Additional Information
Updated June 2022
Welcome to our Prospectus and to our School.
The school is a happy and thriving community where we celebrate diversity in harmony.
We believe that our pupils all have potential, we create opportunities and ensure that they all
This Prospectus sets out key information on the school which we hope is informative. If you
have any questions do feel free to approach us. Contact details are given at the end of the
Chris Britten Tim Exell
Headteacher Chair of Governors
If you require this information, or any further information on the school through the medium of
Welsh, please contact or speak to reception.
Diversity in Harmony
Ysgol y Deri, Sully Road
Penarth, CF64 2TP
02920 352280
Headteacher: Mr CD Britten
Chair of Governors: Mr T Exell
Potential Opportunities Achievement
Ysgol y Deri is an English medium residential special school that was purpose built for
learners from age 3 - 19 years. Admissions are managed by the Vale of Glamorgan
County Council. The school currently caters for around 370 pupils.
The school’s opening hours are 9.00 am – 3.00 pm.
The school has many exciting facilities including a hydrotherapy pool, sensory studio,
radio and TV studios, hair salon, Touch Therapy, inside and outside gyms and a sports
hall with a retractable floor which reveals a trampoline.
Rooms throughout the school are fitted with overhead hoisting and we have a full-time
nursing team, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language
therapists, play therapist, aromatherapist and music therapists on-site at all times.
We also run an Autism Early Intervention Base (EIB) based at St Joseph’s Primary
School; an Autism Specialist Resource Base based at St Illtyd Primary School; Canolfan
Dderw Newydd, based on 2 sites at Amelia Trust Farm and Cowbridge and Canolfan
Hafan, 2 classes based at Gladstone Primary School.
The school runs an effective Engagement Service to mainstream schools in the Vale of
The school has four main departments: Primary, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Sixth
Head of School: Miss Siân Davey
Deputy Head of School: Mrs Caroline Williams
Department Lead: Dr Beth Lye
The Primary Department has 19 classes with a range of 7 10 pupils in each class. We
begin our journey with a focus on ‘readiness to learn’ where we develop all the skills we
need to be happy, capable and confident individuals and to become part of the larger
school community.
We develop social communication skills, attention and play skills as well as learning to
self-regulate and begin to work on our self-help skills and independence. As we
progress through the Primary years, we work within a broad thematic curriculum
enriched with real life and experiential learning opportunities. We have an integrated
total communication approach and our therapeutic interventions and programs are
embedded within our daily curriculum.
Head of School: Mrs Kerrie Britten
Deputy Head of School: Mr Aaron Ellis
Key Stage 3
Department Lead: Mr James Henderson
The Key Stage 3 department consists of 8 classes (6-12 pupils in each) of pupils in
Years 7, 8 and 9. These pupils are working on a curriculum from Routes for Learning
to National Curriculum Level 3.
The department participates in a range of activities to support learning such as Forest
Schools and Surfing and takes part in regular curriculum-based trips around the locality.
We believe that school should be fun and enjoyable, as well as a great place to learn.
Throughout the Primary and Key Stage 3 departments, two classes are dedicated to
those pupils with more profound disabilities and complex medical needs. The remaining
classes comprise pupils with a variety of learning difficulties; autism and physical
Key Stage 4
Department Lead: Miss Rebecca Helmore
The KS4 department consists of 6 classes (7-9 pupils in each) of pupils in Years 10 and
11. These pupils are working on a pathway denoted by colours Teal, Orange and Purple
from Routes for Learning (pupils working below National Curriculum) / sensory to Level
2 (GCSE)
Key Stage 5
Department Lead: Mr Warren Perry
The 6
Form department consists of 7 classes (6 10 pupils in each) of pupils in Years
12 to 14. These pupils are working on a pathway denoted by colours Teal, Orange and
Purple, from Routes for Learning / sensory to Level 3 (A level).
Throughout the 14-19 departments, one class is dedicated to those pupils with more
profound disabilities and medical needs. The remaining classes are made up from
pupils with a variety of learning difficulties; autism and physical disabilities.
The curriculum is planned each term as part of a 3-year cycle in 6
form (pupils are in
Form for 3 years Year 13/14), and 2-year cycle in KS4 (pupils are in KS4 for two
years Year10 and 11).
The curriculum activities are planned at 3 levels:
Teal Pre-Entry Level: Routes for Learning to P8
Orange Entry 1 Entry 2
Purple Entry 3 Level 3
The Curriculum
It is the responsibility of the governing body and all staff to ensure that the curriculum
and its content is secure and delivered within the distinctive nature of this all age special
The school also endeavours to accommodate within the delivery of the curriculum the
special needs of the pupils in its care. The curriculum has been developed and
enhanced to enable students to leave with appropriate skills, knowledge and
experience, which will help them to lead full and independent lives. The school
curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant to pupil needs to help each pupil realise
his/her maximum potential.
The curriculum includes the full network of experiences on which individuals draw within
the educational environment. It includes planned and structured learning programmes
as well as collective worship and the incidental experiences that occur as part of the
daily life and routine of the school. In addition to this are the attitudes and values known
as the “hidden curriculum” which pupils learn from both adults and peers and which are
fundamental to their learning and development.
The school curriculum incorporates Welsh as a second language at an appropriate
individual level of ability. We are a school in Wales and the curriculum provides for the
experience of Welsh culture and associated activities.
The delivered curriculum is designed to incorporate important skills:
communication, social, behavioural personal and self-help. The curriculum is planned
to allow for experiential learning.
Within lessons there is a strong emphasis on the acquisition of key skills and the other
tools with which the learners can access the remainder of the curriculum.
We have the highest aspirations for our learners and use a blend of innovative and
traditional approaches to get the best from them and each other. Our approach at all
levels is inclusive, creative, practical and pupil-centred. From student authored e-books
to Eye-Gaze technology, our aim is to develop, identify, record and celebrate the
outstanding progress made by our learners at all levels.
Our school has the Careers Accreditation Mark. Students are supported in sport and
PE activities by our in-house occupational therapy and physical curriculum teams as
well as Disability Sport, specialist coaches and outside agencies.
We were the first school in Wales to be awarded the Makaton Friendly status for our
commitment to developing communication.
Routes for Learning
Routes for Learning (RfL) is an assessment tool designed specifically for use with pupils
with profound and multiple learning difficulties who are working on the very early P-
levels. The Routes for Learning materials focus on those early communication and
cognitive skills that are crucial to all future learning and improved quality of life. The use
of these materials is intended not only to support teachers in assessing learners’ current
performance but also help them to discover what has shaped that performance.
Pupils are set targets from the RfL Routemap and will work towards these across their
curriculum. We have introduced the Dales Assessment Scale which allows us to
measure very small steps of progress within each target in 4 areas generalisation,
maintenance, prompting and fluency. The introduction of DAS will allow us to record
and celebrate progress for all our pupils.
In the 3-14 curriculum, activities are provided for each theme containing sensory
activities at an appropriate level to develop early communication and cognitive skills.
The Teal Pathway (14-19) includes pupils working from RfL to P8. We have recently
introduced a thematic approach to these pupils’ Personal Progress qualifications in
order to provide a more holistic and meaningful context for learning. For pupils working
at a RfL level, all Personal Progress Units involve an integrated approach to working
towards their Routemap targets.
We have high expectations for all our learners and through an Individual Learning
Provision provide an education that ensures our young people are equipped with the
necessary skills that will enable them to succeed in life. This will include:
compulsory subjects
a wide choice, flexibility provided through a range of academic and
practical/vocational subjects from Entry Level to A Level.
access to courses that focus on independence skills and work skills.
As our learners move into KS4, they are becoming young adults and so we begin to
help them plan their futures, preparing them for transition into the new settings they will
encounter after they leave school.
Learners follow a differentiated Learning Pathway which helps them realise their
potential to live fulfilled lives whatever their abilities. These Pathways are realised
through accredited courses from recognised and relevant qualifying bodies plus a wider
curriculum in communication, personal and social development, work related education,
enterprise, citizenship and independent living.
All learners are encouraged to make choices and decisions about their own lives and
learning. For part of the week, learners join different groups to follow options of their
choosing which include Design Technology, Photography, Radio Broadcasting,
Catering, Hair and Beauty, Animal Care and many more.
These courses tend to have a vocational focus and help students understand the world
of work. They will take part in their first work tasters during their time with us in KS4,
some going out into the community, others taking up opportunities within school,
extending to fuller experiences in 6th form.
Life in our Sixth Form consolidates pupils’ prior study, broadening and developing
previous skills and experiences. It builds on their knowledge and understanding and
helps raise aspirations and confidence in order to prepare the pupils for smooth
transition into life after school.
The curriculum covers functional skills Literacy, Numeracy and ICT, Independent
Learning and Living Skills, PSE and the World of Work. The pupils’ achievements are
accredited by OCR, WJEC and Agored.
Pupils also have the opportunity to attend Cardiff and Vale College for taster vocational
courses if appropriate.
The Sixth Form facilities include a Life Skills flat to acquire independence skills in a real
environment, a shared common room and fully accessible gaming room. Pupils have
access to a shared gym, sports hall, coffee shop and library.
During their time in the Sixth Form pupils will undertake enrichment activities from
community participation and enterprise to the Expressive Arts. They will carry out either
in school or external work experience/work awareness placements as appropriate and
will be able to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award system.
Welsh Second Language
Welsh is delivered incidentally at various stages through the day including registration.
Current topic vocabulary is taught alongside the curriculum to maximise
understanding. A ‘Welsh Week’ is held every year offering an immersive Welsh
experience. Where appropriate, classes are taught Welsh through formal lessons on a
weekly / fortnightly basis.
Integration programmes are well developed at our neighbouring secondary school. The
individual needs of each pupil are carefully considered before an integration programme
is considered. Pupils are integrated with support where this is necessary and in
consultation with parents.
Sensory Curriculum
A sensory approach to learning is fundamental for many of our pupils in order to help
them make sense of the world around them and is therefore embedded in the Routes
for Learning and 3-14 curriculum and the Teal Pathway (ages 14-19). The curriculum
includes activities that help to develop vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell and
movement/balance either in isolation or as part of a multi-sensory approach. Theme-
related activities are designed to be motivating and fun and to allow the pupils to
progress and develop at their own pace.
Pupils with a specific sensory impairment follow an individual programme to develop
skills and may also work with the specialist teacher for visual or hearing impairment.
Many of our pupils have difficulties with sensory processing and therefore we carry out
assessments to develop a Sensory Profile. This document sets out their needs and
therapeutic interventions. Our occupational therapists provide relevant advice on
resources and activities that can contribute to a specific sensory diet, which can be
integrated throughout the school day. We also work closely with specialist teachers.
Ysgol y Deri has a wide variety of resources available to support the sensory curriculum
including Touch Therapy, Sensory Studio, UV/Dark Room, Rebound Therapy,
Aromatherapy, Magic Carpet, Immersive Environment (Holodeck), Hydrotherapy Pool,
Music Therapy, Sensory Integration Room and Mobile Sensory Trolleys.
The Sensory Co-ordinator provides a variety of training for staff in the use of the school’s
resources and continues to provide support, advice and resources.
The LaunchPad is a school-based intervention that focuses on building confidence
and self-esteem through creativity. The Creative Curriculum main areas of focus are:
Film and Animation
Resistant materials
Surfing / Stand Up paddleboarding
The LaunchPad’s stimulating environment provides students with a setting conducive
to them reaching their full artistic potential. Our dedicated staff work one to one and with
small groups, teaching pupils the skills they need to reach their full capability. This
success builds confidence and empowers our pupils to succeed, not only in the
classroom but also in the wider world.
Positive Behaviour Management
Within Ysgol y Deri School we use a positive behaviour management approach. The
aims of this are:
to help each child reach maximum potential both in education and social development
to create a positive, caring atmosphere
to provide a safe, secure environment
to recognise and reward achievement and appropriate behaviour
to acknowledge individual differences and preferences
to provide support for children, staff and parents
Parents are very welcome to come into school to learn more about the positive
behaviour management approach.
Behaviour Support Plan (BSP) / Physical Support
At Ysgol y Deri, if behaviour affects a child’s learning, quality of life, following their daily
routine or ability to function as part of the school community, we gather information,
make observations, access the function of the behaviour and record findings. Once all
the information has been collected a Behaviour Support Plan (BSP) may be developed.
The BSPs give details of triggers, an accurate description of the behaviour that may
occur and strategies that will be employed to help pupils and staff to manage and
prevent any further escalation. Where appropriate, BSPs are written in conjunction with
communication profiles and may use information regarding use of therapies.
In accordance with school policies and procedures all positive behaviour management
strategies will be carried out calm out calmly by staff taking into account all their sensory
and communication needs.
Physical intervention may be included on your child’s behaviour plan. This will only be
considered as a last resort after all other redirection or de-escalation strategies have
been used and if it is felt your child’s safety or the safety of others is at risk.
Time out or the use of a withdrawal room may also be included as a strategy in your
child’s plan.
Health Care
The school has a nursing team based on site. Clinics are also often held on site.
Qualified first aiders on the school staff deal with illnesses and minor injuries occurring
during the school day. Parents are informed of any illness or accident occurring in
Staff can administer medicines but only if written parental consent is given and they are
prescribed by the general practitioner. Tablets and medicines should not be entrusted
to children to bring into school but should be given to the bus escort/driver to hand over
to a member of staff on their arrival at school.
Parents should contact school if they have concerns about their child’s health.
Ysgol Y Deri is a Trauma and Mental Health Informed School
This year Ysgol y Deri was very proud to be the first special school in Wales to be
awarded the status of a Trauma and Mental Health Informed School by the Trauma
Informed Schools UK organisation. The award recognises that, at Ysgol Y Deri we put
our pupils’ and our staff’s mental health and wellbeing at the forefront of everything we
do, ensuring we have an environment where everyone feels safe. We also recognise
that the relationships pupils have with staff are most important in ensuring they feel
safe and protected in school.
All our staff are trained to understand the impact traumatic experiences can have on
children and young people the effects they can have on the body and on brain
development which can cause difficulty with managing emotions and behaviour. We
have also trained our staff in knowing how to respond to pupils who are distressed.
We have embedded an approach that helps these young people to learn how to build
trusting relationships and to self-regulate, an approach that is not just beneficial for
pupils who have experience trauma, but is a whole school approach that helps
The Award Report stated that:
“Ysgol Y Deri is an inspiring environment in which young people are nurtured and
supported to thrive, often in the most complex and challenging of circumstances. The
foundation underpinning the work of the school is that positive relationships and
connectedness with the young people is paramount. Then and only then is it possible
to secure the best outcomes. This is fully understood by all adults and was observed
in all interactions seen throughout the visit. Staff care about the children and delight in
the small steps of success. They are warm, caring and calm, and support each other
extremely well. Young people were unequivocal in their praise for the school and
identified how it was special to them and had become quite literally a haven of warm,
positive relationships.”
The Report also identified the schools strengths as:
1. The embedded understanding and practice in developing positive relationships
and unconditional positive regard for young people.
2. The multi-disciplinary team and the holistic approach to the education of the
young people.
3. The range of therapy available to young people.
4. The sensorially rich environment.
5. The extended curriculum that enables young people to participate in a range of
All children placed at Ysgol y Deri are entitled to an education free from humiliation,
oppression and abuse. Education is a compulsory experience and it is therefore the
responsibility of all staff to ensure that it takes place in an atmosphere that is caring and
Parents should feel confident that when they send their children to Ysgol y Deri they
feel safe. Bullying may be defined as a wilful, conscious desire to hurt, threaten or
frighten somebody physically, verbally or mentally.
The purpose of an anti-bullying policy is to ensure that:
Pupils clearly understand what constitutes bullying.
Pupils understand that the headteacher, staff and governors will not tolerate any
form of bullying.
Parents feel confident that bullying will be firmly dealt with by the school.
A non-violent ethos is promoted in school.
Staff awareness to the presence of bullying is raised.
Equality of Opportunity
The governors of Ysgol y Deri uphold a policy of equal opportunity and reject
discrimination against anyone on the grounds of race, religion, gender or ability. They
are pledged to maintain this policy for all staff and pupils within the school and for
anyone involved with the activities of the school.
The Equal Opportunities policy is available on request from school.
Complaints Procedure
The Education Act 2002 requires that schools establish a complaints procedure the
guidance is found in National Assembly for Wales circular 03/2004.
A copy of the complaints policy and procedure is available from the school.
The majority of pupils are transported into school by either taxi or minibus. The
responsibility for organising transport lies with the pupil’s own local education authority.
School will attempt to deal with transport problems and issues but if we are unable to
resolve the difficulties parents will be advised to make personal representation to their
LA’s transport officer.
Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance at school is a legal obligation and school attaches great importance to both
the attendance and punctuality of pupils. Parents will no doubt appreciate that these
are good habits that are essential for their child’s progress and for the continuity of
Pupil Absence
There are Welsh Government regulations for the recording of pupil absences and
whether these absences are “authorised” or “unauthorised”.
Parents should notify school on the first day of absence either by telephone.
These procedures ensure that your child is marked as “authorised absence” on the
register. Where there is no message received, your child will be marked as being
absent without authority.
Careers Education
There are wide range of opportunities for work experience and the school has a
dedicated transition officer who manages all aspect of this provision.
Our transition officer, Stacey Long can be contacted through school.
Religious and Values Education
All pupils have access to a structured programme of Religious Education experiences,
following the guidelines outlined in the County’s Agreed Syllabus. Religious Education
can be identified on all class timetables and is usually taught through a thematic
approach. Spiritual/moral issues are presented through multi-sensory experiences.
Annual religious festivals, both Christian and those from other cultures are celebrated
through the year.
Parents may choose for their children to opt out of religious education.
PE and Sports
All pupils are actively encouraged to participate in a variety of sporting activities. The
main aims of the physical curriculum is to enable all pupils to develop their physical
skills, appropriate to their individual capabilities, working with others, health, hygiene
and safety aspects. A wide range of activities are offered such as football and
swimming, keep fit, dance and movement, as well as outdoor pursuits and Duke of
Edinburgh activities. When appropriate, activities at recognised outdoor centres will be
offered which will include a residential experience.
Ysgol y Deri benefits from both an indoor and outdoor gym. The students will have their
own gym plans which enables them to keep a record of exercise routines and
information such as calories burned in a session/week/term. We also enable the pupils
to learn about different muscles, what they do, what they are used for and what they
are called. The main idea is to enable the pupils to access community gym/leisure
centres independently and understand how their bodies function.
The pupils will have the opportunity to attend regular local sporting events. These
include swimming galas, rugby/football tournaments, visits to local universities such as
Cardiff Met, ski trips and national games both of which include a residential element.
There are a range of opportunities for all pupils to attend a residential experience during
their time at the school.
Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)
Sex Education is not taught as a discrete subject but integrated into the Health and
Wellbeing programme of work provided at Ysgol y Deri. Where appropriate, individual
and small group work may be developed to further work on areas of SRE.
A copy of any of the polices that school has developed are available from school.
School Communication
Ysgol y Deri has a general Facebook page:
Deri-Special-School/899156666815093?ref=tn_tnmn. Search ‘Ysgol y Deri Special
Our parent’s association Friends of Ysgol y Deri also run a dedicated Facebook
We prefer digital correspondence with our families. Where this is not possible, a home
/ school communication book will be arranged. We also use systems such as Class
Dojo to keep you updated on a daily basis.
Parental Visits to School
The school applies an “open door” policy and parents are welcome to come into school
at any time throughout the day - however this is by prior arrangement only. Please
contact the school to arrange. The headteacher will see parents at most times, but
because of his many commitments a pre-arranged appointment is advisable. In his
absence you may be offered an appointment with a deputy or assistant headteacher.
Parents Meetings
It is important that parents are kept fully informed of the progress of their child through
the school. Parents’ evenings are held twice a year for all pupils. The dates for these
evenings will be published and a letter will be sent to parents before the meeting takes
place reminding them of the time and date of the meeting.
Children Looked After
The designated staff responsible for Children Looked After (CLA) is the senior deputy
headteacher, Mrs Claire Gould. They are responsible for all meetings to do with these
pupils and the monitoring of their progress and wellbeing.
Family Engagement
At Ysgol y Deri, our Family Engagement Officer is Marie-Claire Watt who works with
families to promote and enhance the development of our pupils and to provide learning
opportunities for families.
Workshops, training and opportunities to support your child’s learning are run
throughout the year. This training provision is based on identified areas of need such
as positive behaviour management, toileting workshops, feeding, sleep clinics, PECS,
Makaton, Story Massage and the opportunity to attend touch therapy sessions with your
child. Transport can be provided if this is a barrier to getting to YYD.
In addition, there are regular coffee mornings held which offer parents the invaluable
opportunity to meet and chat with other parents/carers of pupils at YYD. Members of
our therapy staff attend these coffee mornings so it is a good opportunity to ask any
questions you may have.
We strive to have excellent communication between home and school and provide a
support network for families, promoting the idea of a 24-hour curriculum. YYD operates
an open-door policy and invites families to drop in and make use of the café.
We welcome volunteers here at YYD please contact Marie-Claire for further details if
you are interested in helping out in school.
Marie-Claire can be contacted on
The Parents and Friends Association
The parents and friends association (PFA) is a registered charity that supports the work
of the school by fundraising and organising social events. Since the formation of the
PFA, many children and parents have benefited directly from its work. The PFA own
two residential caravans in West Wales for use by families of pupils attending Ysgol y
Deri. A well supported PFA enhances the ethos of the school and helps to contribute to
a good rapport between parent, child and teacher.
It is hoped that parents will find it possible to take an active interest in the association
and help wherever they can by supporting the activities arranged.
The committee meets on a regular basis and everyone is welcome to attend. An annual
general meeting is held to which all parents are invited and notification of this, as with
all functions, is notified through various communication channels. The committee is
always glad to hear from parents who would be willing to assist in their work. The
committee can be contacted via school.
Family Information Service
The Family Information Service provide information about:
parent and toddler groups
holiday playschemes
nanny, baby sitting and au pair agencies
help with childcare costs and other benefits for parents
how to become a childcare provider
activities during school holidays
leisure activities
family support services
services for children with additional needs
other services and activities for children and young people age 0-19 years.
The FIS aim to help parents and carers, prospective parents, employers, childcare
providers and other people who work with children and young people in the Vale. For
more information you can download the Family Information Service Leaflet.
The FIS also administer the Index of Disabled Children and Young People and provide
a quarterly newsletter “the index”, packed full of information on schemes, activities and
events. For more information please visit the Disability Index pages.
Families Information Service (FIS)
Vale of Glamorgan office: 01446 704704.
Parent Pay
This is a cashless payment system which is an online system to enable parents to pay
for school meals, and school trips without having to send monies into school.
Details of how to access this system will be sent to you on the first day your child attends
school. It is not possible to send these specific details beforehand as an unique number
will only be generated on entry start date.
Further information on Parent Pay can be found on
School Dinners:
Primary: £2.40 per day
Secondary: £2.60 per day
Prices above cover a meal and dessert.
Charging and Remissions
The Charging Policy can be provided on request.
We currently ask parents for donations towards snack, cookery and off-site visits. We
value these contributions greatly and the money enables us to offer additional
opportunities to our students.
Voluntary contributions may include (approximate costs):
Snack £1.00 per week
Cookery £2.00 - £5.00 per session
DT £3.00 - £5.00 per project
Swimming £2.05 per session
Extra sporting activities according to cost of activity
Music tuition varies dependent on instrument and length of lesson.
Other non-curriculum trips/activities to be paid as per activity.
Teachers will inform parents of any requested contributions.
Ysgol y Deri Hair Salon
Our salon is staffed by a qualified and experienced hairdresser once a week on a
Friday. Appointments are staffed from within school so you will not need to
accompany your child.
For many of our pupils having their hair cut or washed can be a difficult experience
especially for those with sensory needs. With this in mind, we work to try and ease the
experience for pupils although this can sometimes take weeks.
Sessions are designed around each individual child’s needs. For example, the end
intention may be to cut the hair but we may need to go through a number of stages
For example
Session 1 Becoming comfortable in the environment of a salon
Session 2 Allowing someone to touch hair
Session 3 Head massage
Session 4 Allowing the implements to be moved around their heads without touching
Session 5 Getting used to the noises of clippers /scissors
Session 6 Cutting hair
We ask for a donation of £5 per pupil upon initial referral.
If you wish your child to access these facilities would you please be kind enough to
contact Marie-Claire via email on [email protected]. You will then be given a
referral and consent form which we will ask you return to us as soon as possible.
School Calendar Dates 2022/2023
Significant dates
Christmas: Saturday 25
December 2022
Good Friday: Friday 7
April 2023
Easter Monday: Monday 10
April 2023
May Bank Holidays: Monday 1
May 2023 and Monday 29
May 2023
Half Term
*Monday 5
September 2022
Monday 31
Friday 4
Friday 23
December 2022
Monday 9
January 2023
Monday 20
February 2023
Friday 24
Friday 31
Monday 17
Monday 29
Friday 2
June 2023
*Monday 24
*Monday 5
September 2022 and *Monday 24
July 2023 will be designated INSET
days for all LEA Maintained Schools.
Further INSET days and key dates will be sent out to parents at the beginning of the
school year.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Statement
We at Ysgol y Deri are committed to practice which protects children from harm. Staff
and volunteers in this organisation accept and recognise our responsibilities to develop
awareness of the issues which cause children harm.
We will endeavour to safeguard children by:
Adopting child protection guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct for
staff and volunteers
Sharing information about child protection and good practice with children, parents
and carers, staff and volunteers
Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know, making a
referral to Children’s Services where necessary, and involving parents and children
Following carefully the procedures for recruitment and selection of staff and
Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision,
support and training.
All staff are trained in safeguarding and child protection annually.
Regularly reviewing our policy and good practice.
The Designated Senior Person responsible for child protection is:
Mr CD Britten (Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Senior Persons being:
Mrs C Gould, Mrs J McAllister (Senior Deputy Headteachers),
Mrs Kerrie Britten and Miss Siân Davey (Deputy Headteachers).
Mr T Excell is our Designated Safeguarding Governor.
Jason Redrup is the Directorate Lead for Safeguarding in the Vale of Glamorgan Local
Education Authority (01446 709180).
A copy of the school Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found on the
school website.
We have a statutory duty under the Children Act 1989 and the Education Act
2002 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Mr Tim Exell / LEA Governor
Mr Christopher Britten / Headteacher
Mrs Jenny Robbins / Community Governor
Mr Bob Macey / Community Governor
Mrs Micaela Turner / Parent Governor
Mrs Nadine Honeybone / Community
Mrs Alison Parry-Jones / Parent Governor
Mr David Jackson / LEA Governor
Mrs Martine Wildin / Parent Governor
Mr Ken Pile / LEA Governor
Mrs Anna Liddell / Parent Governor
Mr Clayton Williams / LEA Governor
Mrs Helen House / Parent Governor
Mrs Rose Whittle / LEA Governor
Mrs Marie-Claire Watt / Staff (Non-teaching)
Miss Siân Davey / Staff (teaching) Governor
Mrs Joanne Western / Clerk
Mrs Faye Norris / Staff (teaching) Governor
Mrs Josie McAllister - Observer
Mrs Claire Gould - Observer
Mr Tim Exell
Mrs Helen House