Laura Ann Moylan
A dissertation
submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
Boise State University
May 2021
© 2021
Laura Ann Moylan
of the dissertation submitted by
Laura Ann Moylan
Dissertation Title: Developing Reading Instruction Observation Protocols for Special
Education Teachers
Date of Final Oral Examination: 18 March 2021
The following individuals read and discussed the dissertation submitted by student Laura
Ann Moylan, and they evaluated the student’s presentation and response to questions
during the final oral examination. They found that the student passed the final oral
Evelyn S. Johnson, Ed.D. Chair, Supervisory Committee
Keith Thiede, Ph.D. Member, Supervisory Committee
Sara Hagenah, Ph.D. Member, Supervisory Committee
The final reading approval of the dissertation was granted by Evelyn S. Johnson, Ed.D.,
Chair of the Supervisory Committee. The dissertation was approved by the Graduate
I would like to first acknowledge my advisor and committee chair Dr. Evelyn
Johnson who has provided me with numerous opportunities for professional growth and
then come along side with consistent encouragement and support. I am especially grateful
for the opportunity to engage in her research as a member of the RESET project team,
which then led to my pursuit of a doctoral degree. She is a model of self-determination
and resilience, demonstrating to anyone fortunate enough to work with her the value of
hard work and confidence in your vision. I would like to thank her for her willingness to
stick with me throughout this process, patiently pressing me forward and then pushing
when needed.
I would like to thank the additional members of my committee Dr. Keith Thiede
and Dr. Sara Hagenah for all I have learned from them and for their guidance and
feedback on this work.
Finally, I would like to express gratitude for my family. First, my husband Brent
who for the past 30 years has supported and encouraged me throughout my career as an
educator and my efforts to continue my education. He is patient, kind, and always solid in
his belief that I will be successful. My daughter Sophie inspires me every day to be a
better person, to be strong, and to believe in myself. I am extremely grateful to them both
for their confidence in me and for the life we have together that has made it possible for
me to pursue my interests and dreams.
Considerable resources have been invested in identifying effective reading
instruction methods for students with disabilities. Unfortunately, students are not
routinely receiving instruction aligned with these practices, impacting their ability to
reach their potential. To improve reading instruction, teachers need to receive observation
feedback and evaluations reflecting instructional practices shown to be effective. One
way to ensure teachers are provided with feedback consistent with evidence based
reading instruction is to develop observation protocols aligned to these practices. This
dissertation addresses this problem with three distinct, yet interconnected, articles
detailing the development of reading instruction observation protocols designed to
provide accurate teacher evaluations and feedback to improve reading instruction for
students with disabilities. Each protocol is part of the larger Recognizing Effective
Special Education Teachers (RESET) observation system. The first article explains the
framework that was applied to develop both the observation system and an explicit
instruction observation protocol. The second and third articles describe the development
of a comprehension and a decoding instruction observation protocol. Development
included a comprehensive review of literature and rigorous testing. Results indicate the
explicit instruction, comprehension, and decoding instruction protocols will provide
reliable evaluations of a teacher’s ability to implement instruction consistent with
practices most effective for students with disabilities. Implications for practice and
further research are discussed.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT .........................................................................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. ix
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................1
Introduction ..............................................................................................................1
Student Reading Achievement .................................................................................4
Observations for Reading Instruction and Research to Practice Gap ..........5
Teacher Observation Systems ..................................................................................6
Evidence Based Reading Instruction for SWD ........................................................8
The Alphabetic Principle and Word Reading Instruction for SWD ............9
Comprehension - Reading for Meaning .....................................................11
References ..............................................................................................................16
SPECIAL EDUCATOR OBSERVATION SYSTEM.......................................................26
Abstract ..................................................................................................................28
Introduction ............................................................................................................29
Recognizing Effective Special Education Teachers (RESET) ..................31
Study 1. Performance-Level Descriptor Study. .........................................37
Study 2. Many-facet Rasch Measurement Analysis ..................................40
Results ....................................................................................................................42
Discussion ..............................................................................................................45
Conclusion .............................................................................................................47
References ..............................................................................................................49
Abstract ..................................................................................................................62
Introduction ............................................................................................................63
Recognizing Effective Special Education Teachers (RESET) Reading for
Meaning Rubric .........................................................................................64
Purpose of the Current Study .....................................................................72
Participants .................................................................................................73
Procedures ..................................................................................................74
Data Analysis .............................................................................................75
Results ....................................................................................................................76
Discussion ..............................................................................................................80
References ..............................................................................................................85
TEACHERS .....................................................................................................................101
Abstract ................................................................................................................103
Introduction ..........................................................................................................104
Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Observation Protocol ........................106
Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Protocol Structure and Scoring .........110
Purpose of the Current Study ...................................................................111
Participants ...............................................................................................111
Procedures ................................................................................................112
Results ..................................................................................................................115
Item Facet and Fit Statistics .....................................................................116
Teacher Facet and Fit Statistics ...............................................................118
Rater Facet and Fit Statistics....................................................................118
Lesson Facet and Fit Statistics .................................................................119
Distribution of Scores across CDLP Components and Items ..................120
Discussion ............................................................................................................121
Limitations ...............................................................................................123
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................124
References ............................................................................................................125
CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................140
Summary ..............................................................................................................140
APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................143
Table 2.1 Organization and Structure of RESET ...................................................... 53
Table 2.2 Item Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis ... 54
Table 2.3 Teacher Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis
................................................................................................................... 55
Table 2.4 Lesson Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis 56
Table 2.5 Rater Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis .. 57
Table 2.6 Bias Analysis Results Teacher x Rater Interaction................................ 58
Table 3.1 Item Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis ... 95
Table 3.2 Teacher Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis
................................................................................................................... 96
Table 3.3 Lesson Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis 97
Table 3.4 Rater Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis .. 98
Table 3.5 Bias Analysis Results ................................................................................ 99
Table 3.6 Teacher Measurement Report ................................................................. 100
Table 4.1 Item Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis . 131
Table 4.2 Teacher Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis
................................................................................................................. 132
Table 4.3 Rater Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis 133
Table 4.4 Teacher Measurement Report ................................................................. 134
Table 4.5 Lesson Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis
................................................................................................................. 135
Table 4.6 Score Distribution Across Components and Items of the Comprehensive
Decoding Lesson Protocol ...................................................................... 136
Figure 2.1. Variable map of the RESET facets items, teachers, lessons and raters. ... 59
Figure 3.1. Variable map of the Reading for Meaning rubric facets items, teachers,
lessons and raters ...................................................................................... 94
Figure 4.1 Variable map of the CD rubric facets items, teachers, raters, and lessons.
................................................................................................................. 139
CDLP Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Protocol
EBP(s) Evidence based practice(s)
ECD Evidence Centered Design
EI Explicit Instruction
MFRM many-facet Rasch measurement
PLD(s) performance level descriptor(s)
RESET Recognizing Effective Special Education Teachers
SET special education teacher
SWD students with disabilities
This dissertation consists of three articles representing a connected body of work.
While each article stands alone, there is commonality linking all three articles.
Specifically, the chapters in this dissertation are connected by the theme of developing a
special education teacher observation system, Recognizing Effective Special Education
Teachers (RESET; Johnson et al., 2018). Each of the chapters build upon one another by
describing specific stages of the observation system and protocol development. Chapters
Two, Three, and Four include articles written for publication in education journals. Each
chapter contains detailed introductions to the article, including abstracts providing
context for each article. The remainder of this chapter lays the foundation for the
importance of and purpose behind the following chapters’ articles, as well as this
dissertation as a whole.
Chapter Two, Using Evidence-Centered Design to Create a Special Educator
Observation System, explains how the Evidence-Centered Design framework was applied
to ensure the thoughtful and rigorous development of RESET. Within this chapter, two
studies are described. The first study describes the processes undertaken to create an
initial set of performance-level descriptors for the RESET Explicit Instruction
observation protocol. A team of raters independently scored a set of video recorded
lessons using the Explicit Instruction protocol. Along with their scores, they also
provided time stamped evidence and explanations to support their scoring decisions.
Using these data, a set of performance level descriptors was developed for each item on
the protocol. The second study described in this article details the procedures used to
analyze the reliability of the Explicit Instruction protocol. Raters used the fully developed
Explicit Instruction protocol to evaluate a set of video recorded lessons. Using Many-
facet Rasch measurement (MFRM), we were able to assess the reliability of the protocol
and review how the teacher, item, rater, and lesson facets functioned. Results show the
item, teacher, rater, and lesson facets achieved high psychometric quality, indicating the
instrument will provide reliable evaluations of a teacher’s ability to implement effective
explicit instruction. The development and testing processes described in this chapter are
replicated across future studies.
Chapter Three contains an article titled Developing a Comprehension Instruction
Observation Rubric for Special Education Teachers. Using the framework and processes
described in Chapter Two, a Reading for Meaning observation protocol detailing the
elements of evidence-based comprehension instruction was developed and the
psychometric properties were tested using MFRM. The process for developing the
Reading for Meaning protocol began with a review of the research on comprehension
instruction for students with disabilities (hereafter abbreviated as SWD). The research
was synthesized into a set of components and items representing the key elements of
effective reading comprehension instruction. Items indicating full implementation were
written first. In order to develop accurate performance level descriptors, raters with
expertise in reading instruction used the protocol while observing video recorded
comprehension instruction. These raters provided scores indicating degrees of
implementation and also provided time stamped evidence and notes explaining their
scoring. This information was then analyzed and translated into performance level
descriptors for each item.
Using the fully developed Reading for Meaning rubric, trained raters watched
video recorded lessons and scored each item on the protocol as ‘implemented’, partially
implemented’ or ‘not implemented’. MFRM analysis indicated high psychometric quality
for item, teacher, rater, and lesson facets suggesting the Reading for Meaning protocol
will provide reliable evaluations of a teacher’s ability to implement effective
comprehension instruction for SWD.
Finally, Chapter Four contains a manuscript titled Developing a Comprehensive
Decoding Instruction Observation Protocol for Special Education Teachers. The purpose
for the study described in this paper was: 1) to examine the psychometric quality of the
Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Protocol through MFRM analysis and 2) to analyze
teachers’ performance on the implementation of effective decoding instruction. The
Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Protocol (hereafter abbreviated as CDLP) was
designed to evaluate and support the implementation of systematic and explicit phonics
instruction. The CDLP items and components were developed through an extensive
review of the research on decoding instruction for SWD. Drafted items underwent
multiple revisions as they were reviewed by content experts and internally tested using
video recorded instruction. Once a complete set of items and performance level
descriptors was completed the protocol was tested for reliability.
Patterned after the prior studies, trained raters scored video recorded reading
lessons identified as decoding instruction using the CDLP. Rater scoring data was
analyzed using MFRM and indicated strong psychometric properties for item, teacher,
rater, and lesson facets. These results suggest the CDLP will provide reliable evaluations
of a teacher’s ability to implement decoding instruction for SWD consistent with the
effective instructional practices described in the research. Further analysis was conducted
to examine the degree of implementation for each item on the protocol. Results of this
analysis indicated low levels of proficient decoding instruction implemented by this
sample of teachers as a whole. Using this data, it would be possible to provide targeted
feedback to support improved implementation and to positively reinforce incidences of
proficient implementation. Implications for both practice and continued research are
Student Reading Achievement
Acquiring the ability to read is fundamental to learning, success in school, and
future engagement in the work-force and is therefore a primary focus in our education
system. The implications of low levels of literacy extend into adulthood and impact both
the health and economic stability of individuals and society as a whole (Miller et al.,
2010). During the 2018-19 school year over seven million public school students
received special education services, or 14% of public-school enrollment (National Center
for Educational Statistics, 2020). SWD tend to have significant achievement gaps in
reading compared with their peers in general-education, with substantial numbers of
SWD performing below proficiency on state and national measures of reading (Judge &
Bell, 2010; NCES, 2019; Schulte et al., 2016). The average reading achievement gap
between SWD and students without disabilities has been reported to be as high as 1.17
SD, or the equivalent of 3.3 years of growth (Gilmour et al., 2018). One possible
contributor to low levels of reading proficiency for SWD may be the content, quality, and
intensity of instruction students are receiving.
Observations for Reading Instruction and Research to Practice Gap
Over several decades considerable resources have been dedicated to the
development and understanding of effective reading instruction for SWD (Ehri, 2004;
Lane, 2014; NICHD, 2000). However, observational studies of instructional practice have
identified a lack of consistent and effective implementation of evidence-based practices
(hereafter abbreviated as EBP), particularly in settings focused on providing reading
instruction for SWD (Moody et al., 2000; Swanson, 2008; Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014).
Observational studies have consistently concluded reading instruction is frequently
lacking critical components and the quality and intensity is inadequate to meet the
instructional needs of SWD (Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014). Despite the extensive evidence
supporting explicit, systematic decoding instruction as a critical component of reading
instruction and intervention (Blachman et al., 2004; Denton et al., 2013; Ehri et al., 2001;
Lovett et al., 2000; Torgesen et al., 2001), SWD are spending little time engaged in
effective phonemic awareness and phonics instruction (Ciullo et al., 2016; Moody et al.,
2000; Swanson, 2008). Comprehension instruction is infrequently observed across
observational studies, or when observed, described as inadequate, lacking in strategy
instruction, and primarily consisting of asking literal questions or students completing
independent work (Cuillo et al., 2016; Klingner et al., 2010; Swanson, 2008; Swanson &
Vaughn, 2010; Vaughn & Wansek, 2014). Further, students are spending limited amounts
of time engaging with connected text (Kent et al., 2012; Swanson, 2008; Vaughn &
Wanzek, 2014), with one synthesis indicating as little as 3-13 minutes spent reading
aloud and 6-10 minutes reading silently across educational settings (Vaughn & Wanzek,
2014). Overall, students have been observed spending excessive amounts of time during
dedicated reading instruction on non-literacy related or passive activities (Kent et al.,
2012; Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014). Additionally, concerns have been raised about the lack
and depth of content knowledge among teachers providing reading instruction,
potentially inhibiting their ability to explain concepts effectively, select appropriate
examples, be diagnostic, and provide targeted feedback to students (Moats & Foreman,
2003; Moats, 2009; Washburn et al., 2011). While evidence strongly supports explicit,
systematic instruction focused on the critical components of phonemic awareness,
phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension as essential for students to reach their potential
(NICHD, 2000); there appears to be a disconnect between what we know and what is
consistently happening in classrooms.
Creating a teacher observation system aligned to the specific instruction practices
found to improve reading performance for SWD is one way to provide teachers with clear
guidance, improve instruction, and ultimately improve outcomes for students. When
teachers are objectively evaluated and supported to improve instruction, accuracy in the
implementation of EBP increases and there is a positive impact on student growth
(Biancarosa et al., 2010; Fallon et al., 2015; Taylor & Tyler, 2012).
Teacher Observation Systems
If we are to close the research to practice gap and ensure SWD consistently
receive high quality instruction, special education teachers must have sufficient
knowledge of EBPs along with the skills and systematic support to sustain fidelity of
implementation overtime (McLeskey & Billingsley, 2008). Teacher observation systems
have the potential for producing positive changes in practice and supporting sustained
implementation when they integrate the improvement of teacher knowledge with ongoing
opportunities for practice and feedback (Fallon et al., 2015; Snyder et al., 2015; Schles &
Robertson, 2019; Solomon et al., 2012). To be an effective framework for supporting
cumulative learning and improving instruction observation systems must provide teachers
with feedback and guidance that is accurate, actionable, and subject-specific (Hill &
Grossman, 2013). Unfortunately, current observation systems have been designed to be
expedient, are generic in nature, and therefore limited in their utility to provide content
specific and actionable feedback (Blazar et al., 2017; Hill & Grossman, 2013).
Observation systems designed to effectively measure the complexities of
instruction and provide accurate, reliable ratings and feedback require rigorous
development and evaluation (Hill & Grossman, 2013). Systems put in place without
deliberate construction and assessment may not effectively detect variations in practice or
may lack accuracy and clarity in expectations for performance, resulting in inappropriate
decisions and feedback unlikely to result in the desired improvement (Hall, 2014). The
Evidence-Centered Design framework (ECD) was applied to the development of the
RESET observation system as a way to ensure thoughtful and rigorous development
(Johnson et al., 2018). The ECD framework is a construct-centered approach to
assessment development used to ensure the collection and interpretation of evidence and
the stages of development remain consistent with the underlying construct the assessment
is intended to measure (Mislevy et al., 2003).
The RESET protocols are high-inference observation instruments designed to
capture the critical elements of effective instruction for SWD. The interpretation of such
complex, multi-dimensional practices and determinations of proficiency require high
levels of expertise along with a shared understanding of practices and the language used
to describe them. The instructional dimensions of observation protocols have been
reported to be the most challenging for raters to score reliably (Gitomer et al., 2014; Ho
& Kane, 2013). Even after increased training, feedback, and calibration exercises, rater
reliability continues to be a persistent challenge with raters accounting for between 25
and as much as 70% of variance in scores assigned to the same lesson (Casabianca et al.,
In research designs where a team of trained raters observes multiple teachers and
lessons, statistical adjustments are able to account for rater differences. However, in
practice teachers are typically observed by only one rater. Therefore, it is important to
consider the implications of the low level of perfect agreement across different raters,
take steps to minimize rater differences across teacher observations, and include subject
matter experts in the teacher observation process. A lack of agreement may indicate the
absence of a shared understanding about important constructs and the evidence required
to indicate proficient implementation. Therefore, taking steps to develop understanding
and agreement about the practices being evaluated and to provide examples of
proficiency is recommended (Gitomer et al., 2014). This recommendation further
emphasizes the need for well-designed observation protocols that can support the
development of common understandings.
Evidence Based Reading Instruction for SWD
The goal of reading is to construct meaning from written text. This is a
complicated endeavor requiring an understanding of the alphabetic principle, the skills to
identify words and connect them to meaning, and the ability to draw on multiple
cognitive skills and processes (Cain et al., 2004; Oakhill & Cain, 2007). In 2000 the
National Reading Panel published its widely read report identifying five key areas of
reading instruction phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and
fluency (NICHD, 2000). Over the past two decades the field of education has dedicated
significant resources toward the effort of understanding how to effectively teach reading
with a continued focus on these key areas (Castles et al., 2018). The observation
protocols discussed in this dissertation focus on two of these critical components,
comprehensive decoding instruction for SWD and comprehension instruction for SWD.
The Alphabetic Principle and Word Reading Instruction for SWD
Understanding that letters and letter patterns represent specific sounds in language
and that these relationships are systematic and transferable is essential to learning to read
(Blachman et al., 2004; Ehri et al., 2001; Foorman et al., 2003; Steacy et al., 2016). The
development of this fundamental understanding referred to as the alphabetic principle
requires intentional instruction making this a critical component of effective reading
instruction and intervention for SWD (Blachman et al, 2004; Castles et al., 2018; Ehri et
al., 2001; Forman et al., 2003; Lovett et al., 2000; Steacy et al., 2016; Torgesen et al.,
2001). This awareness provides the foundation for developing accurate and fluent word
reading, a skill integral to comprehending text and a key predictor of comprehension
ability (Cain et al., 2004; Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011, Ehri et al., 2001; Kang & Shin,
Studies of word reading intervention for SWD support both synthetic (mapping
phonemes to graphemes and blending to decode words) and analytic (recognizing larger
parts and patterns such as onset, rimes, syllables) approaches to word reading instruction
(Castles et al., 2018; Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011; Ehri et al., 2001; Lovett et al., 2000;
Steacy et al., 2016; Wanzek & Vaughn, 2007). Whether a synthetic, analytic, or a
combination of both approaches is applied, the acquisition of word reading skills requires
instruction in strategies emphasizing phonological (sound) and orthographic (written)
connections (Blachman et al., 2004; Denton et al., 2013; Ehri et al., 2001; Lovett et al.,
2000; Torgesen et al., 2001). In order for SWD to develop proficiency with word reading
skills and strategies instruction must be intensive, systematic, and highly explicit,
providing students with extended opportunities to practice (Blachman et al., 2004;
Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011; Ehri, 2014). Systematic instruction teaches phoneme-
grapheme correspondence and word reading skills in an ordered manner where skills
build upon one another logically, providing students with the necessary prerequisite skills
to be successful (Brady, 2011; Ehri et al., 2001). Routines implemented systematically
within and across lessons support efficiency and lead to more fluid and focused lessons
(Archer & Hughes, 2011). Instruction that is explicit provides students with the
scaffolding necessary to acquire complex skills and strategies (Hughes et al., 2017) and
was identified as one of 22 high leverage practices for SWD (McLeskey et al., 2017).
Performance in reading, spelling, and writing is enhanced when decoding
instruction is integrated with encoding instruction explicitly reinforcing phoneme-
grapheme relationships (Denton et al., 2013; Weiser, 2013). Students practice decoding
skills when they blend sounds made by letters or letter groups into words. When
encoding, students use their knowledge of phonemic awareness and phoneme-grapheme
correspondences to transform speech into print (Moats & Hall, 2010; Weiser & Mathes,
2011). Effective encoding instruction may include writing words as well as building
words or manipulating the sounds and letters in words using tiles or plastic letters
(Weiser, 2013).
The importance of practicing and applying word reading skills and strategies in
the context of connected text cannot be overstated. Providing students with frequent
opportunities to successfully practice and apply word reading skills in the context of
connected text consistently results in improved reading performance (Blachman et al.,
2004; Denton et al., 2010; Jenkins et al., 2004; Mathes et al., 2005). It cannot be assumed
students will naturally generalize decoding skills taught in isolation to text reading,
making teacher guided practice with feedback and appropriate scaffolding an essential
component of decoding instruction (Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011). This guided practice
with connected text also provides the opportunity to reinforce the purpose for reading,
which is reading for meaning, through intentional questioning and discussion appropriate
to the text.
Comprehension - Reading for Meaning
Accurate and efficient word reading skills are essential to comprehension, but do
not ensure comprehension will occur (Oakhill et al., 2003). Text comprehension requires
the orchestration of multiple cognitive skills and processes, interacting with the
individual’s background knowledge and the content of the text (Cain, 2010; Compton et
al., 2014; Kintsch, 2004; Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). Three constructs underlying
comprehension of text are identified by Perfetti & Stafura (2014) in their Reading
Systems Framework. The first construct is knowledge; more specifically, linguistic
knowledge, orthographic knowledge and general knowledge of the world and of text
structures. The second construct involves the reading processes the reader engages in as
they activate their knowledge to successfully read words, assign meaning, make
inferences, and monitor their understanding. Finally, the third construct encompasses the
cognitive processes involved in reading for meaning, which include executive
functioning skills such as working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibition. These
three constructs and the multiple components within each must interact and function with
one another for the reader to successfully construct meaning as they engage with text
(Perfetti & Stafura, 2014).
Orthographic knowledge supports word recognition, discussed in the prior section
and is essential, but not sufficient for comprehension to occur. Linguistic knowledge, a
critical factor in comprehending what we read, includes understanding words and having
the ability to integrate their meaning into a mental model of the text (Perfetti & Stafura,
2014). Struggling readers benefit from intentional instruction and practice in building and
enriching vocabulary knowledge (Bryant et al., 2003; Elleman et al., 2009). Successful
approaches for developing vocabulary knowledge include direct instruction, cognitive
strategy instruction, the use of mnemonics, and activity based approaches (Jitendra et al.,
The reader’s knowledge of text content and text structure influence their ability to
effectively attend to and integrate important information, make inferences, and accurately
construct meaning (Elleman & Compton, 2017; Kendeou & Van Den Broek, 2007). Poor
comprehenders need support in developing their knowledge as it relates to the specific
text and scaffolding to support the processes of recalling and integrating relevant
information (Cain et al., 2004; Compton et al., 2014). Both general world knowledge and
prior knowledge of the passage topic are associated with stronger performance on text
specific comprehension measures (Compton et al., 2013). Additionally, increasing
SWD’s knowledge of text structure leads to increased attention to critical elements,
improves the ability to recall information and has been shown to significantly improve
SWD’s ability to comprehend narrative and expository texts (Alves et al., 2015; Gajria et
al., 2007; Kaldenberg et al., 2015; Mason & Hedin, 2011; Stetter & Hughes, 2010;
Williams, 2005). Experts in the field encourage increased attention to building
knowledge relevant to the text and to text structure as part of effective intervention
(Compton et al., 2014).
The ability to make inferences is essential to comprehension (Oakhill & Cain,
2007; Elleman, 2017). Making inferences refers to the processes a reader engages in to
make meaningful connections between information contained within the text and also
between information in the text and the reader’s background knowledge (Hall & Barnes,
2017). SWD tend to have difficulty with inference making even with sufficient
background knowledge and often fail to engage in this critical process altogether (Barth
et al., 2015; Cain et al., 2001). Students have shown improvement through interventions
designed to explicitly teach inference making processes (Elleman, 2017; Hall, 2016;
Yuill & Oakhill, 1988). Features of successful inference interventions include teaching
students to locate relevant information using cues in the text, introducing structured and
purposeful methods for engaging background knowledge, scaffolding the process of
integrating information within and across texts, and the use of advanced organizers
(Elleman, 2017).
Explicitly teaching SWD strategies designed to support comprehension processes,
develop student’s ability to monitoring their understanding, and to use strategies flexibly
across various texts improves the students’ ability to actively engage with the text and
effectively extract meaning (Gersten et al., 2001; Gajria et al., 2007; NICHD, 2000).
Including graphic organizers and other content enhancement tools in intervention
provides a framework and helps students attend to, organize, and retrieve important
information (Ciullo et al., 2016; Dexter & Hughes, 2011). Purposeful instruction in
strategies that increase self-monitoring and develop the skills of summarization and the
identification of main idea are highly effective in improving comprehension for SWD
(Gajria et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2012; NICHD, 2000; Solis et al., 2012). In conjunction
with self-monitoring, students benefit from learning to support their understanding by
using the text as a resource to clarify meaning or locate important information (Gardill &
Jitendra, 1999; Mason 2013; Vaughn et al., 2001). Approaches to comprehension
instruction integrating multiple strategies across stages of reading are supported in the
comprehension instruction research (Boardman et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2012; Scammacca
et al., 2016; Wanzek et al., 2016). Multicomponent intervention may include strategies
scaffolding what the reader does throughout stages of the reading process such as before,
during, and after reading (Boardman et al., 2016; Klingner et al., 2010; Mason, 2013).
Effective questioning strategies are an important component of intervention
focused on understanding content and monitoring understanding. Thoughtfully
implemented questioning leads students to attend more carefully and think systematically
about what they are reading (Berkeley et al., 2010). Questioning before, during, and after
reading is most effective when it is purposefully designed to encourage active
engagement and reflection, focuses the student on integrating and connecting
information, and encourages the construction of meaning (McKeown et al., 2009). When
designing effective intervention, teachers should carefully consider their approaches to
questioning and include both thoughtful teacher directed questioning and scaffolding to
support students in developing independent self-questioning strategies (Joseph et al.,
Alves, K. D., Kennedy, M. J., Brown, T. S., & Solis, M. (2015). Story Grammar
Instruction with Third and Fifth Grade Students with Learning Disabilities and
Other Struggling Readers. Learning Disabilities--A Contemporary Journal, 13(1).
Archer, A. L., & Hughes, C. A. (2011). Explicit Instruction: Effective and efficient
teaching (what works for special-needs Learners). Journal of Special Education,
36(4), 186-205.
Barth, A. E., Barnes, M., Francis, D., Vaughn, S., & York, M. (2015). Inferential
processing among adequate and struggling adolescent comprehenders and
relations to reading comprehension. Reading and writing, 28(5), 587-609.
Berkeley, S., Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2010). Reading comprehension
instruction for students with learning disabilities, 19952006: A meta-analysis.
Remedial and Special Education, 31(6), 423-436.
Biancarosa, G., Bryk, A. S., & Dexter, E. R. (2010). Assessing the value-added effects of
literacy collaborative professional development on student learning. The
elementary school journal, 111(1), 7-34.
Blachman, B. A., Schatschneider, C., Fletcher, J. M., Francis, D. J., Clonan, S. M.,
Shaywitz, B. A., & Shaywitz, S. E. (2004). Effects of intensive reading
remediation for second and third graders and a 1-year follow-up. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 96(3), 444.
Blazar, D., Braslow, D., Charalambous, C. Y., & Hill, H. C. (2017). Attending to general
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This chapter is published by John Wiley and Sons in Educational Measurement: Issues
and Practice and should be referenced accordingly.
Johnson, E. S., Crawford, A. R., Moylan, L. A., & Zheng, Y. (2018) Using Evidence-
Centered Design to Create a Special Educator Observation System. Educational
Measurement: Issues and Practice,
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*This chapter includes modifications from the originally published version.
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Using Evidence-Centered Design to Create a Special Educator Observation System
Evelyn S. Johnson, Angela Crawford, Laura A. Moylan, and Yuzhu Zheng
Boise State University
January 2018
Author Note
Evelyn S. Johnson, Department of Early and Special Education, Boise State
University; Angela Crawford, Project RESET, Boise State University; Laura A. Moylan,
Project RESET, Boise State University; Yuzhu Zheng, Project RESET; Boise State
This research was supported the Institute of Education Sciences, award number
R324A150152 to Boise State University. The opinions expressed are solely those of the
authors. Correspondence regarding this manuscript should be addressed to: Dr. Evelyn S.
Johnson, Boise State University, 1910 University Dr., MS 1725, Boise, Idaho 83725-
1725. Email: [email protected]
The Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) framework was used to create a special
education teacher observation system, Recognizing Effective Special Education Teachers
(RESET). Extensive reviews of research informed the domain analysis and modeling
stages, and led to the conceptual framework in which effective special education teaching
is operationalized as the ability to effectively implement evidence-based practices for
students with disabilities. In the assessment implementation stage, four raters evaluated
40 videos and provided evidence to support the scores assigned to teacher performances.
An inductive approach was used to analyze the data and to create empirically derived,
item level performance descriptors. In the assessment delivery stage, four different raters
evaluated the same videos using the fully developed rubric. Many-facet Rasch
measurement (MFRM) analyses showed that the item, teacher, lesson and rater facets
achieved high psychometric quality. This process can be applied to other content areas to
develop teacher observation systems that provide accurate evaluations and feedback to
improve instructional practice.
Keywords: special education teacher evaluation, observation systems, Many-facet
Rasch measurement
Teacher observation systems are increasingly seen as an important component of
education reform because they offer the opportunity to evaluate teaching practice and to
provide teachers with feedback on how to improve instruction. Emerging analyses of
teacher observation systems suggest that, when teachers are objectively evaluated and
supported to improve instruction, there is a positive impact on student growth
(Biancarosa et al., 2012). However, in the effort to adopt observation systems on a broad
scale, many states and districts are using evaluation tools that are very generic in nature,
or that have been designed primarily for accountability and therefore do not provide
teachers with extensive feedback on practice (Hill & Grossman, 2013). If teacher
observation systems are to fulfill their promise of improving instruction, considerable
work remains to ensure that they are developed and implemented in ways that address the
shortcomings of current tools.
To be useful, a teacher observation system must facilitate accountability, support
growth and development of professional practice, and provide accurate, reliable ratings
and feedback about the specific instructional adjustments teachers need to make (Hill &
Grossman, 2013). Many observation systems however, are poorly aligned with the
evidence-based instructional practices (EBPs) within the relevant content area, limiting
the quality of the feedback provided to teachers through this mechanism (Grossman et al.,
2009). This is especially the case for special education teachers, who are routinely
evaluated with observation instruments designed for the general education setting
(Johnson & Semmelroth, 2014). Additionally, large scale studies of current observation
systems have indicated a propensity for bias in scores, in which the majority of teachers
are discovered to be proficient or better (Kane & Staiger, 2012). Recent state level reports
confirm that in practice, the tendency for bias in teacher observation systems is
significant (Farley, 2017).
Effective teacher observation systems require deliberate construction and
thorough psychometric evaluation. An assessment that seeks to measure something as
complex as instructional practice must be designed around the inferences that are to be
made, the observations that will be used to draw these inferences, and the chain of
reasoning that connects them (Messick, 1994). Evidence-Centered Design (ECD)
provides a conceptual design framework to create complex, coherent assessments based
on the principles of evidentiary reasoning (Mislevy et al., 2003). In brief, ECD consists of
five stages: 1) domain analysis, 2) domain modeling, 3) conceptual framework, 4)
assessment implementation, and 5) assessment delivery. Designing assessment products
through the ECD framework ensures that the way that evidence is gathered and
interpreted is consistent with the underlying construct the assessment is intended to
address (Mislevy et al., 2003).
ECD has been applied to several, significant large-scale student assessment
systems (Plake et al., 2010), but has not been used extensively to develop teacher
observation instruments. In this manuscript, we describe the development of a special
education teacher (SET) observation instrument that has been developed through the
ECD framework with the goal of providing SETs clear and actionable signals about ways
to improve their teaching practice, minimizing bias in the resulting evaluations, and
providing reliable results across raters.
Recognizing Effective Special Education Teachers (RESET)
RESET is a federally funded project to create observation rubrics aligned with
EBPs for students with high incidence disabilities. The goal is to leverage the extensive
research on EBPs for this population of students to inform the development of
observation instruments that provide feedback to SETs to improve their practice and
ultimately, to improve outcomes for students with disabilities (SWD). To create the
RESET observation system, we followed the five-stage ECD framework (Mislevy et al.,
2003). Below, we describe each stage as it applies to the development of RESET,
followed by a reporting of the studies undertaken to inform the assessment
implementation and delivery stages.
Domain Analysis
The domain analysis stage involves collecting substantive information about the
domain being assessed (Mislevy & Haertel, 2006); in this case, effective special
education teaching. We reviewed the research on teacher impact to determine the salient
aspects of the teacher’s role in affecting student outcomes to create a definition of special
education teaching. Drawing on the research on instructional practice, we identified
common elements of effective instruction such as: 1) maintaining rigorous expectations;
2) creating an effective, engaging learner environment; 3) making content area
knowledge relevant, and 4) providing learning experiences using effective research-based
strategies (Hattie, 2009). Next, we engaged in a meta-review of the research on effective
special education instructional practice, organizing our search through these four
elements. Several meta-analyses of EBPs provided useful starting points for conducting
our review (see for example: Bellini et al.; 2007; Berkeley et al., 2010; Gersten et al.,
2009; Swanson & Sachse-Lee, 2000). The result of this review led to a definition of
effective special education teaching as the ability to assess a students learning needs and
implement EBPs to support academic and social/emotional growth.
Domain Modeling
We then moved to the domain modeling stage, in which the information and
relationships identified in domain analysis are translated into assessment design options.
Based on our definition of effective special education teaching, we concluded it is best
assessed through observations of a SETs instruction that are evaluated using rubrics
detailing the essential elements of the EBPs we expect to see in the classroom. To create
assessment design options within the domain modeling stage, both characteristic and
variable features are used to specify how SETs will produce performance tasks (Mislevy
& Haertel, 2006). The characteristic tasks common across SETs include video recording
the SET directly working with students in an instructional setting. However, because
teaching contexts and instructional settings are highly variable in special education, the
variable features of RESET include establishing criteria for evaluating a range of EBPs
depending on the specific context in which the SET is working. SETS are responsible for
providing instruction across content areas, grade levels, and various arrangements such as
pull-out models or co-teaching. SETs also work with students who require specially
designed instruction that is individualized depending on student need. SETs must be
well-versed in numerous EBPs and be cognizant of various disability types to plan and
implement effective instruction (Odom et al., 2005). Therefore, an effective SET
observation system must capture a broad range of EBPs, delivered in a variety of contexts
and adapted to meet individual student needs.
Conceptual Assessment Framework
With the framework developed in the domain modeling stage, we moved to create
the blueprint for RESET, or the conceptual assessment framework, which is divided into
models that bridge the assessment argument with the operational activities of the
assessment system (Mislevy et al., 2003). The models included within RESET include
the 1) teacher model; 2) evidence model, 3) task model, and 4) presentation model
(Mislevy et al., 2003). The teacher model in RESET consists of a single variable, a SETs
proficiency in the implementation of EBPs. Through our review of literature undertaken
in the domain analysis stage, we organized EBPs into three main areas: 1) instructional
methods, 2) content organization and delivery, and 3) individualization. Within each
category, we outlined the rubrics associated with the EBPs to create an overall blueprint
for RESET. The list of rubrics organized by category is included in Table 1. Through
RESET, we obtain evidence that provides an estimate of a SETs proficiency to
effectively deliver instruction, to organize and support content area learning, and to
individualize instruction based on the students’ presenting needs.
SETs submit video recordings of their lessons which are then evaluated using the
appropriate rubric from each subscale. This process comprises the evidence model. The
scoring rules are based on the SETs level of implementation of EBPs, and evaluated as
implemented, partially implemented, or not implemented. The task model for RESET is
any lesson delivered by the SET to SWD. The presentation model for RESET relies on
the use of video recorded lessons and electronic versions of the relevant RESET rubrics.
Observations are self-evaluated by the SET and evaluated by raters who have been
trained in the use of RESET.
Assessment Implementation
The operational model derived from the conceptual assessment framework leads
to the assessment implementation stage (Mislevy et al., 2003), the stage at which
assessment items are created. As described above, RESET consists of a set of rubrics,
each rubric reflects the items and performance-level descriptors (PLDs) for a specific
EBP. To create individual items for each rubric, we conducted extensive reviews of the
research on the EBPs included within RESET, then synthesized the descriptions of these
practices across studies to create a set of items that detailed each EBP. To illustrate the
item development process in more detail, we will use the Explicit Instruction (EI) rubric
as an example (see the appendix).
A number of studies and meta-analyses have identified EI as one of the most
effective approaches to teaching students with disabilities (see, e.g., Archer & Hughes,
2010; Brophy & Good, 1986; Christenson et al., 1989; Gersten et al., 2000; Rosenshine
& Stevens, 1986; Swanson, 1999). We first extracted the critical elements of EI from the
literature, then reviewed and synthesized them into a coherent set. Then, drawing on this
review, we drafted a set of items to describe proficient implementation of EI. We refined
the descriptors for proficient implementation by reviewing video recorded lessons
collected from SETs, and discussing the clarity and utility of each item as written. We
sent the rubric to subject matter experts for review, synthesized their feedback and
completed revisions to create a set of elements that described proficient implementation
of EI.
Because the purpose of RESET is to both evaluate and provide feedback to SETs,
we needed to create a set of scoring rules that define and describe varying levels of
implementation (e.g. implemented, partially implemented, not implemented). Initially, we
considered using general descriptor levels; however, rating scales can be imprecise when
general descriptors are used (Hill & Grossman, 2013). Additionally, a key focus of ECD
is to identify observable evidence to create performance-level descriptors (PLDs) that
result in a transparent evidentiary argument and consistent evaluations of performance
(Ewing et al., 2010). PLDs communicate what various levels of performance should look
like, and serve a critical role in setting cut scores that ultimately determine the
categorization of a persons performance (Ewing et al., 2010). Ewing et al (2010)
describe an iterative process for articulating PLDs in which performances are mapped
onto the performance continuum, with items that best target the meaning of a specific
performance category as well as clearly differentiating the adjacent performance levels.
An analysis is then undertaken to provide a synthesis of the salient content and skills that
characterize and differentiate the categories along the performance continuum, and this
analysis will reveal where more evidence may be needed to inform the PLDs. In this
initial work to develop RESET, we began the process of PLD development through a
study designed to create analytically developed descriptors (Knoch, 2009), with the intent
in future studies to engage in the iterative process described by Ewing et al. (2010) to
further refine the rubrics.
Assessment Delivery
In the assessment delivery stage items are piloted, feedback is collected, and
psychometric analyses are conducted, the results of which are integrated into the final
design of the assessment tool. Our primary objective was to create an observation
instrument that provides reliable results across raters that provides SETs with clear and
actionable signals about legitimate ways to improve their teaching practice. Because there
are multiple variables that can impact a SETs score within RESET, we employed many-
facet Rasch measurement (MFRM) analysis to conduct a substantive investigation of the
teacher, lesson, rater, and item facets, as well as the teacher and item difficulty. MFRM is
an extension of the Rasch model that conceptualizes the expected performance of
individuals as a function of their ability and the item difficulty (Smith & Kulikowich,
2004). MFRM allows us to include additional assessment variables such as rater severity
into the analysis. MFRM also allows us to identify particular elements within a facet that
are problematic and to conduct a bias analysis that identifies specific combinations of
facet elements particular rater-teacher combinations, for example - that are consistently
different from the overall identified pattern (Eckes, 2011).
Teacher observation systems are high stakes assessments. They are used both to
inform the instruction that students receive as well as to make critical decisions about
teachers. To meet these demands, observation systems require a deliberate approach to
development and a rigorous evaluation of their psychometric properties. The ECD
framework provides a useful heuristic for creating observation systems suited for these
purposes. In this review, we have described the application of the first three stages of the
ECD process for creating RESET, an observation system specifically designed for SETs.
Using one of the rubrics within the RESET system, the EI rubric, we now detail two
studies undertaken that informed the assessment implementation and assessment delivery
stages of the ECD process.
In this section, we describe two studies. The first study describes the processes
undertaken to create an initial set of PLDs and the second study details the procedures
used to analyze the reliability of the EI rubric.
Study 1. Performance-Level Descriptor Study.
Special Education Teachers
A total of ten special education teachers from three states provided four
video recorded lessons each for a total of 40 videos. All teachers were female,
with an average experience level of 11.55 years (8.46 SD). Nine teachers taught at
elementary and one at the middle school level. All teachers had their special
education certification, five had undergraduate degrees, and five had graduate
A total of four raters participated in the descriptor development study.
Two of the raters were instructional coaches, and two were veteran special
education teachers who served as department chair and lead teacher within their
schools. Raters had an average of 15 years of experience. All four raters were
Video Collection
During the 2015-16 school year, SETs provided weekly video recorded
lessons from a consistent instructional period. Videos were recorded and uploaded
using the Swivl® capture system and ranged in length from 20 to 35 minutes.
Each teacher contributed a total of 20 videos over the school year. From this
video bank, four videos from each teacher were selected for inclusion in the
study. To be included in the data set, videos had to have adequate video and audio
quality (of the 800 total videos, 42 were found to be not usable due to poor video
quality or lack of sound), and had to depict an instructional lesson for which the
use of the EI rubric was applicable. If a teacher had more than four videos that
met these criteria, we randomly selected four. Videos were assigned an ID
number and listed in unique, random order for each rater to control for order
Rater Training
Rater training took place over two days. Raters were provided with an
overview of the RESET project goals, and a description of how the EI rubric was
developed. Project staff then explained each item of the EI rubric and clarified
any questions the raters had about the items. Then, raters watched a video that had
been scored by project staff and scored the video with the EI rubric, and then the
scores were reviewed and discussed to include the rationale for the score that each
item received. Raters then watched and scored two videos independently, and
scores were reconciled with a master coded rubric for each video. Any
disagreements in scores were reviewed and discussed. Raters were then assigned a
randomly ordered list of videos. Raters were asked to score each item, to provide
time stamped evidence that they used as a basis for the score, and to provide a
brief explanation of the rationale for their score. Raters were given a timeframe of
four weeks to complete their ratings.
Data Analysis
Performance-Level Descriptor (PLD) development.
To create the PLDs for each item, we compiled the evidence and
explanations provided by the raters after they scored the videos. We used a
general inductive approach (Thomas, 2006) to condense their input into themes
and categories that emerged as key terms identified as influencing scoring
decisions. The coding process included several phases: initial reading, identifying
segments of information, labeling segments of information, creating categories,
selecting categories, and creating themes. First, the evidence and explanations
were reviewed until the researchers were familiar with their content and gained an
understanding of the text. Then, text segments that contained meaningful units
were identified. The identified segments were labeled as codes by using words,
phrases, or sentences directly used in the segments to capture their key elements
as closely as possible. Codes which had the same or similar key elements were
grouped together to generate categories. Then, categories were selected to develop
descriptors relevant to the rating scale of 1) not implemented, 2) partially
implemented and 3) implemented, or (N/A) not applicable.
Several strategies were used to address the trustworthiness of the item
level descriptors including consistency checking, peer debriefing, and stakeholder
checking. Consistency checking involved independent parallel coding by two
researchers (Thomas, 2006). Two researchers analyzed the raters evidence and
explanations, then compared their analysis until they reached consensus in codes,
categories, and descriptors. Peer debriefings were conducted with the research
team (Creswell & Miller, 2000). The RESET team reviewed the codes and
categories while referring to the evidence and explanations of raters, and
participated in consensus building of descriptors. Stakeholder checking was
conducted by requesting teachers and raters to review the descriptors. The
researchers also kept procedural and analytic memos about the meaning of the
data (Esterberg, 2002). The end result of this extensive process was a full set of
descriptors for each item, a revision of the item descriptors for ‘implementedand
paring down the number of items from 27 to 25. The final rubric is in the
Study 2. Many-facet Rasch Measurement Analysis
Special education teachers
The same teacher participants from Study 1 participated in Study 2.
A total of four raters participated in the MFRM reliability analysis study.
One rater was a post-doctoral researcher, one a school-psychologist and RTI
coordinator in her school, one a special education faculty member, and the fourth
a special education teacher completing graduate studies in special education.
Raters had an average of 17 years experience. Three raters were female and one
was male.
Video collection
The same video set from Study 1 was used during Study 2.
Rater training
Rater training was conducted as described in Study 1, with the exception
that raters in this study were trained using the fully developed EI rubric with
PLDs for each item.
MFRM Analyses
We analyzed the data collected by the raters using the fully developed EI
rubric through MFRM analyses. The raw scores assigned to the EI rubric are
ordinal, making valid comparisons between teachers or items difficult, as equal
raw score differences between pairs of points do not imply equal amounts of the
construct under investigation (Smith & Kulikowich, 2004). With Rasch models,
the ability estimates of teachers are freed from the distributional properties of the
items, and the particular raters used to rate the performance (Eckes, 2011).
Additionally, the estimated difficulty of items and severity of raters are freed from
the distributional properties of the other facets of the assessment (Smith &
Kulikowich, 2004). The model used for this analysis is given by:
 
 
 
 
is the probability of teacher n, when rated on item i by judge (rater) j
on occasion (lesson) o, being awarded a rating of k.
is the probability
of teacher n, when rated on item i by judge j in occasion o, being awarded a rating
of k-1, B
is the ability of teacher n, D
is the difficulty of item i, C
is the severity
of judge j, T
is the stringency of occasion o, and F
is the extra difficulty
overcome in being observed at the rating k relative to the rating k-1 (Eckes, 2011).
The MFRM analysis was conducted using the computer program FACETS
version 3.71 (Linacre, 2014). MFRM analysis produces infit and outfit statistics for each
facet, two quality control statistics that indicate whether the measures have been
confounded by construct-irrelevant factors (Eckes, 2011). Ranges in fit statistics from .5
to 1.5 are considered acceptable (Eckes, 2011; Englehard, 1992). In addition to measures
of fit, FACETS also provides reliability and separation indices. The reliability index
indicates the reproducibility of the measures if the test were to be administered to another
randomly selected sample from the same population (Bond & Fox, 2007). Separation
indicates the number of statistically distinguishable strata in the data. Finally, MFRM
allows for bias analysis of the scores to examine the discrepancy between observed and
expected scores according to the severity levels of the raters. In this study, the biased
interactions between teachers and raters were examined. Significant differences between
expected and observed scores (p < .05) indicate the presence of bias (Eckes, 2011;
Linacre, 2014b).
Data collected from the raters who used the fully developed EI rubric was
analyzed with the FACETS (Linacre, 2014a) program. The results of the analysis are
shown in Figure 1 and Tables 2-6. Figure 1 includes the variable map and rank order of
each facet. Tables 2-5 report the fit statistics and reliability and separation indices for
each of the facets. Bias analysis results are reported in Table 6. All analyses are based on
a total of 3952 observations. Category statistics showed that of the 3952 assigned scores,
51% were a 3 (implemented), 33% were a 2 (partially implemented) and 16% were a 1
(not implemented). Only 1% of items received an N/A.
The far-left column of Figure 1, titled Measr, is the logit measure for the
elements within each facet of the design. The second column contains the item measures,
with more difficult items having larger logit values. Items 3, 13 and 12 were the most
difficult, and items 21, 5, and 19 the least. Examining the items on the EI rubric (see the
appendix), the rank order of items is logical. For example, items 12 and 13 require
teachers to task analyze and to deliver instruction in ways that support the individual
needs of their students. This is a difficult skill that likely develops over time and with
training. Items that were the least difficult included #5, alignment of instruction to the
stated goal, which, if the teacher is using an evidence-based program to guide her
instruction, will meet this criterion. Additionally, item 19 focuses on providing students
with opportunities to respond. Low teacher-student ratios may make implementing this
item significantly easier than it might be in larger classrooms.
The third column contains the teacher facet, with more proficient teachers having
higher logit values. Teacher 9 is the most proficient teacher (proficiency = 1.64 logits, SE
= .10), and teacher 10 is the least proficient (proficiency = -.17 logits, SE = .08). The
fourth column contains the lesson facet. In our data collection design the rank ordering of
the lesson facet is somewhat difficult to interpret, because we did not specify the content
or focus of the lessons but instead had the teachers select which lessons to submit. The
fifth column contains the rater facet, with more severe raters having higher logit values.
Rater 4 was our most severe rater (severity = .49 logits, SE = .05), and Rater 1 our most
lenient (severity = -.64 logits, SE = .06).
Tables 2-5 report the fit statistics and the reliability and separation indices for the
item, teacher, rater, and lesson facets. For all facets, all fit statistics fell within .8 to 1.2,
which are within acceptable levels (Eckes, 2011). In addition to the fit statistics,
reliability and separation information indices are reported. For items, the reliability
coefficient was .97, separation = 5.62; for teachers, the reliability coefficient was .98,
separation = 7.39. These statistics demonstrate reliable differences in item difficulty and
teacher proficiency. For lessons, the reliability coefficient was .93, separation = 3.72,
showing a discrimination across lessons, but lessons 1 and 2 have almost the same logits,
providing some indication that we may be able to obtain reliable ratings with just three
lessons instead of four. The reliability coefficient for raters was .98, separation = 9.07,
suggesting differences in rater severity. The bias analysis (Table 6) indicated that a total
of 31.5% of the variance in the observations (n = 3952) was explained by the model.
5.54% was explained by teacher/rater interactions, with 3.55% explained by
teacher/lesson interactions, leaving 59.42% of the variance remaining in residuals. Table
6 presents only the rater/teacher pairs that showed bias and reports observed and expected
scores, bias size in logits, t value and its probability. Of 40 possible teacher/rater
interactions, 23 are biased. Teacher 3 was the only teacher with no biased interactions.
Rater 4 had the fewest number of interactions. There was almost an even number of
negative bias (n = 11) as positive (n = 12) interactions, with no clear pattern attributable
to a specific teacher, rater or teacher/rater pair. As a whole, despite the presence of biased
pairs, the EI rubric does not appear to exhibit a great deal of bias and the overall MFRM
results suggest the facets function effectively.
ECD is a framework that can guide efforts to create assessment systems that
measure the complex construct of teaching, the inferences to be made about a teachers
ability to implement instruction, the observations that will be used to draw these
inferences, and the chain of reasoning that connects them (Messick, 1994). In this
manuscript, we described how the ECD framework was applied to create RESET, a
special education teacher observation system (Johnson et al., 2016). The process
described can be applied to other content areas to develop observation instruments of the
caliber needed to realize the goal of improving practice.
We used a rigorous process in the assessment implementation stage that included
having expert raters provide the evidence and rationale they used to assign scores. Then
we created detailed performance level descriptors for each item. In the assessment
delivery stage, we tested these descriptors with another set of raters to evaluate how well
the EI rubric functioned. Through MFRM analyses, we were able to assess the reliability
of the rubric and review how the various facets of the observation tool function.
Overall, our analyses provide strong evidence that we have created a rubric that
will provide consistent evaluations of a SETs ability to implement EI. The psychometric
reliability of items and teacher ability measures is supported by high reliability and
separation statistics. That is, the RESET EI rubric reliably divided the items and teachers
into statistically different strata, indicating the sensitivity of the instrument (Wright &
Stone, 1999).
Although the results of the studies reported in this manuscript are promising for
the continued development of the RESET observation rubrics, there are several
limitations that warrant caution in interpreting the results. The most significant limitation
is that the sample sizes of both special education teachers (n = 10) and raters (n = 8 total)
are small, and also limited in their representativeness of the larger population of special
education teachers and potential raters. The benefit of using video observations however,
is that over time, we can develop a video bank that will include a larger pool of teachers.
Continued studies with larger samples of teachers and raters will be needed to verify the
results of the studies reported in this manuscript.
A second limitation in the study reported here includes the process used to
develop PLDs. Although we collected a significant amount of evidence from raters
during our first study to inform descriptor development, within the process of ECD, the
identification of claims and evidence to create PLDs should be iterative, with the goal of
creating a transparent evidentiary argument (Huff et al., 2010). Future studies that
continue this cycle of generating evidence and applying the mapping process to ensure
that score interpretations are well-matched with the evidence and resulting PLDs are
needed to further refine the RESET observation rubrics (Ewing et al., 2010; Plake et al.,
Finally, scores provided on observation systems are a function not only of the
teachers ability but also of the severity of the rater evaluating them. Our analyses
indicate that raters differed in their severity, but that the fit statistics for raters were
within acceptable levels, suggesting no evidence of halo effects or noisy scoring. One
advantage of using MFRM to analyze rater behavior is that it can account for differences
in rater severity by adjusting the observed score and computing a fair score for teachers.
This is different than other approaches to examining rater behavior that expect raters to
function as scoring machines, achieving perfect agreement against a master set of scores
(Eckes, 2011). Research on rater behavior however, suggests that achieving perfect
agreement across human raters who judge complex performances is an elusive goal and
that acknowledging that raters will differ in their severity but can be trained to be
consistent in their own scoring may be a more attainable reality (Eckes, 2011). The
training provided to our raters appears to have achieved this goal, but further studies
examining whether these findings will hold when raters who will likely serve as
evaluators but who have less experience in special education (e.g. principals) are needed.
Despite these limitations, the results of our current analyses are promising. To
fully realize the benefit of the RESET observation system, continued research on a
variety of assessment aspects is needed. For example, the processes described in this
manuscript must be applied to the other rubrics within the RESET system. Given the
focus of RESET on improving teacher performance, we will also need to examine the
impact of feedback and self-evaluation. Finally, teacher performance on RESET will
need to be connected to student measures. A significant amount of research is needed to
fully inform the development of teacher observation systems, but the ECD process is a
useful blueprint for this undertaking.
Teacher observation systems are high stakes assessments. They are expected to
significantly impact teacher behavior in ways that will lead to improved instruction and
greater student gains. To achieve this vision, teachers must be held accountable through
evaluation systems expressly designed for this purpose.
The development of RESET has been guided by the ECD framework to respond
to the need for better teacher observation tools. Through adherence to the five stage
process, we have adequately modeled the domain of effective special education teaching,
created a conceptual assessment framework based on the research, and devised
assessment items that reflect EBPs, result in reliable evaluations of teacher
implementation, and are at a grain size sufficient to provide actionable feedback. Next
steps in the process include collecting validity evidence for RESET through studies that
examine the impact of receiving feedback, and studies that correlate teacher performance
to student growth. The processes undertaken to create RESET could be applied to create
observation systems across other content areas to support the improvement of
instructional practice.
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Table 2.1 Organization and Structure of RESET
Content Area
Instructional Methods
Explicit Instruction
Cognitive Strategy Instruction
Peer Mediated Learning
Content Organization
and Delivery
Letter Sound Correspondence
Multi-Syllabic Words and Advanced Decoding
Reading for Meaning
Comprehension Strategy Instruction
Comprehensive Reading Lesson
Problem Solving
Conceptual Understanding of: Number Sense &
Place Value, Operations, Fractions, Algebra
Procedural Understanding of: Number Sense &
Place Value, Operations, Fractions, Algebra
Sentence Construction
Self Regulated Strategy Development
Executive Function/Self-Regulation
Cognitive Processing Accommodations
Assistive Technology
Table 2.2 Item Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis
Item Number
Difficulty (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count = 25)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .13; adjusted SD = .75; separation = 5.62;
reliability = .97; fixed chi-square = 714.4; df = 24; significance = .00.
Table 2.3 Teacher Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Teacher Number
Ability (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count = 10)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .08; adjusted SD = .61; separation = 7.39;
reliability = .98; fixed chi-square = 492.7; df = 9; significance = .00.
Table 2.4 Lesson Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Lesson Number
Difficulty (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count = 4)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .05; adjusted SD = .19; separation = 3.72;
reliability = .93; fixed chi-square = 43.4; df = 3; significance = .00.
Table 2.5 Rater Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Rater Number
Severity (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count = 4)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .05; adjusted SD = .47; separation = 9.07;
reliability = .98; fixed chi-square = 232.7; df = 3; significance = .00.
Table 2.6 Bias Analysis Results Teacher x Rater Interaction
Teacher - Rater
Observed Score
Expected Score
Bias Size
1 3
10 3
5 2
4 2
7 3
2 1
6 4
5 1
8 3
8 1
9 4
8 4
7 2
1 4
1 2
8 2
10 2
7 1
4 1
6 3
2 3
9 3
5 3
Note. Observed and expected scores are based on the total possible number of points (300) across
the observed count of items (100 = 25 items x 4 lessons).
Teacher 9
Teacher 2
Teacher 6
Teacher 5
Teacher 7 Teacher 8
11, 8
Teacher 4
2, 9, 7
Teacher 1 Teacher 3
15, 1
Teacher 10
4, 17, 6
23, 18
Figure 2.1. Variable map of the RESET facets items, teachers, lessons and raters.
This chapter is published by Taylor and Francis in Reading and Writing Quarterly:
Overcoming Learning Difficulties and should be referenced accordingly.
Johnson, E. S., Moylan, L. A., Crawford, A., & Zheng, Y. (2019). Developing a
Comprehension Instruction Observation Rubric for Special Education Teachers. Reading
& Writing Quarterly, 1-19.
Reproduction/modified by permission of Taylor & Francis
*This chapter includes modifications from the originally published version.
Modifications include format changes to meet dissertation requirements and updated
citation formatting.
Developing a Comprehension Instruction Observation Rubric
Evelyn S. Johnson, Laura A. Moylan, Angela Crawford and Yuzhu Zheng
Boise State University
June 2018
Author Note
Evelyn S. Johnson, Department of Early and Special Education, Boise State
University; Laura A. Moylan, Project RESET, Boise State University; Angela Crawford,
Project RESET, Boise State University; Yuzhu Zheng, Project RESET; Boise State
This research was supported the Institute of Education Sciences, award number
R324A150152 to Boise State University. The opinions expressed are solely those of the
authors. Correspondence regarding this manuscript should be addressed to: Dr. Evelyn S.
Johnson, Boise State University, 1910 University Dr., MS 1725, Boise, Idaho 83725-
1725. Email: [email protected]
In this study, we developed a Reading for Meaning special education teacher
observation rubric that details the elements of evidence-based comprehension instruction
and tested its psychometric properties using many-faceted Rasch measurement (MFRM).
Video observations of classroom instruction from 10 special education teachers across
three states during the 2015-16 school year were collected. External raters (n=4) were
trained to observe and evaluate instruction using the rubric, and assign scores of
‘implemented’, ‘partially implemented’ or ‘not implemented’ for each of the items.
Analyses showed that the item, teacher, lesson and rater facets achieved high
psychometric quality for the instrument. Teacher performance was consistent with what
has been reported in the literature. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Keywords: special education teacher evaluation, reading comprehension, Many-facet
Rasch measurement
A critical outcome of school is proficient reading comprehension (National
Institute of Child Health & Human Development, 2000). However, students with high
incidence disabilities (SWD) tend to have significant achievement gaps in comprehension
when compared to their peers in general education, and these gaps persist over time
(Judge & Bell, 2010; Schulte et al., 2016, Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014; Wei et al., 2011).
One potential explanation for this gap is the lack of evidence-based comprehension
instruction provided to SWD. Observational studies of classroom practices consistently
conclude that the quality of reading instruction in both general and special education
settings is inadequate to meet the intensive instructional needs to support comprehension
growth for students with reading disabilities (Klingner et al., 2010; Swanson, 2008;
Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014). Inadequate instruction has been defined by (a) the limited
amount of time that students actually spend reading (Kent et al., 2012; Vaughn et al.,
2002); (b) the limited opportunity for active response and an emphasis on passive
learning (Wanzek et al., 2014); and (c) the low quality of comprehension instruction
(Swanson & Vaughn, 2010).
One way to improve reading instruction is to create a teacher observation
instrument aligned with the instructional practices found to improve comprehension for
SWD. Emerging analyses of general teacher observation systems suggest that when
teachers are objectively evaluated and supported to improve instruction, there is a
positive impact on student growth (Biancarosa et al., 2010; Taylor & Tyler, 2012). To
impact instructional practice, an evaluator must be able to use an observation instrument
to provide accurate, reliable ratings and feedback about the specific instructional
adjustments teachers need to make (Hill & Grossman, 2013). Many observation systems
however, are very generic, limiting the quality and consistency of the feedback evaluators
provide to teachers (Blazar et al., 2017; Grossman et al., 2009). This is especially the case
for special education teachers, who are routinely evaluated with observation instruments
designed for the general education setting (Johnson & Semmelroth, 2014).
Recognizing Effective Special Education Teachers (RESET) Reading for Meaning
The RESET Reading for Meaning rubric was designed to address the need for a
more specific instructional observation tool that supports teachers’ ability to improve
reading comprehension instruction for SWD. The process of rubric development began
with a synthesis of the research on effective comprehension instruction. One challenge
with developing the Reading for Meaning rubric is that in order to create items that are
relevant across multiple contexts and grade levels, the salient characteristics of this
instructional practice needed to be reflected in a way that is both program and setting
agnostic. An additional challenge with comprehension instruction is that there are a
variety of instructional practices described in the research, including a recent meta-
analysis suggesting that multi-component instructional strategies are more effective than
single strategy approaches (Scammacca et al., 2016). Therefore, rather than creating
multiple rubrics each detailing a specific approach to teaching reading comprehension,
the key elements of effective reading comprehension instruction were identified and
synthesized to create the Reading for Meaning rubric. Support for instructional practices
that integrated strategies across five main areas were found: 1) comprehension strategies,
2) knowledge of text structures and features, 3) vocabulary, 4) developing background
knowledge, and 5) making inferences. In the following section we briefly review each of
these areas. The complete list of studies used to inform the rubric is available at
Comprehension Strategy Instruction
We began the review with the comprehension research synthesized by the
National Reading Panel (NRP; NICHD, 2000), which was driven by a cognitive
conceptualization of reading; the theory that readers actively and purposefully integrate
prior knowledge, knowledge of text, and the content of the text to construct meaning.
Two primary recommendations for teaching comprehension strategies based on this
theory were included in the NRP executive summary: 1) comprehension can be improved
through the explicit teaching of comprehension skills and strategies; and 2) teachers
should be trained to teach and flexibly apply multiple strategies as dictated by the nature
of the text (NICHD, 2000). Examples of the comprehension strategies to be taught
include summarization, the use of graphic organizers and other content enhancement
tools designed to structure and organize information, questioning strategies and
comprehension monitoring. Highly effective strategies for SWD include identification of
main idea, summarization and self-monitoring (Solis et al., 2012). The purposeful use of
content enhancement tools provides students with a framework that helps them attend to,
organize and retrieve important information (Ciullo et al., 2016). Content enhancement
tools aligned with the text structure scaffold the reader’s use of important information
and support understanding and memory (Gersten at al., 2001; Kim et al., 2012).
Metacognitive strategies such as rereading, looking back in the text to locate
important information, and using the text as a resource to clarify understandings are
critical scaffolds to support understanding (Englert & Mariage 1991; Gardill & Jitendra
1999; Mason, 2013; Vaughn et al., 2001). Strategy instruction has been found to be most
effective when it includes practice to transfer strategies across texts (Gersten et al., 2001).
A significant body of research supports the use of these strategies for SWD (Berkeley et
al., 2010; Ciullo et al., 2016; El Zein et al., 2014; Gajria et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2012).
Text Structures
Students with learning disabilities have little awareness of text structures whether
for narrative or expository text, and this lack of awareness leads to difficulties using text
structure to facilitate comprehension (Williams et al., 2014). Text previews allow the
teacher to engage background knowledge, assess what students already know, establish a
framework for learning new information, and familiarize students with the text structure
(Honig et al., 2000). Explicit instruction on text structures (e.g. story maps for narrative
text) has been found to significantly support SWD’s ability to comprehend both narrative
and expository text (Alves et al., 2015; Gajria et al., 2007; Kaldenberg et al., 2015;
Mason & Hedin, 2011; Stetter & Hughes, 2010). Knowledge of text structures leads
students to focus their attention, to ask relevant questions, and to recall more of the
information (Williams, 2005).
The importance of vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension is well
documented (e.g. Nagy, Anderson & Herman, 1987; NICHD, 2000; Perfetti & Stafura,
2014). Differences in the amount of independent reading, a lack of strategies to learn
words from context, and a limited knowledge of words or lexical quality (Perfetti, 2007),
are significant obstacles to vocabulary development for students with learning disabilities
(Jitendra et al., 2004). Vocabulary instruction, including direct instruction, cognitive
strategy instruction and morphological processing, has been shown to increase both
vocabulary knowledge and comprehension, especially for struggling readers (Bryant et
al., 2003; Elleman et al., 2009; Elleman et al., 2017; Jitendra et al., 2004; O’Connor et al.,
2017). For SWD, it is often the case that readers have limited knowledge relevant to the
text, which requires the teacher to build vocabulary, text structure and content knowledge
prior to reading (Compton et al., 2014). As is the case with comprehension, effective
vocabulary instruction relies on the use of multiple strategies (NICHD, 2000).
Background Knowledge
Background knowledge has been demonstrated to be highly predictive of
comprehension ability (Catts & Kamhi, 2017; Compton et al., 2014; Elleman &
Compton, 2017; Kendeou & van den Broek, 2007; McKeown et al., 2009; Willingham,
2007). Both general and text specific knowledge (e.g. text structure, content and
vocabulary) impact the reader’s ability to make inferences and build a coherent mental
representation that integrates text information and background knowledge (Cain, 2010;
Compton, 2014, Kintsch, 2004; Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). Students with high
incidence disabilities typically have limited background knowledge for reading most
texts, especially those in the content areas (Gersten et al., 2001). Therefore, more recent
recommendations for comprehension instruction focus on content centered approaches in
which texts are selected for their relevance and critical meanings, and used to support
students’ development of a corpus of knowledge (Catts & Kamhi, 2017). McKeown et al.
(2009) demonstrated that students taught through a content-centered approach
outperformed students taught through a strategy-centered approach on measures of
narrative recall and expository learning probes.
Inference making
The ability to make inferences is essential to reading comprehension (Cain &
Oakhill, 2007; Elleman, 2017; Kintsch, 2005). Inference making is the process by which
a reader integrates information within or across texts using background knowledge to
support that which is not explicitly stated (Elleman, 2017). Poor comprehenders
demonstrate difficulties with inference making (Barth et al., 2015; Cain et al., 2001), but
studies of inference making interventions report moderate to large effects on general and
inferential comprehension outcomes for both skilled and less-skilled readers (Elleman,
2017). Connections to relevant background knowledge and schema support the ability to
make inferences (Cain et al., 2004; Hall, 2015). When students are taught to monitor their
comprehension and use strategies to better understand text, inference making skills have
been shown to improve (McNamara et al. 2006; Yuill & Oakhill, 1988).
Multi-Component Strategies
Across the comprehension instruction research, there is strong support for
approaches that integrate multiple components (Boardman et al., 2016; Scammacca et al.,
2016; Wanzek et al., 2016). Multicomponent interventions tend to employ strategies
across stages of reading (e.g. before, during and after), and the combination of strategies
throughout the reading process is thought to support students’ achievement. Collaborative
Strategic Reading (CSR; Klingner et al., 2012), represents a multicomponent reading
comprehension instructional model, but there are many examples of effective, multi-
component interventions across the comprehension intervention research (see O’Connor
et al., 2017; Scammacca et al., 2016). Comprehension intervention that includes a focus
on content and the integration of effective questioning leads students to attend more
carefully and to think more systematically about the text as it is being read (Berkeley et
al., 2010). The key characteristics of effective questioning practices include that they a)
encourage active, engaged, and reflective reading, b) are purposeful and well-designed, c)
focus on the integration of information and active construction of meaning, and d) are
clear (McKeown et al, 2009). Questions may be teacher directed, or the teacher may
guide students can use self-questioning strategies (Joseph et al., 2016).
Reading for Meaning Rubric Components, Structure, and Rating
Following this review, we organized the rubric to capture the complexity of
effective comprehension instruction into four components designed to follow the
progression of a lesson. The components include: 1) Preparing to Read Setting a
Purpose for Reading, 2) Preparing to Read Activating Background Knowledge and
Schema, 3) Reading for Meaning and Monitoring Understanding, and 4) Teacher
Questioning Practices. The Reading for Meaning rubric is located in Appendix A. The
first and second components (items 1-6) focus on how the teacher establishes a clear
purpose for reading and how the teacher engages and develops the knowledge the reader
brings to the text (Snow, 2002). By establishing and maintaining a clear purpose, the
reader is more likely to read intentionally and attend to critical information. The third
component (items 7-15) is composed of items that align with the processes of identifying,
attending to and integrating information during and after reading. The items in this
component focus on providing appropriate guidance and support as students identify and
attend to the main idea and important details (Jitendra et al., 2000), summarize key ideas
or critical passages (Kim et al., 2012; Solis et al., 2012) and make inferences or
predictions (Cain et al., 2004; Hall, 2015). The fourth component (items 16-18) focuses
on questioning practices that promote understanding and focus the reading.
Across the four components there are a total of 18 items. Each item is scored on a
3-point scale, where a 3 is proficient implementation, a 2 is partial implementation, and a
1 is not implemented. The RESET Reading for Meaning rubric is designed for use with
video recorded lessons that are observed and evaluated by raters who are knowledgeable
of comprehension instruction and who are trained to use the rubric (training procedures
are described in the Methods section). The RESET Reading for Meaning rubric is
intended to be used in two main ways, 1) to provide teachers with an objective evaluation
of their ability to implement this evidence-based practice and 2) to provide feedback to
teachers on specific elements of the practice. Teaching reading comprehension to SWD is
critical to help close the reading achievement gap, but it is also complex. Teachers must
have strong knowledge of both the content of the text and of effective strategies to
facilitate comprehension. They must be able to support the use of the most effective
strategy across content types, and effectively teach and model strategy use for the
purpose of building understanding. However, observation studies of reading instruction
indicate that in general, SWD are exposed to instruction that is inadequate for supporting
strong comprehension development (Klingner et al., 2010; Swanson, 2008; Vaughn &
Wanzek, 2014). The Reading for Meaning rubric was designed to capture the complexity
of effective comprehension instruction so that teachers could receive an evaluation of
their ability to implement this evidence-based instructional practice.
The Reading for Meaning rubric is a high-inference observation instrument,
designed to capture a complex instructional practice and to be used by observers with
high levels of expertise. As a result, it can be difficult to obtain consistent interpretation
and application of the scoring criteria to observations of multiple teachers’ lessons across
multiple raters. In fact, the instructional dimensions of observation protocols are the most
challenging for raters to score reliably (Bell et al. 2015, Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, 2011; Gitomer et al, 2014). Across multiple large-scale studies of teacher
observation, raters account for between 25 to 70% of the variance in scores assigned to
the same lesson (Casabianca et al., 2015). Methods to improve rater reliability and
consistency such as increased training and calibration requirements have been
investigated, but issues persist even as raters gain experience and with ongoing
calibration efforts (Casabianca et al., 2015). Research on rater behavior suggests that
achieving perfect agreement across raters who judge complex performances is an elusive
goal and that acknowledging that raters will differ in their severity but can be trained to
be consistent in their own scoring may be a more attainable reality (Eckes, 2011; Linacre,
Many-faceted Rasch measurement (MFRM) is an approach to data analysis that
recognizes and models two aspects of rater behavior: 1) severity, and 2) stochastic
differences, and can investigate bias interactions among raters and other facets of the
observation, such as rater/teacher interactions or rater/item interactions (Linacre, 1994).
In MFRM analyses, rater behavior is captured through a “severity” parameter, and that
parameter characterizes the rater in the same way that an ability parameter characterizes
the teacher being evaluated, and a difficulty parameter characterizes an item of the rubric
(Linacre, 1994). MFRM also reports on the amount of error that raters display. All raters
are expected to demonstrate some degree of error, but too much error threatens the
validity of the measurement process (Linacre, 1994). By examining rater severity, error,
and bias, MFRM analyses can provide important insights that can be used to improve
rater training efforts, leading to more consistent evaluations and feedback over time
(Wigglesworth, 1993). In this study, we employed MRFM analyses to examine the data
and provide more information about these analyses in the methods section.
Purpose of the Current Study
Teacher observations are high stakes assessments because they are used to make
critical decisions about teachers’ employment status (Adnot et al., 2016), and more
importantly, because they should be used to improve the quality of reading instruction
that SWD receive. Given these goals, observation instruments require a deliberate
approach to development and a rigorous psychometric evaluation of all facets that can
impact a teacher’s observed scores (e.g. items, lessons, teachers, raters). The purpose of
this study therefore, was to examine the psychometric quality through MFRM analyses of
the Reading for Meaning rubric for use as an evaluative observation instrument of a
teacher’s ability to effectively each reading comprehension to SWD.
Special education teachers
A total of ten special education teachers from three states (Idaho, Wisconsin,
Florida) each provided three video recorded lessons for a total of 30 videos. Participating
teachers were part of a larger data collection effort for the RESET rubric development
process that includes 46 teachers across grade levels 2 8 from 3 states. Teachers were
recruited by contacting state and district special education directors, who then distributed
consent forms throughout their district. Inclusionary criteria included having special
education teaching certification and providing regular instruction to a group or individual
SWD. All participating teachers were white females and taught at the elementary school
level, with an average experience level of 13.07 years (9.03 SD). Three teachers had
undergraduate degrees, and seven had graduate degrees.
A total of four raters from three states (Idaho, Washington, Georgia) participated
in this study. Raters were recruited through a purposive sampling technique, focused on
selecting raters with deep knowledge of comprehension instruction and teacher
observation. One rater held a doctoral degree in special education and literacy and works
as a clinical supervisor for pre-service special education teachers at a university in the
Mountain West, with 10 years total experience in the field. One rater was a special
education teacher with a master’s degree, 13 years of experience, and was Nationally
Board Certified as an Exceptional Needs Specialist. One rater held a doctoral degree in
special education and literacy and works as the district RTI coordinator in a large, urban
district in the Southeast. One rater held a doctoral degree in literacy, and works as an
independent consultant with more than 35 years of experience as a special education
teacher, district and state level administrator. All raters were white females.
Video collection
During the 2015-16 school year, teachers provided weekly video recorded lessons
from a consistent instructional period. Videos were recorded and uploaded using the
Swivl® capture system and ranged in length from 20-60 minutes. Each teacher
contributed 20 videos over the school year. From this video bank, three videos (one from
the beginning, middle and end of school year) from each teacher were randomly selected
by research project staff for inclusion in the study. To be included in the data set, videos
had to have adequate video and audio quality, and had to depict a lesson for which the
use of the Reading for Meaning rubric was applicable. Videos were assigned an ID
number and listed in random order for each rater to control for order effects.
Rater training
Rater training consisted of four, four-hour training sessions conducted by RESET
project staff. Raters were provided with an overview of the RESET project goals, and a
description of how the Reading for Meaning rubric was developed. Project staff then
explained each item of the Reading for Meaning rubric and clarified any questions the
raters had about the items. Raters were also provided with a training manual that included
a more in-depth explanation of each of the items, along with examples of observations
that would be considered ‘Implemented’, ‘Partially Implemented’ or ‘Not Implemented’,
scored as a 3, 2, or 1 respectively. Then, raters watched and scored a video that had been
scored by project staff. The scores were reviewed and discussed. Raters then watched and
scored two videos independently, and scores were reconciled with a master coded rubric
for each video. Any disagreements in scores were reviewed and discussed. Raters were
then assigned a randomly ordered list of videos to control for order effects. Instead of
having each rater observe every video, we created a rating scheme that allowed for the
connection of ratings across all rater pairs and across teachers (Eckes, 2011). Twenty-
four of the 30 videos were scored by three raters, and six of the 30 videos scored by four
raters. Raters scored each item for each video, to provide time stamped evidence of what
they observed and used as a basis for the score, and provided a brief explanation of the
rationale for their score. Raters were given a timeframe of four weeks to complete their
Data Analysis
Data were analyzed through many-faceted Rasch measurement (MFRM)
analyses. The raw scores assigned to the rubric are ordinal, making valid comparisons
between teachers or items difficult, as equal raw score differences between pairs of points
do not imply equal amounts of the construct under investigation (Smith & Kulikowich,
2004). With Rasch models, the ability estimates of teachers are freed from the
distributional properties of the items, and the particular raters used to rate the
performance (Eckes, 2011).
The model used for the MFRM analysis in this study is given by:
 
 
 
 
is the probability of teacher n, when rated on item i by judge (rater) j on
occasion (lesson) o, being awarded a rating of k.
is the probability of teacher
n, when rated on item i by judge j in occasion o, being awarded a rating of k-1, B
is the
ability of teacher n, D
is the difficulty of item i, C
is the severity of judge j, T
is the
stringency of occasion o, and F
is the difficulty overcome in being observed at the rating
k relative to the rating k-1 (Eckes, 2011).
The MFRM analysis was conducted using the computer program FACETS
version 3.71 (Linacre, 2014). MFRM analysis produces infit and outfit statistics for each
facet, two quality control statistics that indicate whether the measures have been
confounded by construct-irrelevant factors (Eckes, 2011). Ranges in fit statistics from .5
to 1.5 are considered acceptable (Eckes, 2011; Englehard, 1992). In addition to measures
of fit, FACETS also provides reliability and separation indices. The reliability index
indicates the reproducibility of the measures if the test were to be administered to another
randomly selected sample from the same population (Bond & Fox, 2007). Separation
indicates the number of statistically distinguishable strata in the data. Finally, MFRM
allows for bias analysis of the scores to examine the discrepancy between observed and
expected scores according to the severity levels of the raters. In this study, the biased
interactions between teachers and raters, and between items and raters were examined.
Significant differences between expected and observed scores (p < .05) indicate the
presence of bias (Linacre, 2014).
The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 1 and Tables 1 through 6. All
analyses are based on a total of 1728 assigned scores. Category statistics showed that of
the 1728 assigned scores, 28% were a 3 (implemented), 31% were a 2 (partially
implemented) and 41% were a 1 (not implemented).
Figure 1 includes the variable map and rank order of each facet. The far left
column of Figure 1, titled Measr, is the logit measure for the elements within each facet
of the design. The second column contains the item measures, with more difficult items
having larger logit values. Items on which teachers tended to receive low scores are
considered to be more difficult than those items on which teachers tended to receive
higher scores. Items 5, 9 and 8 were the most difficult, and items 15 and 16 were less
difficult. Item 17 was the least difficult with a logit value of -2. Examining the items on
the rubric (see Appendix), the rank order of items is logical. For example, item 5
examines the teacher’s use of text preview strategies. Throughout the recorded lessons,
very few teachers employed this strategy as a part of the lesson, with 87.5% of possible
responses for this item scored as not implemented. Item 9 is related to a teacher’s
encouragement of students making predictions and confirming them during and after
reading. In most videos, this item was also not observed (81% scored a 1). The
implemented descriptor for Item 8 reads, The teacher focuses attention on relevant text
features and/or structures to organize thinking and support comprehension. The majority
of responses for this item were scored as not implemented (67%), and most occasions
when it was observed it was scored as partially implemented (24%), with comments
suggesting that teachers pointed out text features, but not in a way that supported
comprehension. Only 9% of items were scored as implemented.
In reviewing the less difficult items, Item 15 focuses on a teacher’s cueing and
correction of decoding errors. 58% of the possible responses were scored as a 3 or
implemented, and for those that were scored as partially implemented, it was generally
noted that the teacher did not have the student reread the word, or that they did not
encourage the use of strategies to decode unknown words. Item 16 examines the teacher’s
general questioning practices, and whether they promote understanding of the text. 48%
of possible responses were scored as implemented, and items that were scored as partially
implemented tended to comment on the pacing or whether the questions were too teacher
directed. 76% of the possible responses on item 17 were scored as implemented, and 22%
were scored as partially implemented. When the item was scored as partially
implemented, the comments included by raters indicated that teachers were inflexible in
their ability to reframe questions when students were not able to provide a response.
The third column contains the teacher facet, with more proficient teachers having
higher logit values. Teacher 1 is the most proficient teacher (proficiency = .38 logits, SE
= .11), and teacher 10 is the least proficient (proficiency = -1.08 logits, SE = .12). The
fourth column contains the lesson facet. In our data collection design the rank ordering of
the lesson facet is somewhat difficult to interpret, because we did not specify the content
or focus of the lessons but instead had the teachers select which lessons to submit.
Consistent with research on teacher observation, our results show that there are
differences in teacher performance across lessons, which is why it is important to observe
a teacher multiple times throughout the school year (Mantzicopoulos et al., 2018; Patrick
& Mantzicopoulous, 2016). The fifth column contains the rater facet, with more severe
raters having higher logit values. Rater 2 was our most severe rater (severity = .50 logits,
SE = .07), with Raters 1, 3 and 4 relatively consistent with one another in severity
(severity = -.12, -.16, -.21 respectively logits, SE = .07).
Tables 1-4 report the fit statistics and reliability and separation indices for each of
the facets. For all facets, all fit statistics fell within .6 to 1.4, which are within acceptable
levels (Eckes, 2011). In addition to the fit statistics, reliability and separation information
indices are reported. For items, the reliability coefficient was .97, separation = 5.43; for
teachers, the reliability coefficient was .91, separation = 3.27. These statistics
demonstrate reliable differences in item difficulty and teacher proficiency. For lessons,
the reliability coefficient was .88, separation = 2.68, showing a discrimination across
lessons. The reliability coefficient for raters was .94, separation = 3.96, suggesting
differences in rater severity. The bias analysis indicated that a total of 31.13% of the
variance in the observations (n = 1728) was explained by the model. 2.3% was explained
by teacher/rater interactions, and 5.7% by item/rater interactions, leaving 60.87% of the
variance remaining in residuals.
Table 5 presents only the teacher/rater and item/rater pairs that showed bias and
reports observed and expected scores, bias size in logits, standard error, t value and its
probability. Of 40 possible teacher/rater interactions, only 3 are biased, and 2 of those
interactions involve rater 3. Examining the item/rater interactions, rater 2 is involved in 3
of the 6 significant interactions, scoring item 17 more severely than expected, and items
10 and 11 more leniently than expected. As a whole, the results of this analysis do not
appear to exhibit a great deal of bias and the overall MFRM results suggest the facets
function effectively. Table 6 includes the rank order of teachers as a measure of their
average observed score across all items and lessons, and compares this to the Fair
Average score, a score that accounts for rater severity. With the exception of Teachers 7
and 5, the rank order of teacher performance is consistent across observed and fair
average scores.
The results of the MFRM analyses suggest that we have developed a rubric that
will provide reliable evaluations of a teacher’s ability to implement reading
comprehension instruction consistent with the effective instructional practices described
in the research. The high separation and reliability statistics support that the Reading for
Meaning rubric reliably divided the items and teachers into statistically different strata,
indicating the sensitivity of the instrument (Wright & Stone, 1999). The bias analysis
indicates limited bias, with 2.3% of the variance accounted for by teacher by rater bias
interactions, and 5.7% by item by rater interactions.
The goal of developing the Reading for Meaning rubric is to improve teachers’
reading comprehension instruction. Whereas observation instruments used in studies of
teacher practice have focused on either categorizing elements of instruction (Swanson &
Vaughn, 2010), or examining the amount of time spent on various components of
instruction (Kent et al., 2012; Vaughn et al., 2002), the RESET Reading for Meaning
rubric is designed to capture the salient elements of effective comprehension instruction
at a grain size that allows for specific, consistent feedback to teachers. The results of this
study suggest that this rubric can be used to establish baseline performances of teachers’
ability to implement evidence-based comprehension instruction. Next steps in rubric
development include examining its impact as a formative assessment used to guide
improvements in teacher practice. Following a baseline evaluation, teachers can set goals
for improvement, and receive feedback with the rubric throughout the school year.
Although we have not yet tested the Reading for Meaning rubric for that purpose, our
initial studies with other RESET rubrics suggest that routine observations coupled with
feedback can lead to improvements in teacher practice (Authors et al., under review).
A longer-term goal for the development of the RESET observation rubrics is to
connect teacher performance to student growth, and to examine the relative contribution
of the elements of each instructional practice reflected at the item level. In the case of the
Reading for Meaning rubric, this would allow teacher preparation and professional
development efforts to focus on those elements of comprehension instruction that have
the most impact on the reading achievement of SWD, or to create a scope and sequence
for teacher training based on those elements of comprehension instruction that are found
to have the greatest impact on student performance.
Although the main goal of this study was to investigate the psychometric
properties of the observation instrument and not to provide an evaluation of the
participating teachers’ ability to implement comprehension instruction, the results of the
raters’ relatively low evaluations of this sample of teachers are consistent with the
performance reported in other observation studies. Unfortunately, as evidenced by the
distribution of scores across teachers: Implemented, 28%; Partially Implemented, 31%;
and Not Implemented, 41%, as well as the distribution of teacher performance depicted
on the variable map, our sample of teachers and their recorded lessons did not include
examples of high quality comprehension instruction.
When breaking down performance at the item level, the variable map (Figure 1)
indicates that the rubric includes a range of items that discriminate across different levels
of teacher ability. The easier items, or those on which more teachers were likely to
receive a score of implemented or partially implemented, were focused on decoding and
questioning practices (items 15, 16, and 17). This finding is consistent with observation
studies of reading instruction that indicate the majority of time is spent on decoding, and
that comprehension instruction has historically focused on asking students questions
about what they have read (Swanson & Vaughn, 2010). The more difficult items as
identified on the variable map included those that focus on strategies such as the use of
text preview strategies (item 5), making and confirming predictions (item 9), focusing on
relevant text structures (item 8), identifying the main idea and details (item 10),
summarizing (item 11) and making inferences (item 12). While effective questioning
practices have been shown to be an important strategy for improving comprehension,
when questioning routines are not coupled with other strategies the impact on student
achievement is likely limited.
An important consideration for the development of observation systems is that the
scores provided are a function not only of the teachers ability but also of the severity of
the raters evaluating them. A teacher’s performance should not vary considerably when
evaluated across raters. Examining the adjustments made using the Fair Average instead
of the Observed score show that no changes to a teacher’s categorical evaluation or rank
ordering occurred. Our analyses indicate that raters differed in their severity, with Rater 2
being the most severe, but the fit statistics were within acceptable levels, with a limited
number of bias interactions, suggesting no evidence of halo effects or noisy scoring. Our
levels of exact agreement across raters (54.3%) are consistent with those reported across
other studies (Cash et al., 2012; Kane & Staiger, 2012).
Although the results are promising, there are limitations in this study that warrant
caution. The most significant limitation is that the sample sizes of both special education
teachers (n = 10) and raters (n = 4) are small, and somewhat limited in their
representativeness of the larger population of special education teachers and potential
raters (e.g. all participants were White females). Exploratory work using Rasch analysis
can be performed with small samples, though recommendations for stable estimates are
typically 30 per parameter (Wright & Stone, 1979). One benefit of using video
observations however, is that over time, we can develop a video bank that will include a
larger and more diverse pool of teachers. Continued studies with larger samples of
teachers and raters can be conducted to verify the results of the studies reported in this
manuscript. Additionally, although our larger pool of RESET teacher participants
includes teachers across the grade levels, to test the Reading for Meaning rubric, only
elementary level teachers could be included, as there were no videos at the secondary
level that captured comprehension instruction. Despite these limitations, the results of our
analysis are promising. If we can evaluate a teacher’s ability to implement evidence-
based comprehension instruction, it follows that the rubric can be used to provide
feedback and individualized coaching to help improve practice.
For decades, the reading achievement of SWD has remained significantly behind
that of their general education peers. Over the same time frame, a significant body of
research investigating best practices to improve the comprehension abilities of SWD has
been published. One potential explanation for the continued poor achievement of SWD is
that research-based practices are either not implemented within the school setting, or they
are not implemented with sufficient fidelity to realize the positive effects reported in the
literature. A number of observational studies of instruction support this idea (e.g.
Boardman et al., 2005; Klingner et al., 2010; McLeskey & Billingsley, 2008; Vaughn et
al., 2002). Klingner et al., (2010) commented in one of their studies that most special
education teachers seemed unsure of how to promote their students reading
comprehension (p. 59). This is consistent with what we have observed while developing
the RESET observation system. Although most teachers are doing their best to serve
SWD well, there is a significant disconnect between the practices in the classroom with
what is described in the research-base. If we are to improve reading outcomes for SWD,
we must create observation systems that align targets for high quality comprehension
instruction with observations of teachers who deliver these practices.
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Teacher 1
Teacher 2
13, 6
Teacher 8
Teacher 4
3, 4
Teachers 3, 5, 7, 9
Teacher 6
18, 2
15, 16
Teacher 10
Figure 3.1. Variable map of the Reading for Meaning rubric facets items,
teachers, lessons and raters
Table 3.1 Item Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis
Item Number
Difficulty (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count = 18)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .16; adjusted SD = .86; separation = 5.43;
reliability = .97; fixed chi-square = 393.2; df = 17; significance = .00.
Table 3.2 Teacher Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Teacher Number
Ability (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count = 10)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .11; adjusted SD = .37; separation = 3.27;
reliability = .91; fixed chi-square = 111.9; df = 9; significance = .00.
Table 3.3 Lesson Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Lesson Number
Difficulty (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count = 3)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .06; adjusted SD = .16; separation = 2.68;
reliability = .88; fixed chi-square = 23.9; df = 2; significance = .00.
Table 3.4 Rater Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Rater Number
Severity (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count = 4)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .07; adjusted SD = .28; separation = 3.96;
reliability = .94; fixed chi-square = 65; df = 3; significance = .00.
Table 3.5 Bias Analysis Results
Teacher - Rater
Observed Score
Expected Score
Bias Size
Model S.E.
1 3
6 3
2 2
Item - Rater
Observed Score
Expected Score
Bias Size
Model S.E.
Note. Observed and expected scores are based on the total possible number of points across the
observed count of items.
Table 3.6 Teacher Measurement Report
Observed Score
Fair Average Score
This chapter is an unpublished manuscript prepared for submission to a peer-reviewed
journal and should be referenced appropriately.
Moylan, L., Johnson, E.S., & Zheng, Y. (unpublished manuscript). Developing a
comprehensive decoding instruction observation protocol for special education teachers.
Developing a Comprehensive Decoding Instruction Observation Protocol for Special
Education Teachers
Laura A. Moylan, Evelyn S. Johnson, and Yuzhu Zheng
Boise State University
Author Note
Laura A. Moylan, MEd., Project RESET, Boise State University; Evelyn S.
Johnson, Ed.D., Department of Early and Special Education, Boise State University;
Yuzhu Zheng, Ph.D., Project RESET; Boise State University.
This research was supported the Institute of Education Sciences, award number
R324A150152 to Boise State University. The opinions expressed are solely those of the
authors. Correspondence regarding this manuscript should be addressed to: Dr. Evelyn S.
Johnson, Boise State University, 1910 University Dr., MS 1725, Boise, Idaho 83725-
1725. Email: [email protected]
This study describes the development of a special education teacher observation
protocol detailing the elements of effective decoding instruction. The psychometric
properties of the protocol were investigated through many-facet Rasch measurement
(MFRM). Video observations of classroom decoding instruction from 20 special
education teachers across three states were collected. Twelve external raters were trained
to observe and evaluate instruction using the protocol and assigned scores of
“implemented”, “partially implemented”, or “not implemented” for each of the items.
Analyses showed that the item, teacher, lesson, and rater facets achieved high levels of
reliability. Teacher performance was consistent with what is reported in the literature.
Implications for practice are discussed.
Keywords: evidence-based decoding instruction, observation systems, many-facet
Rasch measurement
Reading is a complex process requiring the reader to integrate, coordinate, and
execute multiple skills and processes in order to extract meaning from text (Cain et al.,
2004; Cain, 2009; Perfetti, 2007). While the ability to accurately and efficiently read
words does not ensure comprehension will occur, word reading proficiency is a necessary
component of this complex process, as evidenced by its role as a key predictor of reading
comprehension ability (Cain et al., 2004; Castles et al., 2018; Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011;
Ehri et al., 2001; Kang & Shin, 2019). In a comprehensive synthesis of the science of
reading, phonics instruction was emphasized as the foundation by which students acquire
mastery of the alphabetic code, fluent word recognition, and skilled comprehension
(Castles et al., 2018). Empirical evidence consistently supports the need for students with
or at risk for reading disabilities (hereafter abbreviated as SWD) to receive intensive,
explicit, and systematic instruction in word reading skills and strategies emphasizing
phonological (sound) and orthographic (written) connections (Blachman et al., 2004;
Denton et al., 2013; Ehri et al., 2001; Lovett et al., 2000; Torgesen et al., 2001).
Despite the depth of the literature base describing the evidence-based practices
(EBP) that promote strong word reading skills, observation studies of teachers’ practice
routinely indicate a lack of consistent and effective implementation of these EBPs,
particularly in classrooms focused on providing instruction to SWD (Moody et al., 2000;
Swanson, 2008; Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014). Observational studies of classroom practices
have consistently concluded the quality, intensity and content of reading instruction is
inadequate to meet the intensive instructional needs for students SWD (Kent et al., 2017;
Klingner et al., 2010; Swanson, 2008; Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014). Additionally, concerns
have been raised about the lack and depth of content knowledge among teachers
providing reading instruction, inhibiting their ability to explain concepts effectively,
select appropriate examples, be diagnostic, and provide targeted feedback to students
(Moats & Foorman, 2003; Moats, 2009; Washburn et al., 2011). This gap between
research and practice may provide some explanation for on-going reading achievement
concerns, with significant numbers of SWD performing below proficiency on state and
national measures of reading, and persistent gaps in performance between SWD and their
general-education peers (Judge & Bell, 2010; NCES, 2019; Schulte et al., 2016).
If we are to improve reading outcomes for SWD, it is essential to ensure teachers
have the knowledge of EBPs, the skills to sustain fidelity to implementation, and the
ongoing support to consistently provide high quality instruction to SWD (McLeskey &
Billingsley, 2008). To inform these efforts, it is also critical to establish baseline levels of
teacher instructional performance and to define teacher development as observable,
measurable progress toward an ambitious, well-articulated standard for practice.
Providing both in-service and preservice teachers with feedback on their implementation
of instructional practices has been shown to have positive effects on teacher performance
and the effective implementation of EBPs (Fallon et al., 2015; Schles & Robertson, 2019;
Solomon et al., 2012). Coaching models that include observations paired with specific
performance-based feedback have the potential to produce observable and measurable
changes in the accuracy of EBP implementation (Fallon et al., 2015; Kretlow &
Bartholomew, 2010). Teachers significantly improved their knowledge and
implementation of systematic phonics instruction and student outcomes following a year-
long mentoring program including on-going and consistent modeling and feedback
aligned to specific practices (Ehri & Flugman, 2018). Observation protocols that identify
and define the components of a specific practice provide opportunities for focused
feedback on both content and delivery and have the potential to promote and incentivize
effective implementation (Hill & Grossman, 2013), equipping educators with common
language and a framework to guide the systematic and continuous implementation of
Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Observation Protocol
The Recognizing Effective Special Education Teachers (RESET) observation
system is a federally funded project to create teacher observation protocols aligned to
EBP for SWD (Johnson et al., 2018). The goal of RESET is to create and validate an
observation system comprised of observation protocols that leverage the extensive
research on instructional EBPs for SWD (Johnson et al., 2020). The RESET system was
developed using the principles of evidence-centered design to create observation
protocols that effectively capture the complexities of EBPs (Johnson et al., 2018; Mislevy
et al., 2003). The observation protocol of interest for the current study is the
Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Protocol (hereafter abbreviated as CDLP). The CDLP
was designed to evaluate and support the implementation of systematic and explicit
phonics instruction and practice, providing teachers with content specific targets aligned
with the essential features of a comprehensive decoding intervention for SWD.
The first step in developing the CDLP was to identify the components of
decoding instruction as described in the research. The RESET research team conducted a
systematic review of the literature and identified the critical components of a
comprehensive decoding lesson as: (a) systematic instruction, (b) explicit instruction in
phoneme-grapheme correspondence and word reading skills and strategies, (c) encoding,
(d) the integration of word meaning, reading and processing decodable text, and (e)
consistent monitoring and feedback throughout the lesson. Each of these components is
briefly described.
Systematic Instruction
In order for SWD to make significant progress toward word reading proficiency,
instruction must be highly explicit, efficient and intensive, providing students with
extended opportunities to practice (Blachman et al., 2004; Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011).
Systematic phonics instruction is characterized by a planned set of elements or concepts
that are taught and practiced sequentially, then build logically upon one another
providing students with the prerequisite skills needed to learn new concepts and advance
their ability to decode and read words in isolation and in context (Brady, 2011; Ehri et al.,
2001). Concepts are presented as part of a coherent system, and instruction includes
regular step-by-step procedures or routines such as the “I do”, “We do”, “You do”
procedures found in explicit instruction or systematic cues for routines such as “Blend it”
or “What’s the word?” (Archer & Hughes, 2010). Well established and implemented
routines and procedures lead to a more fluid, efficient, and focused lesson where students
know what is expected and have clear opportunities to respond (Archer & Hughes, 2010).
Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence
Understanding of the alphabetic principle, the awareness that letters and letter
patterns represent the sounds in language, and the understanding that these relationships
are systematic and predictable is central to learning to read, and the foundation of
effective reading instruction and intervention for SWD (Blachman et al., 2004; Ehri et al.,
2001; Foorman et al., 2003; Steacy et al., 2016; Torgesen et al., 2001). To become fluent
word readers, students must be able to distinguish the distinct phonemes in words, such
as bat, /b/ /a/ /t/, understand that the /b/ in bat is the same as the /b/ in b-a-g, and connect
those phonemes to the corresponding graphemes by linking the sound /b/ with the
grapheme b. The acquisition of these fundamental skills requires systematically designed
explicit instruction and practice with increased levels of intensity for SWD (Blachman et
al., 2004; Denton et al., 2013; Torgesen et al., 2001).
Word Reading
Accurate and fluent word reading skills are integral to the process of
comprehending text (Castles et al., 2018; Gough & Tunmer, 1986; Perfetti & Stafura,
2014). Two approaches to support accurate word reading for SWD are synthetic phonics
instruction (mapping phonemes to graphemes and blending to decode words) and analytic
phonics instruction (recognizing larger word parts and patterns such as onset, rimes,
syllables) or a combination of both methods (Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011; Ehri et al.,
2001; Lovett et al., 2000; Torgesen et al., 2001; Wanzek & Vaughn, 2007). Multiple
exposures and frequent opportunities to read words enhance students’ ability to retain
them in memory, and to learn orthographic patterns that facilitate orthographic mapping
(Ehri, 2014).
Reading Decodable Text and Developing Word Knowledge
The ultimate goal of reading is comprehension, and instruction must be designed
to not only facilitate word level reading skills, but to engage with texts, to develop
background knowledge and to increase vocabulary. Reading performance improves when
students are provided with explicit and systematic instruction in decoding paired with the
opportunity to successfully apply skills in text reading (Blachman et al., 2004; Denton et
al., 2010; Jenkins et al., 2004; Mathes et al., 2005). Despite the documented effect sizes
when interventions include both phonics instruction and daily opportunities to read and
respond to text at the appropriate level of difficulty, observation studies indicate that
SWD spend limited amounts of time engaged in reading, as low as 1-4% of classroom
instructional time (Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014).
Forming a coherent mental representation of a text requires automaticity with
word level reading skills, but word reading skills must also be situated within the larger
framework of the reading process. While the primary focus of the CDLP is on
instructional practices that target a student’s word level reading abilities, a
comprehensive approach to reading instruction includes a focus on word meaning and
comprehending what is read. Comprehension is scaffolded by engaging background
knowledge prior to reading and providing students the opportunity for discussion
appropriate to the text. Vocabulary knowledge has been identified as impacting both
word identification and comprehension (Perfetti & Stafura, 2014; Tunmer & Chapman,
2012), suggesting that instruction on word meaning should be included as part of
decoding instruction.
Students demonstrate greater levels of improvement in reading and spelling when
they engage in explicit decoding instruction paired with encoding instruction focused on
phoneme-grapheme mapping (Denton et al., 2013; Weiser, 2013). To be most effective in
reinforcing phoneme-grapheme relationships, the encoding portion of a decoding lesson
must make explicit connections between phonemes and graphemes and may include
exercises such as writing dictated words and manipulating tools such as letter tiles to
form words paired with immediate corrective or reinforcing feedback (Weiser & Mathes,
Monitoring and Feedback
Feedback as a general construct has the potential to powerfully influence learning;
the impact is dependent upon the type of feedback provided and how it is given (Hattie &
Timperley, 2007). Providing students with timely, corrective and/or affirmative feedback
is a critical component of effective instruction (Denton & Al Otaiba, 2011) and a key
component of explicit, systematic instruction (Archer & Hughes, 2010; Hughes et al.,
Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Protocol Structure and Scoring
Once the review of literature was complete, the CDLP was drafted to capture the
critical components of a comprehensive decoding lesson as outlined above (see Appendix
A for a copy of the CDLP). A total of 18 items on the CDLP are organized by the seven
components: 1) Systematic Instruction, 2) Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence, 3) Word
Reading, 4) Encoding, 5) Word Meaning, 6) Reading Decodable Text, and 7) Monitoring
and Feedback Throughout the Lesson. Items aligned to these components were developed
through an iterative process involving the translation of practices from the literature,
drafting an item, testing items with video, eliciting subject matter expert input, and
revision. Once we developed the set of items that described proficient implementation,
studies were conducted to inform the performance level descriptors for each item across a
three-point scale, where a 3 is “proficient implementation”, a 2 is “partial
implementation”, and a 1 is “not implemented” (see Johnson et al., 2018 for a full
description of this process). The RESET CDLP is designed for use with video recorded
lessons that are observed and evaluated by raters with expertise in reading instruction for
SWD and who receive training to accurately and consistently apply the scoring criteria.
Purpose of the Current Study
Observation protocols require a deliberate approach to development and a
rigorous evaluation of the various facets that can impact a teacher’s observed scores. If
the RESET CDLP is to serve the purpose of improving teachers’ ability to effectively
implement EBPs, it must result in reliable evaluations of teachers’ ability to effectively
implement decoding instruction, and must provide teachers with specific, and actionable
feedback on how to improve. Reliable observations of teacher practice can serve as a
baseline performance that can inform professional development efforts. Therefore, the
purpose of the current study was: 1) to examine the psychometric quality of the CDLP
through MFRM analysis and 2) to analyze teachers’ performance on the implementation
of effective decoding instruction.
Twenty special education teachers from three states (Idaho, Florida, Wisconsin)
each provided three video recorded lessons for a total of 60 videos. Teachers were
recruited by contacting district special education directors, who then distributed consent
forms to eligible candidates. All participating teachers identified as white females
teaching SWD at the elementary school level, and had an average experience level of
13.5 years. Seven teachers held a master’s degree in special education or literacy, eleven
teachers held a bachelor’s degree in special education and two teachers held a bachelor’s
degree in elementary education.
Twelve raters, one male and eleven females, from six states (Idaho, Maryland,
Illinois, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah) participated in this study. Raters were recruited
through a purposive sampling technique, focused on selecting individuals with strong
knowledge of special education instruction and reading intervention. Three raters held a
doctoral degree and worked as a special education teacher, a school administrator and a
special education faculty member at a university in the eastern part of the U.S. Three
raters held master’s degrees and were doctoral students. Five raters held master’s degrees
and were working as special education teachers or reading specialists. One rater was a
retired teacher who held a master’s degree in education.
Video Collection
Video observations of classroom instruction were collected over a three-year
period (2015-2018). Participating teachers provided video recorded lessons from a
consistent instructional period each week. Videos were recorded and uploaded using the
Swivl ® capture system and ranged in length from 30 45 minutes of instructional time.
Videos were organized into three time periods from across the school year (e.g.
September December, January March, April June). From this video bank, one video
from each of these three time periods from each teacher was selected for inclusion in this
study, for a total of 3 videos per teacher, 60 videos for the study. Videos were assigned an
ID number and listed in random order for each rater according to the rating scheme
described below, to control for order effects.
Rater Training
Rater training took place over four days. Each day consisted of a four-hour
training session conducted by the RESET project staff, followed by additional video
viewing and scoring assignments to be completed independently prior to the following
day’s training. Raters were provided with an overview of the RESET project goals, and a
description of how the CDLP was developed. Project staff then explained each item in
the CDLP using a video model to demonstrate ‘implemented’ and clarified any questions
raters had about the items. Raters were also provided with a detailed training manual that
included in-depth explanations of each item, definitions of reading terms and exemplars
of performance levels. Over the course of training, raters independently watched and
scored three videos and documented evidence observed in the video aligned with their
scoring decisions. Scores and evidence were reviewed and discussed the following day
during training sessions with project staff and reconciled with a master coded rubric for
each video. Any disagreements were reviewed and discussed.
Rater Scoring Design
Raters were assigned a randomly ordered list of videos to control for order effects.
Instead of having each rater observe every video, we created a rating scheme that allowed
for the connection of ratings across all rater pairs and across teachers (Eckes, 2011). Each
rater scored 22 of the 60 videos. Two videos were scored by all twelve raters, 19 videos
were scored by five raters, 28 videos were scored by four raters and eleven videos were
scored by three raters. Three raters scored each teacher at least one time. Raters were
asked to score each item on the protocol for each video, to provide time-stamped
evidence of what they observed and used as a basis for the score, and to provide a brief
explanation of the rationale for their score. Raters were given six weeks to complete their
ratings and enter the data into an electronic version of the CDLP.
Data Analysis
The instructional dimensions of observation protocols have been reported to be
the most challenging for raters to score reliably (Gitomer et al., 2014; Ho & Kane, 2013).
Rater behavior research suggests achieving perfect agreement across raters who judge
complex performances is an elusive goal, and that acknowledging raters will differ in
severity but can be trained to be consistent in their own scoring may be a more attainable
reality (Eckes, 2011). Therefore, data were analyzed using MFRM analyses. MFRM
analyses allow for the investigation of teacher, lesson, rater, and item facets (Eckes,
2011). Using the Rasch model, the ability estimates of teachers are freed from the
distributional properties of the items, lessons, and the particular raters used to rate the
performance (Eckes, 2011). Additionally, the estimated difficulty of items and severity of
raters are freed from the distributional properties of the other facets of the assessment
(Smith & Kulikowich, 2004).
The model used for the MFRM analyses in this study is given by:
 
 
 
 
is the probability of teacher n, when rated on item i by judge (rater) j
on occasion (lesson) o, being awarded a rating of k.
is the probability of teacher
n, when rated on item i by judge (rater) j on occasion (lesson) o, being awarded a rating
of k-1,
is the ability of teacher n,
is the difficulty of item i,
is the severity of
judge j,
is the stringency of the occasion o, and
is the difficulty overcome in being
observed at the rating k relative to the rating k-1 (Eckes, 2011).
The MFRM analysis was conducted using the computer program FACETS
version 3.71 (Linacre, 2014a). MFRM analysis produces infit and outfit statistics for each
facet, two quality control statistics that indicate whether the measures have been
confounded by construct-irrelevant factors (Eckes, 2011). Ranges in fit statistics from +/-
.5 to 1.5 are considered acceptable (Eckes, 2011; Linacre, 2014b). FACETS also provides
reliability and separation indices. The reliability index indicates the reproducibility of the
measures if the test were to be administered to another randomly selected sample from
the same population (Bond & Fox, 2007). Separation indicates the number of statistically
distinguishable strata in the data. Finally, MFRM analyses produce a “fair average score”
that accounts for rater severity. In addition to the MFRM analyses, the score distributions
by item and protocol component were analyzed to examine which aspects of evidence-
based reading instruction were most frequently implemented and which aspects of
instruction were not implemented by the teachers in this sample.
The results of the MFRM analyses are shown in Figure 1 and Tables 1 through 5.
All analyses were based on a total of 4,824 assigned scores. Exact rater agreement was
52.4%. Figure 1 includes the variable map and rank order of the four facets (a) item, (b)
teacher, (c) lessons, and (d) raters on a common scale. The scale along the left of Figure,
titled “Measr,” represents the logit scale, ranging from -2 to +2, which is estimated from
the pattern of the data. Placing the facets on a common scale allows for comparisons
within and among the facets (Smith & Kulikowich, 2004). A higher location on the
vertical rulers indicates less frequent implementation of items, higher proficiency for
teachers, more severity for raters, and more difficulty for lessons. The column heading
for items ranks the items from least implemented by teachers to most implemented by
teachers and is commonly referred to in MFRM as a measure of “difficulty”. Item 15,
The teacher effectively engages background knowledge and/or activates schema relevant
to the text prior to reading was implemented the least often across teachers and lessons.
Items 4, The teacher makes explicit connections between sounds and letters or letter
groups and Item 5, The teacher clearly and accurately models articulation were the items
most often implemented. The column labeled teacher ranks the teachers in order of
proficient implementation with T1 scoring the most items as proficient and T7 the least
proficient. The rater column ranks raters by their level of severity, with most severe raters
at the top of the scale.
Item Facet and Fit Statistics
Table 1 reports the item difficulty, fit statistics, separation and reliability indices
for the item facet. As reported in Figure 1, and in more detail here, the item “difficulty”
ranges from 1.81 logits (SE=.12) for Item 15, to -.74 logits (SE=.10) for Item 5. The fit
statistics range from .74 (Item 6) to 1.63 (Item 15) and outfit statistics from .70 (Item 17)
to 1.52 (Item 15) placing Item 15 slightly higher than the upper bound of the acceptable
range of .50 to 1.50 (Eckes, 2011). Item fit statistics indicate whether raters have scored
items in a consistent manner. The fit statistics for Item 15 The teacher effectively engages
background knowledge and/or activates schema relevant to the text prior to reading
indicate potential misfit. Fit statistics are sensitive to extreme values (Linacre, 2014b) and
in the present analysis the higher fit statistics for Item 15 are likely the result of teachers
who performed well on the other items of the protocol receiving a low score because they
did not implement this item. For example, teachers (T1, T11, T20) were the most
proficient at implementing the items across the CDLP. When examining the 7% of
instances where these three teachers were scored as not implementing an item, half of the
‘not implemented’ scores were assigned to Item 15. The item reliability of separation of
.98 demonstrates that item difficulties are separated along the continuum of
implementation. This separation was statistically significant with a chi-square of 592.8
and 17 degrees of freedom (p<.001). These statistics demonstrate reliable differences in
item difficulty.
In examining the items on the CDLP and their rank order on the variable map, as
well as the overall percentages of scores received for each item (see Table 6), the rank
order appears to be logical. For example, teachers were most frequently observed as
proficient (50% of possible responses) on Item 5 The teacher clearly and accurately
models articulation, with only 12% of possible responses scoring as not implemented. A
majority of teachers also implemented or partially implemented Item 4 The teacher
makes explicit connections between sounds and letters or letter groups, with only 10% of
possible responses scoring as not implemented. Both of these items would be expected to
have high levels of implementation in a lesson specifically targeting decoding skills,
especially when teachers use scripted, evidence-based programs. The items that were
least often implemented were those related to text reading, scaffolding, and comparing
and contrasting learned patterns (Items 10, 13, 15, and 16).
Teacher Facet and Fit Statistics
The teacher column of Figure 1 lists teachers from most proficient (Teacher 1) at
the top to least proficient (Teacher 7) at the bottom. Table 2 reports the teachers overall
fair average score on the CDLP protocol, along with the fit statistics and the reliability
and separation indices for the teacher facet. The teachers’ proficiency with implementing
the items on the CDLP ranges from 1.56 logits (SE=.10) for Teacher 1 who is the most
proficient to -.77 logits (SE= .10) for Teacher 7, who is the least proficient. The fair
average score, which accounts for rater severity, ranges from 2.65 for Teacher 1 to 1.63
for Teacher 7. The fit statistics measure the extent to which a teacher’s pattern of
responses matches that predicted by the model, and can be used to identify teachers who
have been evaluated in a consistent manner. Table 2 shows that all fit statistics are within
acceptable ranges (-0.5 to 1.5), indicating that the evaluation with the rubric has been
consistently applied to determine teachers’ ability to implement a comprehensive
decoding lesson. The reliability of separation is .98, with a statistically significant chi
square of 836.9 and 19 degrees of freedom (p<.001). This indicates that teachers differ in
their ability to proficiently implement decoding instruction as measured by the CDLP.
Rater Facet and Fit Statistics
The rater column on Figure 1 ranks the raters from the most severe (Rater 5) at
the top to the most lenient rater (Rater 11) at the bottom. Table 3 shows that the raters’
severity ranges from -.84 logits (SE=.08) to .50 logits (SE=.08). The fit statistics help
determine whether raters are consistent with their own ratings on the protocol and can be
used to identify severe or lenient ratings that are unexpected given the rater's overall
scoring pattern, or used to identify biases for a particular item or teacher. Fit statistics fell
within the acceptable range. The reliability coefficient of .96, on a chi-square of 257.9
and 11 degrees of freedom (p < .001) along with the spread from -.84 to .50 logits
suggests that raters differ in their overall ratings and severity level. The bias analysis
indicated a total of 29.14% of the variance in the observations (n = 4,824) was explained
by the model. 11.49% was explained by teacher/rater interactions, and 4.6% by item/rater
Table 4 presents the rank order of teachers as a measure of their average observed
score across all items and lessons, and compares this to their fair average score to
examine whether teacher rankings might vary as a result of having had a different set of
raters. With the exception of Teachers 7 and 12, whose observed average scores differed
from their fair average scores by .01 of a point, the rank order of teacher performance is
consistent across observed and fair average scores, suggesting that rater severity did not
have a significant impact on the ratings assigned to teachers.
Lesson Facet and Fit Statistics
As shown in Figure 1, the Lesson facet shows little variability in its range across
the logit scale. The lesson facet is somewhat difficult to interpret as we did not specify
the content or focus of the lessons in advance, but selected video labeled as reading with
decoding instruction. Additionally, participating teachers were requested to only include
video with the same group of students, as observation research has suggested that teacher
performance may vary depending on class composition, and our goal in the current study
was to first examine teacher performance with a consistent instructional group. Table 5
shows that each of the three lessons were of approximately the same difficulty with a
range of -.03 to .03 logits. Fit statistics are all within the acceptable range of -0.5 to 1.5.
The reliability of separation of .00 was not statistically significant, suggesting lesson
“difficulty” did not significantly differ.
Distribution of Scores across CDLP Components and Items
As discussed, the variable map (Figure 1) provides a rank order of the items of the
CDLP, allowing for an initial understanding of which elements of effective decoding
instruction were the least often provided to the SWD in this sample. Table 6 presents the
items by component in the order in which they appear on the CDLP, and includes the
number and percentage of assigned scores for each item, and across each component.
Category statistics showed that across all items of the CDLP and the 4,824 total assigned
scores, 33% were assigned a score of 3 (implemented), 41% were assigned a score of 2
(partially implemented), and 26% were assigned a score of 1 (not implemented).
When examining performance across the seven components of the CDLP,
teachers in this sample had the highest level of proficient implementation (45% of
assigned scores) on the Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence component, which is
comprised of Items 4-6. The Systematic Instruction component (Items 1-3), had the next
highest percentage of “proficient implementation” (40%). The most problematic
components for this sample of teachers and observations were Word Meaning (Item 12)
and Reading Connected Text (Items 13-16), with only 22% and 25% of assigned scores
of “proficient implementation”, respectively. As depicted in Table 6 and indicated in
Figure 1, Item 5 had the highest number of scores of “implemented” assigned (50%), and
Item 15 had the highest number of scores of “not implemented” (75%).
The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the RESET
CDLP and to examine the distribution of scores across items and components that
comprise effective, evidence-based practice. The CDLP was developed to allow for the
reliable and accurate observation of a teacher’s ability to effectively implement decoding
instruction as described in the research on EBPs for SWDs. The results of the MFRM
analyses suggest the CDLP will provide reliable evaluations of a teacher’s ability to
implement decoding instruction for SWD and will support delivery of specific and
actionable feedback recommended for effective evaluation instruments (Hill &
Grossman, 2013). The sensitivity of the CDLP is supported by high separation and
reliability statistics dividing the items and teachers into statistically different strata
(Linacre, 2014b), indicating the CDLP can reliably differentiate between both item
difficulty and teacher implementation proficiency.
As an observation instrument aligned to EBP with high levels of reliability across
its multiple facets, the CDLP can be part of an effective observation system of support to
not only systematically improve practice, but to also promote the sustained use of
practices identified in the research. For example, following a baseline evaluation using
the CDLP, teachers can set goals for improvement and receive feedback specifically
aligned to decoding instruction practices over time. Further, the CDLP provides common
language and a framework to guide teachers’ self-reflection, professional development
planning and implementation.
Consistent with existing research, the scoring distribution across the CDLP items
and components suggest that the teachers in this sample are not implementing reading
intervention with a level of adherence to EBPs needed to improve outcomes for SWD
(Vaughn & Wanzek, 2014). The overall distribution of assigned scores from this sample
of video observations suggests a need for instruments like the CDLP to inform and
improve teacher practice. The score distribution across components indicate that practices
to develop word meaning and reading connected text are not implemented at a level to
support students’ development in these areas.
Integrating word meaning and reading connected text have been identified as
important and effective instructional practices for SWD (Jenkins et al., 2004; Tunmer &
Chapman, 2012). Our findings are consistent with classroom observation studies
reporting that students spend limited amounts of time engaging with print (Vaughn &
Wanzek, 2014). It may be teachers are either not provided with sufficient time for
intervention sessions, are not appropriately pacing instruction to ensure adequate time for
this important practice, or are unaware of the importance of this practice to promoting
stronger reading outcomes. The underlying causes and appropriate solutions can only be
identified once consistent, reliable observation data are collected. In this way,
observations conducted with the CDLP highlight instructional areas of concern, allowing
for a set of related goals and an articulated plan of support to be put into place. Ongoing
observation data provide routine progress monitoring and equip teachers with the
specific, actionable feedback they need to improve practice.
In addition to the specific feedback that can be provided through an observation
conducted with the CDLP, it is critical that observations of teacher practice not be subject
to differences in rater severity. Our analyses indicate raters differed in their severity, with
Raters 2 and 5 being the most severe in their ratings and Rater 11 the least severe. Fit
statistics for the rater facet were within acceptable range, indicating that raters were
consistent in their own scoring, and the fair average scores and observed scores did not
result in significant changes to overall teacher scores or to rank order. When multiple
raters watch multiple teachers and multiple lessons, statistical adjustments to account for
rater differences are possible. However, in practice, it is likely that only one rater will
watch a teacher, and for this reason it is important to consider the implications of the low
level of perfect agreement across raters.
Our findings are consistent with the broader research that highlights the difficulty
of scoring the instructional aspects of observation instruments with perfect agreement
(Casabianca et al., 2015), particularly when observation protocols are specific rather than
generic in focus (Gitomer et al., 2014). Our findings, taken in context with those reported
in the research, highlight the variability in observations and feedback provided to
teachers that is likely to occur from one observer to the next. Some researchers argue
exact rater agreement is unlikely even with extensive training (Casabianca et al., 2015;
Eckes, 2011). This must be taken into consideration as teachers are observed and
evaluated; different evaluators may have different perspectives on quality and degrees of
implementation, or not share the same background knowledge about the practice being
observed. Therefore, continued research on how to feasibly support raters in accurately
and consistently applying the scoring criteria is needed.
Although the results of this study are promising, there are limitations that warrant
caution when generalizing results. The most significant limitation is the small sample
sizes of both special education teachers (n = 20) and raters (n = 12), and the limited
representation of the samples to the larger population of special education teachers and
potential raters. One benefit of using video observations as part of the larger RESET
project, we can develop a video bank that will include a larger and more diverse pool of
teachers and lessons. Continued studies with larger samples of teachers and raters can be
conducted to verify the results reported in this manuscript. Despite these limitations, the
results of our current analysis are promising.
Over the past several decades a significant body of research detailing and
validating best practices for improving decoding, word, and text reading abilities has
emerged, yet these practices are not consistently implemented in the classroom (Kent et
al., 2017; Klingner et al., 2010). At the same time, reading achievement of SWD has
continued to lag. Teacher observation systems offer a potential solution to bridging the
research to practice gap. However, realizing the promise of observation systems will
require an approach that aligns observation protocols, support systems and teacher
learning opportunities (Hill & Grossman, 2013). Systems that integrate improving teacher
knowledge with ongoing opportunities to practice and receive feedback on their
application of EBPs have been consistently shown to be more effective in changing
practice and improving student outcomes (Snyder et al., 2015). The RESET CDLP
represents a first step towards developing such a system. Continued research examining
the impact of using the CDLP to establish baseline levels of performance, and to provide
teachers with ongoing feedback and support is needed if we are to improve teachers’
ability to implement evidence-based reading instruction and to improve reading
achievement for SWD.
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Table 4.1 Item Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement Analysis
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .10; adjusted SD = .61; separation = 6.38;
reliability = .98; fixed chi-square = 592.8; df = 17; significance = .00.
Table 4.2 Teacher Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch
Measurement Analysis
Fair Average
Ability (Logits)
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .10; adjusted SD = .68; separation = 6.63;
reliability = .98; fixed chi-square =836.9; df = 19; significance = .00.
Table 4.3 Rater Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .08; adjusted SD = .38; separation = 4.87;
reliability = .96; fixed chi-square = 257.9; df = 11; significance = .00.
Table 4.4 Teacher Measurement Report
Observed Score
Fair Average
Table 4.5 Lesson Measure Report from Many-Facet Rasch Measurement
Model SE
Infit MNSQ
Outfit MNSQ
(count =3)
Note. Root mean square error (model) = .04; adjusted SD = .00; separation = 0.00;
reliability = .00; fixed chi-square = 1.3; df = 2; significance = .51.
Table 4.6 Score Distribution Across Components and Items of the
Comprehensive Decoding Lesson Protocol
Number of
Assigned Scores
Skills are taught systematically
within the lesson in a logical,
clearly defined, graduated
The teacher provides a focused
review of word reading skills.
The teacher uses effective step by
step procedures or routines with
appropriate pacing.
The teacher makes explicit
connections between sounds and
letters or letter groups.
The teacher clearly and accurately
models articulation.
The teacher engages all students in
the pronunciation of the target
sound or sounds with a sufficient
emphasis on accurate articulation.
Word Reading
Blending strategies focused on
accurate orthographic (written) and
phonological (sound) connections
are used clearly and consistently
throughout the lesson.
When a word is segmented, the
teacher consistently ensures the
word is also read as a whole word
at the normal rate.
The teacher provides students with
adequate practice designed to
reinforce orthographic (written)
and phonological (sound)
connections aligned to the target
The teacher guides students to
compare and contrast learned
The teacher explicitly reinforces
precise letter-sound
correspondence through encoding
exercises aligned to the target
Word Meaning
The teacher effectively integrates
word meaning into the lesson.
Connected Text
The teacher scaffolds the transfer
of new word reading skills to text
reading as needed for students to
experience success.
The teacher provides sufficient
opportunities for all students to
engage in reading decodable text.
The teacher effectively engages
background knowledge and/or
activates schema relevant to the
text prior to reading.
The teacher effectively scaffolds
meaning and understanding
through questioning and/or
discussion appropriate to the text.
Monitoring and
Throughout the lesson the teacher
provides affirmative and corrective
feedback consistently focused on
reinforcing the application of word
reading skills and strategies.
When errors are detected, the
teacher consistently elicits the
correct response from the student
throughout the lesson.
Item 15
Item 10 Item 13 Item 16
2 5
Item 12
T2 T5
T10 T19 T6
Item 11
12 6
Item 9
Item 17
1 2 3
Item 7
3 9
Item 14
Item 18 Item 2 Item 3
Item 8
Item 6
Item 1
T18 T8
Item 4 Item 5
Figure 4.1 Variable map of the CD rubric facets items, teachers, raters, and
Rigorously developed teacher observation systems aligned to the content specific
instructional practices found to be effective for SWD have the potential for improving
teacher practice and ultimately, outcomes for students. Such systems can provide a
framework for developing a shared understanding about effective practices and provide
teachers with accurate, actionable, specific feedback designed to support growth.
Observations of classroom instruction consistently show a need for improvements in
instructional content and delivery. The purpose of this body of work was to develop
special education observation protocols detailing the elements of evidence-based
practices for decoding and comprehension instruction, using deliberate approaches to
development, and rigorous evaluation of the multiple facets which impact a teacher’s
observed scores.
Chapter Two provided an introduction to the development of the larger RESET
observation system using Evidence-Centered Design (ECD) to create a reliable and sound
observation system. In this chapter, the five stages of the ECD framework were explained
in the context of the RESET observation system. The RESET Explicit Instruction
protocol is used to illustrate the assessment implementation and assessment delivery
stages of the ECD process. Two studies are described. The first study describes the
inductive approach used in the development of performance level descriptors. The second
study describes the analysis of the fully developed Explicit Instruction protocol using
MFRM, with results indicating the development of a psychometrically sound instrument.
This process is applied in later studies to other content areas to develop observation
instruments designed with the rigor and structure needed to achieve the goal of improving
Chapter Three is a study describing the development of the Reading for Meaning
RESET observation protocol. This protocol details the evidence-based practices for
comprehension instruction extracted from the research and tested the psychometric
properties of the protocol using MFRM. In this paper the elements of effective
comprehension instruction for SWD are discussed. The procedures for testing the
reliability of the protocol include video recorded comprehension lessons which are rated
by a set of content area experts trained in the Reading for Meaning protocol. Data were
analyzed using MFRM, with results indicating the development of a protocol that will
provide reliable evaluations of a teacher’s ability to implement the components of reading
comprehension instruction as they are presented in the Reading for Meaning protocol.
Chapter Four describes the development of the RESET Comprehensive Decoding
Lesson Protocol (CDLP). The purposes of this study were to test the psychometric
properties of the CDLP and to analyze the implementation of practices by examining the
distribution of scores across the items indicating effective decoding instruction. In this
paper the components of effective decoding instruction for SWD are explained. The
study procedures for testing the protocol follow a similar pattern with video recorded
lessons identified as decoding instruction rated by a set of content area experts trained in
the use of the CDLP. Data analyzed using MFRM indicate the CDLP will provide
reliable evaluations of a teacher’s ability to implement the elements of decoding
instruction presented in the CDLP and provide a framework for specific and actionable
feedback for teachers to improve or sustain their practices. Consistent with what has been
reported in observational studies, the scoring distribution across the CDLP items suggest
teachers in this sample are not consistently implementing decoding intervention to the
degree necessary for SWD to be successful.
In conclusion, this collection of work represents important steps toward
developing a special education teacher observation system with the potential for
improving practice and ultimately outcomes for students. Findings from each article
demonstrate we are able to develop reliable instruments for the purpose of providing
accurate teacher evaluation and feedback and supporting on-going professional
development, through a well-defined framework and the use of rigorous processes. While
not without limitations, this is a promising development moving toward improving
instructional practice for SWD.
Explicit Instruction Rubric
RESET Explicit Instruction Rubric - 2017-18
3 - Implemented
2 - Partially Implemented
1 - Not Implemented
Identifying and
The goals of the lesson
are clearly
communicated to the
The goals of the lesson
are not clearly
communicated to the
The goals of the lesson
are not communicated to
the students.
The stated goal(s) is/are
The stated goal(s) is/are
broad or vague.
There is no stated goal.
The teacher clearly
explains the relevance of
the stated goal to the
The teacher tries to
explain the relevance of
the stated goal to the
students, but the
explanation is unclear or
lacks detail.
The teacher does not
explain the relevance of
the stated goal to the
Instruction is completely
aligned to the stated or
implied goal.
Instruction is partially or
loosely aligned to the
stated or implied goal.
Instruction is not aligned
to the stated or implied
All of the examples or
materials selected are
aligned to the stated or
implied goal.
Some of the examples or
materials are aligned to
the stated or implied
goal; OR examples and
materials are somewhat
aligned to the stated or
implied goal.
Examples or materials
selected are not aligned
to the stated or implied
Examples or materials
selected are aligned to
the instructional level of
most or all of the
Examples or materials
selected are aligned to
the instructional level of
some of the students.
Examples or materials
selected are not aligned
to the instructional level
of most students.
The teacher effectively
reviews prior skills and/or
engages background
knowledge before
beginning instruction.
The teacher reviews prior
skills and/or engages
background knowledge
before beginning
instruction, but not
The teacher does not
review prior skills and/or
engage background
knowledge before
beginning instruction.
The teacher provides
clear demonstrations of
proficient performance.
The teacher does not
provide clear
demonstrations of
proficient performance.
The teacher does not
provide any
demonstrations of
proficient performance.
The teacher provides an
adequate number of
demonstrations given the
nature and complexity of
the skill or task.
The teacher does not
provide an adequate
number of
demonstrations given the
nature and complexity of
the skill or task.
The teacher does not
provide demonstrations.
The teacher uses
language that is clear,
precise, and accurate
throughout the lesson.
The teacher uses
language that is not
always clear, precise, and
The teacher uses
language that is
confusing, unclear,
imprecise, or inaccurate
throughout the lesson.
Scaffolding is provided
when it is needed to
facilitate learning.
Some scaffolding is
provided, but more is
needed to facilitate
Scaffolding is needed, but
minimal or no scaffolding
is provided to facilitate
Complex skills or
strategies are broken
down into logical
instructional units to
address cognitive
overload, processing
demands, or working
Complex skills or
strategies are not
effectively broken down
to address cognitive
overload, processing
demands, or working
Complex skills and
strategies are not broken
down as needed into
logical instructional units
to address cognitive
overload, processing
demands, or working
The teacher
systematically withdraws
support as the students
move toward
independent use of the
The teacher withdraws
support, but it is not
The teacher does not
withdraw support; OR
the teacher provides very
limited support and then
abruptly withdraws it.
Guided Practice
Guided practice is
focused on the
application of skills or
strategies related to the
stated or implied goal.
Guided practice is
somewhat focused on
the application of skills or
strategies related to the
stated or implied goal.
Guided practice is not
focused on the
application of skills or
strategies related to the
stated or implied goal.
The teacher consistently
prompts students to
apply skills or strategies
throughout guided
The teacher prompts
students to apply skills or
strategies, but not
consistently OR not
effectively throughout
guided practice.
The teacher does not
prompt students to apply
skills or strategies
throughout guided
The teacher maintains an
appropriate pace
throughout the lesson.
The teacher maintains an
appropriate pace during
some of the lesson.
The teacher maintains an
inappropriate pace
throughout the lesson.
The teacher allows
adequate time for
students to think or
respond throughout the
The teacher sometimes
allows adequate time for
students to think or
respond but
throughout the lesson.
The teacher never allows
adequate time to
students to think or
The teacher maintains
focus on the stated or
implied goal throughout
the lesson.
The teacher
inconsistently focuses on
the stated or implied
The teacher does not
focus on the stated or
implied goal.
The teacher provides
frequent opportunities
for students to engage or
respond during the
The teacher provides
limited opportunities for
students to engage or
respond during the
The teacher does not
provide opportunities for
students to engage or
respond during the
There are structured and
predictable instructional
routines throughout the
Instructional routines are
not consistently applied
throughout the lesson.
There is no instructional
The teacher monitors
students to ensure they
remain engaged.
The teacher monitors
throughout the lesson;
OR the teacher does not
consistently monitor all
students to ensure they
remain engaged.
The teacher does not
monitor students to
ensure they remain
Monitoring and
The teacher consistently
checks for understanding
throughout the lesson.
The teacher only checks
some students for
understanding; OR the
teacher does not
consistently check for
throughout the lesson.
The teacher does no or
very minimal checking for
The teacher provides
timely feedback
throughout the lesson.
The teacher occasionally
provides timely feedback.
The teacher does not
provide feedback; OR it is
not timely.
Feedback is specific and
informative throughout
the lesson.
Feedback is not
consistently specific and
informative throughout
the lesson.
There is no feedback; OR
it is not at all specific and
The teacher makes
adjustments to
instruction as needed
based on the student
The teacher makes some
adjustments to
instruction as needed
based on the student
responses, but more
adjustments are needed.
The teacher does not
make adjustments to
instruction as needed
based on the student
Reading for Meaning Protocol
Comprehension - Reading for Meaning
3 Implemented
2 Partially
1 Not Implemented
Preparing to
Purpose for
The teacher communicates
a content specific purpose
for reading the text.
The teacher
communicates a purpose
for reading the text, but
the purpose is broad,
vague, or not specific to
the content of the text.
The teacher does not
communicate a purpose
for reading the text.
The purpose for reading is
sustained throughout the
The purpose for reading is
inconsistently sustained
throughout the lesson.
The purpose for reading is
not sustained throughout
the lesson.
Preparing to
and Schema
The teacher effectively
engages background
knowledge and/or
activates schema relevant
to the text prior to
The teacher attempts to
engage background
knowledge and/or activate
schema but does not
maintain the focus on
relevant information.
The teacher does not
engage background
knowledge and/or activate
schema relevant to the text
prior to reading.
The teacher effectively
pre-teaches or reviews key
The teacher pre-teaches
or reviews key concepts
but not effectively.
The teacher does not pre-
teach or review key
The teacher purposefully
uses text preview
strategies that are focused
on text structure and
aligned with the purpose
for reading.
The teacher uses text
preview strategies that are
somewhat focused on text
structure and aligned with
the purpose for reading.
The teacher does not use
text preview strategies; OR
text preview is not at all
focused on text structure
and purpose for reading.
The teacher reviews or
teaches key vocabulary
prior to reading using
words that are clear,
precise, and accurate.
The teacher reviews or
teaches some key
vocabulary as they are
encountered AND/OR
uses words that are not
always clear, precise, and
The teacher does not
review or teach key
Reading for
The teacher actively
engages students in the
use of content
enhancement tools that
are aligned to facilitate
comprehension (e.g.,
advanced and graphic
organizers, visual displays,
mnemonic instruction).
The teacher provides
content enhancement
tools that are aligned to
facilitate comprehension
but does not actively
engage students in their
The teacher does not
provide content
enhancement tools at all;
OR the teacher provides
content enhancement tools
that are not aligned to
facilitate comprehension
AND/OR refers to content
enhancement tools but
does not implement them.
The teacher focuses
attention on relevant text
features and/or structures
to organize thinking and
support comprehension.
The teacher points out
some text features and/or
structures but does not
deliberately use them to
organize thinking and
support comprehension.
The teacher does not use
text features and/or
The teacher guides
students to make
predictions about the text
AND to confirm,
disconfirm, and/or extend
The teacher asks students
to make predictions AND
gives the opportunity to
confirm, disconfirm,
and/or extend them but
without adequate
guidance (e.g., lacks
connection to relevant
information or background
The teacher does not ask
students to make
predictions; OR the teacher
does not provide the
opportunity to confirm,
disconfirm, or extend
predictions that are made.
The teacher supports the
students in identifying the
main idea and supporting
The teacher provides
some support for
identifying main idea and
supporting details but
more is needed (e.g.,
lacks clear process).
The teacher does not
support the identification
of main idea and
supporting details.
The teacher guides
students to summarize key
ideas and/or critical
passages to support
The teacher provides
some guidance for
summarizing, but more is
needed (e.g. focus,
structure, more
The teacher does not guide
students to summarize key
ideas and/or critical
passages to support
The teacher supports
making inferences by
helping students identify
and connect relevant
information, fill gaps,
and/or connect to prior
The teacher supports
making inferences but
more support is needed
(e.g. identify and connect
relevant information, fill
gaps, and/or connect to
prior knowledge).
The teacher does not
support making inferences.
The teacher guides
students to support their
responses with
information from the text.
The teacher guides
students to support their
responses with
information from the text,
but more guidance is
The teacher does not guide
students to support their
responses with information
from the text.
The teacher consistently
guides students to reread
as needed to support
The teacher misses some
opportunities for students
to reread as needed to
support comprehension
AND/OR does not always
provide sufficient
The teacher does not guide
students to reread as
needed to support
The teacher consistently
cues or provides correction
of decoding or word level
errors as needed AND has
the student reread the
word correctly.
The teacher inconsistently
cues or provides
correction of decoding or
word level errors
AND/ORinconsistently has
the student reread the
word correctly.
The teacher does not cue
or provide correction of
decoding or word level
errorsOR does not have the
student reread the word
correctly; ORthe teacher
has selected a text that is
not at the instructional
level of most students and
decoding errors inhibit
and Discussion
The teacher's questioning
practices effectively
promote understanding,
guide, and focus the
The teacher's questioning
practices somewhat
promote understanding,
guide, and focus the
The teacher's questioning
practices do not promote
understanding, guide, and
focus the reading; OR the
teacher does not ask
The teacher asks questions
using wording that is
understandable for the
students (e.g. clear, not
too long, avoid multiple
questions within a
The teacher asks questions
using wording that is not
always understandable
for the students.
The teacher asks questions
using wording that is
confusing for the students
(e.g., unclear, too long,
multiple questions within a
question); OR the teacher
does not ask questions.
The teacher consistently
and accurately uses
academic language (e.g.,
predict, compare, contrast,
The teacher uses
academic language but
not consistently AND/OR
not always accurately.
The teacher does not use
academic language OR uses
it inaccurately.
Comprehensive Decoding Instruction Protocol
Comprehensive Decoding Rubric
3 Implemented
2 Partially Implemented
1 Not Implemented
Skills are taught
systematically within the
lesson in a logical, clearly
defined, graduated
Skills are taught
somewhat systematically
within the lesson in a
logical, clearly defined,
graduated sequence.
Skills are not taught
systematically within the
lesson in a logical, clearly
defined, graduated
sequence; instruction is
The teacher provides a
focused review of word
reading skills.
The teacher provides a
review, but the review is
limited or lacking in focus.
The teacher does not
provide a review.
The teacher uses effective
step-by-step procedures
or routines with
appropriate pacing.
The teacher uses step-by-
step procedures or
routines that are
somewhat effective
AND/OR not always
paced appropriately.
The teacher does not use
effective step-by-step
procedures or routines
throughout instruction,
OR pacing negatively
impacts learning.
The teacher makes explicit
connections between
sounds and letters or
letter groups.
The teacher makes
connections between
sounds and letters or
letter groups but not
always explicitly.
The teacher does not
make explicit connections
between sounds and
letters or letter groups, OR
connections are
The teacher clearly and
accurately models
The teacher models
articulation but not
always clearly.
The teacher does not
model articulation OR
models inaccurately.
The teacher engages all
students in the
pronunciation of the
target sound or sounds
with a sufficient emphasis
on accurate articulation.
The teacher engages
some, but not all,
students in the
pronunciation of the
target sound or sounds OR
does not sufficiently
emphasize accurate
The teacher does not
engage students in the
pronunciation of the
target sound or sounds
with an emphasis on
accurate articulation OR
allows for inaccurate
Word Reading
Blending strategies
focused on accurate
orthographic (written) and
phonological (sound)
connections are used
clearly and consistently
throughout the lesson.
Blending strategies
focused on accurate
orthographic (written)
and phonological (sound)
connections are used but
not always clearly and/or
consistently throughout
the lesson.
Blending strategies
focused on accurate
orthographic (written) and
phonological (sound)
connections are not used
throughout the lesson.
When a word is
segmented, the teacher
consistently ensures the
word is also read as a
whole word at the normal
When a word is
segmented, the teacher
inconsistently ensures the
word is also read as a
whole word at the normal
When a word is
segmented, the teacher
does not ensure the word
is also read as a whole
word at the normal rate
OR words are not
The teacher provides
students with adequate
practice designed to
reinforce orthographic
(written) and phonological
(sound) connections
aligned to the target skill.
The teacher provides
students with somewhat
adequate practice
designed to reinforce
orthographic (written) and
phonological (sound)
connections aligned to the
target skill.
The teacher provides
students with inadequate
practice designed to
reinforce orthographic
(written) and phonological
(sound) connections
aligned to the target skill.
The teacher guides
students to compare and
contrast learned patterns.
The teacher provides
students with the
opportunity to compare
and contrast learned
patterns but without
appropriate guidance.
The teacher does not
provide students with the
opportunity to compare
and contrast learned
The teacher explicitly
reinforces precise letter-
sound correspondence
through encoding
exercises aligned to the
target skill(s).
• Writing (letters, words
or sentences) AND/OR
• Using manipulatives to
build words (tiles, cards)
The teacher engages
students in encoding
exercises that are not
aligned to the target skills,
OR the teacher does not
explicitly reinforce precise
The teacher does not
engage students in
encoding exercises.
Word Meaning
The teacher effectively
integrates word meaning
into the lesson.
The teacher integrates
word meaning into the
lesson, but important
opportunities are missed.
The teacher does not
effectively integrate word
meaning into the lesson.
Decodable Text
The teacher scaffolds the
transfer of new word
reading skills to text
reading as needed for
students to experience
The teacher provides
some scaffolding for the
transfer of new word
reading skills to text
reading, but more is
The teacher does not
scaffold the transfer of
new word reading skills to
text reading.
The teacher provides
sufficient opportunities
for all students to engage
in reading decodable text.
The teacher provides
limited opportunities for
students to engage in
reading decodable text,
AND/OR not all students
are engaged.
The teacher does not
provide opportunities for
students to engage in
reading decodable text,
OR the text is not
decodable for most of the
The teacher effectively
engages background
knowledge and/or
activates schema relevant
to the text prior to
The teacher attempts to
engage background
knowledge and/or activate
schema relevant to the
text prior to reading but
not effectively.
The teacher does not
engage background
knowledge and/or activate
schema relevant to the
text prior to reading.
The teacher effectively
scaffolds meaning and
understanding through
questioning and/or
discussion appropriate to
the text.
The teacher somewhat
scaffolds meaning and
understanding through
questioning and/or
discussion appropriate to
the text.
The teacher does not
scaffold meaning and
understanding through
questioning and/or
discussion appropriate to
the text.
Monitoring and
Throughout the
Throughout the lesson
the teacher provides
affirmative and corrective
feedback consistently
focused on reinforcing the
application of word
reading skills and
Throughout the lesson the
teacher provides some
affirmative and/or
corrective feedback
reinforcing the application
of word reading skills and
strategies but more is
Throughout the lesson the
teacher does not provide
feedback OR feedback is
not focused on reinforcing
the application of word
reading skills and/or
When errors are detected,
the teacher consistently
elicits the correct
response from the student
throughout the lesson.
No errors are made by the
student(s) throughout the
When errors are detected,
the teacher inconsistently
elicits the correct
response from the student
throughout the lesson.
When errors are detected,
the teacher does not elicit
the correct response from
the student throughout
the lesson.