11 December 2019
The Secretary-Generals Call to Action 2
What Did the Climate Action Summit Achieve? 4
The Way Forward 8
Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives 12
Individual Pledges 32
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Science is telling us that the impacts of climate change
are happening now, and faster than we had predicted. This is
becoming increasingly evident in our daily lives. In its report
titled “United in Science” (2019) published on the day of the
Climate Action Summit, the Summit’s Science Advisory Group
        
undertaken by major partner organizations in the domain of
global climate change research: all pointed to 2019 as one of
the warmest years on record and extreme weather events have
hit populations from the Bahamas to Mozambique through to
Australia, Western Europe, and the United States.
Science also tells us what needs to be done and how. The
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5 above pre-
Industrial Levels” (2018), demonstrates that we must limit
global warming to 1.5 by the end of this century to avoid
irreversible and catastrophic impacts. This means that carbon
dioxide (CO) emissions need to decline by about 45 percent
by 2030 and reach net zero in 2050. While the IPCC says that
this goal is within reach, to achieve it would require urgent and
unprecedented social and economic transformation.
Against this backdrop, the initial national climate pledges
(Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs) made under
      
countries’ current climate plans imply global warming of about
3 by 2100, with warming continuing afterwards. In addition,
2015-2019 has seen a continued increase in CO levels and
other key greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere to new
records, with CO growth rates nearly 20 percent higher than
          
reversing by 2030, let alone 2020.
People around the world have demonstrated that they
understand the severity of the challenge and are asking for
solutions. Youth in particular have taken to the streets in
the millions, demanding urgent action to be taken. This call
cannot be left unanswered.
Responding to the urgent need to scale-up climate action,
the Secretary-General convened the Climate Action Summit on
23 September 2019 to focus global attention in the face of the
worsening climate crisis and to forge new pathways ahead to
support the achievement of the Paris Agreement and the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development. Leaders at all levels were
requested to step-up to the challenge and demonstrate that
business as usual is no longer acceptable.
Grounded in science and building on the global framework
of the Paris Agreement, the Summit focused on nine key
action areas: youth and public mobilization; social and
resilience and adaptation; nature-based solutions; industry
transition; mitigation strategy; and cities infrastructure and
local action.
The Secretary-General built coalitions consisting of
governments, business leaders, subnational actors, indigenous
peoples and other civil society stakeholders to develop
transformative initiatives for which participants would be
held accountable to implement. This novel collaboration
between a wide range of stakeholders was critical to ensure
solutions had the potential to address the deep social and
economic transition required to limit global temperature
increase to no more than 1.5 and to transition to climate
resilient economies.
Countries were also asked to present concrete and realistic
plans compatible with these goals. The Secretary-General
asked leaders to come to the Summit to present plans, not
make speeches. The most ambitious plans were presented
on 23 September, creating a unique opportunity to showcase
leadership towards transformative climate action that would
make change in the world.
In addition to the Climate Action Summit, the Secretary-
21 September, bringing young people into the United Nations,
alongside other global leaders, to share their concerns, ideas
and commitments for greater climate action. The Youth
Summit was a unique opportunity to ensure youth voices from
all over the world were heard and their ideas considered in
global decision-making processes.
To provide strategic guidance and oversight of the
Summit, the Secretary-General established a Steering
Committee (comprised of heads of United Nations agencies
and international organizations, and business, as well as
academia and civil society representatives); a Science
Advisory Group, and an Ambition Advisory Group, composed
These groups met to discuss key issues in the preparation of
the Summit and provided advice to the Secretary-General and
coalitions to support development of ambitious initiatives for
climate action.
We are in a climate crisis.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
The Climate Action Summit reinforced 1.5
C as the socially, economically,
politically and scientically safe limit to global warming by the end of this
century, and net zero emissions by 2050 as the global long-term climate
objective for all. Countries need to urgently accelerate work to dene what
this entails for the short-term (2020) and mid-term (2030) commitments that
will be captured in their Nationally Determined Contributions and ensure the
alignment of strategies to meet those commitments.
The Summit demonstrated that the full participation of governments, business leaders, subnational
actors, indigenous peoples, youth and other civil society stakeholders was critical to raising ambition for
climate mitigation and adaptation. Together, they launched transformative initiatives in twelve critical areas
that will provide the foundation for action going forward to reduce emissions and strengthen adaptation
and resilience. The Summit acknowledged the need for pledges to be accountable and provided a baseline
for monitoring the progress of the initiatives to ensure that promised results are achieved.
Strong action was particularly evident from the private sector and youth. Many businesses showcased
ambitious commitment compatible with a 1.5C pathway, in many cases going beyond current national policy
frameworks, even in sectors heavily reliant on fossil fuels. The voices of youth and the “climate strikers” were
brought into the global discussion, both at the Youth Climate Summit and the Climate Action Summit.
Political leadership was also demonstrated during the Summit with the commitments of 70 countries
to deliver more ambitious NDCs in 2020 in line with net zero emissions by 2050 strategies. While these
of the world’s GHG emissions. If none of the major emitters formally committed to more ambitious NDCs,
some of them “committed to commit” by the end of 2020. Finally, 75 countries committed to deliver 2050
net zero emissions strategies by 2020.
Through concrete examples, the Summit highlighted how climate action can have tangible impacts on
people’s lives, including on their jobs and health, and therefore the need to align policies and systems to
accelerate the implementation of both the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Table 1: Results on the twelve themes of the Climate Action Summit
Plans for a carbon
neutral world
The Summit reinforced on a global stage the critical need for countries to dene and implement more
ambitious national climate plans (NDCs) and long-term strategies (LTS) consistent with the objective
of net zero emissions by 2050.
At the Summit, more than 70 countries committed to deliver more ambitious NDCs in 2020 and
75 countries pledged to deliver 2050 net zero emissions strategy by 2020. The 47 Least Developed
Countries (LDCs) set out a vision to reach net zero GHG emissions by 2050 in the context of resources
being available to do so.
Members of the Alliance of Small Islands States (AOSIS) collectively committed to carbon
neutrality net zero GHG emissions by 2050 and more ambitious NDCs by 2020, in the context of the
necessary means of implementation being available.
Climate nance
The Summit conrmed nance as key for the transition to net zero emissions climate resilient
economies. Public and private nancial ows need to align with the objectives of the Paris Agreement
and be accessible to actors on the ground, especially in developing countries.
At the Summit governments and the private sector, including businesses worth a combined USD
2.3 trillion and asset owners controlling assets worth over USD 2 trillion made encouraging pledges to
decarbonize investment portfolios and systematically include environmental impacts in investment
Powering the
future from
coal to clean
The Summit squarely put the issue of ending the building of new coal-red plants beyond 2020 at the
center of discussions on the necessary decarbonization of economies.
At the Summit, many countries pledged to limit the use of coal, or phase it out altogether. The
Summit provided a platform to develop and organize a collective support system to help provide
developing countries with the option of exiting coal. Finally, the Summit showcased the health
health systems.
Unlocking the
potential of nature
in climate action
The Summit delivered new initiatives that demonstrated that nature-based solutions are a realistic and
economically viable option for climate action, providing over 30% of mitigation potential and offering
scalable solutions to increase resilience and adaptation.
An initial commitment from a coalition of 19 food and agribusiness companies on eliminating
deforestation, preserving biodiversity, restoring high value natural ecosystems and encouraging
regenerative agriculture. In addition, more than 20 countries committed to conservation, reforestation
and restoration of ecosystems including through the planting of over 17 billion trees.
Towards a
resilient future
Climate risks cannot be ignored and must be integrated very early on in decision making systems,
long-term planning and into investment decision making and business planning.
At the Summit, more than 110 countries and 85 international organizations and private sector
entities committed to “enhanced” action on resilience and adaptation. Resilience initiatives
presented at the Summit will provide support to integrate climate risk in decision making processes
and strengthen the market for private and public sector investment in climate resilient infrastructure.
Annex 1 presents a comprehensive view of the multi-stakeholder initiatives that were presented at the Summit.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Small Island
States (SIDS)
The Summit delivered new measures which provide concrete support and access to nance to SIDS
to deliver on their ambitious climate action commitments.
At the Summit, Small Island Developing States committed to produce more ambitious NDCs by
2020, in the context of the necessary means of implementation being available and reach as much
as 100 percent renewable energy by 2030.
Live, Work and
Move Green
The Summit delivered potentially far-reaching new measures that highlight the critical role of subnational
actors and especially cities to secure our climate future and successfully implement national climate
plans. The Summit also demonstrated that investing in sustainable cities yields enormous social and
economic benets for all.
At the Summit, countries and local leaders announced they will work together to decarbonize their
building sector by 2050, develop sustainable transport systems, build the resilience of the urban poor
Cutting GHG
emissions now
with cooling and
energy ecient
The Summit delivered extensive new measures that recognize the need to increase energy eciency
and support climate friendly cooling solutions to ensure that populations can live, work and breathe
while dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
was launched to declutter and streamline support to accelerate climate investments starting with
energy transition investments.
now: making
people safer
As impacts of climate change – like cyclones, droughts, oods and storms – already cost thousands
of lives and threaten livelihoods particularly in developing countries, the Summit proposed solutions
to act now to respond to immediate climate impacts and to support the most vulnerable members of
society and to advance initiatives that will make people safer.
At the Summit, initiatives were presented to provide insurance for the most vulnerable, assistance
for smallholder farmers to adapt to climate change, as well as support to prevent disasters.
Least Developed
Countries (LDCs)
The Summit delivered announcements that recognize that while LDCs are particularly impacted by
climate change they are ready to commit to more ambitious climate action.
At the Summit, the LDCs committed to net zero GHG emissions by 2050 in the context of resources
being available to do so, as well as to deliver climate-resilient development pathways and secure full
Action Now
The Summit delivered new multi-stakeholder initiatives that recognized that the risks and benets of
climate action must be shared, and that transitioning to a net zero GHG emissions economy should
leave no one behind and prevent people from being disadvantaged by necessary climate actions.
At the Summit, many countries committed to design and implement just transition plans, include
women and girls in climate solutions and to improve air quality for all, to produce short and long-term
improvements of peoples’ every-day lives.
The economy,
moving from
grey to green
The Summit delivered new partnerships and concrete measures that exemplify how transition toward
zero net GHG emissions by 2050 is possible, even in the highest emitting industries.
At the Summit, a leadership group committed to guide the world’s heaviest GHG emitting industries
workable pathway to deliver on the Paris Agreement.
The shipping industrys main actors pledged to fully decarbonize their value chain by 2050.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
The Climate Action Summit set a clear direction of travel for climate action.
But it also highlighted where much more action is needed to secure our footing
on a path towards 1.5
C by the end of the century. This will require renewed
leadership at all levels and across all sectors of society.
The United Nations Environment Programme’s 2019
Emissions Gap Report showed that “there is no sign of GHG
emissions peaking in the next few years”. Every year of
postponed peaking means that deeper and faster cuts will be
required to get on a least-cost pathway to achieving the 1.5°C
goal of the Paris Agreement and that global GHG emissions
must fall 7.6 per cent each year from 2020 to 2030. Even if all
current unconditional Nationally Determined Contributions
(NDCs) under the Paris Agreement are fully implemented, the
carbon budget for the 1.5C goal will be exhausted before 2030.
While many countries committed to more ambitious NDCs,
the world’s major emitters are yet to step up their ambition
with concrete commitments. These main emitters are the 20
countries responsible for approximately 80% of global GHG
emissions. G20 countries together need to cut their GHG
emissions by at least 45% in 2030 (below 2010 levels) and
reach net zero CO emissions by 2050 at the latest to be in
line with the IPCC 1.5C report. According to recent reports,
none of the G20 countries are in line with limiting warming to
1.5C. About half of the G20 countries are however projected
to meet or overachieve their NDCs, which suggest plenty
of room for increasing ambition in the 2020 NDC update
(if we exclude Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry -
LULUCF- emissions²). Moreover, considering the “fair share”
benchmark, developed G20 countries have to reduce their
emissions relatively more compared to the rest of the world.
More action is also needed to address the promise of USD
100 billion per year for developing countries and to shift the
a Paris compatible future. To start with, global investment
in green energy and infrastructure would need to outweigh
fossil fuel investments by 2025
. Further, more progress is
needed on carbon pricing and ending coal and other fossil
fuel subsidies.
We know what we need to do: we need to decarbonize large
swathes of the economy; address urgent adaptation needs
from brown to green; tax pollution not people and make sure
that peoples’ needs are met in the transition.
We know how to do it: the Climate Action Summit initiatives
demonstrated that it is possible to develop sustainable
transport and energy systems, shift high emitting sectors
such as maritime transport, aluminum and steel towards net
zero emissions, make people safer and build the resilient
infrastructure and cities of tomorrow.
And we know by when it needs to be done: global emissions
need to peak in the next few years and emissions need to be
cut by at least 45 percent by 2030 to get to net zero emissions
by 2050. The years ahead will be critical for our future survival,
wellbeing and prosperity.
²Climate Transparency. Brown to Green: the G20 transition towards a net zero emissions economy (2019), p.19.
³ According to the OECD, G20 countries, excluding Saudi Arabia (which is not included in the organization’s data base), provided about 127 billion in subsidies
(tax exemptions and budgetary support toward production and consumption of fossil fuels) to oil and gas in 2017.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Table 2: Priority areas for action in 2020
Securing commitments of the main emitters to increase ambition of their NDCs by 2020 with the view of cutting
CO emissions by at least 45 percent by 2030 in line with the global objective of net zero CO emissions by 2050
and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Reaching net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. At the Summit more than 75 countries committed to coming forward
in 2020 with 2050 net zero emissions strategies or pledged to reach carbon neutrality by 2050 or before. Such
plans are critical for setting the context for short- and medium-term action consistent with the 1.5°C goal and
provide an opportunity to maximize the synergies with other SDGs. All countries should come forward with them
next year.
Deepening the ambition of NDCs with sectors that were not fully part of the picture in 2015 such as Nature-
          
and new type of collaboration triggered by the Summit offer a tool box for countries to enhance their ambition
through concrete objectives and measures. Countries should therefore feel encouraged to include actions in the
above-mentioned sectors in their NDC if they have not done so already.
Addressing the social dimension of climate change: ensuring that the policies and measures under NDCs design a
just transition for those whose jobs and livelihoods will be impacted by the transition towards a carbon neutral world.
Curtailing current coal capacity and ensuring no more new coal power plants are built after 2020. The use of
coal is the single largest barrier to limiting global temperature increase to no more than 1.5°C and is a central
issue to the necessary decarbonization of economies and ensuring peoples’ health. It will be important to
Accelerating the transition to 100% renewable energy not only though the phasing-out of coal but also with
a focus on the urgent needs: the improvement of energy efficiency; the expansion of renewable energy for
Accelerating the shift of the financial flows, keep pushing on carbon pricing and ensure access to sustainable
for purpose. Further work will need to be done over the coming months to improve accessibility as well as the
Agreement and make sure that fossil fuels, not people, are taxed.
Stepping-up support for people affected by climate change and making the shift towards a resilient future. The
Summit highlighted strong initiatives that will make billions of people safer and support more resilient investment.
They are examples to guide the way for a climate resilient future that puts adaptation and sustainability at the
center of decision-making and take immediate action now to protect people, economies and the environment.
Delivering on commitments made at the Summit to SIDS and LDCs. For AOSIS, this means receiving the support
needed to produce new more ambitious NDCs by 2020 and have access to 100 percent renewable energy by 2030
in infrastructure and the necessary support to produce plans to 2050 net zero strategies.
Implementing the Summit’s initiatives aiming at the deep decarbonization of key economic sectors. This
includes those focusing on: shipping and port cities; housing and transportation; steel and cement industries.
These will need to be followed-up to ensure they provide support to countries to help them to transition to net
zero emissions and full resilience.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
The role of the Secretary-General
The Secretary-General has committed to remain on the
frontline of climate action every step of the way. This means
building on the achievements of the Summit, deepening
the collaboration with all stakeholders, and amplifying the
voice of youth to drive the ambitious commitments needed
to secure our footing on a path that keeps us within 1.5°C.
In addition, overseeing the coordinated engagement of the
United Nations system to most effectively implement the
Summit initiatives, along with the partners (sub-nationals,
businesses, philanthropies and international institutions)
that have pledged to continue work on the Summit’s
initiatives. THIS WILL INCLUDE:
Ensuring the issue of climate change is kept as an international political priority, part of political discussion, and facilitating
dialogue amongst countries and between the various stakeholders to move climate action forward.
Overseeing through the Climate Action Team and the Core Climate Group the coordinated engagement of the full United
Nations system, agencies and other external partners, to support the implementation of the Summit outcomes and
enhanced ambition towards COP25, COP26 and beyond.
Convening a High-Level stock-take on climate ambition in 2020 where:
* Governments that announced at the Summit or subsequently that they would raise NDC ambition and/or produce
2050 net zero emissions strategies can present them;
* Governments that have not yet done so can announce their commitment to produce, in 2020, more ambitious
NDCs and 2050 net zero emissions strategies.
* Follow-up with pensions funds and asset managers to align their portfolios with 1.C compatible trajectories;
* Encourage multilateral and national development banks to align their portfolios with the Paris Agreement in
a transparent manner;
* 
* End fossil fuel subsidies.
Ensuring ongoing monitoring and implementation of Climate Action Summit initiatives, including through:
* Regular progress reports from responsible implementing organizations on the commitments made at or since
the Summit;
* 
non-United Nations organized international fora.
Ensuring, as part of the launch of the Decade of Action at 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
(UNGA 75), further alignment of climate action and the other SDGs.Tools for tracking of progress of the initiatives.
The UNFCCC and the Climate Action Team will be responsible for the tracking of progress of the initiatives, as well as information
on the United Nations institutions accountable for the advancement of the initiatives. All necessary information can already
be found on the website of the Climate Action Summit (https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/) and the Climate Action Portal.
Information on the website will allow the broader civil society stakeholders to analyze the data and to report independently
on the progress achieved including by aggregating the data reported to ascertain whether the summit effectively delivered on
its two main objectives: increase ambition and accelerate action.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
IPCC 1.5C report. Chile, supported by UNFCCC and UNDP, led the work towards the summit in enlisting countries, cities,
regions and companies in committing to become carbon neutral by 2050 and in building momentum with Parties to the UNFCCC
to commit to more ambitious NDCs by 2020.
1. Climate Ambition Alliance
Summary of Initiative:
The Climate Ambition Alliance announced at the Summit by Chile included 280 members (including more than 60
countries together with regions, cities, businesses and investors) that committed to carbon neutrality. In addition, 70
countries under the Alliance announced that they would enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The Alliance led by Chile, UNDP and the UNFCCC will continue its work to enlist more countries and entities to enhance
their ambition in their NDCs and prepare carbon neutral by 2050 strategies. Progress will be presented at COP25.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact [email protected].
2. Net Zero Asset Owner alliance
Summary of Initiative:
12 Asset Owners, allocating more than $2.4 trillion USD globally. With the support of UNEP and its partners, the members
of this alliance committed to the full transition of all investment portfolios to net zero by 2050, with strong intermediate
targets every 5 years.
Implementation and Next Steps:
asset managers and Sovereign Wealth Funds to follow-up on the call for action made at the Summit.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact jesica.andrews@un.org.
3. Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action
Summary of Initiative:
at the time of the Summit) to agree to a set of principles to systematically study environmental impacts of their portfolios.
Implementation and Next Steps:
Supported by the World Bank and the co-chairs Finland and Chile, the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action
of the “Helsinki Principles”.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact [email protected].
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
4. Task Force for Clean Energy Transition on accelerating energy transition from coal to clean
Summary of Initiative:
As a direct response to the Secretary General’s call to end building new coal power plant after 2020, Special Envoy for
Climate Action Mike Bloomberg announced an initiative to expand his work for accelerating energy transition, moving from
coal to clean energy, at a global scale, building on his ongoing work to ensure the closure of all US coal power plants.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The initiative will work with countries around the world to accelerate plans for new clean energy projects. It will bring
together public and private sector leaders to share technical expertise and help make the economic case for clean
energy. A Task Force for Clean Energy Transition will be established which will bring together countries and partners in
the lead-up to COP26 in 2020 through a three-pillared approach: 1) leveraging diplomatic channels; 2) supporting on-
the-ground initiatives in key countries; and 3) building capacity in developing countries to develop viable clean energy
alternatives instead of coal.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact ailun@bloomberg.org.
coalitions and organizations contributed to the preparation of this segment which was prepared as a joint effort of the coalition led by
Spain and Peru on Social and Political Drivers and the coalition led by Ethiopia and Denmark on Energy Transition.
1. Clean Air Fund
Summary of Initiative:
The Clean Air Fund with 50 million dollars raised towards their USD 100 million target was launched. Donors include
IKEA Foundation, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Bernard Van Leer Foundation, Oak Foundation, Saint Thomas
Charity and FIA Foundation.
Implementation and Next Steps:
Implementation of this initiative will be led by the World Health Organization, with the support of the Clean Air and
area in support of developing countries.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Marina Maiero – maierom@who.int.
2. Powering Past Coal Alliance
Summary of Initiative:
There are now more than 32 countries, 25 subnational governments and 34 companies that have committed to work
together through the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) to accelerate the transition from coal to clean energy. Members
of the PPCA have committed to close approximately 131 GW of currently operating capacity and have already retired
~66 GW.
Germany and Slovakia, as well as Puerto Rico, the State of New Jersey (USA), the Province of Negros Oriental (Republic of
the Philippines), AXA Investment Managers and Schroders announced they were joining the Powering Past Coal alliance.
Implementation and Next Steps:
SE4All and the broader UN Energy group will drive the work on next steps from the UN System, along with existing
coalitions such as the Powering Past Coal Alliance (32 countries, 25 subnational governments and 34 companies) that
will present a progress report as well as proposals on concrete support at COP25.
The governments of the United Kingdom and Canada, as leaders of the Powering Past Coal Alliance, will continue to
work with partners, including the United Nations Secretary-General, to expand the reach of the Alliance and its mission.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact secretariat@poweringpastcoal.org.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
The IPCC and IPBES reports released in 2019 on land, the ocean and cryosphere, and biodiversity and ecosystem services,
reiterate the planetary emergency we face with a changing climate and biodiversity loss. Actions on terrestrial and marine
ecosystems, freshwater systems and sustainable food systems are essential for reaching the goals described in the Paris
                
Nabarro, co-led the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) coalition for the Summit, supported by other Member States and stakeholders.
On behalf of the UN System, UNEP will lead the NBS work with all relevant actors continuing to call for leaders commitment to:
investment in NBS, including to promote green supply chains; halt funding for deforestation; increase funding and incentives for
NBS and enhance NBS-focused capacity-building, research and technology; and 3) scale-up NBS to increase climate action in
key areas to ensure peoples livelihoods in face of climate threats.
1.High-level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Summary of Initiative:
Members of the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (HLPSOE), co-chaired by Norway and Palau calling
for: 1) investing in nature-based solutions by restoring, protecting and managing coastal and marine ecosystems; 2)
harnessing ocean-based renewable energy by scaling-up offshore and ocean-based renewable energy; 3) decarbonizing
ocean industries and increasing investments in solutions to decarbonize shipping and marine transport, port
Implementation and Next Steps:
Implementation of this initiative will be led by the HLPSOE Secretariat, hosted by WRI, and follow-up led by UNEP, on
behalf of the United Nations system. Both will work to scale-up ocean action for climate and enlist more stakeholders
to send strong political and market signals about the ongoing transition towards a more sustainable management of
biodiversity and natural ecosystems for climate action.
World Conservation Congress; UN Ocean Conference; UN Nature Summit; CBD COP15 and UNFCCC COP 26.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative contact: Therese Johansen Therese.Johansen@
mfa.noel[email protected]
2. One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)
Summary of Initiative:
Led by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)
is a cross-sectorial, action-oriented business coalition of nineteen forward-thinking, agriculture-centric companies
       
practices; 2) boosting cultivated biodiversity and diets through product portfolios; and 3) eliminating deforestation,
enhancing forest management and restoration to mitigate climate change and protecting high-value natural ecosystems.
Participating companies in OP2B include: Danone, Grupo Balbo, Barry Callebaut, DSM, Firmenich, Google, Kellogg’s,
Kering, Livelihoods Funds, L’Oréal, Loblaw Companies Limited, Mars, McCain Foods, Jacobs Douwe Egberts, Migros
Ticaret, Nestlé, Symrise, Unilever and Yara.
Implementation and Next Steps:
Implementation of OP2B will be led by WBCSD and follow-up led by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and
UNEP, on behalf of the United Nations system. Implementing partners will work to scale-up regenerative agriculture
actions for climate and to enlist more stakeholders to send strong political and market signals about the ongoing
transition towards a more sustainable management of biodiversity and natural ecosystems for climate action.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Follow-up reports based on inputs from OP2B companies to be presented at potential events organized by CBD/UNEP
             
Conservation Congress; UN Nature Summit and CBD COP15.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative contact: Emeline Fellus Fellus@wbcsd.org
3. Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI)
Summary of Initiative:
The Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) countries committed to increasing climate ambition and their Nationally
Determined Contributions by 2020, by maintaining forest cover in the region, continuing to stock approximately 70
gigatons of carbon and providing livelihoods for 60 million people by conserving the second largest tropical forest basin
in the world.
Central African countries with high rainforest forest cover- Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, the
France, Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, Republic of Korea and the Netherlands) are working together to preserve the
value of the forests in the region to mitigate climate change, reduce poverty, and contribute to sustainable development
through the implementation of country-led, holistic, low-emissions development investment frameworks, that include
Implementation and Next Steps:
Implementation of this Initiative will be led by CAFI and follow-up led by UNEP, with support of UNDP, on behalf of
the United Nations system. Implementing partners will work to scale-up conservation, restoration and sustainable
management of forests for climate, and enlist more stakeholders to send strong political and market signals about the
ongoing transition towards a more sustainable management of natural ecosystems for climate action.
Follow-up reports based on inputs from CAFI governments to be presented at potential events organized by UNEP/
Conservation Congress; UN Nature Summit; CBD COP15 and UNFCCC COP 26.
the CAFI Secretariat.
4. Central America Integration System (SICA) Initiative
Summary of Initiative:
Led by El Salvador, the countries of SICA commit to: 1) conservation of forests and forest ecosystems; 2) transformation
of agricultural production systems- moving towards a low-carbon and resilient agriculture and livestock management; 3)
integration and promotion of sustainable practices in sugarcane, pineapple, oil palm, cocoa and coffee with involvement
of the private sector; 4) conservation of the main forest areas and their ecological connectivity; and 5) develop /establish
an expanded MRV systems.
By 2030, the SICA region aims to establish and manage ten million hectares of “sustainable productive landscapes that
are resilient to climate change”. The goal is to have no less than 40% reduction in emissions (2010 reference level) from
Implementation and Next Steps:
Implementation of this initiative will be led by the SICA Secretariat and follow-up led by UNEP on behalf of the United
Nations system. Implementing partners will work to scale-up conservation, restoration and sustainable management
of terrestrial ecosystems and reduction of GHG emissions from the AFOLU sectors to send strong political and market
signals about the ongoing transition towards a more sustainable management of natural ecosystems for climate action.
Follow-up reports based on inputs from SICA governments to be presented at potential events organized by UNEP
              
Conservation Congress; UN Nature Summit; CBD COP15 and UNFCCC COP 26.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative contact: H.E. Ambassador Egriselda Aracely
Gonzalez Lopez eagon[email protected].sv and William Eduardo Herrera Molina [email protected].sv from the
Permanent Mission of El Salvador to the United Nations in New York.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
5. Global Campaign for Nature
Summary of Initiative:
Led by Costa Rica, the Global Campaign for Nature includes a coalition of scientists, government leaders, NGOs,
businesses and philanthropists committed to conserving 30% of the Earth’s land and ocean by 2030 and contribute to
the Paris goals through NBS by: 1) creating and expanding terrestrial and marine protected areas by 30%; 2) restoring
degraded ecosystems; 3) increasing funding for NBS, for protection and sustainable management of high ecological-
value ecosystems; and 4) enhancing NDCs by including NBS.
Implementation and Next Steps:
Implementation of this initiative will be led by Costa Rica and its partners, and the follow-up led by UNEP and CBD,
on behalf of the United Nations system. Implementing partners will work to scale-up conservation of 30 percent of
marine and terrestrial ecosystems for climate action and enlist more stakeholders to send strong political and market
signals about the ongoing transition towards a more sustainable management of biodiversity and natural ecosystems
for climate action.
Follow-up reports based on the inputs from the campaign organizers to be presented at potential events organized by
IUCN World Conservation Congress; UN Ocean Conference; UN Nature Summit; CBD COP15 and UNFCCC COP 26.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative contact: Catalina Santamaria catalina.santamaria@cbd.int
from the CBD and Andrea Meza Murillo andrea.mezamurillo@gmail.com
6. Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA)
Summary of Initiative:
ORRAA is a multi-stakeholder collaboration platform that brings together organizations from the public and private
and close the protection gap; and advance the global narrative on the importance of addressing ocean risk as part of the
global policy agenda for climate action.
Members of ORRAA include: AXA XL, Ocean Unite, Government of Canada, Willis Towers Watson, Rare, The Nature
United States, United Kingdom, Norway, Japan, Fiji, France, European Union, Mexico, India, Bank of America, UNDP,
Poste Vita and IDB.
Implementation and Next Steps:
Implementation of this initiative will be led by AXA XL, Ocean Unite and the Global Resilience Partnership, and follow-up
                
more stakeholders to send strong political and market signals about the ongoing transition towards a more sustainable
management of biodiversity and natural ecosystems for climate action.
Follow-up reports based on inputs from ORRAA Secretariat presented at potential events organized by UNEP or ORRAA
Congress; UN Ocean Conference; UN Nature Summit; CBD COP15 and UNFCCC COP 26.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative contact: Karen Sack Karen.Sack@oceanunite.org
from Ocean Unite and Chip Cunliffe, [email protected]
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Communities that are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change face an existential threat - to lives and livelihoods as well as
institution - yet adaptation action is not keeping pace with the scale of impacts. The coalition led by Egypt and the United
Kingdom with the support of UNDP and others worked to provide new and ambitious responses to this challenge.
1. Resilience and Adaptation Call for Action:
Summary of Initiative:
The Resilience and Adaptation Call for Action was launched by the United Kingdom, Egypt, Bangladesh, Malawi, Saint
Lucia, the Netherlands and supported by UNDP.
The Call for Action sets out commitments to:
* Act now to respond to immediate climate impacts and to support the most vulnerable members of society.
* Build resilient futures by putting climate risk at the center of decision making.
* 
So far 114 Member States, 3 self-governing territories and 86 organizations, institutions and IFIs have endorsed the Call.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The call is strongly supported by the UK and Egypt. It should be used to create further momentum and UNFCCC COPs
25 & 26 should be used for countries and institutions that have endorsed the Call to report about progress and share
their experiences.
For more information or to inquire about joining the call, contact Matthew Dawes, Matthew.Dawes@fco.gov.uk.
2. Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment (CCRI)
Summary of Initiative:
CCRI aims to transform infrastructure investment by integrating climate risks into decision-making, driving a shift
toward a more climate resilient economy for all countries, including the most vulnerable. Building the economic and
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Planned Outcomes are:
* A strengthened market for private and public sector investment in climate resilient infrastructure.
* 
*               
become more evident.
CCRI is led by the UK and Jamaica as well as Willis Towers Watson, the World Economic Forum, the Global Commission
on Adaptation. 23 businesses, 11 international institutions and 4 countries support the initiative so far.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The institutional set-up of the CCRI will be established and case studies and analytical tools will be developed.
Innovative capital market instruments such as resilience bonds will be structured, and pilot countries need to selected.
The coalition will work in close collaboration with other related initiatives such as the Coalition for Disaster Resilient
Infrastructure (CDRI) and the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action.
Relevant upcoming events include: the WEF meeting at Davos, the World Bank/IMF meetings; the Infrastructure Investors
Global Summit; and UNFCCC COP25 and COP26.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact UK DFID: J-Overton@DFID.gov.uk
WEF: Victoria.crawford@weforum.org WTW: carlos.sanchez@willistowerswatson.com.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) include some of the nations that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,
and at the same time the least responsible for its causes. Despite this, SIDS continues to be at the forefront of ambitious climate
action, both on mitigation as well as on resilience and adaptation as demonstrated during the Summit. The Climate Action
Summit Team worked with the Alliance of Small Islands States chair, the Energy Transition, Mitigation Ambition and Adaptation
and Resilience coalitions on a comprehensive proposal to address these issues.
1. SIDS 2020 Ambition Leadership Coalition
Summary of Initiative:
Members of the Alliance of Small Islands States (AOSIS) committed to communicating new and/or updated NDCs
              
goal of the Paris Agreement.
2050 in the context of the necessary means of implementation being available.
Implementation and Next Steps:
A baseline survey of the state of the needs of individual SIDS is being completed by UNDP and OHRLLS ahead of COP25
At COP25 AOSIS will host a side event with supporting partners to discuss how to take the initiative forward. UNDP is
also working with partners, particularly through the Climate Promise, to ensure that all SIDS have the support they need
to revise their NDCs by the 2020 deadline.
2. Accelerating renewable energy transition in SIDS
Summary of Initiative:
SIDS have committed to the greatest possible ambition to transition to ambitious sustainable energy targets by 2030
and have acknowledged the vital role that partnerships play to generate action on the ground, including supporting
capacity building, mobilizing resources, and facilitating investments. This package will aim to deliver on this ambition
starting in 2020.
 
in the power sector, by 2030 within the framework of the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative (LHI).
The initiative is supported by all AOSIS countries and will leverage the already operational and ambitious IRENA LHI,
additional and enhanced donor commitments will be made to support accelerated collective energy transition in SIDS.
Secured new funding through LHI which include 7.5 Mio USD (2019-2023) from Denmark and 3 Mio EUR (2020-2022)
from Germany.
Implementation and Next Steps:
Check-in on projects and funding secured. Partnership with Climate Investment Platform to accelerate investments and
timeline for 2020 and partnerships.
UN,  or Ahmed Abdel-Latif, IRENA, AAbdelLatif@irena.org.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
3. Debt swap
Summary of Initiative:
The proposal aims at addressing the debt burden that SIDS face while at the same time facilitate investment in adaptation
to the impacts of climate change and promote climate resilient economic growth. It is based on work with the Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, includes an initial pilot involving Antigua & Barbuda, Saint Lucia and
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines.
Implementation and Next Steps:
ECLAC, the SIDS and other partners to explore options for taking this issue forward.
Cities are key to securing our climate future and successfully implementing national climate plans, including NDCs. Cities
consume more than 70% of the world’s energy and are the places where the effects of the climate emergency are already
severely felt, particularly amongst the most vulnerable populations. The Infrastructures, Cities and Local Action coalition, led
by Kenya and Turkey with the support of UN Habitat, aimed at identifying concrete solutions to address this challenge. Key
initiatives from the Climate Action Summit are set out below.
1. Action Towards Climate (‘ACT) Friendly Transport
Summary of Initiative:
Over 100 entities committed to accelerate the decarbonization of the transport sector.
Initial entities in this Initiative include national governments (such as Germany, The Netherlands, Costa Rica), private
sector leaders (such as Michelin, Scania, Volvo and all major manufacturers of heavy duty vehicles via Union Internationale
des Transports Publics (UITP), cities (such as members of ICLEI, C40) and organizations (Transport Decarbonization
Alliance and The Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport).
Implementation and Next Steps:
Implementation of this initiative will be led by UN Habitat, who will work to scale up and enlist more countries, cities
and businesses to send strong political and market signals about the ongoing transition towards sustainable transport.
Following the establishment of a pathway to action by the end of 2020, ACT will focus on capacity building and
implementation of its four components with a designated lead institution/country for each component.
Main milestones in 2020 include Davos World Economic Forum, the 2nd Global Sustainable Transport Conference in
Beijing and COP26 in Glasgow.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Debashish Bhattacharjee, UN habitat
2. Zero Carbon Buildings for All
Summary of Initiative:
National governments including the United Kingdom, Turkey, Kenya and the United Arab Emirates, along with sub-
national governments and other leaders committed to develop and implement policies to drive decarbonization of all
new buildings by 2030 and all existing buildings by 2050.
Financial partners including IFC, EIB, EBRD, African Development Bank, Investment Fund for Developing Countries) and
industry partners committed to providing expert input, setting an aim to invest $1 trillion in zero carbon buildings by 2030.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Implementation and Next Steps:
This initiative will be supported by UN Environment and will continue to expand the coalition with more partners who will
help participating countries put together roadmaps to decarbonize their building sector.
identifying and creating a pipeline of such projects to send clear market signals.
In a second phase, the initiative partners could explore how to include “embodied emissions” of buildings generated by
the production of cement and steel.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact [email protected].
3. Leadership for Urban Climate Investment (LUCI)
Summary of Initiative:
             
infrastructure, by:
* Strengthening the capacity of 2000 cities in project preparation by 2025.
* 
* Enabling 100 climate smart urban infrastructure projects to successfully use new national and international
* Strengthening national framework conditions, including the capacity of National Development Banks (NDBs) to
support urban infrastructure projects.
Initial participants in this Initiative include Germany, France, UK, Mexico, Luxembourg, Japan and Cameroon, LUCI aims
Implementation and Next Steps:
This initiative will be supported by the World Bank Group and the Federal Government of Germany.
The initiative will reach out to additional national and local governments and other key stakeholders such as Project
Preparation Facilities, Multilateral, National and Subnational Development Banks as well to International Organizations
to mobilize more partners and further operationalize all the initiatives’ components.
By early 2020, a roadmap will be developed to rollout and monitor LUCI. To support this roadmap, the Cities Climate
Finance Leadership Alliance (CCFLA) will play a crucial role to link the four components of LUCI.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact LUCI@bmu.bund.de and Elias
Spiekermann (Germany, BMU) Elias.Spiek[email protected].
4. Building the Climate Resilience of the Urban Poor:
Summary of Initiative:
Led by Kenya and Brazil, this initiative will step-up climate action for some of the most vulnerable and heavily impacted
by climate change, including slum dwellers and residents of informal settlements.
This Initiative will implement a collaborative approach to build resilience of about 600 million urban poor currently at
risk of the impacts of climate change.
Implementation and Next Steps:
This Initiative will be supported by UN Habitat and will put in place the tools and resources to better track the commitments
related to the BCRUP initiative in the NDCs, NAPs and other national policies.
Main milestones in 2020 include the World Urban Forum in February and COP26 where UN Habitat will present the
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Shipra Narang-Suri, UN habitat
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Under the umbrella of the Energy Transition Coalition,
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as another to support sustainable climate friendly cooling access for all as global
                   
emissions now and incorporate these tools into enhanced NDCs. The Climate Investment Platform was announced with the
               
supporting developing countries fast tracking through the energy transition, securing better access to energy and eradicate
energy poverty, initiatives on energy storage and clean cooking were also announced.
1. Cool Coalition
Summary of Initiative:
The Cool Coalition is a global multi-stakeholder network that connects key actors to facilitate knowledge exchange,
promotes a "reduce-shift-improve-protect approach" to meet the cooling needs of countries and cities in the context of
the SDGs while complimenting the goals of the Kigali Amendment and Paris Climate Agreement.
Signatories are:
* 26 countries will adopt comprehensive national cooling plans. 5 countries – the Dominican Republic, North
* Additional countries making cooling pledges: Andorra, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Denmark, Djibouti, Hungary,
Japan, Lebanon, Norway, UK, Panama.
* Major manufacturers of cooling equipment (e.g. Electrolux, Mabe) pledged to release plans for the transition
to more climate friendly refrigerants throughout their product lines, while operators like Engie committed to
* C40 cities – including Copenhagen, Medellin and Barcelona, pledged to work with their network of 90 cities to
share expertise and integrate urban cooling into their climate action plans to reduce energy consumption while
improving air quality.
Implementation and Next Steps:
* Establishment of the “Cool Hub” to coordinate partnership, lead advocacy campaign, support the development
of knowledge tools, and help countries and cities access international support and networks for joint action.
* 
Model Regulation Guidelines for Refrigerators and Air Conditioners.
* Working with partners to develop and adopt governance structure and workplan; host annual partners meeting.
* Identify needs for implementation support in participating Cool Coalition countries, cities.
* Launch an advocacy campaign and convene a high-level summit.
* Preparation for a Global Status Report of Cooling: act as a barometer of progress on cooling policy, markets,
                
implementation; build the partnerships and policies that will enable the testing, demonstration and eventually scaling of
comprehensive solutions.
Milestones: MOP, COP, Davos 2020, HLPF 2020, UNEA, COP26. Leverage political milestones to keep momentum and to
present progress. Mobilize support and outreach to additional stakeholders needed.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Lily Riahi, Partnership & Engagement,
UNEP (Lily.Riah[email protected]); Sophie Loran, Outreach, UNEP (Sophie.loran@un.org).
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
2. The Three Percent Club for Energy Eciency
Summary of Initiative:
Signatories: 15 countries (Argentina, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, Hungary, India, Ireland,
Italy, Kenya, Portugal, Senegal and the United Kingdom); Core partners are the International Energy Agency, Sustainable
Support is provided by some governments (Italy), private sector businesses and supporting organizations, including
(at the time of launch) the Alliance to Save Energy, Danfoss, EDP – Energias de Portugal S.A., Enel, Johnson Controls,
LeasePlan, Saint-Gobain, Signify, Thermo King, Trane, World Resources Institute, Global Green Growth Institute, and the
Inter-American Development Bank.
Implementation and Next Steps:
             
deliver on average 3% per year until 2030 in alignment with SDG 7.3 and present a preliminary assessment of measures/
enhanced NDC components at COP25.
By COP25, encourage more countries to join the initiative. Curate COP25 session during Energy Day to take stock of progress.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Brian Motherway, Head of Energy
brian.motherway@iea.org); Clay Nesler, VP, Global Sustainability & Regulatory
Affairs Johnson Controls (clay.g.nesler@jci.com).
3. Climate Investment Platform
Summary of Initiative:
The Platform declutters and streamlines support offered by partner institutions. Organized under four tracks, these
institutions will support governments and private sector clients to scale-up and accelerate climate investments starting
to the realization of ambitious NDCs.
             
AOSIS, Senegal, and Canada.
Four main CIP partners: UNDP, GCF, IRENA, and SEforALL,
As well as: OECD, UNIDO, EIB, EBRD, REN21, GIF, World Bank/ESMAP, WRI Full list of partners:
Implementation and Next Steps:
Progress reports will be presented at UNFCCC COP 25 in December 2019, ensuring that operational modalities are fully
in LDCs and SIDS in 2020.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Green Climate Fund, Pierre Telep
(pierre.telep@gcfund.org); UND, Marcel Alers ([email protected]); SEforALL, George Hampton (george@seforall.org);
and IRENA, Rabia Ferroukhi (RFerroukhi@irena.org).
4. Towards a Cleaner Electricity on Latin America and the Caribbean
Summary of Initiative:
A collective regional goal of reaching at least 70% of Renewable Energy (RE) of installed capacity for the production of
electricity in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) by 2030, reaching 312GW of installed capacity, where 78GW comes
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
from new additional capacity, privileging the use of Non-Conventional Renewable Energies (NCRE). As leader of the
initiative, Colombia puts forth a goal of at least 4 GW by 2030 from Non-Conventional Renewable Energies, reaching 74%
of renewable energy nationwide in the power generation grid.
Other countries currently supporting the objective: Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Haiti, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala,
Dominican Republic. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) also stated their support.
Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and IRENA have already
facilitated data and platforms of discussion to initiate the elaboration of the workplan for the implementation of the
initiative. In a similar manner, the Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) has expressed
facilitate exchanges between countries and partners. Further, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean and regional development banks, including the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and the Inter-
American Development Bank (IADB) should also be engaged going forward.
Implementation and Next Steps:
On the road up to COP25 Colombia expects to continue developing the proposal and updating the numbers as well as
identifying possible partners for its implementation.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Camilo Ramírez Isaza, Advisor, Ministry
of Energy and Mines of Colombia, [email protected]v.co.
5. Energy Storage Initiative
Summary of Initiative:
Donor countries together with World Bank Group/ESMAP in collaboration with the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs),
including African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development,
Inter-American Development Bank launched Energy Storage Initiative with initially $500 million in funding. The
investment program would mobilize an additional $2 billion of public and private investments for approximately 17.5
GWh of battery storage by 2025, thereby catalyzing a market of 200-400 GWh in developing countries and accelerating
cost reduction potentially by 5-7 years.
Current main donors: UK, Germany, Norway.
Recipient countries to be engaged: Burkina Faso, Mali, Tanzania, Maldives, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, Ethiopia,
Nigeria and Comoros.
Implementation and Next Steps:
            
Program and contributions to Energy Storage Partnership, including support for testbeds.
Developing country governments submit letters of request to MDBs and other DFIs for technical assistance and
investment support for ambitious renewables + storage programs/projects. Strategy for major emitters (including EU
               
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Rohit Khanna, World Bank Group/ESMAP,
6. Clean Cooking Fund
Summary of Initiative:
The World Bank/ESMAP launched a planned $500 million Clean Cooking Fund (CCF) to scale up public and private
investment in the clean cooking sector at the Climate Action Summit 2019. The CCF will co-finance UN and MDB
projects, primarily using the Results-Based Financing (RBF) approach for climate, health, and gender benefits from
clean cooking interventions.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
The Fund will catalyze $1 billion in investments for the sector, which would support a sizable stream of businesses along
the supply chain delivering clean cooking solutions, as well as develop an impact bond market for the clean cooking
sector which can attract a broad range of capital. The CCF will also complement and support the High-Level Coalition of
Leaders for Clean Cooking, Energy, and Health which is being convened by World Health Organization, UNDP, UNDESA,
and the World Bank under the Health and Energy Platform of Action (HEPA).
Niger, and Ghana.
Implementation and Next Steps:
Develop and expand the pipeline projects for the CCF.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Rohit Khanna, World Bank Group/ESMAP,
The IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.C states that both urgent and transformational adaptation
action is needed to reduce climate-related risks. Yet adaptation action is not keeping pace with the scale of impacts, which
are expected to be such that business as usual is no longer a sustainable option for any country, community, business or
with the support of UNDP were presented to address the urgent adaptation needs of poor and vulnerable people, aiming at
making people safer from disasters as well as strengthening food security. To accelerate ambition, the coalition has launched
a Resilience and Adaptation Call for Action” (see above under “Towards a Resilient Future).
1. African Adaptation Initiative (AAI)
Summary of Initiative:
African Heads of States launched the AAI to ensure the continent urgently adapts to the adverse effects of climate
change in the immediate, short, medium and longer terms.
Targets by 2025
* 1 bn USD invested in Africa to ensure adequate climate information services.
* All African countries have translated their National Adaptation Plans into investment plans.
* 
* 
AAI will collaborate with existing institutions to enhance adaptation action on the ground. AAI will also: raise awareness;
facilitate knowledge management, capacity building; support and facilitate resource mobilization; promote partnerships;
and track progress.
Implementation and Next Steps:
It will be crucial to make AAI more known particularly to potential donors to generate funding e.g. for the AAI Secretariat.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Ambassador Seyni Nafo, AAI Coordinator,
2. Risk-Informed Early Action Partnership (REAP)
Summary of Initiative:
REAP aims to make 1 billion people safer from disaster by delivering new and improved early warning systems and
helping communities prepare the plans and resources needed to respond when disaster strikes by 2025.
 
and aggregate and monitor targets across: national and global frameworks, early warning systems, domestic capacity
building, early action.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Targets by 2025:
* 50 countries have reviewed and integrated their crisis/disaster risk management and climate adaptation
laws, policies and/or plans to ensure that they reduce climate change impacts and exposure on people and
the environment.
*          
plans, ensuring they can act ahead of predicted disasters and crises.
* 500 USD million invested in early warning system infrastructure and institutions to target early action in ‘last/
* 1 billion more people are covered by new or improved early warning systems, including heatwave early warning,
connected to longer-term risk management systems and supported by public awareness campaigns.
The United Kingdom, Finland and other countries and international organizations, including the International Federation of
the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) are committed to support the initiative. So far 15 countries and 21 organisations
have joined REAP.
Implementation and Next Steps:
REAP will be governed by a high-level board supported by a small Secretariat being set-up with the International
Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.
The institutional set-up of REAP needs to be established and procedure will set up in order to allow governments and
institutions to act faster on improved early warning and thus prevent disasters.
REAP should work in a complementary and in a synergetic manner with existing initiatives such as the InsuResilience
Global Partnership to ensure coherence and effectiveness. It will be crucial to further strengthen coherence the Sendai
Framework through close cooperation with UNDRR.
UNFCCC COPs 25 and 26 and the GCA “Year of Action” and the Adaptation Action Summit in October 2020, 2020
the follow-up.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Tessa Kelly of IFRC, Tessa.kelly@ifrc.org.
3. Support for Smallholder Farmers
Summary of Initiative:
The GCA seeks to deliver concrete and meaningful action through a set of Action Tracks that mobilize critical partners.
The Track on Agriculture and Food Security focuses on building the resilience of smallholder producers to intensifying
climate shocks and stresses. The aim is to help 300 million small-scale agricultural producers to enhance their resilience
to a changing climate.
Outcomes by 2030:
* Doubling investment in demand-led agricultural R&D through the CGIAR to support 200 million small-scale
producers adapt their farming systems, livelihoods and landscapes to be more climate resilient.
* Smarter incentives and policy frameworks for transformative climate outcomes in agriculture leading to policy
action in 25 countries.
* 
safety nets.
* Expanded use of climate-informed digital agricultural advisory services for at least 100 million small-scale producers.
* Improved access to and use of adaptation technologies and agroecological practices for at least 100 million
small-scale producers.
To support this initiative:
* Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the European Union as well as the World
Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledged 796 million USD in total.
* Germany pledged to support 60 million people in rural areas to increase their resilience to the effects of climate
change through agroecological approaches.
Implementation and Next Steps:
This commitment will be followed up as one of the Action Tracks of the GCA in close cooperation with the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation, UNDP and other partners.
The support for smallholder farmer needs to be further scaled-up and more donors need to be approached.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Nature-based solutions need to be integrated more strongly by embracing agroecological principles.
The GCA’s ‘Year of Action’ and the Adaptation Action Summit in 2020 are crucial to generate further momentum and to
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio, Action Track
Co-Manager, GCA, Cristina.RdelR[email protected].
4. InsuResilience Global Partnership:
Summary of Initiative:
The InsuResilience Global Partnership aims to mitigate the impacts of climate-related disasters on poor and vulnerable
                
disasters. The Partnership’s vision is by 2025:
* To protect 500 million poor and vulnerable people against climate shocks.
* 
* 
*              
mechanisms for critical infrastructure and/or rapid funding for disaster response.
* Vulnerable countries have developed property and agricultural microinsurance solutions.
The Partnership was established by the German government together with partners from the G20 and the V20 and
brings together 73 members from industrialized and developing countries, civil society, the private sector, development
banks and the research community.
has committed US$5 billion of risk capacity.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The High-Level Consultative Group sets the strategic direction of the Partnership, the InsuReslience Secretariat is
coordinating the work in close cooperation with partners like UNDP.
The Global Risk Financing Facility (GRiF) implemented by the World Bank should be further strengthened as an
implementing vehicle for the InsuResilience Global Partnership.
In close collaboration with institutions like the African Risk Capacity (ARC), countries will be supported to pay
insurance premiums.
Upcoming relevant events include: the Partnership’s annual Forum to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange; the
meeting of the High-Level Consultative Group; the GCA Adaptation Action Summit 2020; and UNFCCC COPs 25 and 26.
The launch of a UNDP program to expand access to insurance as part of the Partnership is expected for 2020.
Secretariat: astrid.zwick@giz.de.
Not only are Least Developed Countries (LDCs
LDCs continue to take a leading role in combating the causes of climate change as well as dealing with its effects. The Climate
Action Summit Team worked with the Chair of the LDC group, the Energy Transition, Mitigation Ambition and Adaptation and
Resilience coalitions on a comprehensive proposal to address these issues.
1. LDC-Vision 2050 and LDC Initiative for Eective Adaptation and Resilience (LIFE-AR)
Summary of Initiative:
The Least Developed Countries committed as a group to deliver net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (LDC-
Vision 2050) in the context of resources being available to do so, as well as to deliver climate-resilient development
pathways by 2030.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
LDC Group. Countries will join the initiative in cohorts over time with learning shared through regional clusters and peer to
peer support. In the initial period, six front runners have stepped forward (Uganda, the Gambia, Bhutan, Malawi, Tanzania
* Whole of society, multi-level and cross-sectoral responses, bringing together government, private sector, civil
society, academia and communities.
* 
* Integrated adaptation, mitigation and resilience planning at national and local level.
* Strengthened climate capabilities, institutions, knowledge, skills and learning.
* Improved governance of climate decisions centered on gender transformation and social justice.
LDCs ask for a change in business as usual by development partners through:
* Developing their own 1.5°C strategies.
* 
our institutions and economies.
* 
* Supporting our LDC 2050 Vision directly with $450 million over 10 years.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The Least Developed Countries chair aims, with the support of partners to:
* Establish the high-level Partnership Forum foreseen to govern LIFE-AR (Chair of the LDC Group, LDC frontrunners).
* 
Tanzania and Somalia (UNDP with LDC frontrunners and IIED).
* Use UNFCCC COP25 and COP26 and the GCA Adaptation Action Summit 2020 to have more LDCs joining and
make LIFE-AR more known, particularly to donors (e.g. side events.)
2. Coalition for Sustainable Energy Access
Summary of Initiative:
All LDC countries and Coalition member countries (Indonesia, Palau, Denmark, Colombia, Italy) committed to work towards:
* 
* 100% electricity from renewable energy sources in all LDCs by 2050.
* 
that would have high impact on universal energy access rate via Off-grid from Solar Home Systems, Mini-grid, On Grid
Implementation and Next Steps:
Ensure engagement from supporting institutions (including African Development Bank, African Union Commission,
Morocco/Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN) and Ethiopia/Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy to
coordinate the following:
* Preparation of draft roadmap and governance structure documents for the Coalition.
* 
* Develop concrete pilot projects leading to initiation of new bankable energy access projects by 2020 – explore
delivery mechanisms via Climate Investment Platform.
* Develop a Coalition platform for know-how/best practices sharing and capability reinforcement/capacity building.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Azeb Asnake, Government of Ethiopia,
(azebasnake@gmail.coma.zerouali@masen.ma), Rita Ruohonen, UN-OHRLLS, ([email protected]).
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
The UN Secretary-General has called on business and governments to commit to transitioning to a net-zero greenhouse gas
emissions economy which leaves no one behind and prevents people from being disadvantaged by necessary climate actions.
At the Climate Action Summit, the Social and Political Drivers coalition led by Spain and Peru with the support of ILO, WHO
and other key organizations launched a series of initiatives, which emphasized the vital importance of large-scale societal
transformations and ever-increasing public and political support for actions needed to confront the climate crisis effectively.
1. Clean Jobs Initiative
Summary of Initiative:
47 countries have committed to developing national plans for a fair transition, decent work and green employment.
These plans will include, as appropriate for each country: Creating mechanisms of inclusive social dialogue, assessing
employment, social and economic impacts of ecological transition and green jobs potential, implementing skills
development, designing innovative social protection policies and increasing the transfer of technology and knowledge
to developing countries, as well as innovation and responsible investment by both public and private entities.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The International Labor Organization (ILO) in collaboration with International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the
Government of Spain and others, will set up a partnership to lead implementation and scale-up of the Clean Jobs
Initiative, as well as share lessons learned and support organizations working on the issue, in particular in developing
countries. The partnership will have a secretariat within ILO, and have guidance provided by an advisory group composed
initiative to ensure green and decent jobs, the B-team and Global Compact, with the support of ITUC will continue to
conduct outreach to new private sector companies interested in potentially signing onto the pledge in 2019/2020 and
beyond as well as monitor progress on this initiative from signatories in through their current networks.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Moustapha Kamal Gueye – gu[email protected].
2. Just Transition and Decent Jobs Pledge from the private sector
Summary of Initiative:
Ten major companies from the energy and industrial sectors, including the world’s largest developers of renewable
energy, committed to ensure new jobs created in low emissions sectors are fair, decent and inclusive jobs. They pledged
to comply with the following standards with respect to our own employees, and only use contractors who also comply
with these standards:
* Social dialogue with workers and their unions.
* Workers rights, including the ILO core labour standards and ILO occupational health and safety standards.
* Social protection, including pension and health.
* Wage guarantees, including prevailing wage rates for skilled workers in the relevant industries.
They also pledged to help their national governments to support a just ecological transition by formulating national
plans for a just transition and decent jobs.
Additionally, 17 Spanish companies pledged to comply the same standards themselves, and work towards engaging
their contractors towards the same objectives.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The B-Team and Global Compact, in collaboration with ITUC, the Government of Spain and others will work to continue
to conduct outreach to new private sector companies interested in potentially signing onto the pledge in 2019/2020 and
beyond as well as monitor progress on this initiative from signatories in through their current networks.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Emily Hickson - eh@bteam.org.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
3. Clean Air Initiative
Summary of Initiative:
54 countries and 85 sub-national governments have committed to ensuring clean air for their citizens by 2020 as well
through, among others, the following actions:
* Implementing air quality and climate change policies that will achieve the WHO Ambient Air Quality Guideline values.
* Implementing e-mobility and sustainable mobility policies and actions with the aim of making a decisive impact
on road transport emissions.
* Assessing the number of lives that are saved, the health gains in children and other vulnerable groups, and the
Tracking progress, sharing experience and best practice through an international network supported by the UN system.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The World Health Organization (WHO) with support from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), the Government
of Peru, and others, will lead implementation and scale-up of the Clean Air Initiative and continue outreach to
national/sub-national governments to raise awareness of the issue, and will support national and local governments
in developing tools for analysis and monitoring as well as providing overall technical capacity in and work with other
partners (sub-national government networks, philanthropic organizations, donor countries) to provide financial and
technical support for developing countries in this front.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Marina Maiero – maierom@who.int.
4. Initiative on Gender and Climate Change
Summary of Initiative:
51 countries have committed to implementing climate actions that contribute to gender equality and the empowerment
of women and girls. This commitment recognizes the differentiated impact of climate change by gender, and that
ensuring women’s and girls’ agency and leadership will make climate action more effective, contributing to increased
ambition in all sectors. By 2025, signatories, will take the following actions, as appropriate in their national contexts:
* Adopt and implement gender-responsive climate change action plans, policies or strategies.
*              
effectiveness of engaging women and girls in climate actions and other initiatives.
* Track progress by including in their regular reporting to UN bodies and other related fora: i) efforts, actions,
initiatives supporting the implementation of gender-responsive climate policies and programmes; and ii)
percentage of climate-related programmes that incorporate gender considerations.
* Promote and enhance innovative tools that demonstrate and measure the transformative power of women’s and
girls’ leadership in modifying patterns of consumption to reduce carbon emissions.
* Support and promote initiatives that foster women’s and girls’ full participation and leadership in mitigation and
adaptation measures, including in science, technology, research and development.
Implementation and Next Steps:
UN Women, with the support of UNFCCC, the Government of Costa Rica, Peru and others, will monitor and facilitate
progress in the different areas of the initiative.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Verona Collantes - verona.collantes@
5. Initiative on Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage from Climate Change
Summary of Initiative:
The creation of the initiative on Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage from Climate Change Impacts was announced,
with the support of 54 countries.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Implementation and Next Steps:
UNESCO, with the support of UNFCCC and the Government of Greece, will continue outreach on the initiative and work
together with other signatories towards designing, developing and implementing plans and programmes to help mitigate
the effects of climate change on cultural and natural heritage.
They will form a follow-up committee and plan a meeting on the initiative in 2020.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Yannis Rigas - rigas.yannis@mfa.gr.
6. Climate change and Security
Summary of Initiative:
highlighted the complex effects of climate change on peace and security through its interplay with socio-economic,
climate change threatens security in some of the most exposed parts of the world and exchanged lessons learned from
Implementation and Next Steps:
The UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, UNDP and UNEP will work to leverage the impact of the joint
Climate Security Mechanism and collaborate with entities across and beyond the United Nations system to advance the
institutional capacity to address climate-related security risks through integrated risk assessments and coordinated
prevention, early warning and response strategies.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Thomas Ritzer - [email protected].
7. Kwon-Gesh Climate Pledge
Summary of Initiative:
43 Governments committed to the KWON-GESH CLIMATE PLEDGE by involving youth in the implementation of the Paris
Agreement and the achievement of its goals including:
* Putting in place climate adaptation or mitigation measures.
* Communicating or updating nationally determined contributions.
* Submitting or updating national adaptation communications.
* Plans and communicating long-term greenhouse gas emission development strategies.
Implementation and Next Steps:
OSGEY to monitor progress by governments who have made a commitment to include youth in their national climate
change decision making and policy making processes and encourage other governments who have not made a
commitment to join the youth pledge.
An open letter of request to be sent to all committed governments to provide an update and share lessons on the role of
youth in the national climate change decision making and policy making processes.
The pledge to be included in a resolution of the UN General Assembly Third Committee “Policies and Programmes for Youth”
A side event to be held at COP25 to present the progress made and set an ambitious target for 2020 in terms of the number
of governments committed to the pledge and the role of youth in creating a political momentum leading up to 2020.
OSGEY (with IE and RMI) to develop a strategy to leverage 2020 key events (i.e. UN Ocean Conference, CBD COP15,
UNFCCC Pre - COP 2020) to maximize the impact of the initiative.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact the respective Missions of the Government
Envoy for Youth.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
The sectors in heavy industry including cement, steel and chemicals and heavy-duty transport (heavy-duty road transport,
shipping and aviation) currently account for 10Gt (30%) of total global CO emissions. On current trends, their emissions could
account for 16Gt by 2050 and a growing share of emissions as the rest of the economy decarbonizes. The transition is achievable
if policymakers, investors and businesses jointly take immediate and forceful action to transform economic systems. At the
Climate Action Summit, the Industry Transition was led by India and Sweden and supported by WEF.
1. The Leadership Group for Industry Transition
Summary of Initiative:
The Leadership Group for Industry Transition is led by Sweden and India with support from the World Economy Forum,
the leadership group is committed to guide the world’s heaviest greenhouse gas emitting industries toward zero net
on the Paris Agreement.
Current members include India, Sweden, Argentina, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
South Korea and the UK, as well as a group of companies including Dalmia Cement, DSM, Heathrow Airport, LKAB,
Mahindra Group, Royal Schiphol Group, Scania, SpiceJet, SSAB, ThyssenKrupp and Vattenfall.
Implementation and Next Steps:
The Leadership Group for Industry Transition will be supported by the World Economic Forum, the Energy Transitions
Commission, Mission Innovation, Stockholm Environment Institute, and the European Climate Foundation. The detailed
work plan will be prepared and published by COP 25.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Ola Göransson <ola.goransson@
regeringskansliet.se> or Kushal Vashist <kushal.vashist@gov.in>.
2. Decarbonizing Shipping – Getting to Zero Coalition
Summary of Initiative:
along deep sea trade routes by 2030, supported by the necessary infrastructure for scalable zero-carbon energy sources
  
value chain commit to making this ambitious target a reality and thereby deliver on the target of reducing emissions
from shipping by at least 50 percent by 2050.
Decarbonizing shipping is an integral part of the wider global energy transition and can be leveraged to drive investment
in energy projects, for instance in developing and middle-income countries, where low cost zero carbon energy sources
derived from abundant untapped renewable resources could bring substantial development gains.
The current membership group behind the Coalition numbers over 80 stakeholders from across the shipping value chain:
Finland, Netherlands). Full list of members: https://www.globalmaritimeforum.org/getting-to-zero-coalition/members.
Implementation and Next Steps:
policies, while ensuring engagement and the right representation from across value chains, industries, and geographies.
2021-2023: Working with partners to build critical mass on few technology solutions and their supply chains, and work to
build the partnerships and policies that will enable the testing, demonstration and eventually scaling of these solutions.
Milestones: Blue COP, Davos 2020, 2020 UN Ocean Conference. Leverage political milestones to keep momentum and platform
to present progress. Provide support and outreach to additional stakeholders needed, including through diplomatic push.
For more information or to inquire about participation in this Initiative, contact Johanna Christensen, Global Maritime
Forum, joc@globalmaritimeforum.org or Kasper Soegaard, Global Maritime Forum, kas@globalmaritimeforum.org.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Beyond the initiatives resulting from the work of the 9 coalitions, the Climate Action Summit was also the opportunity to showcase
leadership through individual commitments.
Following the themes of the Climate Action Summit, examples of individual pledges include:
Member States
Chile: announced the plans for decarbonization of the energy matrix and the public transportation.
Subnational Actors
Mayor of Montreal: announced that the city of Montreal would reduce its GHG emissions by 55 percent by 2030 and
reach carbon neutrality by 2050.
Governor of Maine: announced that the State of Maine will be carbon neutral by 2045.
Member States
of two billion euros a year is to be increased to four billion euros annually, based on budget sources.
Indonesia: will establish a dedicated Environmental Funding Facility.
EU: at least 25 percent of the next budget will go to climate-related activities.
References to provision/mobilization of climate nance:
Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary, and China.
Contributions to the GCF replenishment: Sweden, South Korea, Denmark and Iceland announced doubling of their
others made new announcements, for example, the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Monaco, Luxembourg, Slovakia,
Hungary, and Liechtenstein.
Carbon Pricing: Germany, Finland, France, Iceland, Portugal, Singapore, Ireland, and Chad.
Transparency/disclosure/reporting: Bloomberg, Jamaica, and Bank of England.
International Organizations
Multilateral Development Banks announced new and more ambitious plans, which included the growth in climate
economies, 50 percent above current levels. In addition, they announced the expectation to double the total level of
International Development Finance Club (IDFC): announced commitment to mobilize $1 trillion USD by 2025, with at
least $100 billion USD for adaptation. IDFC will launch a partnership with the Green Climate Fund to promote direct
World Bank (WB): President David Malpass spoke on the efforts of the World Bank to provide over 500 million people
               
economies to bounce back from natural disasters. The Global Risk Financing Facility (GRFF) was highlighted as an
example to bolster resilience at all economic levels, from nations to households.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
European Investment Bank (EIB): Aims to unlock more than $1.1 trillion USD of climate action and environmental
depend on fossil fuels.
African Development Bank (AfDB): 
climate adaptation. Launching Desert to Power, a major initiative to construct the largest solar zone in the world in the Sahel.
The 10,000-megawatt solar plant will provide power to 11 countries and will require a $20 billion investment. A new disaster
payout expected by 2030. Getting out of coal entirely. “Renewable energy is the future,” President Akinwumi Adesina said.
Private Sector / Philanthropies
Childrens Investment Fund Foundation:
Member States
to 45 percent by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. They also announced an investment of an additional 2.5
billion euros for climate actions by 2030.
Chile: committed to a full decarbonization of its energy mix.
Germany and Slovakia: joined the Powering Past Coal Alliance.
Greece: announced a new commitment of all lignite coal power plants shut by 2028.
Italy: announced it would phase out coal by 2025.
Hungary: announced its coal phase out by 2030.
The Republic of Korea announced the closure of 4 coal power plants and 6 more to follow by 2022.
The Heads of State and Government of Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, UK included
reference to their efforts on curtailing their coal use.
Private Sector
The CEO of Orsted announced that Orsted had divested their oil and gas production and have reduced their coal
consumption by more than 80 percent. He announced that they will completely phase out coal by 2022.
The CEO of Iberdrola announced that they had invested more than 100 billion dollars in their transition to renewable
energy in the last 25 years. They have now closed all their oil and gas production. They will be carbon neutral by 2050,
with an investment of more than 40 billion dollars in the next 5 years.
Member States
China and New Zealand: set up a “NBS Group of Friends” and tap into mitigation potential of nature to cut 10-12 billion
tons of GHG globally annually.
Tree planting: Pakistan (plant 10 billion by 2024) New Zealand (1 billion by 2028); Barbados (one million by 2020); Sierra
Leone (2 million by 2023); Nigeria (mobilize youth to plant 25 million by 2020); Kenya (2 billion by 2022) Ethiopia (4 billion
per year); Ireland (440 million); Turkey
and City of Surabaya in Indonesia (millions).
Stabilization of forest cover: Costa Rica (60 percent by 2030); Democratic Republic of the Congo (63 percent by 2030);
Indonesia (conservation of mangrove forests by 2030); Chile (comprehensive reforestation plan); Turkey (increase
forestry wealth); Russia (conserve Boreal Forests); Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of the Congo (increase
protected areas in Congo Basin forests).
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Increase of forest stock: China (4.56 billion cubic meters from 2005); Hungary (increase reforestation by 30 percent by
2050); City of Surabaya in Indonesia (expand urban forests by 46 hectares); Turkey (“Gardens of the nation” project to
increase green areas, parks and forests); and Republic of the Congo (1 million hectares by 2025).
Reduction of deforestation: Colombia (70 percent); and Ecuador (24 percent).
Restoration of ecosystems: Pakistan (30 percent of degraded forests;5 percent degraded croplands; 6 percent of
degraded grasslands and 10 percent of degraded wetlands); Guatemala (1.5 million hectares of forested land by 2022);
Indonesia (2 million hectares of peatlands; rehabilitate 12 million hectares of degraded lands and mangroves by 2030);
Colombia (300,000 hectares of forest by 2022); Nigeria (ecological restoration and recharge of Lake Chad); and
Kenya (5.1 million hectares of forests by 2022 under the AFR100 initiative).
Sustainable management of ecosystems: Democratic Republic of Congo (reduce 17 percent of GHGs by 2030 through
NBS, including sustainable management of peatlands); Pakistan (land degradation neutrality by 2030); Colombia (commit
900,000 hectares to agroforestry and sustainable forest management); Fiji (100 percent sustainable management
of economic exclusive zone by 2030 and 10-year moratorium on seabed mining); Chile (prioritization of forests and
oceans for climate action); Ecuador (guarantee rights of nature for future generations), Seychelles (increase protection
of exclusive economic zone from 26-30 percent by 2020); Kenya (advance sustainable ocean-action policies at UN
Ocean Conference); and Ecuador (guarantee rights of nature for current and future generations, conserve the Amazon
rainforest and Galapagos Islands).
Food systems transformation: New Zealand
continue to lead international collaboration through the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases);
and Nigeria (climate-smart agriculture practices to capture 74 million tons of carbon per year).
Waste management: Turkey (climate-friendly technologies for waste management; decrease the use of plastic bags;
expand zero waste project to 4,000 buildings by 2023; increase recycling rate from 13-35 percent); Chile (commitment
towards circular economy); GuatemalaCity of Subraya in Indonesia (reduce
emissions through reuse, reduce, recycle program); and Bolivia (increase recycling efforts of waste water and solid waste).
Banning of single-use plastics: Guatemala; Ireland; India, Bolivia; and City of Surabaya in Indonesia (residents can
United Nations Secretariat.
Water Conservation: India (in next few years invest $50 billion on water conservation).
Funding for NBS: Costa Rica (30 million dollars of fossil fuel taxes invested in nature); Norway (continue to provide
substantial support to countries that reduce deforestation); Fiji (commit to funding for NBS); State of Maine in USA
(invest in conservation and sustainable forest practices), and Republic of Congo (established partnership for REDD+
investment plan with France).
Subnational Actors:
City of Surabaya (Indonesia): plant millions of trees; reduce emissions through reuse, reduce, recycle program; expand
urban forests by 46 hectares.
At the Summit, more than 110 countries and 85 international organizations and private sector entities committed to
“enhanced” action on resilience and adaptation.
Joint commitment under the AOSIS 2020 Ambition Leadership Coalition.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
Member States
Singapore: aiming at 80 percent of buildings to be green by 2030.
Luxembourg: committed to free public transportation for all starting in 2020.
Chad: greenhouse gas emissions tax on motorized transportation.
Hungary: only use e-buses for public transport by 2030 in cities that have a population of more than 25 000 people.
India: encourage e-mobility in transport sector.
Member States
Seychelles: Committed to reach 100 RE by 2030 in new NDC. Taking steps to build institutional capacity to achieve
              
cooling equipment.
New Zealand: Goal of 100 percent renewable electricity generation by 2023.
India: Pledged to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in Indian fuel mix and increase by 2022 renewable energy
capacity to 175gw and committed to further increasing to 450gw.
Germany: Target of two-thirds energy generation from renewables by 2030. Pledged to phase out coal in 2038 and
phase out nuclear power by 2022.
Congo: Committed to accelerating universal access to electricity to end dependency on wood.
Colombia: Announced goal of 70 percent renewable energy generation for the region by 2030.
Morocco: Aim to accelerate transition to secure 52 percent of electricity from renewable sources by 2030.
Turkey: Currently generating 30 percent of energy from renewable resources, aim to reach 49 percent by 2023.
Djibouti: Plans to achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2030.
Subnational Actors
City of Copenhagen: Announcing C40 Network joining Cool Coalition.
Private Sector / Philanthropies
Children Investment Fund Foundation: 
support climate friendly cooling.
Signify:               
percent each year. Announced the “Three Percent Club” and suggested more countries and partners to join. Signify will
be carbon neutral by end of 2020.
International Organizations
European Investment Bank: Intention to phase out energy projects that depend on fossil fuels and have all investments
align with the Paris Agreement by the end of 2020.
At the Summit, more than 110 countries and 85 international organizations and private sector entities committed to
“enhanced” action on resilience and adaptation.
Report of the Secretary-General on the 2019 Climate Action Summit and the Way Forward in 2020
See joint commitment under the LDC vision 2050.
Member States
Italy: to put in place a “Green New Deal, including a green jobs programme.
South Africa:C target.
Private Sector / Philanthropies
The Dalmia Cement: announced that it will be carbon negative by 2040.
The SSAB:
Port of Antwerp: 
countries to secure a global energy transition.