Endpoint Security - Market
Quadrant 2021
Radicati Market Quadrant
is copyrighted November 2021 by The Radicati Group, Inc.
This report has been licensed for distribution. Only licensee may post/distribute. Vendors and
products depicted in Radicati Market Quadrants
should not be considered an endorsement,
but rather a measure of The Radicati Group’s opinion, based on product reviews, primary
research studies, vendor interviews, historical data, and other metrics. The Radicati Group
intends its Market Quadrants to be one of many information sources that readers use to form
opinions and make decisions. Radicati Market Quadrants
are time sensitive, designed to
depict the landscape of a particular market at a given point in time. The Radicati Group
disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. The Radicati
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The Radicati Group, Inc.
An Analysis of the Market for
Endpoint Security Revealing
Top Players, Trail Blazers,
Specialists and Mature Players.
November 2021
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 2
RADICATI MARKET QUADRANTS EXPLAINED ............................................................................... 3
MARKET SEGMENTATION ENDPOINT SECURITY ........................................................................ 5
EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................................................................................. 7
MARKET QUADRANT ENDPOINT SECURITY ............................................................................. 11
KEY MARKET QUADRANT TRENDS ...................................................................................................... 12
ENDPOINT SECURITY - VENDOR ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 12
TOP PLAYERS ..................................................................................................................................... 12
TRAIL BLAZERS ................................................................................................................................... 31
SPECIALISTS ....................................................................................................................................... 42
This report has been licensed for distribution. Only licensee may post/distribute.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you wish to purchase a license.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 3
Radicati Market Quadrants are designed to illustrate how individual vendors fit within specific
technology markets at any given point in time. All Radicati Market Quadrants are composed of
four sections, as shown in the example quadrant (Figure 1).
1. Top Players – These are the current market leaders with products that offer, both
breadth and depth of functionality, as well as possess a solid vision for the future. Top
Players shape the market with their technology and strategic vision. Vendors don’t
become Top Players overnight. Most of the companies in this quadrant were first
Specialists or Trail Blazers (some were both). As companies reach this stage, they must
fight complacency and continue to innovate.
2. Trail Blazers – These vendors offer advanced, best of breed technology, in some areas of
their solutions, but don’t necessarily have all the features and functionality that would
position them as Top Players. Trail Blazers, however, have the potential for “disrupting”
the market with new technology or new delivery models. In time, these vendors are most
likely to grow into Top Players.
3. Specialists – This group is made up of two types of companies:
a. Emerging players that are new to the industry and still have to develop some
aspects of their solutions. These companies are still developing their strategy and
b. Established vendors that offer very good solutions for their customer base, and
have a loyal customer base that is totally satisfied with the functionality they are
4. Mature Players – These vendors are large, established vendors that may offer strong
features and functionality, but have slowed down innovation and are no longer
considered “movers and shakers” in this market as they once were.
a. In some cases, this is by design. If a vendor has made a strategic decision to move
in a new direction, they may choose to slow development on existing products.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 4
b. In other cases, a vendor may simply have become complacent and be out-
developed by hungrier, more innovative Trail Blazers or Top Players.
c. Companies in this stage will either find new life, reviving their R&D efforts and
move back into the Top Players segment, or else they slowly fade away as legacy
Figure 1, below, shows a sample Radicati Market Quadrant. As a vendor continues to develop its
product solutions adding features and functionality, it will move vertically along the “y”
functionality axis.
The horizontal “x” strategic vision axis reflects a vendor’s understanding of the market and their
strategic direction plans. It is common for vendors to move in the quadrant, as their products
evolve and market needs change.
Figure 1: Sample Radicati Market Quadrant
We include vendors based on the number of customer inquiries we receive throughout the year.
We normally try to cap the number of vendors we include to about 10-12 vendors. Sometimes,
however, in highly crowded markets we need to include a larger number of vendors.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 5
This edition of Radicati Market Quadrants
covers the “Endpoint Security” segment of the
Security Market, which is defined as follows:
Endpoint Security – are appliances, software, cloud services, and hybrid solutions that
help to secure and manage endpoints for business organizations of all sizes. Endpoint
security solutions must be able to prevent, detect, block and remediate all threats to the
endpoint. Often these solutions also combine deep forensic capabilities, and managed
services for threat hunting and neutralization. Leading vendors in this market, include:
Acronis, Bitdefender, BlackBerry, Cisco, CrowdStrike, Cybereason, ESET, F-Secure,
Kaspersky, McAfee, Microsoft, OpenText, SentinelOne, Sophos, Symantec, Trend Micro,
VMware, and WatchGuard.
Vendors in this market often target both consumer and business customers. However, this
report deals only with solutions aimed at businesses, ranging from SMBs to very large
organizations. Government organizations are considered “business/corporate organizations”
for the purposes of this report.
The line between traditional and next generation endpoint solutions no longer exists as nearly
all vendors offer behavior-oriented solutions which include endpoint detection and response
(EDR) or extended detection and response (XDR), sandboxing, advanced persistent threat
(APT) protection, managed detection and response (MDR), and more.
Organizations no longer view endpoint security as an isolated discipline affecting only the
endpoint but as an integral part of an organization-wide defense posture, where endpoint
security shares threat intelligence feeds and policy controls with all other major security
components, including firewalls, secure web gateways, secure email gateways, data loss
prevention (DLP), and more.
The endpoint security market continues to experience very strong growth as organizations of
all sizes deploy increasingly sophisticated and feature-rich solutions to help protect against
all threats and malicious attacks. The Endpoint Security market is expected to surpass $9.4
billion in 2021, and grow to over $19.8 billion by 2025. Figure 1, shows the projected
revenue growth from 2021 to 2025.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 6
Figure 2: Endpoint Security Market Revenue Forecast, 2021-2025
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Endpoint Security - Revenue Forecast, 2021-2025
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 7
Vendors are positioned in the quadrant according to two criteria: Functionality and Strategic
Functionality is assessed based on the breadth and depth of features of each vendor’s solution.
All features and functionality do not necessarily have to be the vendor’s own original
technology, but they should be integrated and available for deployment when the solution is
Strategic Vision refers to the vendor’s strategic direction, which comprises: a thorough
understanding of customer needs, ability to deliver through attractive pricing and channel
models, solid customer support, and strong on-going innovation.
Vendors in the Endpoint Security space are evaluated according to the following key features and
Deployment Options – availability of the solution in different form factors, such as on-
premises, appliance and/or virtual appliance, cloud-based services, or hybrid.
Platform Support – the range of computing platforms supported, e.g. Windows, macOS,
Linux, iOS, Android, and others.
Malware detection – is usually based on signature files, reputation filtering (proactive
blocking of malware based on its behavior, and a subsequent assigned reputation score), and
proprietary heuristics. The typical set up usually includes multiple filters, one or more best-
of-breed signature-based engines as well as the vendor’s own proprietary technology.
Malware engines are typically updated multiple times a day. Malware can include spyware,
viruses, worms, rootkits, and much more.
Antivirus Removal Tools – serve to uninstall previously used security software on a user’s
machine. Running multiple security solutions on one device can cause conflicts on the
endpoints, which can result in downtime.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 8
Directory integration – can be obtained via Active Directory or a variety of other protocols,
such as LDAP. By integrating with a corporate directory, organizations can more easily
manage and enforce user policies.
Firewall – functionality typically comes with most endpoint security solutions, and offers a
more granular approach to network protection, such as blocking a unique IP address.
Intrusion prevention systems are also commonly included as a feature in firewalls. Intrusion
detection and prevention systems protect against incoming attacks on a network.
URL Filtering – enables organizations to manage and control the websites their employees
are allowed to visit. Solutions can block particular websites, or define categories of websites
(e.g. gambling) to block, as well as integrate with sandboxing and or threat intelligence feeds
to detect and stop malicious URLs.
Third Party Patch Assessment – is a common feature included in many endpoint security
solutions. It serves to inventory software on protected endpoints to determine if any of the
software on the endpoint is out-of-date. It is meant to alert administrators about important
software updates that have not yet been deployed.
Third Party Patch remediation – lets administrators deploy a missing software update
discovered during the patch assessment phase. It should be possible for administrators to
deploy software updates directly from the management console.
Reporting – lets administrators view activity that happens on the network. Endpoint Security
solutions should offer real-time interactive reports on user activity. Summary views to give
an overall view of the state of the network should also be available. Most solutions allow
organizations to run reports for events that occurred over the past 12 months, as well as to
archive event logs for longer-term access.
Web and Email Security – features enable organizations to block malware that originates
from web browsing or emails with malicious intent. These features are compatible with
applications for web and email, such as browsers, email clients, and others. These features
also help block blended attacks that often arrive via email or web browsing.
Device control – allows control on the use of devices on endpoints, such as USB drives,
CD/DVDS, and more. Some solutions provide only basic binary control policies (i.e.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 9
allow/disallow), while others allow more granular controls, e.g. blocking a device by user, or
group of users, and more.
Encryption – support for full-disk encryption (FDE) to lock an entire drive, or file-based
encryption to lock specific files.
Network access control (NAC) – lets administrators block network access to certain
endpoints for various reasons. It is commonly used to bar new endpoints from joining the
network that have yet to deploy the organization’s security policies.
Mobile device protection – many endpoint security vendors integrate some form of mobile
protection into their endpoint solutions. Some endpoint security vendors offer mobile
protection through separate add-ons for Mobile Device Management (MDM) or Enterprise
Mobility Management (EMM).
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) – allows organizations to define policies to prevent loss of
sensitive electronic information. There is a range of DLP capabilities that vendors offer in
their solutions, ranging from simple keyword-based detection to more sophisticated Content-
Aware DLP functionality.
Administration – should provide easy, single pane-of-glass management across all users and
resources. Many vendors still offer separate management interfaces for their on-premises and
cloud deployments. As more organizations choose a hybrid deployment model, an integrated
management experience that functions across on-premises and cloud is required.
Sandboxing – does the solution include sandboxing capabilities or integrate with a third-
party sandboxing solution for pre- or post-execution malware detection.
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) – endpoint protection solutions should integrate with
APT solutions for real-time threat correlation across the entire customer environment.
EDR/XDR – endpoint protection solutions should include Endpoint Detection and Response
(EDR) or Extended Detection and Response (XDR) solutions or integrate with third party
EDR/XDR solutions.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 10
Managed Detection and Response (MDR) – managed services which allow organizations to
outsource their security services for 24/7 threat detection, response and remediation.
In addition, for all vendors we consider the following aspects:
Pricing – what is the pricing model for their solution, is it easy to understand and allows
customers to budget properly for the solution, as well as is it in line with the level of
functionality being offered, and does it represent a “good value”.
Customer Support – is customer support adequate and in line with customer needs and
response requirements.
Professional Services – does the vendor provide the right level of professional services for
planning, design and deployment, either through their own internal teams, or through
Note: On occasion, we may place a vendor in the Top Player or Trail Blazer category even if
they are missing one or more features listed above, if we feel that some other aspect(s) of their
solution is particularly unique and innovative.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 11
Figure 3: Endpoint Security Market Quadrant, 2021
Radicati Market Quadrant
is copyrighted November 2021 by The Radicati Group, Inc. This report
has been licensed for distribution. Only licensee may post/distribute.Vendors and products depicted in
Radicati Market Quadrants
should not be considered an endorsement, but rather a measure of The
Radicati Group’s opinion, based on product reviews, primary research studies, vendor interviews,
historical data, and other metrics. The Radicati Group intends its Market Quadrants to be one of
many information sources that readers use to form opinions and make decisions. Radicati Market
are time sensitive, designed to depict the landscape of a particular market at a given
point in time. The Radicati Group disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of such
information. The Radicati Group shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the
information contained herein or for interpretations thereof.
Strategic Vision
Radicati Market Quadrant
Top Players
Mature Players
Trail Blazers
Trend Micro
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 12
The Top Players in the Endpoint Security market are Cisco, Symantec, Kaspersky,
Bitdefender, and ESET.
The Trail Blazers quadrant includes Cybereason, OpenText, and Acronis.
The Specialists in this market are Sophos, McAfee, SentinelOne, F-Secure, WatchGuard,
Microsoft, TrendMicro, BlackBerry, CrowdStrike, and VMware Carbon Black.
There are no Mature Players in this market at this time.
170 West Tasman Dr.
San Jose, CA 95134
Cisco is a leading vendor of Internet communication and security technology. Cisco’s security
solutions are powered by the Cisco Talos Intelligence Group (Talos), made up of leading threat
researchers. Cisco is publicly traded.
Cisco Secure Endpoint (formerly Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints) is a cloud-
based endpoint security solution designed to detect, prevent, and remediate advanced threats in a
single agent. It provides a holistic view of servers and endpoints running Windows, Mac,
Android, Apple iOS, Linux, as well as virtual systems. It is available through a public or on-
premise private cloud deployment model. Secure Endpoint comprises the following key
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 13
o Threat Prevention – is provided through layered security capabilities which include file
reputation, traditional anti-virus, cloud-based sandboxing, file-less in-memory exploit
prevention, system process protection, ransomware protection and dynamic behavior-based
protection. Cisco Secure Endpoint can automatically detect and block known and emerging
threats through real time technologies that include: behavior analysis, big data analytics,
machine-learning, signatures and fuzzy fingerprinting. An agent-based capability for offline
and realtime behavior analysis protects against malicious use of dual use tools like
powershell for launching living-of-the-land attacks. Malicious verdicts from the detonation
of unknown files in the sandbox are automatically added to the file reputation in the Cisco’s
collective threat intelligence cloud. File analysis reports provide detailed behavioral
indicators of compromise with mappings applicable to the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
Cisco Talos further augments threat intelligence dynamically through the cloud or content
updates to the various engines.
o Threat Detection – Secure Endpoint provides continuous monitoring and detection of files
already on endpoints to help identify malicious behavior and decrease time to detection.
Cloud based machine learning and cross layer static analysis are also used to scale malware
detection. For instance, if malicious file behavior is detected, the file is automatically blocked
across all endpoints and the Cisco Secure Ecosystem of security control points, and security
teams are provided with a recorded history of the malware’s behavior and trajectory.
Additionally, SecureX, built-in to Secure Endpoint across all offer tiers, helps accelerate
incident investigations through automatic context enrichment and allows customers to
leverage Cisco incident management playbooks, as well as create their own automated
o Threat Response – Secure Endpoint provides a suite of response capabilities to contain and
eliminate threats across all endpoints. Automated Actions allow administrators to configure
event triggered automated responses such as capturing forensic snapshots, endpoint isolation
and other incident triage actions. Administrators can search across endpoints using a web-
browser based management console using OpenIOC queries for known indicators of
compromise and/or more advanced live searches of endpoint telemetry built on top of
osquery. Native integration between Cisco Secure Endpoint and Duo also allow customers to
automatically prevent compromised endpoints from being used as trusted devices for multi-
factor authentication. In addition, SecureX provides threat context enrichment and extends
response capabilities by allowing customers to configure or use Cisco curated workflows to
automate response actions across the entire security infrastructure.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 14
o Email and Web security – all file disposition and dynamic analysis information is shared
across the Cisco Secure Ecosystem via collective intelligence. If a file is determined to be
malicious via Cisco Secure Email or Web Appliance, that information is shared across all
Cisco Secure platforms. Native integration between Secure Endpoint and the Cisco Secure
Ecosystem provides global outbreak control, threat context enrichment and global trajectory
view of malware ingress across key attack vectors. SecureX orchestration enables to
streamline Cisco curated or customer configured workflows between Secure Email and
Secure Endpoint for automated cross layer investigation and response actions.
o Firewall – Secure Endpoint integrates with Cisco Secure Firewall. All detection information
is sent to the Cisco Secure Firewall management platform and can be used to correlate
against other network threat activity. Cisco Firewall and Cisco Identity Services Engine
(ISE) can be tightly integrated, which allows Secure Endpoint events to trigger policy
responses and enforcement in ISE. Secure Endpoint’s built-in SecureX incident manager and
orchestration provide programable automation workflows that allow orchestration for
extended detection and response.
o Patch Assessment – Secure Endpoint uses a feature called Vulnerable Software that identifies
if the installed software is up to date according to the vendor, or if the installed version has
an exploitable vulnerability. SecureX orchestration further provides a repository of
(extensible) sample automations that customers leverage to hunt for and confirm critical
vulnerabilities in the environment and automatically generate tickets on third party ticketing
solutions via API to streamline remediation and/or isolate the host.
o Reporting – Secure Endpoint offers static, dynamic, and historical reports. These include
reporting on high-risk computers, overall security health, including vulnerable software and
virus definition update status, threat root cause activity tracking, identification of various
APTs, Advanced Malware assessments, and mobile-specific root cause analysis.
o Management – Secure Endpoint comes with its own management console with the SecureX
platform built-in to deliver XDR outcomes with packaged integrations across multiple third
party solutions and the Cisco Secure portfolio, including the Cisco Secure Firewall.
o Integrations – Secure Endpoint has an API and built-in XDR platform for custom
integrations, and packaged integrations with SIEM/SOAR/MDM tools as well as third party
Intelligence sources, operational tools and visibility and protection solutions for enhanced
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 15
threat context enrichment and streamlined ITOps and SecOps use cases for endpoint security
and extended detection and response across Cisco and third party solutions.
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client offers VPN access through Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL), endpoint posture enforcement and integration with Cisco Secure Web Appliance. It
assists with the deployment of Secure Endpoint, and expands endpoint threat protection to VPN-
enabled endpoints, as well as other Cisco AnyConnect services.
Cisco offers a broad security portfolio, which encompasses threat intelligence, heuristics,
behavioral analysis and sandboxing. Cisco has also integrated unified access security and
multi-factor authentication capabilities from its Duo Security acquisition.
Cisco Secure Endpoint delivers Endpoint Protection and Endpoint Detection and Response
capabilities in a single agent.
Built-in to Cisco Secure Endpoint, the Cisco SecureX platform delivers threat response with
automatic threat context enrichment and unified threat response capabilities across the Cisco
Secure Ecosystem, including Endpoints, Network, Email, DNS, and more.
Cisco Secure Endpoint offers rich native integrations to Cisco Firewall, Secure Email ,
Umbrella DNS Security other Cisco security solutions to provide network edge to endpoint
Cisco offers APIs for their endpoint solutions (as well as Secure Malware Analytics and
Cisco Umbrella solutions) to integrate with a customer’s existing security architecture, as
well as other security tools or SIEMs.
Customers report that Secure Endpoint is easy to use, and highly efficient in dealing with
prevention and remediation.
While Cisco Secure Endpoint can automatically disable Microsoft Defender, it does not
provide features to help uninstall other previously installed third party security software.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 16
While Cisco Secure Endpoint offers third party software patch assessment, it does not offer
third party patch software remediation. However, it does integrate with third party ticketing
systems to automatically raise tickets for patch remediation.
Cisco Secure Endpoint does not provide its own content-aware DLP functionality, however it
integrates with Digital Guardian through Secure Malware Defense.
Secure Endpoint does not offer native full-disk encryption (FDE), SecureX device insights
however provide customers with visibility into the status of the endpoint’s underlying
operating system encryption capabilities.
While Cisco Secure Endpoint can be deployed independently of other Cisco security
solutions, it’s full strength and rich functionality is best leveraged when deployed in
conjunction with other Cisco security solutions.
1320 Ridder Park Drive
San Jose, CA 95131
Symantec (a division of Broadcom Software) offers a wide range of security solutions for
enterprises. Symantec operates one of the largest civilian cyber intelligence networks, allowing it
to see and protect against the most advanced threats. Symantec is an operating division of
Broadcom. Broadcom is publicly traded.
Symantec Endpoint Security solutions are powered by the Symantec Global Intelligence
Network that offers real-time updates to prevent attacks, stop breaches, and mitigate risk.
Symantec offers the following endpoint protection solutions:
Symantec Endpoint Security Complete – supports on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options
for deployment and management. It delivers artificial intelligence-guided security
management by combining multiple technologies to address threats across the entire attack
chain. Protections begin with Symantec Endpoint Protection which delivers: malware
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 17
protection, advanced machine learning, behavioral analysis, reputation filtering, exploit and
intrusion prevention, deception, mail security, web security, firewall, device control,
antivirus removal tools, recovery tools, reporting, REST APIs, and integration with
Symantec intelligent threat cloud capabilities. The solution also includes Mobile Threat
Defense, endpoint detection and response, Threat Hunter, protections against Active
Directory exploits, attack surface reduction capabilities, such as Adaptive Protection,
application control, and extended operating system protections. It protects all endpoints
including workstations, laptops, mobile phones, tablets, and servers and is compatible with
Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, VMware ESX, Citrix XenServer, and other virtual
machines. The solution is managed from a centralized console, which supports the definition
of granular management policies. Key capabilities include:
o Advanced mobile threat defense – uses predictive technology in a layered approach that
leverages crowd-sourced threat intelligence, in addition to device and server based
analysis, to proactively protect mobile devices from malware, network threats, and
application or OS vulnerability exploits.
o Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) – detects advanced attacks, provides real-time
analytics, and enables SOC teams to actively hunt threats and pursue forensic
investigations and remediation.
o Threat Intelligence API – provides access to Symantec’s Global Intelligence Network
(GIN). Through API integration into partners with SIEM/SOAR/TIP, SOC teams can
easily identify the scope of an attack and streamline their threat investigations.
o Application Control – assesses the risk level of applications and their vulnerabilities, and
allows only “known good” applications to run.
o Active Directory Security – automatically learns an organization’s entire Active Directory
structure and uses obfuscation to prevent attackers from stealing credentials and moving
laterally within the organization.
o Adaptive Protection – provides attack surface reduction that evolves with the threat
landscape to address each organization’s unique environment. It relies on Advanced
Machine Learning to automate granular behavioral rules resulting in no operational
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 18
Symantec Endpoint Security Enterprise is another product option in the Symantec endpoint
portfolio, which offers a subset of the Symantec Endpoint Security Complete capabilities
including Symantec Endpoint Protection, mobile threat defense and flexible deployment options
across cloud, on-premises, and hybrid.
Symantec offers a single management console to protect Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS,
Android, Embedded and Virtual machines, as well as a single integrated agent on the
endpoint for seamless management and performance. Hybrid management options,
combining on-premises and cloud are also available.
Symantec Endpoint Security offers multi-layered protection powered by artificial intelligence
and advanced machine learning to provide prevention, detection and response, as well as
deception, Active Directory security, Adaptive Protection, and application control.
Symantec Endpoint Security has built-in EDR capabilities, including Threat Hunter which
combines advanced machine learning with Symantec’s SOC analyst expertise.
The level of granularity and flexibility in the management console is higher than that of
many competing solutions in the market.
The firewall functionality included can block unique IP addresses and leverages reputation
analysis from Symantec’s Global Intelligence Network. It can also do behavioral analysis
and apply application controls.
Symantec’s Integrated Cyber Defense (ICD) platform offers a unified cloud management
console across a broad portfolio of security solutions (e.g. endpoint security, network
security, information security, and more). It delivers data, analytics, and insights across
multiple control points for improved visibility and implementation of extended detection and
response (XDR).
Endpoint management (ITMS) is available primarily as an on-premises managed solution.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 19
Symantec offers strong content aware DLP capabilities, however these require a separate
Symantec Endpoint Security offers encryption as a separate option, available for separate
Symantec sold its Managed Services business, including its MDR services, to Accenture. It
now offers MDR services in partnership with Accenture.
Symantec lost some mindshare following the Broadcom acquisition. The vendor is working
to address this.
39A Leningradsky Highway
Moscow 125212
Kaspersky, founded in 1997, provides a wide range of security products and solutions for
enterprise business customers and consumers worldwide. The company’s business solutions are
aimed at a broad range of customers including large enterprises, small and medium-sized
businesses. Kaspersky is privately owned.
Kaspersky Optimum Security is a cloud native solution with an on-premise option that brings
together endpoint protection, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Managed Detection
and Response (MDR) into a single multi-layered security approach. It comprises the following
main components:
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business is a multi-layered endpoint protection
platform, which provides security, visibility and manageability of all endpoint devices,
including physical and virtual machines, mobile devices, and servers. Kaspersky supports a
broad array of platforms, including Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, and iOS. It integrates
with Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) and Professional Services Automation
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 20
(PSA) systems from ConnectWise, Autotask, Tigerpaw and SolarWinds. Kaspersky Endpoint
Security for Business is available in three different tiers, as follows:
o Select – provides trusted Threat Prevention (for Windows, macOS and Linux) with
Behavior Detection, Exploit Prevention, Host Intrusion Prevention, Remediation Engine,
Web, Device and BadUSB controls, Mobile Threat Defense, Mobile Device Management
(MDM), and Security Management.
o Advanced – in addition to Select capabilities, adds Application Control for servers,
Adaptive Anomaly Control to capture deviations from user’s behavior baseline and stop
execution, Data Protection (i.e. OS encryption management, full disk and file-level
encryption), Firewall and OS firewall management, Patch Management, Protection for
terminal servers, OS and third party application deployment.
o Total – in addition to all Select and Advanced capabilities, protects the enterprise
perimeter by preventing the effects of web-based attacks before they reach the endpoint
level, by blocking malware, online phishing, reducing access to unsolicited resources and
preventing illegitimate data transfers at the gateway level.
Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Optimum – is an EDR tool which works
together with endpoint protection and provides endpoint visibility, root cause analysis and
automated response options as well as Indicator of Compromise (IoC) scanning. It adds an
automated layer of defense, providing attack spread path visualization, and delivers detailed
information on the alert, the host, suspicious objects, and more.
Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Optimum – is an MDR service which
delivers continuous 24/7 managed protection, enabling organizations with a lack of resources
and expertise to automatically hunt down evasive threats, including those that circumvent
existing detection and prevention systems, while freeing up mature IT security teams to focus
on critical.
Kaspersky Optimum Security exists within Kaspersky security ecosystem and is complemented
Kaspersky Sandbox (KSB) – complements endpoint protection with functionality that can
easily detect new, unknown and evasive threats. It creates a virtualized environment, where
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
Copyright © November 2021, The Radicati Group, Inc. Licensed for distribution. 21
suspicious objects are sent, analyzed with a variety of methods (e.g. simulating user activity,
behavior analysis, monitoring outgoing connections, and more), and their reputation
recorded. If objects are identified as malicious, the whole infrastructure can be scanned and
malicious activity prevented, ensuring an automated response across all endpoints.
Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security – protects public datacenters (i.e. Microsoft Azure and
Amazon AWS), physical servers, desktops and private data centers based on native API
integrations with VMware, Citrix, Microsoft Hyper-V, KVM and Docker virtual
environments. Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security is optimized for integration with public and
private discovery and deployment tools, and relies on virtualization to optimize resource use
and reduce infrastructure costs.
All endpoint security products are managed by the Kaspersky Security Center console, which
delivers security management and control through a single administrative tool. The management
console allows organizations to identify all endpoint assets (physical, virtual, mobile), conduct
fast vulnerability assessments, achieve a real-time hardware and software inventory, and offer
actionable reporting. The console can be used as a SaaS offering, or be deployed on public cloud
or on-premises environments and accessed through a web-interface.
For SMB customers, Kaspersky offers Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, which is an
endpoint protection product that provides a cloud-based management solution for securing
Windows and macOS endpoints, file servers, iOS and Android devices.
In addition, Kaspersky EDR provides IT security/SOC enterprise teams with a tool for in-depth
incident investigation and centralized response. It offers advanced threat discovery, deep
investigation and threat hunting, as well as incident response.
Kaspersky offers a full-scale Enterprise Security solution comprising the following products and
services: Endpoint Security, Endpoint Detection and Response, Hybrid Cloud Security, Managed
Detection and Response, Embedded Systems Security for ATM and PoS protection, Private
Security Network, Security Awareness training, Premium Support and Professional Services.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
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Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business supports a broad range of operating systems,
including Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS; as well as virtualized environments
including VMware, Citrix, KVM, MS Hyper-V and Docker.
Kaspersky EDR Optimum provides alert context and quick automated response options to
analyze and remediate evasive threats, as well as search the infrastructure for current threats
with Indicator of Compromise (IoC) scanning and automatic response to discovered threats.
Kaspersky MDR Optimum supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux
and macOS as well as virtualized environments, making it easier for organizations with
heterogenous infrastructures to protect their assets in a managed way.
Kaspersky solutions rely on its own low footprint, high-performance security technologies.
Machine learning based Behavior Detection technology implements a Memory Protection
mechanism, which guards system-critical processes and prevents leaking user and
administrator credentials.
The cloud-based or on premises Kaspersky Security Center management consoles provides a
comprehensive management tool that allows organizations to identify all endpoint assets (e.g.
physical, virtual, and mobile), as well as conduct fast vulnerability assessments. It can also
automatically perform patch remediation and offer actionable administrator reporting.
Kaspersky offers strong support for virtual environments. Kaspersky Hybrid Cloud Security
offloads resource intensive anti-malware scans onto a specialized virtual appliance, an
approach which places less load on computing resources and helps businesses maintain high
virtualization densities and performance.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business includes MDM, mobile security and mobile
application management capabilities, all of which can be managed through a single console.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business does not currently provide content-aware DLP, or
support ICAP for integration with third-party DLP solutions. This functionality, however, is
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available for Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Exchange.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business does not support network access control, which
prevents administrators from blocking network access to certain endpoints (e.g. new
endpoints that have not yet deployed the organization’s security policies).
Kaspersky EDR Optimum does not currently provide support for Linux and MacOS
endpoints. The vendor has this on its future roadmap.
Kaspersky EDR Optimum is not yet available for mobile devices. The vendor has this on its
future roadmap.
While the Kaspersky Security Center console currently allows monitoring of Kaspersky’s
Secure Email Gateway (thus helping integrate visibility across endpoints and email security),
management of email security currently requires a separate console. Integration of email
security management capabilities is on the roadmap for future releases.
15A Orhideelor St.
Orhideea Towers, district 6
Bucharest, 060071
Bitdefender, founded in 2001, delivers next-generation anti-virus software, internet security
software, endpoint security, and other security solutions through a network of value-added
alliances, distributors and reseller partners. The company delivers solutions for businesses and
consumers across more than 150 countries. The company is privately held.
Bitdefender’s GravityZone, is a hosted enterprise security platform that provides security
controls and security posture management across endpoints, cloud workloads, network and users.
For customers with restricted cloud usage, GravityZone can also be deployed on-premises.
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Bitdefender security agents can be installed on all leading platforms including Windows, Linux,
Mac, Android, iOS and Microsoft Exchange.
The Bitdefender Business Portfolio includes a number of GravityZone security packages and a-
la-carte offerings, as follows:
GravityZone Business Security package is aimed at small businesses. It provides protection
for physical and virtual desktops and servers, combining security with centralized management.
It is available on-premises, or as a cloud service.
GravityZone Advanced Business Security package – is aimed at the needs of medium sized
businesses. It offers the same services as Business Security but adds security services for
protecting Microsoft Exchange servers and mobile devices. It includes a feature called Smart
Central Scan, which allows Security administrators to offload anti-malware processes to a
centralized scanning server, thus lowering the resource consumption on protected systems. The
solution is available on-premises or as a cloud service, and can protect desktops, servers and
Microsoft Exchange mailboxes. The mobile security (MDM) component, however, is only
available for on-premises deployment.
GravityZone Elite package – offers the same services as Advanced Business Security but adds
two pre-execution detection layers; HyperDetect, and Sandbox Analyzer. Hyperdetect uses
specialized local machine learning models and behavior analysis techniques to detect hacking
tools, exploits and malware obfuscation techniques. Sandbox analyzer detonates payloads in a
contained virtual environment, analyzes their behavior, reports malicious intent and provides
actionable insight. The solution is available on-premises or as a cloud service, and can protect
desktops, servers and Microsoft Exchange mailboxes. The mobile security (MDM) component,
however, is only available for on-premises deployment.
GravityZone Ultra package– offers an integrated endpoint protection and EDR solution which
offers prevention, extended threat detection (XEDR), investigation and response tools in a single
agent, which can be managed through a single console. It provides real-time visibility into
endpoints, insight into suspicious activity, alert triage and incident analysis visualization, one-
click investigation, IOC lookup, helps track live attacks and lateral movements and enables rapid
response for containment and remediation. It is available only as a cloud solution and can protect
desktops, servers and Microsoft Exchange mailboxes.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
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Bitdefender eXtended Endpoint Detection and Response (XEDR)is natively integrated into
GravityZone and extends EDR analytics and event correlation capabilities beyond the boundaries
of a single endpoint, to enable organizations to deal more effectively with complex cyber-attacks
involving multiple endpoints. It brings together device intelligence across the enterprise network,
to help incident response teams effectively investigate and respond to advanced threats.
GravityZone Enterprise Security is aimed at the needs of large enterprises and hybrid
infrastructures. It is available only as an on-premises solution and provides security services for
protecting physical and virtual desktops and servers, Microsoft Exchange servers and mobile
GravityZone Security for Virtualized Environments (SVE)is a security module delivered
within GravityZone Enterprise Security. It uses a vendor-agnostic architecture to support any
hypervisor, whether natively integrated or standalone. SVE leverages multiple techniques to
achieve deduplication and provide high operational value. This offloading is also present in the
AWS module, and can also be used in physical environments (e.g. laptops or desktops) since the
enforcement point, Bitdefender Enterprise Security Tools (BEST) is common to SVE and
Endpoint Security; BEST can operate in full offload, partial offload or traditional local scanning.
GravityZone Security for Containers – protects containers and cloud workloads against
modern Linux and container attacks by using AI threat prevention, Linux-specific anti-exploit
technologies and context-aware endpoint detection and response (EDR). The Bitdefender
endpoint agent for Linux does not require Linux-kernel components, enabling rapid deployment
of new distributions.
GravityZone Security for MSPsis a solution portfolio tailored to meet the needs of Managed
Security Service Providers. It offers a multi-tenant management console and simple monthly
licensing. It is available in different packages which include endpoint protection, patch
management, Advanced Threat Security (with HyperDetect and Sandbox Analyzer), and
Endpoint Detection and Response.
Bitdefender Managed Detection and Response (MDR) – provides customers with outsourced
cybersecurity operations 24x7. It combines Bitdefender security technologies for endpoints,
network, and security analytics, with the threat-hunting expertise of a fully staffed SOC.
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Bitdefender also offers Email Security, Security for Storage, Patch Management and Full
Disk Encryption add-ons, all of which can be managed via the GravityZone console.
GravityZone Hypervisor Introspection (HVI) – is aimed at protecting virtual workloads,
enabling data centers and organizations to increase their security posture across their entire
infrastructure. HVI is an opensource project,
Bitdefender relies on various non signature based techniques including heuristics, machine
learning models, anti-exploit, cloud-based sandbox analyzer and process inspector to keep up
with the latest threats.
Bitdefender’s GravityZone Ultra Suite is an integrated platform, easily deployed by
organizations of all sizes, to covers risk analytics, hardening, prevention, and XDR for
endpoints, cloud resources, and network connected devices.
Bitdefender tends to receive very high scores in third-party AV testing.
All Bitdefender anti-malware technologies are developed in-house. Bitdefender licenses its
technology to a number of OEM partners.
Bitdefender GravityZone integrates with Microsoft Active Directory, as well as VMware
vCenter and Citrix XenServer to facilitate syncing of inventories and policy enforcement and
management. In addition, Bitdefender can automatically detect other computers within the
network using Windows Network Discovery, and protection can be deployed remotely to all
unprotected systems.
The new Linux and Container security stack does not require Linux-kernel components,
facilitating deployment of new distributions by organizations.
Bitdefender offers a Mobile Security (MDM) solution for Android and iOS platforms.
However, it is currently available only for its GravityZone on-premises solutions.
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While offering highly accurate malware and threat detection solutions, Bitdefender currently
lacks integration with SOAR tools. The vendor has this on its roadmap.
While Bitdefender offers DLP fully integrated into GravityZone at no extra charge, this is
still fairly basic functionality.
Bitdefender currently supports only full volume encryption. The vendor is working to add
greater granularity in future releases.
Bitdefender is still best known for its consumer products and lacks greater visibility in the
enterprise market. The company is working to address this.
Einsteinova 24
851 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
ESET, founded in 1992, offers cybersecurity products and services for enterprises, small and
medium businesses, and consumers. Headquartered in the Slovak Republic, ESET has research,
sales and distribution centers worldwide and a presence in over 200 countries. The company is
privately held.
ESET’s Endpoint protection solutions include the following components:
ESET Endpoint Security for Windows – is ESET’s flagship endpoint security product for
Windows. It offers a low footprint, support for virtual environments, and combines
reputation-based malware protection with advanced detection techniques enhanced by
ESET’s machine learning engine, Augur.
ESET Endpoint Security for macOS – is ESET’s security product for macOS platforms.
Similarly, to its Windows counterpart, it offers a low footprint, support for virtual
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environments, cross-platform protection, and combines reputation-based malware protection
with advanced detection techniques enhanced by ESET’s machine learning engine Augur.
ESET Endpoint Security for Android – offers reputation-based malware protection, anti-
phishing, app control, anti-theft, SMS/call filtering and device security. It integrates with
ESET PROTECT, allowing for security polices to be deployed across both PCs and mobile
ESET Mobile Device Management for iOS is an integration of the Apple iOS MDM
framework with ESET PROTECT which supports the configuration of security settings for
iOS devices. Administrators can enroll iPhones and iPads, as well as setup security profiles
and adjust device settings, such as: anti-theft, settings for Microsoft Exchange, WiFi, VPN
accounts, Passcode, iCloud and more.
ESET Server Security for Microsoft Windows Server– is a lightweight server security
product, which integrates with the ESET LiveGrid reputation technology for advanced
detection techniques. It features support for virtualization (e.g. optional snapshot
independence, process exclusions, clustering support), Hyper-V and Network Attached
Storage scanning, and a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) connector. It is also
available as a VM Extension in Microsoft Azure.
ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server provides advanced protection for
SharePoint servers to protect against malicious uploads and unwanted files.
ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange and IBM Servers – combines server
malware protection, spam filtering, web-based quarantine, email scanning and optional
Cloud Sandbox analysis. It includes the malware protection technology included in ESET
Endpoint solutions (i.e. ESET LiveGrid reputation technology, ESET machine learning
engine Augur, Anti-Phishing, Exploit Blocker, and Advanced Memory Scanner), proprietary
antispam engine, and selective database on-demand scanning.
ESET Full-Disk Encryption – is an add-on to ESET Endpoint solutions enabling full disk
encryption across the entire network from a cloud based ESET PROTECT console with a
single click. It can encrypt system disks, partitions and entire drives.
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ESET Endpoint Encryption – is a standalone solution which provides data encryption,
including full-disk encryption (FDE), as well as files, folders, removable media, and email
ESET PROTECT – is a cloud based management console with the possibility of an on
premises deployment. Provides real-time visibility of all endpoints: desktops, servers, virtual
machines, as well as managed mobile devices. A single pane of glass enables full reporting
for ESET Security solutions. It serves to control endpoint prevention, detection & response
layers across all platforms.
In addition, ESET provides the following services and solutions:
ESET Enterprise Inspector – is ESET’s EDR solution for identification of anomalous
behavior and breaches, risk assessment, incident response, investigations and remediation. It
references its detections to the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
ESET Dynamic Threat Defense (EDTD) – is ESET’s managed cloud sandbox analysis
solution. It is managed by ESET PROTECT and provides an additional layer of security for
ESET products like Mail Security and Endpoint products by utilizing cloud-based
sandboxing technology to detect new, never-seen-before threats.
ESET’s Threat Intelligence service – provides global knowledge gathered by ESET threat
intelligence experts on targeted attacks, IOCs (IP, URL, file hash) advanced persistent threats
(APTs), zero-days and botnet activities. It can integrate with existing SIEM tools and
features YARA rules to allow organizations to set up custom rules.
ESET Managed Detection and Response Service – is ESET’s cybersecurity service for the
investigation of incidents, analysis of potentially harmful files and fast response and
remediation of incidents.
ESET Premium Support – is ESET’s cybersecurity service for responsive, tailored support
to reduce the risk of any interruption in operational continuity. It offers 365/24/7 access to a
team of ESET experts.
Security Services for Endpoints – ESET’s Security Services for Endpoints works together
with ESET endpoint security products to deliver a complete security solution that works to
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prevent and react proactively. It reinforces IT security teams with on-call support from ESET
ESET Secure Authentication – is a mobile-based multi-factor authentication (MFA)
solution that protects organizations from weak passwords and unauthorized access. It
supports mobile applications, push notifications, hardware tokens, and FIDO security keys. It
also integrates with ADFS 3.0, or the SAML protocol.
ESET Cloud Office Security – provides advanced preventive protection for users of
Microsoft 365 applications. It combines spam filtering, anti-malware scanning and anti-
phishing to help prevent incoming external email from being used as a channel for targeted
attacks. Anti-malware protection also protects OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint Online and
helps mitigate the risk of malware spreading to other devices.
ESET Endpoint Security solutions are well-known to offer high performance and high
detection rates.
ESET solutions offer a low footprint with low system resource usage. The solutions are
designed for ease of deployment and use.
ESET’s management console, ESET PROTECT, provides real-time visibility for on premise
and off premise endpoints, as well as full reporting for ESET enterprise-grade solutions from
a single pane of glass securely deployed on premise or in the cloud. It covers desktops,
servers, agentless virtual machines, and managed mobile devices.
ESET has a global network of installed business solutions that feed information back into the
ESET LiveGrid, its cloud-based reputation system.
ESET Endpoint Security is well suited to offer protection for companies with heterogeneous
environments, e.g. Windows, macOS, Linux, and more.
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ESET does not currently offer extended detection and response (XDR). The vendor has this
on its roadmap.
ESET does not provide its own DLP solution. However, it offers DLP through the ESET
Technology Alliance, its partner program.
ESET is widely recognized in Europe but currently lacks market visibility in North America.
The vendor is working to address this.
200 Clarendon Street
Boston, MA 021161
Cybereason, founded in 2012, offers solutions that protect organizations from cyberattacks
through prevention, detection, threat hunting and response. Cybereason is privately held.
The Cybereason Defense Platform combines AI-powered detection and response (EDR and
XDR), intelligence-based behavioral next-generation antivirus (NGAV) prevention, anti-
ransomware prevention and proactive threat hunting to deliver context-rich analysis of every
element of a malicious operation (i.e. MalOp). The MalOp interface replaces single threaded
alerts with comprehensive correlations and root cause analysis across the network and all
impacted devices, instantly delivering the insights required to end attacks. The Cybereason
Defense Platform supports multiple deployment options, including cloud, on premises, hybrid,
and air-gapped. The platform comprises the following capabilities:
Cybereason XDR – offers unified detection and response capabilities that find and end
MalOps (malicious operations) across the entire IT stack including endpoint, application
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suites, user personas, on-premise network and cloud deployments. Cybereason XDR
simplifies log management and data collection tasks, agent deployment and maintenance
cycles, and unifies device and identity context in a single, visual investigation experience.
Cybereason Prevention leverages signature based, behavioral, and machine-learning
approaches to stop threats from both known and unknown attacks; this includes fileless and
.Net attacks, as well as zero day malware. Cybereason also provides Endpoint Controls
which allows organizations to manage specific controls tied to different types of devices,
implement personal firewall policies, and enforce disk encryption. Cybereason Prevention is
deployed quickly within a single, lightweight agent for all operating systems and endpoint
types. Once installed, security analysts can leverage a single console to easily investigate
through a full context, single visual time-line, which helps quickly identify and remediate
Cybereason EDR – correlates an entire attack across all endpoints in a customer’s
environment to give security teams a single view of an attack in real time, which allows them
to quickly examine and respond to attacks at scale. Teams can understand the scope of an
attack in seconds, and can stop threats and remediate issues across all affected machines with
a single click. Cybereason EDR can identify threats quickly using behavioral analysis that
leverages cross-machine correlations and enriched data from across all endpoints in real-
time, and helps significantly reduce the workload for security teams.
Cybereason Investigation & Hunting – allows analysts to easily investigate and uncover
malicious files across operating systems (e.g. Windows, macOS, and Linux), with built in
interactive File Search and native Yara rule support. Security analysts can quickly identify
any malicious activity in their environment and easily hunt for TTPs with syntax-free and
visual based searches. Security analysts are also able to investigate through access to auto-
generated end-to-end root cause analysis, real-time telemetry data, and forensics artifacts.
Cybereason also offers a suite of services to augment customers' security teams, through any
combination of detection, investigation, breach containment, and response needs. It also offers a
$1M breach protection warranty with select product and service packages. Services offered
Cybereason MDR/MXDR – offers 24/7 monitoring, incident triage, recommendations,
ongoing, proactive hunting to identify malicious activity.
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Incident Response – involves immediate and on demand incident response, including
scoping, investigation, consultation, and containment of incidents.
Assessment Services – offers customized review of customer environments to help identify
and address misconfigurations, identify needed critical patches, and assist with security
policy enforcement.
The Cybereason Defense Platform, composed of EPP and EDR and XDR functionalities, is
available via multiple deployment options, or as a managed service via a single agent
The platform collects endpoint telemetry and correlates both known malware and behavioral
detections of unknown malware across multiple devices to show the full attack timeline, via a
single screen and workflow.
Cybereason joined a strategic partnership with Google Cloud to deliver a unified XDR
solution, Cybereason XDR powered by Chronicle, which allows customers to understand
the full scope of attacks fast within a single view, easily hunt for threats, and efficiently
remediate attacks.
Cybereason provides multi-layered prevention capabilities that include signatureless or file-
less prevention, signature based anti-malware, exploit protection, behavioral document
protection, anti-ransomware, as well as endpoint controls such as personal firewall, disk
encryption, and USB blocking.
Cybereason's interactive investigation console can be easily leveraged by analysts of all skill
levels to investigate every detail on an endpoint including behaviors, processes, and observed
activity across all devices in the enterprise.
The Cybereason Defense Platform is attractively priced, while delivering an advanced,
comprehensive set of features and functionality.
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The Cybereason Defense Platform currently does not have native vulnerability assessment
capabilities. The vendor is working to address this through technology partners.
The Cybereason Defense Platform does not currently support URL filtering, a capability
which is common with many competing solutions.
Cybereason does not currently offer its own Sandboxing technology. However, the vendor
integrates with the VMRay solution.
Cybereason does not provide DLP functionality, however, it can refer customers to partner
Cybereason Defense Platform offers protection for devices on multiple OS (e.g. Windows,
Mac, Linux, IOS, and Android). Additional capabilities, however, are needed to better
protect cloud based applications via containers. The vendor has this on its near term
Cybereason is currently best known in Europe and Asia/Pacific, however, the vendor is in
investing to increase its presence in North America.
385 Interlocken Crescent, Suite 800
Broomfield, CO 80021
OpenText offers information management solutions, powered by OpenText Cloud Editions, a
cloud-native containerized architecture. Webroot, an OpenText company acquired in 2019,
delivers threat intelligence and protection for endpoints and networks to business and consumer
users worldwide. EnCase, originally developed by Guidance Software and acquired by OpenText
in 2017, is a suite of products designed for forensic, cybersecurity, security analytics and e-
discovery. OpenText is publicly traded.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
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OpenText Security solutions include OpenText EnCase Endpoint Security, OpenText
EnCase Endpoint Investigator, and OpenText MDR. OpenText Security solutions address
enterprise risk, information security and digital investigation needs and are backed by forensic-
grade technology.
Webroot offers an integrated platform of three internet security solutions developed for Managed
Service Providers (MSPs) and SMBs, these include: Webroot Business Endpoint Protection,
Webroot DNS Protection, and Webroot Security Awareness Training. The solutions are
powered by the Webroot Threat Intelligence Platform, a security threat intelligence platform
that is continuously collecting, analyzing and correlating security data such as file behaviors and
reputations, URL and IP reputation, phishing websites in real-time, mobile application
reputations and more.
OpenText EnCase Endpoint Security – is an EDR solution which provides security teams
with a comprehensive view to validate, analyze, and respond to incidents quickly. It enables
a deep level of endpoint visibility to detect anomalous user and system activity, threat
intelligence and forensic-grade incident response. EnCase Endpoint Security offers
automation and operational efficiencies to help incident responders find and triage security
incidents faster and reduce the risk of loss or damage.
OpenText EnCase Endpoint Investigator – provides Digital Forensic Incident Responders
(DFIR) and forensic investigators seamless, remote access to laptops, desktops and servers. It
offers evidence processing, integrated workflows and flexible reporting.
OpenText Managed Detection and Response (MDR) – is a remote, cloud-based virtual
Security Operations Center (V-SOC). It relies on artificial intelligence, custom TTPs, and
advanced workflows to develop correlations between computer, network and device logs
leading to actionable, high-fidelity alerts. BrightCloud Threat Intelligence Services is
integrated directly providing context to help understand the nature, scope and impact of any
security event.
Webroot Business Endpoint Protection – is a real-time, cloud-based approach to
preventing system compromises through advanced machine learning and threat intelligence.
It is compatible with Microsoft Windows PCs and Servers, as well as Apple Mac devices;
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Terminal Servers and Citrix; VMware; Virtual Desktops and Servers, and Windows
embedded Point of Sale (POS) systems. It offers the following capabilities:
o Real-Time Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware the Webroot client agent continuously monitors
and shares encrypted meta-data with the Webroot Threat Intelligence Platform to predict,
detect, prevent, contain and protect against malicious system compromises. Webroot uses
a lightweight endpoint client agent that moves data intensive malware discovery
processing to the cloud.
o Zero Definition Updates – Webroot requires no system signatures or definition updates as
the collective file and process security intelligence is held within the Webroot platform
and instantly available to all protected customers’ systems.
o Webroot Evasion Shield – is a propriety, patented anti-malware technology that delivers
new script and code detection capabilities, to stop APT and script-based attacks.
o Web Reputation Protection & Filtering – is provided through several different shield
components within the Webroot endpoint security solution. The endpoint Web Threat
Shield uses Webroot’s BrightCloud Threat Intelligence Services (part of the Webroot
Threat Intelligence Platform) to score and block sites with poor reputations and known
infected (or malicious) domains.
o Identity & Privacy Shield – secures and isolates the browser (and any other application
needed) from the rest of the endpoint.
o Real-time anti-phishing protection – uses machine learning in real-time when a user
clicks on a link with a poor reputation score to determine if it is a phishing site, and
blocks the connection request as needed.
o Outbound Firewall checks all outbound TCP/UDP requests and destinations against the
Webroot Threat Intelligence Platform.
o Last ‘known good’ Auto-restore and Remediation – through monitoring and journaling all
unknown files and processes, any changes made to the endpoint can be reversed and
restored to a last ‘known good’ state.
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o Offline Protection – the endpoint agent enacts a separate policy to stop attacks when it is
not connected or available to the Webroot Threat Intelligence Platform. Upon
reconnecting to the Webroot Threat Intelligence Platform, if any new data is analyzed
and found to be malicious, the endpoint system is auto remediated to its last ‘known
good’ state.
o Global Management Console – An MSP-focused management console designed to meet
the needs of multi-location and multi-site management. It integrates with the Webroot
Unity API that allows MSPs to access on-demand real-time threat and other endpoint
telemetry data for use within their own management, reporting, billing, and workflow
o Unity API – supports integration into other IT management platforms, including Remote
Monitoring and Management (RMM), Professional Services Automation (PSA),
customized billing platforms, and internal IS systems. It also can be deployed by MSPs
for custom automation of processes, reports and other services.
OpenText EnCase Endpoint Security and OpenText EnCase Investigator have small
footprints and run on a single EnCase agent.
Webroot Business Endpoint Protection has a small installation footprint and system
performance requirements are light, allowing the standard agent to be used in both older
machines (where less processing power is available), as well as virtual environments, where
system resources are also defined.
Webroot can coexist in an environment with other endpoint security platforms, whereas most
other solutions have difficulty operating on a machine with other security software.
Webroot Business Endpoint Protection is easy to manage and offers built-in automatic
rollback and auto-remediation of infected endpoints. Management is fully cloud-based and
can work with any browser.
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Webroot offers Dwell Time reporting, which alerts and informs administrators of the precise
time an endpoint was infected and how long it has taken for Webroot to fully remediate the
infection. This can be coupled with forensics and data auditing.
OpenText EnSuite solutions are not available as a SaaS software offering.
OpenText EnSuite lacks full analytic capabilities, such as visualization, NoSQL-based
correlation, business intelligence (BI), and others.
Webroot Business Endpoint Protection and OpenText EnSuite do not include encryption or
DLP capabilities.
Granularity on the firewall is somewhat limited when compared to other vendors.
Webroot Business Endpoint Protection and OpenText EnSuite, do not extend protection to
mobile devices, leaving this to best-of-breed MDM vendors.
Webroot does not provide third party software patch assessment and management.
Rheinweg 9,
8200 Schaffhausen
Acronis is a cyber protection company which develops on-premises and cloud software for
endpoint protection, backup, disaster recovery, and secure file sync and share. The company has
corporate headquarters in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, with global headquarters in Singapore, and
18 offices worldwide. Acronis is privately held.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
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Acronis offers several solutions in the endpoint security space, which include: Acronis Cyber
Protect, Acronis Detection and Response, and Acronis DeviceLock DLP. Acronis solutions
can be deployed on-premises, or in private or public clouds. The solutions are aimed at SMEs
and MSPs on a worldwide basis. Platforms supported include Windows 7+, Windows Server
2008 R2+, macOS, and Linux. Android and iOS support is only provided for Data Protection.
Acronis Cyber Protect – is an endpoint protection solution that integrates data protection
with cybersecurity, bringing together cybersecurity and endpoint protection management,
antimalware, and backup and recovery into a single pane of glass. Acronis Cyber Protect is
delivered as one agent, one management interface and one license to offer ease of use and
deployment through an integrated solution. It offers the following key features and
o Vulnerability assessments – patch management, removal of malware from backups, and
drive health.
o Continuous data protection – real-time malware defenses, self-defense capabilities.
o Integrated disaster recovery – forensic backups, and the ability to co-exist with other
security solutions.
o Auto-discovery – of new devices, vulnerability assessments, and data protection map.
o Remote agent installation – backup and disaster recovery, unified protection policies
management, data loss prevention (DLP) with device control.
o Defenses against malware and exploits – with behavior-based heuristics, hard drive
health control, dashboards and reports.
o Patch management – integrated with backup, malware quarantine, rescue with bootable
media, and remote device wipe.
o Continuous Data Protection – helps avoid any data loss in key applications.
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o Fail-safe Patching – automatically backs up endpoints before installing any patches
enabling immediate roll-back.
o Anti-malware scans of data in the Acronis Cloud – serve to offload and enable more
aggressive scans and vulnerability assessments in central storage.
o Forensic Backup – helps include valuable digital evidence in backups to simplify and
speed up investigations.
o Data Protection Map – serves to monitor the protection status of files with classification,
reporting, and unstructured data analytics.
o Safe Endpoint Recovery – scans for malware and updates AV definitions during recovery
to prevent threats from reoccurring.
o Smart Protection Plan – provides auto-adjust patching, scanning, and backup to current
Acronis Cyber Protection Operations Centers alarms.
o Global and Local Allowlists – support more aggressive heuristics by preventing false
detections with automatic allowlisting.
Acronis Detection and Response – based on Acronis’ acquisition of Nyotron, is a last line
of defense that protects organizations against threats that may evade typical anti-malware
defenses. It is designed around a zero trust approach, it detects and prevents any deviations
from legitimate OS behavior and provides real-time visibility, as well as automatic and
manual remediation capabilities. Acronis Detection and Response adds post-breach threat
detection and response capabilities to the security stack. It offers the following key
o Automatic, real-time protection – automatically stops threats once detected, unlike
solutions that require manual or semimanual threat hunting and remediation.
o Threat-agnostic protection – helps detect and prevent advanced attacks that evade next-
generation antiviruses (NGAVs), such as new or unknown malware and ransomware,
fileless attacks, zero-day attacks, and advanced persistent threats (APTs).
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
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o Zero trust approach – increases threat detection accuracy with a zero trust approach,
recognizing any deviations from legitimate OS behavior instead of having to identify
constantly evolving attack techniques.
o No data deluge – empowers security teams with detailed, focused visibility into threats
and incidents without the need for manual threat hunting and analysis of overwhelming
amounts of data.
Acronis DeviceLockDLP – is an endpoint data loss prevention solution that reduces the risk
of insider-related data leaks. It enforces fine-grained contextual controls (based on user
authentication, security group memberships, data types, device types or network protocol,
data flow direction, state of media or SSL encryption, date and time, and other factors) in
combination with content analysis and filtering to block or allow data access and transfer
operations. Acronis DeviceLock DLP is comprised of multiple complementary, function-
specific components allowing customers to choose the best configuration for their security
requirements and budget.
Acronis’s solution tightly integrates backup, disaster recover (DR), anti-malware, anti-
ransomware, detection and response, patch management, vulnerability assessments, URL
filtering, email protection, and DLP into a single product.
Acronis offers as a single agent, with a single UI, policy, and management portal for all its
Acronis scores highly in independent third party AV tests.
Acronis deep integration offers continuous data protection, fail safe patching, safe endpoint
recovery (integrates anti-malware and patching into recovery), and forensic backup (image-
based backups that capture additional data for forensic investigations).
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Acronis’ solution does not yet offer integration with directory services. The vendor has this
on its roadmap.
Acronis does not currently offer EDR capabilities, however this is on the vendor’s near term
The Acronis solution does not offer integrated firewall functionality. However, an open
REST-API is available for integration.
The Acronis solution does not offer full disk encryption or network access control (NAC).
Mobile device protection capabilities are only minimal, at this time.
Acronis does not yet offer MDR services, however this is on the vendor’s roadmap.
While offering some unique capabilities and a strong cybersecurity feature set, Acronis is
still not well known in the endpoint protection space. The vendor is working to address this.
The Pentagon Abingdon Science Park
OX14 3YP
United Kingdom
Sophos offers IT security solutions for businesses, which include encryption, endpoint, email,
Web, next-generation firewall (NGFW), and more. All solutions are connected with Sophos
Central, Sophos's integrated cloud-based management console, and backed by SophosLabs, its
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global network of threat intelligence centers. The company is headquartered in Oxford, U.K. In
2020, Sophos was acquired by private equity firm Thoma Bravo.
Sophos offers the following endpoint security solutions: Intercept X Advanced, Intercept X
Advanced with XDR, Intercept X with MTR Standard, and Intercept X with MTR
Advanced. The XDR version contains all the traditional and modern protection of Intercept X
Advanced, but also includes extended detection and response (XDR) functionality across
endpoint, server, network, email, cloud and mobile data. The Sophos Managed Threat
Response (MTR) Service adds a 24/7 managed detection and response service in addition to the
features in Intercept X Advanced with XDR.
Sophos Intercept X Advanced – combines traditional protection and next-generation
endpoint protection in a single solution, with a single agent. It provides signature-less exploit
prevention, antivirus, deep learning malware detection, anti-ransomware, active adversary
protection, HIPS, whitelisting, web security, application and device control, DLP and more.
Sophos’s Synchronized Security automates incident response and application visibility, via
on-going direct sharing of threat, security, and health information between endpoints and the
network. Additional features include root cause analysis, and advanced system cleaning
technology. Intercept X Advanced includes the following key capabilities:
o Anti-exploit and active adversary technology – looks at the tools and techniques used by
attackers to distribute malware, steal credentials, and escape detection.
o Deep learning malware detection – uses advanced machine learning to examine the
“DNA” of files and a determine if they are malicious without ever having seen them
o CryptoGuard – behavior-based ransomware protection that detects malicious encryption
and rolls back any affected files.
o Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) – is integrated into the endpoint agent and
console, to identify and block previously unknown malware before damage occurs.
o Web security – is integrated into the endpoint agent platform and provides live URL
filtering. Multiple browsers are supported, such as IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and
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o Web content filtering and policy enforcement – is included to block Web content based
on categories. For Sophos customers that also have the Sophos UTM or secure web
gateway appliance, these appliances leverage the endpoint to enforce web filtering
policies, even when the endpoints are off the corporate network.
o Application control – is available for thousands of applications across dozens of
application categories. P2P, IM, and more can be blocked for all users or some users.
Web browsers can also be blocked to force users to use only a company-sanctioned
o Device control – can be used to block the use of storage devices, optical drives, wireless
devices (e.g. Bluetooth), and mobile devices.
o DLP – is available for content in motion. Pre-built and custom filters can be enabled that
scan content for infringing data. DLP features are also extended to email appliances.
o Firewall – protect endpoints from malicious inbound and outbound traffic. Location-
aware policies are available to add security when protected endpoints are out of the
Sophos Intercept X Advanced for Server (available as Intercept X Advanced for Server,
Intercept X Advanced for Server with XDR, and Intercept X Advanced for Server with MTR)
includes all Intercept X Advanced functionality with the addition of Application Lockdown,
File Integrity Monitoring and visibility into organizations’ wider cloud environments (e.g.
serverless functions, S3 buckets and databases). It offers:
o Server Lockdown – ensures that only approved applications can run on a server.
o File Integrity Monitoringwill notify if there are unauthorized attempts to change
critical files.
o Cloud Workload Protection – detect cloud workloads as well as critical cloud services
including S3 buckets, databases and serverless functions, identify suspicious activity,
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spot insecure deployments and close security gaps.
o Agentless scanning – managed through the same console used by Sophos endpoint
clients, ensures that every virtual machine on a VMware host is protected.
Sophos Intercept X Advanced with XDR (available as Intercept X Advanced with XDR,
Intercept X Advanced for Server with XDR) includes integrated endpoint detection and
response capabilities using the same agent. XDR functionality is available for Windows,
macOS and Linux devices. Includes all features of Intercept X Advanced plus:
o EDR/XDRdesigned for IT administrators and cybersecurity specialists to handle
critical IT operations and threat hunting questions.
o LiveDiscover – Uses pre-defined or custom queries to hunt through live and historical
data on an endpoint plus the data from Sophos products in the Data Lake.
o LiveResponse – Instantly act on an endpoint to resolve issues or carry out additional
tasks after an automatic remediation.
Sophos also offers Sophos Mobile and Intercept X for Mobile as separate add-ons. All Sophos
solutions are managed via Sophos Central, an integrated cloud-based management console for
all Sophos solutions. Sophos Rapid Response is an emergency incident response service for
organizations experiencing an active cyberattack. It is available to existing Sophos customers, as
well as non-customers (included in Sophos MTR service).
Sophos Intercept X Advanced employs a single endpoint agent for combined traditional and
next-generation protection, which delivers AV, deep learning, anti-exploit, anti-ransomware,
EDR, HIPS, Application Control, DLP, Device control, firewall, web protection and web
Sophos offers strong XDR capabilities, in an easy to consume format that is easily accessible
for security teams across a wide expertise range.
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Sophos’ CryptoGuard technology supports file roll-back capabilities in the event of a
ransomware incident.
Sophos Synchronized Security, delivers protection and context reporting for customers who
use Sophos Intercept X and the Sophos XG firewall.
Sophos solutions are easy to deploy and manage, and don’t require extensive training to take
advantage of all features and functionality.
Sophos offers simple per-user license pricing, which covers all devices a user may wish to
Sophos offers limited support for patch assessment and remediation of third party software
running on the endpoint.
Sophos Intercept X endpoint solutions do not have direct access to Sophos’s Sandstorm
sandboxing functionality.
Sophos no longer supports network access control, which prevents administrators from
blocking network access to certain endpoints (e.g. new endpoints that have not yet deployed
the organization’s security policies).
Customers we spoke with as part of this research, indicated that reporting features, while
adequate, could be improved to offer greater customization.
2821 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054
McAfee Enterprise offers security solutions, threat intelligence and services that protect business
endpoints, networks, servers, the Cloud and more. In July 2021, McAfee Enterprise was acquired
by a consortium led by Symphony Technology Group (STG). In September 2021, STG also
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announced the acquisition of FireEye products and its intent to combine McAfee Enterprise and
FireEye products into a new pure play cybersecurity company.
McAfee Endpoint Security, the company’s endpoint protection platform (EPP), uses machine
learning analysis, analytics for file-less attacks, dynamic application containment, and works
with local and global threat intelligence to provide comprehensive insights across all threat
vectors: file, web, message, and network. McAfee endpoint security solutions are compatible
with Windows workstations and servers, macOS, VMware ESX, Linux, Citrix XenDesktop and
XenServer, and other virtual platforms.
McAfee’s MVISION portfolio of cloud-native security tools offers cloud-based MVISION EDR
which provides automated, AI-guided investigations for security practitioners of any experience
level. It works with McAfee Endpoint Security, as well as with third-party EPPs. All security
solutions can be managed through ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO), which is available with a choice
of on-premise, virtual, or SaaS-based delivery which provides a single management system that
offers centralized visibility across multiple security products and the entire threat defense
McAfee’s MVISION portfolio is sold as a subscription service, with a choice of MVISION
Standard, MVISION Plus, or MVISION Protect Plus EDR for Endpoint, which offer the
following components to meet different customer needs at different price points:
McAfee MVISION Endpoint extends the base security built into Windows 10 with
enhanced detection for fileless and zero-day threats. It utilizes a lightweight agent and
combined policy management, to deliver advanced behavioral analytics for collective
defense through a single console.
McAfee Endpoint Security – combines granular controls with layers of integrated
capabilities like endpoint detection and response (EDR), machine learning analysis to
provide full-stack protection for Windows, macOS, and Linux systems, and automatic
rollback remediation capabilities. In-depth defenses collaborate to inform, analyze and
automate responses.
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McAfee MVISION Mobile – offers on-device threat detection and protection for iOS and
Android mobile devices. It protects against application and network threats, using machine
learning algorithms to help identify malicious behavior.
McAfee MVISION EDR– is McAfee’s endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution,
which offers AI-guided investigations and data visualization to enable security analysts to
prioritize, investigate and remediate threats.
McAfee’s ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) – offers centralized management to provide instant
visibility into the state of security defenses. Insight into security events allows administrators
to understand and target updates, changes, and installations to systems. McAfee ePO can be
deployed on-premises, or as a cloud service through two options: McAfee ePO on Amazon
Web Services (AWS), or a SaaS option called McAfee MVISION ePO.
McAfee MVISION Insights – intelligently drives endpoint security to preempt attacks
before they happen through a single console to speed threat assessment and response. It
offers real-time intelligence gathered from one billion sensors to proactively identify
potential threats, assess organization’s security posture based on their configuration and
unique risk profile, and actionable recommendations to proactively protect against threats.
McAfee XDR – is McAfee’s extended detection and response solution which aggregates all
data necessary to analyze, evaluate and respond to threats across endpoint, network and cloud
components. It delivers a simplified fully-integrated workflow to triage and orchestrate
incident response with prescribed actionable intelligence.
McAfee’s MVISION portfolio also offers Device-to-Cloud suites a three-tier solution bundle
which combines McAfee Endpoint Security and MVISION Insights, as follows:
o MVISION Advanced – McAfee Endpoint Security and MVISION Insights.
o MVISION Premium – adds to Advanced, Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), and
Endpoint DLP capabilities.
o MVISION Complete – adds to Premium, MVISION Unified Cloud Edge (UCE), to offer
combined secure web gateway, advanced DLP, and Cloud Access Security Broker
(CASB) capabilities.
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McAfee offers on-premise, cloud and SaaS management options while retaining a centralized
management experience.
McAfee’s ePolicy Orchestrator is a powerful, single management console that allows
administrators to create and manage policies across most McAfee security solutions.
McAfee’s MVISION portfolio delivers a broad range of defenses, including advanced
defense capabilities needed for zero-day threats, while also integrating and working with
third party solutions and native OS security controls.
McAfee provides advanced threat defenses, like pre-execution and post-execution machine
learning analysis and advanced analytics for file-less based attacks.
McAfee’s Endpoint Security provides a framework which enables IT to easily view, respond
to, and manage the threat defense lifecycle.
While McAfee offers strong content-aware DLP capabilities, these are available as a
separately priced add-on or can be purchased through the more expensive MVISION
Complete solution bundle.
McAfee solutions do not provide third party software patch assessment and remediation.
Customers we spoke with as part of this research indicated that McAfee’s EDR/XDR
capabilities are still rather basic, and don’t offer the depth and detail provided by competing
McAfee does not offer its own email gateway solution, which may disappoint customers that
want to source endpoint, email and web security from a single vendor.
McAfee is undergoing a number of ownership transitions and management changes, first
being spun off from McAfee as McAfee Enterprise, and more recently being united with
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FireEye Products into a combined company. At the time of this writing, it is too early to
know what effect this will have on the company’s future direction.
605 Fairchild Dr.
Mountain View, CA 94043
SentinelOne, founded in 2013, delivers artificial intelligence powered prevention, detection,
response and hunting across endpoints, containers, cloud workloads, and IoT devices in a single
platform. SentinelOne is privately held.
SentinelOne Singularity, is a security platform that consolidates endpoint protection, endpoint
detection and response (EDR), IoT security, cloud security, and IT operations capabilities. It
offers autonomous ‘Sentinel’ agents for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Kubernetes and supports a
variety of form factors including physical, virtual, VDI, customer data centers, hybrid data
centers, and cloud service providers. Sentinels are managed via a globally available multi-tenant
SaaS designed for ease-of-use and flexible management. SentinelOne is available in the
following tiered product offerings:
Singularity Core – is an entry level endpoint security product, which offers basic EDR
functions coupled with traditional endpoint protection capabilities. Key capabilities include:
a visual representation of attack behavior, static artificial intelligence and file-based attack
prevention, threat intelligence, behavioral artificial intelligence file-less attack detection,
autonomous threat response, autonomous remediation response, autonomous rollback
response, the ability to quarantine devices from the network, incident analysis, agent anti-
tamper protection, and application inventory.
Singularity Control – adds to the capabilities of Core a “security suite” of features for
endpoint management which include: OS Firewall control with location awareness, USB
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device control, Bluetooth controls, rogue visibility to uncover devices on the network that
need Sentinel agent protection, and secure remote shell capabilities.
Singularity Complete – is intended for enterprises that need modern endpoint protection and
control plus advanced EDR features. It also offers patented technology that automatically
contextualizes all OS process relationships, even across reboots, and stores them for future
investigations. It is designed to lighten the load on security administrators, SOC analysts,
threat hunters, and incident responders by automatically correlating telemetry and mapping it
into the MITRE ATT&CK® framework.
In addition, SentinelOne also offers the following functionality:
Singularity Ranger - delivers enterprise level network visibility and controls. It provides
instant asset inventory and information about rogue devices to help investigate how managed
and unmanaged devices interact with critical assets.
Singularity Cloud – offers workload security and visibility to assets running in public
clouds, private clouds, and on-premises data centers, so that security teams can manage both
Linux and Windows servers, and Docker or Kubernetes containers from one platform.
Singularity XDR – empowers SOC analysts with end-to-end enterprise visibility, analytics,
and automated response across the entire technology stack. It can automatically block
sophisticated attacks against endpoints, IoT, cloud workloads, and secure access service edge
(SASE) without analyst intervention.
Singularity XDR Power Tools – are a set of tools which complement Singularity EDR and
XDR capabilities with advanced investigative workflows and rich retrospective information
to support comprehensive incident response.
Singularity Signal – is a subscription service designed to supplement its endpoint security
SaaS offerings. The Singularity MDR Team is the human side to the AI-based Singularity
platform. It offers the expertise of an in-house, non-outsourced Team of cybersecurity
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experts monitoring millions of endpoints.
SentinelOne Readiness Services – is an offering designed around agent deployment and
periodic health checks. It is designed to help customers accelerate SentinelOne agent rollout
planning, installation execution, policy fine tuning, and to help handle in the short term any
discovered infections.
Unlike other next-generation endpoint protection platforms, SentinelOne can be deployed
both in the cloud and on-premises.
SentinelOne offers a fully converged Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) and Endpoint
Detection & Response (EDR) platform in a single lightweight agent. It can run on its own or
complement existing AV solutions from other vendors.
SentinelOne’s autonomous endpoint agent provides prevention, detection, and response
without any reliance on cloud systems or look up. This allows for faster detection and
response to advanced attacks at machine speed.
SentinelOne’s autonomous agent also provides patented remediation technology. This allows
the agent to automatically return a system to its pre-threat state without any end user impact
or system downtime.
SentinelOne provides advanced threat hunting, where the indexing of the data done by the
autonomous agent allows security analysts to receive full context of any behavior, or
indicators of compromise (IOC) off a single pivot. This includes encrypted TLS sessions.
While SentinelOne has solid integrations and performance, it needs to work to improve in-
product workflows, as well as the quality of integration with partner technology solutions.
The vendor is working to address this.
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While SentinelOne provides patch assessment, it does not currently provide patch
remediation (i.e. deployment of missing of missing updates discovered during the patch
assessment phase).
SentinelOne does not offer application whitelisting.
SentinelOne does not currently offer full-disk encryption (FDE) functionality.
SentinelOne does not offer URL filtering or browser isolation.
SentinelOne offers only basic mobile capabilities through a partnership with Lookout
Security, however this is provided as an extra cost option. The vendor is working to address
through further integrations on its nearterm roadmap.
SentinelOne does not currently offer content-aware Data Loss Prevention capabilities.
Tammasaarenkatu 7
P.O. Box 24
00181 Helsinki
F-Secure, founded in 1988, offers cyber security products and services for enterprise and
consumer customers. In the business space, the company offers cloud-based solutions for
endpoint protection, detection and response, Microsoft 365 and Salesforce protection, advanced
threat protection and vulnerability management, as well as security consulting services such as
red teaming, security awareness training and cyber security assessments. F-Secure has a global
presence, with headquarters in Finland, and is publicly traded.
F-Secure’s cloud-native endpoint protection is available with EDR, cloud protection for
Microsoft 365 and vulnerability management with a single agent and cloud-based management,
or as a managed service:
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F-Secure Elements Endpoint Protection (cloud service)includes the following key
endpoint protection features:
o Workstation security for Windows and macOS workstations, including advanced
behavior and heuristic analysis, ransomware protection, as well as application control,
device control and fully integrated patch management.
o Server server security for Windows, Linux and Citrix. Additional SharePoint and
Exchange components, with application control, device control and fully integrated patch
o Mobile mobile security for iOS and Android devices. Personal VPN (Wi-Fi Security),
proactive App and Web protection and support for third party Mobile Device
Management (MDM).
F-Secure Elements Endpoint Detection and Response (cloud service)includes the
following key EDR features:
o Advanced threat identification with real-time behavioral, reputation and big data
analysis with machine learning that automatically identifies advanced threats and alerts
with a broad context.
o Threat hunting allows advanced search of events for hunting signs of threats or finding
more context for incidents being investigated.
o Automated response actions are available to contain attacks whenever high risk level
detections are identified. In addition, a comprehensive list of response actions can be
triggered for more detailed investigation and counter measures.
o On-demand expert service is available through F-Secure’s managed detection and
response team; the team can provide expert advice based on incident analysis and
investigations, with a 2-hour response time.
o Clients are designed to work with any endpoint protection solution, and function with
F-Secure's endpoint security solutions within a single-client and management
infrastructure supporting Windows, macOS and Linux.
Endpoint Security - Market Quadrant 2021
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F-Secure Business Suite is an on-premise alternative for endpoint protection. F-Secure
Countercept is F-Secure’s MDR, managed advanced threat hunting and response service, which
offers 24/7 protection against skilled cyber adversaries.
F-Secure Elements Endpoint Detection and Response is an XDR solution when it is combined
with F-Secure Elements for Microsoft 365, a solution to protect cloud-based Office 365 email
and collaboration from advanced threats like phishing, as well as detecting compromised Azure
AD accounts. F-Secure Elements Security Center is a cloud native management platform, also
managing F-Secure Elements Vulnerability Management, a solution which delivers extensive
network- and host-based vulnerability scanning, prioritization and management.
F-Secure Elements is a cloud-native XDR platform with fully integrated patch and
vulnerability management, using a single endpoint agent for all its functionality.
F-Secure offers strong EDR detection coverage and on-demand ‘Elevate to F-Secure’ expert
services for incident analysis and investigations delivered by F-Secure’s MDR team.
F-Secure uses a multi-layered architecture for malware detection and endpoint protection.
Including DeepGuard, its advanced heuristic and behavioral analysis technology.
Real-time threat intelligence from F-Secure Security Cloud ensures up-to-date protection.
Updates are transparent and delivered constantly, without disrupting employee productivity.
The footprint of F-Secure with regards to CPU and RAM usage is much smaller than that of
other vendors in the space.
Setting administrative policies is an easy, simple process. MSPs can leverage multi-company
management to standardize policies across all customers they manage.
F-Secure does not offer DLP capabilities.
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F-Secure’s Business Suite on-premises offering is not as extensive as its cloud-based offering
since EDR and iOS/Android protection are not offered on-premises.
F-Secure’s endpoint security only uses sandboxing to generate application reputation, while
its full sandboxing capability is only included in its email security solution, F-Secure
Elements for Microsoft 365.
F-Secure does not yet offer protection for cloud workloads, e.g. for containers.
F-Secure only supports native Windows and macOS full disk encryption.
F-Secure has improved its market visibility, especially with its consulting and managed
services, but still needs to make progress in this area in North America.
505 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98104,
WatchGuard Technologies, offers network security and intelligence, secure Wi-Fi, multi-factor
authentication and advanced endpoint protection. In 2020 it acquired Panda Security, a provider
of advanced endpoint security solutions. WatchGuard is privately owned.
WatchGuard offers the cloud-native Unified Security Platform (USP), a scalable platform for
modern security delivery. Within the USP, WatchGuard Cloud is the centralized management
interface, and the authority for security policy management, dissemination, and enforcement for
security solutions for network, Wi-Fi, MFA and the WatchGuard Endpoint Security family of
products. WatchGuard Endpoint Security includes advanced endpoint protection complemented
by endpoint detection and response (EDR), and specialized security services. The solutions
WatchGuard EPP – offers all the capabilities of Endpoint Protection, plus it adds web
access control(URL filtering by category) and antispam and anti-malware protection for
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Microsoft Exchange. It is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android, however, web
access control functionality is available for Windows only.
WatchGuard EDR is the endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution, complemented
by WatchGuard’s managed service offering. It provides protection against unknown malware
and targeted attacks through visibility at the endpoint of users, files, processes, registry,
memory and network behavior. This visibility serves to block attacks using behavioral
analysis and containment strategies, as well as to carry out detailed forensic analysis to
determine the root cause of breaches, as well as implement mechanisms to avoid future
WatchGuard EPDR combines EPP capabilities with EDR capabilities, and managed
services. It offers protection for desktops, laptops, and servers, delivered from the cloud. It
automates the prevention, detection, containment and response against advanced attacks,
zero-day malware, ransomware, phishing, memory exploits, and malwareless attacks, inside
and outside the corporate network. It includes the Zero-Trust Application Service and the
Threat Hunting and Investigation Service (THIS) at no extra charge.
WatchGuard DNSWatchGo – offers DNS-level protection for computers on an off the
network (no VPN required), providing an additional layer of security to block connections
from phishing attacks and C2 connections, and content filtering that limits access to risky
areas of the web with 130 pre-defined blocking categories.
WatchGuard EDR and WatchGuard EPDR, both leverage the following services:
o Zero-Trust Application Service is Panda Security’s executable classification service, which
monitors and prevents the execution of malicious applications and processes on endpoints.
o Essential Threat Hunting Service – is a cloud based managed service which provides real-
time intelligence on the events taking place on an organization’s devices to discover threats
that are cannot be identified using automated detection mechanisms, it also serves to
investigate anomalous users, machines and application behavior. The information it provides
helps security teams conduct improve remediation reduce the attack surface.
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The services leverage EDR capabilities and Endpoint telemetry that is collected and turned into
actionable insights, in real time through applications specifically designed for internal SOCs,
MSSPs and MDR (Managed Detection and Response) service providers.
WatchGuard also offers the following complementary add-ons:
Advanced Reporting Tool (ART) – is an optional module that can be used to augment
Adaptive Defense and Adaptive Defense 360, to provide detailed information on applications
and vulnerabilities. It provides pre-defined queries, dashboards, and alerts that provide
insights into what is going on at the endpoints out-of-the-box. Managers can also create their
own queries and alerts based on the endpoints telemetry.
WatchGuard Patch Management is an add-on to Panda Endpoint Protection, Panda
Endpoint Protection Plus, Panda Adaptive Defense and Panda Adaptive Defense 360, which
manages vulnerabilities in operating systems and third-party applications on Windows
endpoints and servers. It provides a reduced attack surface, strengthening preventive
capabilities and incident containment.
WatchGuard Data Control is an add-on to Panda Adaptive Defense and Panda Adaptive
Defense 360, which discovers, audits and monitors unstructured sensitive or personal data on
endpoints, from data-at-rest to data-in-use and data-in-motion. It can also run real time, free
custom searches to find files with specific content.
WatchGuard Full Encryption – is an add-on to Panda Endpoint Protection, Panda Endpoint
Protection Plus, Panda Adaptive Defense and Panda Adaptive Defense 360, which centrally
controls and manages full disk encryption and key recovery, leveraging BitLocker in
Windows systems.
SIEMFeeder – is a module that sends in real time, events collected on endpoints and
enriched with security intelligence, to integrate into SIEM solutions.
WatchGuard Cloud is WatchGuard’s cloud-based administration console. It provides a
wide range of APIs and tools to help integrate into organizations' existing applications and
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In addition, WatchGuard’s Orion platform (formerly Cytomic), is a cloud based multi-tenant
platform which provides incident detection, hunting, investigation and response for security
operations teams. It helps to proactively identify threats that have passed other security controls,
blocking and responding in the early stages of the Cyber Kill Chain. In addition, it centralizes
real-time and 365-day retrospective visibility for hunting and IOC searches, and supports in-
depth investigations and playbooks through a native integration of the Jupyter Notebooks
WatchGuard EPDR and Orion combine in a single solution the capabilities of endpoint
protection, Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) and managed services. The solution is
delivered in a light agent connected through cloud-based technologies to offer prevention,
detection and response capabilities.
WatchGuard delivers an easy to use, intuitive administration console with rich, actionable
WatchGuard offers a Data Control module, which provides an unattended solution to control,
monitor and search sensitive data and Personal Information at the endpoints. It doesn’t
require any additional agent, and its capabilities are integrated into the WatchGuard EPDR
WatchGuard solutions are attractively priced.
WatchGuard is delivering on the integration of user, endpoint and network security into a
single platform, expanding the company’s endpoint footprint in North America.
WatchGuard currently supports centralized management of full volume encryption with
BitLocker for Windows devices. However, support for Apple FileVault in still on the
vendor’s roadmap.
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WatchGuard does not yet offer XDR capabilities, which have become common with vendors
in this space.
WatchGuard currently only provides basic MDM capabilities for Android. However, support
for iOS is expected for early 2022.
WatchGuard currently provides only basic DLP capabilities, through its Data Control
module. However, the vendor is working to enhance this with future releases.
While Panda Endpoint EPP is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android, the web
access control functionality is only available for Windows and Mac.
1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
Microsoft provides a broad range of products and services for businesses and consumers, through
a portfolio of solutions for office productivity, messaging, collaboration, and more.
Microsoft’s endpoint security solutions are branded under the Windows Defender umbrella
name, as follows:
Microsoft Defender For Endpoint (MDE, formerly Microsoft Defender ATP) – is a
cloud-based endpoint security solution that includes risk-based vulnerability assessment and
management, attack surface reduction, behavior-based next generation protection, EDR,
automatic investigation and remediation, managed hunting, and unified security
management. It is available in two plans: Plan 1 (currently in preview) aimed at E3 license
customers, or as Plan 2 (generally available) for E5 license customers or E3 customers with a
E5 security extension. It uses technology built into Windows 10 and Microsoft cloud services
to provide:
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o Endpoint behavioral sensors – sensors embedded in Windows 10, collect and process
behavioral signals from the operating system and send sensor data to private, cloud
instances of MDE.
o Cloud security analytics – leverages machine-learning across the across the entire
Microsoft Windows ecosystem to deliver insight, detection, and recommended responses
to advanced threats.
o Threat intelligence – leverages threat intelligence collected by Microsoft, security teams,
and augmented by threat intelligence provided by partners, to enable Windows Defender
ATP to identify attacker tools, techniques, and procedures, and generate alerts when these
are detected.
o Managed Detection and Response as part of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint,
Microsoft also offers Microsoft Threat Experts, a managed detection and response
(MDR) service which combines targeted attack notification with on-demand SOC expert
services. It is available as part of the Microsoft 365 E5 subscription plan.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is also available for macOS, Linux, Android and iOS
platforms, although feature parity is not available across all platforms.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can be managed from the Microsoft Security Center
console, which provides a unified control point across the entire enterprise environment
encompassing Intune, Azure ATP, Office 365 ATP, Azure Security Center, Microsoft Cloud
App Security, and more.
Microsoft has also folded many endpoint protection features directly into the operating system,
starting with Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and the newly released Windows 11. Key
features comprise:
Windows Defender Antivirus (WDA) – is loaded into the system directly at configuration
time, to provide basic endpoint anti-malware protection.
Windows Defender Security Center – is a local security dashboard.
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Windows Defender SmartScreen – provides phishing and malware filtering for Microsoft
Edge browsers and Internet Explorer.
Windows Defender Application Guard – helps isolate and sandbox Internet Explorer and
Edge browsers.
Windows Defender Application Control – is an application whitelisting solution that can
also limit the capabilities of unsigned scripts, as well as enforce established use policies. It
overlaps somewhat in functionality with Microsoft App Locker, another application
whitelisting technology, which was originally available with Windows 7 but has also been
upgraded for use in Windows 10.
Secure Boot – helps ensure that a device boots using only trusted software.
Windows Defender Device Guard – allows Windows desktops to be locked down to run
only trusted apps (similarly to mobile phones).
Windows Defender Exploit Guard – provides exploit mitigation, blocks risky activity, can
be used to restrict HTTP and HTTPS connections to malicious hosts, and can be used to
restrict access to designated folders.
Windows Defender Credential Guard – prevents unauthorized access to OS credential
Windows Defender Systems Guard – protects key OS components starting at boot-time.
On earlier Windows 8 and 9 platforms, protection consists of Microsoft System Center
Endpoint Protection (SCEP), and Microsoft Intune. Microsoft has also extended Windows
Defender ATP to support older Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 platforms.
Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP) – is Microsoft’s solution for anti-
malware and endpoint protection for traditional endpoint devices (laptops, desktops and
servers). It provides real-time, policy-based protection from malware, spyware and other
threats. It also provides file cleaning, where infected files are replaced with clean versions
downloaded from a Microsoft cloud location, as well as the ability to configure Windows
Firewall settings. SCEP is designed for Windows client workstations and servers, and is
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included at no additional cost as part of the Microsoft Enterprise Client Access License and
Core CAL programs. Separate security applications, however, are required for Mac and
Linux platforms.
Microsoft Intune –"is Microsoft’s cloud-based Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
solution for mobile device management of Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
SCEP and Intune can both be managed through Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM),
formerly Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), which unifies policy
management and device management.
Microsoft offers a strong set of security features for Windows 10 and 11 platforms, making it
easier for users and administrators to adopt a strong security posture.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) is a good first step for organizations looking for an
entry-level EDR solution.
SCEP and Intune are some of the least expensive endpoint security solutions on the market,
as many customers are able to get these solutions at no additional cost with their existing
licensing agreements.
Microsoft offers customers a complete vision which goes well beyond simply endpoint
malware protection to encompass Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), as well as information
security, data loss prevention and identity management.
Microsoft is investing heavily in its security solutions portfolio, to deliver an impressive
ecosystem of solutions that encompass the OS, applications, and services.
Despite Microsoft’s strong investments in security, customers still cite Microsoft’s malware
detection capabilities as being less accurate than competing security solutions. Most
customers deploy Microsoft technologies as a baseline, while also deploying additional
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security solutions from other vendors for more advanced protection.
Microsoft offers many different plans at different price points, but it is sometimes difficult
for customers to understand exactly what security features are included with what plans.
In order to obtain Microsoft’s full range of security solutions, including the Microsoft
Defender for Endpoint (MDE) EDR component, customers must upgrade to Windows 10 or
later and sign up for the high-end Microsoft 365 E5 enterprise plans. Microsoft is addressing
this by introducing a new, reduced functionality MDE Plan 1 aimed at E3 customers.
Microsoft offers a highly complex ecosystem of security solutions involving the operating
system and many additional components. However, integrating all components correctly and
maintaining them fully integrated throughout Microsoft’s continuous upgrade cycle can be
daunting for many organizations.
As a purely cloud-based solution, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE), is not applicable
to customers with purely on-premises deployments or air-gapped networks.
Encryption capabilities are only offered via the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack.
Microsoft System Center does not offer granular device control for removable media,
CD/DVDs, and other common devices.
Microsoft offers endpoint protection for non-Windows platforms (including macOS, iOS,
Linux and Android platforms), however feature parity is not available across all platforms
and customers should check carefully on the features and capabilities they require.
Shinjuku MAYNDS Tower, 1-1,
Yoyogi 2-Chome, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo, 151-0053, Japan
Founded in 1988, Trend Micro provides security solutions for organizations, service providers,
and consumers. Trend Micro’s cloud-based Smart Protection Network brings together threat
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reporting and analysis based on a worldwide threat assessment infrastructure. Trend Micro is
publicly traded.
Trend Micro Smart Protection Suites brings together endpoint security, server security, email
security, and web security. The vendor’s XGen Endpoint Security, combines machine learning
and other techniques, in order to protect against ransomware and advanced attacks.
Apex One is the endpoint component of Smart Protection Suites. It combines traditional
endpoint protection with endpoint detection and response (EDR) and managed detection and
response (MDR) capabilities. Apex One supports a broad range of threat detection techniques
including machine learning (both pre-execution and runtime), and IOA behavioral analysis. It
also provides virtual patching powered by early threat intelligence from Trend Micro’s Zero Day
Initiative. It delivers actionable insight through a single console which includes an EDR
investigative toolset option which enables threat hunting, patient zero identification, and root
cause analysis. The EDR investigative capabilities are available for PC and Mac platforms. Apex
One is delivered as single agent and is available in a SaaS or on-premises deployment model.
Apex One can integrate with additional components which include:
Vulnerability Protection – delivers virtual patching to prevent zero-day threats.
Application Control – prevents unknown applications from executing on endpoints. It combines
policies, whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities, as well as an extensive application catalog.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) – prevents data loss via USB, email, software as a service
application, web, mobile devices, and cloud storage.
Endpoint Sensor – provides context-aware investigation and response (EDR/XDR), recording
and reporting to allow threat analysts to assess the nature of an attack across email, endpoints
and servers.
Endpoint Encryption – encrypts data stored on endpoints including PCs, Macs, DVDs, and USB
drives. It is available as a separate agent which provides full-disk encryption, folder and file
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encryption as well as removable media encryption. Endpoint encryption is only available as an
on-premises component and as a separate agent from Apex One single agent.
Trend Micro Apex Central – is a centralized security management console which provides
visibility and reporting across multiple components. It extends visibility across on-premises,
cloud and hybrid deployment models. It also provides access to actionable threat intelligence
from the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network which relies on global threat intelligence to
deliver real time security.
Security for Mac – provides a layer of protection specific to Mac clients, and adheres to a Mac
OS look and feel.
Apex One integrates into Trend Micro Vision One for XDR (Extended detection and response)
managed services which offer correlated detection and response across email, endpoints, servers,
cloud workloads, and networks. Apex One customers have access to XDR free of charge for up
to 10% of their users, which is intended as a stepping stone into Trend Micro’s Managed XDR
offering. XDR is available in two packages:
Trend Micro Apex One with XDR – which adds XDR to the Apex One SaaS security
Trend Micro XDR for Users – which adds email and cloud file sharing security for
Microsoft 365 and Google G Suite to Trend Micro Apex One with XDR.
Trend Micro’s Smart Protection Suites offer a broad portfolio of solutions that bring together
endpoint, server, web, email protection and more, into a cohesive security management
framework to meet diverse customer needs.
Apex One delivers the benefits of traditional endpoint protection, as well as EDR/XDR in a
single a single client available for both on-premises and SaaS deployment.
Trend Micro prices per user, which is a cost advantage as users typically have multiple
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Trend Micro has been slow to innovate its portfolio, particularly as it pertains to the addition
of advanced threat detection technologies, such as EDR/XDR.
Customers report that Trend Micro’s EDR/XDR capabilities are still not as advanced as those
of competing solutions.
The Apex Central management console and Vision One XDR platform have different UIs
and workflows, which makes it cumbersome for administrators to switch between the two.
Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption is available on-premises only and as a separate agent from
the Apex One single agent.
DLP is only available as a separate add-on.
Mobile Security is a separate add-on.
2240 University Avenue, East
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3W8
BlackBerry, founded in 1984, provides security software and services aimed at businesses, car
makers and government agencies. BlackBerry leverages artificial intelligence and machine
learning, from its 2019 acquisition of Cylance, to deliver technology and services that offer
protection against advanced threats. BlackBerry Limited is a publicly traded company.
BlackBerry Unified Endpoint Security (UES) applies artificial intelligence and machine
learning to deliver pre-execution threat prevention and automated detection and remediation
against cyberattacks. BlackBerry UES comprises the following products:
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BlackBerry Protect – is the prevention-focused component, which delivers malware
prevention powered by artificial intelligence, combined with application and script control,
memory protection, and device policy enforcement to prevent cyberattacks. The solution
delivers protection against malware, ransomware, file-less malware, malicious scripts,
weaponized docs, and other attack vectors, without relying on signatures or streaming data to
the cloud. Protect supports Windows (32bit or 64bit), macOS, and Linux environments. It is
available as a cloud deployment, on-premises (as a virtual appliance), or as a hybrid
deployment. It provides:
o Malware Execution Control – rejects potentially unwanted programs, controls tools used
in lateral movement, and more.
o Device Control – provides control over the use of USB devices and prevents exfiltration
of data through removable media.
o Applications Control – offers device binary lockdown, prevents bad binaries, prevents
modification of good binaries, and more.
o Script Control – stops unauthorized PowerShell and Active Scripts, stops risky Visual
Basic for Applications (VBA) macro methods, weaponized documents, and file-less
o Memory Protection – stops memory misuse and exploitation, halts process injection and
BlackBerry Optics – is the endpoint detection and response (EDR) component that enables
easy root cause analysis, threat hunting and automated threat detection and response. It
augments Protect’s prevention capabilities without requiring organizations to make
significant investments in on-premises infrastructure, stream data to the cloud continuously,
or employ highly skilled security resources. It helps organizations automate threat detection
and response tasks using existing resources, reducing the workload on security analysts. It
also supports Remote Forensic Data Collection, to retrieve advanced sets of forensic data
from endpoints, as well as execute scripts, or applications to capture critical information
related to suspicious events or security incidents.
BlackBerry Persona – is BlackBerry’s endpoint user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA)
solution, which reduces insider threats, stolen credentials and physical compromises by
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providing continuous authentication and user behavior analytics to identify suspicious and
malicious users in real-time.
BlackBerry Guard – is a 24x7 Managed Detect and Response (MDR) offering which
provides proactive threat hunting and actionable intelligence. It provides access to
BlackBerry analysts to help investigate incidents, delivers regular updates on overall threat
prevention status, and helps initiate actions in response to indicators of compromise (IOC).
BlackBerry Gateway – is BlackBerry’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) solution which
protects systems and data while providing easy access, scalable VPN access to SaaS and on-
premises applications.
BlackBerry also offers BlackBerry Spark Suite which combines BlackBerry UES, for
endpoint protection, with BlackBerry UEM, for unified endpoint management (UEM), to
deliver an integrated endpoint security and endpoint management solution.
BlackBerry also offers managed services to provide enterprises with pre-attack penetration and
vulnerability testing, compromise assessments, and post-attack incident response.
BlackBerry is a cloud-based security provider, however, all client data is stored locally
removing the need for an always-on cloud connection. The vendor also supports on-premises
and hybrid deployment options.
BlackBerry Protect has a small and lightweight footprint compared to other security
BlackBerry Optics is highly intuitive and does not require additional hardware or continuous
streaming of data to the cloud, making it one of the more lightweight EDR solutions on the
market. It is designed to detect threats and take responsive action, without human
All BlackBerry products are managed through a single dashboard.
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Customers we spoke with as part of this research, indicated a high degree of false positives.
BlackBerry Optics can do patch assessment, however, it is not an automated process.
BlackBerry Spark UES Suite offers basic DLP capabilities. Capabilities such as firewall are
only available through partners.
BlackBerry should make it easier for customers of its UES and UEM solutions to integrate
with third party solutions (e.g. for SIEM and other forensic activities).
BlackBerry has lost some mindshare in the endpoint security space since nearly all traditional
endpoint protection vendors have now added the advanced next-generation capabilities which
were once key differentiators of the Cylance solution.
150 Mathilda Place
Sunnyvale, CA 94068
CrowdStrike, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of CrowdSrike Holdings, Inc., delivers cloud-
based workload security, endpoint security, threat intelligence, incident response, and
cyberattack response services. In 2020, CrowdStrike acquired Preempt Security, a provider of
zero trust and conditional access technology, and in 2021 it acquired Humio, a log management
platform. CrowdStrike is publicly traded.
CrowdStrike Falcon Endpoint Protection is a cloud-based endpoint protection solution which
combines next-generation antivirus, endpoint detection and response (EDR), managed threat
hunting, IT hygiene, and threat intelligence through a single agent. It combines artificial
intelligence and machine learning techniques to protect against known and unknown threats.
Falcon comprises the following components:
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o Falcon Prevent – is CrowdStrike’s next-generation antivirus (NGAV) solution which
delivers protection based on machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as behavior-
based indicators of attack (IOA), exploit blocking, threat intelligence, automated IOA
remediation, and more.
o Falcon X – is CrowdStrike’s global threat feed providing customized reports and analysis to
help predict and prevent zero-day attacks.
o Falcon Device Control – provides visibility and control over USB device usage.
o Falcon Firewall Management – offers centralized firewall management, making it easier to
manage and enforce host firewall policies.
o Falcon Insight – is CrowdStrike’s endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution. It relies
on the CrowdStrike Threat Graph, an advanced graph data model, which collects and
inspects event information in real time. It helps understand endpoint security posture and take
recommended action.
o Falcon OverWatch – is CrowdStrike’s 24/7 Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
service which brings together threat hunting, alert prioritization, and incident response.
o Falcon Discover – offers IT hygiene and asset inventory, to help identify unauthorized
systems and applications in real-time, as well as remediate issues to improve security
o Falcon for Mobile – extends proactive threat identification and response, and incident
investigation to Android and iOS mobile devices.
o CrowdStrike Services – offers pre and post incident response services through CrowdStrike’s
own team of experts.
Falcon Endpoint Protection is available in four bundles:
Falcon Pro – includes Falcon Prevent. Falcon X, Falcon Device Control, and Falcon
Firewall Management are optional add-ons.
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Falcon Enterprise – which includes Falcon Prevent, and Falcon Insight. Falcon X, Falcon
Device Control, Falcon Firewall Management and Falcon OverWatch are optional add-ons.
Falcon Premium – which offers all the protection of Enterprise, and adds Falcon Discover.
Falcon Complete – offers fully managed endpoint protection as a service, powered by
CrowdStrike experts and backed by a breach warranty guarantee of up to $1 million.
The CrowsStrike Store provides access to a broad range of partner solutions, such as User
Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA), and more.
CrowdStrike solutions are based on a lightweight agent and managed services cloud
architecture, which delivers protection features across Windows, macOS, and Linux
CrowdStrike offers an integrated set of advanced endpoint protection capabilities which
combine next-generation AV, EDR/XDR, advanced threat protection (ATP), with Managed
Detection and Response (MDR), making this functionality accessible to organizations which
may not have the IT resources to run this type of capabilities on their own.
CrowdStrike solutions are managed through a unified management console which provides
workflows for detection and response.
Customers we spoke with as part of this research, indicated a high rate of false positives.
CrowdStrike does not participate in extensive third-party malware testing, making it difficult
to assess its efficacy.
CrowdStrike’s business focuses mainly on OverWatch, its Managed Detection and Response
(MDR) solution, as opposed to its product-based solutions.
CrowdStrike does not offer content aware DLP functionality, or support ICAP for integration
with third party DLP vendors.
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CrowdStrike is losing some mindshare, as almost all competing endpoint protection vendors
have added advanced EDR/XDR, ATP and MDR capabilities.
A full CrowdStrike deployment including all options, tends to be more expensive than many
competing next generation endpoint solutions.
1100 Winter St.
Waltham, MA 02451
VMware Carbon Black is a provider of next-generation Endpoint and Workload Security. The
company leverages its big data and analytics cloud platform, the VMware Carbon Black Cloud,
to enable customers to identify risk, protect, detect and respond against advanced cyber threats,
including malware, ransomware, and non-malware attacks. VMware is publicly traded.
VMware Carbon Black Cloud consolidates multiple endpoint security capabilities into one
agent and management console, making it easy to prevent, investigate, remediate, and hunt for
threats. It offers the following modules which can be managed through the same user interface,
with a single login:
Endpoint standard – delivers next-generation antivirus and endpoint detection and response
(EDR) functionality. It analyzes attacker behavior patterns to detect malware, fileless, or
living-off-the-land zero-day attacks.
Managed detection – is a real-time managed alert monitoring and triage solution. It relies on
the CB Predictive Security Cloud to captures and store all OS events across every individual
endpoint. It delivers visibility for security operations center (SOC) and incident response (IR)
teams. Leveraging this data, allows teams to proactively hunt for threats, as well as uncover
suspicious and stealthy behavior, disrupt active attacks and address potential defense gaps. It
enables organizations to respond and remediate in real-time, stopping active attacks and
quickly repairing damage.
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Audit and remediation – delivers real-time device assessment and remediation. It serves to
audit the current system state and track and harden the security posture across protected
Enterprise EDR – offers threat hunting and containment. It serves to proactively hunt for
abnormal activity using threat intelligence and customizable detections.
Carbon Black solutions are delivered as cloud services, however, the vendor also offers solutions
for customers which may have on-premises needs. Carbon Black supports all leading OS
platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
VMware Carbon Black offers its solution through a multi-tenant cloud platform, which
makes it easier for customers to consume services while benefiting from broad real-time
threat analysis across a wide number of endpoints.
VMware Carbon Black Cloud offers strong prevention based on streams of activity delivered
via unfiltered data collection, which enables the Predictive Security Cloud to perform well-
informed analysis to detect new attack patterns and deploy new logic to stop malicious
VMware Carbon Black allows customers to choose which product modules are right for their
organization. All modules are easily deployed through the same user interface and agent.
VMware Carbon Black Cloud offers an extensible architecture based on open APIs, which
allows partners and customers to easily extend and integrate with existing security
VMware Carbon Black Cloud does not offer some traditional endpoint protection
functionality, such as firewalls, mobile security, or DLP. However, custom integrations are
possible through the platform’s open APIs.
VMware Carbon Black Cloud does not provide device control.
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VMware Carbon Black Cloud does not provide application control capabilities. VMware
Carbon Black currently offers this through an on-premises application control product.
VMware Carbon Black has lost some mindshare following the VMware acquisition. The
vendor is working to address this.
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Currently Released:
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Email Market, 2021-2025
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Microsoft Office 365, Exchange and Outlook Market
Analysis, 2021-2025
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Cloud Business Email Market, 2021-2025
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Email Statistics Report, 2021-2025
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Instant Messaging Statistics Report, 2021-2025
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Endpoint Security Market, 2020-2024
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Secure Email Gateways Market, 2021-2025
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Endpoint Security Market, 2021-2025
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