Lexis Advanc
Content Listing
Lexis Advanc Content
Table of Contents:
Statutes & Legislation
Agency & Administrative Materials
Briefs, Pleadings & Motions
Jury Instructions
Jury Verdicts & Settlements
Expert Witness Analysis
Legal News
Law Reviews & Journals
Treatises & Analytical Materials
Company & Financial
Public Records
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Lexis Advanc Content
AK Court of Appeals Cases from 1980
AK Supreme Court Cases from 1959
AL Court of Appeals Cases, 1911-69
AL Court of Civil Appeals Cases from 1969
AL Court of Criminal Appeals Cases from 1969
AL Supreme Court Cases from 1820
American Maritime Cases
AR Court of Appeals Cases from 1979
AR Supreme Court Cases from 1837
Arizona Tax Court Cases
Armed Forces Court of Appeals and Courts of
AZ Court of Appeals Cases from 1965
AZ Court of Appeals Unpublished Cases
AZ Supreme Court Unpublished Cases
AZ Supreme Court Cases from 1866
CA Courts of Appeal Cases from 1905
CA Supreme Court Cases from 1850
CO Court of Appeals Cases from 1891
CO Supreme Court Cases from 1864
CO Supreme Court Disciplinary Opinions
from 1999
CT Circuit Court Cases, 1961-1974
CT Court of Appeals Cases from 1983
CT Superior Court – Common Pleas Cases
from 1935
CT Supreme Court Cases from 1764
DC Court of Appeals Cases from 1925
DC Superior Court of the District of Columbia
from 2001
DE Court of Chancery Cases from 1814
Page 3
DE Court of Common Pleas Cases from 1972
DE Family Court Cases from 1979
DE Superior Court Cases from 1885
DE Supreme Court Cases from 1790
Federal Circuit – US Court of Appeals Cases
FL Courts of Appeal Cases from 1957
FL Supreme Court Cases from 1846
GA Court of Appeals Cases from 1907
GA Supreme Court Cases from 1846
GU Supreme Court Cases from 1996
HI Court of Appeals Cases from 1980
HI Supreme Court Cases from 1847
IA Court of Appeals Cases from 1977
IA Supreme Court Cases from 1839
ID Court of Appeals Cases from 1982
ID Supreme Court Cases from 1866
ID Unpublished Cases from 2009
IL Appellate Court Unpublished
IL Court of Appeals Cases from 1877
IL Court of Claims Cases from 1889
IL Supreme Court Cases from 1819
IN Appeals Court Cases from 1891
IN Supreme Court Cases from 1817
IN Unpublished Cases from 2009
Indian Territory Reports, 1896-1907
Indiana Tax Court Cases
Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Cases
KS Court of Appeals Cases from 1895
KS Supreme Court Cases from 1858
KS Unpublished Cases from 2007
KY Court of Appeals Cases from 1976
KY Supreme Court Cases from 1785
KY Unpublished Cases from 2009
LA Court of Appeals Cases from 1881
LA Supreme Court Cases from 1809
LA Unpublished Cases from 2007
MA Court of Appeals Cases from 1972
MA District Court, Appellate Division Cases
from 1990
MA Superior Court Cases from 1993
MA Supreme Judicial Court Cases from 1768
Massachusetts Court of Appeals Unpublished
Massachusetts Land Court
MD Circuit Court Cases of Maryland from 2003
MD Court of Appeals of Maryland from 1658
MD Court of Special Appeals of Maryland
from 1967
MD Tax Court Recommendations and Orders
ME Superior Court Cases from 1979
ME Supreme Court Cases from 1820
ME Unpublished Cases from 2007
MI Court of Appeals Cases from 1965
MI Supreme Court Cases from 1841
Minnesota District Courts – Trial Level
MN Appeals Court Cases from 1983
MN Supreme Court Cases from 1861
MN Tax Court Decisions
MO Appeals Court Cases from 1876
MO Supreme Court from 1821
MS Court of Appeals Cases from 1995
MS Supreme Court Cases from 1818
MT State District Court
MT Supreme Court Cases from 1868
MT Water Court
NC Business Court from 1996
NC Court of Appeals Cases from 1968
NC Supreme Court Cases from 1778
ND Appeals Court Cases from 1987
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Lexis Advanc Content
ND Supreme Court Cases from 1867
NE Court of Appeals Cases from 1992
NE Supreme Court Cases from 1871
NH Supreme Court Cases from 1816
NJ Chancery Court Cases 1830 - 1948
NJ Miscellaneous Cases 1923 - 1949
NJ Prerogative Court Cases 1831 - 1948
NJ Superior Court Cases from 1948
NJ Supreme Court Cases (OLD) 1789 - 1948
NJ Supreme Court Cases from 1821
NJ Tax Court Cases from 1979
NJ Unpublished Cases from 2005
NM Court of Appeals Cases from 1966
NM Supreme Court Cases from 1852
NM Unpublished Cases from 2007
Northern Mariana Islands Cases
NV Supreme Court Cases from 1865
NV Supreme Court Cases, Unpublished
NY Court of Appeals Cases from 1794
NY Lower Court Cases from 1851
NY Supreme Court Cases – Appellate Division
from 1875
OH Courts of Appeals Cases from 1913
OH Miscellaneous Cases from 1823
OH Supreme Court Cases from 1821
OK Court of Appeals Cases from 1968
OK Court of Criminal Appeals from 1908
OK Supreme Court Cases from 1884
OR Courts of Appeals Cases from 1969
OR Supreme Court Cases from 1847
OR Tax Court Cases from 1962
PA Commonwealth Court Cases from 1971
PA County Decisions from 1918
PA Court of Judicial Discipline Cases from 1994
Page 4
PA Superior Court from 1895
PA Supreme Court Cases from 1791
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court
RI Superior Court Decisions from 1980
RI Supreme Court Cases from 1828
SC Court of Appeals Cases from 1983
SC Supreme Court Cases from 1867
SC Unpublished Cases from 2007
SD Supreme Court Cases from 1867
State of California Commission on Judicial
TN Chancery Appeals Cases, 1895-1901
TN Court of Appeals Cases from 1925
TN Court of Criminal Appeals Cases from 1967
TN Supreme Court Cases from 1791
TX Court of Appeals and Court of Civil Appeals
Cases from 1892
TX Court of Criminal Appeals Cases from 1879
TX Supreme Court Cases from 1840
TX Unpublished Cases from 2004
U.S. Supreme Court Cases, Lawyers' Edition
US Bankruptcy Court Cases
US Board of Tax Appeals Cases
US Commerce Court Cases
US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
US Court of Customs & Patent Appeals Cases
US Court of Federal Claims, Claims Court &
Court of Claims Cases
US Court of International Trade Cases
US Courts of Appeals Cases, Combined
US Courts of Criminal Appeals for Branches of
the US Armed Forces
US Customs Court Cases
US District Court Cases, Combined
US Tax Court Cases
US Tax Court Memorandum Decisions
US Tax Court Summary Opinions
UT Court of Appeals Cases from 1987
UT Supreme Court Cases from 1861
VA Circuit Court Cases from 1855
VA Court of Appeals Cases from 1985
VA Supreme Court Cases from 1730
VI Superior & Territorial Cases from 1959
VI Supreme Court Cases from 2007
VT Superior Court Cases from 2002
VT Supreme Court Cases from 1826
VT Unpublished Cases from 2007
WA Court of Appeals Cases from 1969
WA Supreme Court Cases from 1854
WI Court of Appeals Cases from 1978
WI Supreme Court Cases from 1839
WV Supreme Court Cases from 1864
WY Supreme Court Cases from 1870
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Lexis Advanc Content
Statutes and Legislation
AK – Alaska Statutes
AL – Code of Alabama
AR – Arkansas Code Annotated
AZ – Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated
CA – Deering's California Codes Annotated
CO – Colorado Revised Statutes Annotated
CT – LexisNexis Connecticut Annotated Statutes
DC – District of Columbia Code Annotated
DE – Delaware Code Annotated
FL – LexisNexis Florida Annotated Statutes
GA – Official Code of Georgia Annotated
GU – Guam Code Annotated
HI Hawaii Revised Statutes Annotated
IA LexisNexis Iowa Annotated Statutes
ID – Idaho Code Annotated
IL Illinois Compiled Statutes Annotated
IN – Burns Indiana Statutes Annotated
KS – LexisNexis Kansas Annotated Statutes
KY – Michie's Kentucky Revised Statutes
LA – LexisNexis Louisiana Annotated Statutes
MA – Annotated Laws of Massachusetts
MD – Annotated Code of Maryland
ME – Maine Revised Statutes Annotated by
MI – Michigan Compiled Laws Service
MN – LexisNexis Minnesota Annotated Statutes
MO – LexisNexis Missouri Annotated Statutes
MS – Mississippi Code of 1972 Annotated
MT – LexisNexis Montana Code Annotated
Page 5
NC – General Statutes of North Carolina
ND – North Dakota Century Code
NE – Revised Statutes of Nebraska Annotated
NH – LEXIS New Hampshire Revised Statutes
NJ – LexisNexis New Jersey Annotated Statutes
NM – Michie's Annotated Statutes Of
NV – Nevada Revised Statutes Annotated
NY – New York Consolidated Laws Service
OH – Page's Ohio Revised Code Annotated
OK – Oklahoma Statutes Annotated by
OR – LexisNexis Oregon Annotated Statutes
PA – Pennsylvania Statutes, Annotated by
PR – Laws of Puerto Rico Annotated
PR – Leyes de Puerto Rico Anotadas – LPRA
RIGeneral Laws of Rhode Island
SC – South Carolina Code of Laws Annotated by
SD – LexisNexis South Dakota Codified Laws
TN – Tennessee Code Annotated
TX – Texas Statutes & Codes Annotated by
United States Code Service – Titles 1 through 50
UT – Utah Code Annotated
VA – Code of Virginia
VIVirgin Islands Code Annotated
VT – Vermont Statutes Annotated
WA – Annotated Revised Code of Washington
WI – LexisNexis Wisconsin Annotated Statutes
WV – West Virginia Code
WY – Wyoming Statutes Annotated
Municipal Codes
Alabama Municipal Codes
Alaska Municipal Codes
Arizona Municipal Codes
Arkansas Municipal Codes
California Municipal Codes
Colorado Municipal Codes
Connecticut Municipal Codes
Delaware Municipal Codes
Florida Municipal Codes
Georgia Municipal Codes
Hawaii Municipal Codes
Idaho Municipal Codes
Illinois Municipal Codes
Indiana Municipal Codes
Iowa Municipal Codes
Kansas Municipal Codes
Kentucky Municipal Codes
Louisiana Municipal Codes
Maine Municipal Codes
Maryland Municipal Codes
Massachusetts Municipal Codes
Michigan Municipal Codes
Minnesota Municipal Codes
Mississippi Municipal Codes
Missouri Municipal Codes
Montana Municipal Codes
Nebraska Municipal Codes
Nevada Municipal Codes
New Hampshire Municipal Codes
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Lexis Advanc Content
New Jersey Municipal Codes
New Mexico Municipal Codes
New York City Administrative Code
New York City Charter
New York City Rules
New York Municipal Codes
North Carolina Municipal Codes
North Dakota Municipal Codes
Ohio Municipal Codes
Oklahoma Municipal Codes
Oregon Municipal Codes
Pennsylvania Municipal Codes
Rhode Island Municipal Codes
South Carolina Municipal Codes
South Dakota Municipal Codes
Tennessee Municipal Codes
Texas Municipal Codes
Utah Municipal Codes
Vermont Municipal Codes
Virginia Municipal Codes
Washington Municipal Codes
West Virginia Municipal Codes
Wisconsin Municipal Codes
Wyoming Municipal Codes
AK – Alaska Constitution
AL – Alabama Constitution
AR – Arkansas Constitution
AZ – Arizona Constitution
CA – California Constitution
CO – Colorado Constitution
CT – Connecticut Constitution
DE – Delaware Constitution
FLFlorida Constitution
GA – Georgia Constitution
HI – Hawaii Constitution
IA – LexisNexis Iowa Annotated Constitution
ID – Idaho Constitution
ILIllinois Constitution
Indiana Constitution
KS – LexisNexis Kansas Annotated Constitution
KY – Kentucky Constitution
LA – LexisNexis Louisiana Annotated Statutes
MA – Massachusetts Constitution
MD – Maryland Constitution
ME – Maine Constitution Annotated by
MI – Michigan Constitution
MN – LexisNexis Minnesota Annotated
MO – LexisNexis Missouri Annotated
MS – Mississippi Constitution
MT – LexisNexis Montana Constitution
NC – North Carolina Constitution
ND – North Dakota Constitution
NE – Nebraska Constitution
NH – New Hampshire Constitution
NJ – New Jersey Constitution
NM – New Mexico Constitution
NV – Nevada Constitution
NY – New York Constitution
OH – Ohio Constitution
OK – Oklahoma Constitution Annotated by
OR – LexisNexis Oregon Annotated Constitution
PA – Pennsylvania Constitution
PR – Constitution of Puerto Rico
PR – Leyes de Puerto Rico Anotadas –
Constitucion de Puerto Rico
RI – Rhode Island Constitution
SC – South Carolina Constitution Annotated by
SD – LexisNexis South Dakota Constitution
TN – Tennessee Constitution
TX – Texas Constitution
USCS – Constitution of the United States
UT – Utah Constitution
VAVirginia Constitution
VIVirgin Islands Revised Organic Act of 1954
VT – Vermont Constitution
WA – Washington Constitution
WI – LexisNexis Wisconsin Annotated
WV – West Virginia Constitution
WY – Wyoming Constitution
Advance Legislative Services
AK – Alaska Advance Legislative Service
AL – Alabama Advance Legislative Service
AR – Arkansas Advance Legislative Service
AZ – Arizona Advance Legislative Service
CA – California Advance Legislative Service
CO – Colorado Advance Legislative Service
CT – Connecticut Advance Legislative Service
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Lexis Advanc Content
DC – District of Columbia Advance Legislative
DE – Delaware Advance Legislative Service
FLFlorida Advance Legislative Service
GA – Georgia Advance Legislative Service
HI – Hawaii Advance Legislative Service
IA – Iowa Advance Legislative Service
ID – Idaho Advance Legislative Service
ILIllinois Advance Legislative Service
Indiana Advance Legislative Service
KS – Kansas Advance Legislative Service
KY – Kentucky Advance Legislative Service
LA – Louisiana Advance Legislative Service
MA – Massachusetts Advance Legislative Service
MD – Maryland Advance Legislative Service
ME – Maine Advance Legislative Service
MI – Michigan Advance Legislative Service
MN – Minnesota Advance Legislative Service
MO – Missouri Advance Legislative Service
MS – Mississippi Advance Legislative Service
MT – Montana Advance Legislative Service
NC – North Carolina Advance Legislative Service
ND – North Dakota Advance Legislative Service
NE – Nebraska Advance Legislative Service
NH – New Hampshire Advance Legislative
NJ – New Jersey Advance Legislative Service
NM – New Mexico Advance Legislative Service
NV – Nevada Advance Legislative Service
NY – New York Advance Legislative Service
OH – Ohio Advance Legislative Service
OK – Oklahoma Advance Legislative Service
OROregon Advance Legislative Service
PA – Pennsylvania Advance Legislative Service
Page 7
PR – Avances Legislativos de Puerto Rico
PR – Puerto Rico Advance Legislative Service
RI – Rhode Island Advance Legislative Service
SCSouth Carolina Advance Legislative Service
SDSouth Dakota Advance Legislative Service
TN – Tennessee Advance Legislative Service
TX – Texas Advance Legislative Service
USCS – Public Laws
UT – Utah Advance Legislative Service
VAVirginia Advance Legislative Service
VIVirgin Islands Advance Legislative Service
VT – Vermont Advance Legislative Service
WA – Washington Advance Legislative Service
WIWisconsin Advance Legislative Service
WV – West Virginia Advance Legislative Service
WY – Wyoming Advance Legislative Service
Bill Text
AK Full-Text Bills
AL Full-Text Bills
AR Full-Text Bills
AZ Full-Text Bills
CA Full-Text Bills
CO Full-Text Bills
CT Full-Text Bills
DC Full-Text Bills
DE Full-Text Bills
Congressional Full Text Bills – Current Congress
Congressional Full Text of Bills110th Congress,
FL Full-Text Bills
GA Full-Text Bills
HI Full-Text Bills
IA Full-Text Bills
ID Full-Text Bills
IL Full-Text Bills
IN Full-Text Bills
KS Full-Text Bills
KY Full-Text Bills
LA Full-Text Bills
MA Full-Text Bills
MD Full-Text Bills
ME Full-Text Bills
MI Full-Text Bills
MN Full-Text Bills
MO Full-Text Bills
MS Full-Text Bills
MT Full-Text Bills
NC Full-Text Bills
ND Full-Text Bills
NE Full-Text Bills
NH Full-Text Bills
NJ Full-Text Bills
NM Full-Text Bills
NV Full-Text Bills
NY Full-Text Bills
OH Full-Text Bills
OK Full-Text Bills
OR Full-Text Bills
PA Full-Text Bills
RI Full-Text Bills
SC Full-Text Bills
SD Full-Text Bills
TN Full-Text Bills
TX Full-Text Bills
UT Full-Text Bills
VA Full-Text Bills
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Lexis Advanc Content
VT Full-Text Bills
WA Full-Text Bills
WI Full-Text Bills
WV Full-Text Bills
WY Full-Text Bills
Bill Tracking
AK Bill Tracking Reports
AL Bill Tracking Reports
AR Bill Tracking Reports
AZ Bill Tracking Reports
CA Bill Tracking Reports
CO Bill Tracking Reports
CT Bill Tracking Reports
DC Bill Tracking Reports
DE Bill Tracking Reports
Bill Tracking Report – Current Congress
Congressional Bill Tracking Reports 110th
Congress, Archive
FL Bill Tracking Reports
GA Bill Tracking Reports
HI Bill Tracking Reports
IA Bill Tracking Reports
ID Bill Tracking Reports
IL Bill Tracking Reports
IN Bill Tracking Reports
KS Bill Tracking Reports
KY Bill Tracking Reports
LA Bill Tracking Reports
MA Bill Tracking Reports
MD Bill Tracking Reports
ME Bill Tracking Reports
MI Bill Tracking Reports
Page 8
MN Bill Tracking Reports
MO Bill Tracking Reports
MS Bill Tracking Reports
MT Bill Tracking Reports
NC Bill Tracking Reports
ND Bill Tracking Reports
NE Bill Tracking Reports
NH Bill Tracking Reports
NJ Bill Tracking Reports
NM Bill Tracking Reports
NV Bill Tracking Reports
NY Bill Tracking Reports
OH Bill Tracking Reports
OK Bill Tracking Reports
OR Bill Tracking Reports
PA Bill Tracking Reports
RI Bill Tracking Reports
SC Bill Tracking Reports
SD Bill Tracking Reports
TN Bill Tracking Reports
TX Bill Tracking Reports
UT Bill Tracking Reports
Bill Tracking Reports
VT Bill Tracking Reports
WA Bill Tracking Reports
WI Bill Tracking Reports
WV Bill Tracking Reports
WY Bill Tracking Reports
Court Rules
AK – Alaska State & Federal Court Rules
AL – Alabama State & Federal Court Rules
AR – Arkansas State & Federal Court Rules
AZ – Arizona State & Federal Court
– California State & Federal Court Rules
CA – California Superior Ct. Local Rules
CO – Colorado State & Federal Court Rules
CT – Connecticut State & Federal Court Rules
DC – District of Columbia State & Federal
Court Rules
DE – Delaware State & Federal Court Rules
USCS – Federal Rules Annotated
FLFlorida State & Federal Court Rules
GA – Georgia State & Federal Court Rules
HI – Hawaii State & Federal Court Rules
IA – Iowa State & Federal Court Rules
ID – Idaho State & Federal Court Rules
IL Illinois State & Federal Court Rules
IN – Indiana State & Federal Court Rules
KS – Kansas State & Federal Court Rules
KY – Kentucky State & Federal Court Rules
LA – Louisiana State & Federal Court Rules
MA – Massachusetts State & Federal Court
MD – Maryland State & Federal Court Rules
ME – Maine State & Federal Court Rules MI –
Michigan State & Federal Court Rules MN –
Minnesota State & Federal Court Rules MO –
Missouri State & Federal Court Rules MS
Mississippi State & Federal Court Rules MT
Montana State & Federal Court Rules
NC – North Carolina State & Federal Court Rules
ND – North Dakota State & Federal Court Rules
NE – Nebraska State & Federal Court Rules
NH – New Hampshire State & Federal
Court Rules
NJ – New Jersey State & Federal Court Rules
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Lexis Advanc Content
NM – Michie's Annotated State & Federal Court
Rules of New Mexico
NV – Nevada State & Federal Court Rules
NY – New York State & Federal Court Rules
OH – Ohio State & Federal Court Rules
OK – Oklahoma State & Federal Court Rules
OROregon State & Federal Court Rules
PA – Pennsylvania Local Rules of Court
PA – Pennsylvania State & Federal Court Rules
PR – Puerto Rico State & Federal Court Rules
RI – Rhode Island State & Federal Court Rules
SC – South Carolina State & Federal Court Rules
SD – South Dakota State & Federal Court Rules
TN – Tennessee State & Federal Court Rules
TX – Texas State & Federal Court Rules
UT – Utah State & Federal Court Rules
VAVirginia State & Federal Court Rules
VIVirgin Islands State & Federal Court Rules
VT – Vermont State & Federal Court Rules
WA – Washington State & Federal Court Rules
WIWisconsin State & Federal Court Rules
WV – West Virginia State & Federal Court Rules
WY – Wyoming State & Federal Court Rules
Congressional Record
Congressional Record – 110th Congress to
Legislative History
Committee Reports
Alabama Legislative Bill History
Alaska Legislative Bill History
Arizona Legislative Bill History
Page 9
Arkansas Legislative Bill History
California Legislative Bill History
CIS/Historical Index
Colorado Legislative Bill History
Connecticut Legislative Bill History
Delaware Legislative Bill History
Federal Legislative Bill History
Florida Legislative Bill History
Georgia Legislative Bill History
Hawaii Legislative Bill History
House and Senate Floor Voting Records –
100th through Current Congress
Idaho Legislative Bill History
Illinois Legislative Bill History
Indiana Legislative Bill History
Iowa Legislative Bill History
Kansas Legislative Bill History
Kentucky Legislative Bill History
Louisiana Legislative Bill History
Maine Legislative Bill History
Maryland Legislative Bill History
Massachusetts Legislative Bill History
Model Penal Code
Michigan Legislative Bill History
Minnesota Legislative Bill History
Mississippi Legislative Bill History
Missouri Legislative Bill History
Montana Legislative Bill History
Nebraska Legislative Bill History
Nevada Legislative Bill History
New Hampshire Legislative Bill History
New Jersey Legislative Bill History
New Mexico Legislative Bill History
New York Legislative Bill History
North Carolina Legislative Bill History
North Dakota Legislative Bill History
Ohio Legislative Bill History
Oklahoma Legislative Bill History
Oregon Legislative Bill History
Pennsylvania Legislative Bill History
Rhode Island Legislative Bill History
South Carolina Legislative Bill History
South Dakota Legislative Bill History
Tennessee Legislative Bill History
Texas Legislative Bill History
Uniform Commercial Code
Uniform Law Commission Model Acts
US CIS/Index
Utah Legislative Bill History
Vermont Legislative Bill History
Virginia Legislative Bill History
Washington Legislative Bill History
West Virginia Legislative Bill History
Wisconsin Legislative Bill History
Wyoming Legislative Bill History
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Lexis Advanc Content
Native American People Treaties, Ratified and
Tax Analysts Worldwide Tax Treaties
Tax Analysts Worldwide Tax Treaties
Tax Analysts Worldwide Tax Treaties in Force
Tax Analysts Worldwide Tax Treaties Model
Convention Documents
U.S. Treaties in Force
U.S. Treaties on LEXIS
USCS – International Conventions
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Lexis Advanc Content
Agency & Administrative
Administrative Codes
AK – Alaska Administrative Code
AL Alabama Administrative Code
AR Arkansas Administrative Code
AZ – Arizona Administrative Code
CA – Barclays Official California Code
of Regulations
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations
CO – Colorado Code of Regulations
CT – Regulations of the Connecticut State
DC – Weil's Code of D.C. Municipal Regulations
DE – Delaware Administrative Code
FLFlorida Administrative Code Annotated
GA – Rules and Regulations of the State
of Georgia
GU – Guam Administrative Rules and
HI – Weil's Code of Hawaii Rules
IA – Iowa Administrative Code
ID – Idaho Administrative Code
IL Illinois Administrative Code
IN – Indiana Administrative Code
KS – Administrative Regulations
KY – Kentucky Administrative Regulations
LA – Louisiana Administrative Code
MA – Code of Massachusetts Regulations
MD – Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR)
ME – Code of Maine Rules
MI – Michigan Administrative Code
Page 11
MN – Minnesota Rules Administrative Code
MO – Missouri Code of State Regulations
MS – Code of Mississippi Rules
MT – Administrative Rules of Montana
NC – North Carolina Administrative Code
ND – North Dakota Administrative Code
NE – Nebraska State Rules & Regulations
NH – New Hampshire Code of Administrative
NJ – New Jersey Administrative
– New Mexico Administrative Code
NV – Nevada Administrative Regulations
NV – Nevada Gaming Commission and State
Gaming Control Board
NY – New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
OH – Ohio Administrative Code
OK – Oklahoma Administrative Code
OROregon Administrative Rules
PA – Pennsylvania Administrative Code
RI – Weil's Code of Rhode Island Rules
SC – South Carolina Code of Laws, Regulations
SD – South Dakota Administrative Code
TN – Rules and Regulations of the State
of Tennessee
TX – Texas Administrative Code
UT – Utah Administrative Code
VAVirginia Administrative Code
VI – Weil's Code of U.S. Virgin Islands Rules
VT – Weil's Code of Vermont Rules
WA – Washington Administrative Code
WIWisconsin Administrative
– West Virginia Code of State Rules
WY – Weil's Code of Wyoming Rules
AK – Alaska Administrative Journal
AR – Arkansas Government Register
CA – California Regulatory Law Bulletin
FR – Federal Register
CT – Connecticut Law Journal
DC – District of Columbia Register
DE – Delaware Government Register
FL Florida Administrative Weekly
GA Georgia Government Register
HI – Hawaii Government Register
IA – Iowa Administrative Bulletin
ID – Idaho Administrative Bulletin
IL Illinois Register
IN – Indiana Register
KS – Kansas Register
LA – Louisiana Register
MA – Massachusetts Register
MD – Maryland Register
ME – Maine Government Register
MN – Minnesota Register
MO – Missouri Register
MS – Mississippi Government Register
NC – North Carolina Register
NE – Nebraska Government Register
NH – New Hampshire Government Register
NJ – New Jersey Register
NM – New Mexico Register
NV – Nevada Register of Administrative
NY – New York State Register
OH – The Register of Ohio
OK – Oklahoma Register
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Lexis Advanc Content
OROregon Bulletin
PA – Pennsylvania Bulletin
PR – Reglamentos Administrativos de
RI – Rhode Island Government Register
SCSouth Carolina Register
SD – South Dakota Register
TX – Texas Register
UT – Utah State Bulletin
VAVirginia Register of Regulations
Virgin Islands Government Register
VT – Vermont Government Register
WA – Washington State Register
WIWisconsin Administrative Register
WY – Wyoming Government Register
Agency Materials
2008 Manual for Courts-Martial
2012 Manual for Courts-Martial
AAA Employment Arbitration Awards
AAA Employment Arbitration Rules and
Mediation Procedures
AAA Labor Arbitration Awards
ABA Formal Ethics Opinions
ABA Informal Ethics Opinions
ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and
Code of Judicial Conduct
Agriculture Decisions
AK - Alaska Administrative Code
AK - Alaska Bulletins & Notices
AK Attorney General Opinions
AK Department of Revenue Decisions
AK Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
AK Regulatory Commission Decisions
Page 12
AK Secretary of State Securities Orders,
Releases, and Letters
AK State Net Regulatory Text
AK State Regulation Tracking
AK Workers' Compensation Decisions
AL - Alabama Administrative Code
AL - Alabama Bulletins & Notices
AL Attorney General Opinions
AL Environmental Administrative
AL Public Service Commission Decisions
AL Secretary of State Securities Orders,
Releases, and Letters
AL State Net Regulatory Text
AL State Regulation Tracking
Alabama DOR Orders
Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission
Alabama Market Conduct Examinations
Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct
Americans with Disabilities Act Title II
Technical Assistance Manual
Americans with Disabilities Act Title III
Technical Assistance Manual
AR - Arkansas Administrative Code
AR - Arkansas Bulletins & Notices
AR - Arkansas Government Register
AR Attorney General Opinions
AR Department of Finance
AR Division of Securities; Decisions,
Releases and Letters
AR Environmental Administrative
AR Public Service Commission
AR State Net Regulatory Text
AR State Regulation Tracking
AR Workers' Compensation Decisions
Arizona Judicial Ethics Advisory
Committee Opinions
Arizona Market Conduct Examinations
Arizona Office of Administrative Hearings
Arizona State Insurance Survey
Arkansas Judicial Ethics Advisory
Arkansas Market Conduct Examinations
Armed Services Board of Contract
Appeals Decisions
Army Corps of Engineers Board of
Contract Appeals Decisions
AZ - Arizona Administrative Code
AZ - Arizona Bulletins & Notices
AZ Attorney General Opinions
AZ Board of Tax Appeals
AZ Corporation Commission Decisions
AZ Corporation Commission Utilities
Division Decisions
AZ Department of Environmental Quality
AZ State Net Regulatory Text
AZ State Regulation Tracking
Benefits Review Board Service
Longshore Reporter
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CA - California Regulatory Law Bulletin
CA - WCAB Noteworthy Panel Decisions
CA Agricultural Labor Relations Board
CA Attorney General Opinions
CA Board of Equalization Opinions
CA Department of Corporations Decisions
CA Div. Labor Standards Enf. Policies & Interp.
CA Fair Employment & Housing Commission
CA Fair Political Practices Commission
CA Franchise Tax Board Chief Counsel Rulings
CA Franchise Tax Board Decisions
CA Franchise Tax Board Information Letters
CA Franchise Tax Board Technical Advice
CA Occupational Safety & Health Appeals Board
CA Public Utilities Commission Decisions
CA State Bar Court Decisions
CA State Campaign Finance Receipts
CA State Net Regulatory Text
CA State Regulation Tracking
CA Water Resources & Toxic Substances Control
California Department of Financial Institutions
California Division of Labor Standards
Enforcement Opinion Letters
California Market Conduct Examinations
California Public Employment Relations Board
Center for Public Resources Domain Decisions
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
CFPB Guidance Documents
CFPB Supervision and Examination Manual
Page 13
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
Chief Counsel Notices
Civil Aeronautics Board Decisions
Civilian Board of Contract Appeals
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CO - Colorado Code of Regulations
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Rulings & General Information Letters
CO Department of Revenue Tax Materials
CO Division of Securities; Decisions, Releases
and Letters
CO Public Utilities Commission Decisions
CO State Net Regulatory Text
CO State Regulation Tracking
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Colorado Market Conduct Examinations
Commercial Arbitration Rules
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
(CFTC) Decisions
Commodity Futures Trading Commission No-
Action, Interp. & Exemptive Letters
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Board of
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Connecticut Market Conduct Examinations
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CT Announcements
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CT Department of Revenue Policy Statements
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CT Department of Revenue Special Notices
CT Department of Revenue Tax News
CT Department of Revenue Tax Topics
CT Office of the Banking Commissioner;
Decisions, Rels, & Letters
CT State Net Regulatory Text
CT State Regulation Tracking
CT Workers' Compensation Decisions
D.C. Rental Housing Commission Decisions
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DC - District of Columbia Register
DC Attorney General Opinions
DC Department of Insurance and Securities
DC Off. of Emp. Serv. Director's
Decisions/Compensation Review Board from
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DE - Delaware Bulletins & Notices
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DE Attorney General Opinions
DE Division of Securities; Decisions, Releases
and Letters
DE Public Service Commission Decisions
DE State Net Regulatory Text
DE State Regulation Tracking
Defense Office of Hearings & Appeals Decisions
Delaware Department of Finance Tax Rulings
Delaware Department of Finance Technical
Information Memoranda
Delaware Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee
Department of Agriculture Board of Contract
Appeals Decisions
Department of Education, Office of Hearings &
Appeals Decision
Department of Energy Board of Contract
Appeals Decisions
Department of Interior ALJ Decisions
Department of Interior Board of Contract
Appeals Decisions
Department of Interior Board of Indian Appeals
Department of Interior Board of Land Appeals
Department of Interior Solicitor's Opinions
Department of Justice Business Review Letters
Department of Labor Administrative Review
Board Decisions
Department of Labor Benefits Review Board
Department of Labor Board of Contract Appeals
Department of Labor ERISA Opinion Letters
Page 14
Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs
Department of Labor Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Department of Labor Wage & Hour Opinion
Department of Transportation Aviation
Department of Transportation Bd of Contract
Appeals Decisions
Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of
General Counsel Decisions
Departments of Interior and Commerce NOAA
Administrative Decisions
Dept of Defense Issuances, Administrative
Dept of Defense Issuances, Directives
Dept of Defense Issuances, Directive-Type
Dept of Defense Issuances, Instructions
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Administrative Law Judge Decs.
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Appeals Decisions
Digest of Significant Classification Decisions &
District of Columbia Contract Appeals Board
District of Columbia Market Conduct
Examinations (DCCDT)
District of Columbia Office of Administrative
Hearings Decisions
District of Columbia Office of Police Complaints
District of Columbia, Office of Employment
Services, Hearings & Adjudication Section
DOI, Office of Hearings & Appeals, ALJ Decisions
DOL Employees Comp. Appeals Board Decisions
EDGAR(R) Filer Manual
Education Civil Rights Reviewing Authority
EEOC Press Releases, Enforcement Guidance,
Policy Documents and Memoranda
Environmental Law Institute Guidance and Policy
Environmental Law Reporter Administrative
EPA Administrative Law Judge Decisions
EPA Civil Penalty Policies
EPA Consent Decrees
EPA Debarment Decisions
EPA Environmental Appeals Board Decisions
EPA General Counsel Memoranda
EPA Records of Decisions for Superfund Sites
EPA Regional Judicial Officer Decisions
EPA Title V Air Permit Orders
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Compliance Manual
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Private Sector Decisions
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Public Sector Decisions
European Patent Office Boards of Appeal
Family Medical Leave Act Opinion Letters
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FDIC Statements of Policy
FDIC Trust Examination Manual
Federal Aviation Administration Decisions
Federal Communications Commission Decisions
Federal Election Commission Advisory Opinions
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Decisions
Federal Labor Relations Authority Decisions
Federal Maritime Commission Decisions
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review
Commission Decisions
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Federal Power Commission Decisions
Federal Register
Federal Register Current Year
Federal Regulation Tracking
Federal Reserve Applications Approval/Denials
Federal Reserve Board Supervision & Regulation
Federal Reserve Bulletin
Federal Reserve H2's
Federal Reserve Interpretive Letters
Federal Reserve Orders and Notices
Federal Reserve Policy Statements and Actions
Federal Reserve Regulatory Service
Federal Reserve Written Agreements
Federal Service Impasses Panel Decisions
Federal Trade Commission Decisions
FERC General Counsel Opinions
FHLBB and OTS Chief Counsel Opinions
Field Operations Handbook, Wage and Hour
Division, Dept. of Labor
Page 15
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
(FINRA/NASD) Arbitration Awards
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
(FINRA/NASD) Disciplinary Actions
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
(FINRA/NASD) Notices to Members
FL - Florida Administrative Code Annotated
FL - Florida Administrative Weekly
FL - Florida Bulletins & Notices
FL Attorney General Opinions
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FL Division of Administrative Hearings
FL Environmental and Land Use Decisions
FL Public Utilities Commission Decisions
FL Securities Commission Decisions
FL State Net Regulatory Text
FL State Regulation Tracking
FL Workers' Compensation Decisions
Florida Division of Land Sales & Condominiums
Arbitration Decisions
Florida Judicial Ethics Opinions
Florida Market Conduct Examinations
Florida Public Employees Relations Commission
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GA - Georgia Government Register
GA - Rules and Regulations of the State of
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GA Commissioner of Securities Decisions
GA Department of Natural Resources Decisions
GA Department of Revenue Rules and
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GA State Net Regulatory Text
GA State Regulation Tracking
General Services Administration Bd of Contract
Appeals Decisions
Georgia Department of Banking & Finance
Applications Manual
Georgia Department of Banking & Finance
Georgia Judicial Qualifications Commission
Georgia Market Conduct Examinations
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Handbook of Occupational Groups and Families
Hawaii Commission on Judicial Conduct
Health & Human Services Departmental Appeals
Board Decisions
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HI State Net Regulatory Text
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Appeals Decisions
Housing & Urban Development Debarment
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IA Attorney General Opinions
IA District Court, State Board of Tax Review, &
Department of Finance Tax Decisions
IA State Net Regulatory Text
IA State Regulation Tracking
IA Utilities Board Decisions
IA Workers' Compensation Decisions
ID - Idaho Administrative Bulletin
ID - Idaho Administrative Code
ID - Idaho Bulletins & Notices
ID Attorney General Opinions
ID Board of Tax Appeals Decisions
ID Department of Finance, Securities Division;
ID Department of Water Resources Decisions
ID Public Utilities Commission Decisions
ID State Net Regulatory Text
ID State Regulation Tracking
ID Workers' Compensation Decisions
Idaho Market Conduct Examinations (IDCDT)
IL - Illinois Administrative Code
IL - Illinois Insurance Notices and Bulletins
IL - Illinois Register
IL Attorney General Opinions
IL Commerce Commission Decisions
IL Department of Revenue Administrative
Hearing Decisions
IL Department of Revenue Regulations and Tax
Page 16
IL Pollution Control Board Decisions
IL Secretary of State Securities Division
IL State Net Regulatory Text
IL State Regulation Tracking
IL Workers' Compensation Decisions
Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary
Commission Decisions
Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board
Illinois Human Rights Commission Decisions
Illinois Labor Relations Board Decisions
Illinois Market Conduct Examinations
Illinois Office of Banks & Real Estate Releases
Immigration Non-Precedent Decisions: BIA,
Immigration Precedent Decisions
IN - Indiana Administrative Code
IN - Indiana Bulletins & Notices
IN - Indiana Register
IN Attorney General Opinions
IN Office of Environmental Adjudication
IN Office of Secretary of State, Securities
Division; Opinions
IN State Net Regulatory Text
IN State Regulation Tracking
IN Utility Regulatory Commission Decisions
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Indiana Education Employment Relations
Board Decisions
Indiana Judicial Qualifications Commission
Indiana Legal Ethics Opinions (ISBA)
Indiana Market Conduct Examinations
Indiana Tax Agency Decisions, Notices,
Directives & Bulletins
Interior Board of Surface Mining Appeals &
Interior Board of Land Appeals Decisions
from 6/15/78
Internal Revenue Manual (IRM)
International Court of Justice Advisory
International Trade Commission Decisions
International Trade Commission General
Counsel Memoranda
Interstate Commerce Commission Decisions
Iowa Division of Banking Releases
Iowa Market Conduct Examinations
IRS Actions on Decisions
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IRS Field Service Advice Memorandums
IRS General Counsel Memoranda (Archive)
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IRS Non-Taxpayer Specifics in Formal CCA
IRS Private Letter Rulings and Technical
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ITC ALJ Dec/Orders from 2/76
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Judge Advocate General Operational Law
Handbook (Army)
Kansas Court of Tax Appeals
Kansas Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee
Kansas Market Conduct Examinations
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Kentucky Legal Ethics Advisory Committee
Kentucky Market Conduct Examinations
KS - Administrative Regulations
KS - Kansas Bulletins & Notices
KS - Kansas Register
KS Attorney General Opinions
KS Corporation Commission Decisions
KS Securities, Orders, Releases and Letters
KS State Net Regulatory Text
KS State Regulation Tracking
KS Workers' Compensation Decisions
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KY - Kentucky Board of Tax Appeals Orders and
KY - Kentucky Bulletins & Notices
KY Attorney General Opinions
KY Department of Financial Institutions,
Division of Securities Decisions
KY Natural Resources and Environmental
Protection Cabinet Decisions
KY Public Service Commission Decisions
KY State Net Regulatory Text
KY State Regulation Tracking
LA - Louisiana Administrative Code
LA - Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals
LA - Louisiana Bulletins & Notices
LA - Louisiana Register
Page 17
LA Attorney General Opinions
LA Department of Environmental Quality
LA Public Service Commission Decisions
LA State Net Regulatory Text
LA State Regulation Tracking
Labor Arbitration Decisions 1946-1982
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) Site
Louisiana Commissioner of Securities
Louisiana Market Conduct Examinations
MA - Code of Massachusetts Regulations
MA - Massachusetts Bulletins & Notices
MA - Massachusetts Register
MA Attorney General Opinions
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Energy Decisions
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MA Housing Appeals Committee
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MA State Net Regulatory Text
MA State Regulation Tracking
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Maine Workers Compensation Decisions
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Manual of Telephone Interpretations
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Massachusetts Civil Service Reporter
Massachusetts Department of Revenue
Administrative Procedures
Massachusetts Department of Revenue Directives
Massachusetts Department of Revenue Letter
Massachusetts Department of Revenue Technical
Information Releases
Massachusetts Division of Administrative Law
Massachusetts Division of Banks Releases
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Massachusetts Market Conduct Examinations
Massachusetts Special Education Reporter
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MD - Maryland Bulletins & Notices
MD - Maryland Register
MD Attorney General Opinions
MD Public Service Commission Decisions
MD Securities Orders, Releases and Letters
MD State Net Regulatory Text
MD State Regulation Tracking
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ME - Maine Bulletins & Notices
ME - Maine Government Register
ME Attorney General Opinions
ME Department of Environmental Protection
ME Department of Pro. and Financial Regulation
and Securities Div.
ME Public Utilities Commission Decisions
ME State Net Regulatory Text
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Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
Merit Systems Protection Board Administrative
Judge Initial Decisions
MI - Michigan Administrative Code
MI - Michigan Bulletins & Notices
MI Attorney General Opinions
MI Environmental Administrative Decisions
MI Public Services Commission Decisions
MI State Net Regulatory Text
MI State Regulation Tracking
MI Workers' Compensation Decisions
Michigan Department of Treasury State Tax
Commission Bulletins
Michigan Employment Relations Commission
Michigan Judicial Ethics Opinions
Michigan Letter Rulings
Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance
Regulations - Securities Decisions
Michigan Revenue Administrative Bulletins
Michigan Tax Tribunal Opinions
Minnesota Department of IPAD Advisory
Mississippi Ethics Opinions
Missouri Commission on Retirement, Removal
and Discipline
Missouri Market Conduct Examinations
MN - Minnesota Bulletins & Notices
MN - Minnesota Register
Page 18
MN - Minnesota Rules Administrative Code
MN Attorney General Opinions
MN Department of Commerce
MN Department of Revenue Fact Sheets
MN Department of Revenue Notices
MN Office of Administrative Hearings
MN Public Utilities Commission Decisions
MN State Net Regulatory Text
MN State Regulation Tracking
MN Workers' Compensation Decisions
MO - Missouri Bulletins & Notices
MO - Missouri Code of State Regulations
MO - Missouri Register
MO Administrative Hearing Commission
MO Attorney General Opinions
MO Public Service Commission Decisions
MO Securities Commission; Opinions and
MO State Net Regulatory Text
MO State Regulation Tracking
MO State Tax Commission Decisions
MO Workers' Compensation Decisions
Montana Child Support Enforcement
Montana Department of Labor and Industry
Montana Legal Ethics Opinions
Montana Office of Public Instruction
Motor Carrier Cases
MS - Code of Mississippi Rules
MS - Mississippi Bulletins & Notices
MS - Mississippi Government Register
MS Attorney General Opinions
MS Department of Environmental Quality
MS Public Service Commission Decisions
MS Secretary of State, Securities Division
MS State Net Regulatory Text
MS State Regulation Tracking
MS Workers' Compensation Decisions
MT - Administrative Rules of Montana
MT - Montana Bulletins & Notices
MT Attorney General Opinions
MT Department of Revenue Rules
MT Public Service Commission Decisions
MT State Auditor's Office, Securities
MT State Net Regulatory Text
MT State Regulation Tracking
MT State Tax Appeal Board Decisions
MT Workers' Compensation Decisions
NAFTA Panel Review Decisions
NAIC Model Laws, Regulations and Guidelines
NASA Board of Contract Appeals Decisions
NASDAQ Rulebook
National Arbitration Forum Domain Name
National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC) Proceedings
National Association of Securities Dealers
(NASD) Manual
National Financial Institutions Sanctions and
Legal Actions
National Labor Relations Board Decisions
National Labor Relations Board General Counsel
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National Mediation Board Decisions
National Reporter on Legal Ethics and
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Native American Solicitor's Opinions
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NC - North Carolina Bulletins & Notices
NC - North Carolina Register
NC Attorney General Opinions
NC Department of the Secretary of State
NC Environmental Administrative Decisions
NC Industrial Commission Decisions
NC State Net Regulatory Text
NC State Regulation Tracking
NC Tax
NC Utilities Commission Decisions
ND - North Dakota Administrative Code
ND - North Dakota Bulletins & Notices
ND Attorney General Opinions
ND Office of Commerce of Securities
ND Public Utility Commission Decisions
ND State Net Regulatory Text
ND State Regulation Tracking
NE - Nebraska Bulletins & Notices
NE - Nebraska Department of Revenue
Regulations and Rulings
NE - Nebraska State Rules & Regulations
NE Attorney General Opinions
NE Public Service Commission Decisions
NE State Net Regulatory Text
NE State Regulation Tracking
NE Workers' Compensation Decisions
Page 19
Nebraska Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee
Nebraska Market Conduct Examinations
Nebraska Securities
New Jersey Public Employment Relations
Commission Decisions
New Mexico Market Conduct Examinations
New Mexico Public Regulation Commission
New York Banking Department Opinion Letters
New York City Bar Assoc Comm on Prof & Judicial
Ethics - Decs
New York City Conflicts of Interest Board Decisions
New York City Corporation Counsel Opinions
New York City Human Rights Commission Decisions
New York Commission on Judicial Conduct Opinions
New York Department of Education Commissioners
New York Insurance General Counsel Opinions
New York Office of Administrative Trials & Hearings
New York Public Employment Relations Board
New York Securities No-Action Letters
New York State Issuers' Allocation Percentages
New York State No-Fault/SUM Arbitration Reporter
New York State Workers' Compensation Board
New York Stock Exchange Arbitration Decisions
New York Stock Exchange Constitution and Rules
New York Stock Exchange Disciplinary Actions
New York Stock Exchange Information Memos
New York Stock Exchange Weekly Bulletin
NH - New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules
NH - New Hampshire Government Register
NH - New Hampshire Insurance Notices and Bulletins
NH Attorney General Opinions
NH Board of Tax and Land Appeals
NH Bureau of Securities Regulation, Department of
NH Department of Environmental Services Decisions
NH Public Utilities Commission Decisions
NH State Net Regulatory Text
NH State Regulation Tracking
NJ - New Jersey Administrative Code
NJ - New Jersey Bulletins & Notices
NJ - New Jersey Register
NJ Attorney General Opinions
NJ Board of Public Utilities Decisions
NJ Civil Service Commission Decisions
NJ Department of Environmental Protection
NJ Department of Law and Public Safety, Bureau of
NJ State Net Regulatory Text
NJ State Regulation Tracking
NJ Workers' Compensation Decisions
NLRB Division of Judges Bench Book
NLRB Guide for Hearing Officers
NLRB Regional Director Decisions
NM - New Mexico Administrative Code
NM - New Mexico Insurance Notices and Bulletins
NM - New Mexico Register
NM Attorney General Opinions
NM Secretary of State Securities Orders, Releases,
and Letters
NM State Net Regulatory Text
NM State Regulation Tracking
North Carolina Market Conduct Examinations
North Dakota Market Conduct Examinations
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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Decisions
NV - Nevada Administrative Regulations
NV - Nevada Bulletins & Notices
NV - Nevada Gaming Commission and State
Gaming Control Board Regulations
NV - Nevada Register of Administrative
NV Attorney General Opinions
NV Public Utilities Commission Decisions
NV Secretary of State, Securities Division
NV State Net Regulatory Text
NV State Regulation Tracking
NY - New York Bulletins & Notices
NY - New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
NY - New York State Register
NY - New York State Tax Materials
NY Attorney General Opinions
NY Department of Environmental Conservation
NY New York City Department of Finance Letter
Rulings, Hearing Decisions, Regs
NY Physicians Discipline Decisions
NY Public Service Commission Decisions
NY State Bar Assoc Comm on Prof Ethics/State
Ethics Comm - Decs
NY State Campaign Finance Receipts
NY State Comptroller's Opinions
NY State Net Regulatory Text
NY State Regulation Tracking
NY Workers' Compensation Decisions, LRP
NYSE Interpretation Handbook
NYSE Listed Company Manual
Page 20
OCC Examiner's Guide to Consumer Compliance
Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission
Administrative Law Judge Decisions
Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission
Office Comptroller Currency Enforcement Decisions
Office Comptroller Currency Interpretative Letters
Office Comptroller Currency Interpretative Letters
Office of Chief Admin. Hearing Officer Immigration
Review Decisions
Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition
Office of Financial Institution Adjudication ALJ
Office of Government Ethics, Advisory Letters, and
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency -
Circulars, Bulletins & Journals
Office of Thrift Supervision - Bulletins, Memos,
Office of Thrift Supervision Director's Decisions
OH - Ohio Administrative Code
OH - Ohio Insurance Notices & Bulletins
OH - The Register of Ohio
OH Attorney General Opinions
OH Board of Tax Appeals Orders
OH Department of Commerce, Division of
Securities; Decisions
OH Environmental Review Appeals Commission
OH Public Utilities Commission Decisions
OH State Net Regulatory Text
OH State Regulation Tracking
OH Workers' Compensation Decisions
Ohio Civil Rights Commission Decisions
Ohio Department of Taxation Information Releases
Ohio Elections Commission Advisory Opinions
Ohio Ethics Commission Opinions
Ohio Market Conduct Examinations
Ohio State Employment Relations Board Decisions
OK - Oklahoma Administrative Code
OK - Oklahoma Bulletins & Notices
OK - Oklahoma Register
OK Attorney General Opinions
OK Corporation Commission Public Utility Decisions
OK Securities Commission; Decisions and
Interpretive Opinions
OK State Net Regulatory Text
OK State Regulation Tracking
OK Tax Commission Orders
Oklahoma Market Conduct Examinations
Opiniones Del Secretario De Justicia De Puerto Rico
Opinions of the Ohio Tax Commissioner
OR - Oregon Administrative Rules
OR - Oregon Bulletin
OR - Oregon Insurance Bulletin & Notices
OR Attorney General Opinions
OR Department of Commerce, Corporate Division
OR Department of Environmental Quality
OR Public Utility Commission Decisions
OR State Net Regulatory Text
OR State Regulation Tracking
OR Workers' Compensation Decisions
Oregon Market Conduct Examinations
PA - Pennsylvania Administrative Code
PA - Pennsylvania Bulletin
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PA Attorney General Opinions
PA Commonwealth Court Tax Decisions
PA Environmental Hearing Board Decisions
PA Office of Open Records Final Determinations
PA Public Utility Commission Decisions
PA Securities Commission Decisions
PA State Net Regulatory Text
PA State Regulation Tracking
PA Workers' Compensation Decisions
Pennsylvania Department of Banking Releases
Pennsylvania Market Conduct Examinations
Pennsylvania Public Employment Decisions
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Opinion
Postal Service Board of Contract Appeals Decisions
Potentially Responsible Parties (PRP) Superfund
Enforcement Tracking System
PR - Reglamentos Administrativos de Puerto Rico
Principles of Federal Appropriations Law (Redbook)
Protocol for Coordination in Merger Investigations
Public Health Reports
Resolution Trust Corp. Complaints
Resolution Trust Corp. Opinions and Decisions
Rhode Island Government Register
Rhode Island Market Conduct Examinations
RI - Code of Rhode Island Rules
RI Attorney General Opinions
RI Department of Business Regulation, Division of
RI Division of Taxation - Decisions
RI Public Utilities Commission Decisions
RI State Net Regulatory Text
RI State Regulation Tracking
SC - South Carolina Bulletins & Notices
SC - South Carolina Code of Laws, Regulations
SC - South Carolina Register
SC - South Carolina Tax Commission Decisions
SC Attorney General Opinions
SC Environmental Administrative Decisions
SC Office of the Secretary of State
SC Public Service Commission Decisions
SC State Net Regulatory Text
SC State Regulation Tracking
SC Workers' Compensation Decisions
SD - South Dakota Administrative Code
SD - South Dakota Bulletins & Notices
SD - South Dakota Register
SD Attorney General Opinions
SD Department of Commerce & Regulation, Division of
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SD Public Service Commission Decisions
SD State Net Regulatory Text
SD State Regulation Tracking
SD Workers' Compensation Decisions
SEC Decisions, Orders & Releases
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SEC No-Action, Exemptive & Interpretive Letters
SEC Staff Comment Letters
Small Business Admin 8a Office of Hearings & Appeals
Small Business Administration Office of Hearings and
Social Security Administration POMS
Social Security Handbook
Social Security Rulings
Society of Maritime Arbitrator Award Decisions
South Carolina Administrative Law Court
South Carolina Procurement Review Panel
South Dakota Market Conduct Examinations
State of Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals
State Personnel Board of the State of California
Supreme Court of Ohio - Board of Commissioners
on Grievances & Discipline
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Ancient Sindh
Anderson Independent-Mail (South Carolina)
Andover Advertiser
Andy McTiernan Property & Economy Bulletin
Anglia Afloat
Angola Press Agency
Animation Xpress
Ann Arbor News (Michigan)
Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi
Medical & Dental College
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AP Planner
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APN Australian Newspapers
Apparel Online
Applied and Environmental Soil Science
Applied Clinical Trials
Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Applied Physics Research
Applied Radiology
AR (Absolute Return + Alpha)
Arab American News, The
Arab Finance
Arab News
Ararat Advertiser & Stawell Times (Fairfax
Arbroath Herald
Architects Journal
Architectural Digest
Architectural Record
Architecture + Design (ProQuest)
Architecture Update
Page 33
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Archives of Pharmacy Practice
Archiwum Rybactwa Polskiego = Archives of
Polish Fisheries
Area Development Site and Facility Planning
Argus Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
Arizona Business Gazette
Arizona Capitol Times
Arizona Daily Star (Tucson)
Arkansas Business proquest
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Arlington Catholic Herald
Armed Forces Journal
Armidale Express (Fairfax)
ARMINFO News Agency
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Army Times
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Australian Financial Review
Australian Government News (Ht Media)
Australian Health Review
Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis
Australian Journal of Communication
Auto Monitor
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Automatic Merchandiser
Automotive Body Repair News
Automotive News
Automotive News Europe
Avon Valley Advocate (Fairfax)
AWP OTS (Original text service) - English
Ayr Advocate
Azer News
Azerbaijan International
Azeri-Press news agency (APA)
B M J: British Medical Journal
B2B Marketing magazine
Back Stage Blog Stage
Back Stage Unscripted
Backstage Cues
Backstage Cuts
Bakhtar News Agency
Bali Times (Indonesia)
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Ballymena Times
Baltic News Service
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Baltimore Business Journal (MD)
Baltimore Guide
Banbury Cake
Banbury Guardian
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Bangor Daily News (Maine)
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BankBazaar.com (Contify Athena)
Banker Middle East
Banking and Credit News
Banking Day News Bites (Australia)
Banking Newslink
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Barossa & Light Herald (fairfax)
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Basingstoke Gazette
Batemans Bay Post (Fairfax)
Bath Chronicle
Batley News
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Baxter Bulletin (Mountain Home, Arkansas)
Bay City Times (Michigan)
Baylor Business Review
Bayside Bulletin (Fairfax Media)
BBC GoodFood Middle East
BBC Monitoring: International Reports
Beacon Hill Times
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Belper News
Bendigo Advertiser (Fairfax Media)
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Berwick Advertiser
Berwickshire News & East Lothian Herald
Better Nutrition
Between the Lines; Livonia
Beverley Guardian
Bexhill Observer
Bharat Chronicle
Bharat Observer
Bhutan Observer
BI Industry Focus
Bicester Advertiser
Big Island Weekly
Biggleswade Chronicle
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Bikya Masr
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Bizcommunity.com (South Africa: Marketing and
Bizcommunity.com (South Africa: Medical)
Bizcommunity.com (South Africa: Other industries)
Bizcommunity.com (South Africa: Retail)
Black Enterprise
Black Masks
Blackmore Vale Magazine
Blacktown Sun (Fairfax)
Blayney Chronicle (Fairfax)
Bloomberg: Political Capital with Al Hunt
Bloomberg: Surveillance Midday
Bloomberg: Surveillance Show
Bloomberg: TV
Bloomberg: Venture
Blue Chip
Blue Mountains Gazette (Fairfax Media)
BMI Americas Automotive Insights
BMI Americas Food and Drink Insights
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Bollywood Country
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Bon Appetit
Bo'ness Journal
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Boorowa News (Fairfax)
Border Chronicle
Borehamwood Times
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Boston Magazine
Boston Standard
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Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Bradford Telegraph and Argus
Braidwood Times (Fairfax)
Braintree and Witham Times
Brand Strategy
Brandweek NRX
Brattleboro Reformer (Vermont)
Bray People
Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity
Breaking News from globeandmail.com
Brentwood Gazette
Brentwood Weekly News
Bridgwater Mercury
Bridgwater Times
Bridlington Free Press
Bridport and Lyme Regis News
Brighouse Echo
Brimbank Weekly (Fairfax Media)
Brisbane News
Brisbane Times
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Buchan Observer
Buckingham and Winslow Advertiser
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Bucks Free Press
Bucks Herald
Bucyrus Telegraph Forum (Ohio)
Buffalo Business First (New York)
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Building Online
Building Operating Management
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Bulgaria Today (IntelliNews)
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Bulgarian Central Bank News
Bulgarian Economic Statistics
Bulgarian Government News
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Bulldog Reporter Business Media
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Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences: Sec. A - Zoology
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
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Bunbury Mail (Fiarfax)
Bureaucracy Today
Burnham & Highbridge Weekly News
Burnham Times
Burnley Express
Burton Mail
Bury Free Press
Bury Times
Business & Finance Magazine
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Buxton Advertiser
BW Confidential
CA Magazine
Cahners Publications
Calgary Herald
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California Energy & Climate Report
California Healthline
California Newswire
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Cambodian Business Review
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Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
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Canadian Operating Room Nursing Journal
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Canterbury Adscene
Canwest News Service
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Capital Times (Madison, WI)
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Carbon Control News
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Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal
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Care Management Journals
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Carluke Gazette
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CEO Wire
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Chapel Hill Herald
Charleston Daily Mail
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Chemical Engineering Progress
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Chillicothe Gazette (Ohio)
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China Business Newswire
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China Daily European Edition
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Elmbridge Guardian
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Elsevier Science Business Journals
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Information News)
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Eastern Europe
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Employers Law
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Energy Intelligence Pubs
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Engineering News-Record
Engineering Review
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Enniscorthy Guardian
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Evening Telegraph
Evening Times (Glasgow)
Evesham Journal
Evidence Based Policy Update
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Executive Digital
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Exmouth Journal
Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy
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FactSet Flashwire
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Falkirk Herald
Falmouth Packet
Family Practice News
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper
Farm Weekly (Fairfax Media)
Farmers Weekly
Farmers Weekly Supplements
Farming Life
Farmington Daily Times (New Mexico)
Farmland Market
FARS News Agency
Fast Casual
Faversham Times
FC Novosti: Review of the Russian Economy
FCNL Washington Newsletter
Page 44
FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire
FDA Week
FDAnews Device Daily Bulletin
FDAnews Drug Daily Bulletin
Federal News Service
Federal NewsFeed
Federal Probation
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Federal Reserve Rules and Regulation Process
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First Draft
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Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
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Foster Natural Gas/Oil Report
Page 45
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Fox News Network
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Frankston Weekly (Fairfax Media)
Free Press Series
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Friday Times (Plus Media Solutions Private Limited
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Gallup, Inc. publications
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Harper's Bazaar (UK)
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Haverhill Echo
Havering Post
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Hawkesbury Gazette (Fairfax Media)
Headline Series
Headlines Today (Contify Athena)
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Healthcare Purchasing News
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HedgeWorld Daily/ Inside Edge
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Hemel Gazette
Hendon Times
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Herne Bay Times
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Incisive Media Publication
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India Business Journal
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Inner West Courier
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Interfax News Agency
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Internal Medicine News
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International Herald Tribune
International Journal
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Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
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International Journal of Spectroscopy
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International Journal of Telemedicine and
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International Labour Review
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Investment Weekly News
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Iqbal Review
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Islamic Finance News
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ITWeb Online
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Page 52
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Northern Weekly (Fairfax Media)
Northside Courier
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Product News Network
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