Benefits of On Grid Solar Plant
Capex model: The entire investment comes from the power consuming company.
Pay back period - 4 years.
KVA reduction Reduction in Demand Charges.
Income Tax benefit as 40% Accelerated Depreciation.
Compliant with Abbott India CSR Policy and Abbott Global Climate Responsible
Energy Policy .
Reduces building temperature; resulting in reduction of energy requirement.
Plant is transferable at any point of its life.
Very low maintenance.
Performance warranty of solar panels - 25 years.
Reduces carbon footprints.
On grid Solar Plant generates 3.5 units to 6 units(kwh) of electricity per Kw of capacity daily depending on the
location and weather conditions.
With our experience in North East region average generation is 3.69 units(kwh) of electricity per Kw of capacity
daily, 1,350 units(kwh) per annum.
Being Variable rate per unit(kwh) of electricity is Rs. 8.4 for above 50 kw load consumer and Rs. 10 for less than
50 kw load consumer.
Due to high demand and increase in solar plant capacity in India, cost of installing the solar plant has been
decreased by 25 % in 2 years.
Solar plant having capacity of 100 Kw can be installed at capital cost of Rs.38,00,000.00(38,000 per kw).
Solar plant having capacity of 100 Kw can generate 1,35,000 units(kwh) p.a. creating direct saving of
Rs.11,34,000 p.a.(taking 8.4 per unit cost) i.e. Rs.94,500 per month.
Solar plant having capacity of 24 Kw can be installed at capital cost of Rs.10,80,000.00(45,000 per kw).
Solar plant having capacity of 24 Kw can generate 32,400 units(kwh) p.a. creating direct saving of Rs.3,24,000
p.a.(taking 10 per unit cost), i.e. Rs.27,000 per month.
Solar plant can easily payoff its cost including interest cost of 12% within 4 years.
Generation and Payoff
Payoff within 4 Years
60 Kw Solar plant analysis
Location: Siliguri, WB
Capacity: 60 kw
On Grid Solar plant acts as a source to grid.
It not only reduces variable electricity charges but also Fixedcharges.
It helps in KVA reduction as partial load shall be provided by Solar plant in the Daytime
from 30% to 40% .
Reduction in load will reduce the dependency on governmentgrid.
Government utility companies charges Rs.300 to 400 monthly per KVA as demand
So 100 Kw Solar plant can reduce demand by 30 KVA, indirectly saving demand charges
by Rs.10,000 per month and 24 kw plant saving Rs. 2,400 per month.
Helps to operate on higher load capacity which was restricted by Government utility
companies in day time.
Reduction in Demand Charges
On installation of Solar plant there is large tax relief due to availing high
depreciation rate.
The normal depreciation rate for plant and machinery is 15%.
As per section 32 of income tax act 1961, Solar plant is eligible to avail
40% of depreciation.
Extra depreciation of 25% on capital expenditure of Solar plant is a huge
tax savings.
Income Tax Benefit
Corporate Social Responsibility
As per Companies Act 2013, certain classes of profitable entities are required to
contribute at least 2 % of three year annual average net profit towards CSR
As per Schedule VII of Companies Act 2013, many activities has been categorized
under CSR and one of them are ensuring environment sustainabilitywhich
further includes projects like adoption of renewable energy like Solar.
In case of Solar, the types of projects that can be undertakes to meet CSR are:
Solar for captive use, Buy Solar power, providing solar lighting and
pumping solutions to rural households.
So by installing On grid Solar plant you can save in electricity bills and meet your
CSR obligations.
Solar reduces heat trap in the premises
Solar panels reduces the heat trap in the premises by absorbing the
sunlight and keeping your roof cool.
Solar panels don’t just power your AC on blisteringly hot summer days
they also take over some of the ACs work themselves.
It helps in reducing temperature up to 4 degree centigrade in the
premises which reduces your cooling cost.
Installation of On grid Solar plant is easy and can be installed on RCC as well as tin
shade rooftops.
Installation work of 100 Kw solar plant takes 20 to 30 days apart from net metering
work with government utility companies.
The capacity of the plant can be enhanced at any time.
Solar plant can be transferred and reinstalled easily.
The capital cost includes installation and net metering work.
In Solar panels based on Polycrystalline Silicon Solar cells,
raw silicon is melted and poured into a square mold, which
is cooled and cut into perfectly square wafers.
Being Silicon a non- disposable material and Aluminium
framing of panels increases its Lifespan.
Comes with 25-27 years linear performance warranty with
approx. 1 % degradation per annum.
Comes with product warranty of 10 years
Optimum Operational temperature range of -2 degree to +
44 degree Centigrade.
72 cells and 5 bus bar per panel giving power capacity range
of 310-330 wattage.
Panel size: 2*1 meter, weight: 20 to 24 kg.
Certified for Salt mist corrosion and ammonia resistance.
Comes with 3.2 mm Iron tampered glass to secure cells
from thunderstorms.
Lifespan of Solar panels
In production of 1 unit(kwh) of electricity, 0.98 kg of CO2 is produced.
Solar plant of 100 kw capacity will produce 1,35,000 units(kwh) annually,
absorbing 1,32,300 kgs of CO2 annually.
One Teak tree can absorb 10 kgs of CO2 annually.
So planting a 100 kw capacity Solar plant will offset carbon footprint equaling to
13,230 trees, similarly 24 kw capacity Solar plant can offset carbon footprint
equaling to 3,175 trees.
Solar plant is the key energy generation plant which can reduce our planets carbon
footprint allowing us to fight against global warming.
Solar energy a clean source
Thank You
Solar energy- Todays resource
for a brighter tomorrow