Beads for Less presents,
The Krewe de Bayou’s Red Hot Vixens & Villains Mardi Gras Ball
Table Decorating Contest
- Sponsored by Spa Mizan -
Spa Mizan is proudly sponsoring this year’s Table Decorating Contest for the Beads for Less presents, the Krewe de
Bayous Red Hot Vixens and Villains Mardi Gras Ball on Friday, January 30, 2015 at the Petroleum Club’s La Marquise at
Parc Lafayette.
This is your opportunity to use your creative talents to decorate a table to remember!
Red Hot Vixens & Villains may be incorporated in your design, but is not required.
Your decorations may include centerpieces, tabletop and chair decorations, etc.
Table of 10 ½ Table of 5
1 60” round table ½ 60” round table
10 chairs 5 Chairs
1 white linen tablecloth 1 white linen tablecloth
Theme 30 points
Creativity/Originality 30 points
Complexity 15 points
Overall Appearance 25 points
TOTAL POINTS 100 points
1. The Table Decorating Contest is open to both full Tables of 10 AND ½ Tables of 5.
2. When you arrive at the Petroleum Club’s La Marquise at Parc Lafayette, please check in with the Table Hostess
at the entry for your Table Number. Tables and ½ Tables are assigned according to the date and time of
3. Decoration of the tables must be done between 10:00am 3:30pm on Friday, January 30, 2015. Tables must be
finished and ready for judging by 3:30 pm sharp. Judging, by our Celebrity Guest Judges, will occur between
3:30-4:30pm and winners announced during the formal program.
4. Your table number must remain visible throughout the entire event.
5. There will be 1 Grand Prize Table Decorating Contest Winner. If your table or ½ table is not selected as the
Grand Prize winner, your table number will be collected for a drawing to win a free Table at the 2016 Red Hot
Mardi Gras Ball.
6. Guests shall not place any glue, nails, tape, hook, hangers or suction cups of any type on the interior or exterior
floors, doors or walls of the venue. No confetti, glitter, feathers or sparklers will be allowed inside the facility.
Please DO NOT incorporate any live animals, open flames or items that may pose a health risk into your designs
as they will have to be deemed inappropriate and removed from the contest.
7. All decorations will need to be removed at the end of the Mardi Gras Ball.