a Delaware limited liability company
1513 East 9
Tampa, Florida 33605
Telephone: (800) 586-5872
We are offering franchises for the operation of businesses operating under the College Hunks
Hauling Junk® and College Hunks Moving® names which will provide junk removal services and/or
moving services, including picking up unwanted items from residential or commercial clients and taking
it to the appropriate landfill or transfer station for appropriate disposal or recycling. We offer standard
franchises, “small market” franchises and conversion franchises.
The total investment necessary to begin operation of a College Hunks Hauling Junk® or College
Hunks Moving® franchise is $101,400 to $207,950. This includes at least $40,000 to $50,000 that must
be paid to us or our parent or affiliates.
This Disclosure Document summarizes certain provisions of your franchise agreement and other
information in plain English. Read this Disclosure Document and all accompanying agreements
carefully. You must receive the Disclosure Document at least 14 calendar days before you sign a binding
agreement with, or make any payment to the franchisor or an affiliate in connection with the proposed
franchise sale. Note, however, that no government agency has verified the information contained in
this document.
You may wish to receive your Disclosure Document in another format that is more convenient for
you. To discuss the availability of disclosures in different formats, contact Nicholas Friedman at 1513
East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605 and (800) 586-5872.
The terms of your contract will govern your franchise relationship. Don’t rely on the Disclosure
Document alone to understand your contract. Read all of your contract carefully. Show your contract
and this Disclosure Document to an advisor, like a lawyer or an accountant.
Buying a franchise is a complex investment. The information in this Disclosure Document can
help you make up your mind. More information on franchising, such as “A Consumer’s Guide to Buying
a Franchise,” which can help you understand how to use this Disclosure Document, is available from the
Federal Trade Commission. You can contact the FTC at 1-877-FTC-HELP or by writing to the FTC at
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20580. You can also visit the FTC’s home page at
www.ftc.gov for additional information. Call your state agency or visit your public library for other
sources of information on franchising.
There may also be laws on franchising in your state. Ask your state agencies about them.
Issuance Date: May 29, 2013
Your state may have a franchise law that requires a franchisor to register or file with a state
franchise administrator before offering or selling in your state. REGISTRATION OF A FRANCHISE
Call the state franchise administrator listed in Exhibit “A” for information about the franchisor,
about other franchisors, or about franchising in your state.
Please consider the following RISK FACTORS before you buy this franchise:
We use the services of one or more FRANCHISE BROKERS or referral sources to assist us
in selling our franchise. A franchise broker or referral source represents us, not you. We pay this
person a fee for selling our franchise or referring you to us. You should be sure to do your own
investigation of the franchise.
The following states require that the Franchise Disclosure Document be registered or filed with the state,
or be exempt from registration: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota,
New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.
This Franchise Disclosure Document is registered, on file or exempt from registration in the following
states having franchise registration and disclosure laws, with the following effective dates:
Indiana August 8, 2012
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota
Washington August 30, 2012
College Hunks/ufoc-06
1. Each of the following provisions is void and unenforceable if contained in any documents
relating to a franchise:
(a) A prohibition on the right of a franchisee to join an association of franchisees.
(b) A requirement that a franchisee assent to a release, assignment, novation, waiver,
or estoppel which deprives a franchisee of rights and protections provided in this act. This shall
not preclude a franchisee, after entering into a franchise agreement, from settling any and all
2. A provision that permits a franchisor to terminate a franchise before the expiration of its
term except for good cause. Good cause shall include the failure of the franchisee to comply with any
lawful provision of the franchise agreement and to cure such failure after being given written notice
thereof and a reasonable opportunity, which in no event need be more than 30 days, to cure such failure.
3. A provision that permits a franchisor to refuse to renew a franchise without fairly
compensating the franchisee by repurchase or other means for the fair market value at the time of
expiration of the franchisee's inventory, supplies, equipment, fixtures, and furnishings. Personalized
materials which have no value to the franchisor and inventory, supplies, equipment, fixtures, and
furnishings not reasonably required in the conduct of the franchise business are not subject to
compensation. This subsection applies only if: (I) the term of the franchise is less than 5 years and
(ii) the franchisee is prohibited by the franchise or other agreement from continuing to conduct substan-
tially the same business under another trademark, service mark, trade name, logotype, advertising, or
other commercial symbol in the same area subsequent to the expiration of the franchise or the franchisee
does not receive at least 6 months advance notice of franchisor's intent not to renew the franchise.
4. A provision that permits the franchisor to refuse to renew a franchise on terms generally
available to other franchisees of the same class or type under similar circumstances. This section does not
require a renewal provision.
5. A provision requiring that arbitration or litigation be conducted outside this state. This
shall not preclude the franchisee from entering into an agreement, at the time of arbitration, to conduct
arbitration at a location outside this state.
6. A provision which permits a franchisor to refuse to permit a transfer of ownership of a
franchise, except for good cause. This subdivision does not prevent a franchisor from exercising a right
of first refusal to purchase the franchise. Good cause shall include, but is not limited to:
(a) The failure of the proposed transferee to meet the franchisor's then current
reasonable qualifications or standards.
(b) The fact that the proposed transferee is a competitor of the franchisor or
(c) The unwillingness of the proposed transferee to agree in writing to comply with
all lawful obligations.
(d) The failure of the franchisee or proposed transferee to pay any sums owing to the
franchisor or to cure any default in the franchise agreement existing at the time of the proposed
7. A provision that requires the franchisee to resell to the franchisor items that are not
uniquely identified with the franchisor. This subdivision does not prohibit a provision that grants to a
franchisor a right of first refusal to purchase the assets of a franchise on the same terms and conditions as
a bona fide third party willing and able to purchase those assets, nor does this subdivision prohibit a
provision that grants the franchisor the right to acquire the assets of a franchise for the market or
appraised value of such assets if the franchisee has breached the lawful provisions of the franchise
agreement and has failed to cure the breach in the manner provided in subdivision (c).
8. A provision which permits the franchisor to directly or indirectly convey, assign, or
otherwise transfer its obligations to fulfill contractual obligations to the franchisee unless provision has
been made for providing the required contractual services.
If the franchisor's most recent financial statements are unaudited and show a net worth of less than
$100,000.00, the franchisee may request the franchisor to arrange for the escrow of initial investment and
other funds paid by the franchisee until the obligations, if any, of the franchisor to provide real estate,
improvements, equipment, inventory, training or other items included in the franchise offering are fulfilled.
At the option of the franchisor, a surety bond may be provided in place of escrow.
Any questions regarding this notice should be directed to:
State of Michigan
Department of Attorney General
Attention: Franchise
G. Mennen Williams Building
525 West Ottawa, 7
Lansing, Michigan 48909
Telephone Number: (517) 373-7117
ITEM 2 BUSINESS EXPERIENCE ......................................................................................................... 3
ITEM 3 LITIGATION ............................................................................................................................... 4
ITEM 4 BANKRUPTCY ............................................................................................................................ 4
ITEM 5 INITIAL FEES ............................................................................................................................. 4
ITEM 6 OTHER FEES............................................................................................................................... 7
ITEM 7 ESTIMATED INITIAL INVESTMENT .................................................................................. 14
ITEM 8 RESTRICTIONS ON SOURCES OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ................................. 18
ITEM 9 FRANCHISEE’S OBLIGATIONS ........................................................................................... 22
ITEM 10 FINANCING ............................................................................................................................. 23
TRAINING ................................................................................................................................................ 24
ITEM 12 TERRITORY ............................................................................................................................ 33
ITEM 13 TRADEMARKS ....................................................................................................................... 38
FRANCHISE BUSINESS ......................................................................................................................... 41
ITEM 16 RESTRICTIONS ON WHAT THE FRANCHISEE MAY SELL ....................................... 41
ITEM 18 PUBLIC FIGURES .................................................................................................................. 46
ITEM 19 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPRESENTATIONS ..................................................... 46
ITEM 20 OUTLETS AND FRANCHISEE INFORMATION .............................................................. 52
ITEM 21 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ................................................................................................. 59
ITEM 22 CONTRACTS ........................................................................................................................... 59
ITEM 23 RECEIPTS ................................................................................................................................ 59
Exhibit A – State Administrators/Agents for Service of Process
Exhibit B – State Specific Addendum
Exhibit C – Franchise Agreement with Exhibits
Exhibit D – List of Franchisees
Exhibit E – List of Franchisees
Exhibit F – Table of Contents of Operations Manual
Exhibit G – Financial Statements
Exhibit H – Franchisee Disclosure Acknowledgment Statement
Exhibit I – Deposit Agreement
The Franchisor
The Franchisor is CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. (“we,” “our” or “us”), a Delaware limited liability
company that was formed on October 20, 2006 and has its principal place of business at 1513 East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605. We do business under our corporate name and under the trade marks
College Hunks Hauling Junk® and College Hunks Moving®. We will refer to the person who buys a
franchise as “you” or “your” throughout this Disclosure Document. If you are a business entity, “you” or
your” also includes each partner, shareholder and/or other owner of that entity.
We are offering franchises for the operation of businesses operating under the Marks which
provide junk removal services and/or moving services, including picking up unwanted items from
residential or commercial clients and taking it to the appropriate landfill or transfer station for appropriate
disposal or recycling. We presently do not operate a business of the type being franchised or any other
type of business. We have never offered franchises in any other line of business. We began offering
franchises in mid-2007. Our agents for service of process are listed in Exhibit “A.”
Our Parents, Predecessors and Affiliates
We have no predecessors.
Our parent is Friedman and Soliman Enterprises, LLC (“F&S”), a Maryland limited liability
company, that was formed on March 25, 2005 and is located at 1513 East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida
33605. F&S owns the Marks and has licensed to us (see Item 13). F&S has never offered franchises in
this or any other line of business. F&S does not operate a business of the type to be operated by you.
F&S will not provide you with any products or services, nor will it guaranty our performance.
Our first affiliate is CHHJ, LLC (“CHHJ”), a Maryland limited liability company, that is
headquartered at 4980 East Wyaconda Road, Rockville, Maryland 20852. CHHJ has never offered
franchises in this or any other line of business. CHHJ currently operates a business of the type being
franchised which has been in operation since 2005 and which provides services in Washington DC,
Maryland and Virginia (a total of nine Zones).
Our second affiliate is CFPB LLC (“CFPB”), a Maryland limited liability company,
headquartered at 1513 East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605. CFPB owns a majority interest in a
Franchised Business in Tampa, Florida, which is still operated with a minority owner franchisee.
Between 2010 and 2011, CFPB owned and operated one business of the type being franchised in North
Carolina. This territory was reacquired from a franchisee in 2010 and subsequently sold to a franchisee in
November 2011. CFPB has never offered franchises in this or any other line of business.
The System
Our system includes a method of providing junk removal services and/or moving services for
residential or commercial clients; color scheme and custom lettered vehicles; materials and supplies;
using the designated Call Center; proprietary software; methods, specifications and procedures for
operations; procedures for management control; training and assistance; and merchandising, advertising
and promotional programs, and client service procedures, all of which may be changed, improved and
further developed (the “System”). Our Call Center is a centralized office that will receive orders for
service from clients via telephone, e-mail and fax. The Call Center will then forwards the request for
service to the appropriate franchisee. The Call Center will schedule appointments, maintain a
comprehensive client database, and may conduct follow-up calls with all clients to verify the client’s
satisfaction with the service, and provide you with detailed reports so that you may more effectively
manage your Franchised Business.
We may add additional products and services to the System, such as roll-off containers. We may
designate that these additional products and services are optional for our franchisees, or we may designate
them as mandatory.
We currently offer College Hunks Moving® services in select markets, which is part of the
College Hunks Hauling Junk® Franchised Business. The College Hunks Moving® services may also
include packing boxes for customers as well as sales of boxes and packing materials. If you will provide
College Hunks Moving® services, you will need to have additional equipment, training, insurance and a
different type of vehicle. Currently providing College Hunks Moving® services is optional for our
franchisees, but we reserve the right to require all franchisees to provide College Hunks Moving®
services in the future. We also reserve the right to split the College Hunks Moving® services portion of
the Franchised Business into a separate franchise opportunity in the future.
If you are an existing franchisee of ours as of December 31, 2010, your territorial rights under
your existing Franchise Agreement includes the right to offer College Hunks Moving® services. If you
choose to offer College Hunks Moving® services, we reserve the right to require you to sign an
addendum to your Franchise Agreement to memorialize this and to add College Hunks Moving® services
as part of the approved products and services you may offer. If you choose to opt-out or not offer College
Hunks Moving® services, we may offer it to another franchisees in your Designated Territory (see Item
12). In addition, if you are a new franchisee and you wish to purchase either the College Hunks Hauling
Junk® or the College Hunks Moving® concept (but not both), then we will have the right to sell the other
concept to another franchisee within your Designated Territory. If you are in good standing under your
Franchise Agreement, we will notify you of the proposed sale of the other concept and you will have 10
days after our notice to purchase the other concept. If you do not, then we may sell the concept to the
other franchisee. If you are not in good standing under your Franchise Agreement, you will not be
offered the opportunity to purchase the other concept.
The System is identified by certain trade names, service marks, trademarks, logos, emblems and
indicia of origin, including the marks “College Hunks Hauling Junk®,” “College Hunks Moving®,” “The
Junk Hunk®” (our company mascot), “Let Tomorrow’s Leaders Haul Your Junk Today!®,” “Have a
Junk-Free Day!®,” and “Junk Free is the Way to Be!®,” (collectively, the “Marks”). Our Parent owns
the Marks, the toll-free number 1-800-Junk-USA® and the websites www.1800junkusa.com,
www.collegehunks.com and www.collegehunkshaulingjunk.com (collectively, the “Proprietary
Marks”). Our Parent has licensed the Proprietary Marks to us so that we may license them to our
franchisees. Our Parent reserves the right to operate businesses and to license others to operate
businesses using the 1-800-Junk-USA® trademark, telephone number and website anywhere, including
within your Designated Territory.
The Franchise Offered
You will have the opportunity to purchase a Junk Removal Services Franchise, a Moving
Services Franchise, or both depending on your financial ability and your professional experience. These
are two separate but similar business models that must be budgeted for properly and treated as two
separate businesses although there are some shared resources, vendors, and expenses that can be enjoyed
between the two as economies of scale.
We grant College Hunks Hauling Junk® and/or College Hunks Moving® franchises to qualified
candidates for the right to develop and operate a Franchise for an area that we mutually agree on, that
provides junk removal and/or moving services, including picking up unwanted items from residential or
commercial clients and taking it to the appropriate landfill or transfer station for appropriate disposal or
recycling, plus other related services (“Franchised Business”). You must sign our Franchise Agreement
(the “Franchise Agreement”) in the form attached as Exhibit “C” to this Disclosure Document. The
Franchise Agreements grants you the right to develop and operate a single Franchised Business at an
approved location.
We also offer a “small market” franchise for Zones that have between 5,000 and 299,999 in
population and a conversion franchise for business operators in a similar business (junk removal and/or
moving services) who wish to convert their businesses to our System.
Market and Competition
You will offer your services to residential and commercial customers. In general, the junk and
moving business is competitive, but quite fragmented. Your competition will come primarily from other
junk removal and/or moving businesses, which may include moving companies. In some markets, these
businesses are locally based and other markets may include regional or national chains as competitors.
Industry Specific Laws
Moving companies and hauling companies are regulated by federal and state law. Most states
have transportation agencies that oversee the state’s laws. State law can vary significantly from one state
to the next. Furthermore, the requirements and timing to acquire state and local licenses and permits vary
considerably. The US Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
administers federal laws relating to this industry. There may also be restrictions on licensing related to
your drivers and your trucks, and you may have to obtain special permits related to junk hauling and
You must comply with all applicable laws related to junk removal and disposal or providing
moving services. If you provide moving services, you may have to apply for and receive specific
authority to conduct moves across state lines.
There may be other laws and regulations applicable to the operation of the Franchised Business
within a particular state and we urge you to ask about the described laws, regulations and any other laws
or regulations that can impact your operation of a College Hunks Hauling Junk® and/or College Hunks
Moving® Franchised Business within the specific areas licensed to you.
Founder and CEO: Omar A. Soliman
Mr. Soliman has been our Founder and CEO since inception, and he holds the same positions
with our affiliates. Mr. Soliman pioneered the College Hunks Hauling Junk® concept while an
undergraduate student and won the Leigh Rothschild Enterprise Competition in 2004. In January 2005,
Mr. Soliman opened the first College Hunks Hauling Junk® outlet.
President: Nick Friedman
Mr. Friedman has been our President since inception, and he holds the same positions with our
affiliates. Mr. Friedman joined Mr. Soliman in January 2005 in opening the first College Hunks Hauling
Junk® outlet.
Director of Franchise Support: Steven Nickels
Mr. Nickels has been our Director of Franchise Support since May 2008. Since August 2011,
Mr. Nickels has also owned and operated a College Hunks Hauling Junk® and College Hunks Moving®
franchise in Long Island, New York. From September 2006 to April 2008, he was Vice President of
Operations for Elite Sports Marketing located in Oldsmar, Florida.
Director of Client Loyalty Center: Tim Heidemann
Mr. Heidemann joined us on January 2013 as Director of Client Loyalty Center. From 2009 to
2013 he was a Director with IVANS Inc. in Tampa, Florida. From 2004 to 2009, he was Executive
Director Call Center Operations with PODS Inc. in Clearwater, Florida.
Marketing Director: Chris Jackson
Mr. Jackson has been our Director of Marketing since January 2011. He has worked at College
Hunks Hauling Junk since Spring 2008 when he started as a wingman on the truck. He grew to a Truck
Captain, Operations Manager, General Manager, Field Operations Coach, and is now the Marketing
No litigation is required to be disclosed in this Item.
No bankruptcy information is required to be disclosed in this Item.
Franchise Agreement
When you sign the Franchise Agreement for either a College Hunks Hauling Junk® franchise or
a College Hunks Moving® franchise, you must pay to us an initial franchise fee of $40,000 for a standard
Zone. A standard Zone includes a range of anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 in population. The initial
franchise fee is $50,000 if you choose to offer both junk removal services and moving services in a
standard Zone and you purchase both of these businesses at the same time. The initial franchise fee
includes the initial license fee for the proprietary software you must use. The initial franchise fee is not
imposed uniformly on all franchisees. The initial franchise fee is payable in a lump sum when you sign
the Franchise Agreement and is fully earned and non-refundable. If you are a qualified U.S. veteran, we
will discount the initial franchise fee by $5,000. The qualified U.S. veteran must have at least a 51%
interest in the Franchised Business at all times. As described below and in Item 10, we may offer
financing to qualified franchisees of up to 70% of the initial franchise fees.
If you choose to purchase either a College Hunks Hauling Junk® franchise or a College Hunks
Moving® franchise without purchasing the other one, then there is no restriction on our selling the other
franchise concept within your Designated Territory. If you are in good standing under your Franchise
Agreement, we will notify you of the proposed sale of the other concept and you will have 10 days after
our notice to purchase the other concept. If you do not, then we may sell the concept to the other
franchisee. If you are not in good standing under your Franchise Agreement, you will not be offered the
opportunity to purchase the other concept.
During the term of your Franchise Agreement, and if you have chosen to purchase only one of the
business concepts we offer, you may purchase the other business concept for an additional fee of $20,000.
You must meet our criteria for purchasing the additional concept, including being in good standing under
your Franchise Agreement, you complete the applicable training and you have the financial capability to
purchase or lease the additional truck(s) and equipment required. This additional fee is payable when we
approve you to purchase the additional concept and is not refundable.
If you are financially qualified, you may also purchase additional standard Zones that are
contiguous with your Designated Territory or to another Zone you have purchased. You will be required
to operate at least 1 office per 4 Zones that you own, and you will be required to sign a separate Franchise
Agreement for each office. You will be required to reach a minimum of $20,000 revenue per month per
owned Zone, and you will be expected to have at least $40,000 in available capital or financing before
you will be permitted to purchase an additional Zone. If you purchase one or more additional Zones at
the same time you purchase your franchise, you must pay us $18,000 for each additional Zone you
purchase. If you purchase one or more additional Zones while you are operating the Franchised Business,
you must pay us $22,000 or our then-current additional Zone fee, whichever is higher, for each additional
Zone you purchase. We want our Franchisees to focus on going deeper versus wider and want to
discourage purchasing Zones for the purpose of “land-grabbing.”
You may also choose to purchase a fraction of a Zone, either initially or during the term of your
Franchise Agreement. The cost of a fractional Zone is $10,000 for each additional 100,000 in population.
All Zones you own will be listed on an exhibit to your Franchise Agreement, and this exhibit will
be amended whenever a new Zone is purchased. We do not currently limit the number of Zones you may
purchase, but your total number of Zones will depend on your ability to capitalize your Franchised
Business and your ability to maintain the negotiated truck roll-out schedule (see Item 12). We cannot
guarantee that a Zone you wish to purchase after your Franchised Business begins operations will be
available. We will not reserve a Zone for future purchase. You must meet performance requirements and
office requirements before you will be permitted to purchase an additional Zone.
If you are acquiring an additional Zone (or fraction of a Zone) after your Franchised Business has
started operations, you must meet certain criteria including financial ability, performance standards of
your current Zone(s) and your compliance under the Franchise Agreement.
“Small Market” Franchise Agreement
We also offer a “small market” franchise for Zones that have between 5,000 and 299,999 in
population. A small market franchisee must offer both junk removal and moving services. If you are
purchasing a small market franchise, the initial franchise fee will be calculated as 10¢ per person in the
Zone you are purchasing. For example, if your small market Zone has a population of 90,000 people, the
initial franchise fee you will pay will be $9,000. The initial franchise fee is fully earned and non-
refundable. The initial franchise fee includes the initial license fee for the proprietary software you must
use. The initial franchise fee is not imposed uniformly on all franchisees. We reserve the right to require
you to purchase additional households for your small market franchise if we determine that the number of
households is not enough to sustain a reasonable volume of business. In addition, you may choose to
purchase additional areas (designated by zip code) if these areas are available. You will pay the same rate
of 10¢ per additional person in the area you purchase.
Conversion Franchise
We also offer a conversion franchise for business operators in a similar business (junk removal
and/or moving services) who wish to convert their businesses to our System. If you are purchasing a
conversion franchise, you will pay us an initial franchise fee that is equal to our then-current initial
franchise fee reduced by an amount equal to 10% of the total sales for the previous year for your existing
business, but in no event will the discount exceed $30,000. For example, if the initial franchise fee is
$45,000 and your moving business generated $200,000 in revenue during the previous year, the initial
franchise fee will be reduced by $20,000, making your initial franchise fee $25,000. The initial franchise
fee is fully earned and non-refundable. The initial franchise fee includes the initial license fee for the
proprietary software you must use. The initial franchise fee is not imposed uniformly on all franchisees.
Affiliate or Company-Owned Zones
Our affiliates may, in their discretion, offer to sell Zones they currently operate to new or
prospective franchisees. If this happens, the purchase price will be the initial franchise fee ($40,000 or
$50,000 for a new franchisee in the System or $22,000 for an existing franchisee who is purchasing an
additional Zone) plus 1 time the annual gross sales of the Zone being purchased over the last 12 months.
For example, if the sales in an affiliate or company-owned Zone is $50,000 for the previous year, then the
franchise fee would be the $50,000 plus $50,000. If less than a 12 month operating history is available,
the gross sales to date will be converted to an annualized amount to determine the purchase price.
There are no other payments to or purchases from us or any affiliate that you must make before
your Franchised Business opens.
We reserve the right, in our discretion, to offer qualified franchisees to finance up to 70% of the
initial franchise fee with us. Additional information about this financing is provided in Item 10.
Performance Refund
If you own at least one full Zone and fail to reach $180,000 in revenues during your first 18
months of operations, and you have followed the systems with no material defaults, you may exit the
business and we will refund 50% of your initial franchise fee for your 1st Zone (i.e. $17,500 if you
purchased moving or junk removal, or $22,500 if you purchased both services). You must submit a
request in writing at 18 months if you wish to exercise this exit/refund option. We will review your
request and notify you within 30 days of your request. If we approve, then you must sign a mutual
termination and release of us at that time We will refund the 50% of Franchise Fee within 90 days of
acceptance of your request and after we have received the signed mutual termination and release and you
have fulfilled your post-term obligations under the Franchise Agreement. You must be in full compliance
with your franchise agreement, and you must have followed the system entirely in order to qualify for
this refund.
Performance Incentive
If you own at least one full Zone and reach $600,000 in revenues during your first 18 months of
operations, and you have followed the systems with no material defaults, we will pay you a marketing
incentive of $8,000. You must submit a request in writing at 18 months if you wish to exercise this
incentive. We will review your request and notify you within 30 days of your request. If approved, we
will credit your royalty payments by $8,000 within 90 days of acceptance of your request. You must be
in full compliance with your franchise agreement, and you must have followed the system entirely in
order to qualify for this incentive credit.
Deposit Agreement
We reserve the right to require you to pay a deposit to us in an amount that is equal to 30% of
your initial franchise fee. You must also sign our form of Deposit Agreement, which is attached to this
Disclosure Document as Exhibit “I.” The deposit you pay to us under the Deposit Agreement is not
refundable, but will be applied toward the initial fee you must pay to us for the franchise you purchase.
Type of Fee (1) Amount Date Due Remarks
Royalty Fee –
Junk Removal
7% of Gross Sales(2)
or minimum
Continuing Royalty
Fee(3), whichever is
Payable on the 3
and 18
days of
each month by
electronic funds
There will be no minimum
Continuing Royalty Fee for
the first 6 months unless the
franchise results from a
transfer or renewal. See Note
Royalty Fee –
Moving Services
7% of Gross Sales(2)
or minimum
Continuing Royalty
Fee(3), whichever is
Payable on the 3
and 18
days of
each month by
electronic funds
There will be no minimum
Continuing Royalty Fee for
the first 6 months unless the
franchise results from a
transfer or renewal. See Note
Type of Fee (1) Amount Date Due Remarks
Call Center
Support (the
CLC”) Fee (the
CLC Fee”) (3)
$727 per month for
junk-only franchises
which includes
software, service and
$857 per month for
moving only or junk
and moving
franchises which
includes software,
service and support.
Payable at the same
time and in the same
manner as the
Continuing Royalty
This fee compensates us for
administering the CLC and
software license support and
maintenance genres,
including for our intranet.
We reserve right to adjust
every year to reflect
consumer price index
There is no CLC Fee for the
first 6 months unless the
franchise results from a
transfer or renewal.
Appointment Fee $17 per scheduled
appointment by the
Payable at the same
time and in the same
manner as the
Continuing Royalty
You will not be required to
pay this fee for self-generated
sales, self-booked sales,
online bookings or jobs that
cancel prior to the day of the
scheduled appointment. Per
Booking per Appointment is
defined as a booked move,
booked junk removal
estimate, booked in-home
estimate, booked junk
removal consultation.
We reserve right to adjust
every year to reflect
consumer price index
1% of Gross Sales(2) Payable at the same
time and in the same
manner as the
Continuing Royalty
The Brand Development
Fund is described in Item 11
Type of Fee (1) Amount Date Due Remarks
Local Advertising $1,000 per brand per
The minimum
required amount you
must spend does not
include marketing
collateral and
To be spent each
Payable to local advertising
suppliers. We may require
our franchisees to form
regional advertising
cooperatives in their local
markets (see footnote 5). We
must approve all local
advertising before its use.
We reserve the right to
require you to pay this money
to us and we will conduct
local advertising on your
$10,000 Upon transfer No fee is imposed for
transfers to an entity formed
by you for the convenience of
ownership. Fees are paid by
either you or the buyer and
will apply to each Franchise
Agreement that is transferred
or assigned to an approved
third party
Renewal $2,500 At time of renewal At time of renewal
Infraction fee
between $100 and
$250 per infraction.
As incurred after 3rd
written warning
with failure to cure
This fee will be charged for
Non-Compliance with the
System Standards as outlined
in the Operations Manual,
including truck maintenance,
appearance and safety, and
failure to comply with call
center requirements
(including time to contact
customers, missed
appointments, etc.). 3 written
warnings will be issued prior
to charging this fee. If there
are 6 or more infractions in
any 12 month period, we may
terminate your Franchise
Type of Fee (1) Amount Date Due Remarks
Initial Training
and Additional
No fee for the first
two people who
attend training,
except for your
travel, meals, lodging
and wages. A per
person fee will be
determined by us for
Additional Personnel
Training and depends
on the instructor’s
fee, travel, lodging,
food and materials
associated with the
training topic
Pre-payment and
pre-registration is
required 15 days
before class for
Personnel Training
We do not charge any
additional money for the
initial training for your two
people (see Item 11).
Additional training is
provided, if necessary, for
you, your managers or your
employees at a fee per person
Training Program/
Out of pocket
expenses only, which
will depend on the
location of the
program and the level
of experience of our
As incurred We have the option of
providing this annual
refresher training program,
which can last up to five
days, but can be on-line or in
class, as determined by us.
Will vary under the
May include payment
of our per diem fee
for a trainer we send
to your Franchised
Business plus
reimbursement of our
trainer’s expenses.
Current per diem fee
= $200
On demand Enrichment training is
described in Item 11. You
must pay all expenses you
incur related to enrichment
training if we require you to
participate because your
Franchised Business is not
performing satisfactorily
Late Reporting
$5.00 per hour On demand after 3rd
written warning
with failure to cure
an infraction.
For any reports that are not
provided to us when they are
Interest on
Overdue Amounts
20% per annum On demand Any amounts not paid when
due will be a default of your
Franchise Agreement and
will accrue interest. Interest
will accrue from the original
due date until payment is
received in full
Type of Fee (1) Amount Date Due Remarks
Audit (a) the amount of the
deficiency; (b) if
audit is due to non-
reporting or
understatement, then
you must also pay the
cost of inspection
15 days after billing If an audit reveals
understatement of less than
2%, you pay the deficiency
plus interest. If an audit
reveals understatement of
greater than 2% or if you fail
to furnish information in a
timely fashion, you pay the
deficiency or $500,
whichever is greater, plus the
cost of the audit. If a
deficiency occurs twice in
any 12 month period, we
have the right to terminate the
Franchise Agreement without
opportunity for you to cure
the default.
Costs and
Attorneys’ Fees
Will vary under
As incurred Payable upon your failure to
comply with the Franchise
Indemnification Will vary under
As incurred You must reimburse us if we
are held liable for claims
arising from your Franchised
Business’ operations
Annual Franchisee
Convention (if
$500 per person,
excluding cost of
transportation and
As incurred At least one person per
franchise must attend this
Annual Convention, which
will last up to three days
Convention Fee
$500 On demand If you do not attend the
Annual Convention and your
absence is not excused by us
Your Average
monthly royalties
during 12 months
prior to termination
times the greater of
(a) 24 or (b) the
number of months
remaining in the term
at the time of
15 days after
This only applies if we
terminate your franchise for
Type of Fee (1) Amount Date Due Remarks
Supplier Testing Our costs to evaluate
the proposed supplier
On demand If you request that we
approve a supplier or product,
you must reimburse us for
our costs in evaluating the
supplier or product.
Service Vehicle
As incurred As negotiated We may require you to
replace your service vehicle if
an existing vehicle is no
longer in good condition
(including paint and graphics
and working condition). We
will not make this request
more frequently than every
seven years. Payable to
vehicle suppliers and/or
finance companies
Insurance Reimbursement of
our costs
On demand If you do not obtain the
required insurance, we may
(but are not required to)
obtain insurance on your
Management Fee $3,000 per month
plus expenses
As incurred If we have to step in and
operate your Franchised
Business for you, in certain
circumstances due to your
failure to operate in
accordance with our
standards, you must pay our
management fee and
reimburse our expenses
$250 If incurred If you request that we modify
the Franchise Agreement to
include an additional person
as either a franchisee or a
franchisee’s principal
Uniform or
$250 per person, per
On demand after 3rd
written warning
with failure to cure
an infraction.
If any of you or your
employees perform services
for you but do not wear the
required uniform or present a
neat and clean appearance.
Violation of Non-
$10,000 On demand If you violate any of the non-
competition covenants
Type of Fee (1) Amount Date Due Remarks
Mystery Shopper
$200 per shop As incurred after 3rd
written warning
with failure to cure
an infraction.
Only payable by you if your
Franchised Business has
received a significant amount
of negative feedback. This is
in addition to enrichment
Out of Territory
Additional 10% of
revenue outside of
As incurred If you perform services
outside of your Zone after we
inform you to stop.
1. Unless otherwise noted in the chart, all fees are imposed by and payable to us and are non-
2. Gross Sales means and includes the actual gross revenues billed to clients of a franchisee in
connection with the services sold and performed for such clients, whether for cash or credit, plus any
other revenues derived from the operation of the Franchised Business by a franchisee, but excluding
federal, state or municipal sales, use, service or excise taxes collected from clients and paid to the
appropriate taxing authorities, and client refunds. Gross Sales does not currently include revenues from
re-sale items, but we reserve the right, in our discretion, to include in the definition of Gross Sales any
revenue a franchisee receives from recycling and scrap, consignments, re-sales of items, etc. If we elect
to include these types of revenue in Gross Sales, we will provide the franchisee with systems and training
regarding the re-sale of such items.
3. (a) Minimum Continuing Royalty Fee
(i) If providing Junk Removal Services Only: There is no minimum Continuing
Royalty Fee for the first 6 months unless this Agreement results from a transfer
or renewal. From months 7-12, the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each
reporting period is $150. If Franchisee owns more than one Zone, then in
months 13-24, the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period
increases to $300. If Franchisee owns more than two Zones, then in months 25-
36 the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to
$450. If Franchisee owns more than three Zones, then in months 37-48 the
minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to $600. If
Franchisee owns more than four Zones, then in months 49-60 the minimum
Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to $750. This trend
continues each year based on the number of Zones owned by Franchisee.
(ii) If Providing Moving Services: There is no minimum Continuing Royalty Fee
for the first 6 months unless this Agreement results from a transfer or renewal.
From months 1-12, the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period
is $700. If Franchisee owns more than one Zone, then in months 13-24, the
minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to $1,400. If
Franchisee owns more than two Zones, then in months 25-36 the minimum
Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to $2,100. If Franchisee
owns more than three Zones, then in months 37-48 the minimum Continuing
Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to $2,800. If Franchisee owns more
than four Zones, then in months 49-60 the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee
each reporting period increases to $3,500. This trend continues each year based
on the number of Zones owned by Franchisee.
(iii) If Providing both Moving Services and Junk Removal Services: Then the
minimum Continuing Royalty Fee is the same as if you are providing moving
services only (if you are providing both services, then the minimum for junk
removal services does not apply),
The Royalty is the brand licensing fee and ongoing professional consulting fee for being part of this
growing national brand. The Brand Development Fee is for brand development and maintenance such as
PR, Website, and marketing staff. The CLC Fee covers technology (Hunkware & Movepoint) client
surveys, software, communication automation, live chat, customer service response and follow up,
helpdesk, management, etc. The Appointment Fee is the sales funnel for your business.
4. If we terminate your Franchise Agreement for cause, you must pay us within 15 days after the
effective date of termination liquidated damages equal to the average monthly Royalty Fees you paid or
owed to us during the 12 months of operation preceding the effective date of termination multiplied by (a)
24 (being the number of months in two full years), or (b) the number of months remaining in the
Agreement had it not been terminated, whichever is higher. Liquidated damages only applies if we
terminate your Franchise Agreement due to your willful non-compliance with the terms of and your
obligations under the Franchise Agreement, your failure to cure a material default within the timeframe
required, and repeated, willful defaults of the Franchise Agreement.
5. There currently are no advertising cooperatives. If an advertising cooperative is formed by us for
your area, or formed by franchisees and approved by us for your area, you must join the cooperative.
Each Franchised Business in the cooperative will have one vote, regardless of the number of Zones
owned by the Franchised Business. Contributions to the cooperative will be determined by majority vote
of the cooperative members. If the members vote to have contributions be a percentage of Gross Sales,
then the percentage to be contributed shall not be greater than one-half of the local advertising
requirement. If the members vote to have contributions on a fixed fee basis, then each member must
contribute the fixed fee for each Zone owned by that member, and the fixed fee cannot exceed one-half of
the local advertising requirement, unless agreed to by unanimous vote of the cooperative members. We
must approve of the contribution methods and amounts after the cooperative members have determined
Type of
Expenditure (3)
Method of
When Due
To Whom
Payment Is To
Be Made(1)
Initial Franchise
Fee (Notes 2 and
$40,000 to $50,000 Lump sum When you sign
the Franchise
Type of
Expenditure (3)
Method of
When Due
To Whom
Payment Is To
Be Made(1)
Rent – 3 Months
(Note 4)
$300 to $2,250 As arranged As arranged Landlord
Lease, Utility and
Security Deposits
(Note 4)
$100 to $700 As arranged As arranged Landlord,
Paint and Signage
(Vehicle) (Note 5)
$3,500 to $5,500 As arranged As incurred Approved
Service Vehicle –
Deposit on Lease
or Finance
(Note 6)
$8,000 to $22,000 As arranged As incurred Approved
Equipment and
Hand Tools
(Note 7)
$2,000 to $6,000 As arranged As arranged Approved
Office Equipment
and Supplies
(Note 8)
$4,000 to $6,000 As arranged As incurred Suppliers
Business Licenses
& Permits
(Note 9)
$500 to $3,000 As arranged As incurred Local and other
Professional Fees
(Note 10)
$1,000 to $2,500 As arranged As arranged Various service
providers and
Insurance Deposit
(Note 11)
$500 to $5,000 As arranged As arranged Insurance
Training Expenses
(Note 12)
$1,500 to $5,000 As arranged Payment terms
arranged with
suppliers and
your employees
Suppliers and
your employees
Grand Opening
(Note 13)
$10,000 to $20,000 As arranged As arranged Suppliers
Additional Funds
(6 months)
(Note 14)
$30,000 to $80,000 As arranged As needed Us, suppliers,
employees and
other creditors
Type of
Expenditure (3)
Method of
When Due
To Whom
Payment Is To
Be Made(1)
$101,400 to $207,950
1. In general, none of the expenses listed in the above chart are refundable, except any security
deposits you must make may be refundable. We may offer to finance up to 70% of your initial
franchise fee, as described in Item 10. Our estimate assumes that you are purchasing one Zone
only. When you open multiple Zones, the initial investment would be higher. The high end of
the estimated initial investment assumes that you are purchasing both the College Hunks Hauling
Junk and College Hunks Moving concepts. The above table also applies to the “small market”
franchise for Zones and a conversion franchise for business operators in a similar business.
2. All fees are payable to us, unless otherwise stated.
3. Franchise Fee
. The Initial Franchise Fee is discussed in detail in Item 5. If you are purchasing a
standard Zone, the Initial Franchise Fee is $40,000 to $50,000. This does not reflect the potential
investment for a small market fee which is less than the standard Zone fee. If you are purchasing
a small market franchise, the initial franchise fee will be calculated as 10¢ per person in the Zone
you are purchasing and the Initial Franchise Fee will range from $500 to $29,999.90. If you are
purchasing a conversion franchise, you will pay us an initial franchise fee that is equal to our
then-current initial franchise fee reduced by an amount equal to 10% of the total sales for the
previous year for your existing business, but in no event will you pay less than $5,000.
4. Rent; Lease, Utility and Security Deposits
. You will need an office space of approximately 200
to 300 square feet for the Franchised Business. The costs for your rental and security deposits
will depend on, among other things, the size of the space you choose to rent and your
creditworthiness. We do not permit that you operate the Franchised Business from your home.
However, you may operate from your home while you are searching for an office but you must be
operating your franchise from an office within 90 days of opening. If you purchase a conversion
franchise and your existing office is from your home, you must operate your franchise from an
5. Signage
. Your truck will need to be painted the color that we specify. You will also need to
letter your vehicles in accordance with local ordinances, our guidelines and the Operations
Manual. Our estimate represents the painting and signage costs for one truck. If you purchase
both concepts, you will need painting and signage for at least two trucks. If you are a conversion
franchisee, you must paint your existing trucks to our specifications.
6. Service Vehicle
. Our estimate represents the down payment on a service vehicle. If you
purchase your truck outright instead of leasing or financing it, you will pay between $45,000 and
$63,000. Our current service vehicle specifications are included in our Operations Manual and
are subject to change. The truck you must use in the College Hunks Hauling Junk concept must
have our custom designed dump bed. Our custom dump body manufacturer and specifications
are separate from the truck manufacturers. The estimated cost of the dump body is approximately
$15,000 to $18,000 and for the truck is between $30,000 and $45,000. The estimate includes the
cost to lease or finance the truck and have the dump body built and installed, but does not include
any amounts if you have an older truck that needs to be retrofitted to meet the new clean diesel
rules that took effect in 2010. We anticipate that diesel truck prices are expected to increase as a
result of the new diesel standards, and we reserve the right to approve alternative vehicle options
if they meet our performance standards and brand consistency. See Item 12 for requirements for
you to purchase or lease additional trucks for your Franchised Business. The estimated lease
amount for the first 3 months of operation is between $2,400 and $3,000. We reserve the right to
modify the required vehicle and introduce new vehicle specifications and retrofit requirements
such as roll-off containers. If you wish to purchase a used truck for your Franchised Business,
the truck must be approved by us before you may purchase it. If you purchase a conversion
franchise, you may still be required to purchase new vehicles or truck equipment to match our
current specifications.
If you purchase the College Hunks Moving concept, you will need a different style truck. If you
will offer moving services, you will incur an additional $5,000 to $40,000 for a used truck,
depending on the age and condition of the truck, or from $45,000 to $80,000 for a new truck.
Any moving truck you purchase or lease must meet our specifications for appearance. If you
wish to purchase a used moving truck, the truck must be approved by us before you may purchase
it. These estimates are based on the assumption that these vehicles are financed. If you purchase
the vehicles for cash your initial investment costs would be higher.
7. Equipment and Hand Tools
. Our list of required equipment is provided in the Operations
Manual. The required tools include hand tools, global positioning system (GPS) for navigation
purposes, credit card processor, cleaning tools and other materials. The cost of uniforms is also
included in this estimate. If you purchase a conversion franchise, you must purchase our required
If you purchase the College Hunks Moving concept, you must also purchase appliance dollies, 4-
wheel dollies, piano boards, rubber bands, moving pads (72” x 80”), and other miscellaneous
inventory such as marketing inventory, wall map, packing supplies, and boxes. We estimate that
the initial cost of these items will be between $2,000 and $5,000.
8. Office Equipment and Supplies
. The office equipment you must purchase and maintain includes
a computer, printer/fax/copier, initial marketing materials, truck supplies, and miscellaneous
office supplies, and may include office furniture.
9. Business Licenses & Permits
. The costs estimated above includes an estimate for the required
dump permits, in addition to other business licenses and permits you may be required by your
local government to have. If you purchase the College Hunks Moving concept, you will have
separate license and permit requirements. If you purchase a conversion franchise, you will not
incur this additional expense unless you add the College Hunks Moving concept. Moving
licenses requirements vary significantly state by state with some states having very rigourous and
expensive licensing requirement. You are encouraged to investigate your state’s moving license
10. Professional Fees
. You will need to have an attorney and an accountant and possibly other
11. Insurance
. The figures in the chart are your monthly premiums. The low end of our estimate
assumes that you are purchasing one concept and your Franchised Business will have one truck;
the high end of our estimate assumes that you are purchasing both concepts and your Franchised
Business will have two trucks and the additional insurance required to provide moving services,
such as cargo insurance and employee dishonesty insurance. In rare cases, you will have to pay
the entire annual premium in a lump sum, or you may pay your premiums quarterly or semi-
annually. You must obtain the amounts and types of coverage which meet our minimum
specifications. See Item 8 for additional information.
12. Training
. The figures in the chart are your expenses during initial training. You will have salary,
travel and lodging expenses. For this training program, we provide instructors and instructional
materials, but you will need to arrange for transportation, lodging and food for yourself and one
other trainee. The cost will depend on the distance you must travel and the type of
accommodations you choose.
13. Grand Opening Advertising
. You must conduct a grand opening advertising campaign to
promote your Franchised Business within the first 60 days, and the advertising you need may
include media buys and promotional items including point-of-sale items and merchandise. The
required amount you must spend includes all Zones you purchase. This grand opening
expenditure is $10,000 per service (i.e. $10,000 for moving and $10,000 for junk removal) and
this will include all Zones you purchase. Your grand opening advertising campaign must meet
have our approval before you use it. We may require you to pay this money to us and we will
spend it on your behalf using the marketing methods that we have identified as being most
14. Additional Funds
. You will need capital to support ongoing expenses, such as payroll, utilities,
vehicle fuel and maintenance, and local advertising if these costs are not covered by sales revenue
during the start up phase, which we estimate to be 6 months. New businesses often generate a
negative cash flow. We estimate that the amount given will be sufficient to cover ongoing
expenses for the start-up phase of the business, which we estimate to be three months. This is
only an estimate and there is no guarantee that additional working capital will not be necessary
during this start-up phase or after.
The estimates provided above assume that you will have one Service Vehicle and own one Zone.
If you choose to purchase both brands and/or multiple Zones, your initial investment will be
significantly higher. We relied upon our principals’ and affiliates’ experience in providing junk removal
since 2005 and moving services since 2011 when preparing these figures. However, these figures are
merely estimates and there is no assurance that additional working capital will not be necessary during
this initial three month phase at any time after the initial three months. The costs outlined in this Item 7
are not intended to be a forecast of the actual cost to you or to any particular franchisee.
Purchases from Us
Currently, you must use the proprietary software we specify for your Franchised Business, which
is hosted by our approved proprietary software provider as specified in our confidential operations
manual. We are the only approved supplier of our proprietary software, but we do not earn a profit by
providing this item to you. The cost of the initial license for the Software is included in the initial
franchise fee. The ongoing costs for upgrades and operations are included in the Support Fee (see Item
We are also an approved supplier of certain printed advertising materials, internet advertising and
direct mail advertising, and in the future we may be an approved supplier for packing materials such as
boxes and tape. Our affiliates are not suppliers of any products or services provided in operating your
Franchised Business and will not derive revenue from required purchases or leases. We reserve the right
to earn a profit from the sale of certain items to our franchisees.
We are an approved supplier as described above and we are owned by our parent, F&S, as
described in Item 1. There are no other approved suppliers in which any of our officers owns an interest.
Approved Suppliers
In addition to your required purchase or lease of your service vehicle, there may be other required
purchases from designated or approved suppliers. Our specifications for your service vehicle will be
included in our Operations Manual and are subject to change. The service vehicle for providing junk
removal services must be a model year 2003 or later Isuzu NPR HD (or other make and model we
approve) and must be equipped with our custom designed dump bed and a Global Positioning System for
navigational purposes. The service vehicle for providing moving services must be a 24 or 26 foot diesel
moving truck with a hydraulic lift gate and must be equipped with a Global Positioning System for
navigational purposes (you may be permitted to use a smaller enclosed box truck with our prior written
consent). Eventually you must own at least one service vehicle for each Zone you have in your
Designated Territory and for each franchise concept you purchase (see Item 12 for a description of
Zones). You may choose to have more than one service vehicle for each Zone, but each additional
service vehicle must be approved by us and our approval may be subject to a review of the performance
of your Franchised Business’ operations. You must have a web-enabled PDA (with calendar and
scheduling capabilities) for scheduling and communicating while on the road, and you must maintain a
cell phone for your Franchised Business.
The cost of those items that you must purchase from us or our designated suppliers in relation to
the entire initial purchases represents between 25% and 30% of your total purchases in connection with
the establishment of your Franchised Business, and in operating your Franchised Business, between 2%
and 10%.
During 2012, we did not receive any revenue or other benefits from suppliers arising out of
franchisee purchases of goods or services from them. However, we did receive a total of $22,000of
voluntary sponsorship funds utilized to help defray our costs of organizing and producing our annual
franchise reunion.
We require all of your appointments to be scheduled, processed, reviewed and delivered by the
designated Call Center. The Call Center will disperse all jobs to you and our other franchisees. You are
also permitted to take on jobs if you generate leads on your own, but you must report all information to
the Call Center before performing any jobs that you or your employees generate. You must sign a Call
Center Use Agreement, which is an exhibit to the Franchise Agreement.
You must purchase or lease equipment, including products and related supplies, that meet our
minimum standards and specifications or are from suppliers that we approve, and if we develop any
proprietary products or equipment in the future, you must purchase these from us or our designated
supplier. For example, you must operate your Franchised Business using only our proprietary Software.
Currently, you must purchase a computer that is able to run our Software program, a power bar with surge
protector, combination laser printer/scanner/fax machine, and a digital camera.
We will notify you in our Confidential Operations Manual (the “Operations Manual”) or by
other communications of our standards and specifications and/or names of approved suppliers. There
may be situations where you can obtain items from any supplier who can satisfy our requirements and,
therefore, would be considered an approved supplier. There are currently no purchasing or distribution
cooperatives, but we expect to have them in the future and we expect to be paid fees from these vendors
or approved suppliers. During the last fiscal year ended December 31, 2012, we had total revenue and
fees of $2,324,618, of which $82,000 (or 3.5%) was from franchisees’ required purchases or leases from
us where we acted as a “pass through” to facilitate the franchisees’ purchases.
Standards and Specifications
We have developed standards and specifications for services provided by you. You must operate
your Franchise Business according to these standards. These standards will guide you in the performance
of the College Hunks Hauling Junk® and College Hunks Moving® products and services provided in
operating your Franchised Business. We formulate our specifications and standards according to industry
standards and standard business practices,
If you want to use any product or material that does not comply with the standards of the System
or is to be purchased from a supplier that has not yet been approved, you must first submit a written
request for approval of the proposed supplier and obtain our approval of the supplier before purchasing
any items from this supplier. We will, within a reasonable time (within 30 days), notify you of our
decision. We will periodically establish procedures for submitting requests for approval of items and
suppliers and may impose limits on the number of approved items and suppliers. Approval of a supplier
may be conditioned on requirements relating to product quality, production and delivery capabilities,
ability to meet our supply commitments, financial stability, integrity of standards of service, familiarity
with our System and ability to negotiate favorable terms for our franchisees. We do not generally make
available to you these criteria for supplier approval. You must reimburse us for our reasonable actual
costs in evaluating the potential supplier or product.
We do not provide any material benefit to franchisees for use of approved suppliers. We may
negotiate purchase arrangements with some of our suppliers (including price terms) for the benefit of our
franchisees, but we are under no obligation to do so. The arrangements we negotiate may include that
approved suppliers pay us a sponsorship fee to help pay for the costs of an annual franchisee convention.
We do not currently receive payment, in the form of preferred pricing, from any suppliers due to these
suppliers’ transactions with us or our franchisees.
You may sell junk removal services and moving services that are approved by us and which
strictly conform to our Operations Manual. All products and services approved by us must be offered for
sale on a continuous basis at your Franchised Business at the time and in the manner required by us. No
sale of any product or service except those products or services approved by us may be solicited, accepted
or made at or from your Franchised Business. If requested by us on at least 30 days’ notice as part of a
general program or standardization effort by us, the marketing of a particular product or service must be
discontinued. Then this product or service is no longer an approved product or service.
You must offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee to your customers for the services you
provide. We reserve the right to establish a “mystery shopper” program and if we do, you must
participate in the program. A significant level of negative feedback from your customers or an
unsatisfactory result of a mystery shop will be a default under your Franchise Agreement and we may
require you to participate in enrichment training, as described in Item 11. We will pay for the costs
related to any mystery shop, except that if we find a significant amount of negative feedback has
occurred, we reserve the right to require you to pay for additional mystery shopping services in addition
to your participation in enrichment training.
We may occasionally conduct market research and testing to determine consumer trends and
salability of new products, materials and services. You must cooperate by participating in our market
research programs, test marketing new products and services and providing timely reports and other
relevant information regarding marketing research. In connection with test marketing, you must purchase
a reasonable quantity of products to be tested and effectively promote and make a reasonable effort to sell
the products, materials and services. We may also require you to sign an agreement with us authorizing
the test marketing.
In addition to the purchases or leases described above, you must obtain and maintain, at your own
expense, the insurance coverages that we periodically require. Our required insurance coverages will be
included in the Confidential Operations Manual and may change during the term of your Franchise
Agreement and based on the franchise concept you purchase. We may regulate the types, amounts, terms
and conditions of insurance coverage required for your Franchised Business and standards for
underwriters of policies providing required insurance coverage; our protection and rights under the
policies as an additional named insured; required or impermissible insurance contract provisions;
assignment of policy rights to us; periodic verification of insurance coverage that must be furnished to us;
our right to obtain insurance coverage at your expense if you fail to obtain required coverage; our right to
defend claims; and similar matters relating to insured and uninsured claims.
You currently must maintain the following minimum insurance coverages: (1) comprehensive
general liability insurance and comprehensive product liability insurance against claims for bodily and
personal injury, death, and property damage caused by or occurring in conjunction with the operation of
your Franchised Business or your conduct of business pursuant to the Franchise Agreement under one or
more policies of insurance containing minimum liability coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence and
$2,000,000 aggregate. We recommend, but do not require, that your comprehensive general liability
policy include employment practices coverage; (2) Workers’ Compensation or other employer’s liability
insurance as well as any other insurance as may be required by statute or rule in the state(s) in which your
Franchised Business is located or operates; and (3) automobile liability coverage, including coverage of
owned, non-owned and hired vehicles of $1,000,000 per occurrence, and these automobile liability
amounts must be maintained for each service vehicle.
If you will offer moving services, then in addition to the insurance described above you must also
obtain cargo insurance for damage or loss to the cargo while it is being moved, and coverage while items
are being loaded, unloaded or otherwise in your possession. You must have cargo insurance of $50,000
per truck, regardless of the truck’s size or the amount of property being moved. In addition, you must
have employee dishonesty insurance of not less than $10,000 and we recommend that you have a third
party dishonesty bond of not less than $10,000.
In addition to the insurance requirements, we recommend but do not require that you obtain the
following additional insurance: (1) general casualty insurance including fire and extended coverage,
vandalism, theft, burglary and malicious mischief insurance for the replacement value of your Franchised
Business and its contents; and (2) an umbrella policy.
You must maintain all required policies in force during the entire term of the Franchise
Agreement and any renewal terms. We may periodically increase or decrease the amounts of coverage
required under these insurance policies and require different or additional kinds of insurance at any time,
including excess liability insurance, to reflect inflation, identification of new risks, changes in law or
standards of liability, higher damage awards, or other relevant changes in circumstances. Each insurance
policy must name us (and, if we request, our directors, employees or shareholders) as additional insureds
and must provide us with 30 days’ advance written notice of any material modification, cancellation or
expiration of the policy. We reserve the right to obtain from your insurance carrier(s) periodic reports of
losses (such as monthly, quarterly and/or annually), and you must authorize your insurance carrier(s) to
provide us with these reports.
This table lists your principal obligations under the franchise and other agreements. It will
help you find more detailed information about your obligations in these agreements and in other
items of this Disclosure Document.
Article in Franchise
Disclosure Document
(a) Site selection and acquisition/lease Article IX Items 7 and 11
(b) Pre-opening purchases/lease Articles V and IX Items 7 and 11
(c) Site development and other pre-
opening requirements
Not Applicable Items 7 and 11
(d) Initial and ongoing training Article V Items 6, 7 and 11
(e) Opening Article IX Item 11
(f) Fees Articles VIII, XI and
Items 5, 6, 7 and 8
(g) Compliance with standards and
policies/Operations Manual
Articles VI and IX Items 8, 11, 14 and 16
(h) Trademarks and proprietary
Articles VII and XIV Items 13 and 14
(i) Restrictions on products/services
Articles III and IX Items 8 and 16
(j) Warranty and customer service
Article IX Items 8 and 16
(k) Territorial development and sales
Article III Item 12
(l) On-going product/service purchases Article V Items 6 and 8
(m) Maintenance, appearance and
remodeling requirements
Article IX Not Applicable
(n) Insurance Article X Items 7 and 8
Article in Franchise
Disclosure Document
(o) Advertising Article XI Items 6, 7 and 11
(p) Indemnification Article XIII Item 6
(q) Owner’s participation/ management/
Article IX Items 11 and 15
(r) Records/reports Articles IX and XII Item 6
(s) Inspection/audits Articles IX and XII Item 6
(t) Transfer Article XVI Items 6 and 17
(u) Renewal Article IV Items 6 and 17
(v) Post-termination obligations Article XVIII Item 17
(w) Non-competition covenants Article XV Item 17
(x) Dispute resolution Article XX Items 11 and 17
(y) Liquidated Damages Article XVIII Item 6
Except as provided below, we do not offer direct or indirect financing. We do not guarantee your
note, lease or any other obligation.
We have been accepted by SBA Franchise Registry. It is our understanding that this acceptance
may expedite the loan process if you wish to obtain outside financing.
The following summarizes the financing terms (see Exhibit “H” to the Franchise Agreement for
Financing Documents):
Term Document / Section Provision
Item Financed Franchise Agreement, §8.1.7 Up to 70% of the Initial Franchise Fee
Franchise Agreement,§8.1.7;
Promissory Note, Exhibit “H” to the
Franchise Agreement (“Note”)
Up to 70% of the Initial Franchise Fee
Term (Months) Note 24 months
APR % Note A fixed rate ranging from 12% to 24%
depending on your creditworthiness
Note Equal monthly payments for the term.
Prepayment Note Note may be prepaid in full or in part at any
time without penalty or premium.
Term Document / Section Provision
Waiver of
Note The Maker waives presentment, demand,
protest, dishonor and all other notices and
demands in connection with the delivery,
acceptance, performance default or
endorsement of the Note.
Liability Upon
Note The Payee may declare the entire unpaid
principal amount of the Note and all interest
accrued and unpaid immediately due and
payable and recapture the Franchise
Agreement and associated territory.
Guarantee Individual Guaranty of Promissory
Note, Exhibit “H” to Franchise
The Maker may require your owners to
guarantee its obligations under the Note.
Assignment N/A We do not intend to sell, assign or discount
to a third party all or any part of a financing
arrangement we provide to you.
Except as listed below, we are not required to provide you with any assistance.
Pre-Opening Obligations
Before the opening of a Franchised Business we will provide the following assistance and
1. Provide you with the manufacturer of and specifications for your vehicle, custom dump
body and signage so that you can lease or purchase the accepted vehicle for your Franchised Business
(Franchise Agreement – Section 9.5).
2. Lend you one copy of the Operations Manual (Franchise Agreement – Section 5.1).
3. Provide an initial training program at our offices, the cost of which is included in your
initial franchise fee, excluding transportation, lodging, meals and salary (Franchise Agreement – Section
5.3). This training is described in detail later in this Item.
4. Provide, in addition to or in conjunction with the initial training program, additional
assistance as we deem necessary or advisable (Franchise Agreement – Section 5.4).
5. Provide you with access to our directory of franchisees either in print or via intranet
(Franchise Agreement – Section 5.16).
6. Identify your Designated Territory (Franchise Agreement – Section 2.1).
7. Provide electronic artwork and templates for various documents and for advertising
purposes (Franchise Agreement – Section 5.19).
Post-Opening Obligations
During the operation of a Franchised Business we will provide the following assistance and
1. Provide guidance and assistance in the operation of your Franchised Business. This
guidance may be provided in the form of intranet or e-mail communications and periodic telephone
communications, and the Call Center system is to be used for the benefit of each of our franchisees. The
Call Center is a centralized operations center located at our headquarters. The Call Center will receive
leads which it will distribute to you and all of our other franchisees, regardless of where they are located.
(Franchise Agreement – Section 5.14)
2. Issue, modify and supplement standards for the System that may regulate any one or
more of the following regarding your Franchised Business: (a) hours of operation, (b) marketing and sale
of services, (c) maintenance of your vehicle, (d) checklists, (e) general rules and regulations for
employees, and all other matters that in our sole judgment require standardization and uniformity in all
Franchised Businesses. (Franchise Agreement – Section 6.1)
3. Provide you with the suggested pricing structure for your jobs and provide you with the
maximum prices that you may charge for a job (Franchise Agreement – Section 5.10).
4. Assist you in resolving disputes between you and third parties relating to your Franchised
Business (Franchise Agreement – Section 5.21).
Brand Development Fund
We maintain a brand development fund (the “Fund”). The Fund will deduct a biweekly, non-
refundable Brand Development Fee which will be 1% of your Gross Sales. The Fund will be used for
national, regional and/or local advertising, publicity and promotion relating to our business. We will
determine, in our fully unrestricted discretion, the manner in which the Fund will be spent. Some portion
of the Fund may be used for creative concept production, marketing surveys, test marketing and related
purposes. We have the right to direct all advertising activities of the Fund with sole discretion over
creative concepts, materials and media used, as well as their placement and allocation and we will employ
agencies, including advertising and public relations agencies, as we determine will best achieve the goals
of the Fund and these agencies will be paid from the Fund. We also have the right to determine, in our
sole discretion, the composition of all geographic and market areas for the implementation of these
advertising and promotional activities.
The Fund is intended to maximize general public recognition in all media of the Proprietary Mark
and patronage of College Hunks Hauling Junk® and College Hunks Moving® Franchised Businesses,
and we have no obligation to ensure that expenditures of the Fund in or affecting any geographic area are
proportionate or equivalent to payments of the Brand Development Fee by franchisees operating in that
geographic area, or that any Franchised Business will benefit directly or in proportion to the Brand
Development Fees paid for the development of advertising and marketing materials or the placement of
advertising. No amount of the Fund will be spent for advertising that is principally a solicitation for the
sale of franchises. We have the right to reimburse ourselves out of the Fund for the total costs (including
indirect costs) of developing, producing and distributing any advertising materials and collecting the
Brand Development Fee (including attorneys’, auditors’ and accountants’ fees and other expenses
incurred in connection with collecting any Brand Development Fee) and in addition, for the services
provided, we will receive out of the Fund an administrative fee equal to 10% of the amounts actually
expended to cover our services, salaries, supplies and overhead expenses.
The Fund is not our asset, and it is not a trust. We do not owe you any fiduciary obligations
because we maintain the Fund. We may spend in any calendar year an amount greater or less than the
aggregate contributions made by all Franchised Businesses contributing to the Fund in that year. We may
make loans to the Fund (and the Fund may borrow from us or other lenders) bearing reasonable interest to
cover any deficits of the Fund or cause the Fund to invest surplus for future use. Any money remaining
in the Fund at the end of any year will carry forward to be used in the next year.
Any Franchised Businesses owned by us or by our affiliates will contribute to the Fund on the
same basis as you. Funds from the Brand Development Fees paid will be kept separate and distinct and
will be accounted for separately from our other funds. These funds will not be used to defray any of our
general operating expenses, except as described in the paragraph above, and will not be used principally
to solicit new franchisees. We will prepare, and furnish to you upon written request, an unaudited annual
statement of funds collected and costs incurred.
We may incorporate the Fund or operate it through a separate entity whenever we want to. The
Fund is intended to maximize general public recognition and patronage of all College Hunks Hauling
Junk® and College Hunks Moving® businesses and the Proprietary Marks for the benefit of all College
Hunks Hauling Junk® and College Hunks Moving® businesses. We have no obligation to ensure that
expenditures by the Fund are proportionate or equivalent to contributions by College Hunks Hauling
Junk® or College Hunks Moving® businesses or that any College Hunks Hauling Junk® or College
Hunks Moving® business will benefit directly or in proportion to its contribution to the Fund from the
conduct of marketing programs or the placement or advertising.
We have the right, but no obligation, to use collection agents and institute legal proceedings to
collect Fund contributions at the Fund’s expense. We also may forgive, waive, settle and compromise all
claims by or against the Fund.
We may at any time defer or reduce the Brand Development Fee of a business and, upon 30 days’
prior written notice to you, reduce or suspend the Brand Development Fee and Fund operations for one or
more periods of any length and terminate (and, if terminated, reinstate) the Fund. If we terminate the
Fund, we will distribute all unspent monies to all businesses in the System (whether franchised or
operated by us or our affiliates) in proportion to their respective Brand Development Fees paid during the
preceding 12 month period. If we reinstate the Fund, it will be maintained as described above.
During 2012, the Fund expended monies for advertising as follows:
Production 50%
Media Placement 20%
Administration 30%
Local Advertising
You must place your initial listing in the White Pages of your local telephone directories. This
listing will list the Call Center’s client service number. A Yellow Pages advertisement is not required,
but if you choose to place an advertisement in your Yellow Pages, it must first be approved by us and you
must pay all costs related to the advertisement.
You must spend no less than 1,000 per service (moving and junk hauling), each month for each
brand you own on local advertising and marketing. This amount does not include the cost of any
marketing collateral or supplies. At our discretion, we may request, and you must provide, reports and
receipts evidencing the placement of advertising.
Your advertising promotion and marketing must be completely clear, factual and not misleading
and conform to the highest standards of ethical advertising and marketing and the advertising and
marketing policies that we periodically prescribe. Before you use them, you must send us for approval
samples of all advertising, promotional and marketing materials which we have not prepared or
previously approved. If you do not receive written or verbal approval within 20 days after we receive the
materials, they are deemed to be disapproved. You may not use any advertising, promotional or
marketing materials that we have disapproved. Advertising promotional or marketing materials which we
must approve include any information on a web home page or otherwise on the Internet. You may not
operate any web site involving, referring to or in any way related to a competitive business. As described
in Item 13, you may not use the Marks as part of any domain name, electronic address or search engine
and cannot maintain your own website under any circumstances.
Any and all advertising we approve for your use in your local market will become our property
upon our approval and we may use this advertising for our own purposes. You must advertise your
Franchised Business using the telephone number and website address we specify.
At our request, you must give your local advertising money to us and we will conduct your local
advertising for you using the marketing methods that we have identified as being the most effective.
Advertising Cooperatives
We will have the right, as we see fit, to establish a Cooperative Fund for an area where there are
two or more Franchised Businesses in operation, or we may approve a Cooperative Fund formed by
franchisees within an area. The purpose of a Cooperative Fund is to conduct advertising campaigns for
the Franchised Businesses located in that area. Contributions to a Cooperative Fund will be determined
by majority vote of the members of the cooperative. Any amounts paid to a Cooperative Fund will count
as part of your local advertising requirement, but if the amount you contribute to a Cooperative Fund is
less than the amount you must spend on local advertising, you must still spend the difference locally. As
of the date of this Disclosure Document, there are no Cooperative Funds in existence.
If a Cooperative Fund for your area was established before you began to operate your Franchised
Business, then when you open your Franchised Business, you must immediately join that Cooperative
Fund. If a Cooperative Fund for your area is established after you begin to operate your Franchised
Business, then you will have 30 days to join the new Cooperative Fund. An individual Franchised
Business will not need to be a member of more than one Cooperative Fund. If we (or an affiliate)
contribute to a Cooperative Fund, we will have the same voting rights for our Franchised Businesses as
do our franchisees with respect to their Franchised Businesses. Each Franchised Business in the
Cooperative Fund, regardless of the number of Zones owned by the Franchised Business, will have one
vote on Cooperative Fund matters.
The Cooperative Fund will determine who will administer the Cooperative Fund. The written
governing documents will be available for review by you. Cooperative Funds do not need to prepare
annual or periodic financial statements, but if they are prepared, they may be reviewed by you. We will
have the power to require cooperatives to be formed, changed, dissolved or merged, and we will have
final approval on the contribution methods (percentage of Gross Sales versus flat fee) and contribution
amounts. See Item 6 for further information on contributions to the Cooperative Fund.
Grand Opening Advertising
You must submit a written plan for a grand opening advertising campaign. This grand opening
advertising is to be conducted by you in connection with the grand opening of your Franchised Business,
and must be conducted during the first 60 days of operations. At our request, you must give us the
money for your grand opening advertising campaign and we will conduct the campaign on your behalf in
your local market using the marketing methods that we have identified as being most effective.
Advisory Councils
We reserve the right to develop one or more advisory councils for the System. If we develop a
franchisee advisory council program, you must actively participate in all council activities, follow the
guidelines as stated in any council by-laws drafted by us, and pay all reasonable dues and assessments
levied by the council program, which shall count toward your Local Advertising requirement described
above. The purpose of the council program shall include exchanging ideas between franchisees,
exchanging ideas between franchisees and us, and providing suggestions for improving the overall quality
of the System. Franchisee representatives are nominated for the council and voted on the council by other
franchisees in the System. Any council formed will not have decision making authority, but is a means of
providing insight, recommendations and communication between us and franchisees. We will have the
right to form, change, merge or dissolve any council at any time.
We currently have one advisory council which includes 8 franchisee representatives and one
franchisor representative.
If we make a decision that will affect the entire system, we may give each Franchisee a vote on
the matter. Number of votes will be based on revenue production volume of each Franchiee. Franchisees
will be given 1 vote per $100,000 revenue that they produced in the previous calendar year. If a
Franchisee has been open less than 12 months, their revenue will be annualized based on their prior
monthly averages to come up with their number of votes. A majority will be considered at 75% of the
votes present and voting.
Internet Websites
You must strictly comply with our social media policies relating to internet websites, including
your participation in social or networking websites (such as Facebook, Youtube, Yelp, LinkedIn and
Twitter), the promotion of your Franchised Business on the internet, and the use of the Proprietary Marks
on the internet. Our policies will be included in our Operations Manual and may be periodically updated.
Site Selection and Opening
We estimate that between 30 and 60 days will elapse from the date you sign the Franchise
Agreement to the opening of your Franchised Business for business. We will establish your Designated
Territory and each additional Zone you may purchase based on population, as determined by the most
recently published data from the U.S. Census Bureau (or any other source we decide to use). See Item 12.
Your Franchised Business must be opened for business not later than 30 days after we approve the
Designated Territory for your Franchised Business or 90 days after you sign the Franchise Agreement,
whichever occurs first. You will need to lease approximately 200 to 300 square feet of office space for
your Franchised Business. We do not evaluate or approve your office location; as a result, no site
selection assistance is provided nor is any criteria issued, as you are free to locate your franchise from any
office location. You may not open your Franchised Business for business until: (1) we determine that
your Franchised Business has been equipped and stocked with materials and supplies in accordance with
plans and specifications we have approved; (2) the initial training program we provided has been
completed to our satisfaction by the initial trainees; (3) the initial franchise fee and all other amounts due
to us have been paid; (4) you have furnished us with all certificates of insurance required by the Franchise
Agreement; (5) you have obtained all required governmental permits, licenses and authorizations
necessary for the operation of your Franchised Business; (6) you are in full compliance with all the terms
of the Franchise Agreement; and (7) all items in our opening checklist have been complied with to our
Training Programs (HUNK UNIVERSITY)
Before the Franchised Business’s opening and within 30 days of signing the Franchise
Agreement, we will provide a mandatory training program in the operation of your Franchised Business
to you and one additional person (for a maximum of two people) at our Hunk University. Approximately
5 to 15 days of training will be conducted at our headquarters in Tampa, Florida. The cost of the training
program is included in your initial franchise fee and will be provided to you and one additional person.
All attendees must complete the training program to our satisfaction. However, you must pay for all costs
of travel, food, lodging, wages and other incidental expenses incurred by you and your employee in
attending the training program. (Franchise Agreement – Section 5.3.) In addition, we may elect to
provide up to three days of additional on-site training during the first three months of operations of your
Franchised Business, and periodically as we deem necessary. If you fail to complete the training program
to our satisfaction, we may elect to terminate the Franchise Agreement and keep the entire initial
franchise fee.
We will also provide additional training programs, refresher courses or “on-the-job” training at a
mutually convenient time. You must pay us our then-current per diem fee for each of our representatives
conducting this training for each day the training continues. The per person cost of the class or training
will be determined by us based on the cost of the instructor’s fee, travel, lodging, food and materials
associated with the training topic. You must also pay all expenses of travel, lodging, meals, meeting
rooms and materials incurred by our representatives. (Franchise Agreement – Section 5.3.)
When we decide to hold it, you or your representative must attend our annual convention and pay
an attendance fee, currently estimated to be $300 per person, plus travel and lodging.
The materials we use in conducting our training program includes our Operations Manual,
Software Manual, and any other materials that we believe will be beneficial in the training process. There
currently are no fixed (i.e., monthly or bi-monthly) training schedules, but we anticipate providing
training four times a year. We project the following training schedule:
Hours of
Hours of
Introduction to College Hunks
Hauling Junk and College
Hunks Moving & Competitive
2 0 Online Training Module
Daily Operations 1 0 Online Training Module
Safety & Accident Prevention 1 0 Online Training Module
Client Estimating, Sales &
2.5 0 Online Training Module
History, Philosophy and
Vision of College Hunks
Hauling Junk
1 0 Tampa, Florida
Use of the Manual 0.5 0 Tampa, Florida
Services provided to College
Hunks Hauling Junk
0.5 0 Tampa, Florida
Pre-Opening Procedures 5 0 Tampa, Florida
Goal Setting 1 1 Tampa, Florida
CHHJ Proprietary Software
2 3 Tampa, Florida
Human Resources 2 1 Tampa, Florida
Advertising/Marketing 4 1 Tampa, Florida
Budgeting 2 0 Tampa, Florida
Accounting Systems 1 1 Tampa, Florida
Sales Procedures 3 4 Tampa, Florida
Pricing 1 0 Tampa, Florida
Management Procedures 2 2 Tampa, Florida
Client Service Procedures 3 2 Tampa, Florida
Call Center Orientation 1 1.5 Tampa, Florida
Scheduling Jobs 1 0.5 Tampa, Florida
Franchise Reporting
0.5 0 Tampa, Florida
Junk Hauling and Safety
Procedures – Truck Ops,
Driver and Manager Training
1 6 Tampa, Florida
Hours of
Hours of
Moving Technical Training –
Truck Ops, Driver and
Manager Training
8 6 Online Modules and
Tampa Florida
TOTAL 46 29
1 It is the nature of the business that all aspects of the training are integrated so there are no
definitive starting and stopping times. We reserve the right to modify the training program at any
time to accommodate the individual needs and/or experience of a particular trainee.
2 All of our instructors are part of our management team. Their bios are listed in Item 2. Steven
Nickels has primary responsibility for providing the initial training program. The minimum
experience of the instructors in the field that is relevant to the subject taught and our operations is
from 2 to 5 years.
3 If you are an existing franchisee and you wish to offer moving services, you must receive our
moving training. We will not charge you a separate fee for this training, but you must pay for all
expenses you and your other trainees incur while attending this additional training.
Enrichment Training
We may require you to participate in a form of enrichment training if your Franchised Business is
not performing satisfactorily. Your participation in enrichment training would be at your expense.
Enrichment training may include that you must attend additional training at our headquarters, we may
send one of our trainers to your Franchised Business to provide additional training, we may require you to
visit another Franchised Business for additional training, and/or we may require you to participate in
periodic conference calls. Your Franchised Business will be deemed to not be performing satisfactorily if
you are not meeting the required minimum performance standards (as described in Item 12), your
Franchised Business has suffered negative growth for six or more consecutive months, you have reporting
problems (including failure to comply with our reporting procedures and/or late reporting for two or more
consecutive periods), you have a high level of damages or customer complaints, or you are not
responding to calls according to our requirements (including calls from us, the Call Center and
customers). Unsatisfactory performance is a default under your Franchise Agreement.
We will provide you with notice that your Franchised Business is not performing satisfactorily,
the nature of the default and the actions you must take to cure the default. You will have three months to
complete the actions we designate and bring your Franchised Business up to our performance
requirements. If you are unable to do so within this three month period, we will have the right to
terminate your Franchise Agreement.
Computer Systems and Software
Currently, you must purchase a computer whose configuration should be at least as follows: 2.0
GHz Pentium 4 processor, 2 GB RAM, 200 GB hard drive, Recordable CD drive, 10/100 Ethernet NIC,
DSL or cable modem, power bar with surge protector, combination laser printer/scanner/fax machine, and
a 2 Megapixel digital camera. Minimum software requirements include: Windows 7; antivirus software;
Office 2007 Pro, the latest version of Internet Explorer, Adobe Acrobat Reader, QuickBooks (on-line
account) and our proprietary software. In addition, you must have a software or hardware firewall for
your computer system, as well as a maintenance contract for your computer. You must provide us with
your user ID and password for your QuickBooks account.
You must have a dedicated business e-mail account which must be a gmail address that we create
on your behalf and have access to. You will also have a business email account that will belinked with
your gmail. There are no specific contractual obligations limiting the frequency or cost of your obligation
to acquire upgrades and updates or to replace obsolete or worn out hardware or equipment. The
frequency could be annually or bi-annually; they would be at your cost. We estimate that the initial cost
of your computer system will be between $500 and $1,000.
The proprietary software, which will be used by our franchisees and which you must use in the
operation of your Franchised Business, is hosted by our approved software developer as specified in our
confidential operations manual. The proprietary software performs some functions for operating your
business. The software is primarily used for booking jobs, client management, fee reporting, and other
resources for your Franchised Business. We will, periodically, provide maintenance and upgrades for the
proprietary software, and the costs for these are included in the Call Center Fee, but neither we nor our
affiliates will provide you with any other updates, upgrades or maintenance for your computer system.
You must have a high speed internet service provider approved by us with internet access and e-
mail. We will use these methods to communicate with our franchisees. You must periodically access our
Intranet for updates, information and communications.
The data concerning jobs performed by us, our affiliates and our franchisees will primarily be
maintained on the central computer used by the Call Center; however, we reserve the right to request
additional data and records from you. All data collected will become our property, and we reserve the
right to share reports and performance information of any franchisee with other franchisees in the System
for comparison and development. We do not have direct access to the data on your computer. Any
personal information inadvertently obtained from you or your computer system will not be provided to
any other franchisee or any third party.
Confidential Operations Manual
Attached to this Disclosure Document as Exhibit “G” is the Table of Contents of the Confidential
Operations Manual, which includes multiple volumes. The Confidential Operations Manual (all volumes)
includes approximately 300 pages.
Dispute Resolution
If we become aware of a dispute between you and one or more third parties relating to your
Franchised Business, we may take one or more of the following actions.
1. We may take no action other than to instruct you to resolve the dispute in a manner that
will not cause injury to the College Hunks Hauling Junk and/or College Hunks Moving brand or System.
2. We may assist you and the third parties to resolve the dispute if we believe our assistance
will constructively resolve it.
3. If we believe that the dispute cannot or will not be resolved and that the dispute will or
may damage the Proprietary Marks, the System and/or the goodwill associated with them, we may, with
advance written notice to you, resolve the dispute directly with the third party by paying any damages
alleged and supported by documentary evidence by the third party, including attorneys’ fees, and you
must indemnify us for any payments we make. You must reimburse all costs we incur related to this
settlement. We may, but are not required to, consult with a designated franchisee group to provide an
opinion regarding resolution of the dispute, but we are not required to comply with any opinion provided.
In providing the advisory group with facts related to the dispute, we will use our best efforts to keep
information relating to the identities of the disputants confidential.
Franchise Agreement
We will grant you a Designated Territory within which to operate your Franchised Business,
which will be the first (or only) Zone you purchase. We will establish your Designated Territory and
each additional Zone you may purchase based on population, as determined by the most recently
published data from the U.S. Census Bureau (or any other source we decide to use). We anticipate that
each Zone will have a population of between 300,000 to 400,000 people. During the term of your
Franchised Business, when we refer to your “Designated Territory,” it will include all contiguous Zones
you purchase. Your Designated Territory, including each Zone, will be listed on Exhibit “A” to your
Franchise Agreement. This exhibit will be updated to reflect any additional Zone you purchase as well as
your truck rollout schedule (see below). We (and any affiliates that we periodically might have) will not
establish, nor allow another franchise owner to establish, another Franchised Business located within your
Designated Territory, except that if you only purchase one of the concepts being offered in this
Disclosure Document and not both, we have the right to sell the other concept to a franchisee who will
operate it within your Designated Territory. If you are in good standing under your Franchise Agreement,
we will notify you of the proposed sale of the other concept and you will have 10 days after our notice to
purchase the other concept. If you do not, then we may sell the concept to the other franchisee. If you are
not in good standing under your Franchise Agreement, you will not be offered the opportunity to
purchase the other concept.
You must meet performance requirements and office requirements before you will be permitted to
purchase an additional Zone. You will be required to operate at least one office per 4 Zones that you
own, and you will be required to sign a separate Franchise Agreement for each office. You must reach a
minimum of $20,000 revenue per month per Zone, and you must have at least $40,000 in working capital
or financing before you will be permitted to purchase an additional Zone.
Before we will grant you the right to purchase additional Zones, you must meet certain
qualifications, including: you must demonstrate the financial ability to operate multiple Zones; you must
demonstrate that you have a minimum of six months of operating capital for your entire Designated
Territory (including the Zone you wish to purchase); and you must be in full compliance with your
Franchise Agreement and all other agreements relating to the Franchised Business (such as a vehicle
lease). If we grant your request to purchase an additional Zone, we reserve the right to terminate your
current Franchise Agreement and have you sign our then-current form of Franchise Agreement, which
may be modified so that the Franchise Agreement will expire when your original agreement would have
We reserve the right to grant or refuse to grant Zones, in our sole discretion, and we will not
reserve a Zone for future purchase. We do not guarantee that any Zone will be successful.
If a prospective franchisee wishes to purchase a Zone that is contiguous to any Zone in your
Designated Territory, we will first give you the opportunity to purchase the Zone, You must notify us
within five days of our offer if you wish to purchase the additional Zone, and you must be able to
complete the purchase within 15 days. We reserve the right to either not offer you the option to purchase
the additional Zone or to deny you the opportunity to purchase the additional Zone if you do not meet our
criteria for purchasing an additional Zone, as described above.
You must use your best efforts to promote and increase the sales and services of the Franchised
Business to effect the widest and best possible distribution and sale of products and services and to solicit
potential clients and accounts for junk removal and/or moving services in conjunction with us.
Continuation of your territorial exclusivity does depend on your achieving a certain sales volume, market
penetration, or other contingency. You must generate a minimum amount of Gross Sales to meet our
minimum royalty payment requirements, which are explained in Item 6.
If you fail to achieve the level of Gross Sales to generate the minimum royalty payment, we may
either take back a Zone (if you have purchased multiple Zones), reduce your territory size or terminate
your Franchise Agreement. These minimums shall not be deemed to be a projection or estimation of how
much money or revenues that you might be able to generate from your Designated Territory. These
minimums have been established to permit you to maximize the revenues to be generated from your
Designated Territory and to provide as much market penetration as possible so as to build brand-equity
within the Designated Territory. Since a Franchised Business may be considered seasonal in some areas
of the country, you should consider that your Franchised Business may earn less revenue during certain
times of the year.
During the term of the Franchise Agreement, we (and any affiliates that we periodically might
have) have the right:
(1) to establish and operate, and grant rights to other franchise owners to establish and
operate, Franchised Businesses or similar businesses at any locations outside of the Designated Territory
and on any terms and conditions we deem appropriate;
(2) to sell any junk removal, moving and related services identical or similar to, or dissimilar
from, those your Franchised Business sells, whether identified by the Proprietary Marks or other
trademarks or service marks through any distribution channels we think best (including the Internet),
located or operating outside of the Designated Territory;
(3) to sell any junk removal, moving and related services through any distribution channels
we think best (including the Internet), located or operating outside of the Designated Territory;
(4) to purchase or otherwise acquire the assets or controlling ownership of one or more
businesses identical or similar to your Franchised Business (and/or franchise, license, and/or similar
agreements for these businesses), some or all of which might be located within the Designated Territory;
(5) to be acquired (regardless of the form of transaction) by a business identical or similar to
Franchised Businesses, except that if we are acquired by a competing business that has one or more
outlets located within your Designated Territory, you will have the option (to be exercised within 30 days
after our notice to you regarding the acquisition) to request that we buy back your Franchised Business
according to the buy back provisions described below and in Article XXI of the Franchise Agreement;
(6) to engage in any other business activities not expressly prohibited by the Franchise
Agreement, anywhere.
You will not receive an exclusive territory. You may face competition from other franchisees,
from outlets that we own, or from other channels of distribution or competitive brands that we control.
You may relocate your Franchised Business only with our prior written approval. Our approval
will be based upon many factors, including the viability of the then-current location and demographics
(including population, size of the space and rental costs relating to the proposed location). You may not
relocate your Franchised Business without our prior approval. Our approval will not be unreasonably
withheld. This approval should not be construed as an assurance or guaranty that the new site will be
successful. Our approval is based on certain limited set of factors, such as the number of residential
homes, traffic patterns, size of the premises, lease terms, competition, and similar factors. If we approve
the relocation of your Franchised Business, the new location must be within your Designated Territory.
You may provide services to clients and prospective clients within your Designated Territory
only. You may not engage in any promotional activities or sell any junk removal or related services,
whether directly or indirectly, through or on the Internet, the World Wide Web, or any other similar
proprietary or common carrier electronic delivery system or any interactive electronic document
contained in a central computer linked to communications software service providers (collectively, the
Electronic Media”) or any other devices sent or directed to clients or prospective clients; or by telecopy
or other telephonic or electronic communications, including toll-free numbers, directed to or received
from clients or prospective clients. While you may place advertisements in printed media and on
television and radio that are targeted to clients and prospective clients located near your Franchised
Business, as determined and approved by us, and will not be deemed to be in violation of the Franchise
Agreement if those advertisements, because of the natural circulation of the printed media or reach of
television and radio, are viewed by prospective clients located outside your Designated Territory, you
may not make any sales or perform services to clients unless the Call Center directs those leads to you
because the Call Center will determine which franchisee will perform these services.
We and our affiliates may sell products under the Proprietary Marks within and outside your
Designated Territory through any method of distribution other than a dedicated Franchised Business,
including sales through channels of distribution such as the Internet, catalog sales, telemarketing or other
direct marketing sales (together, “alternative distribution channels”). You may not use alternative
distribution channels to make sales outside or inside your Designated Territory except as described in the
following paragraph and you will not receive any compensation for our sales through alternative
distribution channels except as described in the following paragraph.
You may not directly solicit or service clients located outside of your Designated Territory. In
limited circumstances, we may approve your providing services to clients in an unassigned Zone. If your
Gross Sales from providing services to clients outside of your Designated Territory is at least 30% of your
total Gross Sales, we reserve the right to require you to purchase that Zone if you wish to continue
providing services in it. In this event, you must still meet our qualifications to purchase an additional
Zone. If you choose to not purchase the additional Zone, then you must immediately stop providing
services in that area or we may begin charging an out-of-territory lease fee which will be an additional
10% of revenue outside of the territory. The amount you pay for this lease fee will be non-refundable but
can be applied to the purchase of additional Zones, but does not guarantee the purchase of additional
Zones. We reserve the right to require you to service clients who are outside of your Designated Territory
but within a 15-mile radius of the Designated Territory. If the job is at a location greater than the 15-mile
radius, you have the choice whether you wish to provide the services.
We have not established other franchises or company-owned outlets or another distribution
channel selling or leasing similar products or services under a different trademark.
Except for any other franchise program that we may develop in the future, neither we nor any
parent or affiliate has established, or presently intends to establish, other franchised or company-owned
facility which provide similar products or services under a different trade name or trademark, but we
reserve the right to do so in the future, without first obtaining your consent. In addition, our parent
reserves the right to use the 1-800-Junk-USA toll-free number, website and proprietary mark for
businesses that offer similar services anywhere, including within your Designated Territory.
Service Vehicle Roll-out Schedule
We anticipate that each franchisee will add Service Vehicles to better service the Franchised
Business and its clients. We believe that the following will be a typical Service Vehicle Roll-Out
1. If you purchase the College Hunks Hauling Junk brand only, then you must start
operating with one junk truck. When you have achieved Gross Sales of $15,000, then you must add a
second junk truck. If you own more than one Zone, you will be required to have at least 1 truck per Zone
by the 3rd year, or you may forfeit the additional Zone(s).
2. If you purchase the College Hunks Moving brand only, then you must start operating
with one moving truck. When you have achieved Gross Sales of $15,000, then you must add a second
moving truck. If you own more than 1 Zone, you will be required to have at least 1 truck per Zone by the
3rd year or you may forfeit the additional Zones(s).
3. If you purchase the both College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving
brands, then you must start operating with one junk truck and one moving truck. When you have
achieved Gross Sales of $15,000 in either junk removal or moving services, then you must add a second
truck, depending on which type of service earned the $15,000 in Gross Sales.
If you own more than 1 Zone, you will be required to have at least 1 truck per Zone by the 3rd
year, or you may forfeit the additional Zone(s). You must add 1 truck per Zone owned each year; i.e. if
you own 2 Zones, you will add a second truck by year 2. If you own 3 Zones, you will add a 3rd truck in
year 3. If you have more than 3 Zones, you must have 1 truck per Zone by the end of the 3rd year or you
may forfeit the additional Zones.
Generally speaking, you should initially have one truck for each brand you purchase and each
Zone you purchase. So, if you purchase two Zones of the College Hunks Hauling Junk brand, you should
start with one junk truck. If you purchase two Zones of the College Hunks Hauling Junk and College
Hunks Moving brands, you should start with one junk truck and one moving truck. We anticipate that
you will add trucks at the rate of at least one truck per brand each year. If you purchase two Zones of the
College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving brands, then each year you would add one junk
truck and one moving truck.
We reserve the right to alter these basic requirements for particular franchisees based on their
particular circumstances. Once the Service Vehicle Roll-Out schedule is determined for your Franchised,
Business, failure to meet these roll-out requirements indicate lack of capitalization and performance
potential and will be subject to default. New roll-out requirements will be set when you renew your
Franchise Agreement. Similarly, new roll-out requirements will be set when adding a Zone(s) mid-term.
You must sign a separate franchise agreement for each office and physical location and you must
have at least one office per 4 Zones; i.e. if you purchase 5 Zones, you must have 2 office and 2 franchise
agreements. You must demonstrate a business plan and financial viability to be above to operation more
than 1 Zone.
National and Regional Accounts
We may develop a National or Regional Accounts program for the benefit of all Franchised
Businesses. A "National or Regional Account" means any client that has employees or offices in two (2)
or more locations and in more than one (1) Zone, or which qualifies for corporate pricing for commercial
services. The locations of some of the National or Regional Accounts may be in your Zone and they may
have locations in other Zones. Under the National or Regional Accounts program we may solicit
customers located in your Zone, whether or not you currently provide services to them, in order to
develop them as National or Regional Account. You must use your best efforts to perform services to
National or Regional Accounts located in your Zone on the terms and conditions specified in the program
for those National or Regional Accounts. These terms may vary from National or Regional Account to
National or Regional Account depending on the situations and circumstances.
At your option, you may decide not to perform services for any one or more of the National or
Regional Accounts operating in your Zone. Some National or Regional Accounts, for whatever reason,
may decide that they do not want to do business with you. If that happens, we will cooperate with you to
the fullest extent we deem practicable to resolve the National or Regional Account's concerns. However,
if after we exercise what we believe to be reasonable efforts to rectify the problem, the National or
Regional Account continues to refuse to do business with you, then we, or any other franchisee
designated by us may provide services for that National or Regional Account in your Zone. We, or any
franchisee designated us, may perform services for any National or Regional Account located in your
Zone for whom you have declined to provide services. Neither we, nor any of our franchisees, will be
liable or obligated to pay you any compensation for doing so and neither we, nor any of our franchisees,
will be considered in breach of any provision of this agreement or any other agreement between the
parties. You must release us and such other franchisees from any liability or obligation to you for
providing services to such National or Regional Accounts. We will indemnify, defend and hold you
harmless from and against any claims brought by a National or Regional Account arising out of its
performance of services in your Zone.
For purposes of coordinating efforts and results of National or Regional Accounts, you must
timely provide us with copies of all reports, forms and notices relating to performing services for National
or Regional Accounts that we may specify from time to time. You must also coordinate with us any
solicitations you conduct that may have potential for development as National or Regional Accounts. A
National or Regional Account may require you to conform to certain billing terms, practices and formats.
Various National or Regional Accounts may require billing and collection procedures that differ from
those specified in your franchise agreement. You must comply with any of the billing and collection
procedures specified in our various National or Regional Accounts. We may require that all contracts,
invoices, and billings for products and services be submitted to the National or Regional Account or any
other centralized billing service which we or the applicable National or Regional Account designate. If
you receive any payments from any National or Regional Account which requires centralized billing, you
must immediately remit such payments directly to the centralized billing service. National or Regional
Account or third party designated by us, without any deduction and endorse any checks payable to the
entity which we designate. When centralized billing is required by a National or Regional Account, we
will retain the continuing royalty payment and any other fees due us and remit the remaining balance to
you on a semi-monthly basis. Although we will utilize commercially reasonable efforts to collect
amounts due from customers, you are responsible to assist in the collection efforts. We do not warrant or
guarantee collection of amounts due.
If you participate in the National or Regional Accounts Program, you must not charge greater fees
for services and products which we specify as the maximum for such National or Regional Account. If
the National or Regional Account contracts directly with us, then you will serve as subcontractor.
Due to the need to ensure adherence to the System Standards in performing services for National
or Regional Accounts, you are eligible for assignment of National or Regional Accounts unless you are in
compliance with your franchise agreement.
Buy Back Option
We have the right, at any time after the 60
month of your operation of the Franchised Business,
to buy back your Franchised Business (all Zones) for a purchase price that is 5 times normalized EBITDA
(earnings before income, taxes, depreciation and amortization). The buy back option is exercisable in our
discretion if you are in good standing under your Franchise Agreement. The buy back provision does not
apply if your Franchise Agreement is terminated or if we choose to not renew your Franchise Agreement
because you were not in compliance at the time of renewal.
We grant to you the right to use certain trademarks, service marks and other commercial symbols
in connection with the operation of your franchise. The principal trademarks we use are: “College Hunks
Hauling Junk®,” “College Hunks Moving®,” “The Junk Hunk®” (our company mascot), “Let
Tomorrow’s Leaders Haul Your Junk Today!®,” “Have a Junk-Free Day!®,” and “Junk Free is the Way
to Be!®.” The Proprietary Marks are owned by our parent and are licensed to us by virtue of a perpetual
license agreement that was entered into in 2006. This non-cancellable license agreement contains no
limitations on our use of the Proprietary Marks. Our parent reserves the right to use the 1-800-Junk-USA
toll free number, website and proprietary mark in businesses that operate anywhere, including within your
Designated Territory
Trademark Registration
The status of the registration of the Proprietary Marks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
(“USPTO”) are as follows:
College Hunks Hauling Junk 12/5/2006 3,179,220 Principal
College Hunks Hauling Junk and design 2/20/2007 3,210,015 Principal
The Junk Hunk (service mark) 2/12/08 3,382,970 Principal
The Junk Hunk (trademark) 9/9/2008 3,497,491 Principal
Let Tomorrow’s Leaders Haul Your Junk Today! 2/5/08 3,376,760 Principal
Have a Junk-Free Day! 2/5/08 3,376,761 Principal
Junk Free is the Way to Be! 2/5/08 3,376,759 Principal
College Hunks Moving 7/12/2011 3,993,081 Principal
Hunk Squad 9/25/12 4,214,580 Principal
1-800-Junk-USA 11/29/11 4,063,075 Principal
1-800-Junk-USA 1/22/2008 3,374,582 Supplemental
Our parent intends to file all affidavits and to renew its registrations for the Marks when they
become due.
There are no currently effective determinations of the USPTO, the Trademark Trial and Appeal
Board, the trademark administrator of this state or any court, nor is there any pending interference,
opposition, or cancellation proceeding, nor any pending material litigation involving the Proprietary
Marks which may be relevant to their use in this state or in any other state.
There are no agreements currently in effect which limit our right to use or to license others to use
the Proprietary Marks, except for the trademark license agreement with our parent as described above.
You must promptly notify us of any suspected unauthorized use of the Proprietary Marks, any
challenge to the validity of the Proprietary Marks, or any challenge to our ownership of, our right to use
and to license others to use, or your right to use, the Proprietary Marks. We have the sole right to direct
and control any administrative proceeding or litigation involving the Proprietary Marks, including any
settlement. We have the right, but not the obligation, to take action against uses by others that may
constitute infringement of the Proprietary Marks. We may defend you against any third party claim, suit
or demand arising out of your use of the Proprietary Marks. If we, in our sole discretion, determine that
you have used the Proprietary Marks in accordance with your Agreement, the cost of the defense,
including the cost of any judgment or settlement, will be borne by us. If we determine that you have not
used the Proprietary Marks in accordance with your Agreement, the cost of the defense, including the cost
of any judgment or settlement, will be yours. In the event of any litigation relating to your use of the
Proprietary Marks, you must sign any and all documents and do any acts as may, in our opinion, be
necessary to carry out the defense or prosecution, including becoming a nominal party to any legal action.
Except if this litigation is the result of your use of the Proprietary Marks in a manner inconsistent with the
terms of your Agreement, we will reimburse you for your out-of-pocket costs in doing these acts.
There are no infringing uses actually known to us that could materially affect your use of the
Proprietary Marks in this state or elsewhere.
You must conspicuously post a sign and include on all written materials, including
advertisements, stationery, business cards, etc. and on your vehicles the following: “Independently
owned and operated.”
We reserve the right to modify the Proprietary Marks or substitute different proprietary marks for
use in identifying the System and the businesses operating under it, at our sole discretion. If we designate
any modified or substituted proprietary mark, you must implement the modified or substituted proprietary
mark at your own expense.
Patents and Copyrights
There are no patents that are material to the franchise. You do not receive the right to use an item
covered by a copyright, but you can use the proprietary and confidential information that is in our
Operations Manual. The Operations Manual is described in Item 11 and below. Although we have not
filed an application for a copyright registration for the Operations Manual, we claim a copyright and the
information in it is proprietary and confidential. You must also promptly tell us when you learn about
unauthorized use of this proprietary and confidential information. We are not obligated to take any
action, but will respond to this information as we think appropriate.
Confidential Operations Manual
You must operate your Franchised Business according to the strict standards, methods, policies
and procedures specified in the Operations Manual. One copy of the Operations Manual is loaned to you
by us for the term of the Franchise Agreement after you complete our initial training program to our
satisfaction. We may make the Operations Manual available electronically.
You must treat the Operations Manual, any other of our manuals which are used in the operation
of your Franchised Business, and the information in them as confidential, and must use all reasonable
efforts to maintain this information as secret and confidential. You must not copy, duplicate, record, or
otherwise reproduce these materials, in whole or in part, or otherwise give them to any unauthorized
person. The Operations Manual will remain our sole property and must be kept in a secure place at the
Franchised Business.
We may revise the contents of the Operations Manual, and you must comply with each new or
changed standard. You must make sure that the Operations Manual is kept current at all times. In the
event of any dispute as to the contents of the Operations Manual, the terms of the master copy maintained
by us at our corporate office will be controlling.
Confidential Information
You must not, during the term of the Franchise Agreement or after the term of the Franchise
Agreement, communicate, divulge or use for the benefit of any other person, partnership, association, or
corporation any confidential information, knowledge or know-how concerning the methods of operation
of the Franchised Business which may be communicated to you or which you may learn because of your
operation under the terms of the Franchise Agreement. Confidential information includes: (a) price lists
and marketing plans and strategies; (b) proprietary computer software functions, capabilities, code,
manuals, fixes, work arounds, revision plans, etc, and any proprietary equipment or products that we may
develop.; (c) client lists, client identities, client contacts and client preferences (including identities and
plans for approaching potential clients); and (d) leasing plans, rates and information. You may divulge
this confidential information only to those of your employees who have access to and who operate your
Franchised Business. Any and all information, knowledge, know-how, techniques and other data which
we designate as confidential will be deemed confidential for purposes of the Franchise Agreement.
At our request, you must have your manager and any personnel having access to any of our
confidential information sign agreements that say that they will maintain the confidentiality of
information they receive in connection with their employment by you at your Franchised Business. The
agreements must be in a form satisfactory to us, including specific identification of us as a third party
beneficiary of the covenants with the independent right to enforce them and that they prohibit any direct
or indirect ownership in a competing business.
During the term of the Franchise Agreement, and at our discretion, you must attend and complete
our initial training program and you (or, if you are a corporation, limited liability company or partnership,
a principal or general partner of the corporation, limited liability company or partnership owning at least a
75% interest) must devote your full time and best efforts (not less than 30 hours per week) to the direct
management and operation of the Franchised Business. The Franchised Business must have constant
supervision by you or by a designated and approved manager who has satisfactorily completed our
training program. If you will be an absentee owner or if you will not be able to commit at least 30 hours
each week to the Franchised Business, you may have a manager operate your Franchised Business if we
consent to it.
You must also maintain a competent, conscientious, trained staff, including a fully trained
manager (which should be you). If you are an individual, we recommend that you be the fully trained
manager described above. We impose no limitations as to who you may hire as the manager, except that
you must comply with all applicable laws and that you must not harm the goodwill associated with the
System and the Proprietary Marks (this requirement may affect who you hire as your manager).
We have the right to approve the manager after training. The manager may not need to have an
equity interest in your business. The manager must attend and complete our training program, as
described in Item 11. The manager and other key employees may also have to sign an agreement not to
compete with businesses under the System while employed by you and for two years after their
employment ends, an employee handbook prepared by you and which meets all of your local, state and
federal requirements and an agreement not to reveal confidential information obtained while employed by
you. See Item 17 for a description of these obligations.
You must use the Franchised Business solely for the operation of the Franchised Business. You
must keep your Franchised Business open and in normal operation for the minimum hours and days as we
specify. You must not use or permit the use of the Franchised Business for any other purpose or activity
at any time without first obtaining our written consent. You must operate the Franchised Business in
strict conformity with the methods, standards and specifications we may require in the Operations Manual
or in writing. You must not change the standards, specifications and procedures without our prior written
You must perform those jobs given to you by the Call Center; you must offer only products and
services specified by us; you may not change our standards and specifications without our prior written
consent; and you must stop selling and offering for sale any services which we may, in our discretion,
disapprove in writing at any time. We have the right to change the types of authorized services and there
are no limits on our right to make changes. If we introduce a new product or service for the System and if
you fail to incorporate the new product or service into your Franchised Business, we may sell these
products and services in your Designated Territory and you will not earn a portion of these sales, or we
may terminate your Franchise Agreement. If you receive a request for services that is not generated
through the Call Center, you may not perform the requested services until you provide all applicable
information to the Call Center.
In addition, you must only use the proprietary software, the supplies and suppliers that we have
approved for use at your Franchised Business.
The System may periodically be supplemented, improved or modified by us. You must comply
with all of our reasonable requirements concerning modifications to the System, including offering and
selling new or different products or services as specified by us.
You are restricted by the Franchise Agreement, the Operations Manual and any other practice or
custom with respect to the goods or services which you may offer, which must be approved by us. You
are not restricted as to the clients whom you may solicit or service, subject to the provisions of Item 12.
You may not sell any competing goods or services, and you may not offer conflicting services,
such as free pick-ups.
We anticipate expanding the products and services to be offered by Franchised Businesses over a
period of years, which may include any product or service associated with the preparation of a
commercial or residential move and the transportation of tangible items to one or multiple locations, or
waste management services.
This table lists certain important provisions of the franchise and related agreements. You
should read these provisions in the agreements attached to this Disclosure Document.
Article in Franchise
or Other Agreement
a. Length of the franchise term Section 4.1 Five years
b. Renewal or extension of the
Section 4.2 Additional renewal terms of 5 years
each, subject to performance of
contractual requirements
Article in Franchise
or Other Agreement
c. Requirements for franchisee
to renew or extend
Section 4.3 Provide not less than 180 days but
no more than 240 days notice,
compliance and not in default with
Franchise Agreement and any other
agreements with us, our affiliates,
subsidiaries or designees, satisfy
current System standards and
training requirements, satisfy all of
our requests for disclosure of or
access to information, on monetary
obligations satisfied to us, our
affiliates, subsidiaries and designees
on a timely and responsible manner,
sign release, and pay renewal fee.
You may be asked to sign a
franchise agreement with materially
different terms and conditions than
your original franchise agreement,
but the fees on renewal will not be
greater than the fees that we then
impose on similarly situated
renewing franchisees. We have the
right to modify your territorial
boundaries on renewal if you failed
to generate the minimum Continuing
Royalty Fee on 3 or more occasions
during the final 12 months of the
term of the franchise agreement.
d. Termination by franchisee Not Applicable You may seek to terminate your
Franchise Agreement on any ground
permitted by law
e. Termination by franchisor
without cause
Not Applicable If you choose not to renew
f. Termination by franchisor
with cause
Article XVII Breach of Franchise Agreement and
other grounds, including refusal of
buy-out; see Article XVII for details
Article in Franchise
or Other Agreement
g. “Cause” defined - curable
Sections 5.6, 9.13, and
Breach of Franchise Agreement or
operating manuals, failure to pay
monies when due us, failure to
obtain required written approvals or
consents, misuse of Proprietary
Marks, know how, copyrights or
software, impairment of our
goodwill, competitive activities,
violation of or failure to comply with
an state or federal law or ordinance,
refusal of acceptance of our buy-out
of your business, unauthorized
transfer, failure to timely commence
operations of your business, failure
to perform services for clients, sale
of an unapproved service,
unsatisfactory performance,
unexcused absence from franchisee
h. “Cause” defined - non-
curable defaults
Section 17.2 Abandonment, conviction of a
felony or other criminal offense,
material misrepresentation, any
action that reflects materially and
unfavorably on the reputation of the
Franchised Business, us or the
System, filing for bankruptcy or
assignment for the benefit of
creditors; receivership; insolvency;
foreclosure; if your business is
dissolved; repeated defaults; failure
to satisfactorily complete training,
monetary defaults.
i. Franchisee’s obligations on
Article XVIII Obligations include discontinue
using confidential information and
materials, return Operations Manual,
payment of amounts due
j. Assignment of contract by
Section 16.1 No restriction on right to transfer
k. “Transfer” by franchisee -
Section 16.2 Transfer encompasses any actual or
purported assignment, sale, transfer
or other arrangement having the
purpose or effect of shifting
ownership or control interests in the
Franchised Business.
Article in Franchise
or Other Agreement
l. Franchisor approval of
transfer by franchisee
Section 16.2 We have the right to approve
transfers in writing
m. Conditions for franchisor
approval of transfer
Section 16.2.1 Includes payment of money owed,
non-default, sign release, transferee
qualifies including satisfactorily
completing training, transferee signs
new agreement and payment of the
transfer fee
n. Franchisor’s right of first
refusal to acquire
franchisee’s business
Article 16.4 We can match any offer
o. Franchisor’s option to
purchase franchisee’s
Section 18.8 Articles
Upon expiration or termination, we
can buy your Franchised Business.
We can also purchase your
Franchised Business at any time
after your 60
month of operation of
the Franchised Business
p. Death or disability of
Section 16.2.2 Franchise must be assigned to
approved buyer within 90 days
q. Non-competition covenants
during the term of the
Section 15.1 Includes prohibition on owning or
operating business which sells
similar services
r. Non-competition covenants
after the franchise is
terminated or expires
Section 15.2 Includes prohibition on owning or
operating business which sells
similar services for two years and
located within 50 miles of any unit
in the System. Not applicable to a
conversion franchise
s. Modification of the
Section 20.12 Must be in writing by both parties
t. Integration/merger clause Section 20.14 Only the terms of the Franchise
Agreement are binding (subject to
federal law). Any representations or
promises outside of the Disclosure
Document and Franchise Agreement
may not be enforceable. Provided,
however, nothing in the Franchise
Agreement or any related agreement
is intended to disclaim any
representations we make in this
Disclosure Document.
Article in Franchise
or Other Agreement
u. Dispute resolution by
arbitration or mediation
Section 20.6 Except for certain claims, all
disputes must be mediated and
arbitrated within 20 miles of our
v. Choice of forum Section 20.8 Florida, subject to state law
w. Choice of law Section 20.7 Florida, subject to state law
We do not use any public figure to promote our franchise.
The FTC’s Franchise Rule permits a franchisor to provide information about the actual or
potential financial performance of its franchised and/or franchisor-owned outlets, if there is a reasonable
basis for the information, and if the information is included in the Disclosure Document. Financial
performance information that differs from that included in Item 19 may be given only if: (1) a franchisor
provides the actual records of an existing outlet you are considering buying; or (2) a franchisor
supplements the information provided in this Item 19, for example, by providing information about
possible performance at a particular location or under particular circumstances.
Except as provided below, we do not make any representations about a franchisee’s future
financial performance or the past financial performance of company-owned or franchised outlets. We
also do not authorize our employees or representatives to make any such representations either orally or
in writing. If you are purchasing an existing outlet, however, we may provide you with the actual records
of that outlet. If you receive any other financial performance information or projections of your future
income, you should report it to the franchisor’s management by contacting Nicholas Friedman at 1513
East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605 and (800) 586-5872, the Federal Trade Commission, and the
appropriate state regulatory agencies.
Affiliate Results
We do not furnish or authorize our salespersons to furnish any oral or written information
concerning the actual or potential sales, costs, income or profits of a College Hunks Hauling Junk
Business or College Hunks Moving Business, except as stated below. Actual results vary from Business
to Business and we cannot estimate the results of any particular franchisee.
The following represents the actual sales achieved by the College Hunks Moving and Hauling
Business in Rockville, Maryland which has been in operation since 2005, and the College Hunks Moving
and Hauling Business in Tampa, Florida which has been in operation since 2008 and in which our
affiliate has a majority ownership interest. Both of these Businesses are operated by our affiliates. We
are not representing that you can expect to achieve these sales in your first year of operation, or at any
time during the term of your Franchise Agreement. Your revenues may vary significantly depending on a
number of factors, including the location of your Franchised Business and how you operate your
The following table presents the gross sales and primary variable costs that our affiliate realized
in operating College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving Businesses in Rockville, Maryland
and Tampa, Florida. Our affiliate operates substantially the same type of business that you will operate,
but it does not operate a franchised unit. These operations are both “absentee owner” businesses,
meaning that they both have full-time general managers operating the businesses.
Rockville, Maryland Tampa, Florida
Amount % of Revenue Amount % of Revenue
Total Revenue $1,801,553 $699,113
Average Revenue Per
$545.26 $579.35
Disposal Costs $99,628 5% 19,224 3%
Truck Labor $605,111 34% $261,808 37%
Truck Fuel $73,959 4% $32,069 5%
Truck Maintenance $35,846 2% $18,545 3%
Credit Card Fees $18,039 1% $11,385 2%
Royalty Fees $126,109 $48,938
Call Center Fee $108,093.18 $41,946.78
Brand Development
$18,015 $6,991
Total Expenses/ Cost
of Services
$1,084,800 $440,907
Total Gross Profit
$716,753* 40%* $258,208* 37%*
*No franchisees achieved better results than our Rockville location and 4% or 1 of our franchisees
achieved better results than our Tampa location.
Rockville, Maryland Tampa, Florida
Amount % of Revenue Amount % of Revenue
Total Revenue $1,657,029.94 $693,966.88
Average Revenue Per
$377.35 $406.54
Disposal Costs $105,678.54 6% $16,102.51 2%
Truck Labor $448,031.86 27% $208,566.12 30%
Truck Fuel $75,878.48 5% $33,705.60 5%
Rockville, Maryland Tampa, Florida
Amount % of Revenue Amount % of Revenue
Truck Maintenance $49,710.90 3% $20,388.96 3%
Credit Card Fees $27,928.26 1.69% $10,487.67 1.51%
Royalty Fees $115,992.10 $48,577.68
Call Center Fee $99,421.80 $41.638.01
Brand Development
$16,570.30 $6,939.67
Total Expenses/ Cost
of Services
$939,212.24 $386,406.22
Total Gross Profit
$717,817.70 43% $307,560.66 44%
Average Results – All Units and High and Low Results – Franchisees
The following tables reports the averages, high and low figures reported by franchisees in response to a
survey we conducted
All Franchises 2012
System-wide Reported
Franchisee Reported
Franchisee Reported
Total Revenue $370,630* $1,200,000 $99,035
Average Job Size $428 $729 $211
Expenses (as a % of Revenue)
Disposal Costs 5% 9% 1%
Truck Labor 26% 40% 13%
Truck Fuel 6% 9% 4%
Truck Maintenance 2.4% 5.28% 0.25%
Credit Card Fees 1.21% 2.63% 0.26%
Royalty Fee 7% 7% 7%
Customer Loyalty
Center Fee
6% 6% 6%
Brand Development Fee 1% 1% 1%
Total Cost of Services
$210,502** 693,924 51,881
Total Gross Profit
$160,068*** $506,076 $47,154
Gross Profit (% of
46% or 58%**** 58% 33%
*of the 26 locations, 7 or 27% achieved better results
**of the 26 locations, 14 or 78% achieved better results
***of the 26 locations, 5 or 28% achieved better results
****of the 26 locations reports, 15 or 58% achieved better results
All Franchises 2011
System-wide Reported
Franchisee Reported
Franchisee Reported
Total Revenue $310,211.86* $829,332.11 $103,190.07
Average Job Size $327.04 $496.61 $227.89
Expenses (as a % of Revenue)
Disposal Costs 4% 11% 2%
Truck Labor 27% 42% 17%
Truck Fuel 5% 12% 5%
Truck Maintenance Not reported Not reported Not reported
Credit Card Fees Not reported Not reported Not reported
Royalty Fee 7% 7% 7%
Customer Loyalty
Center Fee
6% 6% 6%
Brand Development Fee 1% 1% 1%
Total Cost of Services
$153,241.92** $386,406.22 $44,448.33
Total Gross Profit
$156,969.94*** $472,719.34 $44,852.78
Gross Profit (% of
51% or 50%**** 66% 38%
*of the 20 locations, 3 or 15% achieved better results
**of the 20 locations, 14 or 70% achieved better results
***of the 20 locations, 5 or 25% achieved better results
****of the 20 locations, 10 or 50% achieved better results.
The System-wide Reported Average column includes 20 locations in 2011 and 26 locations in
2012 that responded to a survey and that were in operation for all of 2011 and 2012, respectively. This
includes the two locations owned by our affiliate and 18 franchisees in 2011 and 24 franchisees in 2012.
System-wide Reported
Franchisee Reported
Franchisee Reported
Total Revenue $179,251* $357,389 $99,035
Average Job Size $378 $547 $211
Expenses (as a % of Revenue)
Disposal Costs 7% 9% 4%
Truck Labor 21% 38% 13%
System-wide Reported
Franchisee Reported
Franchisee Reported
Truck Fuel 6% 9% 4%
Truck Maintenance 2% 5% 1%
Credit Card Fees 1.21% 2% 0.21%
Royalty Fee 7% 7% 7%
Customer Loyalty
Center Fee
6% 6% 6%
Brand Development Fee 1% 1% 1%
Total Cost of Services
$93,513** $184,520 51,881
Total Gross Profit
$85,737*** $182,739 $47,154
Gross Profit (% of
48% or 71%**** 58% 33%
*of the 14 locations, 6 or 43% achieved better results
**of the 14 locations, 10 or 71% achieved better results
***of the 14 locations, 5 or 28% achieved better results
****of the 14 locations reported, 10 or 71% achieved better results.
The System-wide Reported Average column includes 14 locations in 2012 that offered only junk
removal services that responded to a survey and that were in operation for all of 2012. This does not
include the two locations owned by our affiliate.
System-wide Reported
Franchisee Reported
Franchisee Reported
Total Revenue $593,926* $1,200,000 $170,000
Average Job Size $487 $729 $313
Expenses (as a % of Revenue)
Disposal Costs 4% 6% 1%
Truck Labor 31% 40% 23%
Truck Fuel 6% 9% 4%
Truck Maintenance 2% 5% 0.25%
Credit Card Fees 1.21% 2.63% 0.32%
Royalty Fee 7% 7% 7%
Customer Loyalty
Center Fee
6% 6% 6%
Brand Development Fee 1% 1% 1%
Total Cost of Services
$347,140** 693,924 84,700
System-wide Reported
Franchisee Reported
Franchisee Reported
Total Gross Profit
$246,787*** $506,076 $85,300
Gross Profit (% of
42% or 42%**** 51% 36%
*of the 12 locations, 5 or 42% achieved better results
**of the 12 locations, 9 or 75% achieved better results
***of the 12 locations, 5 or 42% achieved better results
****of the 12 locations reported, 5 or 42% achieved better results.
The System-wide Reported Average column includes 12 locations in 2012 that offered both junk
removal services and moving services that responded to a survey and that were in operation for all of
2012. The 12 franchises responding represent 35% (12/34) of all franchisees that were open and in
operation for all of 2012. This does not include the two locations owned by our affiliate nor 10
franchisees that just opened for business in 2012.
For the franchisee high and low results, the same franchise is not necessarily represented for each
line item, meaning that all of the high end results may not be from the same franchise, and all of the low
end results may not be from the same franchise.
No other outlets in the System have earned as much as the Rockville, Maryland location. Your
individual results may differ. There is no assurance that you’ll earn as much.
The figures used in this statement are total revenue and direct costs. The expenses reflected in the
charts above do not include fixed costs, such as supplies, marketing, office staff or managers, professional
fees, office expenses, rent, insurance, discretionary expenses or owner compensation. These types of
expenses vary greatly by location. Net income will vary from Business to Business depending upon these
expenses and other costs relating to the operation of the Business. Expenses will also vary greatly
depending on whether you offer moving services, hauling services, or both; and profitability of the
franchise may vary depending on which services(s) you are offering.
We offered substantially the same services to the Business described in this Statement. This
Business offered substantially the same products and services to the public as you will.
The Businesses report gross receipts information to us based upon a uniform reporting system.
We strongly urge you to consult with your financial advisor or personal accountant concerning
the financial analysis that you should make in determining whether or not to purchase a College Hunks
Hauling Junk and/or College Hunks Moving franchise.
Written substantiation of the data used in preparing these sales figures will be made available to
you upon reasonable request. The information presented above has not been audited.
Table No. 1
Systemwide Outlet Summary
For Years Ending December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012
Outlet Type Year
Outlets at the
Start of the Year
Outlets at the End of
the Year
Net Change
2010 21 28 +7
2011 28 35 +7
2012 35 40 +5
2010 3 3 0
2011 3 2 -1
2012 2 2 0
Total Outlets
2010 24 31 +7
2011 31 37 +6
2012 37 42 +5
* The Company-Owned Outlets in the chart above include Outlets that are owned and operated by our
Table No. 2
Transfers of Outlets from Franchisees to New Owners (other than the Franchisor)
For Years Ending December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012
State Year Number of Transfers
Arizona 2010 1
2011 0
2012 1
Arkansas 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
California 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Colorado 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Florida 2010 0
2011 0
State Year Number of Transfers
2012 1
Georgia 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Illinois 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Indiana 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Kentucky 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Maryland 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Massachusetts 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Michigan 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Missouri 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
New Jersey 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
New York 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
North Carolina 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Ohio 2010 0
State Year Number of Transfers
2011 0
2012 0
Pennsylvania 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Tennessee 2010 0
2011 0
2012 1
Texas 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
Virginia 2010 0
2011 0
2012 0
2010 1
2011 0
2012 3
Table No. 3
Status of Franchised Outlets
For Years Ending December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012
State Year
at Start
of Year
– Other
at End
of the
2010 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2010 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2010 2 1 0 0 0 0 3
2011 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
2012 3 1 0 0 0 0 4
Colorado 2010 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
State Year
at Start
of Year
– Other
at End
of the
Florida 2010 1 2 0 0 0 0 3
2011 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
2012 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
Georgia 2010 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Illinois 2010 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
2011 2 1 1 0 0 0 2
2012 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Indiana 2010 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Kentucky 2010 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Maryland 2010 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
2011 3 0 0 0 0 0 3
2012 3 0 1 0 0 0 2
2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Michigan 2010 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2012 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Missouri 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
State Year
at Start
of Year
– Other
at End
of the
2010 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
2011 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
2012 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
New York 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
2010 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
2011 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
2012 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Ohio 2010 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
2011 2 1 0 0 0 0 3
2012 3 1 0 0 0 0 4
2010 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Tennessee 2010 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Texas 2010 2 1 1 0 0 0 2
2011 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
2012 2 1 1 0 0 0 2
Virginia 2010 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
2011 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
2012 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total 2010 21 9 1 0 1 0 28
2011 28 8 1 0 0 0 35
2012 35 8 3 0 0 0 40
Table No. 4
Status of Company-Owned and Affiliate-Owned Outlets
For Years Ending December 31, 2010, 2011 and 2012
State Year Outlets
at Start
of Year
Outlets Sold
Outlets at
End of the
California 2010 1 0 0 0 1 0
2011 0 0 0 0 0 0
2012 0 0 0 0 0 0
Florida 2010 1 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 1
2010 0 0 1 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 1 0
2012 0 0 0 0 0 0
2010 1 0 0 0 0 1
2011 1 0 0 0 0 1
2012 1 0 0 0 0 1
2010 3 0 1 0 1 3
2011 3 0 0 0 1 2
2012 2 0 0 0 0 2
The outlets in the above chart are owned and operated by our affiliates. We have included the
Tampa, Florida business that is partially owned by our affiliate and 40% owned by Faisal Ansari, a
Table No. 5
Projected Openings as of December 31, 2012
Signed but
Outlet Not
Outlets in the
Next Fiscal
Outlets in the
Next Fiscal
Alabama 0 1 0
California 0 1 0
Florida 1 1 0
Georgia 0 1 0
Signed but
Outlet Not
Outlets in the
Next Fiscal
Outlets in the
Next Fiscal
Illinois 0 1 0
Louisiana 0 1 0
Maryland 0 1 0
Massachusetts 0 1 0
Michigan 1 1 0
Minnesota 0 1 0
Missouri 0 1 0
Nevada 0 1 0
New Jersey 0 1 0
New Mexico 0 1 0
North Carolina 0 1 0
Ohio 0 1 0
Oklahoma 1 1 0
Oregon 0 1 0
Pennsylvania 0 1 0
South Carolina 0 1 0
Texas 0 1 0
Utah 0 1 0
Virginia 0 1 0
Washington 0 1 0
Wisconsin 0 1 0
3 25 0
The table represents potential franchisees for the System. It does not take into account whether a
franchisee purchases multiple Zones.
A list of the names of all franchisees and the addresses and telephone numbers of their businesses
is provided in Exhibit “E” to this Disclosure Document.
The name, city, state and current business telephone number (or if unknown, the last known home
telephone number) of the 6 franchisees who had a business terminated, cancelled, not renewed or
otherwise voluntarily or involuntarily ceased to do business under the applicable Agreement during the
most recently completed fiscal year or who has not communicated with us within 10 weeks of the
issuance date of this Disclosure Document are listed on Exhibit “F” to this Disclosure Document. If you
buy this franchise, your contact information may be disclosed to other buyers when you leave the
franchise system.
During the last three fiscal years, we have not had any franchisees sign confidentiality provisions
that would restrict their ability to speak openly about their experience with the College Hunks Hauling
Junk and College Hunks Moving System.
There are no trademark-specific organizations formed by our franchisees that are associated with
the College Hunks Hauling Junk and College Hunks Moving System.
Attached to this Disclosure Document as Exhibit “H” are our audited financial statements for the
periods ended December 31, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Our unaudited balance sheet and income statement
for the period ended March 31, 2013 is also attached as Exhibit “H.”
Our fiscal year end is December 31
The following agreements are attached as exhibits to this Disclosure Document:
Form of General Release Exhibit B
Franchise Agreement (“FA”) with Exhibits Exhibit C
Conditional Assignment of Telephone Numbers and Listing and
Internet Addresses Exhibit C to FA
Principal Owners Guaranty Exhibit D to FA
Form of Conditional Assignment of Service Vehicle Lease Exhibit E to FA
Authorization Agreement for Prearranged Payments Exhibit F to FA
Transfer of Franchise to Corporation or Limited Liability Company Exhibit G to FA
Promissory Note and Individual Guaranty of Promissory Note Exhibit H to FA
Franchisee Disclosure Acknowledgment Statement Exhibit I
Deposit Agreement Exhibit J
Two copies of an acknowledgment of your receipt of this Disclosure Document appear at the end
of the Disclosure Document. Please return one signed copy to us and retain the other for your records.
Listed here are the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the state agencies having
responsibility for franchising disclosure/registration laws and for service of process. We may not yet be
registered to sell franchises in any or all of these states.
Department of Corporations
Los Angeles
320 West 4
Suite 750
Los Angeles, CA 90013-2344
(213) 576-7500
1515 K Street
Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95814-4052
(916) 445-7205
San Diego
1350 Front Street, Room 2034
San Diego, CA 92101-3697
(619) 525-4233
San Francisco
One Sansome Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94104-4428
(415) 972-8565
Department of Commerce and
Consumer Affairs
Business Registration Division
Commissioner of Securities
P.O. Box 40
Honolulu, Hawaii 96810
(808) 586-2744
Commissioner of Securities
Department of Commerce and
Consumer Affairs
Business Registration Division
Securities Compliance Branch
335 Merchant Street, Room 203
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Franchise Bureau
Office of Attorney General
500 South Second Street
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-4465
Franchise Section
Indiana Securities Division
Secretary of State
Room E-111
302 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(317) 232-6681
Maryland Division of Securities
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202-2020
(410) 576-7042
Maryland Commissioner of
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, Maryland 21202-2020
Michigan Attorney General's
Consumer Protection Division
Attn: Franchise Section
525 W. Ottawa Street
Williams Building, 1st Floor
Lansing, MI 48933
(517) 373-7117
Minnesota Department of
Market Assurance Division
85 7
Place East, Suite 500
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2198
(651) 296-6328
New York
New York State Department
of Law
Bureau of Investor Protection
and Securities
120 Broadway, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10271
(212) 416-8211
Secretary of State
The Division of Corporations
One Commerce Plaza
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231-0001
North Dakota
Office of Securities
Fifth Floor
600 East Boulevard
Bismarck, ND 58505-0510
(701) 328-4712
Department of Consumer &
Business Services
Division of Finance and
Corporate Securities
Labor and Industries Building
Salem, Oregon 97310
(503) 378-4140
Rhode Island
Department of Business
Securities Division
1511 Pontiac Avenue
John O. Pastore Complex–69-1
Cranston, RI 02920-4407
(401) 462-9527
South Dakota
Division of Securities
445 East Capitol Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501-3185
(605) 773-4823
State Corporation Commission
1300 East Main Street
9th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 371-9051
State Corporation Commission
1300 East Main Street, 1st Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
Department of Financial
Securities Division
P.O. Box 9033
Olympia, WA 98507-9033
(360) 902-8760
Division of Securities
Department of Financial
Post Office Box 1768
Madison, Wisconsin 53701
(608) 266-2801
1. California Business and Professions Code Sections 20000 through 20043 provide rights to you
concerning termination or non-renewal of a franchise. If the Franchise Agreement contains
provisions that are inconsistent with the law, the law will control.
2. The Franchise Agreement provides for termination upon bankruptcy. This provision may not be
enforceable under Federal Bankruptcy Law (11 U.S.C.A. Sec. 101 et seq.
3. The Franchise Agreement contains covenants not to compete which extend beyond the
termination of the agreements. These provisions may not be enforceable under California law.
4. Section 31125 of the California Corporation Code requires the franchisor to provide you with a
Disclosure Document before asking you to agree to a material modification of an existing
5. Neither the franchisor, any person or franchise broker in Item 2 of the Disclosure Document is
subject to any currently effective order of any national securities association or national securities
exchange, as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C.A. 79a et seq., suspending
or expelling such persons from membership in such association or exchange.
6. The Franchise Agreement requires binding arbitration. The arbitration will occur in Florida with
the costs being borne by the franchisee and franchisor. Prospective franchisees are encouraged to
consult private legal counsel to determine the applicability of California and federal laws (such as
Business and Professions Code Section 20040.5 Code of Civil Procedure Section 1281, and the
Federal Arbitration Act) to any provisions of a franchise agreement restricting venue to a forum
outside the State of California.
7. The Franchise Agreement requires application of the laws of Florida. This provision may not be
enforceable under California law.
8. You must sign a general release if you renew or transfer your franchise. California Corporation
Code 31512 voids a waiver of your rights under the Franchise Investment Law (California
Corporations Code 31000 through 31516). Business and Professions Code 20010 voids a waiver
of your rights under the Franchise Relations Act (Business and Professions Code 20000 through
10. The Franchise Agreement contains a liquidated damages clause. Under California Civil Code
Section 1671, certain liquidated damages clauses are unenforceable.
OUR WEBSITE, www.collegehunkshaulingjunk.com, HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
1. We will defer the payment of the initial franchise fee and any other initial payment until
all of our material pre-opening obligations have been satisfied. The initial franchise fee is deferred until
you open your business and it is operating. However, you must execute the Franchise Agreement prior to
looking for a site or beginning training. This deferral has been imposed by the Illinois Attorney General’s
Office based on the Franchisor’s financial condition.
2. The following item is required to be included within the Disclosure Document and shall
be deemed to supersede the language that is in the Disclosure Document itself:
Section 4 of the Illinois Franchise Disclosure Act (“Act”) dictates that “any provision
in the franchise agreement which designates jurisdiction or venue in a forum outside
of this State is void with respect to any cause of action which otherwise is
enforceable in this State, provided that a franchise agreement may provide for
arbitration in a forum outside of this State.” Therefore, the Act supersedes any
contrary provisions contained in the Franchise Agreement.
3. Illinois law governs the Franchise Agreement.
4. Any releases and/or waivers that we request you to sign must conform with Section 41,
Waivers Void, of the Illinois Franchise Disclosure Act of 1987 which states that “any condition,
stipulation, or provision purporting to bind any person acquiring any franchise to waive compliance with
any provision of this Act or any other law of this State is void. This Section shall not prevent any person
from entering into a settlement agreement or executing a general release regarding potential or actual
lawsuits filed under any of the provisions of this Act, nor shall it prevent the arbitration of any claim
pursuant to the provisions of Title 9 of the United States Code.” The appropriate sections of Franchise
Agreement is amended accordingly.
5. Under Illinois law, a franchise agreement may not provide for a choice of law of any state
other than Illinois. Accordingly, Items 17(v) and (w) are amended to state “Illinois.” The appropriate
sections of Franchise Agreement is amended accordingly.
6. Section 19, Termination of a Franchise, of the Illinois Franchise Disclosure Act of 1987
(“Act”) subsection (a) states that “It shall be a violation of this Act for a franchisor to terminate a
franchise of a franchised business located in this State prior to the expiration of its term except for “good
cause” as provided in subsection (b) and (c) of this Section.” Items 12 and 17 (o) of the Franchise
Disclosure Document and Section 18.8 of the Franchise Agreement are amended to state that Franchisor
or its designee shall have the option to purchase Franchisee’s franchised business only if the Franchise
Agreement was terminated for “good cause” or upon expiration of its term.
7. Section 20.13 of the Franchise Agreement is amended to comply with Section 27 of the
Act to allow any and all claims and actions arising out of or relating to these Agreements, the relationship
of Franchisor and Franchisee or Franchisee’s operation of the Franchise brought by Franchisee against
Franchisor shall be commenced within three (3) years from the occurrence of the facts giving rise to such
claim or action, within one (1) year after the Franchisee becomes aware of the facts or circumstances
indicating Franchisee may have a claim for relief, or ninety (90) days after delivery to Franchisee of a
written notice disclosing the violation, or such claim or action will be barred.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
1. To be added to Item 3 of the Disclosure Document is the following statement:
There are presently no arbitration proceedings to which the Franchisor is a
2. Item 17 of the Disclosure Document is amended to reflect the requirement under Indiana
Code 23-2-2.7-1 (9), which states that any post term non-compete covenant must not
extend beyond the franchisee’s exclusive territory.
3. Item 17 is amended to state that this is subject to Indiana Code 23-2-2.7-1 (10).
4. Under Indiana Code 23-2-2.7-1 (10), jurisdiction and venue must be in Indiana if the
franchisee so requests. This amends Articles 20.7 and 20.8 of the Franchise Agreement.
5. Under Indiana Code 23-2-2.7-1 (10), franchisee may not agree to waive any claims or
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
This will serve as the State Addendum for CHHJ Franchising LLC for the State of Maryland for
College Hunks Hauling Junk Disclosure Document and for its Franchise Agreement. The amendments to
the Franchise Agreement included in this addendum have been agreed to by the parties.
1. We will defer the payment of the initial franchise fee and any other initial payment until
all of our material pre-opening obligations have been satisfied. The initial franchise fee is deferred until
you open your business and it is operating. However, you must execute the Franchise Agreement prior to
looking for a site or beginning training.
2. The provision contained in the termination sections of the Franchise Agreement may not
be enforceable under federal bankruptcy law (11 U.S.C. Section 101 et
3. Item 11 of the Disclosure Document shall be amended to state that a franchisee may
obtain an accounting of the advertising fund as required by the Maryland Franchise Registration and
Disclosure Law, by requesting same in a written request to Franchisor.
4. Item 17 of the Disclosure Document shall be amended at the sections dealing with the
issuance of general releases to the effect that the general release required as a condition of renewal and/or
assignment/transfer are not intended to nor shall they act as a release, estoppel or waiver of any liability
under the Maryland Franchise Registration and Disclosure Law. The appropriate sections of the
Franchise Agreement is hereby deemed to be amended accordingly.
5. The Maryland Franchise Registration and Disclosure Law prohibits a franchisor from
requiring a prospective franchisee to assent to any release, estoppel or waiver of liability as a condition of
purchasing a franchise. Any disclaimer regarding the occurrence and/or acknowledgment of the non-
occurrence of acts that would constitute a violation of the Franchise Law in order to purchase the
franchise are not intended to nor shall they act as a release, estoppel or waiver of any liability incurred
under the Maryland Franchise Registration and Disclosure Law. The Franchisee Disclosure
Acknowledgment Statement, Exhibit H to the Disclosure Document, and the Franchise Agreement are
amended to comply with this provision.
6. Item 17 of the Disclosure Document and the appropriate sections of the Franchise
Agreement is amended to state that any claims arising under the Maryland Franchise Registration and
Disclosure Law must be brought within 3 years after the grant of the franchise.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
THIS AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is made and entered into this ____ day of ______________,
20__ by and between CHHJ FRANCHISING L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company having its
principal place of business located at 1513 East 9th Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605 (the “Franchisor”),
and ___________________________ residing at _______________________________ (hereinafter
referred to as “Releasor”), wherein the parties hereto, in exchange for good and valuable consideration,
the sufficiency and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and in reliance upon the representations,
warranties, and comments herein are set forth, do agree as follows:
1. Release by Releasor:
Releasor does for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby release and forever discharge
generally the Franchisor and any affiliate, wholly owned or controlled corporation, subsidiary, successor
or assign thereof and any shareholder, officer, director, employee, or agent of any of them, from any and
all claims, demands, damages, injuries, agreements and contracts, indebtedness, accounts of every kind or
nature, whether presently known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, actual
or potential, which Releasor may now have, or may hereafter claim to have or to have acquired against
them of whatever source or origin, arising out of or related to any and all transactions of any kind or
character at any time prior to and including the date hereof, including generally any and all claims at law
or in equity, those arising under the common law or state or federal statutes, rules or regulations such as,
by way of example only, franchising, securities and anti-trust statutes, rules or regulations, in any way
arising out of or connected with the Agreement, and further promises never from this day forward,
directly or indirectly, to institute, prosecute, commence, join in, or generally attempt to assert or maintain
any action thereon against the Franchisor, any affiliate, successor, assign, parent corporation, subsidiary,
director, officer, shareholder, employee, agent, executor, administrator, estate, trustee or heir, in any court
or tribunal of the United States of America, any state thereof, or any other jurisdiction for any matter or
claim arising before execution of this Agreement. In the event Releasor breaches any of the promises
covenants, or undertakings made herein by any act or omission, Releasor shall pay, by way of
indemnification, all costs and expenses of the Franchisor caused by the act or omission, including
reasonable attorneys’ fees.
2. Releasor hereto represents and warrants that no portion of any claim, right, demand,
obligation, debt, guarantee, or cause of action released hereby has been assigned or transferred by
Releasor party to any other party, firm or entity in any manner including, but not limited to, assignment or
transfer by subrogation or by operation of law. In the event that any claim, demand or suit shall be made
or institute against any released party because of any such purported assignment, transfer or subrogation,
the assigning or transferring party agrees to indemnify and hold such released party free and harmless
from and against any such claim, demand or suit, including reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees incurred
in connection therewith. It is further agreed that this indemnification and hold harmless agreement shall
not require payment to such claimant as a condition precedent to recovery under this paragraph.
3. Each party acknowledges and warrants that his, her or its execution of this Agreement is
free and voluntary.
4. Florida law shall govern the validity and interpretation of this Agreement, as well as the
performance due thereunder. This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the respective
assigns, successors, heirs and legal representatives of the parties hereto.
5. In the event that any action is filed to interpret any provision of this Agreement, or to
enforce any of the terms thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorneys’ fees and
costs incurred therein, and said action must be filed in the State of Florida.
6. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be binding against
the party executing it and considered as the original.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, have
executed this agreement effective as of the date first above.
This addendum to the Disclosure Document is agreed to this
day of __________, 20__, and
effectively amends and revises said Disclosure Document, Franchise Agreement as follows:
1. Item 13 of the Disclosure Document and the appropriate sections of the Franchise
Agreement is amended by the addition of the following language to the original language that appears
“In accordance with applicable requirements of Minnesota law, Franchisor shall protect
Franchisee’s right to use the trademarks, service marks, trade names, logotypes or other
commercial symbols and/or shall indemnify Franchise from any loss, costs or expenses
arising out of any claim, suit or demand regarding such use.”
2. Item 17 of the Disclosure Document and the appropriate sections of the Franchise
Agreement is amended by the addition of the following language to the original language that appears
“Minnesota law provides franchisees with certain termination and non-renewal rights.
Minnesota Stat. Sec. 80c.14, Subd.3, 4 and 5 require, except in certain specified cases,
that a franchisee be given 90 days’ notice of termination (with 60 days to cure) and 180
days’ notice for non-renewal of the Disclosure Document.”
3. Item 17 of the Disclosure Document and the appropriate sections of the Franchise
Agreement is amended by the addition of the following language to the original language that appears
“Minn. Stat. Sec. 80C.21 and Rule 2860.4400J prohibit us from requiring litigation to be
conducted outside Minnesota. In addition, nothing in the Disclosure Document or
agreements can abrogate or reduce any of your rights as provided for in Minnesota
Statutes, Chapter 80C, or your rights to any procedure, forum, or remedies provided for
by the laws of jurisdiction.”
4. Item 17 of the Disclosure Document and the appropriate sections of the Franchise
Agreement is amended by the addition of the following language to the original language that appears
“Minn. Rule 2860.4400D prohibits us from requiring you to assent to a general release.”
5. Any reference to liquidated damages in the Franchise Agreement is hereby deleted in
accordance with Minn. Rule 2860.4400J which prohibits requiring you to consent to liquidated damages.
6. The Franchise Agreement is hereby amended to comply with Minn. Rule 2860.4400J
which prohibits waiver of a jury trial.
7. The Franchise Agreement is hereby amended to comply with Minn. Stat. §80C.17, Subd.
5 regarding Limitations of Claims.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
The following Items are required to be included within the Disclosure Document and shall be
deemed to supersede the language in the Disclosure Document itself:
Neither the Franchisor, its Predecessor nor any person listed under Item 2 or an affiliate offering
franchises under Franchisor’s principal trademark:
(A) has an administrative, criminal or civil action pending against that person alleging: a
felony; a violation of a franchise, antitrust or securities law; fraud; embezzlement;
fraudulent conversion; misappropriation of property; unfair or deceptive practices; or
comparable civil or misdemeanor allegations.
(B) has been convicted of a felony or pleaded nolo contendere to a felony charge or, within
the ten year period immediately preceding the application for registration, has been
convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a misdemeanor charge or has been the subject
of a civil action alleging: violation of a franchise; anti-fraud or securities law; fraud;
embezzlement; fraudulent conversion or misappropriation of property; unfair or
deceptive practices; or comparable allegations.
(C) is subject to a currently effective injunctive or restrictive order or decree relating to the
franchise, or under a Federal, State or Canadian franchise, securities, antitrust, trade
regulation or trade practice law, resulting from a concluded or pending action or
proceeding brought by a public agency; or is subject to any currently effective order of
any national securities association or national securities exchange, as defined in the
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, suspending or expelling such person from
membership in such association or exchange; or is subject to a currently effective
injunctive or restrictive order relating to any other business activity as a result of an
action brought by a public agency or department, including, without limitation, actions
affecting a license as a real estate broker or sales agent.
Neither the Franchisor, its affiliate, its predecessor, officers, or general partner during the ten year
period immediately before the date of the Disclosure Document: (a) filed as debtor (or had filed against it)
a petition to start an action under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; (b) obtained a discharge of its debts under
the bankruptcy code; or (c) was a principal officer of a company or a general partner in a partnership that
either filed as a debtor (or had filed against it) a petition to start an action under the U.S. Bankruptcy
Code or that obtained a discharge of its debts under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code during or within one year
after the officer or general partner of the Franchisor held this position in the company or partnership.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
The following amends Item 17 and is required to be included within the Disclosure Document
and shall be deemed to supersede the language in the Disclosure Document itself:
Section 19-28.1-14 of the Rhode Island Franchise Investment Act provides that:
“A provision in a franchise agreement restricting jurisdiction or venue to a forum outside of this
state or requiring the application of the laws of another state is void with respect to a claim
otherwise enforceable under this Act.”
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
In recognition of the restrictions contained in Section 13.1-564 of the Virginia Retail Franchising Act, the
Franchise Disclosure Document for CHHJ Franchising, L.L.C. for use in the Commonwealth of Virginia
shall be amended as follows:
Additional Disclosure: The following statements are added to Item 17.h:
Pursuant to Section 13.1-564 of the Virginia Retail Franchising Act, it is unlawful for a franchisor to
cancel a franchise without reasonable cause. If any grounds for default or termination stated in the
franchise agreement do not constitute “reasonable cause,” as that the term may be defined in the Virginia
Retail Franchising Act or the laws of Virginia, the provision may not be enforceable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
We will defer the payment of the initial franchise fee and any other initial payment until all of our
material pre-opening obligations have been satisfied. The initial franchise fee is deferred until you open
your business and it is operating. However, you must execute the Franchise Agreement prior to looking
for a site or beginning training.
The State of Washington has a statute, RCW 19.100.180, which may supersede the Franchise
Agreement in your relationship with the Franchisor, including the areas of termination and renewal of
your franchise. There may also be court decisions which may supersede the Franchise Agreement in your
relationship with the Franchisor, including the areas of termination and renewal of your franchise.
In any arbitration involving a franchise purchased in Washington, the arbitration site shall be
either in the State of Washington or in a place mutually agreed upon at the time of the arbitration, or as
determined by the arbitrator.
In the event of a conflict of laws, the provisions of the Washington Franchise Investment
Protection Act, Chapter 19.100 RCW shall prevail.
A release or waiver of rights executed by a franchisee shall not include rights under the
Washington Franchise Investment Protection Act, except when executed pursuant to a negotiated
settlement after the agreement is in effect and where the parties are represented by independent counsel.
Provisions such as those which unreasonably restrict or limit the statute of limitations period for claims
under the Act or rights or remedies under the Act, such as a right to a jury trial, may not be enforceable.
Transfer fees are collectable to the extent that they reflect the Franchisor’s reasonable estimated
or actual costs in effecting a transfer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed, sealed and delivered this
Addendum dated this ______ day of ______________, 20___.
Standard Franchise – College Hunks Hauling Junk®
Standard Franchise – College Hunks Moving®
Combination College Hunks Hauling Junk® and College Hunks Moving®
Small Market Franchise
Conversion Franchise
ARTICLE I .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
ARTICLE II ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
GRANT OF FRANCHISE AND LICENSE.............................................................................................................. 3
ARTICLE III ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
FRANCHISEE RESTRICTIONS AND FRANCHISOR’S RESERVED RIGHTS .................................................. 4
3.1 Franchisee’s Restrictions ........................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Rights Reserved to Franchisor ................................................................................................................ 4
3.3 National or Regional Account ................................................................................................................. 5
3.4 Franchisee’s Right of First Refusal ......................................................................................................... 6
ARTICLE IV ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
TERM AND RENEWAL .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 Term ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Renewal Term .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Requirements for Renewal ....................................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Renewal Franchise Agreement ................................................................................................................ 8
4.5 Notice Requirement ................................................................................................................................. 9
4.6 Refusal to Renew Franchise Agreement .................................................................................................. 9
ARTICLE V ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
DUTIES OF FRANCHISOR ..................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Confidential Operations Manual and Intranet ........................................................................................ 9
5.2 Additional Materials ................................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Initial Training ...................................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Additional Assistance and Training ....................................................................................................... 11
5.5 Enrichment Training .............................................................................................................................. 11
5.6 Annual Convention ................................................................................................................................ 11
5.7 Approved Suppliers ................................................................................................................................ 12
5.8 Software ................................................................................................................................................. 12
5.9 Computer Hardware .............................................................................................................................. 12
5.10 Pricing ................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.11 Brand Development Fund ...................................................................................................................... 12
5.12 Force Majeure ....................................................................................................................................... 12
5.13 Intranet .................................................................................................................................................. 13
5.14 Call Center ............................................................................................................................................ 13
5.15 Refresher Training ................................................................................................................................. 13
5.16 Franchisee Directory ............................................................................................................................. 14
5.17 Service Requests .................................................................................................................................... 14
5.18 Supply Manual ....................................................................................................................................... 14
5.19 Artwork and Templates .......................................................................................................................... 14
5.20 Call Center Fund ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.21 Assistance with Dispute Resolution ....................................................................................................... 15
ARTICLE VI ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
CONFIDENTIAL OPERATIONS MANUAL ........................................................................................................ 16
6.1 Conduct of Franchised Business ........................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Confidential Information ....................................................................................................................... 16
6.3 Sole Property of Franchisor .................................................................................................................. 16
6.4 Revisions ................................................................................................................................................ 16
6.5 Franchisee to Keep Current .................................................................................................................. 16
6.6 Modification of Standards ..................................................................................................................... 16
6.7 Improvements ......................................................................................................................................... 17
ARTICLE VII ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
PROPRIETARY MARKS, TRADE NAMES AND COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS ........................................... 17
7.1 License ................................................................................................................................................... 17
7.2 Quality Standards .................................................................................................................................. 17
7.3 Quality Maintenance ............................................................................................................................. 17
7.4 No Act in Derogation ............................................................................................................................. 18
7.5 No Dispute ............................................................................................................................................. 18
7.6 Use of Proprietary Properties ............................................................................................................... 18
7.7 Identification of Franchisee ................................................................................................................... 18
7.8 Discontinuance of Use ........................................................................................................................... 18
7.9 Franchisor to Defend ............................................................................................................................. 19
7.10 Notification of Infringement .................................................................................................................. 19
7.11 Limited License ...................................................................................................................................... 19
ARTICLE VIII .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
PAYMENTS TO FRANCHISOR ........................................................................................................................... 19
8.1 Initial Franchise Fee ............................................................................................................................. 19
8.2 Continuing Royalty Fee ......................................................................................................................... 21
8.3 Brand Development Fee ........................................................................................................................ 23
8.4 Call Center Support Fee ........................................................................................................................ 23
8.5 Appointment Fee .................................................................................................................................... 23
8.6 Providing Services to Clients Outside the Designated Territory ........................................................... 23
8.7 Commencement of the Business ............................................................................................................. 23
8.8 Right of Set Off ...................................................................................................................................... 24
8.9 Default ................................................................................................................................................... 24
8.10 Application of Funds ............................................................................................................................. 24
8.11 Interest on Late Payments ..................................................................................................................... 24
8.12 Application of Payments ........................................................................................................................ 25
8.13 Method of Payment - Electronic Funds Transfer .................................................................................. 25
8.14 CPI Adjustment ...................................................................................................................................... 25
8.15 Performance Refund .............................................................................................................................. 25
8.16 Performance Incentive ........................................................................................................................... 26
ARTICLE IX ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
OBLIGATIONS OF FRANCHISEE ....................................................................................................................... 26
9.1 Obligations of Franchisee ..................................................................................................................... 26
9.2 Development of Business ....................................................................................................................... 27
9.3 Compliance with Laws and Good Business Practices ........................................................................... 27
9.4 Franchisee to Supervise ......................................................................................................................... 28
9.5 Service Vehicle....................................................................................................................................... 28
9.6 Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................. 30
9.7 Franchisor’s Directives ......................................................................................................................... 30
9.8 Variances ............................................................................................................................................... 31
9.9 Client Referrals ...................................................................................................................................... 31
9.10 Former Franchisees .............................................................................................................................. 31
9.11 Computer Hardware .............................................................................................................................. 32
9.12 Authorized Products and Services ......................................................................................................... 32
9.13 Approved Products and Supplies ........................................................................................................... 33
9.14 Employees .............................................................................................................................................. 33
9.15 Employee Training ................................................................................................................................ 33
9.16 Advertising ............................................................................................................................................. 33
9.17 Hours of Operation ................................................................................................................................ 33
9.18 Inspection............................................................................................................................................... 33
9.19 Reports ................................................................................................................................................... 34
9.20 Good Faith ............................................................................................................................................. 34
9.21 Ethics ..................................................................................................................................................... 34
9.22 Guaranty ................................................................................................................................................ 34
9.23 Customer Satisfaction; Operation of Franchised Business ................................................................... 34
9.24 Forms of Payment .................................................................................................................................. 35
ARTICLE X ............................................................................................................................................................... 35
INSURANCE .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
ARTICLE XI ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
ADVERTISING ...................................................................................................................................................... 36
11.1 Approval by Franchisor ......................................................................................................................... 36
11.2 Brand Development Fund ...................................................................................................................... 36
11.3 Telephone Directory Advertising ........................................................................................................... 37
11.4 Grand Opening Advertising ................................................................................................................... 38
11.5 Local Advertising ................................................................................................................................... 38
11.6 Cooperative Advertising ........................................................................................................................ 38
11.7 Social Media Policy ............................................................................................................................... 39
ARTICLE XII ............................................................................................................................................................ 39
REPORTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 39
12.1 Record Keeping ..................................................................................................................................... 39
12.2 Reporting Systems .................................................................................................................................. 39
12.3 Reports ................................................................................................................................................... 40
12.4 Audit ...................................................................................................................................................... 40
ARTICLE XIII .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AND INDEMNIFICATION ........................................................................... 41
13.1 Independent Parties ............................................................................................................................... 41
13.2 Independent Contractor ......................................................................................................................... 41
13.3 Indemnification by Franchisee .............................................................................................................. 41
13.4 Indemnification by Franchisor .............................................................................................................. 42
ARTICLE XIV .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 43
ARTICLE XV ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
COVENANTS NOT TO COMPETE ...................................................................................................................... 44
15.1 In-Term Covenants ................................................................................................................................ 44
15.2 Post-Term Covenants ............................................................................................................................ 44
15.3 Amendment of Covenants ...................................................................................................................... 45
15.4 Franchisor May Amend ......................................................................................................................... 45
15.5 Existence of Claim ................................................................................................................................. 45
15.6 Injunction ............................................................................................................................................... 45
15.7 Additional Covenants ............................................................................................................................ 45
15.8 Liquidated Damages .............................................................................................................................. 46
ARTICLE XVI .......................................................................................................................................................... 46
ASSIGNMENT AND RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL ............................................................................................. 46
16.1 Assignment by Franchisor ..................................................................................................................... 46
16.2 Assignment by Franchisee ..................................................................................................................... 47
16.3 Transfer to a Corporation or Limited Liability Company ..................................................................... 48
16.4 Right of First Refusal ............................................................................................................................. 49
16.5 Franchisor Must Approve ...................................................................................................................... 49
16.6 Addition of Principal ............................................................................................................................. 49
ARTICLE XVII ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
DEFAULT AND TERMINATION ......................................................................................................................... 50
17.1 Termination Upon Receipt of Notice ..................................................................................................... 50
17.2 Termination Without Right to Cure ....................................................................................................... 50
17.3 Termination With Right to Cure ............................................................................................................ 51
17.4 Cross-Defaults, Non-Exclusive Remedies, etc. ...................................................................................... 52
17.5 Limitation on Rights of Termination ...................................................................................................... 52
17.6 Non-Compliance Fee ............................................................................................................................. 53
17.7 Franchisor’s Right to Discontinue Services to Franchisee ................................................................... 53
ARTICLE XVIII ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
18.1 Discontinue Use of Proprietary Properties ........................................................................................... 53
18.2 Cancellation of Name ............................................................................................................................ 54
18.3 Franchisor is Attorney-in-Fact .............................................................................................................. 54
18.4 Continuation of Obligations .................................................................................................................. 54
18.5 Cease Using Telephone Numbers .......................................................................................................... 54
18.6 Payment of Sums Due ............................................................................................................................ 54
18.7 Post-Term Covenants ............................................................................................................................ 55
18.8 Franchisor May Purchase ..................................................................................................................... 55
18.9 Discontinue Use; Modification .............................................................................................................. 56
18.10 Assignment of Lease for Service Vehicle ........................................................................................... 56
18.11 Liquidated Damages ......................................................................................................................... 56
ARTICLE XIX .......................................................................................................................................................... 57
MODIFICATION OF SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 57
ARTICLE XX ............................................................................................................................................................ 58
CALL CENTER ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
20.1 Engagement ........................................................................................................................................... 58
20.2. Call Center Services .............................................................................................................................. 58
20.3 Franchisee Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 59
20.4 Limitations ............................................................................................................................................. 59
20.5 Information ............................................................................................................................................ 60
ARTICLE XXI .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................................................... 60
21.1 Severability and Substitution of Valid Provisions ................................................................................. 60
21.2 Waiver of Obligations ............................................................................................................................ 61
21.3 Injunctive Relief ..................................................................................................................................... 61
21.4 Rights of Parties are Cumulative ........................................................................................................... 61
21.5 Costs and Attorneys’ Fees ..................................................................................................................... 62
21.6 Mediation and Arbitration ..................................................................................................................... 62
21.7 Governing Law ...................................................................................................................................... 63
21.8 Jurisdiction ............................................................................................................................................ 63
21.9 Waiver of Punitive Damages ................................................................................................................. 63
21.10 Waiver of Jury Trial .......................................................................................................................... 63
21.11 Franchisee May Not Withhold Payments .......................................................................................... 63
21.12 Binding Effect .................................................................................................................................... 63
21.13 Limitations of Claims ........................................................................................................................ 63
21.14 Construction ...................................................................................................................................... 63
21.15 Withholding Consent ......................................................................................................................... 64
ARTICLE XXII ......................................................................................................................................................... 64
FRANCHISOR’S BUY-OUT OPTION .................................................................................................................. 64
22.1 Franchisor’s Rights ............................................................................................................................... 64
21.2 Applicability of Other Provisions .......................................................................................................... 65
ARTICLE XXIII ....................................................................................................................................................... 66
GENERAL PROVISIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 66
23.1 Relationship; Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................ 66
23.2 Notices ................................................................................................................................................... 68
23.3 Gender ................................................................................................................................................... 68
23.4 Headings ................................................................................................................................................ 68
23.5 References .............................................................................................................................................. 68
22.6 Time of the Essence ............................................................................................................................... 68
23.7 Survival of Terms ................................................................................................................................... 68
23.8 Operation in the Event of Absence or Disability ................................................................................... 69
23.9 Step-In Rights ........................................................................................................................................ 69
ARTICLE XXIV ........................................................................................................................................................ 69
SECURITY INTEREST .......................................................................................................................................... 69
24.1 Collateral ............................................................................................................................................... 69
24.2 Indebtedness Secured ............................................................................................................................ 70
24.3 Additional Documents ........................................................................................................................... 70
24.4 Possession of Collateral ........................................................................................................................ 70
24.5 Franchisor’s Remedies in Event of Default ........................................................................................... 70
24.6 Special Filing as Financing Statement .................................................................................................. 70
ARTICLE XXV ......................................................................................................................................................... 71
SUBMISSION OF AGREEMENT ......................................................................................................................... 71
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this
day of , 20 between
CHHJ Franchising L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company with its principal office at 1513 East 9th
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605 (the “Franchisor”), and __________________ whose principal address is
__________________________________________, an individual /partnership /corporation formed or
incorporated in the State of
, who will act under this Agreement under the approved
trade names College Hunks Hauling Junk® and/or College Hunks Moving® (the “Franchisee”).
W I T N E S S E T H:
WHEREAS, the Franchisor has developed a format and system (the “System”) of uniform
standards, methods, merchandising, and advertising for the operation of franchises that will provide junk
removal services, including picking up unwanted items from residential or commercial clients and taking
it to the appropriate landfill or transfer station for appropriate disposal or recycling, the provision of
moving services, and the sale of products and services related thereto (the “Franchised Business”) using
the Franchisor’s website, trade name, trademarks and service marks of College Hunks Hauling Junk® and
College Hunks Moving®, and phone number (collectively, the “Proprietary Marks”);
WHEREAS, the Franchisee desires to enter into the business of owning and operating a
Franchised Business in accordance with the System and wishes to obtain a franchise from the Franchisor
for that purpose, as well as to receive the training and other assistance provided by the Franchisor in
connection therewith;
WHEREAS, the Franchisee understands and acknowledges the importance of, and benefits to be
derived from, the System, as well as the Franchisor’s high standards of quality and service and the
necessity of operating the Franchised Business hereunder in conformity with the Franchisor’s standards
and specifications;
WHEREAS, the Franchisee desires to obtain a franchise to use the System and the Proprietary
Marks at the location described in Exhibit “A” hereto, pursuant to the provisions hereof, and Franchisee
has had a full and adequate opportunity to be thoroughly advised of the terms and conditions of this
Franchise Agreement by counsel of his/her own choosing and represents and warrants that he/she has the
business experience and financial ability to operate a Franchised Business;
WHEREAS, the Franchisee acknowledges that Franchisee has read this Agreement and
Franchisor’s Disclosure Document and that Franchisee understands and accepts the terms, conditions and
covenants contained in this Agreement as being reasonably necessary to maintain uniform high standards
of quality at all locations and to protect the goodwill of the Proprietary Marks;
WHEREAS, the Franchisor expressly disclaims the making of any warranty or guarantee,
expressed or implied, oral or written, regarding the potential revenues, profits or success of the business
venture contemplated by this Agreement;
WHEREAS, the Franchisee acknowledges that he/she has no knowledge of, nor has received nor
relied upon, any representations or warranties by Franchisor, its officers, directors, shareholders or
representatives about the franchise offered hereunder, about Franchisor or its franchising programs and
policies that are contrary to the statements in Franchisor’s Disclosure Document or to the terms of this
Agreement, or regarding the potential revenues, profits or success of the business venture contemplated
hereunder; and
WHEREAS, the Franchisee acknowledges that this Agreement places detailed and substantial
obligations on Franchisee, including strict adherence to Franchisor’s reasonable present and future
requirements regarding facilities, equipment, suppliers, operating procedures, management protocols and
procedures, merchandising strategies, sales promotion programs and related matters. Franchisee
acknowledges that future improvements, changes and developments in the System may require additional
expense to be undertaken by Franchisee.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual undertakings, covenants, premises
and commitments contained hereinabove and below, and other good and valuable consideration , the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, IT IS AGREED, as follows:
1.1 In addition to any other terms defined in this Agreement, the following definitions shall
govern this Agreement:
1.1.1 Agreement” means this document, including all exhibits hereto, as they may be
modified from time to time, and documents referenced and incorporated herein, and any documents or
agreements modifying the System.
1.1.2 Copyrights” means all work rendered in a tangible medium of expression as
defined under U.S. Copyright Law, 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101, et seq., that relates to the Franchised Business,
whether published or unpublished, whether confidential or not, whether created by Franchisor or one (1)
or more of its franchisees, assigned hereunder to and owned by Franchisor and licensed for use by
Franchisee as part of the Franchised Business under this Agreement, including without limitation, the
Confidential Operations Manual.
1.1.3 Call Center” means the call center operated by Franchisor or its designee which
will receive and distribute requests for Services via a toll-free telephone number and other methods, such
as e-mail.
1.1.4 Designated Territory” means the exclusive territory granted to Franchisee
encompassing contiguous Zones as shown on Exhibit “A” hereto, as such Exhibit may be amended from
time to time.
1.1.5 Franchised Business” means the System as licensed to the Franchisee
hereunder to use from within Franchisee’s Designated Territory.
1.1.6 Know How” means Franchisor’s: (a) trade secrets and know-how, whether
existing now or created during the term of this Agreement by Franchisor and/or one (1) or more of its
franchisees (and assigned back to Franchisor), as conveyed to Franchisee, that relates to, inter alia,
Franchisor’s services and/or processes, marketing practices, and business methods, affairs, tools and
techniques, as well as including its client or prospective client lists and trade relationships including
pricing information, which tends to give Franchisor and its network of franchisees a competitive edge
over others who provide the same or similar products or services in the field of junk removal and moving
services; (b) inventions that may be protected by the filing of U.S. patent applications under Title 35 of
the United States Code and/or foreign statutory counterparts; and (c) all unpublished or otherwise
confidential work that has been rendered and “work made for hire” protected under Title 17 of the United
States Code and other applicable foreign copyright statutes. Know How need not take the form of any
particular tangible medium of expression, but may also be found or contained in the form of records,
magnetic media, papers, photographs, catalogs, books, cassettes, videotapes, computer files, or stored or
fixed on computer hard or soft disks or diskettes.
1.1.7 Proprietary Marks” means all the trademarks, service marks, logos, emblems,
and indicia of origin licensed to and used or contemplated to be used by Franchisor and/or one (1) or
more of its franchisees, including, but not limited to, the trade dress, the marks College Hunks Hauling
Junk®, The Junk Hunk® logo, Let Tomorrow’s Leaders Haul Your Junk Today!®, Have a Junk-Free
Day!®, Junk Free is the Way to Be!®, College Hunks Moving® and other such trade names, service
marks and trademarks as may be designated now or hereafter by the Franchisor.
1.1.8 Proprietary Properties” means the Copyrights, Know How, Proprietary Marks
and Software.
1.1.9 Services” means the provision of junk removal services (including picking up
unwanted items from residential or commercial clients and taking it to the appropriate landfill or transfer
station for appropriate disposal or recycling), moving services (including packing boxes for customers as
well as sales of boxes and packing materials) and any other services approved by Franchisor to be offered
by Franchisee to its clients. At this time, Services specifically exclude regular trash routes or hauling of
liquids, gases, or flammable or hazardous waste.
1.1.10 Service Vehicle” means the truck with custom designed dump body Franchisee
is required to obtain by lease or purchase and maintain for use in the operation of the Franchised
Business, as well as any truck(s) to be used for the provision of moving services.
1.1.11 Software” means the computer software (including all patches, modifications
and updates and including proprietary software designated by Franchisor) provided to the Franchisee
under this Agreement by which the Franchisee downloads and uploads information relevant to the
Franchised Business.
1.1.12 Zone” means a specified area which is purchased by Franchisee and within
which the Franchised Business will be operated. A standard Zone will contain a population of between
two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) and four hundred thousand (400,000) persons, and a “small market”
Zone will contain a population of between four thousand (4,000) and two hundred forty-nine thousand
(249,000) persons.
2.1 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement and all documents or other agreements
ancillary thereto (the “Agreement”):
2.1.1 Franchisor hereby grants to Franchisee, and Franchisee hereby accepts, the
franchise and license to operate a Franchised Business within the Designated Territory as shown on
Exhibit “A” hereto, as such Exhibit may be modified from time to time, in accordance with Franchisor’s
specifications and subject to Franchisor’s approval. The Designated Territory, as described on Exhibit
“H” hereto, may be modified if Franchisee purchases additional Zones, or if Franchisee fails to meet the
minimum royalty fee requirement described in Section 8.2.2 below and Franchisor exercises its right to
reduce Franchisee’s Designated Territory as described in Section 8.2.3 below.
2.1.2 Franchisee agrees to use the Proprietary Properties solely for the Franchised
Business and for no other purpose.
2.1.3 If Franchisee elects to purchase the right to operate a College Hunks Hauling
Junk® business or a College Hunks Moving® business, but not both, then Franchisee understands and
acknowledges that in such event Franchisor shall have the right, to be exercised in its sole discretion, to
sell a franchise within Franchisee’s Designated Territory for the concept that Franchisee has elected to not
purchase. If Franchisee is in good standing under this Agreement, Franchisor will notify Franchisee of
the proposed sale of the other concept and Franchisee shall have ten (10) days after Franchisor’s notice to
purchase the other concept. If Franchisee does not, then Franchisor may sell the concept to the other
franchisee. If Franchisee is not in good standing under this Agreement, Franchisee will not be offered the
opportunity to purchase the other concept.
3.1 Franchisee’s Restrictions
Franchisee’s activities are limited to offering and selling those Services permitted under the
System from the Designated Territory. Franchisee has been granted no right of ownership in and/or to
any part or all of the Proprietary Properties.
3.2 Rights Reserved to Franchisor
Franchisor reserves the right: (i) of ownership in, and control over the Proprietary Properties;
(ii) to grant additional franchises, whether similar or dissimilar to the franchise granted hereby, anywhere
it deems reasonably appropriate, subject to the limitations set forth below; (iii) to engage fully and freely
and without limitation in each and every aspect of the business of selling related services, products and
equipment; (iv) to offer to the public-at-large, separately, jointly or with others, all related services and/or
products of every type and kind; and (iv) to employ and exploit the Proprietary Marks, Copyrights, Know
How, and Software in connection therewith.
Franchisor (and any affiliates that Franchisor periodically might have) reserves the right:
(a) to establish and operate, and grant rights to other franchise owners to establish
and operate, Franchised Businesses or similar businesses at any locations outside of the Designated
Territory and on any terms and conditions Franchisor deems appropriate;
(b) to sell any junk removal, moving and related services identical or similar to, or
dissimilar from, those Franchisee’s Franchised Business sells, whether identified by the Proprietary
Marks or other trademarks or service marks through any distribution channels Franchisor thinks best
(including the Internet) located or operating inside or outside of the Designated Territory that do not use
the Propriety Marks;
(c) to sell any junk removal, moving and related services through any distribution
channels Franchisor thinks best (including, but not limited to, the Internet), located or operating outside of
the Designated Territory;
(d) to purchase or otherwise acquire the assets or controlling ownership of one (1) or
more businesses identical or similar to the Franchised Business (and/or enter into franchise, license,
and/or similar agreements for such businesses), some or all of which might be located within the
Designated Territory;
(e) to be acquired (regardless of the form of transaction) by a business identical or
similar to College Hunks Hauling Junk® or College Hunks Moving®, even if the other business operates,
franchises and/or licenses competitive businesses anywhere; provided, however, that in the event of a sale
or merger by Franchisor with a competitive franchise network, chain or other business, and if such sale or
merger would result in a competing business being located in Franchisee’s Designated Territory,
Franchisee shall have the option, to be exercised within thirty (30) days after notice from Franchisor
concerning such sale or merger, to request that Franchisor buy back the Franchised Business according to
the terms and conditions set forth in Article XXII below; and
(f) to engage in any other business activities not expressly prohibited by this
Agreement, anywhere.
3.3 National or Regional Account
Franchisor may develop a National or Regional Accounts program for the benefit of all
Franchised Businesses. A "National or Regional Account" means any client that has employees or offices
in two (2) or more locations and in more than one (1) Zone, or which qualifies for corporate pricing for
commercial services. The locations of some of the National or Regional Accounts may be in your Zone
and they may have locations in other Zones. Accordingly, regardless of any contrary provision of this
Agreement, the parties agree as follows:
(a) Territorial Rights: Franchisee agrees that Franchisor may solicit
customers located in Franchisee’s Zone, whether or not Franchisee currently provide services to them, in
order to develop them as National or Regional Account.
(b) Best Efforts: Franchisee must use its best efforts to perform services to
National or Regional Accounts located in its Zone on the terms and conditions specified in the program
for those National or Regional Accounts. These terms may vary from National or Regional Account to
National or Regional Account depending on the situations and circumstances.
(c) Alternative Services: At Franchisee’s option, it may decide not to
perform services for any one or more of the National or Regional Accounts operating in its Zone. In
addition, Franchisee recognizes that some National or Regional Accounts, for whatever reason, may
decide that they do not want to do business with Franchisee. If that happens, Franchisor will cooperate
with Franchisee to the fullest extent Franchisor deems practicable to resolve the National or Regional
Account's concerns. However, if after Franchisor exercises what it believes to be reasonable efforts to
rectify the problem, the National or Regional Account continues to refuse to do business with Franchisee,
then Franchisee agrees that Franchisor or any other franchisee designated by the Franchisor may provide
services for that National or Regional Account in Franchisee’s Zone. Franchisee also agrees that
Franchisor or any franchisee designated by Franchisor may perform services for any National or Regional
Account located in Franchisee’s Zone for whom Franchise has declined to provide services. Neither
Franchisor nor any of its franchisees will be liable or obligated to pay Franchisee any compensation for
doing so and neither Franchisor nor any of its franchisees will be considered in breach of any provision of
this agreement or any other agreement between the parties. Franchisee release Franchisor and such other
franchisees from any liability or obligation to Franchisee for providing services to such National or
Regional Accounts. Franchisor will indemnify, defend and hold Franchisee harmless from and against
any claims brought by a National or Regional Account arising out of its performance of services in
Franchisee’s Zone.
(d) Billing Reports and Forms: For purposes of coordinating efforts and
results of National or Regional Accounts, Franchisee must timely provide Franchisor with copies of all
reports, forms and notices relating to performing services for National or Regional Accounts that
Franchisor may specify from time to time. Franchisee also agrees to coordinate with Franchisor any
solicitations Franchisee conducts that may have potential for development as National or Regional
Accounts. A National or Regional Account may require Franchisee to conform to certain billing terms,
practices and formats. Franchisee recognizes that various National or Regional Accounts may require
billing and collection procedures that differ from those specified in this Agreement. Franchisee is
required to comply with any of the billing and collection procedures specified in Franchisor’s various
National or Regional Accounts. For example, Franchisor may require Franchisee to participate in a
centralized billing and collection procedure through which all billing for a National or Regional Account
will be conducted through a centralized billing service or through the National or Regional Account.
Accordingly, Franchisor may require that all contracts, invoices, and billings for products and services be
submitted to the National or Regional Account or any other centralized billing service which Franchisor
or the applicable National or Regional Account designates. If Franchisee receives any payments from any
National or Regional Account which requires centralized billing, Franchisee must immediately remit such
payments directly to the centralized billing service. National or Regional Account or third party
designated by Franchisor, without any deduction and endorse any checks payable to the entity which
Franchisor designates. When centralized billing is required by a National or Regional Account, the
Franchisor will retain the continuing royalty payment and any other fees due it and remit the remaining
balance to the Franchisee on a semi-monthly basis. Although the Franchisor will utilize commercially
reasonable efforts to collect amounts due from customers, Franchisee understands that it is also
responsible to assist in the collection efforts. Franchisor does not warrant or guarantee collection of
amounts due.
(e) Pricing: If Franchisee participates in the National or Regional Accounts
Program, Franchisee agrees not to charge greater fees for services and products which Franchisor
specifies as the maximum for such National or Regional Account. If the National or Regional Account
contracts directly with the Franchisor, then Franchisee will serve as subcontractor.
(f) Eligibility: Due to the need to ensure adherence to the System Standards
in performing services for National or Regional Accounts, Franchisee will not be eligible for assignment
of National or Regional Accounts unless it is in compliance with this Agreement.
3.4 Franchisee’s Right of First Refusal
If, during the term of this Agreement, a prospective franchisee wishes to purchase a Zone (or
portion thereof) that is contiguous to any Zone in Franchisee’s Designated Territory, Franchisor shall
offer Franchisee the opportunity to purchase such Zone (or portion thereof). Franchisee shall notify
Franchisor within five (5) days of such offer whether Franchisee will purchase the additional Zone, and
Franchisee must be able to complete the purchase within fifteen (15) days. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Franchisor reserves the right to either not offer Franchisee such right of first refusal or to deny
Franchisee the opportunity to purchase the additional Zone if Franchisee does not meet Franchisor’s then-
current criteria for purchasing an additional Zone. In the event that such Zone is contiguous to two (2)
separate franchisees’ territories, then the right of first refusal option described herein will be evaluated by
Franchisor on a case by case basis, and Franchisor will consider and give priority to the franchisee with
the higher Gross Sales, cash reserves and shareholders or members equity on its balance sheet, as well as
overall contribution to Franchisor’s brands.
4.1 Term
The term of this Agreement shall be five (5) years commencing on the date hereof, unless sooner
terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement (the “Initial Term”).
4.2 Renewal Term
If Franchisee shall have complied with the conditions for renewal set forth in Section 4.3 below,
Franchisee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enter into a renewal Franchise Agreement for an
additional term of five (5) years (the “Renewal Term”). After the Renewal Term, any subsequent
renewals are governed by the renewal franchise agreement described in Section 4.4. below.
4.3 Requirements for Renewal
Franchisee’s right to enter into the Renewal Term is contingent upon Franchisee’s fulfillment of
the following conditions:
4.3.1 Upon Franchisee’s exercise of such right and at the commencement of any
Renewal Term, Franchisee shall have fully performed all of his/her obligations under the Agreement and
not failed to generate the revenue required to meet the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee due on three (3)
or more occasions during the final twelve (12) months of the Initial Term.
4.3.2 Franchisee, at the commencement of a Renewal Term, shall satisfy:
(i) Franchisor’s then-current standards applicable to the System; (ii) the requirements of the then-current
Franchise Agreement and all other agreements ancillary thereto; (iii) Franchisor’s training requirements,
including Franchisee’s demonstrable ability to perform all services which are part of the System at the
time of renewal; (iv) the training and other standards set forth in Franchisor’s then-current Confidential
Operations Manual (the “Manual”); and (v) Franchisor’s requests for disclosure of or access to
information requested by Franchisor to evaluate Franchisee’s ability to perform.
4.3.3 Franchisee shall not be in default of any provision of this Agreement or any other
agreement with Franchisor, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and designees, if any.
4.3.4 Franchisee shall have satisfied all monetary obligations to Franchisor, its
affiliates, subsidiaries, and designees, if any, and shall have materially met such obligations in a timely
and responsible manner throughout the Initial Term.
4.3.5 Franchisee and Franchisor shall have executed a mutual general release of any
and all present as well as future claims against the parties and their affiliates, subsidiaries, and designees,
if any, and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, agents, contractors, and employees, in their
corporate and individual capacities, arising out of or related to the Agreement.
4.3.6 Franchisee shall be in compliance with Franchisor’s then-current qualification
and training requirements as set forth in the Manual or elsewhere.
4.3.7 Franchisee has paid to Franchisor a renewal fee equal to Two Thousand Five
Hundred Dollars ($2,500).
4.4 Renewal Franchise Agreement
If Franchisee wishes to exercise his/her right to enter into a renewal Franchise Agreement, it shall
do so by executing Franchisor’s then-current form of Franchise Agreement, which agreement shall
supersede this Agreement.
4.4.1 The terms of any renewal Franchise Agreement may differ from the terms of this
Agreement. Such differences may include, without limitation, a change in the percentage royalty fee
and/or minimum royalty fee imposed upon Franchisee for any such Renewal Term, however the fees
payable upon renewal will not be greater than the fees that Franchisor then imposes on similarly situated
renewing franchisees.
4.4.2 Franchisee shall exercise his/her right to renew for a Renewal Term in the
following manner:
(a) Not less than one hundred eighty (180) days, but no more than two
hundred forty (240) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term, Franchisee shall, by written notice,
inform Franchisor of his/her intention to exercise his/her renewal right.
(b) Within thirty (30) days after receipt of Franchisee’s request, if
Franchisee has complied with all conditions precedent to renewal set forth above, Franchisor shall deliver
to Franchisee a copy of its then-current Disclosure Document (including its then-current Franchise
Agreement), and promptly upon the receipt of same Franchisee shall, in writing, acknowledge the receipt
(c) No sooner than fourteen (14) days but no more than twenty (20) days
after Franchisee receives Franchisor’s then-current Disclosure Document (including Franchisor’s then-
current Franchise Agreement), Franchisee shall, by written notice, notify Franchisor as to whether or not
he/she elects to execute Franchisor’s then-current form of Franchise Agreement.
(d) Promptly upon receipt of Franchisee’s notice of his/her election to
execute Franchisor’s then-current Franchise Agreement, Franchisor shall deliver to Franchisee three (3)
copies of said Franchise Agreement. Promptly upon receipt thereof Franchisee shall execute three (3)
copies of said Franchise Agreement and return the same to Franchisor.
(e) If Franchisee shall fail to perform any of the acts or fail to deliver any of
the notices required pursuant to the provisions of subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d) of this Section 4.4.2, or
pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.3, in a timely fashion, such failure shall be deemed an election by
Franchisee not to renew, and such failure shall cause Franchisee’s renewal right to expire without further
notice or action by Franchisor.
(f) If Franchisee exercises his/her renewal right in the manner described
above, and if on the date the Initial Term expires Franchisee has complied with all of the conditions set
forth in Section 4.3 hereof, Franchisor shall execute the renewal Franchise Agreement previously
executed by Franchisee and shall, promptly after expiration of the Initial Term, deliver one (1) fully
executed copy of the renewal Franchise Agreement to Franchisee.
4.5 Notice Requirement
If applicable law requires that Franchisor give notice of expiration to Franchisee prior to the
expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement shall be deemed to remain in effect on a month-to-month
basis until Franchisor has given to Franchisee that notice of expiration so required and the applicable
period required to pass before the notice becomes effective shall have expired.
4.6 Refusal to Renew Franchise Agreement
Franchisor can refuse to renew Franchisee’s franchise if Franchisee’s lease, sublease or other
document by which Franchisee has the right to occupy the premises is not extended before the Renewal
Term is to take effect to cover the period of the renewal or if Franchisee does not have a written
commitment from his/her landlord to renew the lease or sublease for a period at least equal to the
Renewal Term. Franchisor may also refuse to renew Franchisee’s franchise under other circumstances,
including, but not limited to, Franchisee’s failure to substantially comply with the terms of this
Agreement, Franchisee’s failure to pay amounts owed to Franchisor when due, or Franchisee’s failure to
cure of any defaults incurred during the initial term of this Agreement, if applicable.
5.1 Confidential Operations Manual and Intranet
5.1.1 Franchisor shall, in conjunction with Franchisor’s training program and in
conformity with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provide to Franchisee one (1) copy of
Franchisor’s Confidential Operations Manual (the “Manual”). Use of any part or all of the Manual shall
be only as permitted under this Agreement and during the term thereof, as may be extended from time to
5.1.2 At Franchisor’s option, Franchisor may post the Manual and other
communications on a restricted intranet or other website to which Franchisee will have access. If
Franchisee does so, Franchisee must periodically monitor the site for any updates to the Manual or other
standards, specifications and procedures. Any passwords or other digital identifications necessary to
access the Manual on such a site will be deemed to be part of the Confidential Information. Further,
Franchisee agrees that he/she will establish the channels of communication with Franchisor and his/her
clients as required by Franchisor from time to time, including e-mail, internet and other electronic forms
of communication, and that he/she will acquire and maintain any computer or other components
necessary for the transmission of such communications.
5.1.3 Franchisor must establish one or more websites to advertise, market and promote
Franchised Businesses, the services they offer and sell, and/or the Franchised Business franchise
opportunity. When Franchisor establishes such a website, Franchisor will designate a web page within
the website for each Franchised Business. Franchisor will implement and periodically modify standards
for any such website and individual web pages. Franchisee will not establish a website for his/her
Franchised Business, other than the web page(s) designated to describe Franchisee’s Franchised Business
which are located within Franchisor’s website.
5.2 Additional Materials
In addition to any other items offered to Franchisee, Franchisor may from time to time furnish to
Franchisee other documents and things comprising Copyrights or Know How, including instructions,
data, materials, forms or other information developed by Franchisor in connection with the operation of
the System. Franchisor shall have the right to incorporate such matters in its Manual and Franchisee shall
be required to conduct the operations of the Franchised Business in accordance therewith.
5.3 Initial Training
With respect to new franchisees (and not renewal franchisees), within thirty (30) days after the
execution of this Agreement, Franchisor will offer and Franchisee will thereafter be required to complete
a training program (the “Training Program”) of between five (5) and fifteen (15) days at Franchisor’s
“Hunk University” in Tampa, Florida, or at such location(s) as Franchisor shall designate. Such training
program will include training regarding operational, management and marketing training pertaining to the
System. The Training Program will be offered to Franchisee and one of Franchisee’s employees only, for
a maximum of two (2) people. If the Franchisee is a corporation, limited liability company or a
partnership, its duty to complete the Training Program shall be discharged by the completion of such
Training Program by any shareholder owning at least fifty (50%) percent of the issued and outstanding
shares of said corporation, or the chief executive officer thereof, or, in the case of a limited liability
company or partnership, by any holder of at least fifty (50%) percent of the limited liability company’s or
partnership’s equity. In addition, Franchisor may elect to provide up to three (3) days of additional
training at Franchisee’s Approved Location within the first three (3) months of operations of Franchisee’s
Franchised Business, and from time to time as Franchisor deems necessary.
5.3.1 Franchisor will pay no compensation for any services performed by Franchisee in
the course of training. Franchisee shall pay all reasonable expenses incurred in connection with and
during such training, including, but not limited to, transportation, meals, lodging, wages and other
5.3.2 Franchisor reserves the right to determine the subject matter and content of its
Training Program.
5.3.3 Franchisor reserves the right to elect or decline to train any number of individuals
representing any number of franchises individually, or at the same time.
5.3.4 In the event of a valid and complete assignment of the Franchised Business by
Franchisee to a third party (as provided for hereafter), Franchisor shall train such third party designated
by it in the same manner and under the same circumstances as those described above, except that the new
franchisee must pay to Franchisor its then-current training fee for each individual required or designated
to be trained (in addition to any fees or other requirements attendant to the assignment).
5.3.5 In the event Franchisee hires any personnel to sell Services pursuant to the
requirements of this Agreement and the specifications set forth in the Manual, Franchisee shall be solely
responsible for training said personnel; however, Franchisor reserves the right to review such training to
ensure that Franchisee’s personnel are trained to Franchisor’s satisfaction. For any manager or
replacement manager hired by Franchisee during the term of this Agreement, Franchisor may require that
such manager be sent to Franchisor’s Training Program to be trained directly by Franchisor and its
personnel. All costs associated with sending the manager to the Training Program, including the costs of
the program itself, shall be borne by Franchisee. The manager must complete the Training Program to
Franchisor’s satisfaction. Before any manager may begin to act in a management role in Franchisee’s
Franchised business, the manager must be reviewed and approved by Franchisor.
5.3.6 Franchisor may waive the training requirements of any personnel if it shall
determine, in its sole discretion, that any such personnel has the skill, experience and/or training
necessary to operate in accordance with the System.
5.4 Additional Assistance and Training
Franchisor shall provide such additional advisory assistance and training as Franchisor deems
advisable in the operation of the System, on such terms and conditions as Franchisor determines and sets
forth in its Manual or otherwise. Franchisor may, in its sole and exclusive discretion, cause its
representatives to telephone or visit Franchisee from time to time for the purpose of rendering advice and
consultation with respect to the operation of the Franchised Business, assessing Franchisee’s overall
performance and determining whether Franchisee is conducting the Franchised Business in compliance
with the standards of the System. Franchisee shall comply with all such requests and visitations, and
provide all information requested.
If Franchisee requests additional training, Franchisee shall reimburse Franchisor for its costs in
providing such training. Franchisor will determine the cost on a per person basis based upon the
instructor’s fee and the travel, lodging, food and materials costs associated with the training topic.
5.5 Enrichment Training
Franchisor reserves the right to require Franchisee to participate in a form of enrichment training
if the Franchised Business is not performing satisfactorily. Franchisee’s participation in enrichment
training shall be at Franchisee’s sole expense. Enrichment training may include, but is not limited to, that
(1) Franchisee must attend additional training at Franchisor’s headquarters, (2) Franchisor may send one
(1) of its trainers to the Franchised Business to provide additional training on-site, (3) Franchisor may
require Franchisee to visit another Franchised Business for additional training and/or to observe its
operations, and/or (4) Franchisor may require Franchisee to participate in periodic conference calls.
Franchisee’s Franchised Business will be deemed to not be performing satisfactorily if (a) it is not
meeting the required minimum performance standards, including generating sufficient Gross Sales to
meet the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee required herein, (b) the Franchised Business has suffered
negative growth for six (6) or more consecutive months, (c) Franchisee has excessive reporting problems
(including failure to comply with Franchisor’s reporting procedures and/or late reporting for two (2) or
more consecutive periods), (d) Franchisee has incurred a high level of damages or customer complaints,
or (e) Franchisee is not responding to calls according to Franchisor’s requirements (including calls from
Franchisor, the Call Center and customers). Unsatisfactory performance of the Franchised Business is a
default under this Agreement.
Franchisor shall provide Franchisee with notice that the Franchised Business is not performing
satisfactorily, the nature of the default and the actions Franchisee must take to cure the default.
Franchisee shall have three (3) months to complete the curative actions Franchisor designates and bring
the Franchised Business up to Franchisor’s performance requirements. If Franchisee is unable to do so
within this three (3) month period, Franchisor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.
5.6 Annual Convention
On an annual basis and at Franchisor’s discretion, at Franchisee’s cost and expense (including
Franchisor’s then-current annual convention fee, currently estimated to be Three Hundred Dollars ($300)
per person), Franchisee or one (1) member of Franchisee’s staff is required to attend Franchisor’s annual
convention at a location determined by the Franchisor. Attendance at this convention is required, unless
failure to attend is due to an illness or act of God. If Franchisee does not attend a convention, and such
attendance is not excused by Franchisor, Franchisee shall pay to Franchisor a missed convention fee in
the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500). If Franchisee has an unexcused absence from a required
convention a second time, Franchisor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. If Franchisee fails
to attend a convention at least once during the term of this Agreement, Franchisor shall have the right to
not grant a renewal of this Agreement.
5.7 Approved Suppliers
Franchisor shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, provide information pertaining to
sources of supply of any products or materials which may be used in the System.
5.8 Software
Franchisor or a third party will license to Franchisee the Software, as may be made available from
time to time and made part of the System. In connection therewith, Franchisee may be required to
execute a software license agreement provided by the third party vendor and such other license
agreements which may be applicable to additional or revised software used in the System, and shall be
required to pay any initial licensing fees. Franchisee shall not be required to pay a separate fee related to
upgrades or maintenance of the Software. Any and all warranties for such Software shall be provided by
the third party vendor and not by the Franchisor.
5.8.1 In addition to the training to be provided by Franchisor, during the term of this
Agreement, at an additional charge to Franchisee, Franchisor or its designee will provide to Franchisee at
Franchisee’s request such amount of technical advice on the use of the Software in addition to the
Training Program as Franchisor, in its sole discretion, determines to be reasonably necessary.
5.9 Computer Hardware
Franchisor shall specify the particular computer hardware and peripheral equipment which
Franchisee must purchase or lease.
5.10 Pricing
Franchisor shall advise Franchisee, from time to time, concerning the maximum prices which
Franchisee should charge the clients he/she provide Services to under the System. The maximum prices
provided by Franchisor may be different from those pricing guidelines provided to other franchisees in
the System. Any such advice, if given at all, will be binding on Franchisee, since the purpose of
providing such advice is to enhance interbrand competition and would provide certain economic benefits
to Franchisee’s clients. Franchisor will provide Franchisee with written notice of all changes to suggested
prices (including any temporary promotional changes) and such changes shall be effective upon receipt,
unless otherwise stated in the notice. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed a representation by
Franchisor that if Franchisee follows such advice he/she will, in fact, generate or optimize profits.
Franchisee is obligated to inform Franchisor of all prices charged for services and products sold by
Franchisee and to inform Franchisor of any modifications of Franchisee’s prices.
5.11 Brand Development Fund
Franchisor shall administer the Brand Development Fund as is more fully described in Section
11.2 hereof.
5.12 Force Majeure
Delays in the performance by either party or its designee of any obligations hereunder which are
not the fault of or within the reasonable control of such party including, without limitation, fire, flood,
natural disasters, acts of God, governmental acts or orders, or civil disorders, shall not give rise to a
default by such party hereunder. Rather the time of performance of any such obligations will be extended
for the period of such delay or for such other reasonable period of time as may be appropriate in the
5.13 Intranet
Franchisor may produce and distribute communications to its franchisees via its intranet system
and all franchisees must subscribe to this intranet service. To access Franchisor’s intranet, Franchisee
will be provided with a password. This password is to be considered confidential information and is to be
revealed only to those of Franchisee’s employees who must have access to the intranet. In the event
Franchisee loses the password or the password is otherwise compromised, Franchisee shall notify
Franchisor of such event as soon as practicable, and Franchisor will take steps necessary to provide
Franchisee with a new password for access to the intranet.
5.14 Call Center
Franchisor or its designee will own, operate and maintain a national Call Center, which will
operate for the benefit of all franchisees in the System and which Franchisee must use. The Call Center
will derive the majority of Franchisee’s appointments from its advertising and networking. The Call
Center will use its best efforts to maintain a staff sufficient to generate and drive business to its
franchisees. Franchisee shall be required to pay applicable Call Center Administration Fees. Franchisor
reserves the right to discontinue operation of the Call Center and, in such event, the Call Center
Administration Fee shall no longer apply.
5.14.1 All business generated by Franchisee within his/her Designated Territory and all
inquiries made of Franchisee from potential clients must be recorded in the required client loyalty
Software not later than the end of the royalty reporting period in which such business was generated or
inquiry was made. In addition, Franchisee shall provide such information to the Call Center not later than
the end of such reporting period for scheduling, tracking and follow-up with the client, including client
inquiries received via the Franchisor’s “800” number and/or website as well as inquiries and requests for
service provided to Franchisee directly.
5.14.2 Franchisee acknowledges and agrees that the Call Center is intended to provide a
uniform process for placement of orders for Services and handling of clients throughout the System, and
to maintain a complete client database which provides management reports to franchisees. Franchisor
undertakes no obligation to ensure that any particular franchisee (including Franchisee) benefits on a pro-
rata basis from the Call Center.
5.15 Refresher Training
To develop and maintain cooperation and friendship with other franchisees, to enhance the ability
to operate the Franchised Business properly, to learn the most recent developments in business methods
for the Franchised Business and to take instructions from Franchisor on new or revised procedures or
requirements, Franchisor reserves the right to require Franchisee to attend an annual refresher training
course conducted by Franchisor for franchisees, to be held at a location to be determined by Franchisor.
5.15.1 Franchisee will pay the costs of the personnel and their expenses in conducting
such refresher training program, and Franchisee shall be responsible for his/her own travel expenses,
meals and lodging, including those of his/her Manager(s), if any. However, Franchisor shall be under no
obligation to conduct such program until, in Franchisor’s sole and absolute discretion, it is advisable to do
5.15.2 Franchisee’s Manager(s), if any, must attend and complete, at Franchisee’s
expense, all training sessions described herein, in addition to Franchisee and to the same extent as
5.16 Franchisee Directory
To assist in the efficient operation of the Franchised Business, Franchisor shall provide and
Franchisee shall assist Franchisor in the continuous development and maintenance of the following
directory for use solely within the System:
5.16.1 Franchisee Directory
. To assist Franchisee in maintaining contact with other
franchisees, Franchisor shall publish, from time to time, a directory of the names, addresses and telephone
numbers of every franchisee in the System. We reserve the right to post such directory on our intranet.
5.17 Service Requests
In the event Franchisor receives any service requests via its website, or by other means, which are
from potential clients who are physically located within the Designated Territory of any franchisee,
Franchisor shall direct such orders to any of the franchisees owning such Designated Territory. If
Franchisee is unable to complete such request for service for the client, Franchisor shall have the right to
fulfill such order itself or direct same to another franchisee, without compensating Franchisee for his/her
failed efforts.
5.17.1 Franchisee shall be prohibited from directly soliciting or serving clients outside
of the Designated Territory. If the Call Center receives a request for Services from a client within an
unassigned Zone, but said Zone is within a radius of fifteen (15) miles from Franchisee’s Designated
Territory, the Franchisor may require Franchisee to provide the Services to said client and to pay the fee
referenced in Section 8.5. If the client is outside the fifteen (15) mile radius of Franchisee’s Designated
Territory, Franchisee shall have the option whether or not to provide Services to said client.
5.18 Supply Manual
Franchisor will publish and distribute from time to time a supply manual suggesting sources of
supply for forms, signs, cards, stationery and other items necessary to operate a modern junk removal or
moving business. The suggested source of supply for items may be Franchisor, an affiliate of Franchisor
or an independent supplier. Franchisee may purchase supplies either from a source of supply suggested
by Franchisor or from any other supplier which can first demonstrate to the satisfaction of Franchisor that
its products or services meet the specifications established from time to time by Franchisor.
5.19 Artwork and Templates
Franchisor will provide Franchisee initially and periodically throughout the term of this
Agreement with electronic artwork and templates for various documents Franchisee will use in the
operation of the Franchised Business and for advertising purposes. Franchisor reserves the right to
require Franchisee to reimburse Franchisor’s expenses to provide the artwork and templates to
5.20 Call Center Fund
Franchisor shall administer the Customer Loyalty Center Fund (the “Center Fund”) as follows:
5.20.1 Franchisor shall segregate all contributions made by franchisees to the Center
Fund into a separate account. All monies in the Center Fund shall be used for administrative costs related
to the Call Center (including but not limited to staffing and equipment purchases), maintenance and
upgrade fees for the Software, and maintenance fees for Franchisor’s intranet. Franchisor shall have sole
and absolute discretion over the use of the monies in the Center Fund as well as all aspects of operating
the Call Center. The Center Fund shall not be used to defray any of Franchisor’s general operating costs,
except that Franchisor may allocate a portion of salaries for Call Center staff to the Center Fund, as well
as other costs Franchisor may incur related to the administration of the Center Fund.
5.20.2 Franchisor shall provide Franchisee each year with an unaudited financial
statement showing the use of monies in the Center Fund and the balance of the Center Fund at year end.
5.20.3 In the event the balance at year end in the Center Fund is in excess of
expenditures, Franchisor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to retain the monies in the Center Fund
for the next year or to allocate some of the excess monies to the Regional Advertising Fund.
5.20.4 Except as may be otherwise provided in this Agreement, Franchisor assumes no
direct or indirect liability or obligation to Franchisee with respect to the maintenance, direction or
administration of the Call Center or the Center Fund. Franchisee is not a third party beneficiary and shall
have no right to enforce any contributions from other franchisees or the administration of the Center
Fund. Any obligation of Franchisor with respect to the Center Fund shall be contractual in nature, and
Franchisee shall have no proprietary right in the Center Fund, which shall not constitute a trust fund.
5.21 Assistance with Dispute Resolution
If Franchisor becomes aware of a dispute between Franchisee and one (1) or more third parties
relating to the Franchised Business, Franchisor may take one (1) or more of the following actions.
5.21.1 Franchisor may take no action other than to instruct Franchisee to resolve the
dispute in a manner that will not cause injury to the College Hunks Hauling Junk® and/or College Hunks
Moving® brands, System or Proprietary Marks, or the goodwill associated therewith.
5.21.2 Franchisor may assist Franchisee and such third parties to resolve the dispute if
Franchisor believes that its assistance will constructively resolve such dispute.
5.21.3 If Franchisor believes that the dispute cannot or will not be resolved and that the
dispute will or may damage the College Hunks Hauling Junk® and/or College Hunks Moving® brands,
System, Proprietary Marks and/or the goodwill associated therewith, or if Franchisee has not been able to
resolve such dispute and Franchisor must resolve the dispute on Franchisee’s behalf, Franchisor may,
with advance written notice to Franchisee, resolve the dispute directly with the third party by paying any
damages alleged and supported by documentary evidence by the third party, including without limitation
attorneys’ fees, and Franchisee agrees to indemnify Franchisor for any such action taken or payment
made. Franchisee shall reimburse all costs Franchisor incurs related to this settlement, which Franchisee
agrees to pay within fourteen (14) days after notice of demand therefor. Franchisor may, but is not
obligated to, consult with a designated franchisee group and request that such group provide an opinion
regarding resolution of the dispute based upon the facts of the dispute. Franchisor is not obligated to
comply with any opinion propounded by such group.. In providing the advisory group with facts related
to the dispute, Franchisor shall use its best efforts to keep confidential all information relating to the
identities of the disputants.
6.1 Conduct of Franchised Business
In order to protect the reputation and goodwill of the Franchisor, the System, and Proprietary
Properties, and to maintain requisite operating standards under the Proprietary Marks, Franchisee shall
conduct his or her Franchised Business in strict accordance with the provisions, standards, and procedures
set forth in this Agreement and in the Manual.
6.2 Confidential Information
Franchisee shall at all times treat the Manual, any other manuals created for or approved for use
in the operation of the Franchised Business, and the information contained therein as confidential Know
How, and shall use all efforts to maintain such information as secret and confidential in accordance with
the terms and conditions governing Know How and Copyrights, including, without limitation, the
following: Franchisee shall not, at any time, without the Franchisor’s prior written consent, copy,
duplicate, record, or otherwise reproduce the foregoing materials, in whole or in part, nor otherwise make
the same available to any unauthorized person. The persons who are authorized shall include
Franchisee’s management personnel who have executed the Employee Non-competition and Non-
disclosure Agreement, annexed hereto as Exhibit “B.”
6.3 Sole Property of Franchisor
The Manual shall at all times remain the sole property of the Franchisor, and shall be returned to
the Franchisor immediately upon expiration or termination of this Agreement.
6.4 Revisions
The Franchisor may, from time to time, revise the contents of the Manual when it reasonably
considers such revisions to be necessary to improve or maintain the standards of the System and
Franchisee expressly agrees to comply with each new or changed standard, provided, however, that such
revisions are made for all franchisees and are reasonable in nature. Any revisions to the contents of the
Manual shall be deemed effective seven (7) days after the date of mailing or providing same
electronically of such revisions to Franchisee, unless otherwise specified by the Franchisor.
Franchisee acknowledges the contents of the Manual and any revisions or modifications made
thereto shall constitute additional provisions of and modifications to this Agreement as if fully set forth
6.5 Franchisee to Keep Current
Franchisee shall at all times ensure that his/her copy of the Manual, if such Manual is provided to
you in hard copy format, is kept current and up to date, and in the event of any dispute as to the contents
of the Manual, the terms of the master copy of the Manual maintained by the Franchisor at its home office
shall be controlling.
6.6 Modification of Standards
Franchisor and Franchisee acknowledge there may be circumstances that require the Franchisee
to modify the implementation of the standards and guidelines set forth in the Manual. The Franchisor and
Franchisee recognize the Manual is an operational guideline for conducting the Franchisee’s business
operations and, although the Franchisee shall use his/her best efforts to faithfully follow the standards and
guidelines set forth in the Manual, the Franchisor shall be permitted to modify the operational standards
and guidelines so that Franchisee’s business is best served.
6.7 Improvements
To the extent that any improvements, inventions or discoveries are made by Franchisee, or
Franchisee’s employees or agents, during the course of this Agreement and relating to the Proprietary
Properties or System (“improvements”), such improvements shall be deemed assigned to and owned by
Franchisor for the purpose of improving the entirety of the franchised network and the provision of
services in accordance with the System. All documents and other information concerning any such
improvements shall be disclosed to Franchisor promptly after creation or invention. Franchisor shall, in
its sole discretion, decide whether such improvements are worthy of inclusion in the System and the best
and most practical method of implementation and protection. Franchisee shall execute all documents
reasonably necessary to perfect Franchisor’s ownership in and to any such improvements and shall
cooperate with Franchisor in the creation, implementation, use and protection thereof.
7.1 License
The license granted in Section 2.1 hereof does not grant Franchisee any right, title or interest, at
law or in equity, in or to any of the Proprietary Properties, including the Proprietary Marks, Copyrights,
and Know How, except as provided by said license. Further, such license applies only to those portions
of the Proprietary Properties which have been, or may be, designated in writing by Franchisor for use by
Franchisee in conjunction with the operation of the Franchised Business. Franchisee shall not represent
to others, or conduct himself/herself in any manner that might indicate to others, that he/she possesses any
other legal or equitable rights in or to the Proprietary Properties by virtue of the license granted
hereunder. Execution of this Agreement by Franchisee shall further set forth Franchisee’s consent that
the Proprietary Marks, Copyrights and Know How are valid and enforceable (without defense or
recourse). Franchisee represents and warrants that he/she will not attack the validity or enforceability of
any of the Proprietary Properties, or assist another in any such attack, during the course of this Agreement
or thereafter. The terms of this paragraph shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement for
any reason, in addition to any of the other remedies or survival provisions otherwise contained herein.
7.2 Quality Standards
Franchisee agrees that the nature and quality of: all services rendered by Franchisee in
connection with Franchisor’s Proprietary Marks; all goods sold by Franchisee under Franchisor’s
Proprietary Marks; and all related advertising, promotional and other related use of Franchisee’s
Proprietary Marks by Franchisee shall conform to standards set by and be under the control of Franchisor.
7.3 Quality Maintenance
Franchisee agrees to cooperate with Franchisor in facilitating Franchisor’s control of the nature
and quality of Franchisor’s Proprietary Marks, to permit reasonable inspection of Franchisee’s operation,
and to supply Franchisor with specimen of all uses of Franchisee’s Proprietary Marks upon request.
Franchisee shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations and obtain all appropriate government
approvals pertaining to the sale, distribution and advertising of services and goods which may be covered
by this Agreement.
7.4 No Act in Derogation
Franchisee shall not do or permit any act in derogation of any of the rights of Franchisor to its
Proprietary Properties.
7.5 No Dispute
Franchisee shall not contest or dispute Franchisor’s title to any part or all of the Proprietary
7.6 Use of Proprietary Properties
Franchisee shall use the Proprietary Properties solely in accordance with this Agreement and the
7.6.1 Franchisee agrees to use Franchisor’s Proprietary Marks only in the form and
manner and with appropriate legends as prescribed from time to time by Franchisor, and not to use any
other service marks or trademark in combination with any of Franchisor’s Proprietary Marks without
prior written approval of Franchisor.
7.7 Identification of Franchisee
Franchisee shall not use the Proprietary Properties, or any words, phrases, symbols, trade dress,
colors, logos or materials which Franchisor deems confusingly similar thereto, in his/her trade name (or
for any other purpose) without Franchisor’s prior written approval. In that connection, Franchisee shall
identify himself/herself to the public as doing business as College Hunks Moving® and/or College
Hunks Moving® as designated in the opening paragraph of this Agreement.
7.7.1 During the term of this Agreement and any renewal or extension hereof,
Franchisee shall identify himself/herself as the independent owner of the Franchised Business in
conjunction with any use of the Proprietary Marks, including, but not limited to, on invoices, order forms,
receipts, business stationery, contracts with all third parties or entities, as well as the display of such
notices in such content and form and at such conspicuous locations as Franchisor may designate in
7.8 Discontinuance of Use
In addition to all post-termination provisions contained in this Agreement, Franchisee agrees that
after the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Franchisee shall discontinue the use of the cellular
telephone number(s) of the Franchised Business and shall not advertise in any telephone directory under
the names College Hunks Moving® or College Hunks Moving® or any other name, phrase or logo used
by the System, discontinue use of any or all of the Proprietary Properties, and not use any words, phrases,
logos, designs, colors, trade dress or the like that in any manner may cause client confusion, or resemble,
be confusingly similar to, or be a colorable imitation of the Proprietary Properties. Additionally, upon
demand of the Franchisor, Franchisee shall direct his/her local telephone company to transfer such
telephone number(s) to Franchisor or its designee by utilization of the Conditional Assignment of
Telephone Numbers and Listings and Internet Addresses to be executed by Franchisee, the form of which
is annexed hereto as Exhibit “C.” If Franchisee fails promptly to direct his/her telephone company to
effect such transfer, Franchisee hereby irrevocably appoints Franchisor as his/her attorney-in-fact to so
7.9 Franchisor to Defend
If Franchisee receives notice of or learns of any actual or potential claim, suit or demand that has
been or may be asserted against him/her or Franchisor involving any alleged infringement, unfair
competition, or similar matter relating to the use of the Proprietary Properties, Franchisee shall promptly
notify Franchisor of any such actual or potential claim, suit or demand. Thereupon, Franchisor shall
promptly take such action as it may deem necessary in its sole discretion to address any such claim.
Franchisor shall have the sole right to defend compromise or settle any such claim, using attorneys of its
own choosing, and Franchisee agrees to cooperate fully with Franchisor in connection with the defense of
any such claim. Franchisor shall protect, defend and indemnify Franchisee in connection with such claim
unless the claim, suit or demand arises out of or relates to Franchisee’s use of the Proprietary Properties in
violation of this Agreement, the Manual or otherwise.
7.10 Notification of Infringement
If Franchisee learns of any unauthorized use of the Proprietary Properties, Franchisee shall
promptly notify Franchisor of the facts relating to such alleged infringing use. Franchisor shall, in its
discretion, determine whether or not to take any action with respect to such information. Franchisee shall
have no right to take any action with respect to any unauthorized use of the Proprietary Properties without
the prior written consent of Franchisor.
7.10.1 Franchisee agrees to notify Franchisor of any unauthorized use of Franchisor’s
Proprietary Marks by others promptly as it comes to Franchisee’s attention. Franchisor shall have the
sole right and discretion to bring infringement or unfair competition proceedings involving Franchisor’s
Proprietary Marks.
7.11 Limited License
Franchisee understands and agrees that the limited license to use the Proprietary Properties
granted hereby applies only to such properties as are designated by Franchisor, together with those which
may hereafter be designated by Franchisor in writing. Franchisee expressly understands and agrees that
he/she is bound not to represent in any manner that he/she has acquired any ownership or equitable rights
in any of the Proprietary Properties by virtue of the limited license granted hereunder, or by virtue of
Franchisee’s use or creation of any of the Proprietary Properties, or upon any other basis.
7.11.1 If it becomes advisable at any time, in the discretion of Franchisor, to modify or
discontinue use of any aspect of the Proprietary Properties and/or to adopt or use one or more additional
or substitute items, then Franchisee shall be obligated to comply with any such instruction by Franchisor.
will not be liable to Franchisee for any expenses, losses or damages sustained by Franchisee as a result of
any such addition, modification, substitution or discontinuation, and Franchisee covenants not to
commence or join in any litigation or other proceeding against Franchisor for any of these expenses,
losses or damages.
8.1 Initial Franchise Fee
Initial Franchise Fee – Standard Zone. Upon execution of this Agreement and to initiate the
franchise rights conveyed hereunder, Franchisee shall pay to Franchisor an Initial Franchise Fee of
___________________________ Dollars ($_____________). If Franchisee is purchasing a standard
Zone and either the College Hunks Hauling Junk® or the College Hunks Moving® concept (but not
both), the Initial Franchise Fee payable hereunder is Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000). If Franchisee is
purchasing both the College Hunks Hauling Junk® and the College Hunks Moving® concepts, then the
Initial Franchise Fee payable hereunder is Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000). If Franchisee is a qualified
United States veteran, and provided that Franchisee shall at all times own a minimum of fifty-one percent
(51%) of the Franchised Business, Franchisor shall reduce the Initial Franchise Fee by Five Thousand
Dollars ($5,000).
Initial Franchise Fee – Small Market Zone. Franchisee may elect to purchase a small market
Zone, in which event the Initial Franchise Fee payable hereunder will be calculated as Ten Cents (10¢)
per person in the Zone; provided, however, that in no event shall the Designated Territory include less
than five thousand (5,000) people and provided, further, that the Franchisor has the right to require
Franchisee to purchase a larger number of qualified households for the Zone if Franchisor believes, using
its reasonable business judgment, that the population is insufficient to sustain a reasonable volume of
business. In addition, Franchisee may choose to purchase additional areas at the same rate (designated by
zip code) if these areas are available.
Initial Franchise Fee – Conversion Franchise. If Franchisee is currently in a similar business
and wishes to convert his/her existing business to a Franchised Business, Franchisee shall pay an Initial
Franchise Fee in the amount of ________ Dollars ($_____). The Initial Franchise Fee Franchisee shall
pay hereunder is calculated as the then-current Initial Franchise Fee of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000)
less ten percent (10%) of Franchisee’s total revenue from your existing business in the previous year;
provided, however, that in no event shall such discount exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000),
making the minimum Initial Franchise Fee Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).
The Initial Franchise Fee (less any amount credited by any deposit heretofore paid by Franchisee
to Franchisor), regardless of which type of franchise or number of Zones purchased (as described below),
is payable in a lump sum upon execution of this Agreement, is not refundable in whole or in part and is
deemed fully earned upon execution of this Agreement. The Initial Franchise Fee is, in part,
compensation to grant Franchisee a Zone within which to operate his/her Franchised Business, which
Zone will be Franchisee’s Designated Territory.
8.1.1 In the event Franchisee wishes to purchase additional Zones, such Zones must be
contiguous to Franchisee’s Designated Territory and Franchisee must meet Franchisor’s then-current
qualifications for franchisees who wish to own multiple Zones. Franchisor reserves the right to deny the
sale of an additional Zone to Franchisee. Franchisor does not guarantee the success of any Zone, and
Franchisor will not reserve a Zone for future purchase. Franchisee will be required to operate at least 1
office per 4 Zones that it owns and to sign a separate Franchise Agreement for Each Office. The
Franchisee must reach a minimum of $20,000 revenue per month per owned Zone and have at least
$40,000 in available capital or financing before it will be permitted to purchase additional Zones.
8.1.2 If Franchisee elects to purchase additional standard size Zones at the same time
as this Agreement is executed, then the cost for each additional Zone shall be Fifteen Thousand Dollars
($15,000), which is payable in a lump sum to Franchisor and is not refundable. If Franchisee elects to
purchase additional Zones after this Agreement is executed and while the Franchised Business is being
operated, then the cost for each additional Zone shall be Twenty-two Thousand Dollars ($22,000) or
Franchisor’s then-current additional Zone fee, whichever is higher, for each additional Zone Franchisee
purchases. The additional Zone fee(s) shall be non-refundable.
8.1.3 If Franchisee elects to purchase an additional fraction of a Zone, whether at the
same time as this Agreement is executed or during the term of this Agreement, then the cost for such
fractional Zone shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for each additional one hundred thousand
(100,000) people. The additional fractional Zone fee shall be payable upon execution of this Agreement
or upon our approval of your purchase of the additional fractional Zone, as applicable, and is non-
8.1.4 During the term of this Agreement, and if Franchisee has chosen to purchase only
one of the business concepts initially, Franchisee may purchase the other business concept for an
additional fee of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000). Franchisee shall meet Franchisor’s criteria for
purchasing the additional concept, including being in good standing under this Agreement and Franchisee
has the financial capability to purchase or lease the additional truck(s) and equipment required. This
additional fee is payable when Franchisor approves Franchisee to purchase the additional concept and is
not refundable.
8.1.5 All of Franchisee’s Zones (or fractional Zones) which together will comprise the
Designated Territory shall be listed on Exhibit “A” hereto, which Exhibit shall be amended from time to
time in the event Franchisee purchases additional Zones (or fractional Zones).
8.1.6 In the event Franchisee obtains from a lender a loan (“Loan”) in which funding
is provided with the assistance of the United States Small Business Administration (“SBA”), Franchisee
agrees to execute any additional documentation required as a condition for obtaining the SBA assisted
8.1.7 In certain limited circumstances, Franchisor may offer Franchisee the opportunity
to finance up to seventy percent (70%) of the Initial Franchise Fee payable hereunder. In such event,
Franchisee shall execute and deliver to Franchisor, contemporaneously with the execution of this
Agreement, Franchisor’s then-current form of Promissory Note and Personal Guaranty, attached hereto as
Exhibit “H.”
8.2 Continuing Royalty Fee
In addition to the Initial Franchise Fee, Franchisee shall pay Franchisor a semi-monthly
Continuing Royalty Fee equal to seven percent (7%) of the Gross Sales generated, billed but not
collected, earned, derived and/or received by the Franchised Business (“Continuing Royalty Fee”) for
the prior period’s operations, subject to the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee described in Section 8.2.2
below. The Continuing Royalty Fee is payable on the third (3
) and eighteenth (18
) days of each
month, or the next business day if either such day is not a business day. The Continuing Royalty Fee
payable on the third (3
) day of each month is calculated based on Gross Sales generated in the period
from the sixteenth (16
) day of the previous calendar month to the last day of such month. The
Continuing Royalty Fee payable on the eighteenth (18
) day of each month is calculated based on Gross
Sales generated in the period from the first (1
) day through the fifteenth (15
) day of the current month.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Franchisee provides Services outside of the Designated
Territory, and the provision of such Services is more than thirty percent (30%) of Gross Sales over a three
(3) month period of time but Franchisee does not wish to purchase an additional Zone, Franchisee shall
pay Franchisor a Continuing Royalty Fee equal to twelve percent (12%) of all Gross Sales from Services
provided outside the Designated Territory. In the event Franchisee elects to purchase the additional Zone,
then these additional fees will be credited toward the cost of such additional Zone. These additional fees
are otherwise not refundable under any circumstances. An additional 10% of revenue outside of Territory
must be paid (an “Out of Territory Fee”) if the Franchisee performs services outside of its Zone after
being informed to stop.
8.2.1 As used in this Agreement, the term “Gross Sales” shall mean and include the
actual gross revenues billed to clients of Franchisee in connection with the Services sold and performed
for such clients, whether for cash or credit, plus any other revenues derived from the operation of the
Franchised Business by Franchisee, but excluding federal, state or municipal sales, use, service or excise
taxes collected from clients and paid to the appropriate taxing authorities, and client refunds. Gross Sales
does not currently include revenues from re-sale items, but Franchisor reserves in the right, in its
discretion, to include in the definition of Gross Sales any revenue Franchisee receives from recycling and
scrap, consignments, re-sales of items, etc. If Franchisor elects to include these types of revenue in Gross
Sales, Franchisor shall provide Franchisee with systems and training regarding the re-sale of such items.
8.2.2 The minimum Continuing Royalty Fee payable hereunder shall be as follows:
(a) If this Agreement is for a College Hunks Hauling Junk® franchise that
will provide junk removal services only, then the following shall apply: There is no minimum Continuing
Royalty Fee for the first six (6) months unless this Agreement results from a transfer or renewal. From
months 1-12, the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period is One Hundred Fifty ($150).
If Franchisee owns more than one (>1) Zone, then in months 13-24, the minimum Continuing Royalty
Fee each reporting period increases to Three Hundred Dollars ($300). If Franchisee owns more than two
(>2) Zones, then in months 25-36 the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases
to Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450). If Franchisee owns more than three (>3) Zones, then in months
37-48 the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to Six Hundred Dollars
($600). If Franchisee owns more than four (>4) Zones, then in months 49-60 the minimum Continuing
Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750). This trend continues
each year based on the number of Zones owned by Franchisee.
(b) If this Agreement is for a College Hunks Moving® franchise that will
provide moving services only, then the following shall apply: There is no minimum Continuing Royalty
Fee for the first six (6) months unless this Agreement results from a transfer or renewal. From month 7-
12, the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period is Seven Hundred Dollars ($700). If
Franchisee owns more than one (>1) Zone, then in months 13-24, the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee
each reporting period increases to One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($1,400). If Franchisee owns
more than two (>2) Zones, then in months 25-36 the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting
period increases to Two Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($2,100). If Franchisee owns more than three
(>3) Zones, then in months 37-48 the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases
to Two Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($2,800). If Franchisee owns more than four (>4) Zones, then
in months 49-60 the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee each reporting period increases to Three
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500). This trend continues each year based on the number of Zones
owned by Franchisee.
(c) If this Agreement is for both concepts, then the minimum Continuing
Royalty Fee shall be as set forth in Section 8.2.2(b) above and Section 8.2.2(a) shall be of no effect.
8.2.3 If Franchisee fails to achieve the level of Gross Sales necessary in order to enable
Franchisee to pay the minimum Continuing Royalty Fees three (3) times in any twelve (12) month period
during the term of this Agreement, but after the initial six (6) months of operation (when no minimum
Continuing Royalty Fee is required), Franchisor has the right to (a) take back one (1) of Franchisee’s
Zones, if Franchisee then operates multiple Zones; or (b) terminate this Agreement.
8.3 Brand Development Fee
In addition to the Initial Franchise Fee and Continuing Royalty Fee, Franchisee shall pay to
Franchisor a Brand Development Fee (to be expended as provided in Section 11.2) in an amount equal to
one percent (1%) of Franchisee’s Gross Sales during the previous two (2) week period. The Brand
Development Fee is payable at the same time and in the same manner as the Continuing Royalty Fee.
8.4 Call Center Support Fee
Franchisee shall be required to pay to Franchisor an administration fee for use of the Call Center
equal to $727 per month for junk-only franchises or $857 per month for moving franchises or
moving/junk franchises (“Support Fee”). The Support Fee is payable at the same time and in the same
manner as the Continuing Royalty Fee. There is no Support Fee for the first six (6) months unless this
Agreement results from a renewal or transfer.
8.5 Appointment Fee
In addition to the Support Fee, Franchisee will pay $17 per scheduled appointment by the CLC
(the "Appointment Fee"). Franchisee will not be required to pay the Appointment Fee for self-
generated sales, self-booked sales, online bookings, or jobs that cancel prior to the day of the scheduled
appointment. The Appointment Fee will be billed by the Franchisor each month and is due 10 days after
invoice is sent. The Appointment Fee covers the per-appointment set by the CLC and is due whether or
not a sale results from the appointment, but will not be charged if a client cancels prior to the day of the
scheduled appointment. "Per Booking" or "Per Appointment" is defined as a Booked Move, Booked Junk
Removal Estimate, Booked In-Home Estimate or Booked Junk Removal Consultation. Franchisee will be
able to submit a request for refund of the $17 if an appointment is improperly scheduled. Franchisor
reserves the right to reject Franchisee's unreasonable requests for refund.. Franchisor reserves the right to
monitor the systemwide cancellation average to ensure Franchisee does not abuse the system of cancelled
appointments or credits from the CLC. Franchisees should still perform confirmation calls with clients at
least the day prior to minimize day-of cancellations. If there is a day-of cancellation that the Franchisee
feels was booked incorrectly, the Franchisee can submit an incident report request for refund.
8.6 Providing Services to Clients Outside the Designated Territory
Franchisee shall not be required to pay an additional fee when servicing clients outside of the
Designated Territory, provided such clients are not located in another franchisee’s designated territory. In
the event the provision of Services to clients outside of the Designated Territory accounts for at least
twenty percent (30%) of Franchisee’s total Gross Sales, Franchisor may require Franchisee to purchase
the additional Zone in which Franchisee has been providing Services for the right to continue providing
services outside of the Designated Territory. Franchisee must meet all of Franchisor’s qualifications for
purchasing additional Zones as set forth herein or in the Confidential Operations Manual. If Franchisee
does not purchase the additional Zone, Franchisee must cease providing Services in such area.
8.7 Commencement of the Business
Franchisee’s obligations to pay the Continuing Royalty Fee, the Support Fee) and the Brand
Development Fee accrues on the day that Franchisee commences operation of the Franchised Business
(except for the temporary abatement of the minimum Continuing Royalty Fee discussed in Section 8.2).
Commencement of the Business” is defined as the first day on which the Franchised Business receives
revenues, offers services, or conducts any of the activities contemplated by this Agreement.
8.8 Right of Set Off
Franchisee agrees to pay promptly, when due, all taxes and assessments that may be assessed or
otherwise due against Franchisee’s income, premises, equipment and/or supplies used in connection with
Franchisee’s business, to discharge all liens and encumbrances of every kind and character created or
placed upon or against any of said property and to pay all accounts and other indebtedness of every kind
incurred by Franchisee in the conduct of said business. In the event Franchisee should default in making
any such payment, Franchisor shall be authorized, but not required, to pay the same on Franchisee’s
behalf, and Franchisee covenants promptly to reimburse Franchisor for any such payment. Franchisor
shall also maintain the right of set off to permit deductions of any such amounts from payments that may
be due Franchisee hereunder. Any such amounts advanced by Franchisor shall be due and payable
immediately on Franchisee’s receipt of written demand from Franchisor.
8.9 Default
Any default by Franchisee in the timely payment of any indebtedness of Franchisee owing to
Franchisor, or to any affiliate of Franchisor, or the default by Franchisee in the payment of any
indebtedness of Franchisee with respect to which Franchisor or any of the affiliates of Franchisor is a
guarantor, co-signer, endorser or obligor, shall constitute a breach of this Franchise Agreement, rendering
the same subject to termination in accordance with the provisions of Article XVII hereof.
8.10 Application of Funds
Franchisee waives any and all existing and future claims and set offs against any amounts due
Franchisor hereunder, which amounts shall be paid when due regardless of any other claims which
Franchisee may have against Franchisor. However, Franchisor shall be entitled to apply or cause to be
applied against amounts due to it any amounts which may from time to time be held by Franchisor on
Franchisee’s behalf or be owed to Franchisee by Franchisor. Notwithstanding any designation by
Franchisee, Franchisor shall use sound business judgment and be reasonable in applying any payments
received from Franchisee, whether designated as payable to Franchisor, the Brand Development Fund or
otherwise, to any past due or other indebtedness of Franchisee for continuing fees payable hereunder,
purchases, interest or otherwise. Franchisor may set off from any amounts that may be owed to
Franchisee any amount that Franchisee owes to Franchisor or with respect to any payment. In particular,
Franchisor may retain any amounts it has received for Franchisee’s account (whether rebates or other
funds and whether paid by or due from suppliers or otherwise) as a credit and payment against any
amounts that Franchisee owes or will owe to Franchisor or with respect to any Brand Development Fee.
Franchisor may do so without notice at any time. However, Franchisee does not have the right to offset
or withhold payments owed to Franchisor for amounts purportedly due Franchisee from Franchisor.
Franchisor may condition Franchisee’s participation in any program (including, but not limited to, any
program involving payments from third party suppliers or otherwise) as Franchisor determines in its
reasonable discretion, including, but not limited to, Franchisee being a franchisee in good standing and
not in default under this or any other agreement with Franchisor. Franchisee agrees that he/she will not
withhold any amounts otherwise due Franchisor as a result of any dispute of any nature, but will pay such
amounts to Franchisor and only thereafter seek reimbursement.
8.11 Interest on Late Payments
All Continuing Royalty Fees, Brand Development Fees, Call Center Support Fees, Appointment
Fees, lease payments, amounts due for purchases by Franchisee from the Franchisor, and other amounts
which Franchisee owes to the Franchisor shall bear interest after the due date at the rate of twenty percent
(20%) per annum, and interest shall accrue from the original due date until payment is received in full.
Franchisee acknowledges that this Section 8.10 shall not constitute the Franchisor’s agreement to accept
such payments after same are due or a commitment by the Franchisor to extend credit to, or otherwise
finance Franchisee’s Franchised Business. Further, Franchisee acknowledges that his/her failure to pay
all amounts when due shall constitute grounds for termination of this Agreement.
8.12 Application of Payments
Notwithstanding any designation by Franchisee, the Franchisor shall have sole discretion to apply
any payments by Franchisee to any of his/her past due indebtedness for Continuing Royalty Fees, Brand
Development Fees, Support Fees, Appointment Fees, purchases from the Franchisor or its affiliates,
interest or any other indebtedness.
8.13 Method of Payment - Electronic Funds Transfer
Franchisee shall deliver to Franchisor any and all reports, statements and/or other information
required under Article XII below at the time and in the format reasonably requested by Franchisor.
Franchisee shall establish an arrangement for electronic funds transfer or deposit of any payments
required under this Section. Franchisee shall execute Franchisor’s current form of “Authorization
Agreement for Prearranged Payments (Direct Debits),” a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as
Exhibit “F,” together with any other forms required by Franchisor’s or Franchisee’s bank, and Franchisee
shall comply with the payment and reporting procedures specified by Franchisor in the Manual.
Franchisee expressly acknowledges and agrees that Franchisee’s obligations for the full and timely
payment of Continuing Royalty Fees, Brand Development Fees, Support Fees or Appointment Fees (and
all other amounts provided for in this Agreement) shall be absolute, unconditional, fully earned, and due
upon Franchisee’s generation and receipt of Gross Sales. Franchisee shall not for any reason delay or
withhold the payment of all or any part of those or any other payments due hereunder, put the same in
escrow or set-off same against any claims or alleged claims Franchisee may allege against Franchisor, the
Brand Development Fund, any advertising cooperative or others. Franchisee shall not, on grounds of any
alleged non-performance by Franchisor or others, withhold payment of any fee, including without
limitation Continuing Royalty Fees, Brand Development Fees, Support Fees or Appointment Fees, nor
withhold or delay submission of any reports due hereunder, including but not limited to sales reports.
8.14 CPI Adjustment
All fixed dollar amounts used in the Franchise Agreement will be adjusted as of January 1 of each
year in proportion to the changes in the Index, subject to an annual Inflation Adjustment, not to exceed an
increase of 2% per year. The term “Inflation Adjustment” refers to Franchisor’s right to increase a fee, or
obligation to decrease a fee, based upon an increase or decrease in the Index. The Index refers to the
Consumer Price Index (U.S. Average, all items) maintained by U.S. Department of Labor (or such
equivalent index as may be adopted in the future) between January 1, 1995 and January of the then-
current year, or a comparative index Franchisor may select if the Index is no longer published. Each
adjustment will be made effective on January 1 based on the January Index, but the 1
adjustment will not
be made until the 2
January following the Agreement Date (i.e., for an Agreement Date of July 1, 2012,
the 1
adjustment would be effective as of January 1, 2014). Our failure to adjust any fixed dollar
amounts due to changes in the Index at any time does not constitute our waiver of the right to do so at any
other time, including for past periods. However, we will not impose such adjustments retroactively.
8.15 Performance Refund
If you own at least one full Zone and fail to reach $180,000 in revenues during your first 18
months of operations, and you have followed the systems with no material defaults, you may exit the
business and we will refund 50% of your initial franchise fee for your 1st Zone (i.e. $17,500 if you
purchased moving or junk removal, or $22,500 if you purchased both services). You must submit a
request in writing at 18 months if you wish to exercise this exit/refund option. We will review your
request and notify you within 30 days of your request. If we approve, then you must sign a mutual
termination and release of us at that time We will refund the 50% of Franchise Fee within 90 days of
acceptance of your request and after we have received the signed mutual termination and release and you
have fulfilled your post-term obligations under the Franchise Agreement. You must be in full compliance
with your franchise agreement, and you must have followed the system entirely in order to qualify for
this refund.
8.16 Performance Incentive
If you own at least one full Zone and reach $600,000 in revenues during your first 18 months of
operations, and you have followed the systems with no material defaults, we will pay you a marketing
incentive of $8,000. You must submit a request in writing at 18 months if you wish to exercise this
incentive. We will review your request and notify you within 30 days of your request. If approved, we
will credit your royalty payments by $8,000 within 90 days of acceptance of your request. You must be
in full compliance with your franchise agreement, and you must have followed the system entirely in
order to qualify for this incentive credit.
9.1 Obligations of Franchisee
Each component of the System is vital to Franchisor, to the network of other franchisees of the
System and to the operation of the Franchised Business, as well as to the members of the purchasing
public who have come to rely upon Franchisor and its network for reliability and promptness.
Compliance with each such component is of the essence to this Agreement. Hence, Franchisee
undertakes to conduct the Franchised Business at all times in full compliance with the System and each of
its components. It is expressly understood and agreed that such services include, but are not limited to,
providing junk removal and/or moving services to Franchisee’s clients and such other related services as
may be authorized by Franchisor to be offered from time to time. Franchisor may, from time to time,
conduct market research and testing to determine consumer trends and salability of new products and
services. Franchisee must cooperate by participating in Franchisor’s market research programs, test
marketing new products and related services and providing timely reports and other relevant information
regarding marketing research. In connection with such test marketing, Franchisee must execute any
agreement required by Franchisor related to such test marketing, purchase a reasonable quantity of
products to be tested and effectively promote and make a reasonable effort to sell such products and
related services.
9.1.1 Franchisee shall operate the Franchised Business in an efficient and professional
manner in accordance with the highest ethical and moral standards. Franchisee shall, as well, comply
with all recommendations and standards of quality and service prescribed from time to time by Franchisor
in the Manual or otherwise. Franchisee may not discriminate against anyone to whom the Franchised
Business provides Services and may not refuse any request for Services from within the Designated
Territory. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Franchisee reserves the right to refuse a request for Services
only if the Services request will compromise the safety of Franchisee, its employees and/or the client.
9.1.2 Franchisee shall obtain an office space from which to operate the Franchised
Business and all service calls will emanate from such office set forth in this Franchise Agreement.
Franchisee acknowledges and understands that Franchisor does not provide site selection assistance, nor
does it evaluate or approve any site chosen by Franchisee.
9.1.3 Franchisee shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, keep the
Franchised Business adequately capitalized to operate the Franchised Business. Franchisee is required to
maintain the minimum liquid capital requirements required by Franchisor, which shall not be less than the
equivalent of six (6) months of operating capital for the entirety of the Designated Territory. For
purposes of this Section 9.1.3, “liquid capital” shall include all cash, loans, lines of credit of the
Franchised Business, or such other assets as can be liquidated in less than one (1) week.
9.2 Development of Business
After execution of this Agreement and payment of the Initial Franchise Fee, Franchisee must
equip the Franchised Business, complete the Training Program (as required by Section 5.3 of this
Agreement), and commence operation of the Franchised Business no later than thirty (30) days after the
date Franchisor approves Franchisee’s Designated Territory or ninety (90) days after this Agreement is
executed, whichever occurs first. Franchisee may establish the office for the Franchised Business within
the majority owner’s residence (subject to local zoning laws). Franchisor does not evaluate the location.
9.2.1 Franchisee shall be excused from the timely performance of his/her obligations
under this Section if the cause of delay is beyond the reasonable control of Franchisee. Such cause would
include, by way of illustration, strikes, fires and acts of God or other causes which Franchisee could not,
by the exercise of due diligence, have reasonably avoided; provided, however, that any such cause shall
not relieve Franchisee of his/her requirement to pay fees to Franchisor as described herein.
9.3 Compliance with Laws and Good Business Practices
Franchisee shall secure and maintain in force in its name all required licenses, permits and
certificates relating to the operation of his/her Franchised Business. Franchisee shall operate his/her
Franchise in full compliance with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations, including without
limitation all government regulations relating to environmental protection, occupational hazards and
health, worker’s compensation insurance, unemployment insurance and withholding and payment of
federal and state income taxes, social security taxes and sales taxes. Franchisee shall, in all dealings with
his/her clients, suppliers, the Franchisor and the public, adhere to the highest standards of honesty,
integrity, fair dealing and ethical conduct. Franchisee agrees to refrain from any business or advertising
practice which may be injurious to the business of the Franchisor and the goodwill associated with the
Proprietary Marks and other Franchised Businesses. Franchisee and its employees shall be required to
wear any uniforms that Franchisor determines, in the best interests of the System, to have all of its
franchisees and their employees wear. Failure to wear such designated uniforms shall cause Franchisor to
provide Franchisee notice of violations of its systems and procedures and which could, in turn, lead to a
notice of termination of this Agreement.
Without limiting the generality of this Section 9.3, Franchisee certifies that neither Franchisee nor
its owners, employees or anyone associated with Franchisee is listed in the Annex to Executive Order
13224. (The Annex is available at http://www.treasury.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/sdn.) Franchisee
agrees not to hire or have any dealings with a person listed in the Annex. Franchisee certifies that it has
no knowledge or information that, if generally known, would result in Franchisee, its owners, employees,
or anyone associated with Franchisee being listed in the Annex to Executive Order 13224. Franchisee
agrees to comply with and/or assist Franchisor to the fullest extent possible in Franchisor’s efforts to
comply with the Anti-Terrorism Laws (as defined below). In connection with such compliance,
Franchisee certifies, represents, and warrants that none of its property or interests are subject to being
“blocked” under any of the Anti-Terrorism Laws and that Franchisee and its owners are not otherwise in
violation of any of the Anti-Terrorism Laws. Franchisee is solely responsible for ascertaining what
actions must be taken by Franchisee to comply with all such Anti-Terrorism Laws, and Franchisee
specifically acknowledges and agrees that Franchisee’s indemnification responsibilities as provided in
Article XIII of this Agreement pertain to Franchisee’s obligations under this Article IX. Any
misrepresentation by Franchisee under this Section or any violation of the Anti-Terrorism Laws by
Franchisee, its owners, or employees shall constitute grounds for immediate termination of this
Agreement and any other agreement Franchisee has entered into with Franchisor or one of Franchisor’s
affiliates in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. As used herein, “Anti-Terrorism Laws
means Executive Order 13224 issued by the President of the United States, the Terrorism Sanctions
Regulations (Title 31, Part 595 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations), the Foreign Terrorist
Organizations Sanctions Regulations (Title 31, Part 597 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations), the
Cuban Assets Control Regulations (Title 31, Part 515 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations), the USA
PATRIOT Act, and all other present and future federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations,
policies, lists and any other requirements of any Governmental Authority (including, without limitation,
the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control) addressing or in any way
relating to terrorist acts and acts of war.
9.4 Franchisee to Supervise
Franchisee is required personally and directly to operate and exercise daily supervision over the
operation of the Franchised Business, unless otherwise permitted in writing by Franchisor.
9.4.1 If Franchisee is a corporation, any shareholder owning at least seventy-five
(75%) percent of the issued and outstanding shares of said corporation, or the chief executive thereof,
shall fulfill the requirement set forth in Section 9.4 above. If Franchisee is a limited liability company or
partnership, any member or partner owning at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the equity of the limited
liability company or partnership shall fulfill this requirement.
9.4.2 If Franchisee wishes to operate an additional business which may compete with
or distract from the Franchised Business during the term of this Agreement, Franchisee must receive
Franchisor’s approval before beginning the other business. Franchisee shall provide Franchisor with a
business plan that will describe in substantial detail how the Franchised Business will be operated
according to the terms of this Agreement and Franchisor’s requirements while simultaneously operating a
second business. If Franchisor believes that the operation of the second business will adversely affect the
operation of the Franchised Business, Franchisor may disapprove of Franchisee’s operation of such
additional business. Franchisor’s approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Franchisor reserves the
right to approve participation in another business by any of Franchisee’s principals and/or affiliates who
are involved in the operation of Franchisee’s Franchised Business. Franchisee may operate an additional
business without Franchisor’s prior consent, provided that such business does not compete with or distract
from the Franchised Business.
9.5 Service Vehicle
Franchisee shall be obligated to purchase or lease the Service Vehicle required by Franchisor to
be used in the operation of the Franchised Business, the specifications for which are set forth in the
Manual and are subject to change from time to time. If Franchisee wishes to purchase a used Service
Vehicle, such Service Vehicle shall be approved by Franchisor prior to its purchase.
9.5.1 Use of Service Vehicle
. Franchisee and his/her employees, agents and
independent contractors shall travel to Franchisor’s clients’ and prospective clients’ residential or small
commercial properties only in Service Vehicles that have been acquired, designed, equipped, painted,
decaled, decorated and/or otherwise outfitted as specified and approved by Franchisor and no others. It is
acknowledged that such restriction is necessary to present a uniform appearance to the public. Franchisee
understands and acknowledges that the Service Vehicle shall only be used for projects and work approved
and/or authorized by us, and for no other purpose.
9.5.2 Condition
. Franchisee shall maintain his/her Service Vehicles in good working
order, performing scheduled maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer and repairing all
malfunctions promptly. Franchisee shall also ensure that each Service Vehicle is equipped with all of the
items and accessories required by Franchisor, as well as displaying approved signage. Franchisee shall be
required to replace a Service Vehicle every seven (7) years, or earlier, depending solely on the age and
condition of the Service Vehicle.
9.5.3 Cleanliness and Appearance
. Franchisee shall keep all of his/her Service
Vehicles neat and clean, and consistent with the image of the Franchised Business as a professionally
operated junk removal and/or moving services business.
9.5.4 Disposition
. Under no circumstances shall Franchisee allow a Service Vehicle to
come into the possession of anyone who is not a College Hunks Moving® or College Hunks Moving®
franchisee without first removing and/or obliterating all the Proprietary Marks. When Franchisee’s
disposes of any Service Vehicle, he/she must inform the Franchisor of the disposition in writing,
including verification of the removal of all signage and Proprietary Marks. In addition, during the term of
this Agreement, Franchisee may not, without the Franchisor’s written consent, assign or sublet a lease for
any Service Vehicle.
9.5.5 Safe Driving
. Franchisee shall hire and use only safe and courteous drivers of
his/her Service Vehicles.
9.5.6 Compliance with Law
. Franchisee shall at all times cause himself/herself and
his/her employees, agents and independent contractors, along with all Service Vehicles, to be in full
compliance with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to all Service Vehicles, including, but not
limited to, any requirements relating to licensing of drivers.
9.5.7 Taxes and License Fees
. Franchisee shall promptly pay all license and use
charges and taxes assessed on or pertaining to his/her Service Vehicles, and shall hold Franchisor
harmless therefrom.
9.5.8 Inspection
. The Franchisor, by its agents, employees and attorneys, shall have
the right at all times during business hours, and without prior notice to Franchisee, to inspect the interior
and exterior of Franchisee’s Service Vehicles to ascertain if Franchisee is in compliance with this
Agreement. Such inspection may include verification of correct registration, licensing and insurance.
Franchisee shall cooperate, and shall cause his/her employees to cooperate, fully with such inspection,
and shall give his/her permission as may be necessary to allow Franchisor to obtain government and
insurance company records pertaining to ownership and operation of the Service Vehicles, and promptly
deliver the information and documentation referred to herein to Franchisor, upon Franchisor’s request.
9.5.9 Additional Service Vehicles
. Franchisee may add additional Service Vehicles to
better serve his/her clients, subject to the advance written consent of Franchisor. Franchisor shall not
unreasonably withhold its consent allowing Franchisee to add a Service Vehicle, but may request, and
Franchisee shall provide, any information relating to Franchisee’s Franchised Business to assist
Franchisor in making its determination. In the event Franchisee owns more than one (1) Zone, he/she
must lease or purchase at least one (1) Service Vehicle for each Zone (see the rollout schedule on
Exhibit “A” hereto).
9.5.10 Reports
. Franchisee shall, when upon adding a Service Vehicle to the Franchised
Business, report to Franchisor in writing the identity of the Service Vehicle Franchisee is adding. Also,
Franchisee shall, from time to time as requested by Franchisor or pursuant to this Agreement, report to
Franchisor in writing the identity of all Service Vehicles Franchisee is then using in connection with the
Franchised Business. Franchisee shall also report to Franchisor in writing each time Franchisee disposes
of any Service Vehicle, setting forth the date of disposition, the name and address of the purchaser and a
description of the measures taken to obliterate all resemblance to a College Hunks Hauling Junk® or
College Hunks Moving® Service Vehicle. These reports shall also include such other information as
Franchisor may reasonably require, and shall be made on such forms, and at such times, as prescribed by
9.5.11 Lease of Service Vehicle
. In the event Franchisee leases his/her Service
Vehicle(s), rather than purchasing them, the following shall apply:
(a) Franchisee shall provide Franchisor with a copy of the proposed lease
offer for the Service Vehicle for Franchisor’s approval. Upon execution of the lease for the
Service Vehicle(s), Franchisee shall provide Franchisor with copies of all lease documents,
including the vehicle identification number for each Service Vehicle.
(b) Contemporaneously with the execution of the lease for the Service
Vehicle, each of the lessor, Franchisee (as lessee) and Franchisor (as conditional lessee) shall
execute a Conditional Assignment of Service Vehicle Lease in the form of Exhibit “E” hereto.
Franchisee shall be solely responsible for obtaining execution of such Conditional Assignment by
9.5.12 Hazardous Materials
. Franchisee will not deal in any way with any hazardous
materials, including, but not limited to, oil or gasoline, except in connection with the operation of the
Service Vehicles; asbestos, any materials containing or contaminated with PCBs; liquid waste or sludge
of any sort; septic tank sludge or waste; solvents, liquid paints or chemicals; and any other item which
may be considered a Hazardous Material, as such term is defined by the laws applicable to the Designated
9.6 Acknowledgments
Franchisee acknowledges that he/she is one of a number of franchisees, each of whose success
depends in substantial part on the integrity, reputation and marketing efforts of each other franchisee.
Franchisee further acknowledges that the value of the Proprietary Marks and of membership in the
System to Franchisee, to Franchisor and to each other franchisee depends on the maintenance of uniform
standards of quality, integrity and appearance. Franchisee further acknowledges that any action which
impairs the reputation and goodwill of the Proprietary Marks, impairs or adversely affects the objectives
of the Franchisor or brings the Franchisor into disrepute, or departs from the uniform practices specified
by Franchisor, will be likely to injure all members of the System.
9.7 Franchisor’s Directives
Franchisee agrees that he/she will at all times adopt and follow all the Franchisor’s directives
concerning the appearance of Franchisee’s premises and Service Vehicles, the quality and appearance of
goods and services offered, the appearance of Franchisee and his/her staff, other business practices and
other matters likely to affect the public perception of the System as a unified and reliable network of
companies. Franchisee will offer all of, and only, the goods and services which Franchisor authorizes for
College Hunks Moving® and/or College Hunks Moving® businesses.
9.8 Variances
Complete and detailed uniformity under many varying conditions may not be possible or
practicable, and Franchisor therefore reserves the right and privilege, at the sole and absolute discretion of
Franchisor and as Franchisor may deem in the best interest of all concerned in any specific instance, to
vary standards to accommodate special needs of Franchisee, or those of any other franchisee, based upon
the peculiarities of a particular site or location, density of population, business potential, population of
trade area, existing business practices, requirements of local law or local custom, or any other condition
which Franchisor deems to be of importance to the successful operation of such franchisee’s business.
Further, Franchisor may from time to time allow certain franchisees to depart from normal System
standards and routines in certain respects in order to experiment with or test new products or services,
equipment, Service Vehicles, designs, procedures and the like. In no event shall such variance, or such
testing, be deemed a waiver of any of Franchisor’s rights, or an excuse from performance of any of
Franchisee’s duties hereunder. Franchisor may at any time require Franchisee to commence full
compliance with all of Franchisor’s standards and procedures. Franchisor shall not under any
circumstances be required to grant any variance to Franchisee. Nothing contained in this Article is
intended to confer on Franchisee any right to compel Franchisor to grant a variance to Franchisee or to
grant, withdraw or modify any variance given to any other franchisee. Such matters shall at all times
remain within the sole and absolute discretion of Franchisor.
9.9 Client Referrals
Franchisee acknowledges that he/she is required to refer prospective customers to the designated
Customer Loyalty Center. The Customer Loyalty Center has the primary scheduling database and will be
the central point of contact for all customers.
9.10 Former Franchisees
Franchisee acknowledges that former franchisees (those whose franchise agreements have
expired or have been terminated) are in a position to compete unfairly with the Franchisee and/or other
members of the System, and to cause great injury to the reputation of the System and/or the Proprietary
Marks. Franchisee therefore agrees as follows:
9.10.1 Franchisee will not sell, loan, give or otherwise transfer or deliver to any former
franchisee, or allow any former franchisee to copy or otherwise obtain, any confidential business
information about the System; any advertising or promotional materials produced by the Brand
Development Fund or by Franchisor or which bear any of the Proprietary Marks; any other materials or
publications of Franchisor, including, without limitation, the Manual; any directory or roster of
franchisees or Approved Suppliers, any other client lists or mailing lists pertaining in any way to the
System; or any other information about the Franchised Business or the System which is not available to
the public.
9.10.2 Franchisee will not refer prospective clients to any former franchisee.
9.10.3 Franchisee will not notify or advise any former franchisee of, or in any other way
assist any former franchisee in learning about, the date, time and place of any meetings of franchisees.
9.10.4 If Franchisee observes any former franchisee using any of the Proprietary Marks
in any way, or utilizing business premises or motor vehicles from which the Proprietary Marks and/or
distinctive color scheme have not been completely obliterated, Franchisee shall immediately report such
observation to Franchisor, along with all details available to Franchisee.
9.10.5 Franchisee shall in general have no dealings with any former franchisees of the
9.10.6 The provisions of Section 9.10 of this Agreement shall apply to Franchisee as
soon as Franchisee is on notice of the expiration or termination of another franchise agreement.
Franchisee shall be deemed to be on such notice when:
(i) Franchisee receives a new Franchisee Directory in which such franchise
does not appear; or
(ii) Franchisee receives written notice from Franchisor that one (1) or more
particular franchise agreements have expired or have been terminated.
9.11 Computer Hardware
Franchisee shall (at his/her sole cost and expense) acquire computer hardware meeting
Franchisor’s specifications. Franchisee understands and acknowledges that such computer hardware is
required to utilize the Software. In addition, Franchisee shall provide to Franchisor any user IDs and
passwords that Franchisor requires.
9.12 Authorized Products and Services
The reputation and goodwill of the Franchisor is based upon, and can be maintained and
enhanced only by the provision of high quality Services and other related products and services.
Franchisee agrees, therefore, that he/she will only offer such Services and other products and services that
the Franchisor shall authorize for the Franchised Business, including but not limited to any newly
developed proprietary products or equipment by the Franchisor. Franchisee further agree that he/she will
not sell his/her client list(s) or client contracts, or otherwise use his/her client list(s) for any purpose other
than in connection with the operation of his/her Franchised Business. Franchisee agrees that he/she will
not, without the prior written approval by the Franchisor, offer or sell any type of service or offer, sell or
use any product that is not authorized by Franchisor for the Franchised Business. Franchisee further
agrees that any equipment used in Franchised Businesses shall not be used for any purpose other than the
operation of his/her Franchised Business in compliance with this Agreement.
9.12.1 If Franchisee proposes to offer for sale through the Franchised Business any
products or services not previously designated or approved by Franchisor, then Franchisee must first
submit the proposed product or service to Franchisor for consideration and approval. Franchisor will
consider the proposed product or service and respond to Franchisee within a reasonable time as to
whether or not the product or service is approved for sale through the Franchised Business. Franchisor
reserves the right to make alterations to the proposed product or service as a condition of approval.
Franchisee acknowledges and agrees that, with respect to any change, amendment, or improvement in the
System or proposed products or services for which Franchisee requests Franchisor’s approval:
(i) Franchisor shall have the right to incorporate the proposed change into the System and shall thereupon
obtain all right, title, and interest therein without compensation to Franchisee, (ii) Franchisor shall not be
obligated to approve or accept any request to implement change, and (iii) Franchisor may from time to
time revoke its approval of particular change or amendment to the System, and upon receipt of written
notice of such revocation, Franchisee shall modify its activities in the manner described by Franchisor. It
is understood and agreed that information, improvements to the System or techniques prepared, compiled
or developed by the Franchisee, its employees or agents during the term of this Agreement and relating to
the Franchised Business, whether developed separately or in conjunction with the Franchisor, shall be
considered as part of the Know How. Franchisee hereby grants to the Franchisor an irrevocable,
worldwide, exclusive, royalty-free license, with the right to sub-license such product or service.
9.13 Approved Products and Supplies
Franchisee agrees that all products and supplies used in his/her Franchised Business shall comply
with the Franchisor’s specifications and quality standards. In order to maintain uniformity of concept and
quality, all proprietary materials and forms used by Franchisee shall be purchased from Franchisor or its
affiliates in accordance with the terms and procedures set forth in the Manual. The use or sale of
unapproved products or services shall constitute a material and incurable breach of this Agreement. The
Franchisor shall provide Franchisee with a list of approved products and supplies and shall from time to
time issue revisions thereto. If Franchisee wishes to use any type or brand of product or supply item or
wishes to purchase products or supplies from a supplier that is not currently approved by the Franchisor,
Franchisee shall notify the Franchisor of his/her desire to do so and submit to the Franchisor
specifications, photographs, samples and/or other information requested by the Franchisor. The
Franchisor shall, within a reasonable time, determine whether such products, supplies or such supplier
meets its specifications and standards and notify Franchisee whether he/she is authorized to use such
product or supply item or purchase from such supplier.
9.14 Employees
Franchisee is required to comply with the policies and procedures for the selection of employees
and independent contractors as set forth in the Manual and shall be required to uphold and represent the
System to the highest standards).
9.15 Employee Training
Franchisee shall offer such continuing training programs to his/her personnel as are specified in
the Manual.
9.16 Advertising
Franchisee shall comply with all of the obligations regarding advertising as are set forth in Article
XI of this Agreement.
9.17 Hours of Operation
The Franchisee shall operate his/her Franchised Business during those hours prescribed in the
9.18 Inspection
Franchisor or any of its authorized agents or representatives may, upon reasonable notice, inspect
the Franchised Business during normal business hours to determine whether it is in compliance with this
Agreement and with the System, including compliance with the minimum liquid capital provisions set
forth in Section 9.1.3.
9.18.1 Further, Franchisee understands and consents to Franchisor’s ability to access all
files, data, accounts, reports and the like resulting from Franchisee’s transmission of any required reports
to Franchisor via computer.
9.18.2 If any such inspection should reveal that the Franchised Business is not
adequately capitalized, such event shall be considered a default of this Agreement and Franchisee shall
have thirty (30) days within which to cure said default by bringing the capitalization of the Franchised
Business up to required levels. Franchisee must, within said thirty (30) day period, provide Franchisor
with evidence that the Franchised Business has been adequately capitalized.
9.19 Reports
Franchisee shall submit to Franchisor such reports regarding the Franchised Business as
Franchisor prescribes in the Manual.
9.20 Good Faith
Franchisee shall act in good faith and use his/her best efforts to comply with his/her obligations
under this Agreement, and shall cooperate with Franchisor in accomplishing the purposes of this
Agreement. Further, Franchisee shall not directly or indirectly engage in any activities which would be
detrimental to or interfere with the operation or reputation of the Franchised Business, the Franchisor, the
System, or the operations of any other franchisee.
9.21 Ethics
Franchisee agrees to conduct his/her business in a manner that complies with the terms and intent
of this Agreement; with national, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances; and with the
Franchisor’s Code of Ethics (if and when adopted and published by Franchisor). Franchisee hereby
authorized any federal, local or state body regulating or supervising junk removal practices to release to
Franchisor information related to complaints and to any disciplinary actions taken based upon
Franchisee’s practices. Franchisee agrees to notify Franchisor within five (5) business days of any such
complaints or disciplinary actions. Franchisee also agrees to maintain all permits, certificates and licenses
(necessary for his/her franchise operation) in good standing and in accordance with applicable laws and
9.22 Guaranty
Upon execution of this Agreement, the majority owners of Franchisee (if a corporation or limited
liability company), the General or Managing Partner (if a limited partnership) or the individual partners
(if a standard partnership) shall each execute the Principal Owners Guaranty in the form annexed hereto
as Exhibit “D” of all obligations hereunder, including those of payment of money.
9.23 Customer Satisfaction; Operation of Franchised Business
Franchisee agrees to comply with Franchisor’s requirements related to customer satisfaction as
set forth in the Manual, including, without limitation, offering a money back satisfaction guarantee.
Franchisee further agrees to participate in other customer satisfaction programs initiated by Franchisor,
which may include a “mystery shop” program. In addition, Franchisee shall use its best efforts to ensure
that the Franchised Business is performing satisfactorily, in Franchisor’s opinion. If Franchisor does not
believe that the Franchised Business is performing satisfactorily, Franchisee agrees to participate in
enrichment training, as described in Article V above. Franchisor shall pay for costs related to a “mystery
shop” program, provided that Franchisee is operating its Franchised Business satisfactorily. If Franchisor
determines that a significant amount of negative feedback has occurred related to Franchisee’s Franchised
Business, Franchisor reserves the right, in its discretion, to require Franchisee to pay for all costs of
additional mystery shopper services, which Franchisee agrees to pay when incurred and which shall be in
addition to Franchisee’s obligation to participate in and pay costs related to enrichment training.
9.24 Forms of Payment
You agree that the only forms of payment you may accept from your clients are check and credit
card. You understand and acknowledge that this restriction, including the restriction that neither you nor
any of your employees may accept cash as a form of payment, is for the benefit and safety of you and
your employees.
10.1 Prior to opening the Franchised Business for business, Franchisee must obtain the
insurance coverages required by Franchisor under policies of insurance issued by carriers having an A.M.
Best rating of “A” or better. Franchisor’s then-current insurance requirements are contained in the
Manual and are subject to change during the term of this Agreement. Franchisee agrees to comply with
any modified insurance requirements. As of the date of this Agreement, Franchisee shall purchase and
maintain the following: (1) comprehensive general liability insurance and comprehensive product
liability insurance against claims for bodily and personal injury, death, and property damage caused by or
occurring in conjunction with the operation of the Franchised Business or Franchisee’s conduct of
business pursuant to this Agreement under one (1) or more policies of insurance containing minimum
liability coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000) aggregate; (2) Workers’ Compensation or other employer’s liability insurance as well as
such other insurance as may be required by statute or rule in the state(s) in which the Franchised Business
is located or operates; and (3) automobile liability coverage, including coverage of owned, non-owned
and hired vehicles, of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. Franchisee must maintain all
required policies in force during the entire term of this Agreement and any renewals thereof. Franchisor
may periodically increase or decrease the amounts of coverage required under these insurance policies
and require different or additional kinds of insurance at any time, including excess liability insurance, to
reflect inflation, identification of new risks, changes in law or standards of liability, higher damage
awards, or other relevant changes in circumstances. Each insurance policy must name Franchisor (and, if
Franchisor so requests, the directors, employees or shareholders of Franchisor) as additional insureds and
must provide Franchisor with thirty (30) days’ advance written notice of any material modification,
cancellation, or expiration of the policy.
Franchisor recommends that Franchisee obtain the following additional coverages: (1) general
casualty insurance including fire and extended coverage, vandalism, theft, burglary and malicious
mischief insurance for the replacement value of the Franchised Business and its contents; and (2) an
umbrella insurance policy.
If Franchisee will provide moving services from the Franchised Business, then Franchisee agrees
to purchase the following additional insurance coverages: (1) cargo insurance for damage or loss to the
cargo while it is being moved, and coverage while items are being loaded, unloaded or otherwise in
Franchisee’s possession. Such cargo insurance shall have minimum coverage of Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000) per Service Vehicle, regardless of the Service Vehicle’s size or the amount of property being
moved; (2) employee dishonesty insurance of not less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000); and (3) in
Franchisee’s discretion, a third party dishonesty bond of not less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).
The dishonesty bond is a recommendation, not a requirement.
Before the expiration of the term of each insurance policy, Franchisee must furnish Franchisor
with a Certificate of Insurance for each policy to be maintained for the upcoming term, along with
evidence of the payment of the premium for each. If Franchisee does not maintain the required insurance
coverage, or does not furnish Franchisor with satisfactory evidence of the required insurance coverage
and the payment of the premiums for same, Franchisor may obtain, at its option and in addition to its
other rights and remedies under this Agreement (including termination), any required insurance coverage
on Franchisee’s behalf. If Franchisor does that, Franchisee agrees to fully cooperate with Franchisor in
its effort to obtain the insurance policies, promptly execute all forms or instruments required to obtain or
maintain the insurance, allow any inspections of the Franchised Business which are required to obtain or
maintain the insurance and pay to Franchisor, on demand, any costs and premiums Franchisor incurs.
10.2 Franchisee’s obligation to maintain insurance coverage, as described in this Agreement,
will not be reduced in any manner by reason of any separate insurance Franchisor maintains on its own
behalf, nor will Franchisor’s maintenance of that insurance relieve Franchisee of any obligations under
this Article X.
10.3 Franchisor reserves the right to obtain from Franchisee’s insurance carrier(s) periodic
reports of losses (such as monthly, quarterly and/or annually), and Franchisee shall authorize his/her
insurance carrier(s) to provide Franchisor with such reports.
11.1 Approval by Franchisor
Franchisee shall use for his/her advertising and promotional activities only those materials,
concepts and programs which have been furnished or approved in advance by Franchisor by specification
in the Manual or otherwise. Franchisee acknowledges that Franchisor may be one of, or the only,
approved supplier for certain advertising and promotional materials and programs.
11.2 Brand Development Fund
Franchisor has created and will maintain and administer a franchisee Brand Development Fund
(the “Fund”) for such regional advertising and promotional programs as Franchisor may deem necessary
or appropriate. The responsibility for creation and administration of the Fund shall remain with
Franchisor. Advertising and promotional activities conducted by the Fund shall be funded by Brand
Development Fees paid by Franchisee to Franchisor, and Franchisee agrees to participate in any such
promotional activities.
Franchisee’s Brand Development Fees shall be placed in the Fund, managed by Franchisor.
Franchisor agrees that contributions to the Fund shall be used exclusively for advertising and public
relations purposes for the exclusive, collective benefit of all participants of the System, including all
franchisees and the Franchisor. Franchisor will spend the majority of contributions to the Fund on any of
the following: (1) website development and advertising, (2) local or regional advertising, media,
promotion or marketing or local or regional public relations programs, (3) other activities connected to
the promotion and marketing of the Proprietary Marks and the System; or (4) retaining advertising and/or
public relations agencies in relation to developing advertising. Franchisor will also spend a portion of the
contributions to the Fund to engage in test marketing, to conduct research, surveys of advertising
effectiveness, produce new commercials and other promotional and advertising materials and programs,
or other purposes deemed beneficial by Franchisor for the general recognition of the Proprietary Marks
and the System. Franchisee shall, upon his/her written request, receive on an annual basis within one
hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each fiscal year a report describing the activity of the Fund,
which report is not required to be audited. Franchisor shall be entitled to reimburse itself for reasonable
accounting, collection, bookkeeping, reporting and legal expenses incurred with respect to the Fund.
Franchisor shall not be liable for any act or omission with respect to the Fund which is consistent with
this Agreement or done in good faith.
All sums paid by franchisees to the Fund, and any income earned thereon, shall be maintained by
Franchisor in a segregated account and shall be used only for the purposes specified herein; provided,
however, that up to ten (10%) percent of the Fund may be expended by Franchisor for administrative
costs and overhead related to the administration or direction of the Fund.
The Fund is not the Franchisor’s asset. The Fund is not a trust, and the Franchisor does not owe
Franchisee fiduciary obligations because of the Franchisor’s maintaining, directing or administering the
Fund or for any other reason. The Franchisor may spend in any fiscal year an amount greater or less than
the aggregate contribution of Franchised Businesses to the Fund in that year and the Franchisor may make
loans to the Fund (and the Fund may borrow from the Franchisor or other lenders) bearing reasonable
interest to cover any deficits of the Fund or cause the Fund to invest any surplus for future use by the
Fund. Any monies remaining in the Fund at the end of any fiscal year shall carry forward to be spent in
the next year. The Franchisor may incorporate the Fund or operate it through a separate entity whenever
the Franchisor deems appropriate. The successor entity will have all of the rights and duties specified in
this Subsection.
Franchisee understands and acknowledges that the Fund is intended to maximize general public
recognition and patronage of the Franchised Businesses and the Proprietary Marks for the benefit of all
Franchised Businesses. The Franchisor undertakes no obligation to ensure that expenditures by the Fund
are proportionate or equivalent to contributions by Franchised Businesses or that any Franchised Business
will benefit direct or in proportion to its contribution to the Fund from the conduct of marketing programs
or the placement of advertising.
The Franchisor has the right, but no obligation, to use collection agents and institute legal
proceedings to collect Brand Development Fees at the Fund’s expense. The Franchisor also may forgive,
waive, settle and compromise all claims by or against the Fund. Except as expressly provided in this
Subsection, the Franchisor assumes no direct or indirect liability or obligation to Franchisee for collecting
amounts used in maintaining, directing or administering the Fund.
The Franchisor may at any time defer or reduce the Brand Development Fee of a Franchised
Business, and upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to Franchisee, reduce or suspend Brand
Development Fees and operations for one or more periods of any length and terminate (and, if terminated,
reinstate) the Fund. If the Franchisor terminates the Fund, the Franchisor will distribute all unspent
monies to all Franchised Businesses (whether franchised or operated by the Franchisor or its affiliates) in
proportion to their respective Fund contributions during the preceding twelve (12) month period. If
Franchisor elects to reinstate the Fund, any reinstated Fund shall be maintained as described herein.
11.3 Telephone Directory Advertising
Franchisee acknowledges that the proper conduct of all promotion programs is not only necessary
to the success of the Franchised Business, but is also likely to affect the goodwill and reputation of the
Franchisor, the Proprietary Marks, and that of the System. Franchisee shall prepare and place a listing for
the Franchised Business in the White Pages of Franchisee’s local telephone directories containing such
copy as specified by the Franchisor. This initial listing must list only the Call Center’s client service
number and no other telephone number. An advertisement in the Yellow Pages is not a requirement;
however, if Franchisee wishes to place an advertisement in his/her local Yellow Pages, such
advertisement must be approved by Franchisor before it may be placed, and any Yellow Pages advertising
shall be at Franchisee’s sole cost and expense.
11.4 Grand Opening Advertising
Franchisee shall provide Franchisor with a written plan, for Franchisor’s approval, for a grand
opening advertising campaign to be incurred in connection with the grand opening of the Franchised
Business and spend not less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) on such campaign, which amount shall
include all Zones in the aggregate. Said grand opening advertising campaign shall be conducted within
the first sixty (60) days of the Franchised Business being open for business. At Franchisor’s option, it
may require Franchisee to pay to Franchisor the amount for Franchisee’s grand opening advertising
campaign, and Franchisor shall spend such money on Franchisee’s behalf.
11.5 Local Advertising
In addition to the contributions to the Fund described above, Franchisee shall also be required to
spend for each brand owned by Franchisee One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), whichever amount is greater,
each month on local advertising and promotion. Such amount does not include the cost of marketing
collateral and supplies. Franchisor may, from time to time, offer Franchisee approved local marketing
plans and materials on the same terms and conditions as Franchisor is then offering to its other
franchisees. Prior to their use by Franchisee, samples of all local marketing materials not prepared or
previously approved by Franchisor shall be submitted to Franchisor for written approval, which approval
shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided that Franchisee’s advertising and/or marketing materials
shall only list the phone number specified by Franchisor and not any other phone number, and further
provided that such advertising and/or marketing materials will only reference Franchisor’s website and
the telephone number of the Call Center. Once approved, such advertising or marketing materials will
become Franchisor’s property which Franchisor may use for its own purposes. Upon request from
Franchisor, Franchisee shall provide Franchisor with verification of all expenditures for local advertising
within thirty (30) days of such request. If Franchisee fails to provide such local advertising verification or
if Franchisor determines that Franchisee has not expended the required minimum for local advertising,
than Franchisor reserves the right to require Franchisee to give Franchisor the money that Franchisee is
required to spend on local advertising as described herein, and Franchisor shall advertising in
Franchisee’s local area on Franchisee’s behalf. In such event, Franchisor will provide reports of such
local advertising to Franchisee.
11.6 Cooperative Advertising
Franchisor has the right, in its sole discretion, to designate any region or area in which two (2) or
more Franchised Businesses are operating as an area in which to establish a Cooperative Fund. If a
Cooperative Fund is formed among franchisees within a region, the Cooperative Fund must receive
Franchisor’s approval, which will not be unreasonably withheld. The Cooperative Fund will conduct
advertising campaigns for the Franchised Businesses located in that region. Contributions to a
Cooperative Fund are determined by majority vote the Franchised Businesses in the Cooperative Fund.
Any amounts paid to a Cooperative Fund will count as part of Franchisee’s local advertising requirement;
provided, however, that in the event any contribution to a Cooperative Fund is less than the amount
Franchisee is required to expend for local advertising, Franchisee shall nevertheless be required to spend
the difference locally.
Each Franchised Business owned by franchisees, Franchisor or Franchisor’s affiliate(s) that are
members of a Cooperative Fund will have one (1) vote on Cooperative Fund matters, regardless of the
number of Zones owned by such Franchised Business. Subject to Franchisor’s approval, the members of
the Cooperative Fund shall determine the contributions to be made to the Cooperative Fund by each
Franchised Business. If the members choose to base contributions on a percentage of Gross Sales, then
the percentage to be contributed shall not exceed one-half (1/2) of Franchisee’s local advertising
requirement. Alternatively, if the members choose to require a flat fee contribution, then the flat fee shall
be assessed and payable on each Zone owned by each Franchised Business (therefore, a Franchised
Business that has three (3) Zones will pay three (3) times the amount to be paid by a Franchised Business
that has one (1) Zone). In either case, the fee contribution shall not exceed one-half (1/2) of Franchisee’s
local advertising requirement, unless otherwise agreed to by the unanimous vote of the members of the
Cooperative Fund.
If a Cooperative Fund for Franchisee’s area was established before Franchisee began to operate
his/her Franchised Business, then Franchisee shall immediately join that Cooperative Fund upon the
opening of the Franchised Business. If a Cooperative Fund for Franchisee’s area is established after
Franchisee begins to operate the Franchised Business, Franchisee will have thirty (30) days to join the
new Cooperative Fund. An individual Franchised Business will not be required to be a member of more
than one Cooperative Fund. If Franchisor (or its affiliate) contribute to a Cooperative Fund, Franchisor
(or its affiliate) will have the same voting rights as other Franchised Businesses in the Cooperative Fund.
11.7 Social Media Policy
Franchisee shall strictly comply with Franchisor’s social media policy, as described in the Manual
and as it may be amended or updated from time to time, related to social and/or networking internet
websites, including, but not limited to, Facebook, MySpace, Youtube, Yelp, LinkedIn and Twitter.
12.1 Record Keeping
Franchisee shall keep true and accurate records, including those which may be specified by
Franchisor from time to time, from which all sums payable under this Agreement and the dates of accrual
thereof may be readily determined. Franchisee shall keep such records on his/her business premises at all
times, unless Franchisor permits them to be kept at another location. In any event, Franchisee shall at all
times inform Franchisor of any change in the location of Franchisee’s said records. Franchisee shall be
required to make all data and records available to Franchisor upon request. All data retrieved by
Franchisor from Franchisee shall become Franchisor’s property. Franchisor reserves the right, in its sole
discretion, to share Franchisee’s data, including but not limited to reports and performance information
but excluding any personal data, with other franchisees in the System for purposes of comparison and
12.2 Reporting Systems
Franchisee agrees to utilize such reporting and financial control systems as Franchisor may direct.
12.2.1 Franchisee shall maintain on forms approved or provided by Franchisor a
monthly sales report and monthly profit and loss statement accurately reflecting the operations and
condition of said business.
12.2.2 Franchisee shall employ such methods of filing, record-keeping, bookkeeping,
accounting and reporting as Franchisor shall from time to time reasonably require.
12.2.3 Franchisee shall adopt and shall strictly adhere to such methods for control and
protection of cash receipts (and of records pertaining thereto) as Franchisor may from time to time direct.
12.3 Reports
To enable Franchisor to verify the Continuing Royalty Fees, Support Fees, Brand Development
Fees and other payments due hereunder and to monitor the progress of Franchisee and Franchisee’s
compliance with this Agreement, in addition to reports otherwise required under this Agreement,
Franchisee shall provide to Franchisor written reports in such form and at such times as Franchisor may
prescribe. In addition, Franchisor shall, at all times, have on-line access to Franchisee’s reports.
12.3.1 Franchisee shall be required to provide the following reports to Franchisor:
(a) By the second (2
) and seventeenth (17
) day of the month, a report of
the sales and income of Franchisee’s Franchised Business for the previous period, including such detail as
Franchisor may require and in the format required by Franchisor. For the report due to Franchisor on the
second (2
) of each month, the period on which the report is based shall include the sixteenth (16
) day
of the previous month through the end of the previous month. For the report due to Franchisor on the
seventeenth (17
) day of the month, the period on which the report is based shall include the first (1
through fifteenth (15
) days of the current month;
(b) By the eighth (8
) day of the month, a report on all disposal, team, fuel,
and marketing costs for the previous month;
(c) By the twentieth (20
) day of each month, an income report for the
Franchised Business, including such detail as Franchisor may require and in the format required by
Franchisor; and
(d) By April 15
of each year, an annual income statement prepared on a
calendar year basis, including such detail as Franchisor may require and in the format required by
(e) Franchisor reserves the right to require Franchisee to submit his/her
reports at any frequency it chooses, such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.
12.3.2 In the event that Franchisee fails for any reason to provide any of the reports
hereinabove required within the prescribed time, Franchisee shall pay a late reporting fee equal to Five
Dollars ($5.00) per hour for each hour or partial hour that such report is late. This fee will only be
imposed after 3 written warnings of a violation. Neither the requirement nor the receipt of such late
reporting fees shall be deemed to waive or restrict the right of Franchisor to declare a default in, and
terminate, this Agreement for Franchisee’s failure to make timely reports.
12.3.3 Reports shall be deemed timely made if personally delivered to the offices of
Franchisor, electronically transmitted to and received by Franchisor, or postmarked by the U.S. Postal
Service (with proper first-class postage prepaid) on or before the required date.
12.4 Audit
Franchisor and its authorized representatives shall have the right at all times during the business
day to enter Franchisee’s Franchised Business or any other location where books and records relative to
the Franchised Business are kept, and to inspect, copy and audit such books and records, including,
without limitation, Franchisee’s state and federal income tax returns and state sales and use tax and
personal property tax returns, and Franchisee hereby waives any privileges with regard to any tax returns.
Franchisee shall cooperate completely and in good faith with such audit, and shall provide and explain all
records requested by such auditor or necessary to provide information sought by such auditor.
12.4.1 In the event that any such inspection or audit reveals a variance of more than two
percent (2%) from amounts reported by Franchisee to Franchisor, Franchisee shall pay the amount of the
deficiency or Five Hundred Dollars ($500), whichever is greater, and shall reimburse Franchisor for the
cost of such audit. In addition to any other rights it may have, including the right of termination of this
Agreement, Franchisor may conduct such further periodic audits and/or inspections of Franchisee’s books
and records as it reasonably deems necessary for up to one (1) year thereafter at Franchisee’s sole
expense, including, without limitation, reasonable professional fees, travel, and lodging expenses directly
related thereto.
12.4.2 If such audit or inspection discloses that Franchisee has underpaid any sums due
Franchisor under this Agreement, Franchisee shall pay the same immediately. If such audit or inspection
reveals any overpayment by Franchisee, the amount thereof shall be credited against continuing fees next
falling due.
12.4.3 In the event that there is a deficiency two (2) times in any twelve (12) month
period, this second deficiency shall be considered a material default of this Agreement and Franchisor
shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without providing Franchisee the opportunity to cure the
13.1 Independent Parties
It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this Agreement does not create a fiduciary
relationship between them, that Franchisee is, and shall at all times be and remain, an independent
contractor, and that nothing in this Agreement is intended to constitute either party as an agent, legal
representative, subsidiary, joint venturer, partner, employee, or servant of the other for any purpose
13.2 Independent Contractor
During the term of this Agreement and any renewal hereof, Franchisee shall hold himself/herself
out to the public as an independent contractor operating the business pursuant to a franchise granted by
the Franchisor. Franchisee shall take such affirmative action as may be necessary to indicate same,
including, without limitation, exhibiting a notice of that fact in a conspicuous place on the Service
Vehicle, business cards, and letterhead, the content of which the Franchisor reserves the right to specify.
13.3 Indemnification by Franchisee
Franchisee agrees at all times to defend, at his/her own cost, and to indemnify and hold harmless
to the fullest extent permitted by law, Franchisor, its corporate parent, the corporate subsidiaries,
affiliates, successors, assigns, and designees of either entity and the respective directors, officers,
employees, agents, shareholders, designees, and representatives of each (Franchisor and all others
hereinafter referred to collectively as “Indemnitees”) from all losses and expenses (as hereinafter
defined) incurred in connection with any action, suit, proceeding, claim, demand, investigation, or formal
or informal inquiry (regardless of whether same is reduced to judgment) or any settlement thereof which
arises out of or is based upon any of the following: Franchisee’s infringement or any other violation of
any patent, trademark or copyright or other proprietary right owned or controlled by third parties;
Franchisee’s violation or breach of any contract, federal, state, or local law, regulation, ruling, standard,
or directive or of any industry standard; libel, slander or any other form of defamation by Franchisee;
Franchisee’s violation or breach of any warranty, representation, agreement, or obligation in this
Agreement; any acts, errors, or omissions of Franchisee or any of his/her agents, servants, employees,
contractors, partners, proprietors, affiliates, or in any manner in connection with the Franchised Business;
the inaccuracy, lack of authenticity, or non-disclosure of any information by Franchisee; any service
provided by Franchisee at, from, or related to the operation at the Approved Location or from the Service
Vehicle; or any services provided by any affiliated or non-affiliated participating entity. For the purpose
of this Section, the term “losses and expenses” shall be deemed to include all losses, compensatory,
exemplary or punitive damages, fines, charges, costs, expenses, lost profits, attorneys’ fees, experts’ fees,
court costs, settlement amounts, judgments, compensation for damages to Franchisor’s reputation and
goodwill, costs of or resulting from delays, financing, costs of advertising material and media time/space,
and costs of changing, substituting, or replacing same, and any and all expenses of recall, refunds,
compensation, public notices, and other such amounts incurred in connection with the matters described.
Franchisee agrees to give Franchisor notice of any such action, suit, proceeding, claim, demand, inquiry,
or investigation. Franchisor reserves the right to assume the defense for such action, suit, proceeding,
claim, demand, inquiry or investigation, at Franchisee’s expense. The foregoing indemnification shall not
apply to losses or expenses arising from Franchisor’s gross negligence or willful acts.
13.3.1 At the expense and risk of Franchisee, Franchisor may elect to assume (but under
no circumstance is obligated to undertake) the defense and/or settlement of any such action, suit,
proceeding, claim, demand, inquiry or investigation, provided that Franchisor will seek the advice and
counsel of Franchisee and shall keep Franchisee informed with regard to any such proposed or
contemplated settlement(s). Such an undertaking by Franchisor shall in no manner or form diminish
Franchisee’s obligation to indemnify Franchisor and to hold it harmless.
13.3.2 All losses and expenses incurred under this Section 13.3 shall be chargeable to
and paid by Franchisee pursuant to his/her obligations of indemnity under this Section, regardless of any
actions, activity or defense undertaken by Franchisor or the subsequent success or failure of such actions,
activity or defense.
13.3.3 The Indemnitees do not assume any liability whatsoever for acts, errors, or
omissions of those with whom Franchisee may contract, regardless of the purpose. Franchisee shall hold
harmless and indemnify the Indemnitees for all losses and expenses which may arise out of any acts,
errors, or omissions of these third parties.
13.3.4 Under no circumstances shall the Indemnitees be required or obligated to seek
recovery from third parties or otherwise mitigate their losses in order to maintain a claim against
Franchisee. Franchisee agrees that the failure to pursue such recovery or mitigate loss will in no way
reduce the amounts recoverable by the Indemnitees from Franchisee.
13.4 Indemnification by Franchisor
Franchisor agrees at all times to defend, at its own cost, and to indemnify and hold harmless to
the fullest extent permitted by law Franchisee, its corporate parent, the corporate subsidiaries, affiliates,
successors, assigns, and designees of either entity, and the respective directors, officers, employees,
agents, shareholders, designees, and representatives of each from all losses and expenses (as hereinafter
defined) incurred in connection with any action, suit, proceeding, claim, demand, investigation, or formal
or informal inquiry (regardless of whether same is reduced to judgment) or any settlement thereof which
arises out of or is based upon any of the following: Franchisor’s infringement or any other violation of
any patent, trademark, or copyright or other proprietary right owned or controlled by third parties;
Franchisor’s violation or breach of any contract, federal, state, or local law, regulation, ruling, standard,
or directive or of any industry standard; libel, slander, or any other form of defamation by Franchisor;
Franchisor’s violation or breach of any warranty, representation, agreement, or obligation in this
Agreement. For the purpose of this Section, the term “losses and expenses” shall be deemed to include all
losses, compensatory, exemplary, or punitive damages, fines, charges, costs, expenses, lost profits,
attorneys’ fees, experts’ fees, court costs, settlement amounts, judgments, compensation for damages to
Franchisee’s reputation and goodwill, costs of or resulting from delays, financing, costs of advertising
material and media time/space, and costs of changing, substituting, or replacing same, and any and all
expenses of recall, refunds, compensation, public notices and other such amounts incurred in connection
with the matters described. Franchisor agrees to give Franchisee notice of any such action, suit,
proceeding, claim, demand, inquiry, or investigation. The foregoing indemnification shall not apply to
losses or expenses arising from Franchisee’s gross negligence.
14.1 Franchisee shall not, during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter,
communicate, divulge, or use for the benefit of any other person, persons, partnership, association or
corporation any confidential information or Know How concerning, among other things, client identities
and information, as well as the methods of operation of the Franchised Business hereunder which may be
communicated to Franchisee, or of which Franchisee may become apprised, by virtue of the operation of
the Franchised Business at the Approved Location or from the Service Vehicle under this Agreement.
Franchisee shall divulge such confidential information only to such of his/her employees or officers and
directors who must have access to it in order to operate the Franchised Business. Any and all
information, knowledge and know how, including, without limitation, the materials, equipment,
specifications, techniques, and other data which the Franchisor designates as confidential shall be deemed
confidential for purposes of this Agreement, except information which Franchisee can demonstrate came
to his/her attention prior to disclosure thereof by the Franchisor; or which, at the time of disclosure by the
Franchisor to Franchisee, had become a part of the public domain through publication or communication
by others; or which, after disclosure to Franchisee by the Franchisor, becomes a part of the public domain
through publication or communication by others.
14.2 Franchisee shall require all personnel having access to any Know How or confidential
information provided by the Franchisor, or otherwise playing a role in the solicitation or provision of the
Services or related services to clients, to execute covenants that they will maintain the confidentiality of
information they received in connection with their employment or engagement by Franchisee, in
accordance with the form provided as Exhibit “B” hereto. It is expressly understood that Franchisor is
designated as a third party beneficiary of such covenants with the independent right to enforce them.
14.3 Franchisee acknowledges that any actual or threatened failure to comply with the
requirements of this Article XIV will cause the Franchisor to suffer immediate and irreparable injury,
non-compensable by the payment of mere money damages, permitting Franchisor with or without notice
to seek immediate injunctive relief. Franchisee agrees to pay all court costs and reasonable attorneys’
fees incurred by the Franchisor when Franchisor seeks to obtain specific performance or an injunction
against violation of the requirements of this Article XIV.
15.1 In-Term Covenants
Franchisee specifically acknowledges that, pursuant to this Agreement, Franchisee shall receive
valuable training and confidential information, including, without limitation, information regarding the
promotional, operational, sales, and marketing methods and techniques of the Franchisor and the System,
and that the covenants not to compete set forth below are fair and reasonable and will not impose any
undue hardship on Franchisee, since Franchisee has other considerable skills, experience, and education
which afford Franchisee the opportunity to derive income from other endeavors. Franchisee covenants
that during the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years thereafter, except as otherwise
approved in writing by the Franchisor, Franchisee shall not, either directly or indirectly, for
himself/herself, or through, on behalf of, or in conjunction with any person, persons, or legal entity:
15.1.1 Divert or attempt to divert any business or client of the Franchised Business
hereunder to any competitor, by direct or indirect inducement or otherwise, or do or perform, directly or
indirectly, any other act injurious or prejudicial to the goodwill associated with the Proprietary Marks and
the System;
15.1.2 Knowingly employ or seek to employ any person who is at that time employed
by the Franchisor or by any other franchisee of the Franchisor, or otherwise directly or indirectly induce
or seek to induce such person to leave his or her employment; or
15.1.3 Own, maintain, advise, help, invest in, make loans to, be employed by, engage in,
or have any interest in any business (including any business operated by Franchisee prior to entry into this
Agreement) specializing, in whole or in part, in the activities conducted by the Franchisee, and any other
type of service which Franchisee may be authorized to render hereunder and sell any other products and
services which Franchisee may be authorized to sell hereunder.
15.2 Post-Term Covenants
Franchisee covenants that, except as otherwise approved in writing by the Franchisor, Franchisee
shall not, for a continuous uninterrupted period commencing upon the expiration or termination of this
Agreement, regardless of the cause for termination, or upon transfer of this Agreement or the Franchised
Business pursuant to Article XVI hereof, and continuing for two (2) years thereafter (and in case of any
violation of this covenant, for two (2) years after the violation ceases), either directly or indirectly, for
himself/herself, or through, on behalf of, or in conjunction with any person, persons, partnership, or
corporation, own, maintain, advise, help, invest in, make loans to, be employed by, engage in, or have any
interest in any business specializing, in whole or in part, in the activities conducted by the Franchisee or
any other type of service which Franchisee may be authorized to render hereunder:
15.2.1 Within a radius of fifty (50) miles of Franchisee’s premises or Approved
Location; or
15.2.2 Within a radius of fifty (50) miles of the location of any business using the
System and/or the Proprietary Marks, whether franchised or owned by the Franchisor or its subsidiary or
affiliated companies.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this Agreement is for a conversion franchise, the provisions of
this Section 15.2 shall be waived.
15.3 Amendment of Covenants
The parties agree that each of the foregoing covenants shall be construed as independent of any
other covenant or provision of this Agreement. If all or any portion of a covenant in this Article XV is
held unreasonable or unenforceable by a court or agency having valid jurisdiction in any unappealed final
decision to which the Franchisor is a party, Franchisee expressly agrees to be bound by any lesser
covenant subsumed within the terms of such covenant that imposes the maximum duty permitted by law
as if the resulting covenant were separately stated in and made part of this Article XV.
15.4 Franchisor May Amend
Franchisee understands and acknowledges that the Franchisor shall have the right, in its sole
discretion, to reduce the scope of any covenant set forth in Sections 15.1 and 15.2 of this Agreement, or
any portion thereof, without Franchisee’s written consent, effective immediately upon receipt by
Franchisee of written notice thereof. Franchisee agrees that he/she shall comply forthwith with any
covenant as so modified, which will be fully enforceable notwithstanding the provisions of this Article
15.5 Existence of Claim
Franchisee expressly agrees that the existence of any claim that he/she may have against the
Franchisor, whether or not arising from this Agreement, shall not constitute a defense to the enforcement
by the Franchisor of the covenants in this Article XV.
15.6 Injunction
Franchisee acknowledges that any threatened or actual failure to comply with the requirements of
this Article XV would cause the Franchisor to suffer immediate and irreparable injury for which no
adequate remedy at law may be available, and Franchisee hereby accordingly consents to the ex parte
entry of an injunction prohibiting any conduct by Franchisee in violation of the terms of this Article XV.
The Franchisor may further avail itself of any other legal or equitable rights and remedies which it may
have under this Agreement, statute, common law or otherwise.
15.7 Additional Covenants
At the Franchisor’s request, Franchisee shall require and obtain execution of covenants identical
in scope to those set forth in this Article XV (including covenants applicable upon the termination of a
person’s relationship with Franchisee) from any or all of the following persons:
15.7.1 Any key persons employed by Franchisee who have received training from
Franchisor (it being understood that employees with the rank of “crew leader” and above will be
considered “key persons”);
15.7.2 All officers, directors and holders of a beneficial interest of five (5%) percent or
more of the securities of Franchisee, and of any entity directly or indirectly controlling Franchisee, if
Franchisee is a corporation or limited liability company;
15.7.3 The general partners and any limited partners (including any corporation or
limited liability company, and the officers, directors, and holders of a beneficial interest of five (5%)
percent or more of the securities of any corporation which controls, directly or indirectly, any general or
limited partner), if Franchisee is a partnership; and
15.7.4 Each covenant required to be executed pursuant to this Section 15.7 shall be on a
form supplied by the Franchisor, including, without limitation, specific identification of the Franchisor as
a third party beneficiary of such covenants with the independent right to enforce them. Failure by
Franchisee to obtain execution of a covenant required by this Section 15.7 shall constitute a default under
Section 17.2 hereof.
15.8 Liquidated Damages
If Franchisee fails to comply with any non-competition covenant required by this Agreement,
Franchisee agrees to (a) immediately cease and desist such non-compliance, and (b) pay to Franchisor
liquidated damages in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) for such violation. Franchisor also
reserves the right to terminate this Agreement, in its discretion.
16.1 Assignment by Franchisor
Franchisor shall have the right, without the need for Franchisee’s consent, to assign, transfer or
sell its rights under this Agreement to any person, partnership, corporation or other legal entity provided
that the transferee agrees in writing to assume all obligations undertaken by Franchisor herein and
Franchisee receives a statement from both Franchisor and its transferee to that effect. Upon such
assignment and assumption, Franchisor shall be under no further obligation hereunder, except for accrued
liabilities, if any. Franchisee further agrees and affirms that Franchisor may go public; may engage in a
private placement of some or all of its securities; may merge, acquire other corporations, or be acquired
by another corporation; and/or may undertake a refinancing, recapitalization, leveraged buyout or other
economic or financial restructuring. With regard to any of the above sales, assignments and dispositions,
Franchisee expressly and specifically waives any claims, demands or damages arising from or related to
the loss of Franchisor’s name, Proprietary Marks (or any variation thereof) and System and/or the loss of
association with or identification of CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. as Franchisor under this Agreement.
Franchisee specifically waives any and all other claims, demands or damages arising from or related to
the foregoing merger, acquisition and other business combination activities including, without limitation,
any claim of divided loyalty, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, breach of contract or breach of the implied
covenant of good faith and fair dealing.
Franchisee agrees that Franchisor has the right, now or in the future, to purchase, merge, acquire
or affiliate with an existing competitive or non-competitive franchise network, chain or any other
business, regardless of the location of that chain’s or business’ facilities, and to operate, franchise or
license those businesses and/or facilities as College Hunks Moving® facilities operating under the
Proprietary Marks or any other marks following Franchisor’s purchase, merger, acquisition or affiliation,
regardless of the location of these facilities, which Franchisee acknowledges may be proximate to
Franchisee’s location.
If Franchisor assigns its rights in this Agreement, nothing herein shall be deemed to require
Franchisor to remain in the business of providing junk removal services or to offer or sell any products or
related services to Franchisee.
Franchisee acknowledges that Franchisor may assign this Agreement as part of a sale, transfer or
other disposition of all or part of the System to an entity or entities which engage(s) in similar or
competitive businesses. Franchisee acknowledges that any such successor shall be deemed to possess, in
addition to all other rights, those specific rights reserved to Franchisor in Section 3.2 hereof; provided,
however, that in the event of a sale or merger by Franchisor with a competitive franchise network, chain
or other business, and if such sale or merger would result in a competing business being located in
Franchisee’s Designated Territory, Franchisee shall have the option, to be exercised within thirty (30)
days after notice from Franchisor concerning such sale or merger, to request that Franchisor buy back the
Franchised Business according to the terms and conditions set forth in Article XXII below.
16.2 Assignment by Franchisee
Neither Franchisee’s interest in this Franchise Agreement nor any of his/her rights or privileges
hereunder, nor the Franchised Business nor any interest therein, may be assigned, transferred, shared or
divided, voluntarily or involuntarily, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of
Franchisor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and without the Franchisee first complying with
Section 16.2.1 hereof. (The use of the term “assignment” herein encompasses any actual or purported
assignment, sale, transfer or other arrangement having the purpose or effect of shifting ownership or
control interests in the Franchised Business.) Any actual or purported assignment of this Agreement or of
the Franchised Business in violation of the terms hereof shall be null and void and shall constitute an
incurable breach of this Agreement. The actual or purported transfer in the aggregate of more than fifty
(50%) percent of the Franchised Business shall be deemed to be an “assignment” hereunder.
16.2.1 Franchisor’s consent (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) to any
assignment is subject to the following conditions:
(a) The assignee must demonstrate that it has the skills, qualifications,
licensing and economic resources necessary, in Franchisor’s judgment, to conduct the Franchised
Business and to fulfill its obligations to Franchisee and to Franchisor.
(b) The assignee must expressly assume in writing all of the obligations of
Franchisee under this Franchise Agreement.
(c) As of the date of any such assignment, Franchisee shall have fully
complied with all of his/her obligations to Franchisor, whether under this Agreement or any other
agreement, arrangement or understanding with Franchisor.
(d) The assignee must execute a new Franchise Agreement in the form and
on the terms and conditions then being offered by Franchisor to franchisees (except that the assignee shall
not be obligated to pay another Initial Franchise Fee). The term of such new Franchise Agreement shall
expire on the expiration date of this Franchise Agreement.
(e) Franchisee shall pay the Franchisor a transfer fee equal to Fifteen
Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for Franchisee’s entire Designated Territory.
(f) The assignee shall satisfactorily complete the training then required of all
new franchisees.
(g) Franchisor shall be furnished copies of the executed contract between
Franchisee and any such assignee and all related documentation.
(h) The Franchisee must have executed a general release in a form
satisfactory to the Franchisor of any and all claims against the Franchisor, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and
designees, and its officers, directors, shareholders and employees in their corporate and individual
capacities, including, without limitation, claims arising under federal, state and local laws, rules and
(i) The assignee shall not be affiliated in any way with a competitor of
16.2.2 Upon the death of Franchisee, or in the event Franchisee is determined to suffer
any legal incapacity (or, if Franchisee is a corporation, limited liability company or partnership, then upon
the death or legal incapacity of the shareholder, member or partner responsible for the operation of
Franchised Business), the transfer of Franchisee’s interest to his/her heirs, legatees, personal
representatives or conservators, surviving partner(s) or fellow shareholder(s), as applicable, shall not
constitute an “assignment” hereunder and shall not give rise to the Franchisor’s right of first refusal to
purchase the Franchised Business as set forth in Section 16.4 hereof, if the following conditions are met:
(a) The heirs, legatees, personal representatives, conservators, surviving
partner(s) or fellow shareholder(s), as applicable, meet the Franchisor’s standards for qualification of new
franchisees and agree in writing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
(b) Within ninety (90) days after the death or incapacity of the Franchisee
(or, if Franchisee is a corporation, limited liability company or a partnership, within ninety (90) days after
the death or incapacity of the principal shareholder, member or partner of Franchisee responsible for the
operation of the Franchised Business), a person designated by Franchisee’s heirs, legatees, personal
representative(s), conservator(s), surviving partners or fellow shareholders or members, as applicable,
shall have satisfactorily completed Franchisor’s then-current training requirements. If at the time of such
death or incapacity Franchisee has employed a manager who has satisfactorily completed any version of
Franchisor’s Training Program, this requirement shall be deemed satisfied.
(c) In order to prevent any interruption of the Franchised Business
operations which would cause harm to the Franchised Business, thereby depreciating the value thereof,
Franchisee authorizes Franchisor, who may, at its option, in the event that Franchisee is absent for any
reason or is incapacitated by reason of illness and is unable, in the sole and reasonable judgment of
Franchisor, to operate the Franchised Business, operate the Franchised Business for so long as Franchisor
deems necessary and practical, and without waiver of any other rights or remedies Franchisor may have
under this Agreement. All monies from the operation of the Franchised Business during such period of
operation by Franchisor shall be kept in a separate account, and the expenses of the Franchised Business,
including reasonable compensation and expenses for Franchisor’s representative, shall be charged to said
account. If, as herein provided, Franchisor temporarily operates the Franchised Business franchised
herein for Franchisee, Franchisee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Franchisor and any
representative of Franchisor who may act hereunder, from any and all acts which Franchisor may
perform, as regards the interests of Franchisee or third parties.
16.3 Transfer to a Corporation or Limited Liability Company
In the event Franchisee desires to transfer his/her interests herein to a corporation or limited
liability company formed by Franchisee solely for the convenience of ownership, Franchisee must obtain
the prior written consent of Franchisor, which consent shall be granted if:
16.3.1 Franchisee shall be the owner of all the voting stock of the corporation or all of
the membership interests, as applicable, or, if Franchisee comprises more than one (1) individual, each
such individual shall have the same proportionate ownership interest in the corporation or limited liability
company as it held in Franchised Business prior to the contemplated transfer; and
16.3.2 Appropriate forms of corporate resolutions, minutes and/or consents, which have
been duly adopted, are furnished to Franchisor prior to the transfer.
16.4 Right of First Refusal
The right of Franchisee to assign, transfer or sell his/her interest in this Agreement (voluntarily or
by operation of law) and/or the Franchised Business, as provided above, shall be subject to Franchisor’s
right of first refusal with respect thereto. (Franchisor shall maintain the option of waiving this right in
writing.) That is, Franchisor shall have the right to be offered by Franchisee the opportunity to purchase
such interest in this Agreement and/or the Franchised Business on the terms and conditions which have
been offered to and accepted by a third party in a wholly arms-length transaction. Franchisor’s right of
first refusal shall be exercised in the following manner:
16.4.1 Franchisee shall serve upon Franchisor a written notice setting forth all of the
terms and conditions of the proposed assignment which shall specify the purchase price established by the
parties and include reasonably complete information concerning the identity, financial standing and
character of the proposed purchaser. Franchisee shall attach to such notice a copy of a binding agreement
between Franchisee and the proposed purchaser, which agreement shall, however, be subject to
cancellation if Franchisor exercises its right of first refusal hereunder or disapproves of the proposed
transfer under Section 16.2.
16.4.2 Within thirty (30) days after Franchisor’s receipt of such notice (or, if Franchisor
shall request additional information, within thirty (30) days after receipt of such additional information),
Franchisor may, at its option, purchase the Franchised Business upon the terms and conditions specified
in the notice and the agreement attached thereto.
16.4.3 If Franchisor shall elect not to exercise its right of first refusal and shall consent
to an assignment, Franchisee shall, subject to the provisions of this Article, be free to assign this
Agreement and/or the Franchised Business to such proposed assignee on the terms and conditions
specified in said notice and the agreement attached thereto. If, however, the terms of such agreement
shall be materially modified after submission thereof to the Franchisor, Franchisor shall have such right to
evaluate such modified agreement for an additional thirty (30) days and, if it chooses to do so, exercise its
right of first refusal with respect thereto.
16.5 Franchisor Must Approve
Franchisee shall not have the right to pledge, encumber, hypothecate or otherwise give any third
party any security interest in this Agreement or in the Proprietary Properties or the Franchised Business in
any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Franchisor, which permission may be
withheld for any reason.
16.6 Addition of Principal
If, at any time during the term of this Agreement, Franchisee wishes to add a person to this
Agreement, whether as “Franchisee” or as one of Franchisee’s Principals, Franchisee agrees to pay
Franchisor a fee equal to Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) to reimburse Franchisor for all
costs related to such addition unless such person is a spouse or children of Franchisee or its Principals. In
any event any additional person must meet Franchisor’s qualifications and standards for franchisees.
17.1 Termination Upon Receipt of Notice
Franchisee shall be deemed to be in default under this Agreement, and all rights granted herein
shall automatically terminate upon receipt of notice to Franchisee, if Franchisee, or any of Franchisee’s
partners, if Franchisee is a partnership, or any of its officers, directors, shareholders, or members, if
Franchisee is a corporation or limited liability company, or the Franchised Business shall become
insolvent; or if Franchisee shall make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; or if a petition in
bankruptcy is filed by or against Franchisee or the Franchised Business and is not dismissed within sixty
(60) days of the filing thereof; or if Franchisee or the Franchised Business is adjudicated as bankrupt or
insolvent; or if a bill in equity or other proceeding for the appointment of a receiver or other custodian of
Franchisee or the Franchised Business or its assets is filed and consented to by Franchisee or the
Franchised Business; or if a receiver or other permanent or temporary custodian of Franchisee’s assets or
property, or any part thereof, or of the Franchised Business is appointed by any court of competent
jurisdiction; or if proceedings for a composition with creditors under any state or federal law should be
instituted by or against Franchisee or the Franchised Business; or if a final judgment against Franchisee or
the Franchised Business remains unsatisfied or of record for thirty (30) days or longer (unless a
supersedeas bond is filed); or if Franchisee or the Franchised Business is dissolved; or if a suit to
foreclose any lien or mortgage against the Franchisee or the Franchised Business with respect to his/her or
its personal, real or mixed property is instituted against Franchisee or the Franchised Business and is not
dismissed within thirty (30) days from the date such suit is instituted; or if execution is levied against
Franchisee or the Franchised Business or the property of either of them; or if the real or personal property
of Franchisee or the Franchised Business shall be sold after levy thereupon by any sheriff, marshal or
17.2 Termination Without Right to Cure
Upon the occurrence of any of the following events, Franchisee shall be deemed to be in default
and Franchisor may, in its sole and exclusive discretion, terminate this Agreement and all rights granted
hereunder without affording Franchisee any opportunity to cure the default. Termination under this
Section shall be effective immediately upon the earlier of the occurrence of any of the following or
receipt of notice by Franchisee:
17.2.1 If Franchisee abandons the Franchised Business by failing to operate such
business for a period of ten (10) consecutive days, or any shorter period after which it is reasonable for
Franchisor to conclude that Franchisee does not intend to continue to operate the Franchised Business,
unless such failure to operate is due to fire, flood, earthquake, or other similar causes beyond the
reasonable control of Franchisee;
17.2.2 If Franchisee, or any owner or shareholder, director or officer of a corporate or
limited liability company franchisee, or any partner or officer of a franchisee conducting business as a
partnership, is convicted of a felony, a fraud, a crime involving moral turpitude or any other crime or
offense that Franchisor believes is reasonably likely to have an adverse effect on the System, the
Proprietary Marks, or the goodwill associated therewith;
17.2.3 If the Franchisee makes any material misrepresentation relating to the creation,
acquisition or operation of the Franchised Business or engages in conduct which reflects materially and
unfavorably upon the operation and reputation of the Franchised Business, Franchisor or the System;
17.2.4 If a second (2
) default by Franchisee occurs within any twelve (12) month
period, notwithstanding that a prior default was cured;
17.2.5 If Franchisee’s default under this Agreement is by its very nature incapable of
being cured;
17.2.6 If Franchisee fails to attend and successfully complete Franchisor’s Training
Program, fails to satisfactorily complete any required enrichment training, or fails to attend the required
Annual Meeting a second time, and such absence is not excused by Franchisor; or
17.2.7 If Franchisee fails to pay the minimum required Continuing Royalty Fee for
ninety (90) consecutive days at any time during the term of this Agreement.
17.3 Termination With Right to Cure
Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Franchisee shall have either ten (10) or thirty
(30) days after receipt from Franchisor of a written notice of termination in which to remedy any default
hereunder (or, if the default cannot reasonably be cured within such ten (10) or thirty (30) day period, to
initiate within that time substantial and continuing action to cure the default) and to provide evidence
thereof to Franchisor. If any default is not cured within that time (or if substantial and continuing action
to cure the default is not initiated within that time), or such other period as applicable law may require,
this Agreement shall terminate without further notice to Franchisee effective immediately upon expiration
of the thirty (30) day period, or such longer period as applicable law may require. Such defaults shall
include, without limitation, the occurrence of any of the following events:
17.3.1 If Franchisee fails, refuses or neglects promptly to pay when due any monies
owed to Franchisor (or its affiliates, subsidiaries or designees) or to Franchisee’s landlord or fails, refuses
or neglects promptly to submit financial or other information required by Franchisor under this
Agreement, or makes any false statements in connection therewith;
17.3.2 If Franchisee fails to obtain Franchisor’s prior written approval or consent where
the same is required pursuant to this Agreement;
17.3.3 If Franchisee misuses, or uses in an unauthorized manner, any of Franchisor’s
Proprietary Marks, Know How, Copyrights or Software or materially impairs the goodwill associated
therewith or Franchisor’s rights therein;
17.3.4 If Franchisee participates in any business or in the marketing of any service or
product under a name or mark which, in Franchisor’s opinion, is confusingly similar to any of the
Proprietary Marks or if Franchisee (or any of its equity holders, directors, officers, partners or employees)
acquires any interest in a business similar to the Franchised Business, except that Franchisee or such other
persons may own less than five percent (5%) of the shares of any company listed on any national or
regional securities exchange or whose shares are traded through a recognized exchange;
17.3.5 If Franchisee violates or fails to comply with any state or federal law or
ordinance that in any manner relates to or impacts upon the provision of or ability to provide junk
removal and related services hereunder by Franchisee as an entity, or by any individuals who exercise any
level of dominion or control over the operations of Franchisee, including, without limitation, a conviction
based upon such a violation, allegation or charge of such violation without explanation that Franchisor
shall deem to be reasonably satisfactory, or failure on Franchisee’s part to inform Franchisor of the
existence of, threat of, charge or allegation of, or conviction of such violation;
17.3.6 If Franchisor exercises its right to buy-out Franchisee pursuant to Section 21.1
and Franchisee refuses to accept the buy-out;
17.3.7 If Franchisee sells, sublicenses, assigns or transfers any interest in this
Agreement or the Franchised Business in violation of this Agreement, following a thirty (30) day notice
to cure;
17.3.8 If Franchisee violates any covenant not to compete set forth in Article XV of this
Agreement, following a thirty (30) day notice to cure;
17.3.9 If Franchisee fails to commence the operation of the Franchised Business within
the time provided in this Agreement, following a thirty (30) day notice to cure;
17.3.10 If Franchisee purports to transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement
or any interest in Franchisee to any third party without Franchisor’s prior written consent or otherwise in
violation of the terms of this Agreement following a thirty (30) day notice to cure;
17.3.11 If Franchisee fails or refuses to perform junk removal and related services for
clients following a ten (10) day notice to cure; or
17.3.12 If Franchisee fails to comply with any other provision or requirement of this
Agreement or the Manual following a thirty (30) day notice to cure.
17.4 Cross-Defaults, Non-Exclusive Remedies, etc.
Any default by Franchisee (or any person/Company affiliated with Franchisee) under this
Agreement may be regarded as a default under any other agreement between Franchisor (or any affiliate
of Franchisor) and Franchisee (or any affiliate of Franchisee). Any default by Franchisee (or any
person/Company affiliated with Franchisee) under any other agreement, including, but not limited to, any
lease and/or sublease, between Franchisor (or any affiliate of Franchisor) and Franchisee (or any
person/Company affiliated with Franchisee), and any default by Franchisee (or any person/Company
affiliated with Franchisee) under any obligation to Franchisor (or any affiliate of Franchisor) may be
regarded as a default under this Agreement. Any default by Franchisee (or any person/Company
affiliated with Franchisee) under any lease, sublease, loan agreement, security interest or otherwise,
whether with Franchisor, any affiliate of Franchisor and/or any third party may be regarded as a default
under this Agreement and/or any other agreement between Franchisor (or any affiliate of Franchisor) and
Franchisee (or any affiliate of Franchisee).
In each of the foregoing cases, Franchisor (and any affiliate of Franchisor) will have all remedies
allowed at law, including termination of Franchisee’s rights (and/or those of any person/Company
affiliated with Franchisee) and Franchisor’s (and/or Franchisor’s affiliates’) obligations. No right or
remedy which Franchisor may have (including termination) is exclusive of any other right or remedy
provided under law or equity and Franchisor may pursue any rights and/or remedies available.
17.5 Limitation on Rights of Termination
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article, if any valid, applicable law or
regulation of a competent governmental authority having jurisdiction over this franchise and the parties
hereto shall limit Franchisor’s rights of termination hereunder or shall require longer notice periods than
those set forth above, this Agreement shall be deemed amended to satisfy the minimum notice periods or
restrictions upon such termination required by such laws and regulations; provided, however, that such
constructive amendment shall not be deemed a concession by Franchisor that the grounds for termination
set forth herein do not constitute “good cause” for termination within the meaning ascribed to that term by
any applicable law or regulation. Franchisor shall not be precluded from contesting the validity,
enforceability or application of such laws or regulations in any action, hearing or proceeding relating to
this Agreement or the termination thereof.
17.6 Non-Compliance Fee
Unless otherwise set forth in this Agreement, for any violation of this Agreement by Franchisee,
Franchisor may, in its sole discretion, assess Franchisee a non-compliance fee ranging between One
Hundred Dollars ($100) and Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250), as outlined in the Manual. Three written
warnings will be issued prior to charging this fee. Such non-compliance fee shall be assessed for, among
other things, Franchisee’s failure to: (a) comply with all standards, specifications and requirements set
forth by Franchisor; (b) maintain the Service Vehicles, including maintenance related to performance of
the Service Vehicle, appearance and safety issues; (c) comply with requirements of the Call Center,
including missed appointments or responding to calls within the required timeframe, whether or not
initiated by the Call Center, the Franchisor or customers; and (d) have all of its employees providing the
Services present a neat and clean appearance and to wear the required uniform. The non-compliance fee
related to each such non-compliance event shall be contained in the Manual. Each event of non-
compliance described herein shall be deemed an event of default hereunder, subject to termination of this
Agreement if Franchisee fails to cure the default to Franchisor’s satisfaction. In addition, if Franchisee
incurs two (2) non-compliance fees in any twelve (12) month period, whether or not the non-compliance
events are the same or different and whether or not cured by Franchisee, Franchisor shall have the right to
terminate this Agreement.
17.7 Franchisor’s Right to Discontinue Services to Franchisee
If Franchisee is in breach of any obligation under this Agreement, and Franchisor delivers to
Franchisee a notice of termination pursuant to this Article XVII, Franchisor has the right to suspend its
performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement including, without limitation, the sale or
supply of any services or products for which Franchisor is an approved supplier to Franchisee and/or
suspension of Franchisee’s webpage on Franchisor’s Website, until such time as Franchisee corrects the
18.1 Discontinue Use of Proprietary Properties
In the event of termination or expiration of this Franchise Agreement, Franchisee shall forthwith
discontinue the use of the Proprietary Marks, Know How, Copyrights and Software, and Franchisee shall
not thereafter operate or do business under any name or in any manner that might tend to give the general
public the impression that he/she is in any manner affiliated with Franchisor or a College Hunks
Moving® business, or any business similar thereto, and Franchisee shall not thereafter use, in any
manner, or for any purpose, directly or indirectly, any of Franchisor’s confidential information,
knowledge or know-how concerning the operation, products, services, trade secrets, procedures, policies,
techniques or materials or by virtue of the relationship established by this Agreement, including, without
limitation, the following:
18.1.1 Standards, specifications or descriptions of Franchisor’s products and services;
18.1.2 Franchisor’s Manual and any supplements thereto;
18.1.3 Any forms, advertising matter, marks, devices, signs, insignia, slogans or designs
used from time to time in connection with the Franchised Business;
18.1.4 Any copyrights, trademarks, trade names and patents now or hereafter applied for
or granted in connection therewith, or any marks, logos, words or phrases confusingly similar thereto or
colorable imitations thereof;
18.1.5 Any telephone number listed in any telephone directory under the name College
Hunks Moving® or any similar designation or directory listing which relates to the Franchised Business;
18.1.6 Any and all of the systems, procedures, techniques, criteria, concepts, designs,
advertising and promotional techniques, products or service specifications, and all other components,
specifications and standards which comprise (or in the future may comprise) part of the System.
18.2 Cancellation of Name
Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Franchisee shall take such action as may be
necessary to cancel any assumed name or equivalent registration which contains any name or mark
identical or similar to College Hunks Moving® or any other name, trademark or service mark of
Franchisor, and Franchisee shall furnish Franchisor with proof of discharge of this obligation within thirty
(30) days following the termination or expiration of this Agreement.
18.3 Franchisor is Attorney-in-Fact
Franchisor may, if Franchisee fails or refuses to do so, execute in Franchisee’s name and on
Franchisee’s behalf any and all documents necessary to cause discontinuation of Franchisee’s use of the
name College Hunks Moving® or any other related or similar name or use thereunder, and Franchisor is
thereby irrevocably appointed by Franchisee as Franchisee’s attorney-in-fact to do so.
18.4 Continuation of Obligations
The expiration or termination of this Franchise Agreement shall be without prejudice to the rights
of Franchisor against Franchisee, and such expiration or termination shall not relieve Franchisee of any of
his/her obligations to Franchisor existing at the time of expiration or termination or terminate those
obligations of Franchisee which by their nature survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
18.5 Cease Using Telephone Numbers
Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Franchisee shall cease and desist from using
the 1-800 telephone number and any other telephone (including cellular telephone) number(s) listed in
any telephone directory under the name College Hunks Moving® or any other name similar thereto and,
upon demand of the Franchisor, shall direct the telephone company servicing the Franchised Business to
transfer said telephone number(s) to Franchisor, or to such other person or persons at such location or
locations as Franchisor shall direct.
18.6 Payment of Sums Due
Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Franchisee shall promptly pay all sums owing
to Franchisor (and its subsidiaries, affiliates or designees). In the event of termination based upon a
default of Franchisee, such sums shall include all damages, costs and expenses (including actual
attorneys’ fees) incurred by Franchisor as a result of the default. The obligation created hereunder shall
give rise to and remain, until paid in full, a lien in favor of Franchisor against any and all of the personal
property, furnishings, equipments, signs, inventory, fixtures or other assets owned by Franchisee at the
time of default.
18.7 Post-Term Covenants
Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Franchisee shall comply with the post-term
covenants not to compete set forth in Article XV hereof.
18.8 Franchisor May Purchase
Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, Franchisor or its
designee shall have the option (but not the obligation) for a period of sixty (60) days from such
termination or expiration to purchase all of Franchisee’s right, title and interest in the Franchised Business
(including, without limitation, inventory and supplies) for a purchase price (the “Purchase Price”) equal
to the lesser of: (i) the depreciated book value of all tangible assets in place and owned by Franchisee as
of the date of Franchisor’s (or its designee’s) exercise of such option; or (ii) the fair market value of all
such assets as determined by the application of generally accepted accounting principles less the total of
(a) the amount of any indebtedness remaining against or secured by any such assets; (b) the amount of
any indebtedness or obligation owed by Franchisee to Franchisor, its affiliates, subsidiaries or designees;
(c) the amount of any indebtedness or obligation for which Franchisee or the Franchised Business is liable
(directly or indirectly, contingently or otherwise) and for which Franchisor is or may become liable
(directly or indirectly, contingently or otherwise) upon acquiring the Franchised Business or otherwise;
and (d) all amounts advanced by Franchisor, or which Franchisor has paid, or which Franchisor has
become obligated to pay, on behalf of the Franchisee for any reason whatsoever (including, without
limitation, interim sums required to be advanced for operations prior to the date of Franchisor’s (or its
designee’s) exercise of the option granted hereunder).
18.8.1 If the parties cannot agree upon the Purchase Price within a reasonable time, an
independent appraiser shall be designated by Franchisor, and his determination of the Purchase Price shall
be binding on Franchisor and Franchisee. The cost of such appraisal shall be borne equally by the parties
and the Franchisee’s portion will be reflected by reduction in the purchase price.
18.8.2 If Franchisor exercises its option to purchase the Franchised Business, the
Purchase Price shall be payable as follows:
(a) Ten (10%) percent of the Purchase Price shall be paid at the closing of
the purchase transaction by bank or certified check.
(b) The balance of the Purchase Price shall be paid over a period of three (3)
years in thirty-six (36) equal monthly installments, the first monthly installment being made on the tenth
(10th) day of the month following the month in which the initial payment is made. The obligation to
make monthly installment payments shall be evidenced by a series of thirty-six (36) negotiable
promissory notes of the Franchisor payable to the order of the Franchisee, each bearing interest from the
date of the closing at the published “Prime Rate” charged by Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, New
York, to its most substantial commercial clients and containing provisions to the effect that should any
note be unpaid for more than ten (10) days after written notice of default, the remaining notes shall
forthwith become due and payable without any further notice; provided, however, that the Franchisor or
any holder in due course shall have the right at any time after the calendar year in which the closing takes
place to prepay the notes in multiples of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) in inverse order of maturity,
together with interest to the date of payment.
18.8.3 If Franchisor exercises its option to purchase the Franchised Business, Franchisee
agrees fully to cooperate in effectuating such transaction and undertakes to use his/her best efforts to
provide Franchisor and its designees with all such data and documentation as reasonably may be required
to give effect to the purposes of this Section.
18.8.4 In the event Franchisor does not elect to exercise the foregoing option to
purchase the Franchised Business, Franchisee shall immediately return to Franchisor all materials which
bear any of the Proprietary Marks, trade names or copyrighted material. Franchisee shall also destroy any
and all materials not otherwise required to be returned to Franchisor in accordance with this Agreement or
the Manual. Contemporaneously, Franchisee shall return to Franchisor all copies in his/her possession of
materials and documents (including, among other things, the Manual, corporate records and files,
correspondence, brochures, agreements, and disclosure statements) relating to the grant or operation of
the Franchised Business.
18.9 Discontinue Use; Modification
Upon expiration or termination, Franchisee shall immediately discontinue the use of each and
every aspect of the Proprietary Properties, including the Proprietary Marks and trade dress, including the
custom designs on vehicles, advertisements, brochures, tee shirts, clothing, or any other article of
commercial or other use, and Know How, and thereafter shall no longer use or have the rights to use the
Proprietary Properties, or any colorable or confusingly similar variations thereof, or any word, logo or
figure similar to the Proprietary Marks or Know How. In the event of expiration or termination,
Franchisee will be responsible for the payment of all legal fees, court costs, collection fees and interest
incurred in enforcing this Agreement. In the event of any litigation between the parties hereto with
respect to the subject matter hereof, the party in any such litigation in whose favor a judgment is entered
shall be entitled to have and recover, and the other party agrees to pay, its reasonable attorneys’ fees and
expenses, in addition to any award to which may be otherwise entitled. In addition, Franchisee
understands and agrees that he/she shall immediately repaint any and all Service Vehicles that show
markings similar to, or that would cause confusion of the public as misrepresenting, any connection to
Franchisor or the System.
18.10 Assignment of Lease for Service Vehicle
At Franchisor’s option, Franchisee shall assign to Franchisor any interest which Franchisee has in
any lease or sublease for the Service Vehicle(s) pursuant to the Conditional Assignment of Service
Vehicle Lease attached hereto as Exhibit “E.” Franchisor may exercise such option at or within thirty
(30) days after the termination or expiration of this Agreement. Franchisee hereby appoints Franchisor its
true and lawful agent and attorney-in-fact with full power and authority for the sole purpose of taking
such action as is necessary to complete the assignment of Franchisee’s interest in any such lease or
sublease upon the exercise of Franchisor’s option described herein. This power of attorney shall survive
the expiration or termination of this Agreement. In the event Franchisor does not elect to exercise its
option to acquire the lease or sublease for the Service Vehicle(s), Franchisee shall make such
modifications or alterations to the Service Vehicle(s) as are necessary to remove all signage and obliterate
all Proprietary Marks.
18.11 Liquidated Damages
Upon termination of this Agreement by Franchisor for cause, Franchisee agrees to pay to
Franchisor within fifteen (15) days after the effective date of this Agreement’s termination, in addition to
the amounts owed hereunder, liquidated damages equal to the average monthly Continuing Royalty Fee
Franchisee paid or owed to Franchisor during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding termination
multiplied by (a) twenty-four (24), being the number of months in two (2) full years, or (b) the number of
months remaining in the Agreement had it not been terminated, whichever is greater.
The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that it would be impracticable to determine precisely
the damages Franchisor would incur from this Agreement’s termination and the loss of cash flow from
Continuing Royalty Fees due to, among other things, the complications of determining what costs, if any,
Franchisor might have saved and how much the Continuing Royalty Fees would have grown over what
would have been this Agreement’s remaining term. The parties hereto consider this liquidated damages
provision to be a reasonable, good faith pre-estimate of those damages. The parties hereto further
acknowledge and agree that this liquidated damages provision applies if Franchisor terminates this
Agreement due to Franchisee’s willful non-compliance with the terms of and its obligations under this
Agreement, Franchisee’s failure to cure a material default within the timeframes required herein, and
Franchisee’s repeated, willful defaults of this Agreement.
The liquidated damages provision only covers Franchisor’s damages from the loss of cash flow
from the Continuing Royalty Fees. It does not cover any other damages, including damages to its
reputation with the public and damages arising from a violation of any provision of this Agreement other
than the Continuing Royalty Fee section. Franchisee and each of its owners agree that the liquidated
damages provision does not give Franchisor an adequate remedy at law for any default under, or for the
enforcement of, any provision of this Agreement other than the Continuing Royalty Fee section.
19.1 Franchisee understands and agrees that the System must not remain static if it is to meet
(without limitation) presently unforeseen changes in technology, competitive circumstances,
demographics, populations, consumer trends, societal trends and other market place variables, and if it is
to best serve the interests of Franchisor, Franchisee, and the network of all other franchisees.
Accordingly, Franchisee expressly understands and agrees that Franchisor may from time to time change
the components of the System, including, but not limited to, altering the products, programs, services,
methods, standards, forms, policies and procedures of that System; abandoning the System altogether in
favor of another system in connection with a merger, acquisition, other business combination or for other
reasons; adding to, deleting from or modifying those products, programs and services which Franchisee’s
Franchised Business is authorized and required to offer; modifying or substituting entirely the building,
premises, vehicles, equipment, signage, trade dress, decor, color schemes and uniform specifications and
all other unit construction, design, appearance and operation attributes which Franchisee is required to
observe hereunder; and changing, improving, modifying or substituting the Proprietary Properties.
Franchisee expressly agrees to comply with any such modifications, changes, additions, deletions,
substitutions and alterations; provided, however, that such changes shall not materially and unreasonably
increase Franchisee’s obligations hereunder.
Franchisee shall accept, use and effectuate any such changes or modifications to, or substitution
of, the System as if they were part of the System at the time that this Agreement was executed.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Franchisee shall be obligated to replace his/her Service Vehicle at
least once every seven (7) years, depending on the age and condition of said Service Vehicle.
19.2 Except as provided herein, Franchisor shall not be liable to Franchisee for any expenses,
losses or damages sustained by Franchisee as a result of any of the modifications contemplated hereby.
Franchisee hereby covenants not to commence or join in any litigation or other proceeding against
Franchisor or any third party complaining of any such modifications or seeking expenses, losses or
damages caused thereby. Finally, Franchisee expressly waives any claims, demands or damages arising
from or related to the foregoing activities including, without limitation, any claim of breach of contract,
breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, and/or breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.
20.1 Engagement
During the Term (as hereinafter defined), the Franchisor shall provide to the Franchisee the Call
Center Services (as hereinafter defined).
20.2. Call Center Services
During the Term, the Franchisor shall provide to the Franchisee such of the following services
(collectively, the “Call Center Services”):
20.2.1 The Call Center shall host a dedicated telephone number, website, and an e-mail
address through which all clients of the Franchisor shall schedule, reschedule, cancel and inquire about
estimates and service calls. Service requests shall be distributed to the Franchisee based on (i) geographic
location of the client and (ii) Franchisee/client scheduling availability. All current date cancellations and
emergency services will be dispatched from the Call Center to the Franchisee via e-mail to phone or
wireless PDA, radio dispatch to Nextel, or phone call to wireless cell phone. All non-emergent services
will be posted to the Franchisee’s work order list in “real-time.” The Franchisee may log into our
company database to view its work orders at any time. The Franchisor and the Franchisee shall use their
commercially reasonable best efforts and technological resources to schedule the most efficient travel
routes and time availability to decrease wasted travel time.
20.2.2 The Call Center shall receive, record, research and assist in resolving any basic
client complaints and concerns. All in-depth issues will be forwarded to the Franchisee for immediate
resolution. The Call Center shall provide copies of any invoices or service tickets to the client via mail,
fax or e-mail at no additional charge to the Franchisee. The Call Center will conduct courtesy quality
service follow-up calls and emails to confirm the price charged (accurate reporting) and to monitor
quality control.
20.2.3 The Call Center shall manage and orchestrate any promotional programs
designated by the Franchisor.
20.2.4 Call Center Services shall not include legal and accounting services.
20.2.5 The Call Center will provide performance reports for business improvement
20.2.6 The Call Center will also catalogue all non-booked leads and will identify
potential commercial clients for follow-up by franchisee.
20.2.7 The Franchisor shall monitor all client service issues and requests on a daily
basis to maintain quality control and protect the franchise “system” and name.
20.3 Franchisee Responsibilities
Franchisee shall, at all times during the term of Franchisee’s Franchise Agreement with
Franchisor, refer all jobs and inquiries for jobs to the Call Center for both scheduling and follow-up.
Franchisee shall not perform any jobs that have not been provided to the Call Center. Franchisee is
required to attempt to complete all jobs and/or appointments that are scheduled by the Call Center for
Franchisee, including emergency and non-emergency inquiries. The Call Center will request that
Franchisee follow-up with a client or potential client, and Franchisee shall report to the Call Center the
results of such follow-up. Franchisee shall keep the Call Center apprised of the status of each job,
appointment, inquiry, and/or follow-up.
20.4 Limitations
20.4.1 Liability
20.4.2 Remedies
20.4.3 Failure of an Exclusive Remedy
20.5 Information
All information provided to the Company or gathered from or about the Franchisee is the
exclusive property of the Company. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the Company shall
be under no obligation to treat any Franchisee information or materials received by the Company from the
Franchisee as confidential. To the extent that the Franchisee shall wish that any information or materials
be treated as confidential by the Company, the Franchisee must label such information or materials in
writing as confidential or, if such materials are disclosed orally by the Franchisee to the Company,
provide written summaries of any such disclosed information or materials together with notice of the
confidential nature of such information or materials within five (5) days of oral disclosure thereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company shall have no obligation of confidentiality with respect to
any information or materials disclosed to it which (a) was already known to it at the time of its receipt
hereunder; (b) is or becomes generally available to the public other than by means of the Company’s
breach of its obligations under this Agreement; (c) is independently obtained from a third party whose
disclosure violates no duty of confidentiality; or (d) is independently developed by or on behalf of the
Company without use of or reliance on any confidential information furnished to it under this Agreement.
21.1 Severability and Substitution of Valid Provisions
Except as expressly provided to the contrary herein, each section, paragraph, term and provision
of this Agreement, and any portion thereof, shall be considered severable and if, for any reason, any such
portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid, contrary to, or in conflict with any applicable present or
future law or regulation in a final, unappealable ruling issued by any court, agency or tribunal with
competent jurisdiction in a proceeding to which the Franchisor is a party, that ruling shall not impair the
operation of, or have any other effect upon, such other portions of this Agreement as may remain
otherwise intelligible, which shall continue to be given full force and effect and bind the parties hereto,
although any portion held to be invalid shall be deemed not to be a part of this Agreement from the date
the time for appeal expires, if Franchisee is a party thereto; otherwise upon Franchisee’s receipt of written
notice of non-enforcement thereof from the Franchisor. If any covenant herein which restricts
competitive activity is deemed enforceable by virtue of its scope in terms of area, business activity
prohibited and/or length of time, but would be enforceable by reducing any part or all thereof, Franchisee
and the Franchisor agree that same shall be enforced to the fullest extent permissible under the laws and
public policies applied in the jurisdiction in which enforcement is sought. If any applicable and binding
law or rule of any jurisdiction requires a greater prior notice of the termination of or refusal to enter into a
successor franchise agreement than is required hereunder, or the taking of some other action not required
hereunder, or if under any applicable and binding law or rule of any jurisdiction, any provision of this
Agreement or any specification, standard or operating procedure prescribed by the Franchisor is invalid or
unenforceable, the prior notice and/or other action required by such law or rule shall be substituted for the
comparable provisions hereof, and the Franchisor shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to modify
such invalid or enforceable provision, specification, standard or operating procedure to the extent required
to be valid and enforceable. Such modification(s) to this Agreement shall be effective only in such
jurisdiction, unless the Franchisor elects to give it greater applicability, and shall be enforced as originally
made and entered into in all other jurisdictions. Franchisee agrees to be bound by any such modification
to this Agreement.
21.2 Waiver of Obligations
The Franchisor and Franchisee may by written instrument unilaterally waive or reduce any
obligation of or restriction upon the other under this Agreement, effective upon delivery of written notice
thereof to the other. Any waiver granted by the Franchisor shall be without prejudice to any other rights
the Franchisor may have, will be subject to continuing review by the Franchisor and may be revoked, in
the Franchisor’s sole discretion, at any time and for any reason, effective upon delivery to Franchisee of
ten (10) days’ prior written notice. The Franchisor and Franchisee shall not be deemed to have waived or
impaired any right, power or option reserved by this Agreement by virtue of any custom or practice of the
parties at variance with the terms hereof; any failure, refusal or neglect of the Franchisor or Franchisee to
exercise any rights under this Agreement or to insist upon exact compliance by the other with its
obligations hereunder; any waiver, forbearance, delay, failure or omission by the Franchisor to exercise
any right, power or option, whether of the same, similar or different nature, with respect to other College
Hunks Hauling Junk® Franchised Businesses; or the acceptance by the Franchisor of any payments due
from Franchisee after any breach of this Agreement.
Neither the Franchisor nor Franchisee shall be liable for loss or damage or deemed to be
in breach of this Agreement if its failure to perform its obligations results from: (1) transportation
shortages, inadequate supply of equipment, merchandise, supplies, labor, material or energy, or the right
to acquire or use any of the foregoing in order to accommodate or comply with the orders, requests,
regulations, recommendations or instructions of any federal, state or municipal government or any
department or agency thereof; (2) compliance with any law, ruling, order, regulation, requirement or
instruction of any federal, state, or municipal government or any department or agency thereof; (3) acts of
God; (4) fires, strikes, embargoes, war or riot; or (5) any other similar event or cause. Any delay resulting
from any of said causes shall extend performance accordingly or excuse performance, in whole or in part,
as may be reasonable, except that said causes shall not excuse payments of amounts owed at the time of
such occurrence or payment of Continuing Royalty Fees, Brand Development Fees, Support Fees,
Appointment Fees or lease payments due thereafter.
21.3 Injunctive Relief
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 21.6 of this Section, either party
may institute in a court of competent jurisdiction an action or actions for temporary or preliminary
injunctive relief; provided, however, that such party shall contemporaneously submit the dispute the
arbitration on the merits in accordance with Section 21.6 of this Section. Franchisee agrees that the
Franchisor may have such temporary or preliminary injunctive relief without bond, but upon due notice,
and Franchisee’s sole remedy in the event of the entry of such injunctive relief shall be the dissolution of
such injunctive relief, if warranted, upon hearing duly had (all claims for damages by reason of the
wrongful issuance of any such injunction being expressly waived hereby).
21.4 Rights of Parties are Cumulative
The rights of the Franchisor and Franchisee hereunder are cumulative and no exercises or
enforcement by the Franchisor or Franchisee of any right or remedy hereunder shall preclude the exercise
or enforcement by the Franchisor or Franchisee of any other right or remedy hereunder or which the
Franchisor or Franchisee is entitled by law to enforce.
21.5 Costs and Attorneys’ Fees
If the Franchisor incurs expenses in connection with Franchisee’s failure to pay when due
amounts to the Franchisor, to submit when due any reports, information or supporting records or
otherwise to comply with this Agreement, Franchisee shall reimburse the Franchisor for any such costs
and expenses which it incurs, including but not limited to reasonable legal, arbitrators’, accounting and
related fees.
21.6 Mediation and Arbitration
21.6.1 Franchisor and Franchisee acknowledge that during the term of this Agreement
disputes may arise between the parties that may be resolvable through mediation. To facilitate such
resolution, Franchisor and Franchisee agree that each party shall submit the dispute between them for
non-binding mediation at a mutually agreeable location before commencing an arbitration proceeding
under Section 21.6.3. If Franchisor and Franchisee cannot agree on a location, the mediation will be
conducted in within twenty (20) miles of Franchisor’s headquarters. The mediation will be conducted by
one (1) mediator who is appointed under the American Arbitration Association’s Commercial Mediation
Rules and who shall conduct the mediation in accordance with such rules. Franchisor and Franchisee
agree that statements made by Franchisor, Franchisee or any other party in any such mediation
proceeding will not be admissible in any arbitration or other legal proceeding. Each party shall bear its
own costs and expenses of conducting the mediation and share equally the costs of any third parties who
are required to participate in the mediation.
21.6.2 If any dispute between the parties cannot be resolved through mediation within
forty-five (45) days following the appointment of the mediator, the parties agree to submit such dispute to
arbitration subject to the terms and conditions of Section 21.6.3.
21.6.3 Except to the extent Franchisor elects to enforce the provisions of this Agreement
by judicial process and injunction in Franchisor’s sole discretion, all disputes, claims and controversies
between the parties arising under or in connection with this Agreement or the making, performance or
interpretation thereof (including claims of fraud in the inducement and other claims of fraud and the
arbitrability of any matter) which have not been settled through negotiation or mediation will be settled
by binding arbitration in Florida under the authority of Florida Statutes. The arbitrator(s) will have a
minimum of five (5) years’ experience in franchising or distribution law and will have the right to award
specific performance of this Agreement. If the parties cannot agree upon a mutually agreeable arbitrator,
then the arbitration shall be conducted as per the selection method set forth in the Florida Statutes. The
proceedings will be conducted under the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration
Association, to the extent such rules are not inconsistent with the provisions of this arbitration provision
or the Florida Statutes. The decision of the arbitrator(s) will be final and binding on all parties. This
Section will survive termination or non-renewal of this Agreement under any circumstances. Judgment
upon the award of the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. During the
pendency of any arbitration proceeding, Franchisee and Franchisor shall fully perform their respective
obligations under this Agreement.
21.6.4 The provisions of this Section shall continue in full force and effect subsequent
to and notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
21.7 Governing Law
All matters relating to arbitration shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act. Except to the
extent governed by the United States Trademark Act of 1946 (Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. Sections 1051 et
.) or other federal law, this Agreement, the Franchise and the relationship of the parties shall be
governed by the laws of the State of Florida, without regard for its conflicts of laws principles.
21.8 Jurisdiction
With respect to actions described in Section 21.3 above and any other actions not subject to
arbitration under Section 21.6 above, Franchisee and the Franchisor agree that any action arising under
this Agreement or otherwise as a result of the relationship between Franchisee and the Franchisor must be
commenced in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Florida. Franchisee
irrevocable submits to the jurisdiction of such courts and waives any objection he/she may have to either
the jurisdiction or venue of such court.
21.9 Waiver of Punitive Damages
The parties waive to the fullest extent permitted by law any right to or claim for any punitive or
exemplary damages, except punitive or exemplary damages allowed under federal statute. The parties
agree that, in the event of a dispute between them, the party making a claim shall be limited to recovery of
any actual damages it sustains.
21.10 Waiver of Jury Trial
Each party irrevocably waives trial by jury in any action, proceeding or counterclaim, whether at
law or in equity, brought by either party.
21.11 Franchisee May Not Withhold Payments
Franchisee agrees that he/she will not, on grounds of the alleged nonperformance by the
Franchisor of any of its obligations hereunder, withhold payment of any Continuing Royalty Fees, Brand
Development Fees, Support Fees, Appointment Fees, lease payments, amounts due to the Franchisor for
purchases by Franchisee or any other amounts due to the Franchisor.
21.12 Binding Effect
This Agreement is binding upon the parties hereto and their respective executors, administrators,
heirs, assigns and successors in interest. Subject to the Franchisor’s right to modify the Manual, this
Agreement shall not be modified except by written agreement signed by Franchisee and the Franchisor.
21.13 Limitations of Claims
Any and all claims, except claims for monies due the Franchisor, arising out of or relating to this
Agreement or the relationship among the parties hereto shall be barred unless an action or legal or
arbitration proceeding is commenced within one (1) year from the date Franchisee or the Franchisor knew
or should have known of the facts giving rise to such claims.
21.14 Construction
The preambles and exhibits are a part of this Agreement, which together with the Manual,
constitutes the entire agreement of the parties, and there are no other oral or written understandings or
agreements between the Franchisor and Franchisee relating to the subject matter of this Agreement;
provided, however, that nothing in this or any related agreement is intended to disclaim the
representations made by Franchisor in the Disclosure Document that was furnished to Franchisee by
Franchisor. The term “Franchisee” as used herein is applicable to one or more persons, a corporation,
limited liability company or a partnership, as the case may be, and the singular usage includes the plural
and the masculine and neuter usages include the other and the feminine. If two or more persons are at any
time Franchisee hereunder, their obligations and liabilities to the Franchisor shall be joint and several.
References to “Franchisee” and “transferee” which are applicable to an individual or individuals shall
mean the principal owner(s) of the equity or operating control of Franchisee or the transferee, if
Franchisee or the transferee is a corporation, limited liability company or partnership. References to
“controlling interest” in Franchise shall mean greater than fifty percent (50%) of the equity or voting
control of Franchisee. The headings of the several sections and paragraphs hereof are for convenience
only and do not define, limit or construe the contents of such sections or paragraphs.
Except where this Agreement expressly obligates the Franchisor reasonably to approve or
not unreasonably to withhold its approval of any action or request by Franchisee, Franchisor has the
absolute right to refuse any request by Franchisee or to withhold its approval of any action by Franchisee
that requires the Franchisor’s approval. Nothing in this Agreement is intended, nor shall be deemed, to
confer any rights or remedies upon any person or legal entity not a party hereto.
21.15 Withholding Consent
In no event will Franchisee make any claim, whether directly, by way of setoff, counter-claim,
defense or otherwise, for money damages or otherwise, by reason of any withholding or delaying of any
consent or approval by Franchisor. Franchisee’s sole remedy for any such claim is to submit it to an
executive meeting, mediation and arbitration as described in this Agreement and, if executive meeting and
mediation fails to resolve such matter, for the arbitrator to order Franchisor to grant such consent.
22.1 Franchisor’s Rights
Franchisee grants Franchisor the option to purchase all of the assets of the Franchised Business or
all ownership interests in the Franchised Business (at Franchisor’s option and which Franchisor may
assign to an affiliate) any time after the sixtieth (60
) month of operation of the Franchised Business, if
Franchisee is in good standing under this Agreement, on the following terms and conditions. Nothing in
this Article XXI shall require Franchisor to exercise the buy back option described herein or to use the
valuation formula described below if this Agreement is terminated by Franchisor or if Franchisor chooses
to not renew this Agreement because Franchisee was not in compliance at the time of renewal.
22.1.1 Option Period: Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement Franchisor may
exercise its option to acquire the Franchised Business at any time after sixty (60) months following the
opening date of the Franchised Business.
22.1.2 Exercise: To exercise its option, Franchisor shall give Franchisee written notice
(the “Acquisition Notice”) of Franchisor’s intention to do so. The Acquisition Notice shall be sent to
Franchisee at least one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the anticipated closing date.
22.1.3 Purchase Price: The parties will work together to determine the valuation to set
the purchase price. The parties will utilize good faith and commercially reasonable efforts to determine
said valuation. The purchase price will be determined thirty (30) days prior to closing and will be
determined as the Entity Value as determined below.
22.1.4 Entity Value: Entity Value shall be equal to five (5) times Normalized EBITDA,
as defined below.
22.1.5 Normalized EBITDA: Normalized EBITDA is defined as follows: EBITDA
(Earnings Before Income, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) as calculated in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles for the trailing twelve (12) month period prior to the month in
which the Acquisition Notice is received. EBITDA will be normalized for the following items: (a) related
party transactions as defined by generally accepted accounting principles to be restated at current arms
length market rates; (b) excess owners’ compensation to be normalized to expected ongoing management
expenses; (c) operating leases for containers will be restated as if they were capital leases, increasing
EBITDA, with the related lease obligation to be included as a debt obligation of the Franchised Business;
and (d) all other lease obligations will be treated in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles. Net Proceeds to Franchisee will be Entity Value plus or minus net working capital (current
assets less current liabilities as defined by generally accepted accounting principles) acquired by
Franchisor, less all other debt obligations, liabilities, and contingent liabilities of the Franchised Business
as defined by generally accepted accounting principles, which are assumed in writing by Franchisor, less
the agreed upon value of the container operating leases obligations used to calculate Normalized EBITDA
which Franchisor agrees to are to be assumed in writing. Franchisee must be able to show satisfaction of
debts, acceptable to Franchisor, for all liabilities of the Franchised Business Franchisor does not agree to
assume in writing.
22.1.6 Releases: Franchisor will provide a release of liability to Franchisee for all
future liabilities of the Franchised Business. Franchisee will not be relieved of any undisclosed or
unassumed liabilities prior to closing and for the final settlement of all claims or contingencies at the time
of closing.
22.1.7 CPA: In case of any disagreement on any of the calculations or determinations,
the determination by Franchisor’s independent certified public accountants will be final and conclusive.
22.1.8 Representations and Warranties: Franchisor shall be entitled to all customary
representations and warranties to ensure that Franchisor receives full and complete title to all of the assets
or ownership interests it purchases, in such form and content as Franchisor reasonably requires.
22.1.9 Cooperation: Franchisee shall cooperate with Franchisor in preparing for the
sale of the Franchised Business if Franchisor exercises its repurchase option as described herein.
Moreover, Franchisee shall cooperate with Franchisor in furnishing Franchisor with the necessary
information to accurately calculate the purchase price.
22.1.10 Continuing Obligations. All obligations and covenants under this Agreement
which expressly or by their nature survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement shall continue
in full force and effect until they are satisfied in full or by their nature expire.
21.2 Applicability of Other Provisions
If the Franchisor elects to exercise this buy-out of Franchisee’s rights pursuant to this Article, all
post-term covenants not to compete contained in Article XV shall be applicable.
23.1 Relationship; Acknowledgments
Franchisee and Franchisor agree that there does not exist any fiduciary, trust or similar
relationship between Franchisee and Franchisor, that the relationship between Franchisee and Franchisor
is a normal commercial relationship between independent businesspeople intended for mutual but
independent economic benefit, and is not in any sense nor is intended to be a fiduciary, trust or similar
23.1.1 Franchisee acknowledges that he/she and each of its owners (if Franchisee is a
corporation, limited liability company or partnership) and investors has read this Agreement and
Franchisor’s Disclosure Document and all exhibits, and that Franchisee and its owners understand and
accept the terms, conditions, and covenants contained in this Agreement as being necessary to maintain
Franchisor’s high standards of quality and service and the uniformity of those standards at all College
Hunks Moving® businesses and thereby to protect and preserve the goodwill of the Proprietary Marks
and the System.
23.1.2 Franchisee and Franchisor, each agreeing on the critical practical business
importance of their relationship being governed solely by written documents signed by Franchisee and
Franchisor (including any concurrently executed written personal guarantees, Statement of Prospective
Franchisee and/or exhibits, schedules, addenda, promissory note(s), security agreement(s) or other written
documents signed by the party to be bound thereby, all of which will be deemed to be part of this
Agreement for the purposes of this Section 23.1.2) and not wishing to create misunderstandings,
confusion and possible conflict through reference to any alleged prior and/or contemporaneous oral
and/or written representations, understandings, agreements or otherwise, jointly intend and agree that
(i) this Agreement contains the final, complete and exclusive expression of the terms of the parties’
agreement and entirely supersedes and replaces any and all prior and/or concurrent understandings,
agreements, inducements, prior course(s) of dealing, representations (financial or otherwise), promises,
options, rights of first refusal, guarantees, warranties (express or implied) or otherwise (whether oral or
written) between Franchisee and Franchisor, (ii) there are no prior and/or concurrent understandings,
agreements, inducements, course(s) of dealing, representations (financial or otherwise), promises, options,
rights of first refusal, guarantees, warranties (express or implied) or otherwise (whether oral or written)
which are not fully expressed in this Agreement, and (iii) no prior and/or concurrent understandings,
agreements, inducements, course(s) of dealing, representations (financial or otherwise), promises, options,
rights of first refusal, guarantees, warranties (express or implied) or otherwise (whether oral or written) of
any kind or nature whatsoever have been made by Franchisor or anyone else, nor have been relied upon
by Franchisee nor will have any force or effect. Franchisor expressly disclaims any understandings,
agreements, inducements, course(s) of dealing, representations (financial or otherwise), promises, options,
rights of first refusal, guarantees, warranties (express or implied) or otherwise (whether oral or written)
which are not fully expressed in this Agreement. Nothing in this or any related agreement, however, is
intended to disclaim the representations made by Franchisor in the Franchise Disclosure Document that
was furnished to Franchisee by Franchisor.
23.1.3 Franchisee acknowledges and represents that he/she has not been promised, nor
has the Franchisor or any of its representatives, employees or agents made any promises, representations
and/or warranties, nor has Franchisee received or relied on any promises, representations or warranties,
that (i) any payments by Franchisee are refundable at Franchisee’s option, (ii) Franchisor will repurchase
any rights granted hereunder (or any associated business) or will be able to assist Franchisee in any resale,
(iii) Franchisee will succeed in the Franchised Business, (iv) Franchisee will achieve any particular sales,
income or other levels of performance, (v) Franchisee will have any exclusive rights of any type other
than as specifically set forth herein, or (vi) Franchisee will receive any level of advertising (television or
otherwise), marketing assistance, site location, development or other services, operational assistance or
otherwise other than as expressly set forth in this Agreement. No contingency, condition, prerequisite,
prior requirement, or otherwise (including, but not limited to, obtaining financing, obtaining a site or
otherwise) exists with respect to Franchisee fully performing any or all of his/her obligations under this
23.1.4 Franchisee has not received or relied on (nor has Franchisor or any of its
representatives, employees or agents provided) any: sales, income or other projections of any kind or
nature or any statements, representations, data, charts, tables, spreadsheets or mathematical calculations or
otherwise which stated or suggested any level or range of actual or potential sales, costs, income,
expenses, profits, cash flow, tax effects or otherwise, and neither Franchisor nor any of its representatives,
employees or agents made, nor has Franchisee relied on, any promises, representations or warranties as to
any profits Franchisee may realize in the operation of the Franchised Business, nor has Franchisee
received or relied on any representations regarding any working capital or other funds necessary to reach
any “break-even” or any other financial level. Franchisor is unable, and does not attempt, to predict,
forecast or project future performance, revenues, profits or otherwise of any Franchised Business. If any
such information, promises, representations and/or warranties has been provided to Franchisee, it should
not be relied on, Franchisor will not be bound by it, and, if Franchisee does rely on such information,
promises, representations and/or warranties, Franchisee does so at his/her own risk.
23.1.5 Franchisee acknowledges and agrees that the success of the business venture
contemplated to be undertaken hereunder is speculative, is and will be dependent upon Franchisee’s
personal efforts, that entry into any business enterprise is always associated with risk and that no
assurance of success has been or can be given to Franchisee. Franchisee acknowledges and represents
that he/she has entered into this Agreement and made an investment only after (i) making an independent
investigation of the opportunity, including having received a list, in connection with the presentation of
Franchisor’s Disclosure Document, of (and having spoken with) other franchisees currently operating
College Hunks Moving® businesses (if applicable), and (ii) having had an opportunity to have this
transaction and all related documents reviewed by an attorney and a financial advisor of his/her own
choosing, such review having been strongly recommended by Franchisor. Franchisee acknowledges that
he/she and each person signing as Franchisee (and/or having any investment and/or interest in the
Franchised Business) has received, reviewed, understood and fully read and all questions have been
answered regarding a copy of the Franchisor’s Disclosure Document with all exhibits at least fourteen
(14) calendar days prior to the earlier of Franchisee’s and/or any such person (a) signing any binding
documents or (b) paying any sums.
23.1.6 Franchisee understands that Franchisor is relying on Franchisee to bring forward
in writing at this time any matters inconsistent with any of the matters set forth in this Article XXII or
otherwise so that Franchisor can correct any misunderstandings and Franchisee agrees that if any of the
statements or matters set forth in this Article XXII or otherwise are not true, correct and complete,
Franchisee will make a written statement regarding such next to Franchisee’s signature below so that
Franchisor may address and resolve any such issue(s) at this time and before either party goes forward.
23.1.7 Franchisee acknowledges and agrees that in all of his/her dealings with the
Franchisor, the officers, directors, employees, and agents of the Franchisor acted only in a representative
capacity and not in an individual capacity. Franchisee further acknowledges that this Agreement, and all
business dealings between Franchisee and such individuals as a result of this Agreement, are solely
between Franchisee and the Franchisor. Franchisee further represents to the Franchisor, as an inducement
to the Franchisor’s entry into this Agreement, that Franchisee has made no misrepresentations in
obtaining the Franchised Business.
23.2 Notices
Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any notice, demand or communication provided
for herein shall be in writing, signed by the party giving the same, and personally delivered or deposited
in the United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested and
electronically. If intended for Franchisor, shall be addressed to it at 1513 East 9th Avenue, Tampa,
Florida 33605, with a copy to Harold L. Kestenbaum, Esq., Gordon & Rees LLP, 90 Merrick Avenue,
Suite 601, East Meadow, New York 11554. If intended for Franchisee, shall be addressed to Franchisee
at the address set forth on page one.
23.2.1 Either party may change its address for notice purposes by giving the other party
written notice, as herein provided, of such change.
23.3 Gender
Reference to Franchisee as male, female, or no gender shall include male or female franchisee,
general or limited partnership, joint venture, corporation, trust, or any other association or business entity,
as relevant in the context.
23.4 Headings
Headings and captions contained herein are for convenience of reference only and shall not be
taken into account in construing or interpreting this Agreement.
23.5 References
Any reference herein to any paragraph or other part of this Agreement shall be deemed to include
a reference to every subordinate part and/or subparagraph thereof.
22.6 Time of the Essence
It is acknowledged and agreed by both parties that any delay in the performance of its obligations
hereunder would irreparably and irrevocably injure the other party in the conduct of its business and the
value of its property. The parties therefore agree that time is of the essence of this Agreement. Except as
otherwise specifically permitted herein, no extension of time shall be implied, nor any delay allowed, in
the timely and complete performance of all covenants herein contained.
23.7 Survival of Terms
Each provision of this Article XXII and those provisions hereinabove provided relating to
covenants against post-termination/expiration use of the Proprietary Marks, Know How, Copyrights and
Software will be deemed to be self-executing and continue in full force and effect subsequent to and
notwithstanding the expiration, termination, setting aside, cancellation, rescission, unenforceability or
otherwise of this Agreement (or any part of it) for any reason, will survive and will govern any claim for
rescission or otherwise. Each provision of this Agreement will be construed as independent of, and
severable from, every other provision; provided that if any part of this Agreement is deemed unlawful in
any way, the parties agree that such provision will be deemed interpreted and/or modified to the minimum
extent necessary to make such provision lawful or, if such construction is not permitted or available, the
remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. Each party reserves the right to
challenge any law, rule or judicial or other construction which would have the effect of varying or
rendering ineffective any provision of this Agreement.
23.8 Operation in the Event of Absence or Disability
In order to prevent any interruption of the Franchised Business operations which would cause
harm to the Franchised Business, thereby depreciating the value thereof, Franchisee authorizes
Franchisor, who may, at its option, in the event that Franchisee is absent for any reason or is incapacitated
by reason of illness and is unable, in the sole and reasonable judgment of Franchisor, to operate the
Franchised Business, operate the Franchised Business for so long as Franchisor deems necessary and
practical, and without waiver of any other rights or remedies Franchisor may have under this Agreement.
All monies from the operation of the Franchised Business during such period of operation by Franchisor
shall be kept in a separate account, and the expenses of the Franchised Business, including reasonable
compensation and expenses for Franchisor’s representative, shall be charged to said account. If, as herein
provided, Franchisor temporarily operates the Franchised Business franchised herein for Franchisee,
Franchisee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Franchisor and any representative of Franchisor who
may act hereunder, from any and all acts which Franchisor may perform, as regards the interests of
Franchisee or third parties.
23.9 Step-In Rights
If Franchisor determines in its sole judgment that the operation of the Franchised Business is in
jeopardy, or if a default occurs, then in order to prevent an interruption of the Franchised Business which
would cause harm to the System and thereby lessen its value, Franchisee authorizes Franchisor to operate
his/her business for as long as Franchisor deems necessary and practical, and without waiver of any other
rights or remedies which Franchisor may have under this Agreement. In the sole judgment of Franchisor,
Franchisor may deem Franchisee incapable of operating the Franchised Business if, without limitation,
Franchisee is absent or incapacitated by reason of illness or death; Franchisee has failed to pay when due
or has failed to remove any and all liens or encumbrances of every kind placed upon or against
Franchisee’s Business; or Franchisor determines that operational problems require that Franchisor operate
Franchisee’s Business for a period of time that Franchisor determines, in its sole discretion, to be
necessary to maintain the operation of the Franchised Business as a going concern.
Franchisor shall keep in a separate account all monies generated by the operation of Franchisee’s
Business, less the expenses of the Franchised Business, including reasonable compensation and expenses
for Franchisor’s representatives. In the event of the exercise of the Step-In Rights by Franchisor,
Franchisee agrees to hold harmless Franchisor and its representatives for all actions occurring during the
course of such temporary operation. Franchisee agrees to pay all of Franchisor’s reasonable attorneys’
fees and costs incurred as a consequence of Franchisor’s exercise of its Step-In Rights. Nothing
contained herein shall prevent Franchisor from exercising any other right which it may have under this
Agreement, including, without limitation, termination.
24.1 Collateral
Franchisee grants to Franchisor a security interest (“Security Interest”) in all of the furniture,
fixtures, equipment, signage, and realty (including Franchisee’s interests under all real property and
personal property leases) of the Franchised Business, together with all similar property now owned or
hereafter acquired, additions, substitutions, replacements, proceeds, and products thereof, wherever
located, used in connection with the Franchised Business. All items in which a security interest is granted
are referred to as the “Collateral.”
24.2 Indebtedness Secured
The Security Interest is to secure payment of the following (the “Indebtedness”):
24.2.1 All amounts due under this Agreement or otherwise by Franchisee;
24.2.2 All sums which Franchisor may, at its option, expend or advance for the
maintenance, preservation, and protection of the Collateral, including, without limitation, payment of
rent, taxes, levies, assessments, insurance premiums, and discharge of liens, together with interest, or any
other property given as security for payment of the Indebtedness;
24.2.3 All expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, which Franchisor incurs in
connection with collecting any or all Indebtedness secured hereby or in enforcing or protecting its rights
under the Security Interest and this Agreement; and
24.2.4 All other present or future, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, liabilities,
obligations, and indebtedness of Franchisee to Franchisor or third parties under this Agreement, however
created, and specifically including all or part of any renewal or extension of this Agreement, whether or
not Franchisee executes any extension agreement or renewal instruments.
24.2.5 Franchisor’s security interest, as described herein, shall be subordinated to any
financing related to Franchisee’s operation of the Franchised Business, including, but not limited to, a real
property mortgage and equipment leases.
24.3 Additional Documents
Franchisee will from time to time as required by Franchisor join with Franchisor in executing any
additional documents and one or more financing statements pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code
(and any assignments, extensions, or modifications thereof) in form satisfactory to Franchisor.
24.4 Possession of Collateral
Upon default and termination of Franchisee’s rights under this Agreement, Franchisor shall have
the immediate right to possession and use of the Collateral.
24.5 Franchisor’s Remedies in Event of Default
Franchisee agrees that, upon the occurrence of any default set forth above, the full amount
remaining unpaid on the Indebtedness secured shall, at Franchisor’s option and without notice, become
due and payable immediately, and Franchisor shall then have the rights, options, duties, and remedies of a
secured party under, and Franchisee shall have the rights and duties of a debtor under, the Uniform
Commercial Code of Florida (or other applicable law), including, without limitation, Franchisor’s right to
take possession of the Collateral and without legal process to enter any premises where the Collateral may
be found. Any sale of the Collateral may be conducted by Franchisor in a commercially reasonable
manner. Reasonable notification of the time and place of any sale shall be satisfied by mailing to
Franchisee pursuant to the notice provisions set forth herein.
24.6 Special Filing as Financing Statement
This Agreement shall be deemed a Security Agreement and a Financing Statement. This
Agreement may be filed for record in the real estate records of each county in which the Collateral, or any
part thereof, is situated and may also be filed as a Financing Statement in the counties or in the office of
the Secretary of State, as appropriate, in respect of those items of Collateral of a kind or character defined
in or subject to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the appropriate
The submission of this Franchise Agreement to Franchisee does not itself constitute an offer to
sell a franchise. This Franchise Agreement shall become effective only upon the execution thereof by
Franchisor and Franchisee.
The following are the Zones which, when taken together, are identified as Franchisee’s
Designated Territory. This Exhibit shall be updated when necessary, in the event Franchisee purchases
additional Zones, and each such updated version shall be executed by Franchisee and Franchisor.
Zone 1:
Zone 2:
Zone 3:
Zone 4:
[to be determined before execution of the Franchise Agreement]
Accepted and agreed this _____ day of _______________, 20___
This Agreement is made this
day of , 20 , by and between CHHJ Franchising
L.L.C. (the “Franchisor”), with its principal place of business at 1513 East 9th Avenue, Tampa, Florida
, a franchisee of the Franchisor, with its principal place of business at
____________________________________ (“Employer”), and _____________________ residing at
____________________________________ (“Employee”).
The Franchisor sells franchises operating under the College Hunks Moving® and/or College
Hunks Moving® Proprietary Marks, Know How, Copyrights and Software. Such franchises offer junk
removal, moving and related services.
The Franchisor has expended considerable time, effort and expense to acquire knowledge and
experience in the business of marketing its services to the general public and commercial enterprises.
Furthermore, the Franchisor has developed a system for performing junk removal and related services in a
timely and efficient manner. The System is operated according to certain confidential and proprietary
procedures which include: its client lists, methods of doing business, methods of providing junk removal
services, distinctive trade name and logo, proprietary formats, equipment requirements, copyrighted
advertising campaigns and materials, uniforms and other items used in operating procedures and certain
business techniques, including procedures and instructions set forth in the Franchisor’s operations and
procedures manual, software, financial data, instructional materials and training programs, research and
development, product and service development plans and trade secrets and intellectual property
(collectively, the “Confidential Information”).
During the course of employment with Employer, Employee has been or will be exposed to and
become familiar with various aspects of concepts, designs, procedures, processes and other Confidential
Information proprietary to the Franchisor and Employer, and will continue to gain such exposure to and
familiarity with such information while employed by Employer. The Franchisor and Employer desire to
be assured by Employee that any such information gained during employment with Employer will be
regarded as proprietary information and will not be disclosed to any third parties during or after
employment, and that Employee will not compete with Employer, the Franchisor or its affiliates.
In consideration of the [continued] employment of Employee by Employer, the [continued]
compensation of Employee by Employer during the duration of employment, the [continued] use and
enjoyment by Employee of Employer’s facilities and equipment, the [ongoing] disclosure to Employee of
Employer’s confidential and proprietary information, the [continued] opportunity for Employee to serve
Employer’s clients and clients, and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree:
1. Confidentiality
. Employee recognizes and acknowledges that during the course of his or
her employment, he or she will have access to certain Confidential Information not generally known to
the public relating to the services, sales or business of Employer and the Franchisor. Employee
recognizes and acknowledges that this Confidential Information constitutes a valuable, special and unique
asset of Employer and the Franchisor, access to and knowledge of which are essential to the performance
of Employee’s duties. Employee acknowledges and agrees that all such Confidential Information
including, without limitation that which Employee conceives or develops, either alone or with others, at
any time during his or her employment by Employer, is and shall remain the exclusive property of the
2. Non-disclosure
. Employee agrees that, except as directed by Employer or the Franchisor,
Employee will not at any time, whether during or after employment with Employer, use or disclose to any
person for any purpose other than for the benefit of Employer or the Franchisor any Confidential
Information, or permit any person to use, examine and/or make copies of any documents, files, data or
other information sources which contain or are derived from Confidential Information, whether prepared
by Employee or otherwise coming into the Employee’s possession or control, without the prior written
permission of Employer.
3. Franchisor Materials
. Employee will safeguard and return to Employer upon termination
of Employee’s employment with Employer, or sooner if Employer so requests, all documents and
property in Employee’s care, custody or control relating to his or her employment or Employer’s or the
Franchisor’s business, including, without limitation, any documents that contain the Confidential
4. Other Employment While Employed by Employer
. While employed by Employer,
Employee shall not do work that competes with or relates to any of Employer’s or the Franchisor’s
products or activities without first obtaining Employer’s written permission. Any business opportunities
related to Employer’s or the Franchisor’s business that Employee learns of or obtains while employed by
Employer (whether or not during working hours) shall belong to Employer.
5. Non-competition After Employment by Employer Ends
. For a period of two (2) years
after Employee’s employment by Employer terminates, Employee will not, directly or indirectly,
anywhere in the United States: (a) sell, market or propose to sell or market the services that compete or
will compete with the Employer’s or Franchisor’s then-existing business, or (b) become an employee,
employer, consultant, officer, director, partner, trustee or shareholder of more than five (5%) percent of
the outstanding common stock of, or provide services or information to any person or entity that sells,
markets or proposes to sell or market the services performed by the Franchisor.
6. Saving Provision
. The parties agree and stipulate that the agreements and covenants not
to compete contained in the preceding paragraph, including the scope of the restricted activities described
therein and the duration and geographic extent of such restrictions, are fair and reasonably necessary for
the protection of Confidential Information, goodwill, and other protectable interests, in light of all of the
facts and circumstances of the relationship between the Franchisor, Employee and Employer. In the event
a court of competent jurisdiction should decline to enforce any provision of the preceding paragraph, such
paragraph shall be deemed to be modified to restrict Employee’s competition to the maximum extent, in
both time and geography, which the court shall find enforceable.
7. No Guarantee of Employment
. This Agreement does not constitute a guarantee of
continued employment. Employee’s employment is terminable at any time by Employer or Employee,
with or without cause or prior notice, unless otherwise provided in a written employment agreement.
8. No Conflicting Agreements
. Employee is not a party to any agreements, such as
confidentiality or non-competition agreements, that limit Employee’s ability to perform his or her duties
for Employer.
9. Injunctive Relief
. The Employee acknowledges that disclosure of any Confidential
Information or breach or threatened breach of any of the non-competition and non-disclosure covenants
or other agreements contained herein would give rise to irreparable injury to Employer or the Franchisor,
which injury would be inadequately compensable in money damages. Accordingly, Employer or the
Franchisor, at its sole discretion, may seek and obtain injunctive relief from the breach or threatened
breach of any provision, requirement or covenant of this Agreement, in addition to and not in limitation of
any other legal remedies which may be available. Employee further acknowledges, agrees and stipulates
that, in the event of the termination of employment with the Employer, the Employee’s experience and
capabilities are such that the Employee can obtain employment in business activities which are of a
different and non-competing nature with his or her activities as an employee of Employer; and that the
enforcement of a remedy hereunder by way of injunction will not prevent the Employee from earning a
reasonable livelihood. Employee further acknowledges and agrees that the covenants contained herein
are necessary to protect the legitimate business interests of Employer and the Franchisor and are
reasonable in scope and content.
10. Enforcement
. The provisions of this Agreement shall be enforceable notwithstanding the
existence of any claim or cause of action against the Franchisor, Employer by Employee, whether
predicated on this Agreement or otherwise.
11. Governing Law
. The Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the internal laws
of the State of Florida. The parties hereto agree to personal jurisdiction in the State of Florida.
Employee’s obligations under this Agreement supplement and do not supersede the obligations imposed
on Employee by the laws of the State of Florida and the United States of America.
12. Legal Expense
. In any suit, proceeding or action to enforce any term, condition or
covenant of this Agreement or to procure an adjudication or determination of the rights of the Franchisor,
Employer or Employee, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable
sums as attorneys’ fees and costs and expenses in connection with such suit, proceeding or action,
including any appeal, which sums shall be included in any judgment or decree entered therein.
13. Waiver of Breach
. The waiver of any breach of any provision of this Agreement or
failure to enforce any provision hereof shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent
breach by any party.
14. Assignment
. This Agreement is fully assignable by the Employer and all of Employee’s
obligations survive any transfer or assignment of this agreement or any change in ownership of the
DATED this ____ day of ___________________, 20__.
AND INTERNET ADDRESSES (this “Assignment”) is effective as of _______________, 20__,
between CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. (the “Franchisor”), with its principal place of business at 1513 East
9th Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605, and
, whose
current place of business is
(the “Franchisee”). The Franchisor and the Franchisee are sometimes referred to collectively as the
parties” or individually as a “party.
The Franchisor has simultaneously entered into the certain Franchise Agreement (the “Franchise
Agreement”) dated as of ____________, 20___ with the Franchisee, pursuant to which the franchisee
plans to own and operate a franchise that will provide junk removal services, including picking up
unwanted items from residential or commercial clients and taking it to the appropriate landfill or transfer
station for appropriate disposal or recycling, the provision of moving services, and the sale of products
and services related thereto (the “Franchised Business”) using the Franchisor’s website, trade name,
trademarks and service marks of College Hunks Hauling Junk® and College Hunks Moving®, and phone
number (collectively, the “Proprietary Marks”) The Franchised Business uses certain proprietary
knowledge, procedures, formats, systems, forms, printed materials, applications, methods, specifications,
standards and techniques authorized or developed by the Franchisor (collectively the “System”). In order
to protect our interest in the System and the Proprietary Marks, the Franchisor will have the right to
control the telephone numbers and listings and internet addresses of the Franchised Business if the
Franchise Agreement is terminated.
The parties agree as follows:
1. Background Information
: The background information is true and correct. This Assignment
will be interpreted by reference to the background information. Terms not otherwise defined in this
Assignment will have the meanings as defined in the Franchise Agreement.
2. Conditional Assignment
: FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Franchisee hereby assigns to
Franchisor: (a) those certain telephone numbers and regular, classified or other telephone directory
listings (collectively, the "Telephone Numbers and Listings"); and (b) those certain Internet website
addresses ("URLs"), social media pages, and email addresses including gmail associated with
Franchisor's trade and service marks and used from time to time in connection with the operation of the
Authorized Business at the address provided above. This Assignment is for collateral purposes only and,
except as specified herein, Franchisor shall have no liability or obligation of any kind whatsoever arising
from or in connection with this Assignment, unless Franchisor shall notify the telephone company and/or
the listing agencies with which Franchisee has placed telephone directory listings (all such entities are
collectively referred to herein as "Telephone Company") and/or Franchisee's Internet service provider
("ISP") to effectuate the assignment pursuant to the terms hereof.
Upon termination or expiration of the Franchise Agreement (without extension) for any reason,
Franchisor shall have the right and is hereby empowered to effectuate the assignment of the Telephone
Numbers and Listings and the URLs, and, in such event, Franchisee shall have no further right, title or
interest in the Telephone Numbers and Listings and the URLs, and shall remain liable to the Telephone
Company and the ISP for all past due fees owing to the Telephone Company and the ISP on or before the
effective date of the assignment hereunder.
3. Power of Attorney
: Franchisee agrees and acknowledges that as between Franchisor and
Franchisee, upon termination or expiration of the Franchise Agreement, Franchisor shall have the sole
right to and interest in the Telephone Numbers and Listings and the URLs, and Franchisee irrevocably
appoints Franchisor as Franchisee's true and lawful attorney-in-fact, which appointment is coupled with
an interest, to direct the Telephone Company and the ISP to assign same to Franchisor, and execute such
documents and take such actions as may be necessary to effectuate the assignment. Upon such event,
Franchisee shall immediately notify the Telephone Company and the ISP to assign the Telephone
Numbers and Listings and the URLs to Franchisor. If Franchisee fails to promptly direct the Telephone
Company and the ISP to assign the Telephone Numbers and Listings and the URLs to Franchisor,
Franchisor shall direct the Telephone Company and the 1SP to effectuate the assignment contemplated
hereunder to Franchisor. The parties agree that the Telephone Company and the ISP may accept
Franchisor's written direction, the Franchise Agreement or this Assignment as conclusive proof of
Franchisor's exclusive rights in and to the Telephone Numbers and Listings and the URLs upon such
termination or expiration and that such assignment shall be made automatically and effective immediately
upon Telephone Company's and ISP' s receipt of such notice from Franchisor or Franchisee. The parties
further agree that if the Telephone Company or the ISP requires that the parties execute the Telephone
Company's or the ISP's assignment forms or other documentation at the time of termination or expiration
of the Franchise Agreement, Franchisor's execution of such forms or documentation on behalf of
Franchisee shall effectuate Franchisee's consent and agreement to the assignment. The parties agree that at
any time after the date hereof they will perform such acts and execute and deliver such documents as may
be necessary to assist in or accomplish the assignment described herein upon termination or expiration of
the Franchise Agreement.
4. Indemnification
: You will indemnify and hold us and our affiliates, stockholders, directors,
officers and representatives (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless from and against any and
all losses, liabilities, claims, proceedings, demands, damages, judgments, injuries, attorneys’ fees, costs
and expenses that any of the Indemnified Parties incur as a result of any claim brought against any of the
Indemnified Parties or any action which any of the Indemnified Parties are named as a party or which any
of the Indemnified Parties may suffer, sustain or incur by reason of, or arising out of, your breach of any
of the terms of any agreement or contract or the nonpayment of any debt you have with the Telephone
Company and/or ISP.
5. Binding Effect
: This Assignment is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the parties and
their respective successors-in-interest, heirs, and successors and assigns.
6. Assignment to Control
: This Assignment will govern and control over any conflicting
provision in any agreement or contract which you may have with the Telephone Company and/or ISP.
7. Attorney’s Fees, Etc.
: In any action or dispute, at law or in equity, that may arise under or
otherwise relate to this Assignment or the enforcement thereof, the prevailing party will be entitled to
reimbursement of its attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses from the non-prevailing party. The term
attorneys’ fees” means any and all charges levied by an attorney for his or her services including time
charges and other reasonable fees including paralegal fees and legal assistant fees and includes fees
earned in settlement, at trial, appeal or in bankruptcy proceedings and/or in arbitration proceedings.
8. Severability
: If any of the provisions of this Assignment or any section or subsection of this
Assignment are held invalid for any reason, the remainder of this Assignment or any such section or
subsection will not be affected, and will remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.
9. Governing Law and Forum
: This Assignment is governed by Florida law. The parties will
not institute any action against any of the other parties to this Assignment except in the state or federal
courts of general jurisdiction in Hillsborough County, Florida, and they irrevocably submit to the
jurisdiction of such courts and waive any objection they may have to either the jurisdiction or venue of
such court.
Print Name:
Print Name:
Print Name:
Print Name:
This Guaranty must be signed by the principal owners (referred to as “youfor purposes of this Guaranty only) of
(the “Business Entity”) under the ____________________________________ Agreement dated ________________ (the
Agreement”) with CHHJ FRANCHISING L.L.C. (the“Franchisor”).
1. Scope of Guaranty
. In consideration of and as an inducement to our signing and delivering the Agreement, each
of you signing this Guaranty personally and unconditionally: (a) guarantee to the Franchisor and its successors and assigns that
the Business Entity will punctually pay and perform each and every undertaking, agreement and covenant set forth in the
Agreement; and (b) agree to be personally bound by, and personally liable for the breach of, each and every provision in the
2. Waivers
. Each of you waive: (a) acceptance and notice of acceptance by us of your obligations under this
Guaranty; (b) notice of demand for payment of any indebtedness or nonperformance of any obligations guaranteed by you;
(c) protest and notice of default to any party with respect to the indebtedness or nonperformance of any obligations guaranteed
by you; (d) any right you may have to require that an action be brought against the Business Entity or any other person as a
condition of your liability; (e) all rights to payments and claims for reimbursement or subrogation which you may have against
the Business Entity arising as a result of your execution of and performance under this Guaranty; and (f) all other notices and
legal or equitable defenses to which you may be entitled in your capacity as guarantors.
3. Consents and Agreements
. Each of you consent and agree that: (a) your direct and immediate liability under this
Guaranty are joint and several; (b) you must render any payment or performance required under the Agreement upon demand if
the Business Entity fails or refuses punctually to do so; (c) your liability will not be contingent or conditioned upon our pursuit
of any remedies against the Business Entity or any other person; (d) your liability will not be diminished, relieved or otherwise
affected by any extension of time, credit or other indulgence which the Franchiosr may from time to time grant to Business
Entity or to any other person, including, without limitation, the acceptance of any partial payment or performance or the
compromise or release of any claims and no such indulgence will in any way modify or amend this Guaranty; and (e) this
Guaranty will continue and is irrevocable during the term of the Agreement and, if required by the Agreement, after its
termination or expiration.
4. Enforcement Costs
. If the Franchisor is required to enforce this Guaranty in any judicial or arbitration
proceeding or any appeals, you must reimburse the Franchisor for its enforcement costs. Enforcement costs include reasonable
accountants’, attorneys’, attorney’s assistants’, arbitrators’ and expert witness fees, costs of investigation and proof of facts,
court costs, arbitration filing fees, other litigation expenses and travel and living expenses, whether incurred prior to, in
preparation for, or in contemplation of the filing of any written demand, claim, action, hearing or proceeding to enforce this
5. Effectiveness
. Your obligations under this Guaranty are effective on the Agreement Date, regardless of the actual
date of signature. Terms not otherwise defined in this Guaranty have the meanings as defined in the Agreement. This
Guaranty is governed by Florida law and the Franchisor may enforce its rights regarding it in the courts of Hillsborough
County, Florida. Each of you irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts.
Each of you now sign and deliver this Guaranty effective as of the date of the Agreement regardless of the actual date
of signature.
Print Name:
Print Name:
Print Name:
THIS AGREEMENT is made this _____ day of _________, 20____ among
__________________________________________ (Lease Company Legal Name), with an address of
_________________________________________________________ (the “Lessor”),
_______________________________________ (Franchisee name or name on Lease), with an address of
_______________________________________ (the “Franchisee”), and CHHJ Franchising, L.L.C., a
Delaware limited liability company with an address of 1513 East 9th Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605 (the
WHEREAS, the Lessor and the Franchisee are parties to a lease agreement (the “Lease”) for a
vehicle (the “Service Vehicle”) described in Schedule A hereto; and
WHEREAS; the Franchisor and the Franchisee are parties to a franchise agreement (the
“Franchise Agreement”) for the operation of a College Hunks Moving® or College Hunks Moving®
business in conjunction with the use of the Service Vehicle; and
WHEREAS; the parties are desirous of entering into an agreement setting out the rights of the
Franchisor to assume and assign the Lease as lessee of the Service Vehicle in n certain events;
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows:
1. If the Lease is terminated for any reason whatsoever or if the Franchise Agreement
expires or is terminated for any reason whatsoever, then the Franchisee’s rights under the Lease shall, at
the option of the Franchisor, be transferred and assigned to the Franchisor.
2. In the event that the Lease is terminated as provided in Section 1, then the Lessor shall,
within five (5) days of such termination, provide written notice of such termination to the Franchisor, by
overnight courier or facsimile transmission to Franchisor’s address provided above, which notice shall
state the reason(s) for such termination. If the reason(s) for termination include failure to make required
payments, the Lessor shall also provide a statement of account of all monies owed by the Franchisee in
accordance with the provisions of the Lease.
3. In the event of expiration or termination of the Franchise Agreement as provided in
Section 1, and in the further event that the Franchisor (or its affiliate) wishes to assume the Lease as
lessee, then the Franchisor shall have thirty (30) days within which to exercise its option to have the
Lease transferred and assigned to Franchisor. If Franchisor chooses to exercise its option, it will provide
written notice of such election to the Lessor, by overnight courier or facsimile transmission to the
Lessor’s address provided above, within such thirty (30) day period. The Franchisee acknowledges that
the Lessor may rely upon such notice and shall not be required to inquire into the due execution thereof or
the accuracy of the statements set forth therein.
4. If the Franchisor wishes to exercise its option to assume the Lease after receipt from
Lessor of the termination notice prescribed by Section 2, then the Franchisor shall give written notice of
such election to the Lessor in the manner set forth in Section 3. Upon giving such notice, the Franchisor
shall have the right to have transferred and assigned unto itself all of the Franchisee’s rights and benefits
contained in the Lease, as if the notice of termination of the Lease had not been given.
5. If the Franchisor gives written notice pursuant to Section 4 hereof then, if required by the
Lessor, acting reasonably, the Franchisor shall execute the Lessor’s standard form of assignment whereby
the Franchisor shall agree to abide by and be bound by the terms and conditions of the Lease for the
balance of the term thereof in the same manner as if the Franchisor had originally been named as the
lessee in the Lease, but subject to the provisions of this Agreement.
6. The Franchisor shall, within thirty (30) business days of the Franchisor’s notice to the
Lessor of its election to assume the Lease, cure any monetary default of the Franchisee and any default of
the Franchisee of any non-monetary covenant contained in the Lease, in accordance with the notice of
termination of lease given by the Lessor to the Franchisor.
7. During the term of the Lease or any renewal thereof, whenever the Lessor provides notice
to Franchisee of his/her default in the payment of amounts due or a default of a non-monetary nature,
Lessor shall provide a copy of such notice contemporaneously to Franchisor at its address provided
8. So long at the Franchisee is the lessee, the Lease shall not be altered or amended in any
way without the prior written approval of the Lessor, the Franchisee and the Franchisor. Any such
amendment or alteration shall be null and void and shall not effect or limit the Franchisor’s rights
hereunder unless approved in writing by the Lessor, the Franchisee and the Franchisor.
9. If the Franchisor exercises its option to assume the Lease as lessee and provided that the
Franchisor (as the new lessee) is not in default of any of its obligations or agreements under the Lease,
then the Franchisor shall, upon written notice to Lessor, have the right to assign its rights as lessee under
the Lease to a duly authorized franchisee of the Franchisor (or its affiliate), who has entered into a new
franchise agreement with the Franchisor (or its affiliate), without the consent of the Lessor; provided that
any such assignment shall only become effective upon the Franchisor having provided to the Lessor all of
the following:
(a) the name, address and contact person of the assignee;
(b) a copy of the duly executed franchise agreement between the assignee and the
Franchisor (or its of affiliate);
(c) a duly executed agreement of the assignee, whereby the assignee covenants
directly with the Lessor to use the Service Vehicle pursuant to the terms of the Lease (if applicable), to
perform each and every of the terms, conditions and covenants of the Lease to be performed on the part of
the Franchisee, and that any breach of the new franchise agreement between the assignee and the
Franchisor (or its affiliate) shall constitute a breach of the Lease by the assignee, and that any breach of
the Lease by the assignee shall constitute a breach of the Franchise Agreement by the assignee; and
(d) a new conditional assignment of lease (in the Franchisor’s then-current form)
between the Franchisor, the assignee (as new franchisee) and the Lessor, duly executed by the Franchisor
and the assignee, which the Lessor will execute in a timely manner.
10. Upon the date of delivery to the Lessor of all of the documents listed in Section 9, the
assignment to the assignee (new franchisee) shall become effective and the Lessor shall provide
Franchisor with written confirmation that Franchisor is released from performance of the Lease from and
after the effective date of such assignment.
11. Each and every occasion of expiration or termination of a Franchise Agreement or
termination of the Lease by Lessor, or both, shall provide Franchisor with the right to exercise its option
to assume the Lease as lessee as set forth herein.
12. The Lessor acknowledges that the Franchisor is executing this Agreement solely for the
purposes of acknowledging the provisions contained herein and agrees that such execution by the
Franchisor shall in no way be construed so as to obligate the Franchisor for the performance of any terms,
conditions, obligations and covenants herein, except as specifically set forth in this Agreement. The
Franchisee acknowledges and confirms that the Franchisee has reviewed with professional advisors and
evaluated the commercial risks inherent in entering into the Lease and this Agreement and the Franchisee
hereby waives all rights, claims, demands, actions, or causes of actions whatsoever against the Franchisor,
its directors, officers, shareholders, agents, parent company, successors and assigns in the event that the
Franchisor should exercise its option to assume the Lease, or elect to not exercise its option to assume the
13. The Lessor acknowledges that there is good and valuable consideration given to the
Lessor for the rights hereby granted by the Lessor to the Franchisor. The Franchisee consents to such
rights being granted to the Franchisor.
14. This Agreement shall form an integral part of the Lease.
15. All notices, requests, demands or other communications by the terms hereof required or
permitted to be given by one party to another shall be given in writing by overnight courier or by
facsimile transmission, delivered to such other party at his, her or its respective address or facsimile
number set forth on page one hereof or at such other address or facsimile number as may be notified by
such other party in the same manner to the others from time to time, and such notices, requests, demands,
acceptances and other communications shall be deemed to have been received when delivered or, if sent
by facsimile, 24 hours after confirmed receipt thereof.
16. This Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the parties hereto and their
respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns.
17. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
18. The words “hereof,” “herein,” “hereunder” and similar expressions used in any section of
this Agreement relate to the whole of this Agreement and not to that section only, unless otherwise
expressly provided. Reference to any party as male, female, or no gender shall include male or female
franchisee, general or limited partnership, joint venture, corporation, limited liability company, trust, or
any other association or business entity, as relevant in the context.
19. Each of the parties acknowledges that such party has received, has had ample time to
read, and has read this Agreement and fully understands its provisions. Each of the parties further
acknowledges that such party has had an adequate opportunity to be advised regarding all pertinent
aspects of this Agreement by legal advisors of such party’s own choosing.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement effective the date first
above written.
Duly Authorized
Schedule A to
Conditional Assignment of Service Vehicle Lease
Service Vehicle Lease Description:
Effective Date:
Service Vehicle Description:
VIN Number:
(Name of Person or Legal Entity)
(ID Number)
The undersigned depositor (“Depositor”) hereby authorizes CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. (“Franchisor”) to
initiate debit entries and/or credit correction entries to the undersigned’s checking and/or savings
account(s) indicated below and the depository designated below (“Depository”) (“Bank”) to debit or
credit such account(s) pursuant to Franchisor’s instructions.
Depository Branch
City State Zip Code
Bank Transit/ABA Number Account Number
This authorization is to remain in full and force and effect until sixty (60) days after Franchisor has
received written notification from Franchisee of its termination.
This Transfer Agreement hereby amends that certain Franchise Agreement dated ____________,
20___ between CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. (“Franchisor”) and ______________________ (“Franchisee”).
The undersigned, an Officer, Director and Owner of a majority of the issued and outstanding
voting stock of the corporation set forth below, or Members of the issued and outstanding Interests of the
Limited Liability Company set forth below and the Franchisee of the College Hunks Hauling Junk®
Business under a Franchise Agreement executed on the date set forth below, between himself or herself
and Franchisor, granting him/her a franchise to operate at the location set forth below, and the other
undersigned Directors, Officers and Shareholders of the Corporation, or the Members of the Limited
Liability Company, who together with Franchisee constitute all of the Shareholders of the Corporation, or
the Members of the Limited Liability Company, in order to induce Franchisor to consent to the
assignment of the Franchise Agreement to the Corporation, or Limited Liability Company in accordance
with the provisions of Section 16.3 of the Franchise Agreement, agree as follows:
1. The undersigned Franchisee shall remain personally liable in all respects under the
Franchise Agreement and all the other undersigned Officers, Directors and Shareholders of the
Corporation, or the Members of the Limited Liability Company, intending to be legally bound hereby,
agree jointly and severally to be personally bound by the provisions of the Franchise Agreement
including the restrictive covenants contained in Article XV thereof, to the same extent as if each of them
were the Franchisee set forth in the Franchise Agreement and they jointly and severally personally
guarantee all of the Franchisee’s obligations set forth in said Agreement.
2. The undersigned agree not to transfer any stock in the Corporation, or any interest in the
Limited Liability Company without the prior written approval of the Franchisor and agree that all stock
certificates representing shares in the Corporation, or all certificates representing interests in the Limited
Liability Company shall bear the following legend:
“The shares of stock represented by this certificate are subject to the
terms and conditions set forth in a Franchise Agreement dated
____________, 20__ between
and CHHJ
Franchising L.L.C.”
“The ownership interests represented by this certificate are subject to the
terms and conditions set forth in a Franchise Agreement dated
____________, 20__ between
and CHHJ
Franchising L.L.C.”
or his designee shall devote his best efforts to the day-to-day
operation and development of the Franchised Business.
hereby agrees to become a party to and to be bound by all of the
provisions of the Franchise Agreement executed on the date set forth below between Franchisee and
Franchisor, to the same extent as if it were named as the Franchisee therein.
Date of Franchise Agreement:
Location of Franchised Business:
As to Paragraph 3:
As to Paragraph 4:
Name of Corp. or Limited Liability Company
In consideration of the execution of the above Agreement, CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. hereby
consents to the above referred to assignment on this
day of _____________, 20 .
$__________ [City, State]
Dated: _______________
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, ____________________ (“Maker”), a __________
corporation maintaining an office at _________________________, hereby promises to pay to the order
of CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. (“Payee”), a Delaware limited liability company maintaining an office at
1513 East 9th Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605, the principal sum of __________ Thousand and 00/100
($___,000.00) Dollars. Said principal shall be payable with interest thereon at the rate of ____ percent
(__%) per annum in twenty-four (24) monthly installments of principal and interest in the amount of
_____________________ ($_______) Dollars each, commencing on the date hereof, and continuing
thereafter on the first day of each of the following twenty-three (23) months.
Maker shall have the right to prepay this Note in whole at any time or in part from time to time
without penalty or premium, provided that on each prepayment Maker shall pay accrued interest on the
principal amount so prepaid to the date of such prepayment, and each partial prepayment shall be applied
to the installments of this Note in inverse order of their stated maturities.
All payments by Maker on account of principal or interest hereunder shall be made in lawful
money of the United States of America, in immediately available funds.
This Note represents the balance owed to Payee under that certain Franchise Agreement, dated
_____________, between Maker and Payee (the “Franchise Agreement”). Unless otherwise defined
herein, all capitalized terms used in this Note shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Franchise
Each of the following shall be an “Event of Default” under this Note:
1. Maker shall fail to make any payment of principal of or interest on this Note on
the due date therefor;
2. Any judgment against Maker or any attachment, levy or execution against any of
its properties for any amount shall remain unpaid, or shall not be released, discharged, dismissed,
or fully bonded for a period of thirty (30) days or more after its entry, issue or levy, as the case
may be;
3. Maker shall become insolvent (however evidenced) or be unable, or admit in
writing its inability, to pay its debts as they mature;
4. Maker shall make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or a trustee, receiver
or liquidator shall be appointed for Maker or for any of its property, or the commencement of any
proceedings by Maker under any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement of debt, insolvency,
receivership, liquidation or dissolution law or statute, or the commencement of any such
proceedings without the consent of Maker, and such proceedings shall continue undischarged for
a period of thirty (30) days; or
5. The breach by Maker of any representation, warranty or covenant contained in or
made pursuant to the Franchise Agreement.
Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Payee may declare the entire unpaid principal
amount of this Note and all interest accrued and unpaid hereon to be forthwith due and payable,
whereupon the same shall become and be immediately due and payable (time being of the essence of this
Note), and recapture the Franchise Agreement and territory associated therewith.
After an Event of Default, interest on the unpaid balance of this Note shall accrue and be payable
at the maximum contract rate permitted by law. If an Event of Default should occur, Maker will pay all
costs and expenses of enforcement and collection of this Note, including attorneys’ fees.
No failure on the part of Payee to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right hereunder shall
operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise by Payee of any right hereunder
preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. The remedies herein
provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any remedies provided by law.
This Note shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
This Note shall be binding upon Maker and its successors and assigns, and the terms hereof shall
inure to the benefit of Payee and its successors and assigns, including subsequent holders hereof.
Maker hereby waives presentment, demand, protest, dishonor and all other notices and demands
in connection with the delivery, acceptance, performance default or endorsement of this Note, and
consents to any and all extensions of time, or terms of payment of this Note.
Maker hereby irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of any applicable Florida State or federal
court over any action or proceeding arising out of any dispute between Maker and Payee, and Maker
further irrevocably consents to the service of process in any such action or proceeding by the mailing of a
copy of such process to Maker at the address set forth above.
Maker expressly waives any and every right to a trial by jury in any action on or related to this
Note or the enforcement thereof.
In consideration of any financial accommodations previously, now or hereafter made or granted
by CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. (“Lender”) to or for the account of _________________ (“Borrower”),
under that certain Promissory Note (the “Note”) dated _____________, 20___ payable by Borrower to
Lender, said Note having been delivered in connection with that certain Franchise Agreement between
Borrower as Franchisee and Lender as Franchisor dated ____________, 20___ (the “Franchise
Agreement”), and in order to induce Lender to accept the Note from Borrower, _____________
(“Principal”), being the ___________ [title] and the holder of a majority interest in Borrower, hereby
guarantees: (i) the prompt payment to Lender of all sums which may in any manner whatsoever be
presently due and owing and of all sums which shall in the future become in any manner whatsoever due
and owing to Lender from Borrower under the Note whether by acceleration or otherwise; and (ii) the due
performance by Borrower of all its obligations under the Note.
Principal also agrees: (a) that the liability of Principal is DIRECT, ABSOLUTE AND
UNCONDITIONAL and may be enforced without (i) requiring Lender first to resort to any other right,
remedy or security or (ii) regard to the validity, regularity or enforceability of any obligation or purported
obligation of Borrower under the Note or otherwise; (b) that this Guaranty shall not be impaired by any
modification or extension of the Note or any other agreement between Borrower and Lender, nor by any
modification or release of any of the obligations hereby guaranteed or of any security therefor, nor by any
agreement or arrangement whatsoever with Borrower or anyone else; (c) that Principal shall be liable to
Lender for all attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by Lender by reason of this Guaranty or in connection
with or arising out of or in enforcing any rights granted Lender hereunder or in any respect relating to the
Note; (d) that Principal shall not have any right of subrogation, reimbursement or indemnity whatsoever,
nor any right of recourse to security for the debts and obligations of Borrower to Lender, unless and until
all of Borrower’s obligations in respect of the Note have been paid in full; (e) that if Borrower or
Principal shall at any time become insolvent or make a general assignment or if a petition in bankruptcy
or any insolvency or reorganization proceedings shall be filed or commenced by or against Borrower or
Principal, any and all obligations of Principal shall, at Lender’s option, become immediately due and
payable without notice; (f) that this Guaranty is, as to Principal, a continuing Guaranty which shall remain
effective until all obligations of Borrower to Lender shall be paid in full; (g) that nothing shall discharge
or satisfy the liability of Principal except the full payment and performance of all Borrower’s debts and
obligations to Lender in respect of the Note; (h) that any and all present and future debts and obligations
of Borrower to Principal are hereby waived and postponed in favor of and subordinated to the full
payment and performance of all present and future debts and obligations of Borrower to Lender.
Principal warrants and represents to and covenants with Lender that: this Guaranty contains
Principal’s entire agreement with respect to Principal’s guarantee of Borrower’s obligations; all prior
agreements, commitments, understandings, representations, warranties and negotiations in connection
herewith, if any, are hereby merged into this Guaranty; and no oral representations shall in any manner
whatsoever modify or explain any of the terms and conditions of this Guaranty. This Guaranty may not
be changed or terminated in any manner whatsoever except in writing signed by Principal and Lender.
Principal covenants with Lender that Principal has the full legal right, power and authority to
execute this Guaranty; and that none of Principal’s obligations hereunder will result in any breach of any
provision of any agreement or instrument to which Principal is a party or by which Principal is bound.
PRINCIPAL WAIVES: (a) notice of acceptance hereof; (b) THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL
IN ANY ACTION HEREUNDER; (c) presentment, demand and protest of any instrument and notice
thereof; (d) notice of default; (e) all other notices or formalities to which Principal is or might be entitled
whether by law or otherwise; and (f) all rights of set-off.
Principal’s obligations under this Guaranty shall include all amounts paid by or on behalf of
Borrower which may be recovered by any person or entity as a preference, fraudulent transfer or
conveyance or similar transfer and all of Lender’s costs and expenses of the defense of any action for
such recovery.
This Guaranty, all acts and transactions hereunder and the rights and obligations of the parties
hereto, shall be governed, construed and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida.
Principal hereby agrees that all actions or proceedings arising directly or indirectly, in connection with,
out of or related to this Guaranty (“Litigation”) shall be litigated, in Lender’s sole discretion and election,
in state and federal courts in Florida, and Principal hereby subjects himself and consents to the
jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts located in the State of Florida, as the exclusive
jurisdiction in any action or proceeding brought by Principal arising out of this Guaranty, and any
documents or agreements executed in connection therewith, and designates such Courts as the exclusive
jurisdiction and the proper venue for any action brought against Principal.
This Guaranty shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of Principal and shall inure to the
benefit of Lender’s successors and assigns. This Guaranty shall apply in favor of and be jointly and
severally enforceable by Lender and each of its affiliates, successors and assigns.
PRINT NAME: __________________, GUARANTOR
(as of December 31, 2012)
Paul Ed Neumayr
6909 W. Ray Road, Suite 15
Chandler, Arizona 85226
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Number of Zones: 3
Nolen Hughes
10315 Pomegranate Avenue
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Number of Zones: 1
Nick and Claudia Avedikian
16788 Knollwood Drive
Granada Hills, California 91344
Location: Los Angeles, California
Number of Zones: 4
Aaron Kube
P.O. Box 983
Laguna Beach, California 92652
Location: Irvine, California
Number of Zones: 1
Joe Silva
1550 Cienaga Rd.
Hollister, California 95023
Location: San Francisco/San Jose, California
Number of Zones: 2
Ryan & Robin Davis
5444 Reservoir Drive #6
San Diego, CA 92101
Location: San Diego, California
Number of Zones: 2
Nathaniel Bruno and Tanner White
2851 Larimer Street
Denver, Colorado 80210
Location: Denver, Colorado
Number of Zones: 4
Faisal Ansari
4484 SW 34
Orlando, Florida 32811
Location: Orlando, Florida
Number of Zones: 5
Denise Houghtaling
1950 Custom Drive
Fort Myers, Florida 33907
Location: Fort Myers, Florida
Number of Zones: 2
Barry Reiss
1500 N Florida Mango Rd Suite 18
West Palm Beach, Florida 33409
Location: Palm Beach County/North Broward,
Number of Zones: 6
Roger Panitch
6689-H Peachtree Industrial Blvd.
Norcross, Georgia 30092
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Number of Zones: 2
Mark Heiss
3448 Carpenter
Steger, Illinois 60423
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Number of Zones: 1
*Franchise terminated April 2013
Matt Johnson
1641 Wickham Court
Libertyville, IL 60048
Location: Lake County, Illinois
Number of Zones: 2
Jeff Johnson
7740 East 88th Street, Suite 400
Indianapolis, Indiana 46256
Location: Indianapolis
Number of Zones: 2
Shawnn Lampson
2819 N 77th Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66204
Location: Kansas City, Kansas
Number of Zones: 2.5
William Martin
105 Daventry Lane #302
Louisville, Kentucky 40223
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Number of Zones: 1
Martha Vaughn
125 Trade Street, Suite H
Lexington, Kentucky 40511
Location: Lexington, Kentucky
Number of Zones: 1.5
Greg Lynch & Valentine F. Lynch
1532i Pointer Ridge Place
Bowie, Maryland 21140
Location: Anne Arundel, Maryland
Number of Zones: 4
Quentin Brookes and Braxton Gore
315 Rittenhouse St NW
Washington, DC 20011
Location: Howard County, Maryland
Number of Zones: 1
Bill Kelley and Dawn Orlando-Kelley
300 Brickstone Square, Suite 201
Andover, Massachusetts 01810
Number of Zones: 2
Dan Ryan and Patrick Lipa
906 W. 11 Mile Road
Madison Heights, Michigan 48071
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Number of Zones: 2
Carl & Jennifer Carter
810 Foley Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39202
Location: Jackson, Mississippi
Number of Zones: 1
Gary W. Bussard
1033 Corporate Square Drive
St. Louis, MO 63132
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Number of Zones: 5
New Jersey
Nancy Ziatyk
178 Route 206
Hillsborough, New Jersey 08805
Location: Somerset, New Jersey
Number of Zones: 2
Stephen Bienko
9 Commerce Road
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004
Location: North New Jersey
Number of Zones: 10
New York
Steven Nickels and Ted Panebianco
623 New York Avenue
Huntington, NY 11743
Red: 516-236-9382
Steven: 813-748-6337
Location: Long Island, New York
Number of Zones: 9
Thomas Yewdell
39 Davenport Street
Stanford, Connecticut 10801
Location: Westchester, Yonkers, New York
and Stamford, Connecticut
Number of Zones: 3
North Carolina
Anthony Auman
2 Centerview Drive
Greensboro, North Carolina 27407
Location: Greensboro, North Carolina
Number of Zones: 1
Steven Roper
9317 Bramden Ct.
Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587
Location: Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina
Number of Zones: 3
Matt Swanson and Duane Swanson
1316 Windward Drive
Mason, Ohio 45242
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Number of Zones: 2
Jeff Arpin
3999 Parkway Lane, Unit #9
Hilliard, Ohio 43214
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Number of Zones: 1
Jim DelVechhio
3745 Brightwell Lane
Columbus, Ohio 43230
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Number of Zones: 1.5
Scott & Tim McManamom
165 Crossings Parkway
Westlake, Ohio 44145
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Number of Zones: 2
Mark Potosky
4075 East Market Street
York, Pennsylvania 17368
Location: Central Pennsylvania (Lancaster,
Number of Zones: 3
Michael Ort
701 S. Franklin Street
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Number of Zones: 3
Patrick Lombardi and Stephen Bienko
1661 Mallory Lane
Brentwood, TN 37204
Location: Nashville
Number of Zones: 2
Daniel Dossey
1308 Capital Avenue, Suite 12
Plano, Texas 75074
Location: McKinney, Texas
Number of Zones: 2
Dave Steinman
11625 Custer Road, Suite 110
Frisco, Texas 75252
Location: Plano, Texas
Number of Zones: 2
Rodney Braziel
P. O. Box 4182
Midlothian, Virginia 23113
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Number of Zones: 2
Nick Frantz
13919 Flint Rock Rd
Rockville, Maryland
Location: Northern Virginia
Number of Zones: 1
Ronald Rick III and Christopher Poore
3750 Edgar Avenue
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Chris - 561-543-4331
Ron - 609-731-9196
Location: Miami, FL
Number of Zones: 4
Zachary & Angela Hawley
3329 Lapeer Road
Flint, MI 48503
Location: Flint, MI
Zones: 1
Rick & Laura Turner
13509 Railway Drive, Suite A
Oklahoma City, OK 73114
Location: Oklahoma City
Zones: 2
Franchisee Name, City, Phone Franchisee Name, City, Phone
Bryan Gentry
5025 Derby Lane
Indianapolis, IN 46226
Stephen Humphrey
5061 Columbia Rd.
Columbia, MD 21044
Taylor Chalmers & Oliver Blodgett
5404 Miller Ave.
Dallas, TX 75206
Mark Heiss
3448 Carpenter
Steger, Illinois 60423
*Franchise terminated April 2013
Kristen Hayes, Kristin Hoffner, Rory Hoffner,
& Shannon Perkins
926 W. Vaughn St.
Tempe, AZ 85283
Sam Cross, Hayden Cross
2270 Skinner rod
Nolensville, TN 37135
Doug Stewart
8812 Maple Glen Circle
Fort Myers, FL 33912
I: Introduction
A. MISSION STATEMENT ............................................................................................ 1
B. CORE VALUES ........................................................................................................... 2
C. BRAND PROMISES .................................................................................................... 2
D. TEAM COMMITMENTS ............................................................................................ 3
E. SUPERIOR FOCAL POINTS ...................................................................................... 4
G. SERVICES PROVIDED TO FRANCHISEES ............................................................ 6
H. FRANCHISEE RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................... 8
I. REQUIRED FINANCIAL REPORTS ....................................................................... 10
J. PAYING FEES ........................................................................................................... 11
K. VISITS FROM THE CORPORATE OFFICE ............................................................ 14
L. FRANCHISE EVALUATION RESOURCES ........................................................... 14
M. STAGES OF FRANCHISEE PERFORMANCE ...................................................... 21
II: Office Procedures
A. SCHEDULING JOBS THROUGH THE CALL CENTER ........................................ 22
B. SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT................................................................................... 28
C. COMMIT APPOINTMENT OR WORK ORDER ..................................................... 28
D. FIELD REPORTS ....................................................................................................... 29
E. END OF DAY SETTLEMENT .................................................................................. 30
F. RESHUFFLING & RESCHEDULING JOBS ............................................................ 32
G. SAME DAY & URGENT INQUIRIES ...................................................................... 33
H. PROPER HANDLING OF INCOMING CALLS - LOCATION ............................... 33
I. AFTER-HOURS USE OF ANSWERING MACHINE .............................................. 34
J. YOUR ROLE .............................................................................................................. 35
K. PRIORITIZING ACTIVITIES ................................................................................... 36
L. TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS .............................................................................. 37
M. SUCCESS WITHOUT EXCUSES ............................................................................. 39
N. BUDGETING ............................................................................................................. 39
O. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT ............................................................................... 41
P. WEEKLY TRUCK INVENTORY ............................................................................. 41
Q. PRODUCT ORDERING PROCEDURES ................................................................. 43
R. USING APPROVED SUPPLIERS ............................................................................. 43
S. RECEIVING PROCEDURES .................................................................................... 44
T. UNIFORM & EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT ........................................................ 44
PRICING SHEET ............................................................................................................... 46
SAMPLE RECEIPT ............................................................................................................ 47
SAMPLE CAPTAIN’S LOG .............................................................................................. 48
SAMPLE WORK ORDER (RESIDENTIAL)............................................................ 49
SAMPLE WORK ORDER (PROFESSIONAL/COMMERCIAL) ............................ 50
ELEVATOR SPEECH (SAMPLE SCRIPTS) .................................................................... 51
INITIAL TRAINING FRANCHISE ASSIGNMENTS ...................................................... 52
FRANCHISE ASSIGNMENT #3: ACTION STEPS ......................................................... 54
INSERT COMPLETED QUIZZES HERE ......................................................................... 55
III: Business & Financial Management
A. ACCEPTING PAYMENT .......................................................................................... 58
B. Check Payments .......................................................................................................... 59
C. Credit Cards ................................................................................................................ 60
D. COLLECTIONS PROCEDURES .............................................................................. 60
E. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING ................................................................ 61
F. FILING PROCEDURES ............................................................................................ 61
G. BANKING PROCEDURES ....................................................................................... 62
H. CALCULATING ROI (Return on Investment)........................................................... 62
I. SEASONALITY OF THE BUSINESS ...................................................................... 63
J. TYPICAL EXPENSE RATIOS .................................................................................. 64
L. DIESEL COST RECAPTURE SCHEDULE ............................................................. 65
M. PROFIT SHARE CHART .......................................................................................... 65
IV: Human Resources & Hiring
A. EMPLOYER RECORDKEEPING ............................................................................. 66
B. MANDATORY EMPLOYMENT POSTINGS .......................................................... 67
C. RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM/OSHA ............................................................. 68
D. RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................... 68
E. FLSA MINIMUM WAGE POSTER .......................................................................... 68
F. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ISSUES ................................................................. 68
G. WORKING WITH INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ........................................... 71
H. RECRUITING ............................................................................................................ 71
I. RECRUITING ............................................................................................................ 72
J. EMPLOYEE PROFILE .............................................................................................. 73
K. INTERVIEW PROCESS ............................................................................................ 74
O. RED FLAGS ............................................................................................................... 82
P. REFERENCE CHECKS ............................................................................................. 82
Q. STEP 5. JOB OFFER ................................................................................................. 83
R. HIRING ON A TRIAL BASIS ................................................................................... 83
S. TESTING (DOT) ........................................................................................................ 84
Sample Driver’s Road Test Certification Forms ......................................................... 84
Sample Inquiry to State Agency for Driver’s Record ................................................. 85
Sample Annual Review of Driving Record ................................................................ 85
Sample Motor Vehicle Driver’s Certification of Violations ....................................... 85
Sample Medical Examiner’s Certificate ..................................................................... 86
Sample Medical Examination Report for Driver Fitness Determination .................... 86
Appendix: Job Descriptions
B. TRUCK CAPTAIN ..................................................................................................... 88
C. WINGMAN ................................................................................................................ 89
D. TRUCK STAFF JOB RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................. 89
E. SALES AND MARKETING: ..................................................................................... 90
F. OPERATIONS:........................................................................................................... 90
G. PROPER DRIVING AND SAFETY PROCEDURES: .............................................. 90
H. SAMPLE JOB POSTINGS ......................................................................................... 91
J. APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT ..................................................................... 92
V: Managing and Training Staff
A. DEVELOPING PERSONNEL POLICIES ................................................................. 98
B. TRUCK STAFF ORIENTATION .............................................................................. 99
C. FORMS ....................................................................................................................... 99
D. EMPLOYEE STATUS CHANGE FORM ............................................................... 100
E. DRIVER’S LICENSE/ID ......................................................................................... 100
F. POLICIES & BENEFITS ......................................................................................... 100
G. OVERVIEW OF OPERATION ................................................................................ 100
H. UNIFORM/DRESS CODE AND DEPOSIT ............................................................ 103
I. HIRING A MANAGER ........................................................................................... 103
J. TRAINING ............................................................................................................... 103
L. INITIAL TRAINING MATERIALS ........................................................................ 104
M. ONGOING TRAINING ............................................................................................ 105
N. TRACKING EFFECTIVENESS OF TRUCK STAFF ............................................. 105
O. BONUS OR “PROFIT SHARING PROGRAM” ..................................................... 105
P. WAYS TO INCREASE THEIR SHARE ................................................................. 106
Q. BUILDING LOYALTY/COMPANY CULTURE ................................................... 107
R. COLLEGE INTRO CARDS AND PROFILE CARDS ............................................ 107
S. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION/REWARDS ............................................................ 108
T. STAGES OF EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT ......................................................... 110
U. TIME TRACKING PROCEDURES ........................................................................ 110
V. EMPLOYEE SCHEDULING ................................................................................... 111
W. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS ........................................................................ 112
X. EVALUATION PROCESS ...................................................................................... 113
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION FORM ...................................................................... 115
Y. PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE ................................................................................. 117
EMPLOYEE WARNING FORM ............................................................................. 118
Z. EMPLOYEE WARNING PROCEDURES .............................................................. 119
AA. TERMINATION/SEPARATION ............................................................................. 121
BB. PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................... 121
EMPLOYEE STATUS CHANGE FORM ............................................................... 122
CC. RESIGNATION ........................................................................................................ 123
New Hire Paperwork
A. WINGMAN CONTRACT ............................................................................................ 2
B. TRUCK CAPTAIN CONTRACT ................................................................................ 3
C. NON-COMPETE FORM .............................................................................................. 4
D. W4 ................................................................................................................................. 6
E. I-9 FORM ..................................................................................................................... 7
I: Introduction
A. MISSION STATEMENT ........................................................................................... 12
B. HISTORY OF COLLEGE HUNKS HAULING JUNK ............................................. 12
C. MANAGEMENT TEAM ........................................................................................... 13
E. 6 TENETS OF COLLEGE HUNKS HAULING JUNK ............................................ 15
G. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT ............................................................................. 17
Review of Section I ..................................................................................................... 19
II. Ground Zero Client Service
A. FOUR LEVELS OF CLIENT SERVICE ................................................................... 20
B. CLIENT SERVICE EXPERIENCE ........................................................................... 21
C. HOW TO ACT BASED ON CLIENT NOTES .......................................................... 21
D. UNIVERSAL SERVICE STANDARDS ................................................................... 22
F. INITIAL IMPRESSION ............................................................................................. 23
G. TRUCK TEAM CALLING BEFORE WINDOW ..................................................... 23
H. TRUCK TEAM ARRIVING AT THE SITE .............................................................. 24
I. HAULING THE JUNK .............................................................................................. 24
J. WRAP-UP .................................................................................................................. 25
K. CLC FOLLOW-UP ..................................................................................................... 26
Review of Section II ................................................................................................... 27
III. Our Brand and Your Responsibilities
A. PROFESSIONAL SIGNAGE ..................................................................................... 28
B. CLEAN TRUCKS ...................................................................................................... 29
C. STAFF APPEARANCE ............................................................................................. 29
Dress Requirements .................................................................................................... 29
Grooming .................................................................................................................... 30
D. JOB DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................ 31
Truck Captain ............................................................................................................. 31
Wingman ..................................................................................................................... 32
E. TRUCK STAFF JOB RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................. 32
F. TRUCK STAFF MARKETING RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................. 34
Sample Promotional Items .......................................................................................... 35
G. JUNK PATROL .......................................................................................................... 36
Review of Section III .................................................................................................. 39
IV. Junk Removal Sales Procedures
A. PRE-ARRIVAL PHONE CALL ................................................................................ 40
B. APPROACHING A PROSPECT’S HOME OR BUSINESS (Truck Staff) ................ 41
C. GREETING THE CLIENT ......................................................................................... 42
D. CREW INTRODUCTION SCRIPT ........................................................................... 43
E. ESTIMATING ............................................................................................................ 44
Truckload Photos ........................................................................................................ 45
F. ESTABLISH VALUE IN OUR SERVICE (Before You Give the Price) ................... 49
Price Chart .................................................................................................................. 51
G. SURCHARGES & BEDLOADS ................................................................................ 52
H. CLOSING THE SALE ............................................................................................... 53
I. HANDLING OBJECTIONS ....................................................................................... 56
Three Common Objections ......................................................................................... 56
J. CALLING THE OPERATIONS MANAGER ........................................................... 57
K. CALLING IT QUITS ON A JOB ............................................................................... 57
L. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ..................................................................... 58
M. CLIENT RELATIONS ............................................................................................... 60
Review of Section IV .................................................................................................. 61
V: Junk Hauling Procedures
A. MORNING SHOP PROCEDURES ........................................................................... 63
B. INSPECTING THE TRUCK ...................................................................................... 69
C. TRUCK CAPTAIN COMMUNICATION ................................................................. 72
D. JOB SHUFFLING FOR ADD-ONS ........................................................................... 72
E. ON-SITE PROCEDURES .......................................................................................... 73
F. TYPES OF MATERIALS THAT WE HAUL ........................................................... 74
G. ITEMS WE DO NOT TAKE ...................................................................................... 74
H. LOADING THE TRUCK ........................................................................................... 75
I. END-OF-JOB WALK-THROUGH ............................................................................ 78
J. DRIVING AND PARKING ....................................................................................... 79
K. HANDLING TRUCK MECHANICAL PROBLEMS ............................................... 79
L. HAND SIGNALS ....................................................................................................... 79
M. SPECIAL SITUATIONS/LARGE LOADS ............................................................... 81
N. WORKING WITH TRANSFER STATIONS ............................................................ 81
O. END-OF-DAY PROCEDURES ................................................................................. 84
Sample #1 Daily Truck Log (End-of-Day) ................................................................. 86
Sample #2 Daily Truck Log (End-of-Day) ................................................................. 87
Review of Section V ................................................................................................... 88
VI. Safety & Accident Prevention
A. COMMON CAUSES OF JOBSITE ACCIDENTS .................................................... 90
B. FIVE FACTORS THAT CAUSE ACCIDENTS ........................................................ 91
C. GENERAL SAFETY GUIDELINES ......................................................................... 92
D. ACCIDENT REPORTING & INVESTIGATION ..................................................... 92
Sample Incident Report ............................................................................................... 93
Review of Section VI .................................................................................................. 94
A. QUIZ QUESTIONS .................................................................................................... 96
B. ANSWERS ............................................................................................................... 103
I. “Moving” Into the Future
A. MOVING MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................. 1
B. MOVER RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................... 3
C. MOVER CHECKLISTS & CLIENT FORMS ............................................................. 5
F. RESIDENTIAL MOVING DAY ................................................................................ 33
G. COMMERCIAL MOVING DAY .............................................................................. 40
H. PACKING AND UNPACKING ................................................................................. 48
I. LOADING AND UNLOADING A TRUCK ............................................................. 57
J. DAMAGE PROTECTION & CONTROL ................................................................. 71
K. MOVING TRUCK REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................... 76
L. SAFETY ..................................................................................................................... 78
I. New Location Opening
A. THE BIG PICTURE ..................................................................................................... 1
B. EXECUTION ................................................................................................................ 1
C. BUILDING BRAND AWARENESS ........................................................................... 1
D. TARGET MARKET ..................................................................................................... 2
E. GEOGRAPHIC STRATEGY ....................................................................................... 3
II. Planning Tools
A. MARKETING PLAN ................................................................................................... 5
B. MARKETING BUDGET ............................................................................................. 6
C. MARKETING AND PROMOTIONAL CALENDAR ................................................ 6
D. SEASONALITY ........................................................................................................... 8
E. GOAL SETTING .......................................................................................................... 8
III. Get Ready to Open
A. INITIAL MARKETING CHECKLIST ...................................................................... 11
B. SAMPLE OPENING WEEK ...................................................................................... 13
C. OPENING ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................ 15
IV. Types of Marketing
A. TYPES OF MEDIA .................................................................................................... 17
B. GUERRILLA MARKETING ..................................................................................... 18
C. ADVERTISING GUIDELINES ................................................................................. 19
D. MARKETING BLITZES ............................................................................................ 21
V. Commercial Sales
A. FOUR COMPONENTS OF COMMERCIAL SALES ............................................... 25
B. GENERAL TIPS ......................................................................................................... 27
C. PARTNERSHIPS ....................................................................................................... 27
D. ONE-ON-ONE MEETINGS....................................................................................... 28
E. COMMERCIAL ESTIMATING ................................................................................ 33
F. COMMERCIAL REFERRAL TARGETS ................................................................. 42
G. SAMPLE PRESENTATIONS .................................................................................... 45
H. NETWORKING ......................................................................................................... 59
I. TRADE ASSOCIATIONS ......................................................................................... 60
VI. Public Relations & Community Involvement
A. BENEFITS OF POSITIVE MEDIA RELATIONS .................................................... 67
B. PRESS TIPS ............................................................................................................... 67
C. GENERATING PUBLICITY ..................................................................................... 71
D. THREE KEYS TO GETTING MEDIA COVERAGE ............................................... 73
E. TOP ANGLES ............................................................................................................ 74
F. FREQUENTLY ASKED INTERVIEW QUESTIONS .............................................. 76
G. COMMON MEDIA MISTAKES ............................................................................... 78
H. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/FUNDRAISERS ................................................. 79
I. COMMUNITY NETWORKING ............................................................................... 81
J. SAMPLE MEDIA ALERTS ....................................................................................... 97
K. SAMPLE PRESS RELEASES ................................................................................. 103
L. GAINING EXPOSURE DURING YOUR GRAND OPENING.............................. 120
VII. Build Your Sales Skills
A. DEVELOPING INFLUENCE .................................................................................. 117
B. QUESTIONS TO UNCOVER NEEDS .................................................................... 121
C. PROSPECTING ........................................................................................................ 122
D. QUALIFYING .......................................................................................................... 134
E. CLOSING ................................................................................................................. 136
VIII. Marketing Compliance
A. USING MARKS ....................................................................................................... 141
B. LOGO SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................... 142
C. STYLE GUIDE ......................................................................................................... 145
D. ADVERTISING APPROVAL .................................................................................. 148
Part I: Opening Checklists
Business & Office Set-Up Checklist ...................................................................................... 2
Outside Office Set-Up Checklist ............................................................................................ 4
Marketing & Public Relations Checklist ............................................................................... 5
Correspondence/Communications Checklist ........................................................................ 6
Part II: Vehicle Specifications and Services
A. TRUCK SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 2
B. DUMP BED SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................. 2
C. VEHICLE SIGNAGE ................................................................................................... 3
D. TRUCK RELATED SUPPLIES AND SERVICES ..................................................... 5
E. TRUCK PARKING OPTIONS .................................................................................... 5
Part III. Business Start-Up
A. OVERVIEW OF BUSINESS STRUCTURES ............................................................. 6
B. FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION – d/b/a .......................................................... 7
C. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER .............................................................. 7
D. SETTING UP BANK ACCOUNTS ............................................................................. 7
E. CREDIT CARD PROCESSING/MERCHANT ACCOUNT ....................................... 8
F. LICENSES/PERMITS .................................................................................................. 9
G. THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES ....................................................... 10
H. FEDERAL AND STATE TAXES .............................................................................. 11
I. BUSINESS LAWS/ORDINANCES ........................................................................... 11
J. INSURANCE .............................................................................................................. 12
Part IV: Office Set-Up
A. HOME-BASED OFFICE ............................................................................................ 15
B. TELEPHONE & INTERNET ..................................................................................... 15
C. OFFICE FURNITURE ............................................................................................... 16
D. ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE .................................................................................... 16
E. COMPUTER SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................. 16
F. OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES ..................................................................................... 17
Business Start-Up Outside the Home .................................................................................. 18
G. GENERAL SITE CRITERIA ..................................................................................... 18
H. OUTSIDE OFFICE PERMITS ................................................................................... 18
I. SITE APPROVAL ...................................................................................................... 18
J. LEASE CONSIDERATIONS..................................................................................... 20
K. UTILITIES & OTHER SERVICES ........................................................................... 20
Part V: Preparing for Training
A. MARKETING RESEARCH ....................................................................................... 21
B. MEDIA RESEARCH .................................................................................................. 22
C. COMPETITIVE RESEARCH .................................................................................... 22
D. DISPOSAL FEE RESEARCH ................................................................................... 25
E. ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE .................................................................................... 26
F. BUSINESS PLAN/PRO FORMA .............................................................................. 26
Part VI: Appendix
A. SAMPLE CHART OF ACCOUNTS .......................................................................... 30
B. DIRECTORY OF APPROVED VENDORS .............................................................. 31
C. DISPOSAL FEE SURVEY ........................................................................................ 32
D. COMPETITIVE SURVEY ......................................................................................... 33
(For Use Only in the States of Maryland and Virginia)
MARCH 31, 2103
Cash and Cash Equivalents 74,123$
Accounts Receivable 134,335
Due from Related Parties 54,914
Prepaid Expenses 4,500
Deferred Commissions -
Total Current Assets 267,872
Total Assets 322,395$
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses 116,328$
Due to Related Parties 45,923
Deferred Revenue -
Notes Payable, Current Maturities 5,790
Total Current Liabilities 168,041
Total Liabilities and Member's Equity 322,395$
Franchise Fee 219,562$
Royalty Fee 197,959
Customer Loyalty Center Fees 177,538
Trash Removal Services 52,829
Commercial Services 2,113
Other 35,583
Total Revenue 685,584
Payroll Expense 39,217
Advertising 41,785
Commissions 74,248
Network Support 186,079
Franchise Development 106,861
Office Expense 60,394
Professional Fees 44,360
License Fees 578
Insurance 6,214
Depreciation and Amortization 6,733
Cost of Trash Removal Services 44,511
Cost of Commercial Services 10,075
Interest Expense 301
Total Operating Expenses 621,356
As you know, CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. (the “Franchisor”) and you are preparing to enter into a
franchise agreement (the “Franchise Agreement”) for the establishment and operation of a College
Hunks Hauling Junk® Business (the “Franchised Business”). The purpose of this Questionnaire is to
determine whether any statements or promises were made to you by existing franchisees, employees or
authorized representatives of the Franchisor, or by employees or authorized representatives of a broker
acting on behalf of the Franchisor (“Broker”), that have not been authorized, or that were not disclosed in
the Disclosure Document or that may be untrue, inaccurate or misleading. The Franchisor, through the
use of this document, desires to ascertain (a) that the undersigned, individually and as a representative of
any legal entity established to acquire the franchise rights, fully understands and comprehends that the
purchase of a franchise is a business decision, complete with its associated risks, and (b) that you are not
relying upon any oral statement, representations, promises or assurances during the negotiations for the
purchase of the franchise which have not been authorized by Franchisor.
In the event that you are intending to purchase an existing Franchised Business from an existing
Franchisee, you may have received information from the transferring Franchisee, who is not an employee
or representative of the Franchisor. Please review each of the following questions and statements
carefully and provide honest and complete responses to each.
1. Are you seeking to enter into the Franchise Agreement in connection with a purchase or transfer
of an existing Franchised Business from an existing Franchisee?
Yes _____ No _____
2. I had my first face-to-face meeting with a Franchisor representative on _______________,
3. Have you received and personally reviewed the Franchise Agreement, each addendum, and/or
related agreement provided to you?
Yes _____ No _____
4. Do you understand all of the information contained in the Franchise Agreement, each addendum,
and/or related agreement provided to you?
Yes _____ No _____
If no, what parts of the Franchise Agreement, any Addendum, and/or related agreement do you
not understand? (Attach additional pages, if necessary.)
5. Have you received and personally reviewed the Franchisor’s Disclosure Document that was
provided to you?
Yes _____ No _____
6. Did you sign a receipt for the Disclosure Document indicating the date you received it?
Yes _____ No _____
7. Do you understand all of the information contained in the Disclosure Document and any state-
specific Addendum to the Disclosure Document?
Yes _____ No _____
If No, what parts of the Disclosure Document and/or Addendum do you not understand? (Attach
additional pages, if necessary.)
8. Have you discussed the benefits and risks of establishing and operating a Franchised Business
with an attorney, accountant, or other professional advisor?
Yes _____ No _____
If No, do you wish to have more time to do so?
Yes _____ No _____
9. Do you understand that the success or failure of your Franchised Business will depend in large
part upon your skills and abilities, competition from other businesses, interest rates, inflation,
labor and supply costs, location, lease terms, your management capabilities and other economic,
and business factors?
Yes _____ No _____
10. Has any employee of a Broker or other person speaking on behalf of the Franchisor made any
statement or promise concerning the actual or potential revenues, profits or operating costs of any
particular Franchised Business operated by the Franchisor or its franchisees (or of any group of
such businesses), that is contrary to or different from the information contained in the Disclosure
Yes _____ No _____
11. Has any employee of a Broker or other person speaking on behalf of the Franchisor made any
statement or promise regarding the amount of money you may earn in operating the franchised
business that is contrary to or different from the information contained in the Disclosure
Yes _____ No _____
12. Has any employee of a Broker or other person speaking on behalf of the Franchisor made any
statement or promise concerning the total amount of revenue the Franchised Business will
generate, that is contrary to or different from the information contained in the Disclosure
Yes _____ No _____
13. Has any employee of a Broker or other person speaking on behalf of the Franchisor made any
statement or promise regarding the costs you may incur in operating the Franchised Business that
is contrary to or different from the information contained in the Disclosure Document?
Yes _____ No _____
14. Has any employee of a Broker or other person speaking on behalf of the Franchisor made any
statement or promise concerning the likelihood of success that you should or might expect to
achieve from operating a Franchised Business?
Yes _____ No _____
15. Has any employee of a Broker or other person speaking on behalf of the Franchisor made any
statement, promise or agreement concerning the advertising, marketing, training, support service
or assistance that the Franchisor will furnish to you that is contrary to, or different from, the
information contained in the Disclosure Document or franchise agreement?
Yes _____ No _____
16. Have you entered into any binding agreement with the Franchisor concerning the purchase of this
franchise prior to today?
Yes _____ No _____
17. Have you paid any money to the Franchisor concerning the purchase of this franchise prior to
Yes _____ No _____
18. Have you spoken to any other franchisee(s) of this system before deciding to purchase this
franchise? If so, who?
If you have answered No to question 9, or Yes to any one of questions 10-17, please provide a
full explanation of each answer in the following blank lines. (Attach additional pages, if
necessary, and refer to them below.) If you have answered Yes to question 9, and No to each of
questions 10-17, please leave the following lines blank.
I signed the Franchise Agreement and Addendum (if any) on _______________, 20___, and
acknowledge that no Agreement or Addendum is effective until signed and dated by the
Please understand that your responses to these questions are important to us and that we will rely
on them. By signing this Questionnaire, you are representing that you have responded truthfully to the
above questions. In addition, by signing this Questionnaire, you also acknowledge that:
A. You recognize and understand that business risks, which exist in connection with the
purchase of any business, make the success or failure of the franchise subject to many variables, including
among other things, your skills and abilities, the hours worked by you, competition, interest rates, the
economy, inflation, franchise location, operation costs, lease terms and costs and the marketplace. You
hereby acknowledge your awareness of and willingness to undertake these business risks.
B. You agree and state that the decision to enter into this business risk is in no manner
predicated upon any oral representation, assurances, warranties, guarantees or promises made by
Franchisor or any of its officers, employees or agents (including any franchise broker) as to the likelihood
of success of the franchise. Except as contained in the Disclosure Document, you acknowledge that you
have not received any information from the Franchisor or any of its officers, employees or agents
(including any franchise broker) concerning actual, projected or forecasted franchise sales, profits or
earnings. If you believe that you have received any information concerning actual, average, projected or
forecasted franchise sales, profits or earnings other than those contained in the Disclosure Document,
please describe those in the space provided below or write “None.”
C. You further acknowledge that the President of the United States of America has issued
Executive Order 13224 (the “Executive Order”) prohibiting transactions with terrorists and terrorist
organizations and that the United States government has adopted, and in the future may adopt, other anti-
terrorism measures (the “Anti-Terrorism Measures”). The Franchisor therefore requires certain
certifications that the parties with whom it deals are not directly involved in terrorism. For that reason,
you hereby certify that neither you nor any of your employees, agents or representatives, nor any other
person or entity associated with you, is:
(i) a person or entity listed in the Annex to the Executive Order;
(ii) a person or entity otherwise determined by the Executive Order to have committed acts of
terrorism or to pose a significant risk of committing acts of terrorism;
(iii) a person or entity who assists, sponsors, or supports terrorists or acts of terrorism; or
(iv) owned or controlled by terrorists or sponsors of terrorism.
You further covenant that neither you nor any of your employees, agents or representatives, nor
any other person or entity associated with you, will during the term of the Franchise Agreement become a
person or entity described above or otherwise become a target of any Anti-Terrorism Measure.
Acknowledged this _____ day of ________________, 20____.
Sign here if you are taking the franchise as an Sign here if you are taking the franchise as a
Signature Print Name of Legal Entity
Print Name
Signature Print Name
Print Name
Print Name
Print Name
This Deposit Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into on __________, 20___,
(the “Effective Date”) by and between CHHJ Franchising L.L.C., a Florida limited liability company with
its principal place of business at 1513 East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605 (“Franchisor”) and
_______________________________, a _______________ [resident] [corporation] [partnership]
[limited liability company] [residing at] [with offices located at] _________________________________
WHEREAS, Franchisor is in the business of developing and operating a system consisting of
franchised and company-operated “College Hunks Hauling Junk®” and “College Hunks Moving®”
franchised businesses under Franchisor’s trademarks, service marks, and system (“Franchised
WHEREAS, Depositor wishes to apply to become a franchisee under Franchisor’s system
pursuant to a franchise agreement, which, if entered into by Depositor and Franchisor, would confer upon
Depositor the right and obligation to open a Franchised Business within an agreed-upon marketing area;
WHEREAS, Franchisor must expend considerable time, effort, and cost during the period (the
“Evaluation Period”) needed to evaluate the applicant’s qualifications and suitability to become a
franchisee and to evaluate the proposed marketing area;
WHEREAS, Depositor wishes to place a deposit with Franchisor as evidence of Depositor’s good
faith during the Evaluation Period.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which
are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1. The Deposit
. Upon execution of this Agreement, Depositor shall pay Franchisor the sum
of _______________________ Thousand Dollars ($_____) as a non-interest bearing deposit (the
“Deposit”). Such Deposit represents thirty percent (30%) of the initial franchise fee for the Franchised
Business that Depositor is seeking to purchase pursuant to Franchisor’s Franchise Agreement; or
2. Refundability
. The Deposit shall not be refundable to Depositor.
3. Credit
. Upon execution of a Franchise Agreement between the parties, the full amount of
the Deposit shall be credited by Franchisor toward payment of the initial franchise fee due under the
agreement entered into by the parties.
4. Deposit Area
. During the Evaluation Period, Franchisor and Depositor shall explore the
prospect of entering into a franchise agreement for one (1) Franchised Business within the following area:
“Deposit Area”). The only purpose of the Deposit Area is to describe the area within which they will
focus their attention during the Evaluation Period. Nothing in this Agreement (except for Section 6
below) shall prevent Franchisor or Depositor from entering into any agreement, conducting business, or
taking any action within the Deposit Area or elsewhere. By entering into this Agreement, neither party
shall be bound to enter into a franchise agreement with the other.
5. Application
. Depositor agrees to make all applications and provide all information
reasonably requested by Franchisor to evaluate Depositor’s qualification and suitability to enter into a
franchise agreement with Franchisor.
6. Confidentiality
. During the Evaluation Period, certain confidential information about
Franchisor and its system will be disclosed or otherwise made known to Depositor (“Confidential
Information”). Depositor agrees to respect and maintain the confidential nature of such Confidential
Information, and not in any way disclose the Confidential Information to anyone else, nor in any way use
the Confidential Information in the operation of any business (excluding a Franchised Business operated
pursuant to a franchise agreement). It is agreed that Depositor’s obligations under this Section 6 shall not
expire upon termination of this Agreement.
7. Evaluation Period
. The parties agree that the Evaluation Period shall last for _______
(__) days from the Effective Date, unless the parties otherwise agree in writing.
8. Termination
. This Agreement shall terminate at the earlier of (a) the parties’ entry into a
franchise agreement, as applicable, or (b) the end of the Evaluation Period.
9. No Franchise Rights
. This Agreement is not a franchise and does not grant Depositor any
right whatsoever to use the College Hunks Hauling Junk® and/or College Hunks Moving® marks and/or
system, which rights can only be granted under a franchise agreement entered into by Depositor and
Franchisor. Depositor shall not use the College Hunks Hauling Junk® and/or College Hunks Moving®
marks or system, nor shall Depositor make any representation or commitment on Franchisor’s behalf.
10. Acknowledgment
. Depositor acknowledges receipt of Franchisor’s Disclosure Document
at least fourteen (14) calendar days before the Effective Date.
11. Full Agreement
. This Agreement incorporates the full and complete agreement between
the parties concerning the subject of this Agreement, and supersedes any and all prior correspondence,
conversations, representations, or statements of whatever nature concerning the subject of this
Agreement. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida without regard to
its conflict of laws principles.
This disclosure document summarizes certain provisions of the franchise agreement and other information
in plain language. Read this disclosure document and all agreements carefully.
If CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. offers you a franchise, it must provide this disclosure document to you 14
calendar days before you sign a binding agreement with, or make a payment to, the franchisor or an
affiliate in connection with the proposed franchise sale. New York and Rhode Island require that we give
you this disclosure document at the earlier of the first personal meeting or 10 business days before the
execution of any binding franchise or other agreement, or payment of any consideration that relates to the
franchise relationship. Michigan requires that we give you this disclosure document at least 10 business
days before the execution of any binding franchise or other agreement, or payment of any consideration,
whichever occurs first.
If CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. does not deliver this disclosure document on time or if it contains a false or
misleading statement, or a material omission, a violation of federal law and state law may have occurred
and should be reported to the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 20580 and any applicable
state agency (as listed in Exhibit A to this disclosure document).
The franchisor is CHHJ Franchising, L.L.C., located at 1513 East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605. Its
telephone number is (800) 586-5872.
We authorize the respective state agencies identified on Exhibit A to receive service of process for us if
we are registered in the particular state.
Issuance Date: May 29, 2013
The name, principal business address, and telephone number of the franchise sellers offering the franchise
Name Princi
al Business Address Tele
hone Number
I received a disclosure document dated May 29, 2013 (the state effective dates are listed on the pages
preceding the table of contents). The disclosure document included the following Exhibits:
A – State Agencies/Agents for Service of Process G – Table of Contents of Operations Manual
B – State Addendum H – Financial Statements
C – Franchise Agreement I – Franchisee Disclosure Acknowledgment
D – List of Franchisees J – Deposit Agreement
E – List of Franchisees Who Have Left the System
(Do not leave blank) Signature of Prospective Franchisee
Print Name
You may return the signed receipt either by signing, dating and mailing it to CHHJ Franchising, L.L.C. at
1513 East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605, or by faxing a copy of the signed and dated receipt to
CHHJ Franchising, L.L.C. at (813) 902-6710.
This disclosure document summarizes certain provisions of the franchise agreement and other information
in plain language. Read this disclosure document and all agreements carefully.
If CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. offers you a franchise, it must provide this disclosure document to you 14
calendar days before you sign a binding agreement with, or make a payment to, the franchisor or an
affiliate in connection with the proposed franchise sale. New York and Rhode Island require that we give
you this disclosure document at the earlier of the first personal meeting or 10 business days before the
execution of any binding franchise or other agreement, or payment of any consideration that relates to the
franchise relationship. Michigan requires that we give you this disclosure document at least 10 business
days before the execution of any binding franchise or other agreement, or payment of any consideration,
whichever occurs first.
If CHHJ Franchising L.L.C. does not deliver this disclosure document on time or if it contains a false or
misleading statement, or a material omission, a violation of federal law and state law may have occurred
and should be reported to the Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 20580 and any applicable
state agency (as listed in Exhibit A to this disclosure document).
The franchisor is CHHJ Franchising, L.L.C., located at 1513 East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605. Its
telephone number is (800) 586-5872.
We authorize the respective state agencies identified on Exhibit A to receive service of process for us if
we are registered in the particular state.
Issuance Date: May 29, 2013
The name, principal business address, and telephone number of the franchise sellers offering the franchise
Name Princi
al Business Address Tele
hone Number
I received a disclosure document dated May 29, 2013 (the state effective dates are listed on the pages
preceding the table of contents). The disclosure document included the following Exhibits:
A – State Agencies/Agents for Service of Process G – Table of Contents of Operations Manual
B – State Addendum H – Financial Statements
C – Franchise Agreement I – Franchisee Disclosure Acknowledgment
D – List of Franchisees J – Deposit Agreement
E – List of Franchisees Who Have Left the System
(Do not leave blank) Signature of Prospective Franchisee
Print Name
You may return the signed receipt either by signing, dating and mailing it to CHHJ Franchising, L.L.C. at
1513 East 9
Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33605, or by faxing a copy of the signed and dated receipt to
CHHJ Franchising, L.L.C. at (813) 902-6710.