26 JUNE 2020
Face masks and coverings for the general public:
Behavioural knowledge, eectiveness of cloth
coverings and public messaging
This rapid review of the science of the eectiveness of dierent face mask types and
coverings and behavioural adherence is from the Royal Society and the British Academy
to assist in the understanding of COVID-19.
This paper is a pre-print and has not been subject to formal peer-review.
Cloth face coverings are eective in reducing source virus transmission, i.e., outward protection of others, when they
are of optimal material and construction (high grade cotton, hybrid and multilayer) and fitted correctly and for source
protection of the wearer.
Socio-behavioural factors are vital to understanding public adherence to wearing face masks and coverings, including
public understanding of virus transmission, risk perception, trust, altruism, individual traits, perceived barriers.
Face masks and coverings cannot be seen in isolation but are part of ‘policy packages’ and it is imperative to review
interrelated non-pharmaceutical interventions in tandem including hand hygiene, sanitizers and social distancing when
maintaining the 2 metre or 1 metre+ distancing rule is not possible.
Consistent and eective public messaging is vital to public adherence of wearing face masks and coverings. Conflicting
policy advice generates confusion and lack of compliance. Populations without a previous history of mask wearing have
rapidly adopted face coverings during the COVID-19 period.
Executive summary
Cloth face masks and coverings for the general public are
eective in improving: i) source protection, i.e., reduced
virus transmission from the wearer when they are of
optimal material and construction and fitted correctly; and ii)
wearer protection, i.e., reduced rate of infection of those
who wear them.
Optimal cloth face coverings are made from specific material
(e.g., high grade cotton), hybrid and multilayer constructions
(e.g., silk-cotton) and need to be fitted correctly.
Many countries implemented a policy requiring the general
public to wear face masks and coverings in all public places
by mid-March 2020.
Countries with no previous history of wearing face masks
and coverings amongst the general public rapidly adopted
usage such as in Italy (83.4%), the United States (65.8%) and
Spain (63.8%) by the end of April 2020.
A systematic review isolated key socio-behavioural factors
to understanding public adherence to wearing face masks
and coverings, namely:
public understanding of virus transmission, including
ecacy of source versus wearer protection, diagnostic
uncertainty and inability to self-diagnose.
risk perception, individuals’ underestimation of health
risks and perception that protection is only relevant for
vulnerable groups, or outside of their proximity.
previous national pandemic experience resulting in
rapid response and socio-political systems, allowing for
more or less coordinated action and public trust.
individual characteristics, such as younger people and
men having a lower threat perception and compliance
with interventions.
perceived barriers, lack of supply of surgical masks and
perceived competition with medical resources, resource
constraints to obtain coverings, comfort and fit.
Consistent and eective public messaging is vital with non-
pharmaceutical interventions more eectively seen as part
of ‘policy packages’ to acknowledge:
interventions as interrelated, to be reviewed in tandem
with face masks and coverings related to hand hygiene,
sanitizers and social distancing when maintaining the 2
metre or 1 metre+ distancing rule is not possible.
public communications must be clear, consistent and
transparent with inconsistent, premature, alarmist
information or that without a clear source raising
scepticism and lowering compliance.
In England face masks and coverings for the general public
in public places have not been mandated beyond public
transport and hospitals. Wearing a face mask or covering
in the UK has had very low uptake (~25%, late April 2020).
The lack of clear recommendations for the general public
and low uptake of wearing face masks and coverings may
be attributed to: (i) over-reliance on an evidence-based
medicine approach and assertion that evidence was weak
due to few conclusive RCT (randomised controlled trial)
results in community settings, discounting high quality
non-RCT evidence. There have been no clinical trials of
coughing into your elbow, social distancing and quarantine,
yet these measures are seen as eective and have been
widely adopted; (ii) inconsistent and changing advice from
supranational organisations (WHO, ECDC) and other nations
with variation in policy even within the UK; (iii) concern over
the applicability of findings across multiple settings (health
care versus general public, other pandemics and countries),
yet many ‘lessons learned’ from previous pandemics,
including public wearing of face masks and coverings,
repeat themselves during COVID-19; and, (iv) mix of supply
concerns of PPE shortages of surgical face masks with
recommendations for face mask and covering wearing for
general public.
1. Introduction and motivation 4
2. Eectiveness of cloth face coverings 4
2.1 Background and existing knowledge: health care settings of surgical masks and respirators 4
2.2 Evidence of eectiveness of public wearing of masks and coverings in community-based
studies 5
2.3 Meta-analysis of cloth and paper masks of protection of wearers in health care settings 7
2.4 Mask types and outcome as risk of infection 6
2.5 Data analysis 8
2.6 Meta-analysis results: Cotton masks associated with infection reduction 8
2.7 Face masks for protection of others: Eectiveness of cloth face masks varies
by fabric type, mask construction and gaps 9
3. International face mask and covering policies 10
3.1 Varied and changing nature of policy information 10
3.2 Face mask requirements and recommendations: An international comparison 11
3.3 Location of mask wearing policy 11
4. Behavioural factors related to face mask adherence: Systematic literature review 13
4.1 Data collection systematic review 13
4.2 Public understanding of virus transmission 13
4.3 Risk perception: perceived likelihood of infection and perceived benefits 14
4.4 Previous national experience with pandemics, socio-political systems and trust
in government and science 15
4.5 Individual characteristics: Vulnerability, compliance and discrimination 16
4.6 Perceived barriers: supply concerns, resource constraints and comfort 17
5. Public adherence to face mask and coverings, relationship with other interventions
and importance of clear and consistent public messaging 18
5.1 Adherence to face mask wearing: a cross-national comparison 18
5.2 Adherence to other non-pharmaceutical interventions: face masks and coverings
in perspective 19
5.3 Package policies: face mask usage, physical distancing rules and hand sanitizer 20
5.4 The importance of communications, clear and consistent public messaging 21
6. Conclusion 23
Appendices 25
References 34
1. Introduction and motivation
As many countries evaluate changes in non-pharmaceutical
interventions to counter the spread of COVID-19,
considerable focus has been given to the use of face masks
and coverings (see Box 1) and related interventions. Next
to hand washing and social distancing, face masks and
coverings are one of the most of widely adopted non-
pharmaceutical interventions for reducing the transmission
of respiratory infections. As outlined in the Royal Society’s
DELVE report on face masks for the general public, their
review concluded that asymptomatic and presymptomatic
individuals are infectious, respiratory droplets are a major
mode of transmission and face masks reduce droplet
. Face masks and coverings that are made of
optimal material and have a good fit can provide protection
for both the wearer, but also those around them. For this
reason, many nations have already introduced them, such
as the United States in early April 2020
, with the WHO
recommending their use by the general public in early June
along with international experts urgently calling for their
introduction for the public during the COVID-19 crisis
At the time of writing, they have not been adopted for the
general public in England and various other countries and
there appears to be several gaps in our existing knowledge
on the subject of face masks and coverings. This report
contributes the following to inform current knowledge
and policy-making on face masks and coverings. First, we
present existing knowledge about the eectiveness of
cloth masks and face coverings, a meta-analysis of existing
studies to demonstrate their protective ability in a health
care setting and the eectiveness of cloth masks in eective
filtering of the transmission of the virus (i.e., protecting
others). Second, we present an international comparison of
the timing and introduction of face mask policies in relation
to COVID-19. Third, existing reviews on this topic have
largely focussed on medical or transmission aspects related
to face masks, with a lack of attention to the behavioural
factors underlying perception and adherence to usage.
This relates to the fourth contribution, which is providing
a more systematic literature review, also beyond medical
and clinical literature
to broader sources and databases.
This allows us to evaluate comprehensive themes about
face mask and covering behaviour with interrelated non-
pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing and
hygiene measures and embeds the face mask literature
across a wider range of topics and more extensive period of
time. In turn, it likewise allows us to learn from behavioural
knowledge reaped from previous respiratory infections and
2. Eectiveness of cloth face coverings
2.1 Background and existing knowledge: health care
settings of surgical masks and respirators
Current knowledge on the eectiveness of face masks to
prevent virus transmission from COVID-19, SARS, MERS and
H1N1 is mostly limited to studies of surgical masks and N95
respirators. The majority of existing studies are conducted
in health care settings and focus on protection of the mask
wearer as opposed to wearing a mask for the protection
of others. This distinction is vital since mask wearing for
the general public occurs in non-clinical situations (home,
public transport, shops, restaurants) and involves both
protection of oneself but also others. Surgical masks and
N95 respirators were included in the most recent systematic
review and meta-analysis published in the Lancet
. Based
on 29 studies, the authors concluded that the use of both
N95 respirators and surgical masks (including similar re-
usable masks) were associated with large reductions in
virus transmission. In this meta-analysis, they also found that
mask wearing in non-health care settings is protective and
statistically significant (RR=0.56, CI 0.40-0.79). There were,
however, some concerns about this study including diculty
in separating eects of dierent types of PPE (masks, eye
protection), potential confounders and the transferability of
results to community settings.Another meta-analysis found
that medical masks provided similar protection to N95
respirators in protecting against viral respiratory infections
in healthcare settings
. We emphasise that the majority
of studies have been conducted in health care settings
and there are therefore caveats in the ability to transfer
results directly to community settings (see Appendix 5,
GRADE recommendations). Protective equipment in health
care settings may be more eective because of training,
knowledge and the environment. As we note in relation
to ‘package policies’ (Section 5.3), masks are generally
introduced as one of many policies such as hand hygiene
and distancing and thus dicult to examine in exclusion.
Both distance but also duration of contact are likewise vital
(but rarely examined), which may dier across settings.
2.2 Evidence of eectiveness of public wearing of masks
and coverings in community-based studies
A repeated concern raised by some is that there are few
randomised control trials (RCTs) with conclusive results
examining the eectiveness of face masksconducted in
community settings. As we discuss in relation to our
GRADE recommendations in Appendix 5, and as others
have noted, RCTs are challenging for evaluating face masks
in a public setting given both the ethical and practical
8, 9
. This echoes experts in the field who have
urgently called for the implementation of face masks and
coverings for the general public
. We note that there have
also been no clinical trials of coughing into your elbow,
social distancing and quarantine, yet these measures have
been widely adopted and are considered as eective.
A recent study identified 10 RCTs that examined the
eectiveness of facemasks on reducing influenza virus
infection in the community from 1946-2018
. The study
did not distinguish estimates by the type of mask but did
examine masks in combination with hand hygiene. The RCTs
were heterogeneous across community settings ranging
from Hajj pilgrims, university and households settings. In
a pooled meta-analysis, the authors conclude that there
was no significant reduction in influenza transmission with
the use of face masks (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.51-1.20, p=0.25).
But notably, the authors state that: “most studies were
underpowered because of limited sample size, and some
studies also reported suboptimal adherence in the face
mask group.
Face mask versus face coverings
Masks often refer to surgical or respiratory masks that medical sta use whereas coverings encompass broader types
and materials such as homemade cloth masks. Not all masks and coverings are equal, with filtration comparisons
discussed later in this report.
N95, FFP1/2/3 and other forms are
seal-tested respirator masks that
protect health care workers. These
masks seal around the nose and
mouth, have tangled fibres that
contain filters. We note that there
are also dierences amongst these
such as those with and without
valve protection, which we do
not discuss here.
Surgical masks
This is a form of personal protective
equipment (PPE) worn by health
workers that fits loosely over the
nose and mouth, often blue squares
that hook over the ears.
Cloth face coverings
These are face masks that can be
purchased or made in the home
using a variety of fabrics. Research
on a variety of fabrics and patterns of
face coverings has shown that tightly
woven fabrics such as cotton, denim
or tea cloths filter the best and that a
combination of multiple layers is the
most eective. Loosely woven fabrics
like a scarf have been shown to be
the least eective. Attention must
also be placed on how well it fits on
the face; it should loop around the
ears or around the back of the neck
for better coverage.
They concluded that “In theory, transmission should be
reduced the most if both infected members and other
contacts wear masks, but compliance in uninfected close
contacts could be a problem.
A non-peer reviewed medRxiv pre-print meta-analysis of
around 20 studies* (cluster-RCTs, cohort studies, case-
control, cross-sectional) conducted in community settings
concluded that wearing a face mask slightly reduces
the odds of infection by the wearer by around 6%
Observational studies found greater eectiveness.
They concluded that RCTs likely underestimated ecacy
due to poor compliance and that observational studies
likely over-estimated ecacy because of self-reported
symptoms and confounding. They also found that face
mask wearing was consistently protective across settings
including the general community, schools and universities,
and visits to health care clinics. They concluded that face
mask wearing was probably not protective during mass
gatherings, but they note this should be judged with caution
since they are drawn only from Hajj pilgrimage studies.
Pilgrimages would have dierent multiple transmission
pathways and a longer duration of recurrent contact. A
major limitation noted by the authors was that the type of
face mask was rarely explicitly stated in the studies and
they had to infer masks were of surgical grade, leaving no
indication of the eectiveness of cloth or non-surgical masks
or coverings for the general public.
Although there are few community-based RCTs, there is
evidence from mask wearing that occurred within the public
in Beijing
, which examined the transmission of COVID-19
within families and close contacts of 335 people in 124
families from 28 February to 27 March 2020. They found
that face mask use before the family member developed
symptoms was 79% eective but that wearing a mask after
the onset of illness was not significantly protective. The
risk of transmission in the household was 18 times higher
with those who had frequent daily close contact with the
infected family member, compared to those who did not. A
combined study in Hong Kong examining hospital workers
and household members of SARS patients (N=1,192) found
that frequent mask use in public venues, frequent hand
washing and disinfecting living quarters were significantly
protective factors
. A case-control study in Beijing of 94
unlinked and 281 community-based controls found that case
patients (i.e., became infected) were more likely to have
chronic medical conditions, eaten outside the home or taken
taxis frequently and that the use of masks was strongly
. Another study was conducted in a community
setting in Vietnam of nine persons with serological evidence
of SARS from a sample of 212 close contacts but does not
have a specific focus on face masks, but does confirm a
higher risk for direct carers of those who are infected
As noted previously largely due to the experience of
previous respiratory infections, the wearing of masks in
the community is strongly recommended in many Asian
countries, with high to almost universal uptake.
Our literature review revealed that no systematic review and
meta-analysis had yet been conducted on the eectiveness
of other types of cloth masks beyond surgical masks and
N95 respirators. As noted above, reviews that did exist
focussed on surgical and R95 respirators in health care
or did not distinguish between the type of mask
A meta-analysis scrutinizing the eectiveness of these
alternative mask types is therefore a contribution, given
that cotton and paper masks are being recommended by
some governments
and that there is diculty in sourcing
surgical masks for the general public. As noted in the
GRADE evaluation of our work in Appendix 5, and above,
there are two strong caveats to our meta-analysis. First, it
has been conducted in a health care setting and second,
that all studies focus on source protection (i.e., protecting
the wearer). In a community setting dierent circumstances
would be at play and protection would be both of oneself
but also in blocking transmission to protect others.
A strength of this analysis is that the studies are in a
relatively homogenous setting.
* We note ‘around 20’ since dierent numbers are reported in the text and figures. In the results section, 31 studies are listed of which 28 were reported as
suitable for meta-analysis yet 21 studies are listed in the meta-analysis results (Figure 2).
2.3 Meta-analysis of cloth and paper masks of protection of
wearers in health care settings
We identified four potential studies and further cross-
reference checks and analysis of existing systematic
reviews on face masks revealed one additional non-
English language study (see Table 1, Yin et al. 2004). One
of the studies did not pass our eligibility criteria due to the
absence of a clear control group (i.e., they lacked a ‘no
mask’ control group and compared only medical versus
cloth masks)
. The excluded study was conducted in a
healthcare setting in Vietnam and is notably the only RCT
study on cloth masks. Another important eligibility criterion
was the presence of separate estimates on cotton and
paper masks. Our meta-analysis is thus based on four
quantitatively comparable studies which provide five
estimates from healthcare settings in China (Table 1). One
was in Chinese, which we able to have translated
and obtain the necessary information.
2.4 Mask types and outcome as risk of infection
The primary outcome of interest was risk of infection,
with three studies providing statistics for SARS cases
and one for influenza A H1N1. Cotton masks include cloth
masks and ≥12-layer gauze masks, following specifications
provided in the studies. Estimates of gauze masks are
included due to the fact that some Chinese healthcare
workers made their own masks from layers of gauze during
the SARS outbreak
. The second mask type of interest are
alternative masks made from paper, also used during the
SARS epidemic.
Characteristics of comparative studies included in mask type meta-analysis.
Study Country Setting Virus Type of
Comparison groups Sample
Main findings
Zhang et
al. 2012
H1N1 Case-
No face
mask; 16.6%
Cloth face
56 Cloth mask use did
not significantly
decrease the risk of
infection in health
care setting
Liu et al.
SARS Case-
No face
mask; 12.1%
477 Healthcare
workers who wore
cotton masks had
significantly lower
risks of infection
et al.
Hong Kong,
SARS Case-
No face
mask; 13.3%
Paper mask;
7.1% infected
111 Healthcare workers
who wore paper
masks had lower
risk of infection
Yin et al.
SARS Case-
No face
mask; 81.8%
a. ≥12-layer
b. Paper
mask; 50%
a. 213
b. 55
Healthcare workers
who wore both
types of masks
had lower risk of
2.5 Data analysis
We quantify associations of mask use with incidence of
infection by employing standard random eects meta-
analysis. We assess risk ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence
intervals (CIs) and performed subgroup analysis by face
mask type. Due to the small number of studies, we were
unable to perform additional sensitivity analyses (e.g.,
dierences by country or dierent settings). Since our
sample is relatively homogenous with respect to research
design, country, and health care setting, we do not expect
inter-study heterogeneity to seriously bias our results.
As noted in the limitations, the low number of studies is,
however, one concern. We also performed Begg’s and
Egger’s tests which did not reveal presence of significant
publication bias (P>0.05).
2.6 Meta-analysis results: Cotton masks associated with
infection reduction
The results of meta-analysis are shown in Figure 1 with
pseudo 95% CIs (see also Appendix 3, Fig A3.2). For SARS
and H1N1 infections, the use of both cloth/≥12-layer gauze
and paper masks is associated with a statistically significant
reduction of the infection risk (pooled RR=0.49 with 95%
CI: 0.30 to 0.78, N=888). However, there is considerable
heterogeneity in the findings (I
=59.3%* and significant
Q-test with P=0.03). The use of cotton masks is associated
with a 54% lower relative odds of infection in comparison
to the no mask groups (RR=0.46; 95% CI: 0.22-0.97; N=746)
with a coecient heterogeneity I
of 66.6% (Q-test P=0.05).
For paper masks, the relative odds of infection were 39%
lower than in the no mask group (RR=0.61; 95% CI: 0.41-
0.90; N=166; I
=0.0%). On average, we can conclude that
cotton masks exhibit a greater protective potential than
paper masks. The results on paper masks should be
interpreted with caution since there are only two estimates
that emanate from small samples in comparison to the
cotton masks studies and particularly the comparatively
larger sample sizes in previous meta-analyses on surgical
and N95 respirators
. Once again, we note that this is
about the protection of the wearer and not about reducing
spread, which we cover in the next section. We also note
that these are case-control studies and do not show causal
* We use I² statistics to quantify between-study heterogeneity, where I²>50% representing a potential for substantial heterogeneity. Notably, it is not
uncommon in medical meta-analyses to have a I² of 80%.
2.7 Face masks for protection of others: Eectiveness of
cloth face masks varies by fabric type, mask construction
and gaps
As the previous meta-analysis demonstrates, the type of
face covering is essential, but it focussed on the protection
of the wearer. Another persistent question is: Are certain
types of cloth face coverings that can be easily made in the
home or purchased more protective to shield transmission
of infection to others? Although there is currently limited
evidence on this in relation to COVID-19, a recent study
published April 24 2020 examined the performance of
various commonly available fabrics used in cloth masks and
coverings. Note that the COVID-19 virus produced by an
infected person is in the respiratory mucus and distributed
out in larger particles, making the type of fabric and ability to
penetrate this fabric important. A variety of common fabrics
and their combinations were used including cotton, silk,
chion, flannel and various synthetics.
Figure 2 takes their original results and plots them on a
graph to visually demonstrate the dierences in mask
filtration ability by several types of masks. The central
conclusions are that: (i) filtration for various fabrics when
a single layer is used performs relatively worse, ranging
from 5-80% and 5-95% for particle sizes of <300 nm and
>300 nm respectively. (ii) cotton (particularly high grade
thread counts) is particularly good at filtration, and this was
(iii) particularly with more layers cotton (600 TPI, 2 layers)
(99.5 ±0.1 error) whereas (iv) a hybrid material of (cotton-
chion, cotton-silk, cotton-flannel) performed the best at
>80% (particles <300 nm) and >90% (for particles >300 nm).
They concluded that this enhanced performance of hybrids
was likely related to the combination of mechanical and
electrostatic-based filtration. Finally (v), the eectiveness
of all masks, including N95, surgical and cloth masks were
seriously reduced when a gap was introduced, suggesting
the importance of proper fit and usage.
Forest plot of risk ratios of the association of cotton and paper mask use with viral infection causing
SARS and influenza A H1N1.
0.05 0.25 1 5
Risk Ratio
Liu et al., 2009
Yin et al., 2004.1
Zhang et al., 2012
Yin et al., 2004.2
Seto et al., 2003
0.54 [0.26, 1.11]
0.28 [0.19, 0.41]
1.23 [0.30, 4.94]
0.61 [0.41, 0.92]
0.54 [0.13, 2.28]
0.49 [0.30, 0.78]
Study Risk Ratio [95% CI]
Random overall (I
= 59.3%)Random overall (I
= 59.3%)Random overall (I
= 59.3%)
Cotton mask (e.g. cloth, 12−16 layer gauze) vs no mask
Paper mask vs no mask
Events, Events,
masks (n/N) no masks (n/N)
0.46 [0.22, 0.97]
0.61 [0.41, 0.90]
Random subtotal (I
= 66.6%)
Random subtotal (I
= 0.0%)
The authors therefore conclude from this study that
combinations of various commonly available fabrics used
in cloth masks and face coverings can provide significant
protection against the transmission of aerosol particles.
3. International face mask and covering policies
3.1 Varied and changing nature of policy information
International face mask policies, often in the form of
recommendations, have been introduced across many
countries in relation to COVID-19. Within these policies
there has been a distinction between recommendations for
respiratory (e.g., N95) and surgical masks for medical and
health care workers, versus face coverings (e.g., homemade
of fabric) for the general community. A definition of dierent
types of masks and coverings and terminology can be
found in Box 1, with a more detailed explanation on the
eectiveness of fabric and material dierences between
cloth masks described later in this report.
Notably, policies on face masks and coverings in relation
to COVID-19 have changed over time and been varied and
inconsistent between large supranational organisations
such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and advice
provided by various countries and regions (e.g., states,
provinces) within them. As of March 14 2020, 67 countries
had introduced policies, with many more implementing
policies between April and May 2020 (Figure 3A)
. The
majority of the facemask policies were inaugurated on
March 14, three days after the WHO declaration of the
coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic. On April 6 2020,
the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that
healthy people in the community did not need to wear a
mask, and that they should be worn only by those who
are feeling unwell and are coughing and sneezing, as well
as caring for someone who is infected
. Advice from the
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
issued a similar statement on April 8 2020. Here they stated
that there was “no evidence that non-medical face masks
or other face covers are an eective means of respiratory
protection” and that there is “limited indirect evidence
showing that non-medical face masks made from various
materials may decrease the release to the environment of
respiratory droplet produced by coughing.
Filtration eciencies of various fabric type test specimens (error).
Source: Adapted from Table 1
. Note: The figure shows filtration eciencies at a flow rate of 1.2 CFM.
Conversely, there was almost universal mask wearing
without any policy in certain Asian countries that had
previous experience with SARS, which we explore in the
next section.
Large countries that had no previous history of face
coverings also adopted new measures. On April 3 2020, in
light of knowledge that a significant portion of individuals
with COVID-19 are asymptomatic and can still transmit the
, the United States Centre for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) recommended wearing non-surgical cloth
face coverings in public settings where social distancing is
hard to maintain (e.g., grocery stores). They also specifically
noted that they did not advocate the use of surgical masks
for the general public
. We note that in the same week,
the CDC recommended the use of non-medical face masks
while the ECDC stated that non-medical face masks are not
Then on June 5 2020, WHO published a correction of
their statement in early April with updated guidance
recommending that governments across the world should
recommend that the public should wear face masks in
public areas to help reduce the spread of COVID-19
This included encouraging mask wearing where there is
widespread transmission and physical distancing is dicult,
such as on public transport, in shops or in other confined or
crowded environments. The WHO stressed that face masks
were one of a range of tools to reduce the risk of viral
transmission and that face masks should not give a false
sense of protection.
Across the United Kingdom recommendations and
mandates have varied considerably. On April 28 2020,
Scotland provided recommendations (not mandatory) that
the public should wear face masks in enclosed spaces
where social distancing is dicult to achieve. This was
followed by mandatory wearing on public transport as of
June 22 2020
. On June 9 2020, Wales recommended
that face coverings could be used where it might be dicult
to stay 2 meters away from others and advised using
three-layer non-medical face coverings
. England formally
introduced its first face mask policy in early June, mandating
that as of June 15 2020, face coverings were mandatory
on public transport
. Although there has been some public
messaging about wearing face coverings in England, which
we explore in a later section, this has not been in the form of
clear and consistent formal advice.
3.2 Face mask requirements and recommendations:
An international comparison
As shown in Figure 3 (panel A), as of June 15 2020, most
countries (121 of 188 where data is available) required
face masks to be worn in the entire country, 19 in parts
of the country only, 28 did not require mask wearing, 14
recommended masks or covering, but did not require
mask-wearing and 6 Asian countries had no requirements,
but experienced virtually universal usage**. In Asian nations
such as China, Taiwan or Hong Kong, masks were already
common even before the coronavirus pandemic, credited
to populations accustomed to wearing coverings due
previous experience with the SARS and H1N1 outbreaks, or
. The use of face masks is also not new in Latin
America and were mandatory during H1N1 for instance in
and Mexico
3.3 Location of mask wearing policy
Policies also vary by the location of where facemasks are
mandated. We illustrate measures of as of June 15 2020 in
Figure 3B with detailed policy categories described in Table
A1.1. Policies can be largely grouped into:
mask wearing required for everyone in public places (71
only indoor places (e.g., in relation to social distancing,
type of indoor space (15 countries),
public transport and crowded places (in relation to
number of people, social distancing and venue)
(12 countries),
certain public places (major cities only, in relation to social
distancing) (9 countries),
public transport only (7 countries)
universal mask usage but no formal policy (6 countries)
** China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea.
Source: Masks4all data
data as of June 15 2020. This source is regularly updated and corrected but is not an ocial governmental or supranational
source. The authors used the information as provided in good faith, and note that each source for national policy is linked to an external source. Notes:
Panel A, data available for 188 countries. Panel A. Full country (121); Parts of country (19), No (28); No, but recommended (14); No, but universal usage (6).
Panel B see Appendix 1, Table A.1. Panel B, data available for 120 countries.
Face mask policies across the world.
4. Behavioural factors related to face mask adherence:
Systematic literature review
4.1 Data collection systematic review
Following the PRISMA
reporting guidelines
(see Appendix 2 Methods), we developed several
customized Python functions to undertake a systematic
review across the three databases of PUBMED, Scopus and
Web of Science (WoS), building on previous scientometric
work in genetics
38, 39
. Given the comparatively slower
publication pace of the social and behavioural sciences,
also noted elsewhere
, we also included some pre-
print non-peer reviewed articles and note this fact where
mentioned and in our GRADE recommendations
of the
quality of evidence (see Appendix 5). This extended search
allowed the inclusion of non-medical literature including
materials (e.g., face mask materials) and socio-behavioural
literature. We expanded the queries to include search terms
related to multiple derivations of face masks and coverings
(e.g., facemask, face mask, N95 respirator, surgical mask,
FFP3, cloth mask, face covering, all search queries available
upon request). Given the relatively recent nature of the
COVID-19 pandemic and to obtain a richer body of literature
and lessons learned, in addition to research on COVID-19
and coronavirus, we also included previous respiratory
pandemics such as the 1918 Spanish flu, severe acute
respiratory syndrome (SARS), H1N1 influenza, Middle East
respiratory syndrome (MERS), H5N1 influenza and flags for
additional policies on social distancing and isolation. More
detailed information on study selection can be found in
Methods (Appendix 2, Figure A2.1).
The aim of this rapid review was to focus on behavioural
factors related to compliance, with five central themes
that emerged: i) public understanding of the virus, ii) risk
perception, iii) previous national experience with pandemics,
socio-political systems, and trust in government and science,
iv) individual characteristics; and, v) perceived barriers. Most
of these themes have been previously identified such as
for example, in a review of qualitative research of SARS and
H1N1 in 17 studies
and a systematic review of 9 bioevent
studies in the United States
, but themes also dier due to
the wider breadth of the literature reviewed here, additional
focus on COVID-19 and international literature.
4.2 Public understanding of virus transmission
A central theme that emerged from the literature on public
adherence to face mask and coverings is the importance
of personal and cultural beliefs and understanding of
how respiratory viruses are spread. Core factors are: (i)
understanding how it is spread and, importantly, whether
asymptomatic individuals can transmit the virus, (ii) whether
mask wearing is for one’s own individual protection or to
protect others, (iii) clarity on diagnosis of COVID-19 and
inability and reticence to self-diagnose; and, (iv) ecacy
to adopt the required behaviour of face mask or covering
usage to counter the threat.
A systematic literature review of previous respiratory
pandemics (SARS, H1N1) found that the general perception
of how respiratory viruses are transmitted is that it is by air,
only within a particular proximity, by symptomatic others only
and more likely in cold ambient and water temperatures
For COVID-19 as with other respiratory viruses, droplets
are produced when an individual coughs, sneezes, talks
or breaths, which then convert to aerosols and become
airborne. Droplets can land on surfaces and can remain
viable. Aerosols are much smaller than droplets and thus
can more easily penetrate dierent types of material.
Knowledge rapidly changed about COVID-19 transmission,
particularly in the early phases, with a growing number of
studies demonstrating sizeable levels of asymptomatic
A related issue is the understanding of whether face masks
are used for individual protection against contracting the
virus versus wearing one to protect others. An international
poll of face mask wearing during March 12 to April 12
across 15 countries examined this (N=29,000, ~2,000
per country)
. In the UK (41%), Australia (47%), Russia and
Canada (35%) a sizeable proportion did not see the value
in wearing a face mask if they were not sick, suggesting
that they were not aware of asymptomatic transmission.
This is not entirely surprising, also in light of WHO and
other national advice that had initially focussed on
individual mask wearing for only infected individuals to
protect others in early April 2020.(19) This is compared to
comparatively lower levels reporting the same in Vietnam
(7%), China (9%), Japan (11%), but also Spain (8%) and Italy
(9%), all nations that had adopted or continued to have high
levels of face mask wearing by mid-April 2020. As noted
previously, this could be related to the dierent phases of
the outbreak. Respondents in the UK showed the lowest
levels of understanding that face masks can be worn to
protect others with 15% reporting ‘I expect people around
me to wear a face mask so I don’t get sick’ compared to for
instance Japan (58%) or Vietnam (55%).
During both SARS, H1N1 and repeated again with COVID-19,
there was also high diagnostic uncertainty particularly at the
start of the pandemic, which challenges individuals’ ability
to self-diagnose. Particularly during H1N1, but also COVID-19,
individuals expressed doubts about their ability to identify
symptoms and whether and how they could distinguish
between the pandemic and seasonal flu symptoms. Studies
in the UK
47, 48
and New Zealand
of the H1N1 outbreak found
that individuals had strong fears and concerns about their
own judgement and ability to self-diagnose, which in turn
influenced their behaviour in relation to self-isolation and
use of remote healthcare. During H1N1, the ‘vagueness
of the symptoms and dierentiating them was listed as a
central challenge for individuals. Indeed alternative data
collection of ‘real-time’ tracking crowdsourced a wide variety
of COVID-19 symptoms across a spectrum of mild to serious
systems ranging from loss of smell and taste to breathing
diculties, which at that time had not been included as
symptoms in many countries
Finally, the manner in which individuals in the community
respond to the threat of a respiratory infection is influenced
by their beliefs about the ecacy of the intervention and
perceived costs of protective behaviours
. Ecacy refers
to the beliefs about an individuals’ ability to successfully
adopt behaviours and the eectiveness of adopting
behaviours in eliminating the health threat. Literature from
the SARS coronavirus outbreak and H1N1 2009 pandemic
found that perceptions of risk, anxiety about the infection
and the ecacy of the intervention are pivotal
52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
57, 58, 59, 60
. Behavioural change is highly contingent on the
communication of risk, individual appraisal of risk and the
perceived ability to make the change
. A literature review of
over 65 studies examining over 20 public health issues for
instance, concluded that the key factors driving behavioural
change are increases in threat severity, threat vulnerability,
response ecacy and self-ecacy facilitated adapted
intentions or behaviours
. We return to this topic later in
this section when we discuss barriers, conflicting policy
advice and confusion about the eectiveness of face masks
and coverings, which in turn impacts the ecacy individuals’
would place on adopting face mask and covering
4.3 Risk perception: perceived likelihood of infection
and perceived benefits
A clear theme that emerged in the literature was the
importance of individual risk perceptions, the notion of
‘othering’ and belief that ‘it won’t happen to me’. Core
factors related to this theme are an: (i) overly optimistic
risk assessment of not contracting or transmitting the
virus, (ii) incorrect judgements about the role of proximity;
and, (iii) denying personal risk via ‘othering’ by blaming or
dierentiating oneself from vulnerable groups perceived to
be at a higher risk.
A central challenge isolated in the literature is that many
individuals view themselves as less vulnerable and more
capable than others, generally underestimating health risks,
finding it unnatural to respect strict isolation to protect others
and have only a limited awareness of actions that pose
a health risk
. A number of studies focus on individuals’
incorrect assessment of risk and overly optimistic sense
they will not contract the virus. A study of SARS in Canada,
for instance, found that a common aspect of risk perception
was the denial about their risk of contracting SARS because
they did not feel sick
. Individuals’ optimism can in turn lead
to an underestimation of contracting COVID-19 and thus
ignoring public health messages A study of 1,591 US-based
individuals in the first week of the COVID-19 pandemic from
March 11-16 2020 examined individual’s perception of risk
Within five days, as they gained awareness about the virus,
perceptions of risk increased yet they still underestimated
their personal risk of infection. This, however, substantially
varied amongst individuals, isolating a subgroup of those
who persistently remained disengaged, unaware and did
not practice any protective behaviour. A pre-print non-
peer reviewed study on medRxiv surveyed individuals
across eight countries between mid-March to April 19 2020
. They found that the perception of individual
threat of COVID-19 was the highest in Italy, followed by the
UK, Spain and others with Germany being the lowest. The
authors note that the perceived threat was also in relation to
the phase of the outbreak with Italy and UK, two of the most
aected countries in Europe. They also found that the level
of threat was related to the trust in government and health
care systems, which were high in Germany, we return to
socio-political systems later.
Perceived proximity to the outbreak also played a role.
During the H1N1 2009 pandemic, individuals assumed they
had lower risk if they had a higher perceived health status
or that they perceived the outbreak was outside of their
. Proximity is often evaluated by individuals in
terms of geographical distance, but also own perceived
dierences in their own living environment. Another
common belief found in studies in the UK, US, New Zealand
and Australia in relation to previous pandemics was that
geographical proximity was protective and that respiratory
viruses were unlikely in a ‘modern, developed country’ and
hence a perceived lack of urgent risk and lag in adopting
public health messages
68, 69, 70
. A study in the UK about
public attitudes surrounding H1N1 found that individuals
believed that respiratory viruses were only more likely to
emerge in ‘other’ living environments such as those with low
hygiene levels, high population density, poor border control
and health systems
. Some, however, related the high ability
and propensity for viruses to spread worldwide more rapidly
due to air travel.
Distancing is a typical way of dealing with the negative
impact of health risks by using what is characterized in
the literature as ‘othering’
. Othering refers to blaming or
dierentiating oneself from ‘the other’, which in turn denies
personal risk. During H1N1, but also repeated with COVID-19,
was the designation of a vulnerable group of ‘others’ that
needed to be shielded and were perceived to be at a higher
risk of infection. This included those with chronic health
problems, impaired immune systems (e.g., undergoing
cancer treatment) or in frontline occupations (e.g., teachers,
health workers). Although the literature on this point is
largely from the H1N1 pandemic, it appears to echo similar
experiences in the COVID-19 pandemic. A general narrative
in this literature is the public belief that ‘it won’t happen to
me’ and have an inability to rationally evaluate the individual
risk of infection while also actively distancing themselves
from the threat by clarifying their dierence to ‘other’ groups
and circumstances that would have a higher risk of infection.
We discuss the link of othering with potential discrimination
later in Section 3.5 on individual and group dierences.
4.4 Previous national experience with pandemics, socio-
political systems and trust in government and science
There is a strong national variation in the acceptance and
usage of face masks, which has been attributed to several
key factors. These are: (i) previous experience with viral
infections (e.g., SARS, H1N1), (ii) normalisation and history
of mask wearing for other reasons (e.g., pollution) and
rapid adoption for those without a face mask history; and,
(iii) socio-political systems, linked to individualistic versus
socially cohesive structures, political polarization and trust in
Previous experience with viral infections such as SARS and
H1N1 is linked to more universal and early mask use and
acceptance during COVID-19
. In addition to face mask
policies, these countries also simultaneously introduced
a battery of other interrelated non-pharmaceutical
interventions. After SARS, most governments from the
nations that were deeply influenced had already set up rapid
responses and policies that would allow them to react swiftly
in the event of another respiratory pandemic
. In many
Asian countries impacted by SARS, broad communications
had already previously been tested and put in place, such
as media messaging and billboards showing how to wash
hands and wear masks properly
. At the start of SARS 65%
of respondents in Hong Kong said they wore a mask
Singapore, for instance had previously distributed over 1
million ‘SARS toolkits’ which included a digital thermometer,
two surgical masks and instructions in four languages
They had also previously developed random and electronic
monitoring of compliance. After the first COVID-19 case
was reported in Singapore on January 22, 2020, the
country introduced deep and swift measures by February
7 2020. All non-essential gatherings were cancelled; daily
temperature and health checks were performed in schools
and workplaces, and face mask wearing and physical
distancing were quickly advised in public places. So deep
was the intervention that an unintended consequence
was that influenza levels declined steeply from a mean of
57.3% (first 6 weeks of 2020) to 3.5% (week 14), lower than
any influenza levels for the past 3 years
. The authors
attributed this to the introduction of wide and deep non-
pharmaceutical interventions, which included face masks
in addition to the suspension of mass gatherings, social
distancing and public promotion of the social responsibility
to stay at home.
Second, in nations where individuals have previously worn
face masks for other reasons such as pollution (e.g., India,
China), there is higher and more normalized compliance
(see previous section on international policies). There is
limited knowledge of face mask wearing in countries without
a previous history, but an initial study demonstrated that face
mask adoption could happen rapidly
, which we discuss in
more detail later in this report.
A third more heterogeneous strand of literature focuses
on socio-political systems, linked to individualistic versus
socially cohesive structures, political polarization and trust
in government. One body of research draws from research
on socio-political systems that compare more community-
based social cohesion versus those from more individualistic
based structures
. This has been posited in the form of
‘tight versus loose cultures’, with countries such as the US,
Italy and Brazil positioned as having the weakest social
norms and being more permissive
. These socio-political
structures have in turn been linked to the ability to engage
in coordinated action.
This strand of literature currently exists largely in pre-print
non-peer reviewed format due to the slower publication
processes within the social sciences, noted previously. It
examines the inability for coordinated action due to political
polarization – which is notable in countries such as the
US, UK and Brazil, which in turn results in distrust of the
opposing party and beliefs in false information that can
undermine public health messages. Using geolocation data
of daily movements from January until April 23 2020 from
around 35 million unique devices and debit card transaction
data of over 12 million cards in the same period in the US,
one study found that residents in Republican voting counties
were less likely to stay at home after a state order
Conversely, those from Democrat counties were more likely
to switch to online e-commerce spending after stay at home
state orders were implemented. Adherence was also related
to the political aliation of the governor and suggested
that bipartisan support was essential to maximize the
eectiveness of policies. We note some concerns with these
ecological studies using political variables as there are very
likely many other confounders that play a role.
Another medRxiv pre-print examining the level of confidence
in local and national health care systems and governments
and the WHO during COVID-19 found individuals reported
the lowest levels in the UK and US across all institutions
compared to other countries such as Spain, the Netherlands,
Italy and Germany
. Another study drawn from two MTurk
studies of US respondents (N=1153) found that political
conservatism predicted lower compliance with social
. They found that the politicization of COVID-19
prompted conservatives to discount mainstream media
reports of the severity of the virus, leading them to downplay
the health risks and adhere less to social distancing
protocols, also when controlling for key demographic and
psychological variables. As demonstrated in more general
research, the result can be echo chambers and less cross-
group information sharing
. These more narrowing lines of
information can be amplified by social media streams.
Another pre-print non-peer reviewed study examined trust
in science and government during the COVID-19 and the
relationship with compliance with public health measures
Using digital trace data from Twitter and survey data
collected online via Telegram and Facebook, they examined
the evolution of trust in science in Italy during early phases
of COVID-19. They found that there was an initial reliance
on information seeking from scientists and public-health
authorities. Trust in science and institutions (local or
national government) emerged as a consistent predictor
of both knowledge about COVID-19 and adherence to
non-pharmaceutical measures. As the epidemic peaked in
Italy, however, they found a reverse in information seeking
and trust in science and health authorities, interpreted
by the authors as an erosion of trust. Interestingly, using
an experiment they found that those who held incorrect
information about COVID-19 gave no or even lower
importance to scientific information about the virus. Many
disadvantaged communities and particularly racial and
ethnic minorities hold a low level of trust in public institutions
due to persistent experiences of discrimination
, with
particularly low levels of trust in the health care system
4.5 Individual characteristics: Vulnerability, compliance
and discrimination
There has also been attention to the study of dierences
in the vulnerability and adoption of non-pharmaceutical
interventions across groups. This work can largely be
divided into topics examining: (i) face mask usage in
relation to vulnerable groups more likely to die if infected,
(ii) dierence between demographic groups in relation
to asymptomatic infection and compliance to non-
pharmaceutical interventions such as face masks; (iii)
additional traits such as personality or physical traits (e.g.,
eye-glass wearing, activity level) that make it more dicult
to wear a mask; and, (iv) discrimination or social reactions to
mask wearing.
Throughout previous pandemics and with COVID-19 there
has been a focus on vulnerable groups more prone to
infection and death from the virus. A considerable amount
of COVID-19 research has focussed on dierences in death
rates due to individual characteristics such as age
other vulnerabilities related to co-morbidities (hypertension,
obesity, diabetes)
, being male, from certain ethnic groups
(African, Asian) or working in front-line occupations
. Some
of these factors are related to deprivation such as some
groups are more likely to become infected since they
are more often key workers (e.g., bus drivers, care), rely
on public transport or have poor or no internet contact,
putting them at a higher risk of leaving the household and
higher risks of contact
. Here policies have been eective
in promoting the wearing of face masks for protection
around those who are ill, with the majority within health care
settings. Several studies conducted in relation to H1N1 and
during SARS, concluded that the perceived need or wish
to care for sick (isolated) loved ones overrode concerns
about self-protection and personal distancing. A Canadian
study of SARS reported that although compliance with the
quarantine order was high, within house protocols such as
mask wearing were uneven and often ignored when a family
member was sick and required care
Another emerging area of COVID-19 research is the study of
how compliance to non-pharmaceutical interventions such
as wearing face masks varies across socio-demographic
groups and first particularly age groups. Representative
data measuring health behaviour across eight countries
(Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain,
UK, US) published in a medRxiv non-peer reviewed pre-
print discussed previously, found that younger people
perceived the COVID-19 threat lower to themselves than
older groups, also related to lower adherence to non-
pharmaceutical behaviours
. Mask wearing was the highest
in older 65+ age groups in all nations except the UK and
the Netherlands where mask wearing was both low but also
more evenly enacted across age groups. In the UK, the only
clear dierences in these behaviours across age groups
were higher levels of hand sanitizer use by the youngest
groups (18-24) and the avoidance of public transportation
by the oldest groups (65+). Conversely, a medRxiv non-
peer reviewed pre-print study by Goldstein and Lipsitch
examining weekly COVID-19 cases in Germany found that
the incidence of infection increased the strongest amongst
younger age groups between the starts and end of March.
These relative increases were found for all individuals under
35, but were especially large amongst those between 20
and 25 (RR=1.4; 95% CI: 1.27-1.55). The authors suggest that
increased mixing and lower adherence of social distancing
practices amongst these age groups could be responsible
for this relative increase.
This representative data also found particularly important
dierences by sex
. Women exhibited substantially higher
perceptions of threat compared to men, which translated
into the adoption of a wider-range of preventive behaviours.
They conclude that one of the most protective factors for
women during COVID-19 has been their adoption of multiple
protective interventions. Women were more likely to wear
face masks across the nations that were examined with
the exception of the UK and the Netherlands where face
mask wearing was similar across the sexes. In spite of the
fact that the case fatality rate for COVID-19 has been shown
as substantially higher for men
, this does not translate
into higher perceptions of threat or related behavioural
protection, suggesting a need to target this and other
groups for future communication campaigns.
Some early psychological literature published mainly
in pre-print non-peer reviewed literature has examined
psychological factors related to face mask wearing. Given
that these are non peer-reviewed pre-prints, the selectivity
of respondents, small sample size and often-artificial
experimental circumstances in which the research was
carried out, replication would be necessary before using
this as evidence to draw firm conclusions (see Appendix
5). A pre-print study asked 86 participants to assess how
they felt wearing a mask while being exposed to groups
with dierent levels of mask wearing
. Exposure to social
groups where more wore a mask reduced the strange
feeling of wearing a mask, suggesting that as mask-wearing
is easier when a larger majority of society also wears
a mask. Another non-peer reviewed PsyArXiv preprint
engaged in an internet-based study (N=457) using ‘human-
like’ characters wearing a mask or exhibiting dierent
facial expressions (neutral, happy, angry). They found that
reports of interpersonal distancing were reduced when the
character was wearing a face-mask as they were perceived
as more trustworthy.
Historical reports from the bubonic plague through to
HIV and COVID-19 have reported a rise in violence and
discrimination against stigmatized groups that carry a
. Early in the COVID-19 period there is anecdotal
evidence of anti-Asian discrimination in some areas
with a PsyArXiv preprint reporting stigma faced by the
Chinese community outside of China due to wearing face
masks, particularly in countries such as the United Kingdom
that did not adopt early face mask policies
. During the
SARS pandemic, chronic kidney disease patients in Hong
Kong were perceived by the public as high risk ‘super
spreaders’ of infection. The study concluded that this
potentially stigmatized group wore masks as a symbol of
socially responsible action, but also to protect themselves
during the pandemic
. Another strand of the literature has
found that interventions such as frequent hand-washing
or mask-wearing has the potential to attract social stigma,
embarrassment or discrimination. Face mask wearing was
found in some studies as problematic since some were
concerned that it would make others see them as indicating
infection. This was the case in a study of face mask wearing
within a Hispanic community in the United States
4.6 Perceived barriers: supply concerns, resource
constraints and comfort
Another segment of the literature from this review looked
at the key barriers to face mask usage by the general
public, which were identified primarily as: (i) supply concerns
and inability to source them, (ii) resource constraints, (iii)
concerns about comfort, appropriate fit and incorrect usage;
and, (iv) environmental waste.
A recurrent theme in the literature were shortages of
protective equipment, including face masks. A considerable
amount of the face mask literature in this systematic review
related to the shortage or lack of supply of face masks and
PPE, particularly for health workers
104, 105, 106
. During SARS, the
lack of protective equipment and especially masks led to a
state of panic’ in Taiwan
. So great was the shortage during
SARS that the Japanese government donated thousands
of masks and other protective equipment to Vietnam and
in Toronto, Canadian doctors sought to purchase their own
. The extreme shortage of
PPE was a strong theme from previous epidemics such as
SARS, where lack of worldwide protective masks, gloves
and respirators was positioned as the one of the key
‘lessons learned’
. This worldwide shortage of masks
and other PPE, however, repeated itself once again with
COVID-19 in many countries.
The absence of clear agreed standards for making and
manufacturing face coverings is also lacking. Since
manufacturing issues have shown to play a role in the
provision of PPE, clear guidelines for manufacturers and
those making masks at home is essential. Information needs
to be provided to produce coverings that reach the proper
standards, such as the higher ecacy multi-layer hybrid
masks discussed in Section 2.7. The CDC in the US for
instance, provides a very clear tutorial on how to make a
face mask at home and information about washing, re-use
and how to wear face coverings.
A shortage of face masks and protective equipment for
medical sta also produced a feeling amongst the public
that face masks were unavailable or that wearing face
masks would unduly compete with medical resources. There
were also cases of face masks and other PPE that had been
imported from other countries as being ‘recalled’ which
may have impacted public trust. An international poll of
face mask wearing during COVID-19 from March 12 to April
12 across 15 countries, reported that the largest perceived
drawback in wearing face masks in most countries was
getting access to one
. Specifically they responded to the
question ‘even if I wanted to wear a face mask, I have heard
they are not available anywhere or are too expensive’. This
was the highest in Japan (57%), France (49%), Germany
and Spain (45%) and the UK (42%). A systematic review
demonstrated that negative emotions such as fear can lead
to a change in behaviour only if people feel that they are
able to control the threat. If they cannot – such as facemask
regulations without a clear supply of access to facemasks –
reactions will be defensive due to feelings of helplessness
Fear is thus only eective when individuals feel a strong
ability or level of ecacy, otherwise it will elicit a defensive
and negative response.
One of the greatest risks of virus spread is the inability of
some individuals to adopt policy recommendations due
to resource constraints such as money to buy or ability to
make their own face covering. The Italian government for
instance, set the price of surgical masks to a maximum of 50
cents to assuage this problem
. Some community members
may lack the resources to purchase or make face masks but
also live in areas with high neighbourhood density or lack
the ability to social distance. A variety of studies conducted
during previous pandemics in the UK and US, found that
perceived obstacles for following isolation, distancing and
other measures were related to the economic pressures
to continue to work and fulfilling familial and workplace
. A study of H1N1 in 2009 in the UK reported
incidences of individuals breaking compliance such as
isolation due to boredom, job security and economic
. A repeated fear in the US literature was shutting
down the economy and ability to financially survive in the
household when schools were closed or individuals were
unable to work
. Translating these findings to face masks,
it seems paramount to ensure broader access for those
unable to purchase or make face coverings, such as cutting
costs or free distribution to certain groups.
Multiple studies concluded that compliance with wearing
masks for a longer period of time was hindered due to the
fact that they were uncomfortable
. A dearth of literature
has examined this in the health care setting, including sores
and headaches due to long periods of wearing
, which
we do not cover in this review. A block randomized study
of mask-wearing in the United States isolated three main
issues related to the comfort of mask wearing in the home
First, the level of intensity or physical exertion impacted
comfort and compliance. Second, environmental factors
were key such as temperature, ventilation and apartment
size. Finally, the mask fit was key which was variable
depending on whether they had eye glasses and the facial
structure of respondents namely high/low cheekbones,
bridge of the nose and shape of the face. Those with low
cheekbones and small nose bridges had diculties in mask
wearing due to the need to constantly adjust the mask.
Others noted diculties due to heat and dampness after
wearing it or having eyeglasses. The authors also noted
that young children persistently touched and grabbed their
mother’s mask. It should be noted that this study examined
surgical masks only (which have less ventilation) and
not cloth masks (see Box 1). Although there are fewer
community studies of face mask wearing, appropriate fit
appears to be key to avoid adjusting or removing the mask.
Finally, there has been the additional concern largely voiced
outside of academic publications that particularly if disposal
masks were to be used there would be considerable
environmental waste.
5. Public adherence to face mask and coverings,
relationship with other interventions and importance
of clear and consistent public messaging
A central question asked by many governments without
a previous history of face mask or covering wearing is:
(i) whether their populations would actually adopt this
more invasive behaviour; and, (ii) how face mask wearing
compares to and is related to other non-pharmaceutical
interventions. After exploring this, we then describe the
importance of clear and consistent public messaging,
focusing on an example in the UK.
5.1 Adherence to face mask wearing: a cross-national
We were able to locate results from two cross-national
representative surveys, which at the time of writing are
pre-prints and not peer-reviewed publications but provide
a cross-national comparison of face mask and covering
wearing from mid-March to mid-April 2020. It is vital to
note that respondents in these studies were asked about
wearing a face mask due to COVID-19 between mid-
March to mid-April 2020 and that countries were all on
dierent disease trajectories, with varying and changing
policy recommendations during this period. The most
comprehensive study is a representative survey measuring
health behaviour carried out by the Max Planck Institute
for Demographic Research between March 13 to April 19
2020 (N=66,266) across eight countries (Belgium, France,
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, UK, US). It is
published as a medRxiv non-peer reviewed pre-print that
examines attitudes and behaviours surrounding COVID-19
including face mask wearing and other non-pharmaceutical
. They found that the wearing of a face mask
substantially increased over time (all p <0.001, exception
the Netherlands, Belgium) (see Figure 4 for results of
final week of study). Sharp increases of mask wearing of
the general population were observed in Italy (to above
80%), Spain (above 65%), and the US (above 70%). Levels
of face mask usage in France and Belgium in that period
rose to around 40%. The UK and the Netherlands had the
lowest reported levels of face mask wearing, though the
UK still had increases in reported face mask wearing to
over 20% by April 19. This was in addition to hand hygiene
increases particularly in the UK, Germany, Italy and the US.
Focussing on the UK, the study found that behaviours that
were the most adopted in this period was the reduced use
of transportation (p < 0.001) and a sharp increase in social
distancing (p <0.001).
Another survey poll conducted by IPSOS in 15 countries
between March 12 to April 12 of around 2,000 persons per
county (N=29,000) also found cross-national variation in
the wearing of face masks to protect against COVID-19
Wearing face masks for protection was at very high levels
in Vietnam (91%), China (83%), Japan (77%) and India (76%),
which were relatively stable over the one month period. Like
the previous study, Italy (81%) and Spain (62%) showed the
highest levels of adopting mask wearing, likely also reflected
by the relatively earlier onset and outbreak in those nations.
Lower levels were reported in that period in France (34%),
Canada (28%), Australia (21%), Germany 20%) and the United
Kingdom (16%). The United States had a sharp increase from
11% March 12-14 to 50% within one month by April 9-12, likely
related to the policy change discussed previously of face
coverings in public by the CDC on April 3 2020
. Notably,
a PsyArXiv non-peer reviewed pre-print was able to use this
policy introduction as a natural experiment to demonstrate
the impact of the CDC’s recommendation on reported
mask wearing and buying
. Using a large nationally-
representative survey across the US (N=3,933) that was in
the field, they found significant increases in mask wearing
(+12 percentage points) and buying (+7 points) which they
concluded demonstrates the speed at which this behaviour
can be adopted by the population and the importance of
national leadership and clear communication.
5.2 Adherence to other non-pharmaceutical interventions:
face masks and coverings in perspective
We also examined variation in the adherence to a variety
of non-pharmaceutical interventions to put face mask and
covering wearing in perspective. Here we can draw from
the recent cross-national COVID-19 study on reported
behaviours mentioned in the previous section
. Here a
hierarchy of adherence to non-pharmaceutical interventions
emerges during COVID-19, which is shown in Figure 4.
A strong caveat, however, is that interventions are rarely
introduced or judged alone but rather as packages,
discussed in more detail in the conclusion. For comparison,
we also examined nine studies mostly of nationally
representative samples covering a range of outbreaks in the
US (see Appendix 3, Additional Results, Figure A3.1)
There was virtually universal enactment of avoiding public
transportation and social distancing, which was the highest
across all countries. This was followed by very high levels
of hand-washing, the highest in the UK which reflects a very
strong and clear campaign. This COVID-19 behaviour is in
line with previous research examining the H1N1 pandemic
and SARS who found individuals were very familiar with
hand and respiratory hygiene behaviour (e.g., hand
washing, cough/sneeze etiquette). This in turn meant that
they perceived them as acceptable and common-sense
behaviour they could easily adopt to reduce infection
. The next type of behaviour was the use
of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, which has considerable
cross national variation which may be related to lack of
supply. Wearing face masks was also at very high levels in
many countries by the third week in April 2020. There was
scepticism in the media and by some governments that
public without previous experience of wearing face masks
and coverings would not comply, yet as Figure 4 shows,
self-reported uptake relatively high in most countries,
reaching particularly high levels in Italy (83.8%), the US
(65.8%) and Spain (63.8%). It remained very low, however, in
the UK at 25.9% and the Netherlands at just 7.2%. Appendix
3 also shows compliance to other interventions such as
avoidance of suspected infected people, avoiding touching
eyes, nose and mouth, stopping close contact (shaking
hands, hugging) and avoiding public events, crowds and
cancelling social plans.
5.3 Package policies: face mask usage, physical distancing
rules and hand sanitizer
As noted previously, when countries introduce non-
pharmaceutical interventions, they often work concurrently
to reduce infection transmission. Measures are rarely
introduced as individual interventions, but rather as a
‘package’ including distance, masks and hand hygiene. Due
to the introduction of often multiple interventions at one time
and varying levels and progression of the virus outbreak
across regions, it is dicult – or arguably impossible – to
evaluate the eectiveness of one sole intervention.
A persistent question has been the relationship of face mask
wearing to other behaviours such as social distancing or
disinfection, which is dicult to definitely determine for the
reasons argued above. A large meta-analysis published
on June 1 2020 in the Lancet linked various interventions
including face masks, eye protection and social distancing
They concluded that the risk of being infected was 13%
within one metre and 3% beyond that distance. They
reported that for every extra metre of distance of up to
three meters, the risk is further reduced by half. Wearing a
face mask and eye protection were found to significantly
reduce risk of infection, with the duration and intensity
of contact likewise key factors. We note, however, that
this study had several problems and cannot be directly
translated to mask wearing in the general public and was
therefore, for instance, not included in previous advice for
the general public provided by DELVE
. Reasons include
the fact that the bulk of the data focussed on MERS and
SARS (and not COVID-19), that most studies were conducted
in healthcare settings (i.e., not wearing in the public), and
that the focus was thus more on protection of the wearer
than source protection (i.e., preventing transmission from
the person wearing the mask). Some of the studies that had
no infections in either the masked or unmasked groups
Percentage of individuals who reported having adopted specific behaviours in response to COVID-19,
3rd week in April 2020 by country.
Source:Perrotta et al. (2020)156, we are grateful that they shared raw data & detailed information. Bar charts show median values and 95% CI as errors.
were not scored, which biased towards the benefit of mask
wearing. There are also concerns about the study of the
relationship between distance and risk, which is based on
extrapolations and the assumption of a linear relationship
between distance and risk (whereas it is likely exponential).
We note therefore, concerns about the conclusions of this
study and particularly those related to distancing.
At the time of writing in late June 2020, governments across
the world had dierent rules regarding social distancing
and were examining whether other non-pharmaceutical
interventions would be eective in reducing those levels. At
the time of writing, countries with the largest distance of 2
metres (6.5 feet) are Canada, Spain and the UK. The US has
1.8 metres, Germany and Australia 1.5, whereas the WHO,
China and France all suggest a 1 metre (3.3 feet) distance.
In England, the government previously advised to: “Keep
your distance if you go out - 2 metres apartwhere possible”.
In the COVID-19 guidance for employers and employees,
the Department of Business notes: “Maintain two-metre
social distancing,where possible” and “Where possible, you
should maintain two metres between people…Where it’s
not possiblefor people to be two metres apart, you should
do everything practical to manage the transmission risk.” On
June 23 2020, this was updated with the announcement
that as of July 4 2020, the government suggests where it
is not possible to stay two metres apart, guidance will allow
people to keep a social distance of ‘one metre plus’, with
plus seeming to suggest some sort of additional mitigation
In response to easing the lockdown, countries such as
South Korea and Portugal maintained the 2 metre distance
where possible, but then clarified the etiquette of combining
dierent types of interventions (hand sanitizer, mask use)
when the 2 metre rule was not possible. In South Korea,
the advice is to maintain the 2 metre guideline (or ‘two
arms lengths’) in general, which is relaxed to one metre
inside shops, restaurants and cafes. As of June 01 2020 in
Portugal, the 2 metre rule was suggested where possible.
In Japan, the ‘3C’ rule has been implemented, which
is to avoid crowded places, closed spaces with poor
ventilation and close contact, all with wearing a face mask
where possible. The emphasis has been less on rules and
more on understanding how to avoid the transmission of
droplets from one household to another, such as through
social bubbles and tight networks
. Distance is often not
addressed in exclusion, but as a policy package of almost
universal use of hand sanitizer when entering (shops,
restaurants) and demanding that face masks are worn inside
shops. There is also education about etiquette in places like
restaurants, with sanitizers at tables, all sta wearing masks,
instructions to take o masks when sitting and putting it
on when going to the washroom. At the moment Canada
is also moving towards a policy across dierent provinces
that combines face masks with a reduction of the 2 metre
‘hockey-stick’ rule. Health Canada now recommends that
people wear cloth masks when social distancing of 2 metres
is not possible, particularly in crowded public settings, such
as stores, shopping areas and public transportation.
5.4 The importance of communications, clear and consistent
public messaging
This review of the behavioural literature on face masks and
coverings also revealed the importance of communications
and public messaging during pandemic outbreaks on the
eective implementation of and adherence to face mask
and other non-pharmaceutical interventions (see e.g.,
Figure 5). A study of non-pharmaceutical interventions in
Canada during the SARS outbreak found that inconsistent
information from various sources prompted individuals
to question the credibility of available information
. This
inconsistent information resulted in fear and denial of the
pandemic. Many participants in the study expressed doubts
about the information from the public health department,
which in turn influenced their level of perceived risk. For
example, there were mixed messages about who needed to
quarantined, with some members of the household asked to
be quarantined whereas others were not.
Figure 5 also provides a recent example of mixed
messaging that might be confusing to the public and
contradicts some of the knowledge in this report. The top
panel shows some positive aspects of the messaging such
as clarifying that it is an altruistic behaviour to protect others
and face coverings can be worn. It however engages in
othering of a vulnerable group who is the least likely to
break rules (and be symptomatic), does not focus on self
protection and now as we explore in the next section shows
the least protective and non-recommended item - a scarf.
Literature examining the H1N1 2009 pandemic in the UK and
Spain concluded that the public became sceptical about the
way in which the communication about this new respiratory
infection was presented, particularly by the media. They
found the communications to be unreliable, premature,
inconsistent, sensationalist and unduly alarmist. Several
UK studies reported scepticism from individuals due their
perception of the media’s propensity to create hype and
panic in what they viewed as an attempt to scare people
. A Spanish study of H1N1 likewise concluded that reporting
was at first sensationalist, followed by contradictory advice
coming from their own Spanish politicians and ocials
versus other international leaders
. Doubts about the
trustworthiness of information and a general information
fatigue were related to people disregarding advice in New
Zealand and the UK in
Example of public messaging about face coverings, UK Government, 27 June 2020.
Note: Full text above reads ‘Wear a face covering when you go to the shop. It will help protect others from #coronavirus if you are infected but not
displaying symptoms."
Source:Twitter, UK Prime Minister @10Downing Street, June 17 (accessed 17 June 2020).
Good – asymptomatic –
altruistic – protect others
Good – clear covering is cloth
(not surgical mask, N95)
Bad: othering of older, vulnerable group,
least likely to break rules, expression
unclear, ominous grey background
Bad: wearing scarf – least eective
cloth covering
Bad: Unclear – above 'when you go
to the shop' – text on photo suggests
in the shop
Bad: focus only pn protecting others and
not self protection
relation to H1N1
. Another reason for scepticism about
the information was related to mixed messages in the
media and feeling that it was dicult to sift between facts
and opinions.
As many governments that lacked experience from SARS
and previous outbreaks, the WHO, the most trusted global
supranational organisation for health advice, has changed
positions on face mask use and wearing for the general
public between early April 2020
and revised in June
. This likely initiating a repeat of some of the public’s
previous reaction to changing information about SARS
and H1N1. As the initial section on international policies on
face masks has shown, nations and even states, countries
or regions within these have adopted dierent face mask
policies. As noted previously, this has been the case with
Scotland, Wales and England.
6. Conclusion
This report provides evidence on the main policy directives
of face masks in the international sphere in addition to
the core factors related to the adherence of wearing
a face mask and covering. We found many similarities
across previous pandemics and ‘lessons learned’ that
appeared to repeat themselves from the Spanish flu
through to SARS, MERS, H1N1 to COVID-19. It was clear
that core socio-behavioural factors were pivotal such as
the public’s understanding of the virus, risk perception,
previous experience with mask wearing and socio-political
systems, individual characteristics and perceived barriers.
We likewise found importance in consistent and clear public
messaging; including adopting a package of policies and
that countries without a previous history of mask wearing did
indeed adopt this behaviour. Finally, we produced evidence
showing that cotton face coverings can provide significant
protection against the transmission of aerosol particles.
The key points from this report are:
Cloth face coverings are eective in reducing source
virus transmission, i.e., outward protection of others, when
they are of optimal material and construction (high grade
cotton, hybrid and multilayer) and fitted correctly and for
source protection of the wearer
Socio-behavioural factors are vital to understanding
public adherence to wearing face masks and coverings,
including public understanding of virus transmission, risk
perception, trust, altruism, individual traits, perceived
Face masks and coverings cannot be seen in isolation but
are part of ‘policy packages’ and it is imperative to review
interrelated non-pharmaceutical interventions in tandem
including hand hygiene, sanitizers and social distancing
when maintaining the 2 metre or 1 metre+ distancing rule
is not possible
Consistent and eective public messaging is vital to
public adherence of wearing face masks and coverings.
Conflicting policy advice generates confusion and lack
of compliance. Populations without a previous history
of mask wearing have rapidly adopted face coverings
during the COVID-19 period.
This report provides scientific evidence in which experts
and governments can inform their decision-making but
does not extend to direct policy directives. As noted in
the disclaimer and elsewhere
, but also in our GRADE
recommendations (Appendix 5), research and policy-making
in this area is ongoing and continuously under revision.
We do note however, that the current advice in England
regarding non-surgical face coverings for the general public,
employers and employees does not align with the broader
science evidence in this report. For example, COVID-19
secure guidance for businesses and sta issued by HM
Government on June 14 2020
states (see Appendix 4 for
entire text, emphasis added by authors):
“There are some circumstances when wearing a face
covering may be marginally beneficial as a precautionary
measure. The evidence suggests that wearing a face
covering does not protect you, but it may protect others if
you are infected but have not developed symptoms...
It is important to know that the evidence of the benefit of
using a face covering to protect others is weak and the
eect is likely to be small, therefore face coverings are
not a replacement for the other ways of managing risk,
including minimising time spent in contact, using fixed teams
and partnering for close-up work, and increasing hand and
surface washing.
Three main factors stand in the way of prevention: First,
public indierence. People do not appreciate the risks
they run. The second factor…..is the personal character of
the measures which must be employed…It does not lie in
human nature for a man who thinks he has only a slight
cold to shut himself up in rigid isolation... Third, the highly
infectious nature of the respiratory infections adds to the
diculty of their control.
Major George A Soper, 1919, The Lessons of the Pandemic, Science
We note that although evidence is mentioned, there is no
clear reference to the specific material.
We also note that particularly in relation to face masks
and coverings, there has been a particular precaution in
some contexts such as England, that seems to override
the scientific evidence and lack transparency in decision-
139, 140
. It may be attributed to several factors. First, in
the face mask and covering sphere, there has been a focus
on highlighting very small fragmented pieces of knowledge
and assertion that evidence was not strong due to the
lack of clear RCT
. As noted previously, there have also
been no clinical trials of coughing into your elbow, social
distancing and quarantine, yet these measures are seen
by the public and policy-makers as common sense and
have been widely adopted and are considered as eective.
The heterogeneity of the research designs does not fit the
standard RCT evidence-based medicine approach
, yet
there are still many high quality studies (see Appendix 5).
A non-peer reviewed medRxiv pre-print of a systematic
review of facemasks likewise concluded that RCTs “may
not be the best quality evidence to evaluate a population
behaviour like facemask use that is likely to be imperfectly
implemented”. They conclude that “compared to RCTs,
observational data (cohort and case-control studies) may
give superior quality evidence for ecacy of facemask
wearing to avoid influenza-like-illness, given they are trying
to relate actual behaviour to outcomes”
. Another non-
peer reviewed pre-print study released on 23 June 2020
linked the face mask wearing rate to country’s COVID-19
death rates
. As we note, however, throughout this report
although there may be a correlation, it is likely never
one policy in isolation and rather a combined layering or
package of policy eects. Second, the lack of decisive
measures and changing positions on face masks and
coverings for the general public by the WHO and some
governments has undoubtably fuelled this uncertainty
about their eectiveness. Third, an additional debate has
been about the applicability of results across multiple
settings (e.g., health care versus in the community),
pandemics (e.g., can SARS research be relevant for
COVID-19) and cross-national dierences. We note that
although there are core dierences, there can be many
standard ‘lessons learned’ from previous and other
experiences that appear to be repeating themselves. Finally,
recommendations and guidelines often either implicitly or
explicitly considered supply issues and concerns about
access and competition of the public taking away vital PPE
equipment of surgical masks. This is a logistical and supply
issue and not an issue about the eectiveness of face
masks and coverings.
We note various limitations of our work and provide an
attempt to scrutinize and GRADE
our report in relation to
the quality of the evidence (Appendix 5). The vast literature
review also covered non-COVID-19 studies and dierent
nations, which although had the strength of breadth,
ignored intricate dierences. We also note that although
we report cloth face coverings to be eective, the meta-
analysis was in a health care setting and the fabric tested
within a laboratory, but evidence was supplemented from
observational studies
. Further testing in community
settings would be desirable. Few RCTs have been
conducted to examine the eectiveness of dierent types
of face masks and coverings. But as noted throughout this
report, in addition to ethical concerns, this seems highly
unrealistic to devise such a study, particularly in current
Appendix 1. International policies on facemask requirements and recommendations
Type of requirement by number of countries (as of June 15 2020)
General category Total
Detailed categories Total
Indoor public places 15 All commercial establishments 1
All indoor public places 10
All indoor public places and outdoor within 20 meters of others 1
All indoor public places with multiple people 2
Supermarkets, banks and some indoor spaces 1
Everywhere in public 71 Everywhere in public 71
Certain public places 9 Certain public places 1
Everywhere in public (major cities) 1
Everywhere in public where social distancing isn’t possible 6
Public roads and business employees 1
Public transport only 7 Public transport only 7
Public transport and
crowded places
12 Public transport and schools 1
Public transport and shopping 1
Public transport and stores 2
Public transport + everywhere in public where social distancing isn’t possible 1
Public transport + everywhere in public with more than 10 people 1
Public transport + markets + most public places 1
Public transport + select states: everywhere 1
Public transport + shopping 2
Public transport + shops 1
Public transport, markets, supermarkets & crowded places 1
Universal mask usage 6 Universal mask usage 6
Total countries
120 120
Source: Masks4all data158; general categories created by authors. Note: ***This information is only available for 120 countries.
Appendix 2. Data and Methods
A2.1 Further information systematic review study selection
Figure A2.1 provides a detailed illustration of study selection
and the period of the aforementioned previous respiratory
outbreaks. After duplicates were removed and selection
criteria was enacted, we produced a harmonized file. The
majority of the studies (561) on aggregate are returned
from queries relating to H1N1, but for the year of 2020, it is
naturally COVID-19 (263 in 6-months to date). In this rapid
policy response brief that needed to be produced very
quickly, we do not provide details of all study selection
and exclusion, but will do so in a more detailed future
publication. Briefly, we identified and excluded
duplicate articles and studies that did not include humans.
We included all studies that were returned from three
leading bibliographic databases (Scopus, PubMed and
Web of Science). Due to the rapid shifts in knowledge
surrounding COVID-19 and longer publication time for most
behavioural and social science journals, we also included
some pre-print non-peer reviewed articles from SocRxiv,
PsyRxiv, MedRxiv, bioRxiv and SSRN and indicate this when
evidence is provided. There was no selection on language
but the majority of articles are in English. We included all
research designs, with the exception of the meta-analysis,
discussed in detail in relation to that analysis.
Contents of the systematic review study of the face mask and related literature.
Appendix 3. Additional results
Note: In these US studies, the majority of the samples are taken from randomly drawn representative national samples of US adults studying SARS
, response to a hypothetical serious infectious outbreak (N=500)
, H1N1 (N=1290)
, national representative US opinion polls 2009-10 (N varies)
a random sample of adults in Arizona (H1N1, N=727)
and in two counties in North Carolina (H1N1, N=207)
. The remainder used convenience samples of
adult travellers at 4 international airports (H5N1, N=1301)
, parents of children in San Antonio, Texas after a H1N1 outbreak (N=727)
and an internet survey of
Stanford alumni and students (H1N1, N=6249)
. A comparative summary of further details about these studies can also be found in
Compliance of various non-pharmaceutical health interventions during previous outbreaks, US studies only.
Appendix 4. UK government advice on face coverings
(14 June 2020)
Full excerpt from document: HM Government. Working
safely during the COVID-19 in construction and other
outdoor work. COVID-19 secure guidance for employers,
employees and the self-employed, Version 2.0 updated 14
June 2020
There are some circumstances when wearing a face
covering may be marginally beneficial as a precautionary
measure. The evidence suggests that wearing a face
covering does not protect you, but it may protect others if
you are infected but have not developed symptoms.
A face covering can be very simple and may be worn in
enclosed spaces where social distancing isn’t possible. It
just needs to cover your mouth and nose. It is not the same
as a face mask, such as the surgical masks or respirators
used by health and care workers.
Similarly, face coverings are not the same as the PPE used
to manage risks like dust and spray in an industrial context.
Supplies of PPE, including face masks, must continue to be
reserved for those who need them to protect against risks in
their workplace, such as health and care workers, and those
in industrial settings like those exposed to dust hazards.
It is important to know that the evidence of the benefit of
using a face covering to protect others is weak and the
eect is likely to be small, therefore face coverings are
not a replacement for the other ways of managing risk,
including minimising time spent in contact, using fixed teams
and partnering for close-up work, and increasing hand and
surface washing. These other measures remain the best
ways of managing risk in the workplace and government
would therefore not expect to see employers relying on
face coverings as risk management for the purpose of their
health and safety assessments.
Wearing a face covering is optional and not required by law,
including in the workplace. If you choose to wear one, it is
important to use face coverings properly and wash your
hands before putting them on and before taking them o.
Funnel plot with pseudo 95% confidence intervals, meta-analysis.
Employers should support their workers in using face
coverings safely if they choose to wear one. This means
telling workers:
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for
20 seconds or use hand sanitiser before putting a face
covering on, and before and after removing it.
When wearing a face covering, avoid touching your face
or face covering, as you could contaminate them with
germs from your hands.
Change your face covering if it becomes damp or if
you’ve touched it.
Continue to wash your hands regularly.
Change and wash your face covering daily.
If the material is washable, wash in line with
manufacturer’s instructions. If it’s not washable, dispose of
it carefully in your usual waste.
Practise social distancing wherever possible.
You can make face-coverings at home and can find
guidance on how to do this and use them safely on GOV.UK
Appendix 5. GRADE Recommendations
The authors apply GRADE (Grading of Recommendations,
Assessment, Development, and Evaluation)
. The advantage of using GRADE is
that it ensures both a systematic process and transparency
of research and transparently note the quality of evidence
for each topic studied. The limitations of GRADE is that the
steps and recommendations are narrowly gauged towards
medical research. For instance, the first step is an a-priori
ranking of ‘high’ quality to the yardstick of randomized
control trials and ‘low’ to observational studies, with the
underlying assumption that RCTs are less prone to bias.
Bias is related to lack of blinding, the trial being cut short,
etc., which does not cover common bias issues in socio-
behavioural research.
Although we find this approach useful for transparency,
and explicitly noting the strengths, limitations and our
assessment of the quality of evidence, strictly applying
GRADE recommendations is problematic for the current
study for two reasons. First, our report covers a vast array of
social and behavioural research vital to our understanding
of face mask and covering wearing, which is by definition
almost always observational studies, many of which are
considered of very high quality within those disciplines.
Second, a core criticism of the face mask literature, and in
particular cloth or non-surgical face coverings has been the
lack of RCTs. As mentioned in the report and eloquently
argued elsewhere
, this is unrealistic for ethical but also
practical reasons. This may be another reason that ‘weak’
or ‘lack of evidence’ has been ascribed to face mask and
coverings for the general public.
We note there have also been no clinical trials of hand-
washing, coughing into your elbow, social distancing and
quarantine, yet these measures have been widely adopted
and are considered as eective.
GRADE recommendations
Topic Section Type of
Strengths Limitations Level quality
of evidence
of cloth face
2.2-2.6 Meta-analysis
of infection
reduction of
cotton masks.
More systematic and
empirical examination
beyond only a narrative
homogeneous studies
in similar setting,
No RCTs were able
to be included, with
estimates come from
observational research
designs only.
Studies all in a
healthcare setting in
one country.
Examined SARS and
H1N1 and not COVID-19
Small number of
Moderate-quality (to
translate to public
No broader community
settings (e.g., transport,
shops) conducted as it
is virtually impossible to
conduct RCTs
2.7 Eectiveness
of cloth masks
by fabric type,
Rigorous study carried
out with multiple types
of fabrics and hybrid
Attention to use by
adding measure of
‘gap’ as proxy for
incorrect fit or usage.
Tests carried out in lab
and not community
May be other
measures beyond fit
and gap related to
Moderate- to high-
quality (need to
translate to community
setting; replication).
face mask
3 International
data is scarce
with few
available. Data
is taken from
Contains data for 188
Direct links to the
source of each policy
are provided.
Does not divide into
dierent regions (e.g.,
UK, Scotland, Wales or
States in US).
Not an ocial or
supranational data
Lack of other
comparative databases
to check validity.
Moderate-quality (at
least 1 primary source
with traceable links).
Topic Section Type of
Strengths Limitations Level quality
of evidence
review (high
quality unless
noted below)
4 Highly
literature taken
from multiple
sources of
of Science,
Scopus and
SocRxiv, SSRN,
literature with
multiple study
Captures wide breadth
of interdisciplinary
Captures hard to
measure topics such
as risk perception and
public attitudes
Preprints capture most
recent knowledge on
the topic
Strength of breadth of
Disciplines approach
topics in varied
manners, making
direct comparisons
sometimes challenging
Due to slower
publication process
of social sciences,
COVID-19 studies often
pre-prints without peer
review (when this is the
case it is indicated in
the review)
Dicult to empirically
or systematically
analyse as in for
example a meta-
analysis or RCT
High-quality (contains
multiple systematic
reviews with consistent
results, but we note
that in some cases the
quality of studies are
COVID-19 and
included also
on previous
such as SARS,
Larger body of
literature to draw
conclusions from
Ability to pick up
‘lessons learned’
that are not possible
since COVID-19 is
still ongoing in many
Dierences in
pandemics (country,
Knowledge not always
directly applicable due
to national, medical or
societal dierences
(e.g., culture of mask
wearing, trust in
As above
4.4 Topic of
and trust in
and science
Builds on larger body
of research, theories
COVID-19 research
available using large-
scale data and multiple
types of research
COVID-19 research
based on several
pre-print non-peer-
reviewed studies
(indicated in section)
(smaller base of COVID
specific literature from
4.5 Vulnerable
groups &
in relation to
Builds on existing
literature of
discrimination of
groups during other
Most COVID-19
research on this topic
are pre-prints and not
peer reviewed
Experiments of
discrimination, small n,
selective samples, may
not translate to real-
world settings
Low-quality to no
evidence (COVID-
specific research)
Topic Section Type of
Strengths Limitations Level quality
of evidence
4.6 Perceived
Extensive material and
studies, particularly on
COVID-19 since 2020
Fit and comfort
examined in detail
(virtually all in relation
to health care
Mostly in relation to
public health workers,
less on general public
Fit and comfortable of
surgical & respirator
masks very dierent
from cloth coverings
High-quality for health
Limited evidence for
general public
to face mask
coverings and
to other
5.1 Cross national
of face mask
wearing and
coverage during
Two nationally
representative surveys
from dierent sources of
8 countries (N=66,266)
and 15 countries
Both cover period of
mid-March to mid-April
2020 using self-reports
Countries at dierent
stages of disease
trajectories with varying
& changing policies
over that period
Limited country
Moderate- to high-
quality with consistent
results across studies
5.2 Policy packages
of non-
Multiple studies and
systematic review
across US and multiple
COVID-19 study of
current interventions
Dicult to separate
dierent interventions,
often introduced in
Dicult to know
whether intervention
was mandatory or
recommended, plus
changes over time
High-quality, multiple
studies with consistent
5.3 Face mask
usage in relation
to physical
Meta-analyses that
include multiple
interventions in health-
care settings
COVID-19 information
on this topic available
from governmental
websites and news
Dicult to translate
research from health-
care settings to general
Fast moving
government advice
Information from news
sources is not peer-
reviewed research
No to low-quality for
general public (note:
dicult to obtain
evidence due to
diculties in separating
the impacts of dierent
policies, current topic)
Appendix 6. Preparation of Report
Report prepared for the SET-C Group by
Professor Melinda Mills FBA, MBE, University of Oxford,
Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science
Dr. Charles Rahal, University of Oxford, Leverhulme Centre
for Demographic Science
Evelina Akimova, University of Oxford, Leverhulme Centre
for Demographic Science
Members of The Royal Society SET-C who contributed
to and commented on this report
Professor Peter Bruce FRS (Chair), The Royal Society
Professor Sir Roy Anderson FMedSci FRS, Imperial
College London
Professor Charles Bangham FMedSci FRS, Imperial
College London
Professor Richard Catlow FRS, The Royal Society
Professor Christopher Dye FMedSci FRS, University
of Oxford
Professor Sir Marc Feldmann AC FAA FMedSci FRS,
University of Oxford
Professor Sir Colin Humphreys FREng FRS, Queen
Mary University of London
Professor Frank Kelly FRS, University of Cambridge
Professor Melinda Mills FBA, University of Oxford
Professor Sir John Skehel FMedSci FRS, The Francis
Crick Institute
Professor Georey Smith FMedSci FRS, University
of Cambridge
Professor Alain Townsend FRS, University of Oxford
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168 Op. cit note 43
169 Op. cit note 23
170 Op. cit note 23
171 Op. cit note 23
This paper has drawn on the most recent evidence as of 26 June 2020 and has not been subject to formal peer-review. Further evidence on this topic
is constantly published and the Royal Society and British Academy may return to this topic in the future. This independent overview of the science has
been provided in good faith by experts and the Royal Society and British Academy and paper authors who accept no legal liability for decisions made
based on this evidence.
The Royal Society is grateful to the Leverhulme Trust for its support for the Society’s pandemic response work.
The text of this work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, provided the original
author and source are credited. The license is available at: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
Issued: July 2020 DES7083 © The Royal Society