November 2017, Volume 4, Issue 11 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Ayush Raniwala
Student, Computer Science Dept.
SVKM‟s NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management
& Engineering,Mumbai, India
Shreyas Singhvi
Student, Computer Science Dept.
SVKM‟s NMIMS Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management
& Engineering,Mumbai, India
ABSTRACTThis paper discusses lossless and lossy data
compression in text and image compression and compares their
performance in the same. The paper begins with selecting the
best possible basic lossless compression technique from the one
chosen and comparing it with another basic lossy technique.
The techniques considered are Huffman, ShannonFano
Coding and SPIHT techniques. So far the preferred technique
for image compression has been lossy since the performance is
found to be far superior to that of lossless but using this can
sometimes lead to loss of important information, thus this paper
aims to help in selecting the best possible algorithm depending
on the task in hand.
Keywords Image Compression, Lossless Compression, Lossy
Compression, Huffman Coding, Shanon-Fano Coding, SPIHT
based image compression
Compression is the procedure of encoding information to less
bits than the first representation so it consumes less storage space
and less transmission time while conveying more than a system
Compression can be classified into two types lossless and
lossy compression, the two differ on the basis of how the data
recovered is compared to its initial form, As the name suggests in
lossless compression techniques, no information is lost. In other
words, the reconstructed data from the compressed data is
identical to the original form. Whereas in lossy compression,
some information is lost, i.e. the decompressed data is similar to
the original but not identical. Data compression is possible due to
the redundancy in the everyday data.
Fig 1. Data Compression and Decompression [2]
Uncompressed multimedia (graphics, audio and video) data
requires considerable storage capacity and transmission
bandwidth. Despite rapid progress in mass-storage density,
processor speeds, and digital communication system
performance, demand for data storage capacity and data-
transmission bandwidth continues to outstrip the capabilities of
available technologies. The recent growth of data intensive
multimedia-based web applications has not only sustained the
need for more efficient ways to encode signals and images but
have made compression of such signals central to storage and
communication technology. With this is in mind it has become
very important for us to find the perfect technique for image
compression since in certain application‟s loss of even a bit of
data is not tolerable but at the same time needs to be quickly
transmitted an example of this would be an x-ray of a patient sent
to his doctor, whereas in some minimal loss of data wouldn‟t
matter if the rate of compression is higher.
Lossless data compression is a procedure that permits the
utilization of data compression calculations to pack the content
data furthermore permits the precise unique data to be remade
from the compacted data as shown in Fig 1.
The prevalent ZIP record organize for data compression is a
use of lossless data compression approach. Lossless compression
is utilized when it is vital that the first data and the decompressed
data be indistinguishable. Most lossless techniques utilise the
redundancy in data by combining them together during
compression, During image compression, compression is
achieved by removing unnecessary metadata from JPEG and
PNG files. RAW, BMP, GIF, and PNG are all lossless image
formats. The only disadvantage of lossless image compression is
that the size of the file is comparatively higher then what it would
be with lossy.
Lossless compression techniques may be classified by kind of
data they are intended to pack. Most lossless compression
projects utilize two various types of calculations: one which
creates a factual model for the info data and another which maps
the information data to bit strings utilizing this model as a part of
such a route, to the point that as often as possible experienced
data will deliver shorter yield than improbable data [2].
A. Basic Lossless Techniques
The techniques briefly studied are:
1. Huffman coding
2. ShannonFano Coding
1. Huffman Coding:
Huffman data compression is a lossless compression technique
which use‟s the probability of the occurrence of a symbol to
remove redundant data, it follows top down approach where the
binary tree is built from the top down to generate an optimal
result, the characters in a data file are converted to binary code
where the most common characters in the file have the shortest
binary codes and the least common characters have the longest
binary code. A Huffman code can be determined by successively
constructing a binary tree as shown in Fig 3, whereby the leaves
represent the characters that are to be encoded, every node
contains the probability of occurrence of the characters belonging
to the sub tree beneath the node, the edges are labelled with the
bits 0 and 1. It is also known as prefix coding or prefix
elimination coding. Illustrated below in Fig 2, is the method to
find the codes of the respective entities after the binary tree is
November 2017, Volume 4, Issue 11 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Fig 2. Huffman Coding
The following are the steps for compression:
1. Calculate frequency of occurrence for every character which
is done by two methods one in which fixed look up tables
directly provided at encoder and decoder side this is known
as static Huffman encoding and the other in which a running
estimate of input letter frequency is maintained this is known
as dynamic Huffman encoding.
2. The 2nd step is to form a Huffman code tree, starting with
the leaf nodes. The method goes on replacing two minimum
frequency nodes with a new parental node, and assigns the
sum of the frequency to it.
3. In the 3rd step bit „0‟ or „1‟ are assigned to the branches of
the code tree, with left/upper going branches as 0 and
right/lower going as 1
4. The final step is to trace down the generated Huffman codes
for every symbol, starting from the root node.
Fig 3. Huffman Coding Tree
2. ShannonFano Coding:
Shannon-Fano coding provides a similar result compared with
Huffman coding at the best. It will never exceed Huffman coding.
The Shannon-Fano algorithm was the very first method in the
data compression sphere hence it is not optimal but it sets a
precedent for many forthcoming methods.
Description of algorithm:
While defining the method of compression Claude Shannon
defined a term called entropy, adopted from thermodynamics.
There are three main rules:
1. Every code has varying bits.
2. Code: Encoding: High probability- lower bits, Low
probability- higher bits.
3. Varying length of code does not affect decompression
The algorithm is divided into three main stages which are as
1. First Stage: Correspondence table generated after completely
parsing data file. The correspondence table consists of 3
things: frequency of symbol, code of symbol & ASCII code
of symbol.
Correspondence table: Arranged in descending order of
frequency of occurrences.
2. Second Stage: all symbols are uniquely codified using an
elaborate recursive function.
Current table: divided into 2 sub tables having approximately
equal cumulative frequencies. A 0 is added before the upper
table and a „1‟ is added before the lower one. This is process
keeps having until each table consists of a single element.
3. Third Stage: the codes are used to translate the original data
to a compressed format. Table has to be arranged in order of
their ASCII codes tp perform this action.
The correspondence sequence appears as a string of bytes.
The following are the steps for decompression:
1. Create decompression tree.
2. Use tree to decompress file.
3. The file is read bit by bit
4. Root is used as starting point
5. If the bit is: - 1 - there will be a right shifting, if there is a
node -the next bit is read; 0 - there will be a left shifting, if
there is a node -the next bit is read;
6. If there isn‟t any node the character is written as a leaf; -
the next bit is read; - we start back from the root;
B. Modification on the techniques
1. Huffman Coding (Modified):
The proposed technique for modification is the dynamic
bit reduction technique which was found to have a better result
then both bit reduction and basic Huffman technique‟s.
The algorithm works in three phases to compress the text
data. In the first phase data is compressed using dynamic bit
reduction technique, in the second phase unique words are found
to compress the data further and in the third and final phase
Huffman coding is used to compress the data in a random data set
as shown in fig 4, further to produce the final output [3].
Fig 3: Comparison graph of random data set. [2]
The following are the steps for compression:
1. Input the text data to be compressed.
2. Apply Dynamic Bit Reduction method to compress the data.
3. Find the unique symbol to compress the data further.
4. Create the binary tree with nodes representing the unique
5. Apply Huffman coding to Finally compress the data.
6. Display the final result obtained in step V.
The following are the steps for decompression:
1. Enter the compressed data as input.
2. Apply Inverse Huffman code to decompress the data.
3. Construct the binary tree representing nodes as data.
4. Replace the unique symbols with substitutes.
5. Apply reverse Dynamic Bit Reduction method to finally
decompress the data.
6. Display the final result to the user.
November 2017, Volume 4, Issue 11 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
2. Shannon-Fano Coding (Modified):
Different types of dynamic Shannon encoding show us
the difference between dynamic and static encoding and teaches
us about lower and upper bound. It also teaches us how dynamic
coding is advantageous for variable length coding.
Method used by simple dynamic coding:
1. Running count of number of occurrences
2. Assignment of codewords
3. If si occurs in s1-si-1 encode si as ci
4. If not, then encode si as ci+ binary rep of si‟s index
Dynamic algorithm obtained by modifying Shannon coding uses
at most (H + 1) m + O(n log m) bits and O(mnlogn) time to
encode S.
Dynamic Shannon can be used in 3 spheres:
1-Dynamic Length restricted coding
2-Dynamic Alphabet coding
3-Dynamic coding with unequal costs
C. Image Compression using modified technique
In most images it is found that the neighboring pixels are
correlated and hence have redundant data, thus it becomes vital
for us to find less correlated representation to obtain a
compressed image, this can be achieved by removing:
1. duplication from the signal source (image/video).
2. parts of the signal that will not be noticed by the signal
receiver, namely the Human Visual System.
We have selected Huffman coding as our technique to obtain
this kind of a decompressed image.
Huffman coding :
Image compression using Huffman is based on two observations:
1. More frequently occurred symbols will have shorter code
words than symbol that occur less frequently.
2. The two symbols that occur least frequently will have the
same length.
The following is the Huffman Coding and Decoding Algorithm:
1. Read the image on to the workspace of the mat lab.
2. Convert the given colour image into grey level image.
3. Call a function which will find the symbols (i.e. pixel value
which is non-repeated).
4. Call a function which will calculate the probability of each
5. Probability of symbols are arranged in decreasing order and
lower probabilities are merged and this step is continued until
only two probabilities are left and codes are assigned
according to rule that: the highest probable symbol will have
a shorter length code.
6. Further Huffman encoding is performed i.e. mapping of the
code words to the corresponding symbols will result in a
compressed data.
7. The original image is reconstructed i.e. decompression is
done by using Huffman decoding.
8. Generate a tree equivalent to the encoding tree.
9. Read input character wise and left to the table II until last
element is reached in the table II.
10. Output the character encode in the leaf and return to the root,
and continue the step9 until all the codes of corresponding
symbols are known.
Fig 5: Input image Fig 6: Decompressed image
Lossless compression is where the data on reconstruction is
found to be similar but not the same to the original data, the loss
in accuracy is traded off for better efficiency. It is mainly used to
compress multimedia applications such as image, audio and video
which are used for activity of internet and media. One example of
this is the JPEG image format.
Fig 7: An example of lossy compression. [4]
A. A Lossy Image Compression using SPIHT tecnhique
The lossy compression technique that we will be using is the
Set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) technique. SPIHT is
an image compression algorithm that exploits the inherent
similarities across the sub-bands in a wavelet decomposition of an
image, it is the best technique for progressive image transmission,
The reason for choosing this technique is because the algorithm
provides the following:
1. Highest Image Quality
2. Progressive Image transmission
3. Fully embedded coded file
4. Simple quantization algorithm
5. Fast Coding/decoding
6. Exact bit rate coding
7. Error Protection
First the image is decomposed into four sub-bands. The
decomposition process is repeated until we reach the final scale.
Each decomposition consists of one low-frequency sub-band with
three high-frequency sub-bands. [5]
SPIHT is the extension and efficient implementation of EZW
The entire algorithm follows three steps:
1. Sorting: The algorithm encodes the image in three lists such
as LIP, LIS and LSP, where LIP contains the individual
coefficients having the magnitudes smaller then the threshold
value, LIS contains the overall wavelength defined in tree
structure with magnitude less then threshold value, and LSP
has the ones with magnitude higher then threshold, In sorting
LIP list are verified and checked if they are important and all
three list are tested using the equation:
Only one coefficient is found important and is eliminated
from subsets, then inserted into LSP or it will be inserted into
2. Refinement: Here the nth MSB of the coefficient in the LSP
is taken as the final output, the value of n is decreased again
sorting with refinement is applied until n=0.
3. Quantization
November 2017, Volume 4, Issue 11 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Once the encoding process is over, then the decoding process is
applied. [5]
The following are the parameters used for the comparing the
Entropy(H) is the measure of uncertainty in a Random variable,
where Random variable is any variable or condition randomly
chosen from a Sample space. It is measured in bits (logarithmic
binary, powers of 2), nats (logarithmic unit, based on natural
logarithms, powers of e) or bats(based on logarithms 10, powers
of 10).
Average length is the total bit length calculated for sending any
message after encoding.
Redundancy is the repeating bits.
Minimax (sometimes MinMax or MM) is a decision rule used in
decision theory, game
theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the
possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario.
Greyscale Image is a pixel that carries only a single value, the
intensity information of the pixel.
Compression ratio is defined as the ratio of size of the
compressed file to the size of the source file.
Saving Percentage calculates the shrinkage of the source file as a
Compression ratio: C2/C1 *100% (iv)
Saving percentage: (C1-C2/C1) *100% (v)
C1= Size before compression C2= Size after compression
Prefix code is a type of code system (typically a variable-
length code) distinguished by its possession of the
"prefix property", which requires that there is no
whole code word in the system that is a prefix (initial segment) of
any other code word in the system.
PSNR is the ratio between maximum power of a signal and the
noise corrupted signal that affects the reliability of the signal
representation. It measures the quality of the image.
MSE is the metric used to verify the mean square error of the
image, it is used to estimate the difference between two image in
terms squared error value.
No loss in data
Higher Bandwidth
Lower rate of
Uses techniques like
dynamic bit reduction
Exact File reproduction
Larger File Size
Does not delete original
bit from data
Table 1. Comparison lossless vs lossy
Type of Compression
Table 2. Applications
Fig 8x. Different Rates of Data compression
It was observed that day to day applications use different
methods to store their data as referenced in Table 2.
For applications that have daily use and transmit conventional
data like images and videos quotidian things use a lossy data
compression. This is because since every bit of data is not vital.
Pieces of information can be removed without losing integrity of
the data.
On the other hand, there are places where every single bit of
data is indispensable. In case of files like an apk file or an over
the air update not a single bit of information can be lost.
Changing a 1 to a 0 or vice-versa can change the complete
functionality or result in bugs in the software.
Furthermore, different file formats have different ratios of
compression as shown in figure
Thus at this point lossy compression is a more viable solution
to data reduction but better metrics must be employed to reduce
disruption of data.
November 2017, Volume 4, Issue 11 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
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