Notes on Murcott House – compiled by Dr. R.G. Lilly
Conveyance – 1927 for sale of Lady Close to Herbert Phillips
Abstract Deeds of Gas House
Gas House Mill Hill
Notes re House Deeds for 14 Brington Road – Stone Cottage
Legge & Sismey re. Sale of residential properties in the estate of Late Mrs. A.J. Burrows
Note on sale of 16 & 18 High Street
Note on Deeds of 4 and 6 Harbidges Lane
Note on Deeds of Knutsford Hall and 17 High Street
Conveyance for Manor Farm 1915
Particulars of Sale of Grange Farm 1947
Letter re. history of Stone House, 113 East Street
Note on history of The Admiral Rodney Pub pre 1999
Sale of land and house – 30 Holyoake Terrace
Notes on History of The Grange pre 2003
Note on Old Deeds in possession of LB History Society
Photocopy of Sale notice re. dwelling house and land in High Street belonging to Mr. Watson
Housing Survey
Conveyance for Holmfield House, Holmfield Terrace 1954
Newspaper reference to LB farms and farmers
Romaset Cottage
Notes from Abstract of Deeds for Park House, Buckby Wharf
Price List re. Ashmore Park, East Street LB 1983
Handwritten note re. Thomas Eyre’s Will and Probate from Fuller’s deeds
Sale particulars of Properties, land and allotments owned by Edwin Coleman 1908
Plan and location of Listed Buildings
Photocopies of newspaper items re. houses for sale in The Banks – 1972 & building the Library 1971
Details of sale of buildings plots in High Street and West Street 1972
List of Scheduled buildings 1964
Sale notice for house & land – Rockhall House Market Place 1851
Abstract of Title Deed 1902 for 17 High Street
Abstract of Title – Deeds of the Horseshoe public house
Notes on Deeds of 18 King Street
Deeds for LB Sports Club, Station Road 1946
Notes on Deeds for 4 & 6 Harbidges Lane
Great Chequer and Little Chequer
Notes on LB Estate Sales 1861
Long Buckby Village Trail
Drawing of proposed building on site of Cook’s Factory, Station Road 2001
File of notes and drawings of distinctive LB houses as published in LB at the Millennium
Abstract of Indenture of Mortgage for Green Man Inn 1715
Copy of Pesvner’s entry for Long Buckby
Photocopy of Terrier of land in Little North Field, Highway Field, Hoborough Field
U3A walk – April 2015
U3A LB Village Centre Walk –Jan.2008
Village walk – East Haddon Hist. Soc.
Radical Roots
Brington Hist. Soc. walk
Buckby Feast walk – Aug. 2012
History Soc. walk – June 2008
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – LB Then and Now Nov. 1990
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Pub Crawl 1884
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – The Story of Buckby Wharf – Feb. 2005
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – AGM Quiz Then and Now
Wharf Walk – June 2007
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Mud, Money & Music (and Mischief)– Woodford Halse Jan. 2005
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – AGM Quiz 2009
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Victorian Women and Ladies – Staverton Jan. 2007
Buckby Wharf public houses
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – given to Flore
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Who’d be a Woman in a Victorian Village – for National Council of Women March 2004
Notes on presentation to Women’s Rendezvous – Sept. 2005
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Women’s Rendezvous – May 2006
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – A Ride Through Old LB - Women’s Rendezvous – 2002
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Women’s Rendezvous – March 2000
History Society Quiz Rounds and answers – April 2005
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Then and Now - URC March 2005
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Buckby Without – History Society – Nov. 1987
Notes on Powerpoint presentation - Buckby Wharf – Sept. 2002
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Darby and Joan – July 2004
Notes on slides – Shopkeepers
Notes re. Gwen Townsend
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – Local Villages Quiz – Hist Soc. AGM April 2002
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – given to Moulton Hist.Soc – Nov. 2002
Notes on walk round village given to French Twinning Group August 2003
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – given to Visually Impaired group Oct. 2002
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – given to Visually Impaired group March 2003
Questions and answers – How Well do you Know LB picture quiz – Xmas 2001
Notes for Houses talk – Nov. 2001
Notes on Powerpoint presentation – for LB Infant School Centenary 1994
Notes on slide show presentation – for LB Infant School May 1998
Notes on slide show given to “72” Club – 1997
Notes on slide show given to Hist. Soc. – West Side Story – Nov. 1997
Notes on slide show given to WI dinner
Notes on slide show given to Brington Hist. Soc. April 1996
Notes on slide show given to Brington Hist. Soc. Sept. 1985
Notes on slide show at Hist. Soc. AGM Quiz 1987, 1989, 1991, 1995
Parish Council Centenary slides – Dec. 1994
Notes on slide show for Iris Dexter’s talk – Nov. 1994
Notes on Daventry History Day – June 1994
Presentations to Junior School – Nov. 1987, Dec. 1985, Dec. 1989
Notes on slide show to Derby & Joan – April 1991
Notes on slide show to Women’s Rendezvous – Sept. 1992
Notes on slide show to Women’s Rendezvous – Nov. 1990
Notes on slide show to “72” Club – March 1990, Jan 1991
Notes for Footpath walk – Aug. 1982
Slides for Church – May 1992
Notes on slides for Daventry History Day – Apr. 1992
Notes on slide show to Greenhill Court – Feb. 1992
Notes on walk round village for Local History Badge
Notes on slide show to Working Men’s Club – July 1989, January 1989, April 1990
Notes on slide show to History Soc. Nov. 1986
Notes on slide show to “72” Club – Jan. 1979, Nov. 1983Feb. 1988 and Sept. 1985
Notes on presentation to Welton re. History Soc. – March 1988
Notes on slide show to – Mothers’ Union – February 1986
History Soc.Talk notes – April 1984
Notes on slide show to Holdenby WI – January 1981
Notes re. Buckby and the Black Death
Notes on Hist. Soc. walk – Aug. 1980
Notes on talk on Select Vestry 1826-1835
Notes on Parish 1815 – 1850
Notes on Pip (Clifton’s) Evening 1981 & 1982
Walk round village – , Aug. 1979, Aug 1981
Talk to Hist. Soc. Dec. 1979
Notes on features of Mrs. Frost’s Scrapbook 1953
A Hundred Years Ago
AGM Quiz 2009
Baptist Quiz
Bunting Talk
Christmas Quiz 2008
Darby & Joan Talk 2011
Emigrants Talk
L & B Then & Now & Now 2015
Long Buckby & World War 1
Pub Crawl Presentation 2
When We Were Young
Woodford Walk
(Under Documents)
D & J Talk 2010
100 Years ago
Grave Information
Shoe Town Talk – Final
Shoe Town & Comm talk 2010 (2 versions)
Then and Now
Unruly Neighbour 2013
Who’d be a Woman in a Victorian Village?
Woodford Talk
File of various maps of Long Buckby prior to the Buckby Meadows and other Station Road development in 2017/8
File of Long Buckby parish maps
File of small areas of village
Safer Routes to Schools location map from Atkins
File of maps of Long Buckby Wharf
Enclosure, Furlongs etc.
1884 and 1900 Ordnance Survey extracts and complete map (1
series SP66) of Long Buckby and Northampton and Long
Buckby (Pathfinder Series SP66/76)
Discovering Parish Boundaries – Angus Winchester
File of maps giving field names, along with personal notes on history of Farms and Lodges through the ages
Notes on street names and why they have those names
Note on Development of Long Buckby with roads in existence in medieval Buckby & map LB before 1766
Long Buckby and Watford – Medieval settlements and estates
“Bridges” Notes on Long Buckby collected in 1718 & in Bodlean Library
Note on 1976/7 survey of fields
Long Buckby – geological notes
Field Systems and Township Structure – David Hall
Extracts from The Open Fields of Northamptonshire – David Hall
Wikipedia entry Feb. 2014 on Watford Gap
The Communications of Watford Gap – J.H. Appleton
Map of Deserted village of Murcott & settlement remains at Long Buckby
Inclosure Act 1765 – notes for Long Buckby and Watford
The Northampton County Magazine – In Two Hundred Years Changes in a Northamptonshire Road
The Nene and its Branches
Roads and Tracks of Britain – Christopher Taylor London 1974
Notes on Turnpikes
Map of Walks around Long Buckby in the 20’s & 30’s
Map of settlements in Long Buckby and Watford
Notes on Evidence of Early Settlement in Long Buckby, Murcott and Watford
Rules for Working the Open Field System
Long Buckby Taxpayers in Henry VIII’s lay Subsidy 1525-6
Summary of Duchy of Lancaster Survey of the Manor in 1591
Survey of the Manor of Long Buckby 1591
Names of Long Buckby Streets – 1884
Local Deserted Villages
Summary of Past and Present Relevant Articles
The River System of Northamptonshire
Copy of Map of Buckby with field names
A History of Long Buckby re. early Manor
Buckby Meadows Street Names
Roads and Tracks of Britain – Christopher Taylor London
Lakeside Estate – Road Names
Address names from Infant School Admissions Register
Names of Long Buckby Streets
Handwritten notes of Long Buckby Street and Road Names
Notes on looking for references on Field Names from Day School 1981
Classification of English Field Names – John Field 1978
Terriers and Field Names – mainly handwritten notes with details of evidence.
Terriers of Land attached to Conveyances of 17
and early 18
Long Buckby Heath Walks
Originals of maps for 4 village walks – designed and written up by Phil Davis
Walk 1 – The Village Edge
Walk 2 – Vanderplanks and Picnic Spinney
Walk 3 – The Wharf and Murcott
Walk 4 – Whilton and Whilton Mill
Copies of Countryside Walks Long Buckby – designed and written by Phil Davis
Long Buckby Parish Footpath Survey – Autumn 1987
Letters and documents relating to Phil Davis’ time as Parish Footpath Warden 1995 – 2009
Ordnance Survey map of Long Buckby first series
Original Enclosure Act receipt from Thos. Clarke 1776 (found in drawer)
Long Buckby Inclosure Award – Provision of Roads, Paths etc.
Map of pre inclosure landholding
Long Buckby 1901 Census – map showing birthplace of villagers in Northamptonshire
Copy of 1910 letter from G Miller to Mr. Underwood re. providing bathing place
1989 press cutting re 300 new homes
History and Site of Village – paper from John Irons 1962
Long Buckby – Geological notes by Bert Brown
Common Lands – explanation of terminology
Long Buckby Castle with drawn plot map (2)
Trial Excavation of the West Bailey of Ring Motte and Bailey at Long Buckby (1956)
Long Buckby map of field names
Partial map of field names by Rye Hill Farm
Laminated maps - showing areas of Long Buckby before 1766
Ownership of fields bordering Watford/West Haddon
Centre of Long Buckby – no date
Entire length of Long Buckby – no date
Long Buckby Farms in 1940’s
Article from Roads and Tracks of Britain – Christopher Taylor London 1979
Article from Archaeological Sites of NW Northants.
Typed details from The Quality Book for Long Buckby 1765
Long Buckby Inclosure Boundaries
Typed article “A Road by Any Other Name ….”
Note on cinema in Long Buckby at Co-op Hall
Notes on Long Buckby cinemas’ programme for The Morals of Marcus
Photocopy of programme
Hill’s Theatre – Variety at Long Buckby
Photocopy of receipts for Long Buckby Church Institute
Photocopy of Daventry Weekly Express article on Backbone of Scouts – Al Bruce and Marion Harris
Notes by Marshall Facer on LB Scouts
1907 press cuttings of LB Cricket Club
1950 press cuttings of Rugby side loss
Photocopies of Long Buckby Temperance Prize Band admission tickets and programmes
Prize Bands of 1893
Prize Bands of 1896
Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 1897 – Joyce Sharp
Programme for Silver Jubilee celebrations 1935
Press Cutting of Long Buckby’s celebration of Coronation of Edward VII 1902
History of Phipps Brewery
Copy of ticket for 16
Annual Sunday School trip to North Wales 1903
1903 Catalogue for Poultry, Chickens and Eggs bred by Herbert Phillips
Long Buckby Young Ringers
Long Buckby Tennis Tournament – The First 100 Years
Long Buckby Cricket Club 1948 Programme
Long Buckby Floral and Horticultural Society programme – August 1968
Northamptonshire Land Conference – Liberal Song Sheet 1926
Boxing in Long Buckby
Press cutting re C.E.T.S. meeting
Past and Present piece on Long Buckby Brass Band
Ken Bailey’s Thoughts on Dancing as a Pastime at Long Buckby during 20
LB Sports Field Committee’s approval of lease for Scout Pavillion 1972
Long Buckby Bands’ rivalry 1941
Old Kings Head Tree Planting press cutting & planters 1963 - 2013
Selection of photocopies of letters and press articles relating to wartime Long Buckby and repositioning war memorial
Local History Society’s leaflet celebrating VE Day in Long Buckby + press cuttings
First World War – records of Northants. County Appeals Tribunal (and Daventry
The Women’s Land Army – Members’ Leaflet and Uniform leaflet
Marion Gilbert’s Wartime Memories (Stanley Unwin’s eldest daughter)
Long Buckby in World War I – an account of lives and deaths of some of the many LB men who served in the war
Mention in Despatches of the Ship Montcale
Defence Regulations – Cultivation of Lands Order 1939 for Long Buckby
Commonwealth War Graves Commission entries for Harry Bishop and George William Maycock
Welcome back from War poster relating to George William Tebbitt June 20 1901 (photocopy)
Only Birds and Fools Fly – photocopy of press cutting of Freddie Raynham’s flight and landing in Long Buckby 1913
Copy of Professional Engineering’s article on Commercial Flight lands at Long Buckby
List of Buckby Photographs of Can Boats
Copy of William E. Berry’s License to drive May 1926
Handwritten list of dates and details relating to Northampton to Rugby Branch-line for LNWR + copy of article
Schedule and Map “A Bill to make a Railway from London to Birmingham 1833”
LMS train Fares 1932
Article from A History of Railways in Northamptonshire’s – re. Northampton Loop
Notes from Railways of Northants. By David Blagrove
Article on Long Buckby Train Crash 1966 by Phil Davis
Long Buckby Motors Bus service timetable August 1931
Rural Transport Needs Survey 2002
Mike Hill’s notes on Hill climb at Long Lane in 1922
The Daventry Branch – by Stanley Jenkins
The History of Long Buckby Station – by Paul Whiffin 2006
Long Buckby Station – by Paul Whiffin 2008
Article on Long Buckby Station by Paul Whiffin 2009
Photocopies of press cuttings relating to Buckby station
Midland Red bus service timetable – Rugby to Long Buckby
Torn leaflet about Sunday School outing to Llandudno in August 1903
Information re. Blue Boar café at Watford Gap
Parish Roads – copy of form to Tender for Haulage of Materials 1895
Photocopy of L & NWR Society Journal June 2009
Handwritten note on Turnpikes from 1738 – 1877
A child’s life on a working boat – collection of memories put together by Phil Davis
Extracts from Long Buckby Parish Council Minutes 1894-1901
Local Government and Elections – variety of documents including Holmfield Terrace/Hog Lane dispute
Lords of the Manor 1932 press cutting
Draft of article by Phil Davis on history of Long Buckby
Various items relating to the Coronation Pole
The Buckby Fire of 1814
Article re. LB Women’s Liberal Association 1894-1913
Politics 1886 – from Emily Jane Tebbitt’s Diary
Lock-up on Market Place demolished 1974
Poverty and Constables accounts (pre 1832)
Friendly Societies and self help
Labourers and Allotments – Ron Greenall
Radicalism and Chartism in Long Buckby 1881
Copy of Conveyance for Sale of Land by Church to LB Parish Council for use as parish cemetery (1951)
Highways Rate Levy Long Buckby 1796
Walks in my Study – Inoculation for Smallpox – reference to Long Buckby
Northampton Mercury article on Buckby Feast 1908
Northampton Mercury article on Co-op Bakehouse and new houses at Holyoake Terrace – 1904
Northampton Mercury article on LB Rates Strike over Roads & other items 1925
Bush Money Accounts Book 1854-1867 extracts
The Long Buckby Directory
Prospectus of the Long Buckby Shoe Manufactory Limited 1867
Long Buckby Local History Notes – Boot and Shoemakers
Press cuttings from 1950’s regarding local shoemaking
Item from Mrs. Frost’s Scapbook 1953 re local shoemaking
Table showing the emergence of footwear specialisms 1841-1901
Analysis from 1841 Census of LB Shoemakers
George York and son – e-mail extract
Long Buckby shoe manufacturers 1854-1903
Shoemakers in Northamptonshire 1762-1911
National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives 1912
The History of Boot and Shoemaking at Long Buckby
Additional Information on Shoemaking in 19
Century Buckby
Buildings of the Boot and Shoe Industry – showing 57 East Street Long Buckby
Shoemaking Reminiscences from Derick Gautrey, Peter Nichols, Derek Bent, Joy Clues, William & Sydney Hefford
Revival of Long Buckby Market – 1828
Long Buckby Local History Notes – Gas Works and notes on its history
Coal Tar from Long Buckby – Beryl Williams
The £2,000 Buggy – Daily Mail press cutting 2007
Wheels of Fortune – Financial Times Magazine 2003
About Frank Palmer – Baker
Windmills of Northamptonshire and various Long Buckby Mills
Walks in My Study – Pin-making
Charles A Hobbs – Tailor and Breeches Maker 1925
Shops in Buckby – Iris Dexter’s memory
Brewed in Northants. By Mike Brown 2013
A note on a forgotten Northamptonshire Industry – Woolcomber
Some Northamptonshire Brickworks – Richard O’Rourke & note to Jim Jelley re Thompsons bricks
Phil Davis’ Dissertation section regarding Factories
Picture and Insurance Cert. for George Clarke Long Buckby 8 day longcase clock
Charities in Parish of Long Buckby – The Poors Land and Doles, Robins’ Dole,, Wadsworth’s Dole, Freemans Charities
Declaration of Trust – Parish Council to provide a Village Hall 1976
Long Buckby is Becoming a Deserted Village - Press cutting 1934
Charity Commission and William Joseph Haynes – governing document 1967
Notes on 1693 Deed for the Watts Lands to Buckby
Poors Land, Long Buckby – points on draft lease
Mr. Robin’s Charity on Gilberts Land 24 March 1648 – Northants. Records Office copy
History of New Recreation Committee by Robin Lock 2009
Copy of Trust Deed with Committee of Management of LB Children’s Recreation Ground 1967
Trust document appointing trustees of the Sports Organisations in Long Buckby 1989
Cricket Field Trust Deed 1946
Will of William Joseph Haynes 1950
Trust Deeds and other documents relating to The Poors Land, United Charities & setting up Cotton End Park 2008
Oral Tradition – the Recital of Family History – Joseph Timms
Order of Memorial Service for Marian Harris d. 2009
Order of Memorial Service for Anne Croston d. 2010
Press cutting of Karl Browne died aged 11 in bus accident
Note by Phil Davis re. Charlotte Payne d. 1979
Note by Phil Davis re George Fall d.1917
Anne Owen-Smith’s childhood memories of Long Buckby
Press cutting 1947 re Mr. J. Cooper
Press Cutting re. death of Dr. F. Churchouse 1927
Press Cutting re. death of Mr. A. Beddard 1984
Press Cutting re. Mrs. Mitchell’s 90
Press Cutting re. Mrs. Sarah Coleman
Press Cutting re coach incident with LB Darby & Joan Club 1983
Pres Cutting re Dr. Death 1985
Press Cutting re. death of General Sir Frederick Horn(e) – Buckby Hall 1895
Press Cutting re. deaths of Josiah Packer and Mr. Clark Eyre and 1924
Press cutting re. Joseph Swann (aged 14) 1909
Press cutting re. death of Dr. E. A. Cox
Copy of William Joseph Haynes’ Will 1950
David Owen Norris – biography 2006
Press cutting – Shocking Occurrence at a well at Long Buckby – 3 men asphyxiated - 1905
Property of Deceased William Bannister of Bay Tree House 1930
Press cutting re. death of Richard Hobbs 1905
Press cutting - Paki-Package with Mick Hill from Daventry Weekly Express November 1970
Cutting from The Northampton County Magazine 1930 re. naming Virginia USA
Press Cutting - Beauty and the Beast – re. Charlotte Kerrell 1979
The Oral Tradition: One family’s tale. New Society 1963
Press cutting – Dr. Death goes on the run from prison – May 1985
Press cutting – Macrea’s Crime & Execution of Macrea – 1892
Press Cutting – Shocking Suicide of a Northamptonshire Gentleman – Mr. J.A. Craven 1893
Long Buckby Childhood and Reflections - Talk by Iris Dexter to LB Local History Society 1994
School Memories by Iris Dexter
Infant School Memories – Mrs. Elsie Groves
Yates Crest and Coat of Arms as at east window of St. Lawrence Church
Memories of unknown evacuee
Handwritten notes of things noted during transcription of 1881 Census
Handwritten notes re Worster family
Handwritten notes re. Charlie Butlin
1991 Census Profile for Long Buckby
Parish Population 2001
Paper relating to family of William Brown – The Boat, East Street, Long Buckby
Press cutting – William Fisk of Rose Cottage, King Street
Press Cutting re. Oscas Rabin’s Offer at Long Buckby
Press cutting re The Village of Wit and Generosity – Mrs.Frost’s Scapbook 1968
Handwritten note - Visit of Jack and Betty Dowsett 1998
Village website guestbook entry re. Ken Jeffery’s memories of Dr. Atkinson and Albert & Margorie Amos
Handwritten village interview – Ronald W. Tomalin
Typescript of Elizabeth Brennecke’s interview of memories of her life in Long Buckby
Typescript of Elizabeth Brennecke’s interview of memories of William Hefford
A number of Press cuttings of events and people of Long Buckby (some are repeats)
George Ernest Clifton as remembered by his daughter Margaret Rumsey
Schooling in Long Buckby – Research paper by Jenny Pollard
Education and Self Improvement – School Boards 1871-95, Passive Resistance to the 1902 Education Act etc
Two line drawings of the Infant School
Long Buckby Infant School Headteachers 1874-2018
Long Buckby Schools Teaching staff - 1974
Long Buckby Infant School staff lists 1924 -2001
Buckby Schools 1818 – Digest of Returns
Margaret Clifton’s report from Northampton High School 1923
Long Buckby Distribution of Prizes at the Board Schools
Account of Opening of the Long Buckby Board School 1874
Page 1 of indenture sale of estate in Litchborough for schools in Bilton & Long Buckby by Mr. Andrew Mieres 1808
Report by HM Inspectors on Long Buckby Primary School 1952
Infant School Memories – Elsie Groves
School Memories - Iris Dexter
Long Buckby Parish Paper 1968
The Architectural Vicissitudes of the Church of St. Lawrence Long Buckby – Graham Lilly
Long Buckby Parish Council – Access to the Cemetery 2006
Parish Church Seating Plan 1777
St. Lawrence Churchyard Layout – Lois Johnston
Ron Greenall’s 1970 Lecture – Religion in Long Buckby & Religion Census of 1851 etc.
Handwritten notes on Jeremiah Smith, Rev. Charles Yate, Arthur Oswel James
Photocopy of 1901 note on Buckby Wharf Church
Note on Opening of Long Buckby Wharf Mission Church
Press cutting re Dilemma of a Vicar – possible closure of Wharf Church
Study Notes on the Parish Church of St. Lawrence – basis of two talks to LB Loal History Society 1982 & 1983
Photocopy of the front cover of LB Parish Magazine Oct. 1884
Copy of letter from Hazel Yates Jones re Yates Crest in East Window of Church
Putting the Record Straight – Barbara Fuller’s note re. site of St. Gregory’s Church, Long Buckby
The Vicarage, Long Buckby – Anne White’s notes 2012
Restoration of the Parish Church of Long Buckby – 1862
Handwritten sheets of ? Church Vicars 1838-1940
What the Vicar told the Royal Commission into Employment of Women & Children in Agriculture in Long Buckby 1867
Long Buckby School Boards 1871-95
Mutual Improvement and Working People after 1848 in Long Buckby
Long Buckby Congregational Church – a brief Historical Sketch 1701-1957 by Leslie S. Ivory
Long Buckby School Boards 1871-95
Mutual Improvement and Working People after 1848 in Long Buckby
Press cutting - Congregational Chapel – new windows 1927
Press cutting - Temperance Meetings 1921
Long Buckby United Reformed Church – Project by Stephen Godwin
Long Buckby Baptist Church – An Old Church Book
The Baptists - ?Ron Greenall’s lecture notes
Baptist Centenary Year Book 1946
Baptist Church Ministers pre 1900
Copy of letter belonging to Jennifer Thompson from James Haynes 1837 & Jennifer’s note re. Churches – James Haynes
The Parish Church of St. Lawrence, Long Buckby – two leaflets by F.M.L. Parker 1981
Memorials of the Independent Church at Long Buckby ? Thomas Coleman
Antiquarian Memoranda 1901 – Church and Dissent in 1676 & Rev. Henry Capern
Copy of Northants Nonconformist & Long Buckby Records 1904
Photocopy of The Northampton County Magazine letter re Long Buckby Rose
Conveyance The Rev. M.S. Mostyn Robinson – 1951
Copy of Declaration of Mr. Henry Savory 1924
Note o Thomas Caleb Hughes
Effects of Chartism on Church and Chapel in mid Victorian Buckby
Report of the District Visitation to Long Buckby URC 1989
Note from Northants and Rutland Clergy of Wills witnessed by priests etc. 1519-65
Section of Parish Magazine 1986
Copy of p1 of Langton Freeman’s Will dated 1782 & handwritten notes main points
Copy of handwritten notes on Langton Freeman
Langton Freeman’s entry in Northamptonshire and Rutland Clergy
Copy of village website enquiry re Presbyterian Chapel 2011
Copy of vicarage entry in 1911 Census transcription
Handwritten notes re Compton Census of 1676 and births and baptisms 1867-1937
Press cutting – Call to save a church in peril of crumbling away – United Reformed Church
Photocopy Long Buckby Young Ringers, Commencement and Discharge
Wikipedia entry re. Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
A Centenary Record – East Haddon Independent Church 1811-1911
Christianity in Northamptonshire & The Beginnings of Organised Dissent
Handwritten note about Rev. Thomas Ruston 1838-1916 Minister of LB Congregational Church
The Pattern of Rural Dissent: the 19
Century by Alan Everitt
Compton Census 1676
Andrew Parminter – 18
C Minister of the Gospel – Leslie Ivory’s notes
The Memorials of the Independent Churches in Northants. – Thomas Coleman 1853
Copy of original document held at Records Office 1835 (unsure what it is about!)
The Vicarage entry for 1871 census
Press cutting from Daventry Weekly Express re. Evangelical Free Church 1981
Typed notes on the start of the Roman Catholic Church in Long Buckby 1974
The Gifts – The Story of St. Joseph’s Church Long Buckby
History of St. Joseph’s Church in Long Buckby by P.O. O’Keeffe 1995
Copy of note on Antiomianism
Copy of village website enquiry 2014 re. Little Bethel
National Archives entry of Long Buckby Baptist Church
British Listed Buildings entry re. Church of St Lawrence 1968
Long Buckby Church Monthly Magazine 1894
Long Buckby Congregational Church – Leslie S. Ivory & copy of photos of Ministers
Photocopy of Invitation to POW show
Floor Plan of Schoolroom ? St. Lawrence Church
Press cutting from Daily Express re. epitaph for Long Buckby grave
List of Subscriptions – not sure what for or date
Wharf Church – extract from Northampton Mercury 1901
St. Gregory’s Church entry 1537
Long Buckby Baptist Church poster celebrating 150 years – 1996
Phil Davis’ dissertation entry Commerce and Industry at Buckby Wharf
E-mail 2009 re. Spotted Cow, New Inn & Toll House
Note re. William Castell
Richard Worster – Plan of Property 1868
Picture of the Semlar family outside The Wharf Church
1884 & 1886 copy of Wharf Church services
1901 request for funds for electric light & heating in church
1902 Wharf Church Bazaar details
1903 Wharf Church Tea and Vestry Meeting
19967 Buckby Wharf – details of public meetings re. future of church
“The Flight” 2003 – article How The Gentry sought a station at the Wharf
From Narrow Board by L.T.C. Rolt 1944 – The Grand Union Canal
Timothy Finn’s article on The Annual Ritual of Falling in the Canal – talking to Henry Grantham
Copies of press cuttings from Waterways World 1978 – Buckby Can Shop Closes & 1913 article LB Oldest Baptist dies
Press cutting 1967 Buckby Canal Veteran dies
Copies of 1938/9 Buckby Wharf Women’s and Girls’ Club balance sheet
Handwritten notes re. British Legion
Handwritten notes re Medical/Dental/Pharmaceutical
Notes on W.I. Scrapbook 1965
Copy of Defence Regulations Cultivation of Lands Order 1939
Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 relating to Elm Lodge Farm 1909
Photocopy of letter from Dr. Watson to Dr. Cox 1858
Copy of 1723 Inventory of Goods and Chattels and Personal Estate of Edward Robinson
Copy of map of Medieval Markets in Northamptonshire 1086-1205 and 1251-1350
Copy of The origins of Northamptonshire People 1933 from The Northampton County Magazine
Copy of Janet Ellis’ relation’s letter 1829 (marked not Buckby)
Drawn illustration of Beadle’s Staff’s inscription 1832
Handwritten recipe for Buckby Feast Pudding – from ?Joan Hall
A Childhood in Old Long Buckby – typewritten note with no date or author’s name
Long Buckby History – Miscellaneous Notes and References (2)
A Hundred Years Ago – Long Buckby in the 1880’s
Long Buckby Local History Notes – Mrs. Frost’s Scrapbook 1953
Long Buckby Local History Notes – notes from Country Life in Northamptonshire from the turn of the century
Long Buckby – Notes on the History of LB made during discussion with Harold Clifton
Extract from the will of William Facer of West Haddon Wool-comber 1757
Handwritten note – English Reports – King’s Bench 1805 – by K.J. Hall 1990
Lists for the following years showing Date, Page, Col. No. Contents of Article etc.
1858, 1863.1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1887, 1889
1891, handwritten note re 1894, 1902, handwritten note re 1720, 1780, 1762/3, 1766, 1832
Handwritten note re. articles in Northampton Mercury index for 1878, 1898, 1904, 1925
21. CO-OP
Long Buckby Self-Assistance Industrial Society Limited – Receipted bills from May 1936
Photocopy press cutting of Long Buckby Industrial Society Limited opening in new premises – undated
Notes on Long Buckby Self Assistance Industrial Society and the building erected by the Society in the High St./Church St.
Notes re. Co-op Minutes
1977 Epitome of Title
Val Muscutt’s handwritten note re. Co-op
Tea towel from Rochdale Pioneers Museum
Motor Insurance Policy with Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd. For Phil Davis and Morris 1100 Saloon 1968
Copy of Mr. A. Shatford’s membership cert.
Handwritten note from Northampton Mercury 1908 re Managers
Copy of Rochdale Pioneers’ Equitable Society
Copy of Cinema Bookings 1939 & copy of poster for The Morals of Marcus
Photocopy of Conveyance between Long Buckby Self Assistance Industrial Society Ltd. and Frank Packer 1906
Library Service – Family History and Heritage 2015
Handwritten note on Past and Present Articles – 1964 - 1999
Northamptonshire Past and Present Index
Handwritten notes on Documents to be found in Northampton Record Office
Entries in the Place Name Index at Northampton Record Office under Long Buckby
Entries in the Daventry Collection Index at Northampton Record Office under Long Buckby
Long Buckby History – List of references to the Village – Suggestions from David Hall
Catalogue of Photographs, Prints and Engravings at Northampton Record Office under Long Buckby
Northampton Museum – entries under Long Buckby in Index
Northampton Central Library – Photographs and Illustrations of Long Buckby
Northampton Record Office references to Long Buckby (Place Names)
Deposits from St. Lawrence Church into N.R.O. 1978
Northampton Record Office - Long Buckby Items in Map Catalogue
Northampton Record Office - Long Buckby Deed References
Northants. Past and Present – Articles of Interest 1948-1972
Public Record Office – Duchy of Lancaster references
The English Strand of the UK Archives Network – N.R.O & Warwickshire County Record Office references
Gloucester Waterways photos relating to L.B.
Phil Davis’ Dissertation references 2004
Photocopy of Pride of the Midlands – Walker & Soames Brewers Long Buckby
Photo identification display – names and places needing identification
Miscellaneous and poor quality
Photos for cataloguing
Several black and white photos (without descriptions or names)
Copies – Streets and Buildings (without descriptions or names)
People Modern (mainly with descriptions or names)
Village Modern (a few with descriptions or names)
Village businesses (mainly with descriptions and dates)
Old Photos – not Buckby
W. Clarke clock and face
Unknown and names from war memorial
People for cataloguing
Copies of people (without descriptions or names)
Display photos (without descriptions)
Old black and white photos named for cataloguing/scanning
2 - FILE 2 – HISTORY PAPERS – Articles, Presentations and Comments regarding Long Buckby
Wheels of Fortune – Maclaren pushchair – from Financial Times Magazine 2003
A 70- Year Celebration for Long Buckby WI – press cutting from Daventry Express April 1992
Northampton Past and Present item by Wimersley Bush
Copy of 1759 Land Tax Return
Victorian Buckby – paper by Phil Davis
Region Focus item on Long Buckby by Phil Davis in Property Matters 2003
Wendy Raybould’s 1862 item relating to Charles Coleman’s death from typhoid
Ernie Mitchell’s African Travels 1928
A History of Long Buckby (possibly put together by Ernie Mitchell)
Northamptonshire Past and Present – A Troublesome Guardianship in the 18
Phil Davis’ notes to Angela Pates on Women at Work and final script 1998
Copy of handwritten notes on Long Buckby – Research by Winifred Wilson (wife of Harold J. Wilson – Draper) before 1962
Article on Nora O’Keefe - Northants. Village Guide 2003
William Wadsworth’s Will – copy dated 1695
Joan Hall’s Memoirs 1992
Country Life in Northants from the turn of the century – memoirs of Arthur Wareing a L.B. Carrier’s son
Notes on 2003 talk given to LB Local History Society by Angela Pates on Leisure – Victorian Style
Long Buckby 1900-1929 – Talk given by Ian Dexter 2000 from his mother Iris’ point of view (2)
Photocopy of Editorial of item Long Buckby Boys School 1915 publication (poor quality)
Finding a Role – the Long Buckby Women’s Liberal Association 1894-1913 by Jennifer R. Thompson
Memories of a Childhood in Long Buckby – by Marshall Facer for his Grandchildren
Transcripts of Local History Interviews 1989/90 with Elderly Residents (19 individuals)
3 - FILE 3 – 1871 CENSUS etc.
1871 Long Buckby Census Enumeration District No. 2 – Including a Surname Index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1871 Long Buckby Census Enumeration District No. 3 – Including a Surname Index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1871 Long Buckby Census Enumeration District No. 4 – Including a Surname Index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1777 Northants. Militia List for Long Buckby (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1795-1837 Baptisms for Long Buckby “Independent” including d.o.b. & surname index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1813-1874 Baptisms for Long Buckby including a surname index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1874-1894 Baptisms for Long Buckby including a surname index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1894-1922 Baptisms for Long Buckby including a surname index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1922-1954 Baptisms for Long Buckby including a surname index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1876-1898 Marriages for Long Buckby Baptist Chapel & 1899-1937 with surname index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1875-1914 Burials for Long Buckby Baptist Chapel including surname index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1847 List of Members for Long Buckby Baptist Chapel with date of Baptism & surname index (compiled by Mr. S. Amos)
1881 Census – Residents of Union Workhouse, Daventry
(Possibly used for Phil Davis’ M.A. course at Leicester University)
Blaze at Buckby – Wool-combing
John Bridges’ article on Long Buckby
Working Lives Long Buckby
Shoemakers in Northamptonshire 1762-1911 – Victor Hatley
Prospectus of the Long Buckby Shoe Manufactory Ltd. 1867
Tales of Whittlebury Forest 1-5
Northants. Past and Present – Building Materials used in Northants.
V.C.H. Northamptonshire (1906) Industries – Introduction, Quarries, Mining, Forestry, Bell Founding, Pipe-making, Leather
The Royal Forests of Northamptonshire 1558-1714 - Philip Pettit
The Woodland Landscape of Southern Northamptonshire – David Hall
Woods and Woodland Management The Bailiwick of Rockingham 1700-1840
Northants. Past and Present 1975 – The Rise of Industrial Kettering – Ron Greenall
Royal Commission n Historical Monuments – Archaeological Sites in NW Northants 1981
A mid- seventeenth century Scheme for Navigation on the River Nene – H.J.K.Jenkins
Ships at Peterborough, Efforts to Create an Inland Port – H.J.K Jenkins
Northants. Past and Present – The Development of Corby – Before 1918
Northants. Past and Present – The Kettering Worsted Industry of the 18
Local History and National History - C. Pythian Adams
Various copies of maps of Northamptonshire & villages
The Northamptonshire Area – Ironstone Quarries of Northants. – Eric Tonks
Northants. Past and Present – Small Stone Houses in Northamptonshire – M. Seabourne 1963
Economic History Review – 19
C scandal or 20
C model? A new look at “open” and “close” Parishes – Sarah Banks
Economic History Review – Proto-Industrialization: A Concept too Many – D.C. Coleman
Migration in a Mature Economy – Dudley Baines (Leics. University Library)
Northants. Past and Present – The Impact of Pauper Settlement 1691-1834 – James Taylor
Midland History – The coming of Coal: Industrial Development in a South Shropshire Parish – G. Nair & D. Poyner
Three Essays on the Population & Economy of the Midlands – J.D. Chambers
Economic History Review – Evidences of Industrial Growth on Some 15
C Manors – E.M.Carus-Wilson
Economic History Review - The Poor Employment Act of 1817 M.W. Flinn
The History Journal – Proto-Industrialization? Cottage Industry, Social Change and Industrial Revolution
Journal of Economic History 1972 Proto-Industrialization : The 1
Phase of the Industrialization Process
English Rural Communities – 9. Rural Depopulation in 19
C England
Colonisation as a Factor in the Planting of Towns in NW England – J.D. Marshall
Men on the Land and Men in the Countryside: Employment in Agriculture in early 19
C England – E.A. Wrigley
The Northampton Shoemakers’ Reaction to Industrialisation: Some Thoughts – Keith Brooker
Northants. Past and Present – The Kettering Worsted Industry in the 18
A Bit on Products (quality etc.) from P. Mounfield
Daventry Boot and Shoe Manufacturers 1830-1928
Industrial Landscapes in the East Midlands – Leather and Rural Crafts – Marilyn Palmer
Northants. Past and Present – Politics and Society in Late Victorian Northants.
Annals of the Labouring Poor – enclosure and employment – Keith Snell
Social Relation – The Poor Law
Northants. Past and Present – Parliamentary Enclosure in Northants: Processes and Procedures – J.W Anscomb
Northants. Past and Present – Political Shoemakers
When was the Industrial Revolution in the Eat Midlands? J.V. Beckett & J.E. Heath
Northants. Past and Present – - The Poor in Rothwell 1750-1840
Northants. Past and Present – The Northamptonshire Crop Returns for 1801
Pitt’s Northamptonshire – Natural Economy – View of Agriculture of Northants. 1818
Northants. V.C.H. 1906 – Misc. Industries – Gloves, Whips and others
Northants. V.C.H. 1906 –Industries – Boots and Shoes
5 - FILE 5 - WORKERS EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION – Course-notes from Ron Greenall’s Long Buckby History Course
Many different notes on various aspects of the village’s history through the ages – most of which are incorporated in files under
their different subjects headings
6 - FILE 6 – DISSERTATION PAPERS – Articles Working Papers Notes for Books etc.
Census Analyses etc. (including Wharf) – mainly handwritten analyses of several Census returns
Lists of L.B. Residents – land tax etc. and working papers – and a few handwritten analyses
Long Buckby Politics – notes and working papers
Wendy Raybould’s papers on wool etc.
Rural Life in Victorian England – handwritten notes
Religion and Society in a Cotswold Vale – handwritten notes
Pattern of Rural Dissent – the 19
Century – handwritten notes
Family Formation in an Age of Nascent Capitalism – handwritten notes
Footwear workers – Age Differences 1841 and 1871
1841 Census Long Buckby Shoemakers
Shoe-workers and Population 19
Family Structures 1841 and 1871
Household sizes 1841 & 1871
Notes from Ron Greenall’s course notes itemised in following sections:
Government and Politics
Phil Davis’ notes – Press cuttings, Northampton Record Office Daventry Collection, Note from Vestry Minutes 1826-1944,
Destruction of the Warren and Lodge Inclosures 1656
Workers’ Educational Association’s notes from:
Technology of the English Country House 1994 (Geoffrey Starmer)
Working Lives course1999 (Geoffrey Starmer)
Big Issues course 2000 (Diana Evans)
Wendy Raybould’s notes – WEA Making of the British Landscape 1989
A variety of other photocopied historical documents – probably not related to WEA courses and possibly duplicated elsewhere
A History of Northamptonshire – WEA course by R. L. Greenall 1979-80
Abstract of Answers and Returns for Northamptonshire villages relating to 1831 Census
The Population of a Northamptonshire Village in 1851 – a Census Study of Long Buckby – A.G. Blay
Long Buckby Baptisms and Burials in 18
Baptist Burials since 1944
Plans of Churchyards names on computer (see also Phil’s History file - Churchyard Names List.xls)
Population 1720-1911 (handwritten note)
Signatories to Warren Enclosure 1656
Terriers of Land attached to Conveyances of 17
and early 18
Long Buckby Wills (Photocopies at Long Buckby Library)
Assessment for Long Buckby for the year 1711 made after a rate of 4/- in £
Allotment Holders – Enclosure 1765/6
House Dwellers in Long Buckby 1792
Long Buckby Land Tax Assessment 1759
Long Buckby Tax Assessment 1798, 1815
1815 Land Tax Schedule
1818 Land Tax
Poll Book 1831
Electoral Register 1833/4
Long Buckby Poor Law Rate Assessment Book 1841
Militia Lists. – 1771, 1777
Woolworkers 1771/4/7
Woolworkers – Marriage Licence Bonds
An Assessment for the Necessary Relief of the Poor for Long Buckby 1841
Photocopy of pages from Pigot’s Directory 1830
Photocopy of Long Buckby entry from Kelly’s Directory 1847, 1854, 1864, 1869, 1877, 1885, 1894, 1898, 1906, 1914, 1920,
1924, 1940
Photocopy of Long Buckby entry from Welland’s Directory 1849?
Photocopy of Long Buckby entry from Mercer & Crocker’s Directory 1870
Photocopy of Long Buckby entry from Wright’s Directory 1884
Photocopy of Long Buckby entry from Steven’s Directory 1889, 1893
Residents of Union Workhouse, Daventry from 1881 Census
Register of Electors 1910, 1949
List of Long Buckby Householders in 1964 (published in Daventry Weekly Express)
Nicknames of Long Buckby Residents – recalled by Eleanor Newitt 1983
Photocopy of Crown Rents Owed 1664 (Original owned by Richard Tebbitt)
Photocopy of Welcoming Home Certificate for George William Tebbitt – June 1901
Long Buckby Building Date Stones 1690-1850
10 – FILE 10 – ENQUIRIES AND RESPONSES 1983 – 2004
Many different enquiries and responses (many via e-mail or village website enquiry) with surname of person being enquired
about written at top
Many different enquiries and responses (many via e-mail or village website enquiry) with surname of person being enquired
about written at top.
Clifton Family
Keith Newitt’s Family (2 files)
Newitt II
Lines Family and Emigration
Will of William Wadsworth the Elder
George Sabin
Hickman Family
Robins Family
George Fall and family (2 files)
Blincow Family
Obituaries – various
Mason Family
Holyoake Terrace – Occupants (as remembered by Addie Rodhouse and Iris Dexter in 1989)
Granger/Bateman Families
Darlow Family
Muddiman Family
Bunting Family – Buckby references in 18/19
Century Records
Dowsett Family
Freeman/Hanwell Families
Bandey Family
Joseph Ward & Joseph Bannister – founders of Long Buckby Co-op and Rev. G.Crossley
Death notices of Austin Beddard, John Sharpe and building on The Banks
Herbert Phillips’ Story
Taylors – from People at Home 1968
Mr. E. Mitchell – death notice 1943
Blencowe Families
Groves/Tomalin Families
Hanwell/Freeman/Vanderplank/Perkins Relationship
Cox Family – photocopies of obituaries etc.
Northants. County Council Annual Report 1935 – Long Buckby’s entry
Listed buildings – 1986
e-mail response re. 37 High Street
Heritage Asset Survey of Holly House
Station Road – 20
Century dates (2)
Sale notice of Main Street and High Street lots for sale/rent
Sale notice for Sibley House, land and other accommodation – September 1945
Ashmore Farm – extract of lease 1938
Civil Parish of Long Buckby – details of important properties and churches in the village
History notes on Date Stones on village buildings
Pumps and Wells
Notice of Clearance Order 1937 to Mrs. N. Coles re. West Street dwellings, Long Buckby
Long Buckby Buildings
Natural Building Materials – Long Buckby
Notes on the history of The Grange, Long Buckby
Plan of Property in Long Buckby belonging to Richard Worster 1868
Sale notice for Lodge Farm 1995
Many different sheets (mainly handwritten) of History Society’s building survey carried out in 1982
Note on visit to village houses undertaken with Brian Giggins 1980
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings Domesday Survey of Barnes 1986
Handwritten notes on Grange Farm – owned by Peter Spokes
Long Buckby Public Houses
1894 pages of Church Magazine with business advertisements
Notes on the History of Long Buckby Businesses made during discussion with Harold Clifton
NatWest Long Buckby Branch
Notes on Chemists in Long Buckby
Eales and Roberts – Coal merchants
Notcutt’s Northampton Budget entry for Long Buckby
Charlotte Payne – Slaughterer
Director of Long Buckby Pubs
The Old King’s Heads – publicans
Frank Palmer – Baker
W.F. Ward – Hairdressing and Tobacconist & pages of Church Magazine with business advertisements
Bob Clarke’s retail business – Brington Road
Mr. Tebbitt of Murcott
Handwritten notes (by Phil Davis) on Miscellaneous businesses through the ages
Brewing at Long Buckby – handwritten notes covering 1762 onwards
Introduction from Book on Brewing in Northants. (Local Collection) and Long Buckby entry
Businesses Early 19
Working Lives: Long Buckby – Malting and Brewing
Working Lives: Long Buckby – Farming
Working Lives: Long Buckby - Occupations from 1841 -1891 Census Returns
Working Lives: Long Buckby – Bakers and confectioners
Working Lives: Long Buckby – Workers in Metals
Working Lives: Long Buckby – Milling: Water-Mills
Working Lives: Long Buckby – Brick-making in and near Long Buckby
Working Lives: Long Buckby - - Workers in Wood
Working Lives: Long Buckby – Leather Trades
The Clarke Family of Long Buckby – Clock and Watchmakers and Bakers
Letterheads from variety of businesses in Long Buckby
Photocopies of various receipts and bills etc. from local businesses (10 different files)
Tomalin’s Factory, Church Street
Lever Family of Pinmakers
Wool combing (2)
History of Boot and Shoemaking at Long Buckby
Rise and Fall of the Boot and Shoe Industry of Long Buckby – Louise Green
The Pattern of Rural Dissent: the 19
Century – Alan Everitt 1972
Wheels of Fortune – John Gapper’s article on Maclaren Buggies
The Oddfellows – Compiled by RLG 2009
The History of 75 East Street – Rhian Holvey
Northamptonshire Street Games 1980
A 19
Century Welsh Cattle Dealer in Northamptonshire – Past and Present 1974
Long Buckby Workhouse
Ernest Mitchell’s Recollections of West and South Africa 1917-1919
Death of Eliza Gardner in 1840 – notes from History Society Meeting November 1989
Holyoake Terrace –notes by Kath Hall 1990
Article re. Alfred Collis of Murcott b. 1865
Long Buckby and Watford Gap – note by Phil Davis 1980
Natural Building Materials in Long Buckby – note by Phil Davis1980
The Admiral Rodney Public House – History Society notes 1999
The Diary of Emily Jane Tebbitt – 1864-1892
The Village of Mud, Money and Music …. – note by Phil Davis
Region Focus – Long Buckby (from Property Matters) 2003
Transcript of Interview with Elizabeth Brennecke 2010
Growing up in a Northamptonshire Village from 1915
William Mitchell’s Memories of Long Buckby (written to Jenny Pollard 2000)
Country Life in Northamptonshire from the turn of the Century – Memoirs of a Long Buckby Carrier’s Son – Arthur Wareing
Living in Villages Past, Present and Future (including article on Long Buckby)
Photocopy of Mercury and Herald October 1969 – Long Buckby events and people
Article on Walter Green from “Independent” May 1983
Turning the Spotlight on Long Buckby – from Daventry Weekly Express 1987
Folk Lore of Long Buckby introduced by Lady Henley of Watford Court 1936?
John Fall’s copy of his father’s (Victor George Fall) 1968 diary
Committee Minutes, Agendas, summary of accounts, membership lists and day to day correspondence relating to the History
Society Committee from 1986 through to 2012.
18 – FILE 18 – LONG BUCKBY LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY – Origins, Constitution and Museum
Conservation Report and Recommendations Long Buckby Museum 2011
Photocopy of draft Constitution
Items for sale and price obtained for LB History Society Grand Auction 2004
Press Release re. Opening of Village Museum
Copy of Lease for Long Buckby Museum between Parish Council, Community Centre and Local History Society
LB Community History Project – Policy Documents
Copy of plans from Community Centre to Museum
LB Community History Project – Estimate of Expenditure and Income
Detailed Financial breakdown
Long Buckby Community History Project Background and Aims
Long Buckby Community History Project – Request to William Joseph Haynes Trust for Support
Village Museum – Thoughts on the Way Forward
Your Heritage Application Form Notes and breakdown of figures and cashflow
Click Systems Delivery note 2004
Estimates for Floor Covering and Archival Materials
List of Contents of Boxes held at Long Buckby Museum
Handwritten note on Origins of History Society
Typed version of Long Buckby Local History Society as it reaches 40
AGM Minutes 17 April 2013 & Accounts
Long Buckby History 1700-2000 - ? Chapters and sources for a book on the village
MDA Copyright Essentials
WNDC Stronger Communities Fund Application Form
Long Buckby Local History Society Constitution
The Buckby Hub – Community Internet Café – proposal
Draft programme of events and letters to speakers etc. 2010/2011
Register of Electors 16 February 1985 to 15 February 1986
Register of Electors 16 February 1986 to 15 February 1987
Register of Electors 16 February 1988 to 15 February 1989
Register of Electors 16 February 1998 to 15 February 1999
Register of Electors 16 February 1999 to 15 February 2000 (2)
Restricted Register of Electors 2003 from 1 December 2002
Daventry Constituency Polling District Registration Unit – Long Buckby - October 1976
Daventry Constituency Polling District Registration Unit – Long Buckby - October 1977
Daventry Constituency Polling District Registration Unit – Long Buckby - October 1978
Daventry Constituency Polling District Registration Unit – Long Buckby - October 1979
Daventry Constituency Polling District Registration Unit – Long Buckby - October 1982
Daventry Constituency Polling District Registration Unit – Long Buckby - October 1983
Daventry Constituency Polling District Registration Unit – Long Buckby - February 1997
Daventry Constituency Polling District Registration Unit – Long Buckby - October 2001
Points Relating to the Proposed Development of Long Buckby
Daventry District Local Plan - undated
Census 1981 Small Area Statistics
Census 1991 Small Area Statistics
Handwritten map and notes on occupants of East Street, Cotton End & High Street, Market Place, Church Street, West Street
(undated – possibly 1980’s)
Handwritten note on occupants of Lakeside, Pytchley estates and Long Buckby Roads 1976
Various notes on Facts and Figures relating to development of Long Buckby
Photocopies from Robert Tebbitt’s Farm Book for 1798
20 – FILE 20 – CENSUS RETURNS FOR 1841, 1901
1841 Long Buckby Census – Photocopies of original returns
1901 Long Buckby Census – Photocopies of original returns
Draft copy of typed 1901 Long Buckby Census in Alphabetical Order
22 – FILE 22 1851 CENSUS
1851 Long Buckby Census – Photocopy of original Enumerator Returns
1851 Long Buckby Census – Typewritten sheets in Schedule order
21 – FILE 21 - 1891 & 1911 CENSUS
Photocopies of original enumerator sheets (1891
Handwritten breakdown of Shops and Businesses with sources for Long Buckby in 1890’s
Handwritten note from Directories of Business Owners
Neighbourhood Statistics for Long Buckby from 2001 Census and comparison with 1911 Census
1911 Census – Typed Schedules 2, 3 & 4 with corrected copy of print out
Envelope of photos showing roads in need of repair 2008
Tickets to History Society’s Jubilee Dinner and Entertainment 2002
Variety of negatives
Images of Church
Envelope of random uncatalogued photos
Photo of band to be returned to Mrs. Mitchell!
Railway – old photos
Photos from Joyce (and Ron Greenall) of Church choir and Buckby at Campden
Darby and Joan Outing to Eastbourne 1986
Photos of Herbert Phillips and his rabbits
Survey of Cob Walls in LB (and report of findings) by Heather Bird 2005
Monday Lunch Club participants – small photo album
Photos and negatives of people and places with links to LB from US, Australia etc
Responses to Parish Council Questionnaire on Village Growth – date unknown
Photos of foundation stone of History Society Museum being laid +Newspaper delivery receipts from Cross and Harrison
Photos of History Society Floats and of Committee Members
Three Zip Discs of Final Text etc. of Long Buckby at the Millennium
Millennium Project 1 – box of 10 discs
Millennium Project 2 – Box of 10 discs
Poor quality Photos from Jack Hobbs of Pumpkin Show, Carnival, Schools
Selection of History Society Annual Programmes of events
N.C.C. Know Your Councillor and Corporate Management Team
Discs of Long Buckby Wills (Amstrad files)
Censuses 1841 and 1901
Variety of slides of Long Buckby places and events from late 1970’2 early 1980’s
Various slides for sorting
Spare slides – unsorted (2)
Slides ”Need Identifying”
Slides – Long Buckby Local History Society
Slides for cataloguing
Old Spares etc. for sorting – People/Streets/Buildings
More History slides for sorting + 1 unmarked
AGM Quiz 2002 slides
Infant School slides of school events
Letterheads and field views
“Member” stamp
Celebration of Marriage of Prince Charles to Diana held at 6 West Street (Jack and Dorothy Hobbs)
White wooden box of random photos of Buckby people and events (mainly identified and some dated)
Four audio tapes (3 unmarked, 1 of Stanley Unwin and Jack Maycock
Foil milk bottle tops from Les Hales
Draft map of Registered Common Land and Open Country 2003
Countryside Walks Long Buckby – footpath map of village streets, footpaths and illustrated points of interest by Phil Davis
Various maps of village – different scales and purposes
Photocopy of some pages of Long Buckby Church Book 1760 (2)
Envelope containing original documents and letters regarding Manorial Rights 1849-1936
Photocopies of Long Buckby Self Assistance Industrial Society’s Abstract of Title 1914 & Conveyance 1914
Photo negatives from 1980’sand WI 90
Anniversary Celebrations CD
Waitrose bag - 27 original Wills/Deeds from Long Buckby properties from 17
and 18
centuries (writing difficult to decipher)*
Beatties bag - 24 original Wills/Deeds from Long Buckby properties from 17
and 18
centuries (writing difficult to decipher)*
*Should these be given to the Records Office for appropriate storage?
Long Buckby Local History Society Programmes over the years
Long Buckby Local History Society finance documents (closed)
Long Buckby Local History Society miscellaneous items relating to finance 1977 – 1987
Ridge and Furrow – items from Northants. County Council
Long Buckby Wills – Original papers of copies of wills, etc.
Photos of Tennis Tournament (dates not given)
Photo competition winners (date not given)
Displays re Newitt’s Forge
1891 Census – Photocopies of originals
Long Buckby Local History Society – VE Day in Long Buckby
Long Buckby Local History Society – Museum Project