion and economic disparities for the
developing world.
423 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption of General
Assembly resolutions 61/19 and 62/122 related to the abolition of the Trans-Atlantic
slave trade and its consequences, as well as General Assembly resolution 63/5 related
to the Permanent memorial to and remembrance of the victims of slavery and the
transatlantic slave trade.
424 The Heads of State and Government endorsed and supported the ongoing
efforts towards the erection of a Permanent Memorial to the victims of slavery and the
trans-Atlantic slave trade, to be prominently placed at the United Nations
Headquarters. They took note of the establishment of a fund for this purpose,
expressed appreciation to those of its members that have already made contributions
towards it and encouraged others to follow suit.
425 The Heads of State and Government expressed grave concern at the negative
effects on human rights and development posed by contemporary forms of slavery and
trafficking in persons and at the increasing vulnerability of States to such crimes. They
reaffirmed the need to work collectively to combat contemporary forms of slavery and
trafficking in persons.
426 The Heads of State and Government expressed dismay at instances of religious
and cultural prejudices, misunderstanding, intolerance and discrimination on the
basis of religion or beliefs or different systems, which undermine the enjoyment of all
human rights and fundamental freedoms and hinder the promotion of the culture of
peace. Pluralism, tolerance, and understanding of religious and cultural diversity are
essential for peace and harmony. Acts of prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and
racial, religious and sectarian profiling are affronts to human dignity and equality, and
should not be condoned. Respect for democracy and human rights and the promotion
of understanding and tolerance by governments as well as between and among
minorities are central to the promotion and protection of human rights. They
reaffirmed that States have the duty to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights
and fundamental freedoms without discrimination and in full equality before the law.
427 In this context, the Heads of State and Government urged all States to actively
contribute to the preparations for the celebration in 2010 of the International Year for
the Rapprochement of Cultures, proclaimed by the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), through different activities and
initiatives at the national, regional and international levels, in coordination with
UNESCO. They also called upon all States to consider the possibility of proclaiming a
United Nations decade for interreligious and intercultural dialogue, understanding and
cooperation for peace.
428 In recalling the Movement’s opposition to all forms of racism, racial
discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and expressing serious concern on
the resurgence of contemporary forms of such abhorrent crimes in various parts of the
world, the Heads of State and Government took note of the ongoing progress made by
States at the national, regional and international levels, focusing on the comprehensive
follow-up to the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia
and Related Intolerance and the effective implementation of the Durban Declaration
and Program of Action. To this end, the Heads of State and Government urged the
Human Rights Council, through the Intergovernmental Working Group established to
that effect, to proceed with the elaboration of complementary standards to the
International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination.
429 The Heads of State and Government endorsed the outcome document of the
Durban Review Conference held in Geneva, 20-24 April 2009. In this regard, they
reaffirmed the validity of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA) as
it was adopted at the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination,
Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in 2001, as the instructive document which
constitutes a solid foundation on the struggle against racism, racial discrimination,
xenophobia and related intolerance.
430 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the call on developed countries,
the United Nations and its specialized agencies, as well as international financial
institutions, to honour the commitments contained at Section IV of the Durban
Declaration and Programme of Action entitled Provision of Effective Remedies,
Recourse, Redress, and Other Measures at the National, Regional and International
431 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need to address with
greater resolve and political will all forms and manifestations of racism, racial
discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, in all spheres of life and in all
parts of the world, including all those under foreign occupation.
432 The Heads of State and Government noted the resolve of the Durban Review
Conference to, as stipulated in art. 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, fully and effectively prohibit any advocacy of national, racial, or
religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence and
implement it through all necessary legislative, policy and judicial measures.
433 The Heads of State and Government called on all Member States, including
those that did not participate at the World Conference Against Racism, Racial
Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (2001) as well as the Durban
Review Conference (2009), to implement all the provisions of the Durban Declaration
and Programme of Action and the outcome document of the Durban Review
Conference to fight the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance.
International Humanitarian Law
434 The Heads of State and Government urged that due priority should continue to
be given to promoting knowledge of, respect for and observance of States Parties’
obligations assumed under International Humanitarian Law, in particular those of the
four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their 1977 Protocols, and they encouraged
States to consider ratifying or acceding to the two 1977 Additional Protocols. In this
regard, while taking into account the magnitude and persistence of the violations and
breaches of International Law, including International Humanitarian Law, being
committed by Israel, the Occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian territory, the
Heads of State and Government called for the Government of Switzerland, as the
depositary of the Geneva Conventions, to speedily arrange for a Conference for the
High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to adopt legal measures to
ensure respect for and compliance with the Conventions in this situation;
435 The Heads of State and Government called upon all parties to armed conflict to
redouble their efforts to comply with their obligations under international
humanitarian law, by, inter alia, prohibiting the targeting of civilian populations,
civilian property and certain special property during an armed conflict, and obliging
parties to any conflict to ensure general protection against dangers arising from
military operations for civilian installations, hospitals and relief materials, means of
transportation and distribution of such relief materials.
436 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the Movement’s condemnation of
the increasing attacks on the safety and security of humanitarian personnel and urged
the Governments of UN Member States to ensure respect for the protection of the
personnel of humanitarian organisations in conformity with the relevant international
law. Humanitarian agencies and their personnel should respect for the International
Humanitarian Law and the laws of the countries they work in and the guiding
principles of humanitarian assistance set forth in the General Assembly resolution
46/182 and its Annex and non-interference, as well as cultural, religious and other
values of the population in the countries where they operate.
437 The Heads of State and Government recalled the protection granted by
international humanitarian law and relevant human rights instruments to persons
captured in connection with international armed conflicts.
438 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and
affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State
and Government agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:
438.1 Invite those States, which have not yet done so, to consider ratifying the 1954
Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed
Conflict and its two Additional Protocols;
438.2 Urge States to comply fully with the provisions of international humanitarian
law, in particular as provided in the Geneva Conventions, in order to protect and assist
civilians in occupied territories, and further urge the international community and the
relevant organisations within the UN system to strengthen humanitarian assistance to
civilians under foreign occupation; and
438.3 Stress that all detainees or persons captured in connection with international
armed conflicts must be treated humanely and with respect for their inherent dignity
granted by international humanitarian law and relevant human rights instruments.
Humanitarian Assistance
439 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that the provision of humanitarian
assistance must not be politicised and must be in full respect of the principles of
humanity, neutrality and impartiality as set forth in General Assembly Resolution
46/182 and its annex as providing the guiding principles for the coordination of
humanitarian assistance, and emphasized that all UN humanitarian entities and
associated organisations must act in accordance with their respective mandates,
international humanitarian law and national law. They further reaffirmed that the
sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity of States must be fully respected in
accordance with the UN Charter. In this context, they stressed that humanitarian
assistance should be provided under the principle of request and consent of the
affected country.
440 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the Movement’s commitment to
enhance international cooperation to provide humanitarian assistance in full
compliance with the UN Charter, and in this regard, they reiterated the rejection by the
Movement of the so-called “right” of humanitarian intervention, which has no basis
either in the UN Charter or in international law.
441 The Heads of State and Government emphasized the fundamentally civilian character
of humanitarian assistance, and reaffirmed the need, in situations where military
capacity and assets are used to support the implementation of humanitarian
assistance, for their use to be undertaken with the consent of the affected State and in
conformity with national law, international law, including humanitarian law, and in
full respect of the principles set for in General Assembly Resolution 46/182.
442 The Heads of State and Government called upon the international community to
provide full support, including financial resources, for emergency humanitarian
assistance at all levels and stressed the need to maintain the follow-up, oversight and
review by the General Assembly of the activities undertaken by the UN Central
Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to ensure its functioning according to the agreed
principles contained in the relevant UN resolutions, in particular General Assembly
Resolution 46/182. They reaffirmed the importance of the prompt allocation of CERF’s
resources as part of the emergency humanitarian assistance to the affected country.
443 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that in strengthening the coordination
of humanitarian assistance in the field, United Nations humanitarian entities must
continue to work in close coordination with national Governments and in line with
national policies and programmes being implemented for the provision of assistance to
affected populations, and the Heads of State and Government also reaffirmed that the
United Nations humanitarian entities must coordinate their work of providing
humanitarian assistance to affected civilians living under foreign occupation in
accordance with the provisions of international humanitarian law.
444 The Heads of State and Government urged efforts to enhance cooperation and
coordination of United Nations humanitarian entities, other relevant humanitarian
organizations and donor countries with the affected State, with a view to planning and
delivering emergency humanitarian assistance in ways that are supportive of early
recovery as well as sustainable rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts;
445 The Heads of State and Government expressed their concern over the human
suffering and economic impact caused by the natural disasters throughout the world,
in particular the tragic loss of life caused by natural disasters in China and Myanmar
and many parts of the African continent. They encouraged the international
community, national authorities and non-governmental organisations, to promote
closer cooperation to respond to natural disasters by strengthening emergency
preparedness and disaster mitigation and response management measures such as
regional disaster, early warning systems as well as exchange of information.
446 The Heads of State and Government expressed their solidarity with Cuba, Haiti,
Dominican Republic and Jamaica for the severe negative impact caused by the
hurricanes that affected the Caribbean region in 2008 and expressed its readiness to
explore the possibility to enhance their coordination and cooperation in the area of
disaster risk reduction among NAM countries in the future.
447 The Heads of State and Government further encouraged States to implement
commitments related to assistance for developing countries that are prone to natural
disasters and for disaster-stricken states in the transition phase towards sustainable
physical, social and economic recovery, for risk-reduction activities in post-disaster
recovery and for rehabilitation processes.
448 The Heads of State and Government recognized the importance of the Non-Aligned
Movement to coordinate its positions on humanitarian assistance, and in this regard
they requested the Coordinating Bureau to operationalize the NAM Contact Group on
humanitarian affairs as decided at the 14th NAM Summit in Havana in 2006 as well as
to consider the establishment of a NAM Working Group on humanitarian assistance
and to discuss, agree and determine the terms of reference of such a Group as soon as
possible. The Heads of State and Government agreed on the importance of
strengthening mechanisms to provide aid and assistance to affected member states of
the Movement, including the possibility of establishing an agency for disaster
mitigation and displaced persons.
449 The Heads of State and Government call upon UN Member States, in this regard, to
comply fully with the provisions of the international humanitarian law, in particular as
provided in the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the protection of victims of
war, in order to protect and assist civilians in occupied territories, and urges the
international community and the relevant organizations of the United Nations system
to strengthen humanitarian and other assistance to civilians under foreign occupation.
Information and Communication Technology
450 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the participation of the Heads of
State and Government of the Movement in the World Summit on Information Society
(WSIS) at its second phase held in Tunis from 16 to 18 November 2005, and reiterated
the need for the implementation and follow up of the outcomes of the both phases of
the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), held in Geneva and Tunis. In this
context, they stressed the importance of the contribution of the Non-Aligned Countries
toward achieving the development oriented outcomes of the Summits, the Tunis
commitment and the full implementation of the agenda for the Information Society,
and urged UN Member States, relevant UN bodies and other intergovernmental
organisations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organisations and
private sector in implementation of the outcomes.
451 The Heads of State and Government by commending active participation of the
Member States in the World Summit on the Information Society and taking note of the
follow-up activities at international, regional and national levels, reaffirmed that in
order to transform the digital divide to digital opportunities, these activities should
ensure the imperative of universal, inclusive and non-discriminatory access to
information and knowledge related to ICT, and should result in supporting national
efforts in developing countries in the area of building, improving and strengthening
capacities to facilitate their genuine involvement in all aspects of the information
society and knowledge economy. They encouraged all the States to contribute actively
to ensuring that the Information Society is founded on and stimulates respect for
cultural identity, cultural and linguistic diversity, traditions and religions and ethical
452 The Heads of State and Government called for the responsible use and
treatment of information by the media in accordance with codes of conduct and
professional ethics Media in all their forms have an important role in the Information
Society and ICTs should play a supportive role in this regard. They reaffirmed the
necessity of reducing international imbalances affecting the media, particularly as
regards infrastructure, technical resources and the development of human skills.
453 The Heads of State and Government highly commended Malaysia for chairing
the Sixth Conference of Ministers of Information of the Non-Aligned Countries
(COMINAC-VI), and highly commended the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for
successfully hosting the 7th Conference of Ministers of Information of the Non-Aligned
Countries (COMINAC-VII), held in Isla Margarita, 2-4 July 2008 and for the
substantive outcome document and Programme of Action, adopted by the Conference
and they expressed the Movement’s resolve and commitment to implement the
decisions and recommendations contained therein.
454 The Heads of State and Government concurred on the importance of
strengthening and consolidating the work of the NAM News Network (NNN). The Heads
of State and Government expressed their appreciation to Malaysia for launching and
supporting the NNN since its inception in 2003.
455 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF)
established in Geneva as an innovative financial mechanism of a voluntary nature
open to interested stakeholders with the objective of transforming the digital divide
into digital opportunities for the developing world by focusing mainly on specific and
urgent needs at the local level and seeking new voluntary sources of “solidarity”
finance. The DSF will complement existing mechanisms for funding the Information
Society, which should continue to be fully utilized to fund the growth of new ICT
infrastructure and services.
456 The Heads of State and Government expressed their opposition to the
dissemination of discriminatory and distorted information of events taking place in
developing countries. In this regard, they strongly supported the efforts made to
revitalise the Broadcasting Organizations of Non Aligned Countries (BONAC), as an
effective medium for transmitting factual news of events of the developing countries to
the world. They also took note of the valuable experience of “The new south TV”
(TELESUR) in this respect.
457 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their support for Tunis Agenda
for Information Society, especially its development content and stressed the
importance of effective participation of equitable and effective representation from
developing countries in the implementation of the outcomes of the WSIS process,
including for the Internet Governance Forum and for Enhanced Cooperation.
458 The Heads of State and Government underlined the conclusion of the World
Summit on the Information Society that internet governance, carried out according to
the Geneva principles, constitutes a core issue of the Information Society agenda and
that all governments should have an equal role and responsibility for international
Internet governance and invited the Member States, to maximize their participation in
decisions regarding Internet governance, in order to reflect their interests in related
processes. They also reaffirmed the WSIS conviction on the need for enhanced
cooperation, to enable governments, on an equal footing, to carry out their roles and
responsibilities in international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. The
Heads of State and Government expressed their deep concern over the long delay in
starting the process towards enhanced cooperation by the UN Secretary General, as
referred to in paragraphs 69 to 71 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society of
the second phase of the Summit. They therefore, once again, strongly urged the UN
Secretary General to start this process urgently.
459 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and
affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State
and Government agreed to undertake the following measures and initiatives, among
459.1 Work for the full implementation and follow-up of the outcomes of both phases
of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and in this context, promote
effective and equitable participation of NAM countries in this process;
459.2 Increase cooperation to promote a New World Information and Communication
Order, based on universal, inclusive and non-discriminatory access to information and
knowledge relating to ICT, as an essential requirement to reduce the growing digital
divide between developed and developing countries;
459.3 consider holding a NAM workshop on the appropriate use and management of
the internet to share best practices and lessons learned in this area.
459.4 Call for an immediate end to the misuse of media for inciting and launching
campaigns against NAM members, including, inter alia, the hostile use of radio and
electronic transmissions contrary to the principles of the International Law, as well as
the dissemination of discriminatory and distorted information of events in developing
countries, and campaigns that defame religions, cultures and symbols;
459.5 Support and strengthen the implementation of the Isla Margarita Declaration
and Programme of Action,
459.6 Coordinate NAM efforts in the issues related to communication and information
at the United Nations and relevant international organizations and agencies, including
UNESCO, particularly in the context of the Intergovernmental Program for the
Development of Communications (IPDC).
Advancement of Women
460 The Heads of State and Government recommitted the Movement to the
implementation of the Declaration and Platform for Action adopted by the Fourth
World Conference on Women as well as fully supported the outcome of the five-year
review and appraisal contained in “Further Actions and Initiatives” to implement the
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted by the 23rd Special Session of the
UN General Assembly of June 2000.
461 The Heads of State and Government encouraged the active participation of
Member States in the 54th session of the CSW in the 15th annual review of the
implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of
the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly that shall take place in 2010.
462 The Heads of State and Government expressed their resolve to eliminate all
forms of discrimination and violence against women and the girl child especially in
situations of armed conflict and foreign occupation, including the systematic use of
abduction and rape by the parties to the conflict, including as an instrument of war, as
well as the trafficking in and victimization of women and the girl child. They expressed
their abhorrence at the continuation of such acts. In this regard, they called upon
States to take the necessary measures against the perpetrators of such acts and to
ensure adherence to international law and domestic legislation, including legislating
the protection of women and the girl child in situations of armed conflict. They further
invited States, which have not done so, to consider ratifying or acceding to the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and
encouraged States Parties to consider signing, ratifying or acceding to its Optional
463 The Heads of State and Government took note of the establishment of the
gender branch within the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to
promote and protect women’s human rights within the context of the Human Rights
Council. In this context, the Heads of State and Government cautioned that its
operations should not be in conflict with the existing partnership between the Division
for the Advancement of Women and the Commission on the Status of Women. The
Heads of State and Government underscored the fact that the Commission of the
Status of Women has a broad mandate covering other social and economic dimensions
beyond women’s human rights.
464 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the primary and essential role of
the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, as well as the central role
of the Commission on the Status of Women that has a broad mandate covering all
dimensions related to women’s development, human rights and fundamental freedoms.
465 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed and underscored the validity
and relevance of the Movement's principled positions concerning the institutional
reform of the UN and stressed that the purpose of the reform, including in the area of
gender, is to make the UN development system more efficient and effective in its
support to developing countries to achieve the internationally agreed development
goals, on the basis of their national development strategies and that reform efforts
should enhance organisational efficiency and achieve concrete development results;
466 The Heads of State and Government emphasized that the process of gender
reform, as part of the system wide coherence process, should not create new
conditionalities for developing countries and should have as a result an enhanced
coordination, accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in the United Nations system
for the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women by all United
Nations Member States.
467 The Heads of State and Government in order to promote the human rights of
women expressed their resolve to take appropriate measures at the national, regional
and international levels to improve the quality of life and achieve gender equality and
empowerment of women, bearing in mind the inherent potential of women, through
inter alia adopting proper socio- economic strategies and programmes and provisions
of government services to all women particularly women with disabilities and women in
rural areas, including access to health, education and justice services and
strengthening family well-being.
468 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their compromise to actively
promote the mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the design, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and
social spheres, ensuring full representation and full and equal participation of women
as critical factor in the eradication of poverty.
469 The Heads of State and Government also reaffirmed its continued support to
The International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
(INSTRAW) and to INSTRAW’s Executive Board for its contribution, through its
substantive work, to the advancement and empowerment of women and particularly
acknowledged INSTRAW’s progress in the development of pioneering research,
knowledge management and capacity building tools in the Institute’s three
thematic areas: Gender, migration and development; Gender, peace and security;
and Governance and women’s political participation, to create an impact in public
policies with a gender perspective in our countries. The Ministers reaffirmed
INSTRAW’s importance as one of the only three United Nations entities located in the
developing world.
470 The Heads of State and Government recalled with satisfaction the Second NAM
Ministerial Meeting on the Advancement of Women, held in Guatemala City, Republic
of Guatemala, from 21 to 24 January 2009 and reaffirmed the Movement’s resolve and
commitment to fully implement the decisions and recommendations contained in the
“Guatemala Declaration and Programme of Action on the Advancement of Women
towards the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals”
471 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the generous offer of the State of
Qatar to host the Third NAM Ministerial Meeting on the Advancement of Women in
Doha in 2010.
472 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the importance of the
establishment and the functioning of the NAM Institute for the Empowerment of
Women in Kuala Lumpur and underscored their commitment to actively support it and
participate in its activities. The Heads of State and Government welcomed the proposal
by Malaysia to establish regional representations for the NIEW, in this regard they took
note with appreciation of the offer of the Government of Guatemala to host the regional
representation for Latin America and the Caribbean and the offer of the Government of
Egypt to host the regional representation for Africa and the Middle East.
473 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the decision of the Second NAM
Ministerial Meeting on the Advancement of Women held in Guatemala to create a NAM
Institute for the Empowerment of Women (NIEW) Trust Fund, proposed by Malaysia, to
allow the Institute to continue to enhance its activities dedicated to women’s
empowerment and development for the benefit of the NAM members, and in this
regard, invites NAM members to voluntarily contribute to this Fund.
474 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the initiative of the Islamic
Republic of Iran on holding the International Workshop on “Empowerment of Women
through Science and Technology Interventions” through the assistance of the Center
for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM S&T Center) and other
developing countries in Teheran on 14-16 December 2008.
475 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption of the Resolution
62/136 on improvement of the situation of women in rural areas and recognized the
important role played by rural women in their societies and the need to fully
implement the relevant provisions of that resolution in order to empower rural women
and improve their situation.
476 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and
affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State
and Government agreed to undertake the following measure and initiatives, among
476.1 Hold the Third NAM Ministerial Meeting on the Advancement of Women in 2010,
in Doha, State of Qatar. In this regard, they urged all NAM members to participate
actively in the Meeting.
Indigenous Peoples
477 The Heads of State and Government took note with deep appreciation of the
adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the General
Assembly. Likewise, they reiterated their support for the need to promote the
economic, political and cultural rights of the indigenous peoples and their commitment
to give special attention to the efforts made at the national and multilateral levels in
order to improve their living conditions through civil participation. Likewise, in face of
undue appropriation and use of the traditional indigenous knowledge, they agreed to
promote the defence of the bio-cultural collective heritage to allow indigenous peoples
to have appropriate legal instruments on intellectual property so that their traditional
knowledge is protected against unauthorized or inappropriate use by third parties.
478 The Heads of State and Government also supported the need to promote within
the UN system, in particular its agencies, funds and programmes, the rights of
indigenous peoples, through a series of policies and programmes for the improvement
of indigenous peoples’ well-being around the world and, where applicable, through the
implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
479 The Heads of State and Government took note with appreciation of the adoption
of the Human Rights Council resolution 6/36 of 14 December 2007 that established
the expert mechanism on the rights of indigenous peoples to provide the Council with
thematic expertise on the rights of indigenous peoples.
480 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that all cultures have the right
to exist and to preserve their traditional practices that are inherent to their identity. In
this context, they acknowledged the right of the Andean indigenous peoples to fully
enjoy their traditional and millenarian rights and took note of the right of the
government of Bolivia to defend and protect these practices for its peoples.
481 The Heads of State and Government expressed their deep concern over the fact
that around 75 million children had no access to primary education, 774 million
adults are illiterate and more than two-thirds of these illiterates can be found in Africa
and Asia. Without accelerated progress towards education for all, national and
internationally agreed targets for poverty reduction would be missed, and inequalities
between countries and within societies would widen. In this regard, they reiterated the
Movement’s continued support and full commitment to cooperate in attaining the
MDGs and the goals of the UN Literacy Decade (2003-2012).
482 In this context, the Heads of State and Government decided to give priority
attention to the development of cooperation schemes among NAM Members States, as
well as to the strengthening of regional and international cooperation to effectively
address and eradicate illiteracy, in the fulfilment of the second MDG by 2015. The
Heads of State and Government acknowledged the progress made in the
implementation of various literacy initiatives recognized by the United Nations
Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
483 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption of the Resolution
63/154 on United Nations Literacy Decade: education for all. The Heads of State and
Government took note of the three priority areas for the remaining years of the Decade
identified through the mid-Decade review, namely, mobilizing stronger commitment to
literacy, reinforcing more effective literacy programme delivery and harnessing new
resources for literacy.
484 The Heads of State and Government decided to create literate environments and
societies, eradicating illiteracy, including among women and girls and eliminating the
gender gap in literacy, inter alia, by intensifying efforts to implement effectively the
International Plan of Action for the United Nations Literacy Decade and integrating
substantially those efforts in the Education for All process and other activities of the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), as well as
other literacy initiatives within the framework of the internationally agreed
development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
Health, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases
485 The Heads of State and Government expressed their concern at the global
threat posed by health epidemics, such as HIV and AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and
other communicable diseases. In this context, they called on the Member States of the
United Nations at the national, regional and international levels to enhance their
cooperation to confront and combat these scourges.
486 The Heads of State and Government recognized that the spread of HIV/AIDS
constitutes a global emergency and poses one of the most formidable challenges to the
development, progress and stability of their respective societies and the world at large,
and requires an exceptional and comprehensive global response. They welcomed the
political declaration on HIV/AIDS adopted by the High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS of
the United Nations General Assembly on 2 June 2006, and called on Member States of
the United Nations to significantly scale up their efforts towards the goal of universal
access to comprehensive prevention programmes, treatment, care and support by
2010, and towards halting and reversing the spread of the pandemic by 2015, and
thereby, called upon all States, especially developed countries to implement fully these
commitments, and urged the international organizations, non-governmental
organizations and the business sector to support national efforts and priorities.
487 The Heads of State and Government recognized the achievement of South-
South cooperation in the fight against HIV and AIDS and decided to give priority
attention to the development of cooperation schemes among NAM Member States, as
well as to the strengthening of regional and international cooperation to effectively
address HIV and AIDS in the fulfilment of MDGs 6 and 8. In this regard, they
welcomed the organization of the High-Level Meeting of the United Nations General
Assembly on HIV/AIDS in New York, 10-11 June 2008.
488 The Heads of State and Government expressed grave concern over the serious
threat posed by the spread of Avian Influenza since its first major reported outbreak,
which has potential to produce severe impact not only on public health worldwide but
also on the global economy. They reiterated that it is imperative that concerted actions
be undertaken at the national, regional and international levels to address and deal
with this challenge in an effective and timely manner. In this regard the Heads of State
and Government expressed their support to the outcome of the 6th International
Ministerial Conference on Avian & Pandemic Influenza held in Egypt on October 2008.
489 The Heads of State and Government further expressed deep concern over the
threat posed by the emergence and spread of Swine flu A (H1N1); and requested the
World Health Organization and the International Financial Organizations to provide
full logistical and financial support to the affected countries, in order to combat this
epidemic promptly and effectively as well as provide adequate assistance to affected
countries to prevent further outbreak of this disease. In this regard, they called upon
the World Health Organization, in coordination with affected countries, to ensure a
systematic and proper follow-up in order to effectively contain the further spread of
this epidemic.
490 The Heads of State and Government highlighted the organisation of the Meeting
of NAM Ministers of Health, held on 20 May 2009, in Geneva, Switzerland, and
expressed their support to the outcome documents adopted therein and their
determination and commitment to fully implement their decisions and
recommendations and consistently follow up on these issues related to Migration and
Training Qualified Health Personnel, Diseases disproportionately affecting developing
countries, and Responsible practices at the international level for sharing of avian
influenza viruses and ensuring benefits sharing, on an equal footing, in ways that
would protect the interest of developing countries.
491 The Heads of State and Government expressed deep concern at the potentially
adverse impact of the current international economic and financial crisis on the health
systems in developing countries. In this context, they called upon donor countries to
honour their commitments to allocate 0.7 % of their gross domestic product as official
development assistance, and urged donors to support international cooperation
programmes on health, including those aimed at supporting the achievement of the
MDGs. The Heads of State and Government reiterated the need to make the full use of
the flexibilities available under the WTO TRIPS Agreement, including those recognized
by the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health and the WTO
decision of 30 August 2003, in order to address the public health needs of their
populations. They further recognized that South-South cooperation does not
substitute, but compliments North-South cooperation; and, in this regard, reaffirmed
their determination to exploring more effective South-South cooperation, as well as
triangular cooperation, allowing for the mobilization of additional resources necessary
for the implementation of health-related development programmes.
492 The Heads of State and Government called for an active participation in the
next Meeting of NAM Ministers of Health, which will be held in May 2010, in Geneva,
Switzerland, within the framework of the 63rd General Assembly of the World Health
493 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the evolving partnerships
between a variety of stakeholders at the local, national, regional and global levels
aimed at addressing the multifaceted determinants of global health and the
commitments and initiatives to accelerate progress on the health-related Millennium
Development Goals, including those announced at the high-level event on the
Millennium Development Goals, held at United Nations Headquarters on 25 September
494 The Heads of State and Government recognized the close relationship between
foreign policy and global health and their interdependence, and in that regard also
recognized that global health challenges require concerted and sustained efforts by the
international community. The Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption
of the General Assembly resolution 63/33 and look forward to continuing discussions
on the subject, especially the impact of non-health issues on global health. In this
context, the Heads of State and Government noted with satisfaction the adoption of the
2009 ECOSOC Ministerial Declaration entitled “Implementing the internationally
agreed goals and commitments in regard to global public health”.
Transnational Organised Crime
495 The Heads of State and Government reiterated the Movement’s commitment to
co-ordinate the efforts and strategies at national, regional and international levels
against transnational crime and to develop the methods most effective in combating
crime of this nature. They reaffirmed that international efforts against transnational
crime should be carried out with the necessary respect for the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of States.
496 The Heads of State and Government reaffirmed that organised criminal
activities adversely affect development, political stability and social and cultural
497 The Heads of State and Government reiterated that responding to the threat
posed by transnational organised crime requires close cooperation at international
level. They renewed their commitment to fight all forms of transnational organized
crime by strengthening national legal frameworks, where applicable, and cooperation
mechanisms, in particular through the exchange of information, mutual legal
assistance and extradition in accordance with domestic law and international
instruments as appropriate
498 The Heads of State and Government recalled that the Vienna Declaration on
Crime and Justice and the Bangkok Declaration recognized that comprehensive crime
prevention strategies must address, inter alia, the root causes and risk factors of
499 The Heads of State and Government expressed their concern about the
seriousness of trafficking in human organs and the increasing involvement of
organized criminal groups in this crime and they agreed to coordinate their efforts to
fight this crime.
500 The Heads of State and Government also expressed their concern over the loss,
destruction and removal of the cultural property and the increased involvement of
organised criminal groups in trafficking in looted, stolen or smuggled cultural
property. The Heads of State and Government underlined the importance of national,
regional and international initiatives for the protection of cultural property, in
particular the work of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization and its Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of
Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit
Appropriation, and Stressed the importance of fostering international law enforcement
cooperation to combat trafficking in cultural property and in particular the need to
exchange information and experiences in order to operate in a more effective way.
501 Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions, the
Heads of State and Government agreed to undertake the following measures, among
501.1 Take necessary steps at the national and international levels for the
implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and the
international instruments against illicit drug trafficking, where appropriate;
501.2 Call for adequate financial and technical assistance and cooperation to enable
developing countries and countries with economies in transition to implement those
501.3 Strengthen international cooperation and technical assistance for capacity-
building in developing countries and countries with economies in transition for
effective implementation of the obligations set forth in existing international crime
prevention instruments; and
501.4 Adopt further measures and strengthen international cooperation in order to
prevent, combat, punish and eradicate all forms of transnational organized crime more
effectively, in accordance with international law.
501.5 Strengthen coordination and cooperation, as well as the formulation of common
strategies with the Group of 77 and China, through the Joint Coordinating Committee
(JCC), on issues relative to transnational organized crime to address the collective
concerns and promote the common interests of developing countries in international
502 The Heads of State and Government took note of the results of the Fourth
session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against
Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols, held in Vienna, from 8 to 17 October
Trafficking in Persons
503 The Heads of State and Government expressed concern that trafficking in
persons is increasingly becoming a global scourge affecting all countries around the
world and requires a concerted national and international response. They stressed the
importance of the 2000 United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized
Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons,
Especially Women and Children, including, inter alia, in situations of armed conflict.
504 The Heads of State and Government further welcomed the establishment of the
United Nations Global initiative to fight human trafficking (UNGIFT) to coordinate
actions between the United Nations system, civil society, non-governmental
organizations and the private sector, in order to assist Governments, upon their
request, to ensure the prosecution and prevention of human trafficking, as well as to
ensure that victims are accorded all the necessary remedies and their human rights
are fully protected.
505 The Heads of State and Government recognised that slavery and trafficking in
persons continues to pose a serious challenge to humanity and requires a concerted
international response. To that end, they urged all States to devise, enforce and
strengthen effective measures to combat and eliminate all forms of slavery and
trafficking in persons to counter demand for trafficked victims and to protect the
victims and to bring perpetrators to justice.
506 The Heads of State and Government reiterated their invitation to all States that
have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress
and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the
UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, and following its entry into
force, to implement the Protocol effectively, including by incorporating its provisions
into national legislation and by strengthening criminal justice systems. They expressed
the Movement’s resolve to strengthen the capacity of the UN and other international
organisations to provide assistance to Member States, upon request, in implementing
the Protocol.
507 The Heads of State and Government urged all States, individually and through
international cooperation, to increase efforts to counter trafficking in persons,
including through their active contribution to shape a global partnership against
slavery and trafficking in persons in the twenty-first century, aimed at improving
coordination and information exchange, especially in protecting rights of victims of
trafficking. To that end, they recognized the need for coherent and comprehensive
approach of the United Nations to the problem of trafficking in persons and in this
regard the Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption of General
Assembly Resolution 63/194 entitled “improving the coordination of efforts against
trafficking in persons” and convening of the General Assembly interactive thematic
debate on trafficking in persons on 13 May 2009. They called upon the President of the
General Assembly to launch consultations in the General Assembly on a global plan of
action on combating trafficking in persons to be adopted by the General Assembly.
508 Bearing in mind the increased development of the phenomenon of the traffic in
persons, the Heads of State and Government invited the States to prevent and fight
this phenomenon by the reinforcement of the legislation in this field raising awareness
and the setting up of national and local institutions dedicated to the fight against this
509 Recognizing that all countries are affected by trafficking in persons, the Heads
of State and Government urged all States to encourage national efforts being made to
combat this scourge and to work together in a collaborative manner and within a
regional and international framework without imposing unilateral requirements on
other States.
Drug Trafficking
510 The Heads of State and Government expressed grave concern at the worsening
problem of illicit drug trafficking worldwide on account of its transnational and global
nature, which constitutes a serious threat to the entire international community. They
reiterated that more effective measures must be taken to prevent, combat and
eradicate the world drug problem in all its aspects. They further, recognized that no
single government can combat this menace alone successfully, given that criminal
organisations linked to drug trafficking operate collectively in the territory of several
countries and are multiplying traffic routes and distribution methods, therefore
cooperation, co-ordination and committed action by all countries are essential to curb
this crime. They reiterated that effective measures must be taken to prevent, combat
and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons, which is also linked to
illicit drugs trafficking.
511 Consistent with the said position, the Heads of State and Government
reiterated that the fight against the world drug problem is a common and shared
responsibility that should be tackled in a multilateral framework and that can only be
dealt with effectively through meaningful international cooperation, and, it demands
an integrated and balanced approach and should be carried out in full conformity with
the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and other provisions of
international law, in particular the respect for national sovereignty and the territorial
integrity of States, the principle of non-intervention in their internal affairs; and based
on the principles of equal rights and mutual respect. Likewise, the Heads of State and
Government expressed concern over the financial situation of the United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), while welcoming the decision of the 51st session of the
Narcotic Drugs Commission, establishing an open-ended intergovernmental working
group to review the financial situation of UNODC and submit recommendations
512 The Heads of State and Government called for increased efforts to prevent and
combat all aspects of the world drug problem, including reduction of the demand. They
also recognized the importance of appropriate or suitable strategies, including
sustainable alternative development programmes and to improve preventative and
increase alternative development strategies, in tackling the global drug problem while
respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States.
513 The Heads of State and Government welcomed the realization of the 52nd
session of the Commission on Narcotic Drug held in March 2009, and its ministerial
segment, which constituted an important follow up on the principles and goals set at
the 20th special session of the General Assembly in 1998 to enhance the cooperative
efforts to combat the world drug problem in the forthcoming years.
514 The Heads of State and Government stressed that corruption practices,
including lack of sound international corporate governance, bribery, money laundering
and transfer abroad of illegally acquired funds and assets undermine the economic
and political stability and security of societies, undermines social justice and severely
endangers the efforts of developing countries for sustainable development. They
recognised that the UN Convention against Corruption provides universally accepted
norms to prevent and combat corrupt practices, establishes the principle of asset
recovery and transfer of assets of illicit origin and mechanism for international
cooperation in this regard.
515 Consistent with the aforementioned positions, the Heads of State and
Government stressed in particular the implementation of the provisions on asset
recovery contained in Chapter V of the UN Convention against Corruption, which
require States Parties to return assets obtained through corruption. The Heads of State
and Government emphasized that one of the high priorities in the fight against
corruption is to ensure the return of illegally acquired assets to the country of origin.
The Heads of State and Government, therefore, urged all States Parties and relevant
international organizations, consistent with the principles of the Convention, in
particular Chapter V, to facilitate the quick return of such assets, and to assist
requesting States to build human, legal and institutional capacity to facilitate tracing,
confiscation and recovery of such assets.
516 The Heads of State and Government, noting the results of the 2nd Conference
of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, held in Nusa
Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 28 January-1 February 2008, reaffirmed the importance of
coordinating positions on these issues, in particular through the promotion of best
practices in combating corruption.
517 The Heads of State and Government called for an active participation and
involvement in the work of 3rd Conference of States Parties to the United Nations
Convention against Corruption, which will take place in Qatar from 9th to 13th
November, 2009, and stressed the importance to promote dialogue and international
cooperation in this field.
Sharm El Sheikh- Egypt
16 July 2009
Annex I: Member Countries of the Non Aligned Movement
(As of 16 July 2009)
Antigua and Barbuda
Brunei Darussalam
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Côte d’Ivoire
Democratic People’s Republic of
Democratic Republic of
the Congo
Dominica, Commonwealth of
Dominican Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Iran(Islamic Republic of)
Lao Peoples' Democratic
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Syrian Arab Republic
Timor Leste
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United Republic of Tanzania
Annex II: The Founding Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement
1. Respect for fundamental human rights and for the purposes and principles of the
Charter of the United Nations.
2. Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.
3. Recognition of the equality of all races and of the equality of all nations, large and
4. Abstention from intervention or interference in the internal affairs of another country.
5. Respect for the right of each nation to defend itself singly or collectively, in conformity
with the Charter of the United Nations.
6. Abstention from the use of arrangements of collective defence to serve the particular
interests of any of the big powers, and abstention by any country from exerting
pressures on other countries.
7. Refraining from acts or threats of aggression or the use of force against the territorial
integrity or political independence of any country.
8. Settlement of all international disputes by peaceful means, such as negotiation,
conciliation, arbitration or judicial settlement as well as other peaceful means of the
parties own choice, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations.
9. Promotion of mutual interests and co-operation.
10. Respect for justice and international obligations.
Annex III: The Principles enshrined in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the
Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture adopted in the 14th
NAM Summit in Havana.
a. Respect for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and
International Law.
b. Respect for sovereignty, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all States.
c. Recognition of the equality of all races, religions, cultures and all nations, both big and
d. Promotion of a dialogue among peoples, civilizations, cultures and religions based on
the respect of religions, their symbols and values, the promotion and the consolidation
of tolerance and freedom of belief.
e. Respect for and promotion of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all,
including the effective implementation of the right of peoples to peace and
f. Respect for the equality of rights of States, including the inalienable right of each State
to determine freely its political, social, economic and cultural system, without any kind
of interference whatsoever from any other State.
g. Reaffirmation of the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions
concerning the right to self-determination of peoples under foreign occupation and
colonial or alien domination.
h. Non-interference in the internal affairs of States. No State or group of States has the
right to intervene either directly or indirectly, whatever the motive, in the internal
affairs of any other State.
i. Rejection of unconstitutional change of Governments.
j. Rejection of attempts at regime change.
k. Condemnation of the use of mercenaries in all situations, especially in conflict
l. Refraining by all countries from exerting pressure or coercion on other countries,
including resorting to aggression or other acts involving the use of direct or indirect
force, and the application and/or promotion of any coercive unilateral measure that
goes against International Law or is in any way incompatible with it, for the purpose of
coercing any other State to subordinate its sovereign rights, or to gain any benefit
m. Total rejection of aggression as a dangerous and serious breach of International Law,
which entails international responsibility for the aggressor.
n. Respect for the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence, in accordance
with the Charter of the United Nations.
o. condemnation of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and systematic and
gross violations of human rights, in accordance with the UN Charter and International
p. Rejection of and opposition to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, committed
by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes, as it constitutes one of the most
serious threats to international peace and security. In this context, terrorism should
not be equated with the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien
domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation.
q. Promotion of pacific settlement of disputes and abjuring, under any circumstances,
from taking part in coalitions, agreements or any other kind of unilateral coercive
initiative in violation of the principles of International Law and the Charter of the
United Nations.
r. Defence and consolidation of democracy, reaffirming that democracy is a universal
value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their own political,
economic, social, and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of
their life.
s. Promotion and defence of multilateralism and multilateral organisations as the
appropriate frameworks to resolve, through dialogue and cooperation, the problems
affecting humankind.
t. Support to efforts by countries suffering internal conflicts to achieve peace, justice,
equality and development.
u. The duty of each State to fully and in good faith comply with the international treaties
to which it is a party, as well as to honour the commitments made in the framework of
international organisations, and to live in peace with other States.
v. Peaceful settlement of all international conflicts in accordance with the Charter of the
United Nations.
w. Defence and promotion of shared interests, justice and cooperation, regardless of the
differences existing in the political, economic and social systems of the States, on the
basis of mutual respect and the equality of rights.
x. Solidarity as a fundamental component of relations among nations in all
y. Respect for the political, economic, social and cultural diversity of countries and
Original: English
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
15 16
July 2009
Sharm El Sheikh Summit Declaration
We, the Heads of State and Government of the Movement of the Non-Aligned Countries, gathered
in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on the 15
and 16
of July 2009 in the XV Summit of the Movement;
Reiterating our strong commitment to the purposes and the principles of the United Nations Charter
and the principles of international law, international humanitarian law and human rights law,
Determined to revitalize and reinvigorate the role and influence of our movement as the principal
political platform representing the developing world in multilateral fora, in particular the United Nations,
Determined also to preserve and act in keeping with the Bandung principles, and the Declaration on
the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International
Juncture, adopted by the XIV NAM summit in Havana in 2006,
Expressing sincere appreciation to H.E. Raul Castro Ruz, the President of the Republic of Cuba, for
the significant progress achieved in the process of strengthening and revitalizing the Non-Aligned
Movement, since the XIV NAM summit held in Havana,
Desirous to enhance the strengthening and revitalization process of the Movement through concrete
measures, at all levels, and in the different multilateral fora,
Inspired by the city of Sharm El Sheikh, that has overcome the challenges of war and became the
CITY OF PEACE, providing a vivid example of the strong determination of the people of Egypt and its
leadership to turn a conflict into a success story, and sincerely congratulating H.E. Mohammed Hosny
Mubarak, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, for this success and for assuming the chairmanship of
the Movement,
Having adopted the Final Document of the XV summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-
Aligned Movement held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt 11
to 16
July, 2009,
Welcoming the Initiative by Egypt to convene the NAM First Ladies Summit on“theRoleofWomen
in Crisis Management”, which laid the ground for a fruitful and valuable exchange of experiences and
lessons learned, reflecting the importance attached by NAM to the active and equal participation of women
in addressing the current global crises and challenges,
Declare that within the implementation of the Sharm El Sheikh Final Document, and the documents of
the previous NAM Summits and Ministerial Meetings, due consideration should be given to maximizing the
ability of NAM to deal with the current rapidly evolving global situations, crises and challenges, including
but not limited to the following:
Disarmament and International Security: Continue to promote disarmament and international
security and stability on the basis of equal and undiminished security for all, bearing in mind that total and
complete Nuclear Disarmament remains the only route to establish a world free from Nuclear Weapons,
taking into consideration related issue of Nuclear Non Proliferation in all its aspects and the inalienable right
of all states to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. We will thus engage constructively with concrete actions
towards the implementation of the unequivocal undertaking by the Nuclear Weapon States, as well as the
recent statements made by leaders of some Nuclear Weapons States to eliminate their nuclear arsenals and
work towards realizing a World Free of Nuclear Weapons, including through the establishment of Nuclear
Weapon Free-Zones, particularly in the Middle East region;
Peacekeeping and Peace-building: to ensure that the current comprehensive review of Peace Keeping
Operations takes duly into account the position of the Movement, in particular the demands of Troop
Contributing Countries, and to ensure that the review processes of the Peace Building Commission and the
Peace Building Fund will achieve their objectives to support all countries emerging from conflict, based on
the principle of national ownership and coordinated activities within the United Nations system;
Human Rights and Democracy: Reinforce and build new momentum in addressing human rights
issues based on a cooperative and balanced approach focused on constructive dialogue and capacity building,
while taking duly into account the diversity of societies, political, economic, social and legal systems,
cultures and religions, and avoiding selectivity, double standards and any attempt to exploit or use human
rights as an instrument for political purposes, with a view to reinforcing the commitment to the promotion
and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, in particular the right to development,
Self Determination: Continue to uphold the fundamental and inalienable right of all peoples,
including all non-self governing territories, as well as those territories under foreign occupation and colonial
or alien domination to self determination, the exercise of which, in the case of peoples under foreign
occupation and colonial or alien domination, remains valid and essential to ensure the eradication of all these
situations and to guarantee universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;
The Situation in the Middle East, the Core of Which is the Palestine Question: Demand achieving a
just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East based on relevant United Nations Security Council
Resolutions, Madrid Terms of Reference, land for peace, and the Arab Peace Initiative in its entirety;
- Firmly support the inalienable rights of the Palestine people to self-determination and the
establishment of their independent, contiguous and viable State in Palestine with East Jerusalem as its
capital, and a just and agreed upon solution to the Palestine refugee question on the basis of resolution 194,
through the termination of Israeli occupation that started in 1967 and a just and comprehensive approach
encompassing all six core issues. In this regard, we will stand firm against all settlement activities illegally
undertaken by Israel, the occupying power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,
and against Israeli measures and actions aimed at changing the legal status, character, and demographic
composition of the City of Jerusalem.
- Continue to demand Israel to comply with relevant Security Council Resolutions and withdraw fully
from the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of 4 June 1967, and to withdraw fully from the remaining
Lebanese occupied land in the Shabaa Farms, the Kafrashuba hills and the northern part of the Al Ghajjar
Reform of the United Nations: To restore the balance between the Principal Organs of the United
Nations and reaffirm the role and authority of the General Assembly, while asserting its fundamental role in
international peace and security and in promoting multilateralism. The expeditious reform of the Security
Council through its expansion and improvement of its working methods should continue to be a priority for
NAM taking duly into consideration the views of all NAM Member States;
Sanctions: Reject the unilateral sanctions imposed on some NAM countries, which adversely affect
the economies and peoples of those countries, in contradiction with international law and the purposes and
principles of the United Nations Charter.
The World financial and economic crises, its causes and implications
In view of the fact that the
Non Aligned and other developing countries are and will increasingly be the most adversely affected by the
crises, more than industrialized countries, where it originated as a result of the structural imbalances and
deficiencies of the prevailing International economic and financial systems, we commit to stand together, in
coordination with the Group of 77 and China through the Joint Coordinating Committee, to achieve the
fundamental reform of the international economic and financial systems and architecture so as to address its
flaws. We commit further to enhance the voice and participation of developing countries in international
economic and decision making and norm setting, including in international financial institutions, with a
central role of the United Nations and its member states through the General Assembly and the Economic
and Social Council, including in mitigating the impact of the crises on developing countries and in
materializing the right of developing countries to a legitimate policy space. To achieve these objectives, we
will utilize fully the follow up actions decided in the outcome of the United Nations High Level Conference
on the World Financial and Economic Crises and its impact on development, and ensuring that measures
taken to respond to the effects of the crises are in no case taken at the expense of developing countries as
well as rendering full support for initiatives taken at the regional level to respond to the crises;
The Internationally Agreed Development Goals, including the MDG’s: Ensure the full
implementation of the outcomes of major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic and
social fields, including the Monterrey Consensus, the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development and
the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation as well as utilizing the high-level meeting organized by the United
Nations Secretary General in 2010; and comprehensively evaluate the progress achieved in the
implementation of the MDGs and to develop a strategy to help developing countries to achieve MDGs by
Needs adopted during the 63rd session of the General Assembly, as well as the special needs and
vulnerabilities of LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS in line with the related declarations of various United Nations
Food Security: To ensure Food Security for all peoples of the States members of the Movement and
other developing countries, we will enhance cooperation and coordination with the United Nations, FAO,
IFAD, WFP and other multinational fora, in order to decisively deal with the short, medium and long term
actions needed, including the need to address trade and agricultural related aspects within the current
negotiations in the Doha round;
Special Needs of Africa: Continue to promote the full implementation of all commitments by the
international community to address the special needs of Africa as contained in the United Nations political
Declaration on Africa’sDevelopmentNeeds adopted during the 63
session of the United Nations General
Assembly, especially in the area of conflict resolution, peace and security, development and poverty
eradication, achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, strengthening of cooperation with regional
organizations and programs including NEPAD, enhancing homegrown democracy, stability and rule of law,
ensuring strict and fair adherence to international law and non abuse of the principle of universal jurisdiction.
Pandemics: To enhance solidarity with and support to the governments and peoples of countries
affected by the outbreak of H1N1 and other pandemics, to maximize the support given by the World Health
Organization, international financial institutions and other relevant entities to assist developing countries in
building their response capacity to confront pandemics as well as to combat diseases at times of crises and to
provide full logistical and financial support for those governments and peoples;
Civil Society: Encourage and enhance the role of Civil Society, including NGOs and the Private Sector
in supporting the implementation of national development and human rights priorities and programmes,
while adhering to the norms and principles of corporate responsibility;
Climate Change: Strengthen the political momentum in preparation for the Copenhagen conference in
a manner that duly reflects the views of NAM countries with regard to mitigation, adaptation, finance,
technology transfer, capacity building and shared vision in accordance with the principle of Common but
Differentiated Responsibilities, and fully utilize the high level meeting to be convened by the Secretary
General of the United Nations at the beginning of the 64
session of the General Assembly to highlight the
concerns of the NAM countries;
Energy: To shape a comprehensive United Nations energy agenda, including the creation of an
effective mechanism to transfer advanced energy technologies to developing countries and countries with
economies in transition, with the aim of achieving the Millennium Development Goals and dealing
effectively with the challenge of climate change;
Trafficking in Persons: Participate actively in the process launched by the President of the General
Assembly and accelerate the consideration of a global action plan to be adopted by the General Assembly on
combating trafficking in persons, through enhancing international and regional cooperation and partnership
to supplement and support the implementation of the United Nations Convention on Transnational
Organized Crime and the protocols thereto. In this respect, express appreciation to the leading efforts of the
“SuzanMubarakWomen’sInternational Peace Movement”ingatheringthesupportoftheinternationalcivil
society, NGOs and private sector through the “EndHumanTraffickingNow”initiativealong with her efforts
through the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UNGIFT) and commit to support
such efforts in the future;
International Terrorism: Strengthen NAM solidarity in combating terrorism in all its forms and
manifestations, wherever and by whomsoever committed, in accordance with the principles of the United
Nations Charter, international law and the relevant international conventions. In this context, stress that
terrorism should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group. Further
progress is required, taking into account the positions and views of NAM member States, including through
the early finalization of the draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism, in strengthening the
application of the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and in convening a high level
conference under the auspices of the United Nations, to formulate a joint organized response of the
international community to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, as proposed by President
Mohammed Hosny Mubarak at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, in 1986;
Enhancing dialogue among Civilizations and Religions: Utilize fully the efforts made at the
international level towards reducing confrontation, enhancing dialogue, promoting respect for diversity
based on justice, fraternity and equality, and oppose all attempts of uniculturalism or the imposition of
particular models of political, economic, legal or cultural systems, and promote dialogue among
civilizations, culture of peace and inter-faith dialogue, which would contribute towards peace, security,
stability and development.
Sharm El Sheikh, 16 July, 2009