Formal Meetings
Between the FDA and
Sponsors or Applicants
of PDUFA Products
Guidance for Industry
This guidance document is being distributed for comment purposes only.
Comments and suggestions regarding this draft document should be submitted within 90 days of
publication in the Federal Register of the notice announcing the availability of the draft
guidance. Submit electronic comments to https://www.regulations.gov. Submit written
comments to the Dockets Management Staff (HFA-305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630
Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. All comments should be identified with the
docket number listed in the notice of availability that publishes in the Federal Register.
For questions regarding this draft document, contact (CDER) Jennifer Mercier at 301-796-0957
or (CBER) the Office of Communication, Outreach, and Development at 800-835-4709 or 240-
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
September 2023
Revision 1
Formal Meetings
Between the FDA and
Sponsors or Applicants
of PDUFA Products
Guidance for Industry
Additional copies are available from:
Office of Communications, Division of Drug Information
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
10001 New Hampshire Ave., Hillandale Bldg., 4th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Phone: 855-543-3784 or 301-796-3400; Fax: 301-431-6353; Email: druginfo@fda.hhs.gov
Office of Communication, Outreach, and Development
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 71, Room 3128
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
Phone: 800-835-4709 or 240-402-8010; Email: ocod@fda.hhs.gov
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
September 2023
Revision 1
I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
II. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 2
III. MEETING TYPES ........................................................................................................... 2
A. Type A Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 2
B. Type B Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 3
C. Type B (EOP) Meeting .................................................................................................................. 3
D. Type C Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 4
E. Type D Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 4
F. INTERACT Meeting ..................................................................................................................... 5
IV. MEETING FORMATS .................................................................................................... 6
V. MEETING REQUESTS ................................................................................................... 6
VI. ASSESSING AND RESPONDING TO MEETING REQUESTS ................................ 9
A. Meeting Denied ............................................................................................................................ 10
B. Meeting Granted .......................................................................................................................... 10
VII. MEETING PACKAGE .................................................................................................. 11
A. Timing of Meeting Package Submission .................................................................................... 12
B. Where and How Many Copies of Meeting Packages to Send .................................................. 12
C. Meeting Package Content ............................................................................................................ 12
VIII. PRELIMINARY RESPONSES ..................................................................................... 14
IX. RESCHEDULING AND CANCELING MEETINGS ................................................ 14
X. MEETING CONDUCT .................................................................................................. 16
XI. MEETING MINUTES.................................................................................................... 16
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 19
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
Formal Meetings Between the FDA and 1
Sponsors or Applicants of PDUFA Products 2
Guidance for Industry
This draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the current thinking of the Food and Drug 7
Administration (FDA or Agency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not 8
binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the 9
applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible 10
for this guidance as listed on the title page. 11
This guidance provides recommendations to industry on formal meetings between the Food and 17
Drug Administration (FDA) and sponsors or applicants relating to the development and review 18
of drug or biological drug products (hereafter referred to as products) regulated by the Center for 19
Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 20
(CBER). This guidance does not apply to abbreviated new drug applications, applications for 21
biosimilar biological products, or submissions for medical devices. For the purposes of this 22
guidance, formal meeting includes any meeting that is requested by a sponsor or applicant 23
(hereafter referred to as requester(s)) following the procedures provided in this guidance and 24
includes meetings conducted in any format (i.e., in person face-to-face, virtual face-to-face 25
(video conference), teleconference, and written response only (WRO) see in section IV, Meeting 26
Formats). 27
This guidance discusses the principles of good meeting management practices and describes 29
standardized procedures for requesting, preparing, scheduling, conducting, and documenting 30
such formal meetings. The general principles in this guidance may be extended to other 31
nonapplication-related meetings with external constituents, insofar as this is possible.
In general, FDA’s guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. 34
Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only 35
as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of 36
the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but 37
not required. 38
This guidance has been prepared by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) in cooperation with the
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the Food and Drug Administration.
The guidance for industry Formal Meetings Between the FDA and Sponsors or Applicants (December 2017) and
the draft guidance for industry Formal Meetings Between the FDA and Sponsors or Applicants of PDUFA Products
(June 2018) have been withdrawn.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
Each year, FDA review staff participate in many meetings with requesters who seek advice 43
relating to the development and review of investigational new drugs and biologics, and drug or 44
biological product marketing applications. Because these meetings often represent critical points 45
in the drug and biological product development, it is important that there are efficient, consistent 46
procedures for the timely and effective conduct of such meetings. The good meeting 47
management practices in this guidance are intended to provide consistent procedures that will 48
promote well-managed meetings and to ensure that such meetings are scheduled within a 49
reasonable time, conducted efficiently, and documented appropriately. 50
FDA review staff and requesters are expected to adhere to the meeting management goals that 52
were established under reauthorizations of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA).
They 53
are described individually throughout this guidance and summarized in the Appendix. 54
There are six types of formal meetings under PDUFA that occur between requesters and FDA 59
staff: Type A, Type B, Type B (end of phase (EOP)), Type C, Type D, and Initial Targeted 60
Engagement for Regulatory Advice on CDER and CBER ProducTs (INTERACT). 61
A. Type A Meeting 63
Type A meetings are those that are necessary for an otherwise stalled product development 65
program to proceed or to address an important safety issue. Reasons for a Type A meeting 66
include the following: 67
Dispute resolution meetings as described in 21 CFR 10.75, 312.48, and 314.103 and in 69
the guidance for industry and review staff Formal Dispute Resolution: Sponsor Appeals 70
Above the Division Level (November 2017).
Meetings to discuss clinical holds: (1) in which the requester seeks input on how to 73
address the hold issues; or (2) in which a response to hold issues has been submitted, and 74
See PDUFA Reauthorization Performance Goals and Procedures Fiscal Years 2023 Through 2027, available at
The meeting types and goal dates were negotiated under the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) and apply
to formal meetings between FDA staff and requesters of PDUFA products; they do not apply to meetings with
CDER Office of Generic Drugs, CDER Office of Compliance, or CDER Office of Prescription Drug Promotion.
See the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) web page at
We update guidances periodically. For the most recent version of a guidance, check the FDA Drugs guidance web
page at https://www.fda.gov/drugs/guidance-compliance-regulatory-information/guidances-drugs.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
reviewed by the FDA, but the FDA and the requester agree that the development is 75
stalled and a new path forward should be discussed. 76
Meetings that are requested after receipt of an FDA Nonagreement Special Protocol 78
Assessment letter in response to protocols submitted under the special protocol 79
assessment procedures as described in the guidance for industry Special Protocol 80
Assessment (April 2018). 81
Post-action meetings requested within 3 months after receipt of an FDA regulatory action 83
other than an approval (e.g., issuance of a complete response letter). 84
Meetings requested within 30 days of FDA issuance of a refuse-to-file letter. To file an 86
application over protest, applicants must first request and have this meeting (21 CFR 87
314.101(a)(3)). 88
B. Type B Meeting 90
Type B meetings are as follows: 92
Pre-investigational new drug application (pre-IND) meetings. 94
Pre-emergency use authorization meetings. 96
Pre-new drug application (pre-NDA)/pre-biologics license application (pre-BLA) 98
meetings (21 CFR 312.47). 99
Post-action meetings requested 3 or more months after receipt of an FDA regulatory 101
action other than an approval (e.g., issuance of a complete response letter, refuse to file). 102
Meetings regarding risk evaluation and mitigation strategies or postmarketing 104
requirements that occur outside the context of the review of a marketing application. 105
Meetings held to discuss the overall development program for products granted 107
breakthrough therapy or regenerative medicine advanced therapy (RMAT) designation 108
status. All subsequent meetings for breakthrough therapy or RMAT-designated products 109
will be considered either Type B or possibly Type A meetings if the meeting request 110
meets the criteria for a Type A meeting. 111
C. Type B (EOP) Meeting 113
Type B (EOP) meetings are as follows: 115
Certain end-of-phase 1 meetings (i.e., for products that will be considered for marketing 117
approval under 21 CFR part 312, subpart E, or 21 CFR part 314, subpart H, or similar 118
products) 119
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
End-of-phase 2 (i.e., pre-phase 3) meetings (21 CFR 312.47) 121
D. Type C Meeting 123
A Type C meeting is any meeting other than a Type A, Type B, Type B (EOP), Type D, or 125
INTERACT meeting regarding the development and review of a product, including meetings to 126
facilitate early consultations on the use of a biomarker as a new surrogate endpoint that has never 127
been previously used as the primary basis for product approval in the proposed context of use. 128
E. Type D Meeting 130
A Type D meeting is focused on a narrow set of issues that are used to discuss issues at key 132
decision points to provide timely feedback critical to move the program forward (e.g., often one, 133
but typically not more than two issues and associated questions). Requests could include the 134
following: 135
A follow-up question that raises a new issue after a formal meeting (i.e., more than just a 137
clarifying question about an FDA response from a prior meeting) 138
A narrow issue on which the sponsor is seeking Agency input with only a few (e.g., three 140
to five questions total) associated questions 141
A general question about an innovative development approach that does not require 143
extensive, detailed advice 144
Type D meetings should be limited to no more than two focused topics. If the sponsor has more 146
than two focused topics or a highly complex single issue that includes multiple questions, a Type 147
C meeting should be requested rather than requesting a Type D meeting. A Type C meeting 148
should also be requested when there are more questions than appropriate for a Type D meeting. 149
Sponsors should not request several Type D meetings in temporal proximity instead of a single 150
Type C meeting. In addition, the issue should not require input from more than three disciplines 151
or divisions. If the scope of the meeting is broad or includes complex questions/issues that 152
require input from more than three disciplines or divisions, or requires cross-center responses, or 153
additional regulatory review, then FDA will inform the sponsor that the Agency will be 154
converting the meeting to the appropriate meeting type (Type B or C) and the sponsor can either 155
withdraw their request or accept the FDA’s meeting-type conversion without resubmitting a new 156
meeting request. 157
Examples and Scenarios 159
A sponsor has a specific question about an aspect of a complex or innovative trial design 161
(e.g., innovative pediatric design approach) 162
A sponsor has a specific question about presenting data following a pre-BLA/NDA 164
meeting 165
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
A sponsor has a specific follow-up question about a new idea stemming from a Type C 167
meeting 168
F. INTERACT Meeting 171
INTERACT meetings are intended for novel products and development programs that present 173
unique challenges in early development (i.e., before filing of an IND or before having a pre-IND 174
meeting). The issues typically relate to IND requirements, for example, questions about design 175
of IND-enabling toxicity studies (e.g., species, endpoints), complex manufacturing technologies 176
or processes, development of innovative devices used with a drug or biologic, or the use of New 177
Approach Methodologies. INTERACT meetings are intended to facilitate IND-enabling efforts 178
when the sponsor is facing a novel, challenging issue that might otherwise delay progress of the 179
product toward entry into the clinic in the absence of this early FDA input. The sponsor needs to 180
have selected a specific investigational product or a product-derivation strategy to evaluate in a 181
clinical study before requesting an INTERACT meeting. 182
Questions and topics within the scope of an INTERACT meeting include the following: 184
Questions for novel products and development programs that present unique challenges 186
in early development for all CDER and CBER products (i.e., questions for which there is 187
no existing guidance or other information in writing the company could reference from 188
FDA). 189
Issues that a sponsor needs to address before a pre-IND meeting, including issues such as 191
the following: 192
Choice of appropriate preclinical models or necessary toxicology studies for novel 194
drug platforms or drug candidates 195
Chemistry, manufacturing, and controls issues or testing strategies aimed to 197
demonstrate product safety adequate to support first-in-human study 198
Overall advice related to the design of proof-of-concept or other pilot 200
safety/biodistribution studies necessary to support administration of an investigational 201
product in a first-in-human clinical trial 202
General recommendations about a future first-in-human trial in a target clinical 204
population for which the population is novel and there is no prior precedent or 205
guidance 206
Recommendations on approach for further development of an early-stage product 208
with limited chemistry, manufacturing, and controls; pharmacology/toxicology; 209
and/or clinical data that were collected outside of a U.S. IND 210
Other topics that would be agreed upon by FDA 212
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
There are four meeting formats: In person face-to-face, virtual face-to-face, teleconference, and 218
WRO, as follows: 219
1. In person face-to-face Core attendees
from the FDA and the sponsor/applicant 221
participate in person at the FDA; such meetings will be hybrid with a virtual component 222
to allow non-core participants to join virtually. Because the intent is that the primary 223
discussion occurs face-to-face in person, all sponsors and FDA individuals who are key 224
to such discussions (i.e., “core” attendees) should participate, if at all feasible, in person. 225
Individuals expected to have a more peripheral role (e.g., may be called on to comment 226
on a single question) may participate virtually. If core sponsor personnel are suddenly 227
unable to attend the in person meeting due to illness or unexpected travel issues, they can 228
join the meeting virtually. If core sponsor personnel are not planning to attend in person, 229
the meeting should be requested as a virtual face-to-face meeting. 230
2. Virtual face-to-face (video conference) Attendees participate remotely via virtual 232
meeting platform (e.g., Zoom) (with core attendeescameras on). 233
3. TeleconferenceAttendees participate via an audio only connection (e.g., telephone, 235
virtual meeting platform without cameras on). 236
4. Written Response Only (WRO) Written responses are sent to requesters in lieu of 238
meetings conducted in one of the other formats described above. 239
To make the most efficient use of FDA resources, requesters should use the extensive sources of 244
product development information that are publicly available before seeking a meeting (e.g., 245
guidances). To disseminate a broad range of information in a manner that can be easily and 246
rapidly accessed by interested parties, the FDA develops and maintains web pages, portals, and 247
databases, and participates in interactive media as a means of providing information on scientific 248
and regulatory issues. 249
To promote efficient meeting management, requesters should try to anticipate future needs and, 251
to the extent practical, address relevant and related product development issues in the fewest 252
possible meetings while avoiding meetings with too many questions (or subparts of questions) 253
that would be impractical to discuss in the context of any single meeting. Furthermore, having 254
FDA will have its core participants with a primary speaking roles participate in person while others may join
virtually (see https://www.fda.gov/industry/prescription-drug-user-fee-amendments/update-person-face-face-formal-
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
too many questions is not recommended when the topics are complex or if the combined issues 255
would involve voluminous material for FDA review. As discussed below, there should generally 256
be no more than 10 total questions to the FDA. 257
When a meeting is needed, a written request must be submitted to the FDA via the electronic 259
gateway or, in CDER, via the CDER Nextgen Portal, as appropriate.
For additional ways to 260
submit to CBER, please see https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/about-center-biologics-evaluation-261
and-research-cber/regulatory-submissions-electronic-and-paper. Requests should be addressed 262
to the appropriate Center and review division or office and, if previously assigned, submitted to 263
the application (e.g., investigational new drug application (IND), new drug application (NDA), 264
biologics license application (BLA), pre-application tracking system (PTS) Number (CBER)). If 265
necessary, noncommercial IND holders may also submit the meeting request via the appropriate 266
center’s document room. 267
The meeting request should include adequate information for the FDA to assess the potential 269
utility of the meeting and to identify FDA staff necessary to discuss proposed agenda items. 270
The meeting request should include the following information: 272
1. The application number (if previously assigned). 274
2. The product name. 276
3. The chemical name, established name, and/or structure. 278
4. The proposed regulatory pathway (e.g., 505(b)(1), 505(b)(2)). 280
5. The proposed indication(s) or context of product development. 282
6. The meeting type being requested (i.e., Type A, Type B, Type B (EOP), Type C, Type D, 284
or INTERACT). 285
7. Pediatric study plans, if applicable. 287
8. Human factors engineering plan, if applicable. 289
9. Combination product information (e.g., constituent parts, including details of the device 291
constituent part, intended packaging, planned human factors studies), if applicable. 292
10. Suggested dates and times (e.g., morning or afternoon) for the meeting that are consistent 294
with the appropriate scheduling time frame for the meeting type being requested (see 295
Table 2 in section VI.B., Meeting Granted). Dates and times when the requester is not 296
available should also be included. 297
See the guidance for industry Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format Submissions Under
Section 745A(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (December 2014).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
11. A list of proposed questions, grouped by FDA discipline. For each question there should 299
be a brief explanation of the context and purpose of the question. 300
The meeting request must include the following information:
1. The proposed meeting format (i.e., in person face-to-face, virtual face-to-face, 304
teleconference, and WRO (see section IV, Meeting Formats)). 305
2. The date the meeting package will be sent by the requester (see section VII.A., Timing of 307
Meeting Package Submission). Meeting packages should be included with the meeting 308
request for all Type A meetings, Type C meetings where the objective is to facilitate 309
early consultation on the use of a biomarker as a new surrogate endpoint that has never 310
been previously used as the primary basis for product approval in the proposed context of 311
use, all Type D meetings, and all INTERACT meetings. 312
3. A brief statement of the purpose of the meeting that should include a background of the 314
issues underlying the agenda and a summary of completed or planned studies and clinical 315
trials or data that the requester intends to discuss at the meeting. The statement should 316
then include a description of the general issues being raised of the questions to be asked 317
and where the meeting fits in overall development plans. Although the statement should 318
not provide the details of trial designs or completed studies and clinical trials, it should 319
provide enough information to facilitate understanding of the issues, such as a small table 320
that summarizes major results that are necessary to provide the FDA an understanding of 321
the questions to be addressed at the meeting. 322
4. A proposed agenda, including estimated time needed for discussion of each agenda item. 324
5. A list of planned attendees from the requester’s organization, including their names and 326
titles. The list should also include the names, titles, and affiliations of consultants and 327
interpreters, if applicable. 328
6. A list of requested FDA attendees and/or discipline representative(s). Requests for 330
attendance by FDA staff who are not otherwise essential to the application’s review may 331
affect the ability to hold the meeting within the specified time frame of the meeting type 332
being requested. Therefore, when attendance by nonessential FDA staff is requested, the 333
meeting request should provide a justification for such attendees and state whether a later 334
meeting date is acceptable to the requester to accommodate the nonessential FDA 335
attendees. 336
A well-written meeting request that includes the above components can help the FDA understand 338
and assess the utility and timing of the meeting related to product development or review. The 339
list of requester attendees and the list of requested FDA attendees can be useful in providing or 340
preparing for the input needed at the meeting. However, during the time between the request and 341
the meeting, the planned attendees can change. Therefore, an updated list of attendees with their 342
See PDUFA Reauthorization Performance Goals and Procedures Fiscal Years 2023 Through 2027, available at
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
titles and affiliations should be included in the meeting package and a final list provided to the 343
appropriate FDA contact before the meeting (see section VII.C., Meeting Package Content). 344
The objectives and agenda provide overall context for the meeting topics, but it is the list of 346
questions that is most critical to understanding the kind of information or input needed by the 347
requester, whether or not the questions can be feasibly addressed within the time frame 348
associated with the meeting type requested, and to focus the discussion should the meeting be 349
granted. Each question should be precise and include a brief explanation of the context and 350
purpose of the question. The questions submitted within a single meeting request should be 351
limited to those that can be reasonably answered within the allotted meeting time, taking into 352
consideration the complexity of the questions submitted. Similar considerations about the 353
complexity of questions submitted within a WRO should be applied. In general, there should be 354
no more than 10 questions listed consecutively regardless of discipline. The FDA requests that 355
meeting requesters not submit subquestions, as they will be counted toward the overall number 356
of questions. For example, if Question 1 has three parts, the numbering should be 1, 2, and 3 357
rather than numbering them 1a, 1b, and 1c (i.e., with each as “subquestions”). If there are three 358
clinical questions and three nonclinical questions, for a total of six questions, each question 359
should have its own number (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, not Clinical 1, 2, 3 and then Nonclinical 1, 2, 3). 360
The numbering of each question in the meeting request (see section VI, Assessing and 361
Responding to Meeting Requests) should be identical to the numbering of each question in the 362
meeting package. 363
For any type of meeting, the sponsor may request a WRO to its questions rather than another 368
meeting format. The FDA will review the request and make a determination on whether a WRO 369
is appropriate or whether an in person face-to-face, virtual face-to-face, teleconference, or WRO 370
(see section IV., Meeting Formats) meeting is necessary. If a written response is requested and 371
deemed appropriate, the FDA will notify the requester of the date it intends to send the written 372
response in the Agency’s response to the meeting request. 373
For pre-IND, Type C, Type D, and INTERACT meetings, although the sponsor may request an 375
in-person, virtual, or teleconference meeting, the Agency may determine that a written response 376
to the sponsor’s questions would be the most appropriate means for providing feedback and 377
advice to the sponsor. When it is determined that the meeting request can be appropriately 378
addressed through a written response, the FDA will notify the requester of the date it intends to 379
send the written response in the Agency’s response to the meeting request. If the sponsor 380
believes a meeting is needed, the sponsor may provide a rationale in a follow-up correspondence 381
to the division, explaining their rationale for the meeting. The FDA will consider the follow-up 382
correspondence and may or may not convert the WRO back to an appropriate format. 383
Requests for Type B and Type B (EOP) meetings will be honored if the sponsor is at the 385
appropriate stage of development to make such a meeting productive. For example, a request for 386
an EOP2 meeting should clearly describe the status of the phase 2 trial(s) and whether summary 387
efficacy and safety data from these trial(s) will be available in the briefing document, as the lack 388
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
of these data will render an EOP2 meeting request premature. With the exception of products 389
granted breakthrough therapy or RMAT designation status, the FDA generally will not grant 390
more than one of each of the Type B meetings for each potential application (e.g., IND, NDA, 391
BLA) or combination of closely related products developed by the same requester (e.g., same 392
active ingredient but different dosage forms being developed concurrently), but the FDA can do 393
so when it would be beneficial to hold separate meetings to discuss unrelated issues. For 394
example, it may be appropriate to conduct more than one end-of-phase 2 meeting with different 395
review divisions or disciplines for concurrent development of a product for unrelated claims or a 396
separate meeting to discuss manufacturing development when the clinical development is on a 397
different timeline. For novel programs, with many complex issues, discussion with the relevant 398
division may lead to an agreement that additional meetings are needed. 399
A. Meeting Denied 401
If a meeting request is denied, the FDA will notify the requester in writing according to the 403
timelines described in Table 1. The FDA’s letter will include an explanation of the reason for 404
the denial. Denials will be based on a substantive reason, not merely on the absence of a minor 405
element of the meeting request or meeting package items. For example, a meeting can be denied 406
because it is premature for the stage of product development or because the meeting package 407
does not provide an adequate basis for the meeting discussion (see section IX., Rescheduling and 408
Canceling Meetings, for the effect of inadequate meeting packages on other meeting types when 409
the package is received after the meeting is granted). The FDA may also deny requests for 410
meetings that do not have substantive required elements described in section V., Meeting 411
Requests. A subsequent request to schedule the meeting will be considered as a new request 412
(i.e., a request that merits a new set of time frames as described in section below, Meeting 413
Granted). 414
B. Meeting Granted 416
If a meeting request is granted, the FDA will notify the requester in writing according to the 418
timelines described in Table 1. For in person face-to-face, virtual face-to-face, and 419
teleconference meetings, the FDA’s letter will include the date, time, conferencing arrangements, 420
and/or location of the meeting, as well as expected FDA participants. For WRO requests, the 421
FDA’s letter will include the date the FDA intends to send the written responses (see Table 3 for 422
FDA WRO response timelines). As shown in Tables 2 and 3, FDA WRO response timelines are 423
the same as those for scheduling an in-person face-to-face, virtual face-to-face, or teleconference 424
meeting of the same meeting type. 425
For in person face-to-face, virtual face-to-face, and teleconference meetings, the FDA will 427
schedule the meeting on the available date at which all expected FDA staff are available to 428
attend; however, the meeting should be scheduled consistent with the type of meeting requested 429
(see Table 2 for FDA meeting scheduling time frames). If the requestor’s requested date for any 430
meeting type is greater than the specified time frame, the meeting date should be scheduled by 431
the FDA within 14 calendar days of that requested date. 432
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
Table 1. FDA Meeting Request/WRO Request Response Timelines 435
Meeting Type
(any format)
Response Time
(calendar days from receipt of
meeting request/WRO request)
14 days
21 days
14 days
21 days
14 days
21 days
Table 2. FDA Meeting Scheduling Time Frames 437
Meeting Type
Meeting Scheduling
(calendar days from receipt of
meeting request)
30 days
60 days
70 days
75 days
50 days
75 days
Table 3. FDA WRO Response Timelines 439
Meeting Type
WRO Response Time
(calendar days from receipt of
WRO request)
30 days
60 days
70 days
75 days
50 days
75 days
Premeeting preparation is critical for achieving a productive discussion or exchange of 444
information. Preparing the meeting package should help the requester focus on describing its 445
principal areas of interest. The meeting package should provide information relevant to the 446
discussion topics and enable the FDA to prepare adequately for the meeting. In addition, the 447
timely submission of the meeting package is important for ensuring that there is sufficient time 448
for meeting preparation, accommodating adjustments to the meeting agenda, and accommodating 449
appropriate preliminary responses to meeting questions. Requestors are encouraged to include 450
their meeting package for all meeting types, if possible, but must meet the required due dates for 451
certain meetings (see Table 4 below). 452
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
A. Timing of Meeting Package Submission 454
Requesters must submit the meeting package for each meeting type (including WRO) according 456
to the meeting package timelines described in Table 4.
Table 4. Requester Meeting Package Timelines 459
FDA Receipt of Meeting Package (calendar days)
At the time of the meeting request
No later than 30 days before the scheduled date of the meeting
or WRO response time
No later than 50 days before the scheduled date of the meeting
or WRO response time**
No later than 47 days before the scheduled date of the meeting
or WRO response time***
*For Type C meetings that are requested as early consultations on the use of a new surrogate endpoint to be used as 460
the primary basis for product approval in a proposed context of use, the meeting package is due at the time of the 461
meeting request. 462
** If the scheduled date of a Type B (EOP) meeting is earlier than 70 days from FDA receipt of the meeting request, 463
the requester’s meeting package will be due no sooner than 6 calendar days after FDA response time for issuing the 464
letter granting the meeting (see Table 1 in section VI.B., Meeting Granted). 465
*** If the scheduled date of a Type C meeting is earlier than 75 days from FDA receipt of the meeting request, the 466
meeting package will be due no sooner than 7 calendar days after FDA response time for issuing the letter granting 467
the meeting (see Table 1 in section VI.B., Meeting Granted). 468
B. Where and How Many Copies of Meeting Packages to Send 470
Requesters should submit the archival meeting package to the relevant application(s) (e.g., pre-472
IND, IND, NDA, BLA or PTS (CBER)) via the electronic gateway or, in CDER, via the CDER 473
Nextgen Portal (https://cdernextgenportal.fda.gov/), as applicable.
For additional ways to 474
submit to CBER, please see https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/about-center-biologics-evaluation-475
and-research-cber/regulatory-submissions-electronic-and-paper. If necessary, noncommercial 476
IND holders may also submit the package via the appropriate center’s document room. 477
C. Meeting Package Content 479
The meeting package should provide summary information relevant to the product and any 481
supplementary information needed to develop responses to issues raised by the requester or 482
review division. It is critical that the entire meeting package content support the intended 483
meeting objectives. The meeting package content will vary depending on the product, 484
indication, phase of product development, and issues to be discussed. FDA and ICH guidances 485
See PDUFA Reauthorization Performance Goals and Procedures Fiscal Years 2023 Through 2027, available at
See the guidances for industry Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format Submissions Under
Section 745A(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic
Format General Considerations (January 1999).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
identify and address many issues related to product development and should be considered when 486
planning, developing, and providing information needed to support a meeting with the FDA. If a 487
product development plan deviates from current guidances, or from existing precedent, the 488
deviation should be identified and explained. Known difficult design and questions about 489
providing substantial evidence of effectiveness should be raised for discussion (e.g., use of a 490
surrogate endpoint, reliance on a single study, use of a noninferiority design, adaptive designs). 491
Also, merely describing a result as significant does not provide the review division with enough 492
information to give the most constructive advice or identify important problems the requester 493
may have missed. 494
To facilitate FDA review, the meeting package content should be organized according to the 496
proposed agenda. The meeting package should be a sequentially paginated document with a 497
table of contents with appropriate electronic linkage, appropriate indices, appendices, and cross 498
references. It should enhance reviewers’ navigation across different sections within the package, 499
both in preparation for and during the meeting. Meeting packages generally should include the 500
following information, preferably in the order listed below: 501
Meeting packages should include the same first nine items provided for the meeting request (see 503
above section V.), and in addition, should include: 504
1. A list of all individuals, with their titles and affiliations, who will attend the requested 506
meeting from the requester’s organization, including consultants and interpreters. 507
2. A background section that includes the following: 509
a. A brief history of the development program and relevant communications with the 511
FDA before the meeting 512
b. Substantive changes in product development plans (e.g., new indication, population, 514
basis for a combination), when applicable 515
c. The current status of product development (e.g., drug development plan) 517
3. A brief statement summarizing the purpose of the meeting and identifying the type of 519
meeting, if applicable. 520
4. A proposed agenda, including estimated time needed for discussion of each agenda item. 522
5. A list of the final questions for discussion grouped by FDA discipline and with a brief 524
summary for each question to explain the need or context for the question. 525
6. Data to support discussion organized by FDA discipline and question. Protocols, full 527
study reports, or detailed data generally are not appropriate for meeting packages; the 528
summarized material should describe the results of relevant studies and clinical trials with 529
some degree of quantification and any conclusion about clinical trials that resulted. The 530
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
trial endpoints should be stated, as should whether endpoints were altered or analyses 531
changed during the course of the trial. 532
For example, for an end-of-phase 2 meeting, this section of the meeting package should 534
include the following: A description and the results of controlled trials conducted to 535
determine dose-response information, summary efficacy and safety data from the phase 2 536
trial(s); adequately detailed descriptors of planned phase 3 trials identifying major trial 537
features such as population, critical exclusions, trial design (e.g., randomization, blinding, 538
and choice of control group, with an explanation of the basis for any noninferiority 539
margin if a noninferiority trial is used), dose selection, and primary and secondary 540
endpoints; and major analyses (including planned interim analyses and adaptive features, 541
and major safety concerns). 542
Communications before the meeting between requesters and the FDA, including preliminary 547
responses, can serve as a foundation for discussion or as the final meeting responses. 548
Preliminary responses should not be construed as final unless there is agreement between the 549
requester and the FDA that additional discussion is not necessary for any question (i.e., when the 550
meeting is canceled because the responses and comments are clear to the requester), or a 551
particular question is considered resolved allowing extra time for discussion of the more 552
complex questions during the meeting. Preliminary responses communicated by the FDA are not 553
intended to generate the submission of new information or new questions. If a requester 554
nonetheless provides new data or a revised or new proposal, the FDA may not be able to provide 555
comments on the new information, or it may necessitate the submission of a new meeting request 556
by the requester. 557
The FDA holds an internal meeting to discuss the content of meeting packages and to gain 559
internal alignment on the preliminary responses. The FDA will send the requester its 560
preliminary responses to the questions in the meeting package no later than 5 calendar days 561
before the meeting date for Type B (EOP), Type C, Type D, and INTERACT meetings. The 562
requester will notify the FDA no later than 3 calendar days following receipt of the FDA’s 563
preliminary responses for these meeting types of whether the meeting is still needed, and if it is, 564
the requester will send the FDA a revised meeting agenda indicating which questions the 565
requestor considers as resolved and which questions the requestor will want to further discuss 566
within the allotted time as reasonable.
For Type A and Type B (other than Type B (EOP)), the 567
FDA intends to send the requester its preliminary responses no later than 2 calendar days before 568
the meeting. 569
See PDUFA Reauthorization Performance Goals and Procedures Fiscal Years 2023 Through 2027, available at
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
Occasionally, circumstances arise that necessitate rescheduling or canceling a meeting. If a 574
meeting needs to be rescheduled, it should be rescheduled as soon as possible after the original 575
date. A new meeting request should not be submitted. However, if a meeting is canceled, the 576
FDA will consider a subsequent request to schedule a meeting to be a new request (i.e., a request 577
that merits a new set of time frames as described in section VI., Assessing and Responding to 578
Meeting Requests). Requesters and the FDA should take reasonable steps to avoid rescheduling 579
and canceling meetings (unless the meeting is no longer necessary). For example, if an attendee 580
becomes unavailable, a substitute can be identified, or comments on the topic that the attendee 581
would have addressed can be forwarded to the requester following the meeting. It will be at the 582
discretion of the review division whether the meeting should be rescheduled or canceled 583
depending on the specific circumstances. 584
The following situations are examples of when a meeting can be rescheduled. Some of the 586
examples listed also represent reasons that a meeting may be canceled by the FDA. This list 587
includes representative examples and is not intended to be an exhaustive list. 588
The requester experiences any delay in submitting the meeting package. The requester 590
should contact the FDA project manager to explain why it cannot meet the time frames 591
for submission and when the meeting package will be submitted. 592
The review team determines that the meeting package is inadequate, or additional 594
information is needed to address the requester’s questions or other important issues for 595
discussion, but it is possible to identify the additional information needed and arrange for 596
its timely submission. 597
There is insufficient time to review the material because the meeting package is 599
voluminous (see section VII.C., Meeting Package Content), despite submission within the 600
specified time frames and the appropriateness of the content. 601
After the meeting package is submitted, the requester sends the FDA additional questions 603
or data that are intended for discussion at the meeting and require additional review time. 604
It is determined that attendance by additional FDA personnel not originally anticipated or 606
requested is critical and their unavailability precludes holding the meeting on the original 607
date. 608
Essential attendees are no longer available for the scheduled date and time because of an 610
unexpected or unavoidable conflict or an emergency situation. 611
The following situations are examples of when a meeting can be canceled: 613
The meeting package is not received by the FDA within the specified time frames (see 615
section VII.A., Timing of Meeting Package Submission) or is grossly inadequate. 616
Meetings are scheduled on the condition that appropriate information to support the 617
discussion will be submitted with sufficient time for review and preparatory discussion. 618
Adequate planning should avoid this problem. 619
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
The requester determines that preliminary responses to its questions are sufficient for its 621
needs and additional discussion is not necessary (see section VIII., Preliminary 622
Responses). In this case, the requester should contact the FDA project manager to 623
request cancellation of the meeting. The FDA will consider whether it agrees that the 624
meeting should be canceled. Some meetings, particularly milestone meetings, can be 625
valuable because of the broad discussion they generate and the opportunity for the 626
division to ask about relevant matters (e.g., dose-finding, breadth of subject exposure, 627
particular safety concerns), even if the preliminary responses seem sufficient to answer 628
the requester’s questions. If the FDA agrees that the meeting can be canceled, the reason 629
for cancellation will be documented and the preliminary responses will represent the final 630
responses and the official record. 631
Meetings will be chaired by an FDA staff member and begin with introductions and an overview 636
of the agenda. FDA policy prohibits audio or visual recording of discussions at meetings. 637
Presentations by requesters are usually unnecessary because the information necessary for 639
review and discussion should be part of the meeting package. If a requester plans to make a 640
presentation, the presentation materials should be provided ahead of the meeting. All 641
presentations should be kept brief to maximize the time available for discussion. The length of 642
the meeting will not be increased to accommodate a presentation. If a presentation contains 643
more than a small amount of content distinct from clarifications or explanations of previous data 644
and that were not included in the original meeting package submitted for review, FDA staff may 645
not be able to provide commentary. 646
Either a representative of the FDA or the requester should summarize the important discussion 648
points, agreements, clarifications, and action items. Summation can be done at the end of the 649
meeting or after the discussion of each question. Generally, the requester will be asked to 650
present the summary to ensure that there is mutual understanding of meeting outcomes and 651
action items. FDA staff can add or further clarify any important points not covered in the 652
summary, and these items can be added to the meeting minutes. At pre-NDA and pre-BLA 653
meetings for applications reviewed under the PDUFA Program for Enhanced Review 654
Transparency and Communication for New Molecular Entity (NME) NDAs and Original BLAs 655
(also known as the Program),
the requester and the FDA should also summarize agreements 656
regarding the content of a complete application and any agreements reached on delayed 657
submission of certain minor application components. 658
Because the FDA’s minutes are the official records of meetings, the FDA’s documentation of 663
meeting outcomes, agreements, disagreements, and action items is critical to ensuring that this 664
See https://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/UserFees/PrescriptionDrugUserFee/ucm327030.htm.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
information is preserved for meeting attendees and future reference. The FDA will issue the 665
official, finalized minutes to the requester within 30 calendar days after the meeting. 666
The following are general considerations regarding meeting minutes: 668
FDA minutes will outline the important agreements, disagreements, issues for further 670
discussion, and action items from the meeting in bulleted format. The minutes should be 671
sufficiently detailed that they provide clarity about the agreements, such as on study 672
design elements, or statistical testing, or enrollment criteria and similar important areas of 673
the development program. The minutes are not intended to represent a transcript of the 674
meeting. 675
FDA project managers will use established templates to ensure that all important meeting 677
information is captured. 678
The FDA may communicate additional information in the final minutes that was not 680
explicitly communicated during the meeting (e.g., pediatric requirements, data standards, 681
abuse liability potential) or that provides further explanation of discussion topics. The 682
FDA’s final minutes will distinguish this additional information from the discussion that 683
occurred during the meeting. 684
For INTERACT meetings, preliminary responses will be annotated and resent within 30 686
days if advice provided changes as a result of the meeting. 687
In cases of a WRO, the WRO will serve as meeting minutes. 689
The following steps should be taken when there is a difference of understanding regarding the 691
minutes: 692
Requesters should contact the FDA project manager if there is a significant difference in 694
their and the FDA’s understanding of the content of the final meeting minutes issued to 695
the requesters 696
If after contacting the FDA project manager there are still significant differences in the 698
understanding of the content, the requester should submit a description of the specific 699
disagreements either: 700
To the application; or 702
If there is no application, in a letter to the division director, with a copy to the FDA 704
project manager 705
The review division and the office director, if the office director was present at the 707
meeting, will take the concerns under consideration 708
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
If the minutes are deemed to accurately and sufficiently reflect the meeting 710
discussion, the FDA project manager will convey this decision to the requester and 711
the minutes will stand as the official documentation of the meeting. 712
If the FDA deems it necessary, changes will be documented in an addendum to the 714
official minutes. The addendum will also document any remaining requester 715
objections, if any. 716
For input on additional issues that were not addressed at the meeting, the requester should submit 718
a new meeting request, a WRO request, or a submission containing specific questions for FDA 719
feedback. 720
For all meeting types, to ensure the sponsor’s understanding of FDA feedback from meeting 722
discussions or a WRO, sponsors may submit a “follow-up opportunity/clarifying questions” 723
correspondence to the agency in a formal submission to their application. Only questions of a 724
clarifying nature should be submitted (i.e., to confirm something in minutes or in a WRO issued 725
by the FDA) rather than new issues or new proposals. If the FDA determines that the requests 726
are not in scope (i.e., are not simply clarifications of advice provided at the meeting), the division 727
may advise the sponsor to request a new meeting to address the issue. However, if the out-of-728
scope issue is narrow and focused, the review division, at their discretion, may provide a 729
response (as a general correspondence) as soon as reasonably possible. The clarifying questions 730
should be sent in writing as a “Request for Clarification” to the FDA within 20 calendar days 731
following receipt of the meeting minutes or WRO, to include if the preliminary comments serve 732
as the final minutes for a cancelled meeting. For questions that meet the criteria, the FDA will 733
issue a response in writing within 20 calendar days of receipt of the clarifying questions. The 734
FDA’s response will reference the original minutes or WRO. 735
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
Related Guidances
Guidance for industry and review staff Best Practices for Communication Between IND 741
Sponsors and FDA During Drug Development (December 2017) 742
Guidance for review staff and industry Good Review Management Principles and Practices for 744
PDUFA Products (April 2005) 745
MAPP 6025.6 Good Review Practice: Management of Breakthrough Therapy-Designated 749
Drugs and Biologics 750
Related CBER SOPPs
SOPP 8101.1 Regulatory Meetings With Sponsors and Applicants for Drugs and Biological 754
Products 755
SOPP 8404.1 Procedures for Filing an Application When the Applicant Protests a Refusal to 757
File Action (File Over Protest) 758
Guidances can be found on the FDA Drugs guidance web page at
MAPPs can be found on the CDER Manual of Policies and Procedures web page at
SOPPs can be found on the Biologics Procedures (SOPPs) web page at
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
Table A is a summary of Prescription Drug User Fee Act meeting management procedural goals. 763
Table A. Meeting Management Procedural Goals 765
Receipt of
Responses to
Requester (if
Response to
Responses (if
Date (days
from receipt
of request)
Minutes to
14 days
No later than
2 days before
Within 30
30 days after
21 days
No later
than 30
days before
No later than
2 days before
Within 60
30 days after
14 days
No later
than 50
days before
No later than
5 days before
No later than 3
days after
receipt of
Within 70
30 days after
21 days
No later
than 47
days before
No later than
5 days before
No later than 3
days after
receipt of
Within 75
30 days after
14 days
No later than
5 days before
No later than 3
days after
receipt of
Within 50
30 days after
21 days
No later than
5 days before
the meeting
No later than 3
days after
receipt of
Within 75
annotated 30
days after
Not applicable to written response only. 766
* EOP = end of phase. 767
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Draft Not for Implementation
** If the scheduled date of a Type B (EOP) meeting is earlier than 70 days from FDA receipt of the meeting request,
the requester’s meeting package will be due no sooner than 6 calendar days after FDA response time for issuing the 769
letter granting the meeting (see Table 1 in section VI.B., Meeting Granted). 770
*** If the scheduled date of a Type C meeting is earlier than 75 days from FDA receipt of the meeting request, the 771
meeting package will be due no sooner than 7 calendar days after FDA response time for issuing the letter granting 772
the meeting (see Table 1 in section VI.B., Meeting Granted). For Type C meetings that are requested as early 773
consultations on the use of a new surrogate endpoint to be used as the primary basis for product approval in a 774
proposed context of use, the meeting package is due at the time of the meeting request. 775